#Percy and Jason find it extremely funny
2dumb2furious · 1 year
I know for a fact if Leo saw the Barbie Movie he would learn the Ken song word by word and sing it with his entire heart at any possibly chance he could get and Piper would materialize out of seemingly thin air to join in
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aroaceleovaldez · 23 days
my hot pjo take is that Jason isn't a second Percy, Jason is a second Annabeth. Jason is just if Annabeth was a guy and also a Big 3 kid.
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Falling In Love With Leo Valdez
summary : title speaks for itself. reader is a daughter of Poseidon. timeline is from the lost hero to mark of Athena.
word count : 0.7k
type : imagines
pairing/s involved : Leo Valdez x Reader, Brother! Percy Jackson x Reader
warning/s : dealing with a loved one's disappearance, depression, and coping
here is my masterlist!
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Percy is the amazing older brother anyone could ever ask for. He made sure that you were thoroughly trained and well-oriented on what it means to be a demigod.
The only downside? He is extremely protective, especially when someone is romantically interested in you.
"PERCY!" You see the camper who flirted with you earlier got knocked off of his canoe and almost drowned in the lake.
"What? It wasn't me."
But his face says otherwise. He can be insufferable.
You love him dearly anyway.
So when he vanished that summer, you are a mess. Chiron had to monitor your every move because you might try to find Percy on your own.
Annabeth told you she received a word of where he is and assured you that everything will be okay. Instead she brought back three strangers with her.
One particularly caught your attention with his elf-like features and scrawny build. You found him... cute.
As expected, Leo flirted with you right away. How could he not? You are hot! 😍
"Hey there, cutie. Are you a goddess?"
"No. My name is (Y/N)."
"Leo Valdez but you can call me anything you want-"
"How about dead?" Annabeth cuts him off, giving him an icy glare. That was enough to shut him up.
Leo uses all of his time to be with you. He is so in love, it's almost sickening.
At first, it's just harmless flirting.
Then he notices the little things— you don't eat that much, easily space out in conversations, lethargic, and has always a forlorn look on your beautiful face.
You, on the other hand, have repressed your emotions to look 'strong'. Annabeth tries to be there for you but she is suffering too.
That's why you bawled your eyes out when Leo asks you about Percy one night.
After that, he swears to you that he will be there to help you cope and look for your brother as well.
He lessens the flirting, shifting to jokes and funny stories that make you laugh.
Disobeying the rules in the dining pavilion, he eats his meals with you on the Cabin 3 table.
You're the first person he brings in Bunker 9, letting you use the place for your own leisure. You often nap there.
Despite the instant attraction, trust gradually grows between you and Leo.
You weren't some silly crush anymore but someone Leo can confide in, and he to you.
Those who observe see that you are becoming lively again. Your smile is no longer forced, you're now eating well, and looking forward to training and games.
The moment you realize Leo wasn't just a friend was because of some jerks who think you were out of his league.
"Come on, man. She wouldn't date you."
You quickly walked up to them and kissed him in front of everyone.
To say Leo is surprised is an understatement. He almost blew up right then and there. That was his first kiss.
You had to pull him to your cabin to confess properly. Let's just say Leo had more than his first kiss that night. 👀
You two aren't officially dating yet, probably because of the war that's about to come.
However, you act like you do— displaying affections, acts of service, and most importantly, keeping each other alive.
There were no need to exchange I love yous, actions were more than enough. Though, Leo loves saying that to you whenever he can.
Annabeth knows Percy will likely kill Leo but if he makes you happy then why not?
Flashforward to Camp Jupiter, you walk to Reyna with Jason and the others. By the distance, you see Percy running towards you with his hands reaching out.
He engulfs you in a hug that you're sure will break your ribs.
"How come my little sister got smaller?"
"Shut up."
You both feel the heavy weight of worry on your shoulders disappear, Percy tigtening his hug on you if that was possible.
Even with the danger looming over all of your heads, you felt safe and content in Percy's arms. Everything seems perfect.
Now, there's only one problem...
How can you tell Percy that you're in love with Leo without the chances of drowning him to death?
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lilislegacy · 2 months
So a lot of people talk about Percy becoming darker and crossing lines in Tartarus but I think a less talked about moment is when Percy got Bob to “kill” Hyperion. One of the reasons this moment is so startling is not just because we don’t view it from Percy’s perspective but because of how much a similar path Percy has been taking to Luke recently.
One of the reasons I think Percy really hates Luke for most of the first series despite I think mostly agree with him is that from his perspective Luke was the type of person to use his relationships with people as leverage. Annabeth, Thalia, Silena, even Percy. He was willing to use people’s trust and affection as a tool to further his goals. And Percy who values loyalty above all else, finds that to be a evil trait of his.
I don’t think in the end Percy hated Luke but that was the aspect that he may have unconsciously drew between them.
Then in Tartarus we have Percy using his friendship with Bob to manipulate him to “killing” a relative while hiding info from him.
It’s a really dark turn that I sure wish was addressed or followed up on!
The poison control is whatever, but this is the real moral tightrope.
this is really interesting
and i agree! i’ve always thought the reason percy hates luke so much, and hates being compared to him, is because luke betrays and manipulates people who trust him. percy himself, who’s defining trait is loyalty, thought luke was the first person in the demigod world to be his true friend. and then found out luke’s generous “gift” to him was meant to drag him down to the darkest pits of hell. that’s… pretty extreme betrayal. then to find out luke willingly poisoned the entire camp - his former home, his family’s home - is beyond percy’s understanding. then not to mention everything he did to annabeth, and thalia, and grover… luke is a traitor, which is the exact opposite of percy’s moral structure. hence percy never wanting to be compared to him.
but like you said, percy is a lot like luke in many ways, whether he likes it or not. however, i will say that when luke asks others to do things for him, it’s for his own personal agenda. but percy asking bob to kill hyperion was so that way percy and annabeth could make it out alive and save the world. so i have to give credit where credit is due. percy had overall good intentions.
BUT, as much as people don’t like to admit it, percy can be a real asshole. the fandom likes to make percy into this sensitive, emotional, defenseless little girly pop who’s favorite activity is braiding hair. (they also make him dumb). and as much as i do love sensitive guys like that, it’s not canon percy at all. percy is usually a sweetheart, it’s true. he’s a gentleman; very kind, funny, and reliable. but percy is also a tough ass dude. he’s rough around the edges. that was the whole point of seeing him from other POVs in HoO: percy’s view of himself is NOT how anyone else sees him. he grew up in freaking new york city. he skateboards and gets into fights and cusses like a sailor. he has an unpredictable temper, sarcastic humor, and doesn’t put up with anyone’s shit. he’s the reckless, quick-to-anger, super powerful half-god son of poseidon, and he’s done some really harsh things. there’s a reason people find him intimidating as hell. and as loyal and kind as he is, and as much of a mama’s boy that he is, he can also be really insensitive to other people’s emotions. remember how he treated upset annabeth in BotL? remember how he treated nico… many times? remember how he was an asshole to leo? and to jason? it’s just that sometimes when others are going through hard things, percy kinda seems to have a “ok and? we all go through unfair shit” mindset, or just doesn’t even think about it. he does realize this about himself in tartarus, which is why he feels so bad for using Bob in the past, and being unappreciative of Nico. as percy grows, he becomes a better man. but he’s still not the sensitive and emotional type, and can be really damn ignorant.
so i definitely think you’re onto something when you talk about how he used bob. and while i don’t think it’s the same as luke, percy has done things - harsh and insensitive things - similar to luke. a realization that would probably send percy into a dark place.
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summerstrash · 5 months
someday I want marvel editorial to let quentin quire out of the closet because I think it would be extremely funny to have him just kind of go "you thought I was straight this whole time???" at someone, because, like, out of all of the currently "straight" male x-men characters, quentin is like, rachel levels of glass closet.
inspired to radicalism by the hate crime death of a fashion designer in conjunction with an identity-destabilizing revelation about himself.
has maintained a pink undercut/mohawk since 2003 and gives off exactly the same energy as the most insufferable white queer radical teen/20-something you know.
his legal human name is quintavius quirinius quire. you cannot tell me he didn't name himself that after transitioning at like, age 8, during a roman empire phase.
the only human male psychic we've seen as a destined, legitimate Phoenix vessel — a story role typically played by presumed-cis women from a specific bloodline
owned a speedo that put a radioactivity symbol over his junk
kept a reservoir dogs (the most homosexual tarantino movie) poster in his dorm room at the jgs
served as the first and only boy to ever hold the role of "wolverine's dykey teen protégé" (previous girls in the role include kate, jubilee, movies!rogue, and laura)
The now-defunct official JGS Twitter accounts included a tweet stating that Quentin tried out for the school cheer team in a skirt.
the sexy Phoenix nuns were intentionally not all girls, Jason Latour said that to my face with his human mouth.
his version of a Dark Phoenix Saga ("Tomorrow Never Learns") explored his relationships with evan and idie in ways that likened evan to new-mutant-rev!scott and clearly paralleled logan and idie, which, like [gestures]
When Evan and Idie take Teen Bobby to his first gay bar, Idie chalks up her confidence in the space to having dated Quentin.
