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dolcivegani-scuola-online · 3 years ago
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Le nostre Diplomatiche dedicate alla #giornatamondialedellaterra Nel nostro piccolo in realtà possiamo fare tanto per salvaguardare il pianeta🌎 Impariamo a: ++ sprecare meno ++ utilizzare quello che abbiamo ++ recuperare e riciclare Ma tutto questo cosa ha a che fare con la #PasticceriaVegana? 🤔 In realtà molto 😜 ☘️Se conosci gli ingredienti e sai come utilizzarli ☘️Sei consapevole di come e perchè un dolce riesce al primo "tentativo" ☘️Non hai bisogno di preparati, mix...polveri magiche SICURAMENTE: NON sprechi cibo💪 UTILIZZI quello che hai in dispensa👌 RECUPERI e ricicli gli avanzi e/o quello che sta per scadere👍 www.dolcivegani.com
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natalystuff · 6 years ago
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Cinnamon rolls! 🍁 but #Vegan of course! 🌈 People think I love to bake 👏🏼 and I actually do… but when I have like 5 hours to do it with no one on the kitchen 😂 Yesterday I posted my peaceful breakfast 🌞 but the day turned upside down ☁ I killed my yeast (water was too hot), I had to do that again.. then the dough was too wet and I couldn’t get it off my hands… (because of my desperation) I ended up making my coconut oil spill on the floor (you know how expensive is that thing 😭) It was almost noon while I was making this so we got late for lunch and there were only two plates available (even though I made a reservation 💀) and to spend mothers day together… we had to bought food from different places and eat at home and I DIDN’T brought reusable containers so… disposables for everyone…😣 My photos are all food and sunshine but believe me I wasn’t that yesterday 👿… it was worthy in the end 😂 cause they tasted AMAZING!!! 😍 . . . . . . . . #vegansofig #plantbased #veganfood #diaryfree #veganfoodporn #veganfoodie #cinnamonrolls #vegancinnamonrolls #veganbakery #vegansweet #pasticceriavegana #veganpastry #veganbread #letscookvegan #thebakefeed #vegandessert #foodstyling #plantbaseddessert #plantbasedmeal #veganmeals #foodblog #veganbolivia https://www.instagram.com/p/ByBcJI_AS77/?igshid=12y7pk65enn9l
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creativity-vi · 5 years ago
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Il bordeaux è il colore che più si adatta alle #pasticceriestoriche perché è un colore caldo, ma non troppo acceso e dona uno stile di eleganza al tuo locale. Per maggiori informazioni su tutta la nostra collezione di #grembiuli collegati al sito www.creativity-vi.com tel. +39 0444 040690 #pasticceria #bar #pasticceriaitaliana #pasticceriaartigianale #pasticceriaveneto #pasticceriamoderna #pasticceriartigianale #pasticceriasiciliana #pasticceriamignon #pasticcerianapoletana #pasticceriamarchesi #pasticceriavegana #pasticceriacreativa https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Wwx12Ifww/?igshid=1d41zc56sybti
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yumnizza1789 · 7 years ago
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La pasticceria è una cosa seria. 😋🌱 Per il vostro pomeriggio di pioggia vi abbiamo preparato questa #super crostata 💯 % Vegetale 🌱, con la nostra ormai famosa crema di riso e tanta frutta fresca. È adatta a tutti e naturalmente made in Nizza!!! • • #pasticceriavegana #vegansweets #vegancake solo #yumnizza1789 #nizzamonferrato #veganplace #dolcivegani #senzalattesenzauova #animalfreefood 🐽🐰💝 (presso YUM Nizza1789)
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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Buongiorno... “Non capiremo mai abbastanza quanto bene è capace di fare un sorriso.” Cit. Good morning. “We will never understand how well it is to be able of making a smile.” Have a nice day.😊 My breakfast is ready. #vegan #veganpastry #vegancake #cleanfood #cleaneating #veganpastrychef #healthyfood #whatveganscook #pasticceriavegana #veganfoodphotography #bestofvegan #healthyliving #feedfeed #cookinitalia #frollavegan #veganitalia #sugarfree #tortavegan #veganbreakfast #tortavegana #veganfoodporn #sweetfit #veganliving #vegancommunity #veganrecipes #dolcivegani #vegancake #veganfoodblogger #unaveganaincucina #vegancommunity #veganpatisserie #veganbreakfast #ledolcitentazioni
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enoteasegretacapri · 8 years ago
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Una pastiera diversa dedicata a Pollock! #desserts #pastries #foodpic #instadaily #instacake #foodphotographer #vsco_food #ñamñam #kurashiru #lin_stagrammer #delistagrammer #cookingram #gastronomia #foodvsco #foodgram #rscozy #cuisine_captures #foodgawker #foodblogfeed #chefsroll #igbcn #cookmagazine #foodphoto #pastry #rocambolesc #brioche #brunch #pasteles #pasticceriavegana #italianfood ™@gianlucafusto (presso Cité du Chocolat Valrhona)
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dolcivegani-scuola-online · 7 years ago
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CREME BRULEE - Dalle ricetta della Scuola di Pasticceria Vegana Dolci Vegani.
