#Part 3 of 31
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icycoldninja · 3 months ago
FLUFFCEMBER DAY #3: (Nikolai x Reader)
Fluff headcannons
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-You'd think you were prepared for a clownish boyfriend, since anyone who dresses like a clown is likely to act like one. Turns out you were wrong, there is nothing on this planet that can prepare you for an annoyance like this one.
-He's loud, goofy, a huge prankster, and can never seem to keep his hands to himself. He's always got to touch you somewhere, for some reason.
-He can ambush you out of absolutely nowhere thanks to his portals. Yes, the range is limited, but Nikolai is very creative.
-Asks you to braid his hair because it's fun, and will gladly return the favor. He's unsurprisingly very good at it.
-Puts on a show whenever you're in the room entirely so he can impress you. It's cute, but cleaning up confetti and thin slippery tinsel ribbons are a huge pain, and he's no help.
-He can utilize his ability to hug you with a nearly infinite amount of arms. It's best done when you're both awake because if you fall asleep like that, you will wake up with numerous injuries.
-Whenever he has a gift for you, he makes you play a game with him to win it, (he gives it to you even if you lose) or he'll pull it out after some flashy magic trick.
-Will take you on "work trips" with him where all he does is commit violent and terrorists acts on Fyodor's behalf. Regardless of whether you enjoy the events taking place or not, he'll find some way to make you laugh, and if he can't, he'll buy you a present to make up for it.
-Can be very, very clingy for no discernable reason. When this happens, expect him to sit in your lap and snuggle up to you for the rest of the day/night.
-Whenever you're just relaxing at home together, he might spontaneously start singing or dancing and expect you to join in.
-He will protect you from anyone who seeks to manipulate or harm you, particularly Fyodor, that rat bastard.
-Has a serious sweet tooth, especially for chocolate. (who doesn't) If you leave any in a place that he can reach, and he can reach anywhere, he will devour it all and leave none for you.
-Despite all the inconveniences he causes you, Nikolai has a soft, truly loving side to him that he shows to you every now and again, usually by holding you down and forcing you to sit there and let him kiss you all over.
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aurorangen · 3 months ago
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Gen 3 babies' life update!!!
Charlie & Pam: Expecting
Renee & Vincent: First-time parents
Robbie & Jayleen: 3 years together
Kiana & Antony: Officially dating
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g1rlr0b1n · 8 months ago
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Yet another commission by the amazingly talented @ookamihanta!!! Go check out their page to see more art!!! Their commissions are still open so go check that out as well!!! I highly recommend them!!! 👹
Gods and Demons (Preview)
Damian's preparations for departure were almost complete when Superman hailed him down. For a moment, Damian considered pretending he had not seen him, but ultimately rose to meet the two men who had now landed gracefully beside him and Goliath. He was familiar with the man known as Superman, but the second man was a stranger to him. He was tall with wavy dark locks framing a sharp jawline and piercing steely grey-blue eyes, he bore a resemblance to the other man. He had a pretty good idea now of who he might be. The man's attire was peculiar though, causing Damian to wrinkle his nose slightly in disapproval. He wore a black suit adorned with shimmering silver stars, his deep crimson colored cloak billowing behind him. The most unnerving part of his uniform however, was the obvious missing "S" shield in the center of his chest, leaving the skin underneath exposed for all to see. Damian quickly averted his gaze, focusing back on Superman. “What’s this?” Damian's features contorted in suspicion as Superman extended a piece of paper towards him.
“An olive branch” he replied calmly, then motioned to the tall figure standing next to him, Kal-El cleared his throat, “this is my son, Zod-El. He will be stationed in Tibet with you for the foreseeable future.” There was a moment of tense silence as if to allow for Damian to process the information. Then, Superman spoke again, breaking the stillness. "Consider him an ambassador of good faith," he said firmly.
Damian scoffed, crossing his arms, “Tt. More like a spy to make sure I behave," he retorted with a sharp edge to his voice. The Justice League's true intentions were clear, they had their own agenda, but he intended to manipulate it to his advantage. Despite their lack of trust in Damian's ability to change the League of Assassins, it gave them an excuse to keep him under observation and under their protection. They needed to keep Damian alive regardless of his intentions because the absolute worst case scenario for them would be for him to lose control. It was an obvious choice, he was the only option with ties to the Justice League and a genuine desire to make the world better, even if his methods had not been received well by them. He could only stand to benefit from such a relationship, nonetheless, he’d make them work for it.
Superman let out a weary sigh, his broad shoulders slumping in exhaustion, “you agreed to observation after the attempts on your life," he reminded Damian sternly. The mention of those close calls made Damian flinch slightly, the memories still fresh and painful. Ever since his grandfather’s passing things had not gone as smoothly as anticipated, with everyone with even the slightest of claims coming out of the woodworks, but he survived and he’d continue to do so. Of course, some extra protection would be prudent, even though he had managed to reunite his family giving him the most claim, the attacks still occurred. His mother had even begun to express concern, certain that there was a rat among his inner circle. Damian didn’t want to consider that, the notion that the people he cared for most wanted him dead. Although it was a reality that he hated to admit, he could probably benefit from an impartial set of eyes and ears. Yet, Damian was proud if nothing else and he refused to allow anyone to think him weak.
"That may be," Damian huffed, "but I never agreed to an indefinite placement and certainly not from one of your B-list cast offs." His lip curled teasingly as he surveyed the man clad in black in front of him. He was curious to see how he would react.
The man grit his teeth and extended a hand with a forced smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Dam-”
Damian interrupted firmly, his piercing gaze fixed on the man's face. “You may call me The Demon’s Head.”
The man chuckled nervously as he pushed back some unruly curls from his forehead. “No offense but...” he hesitated before continuing, “I’d rather call you anything else.”
Damian's lips curled into a menacing smile, his pearly whites barred behind a mask of feigned politeness. "Then, may I have the pleasure of calling you Jonathan?" The man remained silent, his expression guarded. Damian pressed on. "surprised that I know your other name?"
He cleared his throat, his voice betraying forced calmness as he responded, "Not really...and it's just Jon."
The smile fell from Damian's face, replaced by a look of disdain, "I'd rather call you anything else." The lack of push back from his opponent was slightly off-putting, it was simply no fun if they just stood there and took it. But then again, what did he really expect from the son of the Big Blue Boy Scout, always so righteous and obedient.
The tension between them hung heavy in the air, like a thick fog that refused to dissipate. Goliath finally broke the awkward silence with a restless shift, his large frame causing the ground to tremble beneath him. "I see there's no point in arguing with you," he grumbled, casting a patronizing look at Jon. "If Super Slut is ready to depart, then we shall." With the grace of a seasoned rider, Damian pulled himself up and swung himself onto his fiery red companion, feeling the heat emanating from its powerful body. Beside him, Jon effortlessly lifted himself off the ground and into the air. The bat dragon spread its massive wings and with a few strong flaps they ascended into the sky.
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skyward-floored · 4 months ago
Whumptober Day 28 - No-holds-barred beatdown, exposure, used as bait
CONTINUATION TO DAY 13 go read that one if you haven’t (or if you need a refresher it’s been so long lol)
Hi I'm still kicking <3 only three left after this, I WILL be finishing these, NO MATTER WHAT RAAAAAH. my goal is to be done before the 15th but we'll see how that goes. I'm going to try 😓
The prompts used aren’t the best, but they were the only ones that even vaguely fit lol. The third one doesn’t even come into effect until the very end. Also this was only going to be one more part. but. they kept talking.
Warnings: violence, injury, a handful of previous warnings from day 13
Day 13
ao3 link
Sky and Warriors woke up at the same time.
Twilight stirred from his spot on the ground, having let his mind wander as he’d waited. His body still ached a bit, and it wasn't helped by his stint on the cold floor, but he sat up anyway as Warriors’ eyelids fluttered, and a squeaky moan came from Time’s back, Sky’s tail flicking. Twilight looked between the two, then went to Sky first, since strangely enough it seemed like he was waking up faster.