Percy had him literally trying on bodies during a period where he was trying to find himself after a straight breakup, including female bodies.
the script for X-Men/Fantastic Four #1 included a reference to Quentin hanging out with Akihiro (notable undercut/Mohawk bisexual adoptee with wolverine-related Daddy issues) in the background
Like, I wouldn't be surprised if people at Marvel literally have forgotten he's not canonically explicitly queer yet. The vibes are just so powerful.
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devils-little-sista · 7 months
My interpretation of how the seven would react if Nico died in the jar
Hazel is extremely upset and angry with the rest of the seven for putting off saving him for so long. She never lets everyone forget that they killed her brother her only family and that Nico’s blood is all over their hands. She is the only one truly grieving.
Frank doesn’t want Hazel to mad at him and he’s worried about her and understands why she’s upset and tries to comfort her. Of course he’s going to get her for her. That being said. He doesn’t really care about Nico. Frank never really knew the guy. He’s not upset that Nico’s died. He’s upset that Hazels upset.
Percy feels guilty. He thinks about Nico and Bianca a lot. He thinks a lot about how Nico used to be when he was younger. He wonders about everything else that Nico had been through but didn’t or couldn’t tell him about. he is so guilty. He’s knows it’s their fault Nico’s dead. He’s the only one that can actually see Nico’s blood on all of their hands. he does his best to grieve with Hazel and comfort her as much as he can. He tells Hazel all about what Nico and Bianca used to be like when they were younger.
Annabeth is more concerned about how Nico’s death affects Percy and Hazel. Other than that she kinda feels a little sad for a day or 2. She didn’t really know Nico. She doesn’t really care all that much tbh. She’s just worried about Percy and keeps an eye on him and comforts him. Similar to Frank.
Jason and Piper and Leo dont care. Jason only met Nico what maybe 2 times at camp Jupiter before he went missing? The way the giants were holding him hostage it was just a trap for the seven anyways. Nico was never the main agenda for the quest. Nico’s not special. He was just another pawned soldier like the rest of them. Leo and Piper had never met him never knew him. They have no reason to care. They are only mildly upset for Hazel and feels bad for her. But otherwise doesn’t care at all.
Coach Hedge would be upset even tho he never knew Nico. Hedge has a lot of respect and admiration for fallen and captured heros and soldiers. To him Nico sounds like a traumatized teenage demigod who had been through a lot of stuff that no kid should ever have to go through.
When the war is over and they’re at camp halfblood burning shrouds for the fallen. Hazel insists on having some kind of funeral service for Nico. They make a little altar on top of the shroud with Nico’s skull ring that he had given to Hazel the morning before she left for her Alaska quest and before Nico went to Tartarus. The last time she saw him alive. Nico knew he would die and wanted Hazel to have it. She tried to refuse but he insisted she have it.
Hazel also put some pomegranates there. And Frank managed to scrounge up a few random mythomagic cards. And Percy puts the tiny statue of Hades that he had kept all these years. Just in case he ever got another chance to give it back to Nico.
Hazel says a few words about him. How brave and humble he was. How he was always helping someone. How kind and sweet and funny and sarcastic he was.
Percy’s turn to say something. He had been numbly starring at the ground with his arm around Hazels shoulders while she cried. At first he didn’t know what to say. But then the words came out. that he’s sorry and that Nico deserved better than everything that happened to him. That he deserved a better life than the gods or either camps could have given him. That he hops Nico finds that better life in Elysium or his father’s palace. And that’s he’s sorry. For everything. For not being there. For not keeping a closer eye on him. For not looking out for him enough like he promised Bianca he would. Then again Nico didn’t make it easy to look out for him. But still. Percy still felt guilty. Probably will for the rest of his life.
Hedge stands next to Percy and Hazel and takes off his baseball cap and holds it to his chest as a sign of respect. He stands in silence and listen intently to what Hazel and Percy have to say about the boy. He was a hero. He was a kid that deserved better.
Annabeth and Frank stand behind them in silence simply because they don’t have anything to say they didn’t know him. They’re only here to support Percy and Hazel.
Jason and Piper don’t bother showing up. They didn’t know the guy. They decided to go to Leo’s shroud an hour early before his service started.
Reyna barely knew him and had no reason to attend. (How did she get the statue to camp without Nico? I don’t know man. This is simply about how the seven would feel if he died)
The End.
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urmomw4ntsme · 7 months
ahsei thoughts on frazel jason/piper and caleo GO
Okay SAW THIS AND WAS LIE. i need to mswer tjsi and. frazel didnt make me feel thst jason/piper didnt make me feel that CLEO CALEO IT FCUKIGN SUCKS EW I WIL TEL MORE.
um so jsson/piper NO jiper. hehehehe or better yet pason ehehhehe idk what to fee about them tbh thty lowky give steggy vibes mainly cus jason gives me stvve vibes hes also stronh soldier traumatised asf. :( and piper is js like peggy badass gorgeous beautiful shud be with me i shud be kissing her rn alexa play boyfriend by dove cameron :( and I knwo the futjre i readspoilers so now its js there in my brain can do noting about it
omg this fucjing shitp. shit? ship? who knwos i literally adore calypso okay i love her sm but i just fucking hate it that they made her fall inlove with leo?? like this is wrong (to me) on so many levels a. she was CURSED to fall in love with every single demigod who ever went to ogygia or wtv. and it was devastating obvs that she had to go thru tht heartbreak again and again but !!!! IT WAS LITERALLY NOT HE. FAULT THE STUPID FUCJING DOGS sorry gods CURSED HER CUS SHE WAS. R E L A T E D. TO A TITAN. HOW IS THT FAIR. HOW .
and ir was literally. bound to happen. there was absolutely no way that be it percy or leo or whomstever thw fuck went to that god forsaken island SHE COULD NEVER EVER HELP BUT FALL IN LOVE WITH THAT PERSON SHE WAS CURSED. i js googled it btw in case i was wrong or misinformed BUT NO. SHE WAS CURSED. SHE . HAD. TO Fall FOR THAT PERSON EVEN IF SHE DIDNT WANT TO EVEN IF SHE HATED THEMM how is that fair to EITHER LEO OR CALYPSO??? I LOVE LEO SM HE IS MY BABY I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS?????. this IS SOOOOO REMADORA CODED DONT EVEN GET ME STARTEDDDDD like. it felt liek the author wamted both of them to be in a romantic relationship ANY romantic relationship and then was js like ok well theyre byh single lets do it. NO??? NOOOOOOO AND IF U SAY ooooo bu. they spent like 1000 days on the island tgt they developed chemistry NO BITVH THEY DIDNT. LEO WAS 16 YEAR OLD TEENAGE BOY WITH NO ROMANTIC EXPERIENCE EVER. like tell me u have never ever thought u have a crush on someone of the opposite gender while spending time with them even if u probably didnt have a crush on them??? if u haven't thats fine BECAUSE I HAVE and its Normal very many people go thru that u see perosn of opposie gendrr u R FORCED !!!! TO SPEND TIME WITH OERSON OF OPP GENDRRZ and u think omg ...... do i .... Like? them. WHAT. and u probably dont ur js a loser (like i was , like leo was) who has never spent tiem with someone of tbe opposite gender (wa. raised in an extremely 'conservative' read: boys and girls cannot ever just be normal friends household also wen to all girls elementary and high school , leo was js a loser thsts my excuse for hmm) OKAY GET IT???? THEY DID NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER WHILE MAKING MECHANIC PARTS TOGETHER at least leo didnt AND I LOVE MY GIRL CALYSO AND I LOVE ADORE LEO BUT I FUCKING BET IF CALYPSO WASNT CURSED SHE WUD NOT LOOK TWICE AT LEO HE IS LITERALLY JS A LOSER GUY PATHETIC (ADORABLE AWESOME AMAZING FUNNY BUT SRSLY LITERALLY NAM ONE GIRL WHO TOOK HIM SERIOUSLY OUT OF ALL THE GIRLS WE SEE HIM INTERACTING WITJ IN THE SERIOES) anyway thanks for coming to MY ted talk its MINE dont get offended love yall stay safe muah muah
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camp-paint-brush · 4 years
The way Nico holds me just makes the world melt away. I know I’m safe with him, that no one can hurt me.
