#Per talks (to) Ghost đŸ‘»
countfagula · 5 days
Sooo uhhh Copia headcannons because I was terribly sick on Ghost Day(TW: depression,eds(its recovery based but still) and a little bit of angst) also spoilers for Rite Here Rite Now.
-Copia has struggled with his appearance since he was a teenager but he’s been recovering with the help of his ghouls he does still of course have his days but he knows he can go talk to someone about it.
-Copia has depression(pretty sure that’s canon) but it gets the worst after Sisters passing and funeral. He doesn’t eat or sleep for days on end after thinking about the fact he’s lost a mother he never got to fully know and the only thing that pulls him out of it is the fact that Aether comes to talk to him and remind him that she’d be so proud of how far he’s come and that his doing great as Frater Imperator. Which whether Aether knows it or not is exactly what he needed to hear.
-Okay more lighthearted one
Copia absolutely adores any kind of music even pop music it’s not unusual to find him blasting ABBA or Bowie as he works on his paperwork. He also sings in the shower loud as he can with the music blasting from a Bluetooth speaker.
-Copias love language is absolutely acts of service both giving and receiving. He loves to do things for the people he loves! Examples: He’ll bring food to the infirmary or greenhouse to make sure Phantom or Mountain are actually eating since they tend to forget(and of course they invite him to share),He keeps an eye on Dewdrop to make sure he can tell when the fire ghoul is getting a little to heated or is feeling down and try to help him anyway he can. (Dew does the same thing for him in return),He reminds Rain to take his anxiety meds before they go out so that he won’t panic so easy.(Rain in return reminds Copia of his own meds) etc..
Okay my brains stopped for now but yeah Copia ❀❀❀❀❀❀
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faeriekit · 4 months
Health and Hybrids (XXII)đŸ‘œđŸ‘»đŸ’š
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
đŸ–€Chapter navigation can be found heređŸ–€ Click to browse previous updates.
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... SOMEONE (Danny) had a PANIC ATTACK (it was warranted) and now he's laying low and trying not to move.
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
There’s a green guy in his room.
Danny keeps eating his mush. There’s mush apple in it today, for variety. It’s probably triple-pasteurized applesauce, but it’s something, and Danny’ll appreciate it while it lasts.
The green guy and the lady are talking. Danny is happy to ignore them—they’re quiet, and careful, even if they’re trying not to act too suspicious or too quiet. Danny has the sneaking suspicion that he’s supposed to be getting used to his presence. Like a cat meeting another cat, or something.
The thing is, Danny kind of remembers him—but his brain’s been so loopy and weird, it’s kind of
hard to be certain? There are some memories of pain, and some memories of stress, and
maybe he was there for one of his star-walks? Danny thinks?
His memories are all mush. Since waking up here, Danny’s been more confused the more he’s become aware.
He sticks his spoon in his mouth.
Hello, the green guy tries, flexing some oddly solid aura, but Danny’s very busily ignoring him; the television has another news segment on weather in places Danny’s never seen, and he’s trying really hard to remember what the extra letters actually sound like.
There’s, like, an ampersand in the middle of words here. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
I would like to talk, the not-ghost says without speaking, which is how Danny knows he’s not human. He doesn’t feel like a ghost, per se, and Danny’s breath is normal and as warm as his body can arrange it. It’s still weird though, since he clearly wants to communicate in some way, and Danny just.
He digs his teeth into the plastic spoon. It’ll leave little tooth-shaped dents. He focuses very firmly on the television spot. There are so many towns. Some of them have very silly names. One of them is having an asteroid shower, if Danny trusts his understanding of the icons they’re using.
Asteroids are cool. There’s a couple shots of the sky and a projected time at 8pm in some time zone. Maybe he can get the fast kid to tell his medical team he wants to see them. Maybe they’ll actually let him out of his room at night to watch
A hand gently fans at his sleeve so that the breeze jostles the fabric just a little bit. It’s a signal Danny’s gotten used to—a non-verbal, attention-grabbing signal that doesn’t require physical touch.
Danny looks. The lady waves.
He huffs.
“Licie,” the lady asks gently, but firmly. It’s a pretty insistent Please.
Please be polite with the guests, Danny. Your father loves Vlad, so please be nice, Danny.

Danny doesn’t quite roll his eyes but he does. Look away. He doesn’t want to talk to them. Boundaries aren’t so
 Empathic beings are

“Do I have to?” he asks, and then remembers. Right. Different language. “Ic sceal?”
“Licie. Pleese.”
Danny’s face scrunches up. All the scarring his face probably has pulls taut. “
“Min ĂŸanc.” Thanks.
faces the green guy.
He looks. Nice. Enough. He’d look better if he wasn’t staring—if Danny couldn’t physically feel how heavy the green guy’s attention was weighing down on him, pressing into his head and shoulders and neck, and—
Danny looks away. Again. The lady sighs.
The green guy sends waves of peace, calm, which is definitely a threat! Danny’s been smacked by Nocturn more than once! He knows what safety feels like when wielded as a weapon!
Apology wafts around the room, but Danny doesn’t want to hear it. Feel it. Smell it? Whatever. It has nothing to do with him. Danny wants to fiddle with the bits of his space station and maybe practice writing his name again, which has so far been less than a success. But he should probably introduce himself soon enough.
It’s only been. You know. 
Literal months.
Questions and answers/queries and information? the green guy offers to trade, which is theoretically nice. But Danny’s been hunted for answers before—and sometimes just straight up hunted for fun.
There’s no information he wants to give.
Ask me? comes instead.

Danny’s fingers still. Wait. He’s allowed to ask?
A bubble of amusement/worry bursts. Yes. If Danny has questions, he can apparently
Okay. Danny sets the space shuttle aside. He tilts his aura around, and bends it—if the green guy were a ghost, they’d be able to share more emotions with ­Danny’s guard slipped downwards. He’s going to bet it works
kind of the same way for whatever he is.
