#Patriotic Floral
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Celebrate your patriotism with patriotic Flowers & floral arrangements at Faux Real Florals. Browse our collection & join us in celebrating red, white & blue!
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mintoxhitsuji · 8 months
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Yes, these are real flowers I collected and pressed. I don’t know, I just like it.
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neechees · 7 months
Hi! You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, that's totally fine! But you talking about Orville Peck's appropriation of indigenous culture with his fashion choices made me realize that I had never considered that there might be some aspects of "cowboy clothes" that white ppl shouldn't wear and that was super wrong of me. Again, you totally don't have to answer this, but I was just wondering what ways a white person could wear "cowboy clothes" in a manner that wasn't disrespectful? Or perhaps, should we not wear them at all? I can't afford T yet, but when I can finally get it I was planning on getting a cowboy outfit to embrace my trans mascness, but if that would be wrong of me I can scrap that plan no problem!
Ehhh again this is actually SUPER HARD to answer because almost everything about cowboy fashion & the cowboy "aesthetics" are lifted directly from Native American fashion and culture, either because a lot of cowboys back in the day were Native American themselves (including Afro-Natives & Indigenous Mexican vaqueros) or they were White & just kinda. stole the look from the Native cowboys due to a number of factors.
If you google "cowboy jewelry" the first thing that comes up is silverwork & belts & turquoise jewelry, which is taken from Navajo metalwork. Fringed leather clothing? Again, many Native tribes did that (& in some tribes the fringes could mean something, its not just for looks), most popularily with vests, jackets, and pants. A lot if the leather jackets were a result of Native women just sewing their clothes the same but in a European styled cut. Compare this "cowboy" look below to a Lakota war shirt: both have hair embellishments dangling from the arms.
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Studded belts? Inspired by Cheyenne mirror belts, which often also have metal studs in them & you'll still see Native pow wow dancers have this in their regalia. Floral vests? A lot of the inspiration comes from Plains floral beadwork. Geometric patterns and blankets? Came from Southwest or Mexican Native American blankets & designs, ask any Navajo weaver & they'll tell you the same. Feathers in cowboy hats? Who else is famous for wearing feathers on their heads--? Native Americans. The look is still popular with older Native men.
Hell, if you visit this site that sells Western/cowboy fashion, you'll see a SHITTON of appropriation going on, taking Native imagery & designs, including one taken from Native American ledger art, all on White models.
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The appropriation of Native culture and fashion in the cowboy/western sphere is ongoing, and the influence that Native fashion & culture has in Western/cowboy fashion as it is is absolutely MASSIVE. I once said in another post that the cowboy/western aesthetic essentially belongs to Native Americans, Latines (especially Mexicans), and Black people. And the history of White cowboys has been one largely of colonialism, racism, and displacement of Indigenous peoples, and the masculinity associated with White cowboys especially is also steeped into racism & American patriotism (think John Wayne. There's a reason he's an American icon who played cowboys & killing Indians in films.). I think the only thing that isn't influenced from either appropriation or colonization is like, jeans. Even the style of cowboy boots themselves and potentially chaps were influenced from vaqueros.
So if you're White I'm not sure that'd exactly be a good route to take because trying to seperate Indigenous elements from this fashion/look (nevermind the problematic history of White cowboys) is almost impossible. Obviously I can't force you to do anything, but honestly if I were you, I'd try a different direction, because otherwise I think you'll find trying to do this will be very hard.
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koenigami · 2 months
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Knight!Kunigami x Queen!reader vol.1 synopsis : beautiful, stubborn, and powerful. she didn't need him, yet her heart craved him so desperately. strong, protective, and brave. he has never known fear, except when it came to her well-being. tags : royal au, fem!reader, fluff, slight angst, mentions of death, misogyny (not from kunigami) wc : 1.9k a/n : probably going to turn this into a series but updates will be very slow .. જ⁀➴ masterlist
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“Sir Kunigami, as the captain of the knights, your duties are limited, as your title already implies, to the supervision of the knights. And those unmistakably have nothing to do with my own duties.”  
You could very well be talking to the cold, unmoving walls since this kind of conversation with your recently recruited captain of the royal knights was nothing new. Whether it concerned the safety precautions of the castle or of the entire kingdom, or the tactical decisions regarding your troops. When you said left, he said right. And under other circumstances, you would never allow someone to contradict you, especially not in the way that he did it.