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Do u have any good pjo related ao3 fics to recommend? You’re teddydora, right?
 yes it is. okay sorry this took a while to answer school is terrible. idk what your personal tastes are so this is just general and this kinda goes into hoo as well sinces theres a good amount of overlap but here: 
this is possibly my favourite series in the whole fandom. it’s bianca focused and a fix-it timetravel fic
this is a gods focused oneshot of what happened when they got medusa’s head in tlt. it’s hilarious
this is angsty but good. triton and percy being bothers. also major character death. oneshot
kinda percabeth but focused on poseidon and athena. v sad. major character death. oneshot
horse boy percy. completed
very sad very angsty. percy being king of atlantis when poseidon and co except amphritrite disappear. over 50k words. updates semi regularly
percabeth au where percy was a god from ancient times. very well written. completed too
timetravel fix it fic. excellently written. updates semi regularly. over 800k words
triton and percy being brothers. completed
princess diaries au featuring percy as mia and triton as the grandmother
genderbent percy with wlw percabeth. very cute ngl i want more wlw percabeth. oneshot
oneshot of juno being one with feral percy
the song of achilles x ruegard oneshot
high fantasy ruegard au. happy ending. 
percy finding out a *bit* too much about his birth. very funny. completed
meg and apollo pre toa travelling across america. so good. completed
jercy where percy and jason spend hanukkah together. jewish percy. completed
if sally replaced rachel in botl. completed
percabeth in a post fall of constantinople au. completed
percy as a prophet. updates semi-regularly
chb playing spoons. very funny. oneshot
reynabeth soulmates au. completed
zartemis angst. completed
extremely angsty and is tagged with dead dove do not eat but very well written. about percy haunting luke if he died in tlt
introspection on drew tanaka. comepleted
percabeth mortal au where they’re finally meeting up irl as online friends. completed
my favourite hp crossover with fem!harry as a child of poseidon. updates semi-regularly
annabeth celebrating hanukkah with her family. completed
my favourite zartemis fic. oneshot but its 30k words. popstar au
triton making a huge sacrifice for percy. angsty. oneshot
princess diaries au of annabeth as mia, completed
jercy where jason moves in with percy after he and annabeth call it quits. got me into jercy. completed
if amos kane adopted an orphaned percy. still updating
introspection on octavian. completed
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PJO Characters/Moments as Bo Burnham Songs because I’m Hyperfixated and All of them are Simultaneously Stuck on Repeat in my Brain 😁👍
Problematic - i was going to say luke because he literally is problematic but now i want to say apollo because this song is literally his arc
From God’s Perspective - any god honestly and this ones pretty self explanatory
Left Brain, Right Brain - percabeth anthem <3
Bezos I & II - octavian but only because he gives me the vibes of that white boy in ur politics class who always plays ‘devil’s advocate’ and is a die hard right winged capitalist who romanticises elon musk
Shit - apollo when waking up in a garbage dump enslaved to a literal child
All Eyes on Me - im getting hazel vibes because she tried so hard to save her mum and the people close to her and she sacrificed so much for basically nothing until nico came for her so just imagine her in asphodel just sitting there all alone i can’t my heart hurts
Repeat Stuff - is this leo valdez trying to flirt and he wondered why he never had a gf
#deep - is this percy trying to write poems for annabeth how does he have a gf
Look Who’s Inside Again - annabeth sjsksldllf im sorry but she’s lost too much for this to not be her song :(
Straight White Male - jason but not because i think he’s a terrible person like the person in the song but because i find it funny that he’s like the straight white male of the series (i just realised that technically percy canonly is but the whole fandom collectively agreed he’s bipoc so moving on)
Comedy - on a serious note this is leo valdez without the white saviourism because this song is just his coping mechanism through humor explained
Sad - miss clarisse “my-empathy-is-bumming-me-out” la rue but instead of “hello jokes 😇” it’s “hello violence and internalised misogyny 😈”
Goodbye - nico because every time he tries to better himself someone he loves always has to die or he always has to suffer through something extremely traumatic that pushes him back to square one </3
How the World Works - it’s piper becoming slowly more and more woke as the series continued
Nerds - i’m sorry i can’t stop thinking of lester papadopolous im trying to be original and come up with a variety of characters i swear </3
Can’t Handle This - percy im so sorry but that poor boy got way more than he bargained for and he’s been through so much (like not to go on a rant but he literally says AT THE START OF THE FIRST BOOK that you shouldn’t wish to be a halfblood because it’s so hard) -> (also when bo’s taking about how he wishes he had a daughter percy def taking about his little sister *cries*) -> (also i want to talk more on it so if you see me post a whole analysis on how percy jackson relates to this song don’t be surprised)
White Woman’s Instagram - hey guys it’s calypso’s instagram akksldldlsl
Welcome to the Internet - any monster any time percy walks into their shop (fr i tried to think of the situation that matched this song the best but this boy walks into a monster shop SO MANY TIMES)
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seavoice · 2 years
hello!! what are your opinions about piper (from rrverse)
Short answer: I love her! Soooo much!
Longer answer: I really love the idea of Piper, but I think Riordan didn’t really utilise her potential as a character to its fullest? This could be said about most of the HoO characters, but I feel this especially with Piper (maybe because I love her a lot so I think about her a lot lmao) who has an extremely interesting arc and backstory, but was handled really poorly and like, lacklustre-ly at times. Also, Riordan definitely should have done proper research about her heritage beforehand, or had a sensitivity writer or two look through his books. I don’t particularly like the term “irresponsible representation” personally, because lately it’s really morphed into “why doesn’t the author mould this character EXACTLY based on my individual experience”, but in Piper’s case I think that criticism fits. Just...more care could have gone in, you know?
I think her relationship with her Dad was the first thing that really captured my interest about her, you know? She was definitely the character I cared most about in TLH the first time around haha. Leo was too popular at that time for edgy ten year old me, and I inexplicably hated Jason. I think that time I just found her and her powers cool (and Katoptris!) but in hindsight, she parallels Percy circa TLT to a point and he was my favourite character. So. Clearly I have a type! In TLT, when Annabeth comments about how she was impressed that Percy took on the quest to save his mother, and he’s like duh wouldn’t you for your dad and she’s like pfft he wishes? The concept of there being some sort of duty towards your parents is very fascinating to me, because some of them...just don’t deserve that! That’s a pretty central theme in PJO I feel, except it naturally investigates about the GODLY parents, and is given the name faith instead. 
But Piper really grapples with that! She has a complicated relationship with Tristan; she loves Tristan. She feels neglected by Tristan. (She IS neglected by Tristan). She knows he loves her. She doesn’t know if she’s always his first priority. She wants to share in their heritage with him. She can’t share her mother’s with him, not really. Her lying to her friends about the quest and her true desires were SO good as a choice, I love problems and lies. She doesn’t get to have the same easiness that Percy-Sally have, but she still chooses to go on that same journey. And in the end, she can’t even TELL Tristan about any of it. 
The way Tristan and Piper are consistently fucked up by the gods right through TOA really drives home why in the end, she is the one who leaves the mythological world as far behind as she can. I think it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that more than anyone else in the books, she’s the one who’s lines are most jagged in this world. It makes a lot of sense that she left! In one of the HoO books she is thinking about her mother being so old (or just the gods in general idr) and she goes no wonder they’re crazy, after going through so much change, I feel insane after the mere months of change I have had. I think that’s an intriguing character note. She feels she doesn’t do well with change, but she is forced to change and uproot so many times throughout the books. 
I’ve always thought the Lost Trio were the most cohesive trio in the books, they just all FIT. It’s very funny how I enjoy every other combination/pairing in the trio more than Jasper as a romantic couple but that’s neither here nor there lmao. Leo and Piper are the FUNNEST pair of best friends, I find their friendship the sweetest. I hope we get to see them in contact with each other in whichever new content we get. They’re the most vital connection to each other. 
But I still ALSO like Jason and Piper’s complicated dumbass equation. Very teenage-y. Very tragic. I think no matter the type of relationship they had, no matter what she may go on to discover about herself, Piper will always consider it a formative and important part of her life, and remember it, even if with some pain, also with a lot of fondness.
Piper’s someone who has a lot of potential  for interesting dynamics with all other characters too. I think the idea of her having puppy crush on Annabeth is quite cute, and even regardless of it, I like what we get in the books. Wish we could get more of them. Same with Hazel and Frank. CRIMINAL that we just breezed through the Frank and Piper bonding quest in BOO. Reyna and Piper...again lost potential. When did they get close-adjacent and why couldn’t we see it? But her calling Percy unimpressive was top ten most based decisions imo 🔥 always maintain that.
Also I think exploring her relationship with Aphrodite and Drew and the rest of the cabin and even the complicated memory of Silena is VERY INTERESTING. But that’s purely non-canon, so I’m not going to talk about that now. It’s all in my head.
I remember Alex @/narcissuscore made this Piper being queercoded post (I think?? It’s been a while correct me if I’m wrong Alex😭) just after the Burning Maze came out and it truly was A Moment when TON came out and we realised Piper was working on exploring herself and her sexuality outside of godly expectations and imposed heteronormativity. I think that was a really good writing choice, and shame that it came so late we couldn’t explore it further, but I personally have great love for that arc she is going through. It’s very sweet, even if I admit I have not thought about Shel in my life ever. But what it means to Piper is very nice. 
Okay, anon you asked for none of this, I just rambled on and on about Piper. 😭😂sorry about that, but I do love her even with the flawed writing, and it was nice to write it out and see what resonated most in her story for me. It’s been a while since I’ve actually thought about these characters! 
TLDR I love her lots and lots
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Sore Losers
A/N: This was meant to be a simple one shot but I couldn’t help myself and now it’s a twoshot because I’m extra af. I hope you enjoy it and please comment!
Summary: Percy and Annabeth are both the most competitve people to ever exist by far. So when they both lead teams in a match of Capture the Flag Paintball edition, a very fun game ends up becoming a battle. Annabeth and Percy also happen to be the biggest pair of sore losers out there. 
Word count: 3.8K
Tagging: @showtunesandsolangelo
Chapter I
Let it be known that Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were both the biggest pair of sore losers on this side of the Atlantic. You’d think that a large group of teenagers at a paintballing park would cause a lot of trouble. Yes, yes they would indeed. But not nearly as much trouble a group of traumatised teenage demigods could cause.
They had 1 rule- don't use any powers.
However, the demigods were never really much good at following rules.
Percy promised Annabeth that his team would win and Annabeth, unable to help herself, boasted back how amazing her team were going to be. It was quite obvious how their fatal flaws- hubris and loyalty- were going to be their downfall in a game of paintball.
