#Pastor Kevin
pastorkevinc · 3 months
Do You Love Your Community? - 10 Years Later
  Do You Love Your Community? – 10 Years Later Ten years ago today, our family was honored to appear on the cover of the Christian County Headliner 2014 Community Guide. Why was it such an honor? Because the editorial team of the paper asked us to represent our community since they believed that we did – beginning with loving our community. And, we do love our community and consider it a…
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flyingcakeee · 3 days
This guy did an F1 iceberg but he wasn't a fan and here's just a short compilation (of an originally 57min video) of some highlights
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disneymbti · 4 months
Pastor Dave for the MBTI thing if you haven’t done him already.
Hi there, Poorni! I really hope you enjoy this a lot!
Pastor Dave's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ISFJ [The Defender]
ISFJ types need time alone to re-energize. They are self-sufficient and independent thinkers.
They are very observant and prefer to focus on the details of every situation. They listen to and follow past experience and present understandings.
Defenders prioritize the emotional needs of others. They make decisions based on what feels right, rather than what might make most logical sense.
They also prefer structure and organization, tending to follow rules and processes to an end goal. They are responsible and have a strong work ethic.
Big Three: Aquarius Sun, Virgo Moon and Sagittarius Rising
Aquarius Sun: Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, which makes them seek out unique ways to problem-solve and to approach life. They're known to be intellectual and innovative.
Virgo Moon: Virgo Moons use their calm nature to gain deep clarity on matters, filtering questions through their kind, but reasonable, lens.
Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius risings are jovial, optimistic, and full of energy. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them.
Enneagram Type: 6w5 [The Guardian]
Basic Fear: Sixes with five wings are afraid of losing their guidance and stability. This is often expressed through their skepticism of the world.
Basic Desire: They have a strong desire for security, which they tend to show by protecting themselves and others. They seek close and stable relationships.
Guardians tend to defend themselves by projecting their own feelings onto others, which can often enhance their distrust of the world.
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bishopforeman · 9 months
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kevinharrispastor · 10 months
God is Holy
By Kevin is pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church, a suburb of Wollongong, NSW.
God is holy.
Habakkuk 1:13 says,‘Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity...”
Ezekiel 18:4 states, ‘. . . the soul that sinneth, it shall die.’ Why? Because God is absolutely holy!
Exodus 34:7 declares that God ‘. . . will by no means clear the guilty...’ There is only one reason God does not overlook our sin – He is holy!
Zechariah 8:17 says, ‘And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD.’ Hatred against sin is part of what it is to be holy.
Do you know that God is holy?Psalm 113:5-6 asks,‘Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high,  Whohumbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!’
God is incredibly holy!
Many of God’s choice servants were confronted with a holy God at the beginning of their ministries.    
Moses encountered a holy God when he came across a burning bush one day.  God said in Exodus 3:5 ‘. . . Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.’
One day, the Lord Jesus performed a miracle that astounded Peter so much that we read in Luke 5:8,‘When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.’
And in Isaiah chapter six, Isaiah stands before a thrice-holy God and trembles. 
God’s holiness is the one characteristic above all of God’s other attributes that the angels of heaven choose to exclaim over!  He’s holy!
God is so holy that when Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s sons, offered strange fire, God immediately struck them dead.
He is so holy that when the Israelites murmured and complained, God wouldn’t overlook it. Thousands were destroyed in judgment from the Lord.
He is so holy that in the book of Joshuawhen Achan disobeyed God and stole, he was stoned to death.
He is so holy that when Ananias and Sapphira lied in Acts chapter 5, God struck them dead.
I believe we need a fresh picture of the holiness of God in our city of Wollongong and in the nation of Australia.  If we could just get a good understanding of God’s holiness, it would dramatically reduce the pleasure we find in wickedness.
God said in Psalm 50:21,‘These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.’
When I see that God is not sinful like me, but that He hates sin, and when I realise that I will stand before Him someday in judgment for my sin, I’ll be careful how I live. 
You see, sin will not go unpunished.
Let me illustrate it with Australia’s justice system.  It is the responsibility of our nation’s courts to pursue justice, not to be merciful.
Have you ever heard anyone say, ‘I could never live in a country that would build places to punish people — some for the rest of their lives — just because they raped a girl and murdered her’?  Not very likely!  It is obvious that a government is within its bounds when it dispenses justice.  ‘You do the crime, you do the time,’ is a saying almost everyone agrees with.
