#Passive and Active Fire Protection
rmthompson1 · 11 months
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What is a Passive Fire Protection System?
Passive Fire Protection is critical in preventing the fire and smoke from spreading further. As a result, it reduces severity, protects people, and limits damage to buildings and their contents. The installation of a passive fire protection component serves two purposes.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
Actually I’ve come to the conclusion that Cynthia would like Kingdom Hearts for the exact same reason she likes Graces f (the homoerotic tension,,,,,,)
#Also she’s just an action girlie in general! (sorry dism you have Inigo to enjoy turn-based games with instead 💔)#just pav things#She likes graces better though because it has multiplayer :) So she gets to ramble to Inigo as they both play!#In her mind this is basically forcing Minty to pay active attention to said homoerotic tension rather than passively watching 😎#But also she assumes that with Inigo’s demeanour he doesn’t want to be there :(#So also in her mind she is trapping Inigo into socialising more actively with her. Gaming is a cover for her desire to connect with him#After all it’s easy to say ‘heeey you promised you were gonna do a full playthrough with me >:(‘ and not ‘I really miss you’#Classic You Have No Name Poor CommunicationTM ✨✨✨✨#Inigo DOES want to be there wholeheartedly and sincerely derives enjoyment out of neurodivergent people monologuing about their interests#He loves his creachurs very much and that’s why he gets along so well with Dism and Cynthia! Inigo enjoys interesting people :)#Buuuuuuut he’s driven to suppress his feelings for Cynthia in particular because he’s trying to prevent having an attachment to her#Attachments lead him to get careless and hurt people :) Murder them even :) And then it hurts reeeaally bad :3#Of course this is where you can see the flaw in his logic#Why would he be trying to protect Cynthia from himself. If he didn’t already have an attachment to her in the first place <3#He doesn’t want Cynthy to ‘die’ bc he loves her. Inigo tries so hard to deny this fact in his head bc it defies his faulty belief system#he wants to keep indulging in the Lie born from his emotional Wound :3#In truth though feigning detachment makes him incredibly lonely and dissatisfied and ultimately hurts them both 💔#Cynthia doesn’t help in this either with her own ambitions to heal him hurt/comfort fanfic style for her own loneliness’s sake#So in conclusion fuck yeah codependent relationships ✨ truly a concoction of bottled up feelings#We love the drama hehehe. On some days I even prefer this over Dism and Archie’s mess just because of how natural and realistic it is#There’s no spiriters adding fuel to the fire and facilitating corruption this is just 100% flawed people doing flawed things!#…..Can you tell I was thinking of the moment where Cynthia and Inigo mend their relationship today 😭❤️
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shirazeetraders1 · 3 months
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astrodescent · 9 months
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aries mars:
- quick to anger, often explosive
- assertive and direct in expressing anger
- may cool down quickly but can hold a grudge
- deals with anger through confrontation and physical activity
- the fire inside is dynamic and intense, appearing as a burst of flames
taurus mars:
- slow to anger but intense when provoked
- displays anger through stubbornness and resistance
- may hold onto anger for a long time
- deals with anger by seeking comfort and stability
- the fire inside is steady and enduring, resembling a smoldering ember
gemini mars:
- expresses anger through words and sarcasm
- quick-witted and adaptable in heated situations
- may not hold onto anger for long, easily distracted
- deals with anger through communication and mental stimulation
- the fire inside is lively and changeable, flickering like a vibrant flame
cancer mars:
- sensitive and easily hurt, leading to passive-aggressive behavior
- tends to withdraw when angry, seeking emotional refuge
- may hold onto anger, especially if it’s tied to emotional wounds
- deals with anger by retreating and nurturing themselves
- the fire inside is protective and nurturing, resembling a warm hearth
leo mars:
- dramatic and expressive when angry
- seeks attention and recognition for their emotions
- may forgive but won’t forget easily
- deals with anger through creative outlets and self-expression
- the fire inside is bold and radiant, shining like a theatrical spotlight
virgo mars:
- internalizes anger and may not express it openly
- critical and analytical when upset
- holds onto anger through perfectionism
- deals with anger through problem-solving and self-improvement
- the fire inside is precise and controlled, like a focused laser beam
libra mars:
- dislikes conflict and may avoid direct confrontation
- seeks harmony and balance in handling anger
- may struggle with decisions when angry
- deals with anger through communication and compromise
- the fire inside is harmonious and elegant, resembling a delicate flame
scorpio mars:
- intense and passionate when angry
- can hold onto grudges and seek revenge
- may express anger through power plays
- deals with anger through deep introspection and transformation
sagittarius mars:
- blunt and direct in expressing anger
- values freedom and may react strongly to restrictions
- tends to forgive and move on quickly
- deals with anger through physical activity and exploration
- the fire inside is adventurous and optimistic, burning like a spirited bonfire
capricorn mars:
- controlled and disciplined in expressing anger
- may appear cold and detached when upset
- holds onto anger but keeps it hidden
- deals with anger through careful planning and self-discipline
- the fire inside is determined and enduring, resembling a slow-burning ember
aquarius mars:
- unconventional and detached when angry
- values independence and may rebel against restrictions
- may detach emotionally to cope with anger
- deals with anger through innovative solutions and detachment
- the fire inside is eccentric and futuristic, glowing like a neon light
pisces mars:
- passive-aggressive and elusive when angry
- sensitive and easily overwhelmed by emotions
- may escape into fantasy as a coping mechanism
- deals with anger through artistic expression and escapism
- the fire inside is dreamy and ethereal, shimmering like a gentle candle flame
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© spirit-of-phantom 2024
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Overworking ✧
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Plot : Your husband come home late again, and he’s too tired to argue.
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The luminescent glow of the wall clock cast stark shadows flickering across the empty living room signaling midnight had long since passed.
Yet the apartment remained engulfed in stifling silence absent your husband Kento's reassuring presence filling the vacant spaces.
Your fingers drummed with steadily mounting agitation as each excruciating minute trickled away unanswered while you waited up alone on the worn couch.
It wasn't like Kento remaining entrenched at Jujutsu High working ungodly overtime hours was anything new lately, but tonight the resentment coursing your veins felt particularly acidic.