Who’s the lady? Does she have a name?
There’s a bubble burst of a memory—some dude in all black with little cat ears announcing This is Wonder Woman, hand out to present her to the listener. Without her scrubs on in the memory, she looks
like a warrior.
Armored. Strong. Black hair, gold gauntlets and red boots. Firm back. Like on the television

In her scrubs, she just looks like the same lady as always. In his head, she looks as powerful and mighty as Pandora.
Danny’s heart picks up. Breathing becomes—harder. Does she fight? Does she fight all the time?
Memories of shared battles play out from the green being’s point of view: punching and throwing and whipping her lasso in the air and confidence and freeing prisoners and the power of the gods behind her, a royal in her own right—

Will Danny have to fight?
The green guy murmurs something sad, grief flashing up against Danny’s low emotional shields. His hands reach out—but Danny leans back. He doesn’t want to be touched. He doesn’t want to feel the dude feeling bad for him. He just wants to know; will Danny be forced to fight?
There’s a deep, painful sympathy brushing up against him. Danny recoils. The thoughts of healing, doctors, naps, coming off his meds, recovery. Of concern, worry, Wonder Woman settling the patient’s blankets, his green-marred face raw and luminescent.
Healing. Resting.
Which. Danny glares. He gets that. But what happens after? Medical care is expensive, and Danny doesn’t even have hint of an idea of how long he’s been lying here. He knows that nothing comes free.
The green guy’s expression squeezes with concern. His head might be kind of funky-shaped, but the face is pretty human equivalent. Danny would have struggled to read Frostbite’s more than his. Danny doesn’t like that.
Danny misses beings he recognizes. He wants his friends. He wants Jazz. He wants Frostbite or Wulf or

Or Mom
or Dad

Something touches Danny’s hand. Danny looks down. The green hand that reaches for him doesn’t grab, exactly, but it lets him know that the dude is there, at his side. I’m sorry, the guy says, more sentiment than thought. And then there’s a struggle to convey the next few thoughts.

Because the guy doesn’t have as much experience of being outside as the school bell rings, children going in. Lunches in the headquarters cafeteria. The phone in Flash’s hand turned sideways, so that Martian Manhunter can see the dead-fish kiss between Rosalinda and Romero from last night's episode—
Wait, is the guy actually an alien? It’s kind of rude, but Danny. Gawks.
The concern hanging around in the air of the room turns into green-tinged amusement. The green dude and Danny have already had this conversation.

Danny peeks at his water bottle on the side table and sheepishly rubs his nose. Ah. Whoops. They have?
Yes, the alien continues, and pulls his hand back. But they were having a conversation. About school. And healing. And recovering, and a comfortable space to rest, and an apartment on Earth and peace and family, and—
Danny shoves his emotional shields all the way back up before he. Before he forgets. His heart is pounding. He can’t look.
He can’t.

He can’t have that again.
The green guy—the martian wants to tell Danny something else, but he can’t—he can’t open himself up to that anymore.
Danny doesn’t have a mom anymore. Danny doesn’t have a dad anymore. His sister is—gone. He’s not going to hurt himself for wanting them back. There's no family and no house and no safety.
There are more quiet, empathetic presses against Danny’s emotions, but Danny pulls the covers up as high as they’ll go, and breathes through the thin cotton sheet pressed against his face.
It catches his tears, when he has them.
Someone mutters, and someone else mutters back. When Danny feels something touch his wrist through the cotton blanket, he can’t help flinching, but the speaker’s voice is familiar enough that he settles quickly enough. Danny listens to the lady—Wonder Woman, he remembers—hum softly.

It’s a nice hum.
She hums, and she strokes his wrist, and she doesn’t go anywhere. She’s a stalwart, soft presence at his side.
It’s nice.
It's... Relatively, it's safe.
Danny eventually stops acting like a baby, and. Takes the sheet off. He isn’t crying, so there aren’t and tears to wipe away (there’s no need to check the footage, just believe him!), but it takes him a second to get himself reoriented to the room without a giant psychic presence in it.
But the whole time, the lady just
rubs his wrist, and then his mildly obliterated (but mostly healed!) hand. And hums. And lets Danny reorient himself, at his own pace, and in a safe space.
 Danny sniffles. He hopes it’s all mucus in his sinus cavity, and not, like, more ecto. But who knows?
The lady tilts her head forward, until Danny can see the blue eyes peeking over her lavender surgical mask. Her hand comes to her chest to tap against the paper-thin PPE covering her top half.
“Wonder Woman,” the lady says, firmly and clearly. “Diana.”

That’s a name. Danny’s nose scrunches. That's a human name. That's a very recognizable, extremely culturally familiar human name.
They never introduced themselves, right?
 He is in space. Maybe he’s far enough away that no one will know him if he says his name.
(Or maybe Mom won’t want him back anyway, even if she found him.)
And there’s probably a million black-haired kids named Daniel, anyway. It’s a biblical name. These people don’t even speak English or Esperanto, or anything else Danny knows; so maybe it’s. Safe?
maybe Danny just wants to hear his name said again.
The lady frowns, and then eases closer. Danny—gently—tugs on a lock of her hair until she lowers, and his mouth can reach her ear.
“D’nny,” Daniel James Fenton whispers into Wonder Woman’s ear.
Diana raises herself back upright. Her eyes are wet.
“Danny,” she repeats back to him. Her callused hands gently take both of Danny’s scarred and lumpy ones. “Wel mete.”
“He believes that we are going to require his presence in combat as payment for his recovery,” J’onn reports diligently, and stuffs his trepidation deep into his countenance.
The league around him groans.
