#Pax Forsythe
sappho-rose · 1 year
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g0reoz · 11 months
this is how quadstrike went, right?
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zennx-23 · 1 year
Beyblade Burst QuadStrike - Pri and Pax Forsythe
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0iam0 · 2 years
Pen Doodles
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Yoo new beyburst season !1!1 New characters 1!1 Honestly I'm a little obsessed with drawing Pax. He's got a cool design. Quadra is cool too.
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Dead gran <3 best thing. The Menace, Hyde; the Critter, Count Nightfell and the Sad, Evel Oxford.
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And some less important characters but i liked their design so imma draw. Stuart and Carlos (n Casey).
I originally thought of uploading it only on insta but then insta proved itself to be an actual joke so now imma post it here too. Unless Tumblr pulls a "not showing up in tags" too, cuz that's a thing which Tumblr did before Insta.
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zackadadeonda · 1 year
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"Put. on. the. mask. 𝙌𝙪𝙖𝙙𝙧𝙖."
yeah so this is like a dark AU? idk i just wanted to let this idea out ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
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snowboyclarkov · 1 year
Tragic Burst Antagonists
The results changed hands a few times. Gwyn took an early lead for his growing subconscious friend-based obsession with Dante and his descent into full mental breakdown, but then Pax with his arm injury and the mental trauma of having to give up everything that he held onto for years held command for the majority of the poll time. In the last hour, Shu it seems edged the most recent of antagonists out. No wonder. The guy even got possessed by his own bey and put through unethical mad science. Lain and his Flare-fuelled identity crisis also got a vote in. As usual, my vote doesn't matter. I went for Pax.
Shu Kurenai - 5 votes
Pax Forsythe - 3 votes
Gwyn Reynolds - 2 votes
Lain Valhalla - 1 vote
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12 notes · View notes
I'm calling it right now, Pax (Pri's brother) is gonna be the final villain of the series. His backstory is almost exactly the same as Ryan Gladstone from Beywheelz: a genius blader (or wheeler) who retired due to an accident and now coaches other bladers while researching the supernatural power of beys.
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hellkerbecs · 1 year
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art-ember · 1 year
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I wanna see more of these two interacting!!!
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beybladeninja · 1 year
I got a request for a certain blader, and it tied into a thought I had for three other bladers.
First up, here's Gwyn!
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Gwyn is the God of Mathematics. He acts as a very high and condescending god, and purposely withholds information upon being asked, claiming that those who asked him simply wouldn't understand the complexity of a god's wisdom.
His job is to keep track of all the numbers of the world, and how they tie into everyday life. It was he who taught humans the “golden” numbers, like pi and phi. His haori acts almost like a chalkboard in which mathematic equations rapidly appear and disappear - trying to keep up with it is a good way to give oneself vertigo. He always has chalk sticks tied into his topknot in case he ever needs to write a mathematic equation.
Next up is Naoki!
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Naoki is the God of Science. Like Gwyn, he acts very condescending towards others, especially towards humans. However, upon given the proper incentive, he will not hesitate to info dump on any unlucky party.
Most of the world is controlled by gods, but it is Naoki's job to keep track of the few parts of the world that is dictated by science alone. His hakama is decorated with examples of sciences, like chemistry, light refraction, DNA study, and timelines.
Third is Evel!
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Evel is the God of Mechanics. Unlike Gwyn and Naoki, he is a very reclusive god that prefers to focus on his work than commune with others. Those who pray to him for mechanical answers are lucky if they get a response.
His job is to keep track of all the mechanics of the world - how things are built, how machines work and the like. The gears around his neck are always moving, symbolizing that machines are always in the works. They say that when the gears stop, every machine in the world will stop as well.
Lastly is Pax!
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Pax is the God of History. Like Evel, he is reclusive in nature compared to the others. Though if politely asked, he will gladly answer a question.
His job is to keep track of the universe’s history. Every single monumental battle, every single civilization that came and went, every single planet that was born and died out, every single person who made a mark on the world, it is his job to document it all. The blue lines in his haori actually symbolize bloodlines, and touching one of them can reveal that bloodline’s entire history.
