#Patron Saint of sailors and travellers
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stairnaheireann · 10 months ago
#OTD in 587 – St Brendan the Navigator, early transatlantic voyager, dies.
In 484 St. Brendan was born in Ciarraighe Luachra near the port of Tralee, in Co Kerry, in the province of Munster, in the South West of Ireland. He was baptised at Tubrid, near Ardfert, by Saint Erc. He spent his first year with his parents, then he went to the home of the local chieftain, Airde mac Fidaigh at Cathair Airde in Listrim, three miles to the East. He returned to his family at the…
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portraitsofsaints · 2 years ago
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Saint Brendan the Navigator 484 - 577 Feast Day: May 16 Patronage: boatmen, sailors, travelers, whales
St. Brendan the Navigator, an Irish saint, lived from 484 to 577. He was one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland. He is most known for his legendary travels, especially to the “Isle of the Blessed”, also known as Saint Brendan’s Island. He is said to have encountered a sea monster and to have celebrated Easter Mass on the back of a giant whale!
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
concepts related to different professions
abettor, adjutant, adviser/advisor, aid/aide, announcer, apprentice, archaeologist, assistant, auditor, authority, baker, barber, broker, businessperson, buyer, caretaker, cartoonist, chair, chef, client, colleague, conservator, consumer, correspondent, court, creator, curator, customer, dabbler, desk jockey, developer, drudge, employee, envoy, espionage, explorer, fellow, flier, flyer, fortuneteller, freshman, go-between, gourmet, guard, guru, hacker, hand, hawker, helper, hooker, inferior, informant or informer, inspector, interviewer, investigator, janitor, labor, liaison, messenger, moderator, monitor, navigator, newsman/woman, page, patron, picket, pioneer, poet, practitioner, prodigal, protégé, referee, representative, reviewer, rival, sailor, scout, seaman/woman, seller, shopper, speaker, spokesperson, spy, subordinate, tailor, traveler, virtuoso, wayfarer, writer
academic, adviser/advisor, alumnus/alumna, coach, conductor, disciplinarian, faculty, freshman, graduate, intellectual, learner, martinet, mastermind, monitor, practitioner, professor, rookie, savant, school, swami, trainer
acrobat, actress, aficionado, ballet dancer, character, comic, creator, director, fan, groupie, hero/heroine, humorist, inventor, luminary, magician, name, participant, personage/personality, player, protagonist, star, troubadour, virtuoso, zany
accountant, bean counter, broker, investor, spendthrift
Government officer
administrator, ambassador, authoritarian, autocracy, bureaucrat, consul, delegate, despot, diplomat, emir, empress, establishment, exile, fascist, figurehead, front runner, informant/informer, intermediary, leader, liaison, magistrate, master, mogul, mouthpiece, officer, oppressor, pacifist, patrol, personage/personality, police/police officer, prime minister, representative, snitch, spokesperson, tyrant, weasel
Legal practitioner
attorney, beneficiary, counsel, heir, judge, lawyer, officer, proponent, witness
Media person
commentator, journalist, newsman/woman, reporter, writer
Medical practitioner
analyst, druggist, nurse, patient, physician, researcher, therapist
Military person
combatant, conqueror, fighter, gladiator, lookout, militant, patrol, recruit, scout, seaman/woman, truant, warmonger, warrior
advocate, anarchist, apostle, arbitrator, conservative, dissident, extremist, firebrand, idealist, militant, mouthpiece, nonconformist, patron, picket, proponent, reactionary, sectarian
Religious person
acolyte, angel, atheist, chaplain, conformist, creator, deacon, doubter, dreamer, evangelism, father, genie, inventor, loner, minister, monk, pagan, pastor, priest, saint, skeptic, visionary, witch, wizard
The above are concepts classified according to subject and usage. It not only helps writers and thinkers to organize their ideas but leads them from those very ideas to the words that can best express them.
It was, in part, created to turn an idea into a specific word. By linking together the main entries that share similar concepts, the index makes possible creative semantic connections between words in our language, stimulating thought and broadening vocabulary.
Source ⚜ Writing Basics & Refreshers ⚜ On Vocabulary
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monkbrother-thomas · 2 months ago
yes i love all the saints, but I admit to liking a few a little more. saint nicholas, the patron saint for sailors and merchants (amongst others). saint christopher, the saint for travellers. and saint sebastian, the saint of target practice and faggotry
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rozarens · 1 month ago
I'm thinking about the names of our protags.
