#Paul De La Rosa
diioonysus · 5 months
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"There are people who have money and people who are rich."
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aschenblumen · 10 months
En la mano se te dio: un Tú, sin muerte, junto al cual todo Yo regresó a sí. Iban en derredor voces sin palabra, formas vacuas, todo entró en ellas, mezclado y desmezclado y mezclado otra vez. Y números había entretejidos en lo Innumerable. Uno y Mil y lo que delante y detrás era más grande que sí mismo, más pequeño, ma- durado y transformado al revés y en delante en un Jamás terminal Lo olvidado echó mano a lo que está por olvidar, partes de tierra, de corazón nadaban, sumíanse y nadaban. Colón, en el ojo la sin- tiempo, la madre- flor, mató mástiles y velámenes. Todo zarpó, libre, descubridor, la rosa de los vientos se marchitó, se des- hojaba, un océano de mundo floreció en masa y de día, en la negra luz de la deriva del timón enloquecido. En sarcófagos, urnas, canopes despertaron los pequeños niños Jaspe, Ágata, Amatista – pueblos, tribus y linajes, un ciego S e a se anudó en los libres cordajes con cabeza de sierpe – : un nudo (y contra-nudo, y anti-nudo, y no-nudo, y nudo gemelo y mil-nudo, en el cual la camada con ojos de noche cuaresmal de las estrellas de marta en el abismo de-le, de-le, de-le- treaba, letreaba.
—Paul Celan, «La sílaba dolor», originalmente publicado en La rosa de nadie (1963), en Pablo Oyarzun Robles, Entre Celan y Heidegger. Traducción de Pablo Oyarzun Robles.
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caarcas · 3 months
LAS COSAS DE LA VIDA - Les choses de la vie (Francia, Italia, 1970)
LAS COSAS DE LA VIDA – Les choses de la vie – dirigida por Claude Sautet – Francia, Italia, 1970 – drama, romance – 85 Melodrama a la europea con ribetes existenciales sobre la indecisión de un individuo en la encrucijada de su vida. Adaptación de la novela Intersection de Paul Guimard, la cual fue retomada en 1994 con su título original en una versión para Hollywood, protagonizada por Richard…
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fotograrte · 8 months
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diceriadelluntore · 1 month
Cose Olimpiche
Premessa: vorrei togliere dalle gigantesche spalle di Charles Pierre de Frédy, barone di Coubertin la frase che sostiene "l'importante non è vincere, è partecipare": in realtà a pronunciare questa frase fu il vescovo anglicano Ethelbert Talbot, della diocesi di Bethlehem, Central Pennsylvania, durante una cerimonia di saluto ai partecipanti ai Giochi di Londra 1908, il 24 giugno, nella cattedrale di Saint Paul. Lui si limitò a citarla il giorno dopo, chiarendone la fonte, in un banchetto. Il motto olimpico, voluto da De Coubertin ma ideato da un altro religioso, Henri Didon è un altro, dal significato del tutto opposto: «Citius, altius, fortius», «Più veloce, più alto, più forte».
Multidisciplinarietà Rosa: le 40 medaglie vengono da 20 discipline diverse, delle 12 d'oro 7 sono state vinte da atlete, 2 da coppie miste (la prima assoluta della storia olimpica nella prova dello Skeet Misto). I grandiosi velisti Caterina Banti e Ruggero Tita sono gli unici della nostra spedizione ad aver confermato l'oro di Tokyo.
Legni: Sono 25 i quarti posti nelle competizioni olimpiche dell’Italia. Dietro di noi la Francia con 19, gli Stati Uniti con 18 e la Gran Bretagna con 17. A cui vanno aggiunti altri 26 tra quinti e sesti posti. Un segnale prezioso, che dimostra una generale competitività del movimento sportivo, ma che lascia l’amaro in bocca, soprattutto per alcuni episodi.
Rivolte Eleganti: la protesta del Settebello, la Nazionale Maschile di Pallanuoto, rimarrà nella storia Olimpica. Alla presentazione degli inni prima della Semifinale per i posti dal 5° all'8° contro la Spagna, la squadra si è presentata di spalle alla giuria arbitrale
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Poi per i primi 4 minuti della partita con la Spagna ha tenuto un giocatore sempre nel proprio angolo di metà campo, a simboleggiare una espulsione. Questo perché nella partita dei Quarti contro l'Ungheria, una decisione inspiegabile del primo arbitro ha punito per fallo violento per 4 minuti un giocatore, Francesco Condemi: è stato giudicato infatti violento un contatto naturale di Condemi, che si preparava a nuotare in attacco, con un ungherese. La decisione ha annullato il 3-3 italiano scaturito in quella azione, dato un rigore all'Ungheria, trasformato (punteggio quindi 2-4) e costretto l'Italia a giocate 4 minuti, metà di uno dei 4 tempi della partita, con un uomo in meno. La partita finirà 9-9, perderemo ai rigori.