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creativity-vi · 6 years ago
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Le prime giornate tiepide sono arrivate, gli alberi iniziano a fiorire. Fai sbocciare la bellezza della tua #gelateria o #pasticceria alla riapertura primaverile. Contatta Creativity tel. 0444040690 wwww.creativity-vi.com Tanti completi #scamiciato #grembiule #t_shirt #camicia #polo aspettano solo di essere indossati da te! #madeinitalyfashion #madeinitalyclothing #pasticceriafirenze #pasticceriefirenze #pasticceriagenova #pasticcerianapoletana #pasticceriaitaliana #pasticceriavegana #pasticceriamoderna #pasticceriacreativa #pasticceriartigianale #pasticceriasalata #pasticceriafrancese #pasticceriacova #altapasticceria #pasticceriaprincipe #gelateriadondoli #gelateriartigianale #gelateriadelteatro #gelateriafirenze #gelateriabologna #pasticceriabologna #pasticceriamartesana https://www.instagram.com/creativity_vi/p/Bu1wAS1hHp_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pia7s7rgddc
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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Buongiorno💚 Torta con carote, scorza di limone, marmellata di limoni, lamponi e mirtilli. Nel l’impasto ho aggiunto i semi di girasole tostati. Tutto vegan e senza zuccheri raffinati. “Sorridere, voce del verbo nonostante tutto.“ cit. Good morning. Cake with carrots, lemon zest, lemon jam, raspberries and blueberries. Roasted sunflower seeds. All vegan and no refined sugars. #vegan #veganpastry #vegancake #cleanfood #cleaneating #veganpastrychef #healthyfood #whatveganscook #pasticceriavegana #veganfoodphotography #bestofvegan #cookinitalia #veganchef #veganlifeisgood #veganpastrychef #veganitalia #sugarfree #tortavegan #veganbreakfast #tortavegana #cookinlombardia #sweetfit #veganliving #vegancommunity #veganrecipes #dolcivegani #vegancake #veganfoodblogger #unaveganaincucina #vegancommunity #veganpatisserie #veganbreakfast #infinity_foodlover
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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Crostata di mele con crema pasticciera, cannella, limone e bacche di Goji. Tutto senza zucchero e vegan. Apples tart with vegan pastry cream, cinnamon, lemon and Goji berries. Everything without sugar. #pasticceriavegana #veganpastry #veganpatisserie #veganpastrychef #cleaneating #cleanfood #healthyfood #cookinitalia #vegan #food #photooftheday #pastry #veganitalia #vegancooking #unaveganaincucina #sugarfree #crostatavegana #cremapasticceravegan #veganfood #pastrychef #vegankitchen #vegancake #tortavegana #tartevegan #vegetarianfood #bestofvegan #sofud #patissier #cookinlombardia #veganfoodphotography
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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Piccoli krapfen/bomboloncini con crema pasticciera. Tutto ovviamente vegan. Buona vigilia 🎄 ➡️ Small krapfen with custard/pastrycream. All obviously vegan Have a good Christmas Eve🎄 #pasticceriavegana #veganpastry #veganpatisserie #veganpastrychef #dolci #italianveganfood #healthyfood #cookinitalia #vegan #crueltyfreefood #crueltyfree #pastry #veganitalia #vegancooking #unaveganaincucina #vegankrapfen #chocolate #bombolonivegan #veganfood #pastrychef #vegan #foodstylish #krapfen #brioche #plantbased #bestofvegan #krapfenvegan #patissier #cookinlombardia #veganfoodphotography