Legend sat next to Warriors, saying something to him as he woke, and Time watched the two with slightly narrowed eyes. He looked at Twilight as he walked up, flicking an ear as Warriors let out a disbelieving noise and Legend squawked angrily.
“Here,” Time said, carefully leaning over and sliding Sky off his back. “I’m going to go make sure Legend doesn’t bite him. And that the captain doesn’t stomp our veteran by accident. Or on purpose.”
Twilight nodded, and sat down next to Sky as his blue eyes flickered open.
“Easy Sky,” Twilight woofed as he moved a little, and Sky twitched his nose.
“Ow...” he groaned, and Twilight gave his ear a gentle lick. “...Oh, hey rancher... why’re you so big?” he asked blearily, squinting as he tried to sit up. His paws slipped out from under him though, and Sky stared at them in bewilderment, the expression honestly adorable on his furry face. He wiggled a few toes, and stared at the fur and claws, blinking in shock.
“Rancher?” Sky repeated in more of an alarmed voice. “What’s going on?”
“Short version? We all got turned into animals,” Twilight admitted, giving Sky a little push with his snout in order to help him sit up when he tried again. “We fell down here and all transformed somehow. You’re one of those cat things on your island, a... was it a remake?”
“A remlit,” Sky corrected, sounding a little calmer, but still disturbed. He studied his paws, and tilted his head back, trying to look at his ears and tail. “Huh. Just like Legend that one time. Those... women did this to us?”
“Yep, the creepy voice ones. Or something down here did, we’re not exactly sure. But it’s their fault somehow,” Twilight confirmed, and watched intently as Sky shakily stood up, paws trembling. “You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m— yeah. This is just... weird,” he admitted. “I... this was dark magic, wasn’t it?”
“We think so, yeah.”
Sky frowned and looked around the dark cave, large ears swiveling, and both he and Twilight jumped as they heard a distressed whinny. Twilight whirled around, and saw Warriors attempting to get to his hooves, his legs wobbling underneath him.
“Easy Captain, don’t move too quickly,” Time warned, and Warriors snorted, tossing his head.
“Don’t ‘easy’ me, I’m not staying like this a moment longer than I have to!” Warriors said, nearly falling over. “Horses are fine, I like horses, but I don’t want to be one!”
“Actually you’re a unicorn,” Legend said helpfully, and Warriors huffed angrily as Time moved to his side, helping to steady him.
“Right. I’m a horse with a big pointy stick on my head. Wonderful.”
“At least you can stab things,” Legend continued, nose twitching in amusement. “You didn’t have a weapon before, and now you do. Besides, I think the horn really compliments your flowing locks.”
“I could almost say the same,” Warriors snorted. “Flowing locks indeed. Finally the mystery of the pink hair is solved. I wouldn’t have guessed a bunny rabbit would be the cause but you—”
“Now see here—”
“All right, that’s enough,” Time said with a sharp look at the both of them. “Captain, are you feeling all right? We all saw how rough that transformation was.”
“I’m fine,” Warriors mumbled, pawing at the floor.
Twilight glanced back at Sky, who was sniffing at the scratches on his side with a wince on his face. He’d managed to stand by himself though, and so Twilight moved over to Warriors, the captain’s legs still wobbling.
“Relax Captain, we’re going to fix this,” Twilight reassured, and Warriors made another annoyed sound, his tail swishing.
“So long as we don’t need opposable thumbs,” he said. Twilight sighed.
“We’ll manage, Captain. I know this isn’t ideal, but we’ll figure it out.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re used to having four legs,” Warriors said in a sharp voice, and Twilight flattened his ears in annoyance.
“I’m stuck like this too, Captain. Just because I’m more used to four legs doesn’t mean I don’t want my regular ones back,” Twilight snapped, his worry and fear at the whole situation abruptly bursting out. “Now if you’re done arguing with Legend we still don’t know where half our group is, so if you’re able to walk without falling over let’s get going.”
Warriors blinked, obviously taken aback, and Twilight turned away from Time’s frown and stuck his nose up in the air to sniff for any more familiar scents.
The faintest hint of one that wasn’t rock or cave smell wafted by his nose, and Twilight turned in a slow circle, trying to pinpoint it. He caught a bigger whiff, and gestured with his head.
“I think I found someone else,” he said, and Time hummed in a growly way.
“Are you guys ready to move?” Legend asked, looking askance at both Sky and Warriors. Sky hesitated, his legs still wobbly, but when he walked around in a small circle he was able to keep his footing. Warriors gave a curt nod, his legs looking steadier, and he didn’t look over at Twilight.
Twilight felt a little sting of shame, but he swallowed it back. He could apologize later.
“This way,” he said, turning into the darkness, and the others followed along behind him, Warriors’ hooves clicking against the stone floor.
They kept the pace slow, in respect for both small and unsteady legs. Twilight felt impatience simmer under his fur, but he knew he couldn’t just run ahead. He was currently one of their few lines of defense, and who knew how many monsters might be around down here?
Sky and Legend walked together beside him, Sky asking questions about being an animal, Legend answering as well as he could. Warriors was obviously listening in as well, and Twilight even noticed Time’s ear swivel back when Legend started in on ways he dealt with fights.
Twilight... probably ought to be giving tips as well, he certainly had plenty of knowledge to draw on. But he was intent on following the scent, keeping a nose out for any others, watching for monsters, and also looking for a way out. Legend could handle the crash course in being an animal.
What a disaster.
Twilight sighed and kept sniffling, trying to identify exactly who’s scent it was he was following. He stepped past a couple large rocks that glowed faintly green, and as the scent grew steadily stronger, Twilight suddenly paused, his stomach sinking. Even with the strange overtone to it, he suddenly knew exactly who’s scent he was following.
He bolted, leaving the others behind, knowing the source of the scent was close. Twilight turned a corner, intently sniffing, and sure enough a few moments later his paw bumped into a small, grey-blue creature.
Twilight froze, and lowered himself to the floor, almost not believing what he was seeing.
“Oh boy... champion?” he asked, nuzzling gently at him. Wild don’t move, unconscious, and Twilight gave his head a small lick. “Hey, wake up for me?”
A chirrupy groan came from Wild’s still form, and his eyelids flickered, blues resting hazily on Twilight’s face.
“Mm... Twi?” he mumbled, ears twitching. “Where... ow... why does my whole body hurt?”
Twilight winced. “Well, it ah... might have to do with the fact that you’re a squirrel.”
Wild blinked slowly, his gaze still bleary. He flicked his ears again, twitched his tail once, then jerked to his feet with a completely flabbergasted expression.
“A WHAT?!” he yelped right as the others all rounded the corner and caught sight of him. Legend took one look at Wild’s bushy tail before his face cracked into a huge grin.
“Champion you’re— you’re a squirrel!” Legend spluttered, then burst into uproarious laughter, looking at Wild with pure glee on his face. “That’s the best thing I’ve seen all day!”
“IT’S NOT FUNNY!” Wild screeched, his fluffy tail sticking straight up. He looked a solid mixture of offended and freaked out. “WHAT’S FUNNY ABOUT TURNING INTO A SQUIRREL?!”
“It’s hilarious, actually,” Legend cackled, wheezing as he fell backwards, nearly tripping Sky. “A squirrel! No wonder you’re such a hoarder!”
Legend burst into another peal of laughter, and Wild stumbled backwards, every bit of him tense. Twilight moved towards him, and Wild let out a panicked little chirp.
“Wild, it’s okay,” Sky said, and Wild twitched his nose as Twilight gently nuzzled his head. He could hear Wild’s tiny heart beating like a drum.
“Are you hurt at all?” Time asked, and Wild shook his head, his tail lowering a little.
“No, I’m fine. I just... no. Don’t like this.”
Wild swiped a paw over his face as his nose twitched again, and Twilight very firmly held back the urge to laugh. Now was not the time, even if Wild being a squirrel was admittedly... rather hilarious. At least on par with Legend being a rabbit.
Maybe Farore has a sense of humor.
“Hey, you’ve just gotta adjust,” Legend said as he gave himself a shake, finally getting ahold of himself. “Just think how it could be worse. You could be a bug or something.”
