clangenrising · 3 days
Month 20 - Leaffall
Despite the heavy, nearly unbearable grief over Sagetooth’s passing, Ospreymask was doing very well these days. Her wounds had all healed nicely. Things were starting to feel less dire. After the battle, SkyClan had started sending warriors to help patrol the southern border, just in case, and the Clans had reinstated the twenty-four hour patrol schedule that had been abandoned after Razor’s death. As much as the work was tiring, there were always new cats in the camp and the novelty of it was enough to brighten her spirits considerably.
It was especially nice when Pebblefall came to visit. Ospreymask had begged Russetfrond to let her patrol with them whenever they came by and he had eventually relented, seeing as offering to work wasn’t something she usually did. She couldn’t help but feel smug about it. If only he knew what she and Pebblefall got up to when they had the time to themselves, maybe then he would have second guessed that decision. 
On a breezy leaffall day, she took a good long moment to appreciate just how lucky she was as she lay sprawled against their belly in the grass, watching it wave gently over their silvery speckled fur. It wasn’t every day you found a friend like Pebblefall -- or for that matter, a friend like Branchbark, who had agreed to cover for them on patrol again. Sighing, she reasoned that they ought to get back before he got ambushed by rogues or coyotes or something, even if she’d rather keep dozing peacefully to the gentle rhythm of Pebblefall’s slumbering breaths. 
“Alright,” she said, batting lightly at their face, “time to get up, lazy bones.” Pebblefall groaned and rolled onto their back to stretch their paws as far as they could go in either direction. Ospreymask had to resist the temptation to lavish the gorgeous arc of their body with playful licks like she so often did these days. That would lead to Branchbark being on his own for another good while and she was already starting to feel guilty about how long they had been gone. 
“Do I have to get up?” Pebblefall asked sleepily, peeking at her with one eye. 
“Yeah…” she sighed again. “I think Branchbark is probably getting tired of covering for us by now.” 
“Oof,” they frowned and sat up. “You’re probably right. I wish I could thank him for everything.” 
Ospreymask laughed and said, “You could always try. Stars know he could do with a bit of stress relief.” 
“Not like that, dummy,” Pebblefall swiped at her and she bounced backwards out of their reach. 
“Why not?” she kept laughing. “You seem happy to thank me that way.” 
Pebblefall stood and stretched, glaring playfully at her as they bowed. “Thank you? What have you done worth thanking for?” 
“Um, I am generous enough to allow you to enjoy the pleasures of my body,” she huffed performatively and stood up straight as if offended. “Is that not worthy of thanks?” 
“Sounds to me like we’re gonna get stuck in a loop pretty quickly if that’s how I thank you for letting me thank you,” they snorted. Carefully fixing the nettle flowers they wore back into place behind their ear, they padded over to join her. 
“Is that a bad thing?” she purred teasingly, winding her tail around theirs.
“I guess not,” they chuckled and nipped playfully at her ear. She shook her head and they set off towards the border where Branchbark was waiting for them. 
Ospreymask hummed thoughtfully to herself as they walked, eventually saying, “You’re good with me keeping the kittens if there are any, right?” 
“Oh, yeah,” Pebblefall nodded. “I’m not in any rush to be a parent.” 
“Good, cause you would have had to pry them from my cold dead paws,” Ospreymask declared. “I’m so kitten crazy it’s not even funny.” 
“I do not understand that at all,” they shook their head. “Kits are so tiring and annoying. I can’t imagine having to carry them either, it sounds like a nightmare.” 
“No way!” she said. “They’re so much fun! Just cute little bundles of joy that love you with all their heart. It's so easy to impress a kitten, it’s the best.” She smiled, imagining little Pebblefall copies following her around and asking her questions about the world. “I’m actually really looking forward to being pregnant. I want to feel their little heartbeats and kicks and everything. It sounds absolutely magical.”
“If you say so,” they shrugged and she let that be the end of it. She was too busy thinking about the kittens she might soon have. 
Eventually, they made it to the border and found Branchbark waiting where they had left him. He looked up as they approached and let out a sigh of relief. Standing, he padded over to them looking miffed but mostly glad to see them. 
“There you are,” he said. “The next patrol is supposed to relieve us soon. I was getting worried about how I would explain where you’d gone.” 
“You can always come get us,” Ospreymask offered but Branchbark blushed and shook his head. 
“Uh, no, I don’t think so,” he fumbled out the words and Ospreymask laughed. 
“Okay, I get it. We’ll take a smaller nap next time, promise.” 
“Can’t you just, you know, not nap?” he asked, quirking a brow at her. 
“It’s tiring,” Pebblefall said. “It’d be more suspicious if we didn’t nap and the two of us came back exhausted.”
“It can’t be that tiring,” Branchbark scowled. 
“You’d know if you’d tried it,” Ospreymask gave him a playful shove and he pushed her back without any humor. She was pushing her luck and she could tell.
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” he rolled his eyes tiredly. “Let’s just make another sweep before we have to go back, alright?”
“Yeah, sure thing,” Pebblefall said with a guilty grimace. “We’ll be more considerate in the future, man. I’m sorry.” 
Branchbark sighed. “It’s alright. Don’t mention it.” He started walking, leaving Pebblefall and Ospreymask to exchange rueful glances. 
As they finished out the patrol, Ospreymask’s guilt grew in her stomach and started to writhe. Branchbark had taken Sagetooth’s death a lot harder than she had -- probably harder than anybody -- which had totally caught her off guard. She’d tried to go back to acting like nothing had happened, to replace the sadness with new joys, but it seemed like Branchbark wasn’t having as easy of a time at it as she was. And on top of it all, she had been asking him to be all alone for not inconsiderable stretches of time so she could fool around without doing anything for him in return. 
If he had asked her for a favor, she would gladly have given it to him, but he never asked for anything. She chewed her lip for the entire walk back to camp, trying to think of a way to repay him for his kindness. She was so deep in thought, she barely noticed when Pebblefall said goodbye and headed back to their own territory. 
“Hey,” Branchbark asked, a little while after they had left, “are you alright?” 
“Yeah,” she nodded, smiling immediately. “I’m fine, I’m just worried about you man. I feel like I’ve been a bad friend.” 
Branchbark pursed his lips and looked down. “No, you’re fine, I’m just… stuck in my head right now.” 
“I know!” Ospreymask cried, butting her head against his shoulder. “You’ve been so good to me lately, I wanna return the favor.”
“It’s okay,” he said, nuzzling back into her. “I don’t know what I would ask for anyway.” 
“Well, if you can think of something, just let me know, yeah?” she asked. 
“Yeah, okay,” he nodded. 
Ospreymask sighed in defeat. He wasn’t going to ask.
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
snowstorm, alderfrost, pebblefall, and maplesnow!
good to know that i give off winter(?) vibes. /lh
pebblefall’s similar to the name of my sona (leaffall)’s sibling... rockflight... i think i may’ve changed to rockfall at one point, idr tho!
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valyrknight · 6 years
Tumblr media
Whistle Pebblefall, the trashy Kenku Wizard Extraordinaire! by u/JessJackdaw
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sootwhiskers · 3 years
psst i keep forgetting that i changed pebblestep’s (background thunderclan warrior) name, it was originally pebblefall so if u see that name on another cat’s profile know that i mean pebblestep
also why are background characters so much more fun to design than major characters
i gotta say tho it is really satisfying filling the allegiances with links
and please for the love of god i am begging you if you like what i post reblog it. i dont wanna sound like one of THOSE ppl but still...everything being likes is kinda depressing
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tanglestripe · 7 years
Islandclan’s Struggle Ch 2
[AO3] [Fanfiction]
Badgerpaw rested her chin on her paws. It was raining, and she had taken shelter under the branches that protected the apprentices den. She had been so excited the previous night, earning her warrior name while fighting side by side with her clan. But Tanglestripe - Tanglestar now - had rested after appointing Ravenfeather deputy and then left for the cove. She and Spottedstream had come back just as the dawn patrol was leaving. Ravenfeather had spoken to her about joining it, but she had declined. She was still grieving Quailfeather, and had no will to eat let alone join a patrol as an apprentice. He had understood, and for that she was grateful. She had been so proud of Quailfeather, that she earned her warrior name before joining the ranks of Starclan, but now it just hurt. The cat she loved was gone and she was still an apprentice. She got stiffly to her paws when Nightwhisker walked over, every muscle aching from crouching there since before dawn and the battle a sunrise ago. Ravenfeather had understood that she didn't want to patrol, but she had to train if she was still an apprentice. Instead, her mentor dropped a large carp in front of her. She looked up, confused.
