#Patrick J. Kearney
mysweetmurderina · 6 months
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oregontennis · 4 months
2023-24 Oregon All-State Tennis Teams
4A/3A/2A/1A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team EJ Roedl, Marist Catholic Zareh Gonzalvo, Catlin Gabel Reid Ravassipour, St. Mary's, Medford Mason Do, Oregon Episcopal Rand Freres, Oregon Episcopal
Second Team Aston Selley, Catlin Gabel Dawson Richards, Nyssa Alexander Ricketts, Marist Catholic Dominic Pulver, Sisters Jack Hally, Ontario
Honorable Mention Trysten Burns, Weston-McEwen/Griswold Cyrus Oliva, St. Mary's Medford
4A/3A/2A/1A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team L. Olander / R. Li, Oregon Episcopal P. Tyner / A. Forsyth, Marist Catholic N. Chen / R. Nordhoff, Catlin Gabel B. Knight-Sheen / W. Barsotti, Marist Catholic S. Dinesh/ T. Stark-Seymour, St. Mary's Medford
Second Team C. Aguero / E. Mildren, Marist Catholic I. Bhardwaj / T. Freres, Oregon Episcopal B. Bair / L. McGourty, Vale C. Grover / E. Yoo, Oregon Episcopal L. Peterson/ L. Ho, St. Mary's Medford
Honorable Mention L. Norton / W. Jensen, Klamath Union A. Pelligrini/G. Scoble, Marist Catholic
4A/3A/2A/1A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Patricia Dougherty, Klamath Union Raegan Farm, North Bend Whitney Hedden, Marist Catholic Bailey Bell, Philomath Ryan Lomber, Valley Catholic
Second Team Sami Shivakumar, Valley Catholic Ella Li, Oregon Episcopal Amanda Perez, Catlin Gabel Juhree Kizziar, Sisters Adele Beckstead, Philomath
Honorable Mention Callie Winebarger, Crook County Laken Herrera, Ontario
4A/3A/2A/1A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team E. Seals / E. Seals, Vale C. Chamberland / P. Weerakoon, St. Mary's Medford P. Larson / S. Larson, Marist Catholic H. Ross / T. Tyner, Marist Catholic J. Mehta/E. Kim, Catlin Gabel
Second Team M. Roseman / A. Do, Oregon Episcopal H. Housely / D. Engstron, Crook County L. Mueller / C. Mueller, Irrigon B. Wagstaff/H. Wagstaff, Nyssa O. Jacoby/K. Schwin, Baker
Honorable Mention C. Nguyen/T. Murphy, Marist Catholic S. Rush/S. Wyland, Sisters
6A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team Will Semler, Lincoln Vitomir Petcov, Southridge Arnav Arora, Mountainside Reif Larsen, Jesuit Cooper Wyngarden, Lakeridge
Second Team Alexander Gurov, South Medford Surya Panyam, Jesuit Mason Men, Lake Oswego Tiger Semler, Lincoln Rowan Morrison, West Linn
Honorable Mention Guillermo Arce, Forest Grove Yehuda Zaretsky, South Eugene Blake Chandler, South Eugene Brayden Lee, Lakeridge Antonio Perez-Cansino, South Medford Wylly Fields, Lincoln Liam Mackura, Glencoe Jonah Black, Central Catholic Pace Crimon, Central Catholic
6A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team K. Fernando / R. Chiang, Westview G. Hawkins / Z. Steinberg, West Linn A. Yan / T. Hernandez, Jesuit K. Rao / K. Zhou, Sunset L. Basi/ J. Hoda, Sprague
Second Team J. Cui / J. Lee, Lake Oswego S. Potter / M. Potter, Grant H. De La Cruz / T. Stump, Barlow R. Evenson / R. Alavi, Lake Oswego R. Valverde / A. Tadjedin, Grant
Honorable Mention A. Tran / L. Aman, Jesuit T. Hendrickson / O. Kuerbis, Grant J. Rickards / N. Bills, McMinnville C. Pate / J. Moffat, Barlow E. Meditz / L. Naugler, Grant N. Ernst / G. Chandler, Central Catholic C. Patrick / K. Forrar, Barlow J. Ebramsyah / I. Ahluwalia, Jesuit
6A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Lauren Han, Clackamas Carissa Gerung, Jesuit Nikhitha Suresh, Sunset Alexis Uschold, South Medford Ava Kitchin, Lake Oswego
Second Team Tirzah Tarbox, Sprague Sydney Board, Tigard Sonya Drayton, West Linn Carlyta Barfield, Benson Sariah Plaisted, Century
Honorable Mention Giselli Reschke, Mountainside Rosalyn Cho, South Eugene Sabrina Larsen, Jesuit Ellie Park, South Eugene Sadie Paterson, South Salem Alyssa Piquette, Sheldon Caroline Rickards, McMinnville Sofia Sorokina, Nelson
6A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team E. Kearney / H. Kearney, Sheldon A. Arora / T. Rao, Mountainside T. Rozendal / M. Rahul, West Linn K. Paine / K. Ayotte, Jesuit R. Beyrouty / E. Nickel, Sprague
Second Team K. Eames / R. Khalili, Lake Oswego A. Ainsworth / D. Fiskum, Sprague M. Mann / M. Regner, Westview E. Newton / R. Hefele, Lincoln K. Wattman / A. Roberts, Roseburg
Honorable Mention G. Molony / L. Weber, Barlow K. Olsson / S. Soman, Lincoln J. Hanson / M. Naugler, Grant R. Murphy / E. Schmitt, Lake Oswego P. Bittner / P. Evans, Sherwood A. Yao / N. Nagaraj, South Salem J. Paulsen / M. Fitzgerald, Lake Oswego J. Pilcher / A. Gladbach, Grants Pass
5A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team Richard Wang, Crescent Valley Kaiden Harris, La Salle Prep Max Himstreet, Summit Aiden Cruz, Caldera Brandon Vu, Centennial
Second Team Youssef Abdelsamad, Wilsonville Parks Vodak, Bend Grae Koller, Corvallis Wyattt Chance, Summit Hannes Zum Felde, Central
5A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team A. McBride / R. McCoy-Hansen, Churchill E. Nichols / B. Nichols, La Salle Prep A. Lindsay / A. Berg, Summit N. Curtis / A. Tsai, Crescent Valley N. Rife / E. Nguyen, Summit
Second Team D. Vo / R. Lien, Parkrose B. Bloom / N. Wood, Summit V. Castaldo / I. Gains, Churchill L. Anderson / J. Bartlett, Wilsonville A. Ramirez / J. Gamboa, South Albany
5A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Kennedy Harris, La Salle Prep Emily Gu, Crescent Valley Veronica Miller, Ashland Kate Bonetto, Summit Matilda Morgan, Summit
Second Team Keira Lin, Crescent Valley Trina Dinh, Parkrose Brooklyn Lindsey, Redmond Tiara Yeung, Milwaukie Corinna Lobschied, Corvallis
5A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team Z. Hughes / A. Li, Crescent Valley J. Tatsumi / K. Scoggins, Wilsonville B. Capps / G. Stott, Redmond S. Cassaro / D. Streater, Ridgeview H. Sullivan/ K. Kelly, Summit