“But I’m a squirrel!” Wild chittered frantically, his tail whirling all over the place. “I’m tiny! I’m defenseless! I can’t even hold a weapon like this!”
“Wow. What a hardship,” Legend said in a deadpan. “Being a small mostly-defenseless woodland creature.”
Wild opened his mouth to retort, then slowly closed it again, staring at Legend like he hadn’t truly looked at him until now.
“Oh. Uh... you’re... a pink blupee thing?”
“A rabbit. We all got transformed, Wild, calm down. I’m sure we'll be able to fix it,” Twilight reassured, and Wild groaned, pulling his tail over his face.
“I hate this. No thank you. Nope.”
“Join the club,” Warriors sighed, and Twilight sat down beside the little ball that was currently Wild, giving him another lick. Wild uncurled a little, looking at Twilight with thinly-hidden panic in his eyes, and Twilight’s chest tightened. Wild rarely looked so rattled.
“You’re sure you’re not hurt?” he asked quietly, and Wild nodded.
“Just sore,” he said quietly. “That transformation was awful. Is... everyone else okay?”
“We don’t know. We haven’t found everyone yet,” Twilight explained with a sigh. “No sign of Hyrule, Wind, or Four.”
“But I’m sure we’ll find them,” Sky said hopefully, his large ears spread wide. “If nothing else I’ll be able to hear them with these big old things.”
Time chuckled, and Wild’s tail flicked around, the champion obviously still distressed. But he took a deep breath and sat up, determination in his eyes. Sky watched Wild’s tail swish around as he studied everybody’s animal forms, Sky’s pupils going wide, and suddenly shot out a paw to bap at it.
Wild jumped, and Sky immediately drew back, spouting apologies.
“Sorry! Sorry It caught my attention and I was just going to watch it but then I... I don’t know why I did that,” he finished in bewilderment.
Time let out a huff from nearby. “Instincts. Never know when they’re going to kick in. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve eaten rocks without thinking.”
Twilight wasn’t the only one who gave him a strange look at that.
Unfortunately none of them got to press the question, since right as Twilight opened his mouth to ask, a loud rumbling sound came from somewhere in the cave, the ground shaking under their feet.
Warriors stumbled, and Sky and Wild both fell over, the cave shaking so violently Twilight wondered if it was about to fall on their heads. He quickly positioned himself over the smallest members of the group, but the shaking abruptly stilled, and the cave went deathly quiet.
Then Twilight growled as a familiar voice suddenly spoke.
“You have all faced the magic and come out unbroken. You have passed the first stage,” the croaking voice echoed through the cave. “The second stage still remains. Survive and we will collect the chosen downstream at the crystal waters.”
“Good luck! I can’t wait for you to finish,” the other voice said excitedly, and Twilight saw Warriors flinch.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Legend growled, and Twilight saw Sky’s claws slide out.
“Return us to our normal bodies!” Warriors shouted, the whinny echoing off the walls.
“I don’t think she can understand you,” Wild pointed out, then raised himself to his hind legs, showing off the sword-shaped patch of white on his belly. “Here— RETURN US TO OUR NORMAL BODIES YOU CULTY FREAKS!”
There was no reply.
“I doubt she liked being called a freak,” Time said dryly.
“Yeah, probably not. But still. Rude,” Legend sniffed. “Guess we’ll just survive phase two then.”
“We need to find the others,” Twilight spoke up, unable to keep the worry from his voice. “Now.“
“She said we all survived the magic though, doesn’t that mean they’re all okay?” Wild spoke up, and Sky’s tail flicked worriedly.
“She didn’t say anything about other dangers, though.”
As if summoned, a monster’s howl rang through the tunnels, and everyone stiffened, heads turning toward the sound.
“Wild, Legend, on Twilight’s back, Sky, you sit on Time, we’ll save the most time,” Warriors said quickly, and Legend helped Wild scramble up onto Twilight’s back, Sky carefully moving to sit on Time’s. “I’d... take one of you, but I don’t know how steady I can keep myself.”
“I’ve got them,” Twilight reassured, noticing the frustration on Warriors’ face. Warriors met his gaze, and Twilight lowered his head, ears flicking down. An apology for earlier.
Warriors looked at him a moment, then nodded back, apologizing as well.
Twilight breathed out, a little of the nauseating emotions rolling around in him easing a bit. He may be tired, cold, hungry, in pain and worried, but that was no excuse to take it out on Warriors.
They needed to work together to get out of this mess.
They all rushed off, Warriors having trouble going at a pace much faster than a walk, but pushing himself anyway. That had been a victorious sort of monster cry, and they didn’t have time to waste. Even if Warriors kept tripping on his hooves and barely catching himself.
“So,” Wild said after a minute, and Twilight flicked an ear to show he was listening. “How come you and the old man are wolves while the rest of us are... everything else?”
“I was wondering that too,” Legend spoke up. “...I still think it’s beyond unfair.”
“I don’t know why,” Twilight admitted. “Your form says something about your person, they reflect your spirit... or it does in my case. Even though the circumstances are weird, I’m guessing it’s the same for the rest of you. I guess mine and Time’s just happen to be similar.”
“And I’m a squirrel,” Wild grumbled, and Twilight sighed.
“Yeah. Squirrels aren’t so bad though. They’re hardy, smart, good at climbing, jumping... besides, we can’t all be unicorns,” Twilight pointed out as he hopped over a rock, and Wild and Legend both let out small huffs of laughter.
“I guess not. Still pretty strange there’s so much variety,” Wild hummed. “I would’ve guessed we’d all be wolves.”
He was quiet for several seconds, and Twilight turned his attention back to navigating through the dark cave.
“...Wait a second, if our animal forms reflect us, and Legend is a bunny—”
“Don’t you dare finish that thought.”
Wild chittered out a laugh.
His amusement faded when another snarl echoed through the caves though, and Twilight exchanged a glance with Time, trotting even faster. If anyone was hurt because they couldn’t get to them in time, Twilight didn’t know what he would do.
The green rocks increased in frequency around them, the darkness of cave a bit less intense. Twilight could hear water now, and regular grumbles and snorts that sounded like monsters. Time caught Warriors when he tripped again, and they all ran down the sloping passageway.
They turned a corner, and Twilight’s eyes went wide.
An underground stream flowed in front of them, wide, but fast, water a crystalline blue so bright it looked unnatural. More of those green rocks were scattered in and around the water, and though Twilight couldn’t see colors the best as a wolf, he could tell the mix of them was rather pretty.
But more important than the water or rocks was the group of moblins on the other side, one dragging a motionless deer behind it, another trying to bat away something running around by its feet.
“Hey!” Wild shouted, and leapt off of Twilight’s back, rushing over to the stream and attempting to hop across the rocks. His paws skidded on the slippery stone, but he managed to hang on and keep going. Twilight barked for Legend to hold on, and jumped into the water, quickly swimming across.
The water was achingly cold, but Twilight ignored it and Legend’s small squeak of dismay, paddling as fast as he could. The current wasn’t too fast for him, and Twilight leapt onto the shore right as a moblin kicked the small figure at its feet, making it squeal in pain.
Whoever it was went flying, and Twilight lunged for the moblin, teeth bared. Legend clung to his fur as he bowled the moblin over, and Twilight heard Time snarl as well, a different monster screeching in pain.
The disgusting tang of monster blood got in his mouth as he snapped at the moblin, but Twilight didn't let go until it let out a dying gurgle and went limp. He raised his head, watching Time struggle with his own moblin, Sky trying to help where he could, and also saw Warriors hurriedly trying to cross the water beside Wild.
Nobody had reached the moblin dragging the deer by the leg though, and Twilight whirled towards it, leaping at the beast with his fangs bared.
It saw him coming, and dodged his lunge to its neck, Twilight’s teeth closing around its arm instead. It snarled in anger as it dropped the deer, then raised a large club above its head, eyes glinting maliciously. Twilight knew he wouldn’t be able to move in time to avoid it, but then Legend leapt off his back, attaching himself to the moblin’s face and scratching and kicking at it furiously.
