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shopnglows · 2 months ago
Lewinner L-699 – Professional Portable Karaoke Microphone with Wireless Speaker and Bluetooth
Experience the ultimate karaoke session with the Lewinner L-699 portable microphone. This professional karaoke mic features an integrated wireless speaker, TF recording, and playback functions for versatile use. Equipped with a phone holder and Bluetooth compatibility, it’s perfect for singing, streaming, or hosting parties. Compact and stylish, this device combines high-quality sound with a user-friendly design, making it an excellent gift for music enthusiasts and performers alike.
Lewinner L-699 portable karaoke microphone with wireless speaker, phone holder, Bluetooth, and TF recording, perfect for parties and singing enthusiasts.
#LewinnerMicrophone #KaraokeMicrophone #PortableKaraoke #BluetoothMic #WirelessSpeaker #TFRecording #PartyMic #MusicLoversGift #HomeEntertainment #KaraokeFun
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s-aint-elmo · 1 year ago
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renowned glomper marcille donato
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mithryl-draws · 1 year ago
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brought my long-suffering tabletop warlock Kalus with me when I started my BG3 playthrough and he's having a great time. making lots of new friends. sticking worms in his brain. the usual.
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autisticcole · 7 months ago
Okay so I've seen the theory that Davrin has a daughter/little sister that he cares for due to the girl that shows up in one of his scenes in the trailer and I present to you:
What if his personal quest ends in having to choose between the girl's life, and Assan's, Davrin's duty as a father/big brother vs his duty as a Grey Warden.
And it would even be a book end/parallel to Dragon Age Origins, specifically Ser Jory who had a pregnant wife back home, and that was likely one of the reasons he backed out of becoming a warden.
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mystrothedefender · 1 year ago
I love the explicit nature of same sex relationships in bg3. As in 'there is no denying they exist'. Male npcs saying 'my husband's still in the city'. A female npc pleading for her wife to live. Astarions cutscene with that Sebastian boy. Its so very there and in your face. You cannot overlook it. My heart soars.
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lanciet · 9 months ago
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drew my dnd character :3
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jq37 · 2 years ago
I'm really glad you've seen Starstruck, because it means you have the context for this. Every disastrous decision made this episode, were THOSE the stupidest things these people have ever done? I thought 'my farts smell awesome' was the lowest they could go, but look at that, they collectively found another layer beneath that. This has to be the biggest L the Intrepid Heroes ever took. Outside of a TPK, losing a Mcguffin is as rough as it gets. The RNG giveth and the RNG taketh away.
OK, now that I have that out of the way, holy hell that last episode took a full year off my lifespan I think. Murph saying that it was like Fabian's Bad Day on a loop was right. I've never watched an episode of a ttrpg and thought, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" so consistently. Even after watching the Adventuring Party I'm not 100% confident I understand what some of those moves were about. I am going to try and break down by thoughts on each interaction, roughly in order from least to most baffling to me.
*Red and the Beast*
If this was as crazy as things went, it would have been a pretty normal episode. I fully understand why Ylfa would want to talk to the Beast being a monstruous princess and all. And Emily's side-motivation of wanting to maybe get some potions that would help them travel without freezing to death made sense as well. Sure it was a little awkward, but in the way that all pre-teens are sort of awkward around people who they think are cool. She didn't spill any serious beans or burn any serious bridges. This one gets a pass from me. 
*Ger and Elody*
It probably feels like I'm ranking this pretty low. And I am if we're talking in pure terms of cause and effect. Because loudly and weirdly spilling the beans the way that he did was a TERRIBLE move tactically and DEF alerted the princesses to their plan. BUT I wasn't CONFUSED about why it happened. Ger had a thing to do that made sense--find out if his wife was in on the erase everything plan and fill her in if not/try to convince her to switch sides if so. He had a reason to get frustrated and do something stupid. This was, in my eyes, a good plan that went poorly because of bad dice rolls and Murph's commitment to character. So while it was VERY unfortunate, I'm not actually confused about why the desperate frog man who is known for being awkward was weird and awkward to his wife in a dire situation so it didn't really frustrate me in the same way that some of the other scenes did. We also got one of one only pieces of new information in this episode--that it doesn't seem like Elody is in on the plan (though with his trash Insight rolls, who even knows). I wish he'd taken Roz with him to back up his story right away (and give him advantage of dice rolls). I also wish he'd brought Roz with him so she wasn't able to do her own solo mission. Speaking of...