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AITA for ghosting this guy
The title sounds bad but bear with me (NSFW ahead) đŸ‘»đŸ‘» to find later
I (trans guy, 25) moved cities a year ago or so and I downloaded Grindr as means of hanging out with someone/winding down from stress of moving. I met this guy I will call A and I tell him I am a condom only kind of guy. We hook up a few times and he starts to say that condoms make him not like the act and even asks to take out condoms more than once until I cave in and we have one session condomless. The sex isn't even that good. After that I met someone better to hang out that don't just wants to fuck me and actually likes to talk to me so I start saying that I am not up to hook up with guy A, talking that I don't want to, until he confronts me (keep in mind he was messaging me like, 5 times per week asking if I wanted to fuck) and I say to him that he's too unreliable about condoms and that I don't want to hook up with him anymore. A then says "woah if it's like that I won't bother you anymore >:(" and I say ok. Fast forward for not even two weeks later he's in my DMs hey do you want to fuck, and because of his "I won't bother you anymore" that gave me my ex flashbacks I simply don't answer him. Then a few weeks later he asks me "what did I do wrong that you don't even answer me anymore?" And I qm dumbfounded because I am almost sure I communicated why but I still feel shitty because of his comment as he never did nothing wrong. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Sonny! I’m not very good at super thotty thots but how would a softdark!character react if you were drunk or high and accidentally let slip all the dirty sexy thoughts you have in your head about them? maybe you start acting on them a little? Trying to get on your knees because you just want their balls in your mouth so bad đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
ahh bestie this is so yummy even if it isn’t supper thotty !! me thinks:
this is best friend!Ari, you and him share an apartment while attending college, he’s a visual arts major 😌 and uses you as his model (sometimes without your knowledge 😳 nude sketches cough cough). he’s soft dark bc he’s a perv/creep, watches you get changed, grinds against you while you cuddle and you’re sleeping, and scares off other guys bc he’s a looming shadow kind of intimidating, very spooky đŸ‘».
he’s got the biggest crush on you, has been in love since he met you !! He’s also introverted, or at least you think so bc he doesn’t go to many parties and often only goes out of you’re going too â˜șïžđŸ’“ people have assumed you two are dating countless times, but you always say you’re just best friends (#friendzoned).
then at one party someone calls him to pick you up bc you’re not doing too hot, (they also say “your girlfriend is sick” and Ari doesn’t bother to correct them obviously !!). he takes you home, tucks you into his bed per your request, and continues doing his art assignment.
some nonsensical chit chat later, you start drunkenly talking about your missing clothes (he stole them ofc), and how guys never ask you out anymore (I wonder why đŸ€š), and how lonely you are. then, it goes into uhm
 less appropriate territory
 “you’re so hot. I don’t know why you act like you aren’t.”
Ari freezes, his pencil just ghosting the sketchbook. “Pardon?”
“I can’t believe you don’t have a girlfriend
 if we were dating, I’d be on my knees and sucking your dick right now.” You murmur, rolling around until you’re on your belly and staring at him. “I’ve seen you half-naked, and I know you’re graciously gifted.”
mhm I love when big beefy shy guys turn into daddy doms đŸ˜Ș he’d bring up the porn he knows you watch, all your toys in your bedroom and how pretty you sound when you come. he’d also rub his balls all over your face while taking about “I’m gonna mark you so everyone knows you’re mine”
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 11 months
shadow the series fear factor per episode
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episode 1 đŸ‘» (1 of 10)
spooky shadowperson
best jumpscare is when nai sits down besides dan on the sofa
a ghostly man appearing behind them but only nai can see him
episode 2 đŸ‘»đŸ‘»(2 of 10)
"the therapy session" with mr. brother and the trin "jumpscare"
'90 homophobia
episode 3 đŸ‘»đŸ‘»đŸ‘»(3 of 10)
headless clay dolls
talks about dead people getting thrown into the water to strengthen the ghost so they protect the area
when dan gets help from the monk and "dreams"
bumping up the spook factor with flickering lights and a creepy hallway
daddies creepy smile is creepy
episode 4 đŸ‘»đŸ‘»(2 of 10)
not creepy but dan's sad backstory
dan being ice cold when his dad dies
when kid!dan sees the shadowman for the first time
we get another jumpscare from trin
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elfoxisinfotech · 10 days
OMG, Your Marketing is SOOO Basic! Here’s How to Glow Up Your Brand, Bestie! 🚀💅
Hey bestie! 👋 Is your marketing as dry as last season’s memes? Are you still using those “classic” strategies like it’s 2010? 💀 Stop. Right. There. You deserve a marketing glow-up that’s hotter than your fave influencer’s latest collab drop. Let’s get you out of that marketing rut faster than you can say “algorithm change.” 😉
Step 1: Stop Ghosting Your Audience, Seriously! đŸ‘»
Babe, your audience is NOT your ex. Stop ghosting them with once-a-month posts and expecting them to care. That’s not how you build a squad! Consistency is key—post like it’s your job (because, umm, it kinda is?). Whether it’s TikTok dances, Insta Stories, or those random Twitter rants, just BE THERE. Show up and glow up, bestie!
Step 2: SEO Isn’t a Scary Monster Under Your Bed đŸ›ŒđŸ‘Ÿ
SEO is not just for nerds who wear glasses and say things like “backlinks.” It’s literally your best friend that helps you get found online! Want that sweet, sweet organic traffic? You gotta flirt with Google, baby! Think keywords, think headlines that scream “CLICK ME,” think getting in bed with analytics. (Not literally. Unless you’re into that? No judgment.)
