#Pathfinder 2
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 4 months ago
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Grikkitog!....it's a big rock with toothy mouths idk what to tell you. It implants its core somewhere, then can fill any nearby rock or stone with eyes and mouths. eats small animals and the hands of climbers. It's exactly what it looks like, do you trust the mystery hole of teeth?
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the-iron-shoulder · 7 months ago
pathfinder 2 stuff
I was originally a little upset with the Player Core 2 remaster of the alchemist class because my character’s specific strategy relied HEAVILY on making most/all of my alchemical items during daily prep, but the remastered alchemist moved way far away from the stuff you make during daily prep and focuses SO much more on your on-the-fly stuff with your versatile vials and your Quick Alchemy, but after some very, VERY careful reading of the rules, I’ve come to the realization that you can, in fact, use a Quick Alchemy-sourced poison to dose a weapon and not necessarily attack with it in the same round, since the “stays potent until start of next turn” thing is just talking about how long you have to Activate it, not how long the effects actually last. Which means that I can keep my current strategy of poisoned bombs! (You just gotta multiclass barbarian and pick up the elemental rage that lets you do extra slashing damage on a hit, and then you take Raging Thrower so it works on your thrown weapons, and there you have it! Now any arbitrary bomb that does any kind of damage can still deliver an injury poison!)
overall, now that I’ve solved that particular little problem, I’m willing to say that I think the remaster is generally an upgrade for alchemists. I like the mechanic for regaining versatile vials during exploration, I like the fact that everyone gets to automatically shift alchemical DCs to their class DC, I like that the at-will stuff scales better than Perpetual Infusions did, and I like the fact that the toxicologist gets “fuck you, you’re immune to poison but you ain’t immune to MY poison” at level 1. (Also, multiclassing into alchemist is a thousand times more effective now, since although you get fewer infused items per day, they actually scale in power now, and I’ll take that quality-over-quantity change any day.)
When I first heard about the remaster, I was a bit skeptical because tbh it did seem like just a cash grab, but overall I’m willing to say that they’ve made enough meaningful changes to a lot of classes (especially in PC2) that I feel like it was worth the effort.
wonder if they’ll ever remaster the dark archive classes and the secrets of magic classes…
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witchcatcreations · 5 months ago
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Ko-Fi Broomstick tier reward for Kin of a gnoll matriarch in his pf2e campaign!
Loved getting to draw this gal!
If you are interested in getting monthly rewards like this, check out my Ko-Fi memberships! I've got slots open on all art reward tiers! <3
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staryoshi06 · 6 months ago
i love pf2e firearms
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salamanderpie · 3 months ago
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Sketches, Fetchling Ganzi Rogue. Quiet, nervous, nevertheless moves hastily to prevent their friends from inadvertently making pacts with hags.
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warlock-enthusiast · 8 months ago
Starting a pathfinder 2 adventure today. let's see how it goes
I'm a Maestro Bard half-elf :D
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mdwop · 2 years ago
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Hey, you up there, have you ever wanted to play Pathfinder 2, or want to play it moooore? Well, my newest friend, have I got a deal for you! The Living World server Kelek is currently recruiting players and Game Masters to join them in a post-apocalypse city where you can undertake dangerous missions, find incredible loot, and uncover the secrets of the cataclysm. We are playing in foundry vtt in Pathfinder 2, and are primarily a USA and European based server using the free archetype, and proficiency without level variant rules. If you want to know more about the world, you can check out our wiki: https://wiki.indiactive.net/index.php/Main_Page Or head straight to the discord: https://discord.gg/kelek to get right into the action! Feel free to direct message me, as I am one of the gm's for the server, and can answer any more questions you have before joining if you're anxious or worried in anyway. We try to make the experience as comfortable as possible, so please feel free to reach out about any accommodations you would need as well.
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pathesis · 5 months ago
Some good ol Self promotion!
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If you're like me and love Pretty ladies and fantasy content consider Supporting me on Subscribe-star!
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arengnera · 2 years ago
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As our campaign is heading into the final boss fight, I am dealing with it by designing a bunch of outfits for my next character, which she might not even wear because she might end up armored. She's starting with just the feathers but I plan on adding a lot more fucked up aasimar quirks as she levels
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lt-sarai · 2 years ago
As someone who constantly grinds in video games to be stupidly overpowered before facing anything even remotely dangerous
I really hate playing low level characters in ttrpgs. Like if I'm not level 5 within a few sessions of starting I start getting restless.
I played one charter every week for a year and we only got to level 9 and that was disappointing af.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 28 days ago
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Obviously at this point this is more a formality/for data, but ITS TIME FOR ORCS! Specifically we're looking the warchiefs, brutes, and veterans. No special powers needed, this is just an honest orc, a wall of beef towering over most humans. They're lead by the strongest with a tight-knit family. "You are the scars that shape you" is a common saying among them, and scars from things you survived are honored just the same as battles you've won. After all, you got out alive, that's a victory in its own right. The main reason they're not on top of the world is thier chaotic nature. What's taboo with one clan will be commonplace with another. But if they meet another group they can respect (including many humans) they'll often get along well enough for trade and such.
