#Passion Test Workshop
grandline-fics · 10 months
Do you think I can request a seamstress y/n being part of the strawhat crew and how they need to make new outfits for the crew as disguises and when it came to luffys turn, it was kinda difficult for them because they have a huge crush on him and seeing him bare for measurements kills them a little-
Kinda just a sorta oblivious luffy witnessing y/n get flustered a little!
Really curious how you’re going to make it end lol
(Love your writing sm! Thank you for advanced!)
DESCRIPTION: You’re the crew’s seamstress and measuring Luffy leaves you flustered 
WORDS: 934
A/N:  Sorry this took so long but I hope it was worth it and that you like how it all turned out
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When it came to your passion of designing and making clothes you were unbelievably focussed. It was to the point that if the crew wanted to distract you from something they’d bring up the topic of a new design they had in mind. Some of the crew were more subtle about this tactic than others, for instance when Sanji needed you away from the kitchen for a few hours so he could work on your surprise birthday banquet, Robin expertly brought up a floral skirt and top combination she wanted to wear but couldn’t find the right colour scheme anywhere.
On that occasion you’d gotten so motivated that by the time you were needed for the banquet you had to be physically dragged out of your workshop. Oppositely there was one time Zoro had stolen your dressmaker’s mannequin to test out which angle would be best to attack someone from for his new technique. When you’d found out and went to rescue your possession Zoro had tried the distraction method but merely said ‘buttons’ which only bewildered you for the briefest of moments before you took back what was yours while it was thankfully still in tact. Yes, there was no way your focus could be shaken when it came to your work…well except when it came to your Captain. Your very oblivious Captain. 
You kept telling yourself that it was just a crush, that he didn’t feel that way about you and he was just affectionate and energetic by nature and you were good with that, you really were. The last thing you ever wanted to do was jeopardise the amazing friendship you’d made with Luffy. So you kept your crush to yourself and things continued as normal. The only time things threatened to reveal themselves was at moments like these. The ship was heading into dangerous territory governed by another rival pirate which meant keeping as low a profile as possible and that meant they were depending on you for appropriate disguises. 
“Luffy please just stand still.” You lightly begged, watching your Captain excitedly move about your workspace, touching the bolts of different fabrics and flicking through your design book with glee like it was his very first time in the room when in reality you’d lost count how often his presence had been in and out. At your plea he stopped running his fingers through the soft patterned material that had caught his attention and turned to face you with his usual carefree grin. You sighed in relief and slowly reached for your measuring tape while trying to keep your expression as relaxed as possible. This was always the hard part so you just tried to go as quickly as possible. “Shirt off.”
You had no problem seeing any of the other guys shirtless, yeah most of them were impressive but the only one to get you  to be a shaking, blushing mess was Luffy. When Luffy’s hands moved to his shirt you dropped your gaze away, mostly out of respect but also because you could already hear your heart slamming against your chest and feel your skin begin to heat. When you heard the fabric of his shirt fall on the ground you looked up, trying to keep your gaze focussed on Luffy’s eyes but you couldn’t help but let it drop for the briefest of moments to peek at his impressive physique. Snapping out of it you instructed quickly. “Arms out.”
You didn’t know whether to laugh or scowl when Luffy grinned and extended his arms out to you as though inviting you in for a hug as opposed to putting his arms outward so you could accurately measure his frame. You knew it wasn’t his intention to fluster you like this, it was just Luffy being Luffy but it made things so much harder to deal with. Resisting the urge to give in to temptation you took hold of Luffy’s wrist and pulled to manoeuvre him correctly. Quickly you stood behind him and began to lift your tape towards him. With every adventure and fight meant Luffy’s body got only more and more defined and it made measuring him a greater struggle.
It was a relief that you managed to make it through most of the process without making too much of an idiot of yourself but by the end of it all you were beet red and trying to look anywhere but the cause. Through it all Luffy was his happy, oblivious self, talking excitedly about the disguise he wanted but when you stepped away he finally took a proper look at you. “Huh? Are you feeling okay?” He asked, leaning in closer and pressing his hand against your head. However that action meant his still bare chest was against you too which only made your condition worse. “You shouldn’t have been working if you’re sick. I’ll go get Chopper, okay?”
“N-no! I’ll be fine!” Your guilt for making him worry managed to pull you back from your inner spiral. “I’m just…too warm! Something cool to drink and I’ll be back to normal.” You reassured only for Luffy to grin and pull you out of your workshop and straight to the kitchen so you could cool down. Finally feeling more yourself and no longer overheating thanks to Luffy sitting back you could focus on the design. “So you never said what colours you wanted for this disguise, Luffy.”
Luffy blinked at you and gave you a look as though you were the oblivious one. “Well as long as it matches you I’ll be happy.”
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
How the TF2 Mercs De-stress/Manage Anger
Actually a stereotypical movie bad boy about it. Cigarette, batting cage, and punching bags his emotions out. Shouts at people and shoves them out of his way, throat closed up in welled up emotions, his lungs refusing to give him air as the tightness of slamming against the metaphorical wall of frustration feels like it kills him inside. You know what? Being so tired you can barely register the world around? It's better than feeling like an elephant trapped in a jam jar.
Works out and represses the expressions unless he's in battle. That's actually where he gets most of his energy. He thinks of all the shit that pissed him off or made him feel small and uses that flicker of rage as the start of the firecracker of a soldier on the field. Doesn't talk about his emotions much and doesn't see any need to. Yeah, a few drinks in and he gets sappy, but that's normal. Anger usually gets metal pipes bent or people's faces bashed in. Usually both.
Expresses anger and stress as overexcitabiliy and hyperactivity. A constant overstimulation mode. Referencing the comics, Pyro won't hesitate to kill a bitch knowingly if they are pissed off. They're the reason it's called a "crime of passion". High spikes of anger followed by a low simmer of calmness. Actually pretty good about deep breaths when it comes to mild annoyances or daily stress, but the over the top bullshit absolutely gets an over the top reaction.
Intimidation and powerplay is the name of Heavy's game. Sharp glares and a clear body message of "I will snap your spine if you breathe near me." This comes from his time in the gulag, when he had to keep himself and his family safe. Looking murderous when upset had a lot of advantages. When it actually comes to relieving the anger, he's an isolationist. Def thinks over the situation over and over again as he distracts himself with one of his hobbies. Usually not reading because his mind wanders off too much to focus on the pages.
Hyperactive workaholic. He locks himself in his workshop and doesn't leave until he makes something either revolutionary or a man made horror you could only fathom in your nightmares. Whatever, he can sell it to the Administrator as a torture device. Who cares. Engie isn't much of a talker so much as he is a ranter. He grumbles and shouts to himself in a one way conversation as he tightens that one bolt that gave him trouble. Only once has he dented one of his sentries with his wrench when the energy was too much to comprehend.
As is his usual solution, he drinks. He drinks and he talks. It doesn't matter to who or even if people are with him. Talking and bitching helps him to understand the situation, get his feelings validated, and develop more points of view. If that doesn't work, there's always testing his explosives. That release of emotions as he watches the burn pile explode is cathartic in a way. Pyro usually joins in and watches the fire, giving Demo someone to talk to.
Also an isolationist, but you couldn't tell either way unless you pissed him off while talking to him. If it's just him, then you wouldn't even know that motherfucker was milliseconds away from starting a fight. Mutters to himself softly, barely able to hear the words himself as he shoots at sodacans and empty food containers all lined up by his van. Long drives while music plays in the background is one of his guilty pleasures when he can get away with it. If you ask what's bothering him he'll have a 50/50 between shrugging and saying a dismissive "it's nothing, just woke up wrong" or will barely explain it, but get the just of it accurately.
Tries to work through it physically, not emotionally. Man's has never talked about his emotions in his life and you won't make him start now. Usually very bitchy when something pisses him off, and his weapon of choice is personal insults. It's a funny thing really. He needs to feel superior by putting others down because the anger and stress makes him feel weak. There is only one good way to snap him out of a bad mood: casually praise him. "Nice work, Spy." "I knew I could count on you." "Thanks Spy, you're a lifesaver." Are instant soothers. It's nice to be acknowledged.
Workaholic worse than Engie. This man is really out here about to create an elderitch horror because he stubbed his toe and spilled his coffee. Strained smiles and snide comments are his language when he's had a bad day. If someone directly irritates him, that man is a solid 6'1 minimum and is built. He will and continue to physically intimidate people. Has violent fantasies as a cope.
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petalruesimblr · 5 months
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Hello everyone! This project was meant to be for my own personal use but I decided to share with the community. I'm not sure if anyone would find it useful but I mainly created this as a stepping stone to quickly advance in either the Inventor, Painter or Sculptor careers as well as complete the Descendant of da Vinci lifetime wish.
This is for Sims who wants to pursue their passion for the arts (sculpting, inventing and painting) but does not have enough funds to kickstart all three at the same time.
With this part-time, they get shorter working hours and a weekly stipend of at least §360‬/week, which can help with the bills at the start and improve the quality of their work as they increase their skills to sell their creations at a higher price.
If you are interested, click on ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures of the YCA Program Educator Part-Time Career.
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YCA Program Educator (Young Creative Artisans Program)
Download Link: Sim File Share |
🔔Updated on 05/03/2024 - added code to remove ’Retire’ option
Job Offer:
Join the Young Creative Artisans Program (YCA Program) and inspire the next generation of artistic minds! Whether you're an expert painter, a skilled sculptor, an inventive genius or just passionate about the arts, we welcome all applicants to be a part of our dynamic team. From fresh graduates to retired Sims, everyone has something valuable to contribute. Apply now and let your passion for creativity shine bright in the halls of our afterschool club!
Career Details:
Career Type: Part-Time Available for: Young Adults, Adults and Elders Available Languages: English Levels: 3 Rabbit Hole: School Work Days: M, T, W, F Work Hours: 1 - 4 PM Does it have Carpool? Yes Does it have Uniforms? Yes (same uniforms used for the Political career; Business casual, refer to pictures above) Version: 1.42 Packs Needed: The Sims 3, Ambitions (Sculpting and Inventing Skill) File Type: Package
Career Features:
The YCA Program was initially planned as a workshop hosted by the school and scheduled for weekends but it was changed to resemble more of an afterschool club. The active Sim will teach students and this change allows you to earn more during weekdays compared to the previous setup.
You don't need the Generations expansion pack; I have only set the time to coincide with the Afterschool Club, which usually starts at 2-4 PM but the Ambitions expansion pack is required for this to work.
I have created only three levels: Lecturer, Instructor and Coordinator, and also nine custom tones that focus on increasing all three skills in each level. All descriptions for the levels, tones and metrics as well as skills required, salary, uniforms and other details are provided on the pictures above.
Please note that the Gives Lecture tone in this career is different from the Education career and I already tried using the same tone EA used but I never received any bonus of §200/lecture when I tested it so it may not work for part-times.
📣This career was made with patch 1.42 and it should work for higher patches as long as you have the latest version of NRAAS Careers Mod. Please be advised that you will need NRAAS Careers Mod for this career to show up in the game, click here.
I’m not fluent in any other languages to translate so if anyone is interested in translating this career, please don’t hesitate to send me a message here or comment on this post and will let you know the details.
I have tested this career in my game, so far it is working and all scripts are showing up. All feedback is very welcome to help me learn and improve my skills so please let me know if you experience any problems on your end and I’ll do my best to sort it as soon as possible.
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tokoyamisstuff · 9 months
Mark Hoffman x GN! Reader
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A/N: Wtf, I had this basically finished work in my drafts all this time?? Anyways, enjoy.
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Summary: After Mark Hoffman's true identity has been revealed, his personal apprentice has to step in.
Warnings: Angst, Blood
Notes: Hurt/Comfort, Takes place in between SAW 6 and 7
Words: 1800
"Almost done..."
You were in the very same warehouse as the participants of the current game, tinkering on some of your mentor's latest inventions.