What many people do not understand, however, is that God is perfectly just in sending those who break His laws to a place of punishment.  Yet a popular argument for those who deny the God of the Bible is that a loving God would never punish anyone in hell.   God has a system of justice too, and it is of the purest form.  He has a set of guidelines that must be obeyed.  If they aren’t followed exactly, punishment eventually results.  And since none of us is perfect, we all deserve that punishment.
But God is not a God of justice only.  We can be pardoned from our sin because Christ paid our debt when He died on the cross.  By receiving Him as our Saviour, we escape eternal punishment because Christ has already been punished for us. 
God’s holiness demands justice, but He also offers mercy.  That’s a loving God in action.
Let’s bow before Him, worshipping Him for being both holy and merciful.
Kevin is pastor of the Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Dapto, located approximately 15 minutes south of Wollongong, NSW.
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Today's guest is Pastor Kevin Minske of Christ the Rock Community Church in DePere, Wisconsin, a non-denominational Christian church near Green Bay. Kevin strongly believes in equipping the saints in part, by verse by verse teachings through the Bible, and stresses the importance of addressing prophecy, worldview, culture, and political issues while exposing evil and preaching the full gospel in season and out of season (2 Tim. 4:1-2).
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mudstoneabyss · 2 years
Carlos is Night Vale's top scientist while Charles is Desert Bluffs's bottom line in theology
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cultfaction · 25 days
The Zombie Wedding trailer released
Freestyle Digital Media is excited to walk down the aisle with Weekly World News for the day and date release of the zomcom romantic comedy The Zombie Wedding. The Zombie Wedding debuts on Cable and Digital VOD September 13, 2024, including Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, Fandango At Home, Comcast, Dish, and DirecTV. The Zombie Wedding will also be available in select markets theatrically. A young…
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huntingtonnow · 1 month
Summer Campers Welcome Canine
A police dog, visit from members of the Nets’ front office, food and sports kept abut 65 kids busy Thursday at the Huntington Assembly of God church in Huntington Station. Suffolk police officer Bill Krolikiewicz described the importance of the bond between himself and his German Shepherd, Crixus. He explained how the canines assist officers when they trying to locate people, such as lost…
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changing-my-username · 4 months
Kevin becoming the new Maldonado
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year
Fall Events at Island Books!
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Island Books has so much going on in the next few months! Check out all the happenings below:
September 9th at 11am author Pastor Greg Asimakoupoulos will be signing his new book, Paper Bag Poems in Pioneer Park.
September 10th at 12pm author Garth Stein and illustrator Matthew Southworth will be here to launch the second installment of their graphic series The Cloven -- and also host a weenie roast!
September 14th at 6pm on Zoom join our Virtual Knitting Book Club led by Lori as we discuss Olga Dies Dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez, and our current works in progress.
September 21st at 6:30pm author Bob Muglia will be in conversation with Geek Wire's Todd Bishop, discussing Bob's new book, The Datapreneurs.
September 27th at 6:30pm author Kevin O'Brien will be in conversation with Jennie Shortridge discussing his new novel, The Enemy at Home.
September 28th at 7:30pm Island Books Open Book Club will be discussing Trust by Hernan Diaz.
October 12th at 6pm on Zoom join our Virtual Knitting Book Club led by Lori as we discuss The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna.
October 14th at 4pm author/illustrator Ben Clanton and author/illustrator Andy Chou Musser will be presenting their new book Ploof, geared towards preschoolers.
October 17th at 6pm author Jennifer Cramer-Miller will be discussing her book, Incurable Optimist.
October 22nd at 4pm author Miriam Landis will be in conversation with Nancy Pearl, discussing Miriam's new middle-grade novel Lauren in the Limelight.
October 24th at 6pm join us for an evening with former SuperSonics executive Bob Whitsitt to talk PNW sports and his new book, Game Changer.
October 26th at 7:30pm Island Books Open Book Club will be discussing Properties of Thirst by Marianne Wiggins.
It's going to be a fun fall at Island Books -- and stay tuned for our 50th Anniversary events, coming in November!
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pastorkevinc · 7 months
What did you do with your extra day?
What did you do with your extra day? I love leap years because we get an extra day. Today is a unique day in each person’s life. Once every four years we get to celebrate February 29th. Who hasn’t ever exclaimed, “I just wish I had more time!”? We all wish for more time very often. As I made my last visit tonight after dark, I thought to myself, “How did today go be so fast?” Here it is my extra…
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2ndaryprotocol · 2 years
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#NowWatching The Ref (1994) 🔫🎄💸
“𝚆𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚠. 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚗𝚘𝚠. 𝚆𝚑𝚢? 𝚆𝚎'𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚍𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚜… 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜… 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝙽𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙴 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃!”