“Oi! You two stop flirting and get on the damned bus, would you!” Piper shouted from the window seat with Hazel to her. The yellow bus was warm due to the sunny weather outside and it smelt like teenagers.
“We aren’t flirting!” Annbeth protested violently as she threw her sports bag over her shoulder while climbing the steps. Percy, being the gentleman he was, took the bag off her shoulder and carried it for her- not that it was truly hard.
“Even I can tell that you’re flirting,” Leo called out from the back where his fingers idly fiddled with some copper wire, a battery and a nail- it seemed like he was making an electromagnet.
“Can you blame me if Percy thinks his team is going to win Pipes?” Annabeth turned around in her seat.
“That’s because we are going to win,” Will commented with a hint of sarcasm from the side of the bus where Percy’s team sat. Nico, who sat next to Reyna and was on Annabeth’s team, was more invested in fidgeting with his rings until Will spoke up.
“Says you, traitor,” He snorted.
“Death boy, it’s a game. You chose Annabeth's team- it would be unfair if we were on the same team. Besides, If anything, I should be upset. You chose Annabeth's team after I chose Percy’s!”
Nico refused to answer, his arm clinging to Reyna who barely took notice and smirked at the boy’s ego’s.
“How sad must it be that you genuinely believe that you will win?” Reyna was about to sheath her spear when Hazel put her hand on hers.
“Reyna! We aren’t allowed to bring weapons. We need to prove we can beat them without weapons!” Hazel argued.
“Having second thoughts over there?” Frank called out from beside Jason. Hazel stuck her tongue out at him- he pulled a funny face in return. While these two were considered the most mature, when they were talking to each other, they were no better than 5 year olds.
The venue was huge. It was like an abandoned forest with upside down vehicles, camo everywhere and at least 3 places to get perfectly shot in the head- not that it was allowed. There was a specific reason behind the demigods choosing to go paintballing- they were never trained to use guns. It was something that none of them were familiar in, thus they were all at a completely fair level. Had they been sword fighting, they would have all destroyed each other. They had to pull on protection suits- which were also camouflage.
“Okay, this is to capture the flag but in paintball. You’re all familiar with capturing the flag- the only difference here is instead of our regular weapons, today we have these peculiar things…” Calypso trailed off slightly.
“Guns,” Hazel and Nico finished off together. The entire squad gave an alarmed look at them saying Why in the name of Hades do you know that? In sync, they both replied.
“World War 1,” Hazel sighed.
“Hitler,” Nico grunted, kicking at the floor. A couple of scattered snorts came from the group who could not picture them in the 1900s.
“Enough enemy mingling! Comrades, let us unite to beat the Owls!” Percy commanded his group comedically. Nico raised his eyebrow at the communist joke while everyone laughed slightly.
“I see you’ve learnt something in History- let’s find out if your seaweed brain can figure out how to surrender shall we?” Annabeth challenged as she took steps towards Percy, her hands resting on her hips confidently- Her hubris was showing. She half expected Percy to slip his hand around her waist or try and show off like she did but instead, he turned to his team and began frantically whispering.
The game was so on.
“Okay, this is it. We go in, storm the boys and capture their flag,” Annabeth decided.
“And don't forget to shoot as many of them as you can!” Piper added and the group happily agreed.
“Okay Comrades, Mission ‘infiltrate’ the owls is about to end- when we meet at what I like to call No man's land, we shall take their flag while they attempt to take ours. Will, guard our flag- the rest of you, position ourselves in the formation we discussed earlier. Jason and Leo, you’re my backup soldiers if I’m down,” Percy announced. The boys nodded and prepared for the plan.
Annabeth was crouching, gun in hand with Hazel behind her. Annabeth's blonde hair made her stand out a bit whereas Hazel had a greater advantage- from a vantage point, one wouldn’t even be able to see her. As Annabeth approached through the clearing she froze. Up ahead was a dangerous place. No bushes, no trees, no cars- she’d be totally exposed to whatever Percy was plotting. She did not doubt that he had some person watching this area, ready to release fire on any enemies. Annabeth was going to wait, she crouched by the bush before the clearing and kept her gun pointed and her eyes on the lookout.
She was about to move when paint balls began exploding all around her. The sound ricocheted in her ears and the droplets of paint remained floating about in the air. The boys had planned an ambush! Annabeth knew she had 2 options- retreat and play defensive or attack and play offensive.
“Hazel, you’re in charge. Nico, you’re coming with me. Make sure Reyna is still guarding the flag!” She whisper- shouted as she began running across No Mans Land with Nico trailing close behind her. He may or may not have been using his powers to bring shards of earth encased in shadows to protect himself and Annabeth from the shower of paintballs heading towards them. Nobody really needed to know- besides, he was forbidden from using death powers, not earthly ones.
“Nico, I hear something,” Annabeth warned. The sound of crackling and rushing water surrounded them.
“It’s coming from the creak…,” Nico mumbled.
They both made eye contact, agreeing on a time to run. 3 ,2 ,1- Now! They began sprinting, dodging the rocks and the flames which were scattered across the field. The other team were really going all out and being ruthless. Leo had set half of their frontier on fire that was only being controlled by the fact that Percy had a lot of water coming in from the creak preventing the fire from spreading too far. Flashes of light came striking down on the trees, causing crackles in the trees. There were echoes of thunder rumbling throughout their section and the smell of carbon monoxide slowly rising into the air.
The tree that had been struck by lightning was causing an awful mount of crackling, a bit too much for comfort. It wasn’t until the distinct sound of a tree snapping did Annabeth and Nico realise that the tree in front of them was falling.
Directly. Onto. them.
Back at Annabeth's side of the frontier, Hazel had decided to play dirty and get powers involved. It was only fair, was it not? Piper, Reyna and Calypso were all very happy to oblige to this. They had restructured their battle plan with Piper guarding the flag and using her charmspeak if necessary. Hazel, Calypso and Reyna were at the front, using their powers to their advantage. Reyna had not decided to use her empowerment- it wasn’t necessary and it was never comforting knowing she had made her friends feel brave; she felt like she was manipulating them whenever she did use it.
“So Hazel, what were you saying about not using weapons?” Reyna raised an eyebrow as she impressively pulled out her spear of imperial gold, glimmering in the sunlight. Hazel who sheathed her Spatha simply shrugged.
“Calypso are you ready?” Hazel asked, slightly concerned- she didn't want to overwork her so quickly after she had only just started to get her magic back.
“You think I’m going to let Leo win?” She scoffed slightly as she raised her hands slightly, the magical aura around them visible.
“We have a battle to win,” Reyna announced.
Nico grabbed onto Annabeth and closed his eyes. She felt herself slip into the darkness with Nico- the moment was awful. Dark, cold and creepy whisperings surrounded her. She did not want to know how Nico was able to do that. As he pulled them out the shadows, Nico dropped to his knees, trying to catch his breath. His eyes looked significantly tired post- shadow travelling.
“Don’t tell Will, he’ll go crazy if he found out that I shadow travelled,” he said weakly, his hand clutching his ribs. Annabeth slowly helped him up to his feet, only one gun still with the both of them- Nico had dropped his when he had to shadow travel them.
“Nico, I’ve got another plan if you’re up for it,” Annabeth offered. She leaned over and whispered her strategy. The corners of Nico’s lips twisted upwards into a cruel smile- cold and menacing. Was this plan extremely dangerous if one part went wrong? Probably. But Nico decided he liked the idea of winning too much to really care.
He dug his feet into the ground again, pushing every ounce of energy into controlling the shadows. He needed to keep this accurate- too much and Hazel’s side of the field goes dark, too little and Percy’s team will be able to see what's coming.
Slowly, shadows covered every inch of Percy’s field. Nico and Annabeth were grasping onto each other, Nico was holding onto her for strength while Annabeth was staying with the only person who could control what was happening. The only light that was visible were the fires ignited by Leo but by now, they were weak. All they had to do was wait for a figure to light up their hands- all the members would flock to the light, except whoever was protecting the flag.
“What just happened?” Percy yelled as he followed the stream of water that led to the fires.
“Someone’s using their powers… probably Nico, I can hear whisperings and these shadows are really cold!” Leo responded, lifting his hands up to signal his location to his teammates- though that may have not been a good idea. A giant flash of light came striking down to the ground again and the loud rumble of thunder came soon after, only adding to the creepiness of the game.
“It’s definitely Nico using powers which means he’s somehow gotten through our borders,” Jason gritted out. They all looked at each other agreeing to search for the son of Hades.
“Nico, you can summon the skeletons now, right?” Annabeth asked as she supported Nico on her shoulder. Feebly, Nico nodded while trying to summon some of his own strength. His skin which had almost returned to it’s olive hue was now close to a deathly pale. Annabeth could feel his cold fingers and slightly shivered- it was like holding a corpse. The ground started cracking, the earth splitting open as a skeletal arm reached out, climbing into the real world. Within a minute, Nico had summoned enough skeletons for the plan to work.
Annabeth knew what had to happen next- she would either run after the flag or go drive the remainder of Percy’s team far back enough so that her team could attack them from behind. She cherished the idea of getting the flag, a truly victorious moment, but she knew that if she went after the flag, she’d be sending Nico who seemed as fragile as glass right now to go fight 4 of the most powerful demigods. She decided to take her chances- hopefully whoever was guarding the flag wasn’t too hard for Nico.