Rafał/Rafal - "God will heal". An archangel, a patron of people associated with healing, sailors, runaways, wanderers. But also, a person with this name was chosen a patron saint of soldiers and the people kidnapped to Sibir. Polish Wikipedia article points to this name raising in popularity thanks to a book, "Znachor" by Dołęga-Mostowicz. And what's more, a Jolanta (the modern and more common name than Jolenta) also appears there and that naem rose in popularity as well. The name appears also in another book, "Popioły" by Żeromski. Both authours are associated with Young Poland/the interwar period, both were interested in social issues, criticism of the social stratosphere and wrote about selfless, desperate doctors working in an unjust, cruel system. The usage of pen names was also popular among authours in this period for various reasons. I also learnt about a novel for teens and young adults written by Domańska, where this name was given to an antagonist. Judging from the synopsis: the protagonist is a boy who wants to be a carver, but gets into err, situations, and has to leave his surroundings in the process. Firstly, it's his home village and later, a travelling circus. He ends up moving to study in Kraków (the previous capital of Poland). A clergyman and a scholar help him find shelter and give the means to explore his interest in art... The setting also happens to be the XV ce. Anyway, this literary period is something we like to come back to and reference in our post-modern media. Oczy's book reminded me of those short stories which were published to teach others about other people and/or to make them ponder, but I digress.
Oczy - "eyes". This name doesn't feel like a real name and I'm one of the people thinking it might be a way to conceal the real identity of a killer for hire. But then again, he lives in "country P" and not Poland or Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Or his carers wanted him to be unique, so who's to pass verdicts? This name probably sums up his whole character and ties the themes of Orb if you think about it.
Draka - this one's a bit tricky, but I choose to interprete it as "a quarrel" ("a drama" would be more of a modern slang, meaning-wise). While noun-derived names are not common among Poles, the articles about Polish Roma point to more variety in their naming traditions (czujczuj[.]pl, romowie[.]com, rodzice[.]pl; the first two are "own voices" websites, but the latter is a simple archive of names which I don't feel too comfortable to trust). Christian names and those derived from Latin or Greek seem to still prevail. Perhaps it is her name, but maybe it's a nickname given to her by her tribe thanks to her willingness to change or take up risks. Or perhaps the mangaka got inspiration from some other languages, where this name sounds similarly to "dragon."
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softsoundingsea · 1 year ago
Diego Javier Luis is assistant professor of history at Tufts University in Massachusetts. He is the author of The First Asians in the Americas: A Transpacific History (forthcoming, 2024).
Edited by Sam Haselby.
Cape Sebastian in Oregon perches above two forested declivities along a rocky patch of the state’s southern coast. Travel there today, and you are likely to miss a roadside marker that reads:
Spanish navigators were the first to explore the North American Pacific Coast. Beginning fifty years after Columbus discovered the Western continents, Sebastian Vizciano [sic] saw this cape in 1603 and named it after the patron saint of the day of his discovery. Other navigators, Spanish, British, and American, followed a century and a half later.
Standing before this sign, I winced rather predictably as I read ‘discovery’. But simmering beneath my displeasure with this word was a deeper conviction that Sebastián Vizcaíno’s voyage was, indeed, significant, though not in the ways that the sign suggests. Thousands of miles to the east, in Seville, the old centre of the Spanish Empire, I had stumbled upon Vizcaíno’s voyage in the dusty volumes of treasury records for the port of Acapulco, Mexico. Buried in line after line of winding, Baroque script were curious notations – ‘chino’ and ‘japón’ – next to the names of seven sailors that Vizcaíno had recruited for his voyage up the North American coast. To the tune of carriages rumbling through Seville’s cobbled streets and the crinkle of centuries-old pages turning, I read the names again and again:
Antón Tomás Antonio Bengala Francisco Miguel Cristóbal Catoya Agustín Longalo Lucas Cate Agustín Sao
Seven Asian sailors – entombed by an archive and forgotten by human memory – had sailed with Vizcaíno to what is now Oregon. Where in the chronology of Asian American history could these sailors fit? Flip to the beginning of most books on Asian America, and you will find no content earlier than the 19th century. You will be in the world of the Gold Rush, the transcontinental railroad, indenture, and the San Francisco and Los Angeles Chinatowns.
These seven names transport us to a different world, a different timeline, a different Asian America. These sailors’ presence off the coast of Oregon predated not just the entire Asian American canon but also the founding of the United States and even of the Thirteen Colonies. The histories of the first Asians in the Americas do not take place in the nations born from the fires of British colonialism but, rather, they guide us to a region rarely considered relevant to Asian American history: Latin America.