Second Team C. Nguyen / S. Nguyen, Parkrose A. Diliberto / K. Swigert, Summit P. Davisson / A. Davisson, Silverton K. Carter / A. Donnelly, La Salle Prep I. Hanna-Barofsky / E. Li, La Salle Prep
0 notes
Dear Tucker Carlson,
Hey Tuck, I just got done watching a segment of your show. You know, the one where you suggest that there should be a camera in every classroom in order to root out…let me get this accurate…”civilization ending poison.” https://twitter.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1412566208763895810
I’m going to zig where you thought most teachers would zag. I welcome your Orwellian cameras in my classroom. Frankly, I don’t know many teachers who would object to having people watch what we do. As a matter of fact, I hate to tell you this Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, but most of us spent the last year having video cameras in our classrooms.
See, I think you believe that your suggestion that people see what happens in our classrooms will somehow scare teachers. The truth of it is that we have been begging for years to have people, such as yourself, come into our classrooms. I somewhat famously asked Ms. DeVos to visit a public school before she became Secretary of Education (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/an-introduction-from-public-school-teachers-to-betsy_b_5845e2fbe4b0707e4c8171a3). It’s unclear whether she has yet to set foot in an actual public school classroom, but I digress. I sense that you think you’ll see all of us pinko teachers speaking endlessly about Critical Race Theory leading to…and again, let me get this right, “civilization ending poison.” I’ve been in a lot of classrooms (more than you I am willing to bet) and I think you’re going to be disappointed on that front.
What happens in America’s classrooms is teaching and learning. Your “spy cameras” will see teachers and students working together to be better every day. I’ll tell you what I saw on a tour of classrooms not that long ago. I saw a group of kindergartners trying to create bridges over running water with basic classroom supplies in a lesson about collaboration. I saw a high school literature class talking about the character development in The Glass Menagerie. I saw a middle school history class participating in group project where they had to solve problems in a fictional city, with specifics of how they would utilize resources and build public support for their projects. Anyone watching your cameras will see learning…all day every day.
For those who watch your “nanny cams” carefully, they’ll see a lot of other things as well. They will see teachers working with students who have vastly different life experiences. They will see students who are fluent in multiple languages working with teachers to become proficient in yet one more language. They will see students who are hungry get their one solid meal a day in the cafeteria. They will see students itching for more fine arts, industrial technology, or world languages to be offered in their school. In my classroom, if we’re being honest, they’ll probably hear some sketchy intonation from my saxophones, and I promise we’re working on it. But for sure, they will see learning…all day every day.
To be honest, I’m fascinated by the logistics of your proposal. In a world where school districts are struggling to recruit and maintain teachers, who is going to man your “citizen review boards” (setting aside the fact that public school teachers already answer to publicly elected school boards)? For instance, in my school district I sense you would need well over 500 cameras going every day. Who watches those 500 screens 10 hours a day (I want you watching my 7 am jazz band and my after school lessons)? What qualifications would these “experts” need to know what they were watching for? What happens when they catch a teacher teaching…let me get this right…”civilization ending poison?” Who do they report that to? I’m also curious who will pay for all of this incredible technology. Maybe I missed it, but can you point me to a K-12 institution where Critical Race Theory is being taught? Hell, can you define Critical Race Theory for all of us? I’m sure you’ve got answers to all of these questions.
Frankly, I’ve never been able to figure out, instead of dreaming up Orwellian plans to have Big Brother in all of our classrooms, why you don’t round up an army of bright young conservatives to actually step up and teach? Is it because teachers work hard, aren’t paid as much as those with similar educational backgrounds, don’t have support from our elected officials, constantly serve as punching bags for those who don’t understand public education, or is it just because it’s easier to throw rocks at a house than to build one?
Here’s the real deal Tuck, I grew up with my mom making me eat your family’s Salisbury Steaks once every couple of weeks (his family makes Swanson TV dinners) for many years. I struggle to take advice on teaching and learning from a guy who makes a steak that, on its best day, tastes like shoe leather that has been left out in a goat pasture for a few weeks. I get that Critical Race Theory is your latest attempt to scare your easily manipulated demographic, but let’s just admit that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
With all of that being said, count me on the cameras Tucky. Like many teachers, I’m in the early stages of understanding Critical Race Theory (most of us hadn’t heard about it until you and your people started crying about it), but if you find me teaching it, have one of the Tucker Youth watching your surveillance devices let me know. If Critical Race Theory involves talking honestly about American history, I’m probably doing that sometimes. I spent much of the last six years advocating for a way for teaching to become more transparent, and in the dumbest way possible, you are joining that crusade. Let’s make this happen TV Dinner Boy.