*Roz and Snow*
This is not a conversation that needed to happen tactically. I was like, why is this going on? Just because everyone is having a little chat doesn't mean you have to have a little chat too. I will admit that by the time I got here, I was feeling so much second hand cringe that I missed a bit of the conversation. But I do know that Roz told Snow that she told the entire group about their chat and that they were fine with it. WHY TELL HER THAT??? The plan was clearly told to Roz with the understanding that it was for her ears only. Why immediately be like, "So I talked it over with the squad..." You're showing your hand! You're telling Snow you're not really aligned with the Daughter's of the Crown. If you were going to talk to Snow, why not try to figure out what the actual plans are wrt the erase the world endgame? They really don't know anything about the specifics of the plan. Just some nebulous talk about spilling ink. Why is no one asking questions about this? How are they supposed to stop a plan they don't understand?  Anyway, I think this conversation didn't need to happen and while it wasn't as disastrous in effect as Ger's convo, his had a good reason for happening while I don't think this one did which is why it frustrated me more. 
*Pinnochio and Cindy*
OK so this one frustrated me a TON because it had so much potential for getting information and moving the story forward but that's not what happened at all! As a sidenote, I was surprised but excited when they showed up at the castle and the Snow Queen fight was already over offscreen because I was like, "Man! We're going to get so much good information next episode!" Haha, nope! This conversation started off really strong with Pinnochio saying that they're kinda step-sibs which I thought was a great opener and something I hadn't really considered. I thought he was going to maybe bring up how the stepmother's goal seems to be fucking with stories (in a similar way to what they want) and seeing how she reacts. Or maybe following the thread about how she ALSO feels like she doesn't have agency in her story because she's a puppet of a narrative without even a name. And I don't want to assume but seems like Brennan was giving him the opening to go there like when Cindy was talking about "her own story" and Pinnochio was like, "She doesn't have one" Cindy seemed willing to talk down that thread but it was dropped really quickly. And this whole conversation had such a dissonant vibe where it was like Cindy was in Crown of Candy and Pinnochio was in Fantasy High or even Starstruck in terms of seriousness. Which, from a comedy standpoint, was extremely funny but from a narrative standpoint was like, Pinnochio...I'm begging you...please...ask her one direct question. Lou said he was playing up Pinnochio's childishness because he's a child in a weird situation which, sure I guess. But man. It was a very funny scene but not very narratively fulfilling.
*Pib and Cindy and a Window*
Pib readying the horses? The most competent move of the session! Pib unilaterally deciding to try to push her into her book? Why???? Like, OK. I wouldn't have told her about the book if I was Pinnochio--at least not without consulting the group. BUT once the proverbial cat was out of the book, why not let her have it? It might give her some perspective she doesn't already have and you might be able to sway her into being an ally. I feel like Cindy and Snow while true believers in the plan, aren't beyond reason. They don't strike me as gung ho about the entire situation. They give me the energy of people who are exhausted and on their last resort. I honestly feel like there is a world where this is all salvageable if they'd let her have her book without going full hostile. Maybe it's not the most LIKELY option. But I think there was a chance. But nope. Initiative. Even if they'd gotten her in, what's the next move? You're in a palace full of her allies and none of you have rolled more than a ten all session! Were you going to hold her hostage and run? Like, bruh. If they wanted to leave, they should have just left! Why did they make a whole production about it? I swear, they stayed in the castle the exact worse length of time. Not long enough to get any info, but too long to leave gracefully. Anyway, I thought this was a wild decision to just make. 