Together, they are known as the Four Pillars of Knowledge, the four gods that guard the world's knowledge. People pray to them for answers to intelligent problems in their lives. They hold this title and job in high regard - a little too high, in fact, to the point that other gods often refer to them as the Four Smartypantses. But no one can really go against them, as no one can rival their intelligence.
Each Pillar has an item that represents them. Gwyn has a rubber ball that reveals angles when dropped or thrown. Naoki has a pair of glasses that uncover all the scientific mysteries of the world. Evel has a scroll that holds the blueprints to every machine imaginable. Pax has a book in which the universe’s entire history is documented. Humans would kill to own these items in order to gain the upper hand on an enemy - or at the very least, pass a school entrance exam.
(I honestly drew a blank when drawing their attire, mostly because Google has no good reference photos for Ancient Japan Mathematicians, Scientists, Mechanics, or Historians.)
What do you think of the Four Pillars of Knowledge?
And don't worry - Delta is up next!
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Hello there Pax Forsythe fans.
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Any headcanons for Pri Forsythe (The Lesbian Ever)?
okay bet.
I’m just going to start by saying that Pri was absolutely great and she is 100% gaslight gatekeep girlboss material. So much, that each time she was in a match, I would be like “I hope she gaslights gatekeeps girlbosses the other person OUT Of ThERE-“
yahhh Pri is really cool.
Anyways…!Time for the (rather few) Pri head cannons:
She likes mint chocolate chip ice cream. Bel doesn’t. They argue over this.
If you’re being super SUPER annoying she will actually ignore you by putting her headphones on at full blast. That’s how you know if you’re annoying to her or not. Sorry not sorry 🤷‍♂️
I still feel that even though she blasts music to block you out, most of the time, her headphones are at relatively low volume because my girl here doesn’t want to go deaf at 25.
Pri probably liked shiny stuff. Not just like jewels or whatever but genuinely any shiny fabric like ever. It’s just captivating to her.
The reason that she didn’t dance that much during her time is because she wasn’t that confident in her dancing abilities. (I needed to find an explanation for this, and this one was kinda reasonable so I just went with it. A.K.A this is subject to change)
after the events of season 7, it took Pri a while to rebuild trust with her brother, but they did so eventually, and now they are chill with each other again.
One time someone mistook her and Phi��s name by accident and even though she didn’t know who Phi was (or at least knew who he was but she had forgotten he existed), she was ready to drop everything and throw hands
Pri has a stupidly high chance of either being a magical girl or liking magical girls and there is no in between.
last but not least, she obviously likes baggy clothes, but unlike your average middle school boy, she can make it look good.
(Pri) Rating time!!
easy ✨9.5/10✨. The series decided to end with one of the best protagonists of any season EVER and I’m so glad for that. I really liked Pri. She didn’t feel like a copy paste protagonist. The writers really did her justice, especially by adding depth to their characters. I especially liked how they made her have a just a teensy tiny existential crisis over her own identity, which literally no other bey burst protagonist had (closest that came to that was probably Aiger, and cmon, Aiger was protagonist like 3 seasons ago before Pri showed up). All I wish for Pri was for her to have another season and for her to battle either Bel or Pax in the seventh season finale, but alas, we don’t always get what we want. She made season seven really fun, and I’m so glad that girlie here was the best case of gaslight gatekeep girlboss there ever was.
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g0reoz · 5 months
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So, British people, huh?
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ura-0m0te-lovers · 1 year
pax forsythe hateclub
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theangriestpea · 5 years
Crowned : Six
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Summary: Two blonde princesses, two dark-haired princes, and one plotting marquess. Lily is in love with a secret admirer. Shanna doesn’t want to ascend to the throne. Jughead wants to spend the day writing poetry. Sweet Pea would rather be out on his horse. And Reggie just wants to be king. <ao3> <masterlist>
Pairing: Sweet Pea x OC, Jughead Jones x OC
Word Count: 4.7k+
Warnings: Mentions of wartime and violence. 