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cultpastorkevin · 9 months
Cult Tips for AFTG writers
notes from the resident ex-cult pastor
If you’re in the cult, there is nothing bizarre abt what’s happening and in fact the normal stuff that happens outside of it is what’s bizarre to you. Target? Weird. McDonald’s? Even weirder. I can like guarantee Jean and Kevin never had McDonald’s until they left the Nest.
When you leave, you’re gonna be paranoid as fuck. All the time. Ngl at least for weeks but sometimes for years. Nightmares and insomnia 24/7. Hallucinations too lmao Riko is in every corner of empty rooms and you can hear his voice echo in the confines of the lockers.
I see a lot of Jean wanting to go back to the Nest, but not a lot of Kevin wanting to go back. He definitely struggled, 100%. In fact when he was in the pits of agony from his broken hand, was when he probably wanted to go back the most. Cult is home, cult is safe. Four walls you’ve always known and while it’s a cage at least it’s dependable. They hurt you but by god it always works out and the reward of pushing through this tragic incident is greater than the terror it caused in the first place. It’s a gift, actually. A gift from Riko. He saved Kevin. Cults save you. Cults make you wanna return to them like damn homing pigeons bruh. Give me more shattered hand Kevin screaming at Wymack to let him go back home and having a breakdown when he’s denied fics thanks
Piggybacking off the last one: cults are saviors; you’re nothing without them and they make sure you truly believe that; that everything that is done to you is for you and you’re blessed for it to be happening. You’re lucky even, to be allowed in it. Everything is as it’s supposed to be and order must never be challenged, because it works, and you’re the Edgar Allan Ravens, and this is the most honorable place you could be. All the pain you go through is you earning the right to be saved and to prove your worth every day on court. Only the worthy are honored.
You justify everything that happened and you will start fights and get angry with people who try to correct you and tell you it was wrong what went on.
On the other hand, you blame yourself for everything ever that happened there whether you were at fault or not. Hurting others, hurting yourself, gaslighting the fuck out of yourself over things maybe you could’ve prevented and over things you never could’ve stopped. The guilt is crippling and it eats you alive and haunts you.
There’s a lot of shame too. I see more guilt written than shame but shame is a huge portion of emotions that cult survivors have. Shits embarassing dude like “god how did I end up thinking this wack ass shit was normal” 😐 Shame comes later in the healing process usually, it’s after you have come to terms with shit that’s happened and you understand it. Looking back, you go “Jesus fucking Christ that was a red flag what the hell. Should’ve left then, or then, or then, or then” and then you’re just plain fuckin embarrassed.
Please look up how hive minds and brainwashing are created and work; also Stockholm Syndrome; understanding these would be incredibly helpful tbfh.
Diets are big; everyone eats the same thing; food is used as a reward and a punishment.
Hype hype hype. They whip up a frenzy of one singular emotion and use that to push you into a blind hysteria because you’re more suspectible to their influence when you’re out of your mind.
Drugs. Depends on the cult. But yeah these little bitches can be a huge factor for shit and can help with the brainwashing and hysteria and stockholm. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re being drugged or poisoned until you leave.
OH I ALMOST FORGOT. Dehumanization and then being treated like a person again can be traumatic as fuck yall!! Holy shit! Sometimes it feels worse than being dehumanized!
EDIT AGAIN: you don’t know what mental illness is !! Cults don’t fucking tell you these things lmao. if you show symptoms it’s your fault. Kevin being depressed his mom died was gonna get blamed on him and he was never going to be told grief is normal and it’s okay to be insanely sad. Jean also never got told his anger was correct or his trauma responses to being raped were realistic! They just got blamed for any reactions ever that weren’t neurotypical !! that is all; do with that what you will.
Idk if I think of anything else I’ll write another one but that’s all for now; I haven’t slept much lmao 🫡
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bishopforeman · 11 months
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kevinharrispastor · 9 months
By Kevin is pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church
There are some who view the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as a myth. Others suggest it is a metaphor for the point in time when mankind ‘evolved’ enough to be morally responsible for our own actions. Still others say that even Augustine dismissed Adam and Eve and the Creation account as fictional.
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