"I saw that you went straight to your den last night," she said, settling down beside her as she sat down again, "you need to eat to keep up your strength if you want to become a warrior." Badgerpaw looked down at the fish, but still had no appetite.
"Tanglestar's never going to make me a warrior," she sighed, laying down with her head on her paws, "I should be with Quailfeather."
"That is not true, and you know it," Nightwhisker gently ran her tail over her back, "Quailfeather would never wish for you to suffer. I'm sure she is watching from Starclan right now, willing you to eat this fish." Badgerpaw looked at the fish, then back up at her mentor.
"Do you think she'll remember me?" she asked.
"Of course she will," Nightwhisker meowed, then pushed the fish toward her. "Come on, share this with me and keep up your strength. I know you're grieving, Ravenfeather told me about the patrol, but the clan needs fresh-kill. After we eat I was thinking we could fish, just the two of us." Badgerpaw nodded, sitting up and ducking down to take a bite of the fish. Her and Nightwhisker shared the fish, sitting side by side. When they finished, Badgerpaw stood up and ran her tongue around her jaws.
"I'm supposed to go see Spottedstream before I leave camp," she meowed. Nightwhisker nodded and released her with a flick of her tail. She hurried to the medicine cats den, food in her belly and moving around helping to lighten her spirits in spite of the rain. She pushed her way into the den, resisting the urge to shake out her fur so she didn't get everything wet. Applepaw was still asleep in her nest, but Spottedstream walked out of the store at the back of the cave where she kept her herbs and had her own nest. She gave a friendly flick of her tail when she saw Badgerpaw, walking over to sniff at her ear and check the cobwebs. Badgerpaw shifted impatiently on her paws as Spottedstream checked over her tail and her scratches as well.
"We're just going fishing," she meowed, hoping that would help. Spottedstream nodded.
"Don't dive, and come back here afterwards. If I give you more salve now it will just wash off in the rain." she said with a wave of her tail.
"Thanks, Spottedstream!" she called over her shoulder as she hurried out of the den. Now that she was up and about, she was looking forward to getting out of camp. She padded over to the tunnel out of camp where Nightwhisker was waiting.
"I'm not allowed to dive, but she said I'm okay to go fishing," she reported. Nightwhisker nodded and led her out of camp. They went to the river marking the border to fish. It was deep enough to dive, but the shallower part of the river had fish swimming close enough to the surface to hook with a paw. The two cats sat beside each other, and Nightwhisker looked over at her as she settled, careful not to let her shadow fall across the water.
"Why don't you hook the first one," Nightwhisker suggested, "I'll watch your technique." Badgerpaw nodded and watched the water, paw up and ready to grab the first fish she saw. She watched the fish swimming through the river for a long moment before one caught her eye. Her paw flicked into the water, fast as lightning, and she scooped it out, pinning it with a paw as it flopped on the riverbank and killing it quickly with a bite. When she looked over to her mentor, she could see pride sparkling in her eyes.
* * *
They took two trips to bring all of their fish back to camp. The fishing was always good in greenleaf, but this close to leaf-fall the clan needed to eat to prepare for the harshness of leaf-bare, when the river dried up and they had to rely on only their forest prey. Since the dogs had taken over half of the island, all of the prey other than fish rarely strayed from their burrows thanks to the barking and baying of the dogs. Badgerpaw had no idea how they managed to hunt if they were always so loud.
As they brought back the last of their catch, warriors were coming back from patrols with their own prey. The fresh-kill pile looked stocked for a feast, and Badgerpaw picked up two fish by their tails to bring to the medicine cats den, while Flamepaw, a ginger tom with red points, carried a big fish to the nursery and Deerpaw and Acornpaw both carried fish to the elders. She set down her fish once she stepped inside the medicine cats den, giving Applepaw a friendly wave of her tail.
"Spottedstream asked me to come back for more salve, and I thought I'd bring you both some fresh-kill." she explained. Applepaw stepped close to sniff at her ear and start pulling off the cobwebs.
"We've been putting salve on cats all day," she meowed, "but this doesn't look infected, which is good. Thanks for the fish, I'll get you patched up in no time." She scooped up some salve from a leaf onto her paw and gently rubbed it over what was left of Badgerpaw's ear. As she worked, Spottedstream walked in. She seemed excited about something, her tail flicking.
"Here, Applepaw, pass me that leaf, I'll do her tail," she said, sitting behind Badgerpaw. She stood up so Spottedstream could put salve and new cobwebs on the stump that was her tail. "Tanglestar is going to call a meeting soon. I'm glad you caught so many fish, Badgerpaw, there's going to be a feast tonight!" Badgerpaw could barely keep from moving in her excitement, but remembered to stay still for the medicine cats. Am I finally going to be a warrior?
She left the medicine cat's den after her wounds had been seen to, headed over to the fresh-kill pile as the medicine cats brought their fish into the clearing. She selected a bass and carried it over to the apprentices den to eat beside her brother, Ripplepaw, and their friend, Hailstripe. He was only a few sunrises older than them, and they had been denmates even as kits. She settled down to eat, listening to Acornpaw and Deerpaw, the newest apprentices, talk about the fighting moves they had practiced with their mentors Pebblefall and Clovernose. The cats began to relax and share tongues after the feast they'd been able to enjoy, fish still resting on the fresh-kill pile.
"Let all cats old enough to swim gather here beneath the rock fall for a clan meeting!" Tanglestar called. Badgerpaw stood up from where she was laying beside her brother and followed the other apprentices sit in the middle of the clearing as she continued. "There are three apprentices who should have been made warriors after the battle, and now that I am truly your leader in the eyes of Starclan, and we've had such a wonderful feast, I think it's about time they got their warrior names. Badgerpaw, Hailpaw, and Ripplepaw, please step forward." She leaped down from the rocks as the three apprentices moved to stand in front of her at a respectful distance, Badgerpaw in the middle with a tom on either side.
"I, Tanglestar, leader of Islandclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these three apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them each to you as a warrior in their turn. Hailpaw," she paused as he stepped forward, "do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," he meowed. Badgerpaw could see him trembling with excitement, but his voice was strong.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Hailpaw, from this moment you will be known as Hailstripe. Starclan honors your courage and dedication, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Islandclan." She rested her muzzle on his head and he licked her shoulder. He pulled away and stood beside Badgerpaw, holding his head high.
"Ripplepaw," she meowed. He stepped forward and Badgerpaw felt a twinge of disappointment when her name wasn't called, but it was quickly replaced by pride for her brother. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," he meowed. He kept his head held high but she knew from the tiny flick of his tail that he was nervous.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Ripplepaw, from this moment you will be known as Rippletail. Starclan honors your spirit and enthusiasm, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Islandclan." She rested her muzzle on his head and he licked her shoulder respectfully before standing back on Badgerpaw's other side. She was beginning to tremble with excitement, tail twitching behind her. Tanglestar must have noticed because her eyes sparkled with amusement.
"Badgerpaw," she meowed. She stepped forward, looking up at her leader. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," she answered, trying to keep her voice even.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Badgerpaw, from this moment you will be known as Badgerclaw. Starclan honors your loyalty and fighting skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Islandclan." She put her muzzle on her head and Badgerclaw licked her shoulder. Before she could pull away, Tanglestar whispered, "Quailfeather picked your name. I spoke with her and she is so proud of you." Badgerclaw pulled away, dipping her head respectfully before standing between the other two new warriors. Once she had stepped back, the clan raised their voices to call the new warriors names.