Mark would never openly admit, but while he was the mastermind behind most traps, it was your finishing touch that made them possible.
Not bad for a basically self-taught engineer, right?
As your eyes wanderes to the timer on the top corner of the livestream, you realized that this test was almost over. To not get distracted you had muted the old TV. However due to the proximity, most of the dampened screams would still dring to your ear.
Gladly, the more you get used to all of this, the more selective your hearing becomes - so you had already fallen deaf to them.
You huffed while trying to lift the heavy tool onto the workbench again, not bothering to wait for Mark to help you. Taking a sip of water, you watched the subject reaching the final part of his test.
Unbelievable that it’s already been one year since you’ve become the next generations Jigsaw’s apprentice, assisting Mark with every game ever since John and Amanda had passed away...
...and in your eyes, the sacrifices you had to make were all worth it.
Grabbing a towel to pat off the sweat from your face and chest, your mind wandered back to the day you had revealed yourself to him. Being a mere admirer of Jigsaw's work and philosophy, having found out Detective Hoffman's double life on your own.
But he was different than John Kramer and Amanda Young. Played by his own rules, which you oddly sympathized with.
Why giving those dangers to society - like Seth Baxter - a second chance? They shouldn't be allowed to roam freely. No, all they deserved was to be put down for good, after experiencing what their victims had.
You remembered Mark's hands on your throat the second you confessed to him. Couldn't blame him, though - last time someone told him "I know who you are", there was a shotgun draped to his neck shortly after.
The mere fact that you had survived this encounter, let alone having been declared his secret accomplice, made your chest swell with pride.
After all, you had gained somewhat trust and respect of basically the most misanthropic person on earth.
After a while of negotiation Mark had been impressed by your skill, both physical and mental. Having figured out his identity when not even the police or FBI couldn't...
...furthermore, your almost obsessively worship of his every action was exactly the kind of ego stroke he just couldn't reject.
And so you ended up his loyal subordinate, working for him from the shadows and taking every wish as your command.
Over time, the two of you had become a lethal combination - complimenting each talents and evening out the other's flaws.
It was pretty obvious that he was a sociopath, unable to sharw any personal bond with anyone. You may have shared a heated fling or a passionate night occasionally, but that was it.
This man was just using you, and you have been equally deranged enough to enjoy this. Addicted to the thrill of adrenaline that came to being associated with him.
You’d follow him blindly - even if it meant your own death.
Speaking of...
You jumped at the sound of a heavy steel door opening, immediately cocking your gun towards the entrance - force of habit...
...yet instead of a threat, something even worse came inside.
This was certainly not the first time you had seen him covered in that much blood, but this time was different - it was his own, and much to your surprise made you freak out.
The man mutely limped towards your workshop, only a dirty cloth covering his torn cheek. "Shit, you're going to get an infection..."
Rushing to get the first aid kid while he threw the reverse bear trap onto the table, you figured this was not the time to ask about what exactly happened.
Not that he'd be able to answer anyway even if he wanted to, given his current state.
You couldn't help but laugh as he tried to snatch the medical supplies out of your hand. "You know you're allowed to need help sometimes, right?"
He furrowed his brows at you, and while most normal people would be intimidated by his demeanour, you found him almost adoringly stubborn.
"Now come here, would you..." you ordered as he finally let go off of the kit, worry present in your tone.
The man grunted approvingly, making you laugh. “You know, Amanda was right: You really are one of the last cavemen.”
Good thing he wasn’t able to talk right not - otherwise he’d advise you to never take that filthy name into your mouth ever again if you wanted to keep on living.
When he was finally sat, you carefully evaluated the wound - even though on the inside, it was hard to keep it together seeing him that way.
You were amazed at his composure up until now - the pain must be agonizing...
There was no time to lose either, a major blood vessel was torn and he was still actively losing a lot of blood.
Much to his luck, you were prepared for every eventuality. Glad you took those anatomy and first aid lessons back in the day, you just knew with your kind of profession that would pay off someday.
You quickly cleaned both hands from the motor oil, before pouring a whole bottle of your mentor's booze over them and the wound.
Deeply concentrated, you stuck out your tongue as you started patching him up. Hoffman warily eyed your every move, every stitch you so carefully placed to reconstruct his facial features.
This whole time, Mark had one hand firmly placed on your knee, squeezing ever so slightly. You were almost done, admiring his strenght to not even flinch as you patched him back together.
“Too bad for that handsome face, though...” you mumbled to yourself, speaking faster than your mind could catch up on. Not that he’d care about appearance or something like that anyway. “But men with scars are pretty handsome, you know?”
You handed him a mirror, scolding him to not touch the wound as he evaluating your handiwork. "The gentleman is allowed to thank me now” you chuckled as you noticed he wasn’t sure if he could talk again now.
"That bitch is gonna pay for this" he finally spoke, still a little slurred since he'd need to get used to the feeling.
"You're welcome" you rolled your eyes, still cheerful before busying yourself with bandaging his hand as well. “There's not much I can do with a fracture like this, but it'll probably heal itself. Just try not using it too much. Punch with the other hand, maybe? Haha..."
“We need to go” he stated with that gravely voice of his, face contorting in pain as he tried to clench his fist. "Jill tried to kill me. She got away, the police is most likely on their way."
"Ten steps ahead of you." There was enough time to understand the mess Hoffman had gotten himself into later. So for now you quickly threw both your identification papers in the fire barrel that had kept you warm until now, before turning to him.
You softly pushed him down onto the chair again, no words needed to tell him he should rest and let you handle this for a change. Just packing a bag with all the necessities, covering the workshop in gasoline and you were good to go.
“How sad...” you thought, turning around to watch your work go up in flames “I was just done with the tool.”
As if Mark knew what you were thinking, he rubbed some circles on your back before pushing you to walk faster. "We can always make a new one. Let's go."
The future might be uncertain, but one thing you was sure of: Soon, Detective Mark Hoffman would officially be a wanted criminal...
...but as long as you had each other, there was still hope for a good ending to this story.
"It's not over, but I need to stay incognito from now on" he uttered a little out of breath, your old car shaking a little as the heavy man entered the backseat. "You'll need to make the preparations and anything else I can entrust to you."
"Of course" you acknowledged, rummaging in your bag until you found what you were looking for. "Everything you want."
Just when you were getting the srynge into his field of view, Mark would panic, painfully grabbing your wrist to stop you.
"No..." he was so utterly exhausted, yet terrified of the possibility to be forcefully put to sleep like his victims and himself once.
“Mark...calm down” you cooed understandingly, your palm rubbing his cheek. “C’mon, it’s me after all. There's just morphine in there, it's not enough to knock you out. I promise."
Being such a control freak, it was hard for him to be at the mercy of another. Yet he nodded mutely and rolled up his sleeve to inject the pain medication directly into his bloodstream.
After all the fucked up things happening, sometimes he’d forget that there was actually one person he could trust.
"You know" he sighed, sinking deeper into the car seat as the drug showed it's effect, making him slowly but steadily relax. "You're everything I have."
“That’s the morphine speaking” you giggled, trying to keep your eyes on the road and he couldn't think but wonder if you always had such a soothing voice.
...and with you humming so sweetly, the sunset light illuminating your skin like this...have you always been this beautiful, or was he really just high?
“Maybe" he ultimately spoke, deciding he'd have to figure it out after everything was over. "Or it just makes me talk about things I usually keep to myself.”
You cracked a smile at this half-assed answer. Typical - but you admittedly liked even this part about him.
“Only this last game...” he continued stammering, and it was actually cute to see this softer side of this brute of a man. “John Kramer’s work is almost done.”
“And what are you going to do afterwards? Any plans, boss?”
With him being on the backseat, your eyes would only briefly meet through the rearview mirror...
...and what you saw may be the same man you knew for so long already, and yet so different.
Happy, somehow.
Smiling for a change. Genuinely and wholeheartedly, not this fake one he'd put up to fit in with society.
And you knew this one was just for you.
“When this is all over, I want it to be you and me.”
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macbethsymphony · 4 months
The Swordsman and the Blacksmith | Chapter 5
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Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Chapter wc: 3.1k
Chapter rating: SFW
Content/Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Fem!Reader, Enemies to lovers, SLOW slow burn, Eventual smut
Summary: Your skills as a blacksmith have made you desirable to both the government and pirates. You know you have to leave this island if you want to escape your fate, but that doesn't make the choice of leaving any easier. Roronoa Zoro is intrigued by your skills as a blacksmith. Your work is like nothing he's ever seen before. Unfortunately, you're hot-headed and he's rude and you both definitely hate each other.
Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4]
Slowly crossposting from AO3 Feel like binging the rest of it? it's all there!
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Chapter 5: The knife
The gentle caress of the sea breeze tousled your hair as you savored the rich aroma of your morning coffee. You’d woken up unusually early today, the prospect of getting your hands on steel again, to start creating, firing your spirit. Something had shifted in you after that argument, you felt free. No one had admonished either of you for the outburst, laughing and teasing you about it instead. It felt as though they were happy you’d finally let go of your reservations and let your true self peek through. You leaned on the railing of the quarter deck as you observed the activity below you.
Your eyes couldn’t help but follow the shirtless swordsman as he practiced his forms. You may hate the man, but you could see why Sandai Kitetsu had chosen him. It pissed you off to admit it, but you were sure he also had every right to Wado Ichimonji and Shusui. There was a rugged elegance to his movements, raw power that demanded attention. The fluidity and control of his haki coursing through the blades was incredible. You were more than certain he was deadly in a fight.  
“Hey! Asshole! Show me your swords.” You called out to him.
He glanced up at you, a scowl forming on his features at the interruption. “No,” he shouted back.
Rolling your eyes, you leaned further against the railing, your irritation mounting. “Aw, come on. Don’t be such a fucking prick about it.” You retorted, your words laced with frustration.
The swordsman’s only response was his middle finger before he turned back to the movement he was trying to master.
You scoffed. Didn’t matter, you’d decided today was going to be a good day. You pushed yourself away from the railing, heading towards your forge with a spring in your step. The fires had to be hot enough now to get started. You hummed to yourself, smile bright on your face.
The heat of the forge enveloped you like a warm embrace as you stepped into the small workshop aboard the Thousand Sunny. Beads of sweat formed on your brow, a testament to the intense heat radiating from the roaring flames. With a determined expression, you approached your sturdy workbench, where a stack of raw steel awaited your skilled hands.
Your eyes wandered across the multitude of options presented before you. They stopped on a smaller slab, it seemed to call to you. Taking a deep breath, you picked it up. The familiar coolness of the metal felt nice in your palm.
“What will you be?” You asked the bar, eyeing it gently.
You closed your eyes, feeling the weight in your grasp, finding its core, its essence. You turned it a few times in your hands, feeling for its quirks, its personality. You smiled as a picture formed in your mind.
“A knife, huh?” you said to the steel. “You want to be useful, don’t you?” You could honor that. “Don’t worry, I’ll find you a most passionate owner,” you told it, Sanji passing your mind.
You examined the steel more thoroughly. It was mild steel, its low-carbon content would make it perfect for the outer shell of a kitchen knife. You’d still have to reinforce it with a high carbon core to ensure durability over the years. Good. It wouldn’t be too hard, the perfect project to test this new forge.
You donned on your leather apron and gloves, taking a long linen cloth to cover your hair so it didn’t burn at the contact of the imminent sparks that would scatter in the workshop. The steps were now clear in your mind, you wasted no time in getting started, eager to craft a blade worthy of the chef’s culinary skills.
With a steady hand and focused mind, you retrieved a length of high-carbon steel, feeling its weight and potential beneath your fingertips. You immersed it into the searing heat of the fire, precision and purpose in your quick movements. The rhythmic cadence of the flames cast a familiar warm hue on your face as you impatiently waited for the steel to turn from a dull gray to a glowing fiery orange.
