#Parshat Miketz
breslovwomansays · 3 years
BRESLOV ZOOM TORAH at 12:30 Today, Tues., Nov. 30 for Parshat Miketz and Chanukah, The Radiant Torah of Rebbe Nachman
Join Chaya Rivka Zwolinski today on ZOOM and explore Parshat Miketz: Joseph interprets Pharoah's dreams, becomes governor of Egypt, famine hits, Jacob sends his sons to Egypt. Psychospiritual, mystical and historical lessons with Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
Join us Tuesdays at 12:30 PM ET, 11:30 AM CT, 10:30 AM MT, 9:30 AM PT and 7:30 PM Israel Time (until week of Nov. 7th in the USA when time changes). Scroll down for Details. BreslovWoman Parsha on ZOOM: One-time click here for Free Registration and you’ll receive an email/link to all Tuesday Radiant Torah Parsha Classes https://tinyurl.com/9pjym2dm BreslovWoman Mini-Lessons, Class Announcements…
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eretzyisrael · 7 years
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin speaks about Parshat Miketz & Chanukah -- "Torah Lig...
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torahgalus · 4 years
if you can imagine for a moment, me crouching amidst the cactus and the thorns, a charm around my neck and a crown in my curls--can you imagine me covered in dust, crouched amidst bushes and hearing no voice of God but my own.  when I was borne to Egypt on angel’s wings, you can imagine me lovely and lost, a lone woman with leather skin.  when I saw you ride past with your curls and coat of many colors, your feet littered with flowers and burnished arm bracelets, I stood in front of the horse and he halted, right there. you peered round his head to see why you’d stopped so abruptly, only to find that your horse had been wise--he knew, to stop before a cluster of thorns. come prick yourself on my fingers-- I will draw you out, slowly.
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
12 hours ago like nah despite my love of projecting not going to go there and now im like. ronan’s bar mitzvah portion was from parshat Miketz 
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hawktorah · 7 years
Parshat Miketz 2.0
Chag Sameach HawkTorah friends!  We hope that your Hanukkah is full of light (not just the physical kind, but the spiritual and metaphorical kind).  We also hope that you’ve gotten to enjoy at least one or two latkes in the last few days.  This week is Parshat Miketz - the second leg of the Joseph Story.
Joseph is in Egypt and interprets Pharaoh’s dream and then Pharaoh makes him the governor of Egypt. We all know what happens next, Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt during the famine to beg for some food and Joseph plants the silver goblet on Benjamin to land him in prison.  Now, Joseph hides his identity from his brothers during this whole process.  The brothers just see him as the Egyptian Governor.  Joseph uses this new identity to his advantage to test his brothers.
There have been many times where people have hidden their actual identities to use to their advantage.  An example that pops out is when Jews hid and changed their identity during the Holocaust to avoid persecution.  Jews today still do that, and people of many other faiths and cultures do it as well.  In our world today it can be scary to be ourselves.  It feels as if we are always under scrutiny.  We change ourselves so that we can fit in with a certain society, or community so they might accept us - in fear or rejection.  We even drop little doses of ourselves in every once in awhile to see how they might react.
While we all do this at least once in our lives, we shouldn’t have to.  Try and surround yourself with people who accept you for who you are.  Not every group that you are a part of has to know and accept every little thing about you, but there should be at least one or two people in your inner circle that love you unconditionally.  Joseph’s brothers threw him in a pit, but later, when they found him again, they welcomed him back with open arms.  Find people who will welcome you with open arms and don’t get too worked up if someone metaphorically throws you in a pit.  They either aren’t worth being associated with, or need some time to work on themselves.  Just wait it out and see what happens.  Follow your dreams, and find those who are willing to support you unconditionally.