*Princess Interlude*
This isn't a part of the breakdown. This is just something I wanted to talk about. We really don't know how much the princesses know about The Situation and that's a big piece of the puzzle for us to know how BAD of a plan this is with the info they have. Because one of the few things we learned this episode is that Cinderella is surprised that the Stepmother doesn't have her own book. If they think that each person has their own book and they can write themselves out of existence without it affecting anyone else then this is actually a suicide pact and not a murder-suicide pact which still isn't GREAT but it's not WORLD ENDING which is decidedly less selfish. I still think it's an insane thing to try without having a full understanding of their world but if you're only playing with your OWN lives, then that's your right. 
And wrt to the PCs, since they were spilling the beans left and right, why not be like, cool. Ink spilling. Great plan. Now what about the Auroratory?  Because their stories don't just exist in ink. They're oral tradition, baby. I'm sorry you don't like your lives but ink spilling isn't going to solve everything. 
Finally, I need to go back to past episodes where the princesses are lamenting to be sure, but I'm honestly not 100% sure what it is they're so distressed about. There is an element of fighting for free will but I'm not sure what it is they think they don't have control over. Because surely if they had no free will, they wouldn't be able to fight their stories at all, right? And if it's just that they're stuck with all their memories from all their lives, Witches do that all the time, right? Can they just not handle the Everything, Everywhere, All At Once lifestyle because they're not inherently magical and they're cracking under the pressure? From what I remember from the previous episode, it sounded like Cindy and Snow were distressed over the *existence* of dark versions of their story which is why they wanted to destroy everything completely. But also, isn't darkness just a thing you have to accept if you're going to have free will? And also, I don't know that it makes sense to destroy the entire world just because there are timelines where bad things happen (especially when the worst things don't even happen to them). Who awakened these princesses in the first place? Based on the introductions, we're led to believe it's Cindy and Snow who were the first ones, but now that we've met Rapunzel, I have my doubts. And speaking of her, back to the list.
*Tim and Raps*
Tim what were you THINKING?????????
God, where to begin. Ally said they weren't sure if Raps was in on it or not two APs in a row which is baffling to me because I thought Brennan telegraphed it pretty hard that Raps was both very clever and very fake. We first hear about her trying to deceive the Baba Yaga (one of the SCARIEST NPCs who even DEATH doesn't fuck with) and getting away with her tongue intact. Then, on a really high insight check, the party learns nothing about her, except that she's so shiny you can't really read her. Suspicious as hell. THEN, we learn that she has hair that's everywhere that can potentially be used to spy on people. And when she describes murdering the Snow Queen, she says it in the most politician-y, obfuscate-y, side-stepping culpability way possible. YEAH. I THINK SHE'S IN ON IT. I am floored that it wasn't obvious that she was full team nuke everything. The twist to me would be if she was secretly GOOD. I was wondering if the was the actual mastermind, I didn't even realize we were discussing whether she was IN ON IT.
But like, OK. That aside. Whether you are going in thinking she's good and misled or fully in on it, THIS WAS AN INSANE WAY TO HANDLE IT.
If she's GOOD and just awkward from how she was socialized you're being weird and aggro to her. 
If she'd BAD and being manipulative you're being super clumsy and antagonizing her. 
My heart SUNK when Brennan revealed that. Like, GOD I didn't think that could have gotten worse and then it did. 
And it's made worse because this is 100% a conversation that didn't need to happen. If I walked in and Raps was there, at most I would ask her about how her hair worked so we maybe knew for tactical reasons. That's not a crazy question to ask a person with magic hair that's everywhere so she wouldn't necessarily have a reason to be suspicious. And then guess what? I'm GONE. Just, based on second hand embarrassment and mechanical effect (LOSING THE BOOK), this is by far the worst conversation all episode and that's saying something.