When the steel attained the desired temperature, you carefully took it out of the fire, setting it on the anvil with care. Your hand went to the hilt of your hammer, its familiar weight feeling like an extension of your very being. You closed your eyes, letting go of the turmoil of your mind. You took a deep breath in as you drew from the strength of your soul, allowing haki to flow through you, infusing your tool with power. As you exhaled, a sense of calm washed over you, your focus honing to a razor-sharp point.
With a resounding clang, the first strike of your hammer against the hot steel sent a shockwave of power rippling through the air. Sparks erupting in a dazzling display, mingling with the crackling dark spirals of your haki as they danced around you. Each strike was a symphony of strength and skill, the metal yielding beneath the relentless force of your blows.
 Once you were satisfied with the core’s shape, you turned your attention to the mild steel. As you worked, the heat of the forge faded into the background, replaced by a singular focus on the task at hand. Time seemed to blur as you lost yourself in the rhythm of the forge, outside world melting away until only you and the metal remained into existence.
With a final strike on the combined metals, the shape of the knife was complete. It was time to start the grinding process. You allowed your eyes to look out the door momentarily, eyes squinting against the brightness of the midday sun. A tray with a pitcher and some food had been left on a small bench, you realized with a start that you’d missed lunch.
As you devoured the offering hastily, you couldn't help but feel slight anxiety at the hope the cook would like this gift. The scorching heat of the forge brought you back to reality. You were ready to lose yourself in your work again, eager to see how the patterns of the steel would show up as you would grind away the scales that had formed on the surface of the cooled steel. With renewed vigor, you turned your attention back to the knife in progress.
With a flip of a switch, the grinding belt hummed to life, its rhythmic whir echoing in the confined space of the workshop. You took a moment to admire the patterns emerging on the surface of the steel as the scales were meticulously ground away. Each pass revealed the intricate layers, a testament to the fusion of high carbon and mild steel. The blade began to take on a life of its own, its unique design coming to fruition under your skilled hands.
Hours passed, the repetitive sound of grinding becoming a soothing background melody as you lost yourself in the meditative process. The knife, once a mere slab of metal, now started to embody the essence of your craftsmanship. The curves and edges spoke of precision, a harmony born from the dance of the forge.
With the grinding phase completed, you moved on to the critical step of heat-treating the blade. You carefully heated it until it glowed a vibrant red, then plunged it into a quenching oil bath, the sizzle and hiss filling the air. The transformation was underway, the blade evolving from raw potential to sleek excellence.
As the knife cooled, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The next steps involved the delicate processes of polishing and etching, adding the final touches to your creation. The blade was brought to a fine shine, and you meticulously etched a decorative mermaid pattern onto its surface, a subtle yet captivating addition that shined when the light hit it at the perfect angle.
Now, the knife was ready for its handle. You sifted through your collection of materials until you found a rich, dark wood that complemented the elegance of the black blade. With practiced hands, you shaped and polished the handle, ensuring a comfortable grip for its future owner.
The final assembly brought together the blade and handle in a seamless union. You marveled at the completed knife, a fusion of craftsmanship and passion. It held a story within its layers, a narrative of hours spent in the forge, shaping not just steel but a piece of your soul.
As you cleaned and arranged your tools, you noticed the sun beginning to dip below the horizon. The workshop was now bathed in the warm hues of the sunset. You couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as you wrapped the finished knife in a clean linen cloth. You wondered for a moment if it was too late in the day to present your gift to the cook but the echo of laughter coming from the galley told you otherwise.
Your feet carried you to the door of the kitchen eagerly, anticipation making your hands tremble in the slightest way. You stopped in front of the door gathering your courage as you listened in on the loud conversation.
“Did you see the way (Y/n) was handling that hammer? It was like magic!” Luffy exclaimed, his voice full of excitement.
You shifted awkwardly at the praise.
Usopp chimed in, his tone filled in awe. “Yeah! And did you see the sparks flying everywhere? It was like she was conjuring magic right before our eyes!”
Sanji’s smooth voice drifted through the air. “Ahhh, (Y/n) may have been covered in soot and sweat, but the elegance she was exerting was as captivating as a siren’s song.” He mused.
“I have to admit, I knew you weren’t lying Luffy” Nami said taking a pause to find the right words. “When you said she was impressive, I didn’t doubt it, but I never could have guessed it would be so extraordinary.” She finished, tone stunned in awe.
Your hand stilled on the doorknob, blush heating your cheeks at the words of admiration.
Robin’s gentle laughter followed. “Indeed, she possesses quite the unique ability. Watching her work is delightful.”
Franky’s booming voice resonated next. “I’ve seen my fair share of blacksmiths in action, but none compare to (Y/n)! Our little firecracker’s skills are really SUPER!"
Chopper’s enthusiastic squeal added to the chorus of praise. “I can’t believe how talented (Y/n) is! She’s like a superhero! I wonder what she’s been making.”
You took that as your sign to come in, opening the door.
“Oh! (Y/n)! You’re finally out!” Brook said delighted by your presence.
“You’re just in time for dessert,” Sanji said with a smile.
You cleared your throat. “Uhm actually Sanji, I have something for you.” You said. He turned back to you, curiosity in his eyes. “I really want to thank all of you for taking me on, I just… guess you’re the first person to receive my appreciation.” You continued shyly as you handed him the wrapped blade, apprehension keeping your body taut.
Sanji’s eyes widened as he unwrapped the finely crafted knife. The black blade gleamed in the warm light of the galley, mermaid pattern glowing in a purplish hue. Sanji gave it an expert twirl in his hand, feeling the balance of the blade. The handle, polished to perfection, felt smooth and comfortable in his grasp.
“For me?” Sanji asked, his usual playful demeanor momentarily replaced by genuine surprise. The crew fell silent, their eyes fixed on the knife, its aura demanding all the attention.
“I know you already have amazing knives, but I thought maybe you’d have some space for one more?” You said nervously.
“(Y/n)! This is incredible! I’ve never seen anything like this. Thank you so much!” Sanji exclaimed with a childish smile.
You couldn’t help but smile at his reaction, all tension leaving your shoulders.
“Let me see!” Usopp said excitedly.
“Me too!” Chopper chimed in. Everyone fighting playfully to see your hard work for themselves.
As you settled into your chair, weariness seeped into your bones, a heavy weight after a long day of forging. The lively banter of your crewmates provided a comforting backdrop, but you couldn't shake the sense of exhaustion that washed over you like a tidal wave.
Out of the corner of your eye, you caught the swordsman's gaze lingering on you, an unknown intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. Yet, in your current state of fatigue, you lacked the energy to address the unfamiliar tension. With a resigned sigh, you loosened the bindings of your hair, allowing it to cascade in soft waves over your shoulders, a small act of surrender to the fatigue that engulfed you.
Just as you began to sink into the solace of relaxation, Nami's voice pierced through the tranquility of your mind, jolting you back to the present. "By the way, (Y/n)," She said. "We've spotted the next island today. We'll probably make a stop tomorrow, but it looks like a Navy base," she informed you, her tone laced with a hint of concern. "We're getting pretty low on food, so we'll have to steal some from them. The whole routine is pretty standard to us, but we were wondering... Do you know how to fight?" She asked.
Her question hung in the air, casting a sobering shadow over the jovial atmosphere. It was a stark reminder of the choices you’d taken. And yet, amidst the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of trust in her inquiry, a silent acknowledgment of your role within the crew.
You paused, considering her words carefully. “I’m not a fighter, if that’s what you’re asking.” You said. “But I know how to defend myself.”
“Good! We’ll add you in the roster then!” She responded. “We usually let chance pick the different teams for those missions, so don’t worry too much about it! You might even get to stay on the ship!” She smiled at you.
You smiled back. A navy base, huh? That would prove interesting.
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Roronoa Zoro couldn’t help the irritation stirring within him as the shitty cook unveiled the knife. His brows furrowed as he watched the genuine expression of delight on the chef’s face as the man twirled the blade skillfully in his hand.
He scoffed inwardly at the display. The blade was black, haki infused. His fingers twitched. He hated to admit it but how he longed to hold the blade. He shifted uncomfortably, his scowl deepening at the excitement around him. His gaze wandered to the door, contemplating slipping away unnoticed.
But then, his eyes landed on you.
There you stood, a faint smile playing on your lips as you watched Sanji’s reaction with a mixture of relief and nervousness. Your hair was wrapped in a white linen cloth, soft strands had escaped the confines of the binding, opting to cling to your sweat covered skin. A soft blush of happiness adorned your rosy cheeks mixed with streaks of ashes. You hadn’t really bothered cleaning up before coming in, your eagerness to give the knife surpassing all else. Your eyes met his briefly as you let the bindings of your hair go. Zoro couldn’t help the strange flutter in his chest, a strange sensation he couldn’t quite place. His irritation redoubled, ready to fight. You were lost in a conversation with Nami.
With a scowl Zoro stood up, grabbed a random bottle of booze, and escaped the cheerful ambiance of the galley for his usual peaceful nook in the crow’s nest.
That morning, they had all been surprised as the first clank of your hammer against steel had resonated in the air. A wave of energy had coursed through their bodies, Zoro’s concentration shattered instantly. The air had felt thick, the wind had halted, it was as though time had stopped. Then your hammer had hit steel once again and existence had resumed.
He had been caught so off guard by the display of power that he hadn’t been able to get his concentration back for the rest of the day. He’d sheathed his swords and headed to the crow’s nest with every intention of sleeping the day away. But like everyone else he hadn’t been able to resist the temptation to observe you in your mastery. His eyes had remained glued to your form, observing you from high up.
With a frustrated groan, Zoro took a swig from the bottle of booze he’d taken with him. The familiar sharp bite of the alcohol burning his throat in a comforting manner. He leaned back against the railing, his gaze fixed on the twilight sky as he attempted to push aside the turmoil of his thoughts.
The wind ruffled his short hair as he attempted to draw out his haki, trying to mirror the way you inexplicably had done earlier in the day.
“Damn it,” He muttered under his breath as he let go in failure, taking another swig out of the bottle as if to drown out his thoughts.
But try as he might, he couldn’t shake the image of you standing there amidst the chaos of the forge, soft strands of hair plastered against your neck, face streaked with sweat and ashes. The raw power dancing around you had been mesmerizing.
Zoro watched as one by one, the crew went to bed. He itched to see the knife for himself.
Giving in to the temptation, he entered the kitchen. His gaze immediately caught the knife. The black blade glinted in the soft light of the moon. As he approached, he could feel the subtle hum of haki emanating from the metal. His hand hesitated momentarily before picking it up.
His rough fingers traced the edge of the blade, the smoothness of the black steel beneath his touch sending a shiver down his spine. For a moment he was lost in the intricate patterns etched on its surface, the mermaid design captivating his attention. He gave it a hesitant twirl. Once. Twice. The balance was stunning, the sharpness of the edge deadly. It was a blade born not just from skill but from passion, a fact that irked him more than he cared to admit. He let his hand clench around the handle of the knife. The shape was perfect, it felt like an extension of his arm.
“It’s a stunning blade, isn’t it?” Robin’s voice shattered the silence.
He let go of the knife in surprise. The clank as it fell back down on the counter, loud in the stillness of the night.
“It is,” he admitted turning to face her.
“Sanji’s a lucky man,” she said with a soft smile, taunting him.
He didn’t answer.
Robin rolled her eyes at his stubbornness.
“Why don’t you let her look at your swords?” She asked as he was about to pass her. Zoro stopped in his tracks. “None, of your business,” he snapped, irritation lacing his words as he left the galley.
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kandisheek · 2 months
Cap-Ironman Rec Week 2024
Family Friday: July 26th
Prompt: Rave about those fanworks about Steve and Tony being parents to young children, or single parents meeting other single parents, or starting a family or dealing with teenage kids or finding family, whatever family means.