Gnawing into your composure with each pulse thundering that he'd once again prioritized his job over coming home to you like some insensible workaholic slowly squandering the precious remaining moments of your lives together.
So when the solitary echoes of his key scraping into the lock finally jarred the stillness, you shot upright immediately.
Chin raised in taut defiance while mustering the courage to confront him directly instead of meekly accepting Kento's feeble apologies and hollow justifications justifying this madness again.
The second your husband's hulking silhouette emerged in the threshold, you pounced without preamble.
"You're late. Again..."
Uttering the terse observation in clipped tones from between gritted teeth while actively assessing Kento's condition for the first time.
Disheveled tie dangling askew with his usually impeccable shirt and slacks wrinkled in haggard disarray. The sallow olive complexion only accentuating the bruised insomnia shadowing the heavy-lidded sag framing those rich bourbon irises clearly drained from sheer exhaustion.
Still, you braced awaiting the standard reflexive dismissal waving away your protective concerns as irrational hyperbole yet again.
Sure enough the indomitably stern furrow pinched across Kento's brow deepened in that telltale scowl preceding the well-worn rebuttal.
"Not now...I'm too tired to get into this tonight."
Immediately you recoiled from the uncharacteristically curt growl dripping in ill-concealed exasperation as he brushed past you towards the kitchen.
Clearly reaching the limits of his endurance and primed to counterattack like a wounded grizzly any impudent challengers foolish enough to pester further.
But the spark of indignation glowed red-hot behind your breastbone entirely eliminating any instinct for retreat tonight.
Not when Kento seemed hellbent on self-destructing through pursuing this flagrantly unsustainable pace.You swiftly followed at his heels hurling the accusations rapid-fire without filter.
"Why are you running yourself into the ground like this?! Working around the clock until you completely burn out or end up hospitalized?!"
Already his broad shoulders visibly tensed beneath the withering barrage while you mercilessly drove each rhetorical javelin home without allowing quarter.
No longer willing to stay passive as the man you cherished most wasted away before your eyes.
"And what about me? Do I not even factor any considerations about how I barely see you anymore besides like this - just discarded afterthoughts at the end of every grueling day?!"
Your throat constricted choking back the scorching bitterness now spilling unchecked across your blurred vision while Kento whirled to face your naked desperation head-on once more.
Every haggard line etched across those beloved Nordic features now seemed to deepen into craggy ravines utterly foreign and unrecognizable from the stalwart protector who'd stubbornly staked his entire existence upon safeguarding your shared sanctuaries.
"You think I revel in being away from my home drained like this? That I enjoy even a single second not by your side every night?!"
His roar simultaneously blasted both palms down upon the kitchen island's laminate surface with a percussive crack shuddering the tiles beneath your sock feet.
Unleashing the full tempest of Kento's frustrations that had evidently been steadily amassing into their own maelstrom these endless evenings alone.
"Every second sacrificed I'm away is to ensure you want for nothing! That our home remains secure from any potential threats! So you can live in peace while I handle these burdens!"
The wounded snarl flayed your viscera more savagely than any blade ever could. Shattering your ribcage wide open and laying your vulnerability bare before the man you'd always relied upon to shelter your most tender places from harm.
Before he instantly softened registering the mute horror stricken openly across your ashen features.
"Kento...that's not on you. If that's how you see it then...then I'm the one who failed."
But it was already too late to capture the venomous barb lancing out beyond your control.
The gaping void abruptly swallowing every lingering scrap of light still flickering behind your husband's visage surgically excised the very last remnants of air from your lungs.
You stood there paralyzed in that vacuum watching Kento physically recoil as if struck directly across that chiseled jawline.
Entire body tensing while the pitiless overhead fluorescents seemed to bleed away what little remaining color tinged those hauntingly cavernous pits now boring directly into your soul with singular uncompromising focus.
"Is that what you really believe...?"
The softly uttered words sliced you more lethally than any razor-edged steel forged by mortal hands ever could.
Rendered more agonizing by the bone-deep undercurrent of absolute loss now permanently severing whatever fraying lifelines still tenuously tethered you both to this point.
"Then you need no longer waste your evenings awaiting my return."
Even bereft of any inflections or venom lacing each syllable, the impassive delivery could do nothing to blunt the lacerations shredding your essence with every concise proclamation.
Feet already rooting to the very earth beneath while he turned without another glance disappearing beyond the hallway's shadows.
Leaving you adrift in a desolate, lightless world now devoid of anything to cling to beyond the scalding moisture already streaking down your hollowed cheeks.
You wasted away countless lifetimes in that void before somehow resurfacing in your shared bedroom consumed in numbness.
Numbly pulling drawers open on autopilot to shovel what meager belongings you could feasibly remove in a single bag while the man you loved lay entombed just beyond that dividing wall.
Unable to so much as utter a farewell...
The muffled sobs rattling your chest gradually gave way to an eerie calm overtaking your senses while automatically gathering those final essentials together.
Your motions felt disembodied and almost dreamlike - existing outside yourself surveying these mechanical preparations from some detached astral plane.
Until the bag's feeble weight balanced over one shoulder snapped you back into a razor-sharp presentience abruptly ricocheting off those cavernous bedroom walls now closing in all around with smothering permanence.
With nothing left delaying that precipice you couldn't avoid crossing no matter how desperately your psyche recoiled and retreated to those warm familiar shadows where he eternally waited.
You didn't look back or allow even the faintest broken whisper to escape while swiftly departing through the living room's archway into the vacant corridor beyond.
Each purposeful stride carrying you farther away from Kento and whatever fragile tapestry still barely clinging between your existences rapidly began unraveling behind.
At least until those first frigid droplets pelted the nape of your exposed neck signaling the night's deluge opened completely from the heavens above.
But still you pressed onwards, feet mechanically propelling you through the lobby then bodily out into the torrent with skull bowed in vacant resignation.
Allowing the punishing currents to immediately drench and plaster every stitch of fabric clinging to your skin in icy shackles now without a single conscious thought towards seeking meager shelter from nature's fury.
That was until the deafening roar erupting from behind shattered the hypnotic trance entirely.
You staggered dumbly whipping about to find Kento's towering silhouette materializing from the building awash in halos of harsh illumination cutting through the downpour's veil like blazing searchlights.