The way that everyone else did. As if doubting your authority as the lone ruling head of this kingdom, and that solely because you did not have a king by your side. Ever since your husband’s demise after a short, gruesome illness, you were constantly faced with disapproval and criticism, most of it stamming from your own family. Distant relatives who claimed that the passing of your husband had an impact on the legitimacy of your title, who reminded you countless times to look for a suitable partner.
Your sole comfort and strongest pillar was your advisor, Noa. At a young age, he had already been assigned to the role of the captain of the knights, had served your father and the kingdom with nothing but utter devotion until a grave injury had left him no choice but to retire from his position. He was as well the reason why you tolerated Kunigami’s importunate behaviour since he had been the very first person who had come to Noa’s mind to replace him and step into his shoes. Now, there was no denying that Kunigami Rensuke fulfilled the tasks of his newly assigned role formidably. A strong man, a patriotic citizen, a skilled warrior, a trustworthy leader, and a loyal subject of the queen. So loyal that he could not seem to stop interfering in your affairs. 
During the visit of your uncle, the duke, earlier that day, a small disagreement between you two had swiftly escalated, leading to Kunigami drawing his sword and pointing it, yes, at the duke.
Your uncle had come with a, in his eyes, formidable message from a neighbouring kingdom whose king had apparently declared himself ready for possible negotiations about an arranged marriage from which supposedly your own nation would benefit a lot. Nonetheless, you had not let your uncle explain any further and interrupted his detailed explanations and excited rambling with a simple No.
“In a world ruled by men, I will gladly be the exception and demonstrate that my gender does not determine my competences. My father-” “Your father was a fool just like you, child!” your uncle had called out, the anger and frustration evident on his reddened face. He had always been of short temper, however something about your refusal today had unleashed a kind of anger inside him that you rarely got to see. So when he had taken a step towards your throne, the discussion had immediately been interrupted by the sound of a sword being unsheathed. 
“I want everyone to leave.” you had ordered as soon as the duke had left, gaze not drifting away from Kunigami for even an instant. He had clearly understood that your command was not addressed to him, and cautiously approached your throne. Once he had deemed himself close enough, he lowered his head and dropped on one knee, staring at the carpet beneath him. It was rich in ornament. Golden floral patterns adorned the red velvety carpeting, an incredible piece shipped in from a continent afar. Just like the dress of yours.
Though in your case, it was not the gilded designs and motifs that made the gown look so magnificent. Layers upon layers of skirts, of course only the finest materials, and long elegant sleeves that accentuated your arms in the most flattering way, bodice clinging to your skin and hugging your waist perfectly; Kunigami swore he had never been so envious of a piece of fabric. 
“Threatening my uncle-” you shook your head in disbelief, not daring to imagine how the situation would have ended if it weren’t for you. “Under different circumstances, he would have ordered decapitation upon you. This shall be your last warning. If you won’t cease to meddle and intervene in my affairs, despite there not being any necessity for it, you will be stripped of your title as the captain.” 
“Your highness, may I have a word, please?” 
“You may.” a defeated sigh left your painted lips, while you were ready to be wrapped around his finger as per usual when it came to Kunigami Rensuke. Yes, you tolerated his missteps for Noa’s sake, yet there was no use in denying that you were doing it for the underlying sympathy that you held for the knight in front of you.
“I understand your discontent, and I truly apologise if my manners were out of place.” he lifted his right clenched fist to his chest right over his heart. “But you must understand that I’m merely trying to fulfil my duties by looking out for you. It’s my responsibility to ensure your safety, as well as the peace inside of our homeland-” 
“By disregarding my commands and decisions?” Despite the irritation seething inside you, you spoke calmly, leisurely standing up, leaving the throne behind you as you walked step by step towards Kunigami, your long gown sliding along the carpet. “By threatening a family member of mine even though I had everything under control?” 
During your discussion with your uncle, Kunigami had been scrutinising the duke and assessed his every move as if even a single eye twitch of his could cause you harm. Once he had witnessed his outburst, he had not hesitated to draw his sword as a silent warning. And he would do it again if necessary.
“I see, you’ve trained your guard dogs well. Though, mark my words. They will not always be able to protect you.” your uncle’s words still lingered in your mind, like the plague infesting and not leaving anytime soon.