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useless-catalanfacts · 8 months ago
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A woman in Llançà (Comarques Gironines, Catalonia) does a flower offering to the sea during a maritime procession on the day of the Virgin of Mount Carmel. Photo from festes.org.
The 16th of July is the feast of Virgin of Mount Carmel (Mare de Déu del Carme in Catalan), the patron saint of the sea and protector of all the people who work at sea or travel by sea. For this reason, many coastal towns and cities hold processions at sea, where the people who have ships or boats (traditionally it was fishermen, but nowadays people who might have a recreational boat also join) parade at sea following a boat that carries a statue of the Virgin of Mount Carmel, believed to bless the waters.
Besides being a holiday for fishermen, sailors, and everyone who works at sea, the feast is also in remembrance of those who lost their lives there. During the procession, people who have lost a relative or a dear person at sea throw a flower bouquet to the water in their memory. Working as a fisherman or a sailor has been for centuries one of the common jobs in our coast and necessary to give us food, but it was very dangerous. It's because of this danger that the worship of Virgin of Mount Carmel (equivalent to the goddess of the sea in other cultures) is so widespread in the Catalan coast and the name "Carme" (meaning "Carmel") has been for centuries one of the most popular female names in Catalan and other languages of coastal Southern Europe ("Carme" in Galician, "Carmen" in Spanish and Italian, "Carmela" in Italian, "Karmela" or "Karmen" in Croatian, etc).
Nowadays, there is another situation that causes a huge amount of death at sea. Refugees and migrants coming from Africa try to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe. Because of the legal difficulties in crossing the border legally, many migrants end up trying to cross the sea in bad quality boats usually run by mafias that don't care about their safety, so large amounts of people are crammed into small boats and often drown. In 2023 alone, 6,618 people died at sea trying to reach Spain. If you would like to help rescuing them, consider making a donation to the NGO Open Arms or purchasing something from their online shop. This non-profit non-governmental organization based in Catalonia has been rescuing migrants at sea for years, becoming one of the referent organizations in this.
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petoskeystones · 8 months ago
if john hartnell was baptized on july 16 (which he was. happy baptism day jarts <3) he was likely born on may 16— feast day of st brendan the navigator, patron saint of sailors and travelers at sea. so 😵‍💫🛐🌊⚓️🔮🤱🪦🗺️
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actual-exhusbands · 6 months ago
I had a suspicion that the St. Christopher necklace John wears holds some sort of symbolism.
I had a nosey into St. Christopher. Apparently he is the patron saint for bachelors and travellers (specifically long distance drivers and sailors). John being single and living on the road in his van pretty much sums that side of his character up from what we know of him already.
What I did find interesting though is that Saint Christopher is also the patron saint of storms. Could that be a figurative hint towards John causing chaos in the village and those close around him when his secrets catch up with him? Perhaps the truth comes out and the village has to face his wrath as he tries to control it from spreading too far?
I'm probably giving the ed team too much credit by reading into it so closely.
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okeancs · 2 months ago
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elder scrolls online verse outline
perseus of anvil, imperial templar (kynaran order rather than a follower of stendarr), mid to late 20s, no affiliation with any of the three alliances
demigod, son and champion of kynareth, goddess of the the heavens, the winds, the sea and the elements. patron saint of sailors and travelers
adopted by a single mother in the port city of anvil, growing up learning trades from sailors and dock workers. this is also where he learns how to use/fight with a trident
after his mother died from a minotaur attack, perseus joined the imperial legion to learn swordsmanship and magic
became skilled with a one handed sword and the ability to manipulate water and storms. he originally thought he managed to learn some form of elemental magic but was later “claimed” by kynareth
fled anvil at the start of the three banners war, spending his early years aiding those caught in the war and the soulburst
later returned to anvil when the city was captured by the pirate queen, leading the revolution (dark brotherhood who?) and establish anvil as a refuge city for anyone impacted by the war and soulburst. earns the title saviour of anvil
as the vestige led the assault upon coldhabour, perseus joins the fight and becomes the champion of kynareth, earning the title trident of kynareth
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orthodoxadventure · 1 year ago
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Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Antarctica
A wooden Orthodox church was consecrated in 2004 in the harsh ice of Antarctica. Since then, the Divine Liturgy has been celebrated year-round in the middle of the white desert at the edge of the earth. 
Peter and Valery took a blessing from Patriarch Alexy II and began collecting donations for the construction of the church. Over the three years of fund-raising, the church bells were cast and the iconostasis was prepared by artists from Palekh. In 2002, a cross was erected on the site of the future church on Mount Irina, above the Bellingshausen station.  On January 25 of the same year, a Divine Liturgy was first celebrated in Antarctica, praying for all the polar explorers who had perished here. 