As a recent converter to the whole kidfic thing, I'm very passionate about sharing the love. Here are some of my favorite family fics:
-- In Trouble Deep by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
"Whoever did this has a reason, and Stark needs to be with someone who can protect him. He won’t exactly be able to protect himself like this.” Fury looked at the baby consideringly. “No, it’s you, Steve. Besides, he likes you. Suck it up, soldier, you’re stuck with him.”
-- Take a Break by avengersandco
Steve and Tony come back from a short weekend away and come back to teenagers who have been cramming for their AP tests. The parents decide it's time for the kids to take a break.
-- blanket forts and running shoes by Perlmutt
Peter is eight years old. He loves Pokémon, pancakes, and blanket forts. His favorite pastime is helping his dad in his workshop. He might not have a mom, but that's okay. He's got his dad after all. But then Tony brings /him/ home. Steve. Steve is nice. He can cook. He makes his dad laugh. Peter decides that he will not like him. He won't allow this Steve-guy to steal his dad. Steve and Tony didn't get that memo.
-- Bedside Manner by BladeoftheNebula
Prompt: Peter had a bad case of cold, Tony took care of Peter but is now also sick himself. Steve now has to take care of his mate and baby who are both sick with the cold.
-- Fairy Tales and Clockwork Hearts by scifigrl47
DJ was raised by Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and the rest of the Avengers, with occasional help from the rest of New York's hero population, and SHIELD. Everything he knows about love and human relationships come from people who aren't really known for their safe and sane life choices. It's pretty clear he's going to be utterly lousy at flirting. Luckily for him, he's cute.
-- Breakfast is Served by Orange_Coyote
Steve works with Peter and Morgan to give their resident genius a nice birthday surprise.
-- Sweet Child O' Mine by starspangledsprocket
After just their second outing as the Avengers, everyone except for Steve and Tony are turned into toddlers. Madness ensues.
-- ten years too late (just in time) by orphan_account
Steve never went out with Tony when they were young despite Tony's attempts at wooing him, mostly because he thought Tony was too much of a flimsy playboy who could never really commit seriously to anything that wasn't partying.  Years later he runs into Single Father Tony taking care of his 3 year old. Tony refuses to buy his kid candy before dinner and is overall a pretty decent dad. Tony also thinks Steve could never be interested in him, since he was always rebuffed before, but Tony's in for a surprise.
And two of my own fics:
-- Life on the Avengers' Fridge
What else is there to do in a tower full of bored superheroes than start a passive-aggressive post-it war?
-- With Carols And Cheer
It's Christmas at the Compound, and Tony has no idea what to get for his boyfriend without causing another giant bunny fiasco. Luckily he has his team to help him out.
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doamarierose-honoka · 2 months
Ten years ago, musician Usman Riaz grabbed a pencil and started to sketch.
He might have hoped, but didn't know at the time, that it would start him on a path to making history.
That initial drawing became The Glassworker - Pakistan's first ever hand-drawn animated feature film.
It follows the story of young Vincent and his father Tomas, who run a glass workshop, and a war that threatens to upend their lives.
Vincent's relationship with violinist Alliz, the daughter of a military colonel, begins to test the bond between father and son.
Usman tells BBC Asian Network the characters ultimately come to learn "that life is beautiful but fragile, like glass”.
He describes The Glassworker as an "anti-war film" set in an ambiguous and fantastical world that takes inspiration from his home country.
“I wanted to tackle issues and themes that would have been difficult to tackle if it was based in Pakistan," he says.
The country doesn't have the thriving film industry of neighbouring India and there is no government support or incentive for budding creatives like Usman.
So The Glassworker was a passion project, he says.
“These 10 years for me have just been purely driven with passion and obsession.
“Since I was a child, I have loved hand-drawn animation and there's something so magical about it.
"The beauty of the lines drawn and painted by the human hand always resonated with me.”
Usman says he travelled the world looking for mentors and his search took him to Japanese animation house Studio Ghibli.
The influence of the Oscar-winning artists behind classics such as Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke can be seen in The Glassworker's own style.
Usman says the industry veterans at Ghibli were also the ones who encouraged him to start the production himself.
After raising $116,000 through a 2016 crowdfunding campaign he founded his own studio, Mano Animations.
From there it's been a painstaking process, especially since full production started in 2019.
“What you are watching is essentially a moving painting,” says Usman.
“Every single frame you see, whether it's a background or the character moving, it's all drawn by hand.”
Usman says that, so far, he hasn't made any money from the project and has been unable to pay his wife Maryam and cousin Khizer, who he recruited to help him.
But there's hope that the labour of love could be the start of something bigger.
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Usman Riaz says he's always been a fan of animation
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy is another experienced industry figure Usman turned to for advice about getting The Glassworker off the ground.
She directed 3 Bahadur, a computer-generated tale that was Pakistan's first-ever animated feature film.
On its 2015 release it broke box office records, even surpassing US imports and dethroning previous record-holder Rio 2.
Her studio was also the country's first female-led animation studio, and she understands the challenges of getting started better than most.
“Everything in Pakistan is driven by passion” she says. “I had to run pillar to post.
“We're a country that has limited access to electricity and our industry is heavily taxed.
"We're unable to import computers and hardware needed for animation.”
But Sharmeen – who is going to direct upcoming Star Wars film New Jedi Order – says The Glassworker could be a “monumental step” for Pakistan’s animation scene.
If it finds commercial success, she believes it will “ignite” something in the country, but there are barriers to home-grown animation becoming a red-hot trend.
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The Glassworker is partly about the romance between characters Vincent and Alliz
Arafat Mazhar from Lahore-based Puffball animation agrees that “the technical skills are already there” in Pakistan despite there being “no formal training or schools available”.
But “how do you not censor yourself?” he asks.
It's a question facing any Pakistani filmmaker who has to deal with its strict board of film censors.
“Every time there's a good film that comes out that's sincere, the state ends up censoring it,” says Arafat.
He doesn't believe the rules are likely to relax soon.
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Sharmeen agrees the government will only encourage the domestic film industry to grow if they work to "provide opportunity to create a level playing field for us to compete with the rest of the world".
“There is a lot of scope in Pakistan for animation," she says. "We've just never been given the opportunity to create it."
She shares Arafat's pessimism about the pace of change.
"Unfortunately, it will just be a few filmmakers who have that passion, who will continue to create films," she says.
But Sharmeen says she is eager to see how the world embraces The Glassworker.
"I know that there is so much in there that will touch people's hearts," she says.
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Usman says The Glassworker has an anti-war message
Usman will finally get to find out how audiences react to the work he's spent 10 years pouring his energy into as The Glassworker goes on general release.
He says he hopes to “put Pakistan on the map” and show it can stand up to the giants across the border in Bollywood.
But he admits the process has been “gruelling”.
“It is extremely difficult, but we've done something nobody has ever done in the country before," he says.
"I think we've created something special that can stand toe-to-toe with the rest of the animation produced in the world.”
Listen to Ankur Desai's show on BBC Asian Network live from 15:00-18:00 Monday to Thursday - or listen back here.
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sapphicromanoffxo · 1 year
hiiii, just saw you started to write and i really liked your first wandanat headcanon so what do you think of sugar mommy!nat X sugar baby!wanda? 👀
Aaahhh I screamed with I got this request because I loveeee sugar mommy Nat so much. I also got carried away on this one and this might be a multi chapter fic. Let me know your thoughts! 🤭🫡
Lucky Ones | i. Chance meeting
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: specified legal age gap, Nat is 35 while Wanda is 21 (nothing much as of yet? 🤭)
Rewritten 03/19/2024
»»-----------► Series Masterlist
In recent weeks, college life has been hectic, but a welcome break has arrived in the form of Engineering convention week. This week-long event offers students a break from their regular studies, providing a platform to delve deeper into their field through different seminars and workshops. Beyond the confines of classroom theory, students seize the opportunity to expand their knowledge and get the chance to interact with other students as well. Amidst the event, quirky competitions like the pasta stick bridge-making challenge add a dose of excitement, prompting a laughter among participants as they witnessed their own creation fail.
Among the throng of students revelling in this educational event is Wanda, a sophomore in the civil engineering department. She was one of the fortunate students who had been granted a scholarship, though it was never easy to be one of the scholars since she took multiple tests in order to be included on the list. The delight and relief that she felt when she received an email regarding the scholarship was a weight off her shoulders since she would work as a barista in a cafe and would tutor kids for extra income, just enough to sustain her basic necessities.
At the end of the event, a lecture will be held and the chosen speaker was a well respected and sought-after engineer. Natasha Romanoff, CEO of a big construction firm that is very well-known and popular in the engineering industry.
Wanda was so excited to attend the lecture since the woman was the engineer who had provided a scholarship program to the students who are in need of one. She's also hoping to meet Natasha and give her thanks in person.
Wanda found the lecture highly informative and was thoroughly impressed by Natasha's presentation skills. Natasha adeptly explained technical concepts in structural engineering, providing practical examples to illustrate theories.
"I'm grateful for the invitation to speak today, and it's heartening to see so many people sharing my passion for this field. Best of luck with your educational endeavours."
A round of applause rang out throughout the room as they praised Natasha for her wonderful lecture. Wanda was disappointed when it concluded after two hours, wishing it could have been longer to absorb more insights from Natasha.
As Natasha stepped down from the elevated platform, Wanda stood and walked to the side of the room to greet her. Her hands grew clammy with nerves at the prospect of meeting Natasha, so she wiped them on the side of her pants before approaching.
"Um, hi, Miss Natasha. I'm Wanda," she stammered, her nerves evident in her shaky voice. "I just wanted to introduce myself since I'm one of the recipients of your scholarship offerings."
Wanda's words tumbled out in a rush until she finally came face to face with Natasha. Oh, the woman was stunning. Her emerald green eyes shimmered under the lights, her face adorned with a delicate layer of makeup, and a lop-sided smile gracing her lips. It sent a flurry of butterflies fluttering in Wanda's stomach, causing her to trail off momentarily in awe.
"Hello, Wanda. I do recall your name from the list of potential grantees," Natasha greeted warmly, extending her hand. Wanda eagerly clasped it for a handshake.
"I wanted to personally thank you for the opportunity to study at this prestigious university," Wanda expressed her gratitude sincerely to the woman before her.
"You are most welcome, dear. I hope you enjoy your time here and make the most of your learning experience. I'm eager to see what the future holds for you," Natasha replied graciously, her voice laden with warmth at the same time with power. Without hesitation, she offered her personal calling card to Wanda and added that she can call her if she needed help.
After several days of their initial meeting, during which Wanda found herself repeatedly glancing at the card Natasha had given her, she finally summoned the courage to send a message to the other woman. Despite the initial nerves, both Wanda and Natasha quickly agreed to stay in touch, eager to get to know one another.
Natasha's curiosity about Wanda was obvious, as she frequently inquired about her life and interests. Wanda, accustomed to solitude with few friends to confide in, soaked up Natasha's interest with open arms, grateful for the opportunity to share even the simplest details about herself. She would find herself daydreaming about the woman and would always think about the fiery eyes that once looked at her.
Wanda had revealed that she works at a cafe near the university and Natasha began visiting Wanda, initially keeping things friendly and casual. However after a few days of exchanging messages, Natasha's intentions became clear as she expressed her desire for Wanda to work for her, albeit with certain conditions.
Natasha offered to alleviate Wanda's financial burdens, but in return, Wanda would be at Natasha's beck and call. Intrigued by the prospect and Natasha's wealth and beauty, Wanda accepted the proposition, gladly.
Their relationship started slowly, with Natasha's first demand being that Wanda quit her job to focus solely on fulfilling her needs and wants.
After a while, Natasha provided Wanda with a credit card with no spending limit, encouraging her to make purchases that pleased her. This newfound financial freedom was overwhelming for Wanda, who had grown up in an average family and struggled to comprehend the costs of clothing she's been buying, which often equaled her rent expenses.