“Do you also believe that I need a male companion by my side? Is that why you keep meddling in my business? Because you don’t deem myself capable enough to rule our homeland by myself?” He would neither be the first nor the last one to doubt you. “Because I’m not strong enough to-”
“Because you’re a woman!” 
Ever since joining the knights as a youngster, Kunigami had witnessed you overcoming all possible miseries that could fall upon someone. From a marriage of convenience with barely any love, to the loss of your parents, and lastly even your husband’s demise. The strength and confidence that you carried within you were remarkable, yet not enough to come up against the kinds of people that you had to face in your world. It was not common for a woman to rule without a king. Women like you served merely as an asset, as another trophy for greedy and conceited men to show off their properties. So when Noa had informed Kunigami about his promotion, he had seen it as his obligation to shield you from any further hardships.
His impulsive words bounced off the high walls, echoing through the hall while his eyes finally met yours. Regret. That is what you could immediately discern in them as soon as he looked up at you, silence filling the room and engulfing the both of you in a veil of suffocating tension. 
“You’re implying that my femininity is a weakness, Sir Kunigami?” He swallowed at the sound of your sweet, calm voice, like a siren luring him into the deathly depths of the sea. “Your Highness, that’s not what I-”
“That me being a woman would put me at a disadvantage while facing a man- No, pardon. A male?” He had failed to realise that you were approaching him with each tentatively uttered word, as the space between you progressively got smaller, the intoxicating smell of your perfume wafting through his nose. “Now pray tell me, Sir Kunigami. If you would not take my status into consideration, would my womanhood make you superior to me?”
“O-Of course not, Your Highness. I was merely trying to say that men can be unpredictable beasts. Amidst their violent immorality and unscrupulousness, my priority is to protect you.” His steadfastness was one of the many things that you admired about him. Even while being at your mercy, he never hesitated to state his honest and principled opinion, whether you liked it or not. It was his compassion and sense for righteousness that made him stand out from other knights. From other men. 
“Is that so? Then what about you?” 
“I beg your pardon?” He swallowed, nervosity slowly setting in. 
“If men are, like you worded it … beasts, who’s protecting me from you, Sir Kunigami?” 
“I would rather die than allow myself to be any form of danger to you, Your Highness.” The heaviness of his phrase settled on your chest, making your breath stagger as you looked into his face. Not an ounce of doubt was visible on it, the fist on his heart clenched tighter as if he were about to rip it out of his chest just to show you the place from which his words stemmed from. 
Another moment of silence passed with neither of you saying anything. As if waiting for the others next move, as if hoping for a sign, as if praying that this internal burning was mutual. You were not sure when it was that Kunigami had gotten up because you only realised it once you felt the warmth of his hand brush along your cheek like a warm ray of sunshine, and tuck a loose strand of your perfect hair behind your ear. 
The large double doors creaked, and before anyone entered, Kunigami had already taken a few steps back and put some respectful distance between the both of you as if burned by the sole touch of your skin. A broad figure appeared, marching towards you and carrying himself with a confidence and gracefulness that you would usually only see from blue-blooded individuals. Kunigami felt his former superior’s icy gaze scrutinise him from head to toe before Noa lowered his head, greeting you politely. 
“Your Highness, I just saw the duke off. I believe-” Again Noa’s eyes travelled from you back to Kunigami before continuing. “We might need to discuss some matters. In private.” 
The gentle nod of yours was Kunigami’s cue to leave, though as he excused himself, you called out to him one last time, your demand stated with firmness. “I expect your presence at my chamber after dinner time.” 
“Yes, Your Highness.” Without wondering or questioning, Kunigami withdrew with a final bow, leaving you alone with Noa. Despite his calm and composed exterior, you could tell that your advisor was keen on hearing about your argument with your uncle, as well as your discussion with Kunigami. Nonetheless, Noa had to admit that your last request had particularly caught his curiosity, wondering what the reason behind it may be. 
Though as you watched the back of the current captain of the knights become smaller with each step that he took before disappearing behind closed doors, you desperately hoped that the reasons behind your palpitating heart weren’t what you thought they were. 
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icehearts · 3 months
Esca Reynault
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— B A S I C S
Name: Esca Reynault
Nicknames: Lady Belladonna (derogatory), milady (also derogatory), milady (affectionate???)
Age: Early-to-mid 20s.
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon. (7/7)
Race: Midlander Hyur.