Leggende: L'unico atleta delle Olimpiadi moderne ad aver vinto per 5 edizioni consecutive l'oro, nella Lotta Greco Romana categoria Super Massimi, battendo il record detenuto da 4 leggende sportive americane: Al Oerter, Carl Lewis e Michael Phelps. Mijaín López, lottatore cubano, appena terminato il suo incontro si è tolto le scarpe, annunciando il suo ritiro, dopo una carriera inimitabile (tra l'altro, 5 volte campione del Mondo, 5 ori ai Panamericani)
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Insegnamenti: Kimia Yousofi, velocista afghana, ha corso la sua batteria dei cento metri in 13"42, tempo nemmeno modesto, ma alla fine della sua prova, girando il suo numero di partenza ha mostrato queste parole:
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Educazione, Sport (scritto in verde, che si legge a malapena) e I nostri diritti. I 6 atleti afghani presenti a Parigi, 3 donne e 3 uomini, sono stati selezionati non dal governo afghano dei taliban ma da un Comitato olimpico afghano in esilio. Tanto che “Soltanto tre atleti maschili rappresentano l'Afghanistan” ha dichiarato qualche settimana fa un portavoce dei taliban. Perchè tra le molte cose vietate alle donne, anche lo sport non può essere praticato.
Onlyfans: l'asticella colpita dalla "generosità" del saltatore Anthony Ammirati che lo ha estromesso dalla Finale del Salto con l'Asta (per una di quelle serie di coincidenze linguistiche da capogiro) non ha affatto scatenato le polemiche sulla ipersessualizzazione di un atleta. Cosa che, per certi versi in maniera molto coerente, ha spinto le giocatrici di Beach Volley Brasiliane (oro alla fine del Torneo) a giocare così:
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in pantaloncino, mentre le loro avversarie canadesi in finale si sono presentate così:
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Argentini: prima delle Olimpiadi, Julio Velasco ha perso il fratello maggiore, Raul, più anziano di lui di sei anni (72 Julio, 78 Raul). Ne ha anche un altro, Luis, che giovanissimo fu arrestato durante la Dittatura di Vileda, e per cinque mesi irrintracciabile. La famiglia, sconvolta, pensò ad un ennesimo caso di desaparecido. Invece dopo 5 mesi, dopo che subì torture indicibili e numerose simulazioni di fucilazioni, Luis fu riconsegnato alla famiglia. E la prima cosa che raccontò ai fratelli fu questa: "Quando mi stavano torturando, c'era un prete nella stanza. Distrutto dal dolore, a mezza voce gli dico <<Padre ma lei è contento di far parte di tutto questo?>>. Il prete restò in silenzio ed uscì dalla sala". Questo per dire di che pasta sono fatti i Velasco. Le cui prime parole dopo un'impresa stratosferica (5 partite vinte su 5, 15 set vinti, solo 1 perso, record assoluto in una Olimpiade, prima squadra Europea campione Olimpica nella pallavolo femminile dal 1988) sono state rivolte: alle ragazze che hanno giocato, a quelle che non c'erano per infortunio, al movimento della pallavolo femminile che "sta alle ragazze come il calcio ai ragazzi". Nessuna sfida personale, nessun cerchio che si chiude. Un grande uomo di sport, Julio Velasco.
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reality-detective · 7 months
I'm sure if anything goes down from all the people who have crossed over our borders, the Military will have everything under control swiftly. You may want to avoid these cities if anything goes down, and for your safety, please stay away from the military if you see them. This list was pulled and organized from a NY Times recent article listing the top 100 prior-rioted cities, for quick reference. They are 👇
* Phoenix
Little Rock
Beverly Hills
La Mesa
* Los Angeles
* Oakland
* San Diego
* San Francisco
San Jose
San Luis Obispo
Santa Ana
Santa Rosa
Walnut Creek
Colorado Springs
* Denver
Fort Lauderdale
* Miami
West Palm Beach
* Atlanta
Fort Wayne
Des Moines
Iowa City
* New Orleans
* Boston
* Detroit
Grand Rapids
* St. Paul
Kansas City
St. Louis
Las Vegas
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
* Buffalo
* New York City
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oklahoma City
* Philadelphia
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Sioux Falls
* Arlington
* Dallas
* El Paso
Fort Worth
* Houston
* San Antonio
* Salt Lake City
Virginia Beach
* Seattle
West Virginia
Green Bay
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iamainhoa · 3 months
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Paul Cézanne
El niño del chaleco rojo (Le Garçon au gilet rouge)- 1890 Oil on canvas, 79.5 x 64 cm Post-impresionismo.
