#Part 2 will have Swerve's POV
basil-the-scorned · 15 days
Pleasure to burn
Adam Page and Swerve Strickland fic. This is the first part of this thing, I'll write the other part tomorrow.
This does have spoilers for this week's Dynamite so if you haven't seen it avoid at all cost.
ALSO, if you see a lot of reference to a certain book about burning things...yeah.
(I'll mention it the title of it when I publish the whole thing on AO3)
It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.
Adam remembers reading that sentence years ago, half understanding what it meant as he went through the book and followed Guy Montag's job of burning books and causing fires instead of preventing them. In the first couple of pages alone, he wondered what made him enjoy burning something that could be so personal to some people.
He finally got it with one strike of a match.
The media team always uploads so damn fast, so he wasn't too surprise to see on his secret account his name and face all across Twitter. He took another sip and let the warmth of the whisky fill him as he let the video play out. Adam wondered if Montag ever sat close to the flames like he was doing, letting the heat hit his back and watch the smoke surround the sky around him. If he ever had to burn the books of someone that he despised with all of his being.
His memory's fuzzy on parts, it's been so long. He remembers that Montag did love burning until he met some people that changed him. Mostly for the better.
Swerve was someone that changed him. Completely. He was still deciding if it was for the better or worse yet. He was more cautious, checking his phone for cameras around his house, teaming up with people that could get him closer towards Swerve, being careful and precise with exactly what he wanted in all of his promos.
He was angry. So much anger than he's felt in years, not even towards all of his friends. A lot of it in the past was doubt and bitterness mixed up and masked in anger, towards them, towards himself, towards the choices he made and couldn't help making because his brain was being clouded.
This was different. This burned in his chest, flared up everything in his body and sent him spiraling towards attacks he thought he had settled a year ago. Even now, while the video played and he heard Swerve's protests and finally felt satisfied with every scream that was let out, he felt that tight feeling trying to come through.
When Montag let that hose he had onto Beatty, did he feel satisfaction among his horror, even for a split second? Beatty was about to ruin his life, even when Montag was doing the right thing, and Montag reacted right.
He was right, just like Adam was right.
He was right.
Adam takes another sip of his drink. He focuses on the slight bite it has, the way it turned smooth as he gulped it down and how it dropped down inside him warm. He still heard the crowd on his phone, and swipes them away.
In it's place came music, some that he cut up loud as he took his sweet time loading up his couch back onto his truck, putting his whiskey and glass in the car, and looking one more time at the burning house in front of him.
Flickers of orange and red were glowing right at him in the night, along with the smoke surrounding it in huge puffs. The whiteness were now turning a charred black, burning away the physical memory of a family that lived here, whose past is now only told in pictures that he happened to luck upon on his search. Now he was part of that history, as the man who burned it down as a lesson.
Finally, they were back on equal ground.
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jaded-jezz · 1 year
Shutter Speed (Part 2)
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Jack Champion x Photographer!Reader
Part 2/3
☁︎ Fluff
Summary: y/n is a photographer for the new scream promo and Jack thinks she belongs in front of the camera rather than behind.
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"Look who decided to show up!" I hear Jenna say but I am too occupied in taping marks on the floor to turn around. Leah goes over to introduce herself, welcome the late cast to the shoot and explain the plan and rules.
"You must be Y/N?" I hear my name and stand up to correct the voice. "I'm Leah, she's Y/N." Leah turns to me as I appear next to them.
“Woah…I mean Jack, I’m hi.” The boy in front of me stutters. “No! I mean Hi, I am Jack. Sorry for being late.” I hold back a small laugh and smile. “Are you sure you’re Jack? I mean the name ‘hi’ might suit you more.” I jest. “I’m Y/N, did Leah go over all the rules? Are there any questions?” My voice moves back into professional mode as we have a lot of work to do today.
"You totally played that off man" Mason chuckles behind me, pulling me out of the trance that this Y/N has put me in. I feel my face heating up and I can't tell if its the multitude of lights in here or her stare that burned through my heart. God snap out of it, Jack, you have to do your job today.
I watch Y/N fall into her element and do what, I can tell that, she loves. She is mesmerizing.
"Stop drooling, she may run away" I hear Jenna whisper to me and before I can defend myself, "Umm... next I need Jack Champion over here on the blue mark please" You need me? Ok say less, I joke to myself to calm my nerves. I keep my eyes on the floor to ensure I don't trip but also so that I won't turn into a blushing mess if she looks at me. God, this is the first time I've been glad these lights are this bright.
I follow her instructions, her voice is music to my ears. It's like I am under a spell. A love spell? No lets not get ahead of ourselves. Wait, she's staring at me.
"Jack? Do you wanna see one of the photos?" Leah suggests from the side of the room, trying to break the awkward silence between the two of us. "Oh sure!" I stumble over wires to stand next to her. "No, go over to Y/N, she'll show you how everything works and how the images will be edited after the shoot."
I give Leah a panicked look before Jack turns to walk over. His curls bounce as he hops over the leg of the tripod. "Oh you are tall." I say without thinking. "Oh yeah, but so are you." He answers looking down at me. "It's probably my shoes." I laugh, "Did you wanna see the photos?" I bring up the subject to make sure I don't say anything I may regret.
"Do you enjoy being a photographer?" Jack inquires. That sets me off. I could talk for hours about photography.
"I have loved it since I was 10 and I could not imagine persuading any other career. I am constantly thinking of photo shoots whenever I leave my house. Wall of graffiti? Photo shoot idea. Aesthetic shampoo bottle? Photo shoot idea. I am constantly inspired by everything around me which means my job can be difficult when I am given a strict brief but luckily, whoever hired us, gave us full creative freedom." I wave my arms around for emphasis. But too much emphasism as I almost hit Jack. He swerves and giggles, luckily.
"Oh shit, I am so sorry." I cringe and look back to the camera screen. "It's ok, Y/N" The way he says my name makes a swarm of butterflies flutter in me. I look up into his eyes. Brown eyes used to freak me out because it is more difficult to see the pupil, but maybe I like them a bit more now. Maybe he can help me like other things too. Ew, don't get carried away or you will scare him off.
After our stares last a beat too long, Leah clears her throat and alerts the group that we will now be moving to an outside shoot. She tells them to go back to the changing rooms to get out of their costumes and into the brand we are shooting with for the second part of the day. While they leave, Leah and I start to collect the equipment we are bringing. I grab my notebook for the checklist.
"You are doing great Y/N, especially with a certain someone." Leah raises her eyebrows and winks at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to turn off some of the bigger lights.
As the group walks to change, I see Jenna and Mason standing by the doors. They are sharing a similar look towards me, it's kinda freaking me out. "He totally does!" "Yep, I can see it in his eyes." I roll my eyes at their odd behavior and attempt to walk past them. "Oh no Mister."
They drag me out of the studio and into the hallway. "Man, when I said charm them with your good looks, I sorta hoped you would also charm her with the rest of you." Mason starts. "Yeah, we knew you were awkward, but not this bad. I wanted to claw my eyes out!" Jenna exclaims rather loudly.
"Could you be any louder? And it wasn't that bad, and I am not flirting!" I shout in a whisper. "No one said you were flirting, except you." Jenna retorts. "We've exposed you without even trying" Mason shouts to annoy me again. "Fine, she's really beautiful and she is really passionate about her job which is kinda cute and-"
"Ok lover boy relax, you don't need to go into detail." Jenna cuts me off with a look of both disgust and happiness, so I know she is just being sarcastic. "We will help you get this girl of your dreams" Mason adds. I can't tell if this is a bad idea but I nod and walk to the changing rooms to make sure I am not late again.
When we are all re-dressed, the cast starts to follow Leah out but I look for Y/N. I see her pacing back and forth, looking rather stressed. I don't know if me going over will make it worse. But I don't have time to decide as two pairs of hands push me towards her.
"Y/N, are you ok? Have you lost something?" "Yes! My notebok. It has all my plans and lists inside. I really need it. Like right now. Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?" She panics. "Ok, you need to sit down before you faint or something goes wrong."
I reach for her hand and gently guide her to sit next to me. I scan the room for a notebook before asking her any questions. She keeps a hold of my hand and I have to pretend not to notice or I might be the one to faint. "Is it that green thing over there?"
"Oh my god! Yes it is!" I jump up and grab it. When I turn around, I am again faced with Jack's chest. I look up at him and smile. I feel weirdly calm after that whole anxiety filled fiasco, maybe it's because of Jack?
"Thank you Jack, I think I would've died without this." I try to laugh. "That's ok, I think we need to go now though, I know you have quite a strict schedule for today." He responds.
Jack offers to hold some equipment to make sure I can see where I am going over the pile of objects. When we leave the building I see the other cast members grabbing or putting away stuff in their cars so I take my kit back from Jack to allow him to do the same. I walk over to Leah to let her know I found the notebook.
"I was going to come back to help you but I heard a certain someone calming you down." She says as I stand next to her. "He is definitely your type, isn't he? Tall, lanky-" I cut her off "Yes Leah you don't need to continue. I can't let a silly crush get in the way of today though. It's not even a crush! I've not even known him for five minuets! All I know is his name." I say so fast I almost run out of breath.
"Let's get going while the sun is still out." I shout to the group.
(This is the photoshoot that inspired this series so you can vision this location and photoshoot style)
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We have been talking photos outside in both groups and alone. It's so sunny outside that no lights are needed, just portable reflectors. Which are big circles of materials that bounce the sun in a chosen direction. Leah and I split up for the last half an hour as we have different ideas due to the location and lighting right now. Some of the cast have moved away to film TikToks and to stand in the shade but some are continuing to model for us if they have less photos than others.
I noticed Jack had finished talking to Mason and Jenna before he started walking over to me.
"Hey Y/N! Is there any last ideas in your notebook?" He asks.
"Oh just this one." I start. "Because of the harsh sun I am are able to play around with different filters on my camera. One of my favorite makes stars in light reflections, would you try out over here?" My hands are shaking as I hand him a small square of mirrored glass.
We mess around for a while, me running back and forth to show him how to pose, how to angle the mirror to reflect light and to show him the results. After a while I am so out of breath that Jack finds it funny.
As the sun starts to go down, the cast all joins up for the last photo including Leah and I for our Instagram. We all start walking back slightly delirious due to the amount of running around some of us had been doing. Jack is walking next to me, at the back of the group, continuing one of our random conversations from earlier.
"You are really talented Y/N, I know you have probably been told that a lot today, but you really are." Jack says in a slight hushed tone. I can't control the big smile on my face. He is such a genuine human being. "Thank you for being a wonderful model." I laugh.
I notice him glance ahead at the group before slowing down and truing to me. "I don't know if i have read this situation wrong but I think you are beautiful and I get feel like we get along so well even though we haven't known each other that long and I am rambling aren't I?" He looks down at his feet and rakes a deep breath.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?" He finally looks me in the eye as he says this. "Wow Jack, of course I will. I don't think someone has made me laugh this much, apart from myself obviously" I jest. We trade numbers as we catch up with the group.
After the cast all go their separate ways, Leah and I burst out into screams of happiness. "MY BEST FRIEND IS GOING ON A DATE WITH A HOT, FAMOUS PERSON WHOOOOOP" Leah shouts as we skip around the car park, arms linked.
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Who wants a Part Three? It will be about pre-date, during and maybe even their reactions with friends after too?
As always, requests are currently open!
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
Also some people asked me to Tag them so here you go:
@gwenlore @multi-simp-page @daffodil-darlings @mummatiri
I’m quite new to tagging people so lemme know if you want to be tagged for all my Jack Champion Posts or just this series?
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4ngeldusstt · 1 year
S I L K R I B B O N pt.2
A/N: originally this were two separate fics but I realized they worked well together and that they could be silk ribbon part two so here it is, y’all really liked the first part so i hope you enjoy this one too!! ( this is also the longest fic I’ve ever written lol )
Warnings: angst, mention of death, injuries, blood, swearing
Word count: 3,233
Part One
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He was about to lose it, all the control he had left before diving straight into insanity after his grey eyes land on a bloody baby blue ribbon laying on the pavement that clearly belonged to you.
All kinds of scenarios going though his head, ‘you were just fine, maybe injured and you happened to lose the ribbon on your way to a safe place, right?’ This kept replaying in his head like a mantra in hopes to manipulate his thoughts and as an attempt to calm himself down, you couldn’t be dead, he refused to believe that. His gaze going left and right, franticly looking for the face he so much longed to see with no luck, he cursed under his breath holding your ribbon tightly in his fist, his boots landing on the hard pavement, a small provisional camp was set up to treat injured soldiers and to be used as a meeting point for the ones who made it. The short man roamed around asking your friends, team mates, literally anybody he found if they knew anything about you, no one seemed to give him a clear answer.
With each passing minute his anxiety was getting worse, “if she happens to be injured we’ll find her Levi, she’s a tough one.” The commander said in hopes to reassure the raven haired man. “I know she’s alive, that brat not dumb enough to die.” He was upset at you, trying to think about the lecture he was gonna give you once you were in front of him for worrying him this much, how dare you? “Before parting I made her promise, she promised she’d make it back safely.” This part was a bare whisper lost in the background noise only perceived by him.
“I guess I’ll have to go find her myself.” Before the commander could answer the captain was already in the air swerving through buildings and roofs, the commander had no choice but to follow him, some of your close friends also took the hint and joined the pair.
After a while of franticly looking for you, Jean seemed to perceive a couple of soldiers a few rows of buildings to the left, “I think I found her! To the left, where that titan is, it looks like it could be y/n!” Levi’s ears perked up at the information with hope in his eyes and fear on his heart he changed directions towards where your friend notified, as they got closer they confirmed it was in fact the person they were looking for, landing in the nearest roof for better observation. “Hey! Y/n, we came for you!” Armin yelled, not loud enough to notice as you were too focused in the situation that was unfolding in front of you. “There you are.” Levi stated to himself, feeling a wave of relief dissolving his previous worries at the sight of you ‘well, at least you are alive.’ he thought.
Your eyes immediately landing on your commrade as a titan wrapped it’s fingers around him as if he was an annoying fly, having no time to process the situation you were already swerving around with your gear your only fixation being not having another death on your back, not if you could avoid it.
When you realized you were also trapped between the other hand of the titan, taking everything in you to move the blades with all the strength you had left in your body, refusing to die like this. You noticed your friends and superiors were watching the scene unfold on a near roof, most of them with little to no gas left in their tanks, Levi had his hand on the blade ready to engage but was stopped by Erwin “Don’t. You better than anyone know she hates it when she gets underestimated.” With a sigh and an annoyed look he stopped on his tracks still attentive to engage if needed.
The ambient was tense, all eyes on the hand that held you captive praying for you not to be dead. With a swift move your blades cut their way out the tender flesh of the titan, with a barely perceivable move you cut it’s nape freeing your friend, you could’ve stopped there but you didn’t, the adrenaline of being this close to death, made you go feral in rage as you started slicing the titan up and down with an amazing use of the gear making it almost impossible for them to follow your small frame as you maneuvered through the air, landing on the nearest roof after basically mutilating the beast that had the guts to even attempt to kill you, you went on a rampage and started going insane slicing every nape of every titan your eyes landed on.
Everyone was in awe, they knew you were good but damn this was excessive, once you were done and no titan was in sight thanks to your skills you made your way joining the rest that were waiting for you. The second your feet landed on the roof you collapsed on your knees, turns out the titan managed to break you a couple ribs along with some deep cuts you self inflicted by accident when attempting to break yourself free, with your levels of adrenalin going down, a wave of agonizing pain that you brain managed to ignore until seconds ago, went though your body as you tried your best to hold it together in front of everyone. You can’t show yourself being weak, you refused but failed as every breath turned into the sharpest pain you ever felt in your life, before you could realize, you felt your body giving out and falling forward.
Before your head could hit the tiles Levi quickly rushed to your side and held you, laying you down as careful as he could, “don’t worry, I’ll be just fine.” You reassured him, looking up noticing you had to make an effort to keep your eyes open. “I know, now stay awake for me will you?” He said trying his best to sound as calm as possible not to worry you. “I can try Captain, but in all honesty the pain is starting to be too much.” You said with difficulty attempting to not make a big deal out of it, talking and breathing was severely painful at this point you are certain a rib might of digged through one of your lungs at least. Your head filling quickly with thoughts, ‘I’m actually going to die.’ Suddenly your breathing started to fasten, to the point you were almost hyperventilating, the subconscious act causing your wound to worsen your eyes quickly finding Levi’s giving him a pleading look begging for help.
“Hey, breathe with me okay?“ he quickly noticed the traits of a possible panic attack, luckily he knew how to deal with them because of previous situations where you might of needed his assistance, “L-Levi, it hurts so bad.” Your voice barely coming out at this point, your body tensed at the feeling of hand lifting you up carefully “take her and follow me, we’re going to the medical camp we set up to treat the injured, she’ll get treated as a priority, we can’t loose such a good soldier can we?” Hange said in an attempt to break the tension, “Listen to me Y/N, I’m going to need you to hold onto me, okay? It’s gonna hurt, but it’ll be just a few minutes I promise, try to stay awake for me a little longer, you’re doing good.” he had his sight fixated on your face taking in your features, pulling some loose hair strands out of the way cupping your cheek as he gently spoke to you, the fellow soldiers around stranged by the sudden change of attitude in their usually cold and mean captain, not even commander Erwin has seen Levi act like this. Let’s say he had a soft spot for you.
You did as you were told and wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled your body up securing his arm tightly around you, he was fast and great in maneuvering around buildings so as soon as you realized he was already on land. He carried you bridal style into the tent, you could feel his fast heart rate “calm down Levi, I’ll be okay. You are not going to get rid of me that easily.” Leaving a small laugh cut by a sharp pain that caused to groan out in pain. “You say it as if I wanted that to happen.” His lips turning from a frown to a side smile “it’s you who won’t get rid of me, brat.” He looked down at you with those beautiful stone grey eyes. Gifting him a smile in response.
Fast enough you were being checked and treated, Levi was not happy that he was kicked out and couldn’t be by your side at the sudden decision that they were going to have to perform emergency surgery on you. The man walked out with an annoyed expression, the commander approached him “what did they say? Her friends are worried about her, well, we all are any information is good to know.” “She’s going under surgery, overall she’ll be okay.” He exhaled in relief, still worried as there is a small chance surgery can go bad. He won’t be completely at peace until he is sure you are a hundred percent okay. “Thank god, that’s good to hear. I’ll notify her friends I’m sure they’ll appreciate this information, thank you Levi.”
Fluttering your eyes open, squinting at the natural sun light that came through the big windows as an attempt to adjust to it. Flashbacks flooding your mind as you remembered the previous set of circumstances that led you to this state. The smell of fresh laundry and lavender was still impregnated in your senses from when your captain carried you, “Levi” the image of him looking down at you with that much emotion as he caressed your skin, was printed in your head. “Y/n” a sudden voice pulled you out of your own thoughts making you turn your head in shock “you called my name but something tells me I wasn’t ment to hear, am I right?” the man said letting out a small laugh as he shook his head in disbelief approaching you.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, “I'm way better than I was that's for sure, I told you I was gonna be just fine.” You gave him a cocky smile playfully rolling your eyes, “well, you do in fact look better. Never thought I’d miss your brattiness but I’m glad you’re okay, I was worried.” Your brows lifting in surprise, “You, Levi Ackerman missed me being a brat? Oh, and was the Captain Levi worried? about me?” You looked up him with fake disbelief, deep down you knew he cared about you and were thankful for that but you enjoyed teasing him way too much.
“Tsk, I don’t know why I said anything. Yes, I was very worried about you, I almost went insane when I found this on the floor and couldn’t find you.” He pulled out a small piece of fabric from his pocket, your ribbon, the one he gifted you a while back, blood almost hiding it’s original and beautiful baby blue color, seeing it made you understand what kind of thoughts could've went through his head when he found it. “I-I didn’t even notice when it fell from my hair, thank your Levi for bringing it back. It means a lot to me, I’d be very upset if I lost it.” You took the ribbon from his hand as you inspected it holding it in your own, remembering the day of how it got to your hands. It was a gift from Levi, it’s a very special item for you and you cherish it with your whole heart.
Feeling tears fill up your eyes as you held it close to your chest, closing your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks, when you opened them you looked at Levi with a warm smile, his instinct was to wipe away your tears with his thumb, like he always did when you cried. “thank you, for everything you do for me Levi, I don’t deserve-“ “you do deserve it, at this point it’s obvious I care for you and I don’t think you are that oblivious to not realize I have feelings for you. I don’t expect an answer I just needed to get this off of my chest.” He looked down and walked towards the door, ‘is he actually going to leave after confessing his feelings to me?’ “I care about you too and I also think it’s very obvious that I’m very much in love with you, Captain.” Your statement caught him off guard, turning around to face you trying his best to hold in a smile that was threatening to scape his lips. “Well, soldier I think we have a pending conversation for after you fully heal and get the hell out of here, don’t you think?” He smirked, this time not even bothering to hide it.
After chatting for a while he left the room allowing you to properly rest, you didn’t want him to leave but he has duties and paperwork due to tomorrow and needed every minute to be able to finish it.
Your recovery was surprisingly fast, in about a month your ribs and wounds were fully healed and you were ready to go, finally. Commander Erwin forbid you to train to the extent as you used to, having to take it a little more lightly at least for a while, afraid that you would get hurt and obviously the captain agreed with him in this decision.
As days went by the relationship between you and Levi changed, he was more attentive and went out of his way to do small acts of service for you, like preparing your horse before you had to use it, double check if your ODM gear straps were perfectly secured, picking up an extra plate of breakfast, lunch and dinner for you so you didn’t have to (and to make sure you ate properly), prepare you a cup of tea when you couldn’t sleep,... overall he was glued to your hip following you around every where you went. It didn't bother you, deep down you were aware that the reason behind that change was you being that close to death, for a while he actually thought there was a big chance you could be dead, so you just limited to enjoy the extra attention and made sure to thank him constantly for everything, the least you could do was to express your gratitude, being thankful for even the slightest thing he did for you.
One night you went to his office, as per usual, to provide him some company when he was busy that he very much appreciared. Sipping on your tea as you put your knees to your chest sitting comfortably on the red leather couch that was nearest to his desk, you observed him in silence as he sighed putting the pen down “It's done, fucking finally.” Meaning he now had all his attention directed to you. “I think now it's a good moment to have a talk.” You swallowed hardly, nervously shifting in your seat. “Let’s talk then.” You said attempting to appear as calm as you could be. “I want to be with you.” Words blurting out of your mouth, not even giving him any time to be the one to start the conversation. “Are you aware that it won’t be easy, right?” He stopped for a second “I want to be with you too, honestly it has gotten to a point were I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” His tone was low and sincere, he was for the first time in his life opening his heart for someone.