Gender: Cis female; she/her.
Orientation: Bisexual.
Profession: Alchemist by way of the Alchemists' Guild of Ul'dah, botanist by way of her father's tutelage, reluctant shopkeep of the family plant nursery-cum-apothecary
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: Long, chestnut, well-kept. Usually swept up in a ponytail or pinned back and out of the way.
Eyes: Tigerseye brown. Inscrutable.
Skin: Fair, unblemished; the complexion of one raised in comfort and relative luxury.
Tattoos/scars: None to speak of.
— F A M I L Y
Mother - Leopoldine Reynault, the youngest daughter of a minor house of Ishgard. Members of the Reynault family have historically been employed by larger noble houses as retainers, midwives, maids, cooks, in-house chirurgeons, groundskeepers, among other roles. Father - Warrick Caraway, a Studium-educated botanist and horticulturist with a specialization in environmental, plant, and soil sciences. Part of his ongoing post-graduation research involved evaluating the aetherial qualities of the soil in the various Calamity-affected Coerthan regions, and developing methods to encourage the growth of more diverse foliage and flora that could withstand the recently altered environs.
Siblings: None. She's an only child.
Grandparents: None to speak of. Her parents' union was not approved by either family involved, so Esca's grandparents on both sides remain quite distant.
In-laws and Other: Silas ████████, a Garlean ex-patriot who acts as a sort of older brother figure for Esca.
Pets: None to speak of.
— S K I L L S
Abilities: Alchemy, of course, botany, and she's rather savvy with a needle too. She's no seamstress, but Esca can mend an article of clothing or even stitch up a wound if need be. She has some aptitude for spellcasting, primarily wind- and water-aspected magicks. Her mastery over such magicks is lacking, to say the least, and Esca has little patience for things she can't control.
Hobbies: Reading, tending to the greenhouse, concocting experimental solutions and potions. Hunting down the ones she thinks are responsible for her mother's suspiciously sudden illness. Daydreaming about how she'll pay them back for humiliating her family. Honestly? She needs more hobbies.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: Diplomatic.
Most Negative Traits: Deceptive.
— L I K E S
Colors: Blues, whites, blacks. Silver and gold.
Smells: Fresh air, delicate florals. Nothing overpowering.
Textures: Smooth silk, gauzey cotton, weathered leather.
Drinks: Mulled tea, coffee, mint lassi.
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: Never.
Drinks: Very rarely. Alcohol makes it a little too easy for the mask of composure to slip off, so she tends to avoid the stuff. Plus she tends to be an emotional drunk, and that can be embarrassing.
Drugs: None.
Mount Issuance: A snow-white chocobo affectionately named Ambrosia.
Been Arrested: Why? Do you think she's guilty of something?
Tagged by: @paintedscales @sealrock @shroudkeeper tysm <3
Tagging: YOU! 🫵 That's right YOU! If you haven't done this yet but want to, consider yourself officially tagged!
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ms-m-astrologer · 14 days
Transiting Venus enters Cancer
Monday, June 17 - Thursday, July 11, 2024
A couple of bumps in the road, but otherwise a very chill, mellow transit - just the way Venus/Cancer likes it.
This transit is only 25 days long - it probably won’t be very impactful. If we have any problems, they might come from trying to manipulate people/situations, or from being passive in situations where we’d be better served by making a move or stamding up for ourselves.
The overall feel is pleasant - it’s wonderful to do little favors for people we love (and ourselves), and find quiet ways to show our affection. How it may play out in Venus’ areas:
Art - patriotic (for example, Norman Rockwell in the US), or folk art, or cottagecore. Monet and Renoir. Quiet music; songs that tug at the heartstrings.
Beauty - old-fashioned, florals, soft colors and fabrics. We can have a great emotional connection to Mother Nature.
Love - we can absolutely show some love to our families, be they biological or found. We tend to go for the kinds of partners our families would approve of. And we’re very traditional and sentimental, the cards-and-flowers type of affection.
Money - the Crab can be quite stingy when it wants to be. As my mom used to say, “pinching the pennies so hard they make Lincoln cry.” (Lincoln being the dead president on that coin.) They’ll spend a lot of money on making their home comfortable, and on food.