“Nico, here take the gun and go after the flag. I will push back the other team.”
“I don’t need that- you’re going to be 4 against one, take it.” He batted his hand, refusing to allow Annabeth to hand over her gun to him.
“-If you want to actually win this, you need your gun. You don’t stand a chance fighting 4 of them alone. Take the gun,” He managed to snap. Annabeth actually smiled at this. If Nico could give her snappy comebacks, then he still had a bit of strength in him. She kept her gun as she ran into the shadows, the skeleton army close behind.
“Does the other side look kinda funny?” Hazel asked, tilting her head to the side with her spatha in hand.
“It’s...it’s dark. I can't see anything there,” Calypso responded, slightly shocked.
What in the name of the gods was going on over there?
It seemed that the answer hit Reyna and Hazel at the same time- Nico! Not that they were about to admit it, but they were a tad concerned- you know, if you saw pure shadows just floating about, you would also be slightly concerned.
“We should move ourselves further up the frontier into No Mans Land. Annabeth must have planned something with Nico.” Calypso announced. They all agreed and moved further downwards, cautious for any ambushes.
“Oh Annabeth, aren’t you meant to be the smart one? You know, daughter of Athena?” Percy mockingly asked as she approached them, the shadows encasing most of her but not enough to go unnoticed. The skeletons however, were hiding perfectly in the dark.
“And where is the little shit?” Jason looked around Annabeth, trying to see if Nico had hid himself among the shadows- something that wouldn’t be too hard for him.
“Technically this is cheating,” Leo pointed out. Annabeth snapped her head towards him, still wondering where the skeletons were.
“We weren’t the ones who started it- if I remember correctly, you literally almost crushed us under a tree.”
“That was an accident,” Jason sheepishly rubbed his head.
“Don't think you can walk in here without being defeated, Wise girl.”
“If all 4 of you are going to fight me, I think all guns should be prohibited- does that sound fair Jackson?”
“3. All 3 of us. Frank has been… patrolling.” Leo rubbed his hands mysteriously. Annabeth wanted to gasp, they had been cheating from the beginning, using Frank as surveillance on them.
“Well since you were cheating from the very beginning, you definitely cannot use your guns,” Annabeth protested, enforcing her plan. The boy shrugged and threw their guns to the floor- Annabeth did the same but the gun was still close enough for… a change of heart. Fire raged from Leo’s hands, Percy had Riptide in hand and Jason had his Gladius, the charge of lighting running through it. Annabeth had to try to not visibly gulp- Where on earth were the skeletons? Here getting toasted was not part of the plan. She could only start to take them one when the distraction was set.
Nico forcibly pushed his foot one in front of another, searching for the flag. The entire half of the arena was covered like a blanket. The only light source being Leo’s fire and the occasional fires that Nico let loose through the ground to help him see. Up head, Nico could see another light source- did he just walk himself into a circle? He couldn’t see Leo or any fires. In fact all he really saw was light.
He trudged forwards, keeping to the shadows. As he got closer, he realised the light source was Will- his skin was the lightsource, literally. It was like he was watching a firefly for the first time- Will was glowing! No, focus Nico. The game, the flag. Capture it and reign victorious with Annabeth.
“Frank, dude, get off my shoulder,” Jason said. As the hand remained on his shoulder, Jason grew slightly agitated and turned around before jumping back and letting out a scream of surprise. Catching the attention of Percy and Leo, the skeletons began to close in on them. Now was Annabeth's chance. While the skeletons pushed them back, hopefully Hazel would have the team ready for an ambush on all sides.
“You’re very shiny today,” Nico commented.
“Well if you didn’t plunge us into semi- eternal darkness, I wouldn’t be a night light,” Will retorted crossing his arms.
“I’ve always wanted my own personal nightlight. Also now, I have an actual justification to call you sunshine- you’re literally glowing.”
“Quit laughing at me.”
“I’m not laughing at you… I’m just stealing,” Nico shrugged as he made a dash for the flag. Will scrambled for his gun but it was too late, Nico had pulled the flag into the shadows- the paintballs from Will’s gun had only hit the tree that Nico had once stood in front of. As Nico emerged from his travelling, the shadows that once covered the entire field started fading.
With their guns strapped to their backs, Hazel and the team made their way across No Mans Land- trying to avoid the shower of paintballs from the other side.
“You made a machine gun out of this?” Hazel asked in dismay as she dodged the fireball coming from Leo.
“I am Admiral Leo, of course I made a machine gun, Hazel.”
“Hazel, on your left!”
Hazel swiftly ducked a paintball coming her left which proceeded to hit Leo square in the chest. He groaned as he felt the bruise start to form across his chest. Saddened by getting hit, he fell to the ground dramatically.
“Oh I’m wounded! Tell Calypso I might not make it!”
“Tell her yourself,” a voice snorted. Jason and Reyna were both fighting- Jason’s gladius would come down harshly onto Reyna’s spear, who continuously tried to disarm him. When Jason came down again with his sword, Reyna twisted her spear towards the hilt and pushed the butt of her spear upwards successfully disarming the sword with a clatter from his hands. She placed her foot on the sword and kicked it backwards, away from Jason before she dropped her spear.
“Hand to hand?” Jason asked. Reyna did not reply and instead charged towards him.
Calypso was trying to not get set on fire- while Leo had been shot, he was not about to let her win so easily. Her magic could only do so much and it annoyed her that Leo was setting everything on fire.
“Calypso, don’t you have telekinesis?” Annabeth shouted nodding towards Leo as she dodged another slash from Percy. Calypso got the memo and closed her eyes, harvesting as much power as she could. Being an ex-titaness came with it’s privileges from time to time. She opened her eyes and flung her hands towards Leo. Easily, she threw him into the creek where he landed with an ‘oomph’ and a very loud curse word that will not be repeated.
Piper hated being the guard. Everyone was probably having a blast and here she was, away from the action. There was a buzzing noise that was annoying her and she really did not want to deal with it. She had one of her daggers clutched in her hand while the gun was slung over her shoulder. She had gotten so bored that she had resorted to talking to the crow opposite her who had just sat there. It would tilt its head every once in a while when she said anything that could be deemed controversial.
Suddenly, the crow flew towards her, as to rest on her shoulder but instead, went towards the flag. Nothing wrong there, just a crow going towards a flag. Afterall it wasn’t as if it was trying to pull it out of the ground. Just as Piper turned around to see what the crow was really doing, she caught Frank with his hand wrapped around the flag, smiling and saluting towards her as he turned around and ran, flag in hand. Piper swore she had run as fast she ever had in her entire life, trying to get her charmspeak to work. The panting did not help her.
Annabeth slashed her knife in Percy’s direction, missing him by a millimeter as he stepped back to avoid it. Riptide came back at her, instead of it going for a blow to the chest as she expected, Percy aimed for her feet. As he wanted, she tripped and fell but her knife was still in hand. Just as she was about to use it, Riptide was held under her chin- she could feel the cool metal of it as Percy smirked and lightly teased her neck with it.
“You know Miss Brainiac, you really have yourself in a bad position, giving up would be easy, wouldn't it?”
“Jackson, you are enjoying this too much. I think you’ve forgotten the point.” Annabeth grabbed Riptide and twisted it before roling backwards slightly and throwing herself forwards. The sword clattered to the ground making Percy pout slightly but he wasn’t disheartened. Annabeth backslashed towards Percy who grabbed her arm, rendering the weapon in hand useless.
Annabeth had one last plan.
She leaned forwards and pressed her lips against Percy. It was quick and daring and Percy certainly did not expect it. Their lips met gently- it was comforting, warm and soft. Their lips brushed and when she pulled away lightly, he could taste her chapstick.
“Ouch!” Percy yelped as he jumped away from Annabeth and let go of her wrist. She held the knife under his chin and winked at Nico who held the gun with the flag under his arm. There was a giant yellow splatter on his back.
“That's not fair!” Percy sputtered. “ You seduced me!”
“All's fair in love and war.” Annabeth winked.
“I’ve got it! I’ve got the flag!” Frank gasped slightly- mainly due to being out of breath. He looked at Jason who was on the ground, Leo who was soaking, Percy who had a massive paintball splatter on his back and then at Nico who was holding the flag.
“We planned this. To make you win. We were taking it easy on you guys,” Frank decided. All the boys nodded in agreement only making Annabeth's teams chuckle.
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musicallisto · 4 years
Congrats on 800 followers!! You write beautifully and deserve every one of them and a thousand more 💕🎉
For the celebration, could I get a vanilla milkshake (ship)? Of Percy Jackson or Narnia?
I'm a straight girl, INFP, enneagram 5, hufflepuff student, and daughter of Athena. I really love any kind of art, from painting, to music, to literature, to sculpture, and anything. That doesn't mean I'm good. Even tho I wish I was. I really like to write, it helps me put my thoughts and feelings in order, and words come easier when I write them down than when I try to talk. The most important thing to me are my friends, my loyalty is one of the little things I actually like about myself.
I'm really bored with my life and always wished of something more, so any kind of media that has a good story it's something I'm a fan of. I'm literally waiting just to be old enough so I can go on my own adventure and live a little.
I'm not a very affectionate person, not in a conventional way anyway, I'm not good enough with words to repeat how much people mean to me (even if they really do), and I don't like to be hugged that often, and only if they're really close to me. But I'm always there for anyone that needs me and I'll try to do the best I can to help.