His expression contorted into something primal and harrowing beyond lucid recognition while frantically scanning every inch of your drenched form now paralyzed before him.
Disbelief and heart-rending desperation etched behind the searing intensity now searing directly into your very marrow from those rich ember irises that had always been your touchstones in life's tempests.
Igniting reflective sparks to life where your soul's pilot light had nearly extinguished entirely under those scouring torrents unleashing in merciless retribution.
Suddenly Kento surged across the tarmac in two strides with his sodden blazer already stripped away to immediately drape the swathe of fabric around your trembling shoulders.
Immense oak-trunk arms effortlessly enveloping you against the indomitable wall of his chest while frantically trying to shield you from the punishing onslaught still pounding relentlessly all around in biblical wrath.
Yet not even those granite bastions offered sanctuary as chilling pinpricks numbed your entire body beyond feeling or substance now.
Leaving you a hollowed-out husk vaguely conscious of Kento's remorseless whiskey rasp shredding past your ear canal over the din of the downpour lashing against every exposed surface in scourging waves.
"Y/N...I’m sorry. I was just tired, please I never meant it. It’s just… work have been more exhausting lately, and I’m on the edge sometimes. I lied, I want you to wait for me above all else."
Each gut-punching admission brutally lacerated past all your remaining defenses as he clutched you so fiercely against his pounding sternum those shuddering heaves transmitted into your own rhythms.
Until his soaked bangs completely plastered across those raw features allowing you to drink in every agonized fissure.
"But please, don’t go. I’m begging you"
The desolate cries finally shattered every carefully regimented barrier you'd armored around that hollowed-out vacancy eating away at your soul's foundation.
Each raw and utterly shattered syllable pouring from Kento's very essence jolted those tiny embers still flickering no matter how decimated or waterlogged beyond hope of revival.
So when he finally wilted into that hushed horrific reverie while cradling your face in his battle-calloused palms like spun glass, you instinctively leaned into those colossal furnaces emanating from his gaze consuming you whole once more.
Offering the only meager benediction left within you to bestow while reaching up to reverently brush away those crystalline rivulets streaking his granite features that held more significance beyond nature's downpour.
The frantic thrum of both your racing pulses immediately surrendered into perfect intuitive synchronicity once more.
Gently guiding Kento back through the torrent from that lightless brink he'd pulled you away from towards sacred sanctuaries still smoldering eternally where your twin beacons would never be extinguished again...
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astro-vogue · 5 months
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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● They're 12 and each of them is characterized by 3 things: element, quadruplicity & polarity. They represent one of the basic components of a chart along with Houses, Planets, Angles, Degrees and so on...
⎯ They can be described as 12 different characters in a movie, and embody specific traits and characteristics as well as different ways of seeing and interpreting reality.
⚠︎ dates highlighted may vary yearly according to planet's transits
♈︎ ARIES (Fire, Cardinal, Yang) ⟶ March 21- April 19
active, bold, independent, courageous, energetic, purposeful, lively, athletic, enthusiastic, restless, competitive, ambitious, goal-oriented, headstrong, assertive, commanding, dominant, always striving for the better, individualistic, impulsive, adventurous, "I'm the first/number one/want to be the first", passionate, motivated, confident, determined, a leader, straightforward, straight to the point, impatient
♉︎ TAURUS (Earth, Fixed, Yin) ⟶ April 20 - May 20
calm, reliable, trustworthy, charming, slow, comfort-oriented, patient, persevering, relaxed, serene, comforting, pleasure-oriented, sensual, material, deeply physical, hard working, focused, resilient, silent strength, romantic, security-oriented, loyal, steadfast, consistent, stubborn, obstinate, devoted, faithful, dislikes change, grounded, money-oriented, dependable, solid, realistic, sensitive
♊︎ GEMINI (Air, Mutable, Yang) ⟶ May 21 - June 20
flexible, mental, scattered, rational, multifaceted, multitasking, playful, intellectual, curious, constantly juggling with new ideas, friendly, have a huge variety of interests, quick-witted, funny, seeking change, short term memory, forgetful, distracted, inquisitive, communicative, social, natural chameleons, fast-moving, adaptable, charming, cheerleading, having fun, seeking dopamine, chatters
♋︎ CANCER (Water, Cardinal, Yin) ⟶ June 21 - July 22
sensitive, intuitive, nurturing, introspective, caring, soothing, can read a room's energy, gentle, compassionate, self-protective, may hard to get to know, defensive, motherly/fatherly behavior, loyal, devoted, empathetic, dreamy, moody, imaginative, quiet, passive-aggressive, family/home oriented, receptive, guided by emotions, may seem aloof, impressionable, defensive
♌︎ LEO (Fire, Fixed, Yang) ⟶ July 23 - August 22
charismatic, bold, independent, courageous, playful, confident, determined, ambitious, individualistic, self-centred, seeking recognition, strong, willful, theatrical, extroverted, loves the spotlight, leaders, commanding, seeking luxury/pleasure, full of life, stable, loyal, dedicated, consistent, passionate, "I put my heart into everything I do", prideful, exuberant, noble, fierce, entertaining, headstrong, affectionate
♍︎ VIRGO (Earth, Mutable, Yin) ⟶ August 23 - September 22
organized, dependable, practical, grounded, intellectual, logical, structured, systematic, perfectionist, nervous, detail-oriented, analytical, meticulous, helpful, supportive, good at problem-solving, realistic, hard-working, committed, modest, nurturing, focused, efficient, easily worried, can see things from a lot of different perspectives, high standards, critical, judgemental, selfless, natural healers
♎︎ LIBRA (Air, Cardinal, Yang) ⟶ September 23 - October 22
diplomatic, alluring, sensual, balanced, harmony-seeking, aesthetic-oriented, loving, agreeable, intellectual, social, relaxed, likes attention and spotlight, people oriented, potentially people pleaser, seeing multiple sides at the same time, indecisive, charming, romantic, creative, fair, communicative, both rational and sensitive, good at reading rooms and adapting in them, empathetic, compassionate, moral
♏︎ SCORPIO (Water, Fixed, Yin) ⟶ October 23 - November 21
passionate, strong, sensitive, intense, deep feeler/thinker, stubborn, powerful/power-oriented, intuitive, silent, introverted, calculative, determined, ambitious, hard-working, devoted, obsessed, seductive, mysterious, magnetic, enigmatic, passionate, potentially big egos, intimacy-seeking, hard to get to know, decisive, fierce, protective, jealous, persistent, "I can't let go", confident, controlling
♐︎ SAGITTARIUS (Fire, Mutable, Yang) ⟶ November 22 - December 21
adventurous, pioneering, seeking new things, always planning something new, curious, enthusiastic, bold, passionate, philosophical, dynamic, passionate, adaptable, constant quest for knowledge, desire for change, freedom-seeking, wanderlust, funny, entertaining, honest, never taking anything too seriously, infectious laughter, magnetic "I take no bullsh*t" attitude, possibly arrogant.