Pretty bland tbh - not that there’s anything wrong with that! Allow a day or so on each side of these aspects:
Monday, June 17 - Venus/Cancer conjunct Mercury/Cancer, 0°19’. News? We’re thinking about our feelings, and maybe trying a more sensitive style of communication. We want to understand how the other person feels.
Wednesday, June 26 - Venus/Cancer square North Node/Aries and South Node/Libra, 11°28’. A lesson in how “going along to get along” isn’t healthy. If we try to manipulate others to get what we want, it backfires sooner or later.
Friday, June 28 - Saturday, June 29:
Venus/Cancer sextile Mars/Taurus, 14°39’
Venus/Cancer opposite Ceres Rx/Capricorn, 15°44’
This is, first of all, very fertile - if becoming a parent isn’t on your to-do list right now, you might want to abstain from having relations! We have a lot of patience about working through domestic problems. We can appreciate others’ perspective.
Monday, July 1 - Wednesday, July 3:
Venus/Cancer sextile Juno/Virgo, 18°01’
Venus/Cancer trine Saturn Rx/Pisces, 19°25’
Venus/Cancer trine Pallas Rx/Scorpio, 19°56’
There’s a water grand trine between Venus, Pallas, and Saturn, with Juno providing a focus for the watery energy. It can be great for the arts, giving us ideas and the discipline to pursue them. We feel responsible toward our loved ones.
Friday, July 5 - Venus/Cancer square Chiron/Aries, 23°21’. Hurt feelings - perhaps some family trauma from long ago popping up. Or, we may be overly sensitive and get upset over trivial things - almost like we’re anxious to feel like victims.
Sunday, July 7 - Monday, July 8:
Venus/Cancer square Eris/Aries, 25°28’
Venus/Cancer sextile Uranus/Taurus, 26°02’
So interesting - the square with Eris showing some definite anger, but with the sextile to Uranus we get opportunities to make some changes.
Thursday, July 11 - Venus/Cancer trine Neptune Rx/Pisces, 29°54’. A beautiful vision to finish up the transit. Not very practical or realistic, but who care? It’s our job to make it real!
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theroyalsims · 11 months
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Clearly, Anya got her winning sense of style from her mum!
Earlier this morning, Her Majesty The Queen was accompanied by Prince Jacques and The Crown Princess for a visit to St. Balthazar Chapel, located in a small village up north in Brindlebury.
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Dubbed one of the oldest religious sites in Brindleton, the chapel will be celebrating its 900th anniversary next month, and a special service will be held to mark the occasion. Members of the Royal Family are expected to attend.
The chapel has survived wars, fires, and disasters, but its history can be traced back to almost a thousand years ago when monks first built a simple structure that would serve as a place of worship for the small community.
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Throughout the centuries, the chapel has been destroyed and rebuilt numerous times, and even changed congregations, but it has maintained its status as a sacred space where the community can come as one.
For the royal trio's visit, it looked like the entire village showed up to see their favourite royals! Local royal fans were delighted when Her Majesty and Their Royal Highnesses took time to chat with them during the walkabout.
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For their visit to the church, all three donned formal outfits, with Prince Jacques looking dapper in his suit, while the ladies looked lovely in their coats and hats.
The Queen opted for a forest green military-inspired coat, which she paired with a matching wide-brimmed hat. Her Majesty accessorised with black court shoes and her trusty classic purse.
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The Crown Princess, meanwhile, dressed to impress in a brand new coat dress in a lovely cornflower blue shade. The designer coat is from Katharine Sitt's upcoming collection, and is priced at  §1,900, although The Crown Princess is wearing a slightly altered version.
HRH's bespoke coat includes floral embroidery from the neckline all the way to the hem. The small flowers are actually Brindleton Blossoms, Brindleton's national flower, making the addition a patriotic and sentimental nod, perfect for a future Queen. Her Royal Highness wrapped up her look with matching blue pumps and a floral headpiece.
It's always lovely to see these three out and about! Here's to more (fashionable) joint outings in the near future!
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omgthatdress · 1 year
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Nanea’s School Dress is a pinafore-style dress that was popular at the time.
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The print is a pink-and-teal tropical floral. Having dug around a lot in the history of Hawaiian prints, I’m left frustrated. Not so much by the dress itself, but by the fact that I don’t have enough references to tell if the pattern is authentic or not.