Finally, in 2004 the construction began. The wooden church was cut down and assembled in Altai. The materials used were cedar and larch, which become as strong as metal over time to endure the harsh Antarctic frosts and hurricane winds. Then the church was disassembled, with the logs numbered and transported by ship to King George Island (Waterloo) in Antarctica, where the Russian Bellingshausen station is located. In a few months, the church was assembled without a single nail and secured from the inside with steel chains to make it more stable on the cliffs. To avoid legal complications, it was formally registered as a mission of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra.
Peter Zadirov planned to consecrate the church (as he had already done in his homeland) in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of sailors and travellers. But God arranged things differently. The first Divine Liturgy, celebrated at the Bellingshausen station before the construction of the wooden church, was served in a plain metal container. The only icon on the table used as the altar was a small plastic image of St. Andrei Rublev’s Holy Trinity. Shortly before the service, this icon had been purchased in a Catholic shop in Punta Arenas, Chile by one of the construction sponsors travelling to Antarctica. This was seen as an omen, and the Antarctic church was subsequently consecrated in honor of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity. 
The consecration was performed on February 15, 2004 by Bishop Feognost (Guzikov), who was then vicar of the Trinity Sergius Lavra. Hieromonk Kallistrat (Romanenko) became the first serving priest in this church. Later, Father Kallistrat was chosen to be Bishop of Gorno-Altai and Chemal. But he did not leave his pastoral care of this church, and to the present day, Vladyka personally appoints priests to serve in Antarctica. 
Surprisingly enough, it was in Antarctica that many polar explorers first came to God. On the next day after the church was consecrated, the Sacrament of Baptism was administered. The first to be baptized were the head of the Bellingshausen station, Oleg Sakharov, and the driver-mechanic Alexander Solovyov.
Oleg Sakharov later said that during difficult winter seasons and long polar nights, the station workers needed a place where they could come at any time to relieve their stress: “The church, whose warmth could be felt even by touching its logs, became such a place.”
[Full article can be read here]
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hell-propaganda · 1 year ago
To be fair I despise Christmas as well - but Saint Nicholas, patron of prostitutes, children, travellers, sailors, archers, falsely accused and repentant thieves is my second most revered saint(outside of any system, I am not christian or anything remotely resembling), only surpassed by Saint Anthony, patron of lost things, lost people and lost souls, since I am all three.
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supatroopa · 7 months ago
For my League lore ask game; 4, 8, 19, and 30? :D
4: I'd wanna rewrite Janna by making Zephyr (her bird) a part of her as a god/spirit as opposed to JUST her herald (and also making it so that when she was in that period of time post paganism in Shurima getting destroyed but pre-Zaun resurgance she would in her faded and altered worship BECOME Zephyr only). My reasoning for this is that the concept of gods (I'm calling Janna a god I know she's technically a spirit and there's overlap but it works with the headcannon more) being both given power and shaped by their worship (the former IS CANNON for Janna the latter not neccesarily) is so insanely interesting to me and it matches with how like gods function in history as we make them to describe and explain, so if they were real they'd be shaped by how we believe them to describe and explain (yes this concept got formed or at least strengthened in me due to Percy Jackson shut up there's a lot of other cool stuff that does it as well). Janna is such a perfect character to explore with this as she cannonically has been a repurposed diety multiple times, from her origional worhip in Shurima (centerd on Zaun which was her main place) where she would be a powerful oppulent figure who would arrive triumphantly heralded by Zephyr to bring ships to port creating the wealth of the trading town she was worshipped in creating a close apperance to her LoR design where she's removed from humanity and is this regal divine ultimately non-human figure who is helping out of her divine benevolance. THEN, post Shurima effectively banning her worship on land leading to her not having noticible worship on land, her temples crumbling, her worship only survives on the waves, through the figureheads prior made that lose their meaning and the sailors desperate pleas when all seems lost, storms that should destroy their ships. Because of this, the part that matters to the sailors and so the part that gets worshipped and lives is Zephyr, the bird that shows the storm shall lift, and so Janna becomes Zephyr, removed from her regality and splendor and reduced to simply being a fable of hope, rare to appear, not known but only suspected to be real outside of the tales. With this shift in priorities I also think this should be a period of Janna basically sleepwalking through time not fully present or concious due to the reduction of who she is from how she is worshipped, and I think this is a cool thing due to how it sets up her sorta third act or modern part of her modern equivalent where after Centuries of being barely remembered only kept existing through occassional reduced prayer, all of a sudden that shifts due to the collapse in Zaun causing mass amoutns of flooding and danger, where all of a sudden she Rises from people's long reduced memories and now because of that She is Herself again, not the same self, too much time has past and memories fade and shift, but all of a sudden she's awake, and in a time of need that she rises to to help save the city, and because of that she once again becomes the patron saint of Zaun able to live and help, but as her reasons to be worship have gone from bringing in ships of trade to saving people from the Zaun Grey and protecting everyday life Janna herself would have changed to account for that, she would become a much more human figure, probably still mysterious but more so of a hidden god who travels to save those in need never to ask for anything in return and leave those helped with no confirmation but only a strong conviction that it was her.