I don't like small talk, I want to have long talks about everything that comes to mind, whether it is the last book you read or a random thought about the stars, or mythological creatures, or aliens, or your deepest secret or some dumb thing that happened some years ago. Whatever, but a real conversation.
Did I forget to say I'm Mexican? Lol, I speak Spanish and we're known for joking around (And it's probably that I punch someone jokingly before I hug them. Yep, not very good at expressing emotions at first. I can be WAY more open once I gained trust).
I like to take things with calm and humor, but if it's something serious I know how to take the situation seriously and give the best advice and "wise" words I can think of. My friends come looking for my advice often lol whether or not they follow it afterwards. I don't like to talk about my problems, because I don't want to worry any of my friends, and even though I could need help, I just hold it in until it passes (I should follow my own advice and talk to someone but OH WELL...)
I really don't know what else to say. I love to read, and I love musicals, and I'm trying to learn how to play guitar, and I'd like someone with good sense of humor but that I know I can trust.
Anyway, congrats again!! You're really talented and I don't know you that well but you seem like an awesome person. If you don't have time to do this, don't worry 'bout it u.u
here’s your vanilla milkshake! I only did it for percy jackson for lack of time, but I hope you enjoy your story with leo valdez all the same - it’s my reckoning you two would get along pretty well...
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Leo is definitely always down for an adventure. He’s the kind of person who effortlessly makes the most boring errand into an epic, and sees the excitement in everything around him, but understands exactly what you mean when you say you want to go out there and see what life has in store for you, for real.
You’re both sitting on your bed in your bedroom - it’s not often you get a break from Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter respectively and are able to go back to your human lives, but whenever you get the chance, you seize it and enjoy the peace -, and talking about your biggest wishes and desires ...
(The conversation came naturally and flows just as organically; because Leo is a childish and excitable fool most of the time, but he understands there’s a time for everything, and he can be particularly serious and insightful when he understands it’s time for him to be)
... And you tell him all you really want in life is to go on an adventure, a real one, unpredictable like a rush of blood to the head.
“Well do I have news for you about a place called Camp Jupiter--”
“I don’t mean running from monsters or fulfilling prophecies... I want to see the world with my friends by my side and live beautiful things. One day, when I’m old enough.”
“Who says you aren’t old enough right now?”
“I’m sorry?”
(He’s straightened up from his slouching position on the mattress, and is looking at you with the utmost seriousness in his eyes.)
“I mean it. Who says we can’t go on an adventure, like, right now?”
“Where could you even go?”
“I don’t know. Got a globe laying around somewhere here?”
You comply, and he spins it, and orders you to jab your finger at it whenever you feel like it (which he doesn’t give a real meaning to, because it doesn’t even have one), to determine where you will go.
“... Moscow?”
“Ah, great place for a son of Hephaetus, love the heat out there.”
But needless to say, when Leo gets a spontaneous idea like that, there’s no use in trying to get it out of his head;
so the following week you are to depart on your trip to Russia, and you can’t hide your excitement. Traveling on a whim with your boyfriend might just be the first step to the adventures you were awaiting...
OK, but Mexican solidarity!!! I love my Latin cousins ugh you guys are so much fun,,
Talking shit about half of your respective Camps in Spanish behind their backs (and from Reyna’s half-smiles she miserably fails to conceal, you feel like you might not be the only ones who find this terribly funny)
“Mira a Jason, siempre tan serio y melancólico. Cuenta la leyenda que la mueca se le quedó grabada en la cara.”
“Pobrecito. Igual alguna profecía le delivra de su maldición de gravedad perpetua.”
“¿Y si le voy a contar un chiste?”
“Creo que solo te abofetará, Leo.”
Expressions of affection are rarely overt between the two of you, because you both tend to deflect your real feelings (especially affection or love) via humor and play them off as something “just for laughs”. You’re also big on tough love, so much so that sometimes the others wonder why you’re always playfully hitting each other’s arms as though you hated each other’s guts.
But the truth is simply that you were always raised to express affection in these ways, and get a bit awkward when you’re expected to be upfront about your feelings. Still, you’re both extremely warm and loving, and your “I love you”s simply have to be deciphered.
And no one deciphers them quite like the other half of the pair. It’s a language that only you two understand; that’s why you’re such a good pair.
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800 follower sleepover [CLOSED!]
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rickriordanfandam · 4 years
opinions on riordanverse ; my edition
a lot of people have been doing this so i decided why not right. probably gna lose some followers or smth but anyways. pls respect my opinions! if u disagree, thats fine, but please be polite. unless any of my opinions strikes u as morally wrong then pls point it out to me respectfully. thanks!
- i actually liked drew. im so sorry to everyone who hates her but full offence, why. think about it this way ok, first of all drew became hc because silena died. silena was the traitor, the one who betrayed chb, yet after she died campers celebrated her as a hero? and then drew suddenly has to replace her and live up to idk that legacy she left behind,, when all of a sudden this girl named piper swoops in and takes her place. idk abt u but i wld be salty abt that too. not only that, but as an asian, the chances of drew having faced racism/bullying as a child is pretty high (she studies at brooklyn academy). which means that when she finds out shes a demigod, and arrives at chb where most of the campers are white (this is an assumption btw), she’d obviously be scared of being bullied for her skin color right?? so the first thing she wld do before the campers get to bully her is to bully them before they can do so. (sentence structure here is wack i apologize) ofc this might not even have happened, drew could have had a perfect childhood && was a b1tch for no reason, BUT EVEN THEN HER ROLE AS A BULLY WAS PRETTY VITAL BECAUSE THAT FURTHER SHOWED THE CONTRAST BETWEEN HER AND PIPER,, HIGHLIGHTING PIPER AS A HERO//GOOD CHARACTER,, AND THEREFORE MAKING READERS LIKE PIPER MORE. anyway stop hating on drew please. ALSO WHY IS THIS SO LONGA SDFJHG
- jason isnt bland, the fandom just kinda erased his backstory (thanks to @pjohoo-memes for the phrasing lol)
- reynabeth wouldnt have lasted/would have broken up several times. idk i just see them as two extremely powerful characters who have firm opinions and will definitely clash at some point. in a platonic relationship,, i can see them as really good friends but as lovers? idk i just think theyll break up
- i dont really like jercy,, i see them as better friends than lovers. also idt jason and percy were that close..?
- the dam and not my type jokes are srsly cringey and were never funny. ik that seems hypocritical since my username literally makes use of the dam joke but honestly i dont actually like the joke. its not funny to me and has never been funny
- the seven were not best friends. they definitely argued,, and honestly probably werent as close as the fandom makes them seem. like ure dumped with 6 other people, out of which u only know a few. my introverted ass would have jumped off the argo 2 quicker than leo valdez could bomb camp jupiter up. also leo was a dick to frank. so what if frank is bigger sized?? thats not a valid reason to tease him
- the fandom needs to stop hating on octavian while worshipping luke. if u hate luke and u say u hate octavian too, then okay. but if u tell me ure a luke stan but u despise octavian?? imma disagree w u. luke was worse than octavian im sorry. first of all, octavian being a dick was kinda justified. hes been after the praetor position for so long, and everyone keeps saying to “wait for jason” when suddenly this dude, whos a son of NEPTUNE (neptune wasnt liked much by romans), and the camp decides to make him praetor?? dude i would be pissed off big time. and then afterwards, he finds out that greek demigods are real and the dude they made praetor is greek. AND THEN GREEK DEMIGODS COME TO CJ AND ONE OF THEM BOMB IT UP?? octavian has been told all his life that greeks are scum and this dude called leo valdez attacks cj. sure it was an accident, but did octavian know that? no. so it was honestly justified that he was such a salty prick im just saying. also some of yall be hating on octavian for cutting a teddy bear open and thats the funniest shit ive ever heard i swear 
- luke didnt go to elysium
- travis and connor stoll r way too underrated. the two have been head counselors of the hermes cabin since luke was revealed as a traitor, can u imagine the stress? luke, the person they probably looked up to as a brother, betrayed them. and they didnt even have time to process this when they were  thrown the roles of being hcs. that would have been so stressful and i would probably have broken down if i were them. the stoll brothers taking turns to wake up at ungodly hours because a new camper is crying and homesick and terrified, the stoll brothers having to comfort and take care of new campers, having to deal with the amount of people in that cramped space because not enough campers are being claimed fast enough. having to resolve issues between campers in the hermes cabin all the time. the stolls arent just comedic relief, and we need to stop treating them as such
- tratie shldve been canon idc idc
- demigods of the demeter cabin arent talked about enough and i love the fact that meg was demeters kid. like she isnt the child of one of the big three yet shes so powerful.