Hawaiian print goes back to the 1920s, when the tourism industry in Hawaii really got underway. Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of individual people and shops claiming to have made it first, so it looks like a case of a bunch of people having the same idea at the same time. Japanese fabric printers at the time used wax resist-dyed fabric to make kimonos, and tailors began adapting that fabric to make bright, colorful shirts. Soon, the more traditional Japanese prints began including colorful florals and patterns inspired by traditional Hawaiian barkcloth tapa, and a booming industry got underway. Then, Pearl Harbor happened. The Japanese printers were put out of business and sent to internment camps. Soon, printers from the mainland rushed in to make a buck filling the gap using silk screen prints. After the war, tourism came back with a vengeance, and the designer Alfred Shaheen set up shop, adding neon-bright colors and mid-century atomic design elements to the mix. Hawaiian print as we know it today was born.
The trouble is, there’s obviously a pretty big discrepancy with pre and post-war prints, but I haven’t been able to really get a good enough look at extant pre-war prints to be able to say very much about it.
One of the kind of stereotype-y things about Nanea’s collection is that it’s ALL tropical print. While Hawaiian women certainly did dress with a local flavor, they also wore plenty of non-tropical stuff, too.
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On another note, I absolutely fucking adore her little espadrilles! This style of shoe started ouy among Spanish peasants in the Pyrenees mountains, but were popularized in the 1930s by shoe-maker Salvatore Ferragamo. They were lightweight and comfortable and perfect for summer wear.
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Anyone who remembers 9/11 will remember the “remember 9/11″ kitsch that turned up everywhere later. Pearl Harbor was no different. Part of it was cashing in on a very public tragedy, part of it was recognizing the trauma that everyone had just lived through, creating patriotic national unity, and justifying the war that was about to come. Patriotic “Remember (an actual pearl or piece of mother-of-pearl) Harbor” pins were a popular accessory when WW2 began. It may have led to a nightmare after 9/11, but nobody is going to say that American entering WW2 wasn’t justified.
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(Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library)
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barbielore · 9 months
Speaking as a non-American, I do not feel confident in my ability to fully assess the American Stories Collection of Barbies but nonetheless I will do my best to respectfully approach this series.
The American Stories Collection were a series of historical Barbies, representing what Mattel presumably thought were important parts of America's culture. These were released across 1994, 1995 and 1996. Each of them came with props to go along with their historical outfits, as well as a storybook.
For example, Civil War Nurse Barbie comes with a little bag presumably for her medical equipment.
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Meanwhile Patriot Barbie, whose box text indicates that she is out showing support for the Founding Fathers, has a little bell.
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There were in fact two different Barbies in the collection labelled Pioneer Barbie, one from 1994 and the other from 1995.
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One had a predominately green dress, a basket of apples, and a storybook entitled "Western Promise"; the other a milk jug, a floral dress with an apron, and a storybook entitled "Shopkeeper's Dream".
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This collection also featured dolls referred to as, and I believe this term is frequently now considered outdated to say the least, though I admit that as someone who is both white and non-American I am not fully informed about this, "American Indian Barbies".
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These two are the only dolls in the collection who are not depicted as white, and they are also the only dolls who have children or infants instead of props. The first of these has a storybook entitled "Animal Gifts", and the second has a story called "Baby Blue Feather".
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I do not know to what extent, if any, these costumes are historically accurate; but something about them leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It is apparent, of course, that these dolls as whole represent a view of American history that is biased and from a colonialist perspective; I feel as though by the mid-90s Mattel could, and should, have done a better job.
(As usual please feel free to correct me if I am wrong about something, off base about anything, or if you would like this post tagged in any other way.)
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stamp-it-to-me · 1 year
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i have several new additions to my physical collection of stamps thanks to my wonderful friend Kylie who has been saving them for me which is so kind of her
[id: seven United States postage stamps in different designs. Three have floral designs, two have patriotic designs, one has a geometric design, and the last has a Christmas design. Six have ink marks on them, indicating that they have been used. end id]
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thiswasinevitable-rwrb · 10 months
The stylists absolutely aced the outfits for Alex and Henry.
Henry is so restricted, every outfit screened by the royal institution, that all that poor boy wears is blue and shades of black (minus the patriotic red/blue polo shirt). He doesn't get a pop of orange or yellow until Alex is in his life.
Meanwhile, Alex gets to wear organic materials like his leather jacket, patterned fabrics for his vibrant personality, plus a nod to his Mexican heritage with the floral suit at the New Years party. Man's out here in pink swimming trunks like a four course meal.