Patrick J. Kearney
Actual Teacher
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azspot · 3 years
Here’s the real deal Tuck, I grew up with my mom making me eat your family’s Salisbury Steaks once every couple of weeks (his family makes Swanson TV dinners) for many years. I struggle to take advice on teaching and learning from a guy who makes a steak that, on its best day, tastes like shoe leather that has been left out in a goat pasture for a few weeks. I get that Critical Race Theory is your latest attempt to scare your easily manipulated demographic, but let’s just admit that you don’t know what you’re talking about. With all of that being said, count me on the cameras Tucky. Like many teachers, I’m in the early stages of understanding Critical Race Theory (most of us hadn’t heard about it until you and your people started crying about it), but if you find me teaching it, have one of the Tucker Youth watching your surveillance devices let me know. If Critical Race Theory involves talking honestly about American history, I’m probably doing that sometimes. I spent much of the last six years advocating for a way for teaching to become more transparent, and in the dumbest way possible, you are joining that crusade. Let’s make this happen TV Dinner Boy.
Patrick J. Kearney
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18thfoot · 4 years
Royal Irish Regiment soldiers who died on 3rd September
5th Bn
223 Company Sergeant Major Michael McGrath, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli.
2nd Bn
7185 Private P Pierce, Murrintown, Wexford. Interred Carnoy Military Cemetery, France.
Interred Delville Wood Cemetery, France.
Captain Edward Hegarty MC, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
Second Lieutenant Percy Bick, London.
Second Lieutenant J C McBrinn, Belfast.
Second Lieutenant Bevan Nolan, Cahir, Co. Tipperary.
10545 Corporal Patrick Cotter, Cahir, Co. Tipperary.
540 Private Richard Biggs, Bristol.
8510 Private William Bodman, Llanelly, Wales.
6550 Private Daniel Boland, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary.
18152 Private Robert Brunton, Lisryan, Co. Longford.
11347 Private James Dempsey, Bridgetown, Co. Wexford.
18086 Private Michael Feeney, Lettermore Co. Galway.
7222 Private William Nolan, Kilkenny.
7673 Private Paul Power, Waterford.
18174 Private Patrick Rafferty, Kilcoo, Co. Down.
7833 Private Stone, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny.
Interred Serre Road Cemetery No.2, France.
10330 Private Philip Brady, Ballyhaise, Co. Cavan.
18009 Private Patrick Breene, Kilrush, Co. Clare.
11615 Private Benjamin Powell, Cork
11462 Private John Prendergast, Bridgetown, Wexford.
9106 Private George Williams, London.
Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, France.
Captain John Bennett , Ilfracombe, Devon.
Second Lieutenant Stanley Grant
10157 Sergeant William Fahy MM, Waterford.
8726 Sergeant William Gaule, Waterford.
776 Sergeant John Hodges, Bristol.
8515 Corporal William Medcalf, Darwen, Lancashire.
4147 Corporal William Norris, Limerick.
18194 Lance Corporal Peter Gilchrist, Edinburgh.
11605 Lance Corporal Henry O'Keeffe, Kilkenny.
8492 Lance Corporal William Watson, Belfast.
11137 Private John Kearney, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare.
10928 Private John Cooney, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.
8541 Private George Allan, Poole, Dorset.
1884 Private Edward Breslin, Wexford.
7618 Private James Broderick, Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny.
18186 Private Patrick Campbell, Dublin.
18182 Private Matthew Carolan, Drogheda, Co. Louth.
18014 Private James Christy, Belfast
18184 Private James Conway, Wolfstown, Co. Kildare
617 Private Sidney Corp, Pensford, Somerset.
9700 Private William Costigan, Bagnalstown, Co. Kilkenny.
7751 Private John Cranny, Kilkenny.
11239 Private James Crick, London.
18155 Private Albert Derges, Bristol.
6012 Private Martin Egan, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
9955 Private Michael Fitzpatrick, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.
11624 Private Thomas Gallagher, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway
18055 Private John Garrahy, Lahinch, Co. Clare.
18022 Private Edward Godsell, Doncaster, Yorks.
11631 Private Edward Hawkins, Cork.
7210 Private Philip Johnson, Nuneaton, Warwickshire.
8354 Private Harry Kingdom, Dorchester, Dorset.
7223 Private Percy Kinsley, London.
6434 Private Thomas Long, Waterford.
18137 Private Thomas Mahoney, Widnes, Lancs.
11349 Private Michael Maunsell, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
18134 Private Patrick McAlinden, Newry, Co. Down
18131 Private Michael McManus, Clones, Co. Monaghan.
8087 Private John O'Brien, Ballyragget, Co. Kilkenny.
8798 Private Patrick O'Connor, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
11215 Private Bernard Smith, Drogheda, Co. Louth
11189 Private Harry Smith, Bromley, Kent.
8392 Private Arthur Smith, Derby.
18062 Private John Sullivan, Tralee, Co. Kerry.
11636 Private Daniel Twomey, Tralee, Co. Kerry.
11057 Private James Walsh, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary.
6th Bn
9113 Private William Treacy, Moneygall, Co. Offaly. Interred Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux, France.
2nd Bn
10072 Private R Cuddy. Interred Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Interred Queant Road Cemetery, Buissy, France.
18649 Private Andrew Felton, Dublin.
18462 Private Frederick Scott, Durham.
16322 Private Patrick O'Keefe, Landore, Glamorgan.
 Commemorated Vis-En-Artois Memorial, France.
16490 Private James Healey, Ballymote, Co. Sligo.
6911 Private James Bultitude, Belfast.
18692 Private Edward Patterson, Edinburgh.
18512 Private Thomas Nee, Dumbarton.
 7th (South Irish Horse) Bn
26414 Private Casper Wright, London. Interred Westoutre British Cemetery, Belgium.
 10726 Private William Connell, Cork. Interred Arneke British Cemetery, France.
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dannymillerfansite · 7 years
Emmerdale Spoilers & Cast List 25-29 September
Monday 25 September
Lachlan asks Lawrence if Robert has something on him, and Robert agrees to keep his distance, while secretly plotting Lachlan's downfall. 
Marlon and Vanessa try to set Paddy up with Bernice
Laurel makes a mistake. 
Tuesday 26 September
Emma receives an unexpected message, believing James is trying to contact her from beyond the grave
Marlon smugly announces he has managed to secure a date. 
Robert asks a favour. 
Wednesday 27 September
Gabby persuades Arthur to help her teach Emma a lesson 
Marlon receives a surprise on his date
Chrissie offers to help out Kerry with the tanning machine. 