A/N: Thank you everyone who has supported me through this series. This is the first completely fanfiction series I’ve completed in quite some time not counting one-shots. I’m pretty terrible at finishing fics because I’m HORRIBLE at endings...and middles....really I’m only good at beginnings lmao. Please enjoy the Epilogue and look for more oneshots that I’ll write for this universe periodically. More “Deleted scenes” if you will, since the last one I wrote did really well. Ao3 is currently down so I’ll updated it there as soon as it comes back up. 
Part Six: Epilogue 
The screams of the two princesses echoed down the hallway. King Owens paced frantically outside the closed door to the special room in the royal infirmary. Sweat beaded on his brow as his stomach turned as he heard his oldest cry out once again. 
He was useless. Just as useless as he was on the days they were born. He fainted when his wife was pushing out Shanna and would have passed out for Lily had he not been sitting down already at the doctor’s request. He did well under political pressure, but not under personal stress. 
Inside the room, divided by a thin curtain, Shanna and Lily were plagued with labor pains. Though their due dates were a few days apart, and still about a week away, both had started contractions heavily that morning. 
Shanna blamed her husband. Sweet Pea had seduced her into a round of wake-up sex which triggered her labor. Hearing her sister’s cries of pain caused Lily so much stress that she then went into labor. It was quite the royal disaster. 
Sweet Pea’s fingers were currently being fractured in his wife’s tight grip. “I fucking hate you!” She yelled, tears trailing down her face, “you just had to get your dick wet!” 
“That’s why this is happening?!” Lily yelled from the other side of the curtain, poised on her own bed. “Because he couldn’t take care of his morning wood himself?” 
Jughead, future king of Riverdale, was doing his best to not laugh at his brother’s misfortune of incurring the wrath of both princesses. In fact, he couldn’t keep the smile from beaming across his face as today would be the day that he’d finally meet his son. 
Sweet Pea would have been overjoyed to see his daughter in person for the first time as well if he weren’t currently being screamed at by two women in an insurmountable amount of pain. Their contractions were fairly closed together, although Lily was dilated about two inches more and was finally ready to get an epidural. 
Princess Shanna was breathing heavily between muscle contractions as she tried to rest against the bed until her next one hit in approximately two minutes. She overheard the nurse letting Lily know she could get anesthetic now and Shanna groaned with the agony of jealousy. 
Her own nurse checked her once more, head bobbing under the sheet that was tented by her knees. “Not quite yet, your highness.” She said, much to Shanna’s disdain. The nurse stood back up, putting the sheet back down. “But soon. Hopefully a few more minutes.” 
“She’s dragging this out because she’s trying to kill me!” Shanna yelled in a fit of dramatics as she noticed Lily’s own pained sobs had mostly quieted. The world was cruel and she’d love nothing more than to catapult Sweet Pea into the sun for doing this to her. 
Sweet Pea tried to soothe her by smoothing down her mussy hair, “no she’s not. She’s just not ready to come out yet…” 
“And whose fault is that?” Shanna snapped at him angrily, ready to break another one of his phalanges. He blanched, knowing that this day might end in his own death. 
Twelve laborious hours after she went into labor, Crowned Princess Lily gave birth to a healthy baby boy and newest heir to the throne. Of course, keeping with traditions, he was named Forsythe Pendleton Jones IV. Although the couple had settled on the nickname “Pax” to symbolize the peace he was to bring to their newly joined kingdoms. 
Shanna was not quite as lucky. Her own labor lasted a total of fifteen hours before the new little princess joined the world at last. Princess Dahlia, after a flower that Shanna was quite fond of and in keeping with the floral tradition of her husband’s name. 
Although no longer ascending the throne, Shanna still had to stay in the Northside castle as her husband was training the ground troops there to get them into shape. Some of his best men had come from the Southside to help him and he spent entirely too much time in his beloved war room, leaving his wife and newborn daughter to fend for themselves.
Well, as much as princesses would need to, considering the personal servants and chambermaids they both had. The king had even tried to order for a wet nurse to be available but the new mothers greatly protested as they didn’t want anyone else to be feeding their newborn children. Unfortunately for the king, he had to accept that his daughters were grown adults now and no longer needed his help with much.