"Hailstripe, Rippletail, Badgerclaw!"
Their parents and mentors came closer to congratulate them. Her mother, Frostface, and father, Whitefoot, padded up to her. Whitefoot looked so proud of them, and Frostface licked her and Rippletail between their ears.
"I'm so proud of you," Nightwisker purred as she came over and licked Badgerclaw's good ear.
"Our clan has gained three courageous warriors," Tanglestar meowed as she looked at the apprentices. "Let us all get a good night's sleep while they sit their silent vigil protecting the camp."
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clangenrising · 21 hours
Not my first thought for the last post being “Ph damn. Osprey fucks! Good for her!!”
Haha she certainly does! Probably got around more before the plague when there were more cats in RisingClan her age. She's a big proponent of fucking your friends platonically. So far, Branchbark hasn't really been interested though, so she's started looking outside the Clan.
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clangenrising · 21 hours
A cross clan relationship without All The Drama? Amazing!
Well, there might be drama if/when it's discovered, but yeah, Ospreymask and Pebblefall are incredibly chill about their relationship which is something you don't see a lot in the books
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clangenrising · 1 year
Month 5 - July Gathering
Goldenstar paced around the soggy clearing. Scorch’s fur couldn’t help but fluff up as she sat in the strange tension in their little group, and the cold wet ground wasn’t helping. She glanced around at the cats beside her - her Clanmates, she reminded herself. Sagetooth, Nightfrost, Smokyrose, Russetfrond, Pantherhaze, and Yarrowshade all sat in silence displaying varying signs of annoyance or anxiety, partially due to the cold, she assumed, but not entirely. It had rained all throughout the day and it wasn’t until after sunset that the clouds dispersed. 
“A good omen,” Sagetooth had commented looking at the sky. “StarClan blesses the gathering tonight.” 
Someone had explained that so long as the full moon could be seen, the gathering would progress, but if clouds ever covered the moon, that meant StarClan was unhappy and the gathering would immediately come to a close. Scorch had refrained from voicing the thoughts in her head. 
Now, she glanced up at the moon as it started to rise above the clearing and the crumbling half of the old twoleg nest there. The other Clans were supposed to arrive soon, but so far, there hadn’t been sight or scent of them. 
“This is ridiculous,” Russetfrond said, tail lashing. “Why did we leave so early?” 
Goldenstar stopped her pacing to shake her fur a bit and look his way. “I overestimated how long the trip would take,” she said, “I’m sorry, everyone.” Scorch shuffled awkwardly. Goldenstar had confessed earlier that she wanted to arrive early so that RisingClan would start the gathering in a place of authority, to make things easier when she announced Scorchplume’s joining and the changes she was planning to make. Scorch had been impressed by Goldenstar’s bravery, to be honest, but she hadn’t said so, only promised to be on her best behavior. 
“It’s alright,” Pantherhaze purred reassuringly. “The others shouldn’t be much longer, right?” He looked around as if hoping someone would back him up. 
“They’d better not be,” grumbled Sagetooth. Russetfrond growled in agreement. 
“Patience,” Smokyrose urged gently. “They will come in time.” Sagetooth’s ear twitched but everyone fell silent again and waited quietly for the next several minutes. 
Suddenly, Yarrowshade sat up sharply, ears swiveling, and said, “SkyClan?” Everyone turned their attention to the trees where the sounds of cats moving softly started to drift towards their ears. Scorch took a deep breath and gave her fur a few quick licks. Moment of truth, she thought. 
A white she-cat with grey ears and paws led a small party of cats out of the trees and into the clearing. Goldenstar raised her tail to greet them and started talking brightly with the cat, who she called Snowstar. Scorch sat quietly beside Yarrowshade and listened as the two groups began to mingle. Sagetooth asked a fluffy white and brown tom about someone named Tangletooth and was told he had stayed home due to body aches. Smokyrose greeted a young ginger tom named Robinpaw and asked about a scar. Russetfrond and Pantherhaze spoke with a grey speckled tabby about the rain. Scorch did her best to memorize names and details and tones of voice, to gather who was safe and who was a threat and who would be easy to persuade. 
Yarrowshade stood as a white tom with a black striped rear approached him, and Scorch’s attention was pulled closer when he called, “Charredbranch! How y’doin, man?” 
“Good,” Charredbranch said, distractedly. Scorch watched him looking her over and she curled her tail tightly around her paws as if to shield herself from his eyes, “who is this?” She picked up on the interest in his voice and resisted the urge to scoff. 
“This is Scorchplume,” Yarrowshade purred, his tail curling around her shoulders. “I found her on the thunderpath a while back and she decided to stick around.” 
Charredbranch tilted his head and smiled at her. “Scorchplume, what a lovely name.” 
“You flatter me, sir,” she purred smoothly with a cool stare and a grin. 
“Sir?” he mused with a laugh, “Wow, she’s a charmer too! It’s a shame you didn’t join SkyClan, I would have liked to get to know you better.” Yarrowshade laughed a bit, but Scorch picked up on some tension in the tail end of the sound. 
“Alright, man, ease off,” he said, “you’ll make Greyvoice jealous.” 
“Eh, she’s not here tonight,” shrugged Charredbranch, settling down. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” 
“How is she?” Yarrowshade asked, finally twitching his tail off of Scorch’s back as he sat down too. 
“She’s good,” shrugged Charredbranch. The conversation moved on casually and Scorch was happy to let them change the subject, content to let herself slip into the periphery. After a while, another group of cats entered the clearing, led by a rosetted blue tom with sharp green eyes. Charredbranch perked his ears in that direction. 
“I’m gonna go say hi to Blizzardmoon,” he said to Yarrowshade, “you wanna come?” 
“Nah, I’m good,” smiled Yarrowshade. “See ya ‘round.” 
“Sure thing,” said Charredbranch, and then he dipped his head to Scorch and said, “It was good to meet you, Scorchplume.” 
“Likewise,” she smiled back and he took his leave. Yarrowshade watched him go and then leaned in to Scorch’s ear. 
“Sorry about him,” he mumbled so that Charredbranch couldn’t hear. 
“What for?” she asked, shifting her eyes but not her head in his direction. 
Yarrowshade faltered a bit. “For being such a meathead?” he said as if it were obvious. 
“Oh, was he?” she said dismissively, one ear flicking. “I guess it takes one to know one.” 
He rolled his eyes and shoved her a little, causing her to chuckle wryly. “Oh, come on, I’m not that bad.” 
“Sure,” she raised a brow skeptically. “You sound exactly like that when you talk to Nightfrost.” 
Yarrowshade winced. “Do I really?” 
“A bit,” Scorch nodded. 
“Well, at least I didn’t flirt with you when we first met. He shouldn’t have talked to you like that.” 
“Honestly, Yarrowshade, it’s fine,” she huffed, starting to get annoyed. “It’s not like I haven’t been ogled before. I know how to take care of myself.” Her tail twitched as she looked out over the clearing. “He wasn’t even persistent or anything.” 
Yarrowshade frowned but fell quiet. Scorch almost felt more irritated by it. Was he pitying her? She huffed through her nose and turned to watch Goldenstar climbing up the ruins of the twoleg nest after the blue rosetted tom who had just entered. She had a feeling Goldenstar wasn’t happy that he beat her there. 
Shortly after that, the third and (to her understanding) final group of cats arrived, led by a fluffy ginger she-cat. Scorch was surprised to see a pair of older kittens among the group, a russet tom and a white she-cat with a ginger splotched tail. She flicked her tail to get Yarrowshade’s attention and then nodded in their direction.
“You bring kits to these gatherings?” she asked.
He brightened at the sight of them. “Those must be new apprentices!” He said, “They’ve got to be at least six moons old to attend a gathering. By the looks of it, those are Furrowleap’s kits.” He pointed at the speckled brown tom hovering over them and introducing them to a SkyClan cat. 