Thursday 28 September 7.00pm
Lydia has an accident while cleaning, breaking the photo frame with a camera in it, 
Vanessa and Pearl make a discovery. 
Adam feels put out. 
Thursday 28 September 8.00pm
Gabby feels the pressure 
Paddy makes a mistake during his date with Lindsey 
Robert is on the back foot as he looks for information about Gerry. 
Friday 29 September
Emma is in a determined mood
April is not happy 
Lachlan is on the edge as Robert's new information sees him try to manipulate Gerry. 
Cast List
Aaron Dingle Danny Miller
Adam Barton Adam Thomas
April Windsor Amelia Flanagan
Arthur Thomas Alfie Clarke
Belle Dingle Eden Taylor-Draper
Bernice White Samantha Giles
Bob Hope Tony Audenshaw
Charity Dingle Emma Atkins
Chrissie White Louise Marwood
Dan Spencer Liam Fox
Diane Sugden Elizabeth Estensen
Emma Barton Gillian Kearney
Eric Pollard Christopher Chittell
Faith Dingle Sally Dexter
Finn Barton Joe Gill
Gabby Thomas Rosie Bentham
Gerry Shaun Thomas
Jai Sharma Christopher Bisson
Jimmy King Nick Miles
Kerry Wyatt Laura Norton
Lachlan White Thomas Atkinson
Laurel Thomas Charlotte Bellamy
Lawrence White John Bowe
Leyla Harding Roxy Shahidi
Lisa Dingle Jane Cox
Lydia Hart Karen Blick
Marlon Dingle Mark Charnock
Moira Dingle Natalie J Robb
Nicola King Nicola Wheeler
Paddy Kirk Dominic Brunt
Pearl Ladderbanks Meg Johnson
Pete Barton Anthony Quinlan
Rebecca White Emily Head
Robert Sugden Ryan Hawley
Rodney Blackstock Patrick Mower
Ross Barton Michael Parr
Sandy Thomas Freddie Jones
Tiff Kel Allen
Tracy Metcalfe Amy Walsh
Vanessa Woodfield Michelle Hardwick
Victoria Barton Isabel Hodgins
Zak Dingle Steve Halliwell 
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codename-corbeau · 7 years
Yoshi’s Favorites
Figured I’d give you a list of things I like in an effort to meet more people with common interests on here.  So here ya go!
Favorite Books:  Throne of Glass, A Court of Thorns and Roses, The Kingkiller Chronicles, Till We Have Faces, The Demon King, Falling Kingdoms
Favorite Authors: Sarah J Maas, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Cinda Williams Chima, Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss, Julie Kagawa, Matt Haig, Lewis Carrol
Favorite TV Shows: House MD, The Librarians, The Night Manager, The Good Place, People of Earth, Everybody Loves Raymond
Favorite Movies:  The Blues Brothers, Grease, LotR/The Hobbit, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor (anything with Loki really XD), The Judge, My Cousin Vinny, Smokey and the Bandit, Labyrinth, Yes Man, Bruce Almighty, PotC, Lilo and Stitch, Little Shop of Horrors, Elf, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles, The Breakfast Club, Deadpool, You Again, Easy A, The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Favorite Games: The World Ends With You, Disgaea, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Zelda, Splatoon, Yoshi’s Island, Super Smash Bros, Munchkin, Superfight, Cards Against Humanity
Favorite Bands: Anberlin, Switchfoot, The Traveling Wilburys, George Harrison, The Beatles, Wolves at the Gate, House of Heroes, Relient K, Lovedrug, Mat Kearney, Ludo, Red, Copeland, Mae, Family Force 5 (pre-2012 only!), Saosin, Showbread, Five Iron Frenzy, CCR, Hall and Oates, The Beach Boys, The Smashing Pumpkins, Jack’s Mannequin, Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, Icon for Hire, Crowder, The Classic Crime, Elvis Presley, Vince Guaraldi, and a lot more I’m probably forgetting.
Favorite Anime:  Madoka Magica, Alice in the Country of Hearts, Black Butler, Ghost Stories, Onegai My Melody, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!, The Earl and the Fairy, Makai Senki Disgaea
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Masterlist of Serial Killers Known by Me Part 1
*May be changed/updated as I learn more
Arthur Leigh Allen
Frank Atwood
Fredrick Baker
Herb Baumeister
Levi Bellfield
Robert (Bob) Berdella
Paul Bernado
Lawrence "Pliers" Bittaker
Ian Brady
William Bonin
The Briley Brothers
Anthony Ray Briley
Linwood Earl Briley
James Dyral Briley
Jerry Brudos "The Lust Killer"
Ted Bundy
John Bunting
William Burke
Candy Man Killer
Harvey Carnigan
Pierre Chanal
Richard Trenton Chase
Chicago Ripper Crew
Andrei Chikatilo
Leonarda Cianciulli"Soap Maker of Correggio"
Cleveland Strangler
Jesse Lee Cooks
Dean Corll
Juan Corona
Richard Cottingham
Andre Crawford
John Crutchly
Jeffery Dahmer
Richard Allan Davis
James Michael Debardeleben
Henri Delle
Westly Allan Dodd
The Doodler
Peter Dupas
Robert Durst
Bevan Spencer Von Einem
The Family Murders
Albert Fish
Michael Fourniret
Lonnie David Franklin Jr.
Freeway Killer
Junker Furuta
John Wayne Gacy
The Gallegos
Chalene Gallegos
Gerald Gallegos
Luis Garavito
Donald Henry "Pee Wee" Gaskins Jr.
Robert Gecht
Ed Gein
Lorenzo Gilyard
Golden State Killer
Sergey Golorkin
Mark Goudeau
Harrison "Marty" Graham
Larry Green
Vaughn Greenword
Carl Großmann
Fritz Haarmann
Joey Haarhof
William Hare
Myra Hindley
HH Holmes
Karla Homdka
Javid Iqbal
Bible John
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah
Jonestown Massacre
Patrick Kearney
Edmund Kemper
Israel Keyes
Béla Kiss
Paul John Knowles
Randy Kraft
Richard Kuklinski
Peter Kürten
Leonard Lake
Bobby Joe Long
Long Island Serial Killer
0 notes
klnofziger · 7 years
Dublin is a lively city with different cuisine and activity options. If you like traditional Irish foods, there are many choices for that. Likewise, if you are a history buff, you will find a wealth of options to fulfill this obsession as well! In our next installment for this series, we have outlined several of our favorite sites in Dublin!
