amyriadfthings · 4 days
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Monday things. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do 🌈
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the-trans-dragon · 1 year
If you see black widow and it is a very very very fat round orb like a sphere that looks too goddamn big for its thin little legs
It can move SO FAST. Everything is fine. She's outside somewhere. But do not believe her if she fawns around like she is too fat and round for her tiny little legs. Not even if she keeps the act up for several solid minutes. She is lying!
They can move at the speed of light. I was watching her with my eyeballs and I have no idea where she went. (I didn't have a plan beyond "move her off my front door so my cat daisy doesn't bat her around like a catnip toy" and she is somewhere outdoors and hopefully stays out there or maybe even goes farther away from the door because she was really scary) (though for the record she. was. gorgeous.)
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styckywycket · 11 months
Enclosed Family Room Charlotte
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Inspiration for a mid-sized transitional enclosed medium tone wood floor and brown floor family room remodel with green walls, no fireplace and no tv
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output9 · 2 years
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Floral Gradient Abstracts #gradient #aquamarine #turquoise #canaryyellow #pinktulip #aiart
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tilly-tilly-2827 · 4 months
Sweetest Pleasures
Reimaging An Offer from a Gentleman #6
Synopsis: The three primary desires of humankind; sleep, sexual desire, and also appetite. With Saphne, it was ice cream. With Polin, it was cake. With Benophie…well, why limit to one?
AO3 post from here!
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Sophie was hungry. Very, very hungry. To the extent that Sophie could almost feel the bottom of her stomach twitching, craving for any kind of stimulation. But she knew that it was her own fault. After all, if she could avoid Benedict Bridgerton loitering in the hallway on the way down to the kitchen, she would willingly give up on a delicious plate of the morning porridge. Her sudden placement as the ladies’ maid and the extra attention she was receiving from the second son were already attracting suspicious looks and unspoken (but sometimes vocal) hostility from the staff. Benedict kept his hands to himself in front of his family and the ton, but he tended to be less cautious on the lower floors. And Sophie hated him for it. Thus, Sophie avoided Benedict Brigerton at all costs, often at the expense of meals.
So, it wasn’t helping that heaps and heaps of freshly baked cakes, biscuits, and scones, and plates filled with sweets, ice cream, and chocolate were laid out on the picnic table inside the Bridgerton tent, the rich fragrant aroma arousing her every senses.
And it also wasn’t helping that Benedict Bridgerton was sitting right in front of where she stood, keeping a respectable distance but the angle and the position were just enough to torment her.
And it definitely wasn’t helping that Benedict Bridgerton looked absolutely gorgeous that day*.* During their time in My Cottage, Sophie would see him in a white shirt with a pair of breeches, and a wild stubble around his chin. He was handsome enough to make her blush, but back in the city, Benedict Bridgerton was on another level. Clean and shaved, his soft brown curls slightly rumpled in the summer breeze. A fashionable turquoise cravat wrapped around his neck, with a ruby pin placed just on the knot. His wine-colored waistcoat was embodied with blue and yellow tulips, the vines intertwining from his broad shoulders to his abdomen. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his muscular arms as if he were teasing her, edging her to the cliff.
Sophie discreetly watched Benedict take a china plate from the table, slicing up the exquisitely looking three-layered strawberry cake. “Made with raspberries and strawberries, topped with white chocolate cream and biscuits”, Mrs. Hudson, the cooks had told her as Sophie helped with the decorations on the top, “Mr. Bridgerton’s long-time favorite,”
The slice of the cake on his plate was mesmerizing, with perfectly equal layers and a smooth textured sponge. Sophie’s stomach gave a hungry growl as Benedict took a large bite with the silver fork. Sophie couldn’t take her eyes off that cake, the fresh, juicy strawberry left on his plate, the lovely cream that was making her mouth water, Benedict’s thumb on his lips as he wiped off the cream, his green-grey eyes watching her in amusement,
Sophie quickly looked down at her feet, knowing that her face was on fire. Sophie could almost see Benedict’s knowing smirk as she nudged the patch of grass with her worn-out shoes. Just three more hours, Sophie repeated those words like a mantra, just three more hours and you’ll be freed from this torment...
But her inner strife instantly disappeared into thin air as she felt a gentle tug on her skirt, a pair of deep chocolates staring up at her with pleading eyes.
“Would you like to share a scone with me, Sophie?”
“I would love to share a scone with you, Master Edmund.”
As Sophie kneeled to the ground, the little boy with beautiful angelic curls broke out in a satisfied grin, reaching out his arms to her in the usual manner. In the corner of her eyes, she saw Lord Bridgeton, Lady Violet, and Ms.Hyacinth cooing the baby wrapped around a blanket in Lady Bridgerton’s arms. Sophie softly smiled, and with one swift motion, she picked up the toddler in her arms and carried him into the tent. Edmund giggled as he played with her curls, fascinated by how they twirled in his hands.
“How’d you like to take your scone, Master Edmund’?”
Seating herself in the chair with the bubbling Edmund Bridgerton on her lap, Sophie asked, mimicking the tone of a town merchant.
“Clotted Cream and apricot jam, please,”
“Oh, such an excellent choice, Master Edmund,”
As Sophie replied in a sing-along voice, the two-year-old puffed his chest in pride, but closely followed her every movement as Sophie cut the scone in half, spread the rich white cream, and poured an ample amount of radiently colored jam from the small jar. The fresh, fruity smell filled the tent, and Sophie was trying very hard not to drool.
“Just a moment, Master Edmund.”
Edmund’s eyes sparkled as she set the scone on the plate, and he squirmed impatiently in his seat as Sophie carefully wiped his tiny hand with a wet napkin.
“One plate of fresh scones at your service,”
“Thank you, Sophie!!”
Just as he was about to take a bite, Edmund suddenly stopped. A drop of jam on the white plates.
“Is there anything wrong?”
“I promised we would share,” Before Sophie could stop him, Edmund snapped the scone in half, both the jam and the cream slipping from the surface. With a satisfied puff, Edmund turned his head and stuck out his hand, the bigger half of the crumbled scone in his palm, his fingers creamed with butter and apricots. “For you, Ms. Sophie,”
“Thank you, Master Edmund…”
But the scone in his hand was smoothly taken by Benedict Bridgerton, popping the crumbles right into his mouth.
“Thank you very much, Eddie.” Benedict licked his lips in satisfaction. “The proportion of the jam is quite exquisite.”
Edmund Bridgerton burst into tears.
It took quite some time to calm Edmund Birdgerton from the wave of fits and cries. “But I wanted to give to Sophie!” between sobs he cried out, and with a panicked look, Benedict repeatedly pleaded for mercy, telling him that he would give something to Sophie for compensation. But Edmund only clenched his fist in anger, yelling at Benedict that he wanted to share the scone with Sophie, not with his uncle. But with a slice of cake and much coaxing in his mother’s arms, Edmund returned to his usual place on Sophie’s lap, his nose still sniffling. Benedict looked rather deflated.
“Well I hope everything is in order,” Anthony said with a soft smile at his son and a glare at his younger brother. “I still can’t believe my two-year-old son is much more of a gentleman than my thirty-year-old brother.”
Almost every adult scoffed in their teacups, and Benedict felt himself redden, his lips turning into a tight knot. Anthony slightly raised his eyebrows to Benedict’s silent response, normally Bendict would quip a joke or two. But Anthony chose to ignore the slight concern, cuddling baby Miles who started playing with his buttons.