I think my favorite orc fact of PF2e is that they have plenty of gods, but don't worship them. They target them, because "if it has a face and a name, it can be killed." Many orcs are obsessed with glory in battle because they're training to try to beat up and become a god.
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logicalcalamity · 16 days ago
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A quick five minute paint comic doodle of my character's antics during this evening's Pathfinder 2 campaign.
When you need to absolutely make sure you need a distraction while escaping the factory you've performed a heist on (and said heist went tits up pretty quickly), you can always trust the fire obsessed goblin to make a good distraction.
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chaoticdumbasshalforc · 1 year ago
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My newest campaign, we're doing the Abomination Vaults in Pathfinder. 2 big lady elves and three lil guys ^_^
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a-midnight-rest · 1 year ago
Pathfinder books
The core book in english and around half of the others. The link only last a week though, so share to others too. https://we.tl/t-yWk4aYBCpe If you're looking for online tools to navigate the info more easily, look for: Pathfinder 2 wiki : https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Pathfinder_Wiki Pathfinder 2 tools: https://pf2etools.com/
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sundaysstrawberrykombucha · 9 months ago
Alright, so... I do have think I have to put the obligatory "You can try pathfinder, or pathfinder 2!"
Paizo, the company behind Pathfinder, I believe was founded by a group of people who worked at Wizards, but quit/were fired or something, and they made Pathfinder (which was basically D&D 3.5... but with more... or less...)
Pathfinder is very much in the same vein as D&D. High fantasy, you have your elves, your dwarves, your halflings.... And, like, 17 other ancestries (Ancestry is to Pathfinder as Race is to D&D). SERIOUSLY, there are some ASTOUNDING options you can play as, from humanoid, to, like, 5 different plant-like ancestries, or even a shapeshifting spider!
And there are just more classes, all fairly unique, and all able to be built differently so even playing the same class is different!
The problem with Pathfinder 2? It's... REALLY complicated... not like "Oh... a little more complicated then..." No, there's a LOT, so even though the ENTIRE RULES AND CHARACTERS AND EVERYTHING IS FREE ON THEIR SRD WEBSITE (Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database), a website you can browse, read, and learn all of the things (or even look at just the art of the characters and ancestries they have!), there's still SO MUCH STUFF that it can look super intimidating just at the start.
But that's kind of the wonderful thing about TTRPGs... A lot of times? WHO FUCKING CARES? So you're flanking a bad guy, do you get a bonus? Maybe? Don't know? What's the GM think? Yea? Awesome! Roll with bonus and figure it out later. Bend and twist the rules, ignore the rules you don't get or think are stupid (at the GM's discretion), and just have a good time telling a story, rolling dice, and maybe take on a dragon or two (if you know what I mean ;3)!
seriously, TTRPGs are literally just a set of rules to make a story and play a game together with friends (or family), so sometimes saying "fuck the rules!" or "We'll figure it out later!" Makes for a much more fun and entertaining story!
Another good TTRPG that doesn't break the bank? Savage Worlds. Plays different then D&D, much more loose on the genre (the system is meant to be very modifiable), and the core book? That has all of the things you need to make a character and play? The core book that is both the GM's guide and the player handbook? The one and only book you need for the game? Something like $35usd, and it's literally so versatile that one could run anything from High-fantasy to Sci-fi with it.
It's true, though, that D&D is the easiest to find, and the one that everyone knows, it makes it hard and even scary to want to try something new. Learning brand new rules, figuring out how to balance encounters again, convincing your players... So I'm not going to say D&D is a bad system and you should feel bad playing it. You shouldn't. D&D is fine, fun, and let's you play the fantasy you want. And if you already have the books, then might as well! If you REALLY like the game and the system, there's no shame in that!
I'm just answering the original statement (and gushing a little) that other TTRPGs are expensive. They really aren't! A lot of TTRPG publisher's WANT you to play their game, so I bet you could find rules and be able to play a whole PLETHORA of different TTRPGs on the market right now, or even just basic rules and a simple, starting adventure, for free from the developers! If you want to expand your TTRPG game on a dime, there are plenty of ways of doing so... Maybe even ask your local game shop, if you have one around!
Saw someone post this on Facebook:
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And like, if this is you, here's a screenshot that will shake your worldview to the core:
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(to put this into perspective: if you played one of these games per day, it would take you almost 33 years before you're done)
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the-iron-shoulder · 1 year ago
Just put together three PF2 encounters of varying difficulty for the party to choose from, someone please clap
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