“Me nether, you have become an essential part of my life, a part of me I want to keep, take care of and cherish forever, only if.. that’s okay with you.” A small smile appeared on his lips, lowering his head “Of course I’m okay with that, Y/N. I want to be able to do the same for you. I can’t-I refuse to live a life without you in it.” Your cheeks feeling warmer with each passing second as you hid in between your knees, eyeing him. “So.. that means what I think it does?” He nodded, “It is, now come here brat.” He made a motion with his hand signaling for you to come closer. You stood up and took seat on his knees, arms wrapping securely around you. His next move took you by surprise, as your now lover rested his head on your shoulder inhaling your scent, your hand instinctively found it’s way to his head, fingers tangling with his soft black hair, causing him to dig his face further into your neck and groan. “You must be exhausted, you had a lot of work today, you should probably rest.” His arms tightened around you, “don’t leave, stay. Please.”
Levi never let himself to be this vulnerabe with any one, but you have proved him enough at this point to be worthy of seeing him like this, he felt like he could be weak around you and just allowing you take care of him. “alright, let’s get you ready to go to bed then, is that okay? Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere and that’s a promise.” The last part having a double meaning, you actually didn’t plan on going anywhere, not tonight or ever. “Mhm, you better keep that promise.” he mumbled tiredly against your skin, loud enough for you to hear.
Once you both were already tucked in the soft sheets of his bed, with his strong arms holding you close to his chest and your face burried on the crook of his neck. Picturing diferent scenarios in your head of a future with your lover, how you dream everything to be once you both retire from the Special Operations Squad. Maybe already married, maybe owning a small beautiful cottage in the hills away from the city, maybe having one kid or two, your only worries being what dessert are you going to bake that day and what flowers are you going to chose to refill the vase that will sit on the windiow sill in the kitchen. For now, you were happy here where you are right at this moment, that is being wrapped up in the safety and comfort of Levi's hold.
The next morning you woke up alone, coming to the conclusion that being a captain ment a lot of things, one of them getting up way too early for your liking. As you turned to your opposite side, facing the empty spot next to you, your eyes met with something placed on top of his pillow. Sitting up, you take the items which were a note, in it he appologised for not being there with you when you woke up, with a smile your sight was set on the other item he left for you, a brand new silk ribbon, this time he chose a beautiful shade of light pink.
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wibixthecowboy · 2 years
Play the Song: Part 10: Hope
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Task Force 141 needs a new sniper and despite their complaints, they're assigned Flash, a joke-making, ABBA-listening, 20-year-old sharpshooter with better aim than the whole team combined. In other words, Ghost is practically handed the love of his life but he needs time to adjust because she's a firecracker.
Warnings/Tags: !graphic depictions of panic attacks!, references to suicide attempts (no descriptions), references to SA (no descriptions), Age gap (20/30-32), gore, descriptions of injury/blood/wounds, justified angst, tooth rotting fluff, slow burn, protective ghost, family dynamic, big brother soap has an attitude problem, father figure Price, wholesome brother Gaz, touch starved Ghost, eventual smut, praise, choking, thigh riding, unprotected (wrap it up people), size kink, oral f receiving, ghost will do anything to get his dick sucked, idk I’m sure it will get dirtier as I go, shifting POV  
A/N: Hello!! I am back! Thank you all for being so patient and amazing, I present to you, Chapter 10!
I will be adding warnings/tags as I upload new chapters so do me a huge favor and double check before you read! Nothing too bad YET but just make it a habit! They will always be added at the top of the list.
Words: 6k
Side note: All of these characters are fictional! Please don’t be weird about their real life actors, leave them out of this and be respectful!
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Tag list: @urfavsunkissedleo @butskii @abbiesxox @itsasecrets-things @thatonewriterthatnooneknows  
The knife squelches grotesquely when Ghost pulls it from the man's neck, and it's casually wiped on the waist of his button-up. Red blossoms over the white cotton and despite knowing it's not from him, Flash can't help the small hitch in her breath.
It's presented to her hilt first, just inches from her face, but she's frozen in shock. The man's body lay awkwardly in the gravel, like a puppet whose strings have been cut, blood pouring from the now open wound at his neck. His chest stutters in an effort to pull oxygen into a pair of failing lungs. She can see the glowing reflection of windows in his wide, dark eyes, and moments later, the slow loosening of his facial muscles as he dies.
Ghost is watching her, and she can hear a faint mumble. Her name?
"Flash. We need to go" Ghost's words ring through her head like a bell and she snatches the knife from his hand before sliding it under her dress and into the sheath.
He moves quickly, throwing the limp body over his shoulder with ease before walking to the car and popping the trunk. Flash's eyes are glued to him as he drops the body in. The thud when it lands is deafening. A hot flash washes up her spine and she tries not to think about how casually Ghost closes the trunk and wipes his hands clean on his trousers.
Not quite knowing how to help, Flash walks over to the small patch of blood and kicks at the gravel. It doesn't do much, just creates a dusty sludge that bleeds into the soft velvet of her heels. Not that it matters though, the man's radio is already going off, a muffled and rather irritated voice calling out from inside the trunk.
When she's satisfied with the muddy brown concoction, Flash jogs over to the passenger door and slips inside. The door barely clicks shut before Ghost is speeding out the gates and swerving around a rather annoyed looking valet.
Flash watches over her shoulder for any sign of disturbance but instead notices Ghost's wolf mask tossed haphazardly on the back seat. In all the chaos, she'd missed him swapping them out. His usual balaclava has been pulled back on, hiding the strawberry blonde curls she'd had her hands in just minutes ago.
Flash's head thuds against the seat when she's finally sure no one is coming after them and she sags further down into the plush leather.
"Holy fuck." She breathes out and swallows what could either be vomit or a laugh. "There's a body in the trunk."
"You just killed him."
"I did."
"How did you-"
"Flash?" He interrupts her, eyes not leaving the road as he speaks. "Be quiet."
She glares at him and turns to make an off-hand comment about him being an ass but stops when she sees how rigid he is. Maybe she'd pushed a bit too far tonight. Maybe she hadn't pushed him far enough.
"How do you know he's not innocent?" She speaks softer this time, hoping she could sweet talk him back into the charismatic James she'd spent the night with.
"No one there is innocent Flash." His voice is cold and distant and entirely fed up with her pushing. She's on thin, thin ice.
"You could at least let me know next time. That really wasn't a fair warning."
It's petty. She doesn't need his warning, it's their job. But her mouth seems to be speaking on its own accord.
The ice cracks, echoing through the cavernous silence between them, and right as she's about to slip into the frigid waters, a life raft is thrown her way.
'What's your status?'
Price's static voice stops Ghost's response and he snatches the radio from where Flash had tossed it in the cup holder.
"Heading to the med bay now. Single casualty."
'Got caught up at the end then?'
"Somethin' like that."
The rest of the ride to the med bay is spent in silence. Flash stroking her fingers down the velvet nose of her mask and not thinking about ways to flay Ghost.
    The cold concrete of the barricade seeps through the thin silk of Flash's dress and into the marrow of her bones. Despite Las Almas being a sauna during the day, its nights are shockingly cold, and in the middle of the desert with no buildings to block the brutal midnight wind, she is freezing.
"How much longer is this going to take?" Flash speaks into the cupped hollow of her hands. The warmth of her breath does practically nothing to stop the shivering.
Ghost had radioed into the med station a few minutes before their arrival to announce that they'd have a 'drop off' and to call in another car for the two of them to take back to the base. When they'd gotten there, Flash was immediately tugged through the main bay and into a blindingly white room that smelled so strongly of disinfectant, her nose still burned. She was patted over by a female nurse, given a curt nod, and pushed back out the door and towards a waiting Ghost. He'd mumbled something about waiting for a car and then walked them outside to a small retaining wall near the entrance.
"I don't know."
"Can't you just call them?" Flash asks, kicking another piece of gravel across the lot. The kicking had started as an attempt to scrape the congealed dirt and blood off her heel, but it only resulted in a thin layer of dust that covered both their shoes and a small hole.
"Call who Flash?" Ghost sits half hunched on the wall, arms supporting him on either side, legs crossed at the ankles, and looking utterly defeated.
"I don't know? The guy who's bringing the car?" She kicks a particularly large rock and it skitters across the pavement and bounces off a metal barrel, making a satisfying ring, so she does it again.
"I don't have-" His voice cuts off as she kicks another rock. "Jesus fuckin' Christ. Could you stop?"
"Don't be so fuckin' rude." She mumbles, and just to piss him off more, kicks another rock. Hard enough that when it hits the barrel, a small dent is left behind.
Flash watches through her periphery as he heaves a sigh, drops his head into his hands, and roughly rubs at his masked face.
She only lets herself feel guilty for a moment. He was the one ruining it. She'd been having fun at the gala. Despite the less than stimulating conversations, watching Ghost woo the various partygoers of Las Almas had been rather intriguing. Not to mention the dancing. Jesus Christ the dancing.
While the banter with the rest of the team had never gone as far as fucking her for god's sake, they certainly weren't holding church sermons. Price had chided her more than once for distracting the team while they were on the field and she was resting comfortably on the couch, radio in hand.
As soon as the words had left her mouth though, muttered into the silken hollow of his collarbone, she knew they were true. As much as he frustrated her, there was something about his presence that activated something primal inside her. That same primal feeling that had surfaced when she'd had him pinned to the ground and wheezing beneath her. It was addictive and dangerous.
"I'm sorry."
The words are spoken into the palms of his hands and although they sound forced, they seem genuine enough. She breaks from her all consuming thoughts and tugs at the hem of her dress in hopes that it would somehow extend to cover the bare few inches of skin that press into the cold concrete.
"Just don't be so uptight all the time." Flash bumps his shoulder with hers and offers him a small smile. "You'd be surprised how much better your life would be if you stopped all your huffing and puffing."
"You don't know shit about my life." The words are meant to be sharp, to ward her away from prodding further, but he speaks to his dust covered shoes.
"So tell me."
This stops Ghost's fidgeting. Flash thinks for a moment that he'll get up and walk away, leaving her to freeze to death alone. But he eventually drops his hands to his lap and raises his head to stare at the dark horizon.
"It's a lot."
Flash, despite his hunched frame and tired eyes, bumps their shoulders again.
"I don't see the car, and you can see for- I don't know," She peers dramatically down the road, "about ten miles."
"Ask Soap. He's a better storyteller than me." Ghost words are shortening, and Flash can see the wall she'd so carelessly blown through rebuilding. He's evading, and if she doesn't save it in time, who knows how long it will be until he's talking to her again.
"But I don't want to hear from Soap."
"You don't want to hear it from me either."
Flash sighs and then redirects. "What's your biggest fear?"
Ghost stills next to her, but this time she can see the hard set of his eyes softening, reluctance slipping away into indulgence.
"I thought you wanted to know about my life." He comments lightly, and Flash can't help but feel accomplished for recovering what little progress she'd made.
"I think fears tell a lot about a person." She hums, hoping her last-ditch effort at having a conversation sounds at least somewhat inquisitive.
Ghost's head tips up towards the sky, brow furrowed in thought.
"Throwing up."
"That's your biggest fear?" Flash doesn't have to ask to know that he's humoring her.
"What? Did you expect somethin' worse?"
There's a beat of silence, and then Ghost is speaking again.
"What's yours?"
Silence again.
"Like pugs? Or-"
Flash shoves his shoulder and laughs loudly. "No you asshole. The big ones."
Despite the topic, a whirlwind of butterflies erupts in her stomach and the sound of their fluttering reaches her ears, filling them with a low hum. Then he's laughing. Not the small huffs from their usual teasing, full-stomach laughs. The whirlwind turns into a storm. It ravages her mind, twirling the sound into a song and repeating it over and over.
Flash stares at him, speechless, afraid that if she speaks, the storm brewing inside her will somehow escape and drench the both of them in things she'd rather leave unsaid. She wants to tell him to never stop, to ask exactly what she'd said that was so funny so she could repeat it every day for the rest of their time together. To peel off that damn mask and watch every minuscule movement of his face.
Ghost doesn't seem to mind the lack of response though. When his amusement has faded to a small smile under his mask, his head lolls to his shoulder and he closes his eyes.
They wait the rest of the time in silence. Ghost unmoving and still resting his eyes and Flash unabashedly staring. Even though she knows that the idea is ridiculous, he seems to be warming the space between them. The ice that she'd so carefully tread on before melting away.
He doesn't open his eyes until the car rolls up in front of them and a casually dressed man tosses the keys in his direction. Ghost catches them in his hand and stretches languidly when he stands, revealing a small sliver of skin along his waistline. With his back turned to her, Flash stares at the strip, burning it into her memory.
"You can kick rocks all night," Ghost slips his hands into his pockets and starts a slow, casual walk towards the car, "but you're not going to get what you want."
"And what's that?"
Flash's question is meant to be coy, to push yet another button. But the song left playing in her ears softens her words, they come out quiet and searching.
"A reaction." He punctuates the last word by kicking a rock at the barrel. It hits the small dent that she'd made and ricochets back to land just a few inches from her feet.
"Asshole." She mutters and steps over the rock, ignoring the urge to pick it up and chuck it at his head.
Flash bites her tongue when the thought of teasing him about their dancing comes up. She'd most definitely gotten a reaction out of him then. But she instead follows him and slips into the passenger seat of the small truck.
It's certainly a downgrade from the Porsche. The smell of dust and sweat fills her nose and she debates waiting outside until the med team is done clearing the other car. But Ghost is already buckled and turning the key in the ignition.
"Who's car was that?" Flash asks while pulling a worn seatbelt over her shoulder.
She can't help but laugh at his response. They'd most likely be getting an earful upon their return. It doesn't take a genius to see that he takes care of his car.
The truck, despite running just seconds ago, is just as cold as the air outside. When she jams her finger into the heater button, the vents remain stagnant.
"Shit." She huffs and resorts to shoving her hands under her shivering thighs.
Ghost, seemingly without thinking, tosses her his suit jacket.
"Here, stop whining." He's back to his gruff, nonchalant manner of speaking, but it lacks its usual stiffness.
"You aren't cold?"
"I guess you are built like a fuckin' polar bear." The words slip out before she can stop them, but Ghost just shakes his head, still sporting the small smile from before.
"Do you ever have any consequences for what comes out of your mouth?" Ghost's question is spoken as a sigh. He props an elbow against the car door and leans his head against it, steering with one hand. The motion is achingly domestic.
"No." Her reply is muffled as she burrows herself into the jacket, warm from being stuffed under Ghost's arm while they waited.
It's true. There's very little that she could say or do that would get her in any sort of trouble. She's a hot commodity, and it didn't take much for people to realize. Ghost just hasn't had a chance to see it yet.
"One of these days, they're going to come back and bite you in the ass."
"Oh, you'll scare them away." She looks up at him through her lashes, but he's focused on the road.
"I'd let them get a few good hits in. Then maybe."
Flash's grin is hidden beneath the coat, but she's sure he can hear it when she speaks next.
"You wouldn't protect me?" Her question is coy. She knows it and he probably does too.
"You don't need me to protect you."
"But if I asked you to?"
There's a pause, and she watches his side profile shift as he clenches his jaw. His fingers tap against the steering wheel. Once, twice.
    They're nearly back to the base when she slips back onto the ice and into the freezing water. This time though, there is no life raft.
"I'm dropping you off." Ghost is exacerbated, clenching the wheel with both hands now. "You're not missing out on anything."
"Then why does it matter if I go or not?" Her question is a half yell, quieter than her first complaint, but louder than necessary.
Their easy back and forth, borderline flirting, conversation only lasted a few more minutes before Ghost mentioned he'd be dropping her off at the base before meeting the rest of the team at a local bar to 'celebrate'.
He'd told her, not asked. Told.
The not so quiet rage that had been building over her last few weeks stuck at the base rears its ugly head. Apparently pinning him to a mat didn't make it clear enough. She's tired of decisions being made for her.
"Because you aren't needed there."
Ghost's words bleed through her like a freezing wind. She grapples to hold onto the song in her ears, but the fluttering in her stomach increases and this time it's deafening.
"You know, for how much you mope. You put a shit ton of effort into ruining your friendships."
It's a low blow. But the anger burning hot in her stomach scorches the fluttering and thrums through her veins. She wants to hurt him.
"There's nothing there to be ruined."
The words are empty. A shell of his earlier reprimands. And Flash knows it's a weak strategy to push her far enough away that he can rebuild his wall in peace. But that doesn't stop the words from burrowing deep into the space between her ribs and wrapping around her lungs. It fills them with a cold air and the jacket still wrapped tightly around her shoulders does nothing to fight it.
"Okay." Flash bites back the flurry of emotion driven insults threatening to pry their way out of her mouth. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't hesitate to rip them to shreds, but she knows Ghost is lying.
The rest of the ride to the base is a painful silence. Flash can see his jaw working in her periphery, he wants to say something, but he remains quiet and focused on the road ahead of them. She glares at him and then turns to stare out her window.
When the car whines to a stop in front of the depressingly dark outline of their base, Flash doesn't bother saying goodbye when she slips from the car and drops the suit jacket on her seat. She's just about to shut the door when he finally speaks up.
"What?" Flash's voice is bitter and unrelenting.
"You asked what my biggest fear was." He doesn't look away from his grip on the wheel. "It's hope."
The furrow of her brow softens for a moment and sympathy begins to ebb away at the rejection burning in her stomach. But his words ring through her head 'you aren't needed' and any expressions of comfort beginning to form die on her tongue.
She watches his face for a moment, waiting for him to turn. When he doesn't, she lets the sour words slip from her mouth. Simple but effective.
"I think you're just scared of yourself." She doesn't give him time to respond before shutting the door and walking towards the base, trying her best to ignore the burning behind her eyes.
    Flash's next few moments are a whirlwind. Swapping her dress for the sweats and t-shirt flung on the floor that morning, jogging back to the kitchen to look at the grocery list style of numbers on the fridge, and calling Alejandro.
If he was with them at the bar she'd just have to stew in her room until Gaz came back. Although he'd probably be intoxicated and an easy target, she needs some way to dispel the hurt and anger pulsing through her veins.
Much to her surprise, he answers within the first few rings and twenty minutes later he arrives with a bottle of wine in hand and Valeria tow.
"Rude of them to leave you to celebrate your success sober." He had murmured while pulling a container of strawberries from their fridge. Gaz would kill her for eating them, but consequences seemed nonexistent at the moment.
She's leaning against the counter now, watching the way his forearms move while expertly slicing the strawberries. Valeria stands next to her speaking in a low tone.
"So," She starts, turning her chin resting in her hand to face Flash, "how did you end up here?"
Flash shifts to lean her hip into the counter, reluctantly peeling her eyes from Alejandro's smooth movements, and wonders what version of her story she wants to give.
"Same as everyone else. A fucked childhood that left me with no other option."
It was a half truth. Starting a conversation by telling someone she'd won scholarships to nearly every advanced military school in the country by climbing to the top of the performance ranks in less than a year isn't something that people could relate to. Childhood trauma on the other hand is a jackpot.
"Ah." Valeria's smile softens and she turns to look at Alejandro, who's now pouring the wine into three glasses that have seen better days. "We've heard that one plenty of times haven't we Ale."
When he nods his head, Valeria turns back to Flash with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Now tell me the truth."
Flash accepts a glass from Alejandro and stares into the deep maroon of the wine before answering.
"I'm good."
"That's it?" Alejandro's laugh is loud and echoes through the empty room. "You've made it this far by being good?"
"I'm better than good." She offers, still not looking up from her glass.
Warm fingers slip under her chin and bring her gaze up to meet a pair of enveloping brown eyes.
"Don't be shy." Valeria's words are a quiet murmur. "You weren't so quiet earlier, what changed?"
Flash's jaw clenches, who was Ghost to make her feel small? Her gaze holds Valeria's when she speaks next and although her words are quiet, they're more confident than before.
"I'm the best you'll ever meet."
"There's my Pantera."
Valeria drops her chin, scoops up her glass and the bowl of cut strawberries, and slides so gracefully onto the couch that Flash wonders how she's not the one being named after a panther. "Come, sit."
Alejandro leads the way and claims the opposite side of the couch, leaving Flash to sit between them. It's a comfortable arrangement, there's enough room for them to sit and not be crammed together, but the weight of both their gazes makes the space seem impossibly smaller.
"What do you usually talk about while celebrating?" She asks, leaning over to grab a small handful of strawberries from the bowl Valeria left on the coffee table. It's a poor conversation starter, but the silence between them has Flash shifting on her cushion. And from the smile on Alejandro's face, they know.
"Do you really want to know?" He continues lowly when she nods her head. "We debate who we want to take home for the night."
Valeria tuts at him, "Don't be so brash Ale. We talk about other things too."
Flash brings her glass of wine up to her mouth in an attempt to cover her shocked expression but realizes that this means she actually has to drink it. Without giving her brain enough time to overreact, Flash tips a mouthful in and swallows. The taste is horrendous and she doesn't bother hiding it.
Alejandro laughs loudly at her expression and Valeria just shakes her head with a small smile, "It's meant to be sipped, darling. Not swallowed."
Not wanting to embarrass herself further, Flash just sets the glass down on the table and returns to the fruit in her hand.
"You could have said that." She mumbles against a strawberry pressed to her lips. The tart of the berry is a sweet reprieve from the rotten taste of the wine. The two sitting opposite of her seem to have no problem with the taste, leisurely sipping as though it's something to be savored.
"So Flash," Alejandro's eyes dance with dangerous excitement. " Are you a virgin? "
She chokes on a half-chewed berry, "Excuse me?"
"Just general questions. I ask everyone." He gestures behind her. "Right Valeria?"
Flash remains silent, rubbing the cool of the strawberry against her lips and willing the blush away from her cheeks.
"Have you ever been kissed before?"
"Yes!" She blurts her answer out and all it does is set off a round of laughter between the two of them.
Her first kiss had been with a- for lack of a better term, boyfriend at the academy, Jake. A twenty three year old recruit who'd got a little too excited when she'd pinned him. He never did more than peck her on the lips though, arguing that anything else would distract him from his work. She broke things off three days later.
"Have you ever had someone's tongue in your mouth?" His blatant question catches her off guard. Although the pink hue of his cheeks show the effects of the wine kicking in. She's spent enough time with Alejandro to know that this is just the way he operates, on a 'better to ask for forgiveness than get permission' basis.
Flash shakes her head lamely, giving up on the stoic, unresponsive act. It clearly wasn't working.
He sets his glass on the coffee table and crooks a finger at her, smiling devilishly.
"Come here, let me show you something."
She sets her handful of strawberries back in the bowl and glances back at Valeria who gives her an encouraging nod. Flash uncrosses her legs and leans forward, expecting him to give her a quick peck.
"Tell me if you want me to stop."
She's about to ask him what he means when he brings his hands down to her waist and pulls her up to straddle his lap.
"What are you doing?" Her voice is breathy and light and her stomach rolls with nerves. Although it's not what she expected, she's not one to complain.
"Relax Rubia." His face is just inches from hers, "Do you want me to show you what you're missing out on?"
Nerves race through her veins and the heat of Alejandro's hands on her waist burn straight through her skin and into the heat of her stomach. What's the worst that could happen? Gaz had talked about having sex with other team members, surely a kiss wouldn't hurt. All she can muster is a short nod of her head.
Alejandro is the light at the end of her tunnel of pent-up frustration and by god is he bright.
"Words." He chides.