Natasha didn't rush into inviting Wanda to live with her, understanding that the young woman was still in the process of adjusting to her new environment. Instead, Natasha took a more gradual approach, fostering a close working relationship with Wanda. She even offered Wanda a temporary position, since she is still a college student, within her company to further develop her skills, a gesture that reflected Natasha's genuine interest in helping her grow.
Their daily interactions were filled with stolen kisses, though their affection was only limited to innocent touches and loving gazes. They both understood the need to keep their relationship discreet. After all, Wanda was still a student, just 21 years old, while Natasha, at 35, had already established herself in the industry. Despite the significant age gap, Wanda embraced the dynamic and, in fact, preferred older women, anyways.
While their relationship continued to progress, Wanda occasionally found it frustrating to witness the persistent attention men directed toward Natasha. These men were driven by either a desire to win her affection or to secure business partnerships. Wanda, in these moments, had a front-row seat to all the effort and charm these individuals put into their attempts to impress Natasha.
However, Wanda couldn't help but be captivated by Natasha's commanding presence. Natasha's innate dominance seemed to effortlessly exude from her, especially when she was fully immersed in her professional space. For Wanda, this aspect of Natasha's personality was not only alluring but also a source of pride.
As the months passed and their connection deepened, Natasha decided to invite Wanda to move in with her, a proposition that Wanda enthusiastically accepted without a moment's hesitation.
When Wanda moved in with Natasha, it was a big step forward in their relationship. Natasha was determined to make Wanda feel truly involved and committed to carefully planning how to keep their relationship strong and growing. Natasha laid out her honest and thrilling intentions to Wanda.
"From this day forward, you belong to me, as I belong to you. I am committed to fulfilling your needs, desires, and wishes. In return, I do hope that you will obey and respect my demands, as long as you're comfortable with them."
Upon hearing Natasha's confession, a shiver ran down Wanda's spine. It was the moment she had been both anticipating and fearing. She couldn't resist the pull of her emotions, surrendering her inhibitions willingly to the woman who had consumed her thoughts, day and night.
In return for her commitment, Natasha offered Wanda more than she had ever dared to dream of – a stable home and financial security. These were luxuries that had seemed out of reach, especially considering her past. However, this newfound comfort came with a significant price tag: her freedom. The demands of Natasha's commitment meant that Wanda would have limited independence. Yet, in Wanda's eyes, this trade-off was more than acceptable. The burden of financial worries was lifted from her shoulders, allowing her to focus entirely on her academic pursuits.
"You, Natasha Romanoff, a woman who took me by surprise. To this very moment, I find myself wondering what it was about me that captivated you so dearly. You went through the lengths just to get me close to you. Even if you don't have all this luxury and wealth, I think, I would still be into you."
"Well, it's all because of your good looks and enchanting mind, I can help but to be intrigued. It also didn't help that you look like you are begging for someone to put you in check and tell you what to do. Tell me I'm wrong, detka," Natasha says with much confidence, while looking the young woman right in the eye.
"It all became clear that I do want to be controlled by someone and you are the only person in this world that I would trust to do that."
Natasha smirks at Wanda's admission.
Everything that she planned is falling into place.
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deadbydangit · 1 year
This might be strange and you may not even know what I'm talking about, but could you write characters with an S/o who acts like Jinx from Arcane?
Maybe this with Ghostface and Leon? Feel free to add any and all people if you do take the request. Thank you ^^
I did a bit of research on this character. She sounds rather chaotic but intelligent. So I'm going to go with that. I hope that's okay if I add one more to it as well. I hope you enjoy it.
With a Reader who is chaotic and intelligent.
Ghostface, Leon, Legion (Frank)
Yeah, let's fuck some shit up.
You and Danny are like the same person.
Much to everyone else's dismay.
Your collective appetite for chaos knows no bounds.
You could both be asleep when Danny shakes you to wake you up.
"Hey I remember this fucked up joke and wanted to tell you."
And you're both just going to laugh.
And then go right back to sleep.
You're both inseparable.
If he could sneak you into every trial to help him, he so would.
"Like, babe, think of the ways we can kill survivors together."
The Entity, much to everyone's delight, refuses to let that happen.
So you both go terrorize whoever happens to be in the woods at that time.
Not as fun, but still entertaining.
Your intelligence has helped him numerous times when it comes to constricting any sort of trap he'd like.
And he won't have to worry if his precious camera ever gets damaged.
The pranks you pull in each other are great.
The pranks you both work on together are masterpieces.
You are the bain of everyone else's existence.
And you both wouldn't have it any other way.
Leon S Kennedy
He has his hands full with you.
He may have the intelligence to match.
But he's a hero, not... Whatever you are.
He'll often walk in on you building some crazy invention or trap.
He is highly concerned.
More about everyone else.
Because that does NOT look safe.
He does take interest in some of your inventions.
Watching you build and explain them, watching how passionate you are about your craft.
It's super cute to him.
Leon is absolutely going to do that stereotypical hero thing where he tries to make you 'see the light' and 'renounce your evil ways.'
Good luck with that buddy.
Leon is very agile, alert, and fairly smart.
So pulling a prank on him takes some work.
If you do manage, he'll applaud your determination and creativity.
Provided it isn't something dangerous.
If he wants you to hold still for a while, he'll challenge you to a boardgame or chess.
This is where his competitive nature shines.
But it's all in good fun.
He never goes easy on you though.
Just because you love him doesn't mean he's going to let you win.
You've already won his love.
Legion (Frank)
Anarchy! Anarchy!
Frank has no idea what that word means, but it sounded cool and he heard you say it once.
He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed.
But he loves you for the chaotic crazy you are.
He's so down to pull pranks too.
And he's always willing to help you whenever he can.
Need him to sneak into Caleb's workshop to grab supplies for your newest invention?
On it!
"Hey. Want to go put mentos and coke in one of Herman's test tubes?"
That's the closest thing to a science experiment you're going to get from this boy.
Just be honored he's making an effort for you.
You might even see him trying to make inventions of his own.
You inspire him.
His lack of regard for the safety of himself or the safety of others might be a concern to others.
But the both of you couldn't give less of a shit about it.
You only live once.
Well, technically not in the realm.
But it's the principal of the matter.
Frank doesn't know what you mean when you say that, but you're smart and it sounded cool so he's going to say it too.
And, he knows you're cool, so he'll say it.
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ask-half-blood-hill · 29 days
Meet the Demigods: Ren Takayama
Testing, testing! Sephora Chambers here, LIVE from Cabin Two in Camp Half-Blood, ready to interview all the lively and rowdy faces of Half-Blood Hill! Welcome to Meet the Demigods! Today, we have a treat! I’d like to introduce my best friend, Ren Takayama! There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get on with the broadcast!
Q1: How would you describe how you look?
“Different from my half-siblings here. Most of the have light hair, or light eyes. I’ve got a sort of golden-brown eye color, and my hair is black. Serenity did offer to put some blonde streaks in it though… I’m about five foot seven, and I’ve always been a bit on the lean side.”
Q2: Who is your godly parent?
“I was claimed by Apollo! I think it was a little obvious, now that I noticed all those nuances in my life. Yellow this, music that, yadda yadda yadda. He’s the god of a lot of things, actually. Medicine, the sun, music, archery, poetry, stuff like that. You name it, there’s a 30% chance he’s the god of it. He’s probably also the god of overachievers… No offense, dad. You know you’d live up to that title.”
Q3: What’s your talent?
“Like all of my siblings, I have a talent with medicine and archery. My actual power that makes me stand out… Geez, I guess that’ll have to wait. I’m not sure if I want to expose myself just yet, Seph. I guess it’s also cool that I can tell the time of day, no matter where I am. Isn’t that neat? What do you mean that’s lame?! You’re full of-”
Q4: What are your hobbies?
“I really like music, but I guess that’s just a given, since I’m a kid of Apollo. I also have a passion for painting and acting, which my mom got me into. I also really have a good hand with gardening, too, but for some reason all my flowers end up turning yellow…”
Q5: Who’s your favorite cabin mate?
“Oh geez, this isn’t a fair question. Cyrus is a little cutie, he even offered to let me snuggle one of his frog plushies the other night. Serenity is cool, but a little too cool. Kieran is strange, and a little too in the clouds sometimes, and Alexander is a force of pure chaos. Dawn is sweet, but you can’t get away with anything when she’s around- she can detect liars. Sebastian is cool, but he’s always cooped up in the workshop… Caroline? She’s a doll, but she’s very shy. I guess that leaves Myra. I admire how hard she works, and since she swore off violence, it’s mostly just her running the clinic almost all day, every day.”
Q6: If you could live in any other cabin, which cabin would you choose?
“Man, have you ever been in the Hypnos cabin? It’s the most comfortable place ever. It would be paradise just to go to a sleepover there, let alone live there! The Hebe cabin is also pretty nice, so that’d likely be my choice. It’s got this sort of… nostalgic feeling to it. Maybe it’s just the aura of youthfulness.”
Q7: How would you describe yourself, personally?
“I guess I’m a bit of a scatterbrain. I mean, most demigods think at a million miles a minute, but I genuinely feel like I will explode in the sunlight. I love my family, I love my friends, but I’ve been noted to be reckless at times. I zone into things, and it’s like a trance to me. Um… I guess I’m average in terms of intelligence, but sometimes I can think of quick solutions to issues. Maybe I’m more like a problem solver, than a long-term thinker, or strategist…”
Q8: Do you have a crush on anyone here in camp?
“What? Seph, you can’t just ask that! What do you mean ‘Yes I can?’ Fine! Fine, yes, I do, but like heck would I tell you!”
Well, thank you all for tuning in to the first ever ‘Meet the Demigods!’ Join me next time, when we take on the spooky, haunted face of the Hades Cabin, Jasper Graves! Until next time, stay safe and praise the gods!
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yorshie · 1 month
Idk if this is a long winded way of requesting a little fic blurb or just an avenue to let off some steam about my favorite turtle. Either way, here you go! [drops this at your feet and hurdles back into the bushes]
Donnie’s always had a way of over analyzing everything. It’s what makes him a quick thinker, a skilled engineer, and an ingenious ninja. He prides himself on picking up on the minute details, deliberate in how he executes his next moves, in life and in combat. So the first few months of dating you feels like a satisfying little puzzle, to him. Figuring out your intricacies, the little peccadilloes in how you move and speak and think.
Mapping out your preferred routes through the city, because then oh, gee, he can just happen to cross paths with you on your way home from work, and hmm, could he walk you home? Watching closely each morning when he brings you your coffee, until he’s able to suss out that three creamers coat the roof of your mouth and make your nose scrunch, but two make you curl your fingers around the mug and sigh while your shoulders hunch happily. Cluing into which songs you’ll sing to on his playlist, so he can make a separate one just for you to enjoy the next time you visit his workshop.
It’s a little adrenaline rush the instant he lands on the right answers, guessing correctly and surprising you, making you smile. It’s a cycle he knows all too well, hypothesizing and testing and repeating things all over until he comes to a perfect conclusion. His scientific process gets repurposed for you, turns restless desire to know everything about you. And, ever the diligent scientist, he sets out to discover every single thing he can, his heart plucking wildly all the while when he finds something new.
…but he’ll admit, there’s something else, comfortable and soft and easy, when he knows he’s got you figured out. He’s dialed in, without question, and that overthinking turns into second nature. The nervous analysis is replaced by a steady thrum of familiarity. Of knowing that he can always count on you leaning into his touch when he slinks a hand down to your hip to bring you closer to him. Unthinking when he drops a kiss to your shoulder whenever you come near, because he likes the smell of your perfume as much as he does your pleased gasp. Mindless in the way he reaches over to trail his thumb across your knuckles while you both work on separate projects, side by side in his lab. He starts enjoying how good he feels around you, because now, there’s no question that he knows how to ensure you feel the same way around him.
It’s less about surprises, then. And he still relishes the moments when he’s able to catch you off guard with how much he really knows you. But now, he’s content in the closer comfort of knowing he can rely on all the data. He’s confident with his touches, sure in his actions. All your quirks and preferences and passions are all pinned up neatly in his brain, and there’s no doubt in his mind when he’s with you, now. No second thoughts. Just a comforting constant to keep coming back to.