Edmund was now returning to his everyday mood; talking to Sophie about the recent hike, the new picture book, and his small little pony in Kent, enjoying once again, the undivided attention she was giving him. The picnic tent was soon filled with the usual clamor of the Bridgertons; the usual gossip, the reviews on the latest opera with the quick banters from Kate and Anthony. Kate noticed that her brother-in-law seemed more focused on the sketchbook in his hands, rather than the conversation before them. But just as Kate stood up from her chair to ask, the tent fell into a sudden silence.
“Would you marry me, Sophie?”
Both Violet and Benedict respectively choked into their teacups. Kate and Anthony chuckled over their son’s innocent proposal. Eloise looked up from her book with a look of amusement in her crisp blue eyes.
“Why in the bloody…excuse me,” Benedict flinched as his elder brother and his sister-in-law shot him a killing glare, but he managed to continue, “W, Would you tell me why you want to marry Ms. Beckett, Eddie?”
“First, I wanted to marry Mama,” Edmund did the same exasperated sigh, (Sophie almost wanted to laugh how much it resembled Lord Bridgerton,) “But Papa said he wouldn’t let me.”
Sophie saw Hyacinth groan as Anthony took Kate by the waist, sealing a deep kiss on his wife’s lips. As their fingers intertwined, Sophie saw Lord Bridgerton whisper endearments against her cheeks.
“And Auntie Eloise loves books more than I,”
“What about me, Eddie?” Hyacinth chirped from her seat, “I thought you loved me.”
Edmund sank into silence, his eyebrows scrunching in thought just like Lady Bridgerton. After much contemplation, Edmund declared firmly that Hyacinths was too young for him, leaving the tent in bursts and cries of laughter. Apparently, Edmund and Benedict didn’t find it as amusing as the rest.
“Son, I’m afraid you are the one who is too young for Ms. Beckett,”
“Papa told me that he married Mama for love!” He pouted his lips, his nose high up in the air, “And I intend to do the same.”
“Then Eddie, are you in love with Sophie?” When Hyacinth asked him with a teasing grin, Edmund suddenly turned his body around, his rich brown eyes staring at her with an intense gaze.
“I am,”
Wrapping his tiny arms around Sophie’s neck, Sophie felt the little boy’s head rest gently on her shoulders. The soft chestnut curls hopping in the corner of her own eye, Sophie froze in her seat.
“I love you, Sophie.” Sophie suddenly forgot the emptiness of her stomach, or the plate of sandwiches before her eyes, something warm and soft was spreading across her soul like a nice cup of tea on a winter morning. “I love your hair, I love your voice, I love everything about you, Sophie. I love you with all my heart,”
Sophie suddenly felt something hot coming up to her eyes, her vision suddenly became blurry. Gently placing her hands on Master Edmund’s small back, Sophie closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breaths.
Perhaps it was only Violet who noticed the slight quiver in the ladies’ maid’s voice, who gently answered that she loved him too and Master Edmund’s words her the greatest honor of her life and would cherish his words until the end of her days. And Eloise was the only one who noticed that her brother’s grip on his charcoal tightened, his nails turning slightly white.
Sophie felt the anger pricking her eyebrows as she felt the presence of Benedict Bridgerton behind her back. Sophie couldn’t find out why she could now notice him with just the sound of his footsteps, the rustling noise of his leather boots.
Eloise had asked her to chaperone, declaring that she would be promenading with Ms.Cowper for an hour. Sophie was quite surprised by the size of Ms.Cowper’s sleeves. She kept a respectable distance between the two, five steps away, but Sophie noticed that Eloise Bridgerton was staring at her with a pleading look. Sophie took a step back. Eloise shook her head. Sophie took another step back. Eloise shook her head again. And when Sophie was thirty-four steps away from the couple, Eloise gave her a satisfied nod and started walking down the lane, arm-in-arm with the lovely lady.
“Would you call yourself a chaperone when you could barely see the two?” His teasing tone was bubbling a fire in Sophie’s empty stomach. “And would you call yourself a gentleman?” Sophie wanted to snap at him, but she knew her place in the society. Her a simple maid. Him a noble gentleman. But he had stolen her scone away from her. Right from his nephew’s hands. The perfectly baked, perfectly flavored piece of scone, with just the perfect amount of cream and jam. She adored apricot jam. She hadn’t eaten anything for more than 22 hours.
Sophie figured she had the right to be a little bit angry.
“Mr. Bridgerton.” Sophie bobbed her head meekly, a little curtesy that would annoy Benedict, and he pursed his lips, just as she imagined. Sophie began following the couple again, but as Benedict tried to walk by her side, she stopped. Benedict also stopped and looked back at her. Sophie took three steps behind. Benedict quickly shifted his gaze around him, slightly fidgerting his hands. But he quickly began walking, seeing Sophie slightly tilt her head. Sophie followed his lead, three steps behind.
“First time in Hyde Park, Ms. Beckett?”
“Yes, Mr. Brigderton.”
“Excellent weather, isn’t it?”
“Quite so, Mr. Bridgerton.”
“Your hair is quite fetching.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton.”
“…Are you angry that I took Eddie’s scone?”
“Not at all, Mr. Bridgerton.”
The two walked in silence.
But Sophie felt a rush of panic when she saw Ms. Cowper pull Ms.Eloise into an alcove, Ms.Eloise now out of her sight. Sophie quickly lifted the hems to hurry her pace, to run after her, but in a brief second, she noticed that she was the one being pulled behind the hedge.
“Mr. Bridgerton!”
“You said that you loved Edmund,”
“Oh, is that what you wanted to talk about?” Sophie slapped his hands from her waist, glaring at him with all her might. “Excuse me, Mr. Bridgerton, but unlike you, I have an occupation…”
But Benedict silenced her, pressing a finger on her lips.
“I believe Ms. Cowper and my sister are enjoying themselves,”
“With just the two of them, Ms. Beckett.”
Something in Benedict’s eyes told her that Sophie should stay behind the hedge a little longer. Perhaps for a half an hour.
Benedict had a nervous look, his eyebrows slightly dipping with concern, but he saw Sophie’s expression soften, a little sparkle appearing in Sophie’s emerald eyes.
“I suppose you are good at keeping secrets.”
“Of course.”
Sophie wondered if she had been trapped in a wicked scheme with the Bridgerton siblings all along as Benedict changed into an enigmatic smile, just like the Cheshire cat.
“I believe we are in a place where we can enjoy ourselves as well.”
“Benedict, anyone can find us here.”
And Benedict knew that she was in the right. After all, he had just pulled her behind a dark corner of the hedge, anyone could just walk in; finding the two in a compromising position. Benedict would have to tip his hat to the two girls for their boldness, or perhaps to their recklessness?
But just as Sophie was about to step away from the shadows, her stomach growled. A very, loud growl. And it growled again. And again. Benedict had to grin seeing Sophie bury her face in her hands.
“Are you hungry, Sophie?”
Oh, the joy that sparked in Benedict’s tone.
“No, Mr. Bridgerton.”
“Is that why you were so upset that I took the scone, Sophie?”
Benedict tilted his head, trying to look into her eyes, but Sophie still kept her gaze averted, knowing her cheeks were burning.
“No, Mr. Bridgerton.”
Benedict softly placed his fingers under her chin, tipping her head up to his gaze.
“Bloody liar,”
“Wasn’t it few seconds ago, your brother told you to watch your language?”
“Close your eyes,”
“I beg your pardon, Mr. Brigderton…”
“Close your eyes for me, Sophie.”