Although she's given permission, his advance is painfully slow. The hands gripping her waist, guide her to sit back on his thighs, and brush her hair behind her ear in one smooth movement, before resting gently against her cheek.
Warm lips press softly against hers and she practically melts in his hands. He's surprisingly gentle, pressing two light kisses to her lips before nosing at her cheek and placing another over the burning skin.
"She's a Pantera Alejandro. I'm sure she can handle more."
Flash jumps at the sound of Valeria's voice. She's moved to sit next to them, lounging on the cushion and watching with a cocked head. She smirks at Flash's surprise. She didn't even see her move.
"Slow Valeria." He chides. His low voice is spoken into the soft spot below her ear, words caressing her skin and whispering down her spine. "We don't want to spook her."
Lips part against her neck and the hot press of his tongue is followed by a cool stream of air. Flash chokes on her next inhale and swallows down the ragged moan threatening her ego. Nothing Jake ever did felt this good.
"Did you like that Rubia?" Alejandro's voice is light and teasing.
"Yes I-." Before she even finishes her answer, he's doing it again, this time following the lick with a quick nip of teeth. Her response turns into an embarrassingly loud half-whimper.
"You're a tease." She bites out, pausing on the last word as he mouths his way back up to her ear.
"Ah, but you like it. No?"
Flash doesn't have to see his face to know he's smiling. It's taken him less than a minute to turn her into putty, and now he's happily kneading.
When he presses his lips to hers this time, the hot slide of his tongue at her lower lip parts her mouth in a gasp. He wastes no time. Weaving one hand into the hair at the back of her head and the other squeezing at her waist, Alejandro kisses her fervently and without abandon.
The room spins beneath her, weakening her knees. If she wasn't held fast to Alejandro's lap, she'd probably be on the floor. The taste of strawberries and wine fill her senses and twirl her into a daze.
The hands previously resting at her side slide up the muscular length of his arms and into his hair. It's not quite as long as Ghost's but her fingers still easily grip at the soft waves. Ghost. A pang of guilt threatens to pull her from her reverie, but Alejandro quickly snatches her attention back by taking her lower lip between his teeth and biting down.
A defensive flare burns up her chest and she bites back harder. Alejandro groans into her mouth, the sound burns down her chest and settles low in her belly. The hand that was gripping at her waist slides up and to the small of her back, arching her into his chest. She presses close and can feel the hard muscle of his abdomen through the thin cotton of their shirts.
When he breaks the kiss, there's a strand of saliva connecting their mouths. He doesn't hesitate in pulling her back to drag a slow lick up her parted lips. Jesus fucking Christ. Dark eyes watch her closely when he pulls back and Flash is seconds away from begging him to do it again when a warm hand at her waist pulls her attention to an impatient looking Valeria.
"My turn." She murmurs, voice soft and low. "Can I kiss you?"
Flash, despite Alejandro's earlier insistence, can only nod in response.
She is identical to Alejandro in her slow start, dragging a soft hand over Flash's brow bone before swiping her thumb across slick lips. Fingers pinch Flash's chin and pull her forward. Valeria's lips are soft but her kiss is anything but. The hungry lick of her tongue gives Flash little time to adjust, but when she does, a delighted tremor wracks her body.
Warm hands slide beneath her shirt and then Valeria is pulling her down to grind against Alejandro's thigh. A moan is pressed into Valeria's mouth and electricity courses hot through her body.
Alejandro is quick to stop them. Large hands close over Valeria's on her hips and hold them still. She wants to pull them off, to give in to the warm sensation Valeria's hands are creating. He's persistent though.
"Valeria." Alejandro's words are a clear warning but his voice is thick and heady. If she didn't know better, she'd say Alejandro was enjoying this just as much as her.
Much to her disappointment, Valeria listens to his one-worded order. She rolls Flash's bottom lip between her teeth before placing one more kiss against her mouth and settling back.
Flash is left in a daze. Half-lidded eyes watch as Valeria straightens the hair that Flash had been pulling at just moments before.
"Just touching Mi Amor." Her words are breathy and the apples of her cheeks glow a soft pink.
"I was just showing our Rubia here what she's missing out on. I am not looking for a death threat."
Alejandro's words have her turning back to gaze at him in confusion. Although the lustful tint to his eyes is still present, he seems to have pulled himself together a lot quicker than Flash.
"Death threat?" Her voice is wrecked and Alejandro smirks at the sound. Whatever scrap of ego she had left lay tattered on the ground.
"Don't tell me you haven't noticed." He caresses the side of her face, proving to be an awfully good distraction from their conversation.
"Noticed what?" She breathes and turns to Valeria for an explanation. The woman just smiles and tilts her head to the side in an artful manner.
"You seem to be haunted by a certain ghost Flash." She tuts at her. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed."
"You mean Ghost?" She rushes, still recuperating from the mind numbing kiss that she'd gotten from two different people.
"Yes, Flash." Alejandro laughs it away like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"That man doesn't care about anyone other than himself." She says and swings her leg back to sit in her spot. Suddenly, sitting on Alejandro's lap isn't as exciting as before, and the once warm feeling in her stomach turns heavy.
"And that's where you're wrong." Valeria swirls a finger along the rim of her glass before gazing up at Flash through dark lashes. "We just had to dip our toes in before you're off the market. God help the bastards that try to trespass."
Flash flinches at her metaphor, "I'm not a piece of property." She glares at the two of them and their shockingly calm demeanor. Speaking as though they didn't just have their tongues in her mouth just minutes before. Her heart still beat wildly in her chest, and the cold taste of the strawberries did little to cool the heat of her cheeks.
"Honey," Valeria reaches out to stroke her calf, "the moment you signed that contract you became a piece of real estate."
She's saved from responding to another cryptic metaphor by the familiar sound of doors slamming shut. Not wanting to be barraged by questions from the rest of the team, Flash grabs the bowl of fruit, mutters a small goodnight to the pair staring at her from the couch, and rushes off to her room.
So much for blowing off some steam.
    Flash is sitting cross-legged on her bed cleaning the blood flecked knife with a polishing cloth when a knock sounds through the room.
"Come in!"
She doesn't have to ask who it is. The stumbling and laughing are telling enough.
"Stop." Gaz's giggle sounds easily through the thin wood of the door. "I got it!"
The door swings open to reveal a relatively drunk Gaz and Soap. Hair mussed and cheeks pinkened, both look like they've had an eventful night.
"Hello gorgeous." Gaz drawls. "Wiping away the evidence of your most recent murderous rampage?"
Flash can't say she's not impressed at his coherency. She almost lets him off the hook. Almost.
"Don't make me have to start over." She points the knife at him and then gestures at the door. "Out."
A half hour ago, she would have welcomed the playful banter and taken it as an opportunity to wrestle him to the ground. But the weight of the day has her pinned to her bed.
"Aw, she's so mean." Gaz's head drops to Soap's shoulder and he doesn't shove him off.
Flash thinks back to Gaz's earlier confession and eyes the point of contact before glancing down at the relatively small space between them. Interesting. When she looks at Soap though, his eyes are trained on the knife balanced in her hand.
"Ghost let you borrow one of his knives?" His voice is incredulous and he takes a hesitant step forward.
"What?" She looks down at the silver case in front of her. She hadn't even noticed. The case was nearly identical to the one that was always neatly polished and tucked carefully into his breast pocket. "No, he bought these for me at the market."
"Oh." His mouth tips down and she recognizes the familiar expression of rejection. He's usually pretty good at keeping his emotions in check, she has no doubt it's the alcohol coursing through his blood that's giving them front row seats to his inner turmoil
Gas buts in oblivious to Soap's pouting, "So he's buying you two matching knives? Seems like it's getting pretty serious. Are you sure you're not fucking?"
Flash chokes on her next inhale. She'd have to get better at locking her door if this was going to become a regular occurrence.
"You know." Gaz looks at her with a devilish smile. "Just because Price went dark during your guy's little dance doesn't mean we did."
Oh fuck.
A/N: I’m currently dying (maybe that’s a tad dramatic) in bed with the flu and am in desperate need of entertainment. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in my ama! <3
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damnlance · 9 months
part 2 of my klance blurb but in lance’s pov. happy new year!
what a crazy fucking morning. scratch that. what a crazy fucking week. lance’s parents were on him about his stupid car, again. take it to the car wash, lance. get your tires rotated, lance. don’t forget your wax appointment, lance. at this point, they cared more about the car than they did their own son. lance had WAY better things to do than take care of some car for fucks sake.
he hated his car. it was a present for his twenty-third birthday three fucking years ago! lance was a little naive back then, thinking a fast, sexy bmw in his favorite color would get him laid every night. thank god he grew out of that phase after five months of nothing.
after his parents nagged him about the car, he was fed up. like actually the last straw. so he left that morning with hopes that when he returned home, the stupid car didn’t. he prayed on it. and although he was a little bit reckless and fucking dumb, his prayers were answered when he saw a big truck heading his way. he wasn’t proud of this in the slightest, but.. he needed this.
so he slows down, real slow. the highway is busy as everyone is on their way to work. it’s perfect. lance looks around for any cops because he’s about to ruin this car for good. he hopes he doesn’t die. he prays again for an angel to watch over him. then.. he becomes a maniac.
he swerves a little to the left. a car honks at him and he gets back into his lane. he goes a little to the right, heart beating fast in his chest. at times he slows down so much that he’s barely even driving and man does he feel dangerous!
maybe too dangerous.
okay, no, this is CRAZY!! he could get himself killed!! and probably injure the truck driver behind him! or others! yeah, this is fucking idiotic.
so lance changes his mind and.. goes with the flow of traffic. he starts driving like he means it. where is he going? he doesn’t know but maybe if there’s anything interesting near by, he’ll stop.
he decides to think of another way to get rid of this car. maybe he could leave the keys inside and go to the mall and just never come out. that could work. or maybe let some random person take it for a joyride and hope they take it forever. maybe. lance gets so lost in his thoughts that he misses the idiot car that cuts him off and break checks him. his foot becomes a little too heavy on the brakes and before he can get his bearings, BOOM!
he gets rear ended..
by the fucking truck.
lance’s heart beats a trillion times a minute because if anyone was watching or if the truck has a dash cam OORRR if the truck driver was a cop!? lance would be over.
he checks his body for any bruises or injuries. he’s good. his back will probably be sore but he’s so hopped up on adrenaline that he can’t focus on that right now. it’s clear that other cars have seen the accident and are moving out the way so they can merge over to the side of the road. lance goes and when he sees the truck following him, it becomes real what he did.
everything horribly wrong runs through his veins as he proceeds to get over onto the shoulder lane of the highway, the not-so-banged-up truck following close behind. lance takes a deep breath, then another one. he looks in his side mirror to see the truck driver getting out of the truck, looking visibly shaken up. guilt wracks lance’s brain as he takes another deep breath and gets out the car.
the first thing he notices is the bumper. totaled. that’s a good thing, his parents will be devastated. now, whether they’ll be devastated for the car or lance’s safety is questionable.
no it’s not. it’s the latter.
the next thing lance notices that gets his breath taken away is the sight of blood from the stranger. his heart begins to beat fast again as more horrible things run through his mind.
“holy crow!” he shouts, walking a little closer and staring the guy down. he can’t be much older than lance is. how did he become a truck driver???? aren’t there rules and regulations for that kind of thing?? nope, not important. “are you alright, man!?”
“m-me?” the dark haired guy answers and lance feels all the guilt twist in his gut. he clearly has whiplash. or.. something. but lance didn’t know that car was going to cut him off! if anything, he saved his own life. he’d rather be the rear-ended one than the rear-ender if that makes sense. lance moves even closer and continues to stare at the guy, searching his eyes for any signs of a concussion. he grips him by the shoulders and that’s when he sees the blood.
“oh, dude, you’re bleeding!” he exclaims, heart beating faster. he stares down this guy and for a second.. something happens.
it’s like time goes slow or something? it’s got to be the adrenaline in his body because the way this guy is staring at him is making lance feel kinda weird? he continues to examine his face and neck and eyes. no signs of whiplash but this guy is staring up at lance like he’s the greatest thing he’s ever seen. it has lance’s stomach flipping and makes the examination all the harder. but while he’s at it, lance takes a good look at him. he’s got clear pale skin, almost porcelain like, not a pimple, blemish, or whitehead in sight, and it makes lance wonder what his skincare routine is. thick and bushy eyebrows sit atop his eyes and when lance looks into those eyes, they’re dark. almost violet but not. maybe ultramarine? they’re mysterious yet.. mesmerizing. his eyes are kinda almond shaped and they’re the prettiest eyes he’s ever gazed upon, even with the light traces of eyeliner around them, making them more bold. his lashes are ten times prettier than lance’s own as they fawn out over and around his eyes. his black hair is styled into a messy mullet type thing and as much as lance doesn’t like mullets, it suits this guy fucking good. a little too good. lance inhales and gets a whiff of him, and he smells about as good as an abercrombie model would. fresh and earthy. like pine.
lance snaps out of his trance when the smell of blood hits his nose and tries to shake the guy a little because it looks like something is wrong. he’s got this empty look on his face and he hasn’t blinked for at least a minute.
“dude!” lance pinches his arm near his elbow and that gets him back.
“h-huh?” the guy says, blinking a few times.
“i said you’re bleeding!” lance reaches up to touch the dark haired man’s forehead, moving his long, soft shoulder length hair out of his face. lance touches his hairline with two fingers and holds them in the stranger’s eye view to show him the blood. that just about does it for him as he snaps out of whatever funk he was in. he jumps back a few feet, a light blush filling his pale cheeks. lance can’t help the small yet subtle smirk that breaks across his face.
“i-i’m sorry!” the stranger says, holding his arms around his body.. his beefy body.
the smirk on lance’s face doesn’t falter for a second. “for bleeding? yeah, dude, it’s cool.” he replies in a lighthearted tone. that gets the dark haired man squirming and damn near foaming at the mouth with words. lance can only stand there, finding his nervousness adorable. he jabbers about, mentioning things like car insurance, paying for the ‘horrible damages’ to lance’s bmw, and even going as far as to apologize for the blood on lance’s fingers.. from his forehead.
it’s cute. he’s cute.
“dude?” lance sends a charming wide smile his way. he shushes mr eyeliner and it actually works. his mouth zips tight into a line.
“hm..” his sexy adam’s apple bobs up then down. his dark eyes focused on lance’s own.
“i don’t care about the car.” lance admits, a little too nonchalantly. he watches as this hot ass guy’s mouth falls open like he’s just said the most out of pocket thing in the world. and he probably has. rich parents problems.
“you don’t!?” the dark haired man damn near yells. but lance smiles at him, moving a little closer.
“no. i only care about the gash in your head.” lance can’t help but chuckle because the look on this guy’s face is priceless. it’s like he’s expecting the absolute worst thing to happen. “it’s pretty deep. i can go with you to the hospital..”
lance wants to go with him. he doesn’t want to go home. he didn’t really have any plans today other than to get rid of the one thing that’s keeping him weirdly tethered to his parents’ love or something. and hey, it worked. car totaled.
“no!” the cute stranger suddenly yells and it makes lance flinch a little. he wasn’t expecting a no. he continues to stare at this nervous little angel until his babbling comes back. “i mean! y-your car!! i-! your car is-! i didn’t mean to..”
lance has never smiled this much in one day. especially lately. it feels nice to have his facial muscles hurt from smiling instead of frowning or.. crying. and almost like a lightbulb floating above his head, lance has an idea.
“sir?” he says, reaching for his violet-eyed angel’s tense shoulders. he can feel the exact moment when those strong shoulders slouch and go lax under his hands. “relax.”
lance feels his eyes gravitate towards those mysterious indigo ones and he’s instantly locked in. once again, time slows for him. he feels like his body is moving backwards while the rest of the world is moving forwards, kinda of like how he feels at the beach in between the sand and the waves. his heart begins it’s slow incline of pounding beneath his chest and it’s a new feeling for him. this beautiful stranger is making him feel things.
“o.. kay…” the long haired man nods, eyes never leaving lance’s own. it’s such an intense thing, staring into another person’s eyes and not feeling awkward or weird about it. lance catches the small blush start on the long haired man’s porcelain skin, filling his nose and out to his cheeks until he’s full on red. lance’s heart goes faster.
“you seem really distraught by the whole thing.” lance says, eyes quickly darting to his banged up car. “allow me to introduce myself. my name is lance.”
sexy mullet man only nods, mouth slightly open.
“and yours?” lance asks, eyes scanning over every ounce of that pretty face.
“k.. k-keith..” pretty dude stutters out.
keith! lance smiles, a chill of relief going down his spine. “it’s nice to meet you, keith.” he says, trying the name out on his tongue. he carefully moves his hands from the top of keith’s shoulders down to his forearms, experimentally giving them a gentle squeeze. lance inhales a little. god, he’s fucking ripped. he’s only about an inch or two shorter than lance, which doesn’t mean anything because lance is 6’0 tall, but the imagination is there. keith wears a black t-shirt with a black long sleeve underneath but even that’s not helping. keith has to have a six pack. he can’t have beefy arms like this with no six pack.
the literal ongoing traffic snaps lance out of his thoughts. right. side of the fucking road.
“mhm.” keith hums, batting those pretty eyes. lance curses himself. he removes his hands from keith’s body and lets out a small sigh. walking over to keith’s truck, he looks over to his car and examines the horrendous state it’s in. and a laugh churns in his gut.
“you know, you really did me a favor,” he sighs out, placing his hands on his hips. the soft material of his blue jeans underneath the palms of his hands does something to him. anger..?
“oh..” keith walks over to him a little hesitantly, looking from lance’s unrecognizable bmw to his giant truck. “how so?”
anger. lance feels anger. “i’ve been wanting to get rid of this car since i got it three years ago. my fancy rich parents got it for me for my twenty-third birthday and i’ve always hated it.”
he looks over and finds violet eyes. pale skin turning red. “i got into a fight with said parents about it a few days ago and kinda prayed that something bad would happen to it.” lance says, feeling selfish. he’s so happy about his car being crushed like a soda can that he hasn’t had any time to think about the fact that he could have been hurt. or worse. he doesn’t want to think about that. he crosses his arms over his chest and pushes the feeling down. “guess that makes you like my angel or something?” he flirts.
and it works because keith’s pink face goes a few shades darker and lance’s heart goes fast again, hooked on this feeling of making this total stranger squirm under his words. he smiles big again. “kidding.”
he walks to his car that’s about two feet away and opens the door. he reaches inside and grabs his backpack then reaches in the backseat to grab his fully packed duffle bag. he reaches into the cupholder and grabs his cinnamon flavored lip balm, tucking that into his pocket. he grabs his wallet, phone, and gum from inside the armrest and tucks those away into his pocket. he reaches over to open the glove compartment to grab all his little papers, knick-knacks, and emergency snacks, shoving those into his duffle bag. he grabs his keys and closes the door to his precious little car. he locks the door and gets a sick idea in his brain. lightbulb! he takes out his phone from his pocket and walks around to the back of his car. he focuses the camera onto the irreversibly dented backside of lance’s bmw and takes a pic. the anger is back and it’s going through his veins. he looks at the pic on his phone then goes to his messages.
‘sorry about your precious baby. i’m fine by the way.’
he nods his head and hits send.
“alright, sent.”
“what??” lance looks over to keith’s eyes growing wide. “you just-!”
“i just sent a pic to my annoying parents,” lance frowns, but a smile soon cracks through. “yeah, man.”
keith’s eyes bore into lance as lance smiles through his anger. he smiles like everything is okay. and it is because the way keith stares at him is enough to make lance believe that heaven is right here on earth and it’s standing in front of him, staring at him with intense dark eyes and a fucking mullet.
another idea. lance turns away to reach over and grab his license plate from the front of keith’s truck. he smiles at it in his hands. “this will make a great mantelpiece above my parent’s fireplace. what do you think?”
he turns to smile at keith, raising an eyebrow. keith returns the smile, something skittish reflecting in those hypnotic orbs known as his eyes.
“i.. think it’s badass.”
lance feels his blood boil in the pit of his stomach, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. he’s relieved to hear someone say anything other than negativity or he’s “crazy.” it ignites a spark in his veins. keith is the spark.
“that’s my boy.” lance hums, sounding crazy. but it’s okay. he’s pretty sure keith dies a little.
lance wants to go with him. he doesn’t want to go home. he doesn’t want to go with his friends. he doesn’t want to go anywhere but with a total stranger in his big ass truck. so lance does what he’s good at and talks his way into going with keith. in a short few minutes, lance is flashing his charm and charisma and climbing into the passenger seat of keith’s truck. first stop, the hospital. lance felt really bad about keith getting seriously hurt and offered to drive, but apparently there’s certain rules to driving a semi and keith couldn’t take that risk.
a quick pop by the hospital for keith’s stitches had lance happily holding keith’s (weirdly) gloved hand while an attractive male nurse fixed the wound in keith’s pretty forehead. it was interesting seeing him squirm when lance grabbed his hand, but not from the giant ass needle they put inside his head to numb the pain. lance was the one who almost hit the fucking floor! still feeling the guilt in his chest, lance used up some of his reserved charm for a certain dark haired man with magical eyes for a cute nurse at the front desk and got keith’s bill lowered to a decent price. then lance paid for it, despite keith’s protesting. it was the least he could do. he even went with keith to finish his delivery and got to see how that whole thing works.
but like all good things, their time had to come to an end. keith drove lance all the way home to his rich and snobby ass prison of a neighborhood. watching keith’s face go from neutral and nervous to awe at all of the fake ass, dusty porcelain water fountains around lance’s gated community was the funniest thing. if only keith knew the truth behind those rusty gates..
putting his truck in park, keith settles into his seat with a sigh. he reaches his hand up to his bandaged forehead and before he can scratch, lance reaches over and slaps his hand.
“no! don’t touch!” he yells. keith is caught off guard. he’s so cute. “you gotta let it heal properly.” doctors words. he’s supposed to get his stitches out in a few weeks and lance doesn’t want keith to have to go back before then.
“right.” keith replies, nodding. he’s nervous, lance notices, and can tell by the way he’s squirming and pinching at the tight leather gloves on his hands.
lance points to them. “aren’t you hot in those? it’s like eighty degrees out.”
“nah,” keith shrugs, focused on his hands. only his hands. “i pretty much lived in the desert, so im used to the heat.”
that has lance smiling for some reason. it’s such a random thing to say and yet it leaves lance wanting to know more.
“yeah,” lance shrugs, trying to hide a shit eating grin. “being used to the heat must be nice and all, considering how hot you are.” and he means it. keith is truly the hottest guy he’s seen in a while and he hopes it doesn’t weird keith out. lance cannot tell lies.
it seems to do something because keith is sitting up straighter and his exposed ear begins to change from a sparkly white to a rosy pink. lance can’t help but to smile. he’s been smiling so much all day that he’s not used to it. it’s been so long since he’s smiled genuinely and it kind of hurts. in a good way. also, just considering the day he’s had, he should be crying or screaming. he knows the second he leaves this truck, the second he leaves his gorgeous emo angel, it’s back to the real world. and the real world fucking sucks.
so he sucks up his pride and does what he’s been meaning to do all day. he lets out a shaky sigh and tries not to bite his tongue. “i apologize for being so forward but can i.. get your number?”
his heart beats like crazy. what if keith says no?? then what??
keith seems to cough a little, barely making eye contact. “m-my… number??”
lance is feeling nervous now. he nods. “yeah. like, your phone number..”