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lyledebeast · 5 months
I have written so many times about the prisoner exchange scene in the The Patriot, but I don't think I've appreciated enough how essential it is to my favorite scene in the movie, which follows close behind it. Both scenes involve a colonel manipulating General Cornwallis: Martin to get his men back and Tavington for permission to use the tactics he finds most effective. Dean Devlin, the movie's producer, describes Tavington as seducing Cornwallis into giving him what he wants , as though it has absolutely nothing to do with Martin. But if Tavington could have gotten it from whorishness alone . . . he would have done!
Devlin, and many others, have failed to pay attention to the drastic changes in both men from their last meeting to this one. In previous scenes, Tavington is polite to the point of obsequiousness, biting his tongue when Cornwallis berates him, first for his total war tactics and later for failing to protect supply lines from the militia. This scene begins with Cornwallis, again, taking out his frustration with Martin outsmarting him on Tavington, but Tavington is a whole new man.
"Quite impressive for a farmer with a pitchfork, wouldn't you say?" This mockingly repeats an earlier jab from Cornwallis, and it is by far the cuntiest thing Tavington ever says to his superior officer. He seems to know that he can get away with it, though, because, for once, he is not the true object of Cornwallis's anger. When they spoke of "The Ghost" before the man materialized, Cornwallis refused to even hear Tavington's self-defense. Now, for the first time, Cornwallis is willing to listen. Martin's actions helped to bring that about.
One of the most frustrating interpretations of The Patriot, and certainly the one its makers support, is that the British characters make choices and Martin simply reacts in the only way he can. By downplaying Martin's choices, they also absolve him of their consequences. This reading does not stand up to scrutiny. In one sense, Cornwallis is reacting to his pride being wounded, but he is also reacting to Martin's unreasonableness. Martin invites Cornwallis to make his grievances known, but when he does Martin shuts him down with Your Officers Started It. The trouble is, Cornwallis has already restrained Tavington, and if Martin does not know that it is not from any lack of evidence. The men who took his men prisoner are very visibly part of the same regiment that is introduced to the story as having slaughtered surrendering Colonial troops. Without someone having curbed Tavington's behavior, Martin would not be sitting here negotiating for prisoners' release; he would have eighteen extra corpses to dispose of. It would take no great logical feat to conclude that the British general lecturing him on the conduct of a gentleman is responsible for this change.
Of course. Martin is not really here to debate the rules of war; he has already decided how he is going to behave, which involves getting everything he wants from Cornwallis while giving nothing in return. He reunites Cornwallis with his dogs only to snatch them away at the last second. He agrees to send him his personal effects, including uniforms, taken from supply trains, but the scene with Tavington finds Cornwallis in a suit apparently crafted from floral upholstery. It is as much about humiliating Cornwallis as freeing his men. Cornwallis has two choices here: either do nothing and allow Martin to continue making a laughingstock of him and killing his officers with impunity or try a different approach. Tavington's meandering around Cornallis's room, a class of the general's claret in hand, can only be described as a victory lap. And he hasn't had to do a single thing besides name his reward.
The measures Tavington takes are horrific but effective. The militia is temporarily disbanded, and even when they reconvene there are no further attacks on supply trains, allowing the British to prepare for the final battle. If Martin had put as much energy into planning some kind of defense for civilians as he does into nursing his inexplicable hate boner for Cornwallis, perhaps he could have minimized the casualties Tavington inflicts. Instead, he is shocked to inaction when Cornwallis responds to his "Tavington started it!" with "And I'm going to let him finish it, too!"
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frevandrest · 1 year
I got an amazing birthday gift from @robespapier Take a look at this:
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And floral SJ:
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And "patriotic rage" design:
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Welcome, welcome!
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I'm Helena, Decay, or Phantomato which ever one ya'll prefer to call me! Sometimes I write and ramble, and my blog is based around the characters Helena and Helena META! Though my current obsession is all versions of Cú Chulainn from Fate, Archer Emiya from Fate, and Lapis Lazuli from Houseki no Kuni. LGBTQ blinkies by Shortcakeem0ji :3
The things I write can be taken as platonic or romantic unless explicitly stated that they're platonic! I won't write smut though.
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So I thought I'd put this here, but here is my Twst acc!