Six weeks after Pax and Dahlia were born, the crowning ceremony was held for Lily and Jughead to finally become the reigning couple. King Owens stepped down from king to simply father of the queen. In truth, he was quite okay with this as ruling solo for so long had been quite tiresome. He had been looking forward to the rest greatly. Although he did stick around for a majority of the council meetings to help guide his daughter in the political processes. Afterall, Shanna had been the one trained in all of it and not Lily. It was an easy fix, however, and Lily was a natural just as her mother had been. 
With Lily and Jughead ruling as equals, most of their day was spent going over new decrees, new laws being passed, having an audience with those wanting to propose changes or new social programs, going over financing the Southside with supplies, and various odds and ends. This meant that for a majority of the day, their son was actually in the care of his aunt as she had no royal duty to do...well anything really. 
It actually caused her a great deal of distress, although feeling mostly fulfilled as a mother and aunt, she still grew depressed with the thought that this was all that was left for her while her sister and husband were off doing bigger and better things. She was left in their dust and was feeling particularly ignored and abandoned. 
She was in her favorite sunroom with the two infants one day, alone as usual, and on this particular day she was weeping silently as she rocked the bassinet Pax was currently fussing in as he was fighting sleep. Her own daughter was already passed out from a belly full of fresh breast milk. 
Duke Mantle, not the old pissant Marty but the new and improved Reginald, came across her there and noticed something wasn’t right. He came in slowly, not wanting to startle her or the little one that she was trying to get to sleep. 
“Princess…?” He asked softly as she quickly wiped the tears from her face, hoping that he hadn’t seen them. But of course, he had. That was one of the reasons why he was coming in here. “May I sit down?” 
Shanna let out a tired sigh. She didn’t sleep much, really only when both babies were asleep was she finally able to drift off into dreamlessness. “You may.” She said, her exhaustion evident in her voice. 
Reggie sat down on the couch beside her. Not too close to be inappropriate, but close enough to try and give some kind of comfort. “What’s wrong?” He asked timidly, a tone that he very rarely took. She didn’t even look at him as she continued to gently move the bassinet back and forth in a rhythm that only she could feel. 
“What do you care, Reggie?” She bit back, not understanding what he was doing here when he surely had some important things to do. Even the duke had a bigger role to play in the kingdom than she did at this point. She never thought that she would one day regret giving up the crown. 
The duke frowned, “I know I didn’t act like it, Princess Shanna, but I have always cared about you. I never stopped caring. Everything I did to hurt you, that was my father’s doing. I never once lied about my feelings for you.” 
More tears flooded her eyes as she tried to get them to stop. Hearing this from him was definitely not something she had realized that she needed. It did help heal some of her past hurts though and perhaps she felt the tiniest bit less used by him. She was quiet, still not answering his question. 
“What is wrong?” He repeated, moving just a fraction closer. “Is something wrong with the prince?” His gaze moved to Pax who was finally starting to settle down, although gave the occasional whimper of protest. 
“No, he’s fine.” She murmured, “Everything’s fine. I don’t have to be queen. I’m married to Sweet Pea. I have a beautiful daughter and nephew...everything is totally and completely fine.” 
This was an obvious lie as if that were truly the case then she wouldn’t be sitting here by herself crying. Reggie obviously knew this as it wasn’t hard to deduce. “Then why are you crying?” 
She hesitated, unsure if she should bare her soul to him once more. The last time she did it bit her on the ass. “My life has always had a purpose in regards to the kingdom. I was raised with an important role to fill. Now that I don’t have that...I feel completely useless.” 
Her shoulders trembled with the threat of another sob, however she held it in. She didn’t want anyone seeing her like this, especially not Reggie. Despite him greatly improving himself over the past few months and flourishing with his new title, she still couldn’t help but feel like he was an old enemy that she just couldn’t trust. 