♑︎ CAPRICORN (Earth, Cardinal, Yin) ⟶ December 22 - January 19
serious, stable, grounded, responsible, practical, hard-working, productive, efficient, authoritative, striving to control everything, good administrative skills, structured, analytical, organized, introverted, resilient, full of stamina, ambitious, high standards, perceived as cold/distant or unemotional, selective, honest, straightforward, cool under pressure, inspiring, tireless, steadfast
♒︎ AQUARIUS (Air, Fixed, Yang) ⟶ January 20 - February 18
inventive, out of the box thinking, intellectual, unstable, "I live by my own terms", progressive, rebellious, curious, social, unusual, independent, innovative, humanitarian, rational, perceived as distant/unreliable, detached, philosophical, seeing the big picture, focused on the collective, unafraid to challenge morals and authority, eccentric, nonconformist, obstinate in its ideas, indomitable
♓︎ PISCES (Water, Mutable, Yin) ⟶ February 19 - March 20
sensitive, empathetic, emotional, compassionate, spiritual, intuitive, warm, mystical, creative, imaginative, fantasy-oriented, possibly delusional, psychic, "I'm in the clouds", escapists, impressionable, humourous, adaptable, kind, gentle, "I see things as they could be", easily worried or paranoid, struggles with criticism, can have a victim-complex, spontaneous, emotionally intelligent, great listener
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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coquelicoq · 10 months
i can't stress enough that outside of this one moment in rogue protocol when murderbot wants to kill a human for betraying its sort-of clients but settles for the next best thing of menacingly hovering a drone in her face for 26 seconds while she's frozen in place by her armor, for the rest of the first four books mb is really only using drones for security purposes and doesn't have the time or inclination to be performing close-range facial analysis:
in ASR it doesn't seem to be all that familiar with drones outside of maybe using them to set a perimeter. it exhibits several other uses of drones as events escalate, but they're all related to protecting itself and its humans and getting intel on EvilSurvey. at no point does it mention watching a human with a drone; it's all "using drones to draw fire" this and "sending drones flying off in the wrong direction as a diversion tactic" that. et cetera.
it has no access to drones whatsoever in AC from what i can tell.
in RP it uses Ship's drones to record conversations between wilken and gerth, but it's not a participant in those conversations and it doesn't even watch them in real time. it also forgoes getting a good look at their weapons via drone because it thinks they would notice. later it takes control of a station drone to watch (from afar) their first meeting with don abene & co., but miki notices the drone and almost catches mb because of it, which freaks it out. then it hacks the combatbots' drones, but other than the aforementioned 26-second intimidation of wilken, it's too busy doing actual security work to use them to look at people.
in ES it accesses drones many times, including to observe its humans, but it only seems to actually control a drone to look at something one time, and only in order to zoom in on a suit logo. so at no point could it conceivably be directing a drone to get up in somebody's face, since it's just piggybacking on drones as they go about their normal business.
it does use cameras to watch people in the first four books, but in a much less obvious way: either it's using fixed cameras that are built into habitats/hoppers/whatever, or it's accessing mobile cameras (suit cams, station drones) but not controlling where those cameras go or what they're pointing at.
it's interesting, because while drones can be startling or intrusive, on the flip side, cameras that don't move don't draw attention to themselves and thus may make it easier to forget you're being watched (plus you have no way of knowing if that particular camera is being monitored at that moment or if it's just recording for later analysis). so in a way, having a drone in your face actively signals to you that mb is paying attention to you. it's making mb's gaze visible in a way it might not otherwise be. this changes the dynamic from "passive surveillance for datamining and threat assessment purposes" to "person actively choosing to pay attention to you in real time". one of these is covert and the other isn't; one of these holds the possibility of interaction and exchange and the other doesn't. maybe it puts a drone in your face to show you it cares.
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horizon-verizon · 22 days
tbh there was no reason to say that alicent and haelena were beloved by the smallfolk. they're part in starting the war that put the smallfolk to their knees, it's more reasonable for them to be hated than loved
(Webpage Link)
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Helaena's inactivity works well for her reputation (in-world and out) under the post-Fall of KL situation bc she's surrounded by more actively ruling women and actively ruling women are more under fire than those who ruler for a man, work behind the scenes, or directly rule. Since female rulership is not favored and even suspicious under Andal-Faith patriarchy.
Her own inactivity and the Faith-Andal social expectation of an ideal queen consort to be just a womb-for-heirs can do nothing to spoil the smallfolk's already favorable image/idea of her...bc she doesn't do anything that could affect said image.
Rhaenyra is the "bad guy" for the taxes and trying to rule; Helaena is the "good guy", for not ruling at all (and sitting there ready for symbolic use).
The whole point of GRRM writing about who was "loved" as a Queen and who wasn't was to point out how people in KL characterized a "good" Queen by her innocence, "sweetness" that is really their non-rulership and inactivity. Rhaenyra ruled obviously and directly, while Alicent ruled through others and for her sons in their absence while never having to really put down riots aside from the one she triggered by displaying a dragon's head through the streets. Alicent, unlike Rhaenyra, did not have to contend with rumors being spread about her specifically to destabilize her hand. Helaena didn't rule at all she was always just a consort who affected Aegon only once and that was accompanied by Alicent and other councilmen calming Aegon down when he wanted to imprison and kill Rhaenyra...nothing to do w/the smallfolk.