“.. why?” keith asks and lance all but melts in his seat. keith is so cute and innocent. his response should’ve scared lance to death but it only makes him smile, laughing a bit.
“so i can text you for your insurance information, duh?” he jokes, smirking as he waits for keith to laugh. but keith doesn’t. he sits there, body tensing in seconds and when lance realizes his sarcasm went over keith’s head and out the window, he rolls his eyes. “oh my god, so i can call you sometime!.. m-maybe..”
“me!? you want to call me?” keith’s eyes widen and he sounds so shocked like no one has ever asked for his number before. lance refuses to believe that.
instead, he nods and decides to be a little vulnerable, turning his body towards keith so he can see that yummy face of his. “yeah. is that.. cool?”
“yes!” keith blurts, nodding his head fast. lance really really thinks he’s so cute! “i mean.. sure.”
“cool.” lance lets out a nervous breath and bites on his lower lip. he grabs his phone and exchanges numbers with keith, going a little out of his way to get a picture of keith’s angel face as his contact photo, because there’s no way anyone would believe him when he tells them about the day he saw an actual angel. keith had the absolute nerve to try and hide that pretty face because of his patched up forehead and fucking messy hair. lance wanted to slap him. instead, he reassures him by commenting on how cute he looked and how he wanted to remember keith on this day the way he was right now.
“sexy, yet adorable.”
keith’s cheeks turned red and puffy again. fucking hell, his hotness is just a joke to him. does he even know??
when keith decided to take a picture too, lance only smiled, knowing that as long as he had keith in his eye’s view, he wouldn’t worry about how he looked. keith was the greatest thing he could look at and with a man like him, lance couldn’t bring himself to care about his own looks.
he smiled big and happy for the first time in weeks, months, because keith was staring so purely at him that it made his insides turn to mush. what a feeling. he missed feeling anything other than anger or unhappiness. keith made him feel like he could fly.
lance saved keith in his phone as the sexy yet adorable emo angel and although a long name, it suited him. he added a purple heart emoji for keith’s eyes and it was saved.
time was ticking. lance’s phone was secretly blowing up with texts from his family, from his parents, and he couldn’t hide forever. this was it. pulling his cinnamon lip balm free from his pocket, he opened keith’s gloved hand and placed the tasty balm inside and then leaned over and surprisingly kissed keith square on his cheek.
“thanks for the eventful day..”
he smiled before opening his door and hopping out of the truck with his things in hand. he walked over to the large gates of his neighborhood and put in the four digit PIN that resided with his family. as the gates opened slowly, he turned to keith, waving goodbye, before he began his walk down the hill and to the street of his parents’ home.
he thought about keith the entire way, hoping that he wasn’t too forward by asking for his number and kissing him. he needed a way to keep himself inside keith’s head so that he could see him again. he had to see him again. just thinking about it sent lance’s skin ablaze. how did his shitty day turn so lovesick puppy in the span of a few hours? how did keith do that?? lance’s stomach did that thing where it dropped to his ass and his heart sped up so fast, he felt as if he were going to pass out. his hands got sweaty again, so sweaty that he had to sling his bag over his shoulder because it was getting harder to hold. waves of uncertainty and exhilaration bounced around in his stomach and he had to put a hand over his chest to try and calm his arrhythmic heartbeat.
no.. no way? lance has to literally laugh at himself.
he can’t.. be in love with this total stranger?
can he???
to be continued..
part 1 part 3
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littlespacereader · 7 months
@dino-boyo-agere gave me such a wonderful Supernatural request that I literally had to break it up into two parts because I realized I was writing such a long story!😂 I promise your request is going to be the part 2 of this story because I feel the questions you asked in your request are better answered in the second part.
I decided to write something a little different for me. It’s not my standard comfort agere fic but I’m really proud of the interesting story that plays out here. There some LGBTQ+ acceptance, there’s some fun dialogue and there’s even a cliffhanger! You don’t need to read the other fics to understand this one, but if you’d like to here’s the first one in my mini series, and here’s the second one.
Please everyone enjoy the part one of this adorable Supernatural Age Regression fic! But please be warned with the trigger warnings below!
The Little Hunt Begins
(Part 1)
Tumblr media
Little!Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
TW - the reason why there is no SFW tag is because of usual supernatural violence, language & kidnapping at the end. (Don’t worry this is resolved in part 2) Please be warned if this isn’t your speed!
Tags - hiding regression, diapers, thumb sucking, CG Castiel, LGBTQ+ confessions, brotherly acceptance!, cliffhanger ending, sorry not sorry, told by Dean’s POV,
Nickname - Sammy, ‘ammy
Click here for Part 2
The past few months have been the most peaceful months Dean’s had in years. With Castiel as his Caregiver, he’s been regressing regularly in the bunker with Castiel watching over him.
His peace would’ve continued if it hadn’t been for Sam finding a new hunt for the two of them. He doesn’t blame his brother, they have been inching to get out of the bunker for a while now.
But the thing is, it’s been a while since they had a hunt with Dean’s new regression schedule. The whole idea made him nervous, very nervous.
Dean paced back and forth in his room while Castiel sat on his bed.
“Why can’t you just let me ask Sam to join?” Cas asked.
“Because it will look suspicious! He’s already been questioning why the two of us are always together. I just…” Dean sat on the bed beside Cas, “I just don’t want him to know.”
Cas sighed, wrapping his arm around Dean, “You know, Sam might understand if you just take the time to explain it to him. With everything you’ve been through he might understand your need for regression.”
“No, NO! He can’t know Cas. He can’t.” Dean shook his head. “He wouldn’t understand.”
“I don’t think you’re giving Sam enough credit. I think if you took the time to properly explain it he would understand.” Cas countered but Dean wasn’t listening.
He turned his body towards Cas, hiding his face in his shoulder. His arms wrapped Castiel’s neck. “He can’t know…I don’t want him to.”
Castiel sighed but nodded his head. His arms wrapped around Dean, holding his Little close. “Then he won’t know.”
“I’m just…scared. I don’t want to regress around him.” It was hard for Dean to admit it. After all, how many hunts has be done before Castiel found out about his regression? But now, without Castiel joining him, he felt vulnerable.
“You know that just in case you do all you have to do is call on me and I’ll be right there.” Cas started to explain, “But, I do have a plan that’s going to help you through this hunt.”
That got Dean to lift his head off Cas’ shoulder and look at him intrigued.
With a long goodbye to Cas, Dean joined Sam in the garage and the two took off to their hunt, miles away.
The car ride was quiet for the most part. Dean blasted his music while Sam played on his phone. But then the silence was broken.
“What’s been going on with you and Cas?”
Dean almost swerved the car.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re always hanging out together. Like more than usual. Are you guys…um…”
“What Sammy? Spit it out.” Dean sighed.
“Are you guys a couple?” Sam asked.
Now that short circuited Dean’s brain all together. Here’s him worried about Sam finding out about his regression that the thought of this looking as if they were dating didn’t even cross his mind.
But now that he was thinking about it, he did like Cas. He’s a great Caregiver and he’s always been so kind to Dean even outside his regression. What if they were something more than just Caregiver and Regressor?
These are thoughts for another day when he isn’t so stressed about this stupid hunt!
A small blush started to creep onto Dean’s cheeks at the thoughts circling his brain.
“What? No. No we aren’t a couple.” Dean tried to say as cool as usual.
“Really? Because you seen all flustered at the thought of it.” Sam chuckled.
“No we aren’t dating Sammy. I would’ve told you if we were.”
There was silence in the car again until another question popped up.
“But you like Castiel?”
Dean’s heart dropped. Of course he liked Castiel. He meant everything to his little side. But he always meant everything to him outside of his regression. But this question wasn’t meant for that answer…but Dean still answered it.
“I mean…I don’t know, maybe. Would that be so wrong?” Dean asked with s pounding heart.
Sam shook his head, “No dude that wouldn’t be wrong at all. I mean if you like Cas that much maybe you should ask him.”
Relief filled Dean’s soul. Even though it wasn’t relief to his stresses about his regression, it was relief that his brother, despite everything, still loved and accepted Dean for who he was.
“Maybe I will, maybe I will.” Dean smirked. “What about you? Anyone on your radar?”
Now it was Sam’s turn to turn pink, “What? No. No, there’s no one on my radar.”
“I don’t know, I hear you always on the phone with someone. Maybe they’re a special someone?”
“Yeah you wish.” Sam chuckled.
“More like you wish.” Dean chuckled back. “Come oooooooooonnnnnnnnn, who are they?”
Sam smiled as his face got more pink. But he looked a little nervous at the admission, “He’s…um…he’s unexpectedly really kind.”
“He?” Dean laughed, “Would you look at us Sammy?” He laughed. Sam laughed too. Would you look at them. Both perfectly accepted for who they were.
“Just make sure whoever this he is knows that if he hurts you I’ll kill him.”
Sam chuckled, “Yeah? Okay Dean.” He rolled his eyes playfully.
“I’m not kidding I will! This guy better watch out.” Dean added trying his best to be intimidating.
Castiel’s plan was simply yet perfect for Dean. Dean’s biggest fear is regressing in his sleep and waking up to a wet bed. The solution? He secretly wears his usual diapers to bed.
But how will he get around Sam seeing?
Well every night he’ll take a shower and hide the diaper his pajamas. After he’s showered he’ll change into a diaper and just hop into bed, go straight under the covers and avoiding Sam’s detection all together.
Then in the morning he’ll wake up early, get changed while Sam sleeps and throw the wet diaper away.
It’s a fool proof plan Cas came up with!
They traveled all day and settled into their hotel for the night. Sam sat at the hotel’s table and researched away the case.
“Apparently there’s been a lot of mysteries happening to couples in the area dating back to the 1600s. Most called it witchcraft.” Sam explained.
Dean sighed, “So we’re dealing with witches?”
“Sounds like it.” Sam sighed back closing his computer before getting up to flop into his hotel bed.
Dean took it as his que to get ready for bed. With shaking hands he grabbed his pajamas with the diaper hidden inside and stood up.
“You need the bathroom before I shower?”
“Ummmm, no. No, you’re all good. Thanks.” Sam replied before turned his attention back to his phone.
Dean nodded before slipping inside. With the door shut behind him, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
After a shower and a quick change, Dean was shaking from nerves…again. With his diaper on under his clothes he feared the couple of steps from bathroom to bed would scream to Sam that he was wearing a diaper.
But it didn’t. Dean carefully made his way back to his bed and under the covers before Sam has even realized he left the bathroom.
When he did realize, Sam got up to use the bathroom himself. When he returned he turned off the light and wish his brother a good night before heading off to bed himself.
The plan worked!! Dean turned to his side and closed his eyes. Castiel’s plan had worked! Sam never said or suspected a thing!
“Thank you Cas.” Dean called out silently to the Angel.
A warm and calm presence wrapped around Dean, causing him to know the Angel got his message. His eyes slipped close as he felt safe enough to fall asleep.
The plan was fool proof. As the next day arrived Sam never got suspicious of Dean and his diaper.
They went out and talked to the police as they began their investigation of the murders. Then spent the rest of the day in the local library looking into the historical records.
“There,” Sam pointed out, “There’s a florist down the road from here that used to be the home of a famous witch’s house before she was evicted and well…” he trailed off.
“My guess is if they’re here, that’s where they would be hiding out.”
Dean yawned before patting Sam back, “Good work Sammy!”
He looked up at the clock in the library. It was too late to go today, this would have to be a mission for tomorrow. “Come on, let’s call it a day. We’ll go tomorrow.”
Sam nodded, rubbing his tired eyes, “Yeah that’s a good idea.”
After eating some take out, both Winchester were exhausted after a long day of working and researching. Both laid on their respective beds absolutely tired.
Dean didn’t feel like a shower tonight, too exhausted to pull himself into the shower and back into bed. But he did need to get changed discreetly. So he grabbed his pajamas, hidden diaper and tooth brush and went into the bathroom.
Dean changed for the night and was beginning to brush his teeth. He wasn’t in there long, maybe about 10 minutes when there was a frantic knock at the bathroom door.
“Dean…a-are you going to be long?” Sam asked with a worried tone to his voice.
“No, why what’s the-.” Dean opened the bathroom door, tooth brush still in mouth when he was ripped out of the bathroom by Sam. He promptly slammed the door in Dean’s face.
Dean stood there, a bit taken back. A thousand thoughts ran through his head as to what happened to his brother, but one image stayed in his mind. Sam was holding himself, as if he was about to have an accident.
Dean was sure he saw it, a move he himself had done on occasion when he was so deep into his little headspace he almost forgot to go potty. Could Sam be…What?! No. No! Well…maybe?
With a thousand thoughts running through his head, Dean took a seat on his bed and continued to brush his teeth. Eventually Sam walked out of the bathroom, face red as an apple and avoiding Dean’s eyes.
Dean went to the bathroom himself, spit out his tooth paste and slipped back into his bed. Sam seemed as though he wanted to go right back to bed and avoid everything all together, but Dean on the other hand want to ask him questions.
“You okay Sammy?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I just…I just really needed to go pot-…really needed to go pee. That’s all.” Sam explained, face red as ever. “You were in there forever!”
“I was not!”
“You were too!”
“I was maybe in there for 5 minutes!” Dean complained.
“No! You were in there for wayyyyy longer. I was dying out here.”
Dean wanted to ask and say so much more, but he could see the topic easy really starting to get to Sam who was gripping his blanket to the point of almost ripping it.
“Alright, alright maybe I was in there for too long. I’m sorry. I just…I just wanted to ask because I’m was worried maybe you were feeling sick or something.” Dean asked, starting to sound sincere.
Sam’s grip on the blanket ceased when he heard Dean’s honest answer. “I’m fine Dean. Like I said…just had to go pee.”
“Okay, I was just worried. Good night Sammy. Sleep well.”
“You too Dean.” Sam added before turning over and going to sleep.
Dean turns over as well and tried to go to sleep but his mind races with a thousand possibilities, one of them being Sam as another Little just like him.
Dean slept past his alarm and woke up a lot later than he wanted. He remembered hearing Sam on the phone with someone then the sound of the hotel room door closing.
His eyes fluttered open as he moved his thumb from his mouth to rub his tired eyes. WAIT. Dean sat up and moved his thumb far away from his mouth, wiping his face on his sleeve of any remaining drool.
He looked around frantically but thankfully his brother was out. He didn’t see Sam meaning Sam maybe didn’t see him sucking his thumb.
Dean sighed. He just wanted this case to be over so he could just go back to cuddling with Castiel and watch Scooby Doo.
But maybe they could wrap this case up today or tomorrow, then the idea of being with his Caregiver wasn’t such a far off idea.
Dean pulled himself out of bed and quickly got changed before Sam came back to the hotel room. In his hands were two plastic bags from the supermarket.
“Where have you been?” Dean asked.
“Good morning to you to sleeping beauty.” Sam joked quickly stashing one of the bags by his stuff before setting the other on the table. “I just had to grab something at the store for myself but I was kind enough to get us breakfast too.”
Sam threw Dean a box onto the bed he was sitting on. Dean leaned forward and grabbed the box, looking back up at Sam like he was crazy.
“What hell is this?”
“What do you mean?”
Dean help up the box of granola bars, “This is breakfast?”
“What? I always eat those for breakfast?”
“That’s because you’re 80. I can’t eat this! I need a real breakfast!” Dean could hear the twinge of his littler self in his voice.
“Come on dude, really?” Sam sighed.
Dean crossed his arms, “Really. I don’t want to eat this…this healthy stuff.” He felt the urge to stomp his foot but quickly stopped himself.
He uncrossed his arms and cleared his throat and tried to push his little headspace down, “Come on, let’s go get some real food. My treat.”
“I’ll umm….I’ll meet you there, I just need to go to the bathroom real fast and get changed…into my suit! For the case of course.” Sam tried to right away convince. But Dean could sense there was something more.
But he didn’t question it. He just took the que right away, “Don’t take too long, I’m starving. Meet you at the car.” He smile to try and reassure his brother before grabbing his keys and exiting the hotel room.
They never talked about it. Not at the breakfast diner nor at the drive to the florist. It didn’t stop Dean from having a million thoughts about what was happening.
It wasn’t his business, he knew it wasn’t. He asked Sam if he was okay, and he said he was. That was as far as he wanted to get into. But it was hard to stop himself from the thousand of possibilities running through his mind, mostly his brother being a Regressor like him.
But they had a case to get back to! So with stomachs full of pancakes they were in search of the witch florist! There was just one issue…the address they had was wrong.
So they drove, and drove, and drove around the town in search of this damn florist! Finally after a hour of driving around this stupid town they found the florist hidden away off the main road.
When the two walked through the door, the smell of the flowers practically smacked them in the face. Immediately both were taken back by the intensity.
“Boys! Welcome!” A woman at the counter welcomed them. “What brings you in today? Looking to get something for your girlfriends?” She should only know.
Sam walked around the flower shop while Dean walked to the counter, “I’m agent Graham and he’s agent Mobius. We’re investigating the murders of Julia and Andrews. The police told us they visited here before they were found well…”
“I heard. Oh it was terrible what happened to that lovely couple. They were so young and vibrant. It’s a shame really.”
“What were they in for?”
“Well, they seemed to be having some relationship issues. Apparently he never bought her any flowers. So she dragged him in here to get her some.”
“What flowers did they get?”
“Oh they got these ones over here.” The older woman led the way through the florist shop. Dean nodded his head to Sam to check the back while he walked with the older woman to another part of the story. He nodded back and went to it.
Dean followed the older woman as she made her way through the store. The store was loaded with different flowers, all different colors, sizes and scents. It was starting to get to him a bit. He felt dizzy.
“How long have you guys been here?” He asked.
“Oh, for many many years child.”
Child? That’s a strange nickname. But she’s old…old people have strange nicknames he guesses.
“Here we are. They ordered these.” She pulled a white flower out from a bundle and handed it to him. “They’re in season right now, take a whiff.”
Dean looked at the flower then looked at her. He needed to buy Sam some time anyway, plus what was one extra flower when he was smelling all of them since he entered the damn place. He brought the flower close and took a whiff.
Suddenly it was as if smell had punched him in the gut. He gasped and dropped the flower as he felt himself quickly being thrown into his little headspace without any control.
“What the hell was that?!” He backed up.
“Such big language for such a young boy like yourself. You hunters really should be more careful considering your headspaces.”
Dean could feel himself not only regressing but getting really tired really fast. He needed to get Sam and they needed to get out of here NOW.
He started to backtrack but he wasn’t as coordinated as he was before. He swayed from one wall to the other, trying to get to where Sam was.
“Oh I’m sure your brother is being taken good care of.” He heard the older woman call out from behind.
He was moving more slowly, his eyes drooping and his regression taking hold. Tears fell from his eyes. “S-S- ‘ammy!” He wanted his brother! He would protect him. He would save him from this lady! He’s always so smart and he always has a good plan!
But before Dean could reach him fell to the ground, his head swirling. He look to the side and there was his brother, sound asleep on the floor just a little away from him.
“ ‘ammy.” Dean muttered, reaching his arm out to his brother before his eyes rolled back. He fell into a deep sleep as he longed for his stuffies, his toys, his sippy cup and most of all his Angel.
(AN- Oh no! Our boys are in peril! Don’t worry I’m currently writing part 2 while you’re reading this. Let me know how you enjoyed this change of fic writing. It’s a little darker than what I normally write but I kind of like the change a bit! I’ve got a darker moon knight fic in mind too. Let me know if you’d read something like that too. But back to this fic…what’s going on with Sam👀 Who’s he on the phone with all the time?👀 What’s up with that? All shall be revealed in part 2 with is from Sam’s POV. Stay tuned!)
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hunterthecharmer · 3 days
Unexpected - Part 5
Summary: You work for an events company and end up being assigned as a talent handler for a 2 week long convention. Your co-worker ends up assigned to Glen Powell, but you catch his eye. Can you remain professional and keep him from knowing you're actually a pretty big fan of his?
To catch up, here is my MASTERLIST
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Days have passed with the convention, with all the handlers speeding to and from all of the trailers on property to get the talent to all their events. You and Savannah had barely been able to catch up with each other and before you know it, you’re waking up on the last week of the con. It had been a great weekend, Dylan dividing his time through almost all the events offered each day. You were going to miss the banter with him and his easy going attitude.
The feedback from all the attendees was also starting to pour in, your email inbox full of them each day from Anne. It was getting you excited for the next event, which got you wondering if you’d be able to be a part of it again. You tuck it into the back of your mind, wanting to bring it up to your boss once you are back at the office.
You slip into the shower to get ready for the day, throwing on some jeans, a white flowy blouse and some sneakers before jumping on your golf cart to meet the other handlers before an event that day- everyone needed to grab and set up the materials needed for a sip and paint going on that day, that all of the talent were invited to. “Savannah! Hey, wait up!” You call after her, and you watch as she stops in her tracks, face lighting up at the sight of you.
“There you are, stranger! Get over here,” she pulls you in for a hug. “I don’t care what our guys need, you and I are not going to leave each other’s sides today!” You giggle at her playful seriousness, tugging on her elbow to grab the boxes inside the warehouse. 
“I actually have a lot to tell you.” You say discreetly to her, once no one else is within earshot. Everyone is scattered around the lawn building the easels for today’s activity, setting out all the brushes and paint colors nearby. Savannah bites her lip in excitement, “Spill!”
You tell her all about your rainy night at Glen’s cabin, and how you haven’t spoken to him much since last week. Savannah is quiet for a moment, processing all you’ve said. “Look, the friend in me wants to scream to everyone here that you kissed your celebrity crush but, the coworker in me wants to smack you back to reality. What were you-” You cut her off, “I get it, I get it! I know it was risky, okay? But it isn’t like I came onto him. You know I would never do something like that. I tried to leave, but he was a gentleman to let me wait out the storm..” Your voice trails off, your mood suddenly deflating. Savannah frowns. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. Glen’s one of the nicest guys I have ever met, but we don’t know if he’s a player or not. Same goes for Dylan, and everyone else here! I hope you get where I’m coming from.” She searches your face for a response, but when you remain silent, continuing to busy yourself with setting up, she offers a wink and a nudge. “But enough with the pessimism. Was he a good kisser or what?” 
You meet her eyes again, smiling wide. “The best!”
--- Savannah’s POV---
Savannah drives up to Glen’s cabin, debating whether or not her idea was a good one or not. She really cared about you, and celebrity or not, you deserved to know if he thought of you as a one nighter or actually had some type of real feelings. Once he’s on the cart, he instantly begins chatting her up, just like usual, but Savannah is quiet. “Earth to Savannah. Are you even on this planet right now?” Glen’s chuckle breaks her out of her daze, causing her to swerve the cart into the grass, pushing the break to bring them to a stop. “Glen, I’m gonna level with you here, but I need you to be honest,alright? Off the record.” She questions, eyes narrowing at him.