Ta-daaaa, alright I’ll leave you be now lmao, thanks! From: Trenchcoat Anon
Oh wow! Trenchcoat Anon, this is really good!
Thank you for sending it in to me, this was such a sweet blurb to read. Handshake emoji on your characterization of Rise Donnie, you hit it out of the ballpark.
I love the switch between Donnie figuring reader out, and knowing reader inside and out. He's got to be so smug about it too, sometimes, you just know it lol. Handing you something you need before you can verbalize that you need it, smiling at his brothers when all you do is thank him for his foresight, his eyebrows going 'ha, ha, see? I know my sweetums so well'. I'm also soft thinking about him gathering things that he knows you'll like, because he knows you so well. He sees off handedly that you wear the same pair of socks over and over, and the next day you have a weeks worth of the same pair to choose from.
Sighs like a lovesick fool. It be Donnie hours.
(edit: i might write a blurb inspired by this, but i wanted to go ahead and share this so others can see it. If i do write a blurb I'll make sure to mention it was inspired by you Trenchcoat)
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loathemetc · 7 days
Hey, watch this!
So I wanna take a minute to like, show my passion for a game. While I reblog a lot of game fandom stuff on here, there are games that just don't have as much of a fandom presence on tumblr that I'm still very passionate about, that I want people to know about and play.
If you've only heard about Rivals of Aether, you might just know it as "smash bros steam workshop mugen", and you might be confused as to why they'd make a 3D sequel without a steam workshop. But I've been playing Rivals of Aether long before they added the steam workshop, and I can tell you that it's just a really fun, well designed and creative platform fighter.
The thing about Smash Bros is that while most of the movesets are designed to lovingly references a characters original game, they aren't always designed for a cohesive playstyle. The characters in Rivals feel really good to play, cause their unique shticks and different moves are all designed to work well with each other.
While the game launching with 10 characters might not seem like much, the original game only launched with 6, so it's definitely a step up. Also, unlike most fighting games on the market these days, all future characters are planned to be free. No expensive DLC season passes. There are paid cosmetics which isn't my favorite thing, but indie studios gotta keep the lights on, I get it.
The developers are also super in tune with the community, with four of the original games characters originally being workshop creations, and a fan contest to create an upcoming character for Rivals 2 recently being held as well. They've also been playing close attention to player feedback during the beta testing period.
Of course I backed the kickstarter, so I've been playing during all of the beta tests, and the sequel is just as fun as the original, maybe even more. If you're looking for something to pick up and play for fun, or you're a smash player looking for something fresh, I really can't recommend it enough.
My favorite character of the ones you'll see in the trailer here is Kragg, the big ol' rock throwing beetle who straight up I think is one of the best plat fighter characters ever, he's so fun. While not every Rivals 1 character has made it over so far, they probably all will eventually, so you can expect to see characters like Hodan the funny hot tub monkey, Elliana the snake piloting a mech, Sylvanos the giant wolf made of trees and flowers, or even Rivals own trans character Mollo the bomb tossing rebel moth. Eventually down the line they'll be adding the winner of the Rivals 2 character contest, La Reina, an awesome grappling ant character with magnetism powers.
I guess my pitch for why people should play Rivals, even without funny custom characters, is that it is just really fun and I'm passionate about that. So give it a try when it comes out this October!
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spotaus · 2 months
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Woah!!! Ec-4o.Verse reference?? Bringing you Geno! (With a bunch of notes that are intelligible off to the sides-)
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Cropped versions for easier reading/zooming! But to be more fun about it, here's a Lore Recap for each design! (I'd say these designs are from... hmm, a hundred years or so? He's a Boss Monster so he lives a lot longer.)
(Tw: Mentions of Death, Self-Loathing, Mental Illness, and I feel a few other things)
Geno was a normal guy, had a dayjob, but was beloved by his friends for being a Programmer. He was lazy, had awful work ethic, but would pump out amazing quality work for cheap as long as he was given the time to do things at his own pace. He has a passion for Psychology, but was awful socially, so he designed programs that mimicked mental illnesses in Test Ectos (ectos not embedded with personalities or magic) so people could research mental health without risking patient wellness. He made A.Z. too, the first real mimicry of mental illnesses in children. Geno got attached and kept A.Z. himself, the last prototype of the code. The finalized ones can be found anywhere, but he kept A.Z. around, and even though A.Z. wasn't sentient it was such a good mimicry, Geno practically treated him like a son.
Geno was known for his work, and was contacted by the government of his country to come and work on a big nation-wide upgrade they were planning to improve ecto functionality. Again and again Geno simply ignored their letters, emails, chats, and attempts to call. It wasn't his field of study, so he could care less. So, all that led to the government sending people to confiscate A.Z. from Geno and shut down his workshop under the pretenses of 'unethical programming methods'. He was forced to relocate, and A.Z. was basically held as blackmail to force Geno into working. (Since A.Z. wasn't sentient, he was simply property, and therefore there was no legal issues with the government taking him.)
Before/During the War:
In this time, Geno was among hundreds of other talented people from all across the country who were 'recruited' to work on this project. People who didn't comply with orders went missing, loved ones were "lost" and life projects destroyed. Geno was part of the Programming team (there were also Medical, Bio-Enhineering, and Engineering teams) and he was initially supposed to just shut off the programs within an Ecto that gave them emotion protocols, even the ones infused with magic.
But, as things went on, he was told to do more and more. He was involved in more marketing and branding and announcements. He was made to be on screen, be the face of the change. His background was good for publicity (man who studied ways to harmlessly study mental health) and he was supposedly trustworthy. By day he'd stand up beside someone and listen to them implore people to bring their ectos in for this quality of life upgrade to their nearest government office. By night he'd be slaving away infront of code, being forced to find a way to make these robots kill people. Just enough people. To nullify themselves when it was all over. I'm his despair he tried to make it so that their emotion drives would at least register these events as something positive, so they felt no distress if they were sentient. He tried so hard to stop but any backlash did nothing. So he kept his head down and worked quietly.
And then he was transferred locations. Somewhere closer to the heart of the operation. He met Sci, a man unaware of the Culling Orders or the heartache, because they government had been treating him well. He was a bio-engineer, and his project (nicknamed Fresh) was like if a self-healing code was a living thing and could slow, or even heal, wounds. The government wanted it, in the case that it could unlock immortality. Sci was getting funding and a cushy life. Geno realized Fresh was the best way he coukd possibly end all of this war that was in the works. For good.
So he poured hid heart and soul into finishing that code. "A change of heart prompted by wanting so desperately for his prized project, AZ, to be saved" He claimed. There were a few useful bots that filled through the office. He offered to install code that would prevent the Culling Order from activating inside them since they were going to be preserved. While adding code he added failsafes and kill codes and important information from his and others work he wanted saved. He added the names of every researcher he knew had been drafted into this unwillingly. He did it in secret, so entrenched in code only another programmer would notice.
And then the war started, and Sci learned the truth, and people started dying. Geno had to convince Sci to help him after that. Sci feared being killed. He feared not being able to finish his work. He feared not being protected from the pain and destruction outside. It was a long plenty of *years* that Geno had to configure just the right plan, just the right way to ensure that Sci abd Fresh would survive it. That the rest of the base would be no threat and that it'd stop the Ectos and the Culling Code.
And then he did it. He put an end to the war, at the price of all the power on the continent running to every piece of tech, and at the price of his own arm and eye.
Geno was disfigured. He knew that to make an EMP large enough to cut off all electricity, he would need to overload his own master consol to the point of battery meltdown. An explosion. He didn't tell Sci. Only mentioned he'd need Fresh on-hand. So when it exploded, his left arm (non-dominent just like he planned), his chest, and the right side of his skull (his left eye was better) were demolished in the blast and dusted near instantly. Sci and Fresh managed to save his life, and Sci, resident Bio-Engineer, was able to replace his missing limbs and his wounds with spare ecto parts over the course of a few weeks.
Geno was slow to recover, nearly on the verge of falling down during recovery (He didn't know where they'd stored A.Z. if he was even still in-tact, he had been the reason so many humans and monsters had died, and now to reverse his mistake he'd taken out the electricity the country had been relying on for the past thousands of years.) But he pushed through. He was Determined. He needed to get to the four robots he embedded information and failsafes into. But they were scattered across the country for aafe-keeping. Incase he'd failed. So he has to hunt them down.
As soon as he can he leaves. Sci stays. Geno promises he'll come back (he doesn't). Geno takes a medical uniform, packs the supply belt with programming tools, and moves out. He enters the main story while on this trek to hunt down his Ectos. Not a single one is where they should've been, and he can't help but be furious, praying to a non-existant God that they weren't scrapped by heathens out for parts or destroyed in a rage by scared survivors.
Looking for the four? One day their trackers finally Light up again. One by one. All in the same location. And Geno follows it like a moth to the flame.
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feastonkings · 3 days
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natasha lyonne / she/her  ———  no way is that FRANCES ‘FRANKIE’ SPIEGEL.. they’re a 44-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being SARCASTIC  &  CRASS but there are some people who have seen them being INTELLIGENT  &  DEDICATED.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of a fiery mane of curls that adds an inch to her height, smoking like a chimney, filthy mouthed wife, a well organized lab as a juxtaposition to her chaos, and  hoarse voice with a bronx accent laced with sarcasm, but that could just be because they’re considered the MAD SCIENTIST around town. just keep an eye on them�� &  see if their true colors shine through..
full name: frances dina spiegel nicknames: frankie, frank classification: enhanced human gender / pronouns: cis woman, she/her age / birthday: 44, april 4th orientations: homosexual, homoromantic occupation: scientist, chemist, bio-engineer location: middle district status: married to agatha spiegel family: levi spiegel (nephew), banks madden (step-son) strengths: intelligent, dedicated, methodical, realistic, blunt weaknesses: sarcastic, crass, cynical, verbose, morally grey character inspo: meredith grey (grey's anatomy), ian malcolm (jurassic park), tyrion lannister (game of thrones), robin scherbatsky (himym), cristina yang (grey's anatomy), beth harmon (queen's gambit), maeve millay (westworld), raven reyes (100), erica sinclair (stranger things), bernadette rostenkowski (big bang theory), joan holloway (mad men), jordan baker (great gatsby)
born and raised in the bronx, nyc in an upper middle class family which consisted of both her parents and her siblings. life growing up in an orthodox jewish home wasn't all bad but it was very strict and the expectations were high. it was suffocating at the best of times.
from a young age she latched onto the world of science. taking things apart and putting them back together, playing with different elements and chemicals, looking at samples under microscopes, questioning everything and looking for answers she couldn’t find through testing. often getting scolded for destroying things needed in the house and experiment mishaps.
that curiosity and general love of science never went away leading her to attend m. i. t. where she studied various forms of engineering - primarily chemical and nuclear - getting her phd in the subject, as well as getting a masters in both chemistry and biology.
while in the graduate program frankie began working for a private manufacturer based in texas that boasted in the production of personal and other equipment for law enforcement, public saftey, military, and recreational markets. true in theory, but that is where frankie’s love for developing chemical and biological weapons, explosives, and experimenting on ways to make them environmental friendly - sustainability had always been a passion of hers mixed in with the more questionable interests.
amidst college and her employment, she developed friendships within different factions and classes, never limiting herself to one walk of life. a good scientist looks at the whole picture, after all.
as the world continued to deteriorate around them, it quickly made more sense for her to go into business independently both for the benefit of her family and her own interests. it has allowed her to do what she wants without having someone breathing down her neck.
she’s blunt, sarcastic, smokes like a chimney, and when she’s feeling the urge to be social she can be found at fight night or one of the local bars. occasionally she shows up to the casino, if to do nothing else then visit some clientele otherwise she can be found with her wife aggie, step-son banks, beloved nephew levi, best friend and partner in crime, or in her lab/workshop cooking something up or experimenting on something.... or someone.
her right arm is mostly synthetic from a lab accident that claimed the limb and left a nasty burn on the side of her neck.
more to come...