Step 3: Influencers Are Your New BFFs đŸ‘Żâ€â™€ïžâœš
So you think you don’t need influencers? That’s cute. But let’s be real: they’re basically the cool kids of the internet, and you NEED them at your lunch table. Slide into those DMs and collab your way to the top! Micro, macro, nano—you don’t need Kylie Jenner money to make it happen. Even that local fashionista with 10K followers could be your ticket to brand heaven.
Step 4: SMM Like You Mean It, Boo đŸ“±â€ïž
Social Media Marketing isn’t just about posting random pics of your office dog (although, like, please do). It’s about turning your feed into the ultimate party everyone wants an invite to. You’re not just selling products, honey—you’re selling a vibe, a lifestyle, a whole dang mood. Engage, interact, and sprinkle emojis like they’re confetti at a TikTok party. 🎉
Step 5: PPC—Pretty Please Click đŸ’žđŸ€‘
PPC is the thirsty attention-seeker you actually want around. Pay-Per-Click ads are like that friend who always gets into VIP—instant access and instant results. Whether it’s Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or some random platform the Gen Z kids are using, make sure you’re throwing your dollars where they can flex the hardest. Invest in PPC, because organic reach is as flaky as your last situationship.
Step 6: Be Real, Be Relatable, Be Ridiculous đŸ„łđŸ€Ł
People love brands that have personality—so stop being boring! Share your fails, your weird behind-the-scenes moments, and that awkward time your CEO tried to do the latest TikTok challenge (spoiler: it was cringe, but everyone loved it). The internet loves authenticity. So, ditch the corporate speak and talk like you’re texting your BFF at 2 AM after three glasses of wine.
TL;DR: Stop Being Lame and Start Marketing Like a Boss đŸ’…đŸ”„
Marketing is not rocket science, but it IS a vibe. It’s a whole aesthetic. So, if your marketing strategy still smells like teen spirit (aka old and dusty), it’s time for a major glow-up. Get weird, get wild, and get those clicks, queen! The world is your content canvas, so paint it with memes, sass, and a little bit of marketing magic.
Now go out there and make the internet your playground. You got this, bestie! ✹🚀
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mariki33 · 1 year
Nordmark pod translation Swe-Eng
I've left out Per Nordmarks moments of reminiscence.
I usually excuse my English but this time I'll have to excuse Tobias Swedish. In parts it's been kind of hard to make sense of what he actually wants to say. Let alone translate. I've done the best i can but it can't be better then he spoke😅
Enjoy! Fellow Ghostie's đŸ‘»đŸ–€
N: Can you enjoy it (success) or do you feel like, Shit! I've hit the ceiling?
T: Ah,ee.. Yes all of it. I can feel all those feelings aem
 I believe it is a pretty common thing amongst performing people no matter if playing bass or have a running career or what ever. I believe there is a sense in people in aesthetic occupations that they in a way cultivated,, -a will to get somewhere, and comes from a certain feeling of being "mal place" early on. So i think you get stuck on a notion that things are the same, why haven't i changed more. Why do i feel the same way inside as then. Eem.. And, well, it's really hard sometimes to pin point why you once set a goal that felt clear as day, and then you've sort of passed that point,, you haven't really noticed it. It's not that you're unhappy or discontent.. -How is it that i set a NEW goal?
All the time like a carrot, literally like a carrot in front of the donkeys mouth. It moves all the time in relation to where you're at, forward. But.. i think people i know are like that. So, most people i know or have some kind of exchange with, talks to or read about, or interviews about people, or heard someone speak -I believe it's pretty common eem..ee.. human instinct that many people have and don't really have a big aesthetic career.. But it can be like you redecorate at home and do that over and over and buying new stuff and throwing away 
 I don't believe it necessearaly have to be something negative, but, a,a a, an error we make as humans, foremost in the western world Eeem, or where e,e,, what's it called.. as a linear faith. Even if not religious, we have a linear view of time. You start and finish. In opposite to the circular were you just,, circulate, So the idea we have of that if you do this and that you will reach a new state were all problems are solved, or it's catch 22 -No! Status quo/Nirvana. And ee, i try to work against that, -even if i do that. If i do this and then do that it will.. or this thing or like that. -When i finished this record,, -God, how i'm going to feel good then. Oh, god i'm gonna suck on that candy because its so big and salty and sweet, he he..
T: Well to be dull speaking it's probably something you learn with age. Like, when you're young you actually don't have much perspective,, and being immature, that really fucks things up..And hormones and a whole lot of other stuff that coincide so even if your're being focused, Aee,ee Like simply expressed,if you want to move your hometown, other places seem more fun,, it's over there life is happening. I mean how many people in Sweden only isn't there that have moved from the small town to Stockholm, Göteborg or Malmö.. And it occurs to you -Even here you have to and take a shit. Damn, shit! That life is actually the same wherever. I know people who live in grand homes on the other side of the world that also have leaking roofs and mold damage. They also got bills to pay and sometimes you run out of money..
N: How much of Ghost mirrors your perspective of life? What's your view of life?