“Hm,” Scorch said simply, intrigued. She supposed she had been younger when she started taking care of herself, so it wasn’t that strange, but something about it being formalized made her pelt prickle. The ginger cat who had led the others in, bounded quickly to join the other leaders on top of the mossy ruins, and shortly after Goldenstar stood and raised her tail with a yowl, drawing everyone’s attention. 
“Welcome, everyone!” she called as chatter faded and everyone settled down to listen. “I’d like to start the gathering off by introducing a new member of RisingClan.” Scorch took a deep breath and made sure to adjust her posture to something more regal before everyone turned their eyes on her. “Our new warrior, Scorchplume, has joined our ranks along with a new healer named Oddstripe, who stayed home with their newborn kits tonight.” Everyone began to murmur immediately. Scorch cast her gaze around cooly, challenging anyone to stare. Many cats did. 
Goldenstar continued after a moment, “Both cats came seeking our aid and, after spending some time among the Clan, decided to stay. Furthermore, Scorchplume has brought some concerns to my attention that I have been trying to address in RisingClan and that I would urge you all to consider as well.” The crowd rippled apprehensively, even the leaders shifting on top of their perch, and Scorch braced herself. Goldenstar definitely wasn’t the most effective speaker. Still, she admitted, this was a difficult topic to begin with. 
“I have come to believe that the Clans need to change,” said Goldenstar, retaining her composure for the moment. “For too long we have made the thought of life outside the Clans a terrifying fate worse than death. We have-” 
“It is!” cried a cat from below, and a few cats hissed in agreement. Some laughed.
Goldenstar spoke louder and firmer, “We have pushed away cats that could have strengthened us and disparaged those who find their paths leading them away from the Clans!” Several cats booed and hissed. Beside Scorch, Yarrowshade’s muscles tensed and shifted expectantly. 
“Goldenstar,” said the blue tom next to her, “listen to what you’re saying. Are you really so weak to have let this stranger upend your Clan on a whim?” Scorch felt eyes turning on her and she glared back at a few of them. 
“I’m not letting anyone upend my Clan,” Goldenstar retorted, ears pinning back. “I’m listening to feedback and trying to be more compassionate and open minded! This isn’t a spur of the moment decision, I’ve spent weeks thinking about this, I even spoke to Sunstar about it!” Of course, there was that appeal to StarClan. It seemed effective though, causing confused murmurs in the crowd. 
“From now on,” Goldenstar continued, pressing her advantage, “cats joining RisingClan are no longer required to change their names or renounce their old lives. Any cat who wishes to leave is free to do so and will be welcomed back at any time. Even strangers passing through, if they bear no ill will, are welcome in my camp.” 
“Next you’ll be eating out of twoleg’s paws and purring at their feet!” shouted a white and grey tabby she-cat and a few of her clanmates nodded. Goldenstar bristled, and Scorch realized quickly that she didn’t have a good way to respond. A vision of the gathering spiraling out of control flashed before Scorch’s eyes, of Goldenstar being shamed and disgraced. Before she could think better of it, Scorch found herself lifting her tail and speaking. 
“It sounds to me like you would rather cling to your traditions even as they fail you than admit someone somewhere might possibly know something you don’t.” Her voice was clear and strong and cut through the chatter. All eyes turned in her direction. 
The cat who had just spoken rounded on her and stood, tail brushing up furiously. “You have no right to speak here!” she hissed.
Scorch laughed. “I’m a full and respected member of RisingClan. I have just as much right to speak here as any of you.” 
“You’re no warrior,” the cat hissed, lashing her tail and stepping closer. Scorch tensed, anticipating a fight. “You’re nothing but a pitiable stray!” 
Scorch stood and took a step towards her, narrowing her eyes coldly. “Really?” She laughed again, harsher this time. “I’ve fought for every scrap of food I’ve ever had. I’ve seen more and done more than you could imagine. I was attacked by a monster and survived! You?” She scoffed and looked the young warrior up and down dismissively. “You look like you’ve barely grown into your paws.” Beside her, Yarrowshade couldn’t help but laugh and she even heard a few tense laughs or sympathetic winces throughout the crowd. The cat clearly grit her teeth in white hot embarrassment and rage and Scorch grinned smugly. 
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“Watch your mouth, stray,” hissed the cat, taking another step forward.
Suddenly, a voice from atop the ruins boomed, “Tumblefang! There is no fighting at the gathering.” Both the she-cat, Tumblefang it seemed, and Scorch looked up to see Snowstar glaring down at them. Tumblefang growled lowly but sat back down, shoulders hunched. 
Scorch bowed her head deeply and said, “My apologies, Snowstar. Don’t be too hard on her. I should have known better than to respond to such a childish outburst.” Yarrowshade chuckled again and Scorch sat down smoothly, a confident smile on her face. She glanced at Goldenstar who seemed to be trying very hard not to grin. 
Snowstar nodded regally and asked, “Is there anything other news you’d like to share, Goldenstar?” 
“No,” said Goldenstar, “I think I’ve said enough for now. Although I would urge any leaders or mediators to visit if they want to know more.” She sat down and folded her tail over her paws. 
“Alright,” Snowstar nodded again. “I would like to share that Robinpaw has finished his training and been given the name Robinswoop.” 
The gathering didn’t last much longer. As they left, she could tell that cats were watching her and made sure to be the picture of grace and composure. Regardless, she could tell Sagetooth was not happy. Oh well, she thought. As a priest of this StarClan faith, she was probably never going to be very fond of Scorch and her new way of doing things.
Goldenstar bumped up into her with a purr. “Wow, you were amazing. Thanks for saving my hide there.” 
“Of course, your excellence,” Scorch purred. “It was honestly very satisfying.” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cat put someone in their place that effectively,” Yarrowshade laughed. “And without a single threat? You have a gift!” 
“I know,” purred Scorch. Goldenstar and Yarrowshade laughed. She continued, “Do you think there will be consequences for your announcement? Cats seemed pretty upset.”
“Maybe,” Goldenstar said seriously. “But we’ll be able to handle it. That’s a problem for another day.” Scorch nodded. The group fell quiet as they all walked home and Scorch realized that she felt a sense of camaraderie as they padded side by side under the moon, her and her clanmates.
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clangenrising · 6 months
Month 14 - Newleaf
As usual, rumors spread through camp like a wildfire in greenleaf. When Sagetooth got back from tending the garlic patches, she immediately overheard Ospreymask and Branchbark whispering about something scandalous. 
“It’s just ironic, isn’t it?” Ospreymask was saying. “Like, he’s always getting on me for being too chummy with Pebblefall or whoever and then he goes and has kits with a rogue.” 
“Yeah,” agreed Branchbark, tail twitching. “I honestly don’t think it’s that big a deal, but it’s a little funny that it’s him. Like, I guess now he’ll get a taste of his own medicine.” 
“Who will?” snapped Sagetooth. Both warriors flinched, fur brushing up, and turned to look at her like they had been caught eating prey on patrol. 
Ospreymask recovered quickly, though. “Russetfrond,” she whispered conspiratorially. “He got Mystique pregnant.” 
Sagetooth sighed heavily. “That fool boy. What was he thinking?”
“Who knows,” Branchbark huffed. “Maybe he thinks the rules don’t apply to him now that he’s deputy.” Sagetooth wasn’t listening anymore. She stalked off towards her den, rehearsing the scolding she was going to give Russetfrond when she saw him next. 
She couldn’t believe it! She knew that the world was going insane these days - both Stormwhisper and Blazingbrush having broken the code and had kits - but if there had been anyone she had expected to stick to tradition, it would have been Russetfrond. He’d always had more sense than his mother. Honestly, Sagetooth liked the boy. It was that small affection that was feeding her massive disappointment now. 
She wasn’t expecting to see him in her den. He was talking with Oddstripe and both of them looked up when she entered. Russetfrond’s ears slid backwards in shame. 
“There you are,” she said, scowling at him. 
“Sagetooth,” Oddstripe started, surely about to counsel her to go easy on him, but Russetfrond raised his tail to stop the other healer. 
“It’s alright, Oddstripe,” he said grimly. “Would you give us a moment?” 