“Why do I have to close my eyes…”
“Are you scared that I would kiss you, Ms. Beckett?” Benedicts eyed her seductively, his green-grey eyes with a dark gleam, “I would kiss you in a instant if you asked me to,”
Sophie almost stopped breathing as Benedict’s voice changed into a low, deep rasp. “But this is such a public place, Ms. Beckett. I wouldn’t dare do something…so scandalous.”
Infuriating man, Sophie glared at him, cursing her height as he loomed over her, looking down at her with a teasing smirk. Oh, Sophie could strangle him, or perhaps slap him right there, but she knew that the two were only hidden by a botanical wall and a small bush, and it would be stupid to provoke any attention in front of the ton.
“If I closed my eyes, Mr. Bridgerton.” Sophie tightly clenched the soft muslin of her violet-colored uniform, “Would it be possible for you to refrain from disturbing me with every step?”
“Your wish is my command, Ms. Beckett,”
“If you truly listened to my wishes, Mr. Bridgerton, I wouldn’t be…”
“Shut up and close your eyes, Sophie.”
Sophie scowled at his demanding tone, but Benedict only tilted his head, his chin urging her to follow his orders.
With a deep sigh, Sophie squeezed her eyes shut; tightly biting her lips in a curl. Sophie had known from experience that Benedict Bridgerton was a stubborn man indeed, and it was quite useless to talk back. And, No, she was not going to fall into his seduction, one kiss wouldn’t make her break her oath, it wasn’t the first time the warm sweet lips of Benedict Bridgerton were kissing her…
But despite her expectations (?), Sophie felt something cool and solid on her lips, and when she opened her eyes in surprise, she saw Benedict’s eyes sparkling, not with lust as she had imagined, but with pure delight. A round, petite-sized chocolate bonbon was placed between Benedict’s long fingers, softly pressing it on Sophie’s lips.
“Compensation,” Sophie heard him mumble, “But you don’t have to take it all in at once,” A sly smile spread across his lips, as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Sophie nodded unconsciously, feeling oddly flushed by his tone and the melting smoothness gently nudging her entrance.
“Open your mouth, Sophie.”
Sophie, somehow feeling dazed by his soft command, softly opened her lips, letting Benedict pop the sweet in her mouth.
Sophie softened her clutch on her skirt, the rich sweetness in her mouth melting her whole starved body. The thick, milky taste filled her every sense, and the gentle warmness spread across her body; to her lips, her stomach, and even to her fingertips. It was the first time Sophie had tasted such extravagance and she slowly rolled the chocolate on her tongue, wanting to make it last for a second longer. Sophie closed her eyes again, savoring the sweet-sour taste of raspberries and a faint whiskey flavor, leaving a gentle bitterness on her tongue.
“Is it to your liking, Ms. Beckett?”
Sophie noticed that his tone was oddly breathless. But she also noticed that the sweet rush of sensation had already disappeared in a brief second, the pleasure that Benedict had given her had been too quick, too swift, too fast. Sophie suddenly felt her heart deflating, it was sinful how she wished for more. She licked her lips, chasing the last remaining sweetness.
“I loved it,” Her eyelids fluttered open, and her lips turned into a satisfied smile, “It was absolutely delicious, Mr.Bridgerton…”
But Sophie’s words were instantly sealed by Benedict’s lips, him taking her in a hungry kiss. She gasped as his tongue darted into hers as if he were chasing the pleasure that filled her a few seconds ago. He was devouring her, ravishing her as she was the sweet itself. But his lips, she noticed filling her up with the rich sweetness yet again, and as her hands twined in his hair, Sophie felt the gentle warmth in her abdomen, filling her up with more something more sweeter than cake, more softer than scones, more hotter than chocolate… and she knew was just melting and melting.
“So, Sweet,”
Sophie was chasing his lips, stretching her tiptoes when Benedict suddenly broke off the kiss.
“Do you want more, Sophie?” His deep voice was hoarse against her lips, his tone dripping with honey, “Because I could give you much, much, more,”
Kate took a bite of a cucumber sandwich, looking adoringly at her husband snoring on the carpet with Miles also dozed happily on his father’s stomach. Kate had known that Anthony would be good with children, considering his 30 years of experience, but it filled her up with gentle sweetness when Anthony would nuzzle his sons with utter contentment and happiness. Putting a blanket on her husband’s stomach and gently placing Miles in the cradle, Kate returned to her chair, close to the place Edmund was completely captivated by the picture book on his lap.
Kate was always in awe of her first son’s gentleness and patience, she had heard that some children struggle when they welcome a younger sibling into their lives. But Edmund had been perfect, always the kindest, always the most considerate, but she knew how he rambled on excitedly on the maid’s lap, Kate thought that she might have been pushing too hard on him to grow up. Miles was a baby, but to Kate, Edmund was still her baby as well.
As Kate softly placed herself on the carpet next to Edmund, (Edmund looking up at her with a radiant smile, snuggling on her arm), Kate noticed that Edmund was looking at Benedict’s sketchbook, not the picture book she thought it was.
“Mama, look!” Edmund pointed at a small sketch in the middle, “I’m a model now!”
Kate almost dropped her cup of chai as she looked at the portrait of her son, Benedict expertly catching the softness of Edmund’s curls, the sweet dimples on his cheeks. But what made Kate’s breath take away was the girl who held her son on her lap, the petite, gentle girl with soft blond curls. It was as if she were alive on the piece of paper, smiling up at her with her long eyelashes and a shy glance. Kate somehow found herself blushing, the same reaction she had when Daphne had lent her “The Lady’s Guide to Basic Cooking” which contained tips for nighttime pleasures. But this was only a sketch for god’s sake!!
Kate quickly took the sketchbook from her son’s hands, despite Edmund’s protests to observe more. The sharp flavor of ginger and cinnamon was now lost in her thoughts, only feeling the bitter taste of Darjeeling on her lips.
#Writer’s Notes
My brief research on the Internet says Chocolate Bonbons were invented in 1912 in Belgium.But it had to be chocolate.
Historical accuracy flying out the door.
Alice in the wonderland was published in 1865. But Benedict just smiles like that.
After all, the very Nicola Coughlan had left the most important element of the Bridgerton drama series.
“In the world of Bridgerton, Death is less important than horniness.”
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yarnandink · 9 months
2023 crafting & creativity round-up
2023 was a very low output year for me in terms of number of finished projects, but that's partly because of the sheer size of the projects I worked on.
I finished a cotton top for myself that I have yet to photograph or wear, the Ballson tee (in silver grey mercerised Egyptian cotton with turquoise green lace trim). Perhaps that can be a treat for myself in the new year.
Then I kept working on a blanket for myself, an octagon and mitred square patchwork modular knit that's about halfway through.
I'm using the 'Tree of Life' octagon from the Contexta blanket expansion pack, along with a simple mitred square.
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But it got parked because next was a baby blanket for a colleague... except that I have a terrible tendency to get a bit oversized when it comes to blankets, and the baby blanket turned into a double-sized bedspread 😅 Thankfully the colleague loves it! And hopefully bub will get years of use out of it.
I used the Cartesian Blanket pattern, with a modified Thompson blanket applied border.
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Then I tried to knit a shawl for myself, which has now been frogged multiple times. First I nearly completed the Fortune Cookie shawl... but had chosen a lovely nude pink, and the cookies looked, well, decidedly anatomical. Oops 😅
(It’s a gorgeous and really well-written pattern that I definitely want to make at some point... in a yarn that isn't flesh-toned...)