Yes, Helaena was a kinder, "gentler" person than those around her and even before the war she could have been loved for that....but she was also the most passive & accessory person than those around her and never effected any policies or laws, unlike Alysanne. Helaena never had be into a position as to decided what strategy or tactic to win smallfolk over or to support a city or defend against attackers to said city or to protect her family's image, prestige, etc. other than birthing and nurturing heirs. She never had to implement any unsavory taxes like Jaehaerys-Rego Draz or Rhaenyra-Bartimos or Rogar/Alyssa-Edwell or even just Alicent with her choice to drag around a dragon head. Or Dany with her opening the fighting pits to save her people, deciding not to kill her hostages, releasing a prisoner some of her council advised her not to, trying to get Drogo to stop the rape of Lhazarene women, etc. So of course she doesn't get any hate from anyone, much less the smallfolk who'd be most affected.
Remember that before the war, Rhaenyra's "Realm's Delight" moniker was also her image-advantaged(?) from the singers giving said name (bc child-Rhaenyra was seen as "delightful" at court where those singers are as they also were trying to gain favor from Viserys).
Likely, Viserys and his council used said moniker to their advantage and let their audience develop a stronger impression of Rhaenyra's overall loveliness. And not bc her child self--the precociousness, the beauty, etc.--wasn't real nor not bc she didn't grow up to be actually very beautiful, but bc it helped to bolster her image, this girl who would need a lot to supplement her newfound heirship since she was female.
Remember, too, how Daenaera Velaryon's childhood beauty was lauded and intertwined with her arrival to KL and the Maiden's Ball? Yeah.
It was worked with for Rhaenyra's later Riverland tour and worked to get the riverlords more on her side. this is the nature of the "two-faced coin" that F&B EXPLICITLY stated were of love and hate ("Rhaenyra Triumphant"):
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The smallfolk did not know Helaena as subjects--esp peasants--can't personally know their leaders and their families. They love an idea of her; they hate an idea of Rhaenyra. And both images go through exchanges from the circumstances, not ONLY through the person's actions. And tbh and as the book tries to tell us, that is the best position a queen (consort) could have when she is surrounded by women (dowager, consort, regnant whatever) who take on a more active, male-conceived role in leadership.
This is bigger than "who was the bitch-queen" or the "perfect queen"?...precisely bc there is no such thing as a "perfect" queen aside form the queen who does nothing at all but be a womb for heirs. And if she does do charities, it's not even guaranteed to be exclusively be for the smallfolk. Alysanne was genuinely loved as a queen bc everyone could see how she affected Jaehaerys, she used said influence to make better laws for smallfolk and it was very obvious and public CONSTANTLY, went--by herself--to create women's courts, AND was she visually pretty. Helaena does not have such influence nor initiative; so the love for her cannot be from anything she did but what she stands for in the memory of the smallfolk.
This has interesting commentary and scenarios of what queenship means and how quickly the "coin" of favor of the public--noble or smallfolk, but esp the smallfolk--can turn! And it turns for the smallfolk depending on the immediate results of a leader's actions or to contrast an imagined/real "better" past against the reality under the current leader (Aerys II vs post-Robert's death).
Even way before this, we constantly hear from Jaehaerys I's early reign about "words are wind" and words vs action...let's piece things together, people!
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I think one of the reasons that kaladin can deal with actively killing as a soldier but not with accidentally (passively) letting someone die as a surgeon is the sense of failure (plus of course the obvious protection aspect and the whole me-vs-them mentality he only really starts to question when Shin joins bridge four, and he starts interacting fairly regularly with a light-eyes he can genuinely respect). dalinar himself said that he "love(s) taking responsibility for things", which is especially clear in the way he still can't quite blame amaram for tien's demise (because he feels like this is his failure, too).
like we can see in the first book that the deaths of the people he swore to protect weigh on him not only because of the dying people per se, but also (and I would argue: especially) because of his FAILURE to keep them alive. he always makes this connection to himself, thinks of their demise in relation to HIS own person and HIS role and HIS failure (cue the whole "stormfather cursed me specifically" thing). like, besides tien and the bridgemen (who we know because they are active current characters), can we truly say much of anything about the people he failed to protect in the past? the only thing we really know is how HE feels about it and how it messed HIM up. but the people themselves??
kaladin just has insane main character syndrome, and everything happening to him (first dark-eyed to have the rank of a light-eyed, one of the only surgebinders, guy able to survive multiple fights with actual shardbearers, etc etc) do the opposite of helping him dissuade the notion. I feel like I lost the plot of my own post. Kal is honorable and a good guy and everything but he is also pretty self-centered? which I actually find really cool because many times people who do objectively good actions are still kind of demonized if they don't do it for the "right" reasons (aka purely 1000% selflessness), but Kal explicitly starts helping the bridgemen not because he actually cares about them but because he needs a reason to not commit suicide. and when he loses bridgemen (especially in the beginning where he barely knows them) he always immediately thinks back to the other people he FAILED to save. he isn't devastated because that person in particular died, he is upset because he is very bad at dealing with his own failures and also terrified that the wretch will use this to lure him back onto the ledge. i mean, he loathes failure so much he was resigned to never see his parents again (who he clearly loves a lot and who he knows would welcome him back with open arms; it's his own shame that he can't confront)
he helps people primarily to try to make up for the failures of the past, an attempt to dissuade the guilt and shame eating him alive 24/7 (which of course never works because guilt is a very unreasonable emotion and as long as he doesn't change his mindset and confronts his own beliefs about himself and the world it will never go away.)