T: It's becoming harder and harder to isolate what's me and what's Ghost. If not speaking of a character you can step in and out of and the character that i do on stage as a third person perspective. Aeem,, Ghost is very much my thoughts, wonders and feelings expressed. Filtered. In some kind of way, nowadays, A cmprehensible eem,, expression. That,, Where most of the wonders i have,, like the first album was more abstract, if you like, compared to the latter a bit more "realistic" Like you know? In comments. Also a huge part of me and my childhood and background foremost. Like, from the extreme metal. Many people that have gotten to know Ghost lately.. The first 1000 people who got to know Ghost was into extreme underground metal. Like i was. And the expression is pretty un-original. It was just a new presentation that might have felt original. Like everyone had their own "pasta restaurant" and it was a new "pasta dish" . That only was a "new fusion". Whilst those who come from a totally different "cousine" and a completely different music style. Like the "hipster world who aren't brought up with metal and only read about black metal in the twenties. They can be like Oh ! What an original concept.. Pop music with satanist lyrics.. And that is basically a rewrite.. Eee, ah,, I only wrote what is closest and purest to me in expression. To me it's emm, well that aesthetics,,I don't know how to.. Because that's the only way i've expressed feelings during my adolescence. I was out messing about for a while, which was interesting. It wasn't remotely close to what happened after, That is that i produced one album in some kind of vacuum and had no idea if there was an audience for it. It was when we were about to do the second album and started to write, and mostly from the third and onwards,, That partly you can write, if not only, write like fictive texts, that's about occultism or that type of descriptions of things. It will become runout pretty quick. Many bands have done that. It easily becomes tedious. Aeem,, Then there are a lot that can be described about real things and stuff and how it relates with words that alludes to that "world". And therefore it has more and more become all my thoughts and values passed through Ghost in some way. Then maybe there is an even more primitive part of me Eee,,That probably eee,, maybe would like to write more, same or more like aggressive stuff. That is closer to the way i wrote when i was seventeen. Ehm,, But that wouldn't fit the narrative(Ghost). It will be some kind of Death metal at some point. Because if so you just have to be able to "drop the gloves and just box". It's more of an ugly language, more like unfiltered, like that. Not to say Ghost is filtered, but still presental. It's like being a film creator and one part is drama with a story from start to end and with a neat budget. And then step down to do a splatter movie. To get rid of the "mess". But I'm lucky, i've,, Ghost is very close to where i stand. It's horror, it's metal
.elements.. it's rock, it's pop rock. It's everything from Kiss to Venom. ABBA, all that stuff i like. And we do covers of stuff that i also like. It becomes some kind of potpurri of my inner self. Not in all my parts. I don't get everything out of it. But mostly. So it's hard sometimes to completely separate myself from it.
N: What's happening next for Ghost?
T: Right now, as we speak, we're about a month away from going on tour. So we've had a break now for a while. Emm,,like since september. And now It's may. And since september we haven't been touring. And therefore starting up again. And the band is actually coming here to Stockholm. Band and crew. And we'll be rehearsing and stay here a couple of weeks. And then go on EU tour in the middle of May to the beginning of July.
N: Are you playing in Stockholm?
T: No, we only do Sweden Rock, sadly.
N: Are you playing Copenhagen?
T: We're playing at Copenhell there, so,,
T: So it's like a classic festival tour were to simply, Get an offer from a festival and that offer means you musn't play anywhere else close by. So you can't "free style". But those countries were we do gigs, like in France we do like eight, no wait,,,seven or eight gigs. And in Germany we also do four to five gigs. And that's why we don't play at Hellfest and that's why we don't do Rock am ring. And that stuff we should have done, or were supposed to do,, But we felt we wanted to put together a tour that starts and ends without everyone being forced to go home, and here, and there.. It becomes trouble. But we've put together a five to six weeks tour between May and July. And then there's a break. After that USA July/August. And then the tour goes on, just continues,, forever,, No, ha ha No it isn't bad, i think it's a blast!
It will be pretty different from the EU tour were we do festival/headline, festival/headline, headline/festival.. Very outspread with all of Europes tastes. USA is a consecutive/shed tour.
T: Precisely, and then they have like opposite to "folk parks" here, they have "sheds". Amphi theatres, with or without roofs, out on the country side. And the whole tour are places like that. So it's nice and extremely hot. Especially in August -September. And then, when there are storms in September, then it can be pretty "hairy" to be outdoors. But after that we go direct to Mexico, down to Braszil, Argentina, Chile.. And then we go to Australia.
N: I will go to a gig to see you somewhere in the world.
T: Yes, do that
N: Thanks for being my guest, Wonderful.
T: Thanks a lot for having me. Of course you gotta come to a gig.
The end.
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peach-thekid · 1 year
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its-a me, talia! đŸ–€ apologies in advance for the long post but i'm a writer, so i talk a lot. right now, i'm making a resurgence in the world of creative writing AKA roleplaying and pretending that makes up for my lack of inspo for my own novel ideas ✌
with that newfound desire for more involvement comes the sad realization that i am in dire lack of long term rp partners. so... here i am i *pathetic loser shrug*
anyways, who am i?
age: 24
pronouns: she/her
timezone: EST
ok obligatory about me section time. i'm a trophy wife who has been doing creative writing since i learned the alphabet. my husband is navy and so its always an adventure. i have a bachelors degree in communications and have lots of experience with nonprofits and marketing! i have a doggo and 2 lovely sphynx cats and i am currently in a musical for the month of august! i am a huge nerd and although i have a lot of life changes coming up, i am hoping to balance out that stress with some awesome writing friends and stories! i'm mentally ill but who isnt and i'm an introverted extrovert, i would say.
what does writing with me look like?
first off, if you aren't open to OOC chatter then i'm probably not for you. i'm sure you're awesome but i am a very loving and excitable person who will want to fangirl and share inspo and get to you know as a buddy! the best part of writing collaboratively is the collaboration part for me so i love to plot, headcanon, and overall just go back and forth! 
reply speed: multiple a day/one a day/multiple a week (AKA it all depends)
average post length: semi-literate to novella, anywhere from 2-5+ paragraphs per post, scene-dependent but the more the better!
writing wise, i write third person, past tense and i'm mostly looking for m/m and m/f pairings. i love tropes and angst and drama. romance is a must but i also love adventure and building a fantastic story! i don't write characters that are labeled 'top/bottom' or anything like that, i much prefer to create charas for the story and explore all kinds of connections! i use realistic FCs or realistic art FCs in specific settings
genre-wise, i write slice of life/realistic, supernatural (vampires & werewolves), horror/thriller (think It or Stranger Things vibes), historical fiction, apocalypse/dystopia, sci-fi, and fantasy can be discussed as well but it's my least faves!