Reggie put a gentle hand on her shoulder. He hesitated as he felt her stiffen beneath his touch. It was not a romantic gesture, rather a comforting one. Something to assure her that she wasn’t as alone as she felt. “Everyone else has a role to fill and you don’t.” He said, more for clarification than as a statement. Shanna nodded her head weakly. Even her husband had an incredibly important job. The once crowned princess was now nothing more than a royal nanny. 
He gently rubbed her shoulder, “I think you’re greatly minimizing your importance in the work you are doing, princess.” He said softly, hoping she would take his words to heart. “Not just anyone can be a mother. And these are just regular children you’re taking care of. The crowned prince will one day be king of all of Riverdale. To ensure he is a good one, then he must be raised right. It takes a special person to do that. Not to say that the queen isn’t special, she is. I just mean it’s not something a commoner could do.” 
Reggie paused, taking in her countenance. Shanna was still frowning, albeit not quite as deeply. “And Princess Dahlia I’m sure will one day have an important role herself. She could take over her father’s job or simply help rule the Southside for Prince Forsythe. My point is that she will also need a special upbringing as well. You should not sell yourself so short.” 
Shanna chewed on her lip in thought. She wanted to believe him but that was proving to be difficult. The duke continued, “What you’re doing is extremely important, but if you still want to do more then why don’t you think about starting new social programs for the mothers of Riverdale? Help them get the things they need to take better care of their children.” 
Finally she cracked a smile, “Reggie...that’s a wonderful idea. I could totally do that and propose it to Lily, I’m sure she’ll agree with it. Jughead will just have to sign off on the financial aid, but…” 
His face mirrored hers: happy and excited, “I could help you if you want. Give your proposal while you take care of these two. Maybe work out any of the kinks that pop up.” 
She turned to look at him fully, “Thank you, Reggie. This is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me. How can I repay you?” 
“Just stop hating me.” He said softly, eyes downcast with hurt, “forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you. You know the difficult position my father put me in, and-” She cut him off with a wave of her hand. 
“If that’s all, then certainly I can do that. All is forgiven, Duke Mantle. Now, go grab a notepad and a pen and we’ll get started.” The princess declared, a smile still lighting up her face. 
Reggie nodded and quickly did as she asked before joining her back on the couch so they could get to work. 
Shanna had still not been getting much sleep. Dahlia insisted on eating every two hours, even during the night. Though it relieved the fullness of her breasts, she was starting to feel utterly defeated. Sweet Pea, who slept like a sentient rock, did not wake up to his daughter’s cries. He was totally immune to her hunger pains. 
But today was different. Today Sweet Pea had taken some time off to spend with his new family, mostly his daughter who he couldn’t quite believe the amount of love he had for her. He never wanted to protect something so fiercely as her in his entire life. He didn’t get any kind of paternal leave as there was much too much work to do. Instead he was forced to take time off here and there to get any real quality time with her. 
Luckily this gave his wife some time to nap peacefully without having to worry about being woken up by a baby. Pax was with the queen today as she took her own day off to play with her little boy. Her and Jughead did this from time to time as to not miss these crucial first moments of their child’s life. 
The princess had been asleep for the past three hours, which was more consecutive time than she’d had since Dahlia was born. If she truly wanted to, she could have nannies take care of her, but Shanna was determined to do it herself. If other mother’s could then so could she. 
She was abruptly woken by the loudest burp she had ever heard. It startled her so bad that she nearly fell off the bed. She let out a groan before pulling on the robe and going into the living room of their new suite to see who the hell that came from and to promptly yell at them. 
“I swear to god, Sweet Pea, the best sleep I get in two months and you-” She walked in to find both her husband and daughter in a fit of giggles. It was the first time she had heard Dahlia do something other than cry… Her eyes teared up with joy. 
“She is definitely my daughter. Did you hear that whopper? That was her!” He was so utterly proud of his offspring in that moment that he thought he might burst. 
Shanna did not look nearly as impressed. Mostly she just looked exhausted. “Did you give her gas drops?” 
He grinned before kissing his baby on the forehead. “Of course I did. Looks like they’re working perfectly. Sleep well?” 