- we need to hype clarisse up more her character arc was phucking amazing 
- rachel is overhated. sis found out greek gods exist and regularly come down to earth to fuck around and went “ok cool”. queen shit behavior methinks
- the floor 19 crew of mcga is srsly underrated. like do u even remember halfborn gunderson, mallory keen, tj, etc??? bc i feel like we only remember samirah, magnus, alex, and sometimes blitz and hearthstone
- sadie (tkc) was kinda annoying at first. i like her more now tho but i rmb not liking her for a phat while
- tkc and mcga need more love
- carter kane and jason grace arent boring. theyre just really sweet boys who are too good for this world and yes yes yes 
- hazel and frank (especially frank) need to be hyped up more. i hardly ever see anything about them. also yall seem to forget that frank was literally made praetor and that even hecate admired hazel and was willing to fight beside her because of how powerful she was
- frazels age gap is kinda sketch but i still think theyre really cute
- nico definitely had trauma from going to tartarus on his own
- annabeth isnt smarter than leo but neither is leo smarter than annabeth. ive seen a lot of discussions about who is smarter and heres my hot take on it: neither. theyre equally smart, just in different ways. leos a genius mathematically speaking. he has no issues solving math problems meant for people much, much older than him. annabeth on the otherhand, is great at strategies etc. she can make an army of 1000 more powerful than the enemy, even if theyre outnumbered. so in my opinion, both are equally as smart//u cant compare their intelligence, because their talents lie in two different areas.
- while i do agree rick riordan isnt a god and that hes bound to make mistakes,, AND that hes given us a lot of representation,, if the representation offends the people its sposed to represent, then theres a problem. im talking about piper as a poc and wearing feathers in her hair. im not a poc, so i cant speak for them on whether or not its wrong, because i dont know either. HOWEVER, i have seen multiple posts BY pocs talking about how they didnt really like rick’s representation of piper, and thats an issue. pocs have been and are still oppressed and discriminated against by many. as a white cis man, we cant really blame him for not knowing (tho he could have done a research,, asked some pocs,, idk), but by representing pocs in that manner, hes influencing impressionable kids/teens into thinking “oh pocs wear feathers in their hair all the time” etc, which isnt true. the pjo/hoo series is extremely successful, and kids who read the books will probably start forming inaccurate opinions on pocs. the amount of fan art that depicts piper with feathers in her hair dont help either. “but rick said so in the books, so its canon” yeah well rick isnt a god and he can get some things wrong at times. im not saying we should cancel him, im saying we should start educating ourselves and not spread false info like pocs wearing feathers in their hair all the time. also that snake song shit where she sang Summertime was just- yeah. bc heres the thing you can be racist, and still include minorities, but portray them in a racist way. And even then, ignorance isn't a thing to admire. Getting those facts wrong still has a major impact. It continues to perpetuate racist stereotypes.
“ With the feather thing, I looked it up myself; it takes less than five minutes to figure out that Cherokees don't braid feathers into their hair. I didn't grow up in the country where my parents are from. I have many other first/second generation American friends who have also been through that, with a bit of a disconnect from their culture. But something that most of us have in common is that when we didn't know something, and when our parents weren't that big of a help, we looked it up. We sought out resources online and through other people from our culture to be able to connect more with where we came from. Some of that took a Google search. So I find it hard to believe that Piper, a girl who Rick's trying to portray as someone who is attempting to connect with her culture and is totally against racist stereotypes, wouldn't know that eagle feathers aren't supposed to be braided into your hair casually. She may be disconnected from her culture, but she's also shown to want to connect back to it. Piper wouldn't be casually braiding feathers into her hair while also telling off people for being racist. It makes no sense.” - reddit thread (down below) 
for those of yall who wanna know more please please read this, it has a lot of things i wanna add in here : https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/gy3gl2/piper_mcleans_portrayal_is_innacurate/ 
as well as https://finding-my-culture.tumblr.com/post/189422373260/maxie-ratties-and-cattie-finding-my-culture 
i will be posting screenshots of these in future posts so if ure viewing this on ig and u dont have tumblr,, dont worry 
- the fact that most of the strong female characters in the series refuse to be “girly”, and ngl i dont really like that. just because ure girly doesnt mean u cant be strong. 
- piper would have been a great way for him to start making the strong characters act girlier, but instead he went with the “I’m not like other girls” trope which is quite obnoxious to hear constantly, and I don’t think it’s necessarily great for younger girls to read that idea growing up.  the closest we've ever had to a strong female character who was also into "girly" things was Silena. when I was younger I admired Piper's "I'm not like other girls" thing, but then I got older and realized that the whole mentality of "not like other girls" is super obnoxious, and a little bit toxic
i have a heck load more that i cant rmb rn but yeah feel free to add more 
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
Of Toasters and Lightning
@bunkernine Nico
Sometimes, just sometimes, Nico thinks waking up is a burden.
Not because he doesn’t want to wake up, life is... decent as of late, if you forget about saving the world, the doors of death, all that bullshit. And even with all of that, he quite likes waking up. No, the reason it’s a burden, especially this morning in particular, is because Leo Valdez is standing in the middle of their dinning room on the Argo 2, remote control in hand as an abomination of a toaster sits on the table. It’s sliver and extremely long, glossy like it’s just been polished. In eight different slots are pieces of un-toasted bread, each with their own sets of timers.
He’s grinning so wide it almost takes up the entirety of his face, hands proudly planted on his hips, dark brown eyes twinkling with excitement. And much to Nico’s surprise Annabeth is next to him, looking simultaneously defeated and curious, grime swiped across her cheek. Nico almost feels sick, she was probably helping him with this.
“Welcome,” Leo says, sweeping his arms over the monstrosity, “To the Leabeth toaster. Patent pending.”
Nico blinks. Percy is oooing and ahhhing at the thing like they’ve just presented the cure for cancer, messing with the knobs and running his hands across the metal.
Annabeth snorts, “We are not calling it that.” She says simply, and Nico wonders briefly if this is actually a dream.
Hazel just looks confused, gingerly reaching out to touch it, looking like she expects it to somehow transform and chase after her.
“Why do we have a toaster with eight slots?” She asks, sounding genuinely confused. And yeah, Nico feels the same way.
Leo grins and he’s basically bouncing in place. “I’m glad you asked! The new and improved octa-toaster-”
“We’re not calling it that either.” Annabeth interupts, looking like she’s fighting a smile.
Leo just blows past the interruption. “-was created to service all of our bread toasting needs! Now with new and improved technology we can all toast our bread at the same time, in the same toaster! No more waiting in line, just pick a slot and be on your way!”
Percy looks starry-eyed, “Genius.” He says. Now Nico knows it isn’t a dream, no one can beat Percy Jackson in the art of being ridiculous, not even dream Percy.
Jason and Frank stand at the edge of the table, and Jason’s pinching the bridge of his nose. Frank looks amused, but worried. Nico isn’t surprised, the guy’s always worried.
“Won’t it take like. A lot of power to run this?” He asks, eyeing the octa-toaster.
Annabeth shakes her head, “No, just a quick zap of lightning from our resident boy wonder here and it’ll run just fine for about a week. That’s how me and Leo designed it, at least.” They bump fist. Nico thinks he might go into cardiac arrest.
Piper looks endlessly amused, “I call this slot!” She says, standing at the fourth one down. “Also I demand a presentation, does it toast perfectly on all sides? Does it have the right amount of spring to make the toast pop out after it’s done?”
Percy nods, “Spring is important, that’s what makes a good toaster.”
Nico rubs his eyes, walking over to the table to get a better look at the thing. It doesn’t look as simple as a regular toaster, it’s got way too many buttons and settings to even be considered. And as much as he hates to admit it, it’s... cool. Dumb, but very cool. There’s even a button that adds butter while it’s cooking. And also, he’s curious. He wants to know if it can cook all of the bread at different temperatures all at once.
“You guys are ridiculous,” Jason says, but he’s fighting off a smile and Nico knows he thinks this whole thing is funny, “It would’ve been more efficient for all of us to wait to use the toaster one by one.”
“That’s no fun!” Leo chirps, waving his controller in the air, “Besides, this baby doesn’t just toast your bread, it’s more than a mere bread warmer! It has range!”
Nico snorts, “Oh yeah, it sure does, range that takes up the entire table.” He jokes, pressing down on the pre-buttered button, “Now come on, I want to see how this thing works.”
“Jason,” Frank says, “If you could please do the honors of zapping our giant toaster machine?”
Jason’s face contorts, “What? No way!”
Percy tsks, “Come on dude, don’t let us down, we all want to see the wonders of the octa-toaster!” Annabeth shoots him a dirty look, probably for addressing the toaster as ‘‘octa-taster”, but it’s too late now, the name has already stuck with everyone.
And Nico doesn’t know who starts it, but a chant of Jason’s name starts filling the room. (It was him, he started it).
After a few minutes Jason caves, “Alright alright, everyone stand clear.” And everyone cheers as he points his finger at the contraption, moving their hands and stepping back. Lighting shoots from his finger and dances across the metal, zapping and flickering until it eventually settles. Everyone holds their breath, and for a moment it’s silent in the room. When nothing continues to happen, Hazel’s voice is the first to break the silence.
“Uh,” she looks disappointed, Nico makes a mental note to talk to her more about technology, he doesn’t know much either but they could learn together, “Is this what’s supposed to happen?”
“No, definitely not.” Leo answers, and he’s tinkering with the remote, “Hold on let me just-” He presses a button and with a swirl of clicks and clacks the machine thrums to life, shaking the table as it warms up.  Everyone cheers and Leo’s got a big, shit eating grin on his face. “Everyone make your selections now! I’m gonna send these babies down in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!”
With preferences for time toasted, buttered, jellied, and all of the other bells and whistles, Leo presses a button, and all of the bread goes down with a whoosh. 