 El artista pintó cuatro retratos al óleo de Michelangelo Di Rosa, el chico italiano del chaleco rojo que observamos en esta obra.
Esta pintura representa al muchacho en clave melancólica, sentado con el codo sobre una mesa y con su cabeza apoyada en la mano.
Sobre la mesa, aparece una carta por escribir, quizá el chico esté pensando en que redactar en un papel en blanco, por su condición y su pose, podemos imaginar de que se tratarán sus versos.
El carácter de esta pintura, los colores, las largas extremidades, las grandes orejas del chico y el aura nostálgica que aparece en esta pintura, la hacen que sea para mi, una auténtica obra maestra del post-impresionismo y una de mis favoritas del género.
⭐Favorite Painting
📍Foundation E. G. Bührle, Suiza
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shmowder · 2 months
i lied.
are there any of the paintings that you like that remind you of pathologic or characters in speficic?
out of curiosity since I've noticed your interest in showing art you like and because, well, I'm curious and need inspiration, and i like like like all your ideas, so I'm looking to leech of you. lovingly, of course.
-🌈 anon
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"Aino" By Albert Edelfelt.
"Salome" 1909 By Paul De La Boulaye.
Both of these remind me of Eva so much. They way she desperately longs to belong, yearning for a purpose, admiring the herb brides from afar and clumsily attempting to imitate them in hopes it will finally give her the connection to the world she wants to have so badly.
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"Frühling (Spring)" By Elisabeth von Eicken.
"A village in the snow" 1929 By Peder Mørk Mønsted.
You ever wonder what the town might have looked like during different seasons?
We can only view it through the lens of autumn, the draped veil of September. Golden leaves, dying trees, and yellowish grassy fields. These paintings come close to what I imagine the town must look on any other season.
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"Steppe" 1900 By Jan Stanislawski.
Do I even have to say anything? Doesn't the art speak for itself? Doesn't the grass shine the same ingame? don't the herbs thrive and dance with colours under sunlight the exact same way?
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"WITCHCRAFT SCENE" by Follower of Salvator Rosa.
The bird skull resmebles the death/exectuer's mask skull too. The skeletons, the steppe monsters, the herb brides dancing alongside the plague clouds. The miracle of life.
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"Lady In Blue. Portrait Of Ye.M. Martynova" Circa 1898 By Konstantin Andreevich Somov.
She reminds me of Aglaya, her face. And it makes me think about a different time, a different fate. God her stare, those are the exact same eyes. The dress isn't something I'd ever imagine her wearing, but she did say that those two kids gave her the black dress, a new one. Is that what she might have looked like back when their mom used to be a kid? Back when she was her favourite doll in the most beautiful blue dress?
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las-microfisuras · 1 year
Conversaciones con cortezas de árboles. Tú
descortézate, ven,
descortézame de mi palabra.
Tan tarde es, tan
desnudos y cercanos a los cuchillos queremos
estar nosotros.
26. 6. 1960 (Del período de la Rosa de nadie)
Paul Celan, en Los poemas Póstumos. Editorial Trotta. Edición de Bertrand Badiou, Jean -Claude Rambach y Barbara Wiedemann. Traducción de José Luis Reina Palazón.
Foto: Paul Celan y Gisèle Lestrange, 1951
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ladies-of-fiction · 6 months
Current Submissions for the Female Characters Poll Tournament are as follows:
Melissa Podebrat (Beware of the Villainess)
Remilia (The One Within the Villainess)
Chiyuki (Death Parade)
Yona (Akatsuki no Yona)
Fumi Nishioka (Queen's Quality)
Miss Pauling (Team Fortress)
Frye Onaga (Splatoon)
Dot Warner (Animaniacs)
Rosa/MC (Tears of Themis)
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
Zelda (Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity/Tears of the Kingdom)
Akane Tsunemori (Psycho Pass)
Alex Benedetto (Gangsta)
Jaehee Kang (Mystic Messenger)
Eris Mizerian (Kill the Villainess)
Psyche Polly (Your Throne)
Cardia Beckford (Code Realize)
Haruka Nanami (Uta no Prince-sama)
Megumi Kitagawa (Say I love You)
Ume Kurumizawa (Kimi ni Todoke)
Jeanne François de la Motte (The Rose of Versailles)
Sunako Kirishiki (Shiki)
Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Power (Chainsaw Man)
Chise Hatori (The Ancient Magus Bride)
Hana Nonomura (Takane to Hana)
I have 26 which means I just need 6 more. Please submit a female character through ask or submit a post
Keep in mind that I would like a variety since the above pieces of fiction already have a character submitted, I won't be accepting anymore from them.