8: Xayah and Rakan, I don't really have like a fancy rational they're just the coolest ever and their gimmick of being literal lovebirds who commit ecoterrorism together and just everything about them is just the best thing and I don't know how to use words for this but they're amazing
19: UHHHHHH probably making a demacian Mage Queer because like yeah, having thought a little about it I'd say one I haven't thought about a lot but could be really cool would to make Sona a trans woman, I think it could also be an interesting parallel to the idea of trans Lux (which I believe @emluckyowl had as their headcannon to cannon on a copy of the ask game they got lol) and in general idk I think her being trans would be cool
30: I think Riot could have a lot of fun making a Fire Emblem inspired Skinline making a bunch of characters the different archetypes ie Fiora due to having a rapier is the lord. You make Hecarim the Jagen due to him a) being mounted b) he's a jungler whose supposed to be strong early to help build leads for him team c) that b part is a lie he's just gonna carry LIKE REAL JAGENS. You give Rell the cav skin and it comes as a red and a green chroma so she can be both christmas cavs from every game, Shyvana's a manakete, etc etc I think there's a lot of fun stuff with the idea
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 2 years ago
your post abt knives and vash’ fate mirroring castor & pollux!!! yes yES YES!!!! ive been rambling about that to my best friends and i thought i was “insane” for not seeing anyone else mentioning that symbolism/reference and the possibility of their ending going that way!!! (at least on twitter, i didnt see anyone mention it, until i checked tumblr and here i am)
and your tags too!!! i personally believe it’s the best possible scenario, too because not only it would derive too far from knives’ fate in trimax, but it would also imo symbolizes their union = finally understanding of each other, a love that’s requited after all the heartbreak they experience at each other.
(also i personally hate vash’ fate at the end of trimax where he is still hunted by humans, so. i think if the twins die together, it would also serve the narrative purpose of vash being a saint.)
The constellation Gemini despicted in the ending of tristamp is something that is hard to miss, I find, but it goes beyond that. Castor and Pollux are twin half-brothers in Greek mythology. Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, while Pollux was the divine son of Zeus and Leda. Two brothers. One divine, one mortal. Kind of like Nai is more god-like than human: he is emotionally detached from others, dislikes participating in human activities like eating and thinks of himself above the humans who worship him as their god. His powers awakened earlier and he is in full control of them. Meanwhile Vash is more human-like: he is very compassionate, prefers to live among humans, enjoys eating delicious food prepared by them and lived the majority of his life like a human since he was not fully aware of his powers. Another detail of the story that struck me was that Castor and Pollux became patrons of shipwrecked sailors and travellors. I immediately thought of the great fall of the twins' spaceship and the years of travelling that defined Vash's life. Castor and Pollux even had a sister with a tragic fate. (Not very similar to Tessla but I thought I'd mention it since Helen was a victim and treated as a contested/desired object similar to plants in the eyes of humans, if I'm allowed to make this reach. Adding to that Castor and Pollux were motivated by retribution because of the abduction of their sister). They are often referred to as the evening star and the morning star. It's said that in China they were associated with Yin and Yang.
The Saverem brothers have already plenty of parallels to characters from the bible, why not throw greek mythology in the mix? And according to Wikipedia Castor and Pollux have been absorbed into a Christian framework too.