Then I frogged and began using the same yarn in an adapted top-down triangle version of the Orange Tulip shawl, but had bought yarn from two separate colourways and the difference is obvious enough that I needed to frog back a third of the shawl and by that time I was just too grumpy with the whole thing, so I parked it in the naughty corner.
And now I'm about one-quarter to one-third of the way through another modular patchwork blanket, this time the Penrose blanket for my sister, as a couch throw. I'm aiming to finish that for her birthday at the start of March!
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But while my knitting accomplishments might feel a bit underwhelming, I have also:
Written over 1,300 pages in daily long-form journalling
Helped care for my father (now in a care home with rapidly deteriorating dementia)
Unofficially officiated my sister's third, final and largest wedding ceremony (she and her husband had one unofficial in Ireland with his family, the official one here at the marriage registry, then a final unofficial one) and helped her celebrate a magical day with her husband
Managed my ageing cat's increasing kidney and digestive problems and brought her back to a happy and stable state of health
Kept up my job, balanced budgets, paid my bills and generally managed the various tedious parts of adulthood when living alone
Managed my own health scares and issues and even took some steps towards general improvement of fitness and physical activity
So all in all, I think I've achieved a lot this year!
And I'm looking forward to the crafting and creativity of my year to come!
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
"What Kind Of Love Are You?" OC Quiz & "Every OC List Got The ___"
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman @imogenkol @voidika @shellibisshe and @aceghosts
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @noodlecupcakes @josephseedismyfather @inafieldofdaisies @icecutioner @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @rhettsabbott @josephslittledeputy @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @raresvtm @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @thesingularityseries and @nightwingshero + anyone else who'd like to join.
Four results for my OCs for this quiz and four OC Lists for four of my series.
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This feels accurate for Joaquin considering he begins The UnTitledverse as an adolescent, and the series follows his growth and youth to adulthood. Joaquin has the weight of the world (or rather multiverse) on him, but, he still has time to be a child, to be a teen, to be his own identity, with Maisie, Mario, Calvin and all his found family and friends to share the weight.
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Religious themes (including the trauma) for Silva go brrr! Like what else is there to say?
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Yeah this makes sense for them. Haoyu is someone who's not used to love and when it comes it is gonna be the most life-changing thing for them. For once something they will have to make a commitment towards keeping if they want it. Haoyu is also the type to go in a panic as well as overthink; including full-on denial.
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While this definitely suits Ress at her best, I don't think it encapsulates everything about her. Because while Ress' love is bountiful and ageless and endless... there's also the fear of losing it all, because Ress will outlive everyone she knows because her own natural mortality outlasts everyone else's. The only person that would be around the longest with her (and meet her at what would be considered old age for a hybrid species like them) would have been her older half-brother, Ore... but even that is cruelly taken away from her by their father Urias and his Occult. Yeah, so while this definitely does shine a light on the happiness and thrill Ress would feel with her lover (prime example being Piper), it doesn't acknowledge the grief she'd eventually have to face.
Now for the OC List, I decided to go with OCs from all four/five of my series; The UnTitledverse, The Silver Chronicles, Life, Despair & Monsters and a shared list with my Fallout series A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore and my original series An Old Ballad Of Chance And Ember Hearts Trilogy (which includes my Wings And Horns WIP that this trilogy spins off from). So yeah... enjoy! [NOTE: This will include art/doodles, reference pictures (for the art/doodles that I still haven't been skilled enough to draw) and faceclaims]:
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Lisa Cobalt | Malcolm Darling | Mario Emmet Jester | Madame Callaghan | Lillian "Lena" Elliot Greenpeace | Allyson "Alice" Darling | Edward Carmine Calvin Dearing | Joaquin Cobalt | Rick Thompson
[My (Incomplete) Art: Malcolm Darling, Mario Emmet and Jester]
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Oscar Lapis | Father Adam Omar | Silva's Third Eye Elsa Omar | Paul Yellowjack | Silva Omar Azriel Omar | Nadi Sinclair | Kamski Neon Alexander Khaos | Gavin Turquoise | Mercy Omar-Seed | Ezekiel
[My (Incomplete) Art: Silva's Third Eye (or at least what its spiritual physically looks like if you're potent in the Third Eye... or a certain New God shitting bricks at the sight of this hungry symbiotic cretin)]
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Yan | Frederick Rosemary | The Unity Hatter | Icarus Galatos | Hatsukami Hinode | Xavier Tulip | Haoyu Anabuki Rico | Eden "Evie" Bloodleech | Sonya | Sir Enigma Malvolio | The Court King Denise Redwood | Lora | Cecil Royce | Corvus Targaryen
[Image Reference Credits: Vecna from Stranger Things, The Stupendium in "The Toybox", The Core from Amphibia, an edited Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland, Kraang One's Exosuit from Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie and artwork of that Jester King done by CristianAC on Steam]
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Elrand Brandt the Vault Dweller | Aggravor the Accursed | Arcane Urias Xiang Ba'al | Vega the Resident | Marissa "Ress" Bishop Alph Dolen the Lone Wanderer | Ryder the Courier Six | Discord the Mad Kin of Carnage Ortega "Ore" Brantley | Archangel Metatron | Finidy Mona the Chosen One | Nate Gust Sarid the Sole Survivor
[Image Reference Credits: Vecna from Stranger Things, Annihilus from Marvel Comics, Kagetane Hiruko from Black Bullet, LorenzoArt's Caedis from Instagram, NCR Veteran Ranger from Fallout: New Vegas and art of Archangel Metatron that I found posted on Quora]
[Faceclaims (which might or might not change): The UnTitledverse: Beanie Feldstein for Lisa Cobalt, Scarlett Johanson for Madame Callaghan, Elizabeth Gilles for Lillian "Lena" Elliot, Sean McLoughlin for Greenpeace, Anya Taylor-Joy for Allyson "Alice" Darling, Benedict Cumberbatch for Edward Carmine, Laurence Fishburne for Calvin Dearing, Isiaiah Stannard for Joaquin Cobalt and Aaron Moten for Rick Thompson. The Silver Chronicles: Mario Casas for Oscar Lapis, Brad Garrett for Father Adam Omar, Juliana Alves for Elsa Omar, Gabriel Garko for Paul Yellowjack, Mina El Hammani for Deputy Silva Omar, Aria Goodson for Azriel Omar, Aïssa Maïga for Nadi Sinclair, Andre Royo for Kamski "the Good Doctor" Neon, Taron Egerton for Alexander Khaos, Matthew McConaughey for Gavin Turquoise, Emily Tosta for Mercy Omar-Seed and Álex González for Captain Ezekiel of Security. Life, Despair & Monsters: Daniel Padilla for Icarus Galatos, Hatsukami Hinode & Xavier Tulip, Hikaru Utada for Haoyu Anabuki, Wilmer Calderon for Rico, Nathalie Emmanuel for Eden "Evie" Bloodleech, Rami Malek for Sir Enigma Malvolio, Odette Annable for Denise Redwood, Karen Fukuhara for Lora, Mia Goth for Cecil Royce and Daniel Radcliffe for Corvus Targaryen. A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore: Jason Statham for Elrand Brandt the Vault Dweller, Yvonne Strahovski for Vega the Resident, Beyonce for Marissa "Ress" Bishop, Sam Blanckensee for Alph Dolen the Lone Wanderer, Halle Berry for Ryder the Courier Six, Jessica Alba for Finidy Mona the Chosen One and Steven He for Nate Gust Sarid the Sole Survivor.