Glen nods, “Yeah, sure off the record. What’s going on?” he asks, clearly confused.
Savannah takes a deep breath, “When I was sick, my coworker took over your schedule and everything, right?” 
Glen nods, “Right.” 
She continues, “And the night your dad got sent to the hospital, you were communicated with about that in a timely manner, right?”
Glen’s eyebrows stitch together, unsure where she’s headed with this. “Yeah…”
“So, you didn’t read it online or anything, right? I just need to be sure, because I have a thread of texts regarding that night and I just don’t want it to seem like I didn’t do my job. Yes I was sick, but..if this were to be an issue I could lose my job!” Savannah fakes her reasoning for the question, trying to see if Glen will expand on how he found out, or even give more details.
Instead, he just shrugs. “No, you don’t have anything to worry about. Your coworker let me know immediately, hell she even drove through the storm to come and tell me since I didn’t hear my mom or sister’s phone calls. Trust me, you’re good.” He smiles at her, and Savannah feels her heart sink a little bit. “Okay, good. So she came to tell you the news, and that was it? She showed you all the communication from your assistant and stuff,right?” She presses a final time, hoping he’ll crack.
“Yep, she told me everything. She waited for the storm to ease up a bit and then went back to her cabin.” He replies cooly, before reaching into his back pocket for his phone to turn off his ringer, mindlessly reading his new notifications. Savannah concedes, putting the cart back into drive and returning to the path toward the event.
 “Wait, did someone say something about her leaving my cabin so late? I wouldn’t want her to get in trouble for relaying the message to me. I know it wouldn’t look good for her job either.” Glen speaks up, and is looking at Savannah now, a hint of alarm in his voice. “Oh! No, no, I don’t think anybody saw her. At least, I haven’t heard anything.” She quickly replies, still mythed that he didn’t mention the kiss. Guess she had her answer.
“Here’s your paint colors, and if you need a refill on your drink  just give me a wave or something.” You pat Dylan on the back, and he grins. “Thank you, bartender. This should be a good time! I promise you this is going to look like a toddler’s masterpiece when I’m through with it.” You both laugh, your eyes landing on a certain someone as they stride across the grass, drink in hand and Savannah hot on his heels. You turn your attention back to Dylan just as the instructor turns on their microphone. “If I could get everyone’s attention, please! Helloooooo Tennessee!”
You wave goodbye to Dylan as you both giggle, the loud noise of the mic startling just about everyone on the lawn. Savannah weaves through the crowd to grab your hand, pulling you over to the chairs for the handlers. You brush past Glen, his eyes briefly meeting yours with a small smile on his lips. You return one to him before Savannah tugs you into a chair. 
“I will be your art instructor for today, just want to go over a few housekeeping items.. Your materials have been all laid out for you by the lovely Ignite Team, so let’s give a round of applause for all their hard work; they’ve been out here since 7am this morning to make this space ready for you all.” Everyone applauds your team, and everyone waves to the talent on the lawn, everyone grinning from ear to ear. 
“Now, the special brushes with the finer tips will be up at the front, as well as texturing tools, glitter…” the instructor continues on before switching the music on and letting everyone get started. 
You turn to Savannah, “Who do you think will paint the best mountaintop?”
She smiles weakly at you, “Oh, I don’t know. Probably one of the girls…hey, want to run to the bathroom with me? Cassandra, can you keep an eye on our boys for us while we run to the restroom real quick?”
Cassandra agrees, the two of you quietly sneaking away to the restrooms down the hill.
“What’s up, everything okay?’ You question her as soon as you close the door.
Savannah swallows before placing a hand on both sides of your shoulders. “Don’t freak out on me, but I kinda sorta asked Glen about the night you guys kissed, and don’t worry I didn’t bring that up, I just acted like I was scared of losing my job over being sick to see if he’d mention anything about you.”
Your jaw drops open, heart rate quickening as you realize that whatever she is about to tell you is going to dictate your mood for the rest of the day. “And?” you ask slowly.
“He didn’t bring it up. He was concerned someone had maybe asked around or mentioned the fact that you left his cabin at such a strange hour, but…that was it. He didn’t blush or stutter or anything. It’s like nothing happened between the two of you at all.”
She shrugs before disappearing into a stall. “I actually did need to go, sorry!”
You slump against the wall, unsure of how to feel. Maybe he was just protecting the interaction? Or, it meant absolutely nothing to him and you just so happened to be at the right place at the right time. His observation rings in your ears, “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
Except this time, it doesn’t make your heart swell, it kind of gives you an icky feeling. What if he didn’t mean it in a sincere way, but an assuming, cocky sort of way? What if he was just fishing to boost his ego? After all, you’d like to think you had been discreet and professional this entire time when it came to interacting with him, longing glances from afar or not.
Suddenly feeling nauseous, you step out from the bathrooms to get some air, the sun shining through the gazebo overtop the building. Savannah soon appears next to you, slinging her arm over your shoulders as you both head back up the hill. “I promise I was just trying to look out for you, alright? We don’t need a replay of last year with Jeremy-” “Fair enough!” You let a laugh escape you, shaking your head. “Jeremy and Glen are not even close to being on the same level, Savannah. But I get what you’re trying to say and I love you for it.” She rolls her eyes. “The feeling of disappointment would be the same.” She states, squeezing your shoulder as you take your seats. 
Everyone is watching the talent paint- some struggling, some just chit chatting while barely getting anything accomplished on their canvas, and others seemed to be thoroughly concentrated on following the instructor.
A sudden wave atop the heads in the crowd catches your eye, and you grin to see it’s Dylan trying to get your attention. You bounce over to him, taking in his progress. “Wow, not too shabby! Are you having fun?” He smiles at you from behind his black Ray Bans. “Hell yeah! Thanks for the support, I really need it for the next section. Would you mind getting me another drink please?” You take his empty cup away from him, “Sure thing! Be right back.” 
You carefully maneuver through the easels, being sure not to knock over anyone’s stuff. Handing the cup to the bartender, you wait for them to make Dylan a new drink. You look out into the crowd to try and find Glen, and when your eyes land on him your cheeks heat immediately. He’s chatting up another guest, her dark hair thrown back in a fit of laughter at whatever he’s saying. They’re both leaning over their easels to talk, and you are suddenly reminded that you are very much not a gorgeous, rich celebrity model at this convention, but simply a girl from LA who is here to work. You make your way across the grass to Dylan, breezing past Glen and the mystery girl who has his attention to try and hear what they’re talking about. All you can catch is her mentioning New York City and Glen’s response is muffled by all the chatter happening around them. You drop off his drink and return to your table, Savannah shooting you a knowing look. “Want me to go over there? He probably needs a refill too.” You sigh, hands in your lap fidgeting with the fray on your jeans. “It’s fine, I’m fine. Really.”
In a huff only noticeable to you, she stands and makes a beeline for Glen. Her appearance stops their conversation, Glen putting his hands up in a gesture that he’s all set on needing another drink. Savannah completely ignores the girl as she walks back to your table. You raise an eyebrow at her. “I’m getting friend vibes. Seriously, she’s wearing a studded leather jacket with heeled boots while Glen’s wearing jeans and a hoodie.” You roll your eyes with a laugh. “So? He probably likes her style. Can we just drop it, please?”
Savannah nods and changes the subject. 
Another half hour passes by, and the event is almost over. Everyone’s moving to the final details of their project, the lawn mostly quiet as everyone locks in. You decide to stretch your legs and find some interesting tools for Dylan to use, making your way over to him when a hand grabs your elbow. “Hey, could I borrow one of those?” you are jolted out of focus, head snapping behind you to see a grinning Glen Powell. “Sorry, no can do. These are for Dylan, but I think I saw Savannah at the table, just flag her down so she can grab one for you.” You smile curtly at him before wiggling out of his grasp and fast walking over to Dylan without ever looking back.
The event finally comes to an end, all of the staff swarming onto the lawn to clean up the mess. The guests disperse to the event hall to eat dinner, some milling about the property to chat. 
You toss a heap of paint brushes into your trash bag, a familiar voice reappearing behind you. “Need a hand with that?” You spin around to see Glen bent over to grab some paint covered sponges, and you gasp. “No! Glen, you’re not supposed to be cleaning anything up. You go enjoy the live music in the hall!” You open the trash bag wider for Glen to successfully dunk them in, a hand running through his fluffy hair. You liked seeing it without any styling creme in it.
“Back to being professional, huh?” He squints at you as the sun shines on his face. You sigh, head leaning to the side. “I work here, remember?” You offer a small, playful smile to him as you shake the lanyard hanging around your neck, and his expression softens. “I just thought that, well..you know..” He steps closer to you, voice lowering to a whisper. It takes everything in you to step backwards from him, his cologne wafting over you. He looked and smelled so good. “You thought what? Honestly, never mind. It was late, we were both exhausted--” Glen interrupts you softly, “I was there.” 
He places his hands on his hips as he stares at you, and you glance around at the other staff members cleaning up, a few of them taking notice of the two of you conversing.
“Anyway, it won’t happen again. How’s your dad doing? Is he home yet?” You ask, before continuing to collect the trash from the ground. Glen sighs before shrugging it off. “Uh, yeah..yeah he’s home. He’s gonna be just fine, thanks for asking.” He pauses for a moment as he watches you continue to clean. “What did you mean by --” 
“Glen! Hey, Glen! Time to head out, you have a conference call in ten minutes!”
Savannah’s voice rings out from across the lawn, and you are grateful. You look up at Glen, a sad smile on your lips. “I’m really happy to hear that about your dad. Really. Now, go! Don’t be late for that call. Good luck!” You shoo him off, and he nods in agreement, a look of uncertainty crossing his features before he turns away to jog over toward the golf cart. 
That evening is the first of many campfires that week, s’mores and hot chocolate the only two items on the menu. You change into leggings and a sweater before jumping back onto your golf cart to pick up Dylan one last time for the day. 
You wait out front for him for five minutes before calling his phone, and when he doesn’t pick up you start to worry. 
“Dylan? Are you ready?” You knock loudly on his cabin door, trying to peer in through the tiny window of the door. Suddenly it swings open, a very pale Dylan O’Brien standing before you, his body weight leaning on the doorframe. “Please stop yelling.” He groans, shoving his palm into his right eyelid.
You stifle a giggle, taking in his sweatpants and hoodie that cling to his body, hair a mess. “You don’t look so good buddy.” You rub his arm.
Dylan grimaces as he nods, “I think I had a few too many drinks at the event. Needless to say I need to sit the campfire out, hope that’s okay.”
“Of course, rest up! Do you need anything?”
You offer, but Dylan shakes his head. “Just go have fun, I’m going to go to bed early tonight.” He shoots you the weakest little wave before closing the door.
The debate with yourself on whether or not you should go to the fire tonight lasted about 10 seconds, the desire to see Glen winning you over. As soon as you park, you spot Savannah and join her group that’s huddled amongst one of the many firepits.
“You made it! No Dylan? Here, have a s’more!”
Savannah welcomes you, motioning toward the empty chair next to her. You greet everyone else and happily accept the dessert, savoring the gooey marshmallow and chocolate combo after the long day you’d had.
“He turned in early for the night. Isn’t it gorgeous out here?” Admiring the stars above you, the others agree. 
You slowly direct your gaze from the fire in front of you to the other pits, eyes quickly finding Glen’s chair. He’s amongst a mix of men and women, but he’s so far away that you aren’t able to make out if any of them are the one from earlier or not. 
A few hours pass before some of the talent begin approaching the staff to turn in for the night, Glen being one of them. You recognize his voice approaching in the distance, stomach knotting as you brace yourself to see who he’s walking with.
The tension in your shoulders dissipates when he stands next to Savannah’s chair, a male figure departing in the other direction. “Ready to roll?” He grins down at her, his green eyes landing on you for a few seconds. You want to get out of your chair and kiss him again, the flames illuminating his features. His charcoal crew neck and joggers make him look so cuddly and warm. You wonder what it’d be like to snuggle up with him.
Savannah’s voice snaps you out of your daze. “You bet! I actually need to fill the cart up with gas though, and there’s a pretty long line. Would you mind taking Glen back tonight?” She looks between the two of you, and you nod quickly as you stand, “No problem at all.”
He gestures toward the carts allowing you to lead the way, “After you.”
 You shoot your friend a look from over your shoulder, mouthing ‘thank you’ to her as you fall into step with Glen. 
The cicadas and crackling fires fill the air, a cool breeze sending a shiver down your spine as you drive down the dirt path. 
“How was your day?” You ask him, desperate to have a non-awkward golf cart ride.
“It was awesome, I really enjoyed that painting class. Even though it’s not worthy of hanging in my house, I don’t think I did too bad of a job.” He laughs to himself as he picks at some fuzz on his sweatpants. You force a small hum in response, eyes fixed on the path ahead. 
“Are we cool?” Glen speaks again, this time his entire body turning to face you in his seat, one arm extended up to hang onto the top of the cart.
As you peer over at him, the moonlight illuminates the small smile tugging at his lips. If it weren’t so dark out, you might have thought you detected some concern in his expression. 
You nudge him softly, “Of course, why wouldn’t we be?”
“Well we kissed a few nights ago and ever since then I feel like we haven’t gotten to talk at all.”
You feel chill bumps rise on your arms at his statement. Did you really expect the kiss to never come up again? Maybe, but ever since you saw him getting cozy with the mystery girl from earlier your opinion had changed.
“Are you blaming me for that?” You feel him tense at the bite in your tone, his head cocking to the side. His eyes still fixated on you, he reaches over you and presses a foot to the brake abruptly, your bodies lurching forward as he turns the key to switch the cart off. 
“Woah,hey! I’m not blaming you for anything.”
You scoff at his words, eyes rolling at his stopping of the cart. He seems to forget that you’re still on the clock, and very much not alone out here. A few carts pass by, the both of you offering polite waves to them. A moment passes and you remain silent, fearful of eavesdroppers.
Turning the key quickly you press down hard on the gas pedal toward Glen’s cabin.
Once there, you cross your arms over your chest. “Goodnight Glen.”
Running a hand through his hair he slides off the golf cart, the only noise between you the gravel beneath his feet as he rounds the front of the cart to crouch at the steering wheel. He places a hand on your knee, shaking it playfully. “Look at me.”
His tone is earnest and you allow your eyes to lose themselves in his. 
“It was leather jacket girl, wasn't it?” he chuckles in the dark, eyebrow cocked in amusement.
“So you did notice?” You mumble, face on fire. He stands and outstretches both hands to you, and you oblige without another thought.
Glen places a hand on the small of your back to lead you up the stairs first, your mind swimming in wonder of what’s about to happen. 
“Yo, Powell! Turning in so soon?”
The two of you freeze, Glen’s grip tightening on the bannister. Out of instinct, you drop on all fours. He mouths for you to go inside, slipping his key card into your palm. You nod quietly, crawling across the porch toward his front door.
Glen turns around, backing up the staircase to try and hide your body. 
“Yeah man! I have an early call time in the morning. Why, what am I going to miss out on?”
The man laughs, “Your loss! We’re about to start an intense game of charades in my cabin. All good though, see you tomorrow!”
You eavesdrop from the window, giggling as Glen appears through the front door. “That was close!”
He nods as he locks the door behind him, closing the curtains. “Don’t worry, he didn’t see a thing.”
And just like that,you’re standing inches away from him in his living room again - alone.
“Fun fact for ya, I actually think leather jackets are tacky. Especially ones with studs all over them. They’re spikey and they hurt.” Glen feigns a serious face, his tone humorous.
“You’re ridiculous.” You grin wide at him as you throw both arms around his neck, tugging him even closer to you. Your confidence surprises you once again, but in this moment you’d do anything to feel his lips on yours again. He was undeniably attractive 24/7 but even more so right now as he makes you laugh. He had seen you. He knew you were jealous and yet he tried to talk to you at the event. You felt even worse for being rude to him earlier.
His arms wind around your waist as he presses his forehead to yours. 
“While you were jumping to conclusions, I was admiring you look out for Dylan and everyone else around you. Watching you do your job and keep the place organized.”
Eyes shining at him as you learn that he’d been observing you, he leans in to kiss you. You relax into his grip, fisting your hands into the soft material of his crewneck.
“We’re cool now.” you say before kissing the tip of his nose. He hums in response as he kisses you one more time. 
You talk with him for a good while about his schedule the next few days as well as other projects he’s slated to begin next year for work. He asks about your job back in California and you talk a bit about how you and Savannah got so close. 
When the two of you start to yawn, you stand to your feet from his sofa and he groans. 
“Don’t leave me!” He teases, tugging on your arm. You back away slowly, palms raised as you bite your lip. “It’s time.”
He kisses you, whispering a ‘no’ against your lips. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
You blush under his gaze and wave your phone at him. “Text me! We’ll figure it out.”
Accepting your answer, he unlocks the door and swings it open for you. 
“Goodnight pretty girl.” 
His compliment causes you to turn back to face him from the porch, his body leaning against the doorframe, hands in his pockets. He looks so handsome it feels like a dream.
You blow him a kiss before quietly sliding onto the golf cart to drive back to your room.
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synxxie · 8 months
It's time to post my first TOH fanfic (yea ik, kinda crazy that over never done this before.) I hope you all enjoy!
What if Belos Won (starting after he gets squashed by the collector)
POV: Belos
‘That pesky god of a child, the collector threw me into my own walls. I can barely feel anything, my mind is slipping, I need at least a small part of me on someone or I'll die forever. Oh yes, I know, Hunter.’ A piece of Belos goop falls on to the shoulder of Hunter, it absorbs itself into his skin but only for a little while until they go to the human realm, there it falls off of Hunter's body and is left on the side of the road. I am free once again, I need a body soon. ‘Anything will do. Even that rabbit over there’ he thought to himself. The goop moved towards the unsuspecting animal whilst the kids went inside the Noceda household. Belos consumed the rabbit's mind with ease, taking over the fluffy body and turning it into a green horned monster. “Ah, this will have to do for now. Luckily there are plenty of vermin such as this. I can use these bodies as I grow my strength back, I just have to make sure those children don't realize that I am still alive.” He hopped across the road and to nearby trees where he was able to just barely see through a window of the Noceda household, Hunter's face looking outside the window, upset. Belos didn't say anything. Instead he only tilted his animal head and hopped away to find his next victim, the small vermin could only last him a day at most so he needed to begin his search already.
He was now in the forest alone and he had been searching for any small animal to replace the rabbit with as its skin started to decay, after all, Belos was practically possessing a corpse at this point and it wouldn't last much longer. Unfortunately for the forest critters Belos spotted a squirrel attempting to find nuts. The squirrel was distracted and now was the chance so he leaped his goopy body out from the mouth of the rabbit and attached itself onto the squirrel. The fluffy vermin squealed in pain before becoming quiet as soon as Belos had full control. ‘I can already feel myself growing, ever so slowly, soon I may be able to possess a stray cat. Now that shall last a decent bit longer.’
About a month had passed and he had finally been able to grow strong enough that he was now possessing deer and bucks. They still only lasted a day or two but better than nothing. As he walked across the side of a road a strange vehicle passed by, it was loud and like nothing he had ever seen before. Up until now he was just staying away from civilization, building up strength, but today he decided to move closer. The vehicle almost rammed straight into Belos, that surely would not have been good but luckily he managed to dodge out of the way of the swerving vehicle and quickly leave the deer's body, leaving nothing but a skeleton in his wake. Additional horns still intact. He stood inside the shadow of the trees as the little girl and mother talked about what they may or may not have seen with someone they call an officer when suddenly another vehicle passed by, this one with a very familiar human inside of it. ‘Perfect, now I just need to follow down this road and find that vehicle again. That Luz is going to lead me right to Hunter and I'll finally be able to kill that wretched failure like I did many times over.’ His plan was vile but correct, following the vehicle will lead him right where he needs to be. Hunter will finally be his again.
If you would like a part 2 please let me know!!
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babybratzmaraj · 6 months
Fairytale:Lovely Day
Starring: Yourrage as Javion Davis
You as Yourself
Part 2
Summary: Today was the day! You were picked to be your favorite streamers assistant/manager! but when you get there you see that its nothing like sunshine and rainbows.
Warnings: Contains Foulllll language (not much but still, cussing is in it), maybe awkwardness but thats the point!, dual pov so the pov will switch.
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A/N: HIIIII!!! its bratz😁 my first series on hea! this is a slowburn but trust, we shall be whores soon! i hope you enjoy this as much as i did writing it♥️ P.S. @megamindsecretlair surprise!!!! P.P.S marshawn is stilll coming, i promiseeee
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You scrunched your face looking down at your phone with your best friend of 3 Years, Megan hitting you with the same expression.
“The fuck?! You should be happy like I said! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have and you gone take it!”
Today was the day you got flown out to Dallas, Texas! The beautiful, high-in-rent, ghetto city that everyone loves to go to, party or just to live for a fresh start. You rather stay in your bed and rot but Megan wasn’t finna allow none of that shit, especially when it's your first day on the job.
“Bitch, I’m just sayin’ what if I’m wasting my time? What if he don’t like me?” You threw the question in the air with an irritable look shot back at you, fixing her lips to speak but pushed out an exhausted sigh. “Ho, if you wasn’t a qualified candidate, you WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN PICKED!” she finished harshly making you giggle. “Trust, if that or those mu’fuckas ain't want you, you would not be up at 5 a.m packing, late as fuck I may add, getting ready to fly out.”
She was right, you did not think you were actually picked, that was until he sent your plane ticket confirmation information, it struck you like a big ass semi-truck, panicking since you didn’t prepare, until now.
You closed and zipped your carry-on bag and tossed it on the floor, flopping on your bed that you will miss oh so much, almost grieving it until Megan snapped you back to reality.
“Wanch, if you don’t get your ass outta my face! who knows what the fuck came outta those cheeks.”
You chuckled, reaching near your butt to grab your phone. “Listen, just because I let my food cook and give me all my nutrients, don't mean you gotta hate!.”
“YUCK!” Megan slapped her hand over her mouth, stopping herself from gagging. “Getcha nasty ass off my mu’fuckin’ modernized pager with a beautiful touchscreen.” She spat with disgust, hanging up the phone, you burst into laughter and continued your practiced routine of getting ready.
You checked every spot to make sure you put things in their collective places, leaving no stone unturned. Once completing your examination for the fiftieth time, you grabbed your glasses off of the nightstand and put them on her face, immediately annoyed that they were back dirty after you cleaned them. You didn't have enough time to even attempt to clean them, you had to say your teary-eyed goodbyes and hop in your uncle's truck to take you to the Detroit Airport, getting out of the way of traffic for both the highways and people also trying to reach their flight.
“Oh my baby girl, leaving me to go to that state,” Your tete wailed, swinging her arms around before wrapping them around you, squeezing you tightly as your other two cousins joined the group hug.
“If Yall don’t get yall grown asses off that lil girl? Y’all killing her softly.”
“Yeah!” you agreed with your uncle, “And one of yall grabbed my back titty, so when I come back, all’s y’all’s getting yall backs kneaded.”
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You stepped out of the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport to the Texas heat smacking you in the face, already regretting flying out here, but it wasn’t your dime that got you out here on, you can’t look bad on your first day, you just got the mothafucka!