I really hope they will be reunited in death. My ideal ending is Knives and Vash dying hand in hand or hugging each other and from their bones grows an apple tree under which two brothers are laughing and playing. It would fullfill both of their dreams: humanity will continue to thrive in the garden Eden that they've created together and this time they'll stay together forever. It'd be a bittersweet ending and tragically poetic. No more lies, no more betrayals, no more running away, just them. 🥹
*delusional* maybe if Kenji Muto fully embraces the plantcest shipper inside his heart he'll make them kiss, they merge their souls in a scene allegorical to sex (this time consensual) and their life force will substain the desert planet and revitalize it. Nai gets to become one with Vash but their sacrifice that made Nai's dream of a paradise come true and redeemed him will be for the sake of humanity just like Vash would have wanted. Through this selfless act that would sanctify them, Nai's lies about him and Vash being angels who were send from heaven to save humanity will turn into reality.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
Bulgarians across the country observed the Day of Saint Nicholas on December 6, known as Nikulden, commemorating the revered figure of St. Nicholas of Myra. Originating from Patara in Asia Minor in the 3rd century, St. Nicholas led a pious life, aiding the destitute and weak while embodying the principles of faith and truth. Eventually, he became the Bishop of Myra and, upon his passing in 342, his relics were transferred to the city of Bari, Italy, where they remain preserved to this day.
St. Nicholas holds a special place in Bulgarian tradition, revered as the patron saint of travelers, sailors, and fishermen. Folklore envisions him commanding storms and the sea, often depicted sailing on a golden ship. One legend tells of him rescuing a sinking boat by plugging a hole with a carp.
For fishermen, Nikulden marks the conclusion of autumn fishing, celebrated through a bountiful feast brimming with fish dishes. The saint's influence extends to boat building, where it's believed placing an icon of St. Nicholas protects sailors from tempests.
Superstitious beliefs link St. Nicholas to miraculous acts, including leaving coins for the needy, similar to the tale where he aided a destitute father struggling to provide dowries for his daughters. Hence, the holiday holds significance for bankers as well.
In honor of St. Nicholas, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church conducts special liturgies, sanctifying fish dishes for the well-being of the faithful. Traditionally, a festive table is arranged featuring fish, often stuffed carp, with rice, walnuts, and onions.
Those bearing names associated with St. Nicholas - Nikola, Nikolina, Nikolay, Nina, and more - also celebrate on this day, which is additionally esteemed in the city of Burgas.
Modern-day customs emphasize festive gatherings and fish-laden meals as a tribute to the revered saint. St. Nicholas Day resonates as a cherished occasion of faith and festivity across Bulgaria.
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greekcookingmadeeasy · 2 months ago
How To Make 'Santa' Napkins For Your Holiday Season Table
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How to make 'Santa' Napkins for your Holiday Season table - Πώς να φτιάξετε πετσέτες "Αϊ Βασίλη" για το Πρωτοχρονιάτικο τραπέζι σας
BY: Greek Cooking Made Easy                          
SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/greekcookingmadeeasy
Check My YouTube Short Video: HERE
Κοιτάξτε Την Συνταγή Μου Σε Short YouTube Βίντεο, Το Λίνκ Είναι: ΕΔΩ
How to make 'Santa' Napkins for your Holiday Season table:
These cute and very easy to prepare napkins shaped as Santa's hat, the beloved Holiday season Saint, are made simply with a bright red (paper) napkin, a pom-pom and modest creative skills. They can even be prepared with the help of young children/grandkids.
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Just place them as the centre piece to decorate each plate, and I can assure you they will bring a cheer and joy to your festive table, for old and young alike.
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Check my short video HERE and follow the simple steps on how to shape them. Try them and enjoy them.
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Information & The story of Santa Claus vs. Saint Basil: Who brings gifts to Greek kids and when and why do Greeks bake Vassilopita? See below.
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Πώς να φτιάξετε πετσέτες "Αϊ Βασίλη" για το Πρωτοχρονιάτικο τραπέζι σας:
Αυτές οι χαριτωμένες και πολύ εύκολες στην προετοιμασία πετσέτες σε σχήμα Αϊ-Βασίλη, του πολυαγαπημένου Άγιου της πρωτοχρονιάς, είναι φτιαγμένες απλά με έντονα κόκκινη (χάρτινη) πετσέτα, 1 πομ-πομ και μέτριες δημιουργικές δεξιότητες. Μπορούν ακόμη και να ετοιμαστούν με τη βοήθεια μικρών παιδιών/εγγονών.
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Απλώς τοποθετήστε τα σαν κεντρικό κομμάτι για να διακοσμήσετε κάθε πιάτο και μπορώ να σας διαβεβαιώσω ότι θα φέρουν κέφι και χαρά στο γιορτινό σας τραπέζι, και σε μεγάλους και σε μικρούς.
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Δείτε το σύντομο βίντεό μου ΕΔΩ και ακολουθήστε τα απλά βήματα για το πώς να τις διαμορφώσετε. Δοκιμάστε τις και απολαύστε τις.