#oc quiz#series: the untitledverse#oc: joaquin cobalt#series: the silver chronicles#far cry 5#far cry new dawn#oc: silva omar#series: life despair & monsters#oc: haoyu anabuki#wip: wings and horns#series: a radioactive calamity of love bombs & gore#fallout#oc: marissa “ress” bishop#my art#oc: malcolm darling#oc: mario emmet#oc: jester#silva's third eye is what I can best describe to be:#consisting of a massive soul-piercing eye. catfish like whiskers. a jaw that unhinges and extends out like an emerald tree boa.#that hides behind a hidden mouth/mandibles belonging to a crab/insect. lobster arms/claws. draconic-like wings.#a long scale-like body like a boa/snake with shells belonging to crustaceans/millipedes protecting its back. speaking of the pede insects.#many centipede legs and tendrils that can come out from beneath the exoskeleton shells on its back. it has a cerci pincer tail like earwigs#silva's third eye is one of the most evolved in history with only paul's measuring up to it in equal potency.#while a powerful third eye potency is common practice amongst the likes of the holy triad (or what remains of them) none have ever been abl#to measure up to the likes of silva nor paul to the point where both of their third eyes can be considered a separate and sentient creature#it enhances its human hosts physical and mental attributes while protecting them spiritually and storing their past memories for deja vu#think heavenly restriction from jjk but on crack and it allows you to naturally pick up on the skills you learned in your previous life#at a faster pace than normal.
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estrogenism · 1 year
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[plaintext: Tulip Queer Flag]
i love a lot of the popular queer flags around, but i wanted to create my own take on it in honor of pride month! this is an inclusive flag for anyone who is queer. it uplifts the queer elders that helped shape our community into what it is today, especially those who were/are kinksters and/or people of color.
tulips can come in almost any color, and they symbolize many things depending on the color. love, happiness, confidence, warmth, life, and so on. i think these are wonderful attributes in the queer community, so i included and named the flag after the tulip.
while i can't stop anyone from using these flags, i do want to say that these flags were not intended for terfs, right wingers, racists (yes including white queers who platform racists), exclusionists, or any other jerks.
the stripe meanings from top to bottom are:
top white: queer history and its richness
light green: self-discovery
turquoise: queer kinksters and sex workers
dark blue: queer people of color
purple: diversity in experiences
pink: community, inclusivity, and acceptance
light orange: joy and pride in our queerness
bottom white: queer elders who helped make our community what it is today
photo ids:
[photo id 1: a flag with eight equally sized horizontal stripes. the color order from top stripe to bottom stripe is white, light green, light turquoise, dark blue, medium purple, light pink, light orange, and white. there is a red tulip symbol in the center of the flag. end id.]
[photo id 2: a flag with eight equally sized horizontal stripes. the color order from top stripe to bottom stripe is white, light green, light turquoise, dark blue, medium purple, light pink, light orange, and white. end id.]
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warlock-enthusiast · 1 year
 “Okay, show me.”
Prompt number: 3 Fanfiction Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3 (pre game and self indulgent character background nonsense about being chosen by a Fey Lord) Rating: PG Characters: Tav (Elisen Adfaren) Warnings: non apply
The woods around her sang. Leaves swirled through the air and left impressions of golden browns. She heard a sweet melody, but did not understand where it might be coming from. Left, right, the air seemed to carry the sound for miles. Elisen stood in the middle of a clearing and wondered if she’d gone mad. As a child of the forest there has always been something wild about her, something that forbade her from joining polite society. Wondering where she came from and how she ended here offered nothing more than headaches and she pushed such thoughts to the side. 
She’d lived in this forest for many years now and barely talked to other living souls. Animals seemed to like her though and shared their heat during cold nights.
Leaves landed on her shoulder and Elisen touched the fading color. Green slowly turned brown. Summer turned into autumn around her and she knew that she must soon find shelter, before the storms froze the air. She was not a child anymore, but also not a fully grown adult, which was why some parts of the wild were more dangerous than others. Especially during the long nights of winter.
A fluttering of wings caught her attention and she saw small, bright points dancing in the sky. Pixies. They giggled and the sound reminded her of bells. Elisen knew that they preferred these parts, because the veil between dimensions seemed thin and there were always lost souls to antagonize. Their jokes were often cruel, seldom deadly and they had never been so close to her. 
Even Elisen knew that you should not trust them and still seemed intrigued by their beautiful wings. 
One of them finally dared to approach her, close enough to see her small face and the smile residing on her lips. She wore a dress made of tulips and her skin changed depending on her surroundings. A deep blue, a light turquoise. 
“Someone wants to meet you.” Elisen shook her head, trying to understand what she was saying.
The pixie laughed and zipped away, but her voice still sounded inside of Elisen’s head. “Follow me, little one. It will be worth it.”
Finding all of her bravery, she stepped towards. Was that another trick? Another joke? Today felt different and the music has never stopped. It tugged at her heart and goaded her forwards. 
 “Okay, show me.” Her bare feet barely touched the ground as she ran after her. 
Elisen did not realize that the world suddenly changed around her. Colors became clearer and more intense. The air was warm and the music loud enough to make her head hurt. She still walked through a forest, but these trees looked unnatural and nothing like the ones that she grew up with. Slender and smooth with leaves in all colors of the rainbow. She caught glances of the sky above her and even that seemed different. 
The pixie was lost from her sight, but Elisen reached another clearing and a shadow emerged from the treeline. 
A tall man stood before her. Taller than anyone that she had ever seen. His eyes were made of darkness and dangerously deep, while his skin held the color of oak and amber. Dark hair tumbled over his shoulders and he wore a cloak made out of leaves. 
Her reached out towards her. “You’ll become a knight of my Court like your mother before you, Elisen.”
She took his hand, knowing that she had finally found her home. 
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astrology-bf · 3 months
Miss Gainsborough's Gift
(CW: Slight Spoilers for Endwalker)
The thought of a world lacking flowers is one that is not only dreary, but rather difficult to imagine: and yet that was how it was when the world was in its youth. Algae, moss, lichen, shrubs, ferns, and trees had all long made their presence known before the first bloom opened up beneath the sunlight. A late blooming (if you’ll indulge the author a small pun), but made all the richer by its delay as what was then a world of simple brown and green sprang forth in countless scents and colors. And as their kinds are countless, so too are their meanings when they are given as a gift: for it’s simply human nature to collect a pretty thing and give it to your sweetheart as a token of affection, as it’s also in our nature to plant and gather meaning in such places that the indifference of the universe has dared insist is meaningless.
It was the former impulse that had led the Warrior of Light along his present path to where he was now standing: with his arms crossed and a very serious expression on his face - almost a glare as he stared intently at a display of flowers by a stall in Sharlayan’s Agora. Ifan and his friends had been in the Scholar’s patronage a few days since they’d arrived by ship, and despite a very memorable evening atop the city’s foremost library where he’d given his beloved G’raha a present of his own making, the magician nonetheless felt the whim to treat the scarlet-haired Miqo’te to another little token upon meeting him for tea that afternoon. But whims are tricky little things, and though Ifan felt the impulse his decisiveness proved absent: what to get his beloved former Exarch? Nothing too expensive, but neither could it be too cheap - especially as this was G’raha’s homeland, ruling any of the usual tourist trash right out. So he’d settled on a classic: flowers. Simple enough.
Sadly, that proved otherwise. Even this relatively modest stall on the Agora’s periphery had such a broad selection that Ifan knew it wasn’t the blooms’ perfume that was making his head spin. Roses, violets, carnations, chrysanthemums, lilies, daisies, tulips… He had some fair amount of knowledge when it came to botany, at least for those plants which were useful when it came to magecraft, but most of these were simple decorative blooms and in this case the magician found his study lacking. So he simply stood, lips twisting, staring at a sunflower as if it would start speaking to him and tell him which bouquet to pick.