Oddstripe hesitated but nodded, lips pursed. “Alright.” Ears back against his skull, he slank out of the den, leaving them alone. 
“I can't believe you,” Sagetooth said. “How could you be so foolish?” 
“I don’t know,” he sighed, looking down at his paws. “I’m sorry Sagetooth. This never should have happened.” 
“Damn right!” she huffed, stomping past him to deposit her garlic in the herb stores. “Goldenstar has always had trouble respecting Clan tradition so I would have expected this from someone like her but you? You must have known this wasn’t acceptable behavior!” She sat down and turned to look at him, making her disapproval clear on her face. 
“I did,” he said, and Sagetooth was surprised by his melancholy. “I knew the whole time that it was wrong and I still did it. I thought it would be fine if I kept it a secret, as if StarClan didn’t already know. I’m lucky they didn’t pick a harsher punishment.” Despite herself, Sagetooth felt her heart soften. 
“Yes, you are,” she said firmly. “I’m glad you at least seem to understand what you did wrong.” 
“I do,” he nodded, meeting her eyes with a hollow, hopeless gaze. That broke her heart. That expression didn’t belong on his powerful face. 
“Tch, come here,” she sighed, spreading her tail to invite him close. He obediently approached and settled down against her flank, leaning down into her despite his superior height. Sagetooth stretched up to give him a few licks around the ears. 
“What’s done is done, kit,” she continued. “All that’s left is how you make it right. You’ve told Goldenstar?”
“Yes,” he huffed sullenly. “She said it wasn’t going to be a problem. I hate how accepting she’s being about it.” 
“It’s her way,” scowled Sagetooth. She pushed down the complaints she had that were begging to be voiced. Her duty now was to guide Russetfrond, not gripe about Goldenstar. “Have you tried convincing the kittypet to join the Clan?” 
“Yes,” he sighed. “She’s not going to cooperate. It was all I could do to keep her from taking the kits back to her twolegs.” Sagetooth growled lowly. Kittypets…
“Well, good on you,” she said definitively. “Once they’re born they’ll need a strong paw to raise them up. I’m sure you’ll be able to foster their loyalties properly and turn them into excellent warriors.” 
“Thank you, Sagetooth.” Russetfrond closed his eyes and leaned into her. She wrapped her tail around him and purred reassuringly. 
“It’s going to be alright,” she said into his forehead. “The Clan will be there for you. StarClan is forgiving. This is a blessing in disguise, mark my words.” Russetfrond grunted tiredly. The two of them sat there for a good long while, Sagetooth letting him take comfort in her presence. It was good, she thought, to feel like her guidance was needed again. 
She closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer to StarClan. Let him learn his lesson, she prayed. Let these kits be loyal warriors. Let their mother cause no problems. 
After a few more long, quiet moments, Russetfrond gathered himself and stood up with a deep, slow breath. “I should get back to work,” he said. “Sparrowpaw has a lot of training to do before he gets his warrior name.” 
“Good,” Sagetooth nodded. “Devote yourself to your Clan. It will make these next few months easier.” He nodded dutifully, looking a little less defeated. “And don’t be afraid to come to me if you need advice. It’s what I’m here for.”
“I will,” he said. “Thank you, Sagetooth.” 
“StarClan guide you, kit,” she dipped her head and he returned the gesture.
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clangenrising · 1 year
Month 7 - Leaffall
“Tangletooth,” Sagetooth purred as she and Oddstripe arrived at the River of the Stars, “How are you, friend?” 
The older ginger tom smiled and gladly bumped foreheads with her. “Well,” he nodded, “Well. Did you hear about Couragecry?” 
“Who?” Sagetooth tilted her head as she and Oddstripe settled down next to him. Was this perhaps one of Tangletooth’s elders, someone he used to know? Soberly, she wondered if he was starting to lose his grasp on time.
“The kittypet,” he replied brightly to her surprise. “Charredbranch found a kittypet in the mountains and he’s decided to stick around. His name is Couragecry.” 
“Really,” Sagetooth frowned. “Whatever for?”
“Pardon?” asked Tangletooth. Oddstripe pursed his lips.
Sagetooth caught herself and changed course. “I meant, what was he doing in the mountains?” 
“Oh!” Tangletooth nodded and licked his lips. “Yes, well, apparently there’s a lake just over them and he used to live there with his Twolegs but they seem to have disappeared. He went looking for them and found us instead.” 
“I see,” Sagetooth hummed. She supposed that was alright then. If his Twolegs were missing then there was nothing for him to go back to. And, she rationalized, it suited her just fine if SkyClan’s warriors weren’t very good fighters or hunters. 
“Well, I hope he’s settling in alright,” Oddstripe said shyly. 
“I think he’s doing alright,” rasped Tangletooth. “He’s taught Pebblefall and Greyvoice a thing or two about fishing at least.” Behind them the sound of gentle pawsteps sounded in the tunnel and they turned to look as a pair of grey eyes and fluffy grey ears poked out of the darkness. 
“Stormwhisper,” Sagetooth addressed him sternly. He flinched but straightened his posture under her gaze.
“Yes?” he asked, feathery tail swishing, “I’m not that late, am I?” 
Sagetooth shook her head. “No, I wanted to ask if you had any word about Blazingbrush. She’s missed three meetings already, this will be the fourth, and you still haven’t said if she has Red Gut or not. I’m starting to think I need to make the trip to FallenClan to sort the whole thing out myself.” Stormwhisper’s fur bristled subtly and he stiffened, eyes wide, which only made Sagetooth frown deeper. Something was off here. 
“Oh, no, it’s not Red Gut,” he said, glancing at Oddstripe briefly, “But she’s isolating nonetheless. She says she doesn’t want to take any risks, that’s all.” 
“Is that so?” Sagetooth narrowed her eyes. 
“Um, yes?” replied Stormwhisper with a nervous grimace. 
“Are you asking me or telling me?” she huffed, tail starting to twitch. “You’re being incredibly strange.”
“Sorry,” he shook his head, forcing a smile. “I’m just out of sorts. Everything has been tense since Toadpaw was taken.” He stepped up to sit between Oddstripe and Tangletooth. 
“Oh, no,” Oddstripe fawned, causing Sagetooth’s ear to twitch. “I can’t imagine…” 
“Yeah,” he swallowed. “Orangestar is considering stepping down.” 
“What?” snapped Sagetooth, causing both of the younger healers to flinch. “She can’t do that!” 
“She just doesn’t see how she can lead a Clan when she couldn’t even save her own apprentice.” Stormwhisper looked at his paws. “I can’t say I blame her.” 
“Leaders can’t do everything,” Tangletooth said. “It’s important for her to learn that.”
“Yes,” agreed Sagetooth definitively. “You need to advise her, Stormwhisper. You’re her Healer, you bring her StarClan’s wisdom. Make sure she knows that they chose her for a reason and that she has a duty to her Clan to uphold their decision.” 
“Yeah,” he nodded, mostly to himself it seemed. “I’ll try.”
“Don’t try,” Sagetooth huffed, “Do.” 
“Your dreams tonight will guide you,” Tangletooth rasped, bumping his muzzle against Stormwhisper’s shoulder. “Come, let us drink.” 
After the meeting, the Healers said their goodbyes and Sagetooth and Oddstripe began making their way through the canyon back towards their camp, but something wouldn’t stop pulling at Sagetooth’s brain. She didn't know what was going on but something about Stormwhisper and Blazingbrush kept drawing her attention and she couldn’t put the thought away. She paused as they reached the river and Oddstripe stopped to look back at her.
“Is everything alright, Sagetooth?” he asked, big blue eyes blinking in the moonlight. 
“I’m fine,” she flicked an ear dismissively. “I think I’m going to head to FallenClan and check on Blazingbrush though.”
“Do you think she’s okay?” 
“I don’t know,” she shrugged, “but I think I need to speak with her anyway.” 