It screeched, and Twilight bit it on the wrist, making it drop its weapon. The moblin gave its head a violent shake and Legend went flying, but the opening was what Twilight needed to leap forward and finally bury his teeth in its neck.
He heard a splash behind him, fear ratcheting into his throat, but he couldn’t let go until the moblin fell still and it was stubbornly refusing to do so.
Come on, die already! Twilight thought with a snarl, abruptly twisting his head to the side.
A sickening crack rang out, and the moblin finally fell still, its tongue lolling. Twilight felt a lurch in his stomach at the more violent instinct he’d given into, but he swallowed it back and spat blood from his mouth.
He turned back to the water, and felt a quick flicker of relief as he saw Time standing over Legend's limp form, viciously attacking anything that came nearby. There were only three moblins left now, and Warriors was attempting to handle the other two, Wild goading them on and distracting them while Warriors attacked with his hooves and horn.
Which just left the question of where Sky and the other animal had gone.
Twilight whined anxiously, looking around the bloody shore for any sign of them. There was a lot going on, but he was sure that he would’ve noticed one or the both of them being hurt.
Twilight suddenly saw splashing, and he hurried over to the water, ears pricking as he saw a lithe shape struggling towards the shore, Sky’s large ears visible beside it. Twilight leaned way out, prepared to jump in if necessary, and when both heads dipped below the water, Twilight quickly splashed in and gently snatched them both by the scruff.
He dragged them to shore and set them down, then frantically sniffed the both of them, Sky's scratches reopened, the other animal's tail bleeding.
“Are you two okay?” Twilight barked urgently, and the lithe, creamy colored animal nodded shakily as he scooted closer to Sky.
“I’m good,” Wind’s voice chirped tiredly from it, turning his head so that Twilight got a good look at the swirl of blue on his head and back. “Or good enough. This... is so weird.”
“Yeah,” Twilight agreed, then turned his attention to Sky, the poor remlit panting with exhaustion in a soggy heap on the ground. “You good buddy?”
“Give... me... a sec...” Sky coughed, a shiver running through him.
Twilight nodded, and glanced back at the battle just in time to see a moblin charging for them, eyes crazed.
Wind squealed in alarm and Twilight leapt to intercept the monster, snapping at its neck. Somehow it managed to dodge the attack, and abruptly slammed its club into his side, making Twilight yelp in pain.
He was knocked to the ground, but despite the pain he got back up almost instantly. The moblin was running for Sky, and a feral snarl escaped Twilight as he leapt back at the moblin again. This time he managed to knock it off-balance, and Twilight and the moblin went sprawling to the ground, snarls and the snapping of teeth ringing through the cave as they struggled.
Twilight ignored the sharp ache ringing up his side and focused only on taking down the moblin that had been charging for Wind and Sky. It gave as good as it got, and Twilight was already scratched and kicked and sorely aching when the moblin suddenly raked its claws into his muzzle.
A sharp sting ripped across his face, and Twilight yelped in pain as he reeled back, tears welling in his eyes.
Something snapped in Twilight, and despite the sharp pain, he lunged back in again, snapping ferociously at the moblin’s neck. He clawed and tore and shook the monster under him, and it wasn’t until something pressed against his side and shouted his name that Twilight realized the moblin had gone still, and it was silent in the cave once more.
Twilight stumbled back, panting as blood dripped from his face and mouth, staring at the ripped-up moblin below him. It was barely recognizable, and bile rose in his throat, shame and disgust slamming into him. Something suddenly butted gently against his side, and Twilight wearily raised his head, seeing Time looking at him with alarm in his eye.
The older hero was gently supporting him, and Twilight wondered why before he suddenly realized his legs were trembling.
“I’m okay,” Twilight said finally, sitting down with a whine at the pain in his side and face. At Time’s incredulous look, Twilight huffed. “Seriously, I am. Nothing’s broken, just bruised, I can tell.”
“Bruised ribs are no joke,” Warriors said as he walked by, but he didn’t stop to bother Twilight about it further. He was making his way over to the deer, who was still lying ominously still on the ground. Legend at least had stirred nearby, but he looked a little dazed, a paw held close to his chest.
Fear lurched through him and Twilight struggled back to his feet, Time still supporting his side, and he walked slowly over to Legend and the deer.
Time didn’t further question his injuries, but Twilight could feel his gaze on him as they made a brief detour for Twilight to wash some of the blood from his mouth.
I get it old man, you’re worried.
Twilight swallowed, the taste of blood still in his mouth.
I am too.
They made it to where Warriors had gone, and Twilight sat down with a huff, the others all gathered around in a loose circle. Twilight looked around at them all, bloody, disturbed, weary and damp, and lowered his head down to rest on his paws.
Are we anywhere close to getting out of here?
Twilight breathed out slowly, and tilted his head to look at the deer, a light brown and with a few speckles of pale green scattered around on his back and face. Warriors knelt beside him, and gave the deer and Legend both as much of a look-over as he could.
Wind scampered past, his feet making little paps on the floor, and he sniffed at the deer, then looked fearfully at Warriors.
“Is Hyrule okay?” he asked, fur still a little damp.
“Yes, Hyrule is okay,” a voice groaned, and Twilight turned to see the deer raise its head, blinking dizzily. “Ow.”
"Traveler!" Legend and Wind said at the same time, both looking relieved.
“Careful,” Warriors warned, but Hyrule shifted around anyway, moving like he was going to stand up.
He immediately toppled over when he tried, his hooves going everywhere, and Wind let out a sympathetic little noise. Hyrule blinked, attempting to correct himself, and when he failed, stared up at the near zoo standing around him.
“Um. So why do I have four feet and feel like I got doused in dark magic?” Hyrule asked, sounding surprisingly unconcerned. “Also... why’s there a unicorn just standing there?”
“That’s me,” Warriors said grumpily, and Hyrule blinked.
“Oh. Okay.”
“Weird cult ladies, we were dumped in a cave, dark magic stuff,” Legend summarized from where he'd moved to sit beside Sky, and Hyrule nodded, accidentally hitting his antlers on a rock.
“Ow. Yeah... I remember now. I thought I heard Wind when we fell, and I got up to go find him, but then I felt all that dark magic and blacked out,” he reported with a scrunch if his nose. “And now I’m a... deer?"
“Looks like it,” Warriors said, and Twilight heard the grim smile in his voice. “Welcome to the hoof club.” Hyrule looked around, then blinked, staring at the eclectic pile of animals gathered near Sky. "...Is that rabbit wearing a vest?"
Warriors snorted out a laugh, and then attempted to give Hyrule a crash course in who was who, and also how to walk with hooves. While they stumbled around, Twilight took the opportunity to look around at everyone else, making sure they were all still accounted for. Time was beside him still, a few scratches on his leg, some blood staining his muzzle. Legend and Wild were huddled beside Sky, trying to warm him up while Legend nursed his injured paw, and Wind and Warriors were cheering Hyrule on as he tried to raise himself up on wobbly legs.
That meant the only one missing now was Four.
Twilight looked at the stream, remembering the croaky voice’s mention of water. The exit must be somewhere near here if they were going to be... collected, but they couldn’t leave without Four.
Where could he be?
“...okay, so I know Twilight and Time are the wolves,” Wind said, and Twilight looked back to see him moving to sit next to Sky as well. “Wild’s... a thing? Furry thing?”
“A squirrel,” Wild sighed. “And Warriors is the unicorn, Sky is the cat thing I forget the name of, Legend is the rabbit,” he said with a snicker, and Legend glared at him. “And you're a... I actually have no idea what you are.”
“He's an otter,” Legend said grumpily, attempting to tie his vest into a sling with one arm. “They swim around and eat clams.”
“What’s a clam?” Wind asked.
“That’s not very nice of him,” Hyrule said as he wobbled over, and Wild and Wind joined in on his laughter while several of the others rolled their eyes.
“Enough goofing off, we still need to find Four,” Twilight spoke up, and everyone turned to look at him. "And any ideas on how we're going to deal with these witches or whatever they are?"
"We head downstream and see what happens I suppose," Time sighed. "Our smithy must have heard that message too, he’ll know where to go."
