#Paul Riser
filosofablogger · 1 month
♫ Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours ♫
Every now and then, I am in the mood for some Stevie (who am I kidding?  I’m ALWAYS in the mood for some Stevie!) and nothing else will do!  Tonight is one such night, and I’m playing this one because I think it’s the only one I haven’t played in the last year or so!  In fact, I haven’t played this for the last three years!  WHOA … what’s wrong with me???  I’m adding the cover by Peter Frampton…
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thefixisin · 9 months
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plus-low-overthrow · 1 year
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PHOTO 45: David Ruffin - Me and Rock and Roll (Are Here to Stay) (Tamla Motown)
arr. Paul Riser, wrt. & prod. Norman Whitfield, 1974.
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muzaktomyears · 30 days
It was in Boston that I began to see a pattern in Paul McCartney's facial expressions. I began to call it the "wink factor". While John Lennon made weird, gyrating gestures with his face and body, sometimes mimicking the look of a wild-eyed crazy person, McCartney did his face talking with his eyebrows. When I looked up at him on the Boston Garden riser, I noticed that as his face wandered the crowd, he was in a nonstop winking-and-blinking mode, almost as if his eyes were responding to the backbeat of the music. Paul would look left and right, and wink to a face in a crowd. It was a sexy form of eye candy, tantalizing the crowd with his head gyrations. Paul was a world-class flirt when it came to the fans. And they loved him back.
Ticket to Ride: Inside the Beatles’ 1964 Tour That Changed the World, Larry Kane (2003)
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runwiththerain · 8 months
an introduction to the marauders
for @gently-decaying-flowers
follow up posts will be made for the valkyries and skittles
james fleamont potter
also known as prongs
important canon information:
dead, died on october 31st 1981 defending his family from voldemort so lily could protect harry
his parents are fleamont 'monty' and euphemia 'effie' and we love both of them
his animagus is a stag
was head boy and a chaser on the gryffindor quidditch team
had a mutually antagonistic relationship with severus snape
fancast information:
original fancast was aaron taylor johnson
second fancast was reiky de valk
my personal fancast is gabriel.stewart
other fancasts include nickisnotgreen and thomas weatherall
common fanon traits:
is known as the sun and a golden retriever character, wears red converse, swiftie, quidditch obsessed, early morning riser who tries to force other people too (doesn't work), loyal, hero complex, hopeless romantic, mischievous and loves pranks, often is desi or latino, would take a bullet for anyone in his life, definitely strutted and is a therapist friend, has a hard time opening up
jily/sunflower/flowerpott: james and lily evans
jegulus/sunseeker/starchaser: james and regulus black
prongsfoot: james and sirius black
moonchaser: james and remus lupin
sirius orion black
also known as padfoot
important canon information:
godfather to harry and best friends with james
left home at 16 to live with the potters
was wrongly accused for the betrayal of lily and james
served 12 years in azkaban before using his animagus form to escape
his animagus is a black dog
was killed by his cousin bellatrix lestrange
fancast information:
original fancast was ben barnes
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is conan gray
other fancasts include louis seriot and eren m güvercin
common fanon traits:
drama queen, massive david bowie fan, rides a motorcycle, experiments with makeup, genderfluid, compulsive and mischievous, gay, owns and wears a leather jacket, he thinks his initials stand for son of a bitch, short king, gets jealous easily, no concept of personal space, mommy issues, daddy issues, family issues, pretty crier, french, likes to paint his nails
wolfstar: sirius and remus lupin
blackinnon: sirius and marlene mckinnon (widely unaccepted now)
prongsfoot: sirius and james potter
remus john lupin
also known as moony
important canon information:
his nickname of moony came about due to his "furry little problem" (being a werewolf)
in prisoner of azkaban he taught d efense against the dark arts at hogwarts
has a child called teddy with nymphadora tonks
was killed in the battle of hogwarts
fancast information:
original fancast was andrew garfield
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is p4perback
other fancasts include paul ahrens and matthew hitt
common fanon traits:
always wears grandpa sweaters, craves academic validation, best friends with lily, grumpy around full moons, loves chocolate, the mastermind behind all the marauders pranks, goes to a study group, is a massive nerd, tall but it took ages for him to grow, self worth issues, raspy voice, swears a goddamn lot, welsh and no one can understand what he says
wolfstar: remus and sirius black
moonwater: remus and regulus black
moonchaser: remus and james potter
moonrosekiller: remus and barty crouch jr and evan rosier
peter pettigrew
also known as wormtail
important canon information:
traitor to the marauders
was james and lily's secret keeper but ratted them out to voldemort hence resulting in their death
his animagus form is a rat
hid in his rat form in the wealsey family as 'scabbers' until discovered by sirius and remus in the prisoner of azkaban
fancast information:
original fancast was dane dehaan
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is lewis capaldi
other fancasts include maxwell acee donovan and jacob batalon
common fanon traits:
friendly and sociable, plant dad, needs validation, great cook/baker, indecisive, cheeky, amazing at chess, not the smartest academically, childhood friends with james and marlene, quick thinker, unintentionally funny, wants nothing more than to fit in, sometimes forgotten, has a really healthy dating history, sometimes has the best pranks and suprises the others
pebill: peter and sybill trelawney
unknown ship name: peter and james potter (usually a one sided crush)
unknown ship name: peter and remus lupin
partyvan: peter and barty crouch jr and evan rosier (this is mostly made as a joke)
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rock-and-roll-hell · 6 months
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March 19, 1975
Opening Night of the Dressed To Kill Tour
Roxy Theater - Northampton, Pennsylvania
📸 Keith Andreas
- First known performance of “C'mon and Love Me.” It was initially situated in the set as one of the encores. Paul also mentioned “She” as being a song from the new album being released the following week, though it had long been part of the band’s set. - There was no levitating drum riser used for Peter - the venue wasn’t tall enough.
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theflatpackangel · 11 months
Jason watching Ru Paul’s drag race at like 4AM and just gradually being joined by everyone else (whether on the way to training or still up from the day previous (looking at you TIMOTHY) or just early risers)
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melodiofeddsworld · 8 months
Character Ask Board!
When asking, please specify with these so I know which character/pairing you’re asking: ❤️💜💙💚
I might also be willing to do the other boys, like Eduardo, Jon, Paul, etc.
This is used for the main gang, but if any other users want to use this sheet you totally can!