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froggywritesstuff · 2 years
character list
the title is self explanatory. this is a list of the characters i'll write for. it'll probably change over time, and if you see a character you'd like but don't see them on the list, just ask cause i might've forgotten about them
Eliza Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Philip Hamilton
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Aaron Burr
Umbrella Academy
Viktor Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella or Sparrow)
Sloane Hargreeves
Jayme Hargreeves
Stranger Things
Will Byers (non female readers only)
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eleven Hopper
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley (non male readers only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
21 Chump Street
Justin Laboy
The Goldfinch
Boris Pavlikovsky
Theodore Decker
Peter Parker (any actor)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Sprite (platonic only)
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
America Chavez (non male readers only)
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova (platonic only)
Riri Williams
Kitty Pryde
Peter Maximoff
Logan Howlette
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Scott Summers
In The Heights (movie version)
Usnavi de la Vega
Nina Rosario
Sonny de la Vega 
Veronica Sawyer
JD (Jason Dean)
Heather Chandler
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
John Doe
John Doe
Ride The Cyclone
Noel Gruber (male or nb readers only)
Ocean O'Connel Rosenburg
Mischa Bachinski
Constance Blackwood
Ricky Potts
Paul Matthews
Emma Perkins
Ted Spankoffski
Bill Woodard
Ruth Fleming
Pete Spankoffski
Richie Lipschitz
Max Jagerman
Grace Chasity
Lex Foster
Ethan Green
Hannah Foster (platonic only)
Charlie Spring (non female readers only)
Nick Nelson
Tara Jones (non male readers only)
Darcy Olsson (non male readers readers only)
Elle Argent
Tao Xu (non male readers only(headcanoning him as bi or pan is disrespectful and transphobic))
Tori Spring
Imogen Heaney
Isaac Henderson (platonic only)
Do Revenge
Eleanor Levetan (non male readers only)
Drea Torres
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Bianca Barclay
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
(young) Morticia Addams
(young) Gomez Addams
Lydia Deetz
Tomorrow When The War Began
Ellie Linton
Lee Takkam
Fiona Maxwell
Homer Yannos
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse/Across the Spider-Verse
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Margo Kess
Miles G Morales (earth 42)
Miguel O’Hara
Maze Runner
Newt (non female readers only)
The Broken Hearts Gallery
Lucy Gulliver
Nadine (non male readers only)
Nick Danielson
Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Lord Tewkesbury
Turning Red
Mei Mei
Raising Dion
Nicole Warren
Tevin Wakefield
Dion Warren (platonic only)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer (non female readers only)
Abbott Elementary
Janine Teagues
Jacob Hill (non female readers only)
Gregory Eddie
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Love Victor
Victor Salazar (non female readers only)
Benji (non female readers only)
Felix Weston
Pilar Salazar
Lake Meriwether
Mia Brooks
In Treatment
Kurt Kunkle
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Mary Margaret Blanchard
David Nolan
Henry Mills
Mulan (non male readers only)
Neal Cassidy
Peter Pan
Dash and Lily
Juno MacGuff
Paulie Bleeker
Summer Days Summer Nights
Debbie Espinoza
Frankie Espinoza
Scream (1 through 6)
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Roberts
Charlie Walker
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Eddie Brock
Honest Thief
Ramon Hall
Beth Hall
Wild Child
Poppy Moore
Freddie Kingsley
Monsters and Men
Manny Ortega
Marisol Ortega
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Trevor Spengler
Phoebe Spengler (platonic only)
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff Winger
Britta Perry
The Obession
The New Girl
Lia Setiawan
Stacey Hoffman
Mythic Quest
Poppy Li
Brad Bakshi
Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Prince Bubblegum
Flame Princess
School Spirits
Charley (non female readers only)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Disventure Camp
Aiden (non fem readers only)
James (non fem readers only)
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies
Jane Facciano
Olivia Valdovinos
Nancy Nakagawa
Cynthia Zdunowski
Richie Valdovinos
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
Roy Kent
Jamie Tartt