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shiorihyuga · 4 days
Steadfast Hearts
Levi x OC
In the aftermath of global war, alliances are forged, and new bonds are tested. Dr. Tiana Belrose, a brilliant Androsian engineer, arrives in Paradis with cutting-edge technology, her country's hopes on her shoulders, and a guarded heart. Her brilliant inventions are the reason why Marley invaded and ravaged her country, but Tiana refuses to sit back and do nothing.
Assigned to be her personal guard, the stoic and battle-hardened Captain Levi Ackerman is known for his discipline, but as they spend countless hours together, he finds himself drawn to the woman he’s sworn to protect.
In the midst of battles against Marley, political intrigue, and the weight of their responsibilities, an unexpected romance begins to blossom between two unlikely hearts. As tensions rise on the battlefield and within their own ranks, Levi and Tiana must navigate their feelings in a world that doesn’t allow for weakness.
Love was the last thing either of them expected to find in the midst of war, but it may be the only thing that saves them.
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Chapter Twelve:
The sun hung high in the sky, casting long shadows through the narrow windows of Tiana’s workshop. The room buzzed with the familiar sounds of machines and the clinking of tools, the scent of oil and freshly polished metal lingering in the air. Tiana was in her element, standing at her workbench, a pair of goggles pushed up onto her forehead, her hands deftly maneuvering a small screwdriver as she made delicate adjustments to a piece of ODM gear. Beside her, Hange was equally engrossed in a separate contraption, her eyes wide with excitement as she examined the inner workings of a modified grapple mechanism.
“Fascinating,” Hange murmured, her voice filled with wonder. “The way you’ve redesigned the internal mechanisms, Tiana, it’s brilliant. I never would have thought to integrate the gas propulsion system this way. It’s almost… organic.”
Tiana smiled, a hint of pride in her expression. “Thank you, Hange,” she replied, her tone warm. “I’ve always believed that the best designs are the ones that work with nature, not against it. If we can mimic the way living things move, we can create technology that’s more efficient, more adaptive.”
Hange nodded enthusiastically, her eyes alight with curiosity. “It’s amazing,” she said. “I’ve been working with ODM gear for years, and I’ve never seen anything like this. You really are something, Tiana.”
Tiana blushed slightly at the compliment, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “I’m just doing what I love,” she said modestly. “And it’s been great working with you. You have such a unique perspective on things.”
Hange laughed, a bright, cheerful sound that filled the room. “Well, I’ve always been a bit of a mad scientist,” she said with a grin. “But you—you’re a true engineer. You see things in a way most people can’t. It’s inspiring.”
Tiana smiled again, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie. Working with Hange was refreshing; her enthusiasm was infectious, and her boundless curiosity matched Tiana’s own. It was a rare thing, to find someone who understood her passion, her drive to create and innovate.
As they continued to work, Demetri stood nearby, his sensors monitoring the room’s environment, his glowing eyes fixed on Tiana’s movements. He was always alert, always ready to assist, his presence a comforting constant in the busy workshop.
Hange set down the grapple mechanism she had been examining and picked up a cup of tea from a nearby table, taking a sip before turning her attention back to Tiana. “So, Tiana,” she began, her tone casual, “how are you finding life here with us? I imagine it’s quite different from Androsia.”
Tiana nodded, setting down her tools and wiping her hands on a cloth. “It’s… different, for sure,” she admitted. “But in a good way. Everyone here has been so welcoming. And it’s exciting to be working on something that could really make a difference.”
Hange smiled, nodding in agreement. “I’m glad to hear that,” she said. “We’re certainly glad to have you. And I think Levi’s glad to have you around too, even if he doesn’t say it outright.”
Tiana glanced at Hange, her curiosity piqued. “Captain Levi?” she asked, trying to sound casual. “What makes you say that?”
Hange shrugged, a playful glint in her eye. “Oh, you know Levi,” she said with a chuckle. “Always so serious, always so focused. But I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I think he’s more protective than usual.”
Tiana’s heart skipped a beat at Hange’s words, and she quickly turned her attention back to her work, trying to hide the flush that crept up her cheeks. “He’s just doing his job,” she said, her voice a bit too quick. “Making sure I’m safe.”
Hange grinned, clearly enjoying the reaction she was getting. “Maybe,” she said with a mischievous tone. “But Levi’s not just protective of anyone. He’s careful, calculated. He wouldn’t be so attentive if he didn’t think you were important.”
Tiana’s blush deepened, and she busied herself with adjusting a small gear, trying to focus. “Well, I appreciate it,” she mumbled. “It’s… comforting to know he’s there.”
Hange nodded, her expression turning more thoughtful. “He’s a good man,” she said softly. “And despite everything he’s been through, he still cares deeply for his comrades. It’s not always easy to see, but it’s there.”
Tiana nodded, feeling a strange flutter in her chest. She had sensed that about Levi—that underneath his stoic exterior, there was a depth, a loyalty that ran deeper than most. It was one of the things that drew her to him, that made her feel safe around him.
Hange took another sip of her tea, then set her cup down, leaning against the workbench. “You know,” she continued, her tone more conversational, “it’s funny. Levi’s been with the Scouts for a long time. He’s one of the oldest members, actually.”
Tiana, in the middle of taking a sip of her own tea, froze. “Oldest?” she repeated, her eyebrows raising in surprise. “How old is he?”
Hange looked thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged. “He’s about 36, I think,” she said casually. “Not too old, but definitely more seasoned than most of us.”
Tiana choked on her tea, sputtering as the hot liquid went down the wrong pipe. She coughed violently, her eyes watering, and Hange jumped back, startled. “Tiana!” she exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
Demetri, always alert, immediately moved forward, his eyes glowing as he activated his cleaning protocol. He quickly extended a small arm with a cloth, wiping up the spilled tea with precise, efficient movements.
Tiana waved a hand, trying to catch her breath. “I’m fine,” she managed, still coughing slightly. “Just… surprised, that’s all.”
Hange raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile playing on her lips. “Surprised?” she echoed. “About Levi’s age?”
Tiana nodded, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “He just… he looks so young,” she said, her voice a bit breathless. “I would have guessed he was… I don’t know, younger.”
Hange chuckled, clearly amused. “Levi does have a way of keeping himself in shape,” she said with a grin. “But yeah, he’s older than he looks. Been through a lot, that one.”
Tiana felt her heart race slightly, her mind spinning with this new information. Thirty-six. She had never considered Levi’s age before, had never thought about it in those terms. But now that she knew, she found it… intriguing. There was something undeniably attractive about it, about the idea of him being older, more experienced. She had always had a thing for older men, a preference she’d never really understood but had never questioned either.
But she would never admit that out loud. Not to Hange, not to anyone.
She tried to compose herself, to keep her expression neutral. “I suppose that makes sense,” she said lightly, trying to steer the conversation back to safer ground. “He certainly seems… seasoned.”
Hange laughed again, nodding. “Seasoned is one word for it,” she agreed. “But don’t let his age fool you. Levi’s as sharp as they come. And as tough as they come, too.”
Tiana nodded, her mind still racing. She had seen that toughness firsthand, had witnessed it in the way he moved, the way he fought, the way he seemed to see everything, notice everything. It was part of what made him so compelling, so fascinating.
She cleared her throat, trying to focus. “Well,” she said, picking up her tools again, “I guess it’s good to have someone like him around, then. To keep us all on our toes.”
Hange smiled, picking up her own tools once more. “Exactly,” she said. “And I think he’s glad to have you around, too, Tiana. You bring something new to the table, something fresh. It’s good for all of us.”
Tiana felt a warm flush of pride at Hange’s words, but also a lingering sense of curiosity. She wondered what Levi truly thought of her, if he saw her as more than just someone he had to protect. But she pushed the thought aside, focusing on her work. There would be time to think about that later.
For now, she had a job to do, a purpose to fulfill. And maybe, just maybe, she would find a way to get to know Levi a little better, to understand the man behind the stoic mask a little more. And perhaps, if she was lucky, she might find out if there was something more between them than just duty and protection.
Hange watched Tiana closely as they worked, her sharp eyes noticing the slight flush in Tiana’s cheeks, the way her fingers seemed to fidget a bit more than usual, the way her eyes darted back to the door now and then, as if expecting—or perhaps hoping—Levi might return at any moment. A sly smile crept across Hange’s face. She wasn’t one to miss details, especially when it came to human behavior. And Tiana’s reactions today were quite telling.
“Hey, Tiana,” Hange said casually, setting down her tools and leaning against the workbench. “Can I ask you something?”
Tiana looked up from the gadget she was tinkering with, her eyes cautious. “Sure, Hange,” she replied, trying to keep her tone light. “What’s on your mind?”
Hange grinned, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “I was just wondering… do you have a thing for Levi?”
Tiana froze, her heart skipping a beat. “W-What?” she stammered, nearly dropping the small screwdriver in her hand. “No, of course not! Why would you even ask that?”
Hange chuckled, clearly enjoying Tiana’s flustered reaction. “Oh, come on, Tiana,” she teased. “You can’t fool me. I’ve seen the way you look at him. And the way you reacted when I mentioned his age… You practically choked on your tea.”
Tiana’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink, and she quickly turned her attention back to her work, trying to hide her embarrassment. “That was just… surprise,” she insisted. “I didn’t expect him to be that age, that’s all. And I’m just… grateful for his protection. Nothing more.”
Hange smirked, leaning closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Are you sure about that?” she pressed. “Because it seems to me like you might have a little crush on our stoic captain.”
Tiana’s eyes widened, and she shook her head vehemently. “No!” she said, a bit too loudly. “No, I don’t have a crush on him. I don’t… I mean, he’s just… he’s just Levi. Captain Levi. That’s it.”
Hange chuckled again, clearly unconvinced. “If you say so,” she said, her tone light and teasing. “But you know, there’s nothing wrong with having a little crush. Levi’s a good-looking guy. And he’s definitely got that whole strong, silent, brooding thing going for him.”
Tiana’s face was practically on fire now, and she wished she could disappear into the floor. “Hange, please,” she begged, her voice barely above a whisper. “I really don’t… it’s not like that.”
But Hange wasn’t about to let up. “Oh, come on, Tiana,” she said with a grin. “Admit it. You’ve thought about it, haven’t you? What it would be like, being with someone like him?”
Tiana was about to respond, to deny everything once again, when she heard the soft creak of the door opening behind her. She turned sharply, her eyes wide with a mix of panic and embarrassment, and saw Levi stepping into the room. His expression was calm, but his eyes were sharp, taking in the scene before him.
Hange’s grin widened at Levi’s arrival, her eyes flicking between him and Tiana with barely concealed amusement. “Ah, Levi!” she greeted, her tone cheerful. “Perfect timing. We were just talking about you.”
Tiana’s heart dropped to her stomach, and she shot Hange a death glare that could have cut through steel. Her eyes were wide, her message clear: Shut. Up.
Levi’s eyebrows lifted slightly, his gaze shifting from Hange to Tiana. He couldn’t hear exactly what they had been saying, but he sensed it had something to do with him. “Talking about me?” he asked, his tone neutral but curious. “What about?”
Tiana opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. Her mind was racing, trying to think of something—anything—to say that wouldn’t make this situation even more mortifying. “Oh, uh… nothing important!” she blurted out, her voice a bit too high. “Just… you know… work stuff.”
Hange, ever the instigator, leaned back against the workbench, a playful smirk on her face. “Yeah, work stuff,” she echoed, clearly enjoying Tiana’s discomfort. “And maybe a little bit about how impressive you are, Levi. You know, as a captain. And, uh, other things.”