1. What does this character’s room look like? What’s their cleaning schedule, if they have one?
2. What’s this character’s go to food and/or drink on a cold, sad day?
3. What’s this character’s sleep schedule? Are they an early riser or a night owl?
4. Does this characters have close family and friends?
5. Which friend do they like best? (And which friend do they actually like best?)
6. Has this character ever been to the hospital? Why?
7. Which character is most likely to cause trouble, and which is most likely to get them out of it?
8. What pet does this character want to have?
9. Does this character like pets?
10. Any allergies?
11. Favorite food?
12. Favorite dessert?
13. What did this character want to be when they were a kid? What do they work as now?
14. Does this character have a temper?
15. How does this character show emotion?
16. What skill is this character good at?
17. What skill is this character bad at?
18. What people skills does this character have, if any?
19. Is this character easily afraid? Do people tease/scare them?
20. What’s this character’s favorite flavor?
21. What’s this character’s favorite season?
22. Does this character take good care of themself?
23. Is this character active, or more of a couch potato?
24. How serious is this character about video games?
25. What is this character’s favorite hobby?
26. What does this character do when they feel down?
27. How does this character feel about jewelry/other accessories?
28. Does this character have any scars? How did they get them?
29. How did this character behave as a child? Has this transferred to how they act as an adult?
30. Does this character make friends easily? Do they want friends?
31. Can this character take care of a plant? A pet? A kid?
32. Does this character give good advice? Would they let their friends make bad decisions?
33. How sentimental is this character?
34. How empathetic is this character?
35. Has this character ever done something humiliating they want to forget? What is it?
36. Which character gets sick a lot? Which one has an immune system of steel?
37. What is this character’s favorite thing(s) about their friends?
38. How selfish is this character?
39. Is this character impulsive, or are they cautious?
40. Does this character swear a lot?
1. What was this character’s childhood like?
2. What is this character’s relationship with their family?
3. What are this character’s insecurities?
4. What is this character’s fear?
5. Would this character manipulate their friends/family?
6. How easily can this character lie?
7. How long can this character keep a grudge?
8. Has this character ever killed somebody/wanted to kill somebody?
9. Would this character be caught if they killed someone?
10. When was the worst time in their life and what happened?
11. What does this character’s mental health look like?
12. What emotion is the hardest for their character to express? What do they do when they feel it?
13. What does this character do when they feel overwhelmed?
14. Does this character accept help, or do they keep to themselves to a fault?
15. Would this character do anything for their friends, even if it hurt them?
16. Is this character more open, or closed off? Why?
17. How easily does this character trust?
18. How would this character act after a traumatic event?
19. How far is this character willing to go to get what they want?
20. What would make this character break?
Romantic partner/solo-
1. What is this character’s sexuality? What are their preferences in a partner?
2. What are the ‘musts’ this character looks for in a partner?
3. What’s this character’s default place for a first date?
4. Any special actions this character would do for their partner on a date?
5. Who prefers to cuddle when they sleep and who would rather have their part of the bed to themselves?
6. Which character is the little/big spoon?
7. How would this character propose to their partner?
8. What does this pairing often fight about?
9. Who is more into pda and who is more chill?
10. Who would scream at the bug/who would get rid of the bug?
11. What are boundaries this character sets in a relationship?
12. Is this character prone to love at first sight?
13. Does this character get bored of relationships easily?
14. Does this character get into relationships, or have three day relationships/hookups?