Keeley Jones
Sam Obisanya
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Noah Diaz
Elena Wallace
Helluva Boss
Stolas (non female readers only)
Verosika Mayday
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Vaggie (non male readers only)
Angel Dust (non female readers only)
Alastor (platonic only)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rise + mutant mayhem + tmnt 2007 + tmnt 2012)
The After Party
Yasper Lennov
Space Force
Tony Scarapiducci
Teddy Lobo
Robert Montague Renfield
Bill Hoyt
Amazing Digital Circus
Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy Cunningham (18+ people DNI unless requesting platonic stories)
The Earliest Show
Josh Bath
House of Lies
Clyde Oberholt
Mean Girls (movie + musical + movie musical)
Cady Heron
Regina George
Gretchen Wieners
Karen Smith/Shetty
Janis Ian/Sarkisian/Imi'ike (non male readers only)
Damian Hubbard (non female readers only)
Warm Bodies
Peep World
Nathan Meyerwitz
Your Boyfriend
Peter Dunbar
Mark Grayson
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Sabrina Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Nick Scratch
Rosalind Walker
Theo Putnam
Prudence Blackwood
Ambrose Spellman
High School Musical: the Musical the Series
Gina Porter
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gogmstuff · 1 year
More images of 1913 fashion -
1913 Ethel Mary, née Bell-Irving, later 15th Countess of Lauderdale by Samuel Henry William Llewellyn (Thirlestane Castle - Lauder, Berwickshire, UK) From centuriespast.tumblr.com/post/148847411164/ethel-mary-18911970-15th-countess-of 815X1200.
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Left 1913 Gazette du Bon Ton "Le Conseiller des Dames Robe et Manteau pour le Theatre" by Barbier 643X844.
Right 1913 Gazette du Bon Ton "Tais-Toi Mon Coeur!… Robe de lingerie de Doeuillet 1913 Gazette du Bon Ton "Le Marriage au Chateau" by Brissaud artophile.com 750X1011.
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1913 Gazette du Bon Ton "Le Marriage au Chateau" by Brissaud. From artophile.com 1797X1125.
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Left 1913 Journal des Dames et des Modes "Manteau de velours frappe citron. Col velours blance et Renard blanc" by Dammy. From artophile.com 750X1189.
Center 1913 Journal des Dames et des Modes "Mantelet de taffetas a la vieille garni de chenille verte - Manchon brode de perles". From artophile.com 757X1200.
Right 1913 Journal des Dames et des Modes "Parure d'Hermine et Putois". From artophile.com 701X1200.
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1913 Lady, traditionally identified as Rosa Lewis by Frank Moss Bennett (auctioned by Christie's). From their Web site 906X1904.
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Left 1913 Journal des Dames et des Modes "Robe de charmeuse blance a tunique de mousseline de soie violette brodee de perl et bordee de skunks. Manteau de velours etrusque" by Pichenot artophile.com 750X1197.
Right 1913 Journal des Dames et des Modes "Robe de charmeuse nore avec corsage et panier formes d'un obi drape" by Barbier artophile.com 734X1200.
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1913 Madame Jean Maillard-Norbert by Léon François Comerre (location ?). From tumblr.com/eirene; fixed most obvious spots w Pshop 1332X3072.
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1913 Lina Bilitis with Two Pekinese by Giovanni Boldini (location ?). From Amber Tree's photostream on flickr 1510X2872.
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1913 Madame Michelham by Giovanni Boldini (location ?). From wikiart.org-en-giovanni-boldini-madame-michelham-1913 1589X2356 @72.
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1913 María Teresa González del Valle by Nicanor Piñole (Fundación Banco Santander - Madrid, Spain). From artsandculture.google.com; fixed spots w Pshop 2036X2698.
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1913 Señora, amiga de Mr. Ryan by Joaquín Sorolla y Bástida (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes - La Habana, Cuba). From joaquin-sorolla.blogspot.com/search/label/Retrato%20de%20Señora 1191X1600.
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1913 Evening dress of Vera Karakhan by House of Paul Poiret (Hermitage). From tumblr.com/antiquebee/731802632464875520?.
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Left 1913 (June issue) La Gazette du Bon Ton, "Je Suis Perdue Robe d'été de Chéruit" tumblr.com/mote-historie/729728522325753856/pierre-brissaud-je-suis-perdue-robe-d%C3%A9t%C3%A9-de?source=share&.