“I did until the princess woke me up with the loudest burp in the history of the kingdom.” She grumbled as she tried to wipe the sleep from her eyes. “Well, I guess I’m up now. I should pump since she just ate. Did she take the bottle okay?” 
“Yes. I told you she would. Just let me feed her sometimes at night. You don’t always have to do it. All you have to do is pinch me and I’ll wake up.” Sweet Pea said, a smile still on his face as he was still entirely too amused. 
She smiled before sitting down on the couch, “I guess I can. I feel bad because you have to work.” 
Sweet Pea sat down beside her. “It’s not like you do nothing all day.” He said, rolling his eyes. “How is the new proclamation going? Mantle behaving himself?” 
Her eyes lit up, “it’s going wonderfully! We’re going to give the formal proposal next Tuesday. It would help every newborn in the kingdom and make sure every new mother and father have all the tools they need to raise their babies. I’m so excited. Lily was very on board when I told her about it at lunch yesterday.” 
Dahlia was staring up at him with big hazel eyes that matched her mother’s. She cooed at him before yawning. 
“I’d be worn out too after that monstrosity you just let out.” Shanna said teasingly as she poked her little girl’s belly. Dahlia grinned a toothless smile before yawning a second time. 
“I’m proud of you, princess.” Sweet Pea said suddenly. “I didn’t know brats could make such good mothers.” His tone turned teasing at the end. 
Shanna’s eyes narrowed and she pulled on his earlobe, making him yelp in pain. “Jerk. I’m only a brat when you’re an ass. Besides, you enjoy it. Don’t try to deny it either because I’m not an idiot.” 
The dark prince just laughed lightly, knowing it was true. 
Meanwhile in what was the new wing for the King and Queen, Lily and Jughead sat with their son who had also just fallen asleep. “He’s so perfect.” Jughead said in a soft voice as to not wake the sleeping baby. “I can’t believe I helped create him.” 
Lily was smiling at the swaddled bundle in her arms. “He has your eyes.” She commented, “the Jones’ blue eyes...I hope they don’t change when he gets older.” 
Jughead grinned, “They won’t, trust me. All the men in my family have the same blue eyes...well, except for Sweet Pea but that’s because he’s adopted. Dahlia got Lav’s eyes anyway.” 
The queen giggled lightly as she got up and gently placed Pax in his bassinet. “The prince who will finally bring peace to Riverdale...Do you think we expect too much of him?” 
“Not any more than my father expected of me.” The new crowned king said honestly. “Once this war with Greendale is over then things should settle and be peaceful again. No other kingdoms are so gungho for war. The one-eyed queen is the last one trying to wreak havoc with her Gargoyles.” 
Lily shook her head, “yes but now we’ll have the best Serpent army training our troops. We are twice as strong now. She won’t be able to even touch us. Especially with Sweet Pea leading them.” 
Jughead was silent for a few moments. “I do worry what will happen when he goes into battle….” 
She ran a hand through his thick hair, “we have to trust that he’ll be smart when he goes in. And pray that he stays safe. My sister would be devastated if anything were to happen to him. Dahlia deserves a father.” 
“I know. That’s what concerns me. His temper or pride will blind him and he’ll get himself hurt or worse.” Jughead said, his face going stoic. 
The queen shook her head, not wanting to discuss something so serious on their day off. “It’s his job, Jug. None of us have a choice. He’ll want to be out there anyway. You can’t stop him from doing what he loves.” 
The king gave an exasperated sigh. “I know. He’s like a bull. At least his strategies are brilliant. Maybe that’ll be enough to keep him from getting himself killed.” 
“We can only hope….” 
Six months later the worst happened. Greendale finally made its move against Riverdale, attacking the border bases and cities. Jughead had no choice but to send Sweet Pea and his best troops to the front line. It was his duty, no matter how much Princess Shanna begged him to not make his brother go. 
Dahlia was old enough to understand that her father was gone. What she didn’t understand was why. Shanna put on a brave face for her daughter but to be honest she spent most nights crying in her large bed alone. Lily did her best to be there and comfort her sister but she was so busy with her work that she didn’t have much time. 