"He could be hurt though," Wind chirped worriedly, rubbing a paw over his whiskery cheek.
"And what if he was unconscious somewhere and we missed him?" Legend added.
"Twilight or the old man would've smelled him though, wouldn't they?" Warriors pointed out. "Twilight's been looking for scents this whole time, surely he would've gotten some sign of him."
"Wait, what if he got turned into a fish or something?" Wind suddenly gasped, looking at the water. "What if he's down there and—"
"Quiet!" Sky suddenly shouted in a croaky voice, his wide ears held out.
All of them went silent, and Sky swiveled his ears around, looking ruffled, but a little less like a drowned rat as he carefully sat up. Twilight pricked his ears too, and for a moment, all anyone heard was the noise of the stream rushing by, and blood and water dripping softly from wounds.
Then Twilight heard a pained cry so soft he could barely make it out.
"That was Four," Sky gasped, obviously able to make it out better than him. "He... wait."
He pricked his ears, and then his eyes went wide.
"I can hear those women, they have Four!"
Twilight jumped to his feet, biting back a whine of pain as his side sparked angrily. "Then we need to go help him, come on!"
“We can’t just rush in there without a plan,” Warriors whinnied, stomping a hoof. “Rancher you’re injured, Hyrule can barely walk, Sky practically drowned, we need a plan if we’re going to be able to—”
“Then I’m going by myself!” Twilight snarled, and whirled around and took off, ignoring the others’ shouts and cries to come back.
Twilight’s paws pounded against the stone as the others’ voices faded behind him, every step sending a jolt up along his injured side. Blood was drying on his face, sticky and uncomfortable, but Twilight only ran faster, listening for any more signs of Four.
He knew he would need the others’ help. He knew he wouldn’t be able to take them on by himself, and Twilight especially knew he was being incredibly stupid by running off alone.
But he didn’t care.
Every moment could matter for Four.
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mimefish · 1 year ago
"that creeper must've been sitting on my face when he blew up!"
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lechelechaa · 5 months ago
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Q hago pa mantener viva la cuenta?🦓
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miss-may-i · 5 months ago
Miss May I: Season 5 Part 31
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Julian: You're hard at work. Thanks for that.
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Damian: Where's little man?
Julian: Lippi is watching him.
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Damian: Aw man, I'm gonna miss him. He was the hardest worker on our team.
Julian: You know you can visit him whenever you want. You've been such great help with everything.
Damian: So you staying with Lippi after what happened?
Julian: Yeah, but I promised her we'd be out before the new baby gets here.
Damian: How's little guy handling everything?
Julian: He's confused. Keeps asking where his daddy is and I don't know what to tell him.
Damian: It's rough being a kid. You look at your parents like superheroes then it's a slap in the face when you realize they ain't shit.
Julian: Tell me about it.
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Isabella: Guys! It's horrible! This is the worst possible thing that could happen to me!
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Isabella: My--My parents are getting a divorce!
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Damian: That's it?
Julian: Geez Bell, you about gave us a heart attack.
Isabella: What do you mean that's it? Why is no one taking this seriously?
Damian: You're right Bella, I'm sorry. That's horrible.
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Isabella: I don't know what I'm supposed to do. This is all coming out of nowhere. Apparently my dad has been cheating on my mom and now they're selling the house. I feel like my whole life is crashing down right in front of me and I can't do anything about it. Richie is at university, you guys have your own lives. Where is the place for me?
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Julian: I'm sorry Bella, that's not easy. You know we'll support you however we can.
Damian: Hey, if you both need a place to stay, I've been looking for a couple of reliable roommates. Why don't I give you girls a tour when we're done here?
Julian: You want us to be your roommates? You know I come with baggage, right?
Damian: Eh, don't we all? What do you say, Bella?
Isabella: Living with my two best friends? Maybe that won't be so bad.
Previous | Beginning | Next
Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4
Family Tree
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watcherglowcloud · 3 months ago
harlan guthrie stop writing the freakiest lines for yourself to act out. you’re actually not scaring the hoes and that’s part of the problem
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queenarahbo · 4 months ago
Everyone Starts Somewhere
How Amethio came to stay with the Rising Volt Tacklers.
Part 1 of Found Family
Whumptober Prompts Filled: Day 2: Trust issues Day 3: Set up for failure Day 15: Childhood trauma Day 17: Nowhere else to go Day 26: Nightmares - Breakfast table Day 31: Asking for help
Amethio awoke to the oppressive fatigue that weighed heavily on his body and mind. Relief washed over him as he realized he wasn’t dead. But the relief was short-lived as a sharp ache pierced his chest, making it hard to breathe. His lungs burned for air, an excruciating sensation that surpassed anything he had ever experienced. His breathing was slow and shallow at first, but as he began to wake, it started to quicken.
“Are you finally awake?”
Amethio tensed at the voice, which grated on his nerves. That answered the question of where he had ended up. He didn’t need to open his eyes to know that the white-haired man was sitting to his left. “Friede,” he sighed, but it quickly turned into a coughing fit that shook his entire body. He clenched his teeth as Friede effortlessly lifted him into a sitting position.
“Woah there. Take it easy.”
Amethio concealed his pain behind a stoic expression and finally opened his eyes, dabbing at them with his sleeve. He fixed a piercing glare on his rival before attempting to speak. However, this only triggered another coughing fit. His throat was so dry…
“Drink this. It will help.”
He eyed the bottle of Gatorade with suspicion. There was no way he would accept anything from the Rising Volt Tacklers. It would be so simple to poison a colored drink like that.
“The seal is intact. I figured you wouldn’t trust us.”
Friede seemed to pick up on the obvious distrust. Amethio turned his glare back on Friede before taking the bottle and checking the seal himself. It seemed fine. He twisted the cap and heard the crack of the plastic seal as his confirmation. Fine. So Fride wasn’t trying to poison him this time. He took a sip, relishing silently at the relief it brought his throat, and looked back to Friede as he began talking once more.
“Mollie is in town getting supplies. Try resting until she gets back. You're hurt pretty badly."
Like hell. Amethio would sooner die than stay on this ship. He was in no shape to escape, however, he knew that much. His ankle was wrapped tightly in a cast. That seemed to be a tolerable pain compared to the stabbing from his ribs that only got worse as he coughed. His entire body ached really.
"Amethio, you know you can trust us." Friede huffed before falling into the chair next to the bed "You are hurt. Let us help you."
"You are the last person I want to spend any time around," Amethio growled. Deep down he knew Friede was right. With his ankle broken, there was no way he could escape the Explorers. Especially without his Pokemon. He was lucky enough to have gotten away with the injuries that he had. If it wasn't for the Rising Volt Tacklers he would likely be dead now. Speaking of…he hadn't heard from Conia or Zir since they were separated before the fight. Were they alive? If Hamber had anything to say about it, probably not. They would likely be tortured for information despite not helping him escape. Had they been given the chance he knew they would have helped him. That was all the more reason to get out of here. He needed to help them. If he could get there maybe he could save them. "I'm not staying here."
"Well if you can find your Pokemon and get off the ship then you are welcome to leave." Friede rolled his eyes "But we both know you aren't going anywhere."
"You can't keep me here."
"And we aren't. Whatever stupid suicide plan you are working up should be put on hold until you can actually walk. We will keep your Pokemon safe. Don't worry about them."
Amethio thought Friede looked like he had more he wanted to say, but before the other man could continue he was interrupted by a pink-haired woman strolling into the room.
"Right now this isn't up to you. As Friede said, when you can walk you are free to leave. None of us are too keen on you sticking around anyway." She said before turning back to her computer, no longer interested in the conversation at hand.
"Woah, hang on!" Friede shot to his feet "Amethio is welcome to stay if he wants to. We are on the same side now."
"We will never be on the same side, Friede," Orla said from the doorway. She crossed her arms as she leaned against the wooden frame.
Friede turned to face his mechanic with wide eyes. He opened his mouth to argue again but thought better of it when Murdock gave him a look from behind Orla.
" You have to think of the bigger picture. How would Liko feel about this?" Mollie chimed back in though she didn't turn to face the others.