Where to Eat:
J. W. Sweetman – 1-2 Burgh Quay, D2 –
We arrived too early to check into our hostel so we headed out for some exploring and food. We happened to come upon JW Sweetman and it was exactly what we needed! We all had their traditional Irish stew and Irish brown bread. Their prices are good, especially for the portion sizes. As this was where we had our first meal in Dublin, on our last light in Dublin we chose to eat here for our final dinner in town too! Highly recommend this place!
Art Cafe – 1 Frenchman’s Lane – This adorable and cozy cafe totally hit the spot for a traditional Irish breakfast on a drizzly morning! A little out of the main city center but an easy walk! The service is friendly, the food is delicious and the atmosphere feels like sitting in your own breakfast nook at home!
Pa Pa Pizzeria – 104 Talbot St, North City, Dublin, Ireland – You can’t beat 5 Euro for a big slice of pizza and a drink. We actually happened  upon this little take out shop with just a row of bar stools on the one wall and a wide selection of authentic pizza reminiscent of the NYC style slice. They are open late and near a Tesco Express for snacks after hours!
Supermac’s – All over Dublin! – Like a McD’s but somehow better. Affordable and open late in some locations! Affordable, open late, good quality food and some big burger option.
The Cobblestone Pub – 77 King St N, Smithfield, Dublin 7, D07 TP22, Ireland – Traditional Irish Pub with free traditional music and great atmosphere! This is a do not miss pub!
Peader Kearney’s Pub – 64 Dame Street Dublin 2 – This traditional pub is named or a local musician who lived in the building that now houses the pub, it was Peadar Kearney who wrote Abhrán na BhFiann, the Irish National Anthem. Traditional music can be caught here, along with a perfectly pulled pint!
Bruxelle’s – 7 Harry Street Co. Dublin, Ireland – An extensive menu, any time of the day. Three bars in one building make up Bruxelle’s! Service is great, the food is amazing and the atmosphere is eclectic, you can’t beat all that is happening here!
  What to do:
The Long Room – The Book of Kells – Trinity College – College Green- Dublin 2, Ireland –
Trinity College – Dublin, Ireland (c) Emylee-Noel Gussler
The experience of a lifetime to not only get to see this Illuminated Manuscript, learn the history and be inches from it (you can’t take photos), but to then stand amid the truly awe inspiring arched alcoves of rare books as well as other artifacts. As writers, history buffs and artists this was one of our favorite experiences of our trip to Dublin. Discounts available for students, so bring your ID!
        Kilmainham Gaol – Inchicore Rd, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, D08 RK28, Ireland
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A truly moving experience. One of the largest unoccupied jails (gaol) in Europe, this facility served from the 1780s to the 1920s. Housing the infamous leaders of the Easter uprising of 1916 as well as many other well known Irish Revolutionaries, the stories that these walls could tell are numerous. Discounts available for students!
    Blarney Castle – Monacnapa, Blarney, Co. Cork, Ireland
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We chose to take a day tour (there are many companies to choose from) and we were very glad that we did. You can of course head to Blarney Castle on your own, figuring out the public transit or renting a car. We found that a day tour took a lot of the guess work and stress out of it. You will need several hours to explore the castle, hike up the winding stairs to hang over the edge (backwards) and kiss the stone, walk the grounds and gardens and head over to the gift shops across the street! While you are there, grab a cappuccino! (It was my first Latte Art!)
Rock of Cashel – Moor, Cashel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland – This was also on our tour to Blarney Castle.  Once the seat of the kings of Munster, this site was donated to the church in 1101. The round tower is the oldest and tallest section of the building and dates to around 1100. The cemetery that surrounds the cathedral is peaceful and many of the markers are so old that the weather has worn off all markings. Certainly a stop you shouldn’t miss!
Cork City – Day Tour!
We only had a little over an hour in this wonderful city on our tour, but that hour was a bit of an adventure to find a place to eat, stamps and a quick souvenir. One of the cities that my Irish family is from, I know I’ll be back. A quick stop with a walk down the main road will certainly leave you wanting more! Take a quick train trip from Dublin to Cork and check out all this city has to offer! (Check out The Hatch for a Cork Boi)
Dublin Castle -Dublin Castle, Dame St, Dublin 2 –  The seat of English, then British, rule in Ireland from 1204 until 1922, the site is steeped in history. Some sections are free to view and others can be toured for a fee. Below the castle, excavations have uncovered Viking Era artifacts!
Chester Beatty Library – Located on the grounds of Dublin Castle – Free admission and one of the best private collections of manuscripts, photography, furniture, paintings, prints and decorative arts. Take a break for some lunch in the cozy cafe, stop in the small gift shop and walk the garden walkway!
Christ’s Church – Christchurch Pl, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, Ireland – Founded in 1030 by the Norse King, Sitriuc Silkenbeard, the site has seen not only history happen around it, but has welcomed many key figures like King James in 1689, and King William III in 1690 (he gave thanks for his victory in the Battle of the Boyne) as well. A stunning piece of architecture inside and out.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral – St Patrick’s Close, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, DZ08 H6X3 – For over 800 years, St. Patrick’s has served the people of the city. Johnathan Swift (Gulliver’s Travels) is buried on the site as well as several other key historical figures. Saint Patrick’s Well was found on the site in 1901 as well as Celtic burial slabs. A Stunning cathedral with beautiful grounds to walk, spend some time soaking in the beauty, history and the peace that surrounds this beautiful cathedral. Light a candle, say a prayer and consider staying for mass. Entry is 6 Euro.
National Museum of Archaeology – Kildare St, Dublin 2, Ireland                                  Another free thing to do in Dublin, you likely will need all day to see the entire museum. We had several hours and still didn’t see everything. From Bog Bodies, to incredible insect displays, ancient tools and religious artifacts, there are so many different pieces of Ireland’s rich history found here. Give yourself at least half the day, better yet head there early and take a break for some lunch, only to return to see the rest in the afternoon!