The unsung hero of the story was really Duke Mantle who helped Shanna immensely with both the children and keeping her head in a good place. Lily practically ordered him to keep her preoccupied so she didn’t dwell on thinking the worst. 
The prince and princess wrote to each other as much as they could. Mail was slow getting to the front lines but letters from Princess Shanna were marked as the highest importance. While some of the older generals protested this, as they saw it as a distraction, Sweet Pea assured them that it was essential to keep up morale. Letters from home was the best way to do that. 
Although, Sweet Pea quite regularly showed concern on how close Reggie and Shanna were getting. She had to keep reassuring him that it wasn’t like that in the slightest and to trust her. He’d always be her prince. She couldn’t even think of having that kind of relationship with Reggie again. The mere thought left a bad taste in her mouth. 
The following week the letters stopped coming. Shanna waited day after day for just a single update on how her husband was fairing, but so far there was no news. At least none that had been released to her. She was almost certain that Jughead knew something and just wasn’t telling her. Hermes was in the stable the night before last on a return trip. This only meant that the king had gotten word from the frontlines. 
During tea time that afternoon, Princess Shanna forced her way into the tea room with both babies in tow. “Jughead, I demand that you tell me what is going on!” The server in the room flinched at the casualness. The princess was giving orders to the king. The lack of proper etiquette was appalling. 
“I don't understand what you’re talking about, Shanna.” The king said dismissively as he took another sip of her Earl grey. 
She stomped her foot, “I know Hermes is in the stable as we speak! I know you’ve gotten news from the front. Tell me!” She demanded once more. 
King Jughead was informal for the most part. At least, in the presence of family. Her accosting him in this way did not bother him in the slightest. Mostly because he knew she was worried sick about his brother and not because she was trying to be blatantly disrespectful. “Shanna, please. Sit down.” 
Lily looked curiously between her sister and her husband, drinking a bit of her own white tea blend that was made special for the royal family. “Bring Pax here, I’ll hold him.” She said with a smile. 
Shanna went around the table and deposited the prince before walking back around to take her seat, Dahlia perched on her lap with wide and curious eyes. She blinked at the adults around her before babbling something incoherent at Pax who merely cooed back. 
Jughead took a deep breath before setting his cup down. “There was an ambush. The Gargoyles have mostly shifted to guerrilla warfare as Sweet Pea had suspected they would. Something happened about six days ago to cause the line of communication to nearly be cut.” 
Princess Shanna bit her lip in anticipation, her heart sinking down into her stomach as she knew bad news was to come. Her eyes began to water in preparation. “Sweet Pea’s unit was attacked at night. The watchers were killed before they could raise the alarm. There were some devastating losses, however we were ultimately victorious.” 
“And Pea?” She asked, growing impatient with him. He should have told her about this as soon as he found out!
“He was gravely injured. He just recently regained consciousness.” Jughead said, “but the doctors assure me he will make a full recovery. They are bringing him home now to recuperate while General Fogarty steps up to lead in his stead. I wanted it to be a surprise when he got here.” 
At first, tears did fall. Sad tears over hearing that he had been hurt badly. However, they quickly turned to happy tears instead at the knowledge that he would be home soon. “How soon? When will he be home?” 
The king smiled, “Tomorrow afternoon. I want him to get as much rest as possible and I need you to see to it that he doesn’t try to overdo it. He was very upset that he was being sent home.” 
“Thank you so much, Jug.” Shanna said, still crying as she held Dahlia close to her chest. “I’m sorry I was yelling at you.” 
Lily grinned, “it’s okay. We know how much stress you’re under. I would be lost if Jughead had to go off to war. Take all the time you need. I can keep Pax tomorrow so you can spend time with him.” 
Her tears eventually stopped as she smiled back at her sister, “you’re the best, Lily. I love you both.” 
Of course there were many, many, more tears when Sweet Pea finally arrived home the following day. Shanna nearly knocked him and his wheelchair over with excitement when she nearly jumped into his arms. The nurse pushing him had to stop her. “Princess, I’m sorry, he’s still very hurt.” 