"Well then, why don't we ask her?" Friede huffed. He couldn't believe that his crew could be so cold. Sure, Amethio had never been a friend exactly, but he was someone in need of help. They helped people. It's not like he was suggesting that they make him a member of their crew. Then again…
"If you are going to keep me here would you mind taking this argument somewhere else?" Amethio glared at the small crowd in the room. He really didn't feel like listening to this any longer. Friede was no captain he would follow. The man was far too reckless and clearly didn't have control over his crew. They didn't follow his orders without question the way Conia and Zir followed him. He let his eyes flutter closed, still fully alert to the people around him, and focused on the footsteps fading from the room. Good, at least they listened to him. Once the room was empty, however, Amethio suddenly felt the weight of his injuries. Finally succumbing to the drowsiness he began to drift.
Amethio was in the training hall of the Explorers’s base. He had just received his partner from Master Gibeon. He had not been expecting the Charcadet for his birthday. He would have been elated to get a Pokemon finally under normal circumstances. Amethio wasn't living in normal circumstances. After his parents died he was taken in by his grandfather. He knew he should be grateful. He knew he should. He had a roof over his head.
"That's our pampered little Amethio." Spinel glared at the aforementioned boy as Sango cackled wildly.
"He's always getting special treatment. He's nothing special." Spinel rolled his eyes before turning and disappearing down the hall.
Amethio just pretended he didn't hear the older kids. He was going to start training with Hamber now. He could finally be useful to his grandfather. He turned around as Hamber's voice reached his ears.
"I am very disappointed in you, Amethio." Hamber scolded coldly "I had higher expectations of you."
"I'm sorry," Amethio replied bitterly. This wasn't his fault. Spinel had lied to him. If he had the proper information then he would have been able to complete his mission without incident. He could hear the older kid snickering from the door. Amethio ground his teeth together. "I will do better next time." That's right. This was after Spinel had sabotaged his mission. He blinked. The room was suddenly different.
Amethio was standing back in the training room. Hamber was staring down at him. Dusknoir's eye glowed eerily behind his trainer. He couldn't let Hamber down again. He turned his attention back to his Pokemon as they battled against each other. He flinched as Ceruledge was unable to dodge in time. He had failed too many times. His partner wasn't weak. He was.
"Useless. Go again."
Right. He was useless. He was a waste of Hamber's time. He was a failure. Hamber's voice was overshadowed by a ferocious roar before the glass shattered. Amethio found himself staring up wide-eyed at the black Rayquaza he so desperately chased.
Amethio bolted upright with a stifled scream, his eyes darting wildly around the room. This place wasn’t familiar. This place wasn’t safe. He had to get out of here. He let his instincts take over and he climbed out of bed. The movements of his muscles ached horridly and he clenched his teeth together. The haze of the nightmare clung persistently in his mind. He restless shifted around until he found another tolerable position. He didn't sleep again. The anxiety the nightmare caused was too much for his exhausted brain to handle. He tossed and turned as the light slowly filled the room. He counted the time as the sun shone brighter and brighter. Eventually, Mollie returned to the infirmary to check on him with Friede close behind her. He didn't say anything as the doctor checked his vitals and gave minimal answers to her questions. "I have to leave. I can't stay here anymore." He finally spoke up.
“Well. You really don’t have many choices right now, do you?” Friede chuckled lightly “You are in no shape to go off on your own and even if you were you are being chased by the Explorers now. You wouldn’t stand a chance on your own.”
“I will manage.” Amethio growled “Now return my Pokemon.”
“Nah. I don’t think so. Why don’t you rest here and we can talk about it later?”
“Friede’s right. You have nowhere else to go.” Mollie chimed in.
She didn’t look away from the computer and her tone was disinterested. Amethio wasn’t sure how she really felt about all this. He knew that he wasn’t the only one with trust issues though. Friede was the only one on the ship who was giving him the time of day. Mollie did so because Friede told her to.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I found this. I figured you would want it." Friede offered a small piece of folded paper to Amethio who took it with hesitation. Friede was able to see the cracks in Amethio's mask. The kid wasn't as good at hiding things from him as he thought he was. He watched the visible distress and rage that spread across his face as he read over the letter.
Amethio stared at the paper in his hands. It was taking everything in him to keep his emotions in check. Hamber and Gibeon had never intended for him to succeed in his mission to retrieve the pendant from Liko. From the beginning, he was meant to fail.
"You okay over there, kid?" Friede looked up from his phone with concern. "Is it something you want to share with the class?"
"No." Amethio bit back sharply "I would prefer it if you would leave me alone now." He had nowhere to go now. He was completely alone. His family, no, the people he thought were his family, had betrayed him. He looked up when Friede sighed.
"I already read it."
"You did what?" Amethio whipped his head towards the older man. He reached out, struggling to find his balance as he moved, and let his hand fly at Friede. He caught his hand with ease. Friede kept his hand wrapped around Amethio's as he stood from the chair.
"Did you really think I was going to let you have something from the Explorers without reading it first?" Friede asked seriously. He waited for Amethio's head to shake before continuing "I've said from the beginning that you can stay here. You will be safe with us."
Amethio couldn't think of a response. He let his hands clench around the paper, creasing it in the process and, sighed. He and Friede stayed like that, neither of them daring to speak, until Friede finally broke the silence.
"Do you want to go down to eat? If you aren't feeling up to it then I can have Murdock bring something up to you later." Friede stared at the reluctant teen for a long moment before sighing in resignation. He wasn't going to get an answer. "Have it your way." He turned to leave but paused when he heard Amethio's stomach grumble loudly. He smirked to himself before looking over his shoulder with an amused "Sure you don't want food?" He found Amethio to be amusing and teasing him was going to be his new favorite pastime. He could practically feel the embarrassment radiating from the kid. His smirk transitioned to a soft smile when Amethio nodded his head. He helped him sit and offered out the crutches Mollie had left for him. He stuck close as they navigated the halls in case Amethio lost his balance. That was a real possibility with how unsteady he seemed. Then again who knows the last time the kid was able to rest or eat properly?
As Amethio shuffled into the large room he suddenly felt more awkward than he had probably ever felt. All eyes were on him. He did his best to keep his appearance up, but deep down he knew it was useless. In their eyes, he was just a stubborn teenager who was refusing help. His ankle ached worse as he tried to sit on his own. He ignored the annoyed sigh from Mollie. The silence in the room hung heavily. It wouldn't have made him uncomfortable if he didn't know how loud everyone normally was.
"Fine." Amethio mumbled, his amethyst eyes firmly trained on the floor as he softly broke the silence “For now.” He could feel the heat in his cheeks and desperately hoped no one else could see it. It was bad enough that he had to ask others for help. "I will stay here if you will allow it. Just…for now anyway." He grimaced as the words left his mouth. They had plenty of opportunities to kill him. If they wanted him dead he would be dead. He chanced a glance around the room. Friede looked relieved that he was agreeing to stay. Liko seemed hesitant about his decision. Everyone else shared a mixed look of frustration and distrust. That was fair, Amethio supposed. He wasn't their favorite person in the world and up until now, he had been fighting them about staying. The silence was dragging on. He shifted in his chair uncomfortably. To his surprise, it was Murdock who spoke first.
"Well, if you are going to stay here I need to know if there are any foods you are allergic to."
Amethio simply stared at him. Was he really supposed to give that information up so easily? He shot a look at Friede who simply nodded. This was crazy. These people were the last ones he wanted to know about any potential weaknesses.
"I would prefer not to kill you by mistake." Murdock rolled his eyes. "But I guess it makes no difference to me if you want to keep it to yourself."
Amethio turned his attention back to the chef. That logic was sound enough. He wasn't going to be able to cook until his ankle healed. He took a steadying breath before replying "Tree nuts." He felt his face grow hot as Friede laughed. He was about to find something to throw, but Mollie beat him to it.
"Shut up!" She hissed.
Murdock took that moment to nod seemingly in thought. He looked at Friede and said, "I think we can manage that without too much trouble."
