#Pat Nixon
deadpresidents · 6 months
Was there any sort of real love between Nixon and his wife because in photos it looks like they don't want to get near each other?
Richard Nixon was a complicated man and probably not the greatest husband at times, but I'll never forget seeing him absolutely broken at his wife's funeral. I don't think this is the reaction of a man who didn't still love his wife.
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gorillaxyz · 10 days
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happy wedding anniversary/early death day to pat nixon... her hair was so beautiful and so hard to draw. and this doesnt even look anything like her. god bless
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davidhudson · 4 months
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Pat Nixon, March 16, 1912 – June 22, 1993.
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Spooky Season 🎃🍂
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🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃
Mia Farrow made herself a pumpkin pal 60s Paul Mccartney carving a Jack o' lantern 80s Lana Turner sipping from a pumpkin, 1937 Doris Dudley preparing a Halloween bash, 1940 Julia Arnell bobbing for apples at a party, 50s Maila Nurmi celebrating in 1956 Elvis with Joan Bradshaw in 1957 Pat Nixon helping her daughters, Tricia and Julie get into the Halloween spirit, 1954
🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃
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JFK's Inauguration Ceremony, January 20, 1961.
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linusjf · 3 months
Pat Nixon: Sacrifice
Photo of First Lady Pat Nixon (Photo credit: Wikipedia) “I have sacrificed everything in my life that I consider precious in order to advance the political career of my husband. “ —Pat Nixon.
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djmutt · 3 months
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(It’s vertical so it looks like an actual photograph)
In 1970, Richard Nixon cemented April as Earth Month. He and his wife Pat planted a tree on the lawn of the White House. So you have the Nixons to thank for us loving and defending the Earth together this whole month.
I want to remember Nixon in a more positive light, as without him we wouldn’t have the Environmental Protection Agency. He loved the Earth, and it’s time large corporations more powerful than he ever was loved it as well.
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stopstopstopit · 2 months
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band of brothers text posts 3/?
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footprintsinthesxnd · 7 months
So despite what the name of this post says this is actually a little surprise and a thank you to everyone from the discord group and tumblr who supported me recently. It’s inspired by the song ‘Doomsday’ by Lizzy McAlpine and is supposed to be a happy little thank you but the song says differently 😂 I’ve included all the characters that I know my mutuals love and ones people have chosen with the discord group. I just want to say a massive thank you to you all and I love every single one of you so much. So as a thank you please head on down below for your little surprise 🩵
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @mads-weasley @liptonsbabe @historyisfullofwars @sweetxvanixlla @ronsparky @mutantmanifesto @malarkgirlypop @bucky32557038ww2 @panzershrike-pretz @xxluckystrike @whollyjoly @land-sh @onlyyouexisthere @liptonwashere @samwinchesterslostshoe @coco-bean-1218 @next-autopsy @holdingforgeneralhugs @kafka-ohdear @wexhappyxfew @noneedtoamputate @lostloveletters @bloodstainedsaint @currahee @liptonsbabe
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balladofthe101st · 2 months
So if Speirs is Ares, who is Athena in the HBOWar/Greek myth crossover 🤔?
A lazy answer would be Nixon because he's an Intelligence Officer, but I think he's more of a Dionysus with his drinking habits and all (plus he's a momma's boy, I'm sure).
Not to make this about Speirton but Lipton is definitely Athena or, at least, her son because he's both wise and intelligent. Other Athena/Sons of Athena's candidates include Webster, Christenson, and Leckie.
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
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August 29th, 1945 - 0600 Camp Toccoa, Georgia, United States War Correspondent Esther Armstrong
I remember when Marty had gotten into a fight at school; busted lip, black eye, bloody knuckles. Daddy wasn't happy about it by any stretch and even Ma, who had taken him into the kitchen and sat him on the counter to clean him up, was beyond displeased. I had watched from the other room, through the open doorway and silently listened, pretending like I was actually interested in the book in front of me. They made Marty apologize to the kid the next day. I had not seen the fight, but when Ma was done lecturing him on why we don't do that in this house, I remember finding him outside on the back porch crying. He told me why he did it, he told me why he had to; he was the shortest, the smallest of the grade, he had to fight back! Whether that provided a legitimate reason for the fight, I was just glad to see that he stood up for himself, even if our parents didn't necessarily see that. Being able to stand up for yourself seemed more important in that moment.
- Esther Armstrong, from Stroke of Luck
[read the newest update here!]
tags: @mads-weasley @icantdecideofthename @thoughpoppiesblow @cetaitlaverite @sergeant-spoons @vintagelavenderskies @ronald-speirs @easycompanys @hinkel-im-home
-> if you would like to be added or removed, just shoot me a message or ask! :)
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cody-helix02 · 2 years
Soooo I am finally...FINALLY DONE! 🤣 Thanks for waiting! And please guys don't look to close they're sketchy af sometimes 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️ Sorry not Sorry!
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Btw special thanks to @multifandomlover01 @onlyyouexisthere @tvserie-s-world @silverspeirs @wwhatev3r @lewis-winters @maxwellshimbo and @softliebgott for either listening to my rambling, providing me with refrence pics or just keepin me entertained while I took breaks from drawing 🤣🤣 PLEASE CHECK THEM ALL OUT THEY'RE ALL AMAZING! THANKS! Btw Drawing 20 different people even tho they're cuties was friggin hard but I am happy now so ☺️
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oldshowbiz · 5 months
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Nat King Cole Week in Los Angeles.
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pretty-little-fools · 7 months
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gorillaxyz · 8 days
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oh my god
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