15. Which character hogs the blanket?
16. Which character
17. What’s this character’s love language?
18. Does this character believe in soulmates or ‘the one’?
19. Is this character a hopeless romantic? Or are they more grounded?
20. Which is the queen/king and which is the golden retriever partner?
21. Does this character spoil their partner? How?
22. Does this pairing use pet names? How often and what are they?
23. How prone is this pairing to abandoning their friend group(s) to go on a month long vacation together?
24. Which pranks the other? Is their partner receptive?
25. Does this character excitedly tell their friends about their new partner, or are they quiet about their love life?
26. How does this character take a break up?
27. Does this character post pictures of them and their partner on social media?
28. Which one goes to the grocery store and forgets everything, and which one has to tell the other the grocery list for the eleventh time?
29. Is this pairing project to causing chaos?
30. Which one constantly worries about the other?
31. Which one would get up in the morning to make breakfast for the other?
32. Would they die for their partner? Or, would they face public humiliation to protect their partner?
33. Does this character want kids? Why or why not?
34. How involved does this character get into other people’s love lives?
35. How possessive is this character over their partner?
36. Is this character easily jealous?
37. What would this character do if their partner was upset?
38. What are this pairing’s favorite thing(s) about each other?
39. What is something this pairing just cannot agree on?
40. When did this pairing realize their feelings for each other? How did they go about dealing with them?
Questions for the creator-
1. What character is your favorite? Why?
2. What character do you love to put through awful situations?
3. How many au’s do you have?
4. Which pairing is your favorite? Any specific reason?
5. Which character do you identify most with?
6. Do you have fandom oc’s? Who are they? Are any of them self inserts?
7. What character have you completely changed ever since you first created/met them?
8. How often do you think about your characters?
9. What is your current inspiration?
10. What is your favorite au/genre to write your characters in?
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sicherheitzuerst · 1 year
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Brussels night 2.
There’s probably so much I’ve forgotten. I almost got my phone notes page out.
Till still sounds phenomenal, Flake went at him with a shorter whip in Bestrafe mich this time.
Till had a mic malfunction at the start of Bestrafe. You could see him spin it in his hands about to yeet it across stage before the thought of the €400 bill crossed his mind. And if he’d have hit the tech rushing the new mic to him I could imagine the headlines about workplace bullying and him abusing his position of power (sarcasm).
Richard did a lot of what my partner calls ‘slut leg’ wafting his coat out of the way and planting his foot on his mic riser.
Speaking of feet on risers, Schneider and his audacity put his foot on Tills platforms getting a highly theatrical talking to as they bickered their way off stage.
Paul and Schneider beat Till to the drumstick theft at the first bow, throwing most of the contents into the crowd. Of course Till wasn’t outdone and when the rest left for the boats he sneaked back on stage and emptied the rest of the container throwing the sticks with such force im pretty sure the back row caught one.
No crowd boat intrusions, flake received the sparkly cap and it seemed there was an intervention by Paul and Till on Richard for his ‘bringing inflatable shit back’ problem. Both waited for him on the walkway, Paul only retreating when he was sure Richard only had a small cuddly creature (I’m assuming shark).
Mein Teil was fun, the gremlin accomplice hid below stage so the bloody menace to society tugged him back on stage by his ear.
I couldn’t watch just one thing last night, I sort of tried to take in as much of the sights and feels as I could. To feel the bass rumble and the heat of the fire.
One more show for me tonight, I wanted to be here for the last one, but I’m almost certain while it’s the last of this run it won’t be the last last.