Center 1913 La Mode cover art La Mode par Boué Soeurs by George Barbier. From tumblr.com/mote-historie/731263453639196672/george-barbier-la-mode-par-bou%C3%A9-soeurs-french?source=share&.
Right 1913 Les Modes Dinner Dresses by Gustave Beer. From tumblr.com/mote-historie/731172312816254976/dinner-dresses-by-beer-1913?source=share& 1975X2861
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Left 1913 Tanzerin by Julie Wolfthorn (location ?). From tumblr.com/random-brushstrokes 727X1024.
Right 1913 Anastasia Mikhailovna de Torby, Philip de László (location ?). From tumblr.com/la-belle-histoire/745161897381445633/portrait-of-anastasia-mikhailovna-de-torby-philip? 608X960.
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Left ca. 1913 Dame in een zwarte strompeljapon met kant by anonymous (Rijksmuseum). From their Web site; fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 3542X5395.
Right ca. 1913 Dame in een geel/groen geruite strompeljapon by anonymous (Rijksmuseum). From their Web site; fixed flaws & spots Pshop 3476X5328; fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 3645X5328
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chussyracing · 8 months
F1 related news, rumours and mind blowing stuff from past days
(it's super long after past 3 days so i will add it under the cut)
I cannot not start by Lewis to Ferrari on a multi-year contract being confirmed
Some leaked and speculated details include: Charles and Carlos both knew for some weeks, the news was leaked early by British source to avoid Lewis being included in development beyond 2025 in Merc, Toto was surprised but didn't expect Lewis staying for long in Mercedes anyway, Ferrari offered a huge paycheck and almost bianco check for any personal and charitable projects he wishes (granted by Elkann himself)
His engineer Peter Bonnington could follow him to Ferrari, but that decision is completely on himself
There are rumours of Carlos potentially moving to rally for 2025 for a break before a possible seat in Audi in 2026
Peter Windsdor reported he "heard" Alex got a 3 years offer from Red Bull, but there are rumours that people around Alex started this to get a better offer (possibly at Merc)
Among all of this, Haas livery was posted and it follows the trend of more and more black color included to save weight (fun fact: white color is the worst one possibly to choose for a livery since you need most layers of it which adds weight and sponsors sometimes don't want their logo on white because it's not as readable on TV)
F1 complained Andretti wasn't serious about the F1 offer, because Michael Andretti missed a meeting with F1 management to discuss their application, Andretti responded that they didn't see the invitation, because it ended up in the spam folder after an employee sent it rather than Domenicali
Haas appointed Andrea de Zordo as a Technical Director and Damien Brayshaw as a Performance Chief
There are some speculations Kimi Antonelli could be moving to Mercedes for 2025 based on the posts about Italian from Mercedes on social media (personal opinion: it's just a reaction to Lewis moving to Ferrari and Kimi doesn't even have enough superlicence points just yet so there will be a lot of pressure to get those in his debut F2 year if it's really the plan)
RB17 hybrid roadcar will apparently have active suspension technology which was banned from F1
There was some speculation from fans that Sebastian Vettel could come back and joing Mercedes but Toto Wolff denied it when he spoke to him the previous day
Ollie Bearman will also be Haas' reserve driver (with Fittipaldi) besides Ferrari's - there are two mandatory junior sessions but Haas will let him driver the car six times in 2024
Most random piece of info: Alicia Keys, Pharell Williams and Martin Garix will have a post race concert in Saudi Arabia
DAZN arw signing broadcasters for new season and apparently face some difficulties with Pedro De La Rosa, they can't say more besides it's an "issue which will be dealt with by an F1 team with great discretion"
Interesting fact: during International GT Open, standings were called incorrectly behind a safety car whoch lead to leader losing out and ICA (International Court of Appeal) decided that wrong SC rules apllication is not enough to cancel the result of the race which... sadly shows how AD21 appeal would probably go from FIA's ICA as well
McLaren showed the 2024 suits, the 2024 F1 Academy livery and they did their tyre test at Paul Ricard
Suzuka extended contract with F1 for 5 years
Nyck de Vries will have to pay 50% of his 2022 F1 income (driver salary and sponsorship deals) because he lost in lawsuit agaisnt Investrand
Hamda Al Quibasi and Emely De Heus will be RBR's F1 Academy drivers while Amna Al Quibasi will be Visa Cash App RB's driver
Williams signed a sponsorship deal with Vast Data and also announced meet and greet in NY
There are many people linked to the Merc seat including Mick Schumacher, Alex, Fernando (apparently Ted Kravitz was said to be the source but he denied it), Carlos, Esteban - Toto himself said Charles and Lando would be first on their list if they didn't extend long term contracts already
Melbourne will become season debut from 2025 again
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caarcas · 2 years
absurdo diario - la breve cronología de los autores librescos.