Oddstripe shuffled. “Do you want me to come with you?” She could tell by the way he spoke that he didn’t want to. He probably wanted to get back to camp and eat his fill like he did after every meeting. Even now that the kits weren’t nursing anymore he still wasn’t quite used to the empty stomach the half moon gatherings demanded. 
“No,” Sagetooth sighed. “Go back home, see your kits. I should be back before the sun is up.” 
“Okay,” smiled Oddstripe, clearly relieved. “May StarClan light your path.” Sagetooth smiled. He was a quick study and a good apprentice, if a naive one. 
“Thank you,” she purred, “I’ll see you back at camp.” With that, she turned westward and set off across the rolling hills. Eventually the foothills turned to forests which turned thick and dark and wild. Somewhere in the night an owl hooted to her mate and little things scuttled through the underbrush temptingly. Sagetooth stomped down on any desires to catch them. Even a Healer had no right to hunt in another Clan’s territory. 
She found and then followed a well worn trail until she finally came upon a scattering of large stones, the leftovers of an ancient landslide, overgrown by brambles that had been shaped and woven into the walls of the FallenClan camp. As she approached, she gave a soft meow to declare her presence and was quickly met by the marbled blue face of the camp guard, Ryestripe.
“Who goes there?” he asked firmly, voice soft. 
“Sagetooth, Healer of RisingClan,” she said, stopping where he could see her and offering a slow blink. 
Ryestripe shifted, swallowed, and glanced over his shoulder before replying. “How can I help you, Sagetooth?” 
“I’m here to speak with Blazingbrush,” she said. “I’ve heard she’s unwell.” 
“She is,” he said, a bit too quickly. Her eyes narrowed. “I’m sorry, you can’t see her right now.” 
“I know how to handle myself around disease, boy,” she huffed. “If there’s a sickness in FallenClan I have every right to know.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said again, squaring his shoulders to fill the hole in the bramble wall. “You can’t come in, Flightstar’s orders.”
“Flightstar’s-” she cut herself off with a scoff and shifted her weight on her aching hips. She hadn’t walked so much in a long time and her age was not having it. “On what basis has he made those orders?” 
Ryestripe shifted, clearly uncomfortable. “Look, I don’t-” 
“It’s alright, Ryestripe,” said a gentle voice behind him, warm and sweet like honey. “I’ll speak to her.” 
The warrior glanced back and whispered, “Are you sure, Poppybird?” 
“I’m sure.” 
“Alright.” Ryestripe shuffled to the side, allowing the mediator to pass. Her black pelt glimmered under the moonlight that made its way through the trees, its dappling mixing with the dappling of ginger in her fur. She smiled sympathetically as she walked out to meet Sagetooth. 
“I’m sorry about that,” she said, curling her tail around her white paws as she sat. “He means well.” 
“What’s this about Flightstar’s orders?” grumbled Sagetooth. “If I want to speak with Blazingbrush he has no right to forbid me to do so.” 
“I agree,” nodded Poppybird, “but I have a feeling you’ll understand his reasoning once you hear it.”
“Well, what is it then?” 
“Blazingbrush has committed an… indiscretion,” said Poppybird carefully. “And I’d like to tell you, but we’re all quite determined to keep this quiet. Can I count on you to handle the information with care, Sagetooth?”
“Yes,” Sagetooth said, tail twitching. “Come on, out with it.” 
“Blazingbrush has had a kitten,” Poppybird said softly and Sagetooth immediately understood. “We don’t know the father or how she met him, but she’s decided not to keep him. The kit, I mean.” 
Sagetooth sighed and shook her head. “Oh, that fool of a girl… She always did have her head in the clouds. I’m glad she’s decided to do the right thing though.” Giving the kit up was for the best, she thought. The kit could live his life without being attached to the shame of his mother’s broken vow.
Poppybird’s smile tightened for a moment, face the picture of sympathy. “You can see why we’ve been keeping things quiet. I trust you’ll do the same?” 
“Yes, of course,” nodded Sagetooth. “I’ll speak to her about it some other time. She’s alright though?” 
“Yes, yes, she’s fine,” nodded Poppybird immediately. "She just doesn’t want to be seen while she’s forced to nurse."
“Understood. Thank you for sating my curiosity,” Sagetooth said, getting to her feet. 
“Thank you for your understanding,” nodded Poppybird as she likewise stood. “Safe travels home.” 
Sagetooth simply grunted and turned to make her way back along the hunting trail. She sighed to herself. Stormwhisper knew. She wondered if he was the father. If he were, that would at least mean that he wasn’t likely to seduce Oddstripe as well. Trying to focus on that silver lining, she made her way home and fell into her nest, exhausted.
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tanglestripe · 7 years
IslandClan’s Struggle Ch 9
[AO3] [Fanfiction] (I’m not dead! Just took a while to finish up these chapters, but double chapter update today to make up for it.)
Tanglestar watched Badgerclaw limp the rest of the way into the den, her tail flicking. She was not angry with her warrior, but she was worried. The young cat had gone through so much, and she seemed like she wanted to give up. But she could not; StarClan had shared with her a prophecy, that a young warrior at the depths of despair would rise to bring the clan out of darkness. She was worried, however, that this would be too much for her to handle. And it seemed that she had been right. If Applepaw couldn't pull through, it might hurt Badgerclaw irreparably.
She looked around at her clan. They were worried and the first hunger of Leaf-bare was beginning. Warriors and apprentices were already beginning to go hungry, giving up food so that the queens and elders could eat. She herself hadn't eaten for two sunrises, worrying about her clan staying strong. She had to choke back a sigh at how small the freshkill pile was, picking out the biggest fish for the queens and padding to their den. They would be hungry, and now that some of the shock was gone, she wanted to check on Lionkit. He had been released from the medicine den shortly after Badgerclaw was sent out, and the  warrior hadn't even acknowledged him. She pushed her way into the nursery, whiskers twitching when she saw how excited the kits were to have a fish. She dropped it beside Splashfur to let her divide it up for the kits.
"Lionkit, will you tell me what happened?" she asked while Splashfur was tearing off pieces. He looked up with her with wide eyes.
"Applepaw went out to get herbs. I wanted to come too, but she said no, 'cause kits have to stay in camp. But I tracked her! Until she found out I was there." he looked down at his paws, guiltily. "It threw her against the tree and it would've eaten me if it hadn't been for Badgerclaw. And now she's mad because I made her rescue me." He sounded so sad. She gave his head a reassuring lick.
"It is not that she is mad at you, but that she is worried about Applepaw. That was a very foolish thing, not listening to your medicine cat and then sneaking out of camp." she meowed. She tried to sound stern, but not mean. It was delicate balance that Lionstar had achieved, and she was still working at it. He nodded a little, backing up to press himself against his mother. When she heard a snicker from the other side of the den, she turned to look sternly at the kit.
"Shellkit, this is a lesson you had to learn too. Or have you forgotten when Eaglekit nearly drowned?" she meowed. He hung his head and mumbled an apology, and she nodded. She could not wait for these kits to be apprentices. She could remember the feeling of being cooped up in camp and only wanting to explore the big world she was now a part of. She turned back to Lionkit, hoping she looked friendly.
"You've learned your lesson. Do not leave camp again until you are apprenticed." she meowed. When he nodded, she added, "And Badgerclaw is not upset with you. She is scared for Applepaw." He nodded a little, and seemed to be feeling better about things, so she left him be. She padded across to her den once she left the nursery and curled up in her nest for some sleep.
* * *
A moon passed. She tried to keep her clan together as prey began to get more scarce due to the freezing rains. Applepaw was healing slowly, and though Badgerclaw had not left her warrior duties this time, she spent every spare moment with the apprentice. It was easy to tell how much she loved her. Even though she was skinny and tired with hunger, Tanglestar had heard from Spottedstream that she was giving half of her rations to the apprentice. As she was healing, she was protesting more an more, but Badgerclaw always insisted. She would need to talk to her if it carried on to a point where the warrior could not perform, but she doubted that Applepaw would let it get there. She was a medicine cat apprentice after all, even if she was back to being restricted to camp.