As you step further into the hell-like heat, a black SUV swerves in front of you, coming to a full stop. A short stuffy man popped out of the driver seat and crossed around the car with a smile plastered on his face.
“Yous the new assistant?” The man asked, shoving his hands out of his pockets to greet you.
“I am,” You accepted his greeting, ignoring how sweaty his hands were, ready to dip your hand in a pool full of mini sharks, which you now remembered was Prinahs. You were so caught up in correcting yourself, that you didn't notice he already put your carry-on in the trunk of the SUV. “Ma’am? We gotta dip before we won’t have a decent arrival time.”
You hurried yourself into the back of the SUV, feeling relieved that he had the air on, it was hotter than a mothafucka in Dallas! 81 degrees hot in Dallas.
Even though your southern roots grew strong, you came from the mitten state, Michigan. Home of the Buffs, Coney Dogs, and the most unique sound nobody can copy, but it was always cold as fuck. You hated the cold, the snow, the sneaky black ice that could sneak attack you and turn you into a medlife subscriber, you always complained but you knew you were never going to leave, until today, which you still couldn’t believe on the way to your new job.
You watched in awe as you saw the big freeways and highways as you flew down the interstate, seeing all the big tall buildings and seeing all different kinds of cars flying by, it almost distracted you from the knots and flips and shit that was happening inside your stomach.
“What made you want to apply to be Jay’s assistant?” The man spoke, waking you from your fear-induced trance.
“I got the random urge to apply, my best friend would literally sell me to the cartel if I passed up this opportunity.” you laughed, pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose.
He nodded, taking an exit off the highway onto a regular street. “The name’s G by the way, Jay’s uncle.”
Uncle? You’ve been watching his streams and youtube videos, even his Instagram story when he posts little shit. You had never seen or heard of this uncle, and you almost felt betrayed by this new information.
He chuckled at reading your face which showed you didn’t know this man from a can of paint. “He protects the people who wants protection, one thing I appreciate best from him.” G smiled as he continued to express his deep gratitude.
You two talked some more, unaware that you were just now pulling into the secluded driveway, anxiety quickly eating you up to the point you felt like you were going to throw up. You wiped the sweat off of your hands on the seat in front of you as you whipped your phone out of your pocket, swiping till you saw ���Bestie Miss Westie’ contact. Connecting the call to your AirPods you looked out of the window as you enjoyed the lovely scene of a front yard he had, grass freshly cut, the bushes trimmed down to waist level, the flowers complementing the house very well.
“If you callin’ because you missed your plane, I’m- who car you in,” she spoke but quickly changed when she saw the dark blue roof above you.
“I’m almost at the house, finna shabooya my tinks.” you confessed, removing one airpod as your best friend cackled loudly in your eardrum.
You two had code names for phrases, others may think you two were weird but it's simple because bitches are nosey, ‘shabooya my tinks’ translate into ‘I’m finna shit myself’
“Bitch if you shit yourself before you meet him you will foreva be called shitty booty by me.” she laughed as you tried your best not to pull out one of your many laughs.
The SUV stopped and the rumble of the truck shook still, signaling that we were here. G gave you a look to signal you to open your door, almost having an accident when a nice dark-skinned woman smiled a Steve Harvey smile.
“Lemme call you back.” You whispered, hanging up the phone as the lady popped open the door.
“Sorry honey! I’m just so happy to meet my new friend!.” she exclaimed, holding out her hand to help you out of the SUV. You popped out of the SUV and were pulled into a big hug by her, getting the wind squeezed out of you. ‘I feel at home already.’ you thought when you heard G shout from the side of you,
“Let go of that girl! we just hired her, Shanae.”
Shanae is Javion's assistant/manager, whose place you’ll be taking while she goes on maternity leave, but luckily she won’t be leaving just yet, she’ll be training you until her little one breaks her water. Jay wanted her to be on leave now but it would have been too cruel to leave you with no tutorial, so she stayed.
“Shut up Gerald!” she hushed him as he brought your luggage around to you two, holding his heart like he was just betrayed.
“I ain't even did shit, you see how I get treated?” he scoffed as you three laughed, walking towards the front door.
Walking into the house, the cold breeze hit you dead in your face, cooling you off in an instant. You threw up your index finger, telling them to wait on you as your body readjusted to the drastic change in temperature.
When you cooled down enough, you opened your eyes to the rest of them in the dining room, waiting for you to stop being weird and join them.
You sped walked to the dining room table and there he was. Javion Davis, leaning on the wooden chair staring military knives through you because daggers wouldn’t be the word to describe it.
His hair was a mess as he just hopped out of bed for this meeting, his eyes hanging low confirmed it. His body was sculpted perfectly, his lips pouted and juicy enough to kiss, his abs protruding through his tight white t-shirt, and his dad pajama pants sagged just right so you saw his Rick and Morty Ethika boxers, he looked so much sexier in person.
You brushed your thoughts out of your head and sat across from him, taking off your Nipsey Hussle bomber jacket and tucked it behind you, leaving you in your black shirt and naked arms.
They greeted you again with open arms while Javion kept it cold and short, spoke in short words and sounds like ‘hm’, ‘yeah’, and ‘fine with me’.
When the meeting finished, he walked out of the dining room ignoring your attempts to get to know him. “Ignore him honey,” Shanae reassured, handing you a glass of peach tea with ice cubes in it.
“You didn’t have to love, I coulda got my cup.”
“Baby I know you shy, I could tell by your body language.” She spoke
“Is it that obvious?”
“Deadly. You can stay comfortably shy as you please around me, I used to be exactly like you.” she reminisced thinking about when she was first starting.
True she was his friend since high school, but a whole new position other than one of his main viewers? Scared her shitless, but she got used to it as she was a natural at being a manager.
She told stories of how crazy this job can get but how she would never trade it for anything in the world and other stories from her childhood and how she met Jay, turns out y’all had a lot in common than you thought, feeling more at ease with the future of this job. She led you to the room you would be staying at with your bags already placed on the bed along with a note from Gerald.
‘Good luck suga, if you need me I'll be here,’ with a sorry excuse of an arrow pointing to his number below. You thought it was a nice gesture so you tucked the note into your pocket and whipped out your phone. “You need anything?” Shanae asked, waddling inside the room.
“I should be ok, thanks anyway.” you politely declined her offer. You didn’t want a pregnant woman to do a lot of unnecessary movements, you’d feel guilty having a pregnant lady do manual labor even when she says it's no problem.
“Okay sweetheart, and don’t worry about Javiontaion, he a asshole but he means well. Enjoy your room!” she finished, closing the door behind her.
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“Why the fuck do I need a new assistant? My current one is perfectly fine.” he tossed the question towards his uncle, taking one last puff out of his blunt before putting it out.
“Boy, for someone who swear they nonchalant, you give too much of a fuck.” he shot back, leaning against the wall next to the door.
“Unc, I don’t know this bi-” he started but quickly corrected himself. He rubbed his hand down his face, rubbing them together before resting his elbows on his legs.
“I don’t know lil ma from a lick of shit, my assistant is fine for right now.”
“Keyword, right now.” she chimed in, pushing the door open a little. “What happens when my water breaks? Who is going to keep you level-headed? Handle your financial situations and shit? Make sure you make your meeting on time? You can’t even remember to wash the damn dishes!”
He sighed an irked sigh wishing he didn’t have to have this conversation for the millionth time before you came here. You weren’t the problem, he just didn’t trust people well, especially being this close to him and all in his business, for all he knows you just tryna rob him blind and dip, Hell, even sending you the information to get down here was a hassle!
“Y’all know how I am, I can’t warm up to shorty as fast as y’all want me to.”
“We planned this 5 months ago nigga, Im finna bust at any given moment.”
“Not to mention,” G chimed in, “If she was like that, I would have not brought her ass here, to the place you lay yo head at.” and he wasn’t lying. G always had a knack for feeling bad vibes from someone, it's how he was able to sniff out a few of his friends who were just using him and his kindness.
He sat there staring at the ground still thinking how he was going to warm up to you, he didn’t want to but for the sake of everyone else, he was going to attempt.
“Fine, but don’t think Peter Pan finna sprinkle his magic dust and imma love her ass overnight.” he gave in, earning a squeal from Shanae.
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“I’m telling you, he does not like me, Meggie.” You sighed laying on the purple blanket, feeling her stress seep into the bed.
“What now?! what told you he dont like yo ass.”
“He literally only spoke in baby dick words.” You pointed out, “No full sentences, no actual greeting, not even an eye roll or a smack of the teeth. Ian get SHIT.”
“Baby, you are a stranger in his house. I know you want someone to like you offrip, but for some people that just ain’t possible.” she said motherly, popping a Reese into her mouth. “He gone warm up to you, but you gotta be patient, which won't be a problem since you so damn shy.” she giggled, making you jerk your head back.
“Wanch!” you chuckled at her sneaky drag, “Why can’t we have one good conversation?”
“Because when are we normal?” she made known, you both just laughing y'all little hearts away, It was never a dull moment with your bestie and somehow you just felt like she was going be your sane person on this adventure.
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swervenation · 2 years
Swerve x Human Liaison Reader PART 2
Continuation of the ‘headcanons’ that turned into just like a full on fanfiction. Suggested by @i-starcreamed: Swerve + a human liaison who starts off as quiet and distant. We’re jumping over to Swerve’s POV now :3
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ?
Here’s the song for this chapter :3
As strange and guilty as you felt about your staring, Swerve felt the same about … about pretty much everything he'd been doing for you for the past month or so. Despite all the time you spent observing him, you didn't realize he ever gave you much thought. He certainly had, though, before he even met you. When you came on board, he was one of the first to know about it, despite not even seeing you. His fascination with Earth culture was known to every member of the crew (whether they cared to know or not,) so everyone he passed in the hall was sure to tell him you were here. Most followed this news up by advising him not to annoy you too much, or by predicting that he inevitably would. Bombarded by this warning, he became terrified of overwhelming you, so he resolved not to talk to you until the perfect moment presented itself, until he was completely prepared to totally ace a first impression. He was sure that he had only one shot at this.
In order to make sure he wouldn't mess this up like everyone knew he would, he would talk with anybot who worked with you and any of the organics you had hosted in order to figure out how he could impress you. Based on your studious, curious, yet detached nature, he determined which nook would be best for you, and set it all up. He was always sure to have your favorite meal ready in case you made an appearance. He was so excited for the opportunity to talk to somebody about Earth stuff. All the other Cybertronians were sick of listening to him espouse the virtues of such and such underrated sitcom that he could never persuade them to watch. He probably couldn't persuade you either, but the fact that you might understand what he was talking about was good enough for him.
These preparations didn't seem like too much until he met you. When you walked into that bar, you became real. He was suddenly hyper aware of how off putting you would have found all this research, because you were suddenly more than a repository of human knowledge. He froze in place and forgot all his opening lines. You were … a human. A timid, intelligent human looking around his bar (his bar) in amazement,  studying the glimpses of Cybertronian life around you with the same intensity and curiosity he gave Earth life. You were an adorable, squishy little human who was about to be crUSHED BY WHIRL SCRAPSCRAPSCRAP!
He overanalyzed that first encounter just as much as you were. If he hadn't been weird and frozen in place, he wouldn't have had to swipe you out of harm's way at the last moment - he was positive he had somehow hurt you in his rush. And then, of course, he wasn't the smoothest operator when he introduced you to the place. (Seriously? "Hi, I'm y/n!" "I know." I know? I KNOW??) Not to mention, something strange came over him when you shook his servo. The mixture of embarrassment, excitement, and - well, whatever it was that smile made him feel - manifested itself by literally shocking you. He figured that he royally screwed up, like everyone said he would, and didn't expect he'd ever see you again. But you came back the next night. And the next. And over time it became harder and harder for Swerve to quash the hope that you might have been coming back to see him, as he noticed you paying attention to him more and more. Thanks to his opaque visor, though, you didn’t notice that he noticed that you were noticing him, but he was often looking out the corner of his optic up at your “organic suite.”
He really didn't mind your silence. He was perfectly content with this set-up: him, down at the bar, entertaining his regulars with stories and jokes and rumors, now, some tricks that only you seemed to appreciate. You, up there, the perfect audience, hanging on his every word, laughing quietly at his every joke. Every night he felt like he was performing, and he was certainly trying his best to sell it to the cheap seats. As he arrived at a punchline, or approached the climax of a story, his face and gestures may have been oriented towards the patrons, but his optics were on you. Joy lit across your face when you laughed - although you tried to mask it by obscuring your mouth with a hand or datapad. You showed concern when he mentioned something negative happening to him, even when it was part of a joke. Unknowingly, you were always motivating him to be more and more himself.
Recently, though … well, he might be imagining things, but he thought he caught glimpses of some new emotion on your face - one he was hesitant to identify. In the doldrums of conversation, he would hazard a glance at you while he cleaned a glass or fashioned a cocktail. Instead of seeing you absorbed by your datapad or writing, nowadays, he'd find you with your face resting softly against your palm, squishing your cheek adorably. Your face looked - content? There was something of a glimmer to your eye. It was easy for him to get distracted when you were looking at him like that. Having consumed as much human media as he did, he could have made an educated guess … if that look was directed at anyone but himself. Given your lack of - y'know - actual communication? he assumed you, like most, were just interested in him as a source of light-hearted entertainment. He didn't mind that. It seemed only natural to him.
But he knew it was strange that he invested this much energy into impressing someone he exchanged two words with per day. That the high point of his evening was when you walked in, looking always through the crowd straight at him to flash a bashful smile, a little wave of your hand. That night after night, he couldn't let go of the hope that you might stay behind and say something to him.
Daily, the two of you played chicken like this, neither aware of the other's feelings. It would have been painfully obvious to anyone who cared to look, but nobody thought to … until Cyclonus's silent requests for refills had gone unrecognized, and Tailgate's dramatically gestural storytelling ignored. What on this ship could possibly be more important than Tailgate? It only took a few seconds of investigation to find you looking dreamily down at the bar, and your knee jerk reaction to being spotted told Cyclonus all he needed to know about you. As you tiptoed down the spiral staircase after being caught, the seemingly random dejection that hit Swerve like a train told him all he needed to know about the minibot. He weighed his options. Confront Swerve about it, and he would become his confidant for all things human - which, he could tell by the sudden crestfallen expression, was a lot. Say as much as 'hello' to you, and you'd pass out from fear. Ignoring it wasn't an option, as loathe as he was to get involved - as intimidating as he seemed to you, he was far from heartless.
"Have you introduced yourself to the human yet, Tailgate?"
"The - ? Oh, right! I almost forgot about them. I tried, but they seem pretty antisocial. Why?"
"I'm far from an expert on humans, but it seems to me they're just shy."
Tailgate cocked his head. "Have you seen them recently?"
"Yes, they're leaving right now. They come here often."
Tailgate stood on his seat to look around, trying to locate you. "Really? I can't believe Swerve wouldn't mention them."
"Hm. Strange."
"Swerve," Tailgate called to the uncharacteristically quiet bot. "Does that human usually come here?"
Swerve was shocked out of his self-pity. "H - human? I … think so. They sit up there. Sometimes. I think.”
“You wouldn’t stop talking about them when they got here. What happened? Are they not as exciting as you thought they’d be?”
He froze, half panicked that he was finally being questioned about this, half insulted on your behalf. It took him a solid five clicks to come up with his answer. “I - wouldn’t really know. I haven’t really talked to them.”
Here, Tailgate was absolutely perplexed. “Why not?”
“Just … haven’t gotten around to it, I guess.”
“I think I might talk to them tomorrow. I thought they were, like, Ultra Magnus level serious, but maybe Cyclonus is right, they could just be shy."
"They talked to Cyclonus?" Swerve jumped. “What did they say? What are they like?” Swerve and Tailgate looked to Cyclonus for an answer, but he already slipped off.
Cyclonus approached Rung at his booth on the other side of the joint and asked him whether he had been speaking with you.
“I suggested it to Rodimus, but he didn’t think it would be very useful, given the difference between our species.” [would either of them know that we are similar af]
“He may have overestimated that difference.” He briefly explained that you had been observing the rest of the bar as though you were lonely yet unsure of how to interact with the rest of the bargoers. Having satisfied his sense of obligation, he returned to Tailgate and was glad to have the impending drama off his hands.
i’m having too much fun with this. anyways swerve when he knows yn is looking:
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heartbreakslow · 1 month
oh okay, I think I understand why people have such different takes about what happened...it's because the Darren/Cash arc COMPLETELY swerves in the last 2 episodes and just drops everything else that was going on and replaces it with a different arc. I don't really mind this new arc, but it doesn't really make sense to ignore everything that led up to it.
The most baffling choice is that we have to hear Dusty's version of how Darren feels. We can't just get a scene of them venting/confiding to someone. Instead we get Dusty's description and Dusty is a shitty person who usually lies and he says Cash is being "selfish" and in the next episode Nan says "you don't have to play by other people's rules," which I took as like, don't break up just because some guy said your relationship is bad?
But Dusty can't be totally lying, because if he's not providing exposition, there's no reason for him to be there at all. But then we're left to pick out which parts are supposed to be Dusty vs. what Darren actually said.
I changed my mind about being an s2 truther. There are so many good parts and then you just run into something SO stupid.
Just cut out Bird Psycho and give Darren some POV scenes please and thank you!
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moon-lv3r · 1 year
soulmates ~ bruabba pt 1
🦋 category: angst, hurt no comfort, one-shot, soulmate au
🦋 characters: bucciarati, abbacchio
🦋 summary: au – in which people are born with red strings from their pinky that attach itself to their soulmate. the string would not appear until soulmate is born. the string appears physical but one can pass their hand through it. only you can see your own string and where it leads
young bruno sets out on a quest to find his soulmate when his father died, only to learn that his soulmate, leone abbacchio was dead
part 1 - bruno’s pov
part 2 - leone’s pov
🦋 warnings: mentions of drug abuse and overd0sing
🦋 notes: angst moment let’s go !!! this was written all at 2am and i have school the next morning but hey who cares /j… not exactly my best work but oh well i haven’t written much in the last few months bc school has really been eating up my time and i also ended a relationship with someone who was a long time friend of mine. we got together and broke up bc i felt like she wasn’t putting much effort as i was and i wanted to fix it while she didn’t want to disappoint me so we broke up and the friendship just can’t be the same anymore so we ended that as well. life has been shit so here’s a shit story !
this is part 1 of bruabba soulmate au !
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Soulmate. What a wonderful thing. Ever since Bruno was a young child, he had a small red string on his pinky. He never knew how he got it, but he knew what it meant. His soulmate was of a similar age. It often led the young boy to wonder about what his soulmate could be doing. He wondered if his soulmate was thinking about him. He wondered if his soulmate was just as excited about the entire thing as he was.
Nobody could see his string but Bruno himself. It was like a ghost, an invisible string except it wasn’t exactly invisible. He liked it, the idea that this ghost thread tied him to someone that he would spend the rest of his life with.
He looked at his parents and often admired the love they shared in their eyes. He wondered if his soulmate would shower him with the same endearing sight. He wondered what kind of love he would experience. His mind was filled with wonders of a life spent with someone who was still faceless to the little one. Yet, it never dwindled his excitement.
Love was so enchanting.
He loved seeing his parents smile everyday. His mother always had the same spark in her smiles whenever his father gave her one of his surprises. His father always wore the same shine in his eyes whenever his father smiled.
Bruno wanted the love that they had.
Until he witnessed the death of his mother and the damage on his father. His father’s one and only had ceased to exist. Now what? He had no soulmate, what does one do when their only love disappears?
The mess that became of his father was heart wrenching for little Bruno to witness. Why did the world give his father a soulmate only to take her away when they were at their happiest? Was it fair? His family did not deserve for their happiness to be ripped away from them like this. It was a freak accident, a drunk driver had swerved from a tree only to hit Bruno’s mother who was exiting a store after buying groceries.
He watched as his father lost the shine in his eyes and later, the spark in his life. His father was now just a shell of his former self. The smile he once had was buried alongside Bruno’s mother. He hadn’t just lost his mother, his father’s soul was gone too.
How was soulmate such a beautiful yet morbid thing?
Bruno grew up, watching his father suffer from the loneliness that had struck him. Therapy helped but it was never enough. Over the years, he slowly recovered but the heartbreak will never truly leave him. Shards of it remained in the form of tears in the middle of the night when he thought that Bruno was asleep. Though there were things that his father had hid from Bruno, things that Bruno would never find out for years.
It had hurt the young child that he could do nothing but watch as his father suffered. It made Bruno hate the idea of soulmates. How could the world give you the one but snatch that same person away?
It made him never want to find the one made for him. How could he? He didn’t want to find someone that made him feel like he was in heaven only to have them gone the next second. Why was life such a cruel game? Can’t it just let them enjoy soulmates in peace? Why must they go so abruptly?
He grew up, detesting the red string on his finger. He never looked at his finger unless he had to. Kids at school loved the idea of a soulmate, all but him. Some were upset that they did not have a soulmate but in Bruno’s eyes, they were blessed with a life free from suffering. Bruno would be lying if he said he never once thought of how his soulmate would feel if they knew what Bruno thought of their fate. Just how important romance was to people? Bruno felt as though he would be perfectly fine with spending the rest of his life alone. Who needed a soulmate when he had himself?
As the years went, Bruno’s ideals stayed firm. He watched as people mourned the death of the love they yearned for as their soulmate turned out to be different from their expectations. Some were the complete opposite. Now they have to learn to get along because they were supposed to spend the rest of their lives together. Bruno grew up, watching as the people did their best to change for their soulmates, to grow the love they have, and to enjoy each other’s presence.
He grew up, watching as people did whatever that was possible so long as they could be loved. He watched as slowly but surely, soulmates who hated each other slowly began to fall in love. Perhaps the line between hatred and love got blurred and they stepped over it, falling for each other’s imperfections. Was that what love was supposed to be? Accepting each other no matter what came in between them?
The young Bruno who detested the idea of soulmates slowly grew into a young, fine man. His ideals still remained in a part of his brain which he had slowly forgotten. He had watched as other people lived their happy life with their other half. Maybe love wasn’t so bad? But he had also witnessed his father’s miserable years after the death of his mother. It had him torn in between his opinions.
His father had grown sickly over the years. Love sick perhaps, but he was getting weaker and weaker as the seconds ticked by. Bruno could only watch as the man who did his best to give him a stable childhood rot away in a hospital bed. It had caused an ache in his heart. Bruno did all he could to pay for the medical bills, which was causing such a weight on the young man’s shoulders that his father just couldn’t bear to witness. The love of his life might be gone, but he still had love to give to his son.
“Bruno,” he began. It was a warm sunday afternoon when Bruno once again visited his dear father. “It’s fine. I can’t see you like this.”
The effect it had on Bruno was evident on his face. His eye bags were heavy, he was skinnier than before. But he didn’t look as bad as his father, who was gaunt and could barely find the energy to speak sometimes.
“It’s alright,” Bruno reassured his father. “You raised me. This is the least I could do.”