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elrincondelcinefilo · 15 days
𝘈̴𝘳̴𝘵̴𝘩̴𝘶̴𝘳̴ (2024)
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Antes que nada, un poco de contexto. El Adventure Team Racing es una de las actividades deportivas de resistencia más extremas y exigentes. Involucra correr cientos de kilómetros, montar en bicicleta a campo traviesa, escalar peligrosas cumbres, remar en kayak en contra corrientes impredecibles, todo ello a una gran velocidad y sobre cualquier tipo de terreno peligroso. Las carreras pueden durar varios días, tan solo se permiten paradas breves y hay penalizaciones de tiempo por ayudas. 
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Wahlberg encarna a Michael Light, el líder del equipo, quien crea un vínculo con un perro callejero al que llama Arthur. Este perro, apaleado, hambriento, enfermo y plagado de gusanos decide, de una manera inexplicable, acompañar a un hombre llamado “el mejor corredor de equipo de aventura que nunca ganó un campeonato”, en una última oportunidad de demostrar su capacidad y tenacidad como atleta extremo.
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En el primer acto, veremos como Michael ama a su esposa Helen (Juliet Rylance), una ex corredora como el y a su pequeña hija Ruby (Cece Valentina), quien tiene como pasatiempo pintar de rosa las uñas de su padre. Michael es un buen padre de familia, pero detesta trabajar para su padre Charlie (Paul Gilofoyle), un ex militar convertido en agente inmobiliario. Su legado como corredor se estropeó por una mala decisión causada por su terquedad y por una imagen viral de su equipo perdedor atascado en el barro.
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Michael quiere volver a las carreras, pero nadie lo quiere patrocinar después de su último fracaso. Con tan solo la mitad del dinero que necesita (auspiciado por su pareja), el veterano atleta de barba descuidada reúne a un equipo conformado por amigos que quieren demostrar que pueden lograrlo una última vez. Chick (Ali Suliman, quien trabajó con Wahlberg en la estupenda "Lone Survivor"), es el navegante, un hombre que fue despedido del equipo campeón por su mala rodilla; Olivia (Nathalie Emmanuel de "Rápido y furioso"), es la escaladora e hija de un antiguo campeón que ahora está enfermo de cáncer terminal; y Leo (Simu Liu de "Shang-Chi"), es la estrella de las redes sociales quien publicó la foto viral de su equipo perdedor y que todavía guarda resentimiento hacia Michael por las malas decisiones que les costaron el premio en la carrera anterior. 
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El segundo acto nos muestra la emocionante carrera llevada a cabo en un agreste terreno selvático. El primer evento es una caminata de 39 kilómetros a través de la jungla. No hay un camino definido, por lo que uno de los desafíos del deporte es encontrar atajos a través de terrenos peligrosos e inexplorados.
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La cinta incluye una secuencia muy emocionante y que crispa los nervios, relacionada con un incidente en un cable de tirolina desgastado (¡Aplausos para los dobles de acción!).
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Paralelo al primer y segundo acto, conoceremos la historia de Arthur, el maltrecho perro callejero (¡aplausos al actor canino!) que se encuentra con Michael en una de las paradas. Este le da una albóndiga y basta con ese acto de generosidad para que el perro siga al equipo durante cientos de kilómetros (incluso salvará a Leo de caer por un acantilado).
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Arthur y Michael son unas criaturas solitarias y de aspecto muy similar (la barba, las heridas mal curadas), que comparten la actitud de no dejarse aplastar por las adversidades. La conexión entre Michael y Arthur, y la forma en que Michael transfiere su determinación de ganar la carrera a la lucha por salvar al moribundo Arthur, son tremendamente conmovedoras
Una amistad sin límites es una gran cinta colmada de emoción, humanidad y “caninidad” que merece estar en el panteón de las mejores películas protagonizadas por perros
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Siempre que salen animalitos es signo seguro de lagrimeo, pero no en esta peli, es cierto que sientes lástima por el perrete pero no llegan al extremo de "forzar" ninguna situación o condición para hacer saltar las lágrimas al espectador.