She stretched before padding outside, narrowing her eyes against the freezing rain. IslandClan cats did not mind getting wet, but the rain was like ice, and her muscles hurt from shivering when she was out in it too long. She padded over to the group of warriors that was gathered around Ravenfeather under the flat rock that sheltered the elders den where they would stay dry while the deputy assigned patrols. He dipped his head to her as she approached, and she was reminded again how old he was getting.
"Clovernose and Pebblefall, I would like you to take your apprentices out to be assessed today." she meowed. "We need more warriors, and it's about time they got their warrior names." They both nodded, eyes shining at the prospect of their first apprentices becoming warriors. She then looked to her deputy. "I will also lead a hunting patrol past the great tree to look for birds, who is not on a patrol yet?" He thought for a brief moment before nodding to two cats.
"Whitefoot and Nightwhisker can do with you." he meowed. The warriors waited as he assigned the rest of the patrols before padding away. She led her patrol to the entrance and they left camp together.
"It has been a while since we got to hunt together," Whitefoot purred. Nightwhisker chuckled and nudged him.
"Yeah, and don't scare the birds off like last time." she replied. He huffed.
"That was one time, and we were apprentices!" he bowled her over and they tussled briefly in the mud before standing back up, laughing. Tanglestar could not help but laugh with them. Whitefoot was an old friend, and seeing him and her sister playfight like they were apprentices made her feel young again. It took some of the weight of responsibility off her shoulders.
"Come on!" she called. They followed after her as she bolted down the path they were following. They followed, her sister laughing happily as they ran.
They stopped when they reached the great tree and split up. Tanglestar sniffed around the roots of a smaller tree, picking up the scent of a squirrel. She slipped into a crouch when she spotted it nibbling on a seed and crept forward. She waited until she was close enough and pounced, killing it with a swift bite. It was small and likely would not be much of a meal, but the clan needed all they could get. She stopped to scrape earth over it before continuing along. The rain had let up, and they needed to get in as much hunting as they could before it began again.
She managed to catch a magpie as well and carried both bodies over to the tree they were to meet at. Nightwhisker was already there, two finches in front of her, and Whitefoot soon joined them with a single small rabbit. It normally would be a sad catch, but since Leaf-bare had truly settled over them, this much prey was hard to come by. They padded back to camp in silence, Tanglestar at the lead, and when they returned to camp they added their catches to the pile. She saw Wolfheart watching from the shelter of the elders den and padded over with her squirrel.
"Here, you need to keep up your strength," she meowed after dropping it at her feet. Wolfheart shook her head, pushing it away from her.
"The kits and queens first, then the warriors." she replied. Tanglestar's tail twitched. Her mother was difficult at the best of times, but since Ferretfoot had died she refused to be taken care of by the clan.
"The kits and queens, and then the elders. You gave a life of service to this clan, it is our duty to look after you." she retorted. Her ears pressed back against her head in surprise when Wolfheart doubled over, coughing. Once the fit had passed, she looked up at her.
"I do not have much time left, Tanglestar. It would be mouse-brained to waste fresh-kill on me." she rasped.
"Nonsense," she meowed, "Come, let me take you to Spottedstream and get something for that cough." Wolfheart looked like she wanted to argue, but she just sighed and let her support her bad side as they made their way slowly to the medicine den.
"When did my kit get so bossy?" she grumbled as they made their way across the clearing. Tanglestar chuckled and gave her head a lick.
"When I became leader." she replied, helping her into the medicine den. Applepaw was asleep in her nest and Spottedstream was trying to coax Leopardclaw to eat some herbs as he coughed and shivered in another nest. She did not look up when they entered.
"Find a nest over here if you're coughing." she ordered. Tanglestar helped Wolfheart settle into a nest and then briefly pressed her nose to Spottedstream's fur.
"Need any help?" she asked. The medicine cat's eyes brightened a bit when she saw her, but she looked exhausted.
"Try to get him to eat these," she meowed, pushing herbs toward her before hurrying to the back of her den for more. Tanglestar gently offered them to the warrior.
"Here, ,Leopardclaw. You need to keep your strength up." she meowed. He had another brief coughing fit, but listened to her, and once he could breathe again he slowly chewed the herbs. By that point, Spottedstream was treating Wolfheart, who complained but obeyed the stern medicine cat. As Tanglestar turned to leave, she saw Applepaw get shakily to her paws and pad to the back of the den to fetch more herbs. Froghop and Frostface had also padded into the den, coughing. Tanglestar left then. She did not want to catch their cough and she trusted the medicine cats with the safety of her clan. It was already sunhigh, but she had to do something productive. She left the camp on her own to try fishing.
* * *
She returned with a single carp and placed it on the pile. It had taken her most of the rest of the day to catch it. The warriors had already fed the clan, she knew, and they were splitting the remaining few pieces amongst the cats who had not eaten the night before. Her stomach growled, but she did not take a piece. The clan was beginning to starve, and she had lives to lose while they only had one. She briefly stopped to talk to Pebblefall and Clovernose, who told her their apprentices were exceptional hunters, even if it was leaf-bare. She nodded to them, then leaped to the top of the rock fall. She was always nervous addressing her clan, but she was getting better at it the more she did it. And naming warriors was quickly becoming one of her favorite things to do as leader. She remembered her own ceremony, her and Nightwhisker had shivered with excitement as they stood in front of Lionstar. And she felt a fondness for every warrior she named, getting to see them as excited as every cat is when they finally get to be a warrior.
"Let all cats old enough to swim gather here beneath the rock fall for a clan meeting!" she called. Most cats were out in the clearing, but at the summons the few who were in dens made their way into the clearing. The only cats missing were those in the medicine den. "Acornpaw and Deerpaw, step forward." They stepped forward to stand in front of her as she hopped down.
"I, Tanglestar, leader of IslandClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them both to you as warriors in their turn. Acornpaw," she called, and the apprentice stepped forward. She was trembling with excitement. "do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." she meowed. Her voice shook a little, but she kept her head held high.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Acornpaw, from this moment you will be known as Acornsplash. StarClan honors your strength and spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IslandClan." She rested her muzzle on her head and felt her lick her shoulder before sitting up straight again. The new warrior bounced a little as she padded back to sit beside her brother, and her whiskers twitched. She was glad that they had so many young cats in the clan.
"Deerpaw," she waited for him to step forward, "do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" he meowed. He was not shaking, but his voice gave away his excitement. She fought back the urge to chuckle at hearing just how eager he was to be a warrior.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Deerpaw, from this moment you will be known as Deerfur. StarClan honors your cleverness and bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IslandClan." She rested her muzzle on his head, and when he licked her shoulder, she stepped back.
"Acornsplash, Deerfur!" the clan called. Flamepelt stepped close to twine his tail with Acornsplash and nuzzle at her fur as cats began to crowd the new warriors. She reminded them about their silent vigil before padding away to the medicine den. Applepaw was awake, trying to coax the newest arrival, Honeykit, to eat her herbs. At the sight of her leader, she agreed, and Applepaw turned to see who it was.
"Oh, Tanglestar. Can I help you with something?" she asked. She looked like she was going to make a full recovery from her head injury, eyes bright and inquisitive, but Spottedstream still had her resting as much as she could.
"I was just looking for Spottedstream. How are you feeling?" she asked. The apprentice's tail flicked.
"She is resting. I am feeling much better. Spottedstream is afraid to let me leave camp, but she said starting tomorrow I can leave the den."
"Leaving the den is a good step. Fresh air will do you good. I am sure she will let you out soon." she purred reassuringly, giving the apprentice's head a lick before waving her tail as a goodbye and padding into Spottedstream's part of the den. Sure enough, she was fast asleep, nose under her paw and snoring softly. Tanglestar settled close to her, licking her neck. She stirred a bit, but must have noticed the scent because she snuggled closer with a soft mumble. Tanglestar groomed her fur for a while before settling down and falling asleep.
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tanglestripe · 7 years
Islandclan’s Struggle Ch 5
[AO3] [Fanfiction]
Shellkit pounced on his sister, Eaglekit, bowling her over with a triumphant squeal, but squeaked when teeth in his scruff pulled him away.