fandom-wise, i will write OCs in a fandom universe (unless its ron weasley, i will canon ron for you pshhhh). fandoms i know enough to write in would be harry potter, stranger things, it/stephen king, lord of the rings, maze runner, hunger games... yeah. that might be it? idk. you can always ask
triggers: i don't have many, but i try to avoid writing as/against furry, non-humanoid characters, ERP, non-cis characters (i don't have experience to respectfully write this), doubling, and poly relationships
kinks/limits: i prefer NSFW to only really take up 30% or less of a story, but i'm not against smut. i am fine to keep things vanilla or talk about preferences in DMs! i'm also fine to FTB. the most important thing is the story and characters to me
final thoughts
here is my writing sample and i'd loooove if you reach out and share one as well!
i am đŸ‘» ghost-friendly đŸ‘» but don't prefer it so i hope we can find a great story to connect on and write together! 
i write over discord and/or google docs. please send a message over discord and i can accept it if my DMs are still open!
discord: muppetmayqueen
feel free to reach out with an introduction on who you are and what made you reach out! i'll try to get back to you as soon as i can if we'd be a good fit! <3
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grimalkinsquill · 2 years
đŸ‘»â€ïžđŸŽ for your writer ask game?
What is your wildest headcanon?
Per fandoms in my pea brain right now:
Miraculous: Plagg likes cheese because they remind him of the sole holder he partnered with who didn't use him for combat/conquest/destruction. His talking about technical cheese facts is somewhat built out of nostalgia for how that holder would talk while sampling their cheese experiments.
Pokemon: Giocomo (Scarlet and Violet) and Guzma (Sun and Moon) are related. Their features are extraordinarily similar to each other (to the point where it wouldn't surprise me to learn if Guzma's model had worked as the base for Giocomo's)
Na Daoine Maithe: Shite, wildest for NDM, uh Keagon's will-o-wisp was his sole companion in a life on the streets and his predilection for luxury is a trauma-response. That's actually rather tame. Uh. Fuck. Finn was observing Robin to create werewolves! When all else fails, NDM werewolf headcanons!
What is your favourite line that you've ever written in a fic?
Oh, that's a HARD one. Uh. Let's go back in my catalogue a bit, um...
“Everything about being a thief? It’s all distraction, then moving in when they’ve got their guard down.” “So what, you keep the other Rogues as a distraction for everyone else?” She joked. He smirked. “Why do you think I picked up the guy who could turn anything with glass involved into a warzone and a getaway route to begin my crew with? The mind games Mirror Master can play with people is a damn good distraction while I ice vaults open to get the cash.” Captain Cold snorted. “And it makes Tuesday poker nights interesting.”
The "And it makes Tuesday poker nights interesting", in this specific build-up context, is one of my favourite things I've put together. It's from Hackity Hack, my old Young Justice fic. I have a very soft space in my heart for "thieves raise the best heroes" as a concept.
Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Sure! Have this bit from the oSaW London special that I had to exorcise out of my brain so it'd stop haunting me like a ghost!
“What is your name, fiat-chat?” She looked up at him. “Why don’t we play a game, my lord?” His silvery grey-blue eyes went from a dull and angry hue to a shining joyful one. “Oh? What are the rules?”
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whumpofdory · 2 years
đŸ‘»đŸ©» for Alvard
👑 for Evine
- @pigeonwhumps
From this ask game
For Alvard:
đŸ‘»- Do you believe in ghosts?
"I'd like to. I'd like to think my parents are still here guiding me, and my brother and wife are still here beside me. I want them to be at rest, but I'm so alone besides that I don't know what I'd do if I didn't talk to them every now and again, even if they can't hear me."
đŸ©»- Do you have any lines you won't cross?
CW: Noncon mention
"Yeah, of course. The human pets my family takes have historically been bedfellows as well, but I'd never rape anyone, Callum included. That's one thing I believe is completely wrong, no matter what.
"Even after his training, he may offer himself but... that wouldn't be him, that'd be who I made him to be. Still wrong there. So I guess I wouldn't cross that line either."
For Evine:
👑- Do you think whumper spoils you?
"I don't think Callum ever spoiled me. He gave me nice things as rewards every now and again if I earned them, but he was just as eager to give me punishments too.
"If you mean Alvard, I wouldn't say he spoils me, per se. He's been merciful so far, but I'm sure once I start working for him it'll be the same as it was with Callum."
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countfagula · 16 days
Emeritus Brothers Headcannon fall edition as promised!
Primo enjoys the changing of the leaves though it makes him sad that winters coming but he takes it as opportunity to teach younger siblings of sin about the cycle of life and death. Primo also enjoys baking and will make traditional Italian sweets for everyoone but especially his brothers.
Secondo throws the best Halloween parties there typically small events with a few chosen siblings and ghouls but their absolutely unforgettable plus he’s a sucker for a horror movie so the brothers have a lot of movie nights during that time. His favorite is Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I will not be taking arguments on it.
Terzo is absolutely elated when it hits October first because he loves the macabre and spooky! He absolutely is someone who starts planning their costume in august and boy are his impressive! He loves either doing couples costumes with his partners or group costumes with his brothers! I also headcannon that his birthday is on Halloween so he’s a huge birthday month guy.
Copia loves fall because it gets cooler and he’s a lot more relaxed with his causal wear it’s not odd to find him in his office in a hoodie and sweats doing paper work that’s most certainly overdo at this point. He’s a sucker for Pumpkin spice lattes fight me on it. He also loves being able to gather his brothers up to help plan the Samhain/Halloween festival the ministry holds each year.