Personalmente no siento esa conexión especial entre Mark Wahlberg y el perrete, veo una relación forzada por parte de Mark pero si se han mantenido fieles a los hechos reales, pues nada que decir y le ponemos tres estrellitas ⭐⭐⭐
Arthur fue un perro mestizo, una mezcla entre Labrador y Terrier, que se robó la atención y corazón del equipo sueco de aventura Peak Performance que disputada el Mundial Huairasinchi Explorer; era 2014. El ‘flechazo’ ocurrió en Ecuador y no en República Dominicana, como se narra en el filme. Murió el 9 de diciembre de 2020, a causa de un tumor no detectado a tiempo. Al final de peli se nos muestran a los verdaderos personajes de la historia.
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anayka05ymewtwo06 · 3 months
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Paldea Panamá Arco 5 Guerra De villanos
Arco 5 Primera Parte:Exploradores de Area Cero 1
Despues del Descenlace oneshot Boda Kalos...
El Arco 5 Comienza justo por en Paldea
Mewtwo:Xerneas Yveltal debo regresar a paldea los demas me esperan alla
Rosa Xerneas:Que debes Hacer?
Mewtwo Lunar: en paldea Llamaron a Kyurem Zacian Lunala etc por un tema de Exploracion
Ruby Yveltal:Eso es?
Paldea Area Cero. Contestó Mewtwo
Llegando a Paldea...
Director Clavel:Anayka Todos uds: Junto a sus Respectivos pokémon necesito algo sobre la Cueva del area Cero
Anayka:Llevaré a mis Pokémon Sobre todo Mewtwo y los que capturé por caso Galletano
Ryu Hayabusa:Se que no tengo peso en esto. Pero latios y Yo y mis pokémon y yo mismo iré
Yagyu Munenori:Tambien iré pero no dejaremos a la Suerte a Anayka: algunos pokémon y Mewtwo iran a mi lado
Nobunaga y Nō:Tambien iremos
Joe Momiji y Senbei Yagyu:Iremos
Shinbei y Genbei:Lo mismo digo.
Director Clavel:Entonces ok. Sera la brigada Area Cero De Paldea Galar.
Area Cero: A lomos de Miraidon y Koraidon montura...
Anayka:Mew Mewtwo Kyurem yo los elijo!
Kyurem:Huh. Donde estamos?
Mewtwo: Area cero.
Mew: Esa es una...
Nō: Es una Cueva algo extraña.
Yagyu Munenori: Esperé tiempo para...
Munenori:Yo Te elijo!
De pronto Un Mewtwo Oscuro aparece...
Mewtwo Oscuro:Hola Princesa Mewtwo Imbatible
Mewtwo Lunar: Munenori! Que Significa esto!
Ryu Hayabusa:Primero antes que nada. Dejenme aclarar Antes de que las Dos Mewtwo se vayan a Sacar la Chucha de Su Madre a Puños Limpios en frente de los demas Personas y Mi Persona claro. Y esto Incluye A Todos Los Pokémon sobre Todo Tu: Munenori Yagyu intentó explicar algo pero no lo dejaron hablar
Anayka:Yagyu Munenori...eso significa que
Munenori:Mewtwo Oscuro. Este no tiene nada corrompido excepto por la Oscuridad. Hay otro Mewtwo oscuro pero tiene que ver por la piedra que te doy. Este objeto esta resonando
Anayka:Sinergia oscura? Explica...
Mewtwo Lunar:Segun es el pokkén tournament. Primero la mega piedra. Luego los pokémon y etc etc. Pero parece que será un nuevo reto de Anayka...que será...
Momiji:Es por el asunto de esa Region
Anayka:Munenori. Esto es un reto nuevo. Buscarlo seria la unica manera sobre por que Mewtwo Oscuro esta en 2 regiones pero eso que tiene que ver con la cueva.
Joe Hayabusa:Es que Munenori lo encontró. Por ende ninguno que no tenga poderes de Mewtwo podian detectarlo.
Genbei Yagyu:Que haras ahora? Iras al pokkén tournament?
Senbei Yagyu: Es mejor asi. Pero ella podrá volver
Shinbei Yagyu:Cierto pero por que estaba en una cueva algo extraña?
Ryu Hayabusa:Mi padre detectó sobre el asunto Mabostiff el pokémon de Damian. Academia Uva.
Mew: Lo atacó un pokémon extraño. Pero cual?
Anayka:Apese de que quedó inconcluso este problema...la Clave es esta piedra
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