Also, here is my Azur Lane account the server I'm in is Amagi
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Here is my Fate/Grand Order friend code!
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Helena's interests
I like games such as Azur Lane(obv), Destiny and Destiny 2, YuGiOh duel links, Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew Valley, Fate/Grand Order, and Twisted Wonderland
My current anime list consists of That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, Slime Diaries, Land of the Lustrous, YuGiOh, Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!, Umamusume: Pretty Derby, Takt Op. Destiny, Wonder Egg Priority, The Fate series, and Bofuri
My favorite shows are Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Steven Universe, FBI, SWAT, 911, 911: Lone Star, Kitchen Nightmares, Master Chef, and the first few seasons of Red vs Blue
My favorite movies are Twister, Patriots Day, both TMNT bayverse movies, Dunkirk, Unstoppable, and many more, can't name them all :3
Helena's writing. Most of my stuff will now also be posted to my Ao3, DecayingHelena, though it's mainly just going to be the James Ironwood stuff
For That He Is Thankful (Rewritten)
Do you fear me? (Rewritten)
Memories of Tempesta(AL x TWST)
Floral Fever(OM)
Floral Fever 2(OM)
Ice cream (Rewritten)
"They called me what?"
"I love you."
Kiss(James Ironwood x reader)(Rewritten)
"Shall we dance?"(Ironwitch)(Rewritten)
A strange craft(RWBY AU)
New hopes(RWBY AU)
James Ironwood headcanons
Unwind with me(RWBY au) (James Ironwood x reader)
James Ironwood headcanons 2
Love and Bad Luck(Ironqrow)
The world of yesterday(Ironwitch)
New Light(RWBY au)
James Ironwood headcanons 3
Valentine's Day(James Ironwood x reader)
The one thing he wished for(James Ironwood x reader)
Ironwitch headcanons
Ironwitch headcanons part 2
Project Personality: Penny Polendina post
Ironwitch headcanons part 3
"Pillows don't talk."(Leona Kingscholar x reader)
Helena's rambling
Yuu protecting Malleus(What made me write For That He Is Thankful.)
Aggressive love towards Malleus
Helena's thoughts on Self aware TWST
Helena's thoughts on Self aware TWST 2
Rollo, the twink baguette
Chaotic Yugi Mutou
Helena watches Land of the Lustrous
Silly little twst idea
Silly little twst idea pt2
Silly space idea :3
Aggressive love towards James Ironwood
James Ironwood with a new outfit
Helena's obsession with Ironwood
Helena's idea on HnK! James Ironwood
Helena's RWBY tier list
James Ironwood but with Destiny 2 weapons
Helena's back problems
Helena's Hunter
Helena's favorite James Ironwood moments
Helena making fun of their favorite boi
Helena speaks in memes
No sleep Tumblr
Multiships my beloved
Helena's RWDE rant
Helena's nicknames
Helena finding a new obsession
"You brought this upon me."
Cú Chulainns as out of context Discord convos
Cú Chulainns as out of context Discord convos
Cú: Either always kissing death or always going overkill
Nero has no chill
Helena's screentime
Helena condones murder
Clowning on both Europe and America
Helena gets reminded of Malleus
Outta context Discord continues
Outta context Discord: Crime edition
Weather sickness
Outta context Discord: Darkside of the internet
Outta context Discord: We're fucking dumb
Pissing off my bestie on Discord
My rants are tagged under "Helena Rants", it's mainly some personal issues so if you don't wanna see that then feel free to block that tag
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somediyprojects · 8 months
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Mirabilia Designs #187: Luda WIP stitched by kateneyck. Pattern designed by Nora Corbett.
Here is my queencitystitchretreat finish! Luda by noracorbett for mirabilia designs. Stitched on 32 count Country French Rain linen from Wichelt, with custom embroidery and color conversions. This piece really spoke to me when I first saw it. My family is originally from a very poor region in Western Ukraine/Southern Poland. Ukraine, and many other Eastern European countries, have seen a resurgence in traditional culture and clothing since the Orange Revolution in 2004, and then the Revolution of Dignity in 2014. The vinok floral wreath and vyshyvanka embroidered shirt have come to represent Ukrainian tradition and patriotism in the face of Russian oppression. It was such a wonderful experience to finish the piece at the retreat, surrounded by friends and fellow stitchers.
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ftmwifey · 24 days
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