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sstarryknight · 2 years
Ghost are among us. Everywhere. They look like you and me but don't have a care for anyone's feelings. Yes, I'm talking about ghosting. "the act or practice of abruptly cutting off all contact with someone (such as a former romantic partner) usually without explanation by no longer accepting or responding to phone calls, instant messages, etc." Per Webster dictionary.
I've been ghosted several times. It's hurtful and confusing. Communication is basic human integrity. Really ending a relationship shows back bone. You can do this through a simple text, a letter or in person. People want closure.
I've learned not hold animosity towards the Casper đŸ‘» To focus on myself without blame. Cultivate your real relationships, enjoy your hobbies and stay positive that you will find someone worthy of your love, effort and time. And if that person never comes, you'll be okay.
We put a lot of stress on being in a relationship or marriage. We must be able to look at ourselves in the mirror. I'm not perfect. I'm sure I've ghosted people without malicious intention but rather out of convince however it's time to end this trend. I for one, will stay true to my feelings and express them in the kindest way possible after all, the most important relationship is with ourselves.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
3 10 18 (for something from pour me a drink) pls for writing asks!!
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Oh, well I don't know that I have a writing ritual per se, but I do tend to check tumblr/emails/news/etc right before I start writing, like I'm saying goodbye to this world before descending into inner madness. It's cursed because most of the times I actually stop at that stage, get stuck into a scrolling rabbit hole and never write anything 😅
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Um, well yeah, my own writing haunts me all the time lol! I mean I do write down sentences so they’ll stop haunting me.
And also many lines/passages I read from others tend to stay with me for a while after I read them. For instance that line you wrote in your bodyswap fic where Rio compares Dean’s eyes to Beth’s and says that it’s like somebody whashed the saturation off Elizabeth’s (forgive any mistake, I’m quoting from memory) is still with me -- and I’m getting sidetracked but I can’t believe it’s been more than a year since you posted that fic??? And I was there assuming it had been like five months  😅😅😅
Also I'm forever haunted by @blizabrth 's You'll turn into dirt.... This fic broke me. It's living a life of its own in my brain. I know it almost by heart. It was August but my grave was cold. When they found me they didn't even know who I was. WAS IT WORTH IT?? đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±
You wanted haunting well this is what haunting feels like đŸ‘»đŸ‘»đŸ‘»
Now what does that haunting mean to me (you’re trying to subliminally talk me into writing a ghost POV, arent you??)? Idk I don’t understand that question lol! I guess to me it’s just that some fragments of writing just stay there in a corner of my mind and pop back up every now and then and make me feel things?
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage. (for something from pour me a drink)
Oooof, this is a tough one, because I am afraid that this one story doesn’t have a backstory at all. Like I just sat at my desk one morning and wrote it all in one go, and as I remember it there were very few revisions so I’m not sure I have anything juicy to say about some before/after changes? I honestly don’t know what got into me that day, or what I was on, but it must have been wild.
I remember cackling for five minutes straight when I came up with the sentence about the garbled tales of the daubed mug, and also all the sexual innuendos (the “sparkling drinks spilling inside you”, the “hand wrapped around his firmness” or something??) but that’s pretty much it I’m afraid... Honestly the way I remember it, it seems like you commented under one of my posts being like “pls write the bourbon POV” and I said okay and started thinking about it for a few minutes, sat down, and blam (the cxg-season-2-theme-song-with-rebecca-popping-in-the-middle kind of blam).
Weird writing asks
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criticalrolo · 3 years
đŸ‘»đŸ™ŠđŸŠđŸ’Ą for remus thalia aaaaaand one more of your choosing?
OOo these are good ones
đŸ‘» GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their “ghostly experiences”, if any?
Remus: Honestly I think Remus feels more like a ghost than a person half the time, since he's become Unstuck from the timeline and can see "echoes" of the future/alternate Realities in the present. So basically -- if ghosts are real he's one of them by his own estimation!
Thalia: She's been possessed several times so she's definitely down on the Ghost are Real and Trying to Kill Me front LOL
Sigrun: Oh for sure, she's a "follower" of the Old Gods in a world that is VERY antagonistic towards people who walk the Old Paths, and she for SURE knows all about the ghosts and echoes of the past that people in this world refuse to talk about. She's also actually met Osvald as a ghost but doesn't know it was him since he was cloaked as One Of The Gods at the time!! That's gonna be fun for her to find out in game.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
Remus: Remus is ALWAYS jumping to push people to safety when he gets a vision of their impending doom. He hasn't thought about it super philosophically, but in his heart he really feels like it's his moral imperative to Help if he has the means and the knowledge to do so.
Thalia: Thalia would NOT keep her thoughts to herself when her morally questionable/straight up evil stepfather and halfbrother were being. well. themselves. so she is ALWAYS ready to argue with family when theyre being EVIL
Sigrun: She has a negative wisdom score. She's absolutely going to mention casually that she's met an emissary of the Old Gods to the wrong person right away
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
Remus: Actually I don't know if he's ever had the occasion to go swimming! He's lived in relatively rocky/mountainous regions his whole life so like. Maybe he's waded in a creek or spent some time learning how to float but I don't think he's a good swimmer by any stretch of the imagination. Now I really want to see how he'd react to seeing the ocean for the first time though...
Thalia: Thalia was born and raised on an island and then later lived by a seaside village, so she LOVES the water and likes how it reminds her of flying. She's a great swimmer and probably misses the ocean a lot.
Sigrun: I don't think she's afraid of swimming per se, but the last time she was in a river she was absolutely Mostly Dead and just barely managed to float towards some kind of safety so swimming is definitely going to bring up some bad memories for her. I think she CAN swim but she's NOT going to be enthusiastic about it. She'd rather have her feet on solid ground.