His father gently shook his head, “You have many more years than I do. I don’t want you to waste your time on a pathetic old man like me. I’ll have to see your mum soon, and how do you think she would react to you overworking yourself?” He laughed, though the atmosphere was anything but humorous.
Bruno's fists clenched as his father spoke. The man he cared about speaking of himself in that way hurt Bruno. He knew his father wanted the best for him but Bruno wanted the best for his father as well.
“Please, don’t speak of yourself that way,” Bruno replied. “You’ll live. You’ll see me live the life you want me to.”
The old man smiled a weak smile as he looked at his son square in the face, “You both know that I won’t. Promise me that you’ll go look for your soulmate and experience the love you’ve always dreamed of, alright?” The fragile man choked on his words, his voice cracking half way through as tears collected in his eyes. His son stared, unable to speak. His son’s face remained stoic but his fists spoke of another story.
Bruno could only nod. It was his father’s final request, how could he deny it?
As the next morning arose to reveal a beautiful sunset, a view ever so breathtaking that one would kill for, Bruno’s father had passed away. It wasn’t out of the blue. The man had been ill for a while and Bruno had always known deep down that medication wasn’t doing all that much to delay it.
It didn’t make it any easier for the young man, who was only 20. Death had never been easy for the young man. Not when he was a child, and not when he was an adult.
The funeral was small, quiet. Very few people came and went. His father was a fisherman. His family lived a quiet life. Only people of the village came to offer their condolences. No amount of condolences could bring back his father however, but he appreciated the gesture nonetheless.
The days passed by, the words of his father’s final request lingered in his mind. Should he really look for his soulmate? What kind of love does he want? What kind of love had Bruno been yearning for? All he knew was his detest for the romantic side of life. But he wanted to honour his father.
He stared at the red string on his pinky, the one he had ignored for years. He watched as the string led out of the door, towards someone he had never known. He wondered why hadn’t his soulmate looked for him, were they busy? Or did they share the same idea about love that he did? Would it really be worth a shot to try?
He looked out the window, and towards where the string led to. His curiosity kept lingering in his mind. Maybe he really should just look for his soulmate. Perhaps they could get through this together, help Bruno figure out his views on love. After all, what harm could it really cause? He wasn’t the biggest fan of love, but having someone who could understand you couldn’t hurt all that bad right? He didn’t have to be in a relationship with his soulmate right away, they could just get to know each other and decide if their pacing was alright with each other.
Bruno took a few days to really begin his search. A part of him kept changing his mind, but eventually, he got around to it. It had been two months since the death of his father. It was time to really fulfill the final request of his loved ones. His father did not want to see him die a lonely, miserable man like he was. Bruno did not want to disappoint his father either, so here he was, setting out and looking for a soulmate, in hopes that he would get a companion and maybe for the first time in many years, feel the love others with soulmates often received.
He walked, followed the trail of the red string. It led him to the city of Naples. So his soulmate had always been a city person. He wondered how would the son of a fisherman and someone who lived in the city get along with each other. It seemed like an interesting match up. They were two different people from two different worlds.
He continued walking until he arrived at the poorer side of the city. Perhaps his soulmate wasn’t as luxurious as he had thought when he first entered the city. As he arrived in the neighbourhood, a young blonde teenage boy stepped out of his home and came face to face with Bruno. The boy took one look at Bruno and knew he didn’t belong in the area.
“Looking for places to sell more of your drugs?” The young boy began, “This place is already ruined enough.”
Bruno shook his head, “I’m just looking for someone,” he responded. He appeared slightly annoyed at the boy who had just lashed out at him for no reason. He just assumed that Bruno was a drug dealer for no apparent reason.
The young boy frowned. “ Soulmate I’m guessing? Where does your string lead to? My apologies for lashing out.”
“It’s alright,” Bruno replied. “Uh… my strings lead towards…” Bruno paused as he glanced over at his pinky, leading towards the left and into an apartment just two houses away. Bruno pointed the house to the young teenage boy who then turned to Bruno in shock.
“Your soulmate is Leone Abbacchio?” He said, “I haven’t seen him in days!”
The two made their way towards the house, where a putrid smell escaped from the cracks of the door. “The Abbacchios are pretty messy,” said the boy. “It’s normal for their house to smell but this smell is extra horrid.”
Bruno covered his nose, but even that didn’t stop the smell from entering his nose. He wondered what kind of life his soulmate had lived to end up like this. He wondered if the two of them could even live the life he had envisioned. It suddenly all looked like a far fetched dream. The smell kept hitting his nostrils every second. He felt as though he could throw up any moment. He knocked on the door gently.
No response.
The boy frowned as he mentioned that Leone usually answered the door. His parents had died a month ago and left him alone. The young boy had younger siblings in the foster care system while he lived with his drug addict parents. His younger siblings weren’t even teenagers, while Leone himself was an adult. They were only sent to foster care two months prior when someone had lodged a complaint against the family.
Bruno knocked once again but no response. Perhaps Leone was sleeping? The boy decided to try the doorknob, which was open. Bruno didn’t want to creep in as he was a mere stranger to the man who was supposed to be his soulmate. The boy stepped in first, into the dark house. He fumbled around the walls for the light switch, and the moment it was turned on, a horror scene welcomed their unexpecting souls.
There Leone Abbacchio lay on the ground, foaming at the mouth with maggots crawling about his dead body. He had been dead for days. Bruno watched as the red string from his pinky trailed towards the dead man and ended right at the dead man’s own pinky.
Why was life so cruel to him?
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Survivor's Guilt - (Fandom: The Flash) Harrison Wells survives night of the car accident Eobard Thawne caused, but Tess Morgan still dies. Of course, no one knows that last part yet. In which Eobard Thawne spends fifteen years as Tess, from Harrison's PoV. Eventually Harrison Wells/Tina McGee/Jerry McGee.
I found Jerry McGee in the various wikis about the comics while looking for more info on Tina and brought him in here where he became a chaotic, closeted bi who cannot sit in chairs properly to save his life. OG Harrison goes through a lot, but he winds up happy in the end. Has a prequel from Eobard's PoV and a sequel from Harrison's PoV for parts of S2 where E2 Tess Wells shows up in place of Harry.
Through The Looking Glass - (Fandom: Tales of Vesperia) Brave Vesperia is doing a job for the Empire, helping to clean up an old lab run by Alexei's allies and wind up accidentally rewriting history in the process.
First in a series about the timeline Yuri finds himself in where he never existed. Until now, that is. It's unfinished for now, but I want to work on it more as I've got a lot of plans for it. The world may be a dystopia run by Alexei now, but Yuri is bringing hope to the world - but arguably he's the person who needs hope the most...
The Comeback Queen - (Fandom: Supergirl) Part 2 of an ongoing series. In which Leslie gets her powers, but doesn't become a villain. Because, quite frankly, flirting with Supergirl is more fun than villainy anyway.
Livewire is a character I liked way back when I was a kid watching the Superman Animated Series. So I loved seeing her on Supergirl. And there was some definite sparkage between her and Kara. I may like Kara/Lena best, but Kara/Leslie is definitely a fun ship too.
Unexpected - (Fandom: Arrow) Tommy's jealousy over Laurel and Oliver's lingering feelings for each other swerves in an unexpected direction when he learns Oliver's in love with him too. Tommy/Laurel with pre-Tommy/Laurel/Oliver
Tommy is a disaster here realizing that he may be bi after all, Laurel is finally learning to move on from her grief over Sara thanks to her love for Tommy, and Oliver is being his usual, reckless self. Tales place during Season 1, starting with the poorly thought out double data involving Helena and continues through to the Christmas Party Snafu.
Scientific Method - (Fandoms: Arrow, The Flash) A rewrite of the two parter from Arrow S2, where Barry is introduced. Now with Tommy not being dead, Barry attending the party as Oliver's plus one instead of Felicity's, Oliver getting the infamous 'I'm sure he penetrates just fine' line, and Thea learning her brother is a vigilante from Oliver which goes a ways towards alleviating the trust issues that would have given Malcolm an in with her in canon.
Started off as an idea for a short fic rewriting just the party and expanded because I decided Tommy was alive and suddenly I was fleshing out a much bigger plot. I have plans for this series that'll take it into S1 of the Flash and tie in to at least one Batman movie, but I haven't even gotten to the fic about their New Years shenanigans or the traumatizing events of the Accelerator Incident (now pushed back to taking place in the first week of 2014 instead of the last few weeks of 2013 like in canon).
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m4rsd1ed · 1 year
He Saved Me || Part 10: Before Prom
Norman's POV
I begged Alice to help me with my poster and she said posters are so lame even tho she LITERALLY  did one to ask her girlfriend out. She said I should do a PowerPoint to ask him but not one for a school project but a funny and nice one you use to ask a straight dude out to.prom. With Alice knowing how to code this should be awesome! But..... I left my computer at Catherine's place... shit. That reminds me I'm finally a week clean. I feel a serene type feeling.  Morgan has helped me a lot, I'm really happy with him I hope he says yes when I ask him out. I really do but because of the homophobic fucking principal it's gonna be hard. Really hard. 
----------✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.  𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩, 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬, After school ----------✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.
Morgan asked to walk home together again but I just went straight to target because I needed vodka to think this over. I took vodka then grabbed a pair of sunglasses off a shelf then I walked near the checkout and make a run for it; I know I'm doing something wrong but honestly screw it. The cashiers don't even try because let's be fucking honest this is probably their 7th fucking no big deal ass steal today or they might not have seen me because I walked out so casually out of there. I went CVS and got some pills and because of all my years faking signatures because my mom was too drunk or high to care about stuff I signed everything for her so I know how to make fake doctors notes very well. I go for an ibuprofen 800MG tablets. I sit down and write the fake note and I go to the doctors and ask for the ibuprofen and surprise surprise it works and I get my pills then I go to my car and chug my vodka with 2 ibuprofen pills and almost instantly shit hits. I call Morgan and I just start saying "hey hey hey hi" "hi?" He responds in a questioning tone. "I like really love you and I fucking like drugs and vodka and guess what bitch?" He chuckled a bit but in a forced and worried way and says "what Norman what on the possible earth do you need to tell me?" "I was born like a million years ago I'm a fucking mummy and Morgan, I want to die I just really want to die and I want to drive and swerve into on-coming traffic.." I can hear his sheets rustling as he's rushing to get up from chilling on his bed and he says "NORMAN DO NOT TOUCH THAT FUCKING WHEEL AND I HAVE YOUR FUCKING SNAP MAP OPEN AND I'M ON MY WAY". I can barely remember anything after that all I can remember is brief flashes of me waking up next to Morgan and him holding me tight while we both slept. I woke up the next morning. Hungover as shit and Morgan said we should just skip today because I feel like shit so..... we did.
Word count: 521
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notnctu · 4 years
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━ ❝ i’d love to see me from your point of view.❞
❀ lee donghyuck x fem!reader ❀ genre - slow burn, fluff! angst, (optional smut is marked with ****) ❀ details - best friends to lovers!au, college!au, ft. best friend mark, slice of life?, inspo by pov by ariana grande ❀ word count - 6.1k ❀ warnings - swearing, dangerous reckless behavior, fingering, penetration, public?sex?, unprotected, slight dirty talk ❀ synopsis - Donghyuck gradually falls in love with you, his best friend, through unprecedented intimate moments that reveal more than what meets the eye and a drunken shared kiss on your birthday makes him realize how hard he’s fallen for you. You’re oblivious to it all, trying to indulge and seek a one true love through bad tinder hookups or men you meet at the club, all to only end in self doubt that Donghyuck has to reconcile. And he always tells you what you need to hear, while also leaving out the part where he so badly wishes you can love yourself the way he loves you.
❀ a/n - make sure you read the first part as it’s a continuation! please please leave me feedback, i would really appreciate it :) this is going to be my last long fic for the time being! thanks for dealing with my spam for the past few weeks after months no of writings <3
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Donghyuck thought about that kiss every night since it happened, yet knowing you didn’t do the same. How unfortunate it was, when he panicked waking next to you in the morning and wondering if you were to confront him about it. However, there was nothing, no follow up. You didn’t remember it and he couldn’t tell if the sigh that left his mouth that morning was out of relief or despair. 
Regardless, that became his epiphany and the more his love for you grew, the more he wished to be around you for all his days. Donghyuck jumped at every text message, picking up the phone to see if it was you and noting the disappointment in his heart whenever it wasn’t. He found himself smiling whenever your name was brought up, fondly thinking of how you make his heart race. 
The moments that you were together, he swears on every universe that he’s the happiest he’s ever been. There’s something about you that makes him want to believe in love, and it’s not because of your unrealistic desires to find one. As selfish as he came to be, he wanted you all to himself and to be the sole reason behind your smiles.
“No Mark?” Asking as you hop into Donghyuck’s car, the clock on his dash reading the red digital numbers 2:12 A.M. 
“Why can’t we just hang out for once?” He whines, but hopes that it’s playful enough to where you can’t tell that he’s actually serious. Donghyuck hears your melodic chuckle and everything inside him rumbles with glee and satisfaction. 
He steals quick peeks over at you in the passenger seat, greedily taking in your appearance. “That’s not exactly how a throuple works, but I’ll let it pass. Mark never has time for us anyways.” 
There is something so intimate about the late nights; the outside world is dead in its sleep and vulnerable to chaos. The streets are completely empty and it truly feels as if it’s you two against the city. It brings no regulations, easy escapes, staying up all night to feel something the day can’t give you. 
You are the perfect person to spend them with. You’re the very definition of a good feeling, where he’s forgetting all his bad days and soaring through the heavens. The most accurate human form of excitement, the adrenaline and sweetest thrills that run throughout his body. 
“There’s something I’ve always wanted to do…” As Donghyuck pulls into a gas station parking lot, the small convenient store is brightly lit with a blinding white sign that reads a popular chain establishment. 
Hyuck blinks at you curiously, head tilt and waiting for you to finish your sentence. Getting out of the car, you stand on your toes and rest your chin on the roof of his car to speak directly to him, “you know that big intersection over on 34th Boulevard?” He catches the mischievous twinkle that shines in your eyes and a grin so fearless fits your face perfectly.
He nods, spinning his car keys on his finger and walking up to the store. But he’s looking back at you with eyes that ask for you to proceed with him, and you’re running towards him with a sudden youthful energy and a jump in your step. 
Your hand latches onto his arm and his gaze drops momentarily to follow it, “I’ve always wanted to just run down the middle of it. To run down a busy traffic area when it’s empty, knowing that this would be the only opportunity to do it without getting run over.” 
“Is that what you’re suggesting we should do next?” Hyuck opens the fridge and grabs his favorite prepackaged ice cream cone. Your grip on his sleeve tightens, your dazzling eyes never leaving his.
He hands you a random popsicle and you take it mindlessly, your train of thought still trying to convince Hyuck to embark on achieving this new thrill of yours. “If you didn’t have anything else planned…”
“Am I some Fairy Godmother? Granting your wishes to come true?” Using sarcasm to hide his undying desire to scream yes! may be the best thing he’s learned to utilize. However, you don’t need to beg any more when a small smile curves at his lips. He’s more than convinced.
“Ah, a happy couple. You two look great together.” The rather talkative cashier compliments while he rings up the icey treats. 
Just before Hyuck can clarify, you’re pulling him closer by the arm and using your fake saccharine smile. “The best boyfriend ever!” His throat freezes, but he’s following your lead closely. Confusion wandering his thoughts, but heart swelling at your usage of the word boyfriend to reference him. 
The friendly stranger laughs wholeheartedly at your giddy act, completely falling for your overplayed nature of a lovey dovey girlfriend. “He always buys me what I want, like this ice cream. He knows it’s my favorite.” You blink innocently up at him, but he finally understands your malicious motive.
Shooting a glare at you, he complies silently and pulls out his card to pay for both of your treats. “Right. Anything my baby wants.” He says the pet name so easily that it shocks him a bit. 
“Hey, you’re a good man.” The clueless cashier smiles even wider and prints the receipt. With a simple gratitude, you both exit the store and you’re laughing the loudest form of mockery.
Jumping into the car, Hyuck is quick to roll his eyes. “He always buys me what I want.” He imitates your previous statement with a silly voice. “I can’t believe you robbed me.” 
The ridiculous scheme actually managed to work, leaving your stomach to hurt from the intense fit of giggles. “My baby? Where did you learn that?” You say between your spurts of laughter.
Heat rises up his neck, slightly embarrassed. “So what? Nicknames are cute.” He admits bashfully, while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 
Your chuckles die down and you’re leaning over the middle console to get a closer look of his expression. “Really? Didn’t think you were the type. You never used them with your exes.” 
“Around you.” A cringe runs down your spine when you witness Hyuck bite his ice cream, settling back in your seat with a grumble.
“Pet names in private.” Now, his palms grow a bit slick with perspiration. “That’s endearing.” Unwrapping your melting popsicle, you don’t probe him more about the subject. Instead, Hyuck turns up the stereo to drown out any more talk about romantic gestures.
After several rounds of finding street parking, Hyuck finally swerves into a spot situated just before the large six-way intersection. The traffic lights blink in view at the end of the street and in the darkness, there are no cars around. An unfamiliar scene, this place is nothing but a wide open road with five lanes that meet in the middle and lead to six different directions. The white painted lines that divide up the road are as chaotic as it looks during the day filled with traffic.
Nonetheless, you are right. There is no other chance to see it so dead, so empty, so free. 
And you’re already hopping out of the car that Hyuck breaks his daydream and hurries after you. Standing the middle of the road is a dangerous scheme, yet these are the thrill seeking moments that you crave too well. 
Extending your arm out and your palm facing the night sky, you grin enticingly at Hyuck to join you in the middle of the chaotic lines and the adrenaline picks up within him. He, too, matches your smile and lets every form of enthusiasm fuel him. 
“Race you to the end.” Hyuck begins bolting down the long runway, causing you to scoff in disbelief at his sudden challenge. 
The wind that takes flight against his body is crisp on his skin and driving his strands into a wild mess. Turning around, he sees that you’re quick on his tail. However, the one thing that catches his eye… the one thing that makes this moment another one of your most beautiful ones is the utter bliss and peace in your facial expression. 
Eyes are closed and arms are spread out as if you’re letting the wind carry you away. The air slips between the spaces of your fingers and the night is filled with nothing, but your gentle out of breath giggles. 
Donghyuck stops in his tracks right under the colorful traffic lights at your astonishing image. And if you are to open your eyes, you’ll see the marvelous image of your sun waiting for you in the middle of the largest intersection of the city with his mouth slightly agape and marked under a trance.
An exasperated sigh escapes as a puff of smoke and his heart works extra hard to pump oxygen in his veins. In his perspective, the excellent city skyline at the horizon remains your background and you’re running toward him with a breathless joy. Another splitting breathtaking image that will live in his mind for as long as he knows you.
So he throws caution to the wind and though it feels too good to be true, he loves his best friend more than anyone he’s ever come across.
By the end of your rendezvous, you two find a secret rooftop to fully enjoy your silent city. Standing side by side, you both lean with your elbows on the ledge. 
There is something so unspoken and intimate about this very moment, where existing in each other’s presences becomes wholly more comfortable than anything in the world. And this safety allows for vulnerable secrets to spill, for questions that your heart has always been afraid to ask to fall from your lips. 
But you’re not here with just anybody. Donghyuck probably knew what was already on your mind, he just needed you to speak them into existence.
“Hyuck, do you think I’m unlovable?” 
Perhaps, it’s the intimacy that allows for him to talk more confidently about how he views you. Heart over mind, he scoffs in disbelief. “Absolutely not. You’re the most lovable person I know! From your happy giggles to your overall easy going aura. We’re not perfect people, but you’re worth every glance and every praise. I wanted to be with you the very moment you made me laugh.” 
Donghyuck passionately rambles on about your attributes and everything you’ve allowed him to experience over the years of your friendship. While he’s always been there for you, you’re always by his side and making sure he’s living a memorable life. He thanks all his sweetest memories to you, that you are the most impactful person of his entire college experience.
“I came to college thinking I’d have my nose in textbooks all day long, but you fell into my life like an opportunity to escape. I love my nights trying to crush Mark on the leaderboards, but I’d give that up any day to run down a major intersection in the middle of the city with you.” 
With a playful soft chuckle, you say something that practically makes his heart stop and regret oversharing. “You know, from how you describe me… it almost sounds like you’re in love with me.”
“Maybe I am.” He bites the inside of his cheek, unsure what suddenly overcame him. His heartbeat pounds in his ears and he’s anticipating your response, trying every way to decipher the quizzical look on your face. Nevertheless, your hesitation causes him to panic and he intercepts before you can respond. “I meant that as your friend.” 
His heart drops into the pit of his stomach, gaze averting away from you. Lies. Lies. More fucking lies. He should’ve waited to see what you would’ve said. 
Nodding knowingly, you lightly place your hand over his. The warmth of your touch soothes his aching and disappointment. Why is he hurting from a simple look? “I know.” He can’t tell what’s worse, the fact that you truly believe he only loves you as a friend or that you saw right through him and are trying to let him save face. 
“Something happened the night of your birthday that I think I should tell you.” Hyuck sighs out all his frustrations. 
He pulls his hand from underneath yours, “you asked me to kiss you as a birthday favor.” There is no confidence to watch your reaction, his eyes remain focused on the dark city. 
Instead of a painstaking rejection, you laugh wholeheartedly and somehow, he feels much lighter. “And did you?”
“How could I say no to you on your birthday?” Peering over, your fingers softly graze your lips and a wandering look is present in your dazed stare.
“It’s not the first time we’ve kissed, Hyuck.” Smiling at him, Hyuck looks cluelessly at you and doesn’t recall another time. He would’ve remembered. 
“Guess who I stole that same request from?” Your eye lashes bat firmly at him and he gulps at your implied question. There was no way.
“Me? When?” This all causes him to rack his brain of lost files, something he must’ve missed.
Sighing, you bid him a kind smile. “Your birthday party a few months ago. Drunk out of your living mind, you pulled me privately into the kitchen and asked if I could kiss you as a birthday gift.” 
Fuck, no wonder why he couldn’t remember. He didn’t remember a single thing from that night. “It was right after my break up.” 
Nodding, you affirm his realization. “You told me that you felt so lonely, and somehow…. someway… I’ve always made you feel seen. Perhaps, you do the same for me and my drunk ass was bold enough to ask for a similar request.” 
But did you kiss him as if you loved him? With the same amount of love that he did the night of your birthday? 
Nonetheless, you shrug off the topic and move on from it all. “We should go, the sun comes up in a few.” 
Hyuck notes this odd detail. You’re not one to end the nights so abruptly, so it almost seemed as if you didn’t want to speak more about it. 
Perhaps, you did kiss him like you meant it but every fear in your body about loving your best friend stops you from admitting it all. 
Because you shouldn’t love your best friend, but something deep down has always wanted to.
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How ridiculous he was to believe that you could ever possibly share the same feelings as him. How foolish he felt the moment you burst into his apartment announcing how you’ve finally found the one after another random Tinder date. 
It’s as the night on the rooftop a week ago didn’t even exist or mean anything to you. But that night ate him up alive, to the point where he sought out love counseling from Mark.