Πληροφορίες & Η ιστορία του Αγίου Νικολάου και του Άγιου Βασίλη: Ποιος φέρνει δώρα στα Ελληνόπουλα και πότε και γιατί οι Έλληνες ψήνουν Βασιλόπιτα; Δείτε παρακάτω.
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The story of Santa Claus vs. Saint Basil, who brings gifts to Greek kids and when and why do Greeks bake Vassilopita:
St. Nicholas is a popular Christian Saint across Europe because of his reputation as a bringer of gifts. Nicholas of Myra developed a reputation for gift-giving by putting coins in other people's shoes, which accounts for many of today's Christmas traditions that involve leaving gifts in shoes or boots. Both North American Santa Claus and the British Father Christmas are legendary figures whose attributes derive from the myths surrounding St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas is referred to by many names throughout Europe such as Sinterklaas in the Netherlands or Nikolaus in Germany. In Greece, he is a beloved Saint and he is considered the Patron Saint of Sailors and the Sea. He is celebrated on his Ascension day-December 6th! However, he is NOT the Saint who brings gifts to the Greek children during the holiday season 😮. Instead, in Greece we celebrate St. Basil (Agios Vassilios) whose ascension Day is on January 1st.
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St. Basil the Great was born into a wealthy family, but he gave away all his possessions to the poor, the underprivileged, those in need, and children. That is the reason why in Greece St. Basil traditionally brings gifts to the kids after the change of year, very early in the morning, on New Year's Day. The 2 Saints had some likenesses during their lifetime. They were both born in Asia Minor, St. Nicholas in Patara, Lycia and St. Basil in Caesarea, Cappadocia (although St. Nicholas preceded St. Basil), they were both Bishops and renowned during their time. But mostly they were well known for their love and generosity towards the poor, sick and children. That's why until today, it is believed that they are both still alive, performing miracles and travelling around the world to bring gifts to all the kids 🎄🎅🎁💖👨👩👦👦!
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From St. Basil the Great began the tradition of New Year's Pie. At the time when Basil the Great was Bishop of Caesarea, the Governor of Cappadocia went to the city to collect taxes. Residents called for the help of their Bishop. He advised them to bring many gifts, jewelry and gold coins to offer to the tax collector, who eventually left and did not receive the gifts. But when they tried to give back to the faithful the gifts each had brought, the separation proved particularly difficult. Then Basil the Great ordered the faithful to make pies and put in each one object. The next day he distributed the pies to them and, miraculously, each one found in the pie what they had offered.
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To commemorate this miracle and the Saint whose ascension is celebrated on January 1st, every New Year's day a "Vassilopita" is prepared in every house with the lucky coin hidden inside. After 12 at night, the household owner marks the cross 3 times on top of the Vassilopita with his knife and then cuts the cake in triangles. He «offers» the 1st pieces to St. Basil, Jesus Christ, his house and his work. The rest of the pieces are offered to all the relatives and guests. The person who finds the coin is believed to have good luck all of the New Year!
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In Greece, St. Basil (and not Santa Claus) brings gifts to children after the change of year. In his honor, we make this bread in his name and cut it when the new Year arrives. The coin inside is believed to bring good luck all year!
Find all my Vassilopita Recipes HERE
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Η ιστορία του Αγίου Νικολάου και του Άγιου Βασίλη: Ποιος φέρνει δώρα στα Ελληνόπουλα και πότε;
Ο Άγιος Νικόλαος είναι ένας δημοφιλής Άγιος της Χριστιανοσύνης σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη λόγω της φήμης του ότι φέρνει δώρα. Ο Νικόλαος από την Μύρα ανέπτυξε αυτή τη φήμη κατά τη διάρκεια της ζωής του, βάζοντας νομίσματα στα παπούτσια άλλων ανθρώπων, γεγονός που αντιπροσωπεύει πολλές από τις σημερινές παραδόσεις των Χριστουγέννων όπως την λήψη δώρων σε παπούτσια ή μπότες. Τόσο ο Βορειοαμερικανός «Σάντακλοζ» όσο και ο Βρετανός «Πατέρας των Χριστουγέννων» είναι θρυλικές φιγούρες των οποίων τα χαρακτηριστικά απορρέουν από τους μύθους γύρω από τον Άγιο Νικόλαο. Ο Άγιος Νικόλαος αναφέρεται με πολλά διαφορετικά ονόματα σε όλη την Ευρώπη, όπως Sinterklaas στις Κάτω Χώρες ή Νικόλαους στη Γερμανία. Στην Ελλάδα, είναι ένας από τους πιο αγαπητούς Αγίους και θεωρείται ο προστάτης Άγιος των Ναυτικών και της Θάλασσας. Γιορτάζεται την ημέρα της Ανάληψής του – στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου! Ωστόσο, δεν είναι αυτός ο Άγιος που φέρνει δώρα στα Ελληνόπουλα κατά τη διάρκεια των Γιορτών 😮. Αντ' αυτού, στην Ελλάδα γιορτάζουμε τον Άγιο Βασίλειο, του οποίου η ημέρα Αναλήψεως είναι την 1η Ιανουαρίου. Ο Άγιος Βασίλειος ήταν από εύπορη οικογένεια, αλλά διέθεσε όλη του την περιουσία στους φτωχούς, πεινασμένους, όσους είχαν ανάγκη και στα παιδιά. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος που στην Ελλάδα παραδοσιακά ο Άγιος Βασίλειος φέρνει δώρα στα παιδιά μετά την αλλαγή του έτους, πολύ νωρίς το πρωί της Πρωτοχρονιάς.