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
Remus: Not a planner. Barely can keep his head screwed on straight. Has been swept up in the River of Time and is barely keeping his head above water. Has NO mental wherewithal to try to make detailed plans beyond Making It Through The Next Week
Thalia: MUCH more of a planner than some of my other characters. She wants to think things through and try to settle on something Actionable before diving into the belly of the beast. She ends up getting swept up in the moment a lot of the time, though, and has DEFINITELY been known to make some rash decisions before. Still, she's trying her best to make a plan and stick to it before life intervenes and ruins her train tracks
Sigrun: Her plan is: ahaha what if I press this big red button just to see what it does. Lol if something bad happens we'll just kill our way out and go about our day. what's the worst that could happen lmao!!
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overclockedroulette · 3 years
đŸ‘»đŸ’„đŸ§đŸŸ Riri (both of them), Mochi, invi and Of Course Cyrus Nightstalker my Beloved
who's the other riri scotty
đŸ‘» GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
Avarice: His boss is a lich. If he's ever claimed not to believe in ghosts, it's to piss off Kirren.
Mochi <3: Never had an experience with ghosts personally, so... probably never really thought about it.
Invidia: She talks to ghosts on the daily king she works in the afterlife.
Cyrus: Fucking ABSOLUTELY, but he's not like. Afraid of them. Never had a "supernatural experience" per se but you'd better believe his excuse for every unexplained noise is -shrug- "ghosts."
đŸ’„ COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Avarice: Yes.
Vega: Anger. He's used to other negative emotions, so he can deal with them fairly easily, but anger is repressed so far. He doesn't let himself be angry. He thinks it's disrespectful. (Plus, other people have it worse.)
Invidia: Jealousy. Enough said.
Cyrus: He was pretty good with his emotions. I'd say since Jan passed he had some internal problems with affection, though. (He felt like he was replacing her.)
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Avarice: If you think he didn't burn everything from his childhood you have another thing coming.
(psyche lmao it's the notebook eugi and willow gave him)
He keeps it under a loose floorboard under his bed because he can't bring himself to burn it, and he only writes in it when he's really lonely. Nobody else actually knows he kept it (or had it in the first place) so he wouldn't really have much of an external reaction if he lost it. Although he might have a private breakdown once he realises.
Vega: Absolutely not he got out of his childhood home via suicide attempt. He was pretty upset about losing that shrimp plushie his uncle got him, though.
Invidia: Little bits of jewellery she took from various people. She can't remember most of the origins.
Cyrus: A teddy bear he was given by his mother, when he was very young. It plays a little music box when you squeeze its paw.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Avarice: This man can't cook for shit. When he actually remembers to eat, he goes out.
Vega: Competent chef. He's at least adequate, and he likes cooking.
Invi: She has personal chefs. She is a queen. But she does bake when she can.
Cyrus: isn't allowed in a kitchen after last time. And the time before that. And the time before that.
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kpopsnowball · 3 years
Hello i hope you are doing well 💗 may i please participate in your game đŸ„ș
The emoji i choose is â˜ș the idol is jungkook.
So some facts about me: my sun moon and rising is gemini sun and virgo moon and rising. i look really cold lol 😆. I mean my appearance iz more of the serious type one but my personality depends on how the person I'm talking to is. I'm very straightforward and can't beat around the bush. People often get hurt because of this. I am very competitive af. I am an ambivert. I cannot communicate with children at all idk it feels weird to talk when i cannot understand what they are saying. I'm more comfortable with elders. I have leadership qualities and experiences. I am very open minded compared to others around me. Once you get to know me I'm really chill and open with you. I love music and dance. I am very clumsy. That's why sometimes I'm scared going outside at family places. I like hugs and only hugs. I don't like other skin ships. I have a good fashion sense and often get praised for that. I like working out and taking care of myself. I have a wild imagination world. So i write stories and stuff. I like pets and trees. I like black, red and beige aesthetics. I love fragrances and perfumes alotttttt especially soft ones like soap , shampoo, candles. I really like accessories and tattoos. I get happy with very little things â˜ș. I can debate very well. I like to speak calmly and prefer people not to shout. I'm scared of heights, sea, loud noises, darkness and ghost đŸ‘»đŸ˜łđŸ˜… basically everything. I'm very protective and passionate about my friends. I am a very curious soul. My love language is physical touch like cuddling and kisses. I am very understanding of others feelings. I am very flirty Unintentionally but only with my friends. Cleanliness is very important to me!!! I hate manner less people and prefer to maintain basic manners.
I hope it's enough. And thank you very much 😊
Hello love!! Hope you are doing good!!:)
To me you seem that you are tough outside but a soft baby inside:) wanna protect you at all costs! With him, I feel that your relationship would be like bestfriends turned to lovers. I just feel that you guys would blend in soo well together. There are parts of you which he would bring to light and there are parts of him which you would. He’s an analytical and a critical person(not in a negative way) but as per your personality, you wouldn’t mind criticism and learn from it. You would understand his intentions, you would know that all he wants is you to grow. You also very well know how to create your boundary and he would learn that, he would understand your limits and try to cooperate the same way you do. So it’s a mutual give and take. I could see that he would laugh at your adorableness(even if that’s a word) while you are staring at a child crying and you are simply like, what did even happen? Dates with him would be going to couple workouts together, hanging out late at night on streets to have food(even though you both might be health conscious but sometimes it’s okay) him always sticking by your side and wanting only your touch on him so he might constantly be in touch you with you because it helps him feel secure. You both would inspire people to live healthy. Everyday with him would feel like warm home. You trying new experiments and he would be the one to encourage you and at the same time help you be more grounded. He would never restrict you to do something but would be there for you like right by your side when things go wrong. When you would cry, his warm hug would take all your sorrow away, his arms would be the one where you could feel the whole world. Just with him:)
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I hope you like it love!! Please leave your feedback as it helps me grow and improve!! Till then take care!! Sending you lots of love and happiness!!:))
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