"Shellkit, be careful. I've told you, if you want to play, then play outside. You're disturbing Sunheart and you could squish Lionkit." He pouted, head hanging as he padded out of the nursery. It was cold out here, he wanted to play inside. But he couldn't thanks to stupid lion kit. He was only a half moon younger than him and his siblings, but was still the tiniest out of all seven kits in the nursery. He stretched his paws out in front of him for a moment, but was quickly knocked over as Ferretkit and Eaglekit ran out after him. He lashed his tail angrily, but the anger melted when his sister stopped to check on him.
"Are you okay?" she meowed, "I didn't mean to push you."
"I'm fine. I'm not Lionkit, you won't hurt me." he replied.
"Don't be so mean to him!" Ferretkit meowed, defending her brother. "It's not his fault he's small." Shellkit huffed.
"Fine," he meowed. He then crouched close to them, tail twitching, when he saw Clovernose lying in a patch of sunlight and dropped his voice to a whisper. "Let's sneak up on Clovernose." Both of the she-kits nodded and the three of them slowly prowled toward her, trying not to make any sound. Clovernose's tail twitched, and when they were close enough, they pounced. Eaglekit and Ferretkit attacked her side while Shellkit went for her tail.
"Oh no, the kits! They've got me!" she gasped dramatically, rolling over onto the she-kits. They squealed and wiggled out from under her, batting at her with her paws, while Shellkit kept his grip on her tail. She stood up after a moment, gently shaking them off and giving Shellkit a stern look until he let go of her tail.
"Shouldn't you be in the nursery?" she asked. "You'll catch cold out here."
"Hawkflight said not to play in there because we could hurt Lionkit," Eaglekit explained, "so we came out here." Clovernose licked between her ears before gently nosing her towards the elders den.
"Then why don't you go see if Pikesplash will tell you a story?" she suggested. "I'd play with you, but I promised Deerpaw we could go hunting."
"Can't we come?" Shellkit asked, pouncing on a leaf. "I'm a good hunter!"
"You know kits can't leave the camp until they're apprenticed." she meowed and gave his ear a lick. He scowled, even if they were kin, she didn’t have to treat him like he was helpless. She gave him another lick before padding away to meet with her apprentice by the camp entrance, Deerpaw leaving the elders den after bringing them fresh-kill or something. He ran after his denmates as they padded over to the elders den, stopping in front of them.
"Why don't we go fishing?" he whispered, "all the warriors talk about is how prey will be scarce soon. We can help our clan!"
"I don't know..." Eaglekit meowed. She looked nervous. "Clovernose is right, we're not supposed to leave the camp."
"What if we just went to the little stream behind camp?" Ferretkit suggested, "there might be minnows, and there's no way we could get hurt falling into something so shallow."
"That's a good idea!" Eaglekit agreed. "But how do we get out of camp? Someone will see us if we just walk out the entrance."
"We can go through dirtplace," Shellkit meowed. His denmates nodded and they headed together to dirtplace. The warriors around camp were too distracted watching the entrance and weaving reeds and branches into the dens to keep out the chill that they didn't notice the three kits go to the dirtplace. It was thankfully empty of cats, and they managed to squeeze through a small gap at the bottom of the outer barrier.
"I think it's this way." Ferretkit meowed, heading away from the camp. Shellkit and his sister followed, padding through the sparse covering of trees until they reached the small stream. It ran from the top of the mountain at the middle of the island all the way to the big water surrounding them, and as they walked the grass underfoot turned into a sandy bank. Shellkit looked down into the slowly moving water. Ferretkit was right! Little fish swam through the water. The kits sat side by side on the bank, watching the fish.
"Any idea how to catch one?" Eaglekit asked. Shellkit examined the water, and after a moment tried to use a paw to scoop out a fish. He missed, and the fish scattered away.
"Nice try!" his sister meowed. She sounded honest, and he sat back so she could try. She crouched on the bank of the river, flashing her paw in.
"What are you three doing?" called a voice. Eaglekit jumped in surprise, falling into the stream with a frightened squeal. It was deeper than it looked, and she had to stand on her hind legs to keep her nose above water, her front paws churning wildly. Shellkit was too frightened to move and watched her be swept under while Ferretkit reached down and tried to catch her muzzle to pull her back up. Both kits on the bank flinched back at the splash of water as Badgerclaw jumped in the water. She was able to stand in the water and quickly scooped Eaglekit up by her scruff, putting her down on the bank and starting to lick the fur on her chest the opposite way as she lay limply on the bank. After a moment she coughed up some water, gasping for air when she could finally breathe again. Badgerclaw glared at the other two kits.
"Come with me." she ordered before picking Eaglekit up by her scruff once more. The kit whimpered softly, but appeared too exhausted to struggle. Ferretkit and Shellkit followed closely, and Shellkit kept his gaze on Eaglekit, feeling resentment in his belly. If Badgerclaw hadn't scared her, Eaglekit never would have fallen in! Badgerclaw briefly set down Eaglekit when they were inside of camp, looking at the two kits as the warriors around camp began to look on curiously. She ignored the stares, and when she glared at Shellkit the resentment he was feeling faded into shame.
"Stay right here until I return." she ordered. Both kits nodded, and Badgerclaw carried Eaglekit to the medicine den while Pebblefall, Shellkit's father, and both of their mothers hurried over to them.
"What happened?" Pebblefall demanded. Shellkit couldn't meet his gaze, wishing the ground would open up and swallow him. Instead, he heard pawsteps and scented Tanglestar joining their parents.
"Yes, I would like to know that as well." she meowed. He could feel Ferretkit tremble beside him, nervous about being in trouble.
"It was all my idea," he meowed, finally looking up. The warriors all looked furious, but while Tanglestar was stern, he knew that she would listen to his explanation. "I wanted to go fishing, and they didn't want to come with, but they didn't want me to go alone. We went to the stream behind camp so if we did fall in we wouldn't get hurt, because it's so shallow. But when Badgerclaw showed up and asked what we were doing, Eaglekit was startled and fell in."
"I see," she meowed. She looked at both of the kits, then looked up when Badgerclaw approached.
"Spottedstream said that Eaglekit will be fine. She's resting now." the warrior reported. Shellkit felt a wave of relief. He had been so worried about her.
"Do you two understand that you've broken the warrior code?" Tanglestar asked, and when both kits nodded, she continued. "There is a reason that we keep kits in camp, and I think this was a lesson well learned. Don't leave the camp again." When they both nodded again, she padded away to the medicine den, followed by Badgerclaw.
"What were you thinking?" Splashfur asked, licking over Ferretkit's ears. "We could have lost you." She apologized, letting her mother lead her back to the nursery. Shellkit stared down at his paws, even when his mother licked between his ears.
"That was a very foolish thing to do, but I'm glad you are alright," she meowed. He glanced up and she licked his cheek reassuringly while his father only glared.
"Very foolish, indeed. You've broken the warrior code!" he sounded angry. Shellkit shrank back, but watched the fur slowly lie flat on his father's shoulders as he stepped close and gave his head a few rough licks. "But you'll learn. Now go check on your sister and make sure that she is okay." He nodded quickly and hurried off to the medicine den. He stopped at the entrance when Spottedstream stepped out and she gently nudged him with her nose.
"Your sister is sleeping and I have other patients that need rest. Go back to the nursery, and I will have Badgerclaw come fetch you when she is awake." she meowed. He nodded and padded away, head down and tail drooping behind him. He pushed his way into the nursery and shook his head when his mother asked about Eaglekit. Vinekit was asleep, snuggled close to Lionkit, and Shellkit poked him with a paw.
"How're you still asleep, you dormouse?" he asked. His brother pawed at him, rolling over and snuggling closer to the other kit. He sighed and laid down next to him. Hawkflight gave his head a few soothing licks.
"You should take a nap too, little one." she meowed. "Maybe when you wake up you'll be able to see Eaglekit." He gave a small nod and snuggled closer to his brother, closing his eyes.
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