“You’re either having a really hard time deciding, or you’ve got something personal against sunflowers.”
Ifan blinked and turned his head in the direction of the voice. The stall’s owner had approached him with a sunny smile upon her face: a slight woman, Midlander by appearance, with a brunette braid tied up in pink, and eyes of turquoise-green.
Made suddenly aware of his posture and expression, Ifan straightened up and gave a sheepish chuckle. “Oh. Sorry…” He shook his head and rubbed one eye to clear the tangle of frustrated indecision in his head. “The former, actually.”
The flower girl tilted her head slightly as her smile brightened even further, which was quite the feat given her already very cheerful countenance. “I’d be happy to help. What’s the occasion?” 
Ifan gave another chuckle. “Not really an occasion, I just wanted to get my sweetheart a gift.” he admitted with a faintly bashful note.
Her smile widened to a grin. “Well that’s always an occasion. What’s he like?” asked the flower girl. How she knew G’raha was of masculine persuasion was a mystery, though there was something in her grin that gave the mage the notion she could smell exactly how he felt regarding the Miqo’te as easily as she might sample the perfume of one of the blossoms in her stall.
“I could write a book.” answered Ifan. That was true: he just could not fathom trying to condense a man like G’raha Tia into a mere few sentences. A storied hero of his own, at least in Ifan’s eyes, but more importantly the image the Miqo’te conjured in his head was such a crush of memory and feeling that trying to verbalize it may as well have been carrying water in a sieve. Nonetheless, he did his best to give the flower girl an answer. “But if I had to put a word to it… Radiant.”
“Oh, so you’re in love love.” teased the flower girl with an indulgent little wiggle of her head.
“Oi.” started Ifan out of bashful reflex, before the simple truth of it bore out. He chuckled. “You’re not wrong. I could always just get him roses, but I wanted to get him something more personal.” explained Ifan with a gesture at the flowers.
Her expression settled into something much more thoughtful, but still radiantly cheerful. “I mean, I’d still call roses pretty personal, even if they’re not exactly original. But I guess we wouldn’t have invented floriography if people didn’t want specific meanings.” she mused with a small nod and smile.
Ifan cocked his head. “Floriography?” he asked.
“Sending messages with flowers.” beamed the flower girl.
“Ah. I didn’t know that had a name.” hummed Ifan with an interested nod.
“Only what we call it here in Sharlayan, though I personally prefer a field of flowers to a field of study.” said the flower girl with a rather wry expression.
Ifan simply had to smirk at the girl’s pun. “Alright, that was a good one.” he snickered before turning slightly back towards the flowers on display.  “I’m assuming roses mean love, aye?” he asked.
“Depends on the color!” she answered brightly with a nod.
Ifan blinked. “It gets that detailed?” he asked, incredulous.
She snickered then gave another nod. “Mhm. Roses are for all kinds of love: red for passionate love, white for a fresh start at love, coral to tell them that you’re not quite into them in that way, and so on.” the flower girl explained.
The magician huffed a little. “Definitely not coral, then.” said Ifan. He paused and scrutinized the blooms again. “I would get him his favorite, but I-” 
“Forgot?” she supplied with a faintly teasing note.
Ifan made a face. “It sounds bad, doesn’t it?” he let out.
The flower girl gave a musical little laugh, and Ifan found his embarrassment strangely soothed. Then she gave him a sympathetic smile. “We’re only human, we can’t be expected to remember every little detail about ourselves let alone another person. And I like to think the feeling matters just as as much as the fact, anyway.” she replied.
He returned the smile, giving the flower girl a nod. “I appreciate that. Well, help me out a bit - what’s your favorite flower?” he asked.
“Easy, yellow lilies.” came the answer, without a moment’s hesitation. “I like a vase of happiness and friendship.” the flower girl explained.
“You do seem fairly sunny, I’ll admit.” said Ifan with a grin.
She laughed again. “And I can see why you have a sweetheart to be getting flowers for.” teased the flower girl. “What about you? Do you have a favorite?” she asked.
Ifan’s lips twisted as he tried to think of which flower was his favorite. “I haven’t given it a lot of thought, but… Jasmine, I think?” he answered with a little hesitation.
The flower girl gave a very indulgent hum. “Friendliness and sweet love. Very fitting.” She grinned again, and once more Ifan got the feeling she could identify his type as easily as she could name any blossom she was selling.
He felt his cheeks grow a little warm, as well, and Ifan had to avert his gaze a moment and clear his throat. “Well, I don’t want to get him my favorite.” said Ifan. Then he gave a small sigh of frustration as he eyed the flowers once again.” Just wish I could remember, I know he’s told me.”
The girl’s expression settled as she gazed at Ifan’s face in curiosity. At length, she smiled and gave a hum. “Hm. Would you like some advice?” she offered.
Ifan nodded with a very relieved sigh. “Please, I’ll take anything.” he accepted with manifest gratitude in his voice.
“When I can’t decide with my head, I just let my heart do the choosing. Go with my gut.” advised the flower girl, her smile taking on a rather knowing cast.
The magician paused at this, eyes returning to the flower girl with an equally curious expression. It was risky - a small gift it might have been, but he wanted it to say the proper thing. But as the time was coming due to meet his beloved for tea at the Last Stand, Ifan really had no other option. “...Why not, you seem to know your way around flowers. Let me see…” He turned fully towards the display, eyes casting over each bouquet with the fresh criteria in his mind. Go with his gut. After a few moments of perusal, Ifan’s eyes alighted on a certain bunch of pale azure, almost purple flowers. He was immediately reminded of his days back in Mor Dhona; the color of the sky, and the color of a certain archon’s now red-eye before he came into his heritage as Allag’s heir. “How about those?” asked Ifan, pointing. The flowers seemed familiar, but he couldn’t recall the name.
Her eyes followed Ifan’s finger to the flowers. She blinked. Then she smiled again. “Oh.” The flower girl gave a rather curious hum.
This reaction worried him. “Do they mean something bad?” asked Ifan with a faintly concerned frown.
She shook her head insistently. “Not at all.” she answered with a grin. “I definitely think you should get those for him.” The flower girl gave a nod and walked towards the stand, plucking the bouquet from where it sat as she began to wrap it up for him. 
Ifan’s face shifted into another curious expression. “Oh? What do they mean?” he asked.
The flower girl didn’t answer right away, taking her time to make sure the flowers were properly arranged and the stems wrapped up in paper with a sprinkling of powdered water crystal at the base to keep them fresh. Then she hummed with another smile as she handed Ifan the bouquet. “Don’t know. You’ll just have to give them to him and decide what they mean, together.” she said, wryly. 
Ifan stared at her. Though a slender and short woman, the wilful gleam within her eyes gave her a strangely intimidating edge: not that she was trying to do so, rather Ifan simply knew that she could very well outlast him in an argument. So he just gave a chuckle, shook his head, and accepted the bouquet. “Alright, I know when to admit defeat. How much?” he asked.
“They’re on the house. You seem like the sort of person who could use a few more flowers in their life.” the flower girl answered with another pleased waggle of her head as she handed Ifan the bouquet, her smile brighter than the sunflower he’d been glaring at.
Ifan titled his head at her beseechingly. “Can I at least give you a little gift of gil, then? I wouldn’t want to put you out of business.” offered the magician.