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Οι 2 Άγιοι είχαν κάποιες ομοιότητες κατά τη διάρκεια της ζωής τους. Και οι δύο γεννήθηκαν στη Μικρά Ασία, ο Άγιος Νικόλαος στα Πάταρα της Λυκίας και ο Άγιος Βασίλειος στην Καισαρεία της Καππαδοκίας (αν και ο Άγιος Νικόλαος προηγήθηκε του Αγίου Βασιλείου), ήταν και οι δύο επίσκοποι και φημισμένοι κατά τη διάρκεια της ζωής τους. Αλλά κυρίως ήταν και οι δύο γνωστοί για την αγάπη και τη γενναιοδωρία τους προς τους φτωχούς, αρρώστους και παιδιά. Γι' αυτό μέχρι σήμερα, πιστεύεται ότι και οι δύο είναι ακόμα ζωντανοί, κάνουν θαύματα και ταξιδεύουν σε όλο τον κόσμο για να δίνουν δώρα σε όλα τα παιδιά 🎄🎅🎁💖👨👩👦👦!
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Η Ιστορία της Βασιλόπιτας: Από τον Μέγα Βασίλειο ξεκίνησε και η παράδοση της βασιλόπιτας της Πρωτοχρονιάς. Την εποχή που ο Μέγας Βασίλειος ήταν Επίσκοπος στην Καισάρεια, ο Έπαρχος της Καππαδοκίας πήγε στην πόλη για να εισπράξει φόρους. Οι κάτοικοι ζήτησαν τη βοήθεια του Επισκόπου τους. Αυτός τους συμβούλεψε να φέρουν πολλά δώρα, κοσμήματα και χρυσά νομίσματα και να τα προσφέρουν στον εφοριακό, ο οποίος τελικά έφυγε χωρίς να πάρει τα δώρα. Όταν κατόπιν προσπάθησαν να μοιράσουν πίσω στους πιστούς τα δώρα που αντιστοιχούσαν στον καθένα, ο χωρισμός αποδείχτηκε ιδιαίτερα δύσκολος. Τότε ο Μέγας Βασίλειος είπε στους πιστούς να φτιάξουν πίτες και να βάλουν μέσα σε κάθε μία από ένα αντικείμενο. Την επομένη τους τις μοίρασε και, σαν από θαύμα, κάθε ένας βρήκε μέσα στην πίτα το πολύτιμο αντικείμενο που είχε προσφέρει.
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Προς τιμή της μνήμης αυτού του θαύματος και του Αγίου που εκοιμήθη την 1η Ιανουαρίου, κάθε Πρωτοχρονιά ετοιμάζεται μια "Βασιλόπιτα" σε κάθε σπίτι με το τυχερό νόμισμα κρυμμένο μέσα της. Μετά τις 12 το βράδυ, ο νοικοκύρης σταυρώνει την Πίτα 3 φορές με το μαχαίρι του, και μετά κόβει την πίτα σε τρίγωνα, ονοματίζοντας και «προσφέροντας» τα πρώτα κομμάτια για τον Άγιο Βασίλη, τον Ιησού Χριστό, το σπίτι και τη δουλειά του. Τα υπόλοιπα κομμάτια προσφέρονται σε όλους τους συγγενείς ��αι τους επισκέπτες. Το άτομο που βρίσκει το κέρμα πιστεύεται ότι θα έχει καλή τύχη όλο το νέο έτος!
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