Dublinia – Dublinia is located at Christ Church, the crossroads of St. Michael’s Hill, Patrick Street, and High Street, in Dublin City Centre. Dublinia is connected to Christ Church Cathedral by a Neo-Gothic archway. – Immerse yourself in Dublin’s Viking and Medieval history! Hands-on experiences mixed with recreations and real artifacts, this museum meets interactive exhibit is educational and fun! Well worth the 9.50 (8.50 for students) entry fee!
Dublin Writer’s Museum – 18 Parnell Square – Housed in an 18th century mansion, here you can find a collection honoring the works of Swift, Sheridan, Shaw, Wilde, Yeats, Joyce and Beckett through books, letters, portraits and personal items.
This is just the tip of the ice burg when it comes to things to see and do in Dublin (and the vicinity). Remember to double check opening hours as some places may be closed during your visit!
“Keep your heart open, a suitcase packed and wander often, for the world is wide and adventure awaits.” ~ Emylee
  Dublin: What to do, Where to eat? Dublin is a lively city with different cuisine and activity options. If you like traditional Irish foods, there are many choices for that.
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chpatdoorsl3z0a1 · 8 years
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Key Administration Posts
President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate key additions to his Administration.
Robert Daigle of Virginia will serve as Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE), Department of Defense. Mr. Daigle previously served in CAPE during the Bush Administration as Director of Program Resources and Information Systems Management Division. Mr. Daigle earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Vermont. He was granted an MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School and a Master of Science in International Security Studies from Georgetown University. Mr. Daigle is a Professional Staff Member on the House Armed Services Committee and was the Executive Director of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. He previously served in the United States Army.
Elaine McCusker of Virginia will serve as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller. Ms. McCusker is the Director, Resources and Analysis, Headquarters U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, FL.  Previous to this position, she served as a professional staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, with the Department of Navy Headquarters, and with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). Ms. McCusker previously worked in the private sector and academic community, including with Argonne National Laboratory/Department of Energy and the University of Washington.
David L. Norquist of Virginia will serve as Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller. Mr. Norquist is a Partner with Kearney and Company, a Certified Public Accounting firm.  He has 27 years of experience in Federal financial management beginning as a Federal employee in 1989 with the Department of the Army.  He has also served on the professional staff of the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense and as Deputy Under Secretary of Defense in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).  He was the first Senate confirmed Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Homeland Security where he established a formal process to eliminate pervasive weaknesses in DHS’s financial statement and put the Department on its path to a clean audit opinion.  Mr. Norquist attended the University of Michigan where he received both a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Master of Public Policy in 1989.  He also received a Master of Arts in National Security Studies from Georgetown University in 1995.  He is a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM). 
Kenneth P. Rapuano of Virginia will serve as an Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense and Global Security. Mr. Rapuano has a long career in national security and homeland security affairs in the private, public and academic sectors.  He currently serves as Senior Vice President and Director of the Studies and Analysis Group at the ANSER Corporation, and previously led the Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute. Mr. Rapuano served as White House Deputy Homeland Security Advisor from 2004-2006, has served in numerous roles with the departments of Energy and Defense, and has deployed numerous times on Active Duty, Reserves Duty with the United States Marine Corps and as a civilian with the U.S. Department of Defense.
Patrick M. Shanahan of Washington will serve as Deputy Secretary of Defense. Mr. Shanahan is senior vice president, Supply Chain & Operations at the Boeing Company, where he is responsible for oversight of the company’s manufacturing operations and supplier management functions. Mr. Shanahan came to this position from Boeing Commercial Airplanes, where he served as senior vice president of Airplane Programs and oversaw the management of profit and loss for the 737, 747, 767, 777 and 787 programs. Previously, Mr. Shanahan was vice president and general manager of Boeing Missile Defense Systems and vice president and general manager for Rotorcraft Systems in Philadelphia, where he was responsible for all U.S. Army Aviation, including the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotor, the CH-47 Chinook and the AH-64D Apache attack helicopter. Mr. Shanahan is a Royal Aeronautical Society Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Fellow, and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Associate Fellow. He serves as a Regent at the University of Washington and participates in numerous professional and charitable organizations, including the Washington Roundtable. Mr. Shanahan holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington and two advanced degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: a Master of Science in mechanical engineering, and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management.
David Joel Trachtenberg of Virginia will serve as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Policy. Mr. Trachtenberg is the President and CEO of Shortwaver Consulting, LLC, a national security consultancy.  Prior to this role, Mr. Trachtenberg was the Vice President and head of Strategic Analysis Division at CACI-National Security Research. Mr. Trachtenberg previously served in several roles at the Department of Defense, most recently as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy where he was responsible for issues relating to NATO, Europe, Russia and Eurasia, technology security, counterproliferation, missile defense, nuclear forces, and arms control.  Additionally, Mr. Trachtenberg was a professional staff member with the House Armed Services Committee. Mr. Trachtenberg holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of Southern California and a Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mTdro9
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rtawngs20815 · 8 years
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Key Administration Posts
President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate key additions to his Administration.
Robert Daigle of Virginia will serve as Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE), Department of Defense. Mr. Daigle previously served in CAPE during the Bush Administration as Director of Program Resources and Information Systems Management Division. Mr. Daigle earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Vermont. He was granted an MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School and a Master of Science in International Security Studies from Georgetown University. Mr. Daigle is a Professional Staff Member on the House Armed Services Committee and was the Executive Director of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. He previously served in the United States Army.
Elaine McCusker of Virginia will serve as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller. Ms. McCusker is the Director, Resources and Analysis, Headquarters U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, FL.  Previous to this position, she served as a professional staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, with the Department of Navy Headquarters, and with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). Ms. McCusker previously worked in the private sector and academic community, including with Argonne National Laboratory/Department of Energy and the University of Washington.