She shook her head, still smiling. “I’m not worried, there’s always a need for flowers. Plus I have a little gift when it comes to earning repeat customers.” The flower girl then winked and grinned again, and Ifan had the strangest feeling that he would indeed be back to purchase more. She raised her hand to give the Warrior of Light a little wave. “You take care, now. Do say hello to your sweetheart for me.” she said.
Ifan grinned at her, giving the flower girl a courteous little bow. “I will. Thanks, you take care as well.” he bade, before he turned and headed off.
As Ifan neared their meeting place, Ifan felt a faint pang of classic buyer’s remorse: perhaps he should have insisted that the flower girl tell him the meaning of his choice. What if he said the wrong thing? Not that G’raha would ever be upset over such a matter, but Ifan really wanted even the simplest little gift to mean a lot. He hid the flowers behind his back as he caught sight of the Miqo’te, his cheeks a little flushed and a faintly nervous tremor in his step - seeming not the least bit like a man who’d faced down primals and yet lived.
G’raha grinned brightly at his lover as Ifan made his way towards him, ears and tail perked happily at his champion’s approach. “A fine afternoon, dear heart.” Then he blinked, ears settling a little upon noticing his lover’s face. “Are you quite alright? You seem rather flustered.” asked G’raha.
“A fine afternoon to you as well, ‘Raha.” he greeted in return. Then Ifan swallowed and mustered up his courage. “I’ll admit I’m a bit nervous, but… here.” the magician drew the flowers out from behind his back and offered the bouquet to G’raha with a loving, but still nervous smile. “For you, my lord.” he said.
G’raha’s lips parted silently in shock as he stared at the blue flowers. Then he gave a breath of disbelief, ears splaying as he looked up to Ifan’s face in joyous rapture. “Myosotis? You remembered…” said G’raha.
Ifan blinked as his face fell into confusion. “...They’re your favorite?” he asked, slowly.
G’raha blinked in turn. “Of course. Was that not why you chose them?” His head tilted slightly and one ear raised quizzically. 
There was a long few moments pause. Ifan’s face turned very, very red, and he lowered his gaze bashfully. “...I picked them cause they reminded me of your old eye, before the Tower.” he muttered. 
G’raha stared at Ifan in quiet shock for a few moments. Then he simply started laughing without a trace of scorn or shame, a simple sound of pure delight that made Ifan’s cheeks burn all the fiercer. “Whatever shall I do with you, my hopeless champion…” said G’raha as he leaned up to press a very, very appreciative kiss to Ifan’s lips to try and soothe the man’s embarrassment. 
Ifan felt a little better from the kiss, but the sheer amount of tension that he’d built up in himself over what was ultimately just a bunch of flowers still kept his cheeks flushed and his demeanor faintly bashful. “Don’t be mean.” pouted Ifan, right knee canting inwards slightly. “I’m sorry for forgetting.” he added, with a faintly apologetic note.
G’raha gave a wide, appreciative, and sympathetic smile. “Dear heart, any flower from you shall always be my favorite.” said the archon as he placed his hands over Ifan where they grasped the crepe-wrapped stems.
“”Raha…” Ifan’s cheeks went right back to full flush, an obvious ruddy bronze that didn’t help the impression that nearby onlookers got - that of a nervous adolescent asking someone to go steady. But he still smiled nonetheless, happy to see G’raha liked the gift. “As long as you like them, that’s what matters.” he finished with a nod.
G’raha’s ears wiggled joyfully. “Indeed, I do. I love them as I love you, my mighty champion.” he cooed with the most contented grin that his face could physically muster.
Ifan gave a pleased grin of his own, embarrassment finally receding at the sight of G’raha being so thrilled. “I love you too, my lord.” He leaned down to give his beloved lord another kiss, making sure to move the flowers to the side so as not to damage the lovingly-prepared arrangement. When their lips parted, Ifan smiled down at the archon with a small tilt of his head. “Well, humor me. Do they mean something good?” he asked.
G’raha Tia simply gave his mighty champion a wide and knowing smile. “Forget-me-not.” 
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue April 1980
Terri May wears a turquoise wool jacket trimmed with black grosgrain, giant tulips, over a wrap dress, in bright red Gandini kidskin, scattered over black silk jacquard crepe de chine. Sheer black chiffon at the fabric neckline. By Emanuel Ungaro. Earrings by Esther Gallant, Diego Della Valle pumps, Hanes tights. Hairstyle: Edward Tricomi from Salons Pipino-Buccheri. Makeup: George Newell.
Terri May porte une veste en laine turquoise bordée de gros grain noir, tulipes géantes, sur une robe portefeuille, en peau de chevreau rouge vif Gandini, dispersés sur crêpe de Chine jacquard de soie noire.Mousseline noire transparente à l'encolure tissu. Par Emanuel Ungaro. Boucles d'oreilles par Esther Gallant, escarpins Diego Della Valle, collants Hanes. Coiffure : Edward Tricomi des Salons Pipino-Buccheri. Maquillage : George Newell. Photo Andrea Blanch vogue archive
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ultfan · 4 months
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what are your muse’s aesthetics? BOLD any which apply to your muse! remember to REPOST! feel free to add to the list!
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[ COLOURS ]  ~  burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
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[ BODY ] ~ mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists.  hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins.  guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
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[ WEAPONS ]  ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer.  shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers.  machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets. lasers.
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[ MATERIALS ]  ~ metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite.  moonstone.  petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils. skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain.  bone. shells. coral.
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[ NATURE ]  ~ grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. pond. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp.  plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space.  clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun.  heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise.  sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
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[ ANIMALS ]  ~ birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer.  hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. ants.  moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
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[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum.  mints.  candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea.  spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks.  celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
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[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. synthesizer.  violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk.  classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. electronica. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art.  sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolour. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defence. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. duelling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey.  reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. science.
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[ STYLE ]  ~ nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint.  make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. nose rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pyjamas.
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[ MISC ]  ~ balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power.  clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies.  loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honour. piety. charity. diligence. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. bitterness. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. illusion. silence.
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themculibrary · 5 months
Flowery/Plants Fic Titles Masterlist 2
part one
Aloe You Vera Much (ao3) - mollus steve/bucky N/R, 2k
Summary: Revenge is a dish best served... flowery?
A tattoo shop AU/flower shop AU crossover drabble with added fluff and humour.
A Valentine Tree (ao3) - AnneAce steve/bucky G, 8k
Summary: Under the frosted tips of growing tree branches, two lovers met for the first time. Then for the second, third, and every time. They swear to each other that they'll be Valentines forever. Some childish promises growing into reality, and as their tree grows so does their love for each other and the family that they built.
candy hearts and flowers can't compare to your love (ao3) - soniclipstick (veriscence) bucky/steve/tony E, 2k
Summary: Tony and Bucky are friends. They’re also both dating Steve. Tony’s happy with the current arrangement because he loves Steve. He might also be falling in love with Bucky, but there’s no reason to bring that up. He’d rather have Steve than lose them both in the fallout of that confession.
Tony is an idiot and Steve is clueless, but thankfully, Bucky knows better. And everyone should listen to Sam more often.
chocolate roses (ao3) - wombatpop ned/peter G, 602
Summary: Ned and Peter's first Valentine's Day.
i'll bring you flowers in the pouring rain (ao3) - censored peter/harley T, 6k
Summary: Peter Parker knew that he didn’t live up to the expectations of people.
Harley Keener knew that he didn’t live up to the expectations of people.