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honeyjars-sims · 7 months
OC Questions Tag
Thanks for tagging me @stargazer-sims! I will do this for Paul
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NAME: Paul Angelo DiMarco
NICKNAME: His mom had such an easy pregnancy with him that she referred to him as "my little angel" throughout the pregnancy and that continues to this day (and is why his middle name is Angelo).
HEIGHT: I haven't given much thought to this, but I will say he's average height.
ORIENTATION: Hmm, good question. If you asked, he would say he's straight, but let's just say he's about to go on a little journey 👀
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Since my story takes place in the Sims world, he is Tartosan. In real life he would be Italian.
FAVOURITE FRUIT: Strawberries and blueberries
FAVOURITE SEASON: Spring, he loves to garden and he's always excited when things start to bloom.
FAVOURITE FLOWER: He's romantic, so I'll say roses, but he likes flowers of all kinds.
FAVOURITE SCENT: Fresh mountain air
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: He usually starts his day with cup of coffee, but he also likes tea (especially adding fresh mint and honey).
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Probably a solid 8 hours. He's an early riser and has a routine on weekdays (check garden, have coffee, go for a jog), but he does like to sleep in some on the weekends.
DOGS or CATS: He likes both but would probably like having a dog to take on walks or camping trips.
DREAM TRIP: He loves to travel, so he's up for going anywhere different. He's an explorer and loves learning about new cultures. His first choice would probably be Selvadorada.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: He probably has a few. I can see him splurging on sheets with a high thread count and covering his bed in luxurious feeling blankets.
RANDOM FACT: When I first did gameplay with him, I originally had a whole arc for where he climbed to the the top of Mt. Komorebi with his sister and his best friend. I ended up changing some of his history for my current story, but I still consider the Komorebi trip to be cannon (because I have no interest in redoing that lol).
I'll tag @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants, @lynzishell, @bakersimmer, @localthumbcache, @hannahssimblr, and @sirianasims
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swede1952 · 8 days
Good morning. 🌾🌾🌾
14 September 2024
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Oh gee, it is 29 minutes to mealtime and Ben is already barking while Charlie is in here bugging me. I won't be intimidated though, mealtime is mealtime.
It is Saturday, two days after rain, perfect time to mow the grass. My mower is in the shop and I'm hoping they will expedite the repair. I have a walk behind mower, but the lawn area is nearly two acres.
Twenty some years ago, I would use lawn day as an exercise day and spend hours pushing my little lawnmower up and down a hill in my 'then' backyard. But now, the laziness has taken me, hard. Well, I'm not a young man in my 50s anymore.
“Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away.” - Paul Terry
“Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.” - Robert Heinlein
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stevie-petey · 3 months
Paul riser just basically confirmed Owen is ALIVE and he was filming this week !!!!
i love how the actors who die always end up confirming they actually didnt and spoil a huge twist my god
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vintagerocker69 · 1 year
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Keith Richards sitting on drum riser onstage during soundcheck, wearing sunglasses, holding Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar in Denmark September 12th (Photo by Jan Persson/Redferns)
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melk917 · 2 years
🎁 with our soft boy Paul please
Ohhh a little headcanon for birthday sex & Paul.
He's an early riser, so it's hard to surprise him first thing. Either you have to set something up late the night before, after he's fallen asleep, or you have to accept that he'll be up and out of bed before you process anything.
He always loves a bit of morning sex, so when you roll into him for a sleepy hand job that has him making soft noises against your lips as you kiss him through it, his come hot and wet over your knuckles as he comes.
Coming first thing makes him really affectionate too, he tries to drag you into the shower with him so he can keep running his hands all over you under the spray, keeping you close and making out a bit.
But his favorite thing on his birthday is cake and a hot bath. Even better, you and him and a slice of cake you can share surrounded by candles and bubbles.
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wehrwolf · 1 year
so this week I flew across the country by myself to see my favourite band in the entire world. practically nothing went amiss. I had random interactions with lovely people. my hobbling faith in humanity has straightened its spine a bit? I’ll be cringe about this below because I want to remember, let’s have some positivity for once.