Now, Nico thinks, is the waiting game. If the entire toaster doesn’t burst into flames he’ll call it a success. Which shouldn’t be too hard, Leo’s a pretty smart guy, and besides Annabeth helped him with this... creation, she would’ve factored in things like: mass fire started by overheating of a eight slotted toaster. It’s actually all a little crazy to think about, if Nico is honest. They’re supposed to be on this serious quest to save the world and whatnot, but somehow in between it all they’re still finding time to be dumb teenagers. And if the excitement in the room as everyone waits for the first pieces of toasts to pop up is anything to go by, then Nico knows sometimes they need breaks like this.
The first pieces of toast pop up, and everyone gasps. It’s Pipers, and she takes it out and slowly inspects it. It’s lightly toasted and jellied, grape jelly specifically. We all watch in anticipation as she brings it to her nose, sniffing before taking a bite out of it. We all hold our breath as she chews.
She swallows, and her brown eyes are blown wide, “Holy. Shit.”
As if on cue other pieces start popping up and everyone goes into a frenzy, Nico thinks he can hear Hazel yelling about how it’s been pre-cut in triangles for her, and somewhere in the distance he can hear Percy trying to convince Jason to carve a smiley face into his toast with lightning. Idiots.
He crosses his arms, his toast is the only one that hasn’t popped up yet and he’s starting to get impatient. Just when he thinks he’s going to have to complain a hand lands on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. Normally he would jump at the touch, whirl around and start something, but no one else on the ship is bold enough to touch him but his sister and a very persistent Leo Valdez. Nico doesn’t need to turn his head to know the boy has a smile on his face, and he knows it’s him because of the excessive amount of heat that rolls off his skin.
“Patience, young grasshopper. Perfect toast requires the utmost control.” Leo jokes, and Nico begrudgingly cracks a smile. He’ll never actually admit it out loud but. Leo is funny. Or he’s just an idiot, which means Nico probably has a thing for idiots.  “Yes of course, Sensei, I remember your lessons.” Nico jokes back, turning his head to look at him, and just like he suspected that smile is firmly in place. “To be in control of the toast is to be in control of oneself.”  Leo burst out laughing, and Nico is so caught up in it he doesn’t even notice when his toast pops up.
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percabethfangirl · 4 years
Percabeth College AU
Annabeth knocks over a cute boy outside her government in politics class, and she can't stop thinking about him.
Annabeth hurried across campus in the rain, already late for her third period class. Today is just not my day, she thought. First she had to struggle through English, which was not her strong suit, with her unforgiving professor, Mrs. Calkins. And just when she was thinking she caught a break, she spilled coffee on her biology homework, which meant she had to run all the way to second period.
Now it was raining, and the puddles were unavoidable if she wanted to be on time to her government and politics class, which she didn't want to be taking in the first place.
Head down to keep the rain out of her eyes, she took the steps up to the front of the building two at a time. In her haste, she didn't see the person in front of her until it was too late. They went down in a soggy heap of limbs and assignment papers; the other person's binder spilling open.
Annabeth internally groaned. This day just couldn't get any worse.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there, I'm really late for class," Annabeth apologized as she started to pick her soaked self up.
"It's okay, Just watch where you're going next time," the other person chuckled, hastily stuffing his things back into his binder, "I'm late too, you know." He sounded surprisingly unbothered by the fact that he had been knocked down in the rain by a strange girl.
Weirdo, she thought, reaching for her pile of assignments and books. Anyone else would be annoyed, I know I would be.
"Just out of curiosity, what class are you late for?" the boy asked. At this, Annabeth looked up-- and promptly forgot how to breathe.
The boy had startling sea-green eyes, framed by wet and unruly black hair. He was extremely tan, and even with a rain jacket on, Annabeth could see his muscles. Though she was tall, he was taller. He looked like he could be the quarterback on the football team, or any team captain really.
"Uh, hello?" His voice brought her crashing ungracefully back to reality.
"Oh sorry, its-uhm I'm going to government and politics," she said, hoping her dislike for the class wasn't too evident in her voice.
"Hey I'm going there too! I haven't noticed you in that class before." At this, he leaned closer to examine her, dragging his eyes up and down her body. Annabeth gulped, before admitting, "I haven't seen you either."
"Well I usually sit in the back so I don't get caught sleeping," he smirked, stuffing the rest of his papers back in his binder. "That class is boring as hell."
Annabeth smiled, rolling her eyes, "Tell me about it. I don't know why I have to take it anyway. It has nothing to do with architectural designs."
They started walking towards class, much slower than Annabeth had been going before.
"You're majoring in architecture?" he asked, turning to look at her as they trudged through the rain to class
"Yeah. What about you?"
"Marine biology."
She snorted, trying her best not to laugh, but he noticed anyway.
"What's so funny about that?" The amusement in his eyes showed her he wasn't offended.
"I just pictured you some sort of sports jock, not an ocean lover," she explained, barely keeping herself from bursting with laughter.
"Oh, well, I guess that makes sense," he commented. Smiling, he turned to continue, "I am on the swim team, so you weren't too far off your mark."
"You swim? Are you any good?" Annabeth asked, half teasing.
"Well I guess," he said, looking sheepish. "I got a scholarship, so someone must think so."
"Oh wow, that's awesome. I did track and field in high school, but not well enough to get a scholarship or anything," she smiled.
"I'm sure you were great, I mean.." he trailed off gesturing to her, going a little red. Annabeth knew she was in good shape, but she didn't think about how she looked too much.
Heat creeping up her neck, she hurried to change the subject. "So, marine biology, huh?"
Percy looked relieved as he answered. "Yeah, my mom used to take me to Montauk every summer. I loved it there, it was like my second home. Swimming in the ocean was as natural to me as walking, even as a toddler," he beamed
Just as he finished talking, they reached the lecture hall.
"Oh, uh, I didn't catch your name," he said.
"Annabeth, you?"
"Percy," he smiled. "Well, see you around."
She waved goodbye as she headed to her seat in the front of the hall.
Annabeth cringed away from her best friend.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she whined.
"Pipes, I just met him yesterday, calm down," Annabeth soothed.
It was a Tuesday morning, and neither Piper or Annabeth had classes. They were in a cozy coffee shop, just off campus, and Piper had been interrogating Annabeth about her love life. She hadn't meant to tell her yet, but Piper could be very persuasive when she wanted to be, and Annabeth had trouble keeping anything from her.
"You could have texted me! You do have a phone, you know!" The other girl was slowly calming down after her original outburst.
"I didn't want to tell you yet, Pipes. It'll probably turn out to be nothing," she explained reaching for her coffee. "I didn't even get his number."
"But you got his name right? Even you could manage that." Annabeth could see in her eyes that Piper was determined to get every last detail about the previous day's encounter.
"Yes I got his name Piper." Annabeth rolled her eyes, taking a sip of coffee. She cursed as the boiling hot liquid came in contact with her tongue. Piper ignored her.
"Well? I want to know the name of the boy who got the ever-stoic Annabeth Chase to pay attention to him," Piper pressed.
She sighed in defeat, trying to ignore her burnt tongue. "His name is Percy. He's on the swim team and he's majoring in marine biology-" Annabeth paused. Piper's mouth was hanging open, and she was staring at Annabeth with wide eyes, shock written all over over her face.
"What? What's wrong?" she asked, worried.
"Percy!? As in Percy Jackson, the most popular and sought-after boy in school? Percy, the super hot captain of the swim team? That Percy?!" 
"Uh.. I- Iguess? I didn't get his last name," Annabeth stammered, taken aback by Piper's second outburst.
"Where have you been the last two years? Percy is the hottest boy in the entire school, besides Jason of course, and everyone knows about him!" Piper seemed genuinely shocked that Annabeth hadn't heard of him before.
"If you hadn't noticed, I was too focused on my grades to make friends with anyone freshman year, and only became friends with you because we were forced to work together. I barely came out of my dorm," she rolled her eyes at Piper's incredulity. Then she thought of something.
"If he's so popular, he's probably dating someone -" Piper cut her off.
"No that's the thing!" She was excited now, and Annabeth was slightly worried. When Piper wanted something to happen, it happened, and Annabeth didn't want to be caught in the middle of one of her schemes. "He's not dating anyone! I mean, he dated Rachel Dare freshman year, but she moved to Germany or something."
"Well if no one else could date him, why would I be any different?" 
"Annabeth! You're the prettiest person I know, and I'm not just saying that because you're my best friend. If anyone has a chance of scoring Percy, it's you."
Annabeth frowned, "Well I don't want someone to date me just because they think I look pretty. And I'm not much of a social butterfly, if you hadn't noticed."
"You're more than just a pretty face! Your smart, witty, and have a great sense of humor. I don't see how he could not date you." Piper leaned back in her chair, looking satisfied, as if she had single handedly gotten Percy to date her already.
"That's very sweet Piper, but my social skills are sadly lacking. I don't think I could charm my way into a relationship," she countered, chewing her lip.
"Annabeth! You don't need to! Just be yourself, and if he doesn't like it, he's not the one for you," she explained.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I don't think I'll be finding my 'one' anytime soon."
Their conversation moved on to the biology homework, but Percy was still on Annabeth's mind. And as the week progressed, he stayed there, front and center, as much as she tried to get him out.
Thank you so much for reading! Comments and criticism are welcomed and appreciated! But please keep in mind this is my first ever fanfic :)
Many thanks to @technicallyburninggarden for helping me edit!
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