Tiana’s death glare intensified, her face burning with embarrassment. “Hange,” she said through gritted teeth, her voice low and dangerous, “enough.”
Levi’s eyes narrowed slightly, his instincts telling him there was more to this than just a casual conversation. But he decided to let it go—for now. “Right,” he said, his tone clipped. “Well, if you’re done talking about… work stuff, we have a lot to do today.”
Hange nodded, still grinning. “Of course, Levi,” she said cheerfully. “We were just taking a little break. Right, Tiana?”
Tiana forced a smile, though it was strained. “Right,” she muttered, still glaring daggers at Hange. “Just a… little break.”
Levi’s gaze shifted back to Tiana, and for a moment, his expression softened. He could see the flush on her cheeks, the way her eyes were bright with embarrassment. He wondered what Hange had said to fluster her so much, but he decided not to press the issue. “Good,” he said simply. “Let’s stay focused. We have work to do.”
Tiana nodded quickly, grateful for the change in subject. “Of course, Captain,” she said, her voice a bit steadier now. “I’m ready.”
Levi gave her a brief nod, then turned his attention to the contraption on her workbench, examining it with his usual meticulous care. Tiana took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, her thoughts still spinning from Hange’s teasing. She was going to have to have a word with Hange later, a serious word.
But for now, she forced herself to focus on the task at hand, pushing thoughts of Levi—and everything Hange had implied—firmly to the back of her mind. She couldn’t afford to be distracted, not now. Not with him right here.
As she moved to join Levi at the workbench, she could feel Hange’s amused gaze on her, and she resisted the urge to glare at her friend again. This isn’t over, she thought to herself, her jaw set in determination. But as she glanced at Levi, standing so close, his presence calm and commanding, she couldn’t help but feel a small flutter in her chest—a flutter she tried desperately to ignore.
Maybe Hange was right. Maybe there was something there, something more than just gratitude or respect. But whatever it was, Tiana wasn’t ready to admit it. Not yet. And certainly not in front of Captain Levi.
The mess hall was bustling with its usual evening activity as Levi and Tiana stepped inside. The scent of freshly baked bread and roasted meat filled the air, mingling with the hum of conversation and the clatter of dishes. Soldiers moved through the room in a steady flow, finding seats at the long wooden tables, their faces a mix of weariness and camaraderie after another long day.
Levi led the way, his posture as straight and commanding as ever, his eyes scanning the room with his usual vigilance. Tiana followed close behind, her mind still buzzing from the events in the lab earlier. She tried to focus on the task at hand—finding a seat, getting some food, and hopefully avoiding any more embarrassing encounters. But as soon as they entered the hall, she spotted Hange sitting with the other scouts, and her stomach dropped.
Hange caught sight of her almost immediately, a wide grin spreading across her face. She raised a hand in greeting, but it was the knowing smirk on her face that made Tiana’s heart skip a beat. Oh no, Tiana thought, feeling a wave of panic rising in her chest. She’s going to tease me again. Right here. In front of everyone. In front of Levi.
Hange’s eyes twinkled with mischief as she waved them over. “Hey, Tiana! Levi!” she called out, her voice carrying over the noise. “Come join us!”
Tiana’s eyes widened, and she shook her head slightly, trying to signal Hange to stop. But Hange’s grin only grew wider, her amusement evident. Tiana could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her mind racing. She couldn’t let Hange say anything—anything—about what they had talked about earlier. Not here. Not with Levi right beside her.
As they moved closer to the table, Tiana felt a surge of desperation. She needed to talk to Hange, needed to make sure she kept her mouth shut. She turned to Levi, her expression pleading. “Captain,” she said quickly, her voice a bit breathless, “could I… could I have five minutes? Just to talk to Hange privately?”
Levi raised an eyebrow, clearly sensing her urgency, but he nodded. “Five minutes,” he said curtly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. “Make it quick.”
Tiana nodded gratefully, then quickly moved to Hange, grabbing her by the arm. “Come on,” she muttered under her breath, dragging her out of the mess hall and into the corridor beyond. “We need to talk. Now.”
Hange allowed herself to be pulled along, still grinning with amusement. Once they were far enough away from the mess hall and out of earshot of Levi, she turned to Tiana, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Alright, alright, Tiana, what’s the rush?” she teased, her tone light. “Afraid I might spill your little secret?”
Tiana shot her a look, her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and urgency. “Hange, please,” she said, her voice low but intense. “You cannot tell Levi about… about what we talked about earlier. You just can’t.”
Hange raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying Tiana’s flustered state. “Oh? And why not?” she asked, her tone teasing. “You think he wouldn’t be interested in knowing that you have a crush on him?”
Tiana groaned, running a hand through her hair. “Because it would be mortifying,” she admitted, her voice a strained whisper. “He doesn’t see me like that. I’m just… someone he has to protect. He probably thinks of me like a kid or a responsibility, not… not like…”
Hange’s grin softened slightly, a more understanding look crossing her face. “Not like a woman?” she offered gently.
Tiana nodded, her eyes dropping to the floor. “Exactly,” she said quietly. “He’s so… focused, so intense. And I don’t want to make things weird between us. I need him to keep doing his job, not get distracted by… by whatever this is.”
Hange watched her for a moment, her expression more thoughtful now. “You know,” she said softly, “Levi’s not as unreadable as you might think. He might surprise you.”
Tiana shook her head, a small, sad smile tugging at her lips. “Maybe,” she said. “But I can’t take that risk. Not now. Not when there’s so much at stake.”
Hange nodded slowly, her playful demeanor softening into something more serious. “Alright,” she said finally. “I won’t say anything. But you’ve got to promise me one thing.”
Tiana looked up, her expression hopeful. “What?” she asked.
Hange smiled, a gentle, encouraging smile. “Promise me that you’ll at least consider talking to him about it,” she said. “When you’re ready. He deserves to know how you feel. And who knows? Maybe he feels the same way.”
Tiana felt her cheeks flush again, but she nodded. “Okay,” she agreed softly. “I’ll… think about it. But for now, just… please, don’t say anything.”
Hange nodded, reaching out to give Tiana’s arm a reassuring squeeze. “You’ve got my word,” she said with a grin. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
Tiana let out a breath of relief, a small, grateful smile spreading across her face. “Thank you, Hange,” she said quietly. “I mean it.”
Hange winked at her, her playful grin returning. “Anytime,” she said. “But don’t keep him waiting too long, alright? Levi’s not the most patient man.”
Tiana chuckled softly, nodding. “I won’t,” she promised. “Now, let’s get back before he starts wondering what we’re up to.”
They made their way back to the mess hall, and as they entered, Tiana spotted Levi standing near the door, his arms crossed, his expression as stoic as ever. She took a deep breath, steeling herself, and walked over to him.
“Everything alright?” Levi asked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked between her and Hange.
Tiana nodded, doing her best to appear calm. “Yes, Captain,” she replied. “Just needed to clarify something.”
Levi studied her for a moment, his gaze steady, and Tiana felt her heart skip a beat. Does he know? she wondered. Did he overhear something?
But Levi simply nodded, turning toward the table. “Let’s eat,” he said curtly. “We’ve had a long day.”
Tiana let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding and followed him to the table, taking a seat beside him. As she glanced around, she caught Hange’s eye across the table. Hange gave her a small, knowing smile, and Tiana couldn’t help but smile back, a mixture of relief and nervous anticipation swirling in her chest.
She wasn’t sure what the future held, but for now, she was content to keep her secret—at least a little longer. And maybe, just maybe, she’d find the courage to talk to Levi about it when the time was right. But until then, she was grateful for friends like Hange, who knew when to tease and when to keep a secret. And perhaps, that was enough. For now.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐙𝐨𝐲𝐚 𝐍𝐚𝐳𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐏 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒏.
    Seemingly always in a daydream, INTPs are constant thinkers whose curiosity constantly gets the best of them. They’re the type of people to ask why, to wonder how things work and think about the ‘what ifs’.
    They are curious, analytical, and independent – INTPs are often pegged as the “mad scientists” in the world of fiction.
・You grew up together in the Little Palace. She was the first person you ever saw, a true Grisha. Her powers were incredible. And you were wild with curiosity. 
・But your intrigue for Zoya was thwarted. Not by her, but by work. There seemed to be no time for anything in the Little Palace. 
・Education sucked up all your time. And your grisha powers were in dire need. 
・Your parents didn’t want you to go, especially because you were their eldest child, but the time came for you to be tested. 
・You had alawys fixed up your father’s farmer machines and tools. Your family knew you were grisha, but tried to hide you. 
・Being told you were a Fabrikator wasn’t a shock to you. It was unusual for a child to be able to fix so many things, without knowing how they worked. 
・You could pick up on the mechanics of things within minutes of studing it
・For an INTP, and Fabrikator, you were a little loud. Well, when compared to the others. To many, you were still quiet and bookish. 
・To Zoya, you were a complete nerd. But secretly, she loved that about you. 
・Everyday she would somehow end up at the workshops, saying one of her beloved compacts had broken
・You were always the one to fix them
・Zoya gets butterflies whenever you smile at her. The first time it happened, you were sitting in the workshop and she flounced in. Someone said something passively aggressively towards you, and she shot back without a second thought. 
・You couldn’t help but be entertained by the person’s red face and quick feet as they scurried away with a bruised ego
・The Darkling was intimidating, but you weren’t entirely fazed by him. He was your leader, and you believed in him. He had the Grisha’s best interests at heart. It was only logical for you to accept him. 
・So you became the head Fabrikator over time, and Zoya was even more impressed by you. Because you didn’t need charm, or charisma to get people to like you. It was your honesty and direct outlook on life. 
・Slowly, you became good friends with Zoya. She too was honest. But in a much more brutal way. 
・The years went by and puberty hit both of you like a truck
・Hormones are a crazy thing. And for Zoya, they made her even more beautiful. 
・You’d never felt love for someone before. Family love yes, you missed your parents and siblings dearly. But you had never experienced romantic love
・No one had shown you any attention in that area 
・Well, not until one of your friends had pointed out that Zoya was always looking at you
・You brushed it off. What a ridiculous thing to point out, you thought. It was probably because you always had a smudge of oil on your nose or forehead
・But Zoya kept on staring. And making conversation. 
・And after months of ‘going to different places together’ (as you thought) but your friends calling them DATES! 
・She kissed you. 
・Outright. Pointblank. 
・Put her lips onto yours. 
・And you melted... it felt like all those stories you had read, and songs you heard were all truth
・As a partner, Zoya is very passionate. She can’t keep her hands off of you in private. In public, she isn’t much for PDA.
・But she does like everyone knowing you’re hers
・If someone looks at you for too long, she will verbally murder them
・You always have someone on your side. Someone to rely on. 
・Many people think she’s the ‘one who wears the pants’ in your relationship. But really, you call the shots. 
・She may be intimidating. But she doesn’t tell you what to do. No one can. 
・Zoya loves when you play with her hair, especially if you braid it. 
・And she still comes to you when she needs something fixed
・Will summon wind to cool you down
・She would rather spend all her time with you, than with friends
・Zoya likes to be the little spoon 
・Loves listening to you rant, especially if it’s about something you’re passionate about. Even though she has no idea what you mean if you’re talking about machinery 
・At times you do get a bit possessive of Zoya, and snap at people who are trying to flirt with her. She gets very impressed...
・She actually initiates most of the cuddling 
・You guys make a lot of sarcastic comments about other people to each other
𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: Mouse, Brainiac, Book (because you always carry a book or have one in your bag). Her teasing ways don’t cease even when you’re in a relationship. 
𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆: Quality Time and Acts of Service. She doesn’t particularly like speaking her feelings, so she shows them through doing. 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Nordlys by Gaute Storaas
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:   ✧ Tough On The Outside, Soft On The Inside (Zoya) x The Top (You) ✧ Slowburn Friends to Lovers ✧ “You wear the pants in this relationship” (You to Zoya) x “Oh I wish, I cannot control you at all” (she says back)
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