(Also, RIP Mira who's going to wake up to a VERY different situation than when she went to sleep.)
The last thing I want to say about this episode is I kind wish that either Roz or Ger or both had died in their rescue plan. Not as a punishment mind you. While it was a tactically bad move, I think it's totally in character that Ger would have tried to go back for his wife and that one of his friends would have joined him. But we haven't had that many deaths this season and I feel like some more death exposition might give us more about what's going on. Because I feel like we only have a small piece of the puzzle, and there's not that many eps left to go. You know how in Stranger Things, the plot always ends up split between three groups and none of them actually know what's going on until they all communicate in the penultimate episode? That's how I feel right now except it's the PCs, The Princesses, The Faries, and the Librarians.
It's also potentially illuminating for Elody if the princesses are willing to kill Roz and Ger (I assume they'd bring back at least Roz). And if they were split up from the main party, that's an interesting place for them to be story-wise.  (Also, if they brought back Ger but were like Elody he's in the dungeon, don't talk to him he'll fill your head with lies. But she visits him anyway, just like when he was a frog at the pond...but I'm just writing mental fanfic now.) My point is there was potential there for us to get interesting info (and story beats) there which is why I was kind of rooting for it. This whole episode was a big bust with regard to moving towards any sort of goal and they really just made their situation severely worse to no real end. And now the princesses who want to end the world have the most powerful device in all of story. 
(Coda: Where is Scher with her "We're real enough" energy to talk the princesses out of their spiral? For the love of story, I am losing my mind here.)
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wyrdwulf · 10 months ago
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Skyrim DnD Sketchdump I
The party're crashing a party in a mansion built on a haunted burial ground being held on a holiday for the dead. Ghostly hijinks are ensuing.
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ketunhanska · 6 months ago
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adventuring gear for amber, the eladrin paladin
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thedozen · 1 year ago
Участницы и участники Рождественской тусы: Эйса Торрес
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Эйса Торрес — двоюродная сестра Сальмы Кортес, с которой она находится в дружеских отношениях.
Эйса родилась 17 июля 1995 года в Мехико, Мексика. В 8 лет переехала в Сан-Диего, штат Калифорния, США. После окончания школы купила дом в Лос-Анджелесе, штат Калифорния, США. Можно сказать, живёт там до сих пор, но в действительности постоянно меняет местонахождение из-за путешествий. Занимается тем, что ездит по разным странам и пишет книгу об их культурах, фольклоре и кухне.
Считает своей лучшей подругой Ракель Перро. На данный момент ни с кем не состоит в романтических отношениях.
Была приглашена своей кузиной Сальмой Кортес на рождественскую тусу. С удовольствием приняла приглашение, потому что хотела познакомиться с подругами Сальмы и другими девушками.
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labelspoon · 2 years ago
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last session on the vanished gods: there's something wrong with mars
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ribbonmiku · 2 years ago
creates a whole cast of backstory npcs just for them to have been dead for hundreds of years by session 1
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saberwitch · 2 months ago
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"I summon...two-for-one margaritas!"
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kusumasposts · 11 months ago
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Enjoy the best products deals on halfpe.com
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1900scartoons · 1 year ago
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The Political Puzzle Picture - All His?
January 30, 1908
Governor Hughes is looking at a large map of New York. Taft's profile is drawn into the landscape.
The caption reads 'All His Favorite Son Hughes Looks Over His Possession And Sees No Opponent In New York. Can You Find One?'
On January 29, the Minneapolis Tribune reported that New York Republicans passed a resolution to endorse Hughes, after Taft wrote a letter which requested the withdrawal of his name for consideration. Taft's letter was based on a desire for party unity.
See Also: Charles Evans Hughes; William Howard Taft
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/5873/rec/1852
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cheezitthefuzz · 7 months ago
@number-1-haxorus-fan this would happen in our campaign
Out of Context DnD Quotes: I don’t care what’s in your pants, as long as it does radiant damage.
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