A worried look crossed her face before she leaned in and kissed him, gently at first until he pulled her into his lap on his own to deepen it. The nurse made a disapproving face at the two of them. “Your highness…” 
“Let me kiss my wife, damn it.” He said back to the girl before hugging Shanna close to him. “Where’s my princess at?” 
“She’s taking a nap, come on.” Shanna got off of him and took the wheelchair from the nurse. “I’ll take you to her.” She pushed him, struggling a little at first, “Christ you’re heavy.” 
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, “I don’t need help, I can do it myself.” He put his hands on the wheels and began to propel himself down the hallway. 
That night, there was a family dinner in the dining hall. Sweet Pea talked about his more glorious battles, much to Shanna’s dismay. Hearing him in constant danger made her anxiety swell to an almost intolerable level. 
Lily announced that Shanna’s program to provide care packages to the new parents of Riverdale (North and Southsides) would be in full effect within the week’s end. Everyone with a child under the age of one would be receiving guidebooks, equipment, toys, and more information on resources available to them in the event that they needed help with formula, baby food, diapers, wipes, and/or medical care. The support from the kingdom over this decree had been overwhelmingly positive, especially from the Southside who didn’t always have access to the programs that had been instilled on the Northside for several years now. 
The previous king was alight with pride for his two daughters. This was the first major new social program implemented by the new regime and he couldn’t be happier. Former King Forsythe was also quite impressed with the whole thing. He knew that the families in his old kingdom would greatly benefit from this. It was nice to know that the place he strived to make a prosperous home for many was finally getting the second chance it deserved. 
The war lasted for another three years, however Sweet Pea would come home after every four months or so to visit. He would stay with his wife and daughter for a couple months before leaving again. When the war had finally ended, Riverdale proved the winner as they beat back the Greendale forces until they had no man power or supplies left to feasibly continue their tirade. There were great losses on the Riverdale side as well, but not nearly to the same degree as Greendale.
Sweet Pea and the rest of the soldiers returned home for good, much to the joy and happiness of the families that had awaited them for so long. Sweet Pea, Shanna, and Dahlia moved to live in the castle in the Southside while Jughead, Lily, and Pax stayed in the North. They visited each other often and communicated almost daily. Despite the distance, the siblings were still incredibly close with one another. 
And they all lived happily ever after. 
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Tag List: @the-gargoyle-queen​, @princesweetpea​, @wayward-river​, @southside-vixen​, @redhairdontcare732​, @lilhemmo​, @iamaunicorn4704​, @jezzabelleserpent​
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snowboyclarkov · 1 year
Incorrect Dialogue: Top Gear AI -> Beyblade Burst - 2
More Top Gear AI dialogue turned into random blader scenarios. As if the first one wasn't enough. Obvious dialogue alterations to further fit the bladers and for humour.
Phi: This is the all new Vauxhall Corsa. It starts at 18 billion Zimbabwean Dollars, it has 7 horsepower and comes with all sorts of new gadgets.
*Phi gets into the car.*
Phi: Look at this! It already comes pre-installed with a Halfords racing spoiler for extra downforce in the Akabane farm.
*Phi drifts the car in front of Taiga Akabane and Kana Akabane.*
Phi: But here is the feature I think Corsa buyers will enjoy the most. If I push this button on the dashboard, a magnet activates and it starts to pull Aiger Akabane into the passenger seat.
*Aiger escapes the magnet and books it.*
Phi: I think Evel needs to work on this feature.
*Phi drives past a crashed car.*
Phi: I bet a tenner that's Hyde. Back to the Tower.
*Arthur sticks the rave music on.*
Arthur: This is Beyblade, from Colombia.
*Pax slumps onto and hoards a pile of drugs.*
Phi: My nose, it burns.
*Lui does a weird dance.*
Lain: Flare, Flare, Flare, Flare-
Rashad: Shut up about fucking Flare!
Lain: -Flare, Flare.
Shu: Theodore Glass wants my Spryzen.
Lui: Piss off to Sol.
Gwyn: Cock, I need math.
Shu: Get away from me, Ashtem!
*Theodore falls over and Arthur laughs at him.*
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