David L. Norquist of Virginia will serve as Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller. Mr. Norquist is a Partner with Kearney and Company, a Certified Public Accounting firm.  He has 27 years of experience in Federal financial management beginning as a Federal employee in 1989 with the Department of the Army.  He has also served on the professional staff of the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense and as Deputy Under Secretary of Defense in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).  He was the first Senate confirmed Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Homeland Security where he established a formal process to eliminate pervasive weaknesses in DHS’s financial statement and put the Department on its path to a clean audit opinion.  Mr. Norquist attended the University of Michigan where he received both a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Master of Public Policy in 1989.  He also received a Master of Arts in National Security Studies from Georgetown University in 1995.  He is a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM). 
Kenneth P. Rapuano of Virginia will serve as an Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense and Global Security. Mr. Rapuano has a long career in national security and homeland security affairs in the private, public and academic sectors.  He currently serves as Senior Vice President and Director of the Studies and Analysis Group at the ANSER Corporation, and previously led the Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute. Mr. Rapuano served as White House Deputy Homeland Security Advisor from 2004-2006, has served in numerous roles with the departments of Energy and Defense, and has deployed numerous times on Active Duty, Reserves Duty with the United States Marine Corps and as a civilian with the U.S. Department of Defense.
Patrick M. Shanahan of Washington will serve as Deputy Secretary of Defense. Mr. Shanahan is senior vice president, Supply Chain & Operations at the Boeing Company, where he is responsible for oversight of the company’s manufacturing operations and supplier management functions. Mr. Shanahan came to this position from Boeing Commercial Airplanes, where he served as senior vice president of Airplane Programs and oversaw the management of profit and loss for the 737, 747, 767, 777 and 787 programs. Previously, Mr. Shanahan was vice president and general manager of Boeing Missile Defense Systems and vice president and general manager for Rotorcraft Systems in Philadelphia, where he was responsible for all U.S. Army Aviation, including the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotor, the CH-47 Chinook and the AH-64D Apache attack helicopter. Mr. Shanahan is a Royal Aeronautical Society Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Fellow, and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Associate Fellow. He serves as a Regent at the University of Washington and participates in numerous professional and charitable organizations, including the Washington Roundtable. Mr. Shanahan holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington and two advanced degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: a Master of Science in mechanical engineering, and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management.
David Joel Trachtenberg of Virginia will serve as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Policy. Mr. Trachtenberg is the President and CEO of Shortwaver Consulting, LLC, a national security consultancy.  Prior to this role, Mr. Trachtenberg was the Vice President and head of Strategic Analysis Division at CACI-National Security Research. Mr. Trachtenberg previously served in several roles at the Department of Defense, most recently as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy where he was responsible for issues relating to NATO, Europe, Russia and Eurasia, technology security, counterproliferation, missile defense, nuclear forces, and arms control.  Additionally, Mr. Trachtenberg was a professional staff member with the House Armed Services Committee. Mr. Trachtenberg holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of Southern California and a Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mTdro9
0 notes
repwincoml4a0a5 · 8 years
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Key Administration Posts
President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate key additions to his Administration.
Robert Daigle of Virginia will serve as Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE), Department of Defense. Mr. Daigle previously served in CAPE during the Bush Administration as Director of Program Resources and Information Systems Management Division. Mr. Daigle earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Vermont. He was granted an MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School and a Master of Science in International Security Studies from Georgetown University. Mr. Daigle is a Professional Staff Member on the House Armed Services Committee and was the Executive Director of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. He previously served in the United States Army.
Elaine McCusker of Virginia will serve as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller. Ms. McCusker is the Director, Resources and Analysis, Headquarters U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, FL.  Previous to this position, she served as a professional staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, with the Department of Navy Headquarters, and with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). Ms. McCusker previously worked in the private sector and academic community, including with Argonne National Laboratory/Department of Energy and the University of Washington.
David L. Norquist of Virginia will serve as Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller. Mr. Norquist is a Partner with Kearney and Company, a Certified Public Accounting firm.  He has 27 years of experience in Federal financial management beginning as a Federal employee in 1989 with the Department of the Army.  He has also served on the professional staff of the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense and as Deputy Under Secretary of Defense in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).  He was the first Senate confirmed Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Homeland Security where he established a formal process to eliminate pervasive weaknesses in DHS’s financial statement and put the Department on its path to a clean audit opinion.  Mr. Norquist attended the University of Michigan where he received both a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Master of Public Policy in 1989.  He also received a Master of Arts in National Security Studies from Georgetown University in 1995.  He is a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM). 
Kenneth P. Rapuano of Virginia will serve as an Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense and Global Security. Mr. Rapuano has a long career in national security and homeland security affairs in the private, public and academic sectors.  He currently serves as Senior Vice President and Director of the Studies and Analysis Group at the ANSER Corporation, and previously led the Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute. Mr. Rapuano served as White House Deputy Homeland Security Advisor from 2004-2006, has served in numerous roles with the departments of Energy and Defense, and has deployed numerous times on Active Duty, Reserves Duty with the United States Marine Corps and as a civilian with the U.S. Department of Defense.
Patrick M. Shanahan of Washington will serve as Deputy Secretary of Defense. Mr. Shanahan is senior vice president, Supply Chain & Operations at the Boeing Company, where he is responsible for oversight of the company’s manufacturing operations and supplier management functions. Mr. Shanahan came to this position from Boeing Commercial Airplanes, where he served as senior vice president of Airplane Programs and oversaw the management of profit and loss for the 737, 747, 767, 777 and 787 programs. Previously, Mr. Shanahan was vice president and general manager of Boeing Missile Defense Systems and vice president and general manager for Rotorcraft Systems in Philadelphia, where he was responsible for all U.S. Army Aviation, including the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotor, the CH-47 Chinook and the AH-64D Apache attack helicopter. Mr. Shanahan is a Royal Aeronautical Society Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Fellow, and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Associate Fellow. He serves as a Regent at the University of Washington and participates in numerous professional and charitable organizations, including the Washington Roundtable. Mr. Shanahan holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington and two advanced degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: a Master of Science in mechanical engineering, and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management.