I hate that I like nissan rogues, I know the transmissions are dogshit. rented one for a day to avoid dragging luggage all over hell’s creation. sound system fucked hard. LOUD paul barker. ate hella steak, eggs and pancakes at pancake chef near seatac. alright alright alright. 
killed time before hotel check-in, visited lakeview for brandon and bruce lee, ended up perusing the cemetery with a multi-talented guy from LA for about an hour swapping perspectives, observations on the human condition and tombstone critiques. glossy black crow perched on an equally inky granite headstone embellished with a huge cross - oh my goth, bro. eric, I’m sorry your cat died, you are rad and I will try to find your music online. be water, my friend.
the fashionable gentleman who checked me into the hotel was a sweetheart, down with skinny puppy, name dropped wax trax, awesome taste in rings.
dipped out for coffee, asked directions from coffee-holding stranger in glasses to make sure I was headed the right way. ran into him the next day in my new hoodie post gig, he mentioned how he used to work at a record store in edmonton, sold records to cEvin. what? insane.
seattle has too many hills, someone should do something about this. but very walkable. always move confidently with purpose, shoulders back, mean mug, look like you want to curb-stomp god. never appear lost.
found a 24 hr cafe near the kurt cobain twin tower / frasier obelisk that served a mean breakfast and was blasting tunes at 9:30am. several compliments on my filthy rat nest hair. what is this fever dream? unwashed hair is in. pancakes are my passion.
wandered to the paramount to get my bearings, saw justin by the tour bus and that metalworker ephraim dude’s sick rusted-out mad max’d honda cr-v. meandered around for the rest of the afternoon before skuppy-prep time. incredible roast beef horseradish sandwich. cool and good.
hung out in the GA line for a while, no VIP this time, wind picked up and it was pretty cold for a may evening. ended up next to a tough looking dude during the show, chatted a bit, he was a kmfdm roadie for a few tours. said his best puppy show was new orleans, I can only imagine. he reminded me of wez from the road warrior. thank you R for the gum, it gave me a second wind.
the paramount theatre is something out of a golden fairytale, gilded to the gills. generous stage for alien abuse. fantastic acoustics. reminds me of the hippodrome. I relished irving plaza’s intimacy but the paramount was my favourite venue.  
I will never tire of seeing lead into gold. soundtrack for slowly asphyxiating in a warm tar pit but make it erotic. thank you paul barker, long-legged light of our lives.
no surge/mosh at this show- if so, I didn’t notice. the energy was on point. denver had some choice dumbasses in the crowd, no such issue here.   seattle mirrored silver spring imo, excellent all around.  I made a brief, wonky post touching on this but in denver ogre was still obviously uncomfortable. that made me feel fucked up... and quiet afterwards.  this time around he seemed in great spirits, tons of energy, spinning the mic around a bunch, writhing all over the place to thwart tormentor!dustin (our boy is flexible). everyone was going wild, we all yelled ourselves hoarse. got to use their A setup with the big projection sheet. justin and cEv on risers.
side note: big love to matthew for his crowd engagement and bubbly enthusiasm this entire tour. honestly he comes off as just a literal cinnamon roll of a guy and the tour diaries have been a real treat. at the end he reflected on otherness and a need to be kind to one another in an unkind world, which really oddly summed up my seattle adventure... and the general vibe of skinny puppy’s unique fans (as others have mentioned here far more eloquently).
also real talk does ogre do belly dancing or something BECAUSE jesus fucking christ man he makes my mind literally fucking blank with all that fluid gyration absolutely knuckle dragging cave woman looney toons wolf beating the shit out of itself with a hammer feral. he knows what he’s doing too, god bless him. there were gals behind me that just started SHRIEKING like it was beatlemania, fucking ogremania with every slutty little hip movement (”go daddy gooo”). also like... cock grabbing causing me irreparable brain damage. then he legit straight up purposefully spit/drooled and it was just... super hOrny NOT like... mouth trauma symptom salivation (I hope? oh god.) his spit makes me insane. ok.
this was the first time I had the pleasure of hearing god’s gift (maggot). we were graced with smothered hope at earlier shows... so I think I basically experienced everything الحمد لله رب العالمين screaming. they ended with candle again, huge plus. ogre practically pranced off the stage after the encore. everyone came back out together for a heartfelt round of goodbyes. no concerts have moved me like these puppy gigs. I am so thankful, down to the marrow. there are probably other details but I have slept ~two hours in the past 48 so...   ✌️👽
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argocitycosplay · 2 years
Night Court 2023
A while back we talked about the truly perplexing reboot of Mad About You… available only if you were using a specific cable carrier. I watched the whole thing, and while did kind of like Abbey Quinn as Paul Riser’s daughter, the reboot all around was disappointing. Jamie had turned from a quirky but high maintenance girl to a completely unlikable virago. And Paul coma as he always did was just…
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