“Oh dude, this is serious.” Mark watches Hyuck pace the room, double around the floorplan with his head in his hands with utter frustration and confusion. You’re the only thing that’s been running through his mind the last few days. 
He grunts and rolls his eyes at how Mark’s face had fallen sullen. “I practically confessed everything I loved about her. It’s pretty serious.”
Mark stands and stops Hyuck by the shoulders, looking dead into his eyes. “I’ve liked her before too and would have done some dumb act to get her to like me back. I get it, Hyuck. So, what do you want to do?”
Donghyuck initially scoffs and tears away from his best friend’s intense stare, “of course you liked her too.” His voice fades out at the end of his sentence. “Mark, I like her so much it’s hard to look at anyone else. She’s…”
“Mesmerizing?” Mark finishes his sentence with a small proud grin on his lips. 
Hyuck couldn’t hold the ridiculous laugh that escapes at how smug Mark looks, but then a silence falls over him. He realizes how perfect that word is to describe you. You are every dazzling trance he’d fawn under. 
“It’s wrong, Mark. She’s our best friend, I can’t ruin us.” Hyuck slumps his shoulders forward and a pout extends. His eyes are wandering the ugly carpet but he’s thinking about every moment you’ve smiled. 
“How did this happen in the first place? I thought you never would’ve liked her…” Mark’s question has Hyuck raking his brain to find his epiphany. “It’s not about your ex, is it? y/n is way too good to be a rebound.” 
“No. This has nothing to do with my old relationships, I genuinely like her… so much.” Hyuck understands the implications in Mark’s sudden abrasive questions. Even it’s difficult for himself to say how it all started and so this has Donghyuck reflecting back on his entire friendship with you.
If only he had noticed your lively smiles sooner, a little earlier, it would have saved him all this time searching for someone who would last. You’ve lasted through every college relationship he’s had and that speaks louder than any confession. 
“I never liked her because I never thought I had a chance. Have you seen her? Our best friend who has 400 matches on Tinder.” Though he blames himself for realizing a little late that he loved you, it was always hard to compete with everyone else. 
“So, what changed then?” 
Hyuck leans against the door to Mark’s room and crosses his arms to contemplate. “Not that I have a chance now, but I can’t hold these feelings back anymore. I want to kiss her until we’re out of breath, to love without any conditions, to be the reason behind her every beautiful moment.” 
Mark raises a confused eyebrow, “but you are.”
“The only reason.” Hyuck speaks his truest desires and Mark coughs aggressively before composing himself. Right, he didn’t stutter one bit. 
So, Hyuck had planned to confess, all until you gave him the very reason he couldn’t. When you showed up unannounced with one of those wide grins that has your eyes shimmering with hope, he just knew something was wrong. All his love and future aspirations were replaced with sheer disappointment and envy.
“I’m falling hard for him.” You begin and your hands are clasped together so innocently. “He brought me to this overlook on a cliff and we just talked for ages. It felt so right and then, he asked to see me again!” Your eyes are completely wondrous and distracted, like the one thought in your mind blocked out everything else. Jumping happily, you’re squealing with excitement thinking about this new person in your life and there is no consideration of Hyuck’s silence.
“That’s… great.” He barely stutters to fill the air and to replace the sound of his heart breaking. He lost you before even getting the chance to even have you. 
“I know right!” You yell joyfully and though your smile is the biggest it's ever been, Hyuck refuses to see this moment as beautiful. He’s no longer looking at you objectively, his bias tainting it all and he sees it in an ugly light. As your best friend, he should be happy for you and rooting for you. He’s known more than anyone else that you have been waiting for someone like this your whole college experience.
However, he can’t feel a single good emotion as you ramble on about your alleged one true love.
“Did you need something?” He cuts you off, growing a bit irritated by your endless praise about a man who never wishes to meet.
Clearing your throat, you take Hyuck’s hand in both of your palms. With begging eyes, you say, “my sister is getting married this weekend and they invited you. 
His hold escapes yours as he walks toward his bedroom, “shouldn’t you invite your new man to your family events now.” It’s difficult for him to hide the bitterness in his voice, but you run up to him and grip his arm. 
“But they think I’m dating you, remember? Plus, my mom referred to you by name. She really likes you.” You snicker, clearly not understanding why Donghyuck seems to be rather distant at the moment.
His ears perk up at the compliment and though it’s a selfish thought, he feels content knowing that he was able to win over your family. So, his heart burns at how your hand slowly travels down to intertwine with his own and how your chin rests on his shoulder lightly. His head turns and he is met a few inches away from your tender lips. For a brief moment, he’s staring at them longer than he should. 
“Come on, Hyuck. Be mine for one more time.” Your whisper is gentle and soft, your breath tickling against his cheek. Despite everything, he loves how you make him feel. It’s always a mixture of happiness and safety. There are no fears with you because you’re absolutely fearless. He can’t imagine how he would’ve opened up without you around, that he puts every form of trust into you. 
So, every little thing that you do. every single passing look. every touch and every spoken word. He falls harder for you every time you simply see him, every time you bat your eyelashes at him. And this love that festers inside of him feels easy and genuine. Perhaps, you’ve been his one true love all along. He’s never felt remarkably seen, where every part is exposed and right at your fingertips. 
And you… have been so patiently waiting for just anyone to steal your heart. How can he let just anyone love you? 
“I’m yours for however long you want me to be.” He lightly ruffles the top of your hair before slightly shrugging you off, afraid that your hold will eventually have him saying other sweet implications. “But don’t expect me to enjoy it.” He smirks at your small chuckle, the roll in your eyes.
“At least pretend.” But he really doesn’t have to. He enjoys every moment being yours. 
When the day finally arrived, the grand wedding may have been another day that Hyuck will never forget how beautiful you looked. Prancing out in your bridesmaid dress, you run towards him through the large field of fake grass. He catches you when you jump into his arms, practically failing all over and tripping over the ends of your chiffon dress. He hits the ground, cushioning your fall. 
“Hey..” you grin down at him breathless, hand resting perfectly on his chest as it was the night of your 21st again.
Hyuck gulps and sends you a glare, “I should have dropped you.” 
“That would have been very chivalrous of you.” Sarcasm bites back at him as you push up and off of him. He’s quick on his feet and brushing off any dust from the bottom of your expensive dress, avoiding the long open slit that runs down to expose one leg.
“Donghyuck, you’re looking ravishing.” Your mother steps out, tall and prideful, but with the most delightful expression as she opens her arms to invite him into a hug. 
He leans into it, while cautiously making suspicious eye contact with you. You shrug back, also confused at why your mother has a sudden change in demeanor. “It’s been so long since the holidays.”
“It’s a pleasure to see you again.” He bids your mother a respectful smile when she pulls away, to which she absolutely fawns at and you’re tugging at his sleeve to drag him away.
“The pleasure is all mine. You make y/n a better person.” And there is no context that Hyuck understands this single phrase before he’s walking away from your force. Your mother waves a small sweet goodbye as she watches you two leave behind a cobblestone wall behind the large reception building.
It’s covered in long vines that grow up the old stones, a beautiful background for an outdoor wedding. “Rude.” He whispers when you finally stop pulling him away.
“She was starting to say odd things.” You laugh, quite nervously actually. Nonetheless, you shake out of your nerves and a beaming expression replaces your troubles. “So, guess what? I’m meeting my man afterwards.” Yet again, the curve of your lips at the thought of another rumbles his own yearning heart.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he looks down while kicking at the loose pebbles on the ground. “Good for you.” grumbles Donghyuck mindlessly.
You don’t notice his low spirits again, you’re talking away about this man as if he’s all you’re consumed with nowadays. On and on, the same speech about how you’re practically ready to give it your all and how he fits someone unimaginable. Eventually, Donghyuck becomes fed up by how your eyes blink up to the sun with another reflection in them. “It’s like you forget who you are when you’re with someone new.” 
And you’re in mid-ramble when you hear his harsh comment that picks aggressively at your skin. It stings, “what?” You cross your arms defensively and raise an eyebrow at him. The tone in your voice is jarringly upset and he opened a can of worms that he isn’t ready for.
Donghyuck swears underneath his breath, looking away at the tall trees behind the small parking lot. “Forget it.” He mumbles, rather frustrated at himself for ticking you off.
“What are you implying?” 
“There is someone that actually makes you a better person rather than someone completely different.” He scoffs, his emotions fueling the worst of him. The words flow from his mouth full of anger and spitefulness. 
Your eyes narrow at him, crossing your arms defensively. “Like you can give me the love you think I deserve? This whole fake boyfriend gimmick has gone too much to your head.”
And his heart is bursting at the seams and all he can see is your angry expression, so he says something he never hopes to regret. Every impulse beats his rationality and in the heat of the moment, Donghyuck confesses, “if only you can see yourself from my point of view and all the emotions I feel when I look at you.” 
With a sharp intake of breath, you’re slightly shocked at his bold statement. You blink cluelessly at him, speechless and deciphering how to respond. The anger fades from the both of you, knowing that the connection you two possess is mutual. Somewhere deep down within you, a light switches on and you’re basking in your sun’s radiance in this moment. 
“Tell me about it.” Your curiosity brings much confusion, but he doesn’t wait a second of hesitation. 
“Happiness, you light up my nights in dark cars with your smile. Trust, there is no one else I’d run down a dangerous intersection with. Courage, being bold enough to dance in a crowded room like no one was watching. Love, when kissing you felt incomparable to anything else in the world. Vulnerability, looking at you and knowing everything about you.” 
Donghyuck takes a cautious step forward toward you. A whirl of thoughts and emotions overwhelmingly flood your heavy mind, but fear no longer holds you back from the one person you’ve always wished to love, harder than any person you’ve ever encountered. “Donghyuck.” 
He freezes at the call of his name, waiting patiently for your next words. “I want to love me the way that you love me... because nobody loves me like you do… even myself. So, I’d love to see me from your point of view.” 
Donghyuck releases the sigh that suffocates him and every firework lights up in his chest. His eyes wander across your canvas and absorb everything wondrous about your features. Even though you’re not entirely smiling, you’re puckering your lips cutely out of embarrassment. And he reassesses how pretty you simply look in your expensive formal chiffon dress and the bold color on your lips that has made you feel good before. 
He thinks aloud, the words leaving his mouth before they can be stopped. “This is your most beautiful moment.” 
When you’re looking up at him to meet his dreamy gaze, a new enthusiasm washes over your entire body. Looking rather inexplicably attractive in his suit, Hyuck stares at you as if you’re all he can see. So, you pull him into the only source of gratitude you can give. A kiss that gives every emotion back to him, one that resembles closely to the one he gave you on your birthday and the one you gave him for his. 
An emotional kiss that tells him more than he can see. He feels it on the tip of your tongue and every ounce of love that rushes over the both of you.
Donghyuck’s wandering hands travel down your waist, over your hips, all until it reaches in between the slit of your dress. His hand instinctively grips at your naked thigh, the feeling of your raw skin driving him wild with impure thoughts. Your hands are quick on his tie, loosening it from around his collar and unbuttoning the first few as you’ve done once before.
“Can,-- Is it okay if--?” Hungry eyes search his face for confirmation, but you’re so lust driven that you’re a stuttering mess. “Do you want this?” 
“Yes.” Says Hyuck without any hesitation. Taking his hand, you’re quick to lead him inside to a more secluded part of the venue. The lavish private bathrooms are brightly lit and he lifts you on top of the marble counters.
“The reception starts in 20 minutes.” You moan as Hyuck kisses down your neck hastily, a hand up the slit of your dress to push your panties aside.
“We’ll make it quick then. I’ll show you love another day.” His knuckle lightly grazes against your erect clit and your grip on his shoulder tightens. Whimpers fall from your lips as your hips mindlessly grind into his hand. “Never took you the type to be so loud.” Hyuck raises an eyebrow and tilts his head mockingly at you.
“This isn’t even close to how loud I can get.” Your statement causes him to swallow hard. Being your best friend, he has kept a rather clear mind from any sexual attraction toward you. He had to know he loved you in order to even see you in that way. 
Gathering your slick, he rubs your clit with two fingers before dipping them into your hole. You lean back into the mirror and prop your feet on the counter to spread open for Hyuck to see. “You let all these idiots fuck your pretty pussy? They don’t deserve you, as a person or a potential partner.” He fingers you deeper and with flicking motions, he hits your sweet spot and causes you to jolt.
“Please, just fuck me. I’ve always wondered how good you’d feel.” His eyes twinkle at your bashful confession, but understands your lustful desires even for your own best friend.
“You think about fucking me?” He asks abruptly, taking his fingers out to suck your juices clean from them. A coined flattered smirk appears on his lips as he unbuckles his belt.
You’re averting eye contact, “well no, maybe just once. I get horny when I’m drunk sometimes.” You admit and he’s rushing to take himself out of his restrictive dress pants. His dick hits the air and he adjusts closer to your dripping core.
And he enters, slowly and slowly inching in so you can adhere to his size. You bite back every yell of pleasure and grip the ends of his dress shirt. Hyuck fills you up deliciously, and you two are connected through bodies beyond any way before. He leans in to give you a sloppy, yet passionate kiss before dragging out his hips and pushing them back in.
There is no guilt, no pain, no sorrows. Knowing Hyuck, he fucks you in the same way he wishes to love you. His hips drive into you passionately and quickly. The time crunch being something that causes him great distraction, but his heart is swelling simply feeling your warmth wrap around him so well.
“My baby is so tight.” Pet names in private. A small grin appears on your face at the sound of the sweet nickname and you pull him closer by tugging his shirt.
“Harder, Hyuck. Don’t hold back anymore.” Moan after moan, Hyuck relentlessly drills into you. His arm is hooked underneath your left thigh to keep it up, and your head keeps banging against the mirror.
Your eyes roll back when his thumb rubs circles on your aching clit. The mixture of both pleasures stimulate you until the build up tension in your stomach begins to reach its peak.
“Cum, I know you fucking want to.” He grunts, keeping the same rhythm that pushes you over your edge. Your walls squeeze around him tightly as your legs shake sporadically from your release. You’re smart to cover your mouth, knowing that the bathroom will only echo your erotic sounds. Your chest rises and falls from the momentum and adrenaline that Hyuck helped you reach, breathlessly trying to calm your heart rate down.
After a few more harsh bumps, he pulls out and motions you forward. Jumping off of the counter, you kneel on the ground and suck his tip lightly. Your swirls are enough for him to empty into your mouth, his hot streams of salty liquid hitting the back of your throat. He looks down at you and your wide eyed expression with his cock in your mouth drives him overboard. 
And you swallow, getting up to lightly plant a sweet kiss on his cheek. A lip stain being worn proudly for just a moment. 
“You amaze me.” Hyuck whispers, holding you against his flushed body and fast paced heart beat. 
“Hurry out you two!” A voice startles the both of you with a knock on the door and you two are quick to readjust yourselves. He hopes to love you a little longer next time, without any interruptions.
After the glorious and excruciating long wedding, you’re walking Hyuck to his car in the small parking lot. During the rest of the night, he held your hand the whole way through and the love that he looked at you with was more than real. 
He talked with your distant relatives as if he’s always known them. Hyuck conducted the dinner table, always knowing what to say. There was no doubt in your head that seeing Donghyuck in the aftermath, he was always going to be someone who was going to make things better. 
The love you long searched for, the love that you had been too afraid to touch, intertwined itself so lovingly underneath the white table cloth. Donghyuck is the one and it took needing to see him a bit more to realize. A little more acceptance from the both of you had to be the final straw.
Donghyuck sheepishly scratches the back of his neck when you reach his car, unsure where the path of your friendship will diverge to next. “Have fun on your date then…” His voice trails off, kicking the rocks at his feet again.
There goes your melodic laughter that soothe his aching heart and the familiar gentle grip on his fingertips. You lift his chin up, the both of you seeing each other clearly now.
From his perspective, you’re absolutely dazzling in the low light and butterflies swirl in the pit of his stomach. He can look at you forever, until months turn into years. He can love you until you two grow old. You’re his fearless, beautiful, inexplicably marvelous best friend. And he patiently waits for the day you’ll let him finally be yours.
From your perspective, Donghyuck shines even when the night overtakes the sky and possibly, the warmth in your heart bubbles across your chest. You can stay with him forever, until months turn into years. You can trust him like it’s you two against the world. He is your silly, charming, timidly benevolent best friend. And you’re slowly falling and hoping for the day you get to be his. 
“I’m not going to see him anymore. He’s not the one.” Hyuck blinks at you, full of confusion and shock.
“But you sounded so happy.” His voice gets lost in the stillness of the intimate atmosphere. 
“No, Hyuck. You make me happy and I’ll say it again for you to hear me. Nobody loves me like you do.” Reaching up, your hand caresses his cheek and he falls into your palm lovingly. His heart runs a mile, reaching the greatest high he’s ever going to feel. He hopes his eyes don’t deceive him, but the utter perfection on your face makes him feel whole.
You wish that Hyuck can teach you to love yourself the way that he loves you. 
“Take me home?” 
“How could I ever say no?”
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thank you for being patient with me! its finally done and i will be going on a writing hiatus for a bit. housemating and ridin club will come out sometime soon, but i really need to step away from writing for a bit. please understand, thank you for reading :) 
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wanderingworlds513 · 3 years
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Soulmates pt. 2
Based of this tik tok
Also sorry it took so long, I don't often have time.
Part 1
Bucky x reader
Summary: When you meet your soulmate the whole world bursts into color. What happens when yours happens to be an assassin of 50 years? And you meet him when he's trying to kill you and your friends?
Previously: "Is that... the Winter Soldier?" I asked. "Yeah" Steve breathed. "Sh*t" I cursed under my breath as he stalked towards us. ---------- In three seconds, Nat manages to point her gun at my soulmate and a car that must have been following us crashes in to the back of our car. Making Natasha drop the gun and throw me into the back of Steve's seat. The other car pushed us towards my soulmate, the scary man dressed in tight black combat leather, most likely armed to the teeth, if you forgot. My soulmate jumped back on our car right as Nat got her gun. He punched a hole through the window, and ripped Sam's steering wheel off. Natasha began to shoot upwards towards the Soldier, but he jumped to the one behind us. The car rammed us again making us swerve, Steve grabbed Natasha, and Sam. Sam dragged me to the front, "Hang on!" Steve, gripping the other two and his shield tight, while Sam held me. Steve shoved the car door open and dragged us all out and the our car did multiple flips and crashed. Steve and Nat slid while Sam and I fell off half way and rolled on impact. I might have at least sprained something.  The other car skidded to a stop and the Soldier hopped off the hood of the car. He grabbed a gun from one of his partners, I guess and aimed it at Steve and Natasha. I didn't have much time to look because his 'friends' started shooting at us. Same and I took shelter behind an abandoned car. They continued to shoot at us. "Rude." I muttered. "Seriously Y/n? Now?" Sam hissed. "I think this is a perfect time to be sarcastic!" I shot back. I grabbed my gun, and shot blindly at the people shooting us. See I would have done that earlier but finding out that your soulmate is your attacker is a lot to process. "C'mon follow me." Sam ordered. We ran a little ways. Before we heard an explosion followed by a series of gun shots. "Она у меня. Найди его." I mange to hear, (She's mine. Find him.) I register a loud thumb/crash followed up by to more quieter ones. Sam and I get our hands on some knives, we snuck up on the two guys left on the bridge. Attacking them and stealing their guns. Trying to help Steve I took out one of the guys shooting at him. "Go, we got this!" Sam yells, "we very much don't but okay." I mutter aiming for another minion. I hear another explosion. A little later I her Natasha yell "GET OUT OF THE WAY! STAY OUT OF THE WAY!" Before getting cut off. Sam and I finished the other enemies off, Sam and I find his wings. We fly to where the others are. Sam drops me a little ways and I hit the ground rolling before running a shot ways to hear Steve whisper "Bucky...?" "Who the hell is Bucky?" In a moment of confusion the Soldier aims his pistol at Steve, but Sam flies in and kicks the Soldier aside. My soulmate looks at me, as if memorizing my face before looking at Steve. What ever he was thinking he quickly brushes it aside, and takes aim again, but before he can shoot Natasha shoots at him creating smoke for him to vanish, which he does. Sirens while and we are soon surrounded by HYDRA agents being led by Rumlow. "Drop the shield, Cap! On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!" He barks. Steve raises his hands up slowly "Get on your knees! Down!" He kicks Steve and I's leg and we kneel down "Don't move."  Rumlow looks at the helicopter flying above us and warns Rollins who's holding Steve at gunpoint "Put the gun down. Not here. Not here!" Rollins reluctantly lowers his gun, the HYDRA agents then take us into custody.  ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~Bonus~~~ [Bucky PoV] Back to the base, I sit in the chair as the doctor examine my arm. Memories or flashbacks I think our mine flash through my head.  "Sergeant Barnes..." My old doctor crooned, I was somewhere else, than the lab right now, the scene changed again. I was dangling off the side of a train the blond man was there screaming "Bucky, no!" As I fell.
The scene changed to a peaceful class room. "Now you can't see color until you meet your soulmate." The teacher he assumes says. A little girl raised her hand and the teacher pointed to the girl. "What's a soulmate?" The little girl asks. "Somebody who is made for you, and will love you, no matter what." "The procedure has already started." I'm being dragged through the snow.  The scene changed again my old doctor and some other agents are doing something to my arm. I try to strangle one of the scientists that check on me. My old doctor notices immediately and sticks a needle in me.  "You are to be the new fist of HYDRA." I go back under. I snap back to the present and knock over the HYDRA agent fixing my arm, one of the men points his gun at me, I sit there and think. "Sir, he's...he's unstable. Erratic." One of the doctors explained to my handler, I hear what he says, but it's like I'm submerged under water. "Mission report." My handler orders. I continue to stare blankly into space. "Mission report, now." When i don't respond he moves closer to me and suddenly strikes me hard in the face. "The man on the bridge..." I pause thinking back to when he was yelling my name. "Who was he?" He sighed "You met him earlier this week on another assignment."I knew him. He sits in front of me. "Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we're gonna give it a push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, and HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves." I licked my lips "But I knew him. And the wo-" I cut myself off the can't know about her and I can't forget her. I know she's important, just not how much. "Prep him." He says "He's been out of cryo-freeze too long." One of the scientists fretted, like they cared. "Then wipe him and start over." My handler states, as they strapped me into the chair, shoving a mouth guard in my mouth. He began to leave as the machine started to whirl, my chest was heaving. One thought racing through my head. Don't forget her. I scream out in pain. Don't forget her. Everything falls black.
Part 3?
Also I just noticed that the actual creator or the tik tok made it a series, so most likely I might trying to avoid making the next parts similar.
Other notes is if you want to be in the taglist for this please tell me. I'm also slightly a lot sleep deprived so sorry if this doesn't make any sense.
*Important* I will try to keep these as neutral as possible but keep in mind that I am a short woman with long straight hair and pale skin, so most of the time the reader is fem(and sometimes I write as if I am the reader{height and hair wise}, if that makes sense) but if there is something that you think is not inclusive enough APPEARANCE wise, tell me and I will fix it. Thank you for reading if you read this far!
Tag list: @hoodedbirdie
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