David Joel Trachtenberg of Virginia will serve as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Policy. Mr. Trachtenberg is the President and CEO of Shortwaver Consulting, LLC, a national security consultancy.  Prior to this role, Mr. Trachtenberg was the Vice President and head of Strategic Analysis Division at CACI-National Security Research. Mr. Trachtenberg previously served in several roles at the Department of Defense, most recently as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy where he was responsible for issues relating to NATO, Europe, Russia and Eurasia, technology security, counterproliferation, missile defense, nuclear forces, and arms control.  Additionally, Mr. Trachtenberg was a professional staff member with the House Armed Services Committee. Mr. Trachtenberg holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of Southern California and a Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mTdro9
0 notes
edmlifeofficial · 8 years
Creamfields 2017 Announces 20th Anniversary Lineup!
A new post has been published on EDM Life at http://edmlife.com/creamfields-2017-announces-20th-anniversary-lineup/
Creamfields will return to the Cheshire countryside this year to celebrate the festival’s 20-year-anniversary during the bank holiday weekend of August 24 – 27. The four day annual festival recently announced its lineup, which definitely covers every electronic music genre for fans. Since its inception in 1998, Creamfields has grown into a 70,000 capacity festival hosting over 30 stages and 300+ artists.
Creamfields 2017 will be featuring performances by Above & Beyond, Adam Beyer, Alesso, Andy C, Annie Mac, Armin van Buuren, Axwell & Ingrosso, The Black Madonna, The Chainsmokers, Chase & Status (DJ Set), deadmau5, Dillon Francis, deadmau5 & Eric Prydz join forces for a UK debut and European exclusive live show, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Diplo, DJ EZ, Don Diablo, Duke Dumont, DVBBS, Eats Everything, Eric Prydz, Faithless (DJ Set), Fatboy Slim, Galantis, Goldie, Gorgon City, Hannah Wants, Hardwell, Hot Since 82, Idris Elba, Jackmaster, Jamie Jones, Jauz, Joris Voorn, Kölsch, KSHMR, Loco Dice, Luciano, Malaa, Marco Carola, Marshmello, Martin Garrix, Martin Solveig, The Martinez Brothers, Mistajam, MK, Nicky Romero, Oliver Heldens, Patrick Topping, Paul van Dyk, Pendulum (DJ Set), Pete Tong, Richie Hawtin who delivers a UK exclusive with a new audio-visual performance titled CLOSE, Sasha, Seth Troxler, Sigma, Steve Angello, Stormzy, Sub Focus, Sven Väth, Tchami, Tiësto, and Vini Vici, just to name a few.
Checkout the full lineup with dates below, and purchase your tickets here!
The Chainsmokers
Annie Mac
Danny Howard
+ More
deadmau5 & Eric Prydz (Exclusive Live Show)
George Fitzgerald
Alan Fitzpatrick
Raffa FL
+ More
Armin van Buuren
Andrew Rayel
Cosmic Gate
Ben Gold
Mark Sixma
Special Guest:  Vini Vici
Jamie Jones
Seth Troxler
Eats Everything
Patrick Topping
Route 94
Russ Yallop
Andy C
Camo & Krooked
Bad Company UK (DJ Set)
Culture Shock
MC’s: 2Shy / Tonn Piper / AD-APT / Daxta / Linguistics
Special Guest: Friction
Sander van Doorn
Third Party
Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman
Julian Jordan
Junior J
+ More
Joel Fletcher
Bombs Away
Teddy Cream
Tyron Hapi
Natalie Sax
Nathan Thomson
George Kafetzis
Adam Cartwright
Bernie Lee
Aaron Amihere
Tom Bingham
Mike Catherall
Armin van Buuren
Oliver Heldens
Martin Solveig
+ More
Axwell & Ingrosso
Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike
Nicky Romero
Special Guest: Marshmello
+ More
Above & Beyond
Andrew Bayer & Ilan Bluestone
Lost Frequencies
+ More
Richie Hawtin – CLOSE (UK Exclusive Performance)
Marco Carola
Loco Dice
+ More
Dillon Francis
+ More
P Money
Charlie Sloth
Special Guest: Sub Focus
+ More
Sven Väth
The Martinez Brothers
Hot Since 82
Theo Kottis
Special Guest: Black Madonna
Hosted by the legendary: Pete Tong
Laidback Luke
Timmy Trumpet
Will Sparks
Tom Zanetti
Anton Powers
Corey James
Son of 8
Very Special Guest: DVBBS
DJ Isaac
Darren Styles
Scott Brown
Big Worm
Andy Mac
Sean Hughes
James Dutton
Josh Demello
Alan Hartley
Jamie Trippier
Sean Dougherty
Liam Cors
Lee Bullock
Don Diablo
+ More
Martin Garrix
Fatboy Slim
Steve Angello
Faithless (DJ Set)
+ More
Chase & Status (DJ Set)
Pendulum (DJ Set)
Hannah Wants
High Contrast
Special Guest: Goldie
Duke Dumont
Jax Jones
Very Special Guest: KSHMR
Eric Prydz
Adam Beyer
Kölsch (DJ Set)
Very Special Guest: Sasha
+ More
Idris Elba
KC Lights
Special Guest: Gorgon City
Joris Voorn
Lewis Boardman
Ki Creighton
+ More
Paul van Dyk
Ferry Corsten
Aly & Fila
John O’Callaghan
Bryan Kearney
Ben Nicky
Will Atkinson
Rob Harnetty
Very Special Guest: Paul Oakenfold
Max Enforcer
Alex Kidd
Andy Whitby
Klubfiller & MC Storm
Shaun T
Phil Mackintosh
Toxic vs Oppozite Twinz
Judge Jules
Seb Fontaine
Jon Pleased Wimmin
Paul Bleasdale
Andy Carroll
Samuel Lamont B2B Stuart Hodson
Ed Mackie
Billie Clements
Chris Wright
Thomas Tuft
Sam Rice
Hardman & Deavall
Mr Cousens
Rich Furness
Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano
Sam Feldt
Ferreck Dawn
Jack Eye Jones
Lil Rockit
Franky Rizardo
Sam Divine
Sonny Fodera
+ More
Philip George
George Kwali
Midnight City
+ more
Paul Nunn & James Glover
Strictly Underground
Ricochet Musica
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