"do the fire sprin create the flames or are they attracted by them?" of course syl was compelled to follow kaladin around. dude keeps actively (even if semi-unconsciously) putting himself into the same role and situation over and over again in the hopes that if he can only succeed one time it will somehow redeem him for his past failures. literally every single thing Kal does and thinks and believes is rooted in the fact that he blames himself for tien's demise. he needs to somehow redeem himself in order to be able to live with himself but at the same time he can never be redeemed because letting tien die is an unforgivable crime and yet he needs to make it up somehow because the wretch is always in the back of his mind and he's actually terrified of it but he is equally scared of actually somehow managing to get over this sense of guilt and failure because wouldn't forgiving himself mean he thinks tien is less important than his own stupid (and, in his mind, deserved) feelings?
that guy is so not over his brother's death it actually isn't funny anymore 💀 please get that dude some fucking therapy 😭😭
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monratarot · 4 months
Tarot tips and tricks - General tips
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
if you have only one COURT CARD in your reading - it is usually a person
if there are 2 or 3 COURT CARDS in your reading - those are aspects(energies) of the situation
if there are lots of COURT CARDS in your reading - those are parts of yourself
Cards and creativity
Wands - painting, writing, conducting
Cups - singing, pottery, flowers arranging
Sword - illustration, music composition, computer graphics
Pentacles - dance, sculpture, cooking
Herbs, oils, and stones for common desires
Love - roses, jasmine, and lavender; rose quartz
Money - cinnamon, basil, allspice, and mint; pyrite
Healing - thyme, rue, marjoram and life everlasting
Protection - anise seed, eucalyptus, hyssop, and lemongrass, black tourmaline
Cards of the same element strengthen each other greatly
Wands(fire) and swords(air) are both considered active and support each other
Cups(water) and pentacles(earth) are both considered passive and support each other
Wands(fire) and cups(water) are opposites and weaken each other
Swords(air) and pentacles(earth) are opposites and weaken each other
Wands(fire) and pentacles(earth) have little effect on each other
Swords(air) and cups(water) have little effect on each other
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rmthompson1 · 11 months
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Leading Passive Fire Production
we specialize in providing essential passive fire protection solutions for communal areas within buildings and loft spaces in residential apartment blocks. 
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iwanttobepersephone · 5 months
So I sent this message to @findingcrow
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And I ended up explaining literally all of the emojis. Here they are (in order of explained, not order of how they were put). I spent 3 hours explaining this and it's a LONG post, so, sorry lol
👯‍♀️-The twins are just a pair of dancers, and I love the vibes of Scar and Grian dancing together in the desert
🫧-The bubbles are because their love has the same vibes as the way a child loves bubbles. The child thinks bubbles are pretty and fun, but often pops them due to a lack of understanding of their fragility
⚖️- The scale is a symbol for justice, something that Grian had the intention of bringing to the server, and yet, in the end, he hated following through with it (killing Scar)
🪬- The hand is called a hamsa, as far as I'm aware, and is a symbol for protection and guidance, something that Grian offered to Scar throughout the entire time they knew each other
✨️- The sparkles are about how attractive and nice their love seemed to Grian, how shiny the prospect of loving Scar was
💌- Well, to me, it feels like keeping his love hidden inside him, leaving only hints of its existence. You cannot read what's inside the envelope until you open it, but the heart implies it was sealed with love. He hides his feelings in the envelope like a letter never meant to be read
💃- Ok, so, the dancing one is the same as the pair dancing
🌌- The galaxy is about his home, as I like to think the Watchers live in sorta in space-ish. I think a lot about Grian routinely going up on the roof in any season of the series and just, staring at the stars. "Oh wow," he'll say, "it's so much more beautiful looking up than down"
🫀- I tend to use the real heart for situations when my love feels, well, *real*, more so than the typical cartoons heart can express. When it feels almost as if the other person is less of a loved one, more of a part of me, like we've become so very intertwined that I can never forget them. I think you can guess why that applies to Scar and Grian
🎭- The drama masks are, once again, about how he hid his feelings. "No," he said, "I'm not in love. He's just my partner in crime." It's also about how he acted out a personality that fit his needs, too. He always wanted to win, and Scar was a part of that. "I made a deal, I have to live up on it" while he's actively helping kill people, knocking down the number of who he'll have to kill once he's red. In the end, all his actions were for his own gain, but slowly the facade he put on them of being for Scar became real, the mask became his face
🕯- And the candles, well, "the light of the server." A candle in the dark. A fire, something so fierce and destructive, becoming passive and helpful. Something so necessary for some. Plus, they're often associated with magic and rituals, a tool for manifestation and summoning and communication. But a fallen candle, a flame forgotten before bed, it can become destructive again. That's what burns down houses, what takes lives. And if it doesn't lose control, it burns, and burns, and keeps burning until all of itself has melted, until it's nothing
⚔️- For the swords, I thought mostly of when Grian attacked him. Y'know, "YOU TRAITOR!". #1, I like to think of it as him putting his sword to Scars throat, so swords are obvious there. #2, he also was guarding himself! He trusted Scar, showed him parts of himself he never showed anyone else (maybe even revealed he's a watcher?????), and then Scar KILLED HIM! As part of a stupid game! (Yes I'm aware of the irony there it drives me insane I can rant about that themes about that for so so so so long and the guilt Grian feels for being the cause the games Rzaurskr74us4s4ua). So, obviously, he started to guard his heart, like swords across an entrance
⚰️- Coffin is 2 things, first, the way their love died as Scar did. I like to think that Grian tried to bury him a little, Scars final resting place was also the resting place of their love (at least, the final resting place of SCARS love). The second thing is that Scar would sell coffins, remember? But he never got one. He never got what he gave, but he did get everything Grian had
🎠- So, the horse isn't JUST a horse, it's a merry-go-round horse. Y'know, from a carousel? So, in all the seasons, their relationship kinda follows the same main story-beats, right?
•Early betrayal/beginning of a grudge
•They're forced to make up, even if just briefly
•Help each other out with something
•They fall out again
•They die (sometimes being the CAUSE of the others death, even if indirect)
It happens again and again.... like how a carousel goes around and around and around. You CHOSE to get on the carousel, Grian, and you can't get off until it's over, you know that, Grian
🏜- Anywas, for the desert, well, they're the desert duo
🦙- For the Llama, don't tell me you forgot about Pizza!