"See!" Friede moved behind Amethio and dropped his hand on his shoulder "Everything will be fine. You are welcome to stay here as long as you want.” Friede ruffled Amethio’s hair, which earned him a smack.
"Don't touch me so freely!" Amethio growled as he recoiled with a glare. He swallowed the panic that surged through him as the feeling of Friede's touch lingered. He suppressed a shiver and sat up a little straighter.
"Sorry?" Friede scratched his head "Didn't think that would bother you."
"Exactly. You didn't think." Amethio growled. He was beginning to regret his actions. Amethio huffed and turned away. He wasn’t safe yet, but for now, he could at least rest.
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cheriboms · 1 year ago
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doctober day 8: outatime
some scenes i really like from chapter 5 of the game :)
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icycoldninja · 1 year ago
Fluffcember #3 Reno x Reader
Cuddling by the fire
You let out an exhausted sigh as you tramped through the door, throwing your stuff onto a nearby armchair with little concern as to whether or not they actually reached the chair. “God, I’m tired.” You exhaled, heading to the bathroom to change out of your work clothes. After you were done, you trudged to the living room, only to find Reno crouching in front of the fireplace. “Oh hey, when’d you get back?” You mumbled, sinking tiredly into the couch. Reno turned his head to look at you, a smirk on his face. “What? I just get home and that’s whatcha say to me?” He laughed, then stood up and headed to the kitchen. “Hey, where you going?” You called after him, rearranging the pillows as you spoke. “Relax, babe,” Was the reply, as Reno returned with a box of matches, some balled up paper, and a cocky smirk. “I ain’t leaving you alone for too long.” He took a seat in front of the fire and began stuffing the wads of paper into the fireplace, before setting them ablaze. “Just wanna get this place nice and toasty, y’know?” He chuckled before putting out his match and taking a seat next to you while the fire crackled away. “Tired?” He asked, running a hand up and down your leg, comfortingly. You nodded groggily, curling up on the couch and getting ready to succumb to sleep. Reno crawled on top of you and kissed your forehead. “Want a human teddy bear to keep you company?” You nodded, wanting someone to snuggle with, especially now that it was so warm and cozy in the living room. Reno sniggered, then slid off of you. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back. Lemme just get changed.” He disappeared into your shared bedroom and returned holding a big blanket, and wearing a tank top, pajama bottoms, and fluffy socks. “Alright, now we can get all nice n’ comfy.” He clambered on top of you again, dragging the blanket over the two of you. “Thanks, Ren…” You muttered, sleepily settling into his hold. “You’re welcome, babe.” He whispered, kissing the side of your neck and wrapping his lean arms around your torso. “Love you.” “Love you too.” Before either of you knew it, you were fast asleep, snuggled up in each other’s arms by the fire.
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horrorcrypt12 · 4 months ago
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Day 30 🎃:
Fear Street: Part Three - 1666 (2021)
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luimagines · 2 years ago
It’s The Little Things
Another commission!
It’s Dragon Warrior with an OC of theirs. I got permission to post it.
I also threw in a tiny hint of royal au as well. I promise Warrior has a backstory in this au, but it’s doesn’t come out.
Content under the cut!
The door burst open in what was now the usual flair. Their scent of baked goods and magical mischievousness filled his nose in an instant.
Looking up from the paperwork, the Captain gently sets his pen to the side, knowing that there’s very little going to get done while in their presence. He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. “And the winds have once again changed direction, I see.”
“And when they change once more, I will leave again, Pretty Boy.” They hopped onto his desk with practiced ease, crossing one leg over the other. A smirk decorates their face easily and they lean backwards with their hand precariously too close to the edge.
The Captain makes a mental note of it just in case and raises an eyebrow- seemingly unperturbed by the disturbance in his work day. “Very Mary Poppins of you.”
“You didn’t even know who she was until you met me.”
“While true, I’d say that you’re more well begun is half done than a spoonful of sugar.” He smirks back. He reaches over and picks up a plate of cookies, putting them in front of his impromptu guest with a soft clink against the table. “Try these. Tell me what you think.”
The nonchalant attitude stays on their face as they reach for the least decorated cookie. They take a bite and make a face. “Too much baking powder.”
“Thought you’d figure it out.” Warrior smiles.
“It’s still not half bad though.” They continue to nibble on the treat. Granted, it wasn’t even remotely one of their favorites but they had forgotten to eat earlier. So the cookie will suffice as a small token to hold them over.
“Uh-huh.” Warrior pushes the plate close to them. “You can have as many as you want then.”
They pause before bringing the cookie plate even closer. “It’s not your job to feed me, you know.”
“Someone has to do it.” He smiles wider. “Heaven knows you don’t do it yourself.”
A quiet curse and a pout.
Chuckles are hidden beneath the breath.
“Ok and?” The challenge. “It’s not like you knew I was coming over today anyway.”
“But Saffron-” He grins. “It’s the third Wednesday. Of course you’d come today.”
“Link-!” They bite their tongue. Did they really have that pattern?
He smirks, seeing nothing wrong with the topic at hand. “And you really expect me to not have put it together by now? You come back every third Wednesday between noon and two o’clock.  And you tend to stay for at least four hours. That being said, I’m about to have lunch. Would you care to join me?”
They stare at him and squint. “You didn’t eat either, did you?”
“....I had a coffee…”
“You’re worse than me.” Saffron hops off of the desk and scoffs. “And you dare call me out on my bad habits?”
“I never said I was better.” He stands as well. “Is that a yes, then? Should I expect your company this fine afternoon?”
Saffron stalled mid bite, switching their gaze from the hero beside them to the cookies that still sat undisturbed on the plate. “Sure.” They tossed the cookie back onto the ceramic. “What’s on the menu?”
He grins with a wide to wide toothy smile. He holds his hand out with a slight bow. “Do you want me to answer that?”
Seeing right through him, Saffron takes his hand with a deadpan stare. “Don’t even think about it.”
His grin only proves that he’s definitely thinking about it. 
With a huff, Saffron begins to walk in time with the young captain. Granted, there’s no reason to be so flippant with him. Everyone knows that he’s the right hand man to the Ancient King of Kokiri. No one is sure how he came into his employment- only that he’s an invaluable asset and is second in the kingdom only to the king himself.
However, while others would owe him respect- Saffron takes it as a challenge to push him to the limits of his sanity. They have yet to find them. He’s a lot worse than most people would be willing to admit. Even he’s also stupidly charming.
“You’re overthinking again.” Warrior whispers into their ear, startling them out of their thoughts.
Saffron rolls their eyes, ready to retort before they feel something snake around their waist. They look down. A shining blue to green holographic tail wraps itself snugly around them, pulling them even closer to the captain. It’s a limb of pure muscle. There’s no escaping its hold.
“Um… Cap-”
“Yes?” The tail tightens it’s hold ever so slightly. “What’s the matter?”
“You’re holding me.” Saffron breathes out. Not because they’re struggling to breathe- or perhaps they are, but that’s hardly the fault of the tail.
“I am.” He agrees without a second thought. “I simply want to have you close… and it’s a fool proof plan to make sure you run off and create any more trouble for me to deal with afterwards.”
“Just for that I’m going to make your paperwork, twice as long as usual.” Saffron sends a small glare, refusing to look up at the would-be captor.
“You do this every time, so I can’t say that it's anything new, Sweetheart.” He chuckles, opening the door for the two of them to enter the dining hall.
The hall is grandiose and brightly lit. The King sits at the head of the table, apparently finished with most of his meal. He spots the two of them entering with his single eyes and shakes his head. He stands up at once.
“Oh hey!” Saffron calls out, ready to cause more mischief. “Good afternoon, your majesty. Didja miss me?”
“I’ll be in my study.” He sends a knowing look to the captain. “Please try to keep the stink bombs and sticky glue to a confined area, captain.”
Warrior nods with a subtle gulp. The king winks at him just before he closes the door and leaves entirely.
To his credit, Warrior meets the look head on but internally, the captain wants to groan and look away in embarrassment. He didn’t think he was being that obvious. But perhaps it was because he was also a dragon. It’s not like scent can be hidden from the perceptive noses of their species. Or perhaps it was because of his age that he simply knew things that didn’t need to be said.