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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➡️ Un pane dalle origini tedesche, dolcificato con sciroppo d’acero. Un impasto con farina integrale, cannella e uvetta sultanina. ➡️ A German bread, sweetened with maple syrup. A dough with wholemeal flour, cinnamon and raisins. #healthyfood #cleanfood #cookinlombardia #veganpatissier #vegancommunity #vegetarianfood #vegan #boulanger #veganfood #bread #veganfoodshare #thebakefeed #vegankitchen #cucinavegana #veganfoodphotography #fitvegan #brot #veganitalia #veganchef #pasticceriavegana #unaveganaincucina #vegansofig #italianvegan #pandolce #veganpastry #bake #pastry #sweetfit #sugarfree #konditorei
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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Buon pomeriggio... Oggi ho voluto sfornare una torta dal gusto classico ma genuino. La torta di mele in chiave vegan, senza zucchero, con cannella e uvetta. #vegan #dolcivegan #tortadimelevegana #tortavegana #apple #vegancake #vegana #dolcivegani #veganpastry #patisserievegan #dolcevegano #cannella #cookinitalia #veganpie #feedfeed #veggies #veganfood #veganfoodblogger #veganfoodphotography #foodstyling #foodstylish #foodstyle #veganitalia #whatveganseats #vegetable #cleanfood #vegankitchen #pasticceriavegana #hautescuisines
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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Frolla vegan al grano saraceno, senza zuccheri raffinati, con zenzero e cannella. Ripieno con composta di limoni bio, mele, cannella, uvetta e bacche di goji. Vegan shortcrust buckwheat grain, without sugars, with ginger and cinnamon. Stuffed with organic lemons, apples, cinnamon, raisins and goji berries. #vegan #veganpastry #vegancake #cookinitalia #cleaneating #veganpastrychef #healthyfood #whatveganscook #pasticceriavegana #veganfoodphotography #bestofvegan #healthyliving #ifoodit #veganlifeisgood #frollavegan #veganitalia #sugarfree #tortavegan #veganbreakfast #tortavegana #veganfoodporn #sweetfit #veganliving #vegancommunity #veganrecipes #dolcivegani #vegancake #veganfoodblogger #unaveganaincucina #vegancommunity #veganpatisserie #veganbreakfast #ledolcitentazioni
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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Croissant sfogliato bicolore con cacao amaro, impasto alla francese e vegano. Two-colored croissants with bitter cocoa, French and vegan dough. #pasticceriavegana #veganpastry #veganpatisserie #veganpastrychef #vinnoiserie #pasticceriaalternativa #healthyfood #cookinitalia #vegan #thebakefeed #cioccolato #pastry #veganitalia #vegancooking #unaveganaincucina #croissantbicolore #chocolate #croissant #veganfood #pastrychef #cornettovegano #croissantvegan #brioche #baker #bestofvegan #infinity_foodlover #patissier #cookinlombardia #veganfoodphotography
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unaveganaincucina · 7 years ago
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Croissant francese sfogliato... Vegano ovviamente. #handmade Buona serata. Vegan French croissant. #pasticceriavegana #veganpastry #veganpatisserie #veganpastrychef #vinnoiserie #cleanfood #healthyfood #cookinitalia #vegan #inlombardia #photooftheday #pastry #veganitalia #vegancooking #unaveganaincucina #italianfood_photography #thebakefeed #croissant #veganfood #pastrychef #vegankitchen #croissantvegan #brioche #vegetarianfood #bestofvegan #infinity_foodlover #patissier #cookinlombardia #veganfoodphotography
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