🌓- Ok the half moon, Let's see how effectively we can put this into words. So it's 2 sides of the moon, right? It's the same thing at its core, the moon, but two entirely separate appearances, light and dark. It's the same thing at its core, a game, but two entirely separate experiences, the player and the creator. 2 sides of the same coin sorta deal, yeah? They both play the game, too, and in my mind, Scar sorta creates the game, too, in his own way. Would Grian have ever stuck around the game the way he did if Scar weren't there? Scar kept things interesting for him, kept him from getting bored. Grian bent and created new rules to make sure Scar had fun, the game was created just as much for Scar as it was for Grian. And again, Grian plays too! Grian has plans blow up in his face, Grian faces punishments of breaking the rules, and despite what the other players may say, Grian lost, too. It's the same thing at its core, a game, unwinnable, but malleable
❤️‍🩹- The bandaged heart is a bit more on the nose,
I like to think both Grian and Scar were, in some way, hurt when they met. Maybe Grian had become used to the ultimately selfish love of the watchers, and had trouble believing that any other sort of love could exist. Maybe Scar hated his namesake, and wished he could hide it. (Examples, I can't quite decide on what I wanna do with it, lol. But as they grew closer, that changed. Grian began to believe in selflessness, and Scar began to find beauty in every part of him. They bandaged each others wounds and healed each others hearts
🧨- So, the dynamite is also pretty obvious, I feel like, like it's Grian. Now I COULD do some sort of deep meaning, pretty easily in fact (blowing up in the emotional way instead of the physical way, losing control of his emotions, once again circling back to "YOU TRAITOR"), but that's really not what I had in mind when I put it there
🏳️‍🌈- The queer flag.... do I need to explain that
🕰- So, the clock is a really cool one, because Grian knew from the very beginning that this would never last. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he had a timer in the back of his mind, constantly ticking, for when it was all gonna end. It was only ever a matter of time, but he pretended it wasn't. He pretended it would last forever. Maybe, if he hoped for long enough, the clock would stop ticking, but it didn't
⏳️- Now, the sand timer has, once again, a very similar meaning. It's a timer till the end of it all, the knowledge that it will always run out, *always*. But he still joins the games, over and over again. He flips the hourglass over and restarts the timer. The sand will keep pouring, it will never change, it will end the same, always
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shirazeetraders1 · 3 months
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pallastrology · 1 year
sister sign similarities
aries and libra are both passionate signs, though it definitely shows up differently. they care deeply for other people and for the world, and they both possess a strong sense of justice. these two remind me of a warrior king and their advisor, in a way. aries is active and assertive, fierce and protective, while libra is dynamic and cerebral, considerate and cautious. they encourage each other, and make for a beautiful partnership. the themes that commonly crop up for aries and libra are those of their own identity and place among other people and the world, of self-consciousness and self-absorption, of the body and the mind. at their worst, aries is rudderless, angry, impulsive. they have no cause to fight for and so become stagnant and bitter, lashing out where it isn’t needed. libra becomes paralysed, cynical, passive aggressive. they lose sight of themselves and fall into bad habits, growing passive and searching for shallow things to pique their interest. the two signs balance each other out, with libra reminding aries to slow down, to see the beauty in the world, to pick their battles, and aries teaching libra to look towards what ignites a fire in them, to take those first steps, to speak their mind.
taurus and scorpio both live in the sensual world. they explore and connect with their surroundings, and the people in them, through their senses. they need the tangible and the real in order to feel centred. we see this differently, with taurus often turning to comfort and beauty, and scorpio to human connection and the act of giving and receiving. they both crave closeness and intimacy, to truly share themselves and be vulnerable with another person, someone who can see and accept every part of them. this desire for openness can actually translate to feeling very scared. the vulnerability and defencelessness their hearts crave leaves the mind feeling out of control, helpless. so they can overcorrect to combat this fear of the unknown. these overcorrections look like distance, cynicism, controlling tendencies. they both have a stony quality to them when their fear is triggered; they withdraw and shut down, come across cold and almost hateful. it’s a misguided way to protect themselves from the threat of vulnerability, despite vulnerability being exactly what they need to find security in themselves and others. this push-and-pull is confusing to witness and distressing to experience. finding self-worth and a sense of home within themselves helps to mellow out the internal chaos, shed their fear and find intimacy with the world.
gemini and sagittarius have, to me, some of the most obvious similarities. both signs are fun-loving, adventurous, curious, compassionate and so funny. they can both be really charming when they want to be, and have a disarming and quirky sense of humour. there is almost a student-mentor relationship between the two signs, like they are at different stages of a similar path. gemini is curious, quick-witted, sharp and insecure. sagittarius is wise, receptive, somewhat softened and mellowed. both are storytellers and lifelong students, both need to travel and outgrow themselves again and again throughout their lives. both have a compassionate nature that sometimes gets lost among the fullness of their personalities. there is a stillness in sagittarius that restless gemini lacks, but both signs are always on the move internally. they gravitate towards different interests, but share a bright, twinkling enthusiasm that never fades. both have a suspicious side, with gemini being prone to anxiety and insomnia, and sagittarius being prone to ambivalence and escapism. this suspicion, when channeled properly, makes for a hunger for knowledge that will sustain them for life.
cancer and capricorn are a pair of sisters connected by childhood. in these signs, we see the journey from the womb to the grave, and we see the natives struggle with the questions brought up throughout it. where did i come from? who am i made up of? where will i go? what will i leave behind? in cancer, the former; capricorn, the latter. both signs are dedicated and deeply loving, with strong values to guide them through life. they both need to make an effort to ground themselves to the real world, as they have a tendency to run on autopilot. when this happens, they retreat into a rich internal life that holds them like a mother. as lovely as this feels, they need to grow and move forward, to find their feet and build their own lives outside of themselves. they both have incredible memories, with cancer especially using it to their advantage when they feel threatened or hurt. both are smart and sharp, but have a soft and often quite fragile core. we see it more easily in capricorn, but both signs are focused on their legacy. with cancer, it can be harder to see, and it sometimes looks to be backwards, with cancer oriented to the past, ruminating and reflecting. both signs wish for home, family, and something good to leave behind.
leo and aquarius are both such loud signs. not always physically, but there is just something about them, i suppose it’s star quality. both signs are strong-willed, stubborn at times and full of ideas. at their best, they burst with pride and generosity. leo especially is a big-hearted sign that makes every person in their life feel like a star. with aquarius, they light up the rooms they walk into, bringing something special to their community. at times, both signs are prone to egotism and self-centredness, being even miserly. this just isn't how their hearts are built, and they'll never feel themselves living like this. they need to open up, to share their strengths and gains with others, to love fully and purely. both signs are clever, social, and have an almost-regal quality to them. both signs can be insecure at times, in a childlike manner; needing someone to hold their hand while they explore, and they shouldn't be afraid to express this. even the strongest of us have softer parts, even the bravest feel scared, even the cleverest need to ask questions.