“Jeeze, you’d think he doesn’t want to talk to me.” Saffron huffed, crossing their arms as the king left them to their own devices.
“We both know he’s a busy man.” 
“I can clear his schedule.”
“And be banned from the castle? Again?”
“Hey- he needs to up security, ok? Even if it comes to that, I'm pretty sure I can sneak in again.” they said confidently. Even going so far as to pat his shoulder in consolation. “So it’s not something you need to worry your pretty little head about.”
“You realize I’m the one in charge of security, right?” Warrior snorts, leading them further into the room. He pulls a chair away from the table and picks them up, using only his tail to place them into the seat before tucking them close.
“Wait- hold on-” Saffron tries to back track. They hadn’t anticipated his comment nor were they expecting him to simply pick them up, with his tail no less. 
“That was… first of all, impressive.” Warrior preens with pride as they continue speaking. “Secondly, have you been giving me the easy way into the palace this entire time?”
“You’re welcome.” He says without much thought. The food comes not a moment too soon and is placed without any comments from the servants of the palace. A plate seems to have already been prepared for their “unexpected” guest.
Saffron’s jaw falls a little- too slack to keep it close as the information begins to be processed. A beat passed and another and another and Saffron can only push aside the food that they’ve been given around on the plate. “I can’t believe you…”
“Why not?” Warrior says between bites. “I’m not trying to make your life harder. I hear of your exploits in neighboring kingdoms from time to time since I have to be updated with all current climates both politically and socially. You have quite the fanbase.”
“I- but- ok.” Saffron pushes their chair back and spins to look him in the eye. “So am I supposed to have been played for a fool here? Who do you take me for?”
“A hero.”
The rant they had been prepared to lay down on the poor man dies before it can even properly sit on their tongue.
Warrior tucks his tail and wings back into his more human form and sends them a tired smile. “The Kingdom of Kokiri is a safe haven. At least, that is what we strive for. We are far from perfect but you come here for a reason. Half the time, I think it’s just to annoy me and cause trouble you know you can get away with. But you’re not one to do that in other places. So that means you’re here to catch a break. You’re here to get away from the problems you deal with everywhere else.”
In that moment, he appears to show how the job has aged him- even if the dragonite blood in his veins keeps him from aging like the rest of the population. He looks exhausted and tired and worn down- but pleased. And proud to do what he does. If Saffron bothered to pay a little more attention, then they would have also noticed the respect he holds for them in his gaze… with a touch of adoration to boot.
“Not to mention…” Warrior leans in like he’s about to tell a secret and perhaps he is. “I like having you around. You keep me from running myself into an early grave and you break up the monotony of paperwork- so why would I try to kick you out? On purpose, of all things.” 
Saffron is stunned. Typically they would have something to say but this time their words fail them. 
This is off script. There’s supposed to be witty banter and sassy comments. If it was a lucky day, maybe it would have been enough to push each other buttons and actually annoy the other person. Then they’d share a cup of coffee, and maybe avoid personal obligations for a little while longer and go their separate ways. Rinse and repeat.
They can feel their cheeks flush with the unanticipated genuine emotion from the one that sits to their left.
Warrior doesn’t seem to notice, or care all that much for the vulnerability that blankets the air around them. He’s happy to eat in silence even if it’s out of character for the one that sits to his right. 
“Is it that hard to believe that I like your company?” He says when he’s close to finishing his meal.
“Well…” Saffron trails off. Suppose that it’s not. It would make the casual remarks from their friend, Prince Link from the Kingdom of Wolfvendom, a little easier to digest. Something about belonging to the heart of Kokiri.
Not that this Link is the heart of the kingdom… Even if he handles a lot of the nitty gritty work that the king cannot handle on his own.
Warrior chuckles, reaching out for their hand while they’re lost in thought. He brings his other hand close, running his palm over the back of their hand  “I have your favorite snacks back in the office. Just remind me to get them for you before you head out again, yeah?”
“...yeah…” Saffron smiles softly. They squeeze his hand for a moment, still trying to get their flame back after having been dosed with genuine compliments.
Warrior sees right through it. “I’ll even throw in my mother’s recipe for gingersnap cookies.”
“Thank you.”
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youraveragecatastrophe · 1 year ago
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Carmen as Zorro, because a charming outlaw who defies law enforcement and fights for the common people while wearing an iconic outfit that includes a hat? it's just too perfect not to do the comparison!
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nowordsformylove · 1 year ago
jonesmith analysis ep 16-30 (part 2)
this one is somehow longer and sillier than the last one. be ready
episode 16... rough episode but it gives.
lots of Davy being grabby and touchy in this one.
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waist touch scene he does it twice btw and I dont fault him bc Mike does have a very grabbable waist.
Mike completely overshooting how short Davy is so that he can be eye level with his boobs.
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this awkward high-five thing Mike tries to do.
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ep 17 love this ep it gave us Mike grabbing Davy's inner thigh and Davy's shirt riding up.
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this frame where it looks like they just got interrupted while making out. the way this ep was a jolenzmith spa day (poor Peter deserves a spa day too).
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ep 18
the scene where they're all watching tv and Mike says "This isn’t bad considering, is it, Davy?" plays very well into my headcanon that they like to watch old silly movies together. also this:
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ep 19 not much to say here, Mike does come out of Davy and Peter's room at the beginning so im curious what he was doing, and then theres this scene of Davy making a silly face at Mike.
ep 20 yeahh baby
"you'll do fine, sugar." <- this line put me into a coma.
love how he just walks into the group of interviewers and grabs Davy by the scruff.
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THIS SCENE where he literally lifts Davy and then sets him on his lap. love love love
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ALSO THIS SCENE. it's so sweet 🥹 "youre gentle youre kind and youre sincere" wahhhhh
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ep 21 this episode back to back with the last one ohh boy
Mike calling Davy "Mr. Charm" cute.
another "I'm gonna stay here with Davy, you two go back to the pad." split-up situation. cant leave his bf all alone when he has to pretend to be the ruler of a country. Mike also spends the whole episode fussing over Davy and fixing his clothes 🤭 gifs here.
also this was a fake royalty red-blue joint slay outfit moment
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ep 22
"MIIIIKEEE! MIKE! That guy was throwing knives at me he couldve killed me why didnt you do something?!!"
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the way Mike runs his hands over him to check if hes okay.
ep 24
"what we wanna do is show what you are and the way you live" "what you wanna get us arrested?" because they live a faggot life style full of gay sex.
also "The Monkees are the typical fun people. The devoon madcap boys for whom every day is just one gay adventure." not jonesmith specific but its funny to me and i think it aged splendidly.
not much else in this ep but i do love these frames
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ep 26 this one has A LOT
as pointed out HERE Mike just had to put his hand on Davy's hip for a second hmm.
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very touchy in this ep
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a wonderful array of silly costumes
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boob touch ^
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another lovely scene of Davy calling out to Mike for help 🫶
ep 27 shirt rip scene.
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^ love these frames especially the second one cause Mike looks so cute. Davy is thinking that too.
ep 29
ep 30 didn't really have anything BUT this behind the scenes photo that looks like the beginning of a porno was from this episode
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miss-may-i · 1 year ago
Miss May I: Season 4 Part 31
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Jasper: *Crying*
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Jasper: *Crying*
Julian: Don't tell me you're hungry already. You just ate.
Julian: Well, I guess it has been a couple of hours.
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Julian: Okay, let's go get you something to eat.
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Julian: Please burp.
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Julian: I don't know about you but I could use a nap.
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Vivian: Finally closing time. Didn't make shit for tips today.
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Vivian: Hey, Julie. Wake up. You can't be sleeping with the baby like this. It's dangerous.
Julian: Hmm?
Julian: What?
Vivian: You can't be sleeping with the baby on the couch. You could drop him. Go to bed. I'll watch Jasper for a few hours.
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Julian: *Yawn*
Julian: I just need a quick power nap.
Vivian: Yeah, you do that. Good night.
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Vivian: Something has got to change, kid.
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*A few poses made by @bmit04*
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