In which: Peter is a tattoo artist and Harley is a florist. Somehow, luck is on their side.
Let Me Count the Flowers (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: When Steve walks into work and finds a flower on his desk, he thinks it's a mistake. But then there's another one the next day... and the next day... and the next day...
like sick flowers need the sun (ao3) - hoosierbitch clint/phil M, 7k
Summary: Clint hasn't felt this alone in a long time. Coulson's gone, SHIELD isn't a home anymore, and no one on his new team seems to like him. After a lifetime of being ignored, Clint's gotten good at demanding attention. He'll annoy and frustrate and piss everyone off until they notice him. To him, any attention—even the negative kind—is good attention.
This poses a problem when they all finally learn to just ignore him.
Lime Blossoms (ao3) - hawksonfire bucky/clint G, 5k
Summary: Bucky runs a flower shop. KaBloom is his pride and joy. He's not expecting to fall for the hot tattoo artist at the new tattoo place next door, but Bucky figures he can just shove acacias and daffodils at the Hot New Guy until Bucky gets over him.
On Wings of Ink and Petals (ao3) - butterflyslinky, watcherofworlds wanda/sam T, 10k
Summary: Sam Wilson runs a flower shop and volunteers at the VA in his spare time, living out his days in peaceful solitude. Then comes the day Wanda and Pietro Maximoff open up a tattoo parlor next door to his flower shop. With her borderline goth manner of dress and her bold personality, Wanda shakes up Sam's quiet world, and as they get to know each other, Sam finds himself falling for her.
The Winter Aconites (ao3) - Nameless_Hanna sam/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Whether Bucky doesn't love him anymore, or never loved him in the first place doesn't matter, because it wouldn't change the results –which is Sam getting the Hanahaki Disease.
Tulips (ao3) - thatdamneddame clint/phil G, 1k
Summary: There are tulips, pink and white, sitting in a vase on Phil’s desk when he gets back from lunch.
turquoise petals on my fingers, in my lungs (ao3) - mish_mish steve/tony N/R, 2k
Summary: hanahaki disease AU
The heart crumbles in his hands, something whines lingeringly in his chest and beautiful turquoise flowers twist around his ribs. Stephen Strange knows what that means. He already feels the velvety petals sticking to his throat and choked him, when he looks at Tony Stark a little longer.
Until the Last Rose (ao3) - ElisabethMonroe sam/bucky T, 7k
Summary: Flower shop owner Sam Wilson meets chaotic and chronic holiday flower buyer Bucky Barnes
violets & ink (ao3) - idiotlesbian wanda/natasha G, 6k
Summary: Wanda isn’t really enjoying life at the moment. She’s grieving her family and spends most of her time working in her family’s flowers shop to avoid her feelings.
Until she meets the tattoo artist from across the street, whom she secretly has had a crush on forever.
sad florist!wanda meets tattoo artist!natasha
Where Flowers Bloom (ao3) - MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) bucky/tony T, 9k
Summary: Bucky wakes up to rose petals on his pillow, petals he coughed up during the night. He knows exactly who the petals are for, and he's excited. All he needs now is a plan.
A fluffy hanahaki disease twist, in which coughing up petals isn't lethal - it's just a sign that you're in love, and you woo your intended with your beautiful bouquet of affection.
where flowers bloom (so does hope) (ao3) - hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) steve/tony T, 7k
Summary: There's something ethereal about the man that has Steve's heart humming in his chest, and not in the way that means he's coming down with something. His eyes are roving over the street, catching on things that Steve can't identify. It's like he's trying to rebuild the street with the power of his mind alone, and for a second, Steve believes that he could. This man just doesn't belong at the entrance to a Brooklyn tenement building with wide eyes and fluffy hair and a lost expression on his face.
A strange man shows up in Steve's life, only to disappear just as abruptly, leaving Steve behind with a chest full of flowers. Steve doesn't expect to find him again, but he'll live this life as long as the flowers will let him. He owes Anthony that much.
white petals stained red (ao3) - scriptatur bucky/steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: When the first petal falls, he’s not even surprised. He’s not quite sure who it is, but that’s not really a surprise either. Only he could be so lucky to fall in love with two people at the same time. Unrequited love, that is, hence the petals falling from his lips. Tony stares at the two white petals in his hand, feels the back of his throat itch and thinks “Oh. This is it, then.”
Winter Jasmine (ao3) - Larilyn bucky/darcy G, 1k
Summary: Darcy has made it her mission to make Bucky Barnes smile. And Darcy never fails on her missions.
yellow carnations. (ao3) - orphan_account sam/bucky T, 3k
Summary: sam owns a flower shop, and bucky keeps coming in to flirt with him. badly
you're a sunflower (ao3) - inwelled (orphan_account) carol/maria, phil/nick T, 3k
Summary: The woman in the doorway is breathing heavily. Her eyes jump around the room until they land on Monica, Goose purring contently in her arms. They seem to skip right over Carol, too concerned with the little girl in the middle of the shop.
The face clicks in her mind and Carol freezes.
It can't be.
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
I love scarlet and Violet and swsh but god. The entire " dark skinned people with colored eyes" just got. So worse man. Like it's not even " oh yeah they're giving dark skinned characters lighter colored/ non brown are black eyes". THEY ARE LITERALLY. GIVING THEM THE SAME COLOR BUT IN DIFFERENT SHADES. Okay maybe that's not 100% correct,but you get what I'm saying right?
Like according to Bulbapedia, the last two gens worth of characters with darker skin eye color are:
Hop- Yellow/gold
Leon yellow/ gold ( whoops nearly forgot about these two)
Nessa - Blue ( with like. Orange pupils?)
Bea - Gray
Raihan - Teal
Rose - Green
Peony - Green
Peonia - Green
Iscan - Brown ( THE ONLY ONE MIND YOU)
Canaba - Cyan
Nemona - Orange
Jacq - Gray
Raifort- Gray
Salvatore- Gray
Tyme - Green
Ryme - Green ( I always seen it as a turtioiuse but okay)
Tulip (adding her bc I think she's supposed to be tan/a bit darker that what the game shows us) - Hazel ( oh well that's a new one....close. But not close enough)
Amarys - Turquoise
Cyrano - Green
( lemme knows if I missed anyone from the past two gens!)
Now you're probably thinking. "R all of these are different shades! Non dark skinned characters have them too!" And yeah. You're right. But to me , these eye colors look suspiciously similar to each other. Like there isn't much variety. And that's on top of the fact that there is literally only one browned eyes character in this list and he's fucking dead canonically.
This is frustrating. And honestly, kinda insulting. Call me overdramatic all you want but I am tired of this shit. Why can't Gamefreak just give multiple dark skinned characters brown eyes. And not just those who have darker skin, those who are really dark! Trust me, I get the appeal of contrasting tones- I do it too! I'm not gonna go on my high horse and say I don't! But it's just. So tiring man. And it hurts more when, in my eyes, they literally look the same.
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buffaluff · 7 months
daffodil & tulip!
hi! 👋
daffodil - which colour suits you best?
My favorite color is absolutely ORANGE 🍊 with turquoise and (star trek command) gold coming in respectable runner’s up positions. as far as colors i look good in, the jury’s out on that one 😂
tulip - lucky number?
for whatever reason, 27 has been my go-to lucky number always!
flower asks
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corndog-tarot-cards · 7 months
What yo favorite color? Mines purple but like a lilac 🌷
(I’m aware that’s a tulip (I think))
no way i am also a super big fan of purple!!! but i also am also a big fan of blues and whatnot, specifically turquoise-y blues
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