virgo and pisces are both deeply devoted. they often, in my experience at least, appear the most polarised of all the oppositions. on the surface, they’re totally different, and in fairness, their motivations and desires are often very different too. but on a deeper level, the connections start to form. both signs are ritualistic, devoted. virgo finds peace in their daily rituals, while pisces is centred by their unconscious mental rituals; they are prone to magical thinking and rumination. religion, spirituality, love and care are where we see devotion with the two natives. virgo is dedicated and deeply caring, and pisces overflows with love and kindness. both signs are fundamentally pure-hearted, despite virgo’s highly strung, critical tendencies, and despite pisces’ escapist and easily overwhelmed nature. virgo and pisces are both malleable too, and we see this with how adaptable they are, both to the good and the bad. it’s why virgo and pisces both find it hard to leave toxic situations, and we so often see their reactions to that toxicity. they both see the good in others to a fault, and have the vision to see how things could be. for virgo, they want to fix people and things, while pisces wants to be there and support the person while they fix themselves. i see these sister signs as old friends; you know when you’ve both moved into very different seasons of life, but you have that same line running between you both? virgo and pisces both seek connection through ritual, they both devote themselves truly and honestly to who and what they love.
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otaku553 · 1 year
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The blessed (and their shadow)
Galacta Knight and my hero of yore oc, Nebula :) I have many thoughts about them if you want to read!
OK SO some of you might remember two of my old headcanons (which are very relevant for the characterization of nebula)
The four matters are kind of like the alchemical Aristotelian elements where they exist in a square or diamond with 2 attributes for each. The Aristotelian elements are fire, air, water, earth, (very familiar I'm sure) and fire and air are considered hot, while water and earth are cold. Fire and earth are dry, while water and air are wet (if i remember correctly). So on the scales of moisture and temperature, each of the elements lead into each other but are distinct and separate. Now, with heart, dream, soul, and dark matter, I have a similar idea but with different scales. Heart and dream correspond to positivity (in emotions) and dark and soul correspond to negativity. Then, heart and soul correspond to activeness, while dark and dream correspond to passiveness. I believe this is slightly different from my old headcanon where each of the matters corresponded to a different attribute, though this is less of a change and more of a rotation of 45 degrees. This is very relevant to Galacta and Nebula in particular, since they are in my au/headcanons the heroes of yore corresponding to heart matter and dream matter respectively.
The masks that Astrals wear act as a barrier or separation between the Astral and their duties as a warrior. Astrals tend to look younger than they actually are, and are often perceived as pure souls of light and positivity due to the nature of their origin. Therefore, when they become a Knight or a warrior, they also gain a mask to separate themselves (or their purity and sanctity) from the violence and brutality of war.
Now, even though the four heroes of yore theoretically have saved the universe at least once by sealing Void, I'm guessing that saving the universe wasn't the only thing their powers were used for. Oftentimes great power comes with the danger of use for political goals, which leads to war and such, and I wouldn't be surprised if the heroes were also participants in war, but as overwhelming forces of power and strength that demoralized the enemy. In any case, this creates an interesting dichotomy between the way the heroes are perceived by those they protect as paragons of light and goodness, as opposed to whatever atrocities they might commit on the battlefield.
Between the four heroes, there is also likely an imbalance in the public perception based on their matter correspondences. Negativity and positivity are often assigned arbitrary moral values that say that being positive is good, and so Galacta Knight and Nebula Knight are in a unique position of being heroes among heroes due to their positive alignment. However, whereas Galacta Knight acts as a true role model and paragon, Nebula Knight sees themselves as a shadow of sorts and thinks they lack the qualification to call themself a "good person."
Whereas Galacta Knight values all life, as an astral that feeds off of active positivity, Nebula Knight values rest and relaxation. Galacta Knight feels the weight of every life they take on the battlefield, and feels immense guilt for taking life, which they see as beautiful. Nebula, on the other hand, thinks that on the battlefield, there is probably no greater rest than death.
They do have somewhat of a moral compass, however, since they do realize quickly that this is wrong of them, seeing as death only begets greater sorrow and no one should have to die in the first place. But this also makes them realize that they are not qualified to be a good person since they don't quite care all that much about the lives they're taking.
Added to Galacta's status already as a hero above heroes, this makes Nebula raise Galacta to a high moral standard, and a sort of pedestal above themself. They do not feel like they are on equal footing with Galacta, who is genuinely good, whereas Galacta sees no difference between the two of them and in fact considers Nebula as a truer equal than the other heroes because of the societal expectation for both of them to be paragons.
This leads to Nebula taking off their mask when going into battle because if the mask only exists as a way to separate the pure and good astral from the ruthless and violent warrior, then Nebula believes that for them, this distinction does not exist. Eventually, Galacta and the other heroes get worried enough that Nebula puts the mask back on to appease them, but the scars from that time still remain.
Nebula is sort of my character for exploring the morality of the heroes :) Though Nebula considers themself to not be a good person, ironically, by taking off their mask, they are the only hero that truly confronts and acknowledges what they do without any barrier to absolve their guilt. Taking on responsibility for their own actions without averting their eyes from it is something only they can do for a while. Though they may not feel the full weight of remorse for their actions, they are definitely feeling it in the way that their self worth is damaged by closer evaluation of their own morals.
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dungeon-strugglers · 1 year
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✨New item!✨ Gumnut Balsam Potion, uncommon
This pot of sticky red sap glows amber in firelight. Smearing the sap on your skin creates a protective layer of hardened resin, granting you a +1 bonus to AC for 1 hour. Applying the sap takes 10 minutes. If you are subjected to fire damage while the sap is active, you take no damage and instead the sap erupts into a fiery explosion. Each creature other than yourself within a 15-foot radius of you must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The bonus to AC is then lost and the sap burns away entirely.
Scraped from the sap-drenched scales of a gumnut drake, this sticky fluid is simultaneously very durable and highly flammable. It gives the drake its ability to passively catch insects and small rodents, who are attracted to its sweet and pungent scent. The drake acquires its name and sappy exterior from the copious amounts of gumnuts it feasts upon in the forest undergrowth. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 180 magic items, item cards and card packs, beautiful creature art and stat blocks, and setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore!🧙‍♂️
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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