Does all of this sound familiar to you?  It definitely reminded us of the cult classic film “She’s the Man” starring Amanda Bynes, Channing Tatum, and many others (including Brandon Jay McLaren who was also the red ranger in “Power Rangers S.P.D.” which was one of Marissa’s favorite shows growing up).  The plot of this movie was inspired by the Shakespearean play “Twelfth Night”.  It tells the story of Viola who impersonates her twin brother Sebastian and takes his place at an all boys boarding school while he goes off to London to pursue his music.  In return Viola gets to play soccer again after her school cuts the girl’s team.  Lots of other crazy shenanigans occur but you’ll just have to watch the movie to see.
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Viola had to impersonate her brother just so she could continue to play soccer, something that she truly loved and was good at.  She put herself through a lot just to do so.  Meanwhile, she learned a lot along the way and met some good people.  She was able to prove her worth and show that just because she’s a girl doesn’t make her any lesser than her male counterparts.  In order for both Viola and Sebastian to follow their dreams they had to take chances and put themselves out there.  Sebastian travelled to a different country and Viola pretended to be Sebastian.  Something to note is that even though Viola was impersonating her brother, she still acted like herself.  She tried to act more masculine to pass as a guy but other than that she kept her personality and stayed true to herself.  In the end, the risk was worth the reward.
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Marissa & Amanda
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modernrabbistephen · 3 years
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Upcoming Services Shabbat Ma'ariv Service          Friday,            December 10, 2021 @  7:30 pm (Ma'ariv Services will start @ 7:30pm starting 12/3/21) Shabbat Shachrit Service       Saturday,        December 11, 2021 @ 10:00 am *Note that we are now doing the Triennial reading for our Shabbat Torah services.  5782 is Triennial Year 3 Replay of this past Shabbat Service (December 3 & 4, 2021): Friday Night Ma'ariv Shabbat Service Sorry, due to an error, Erev Shabbat services tonight, 12/2/21 will not be on Facebook. Join us tomorrow for Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Hanukkah Parshat Miketz Shabbat Chanukah Services Live with Rabbi Stephen Epstein from Temple Sholom of Ontario California https://www.facebook.com/TempleSholomofOntario/videos/325185922498045 D'var Torah @ 1:38:50 (at Temple Sholom of Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXJxs4mvjnw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nathannturnerr · 6 years
Parshat Miketz: Illuminating darkness
The story of Hanukkah, occurring approximately 2,200 years ago, continues to be a milestone for generations, teaching us about dedication to spiritual principles. Parshat Miketz: Illuminating darkness published first on https://sex777blog.tumblr.com/
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thejewishlink · 6 years
Aleph Beta – Parshat Vayishlach: Becoming a Person of Integrity
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breslovwomansays · 3 years
BRESLOV ZOOM TORAH at 12:30 Tomorrw Tues., Nov. 30 for Parshat Miketz on the Radiant Torah of Rebbe Nachman
BRESLOV ZOOM TORAH at 12:30 Tomorrw Tues., Nov. 30 for Parshat Miketz on the Radiant Torah of Rebbe Nachman
Join us Tuesdays at 12:30 PM ET, 11:30 AM CT, 10:30 AM MT, 9:30 AM PT and 7:30 PM Israel Time (until week of Nov. 7th in the USA when time changes). Scroll down for Details. BreslovWoman Parsha on ZOOM: One-time click here for Free Registration and you’ll receive an email/link to all Tuesday Radiant Torah Parsha Classes https://tinyurl.com/9pjym2dm BreslovWoman Mini-Lessons, Class Announcements…
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torahgalus · 5 years
it turns out that he can’t cry in front of them and it turns out this might be hiding and it turns out wielding power over others isn’t healing  and, maybe he can fix this? and, maybe not all relation ships are irreparably  broken and, maybe we need relation more than retribution but, maybe we need that a little, too,
and maybe people can grow and we can build over wounds and, maybe, he should stop hiding.   
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breslovwomansays · 3 years
WATCH VIDEO Dreams, Chanukah, Yosef's Kindness, Compassion and Wisdom, and more in Parshat Mikeitz
Dreams, Chanukah, and Joseph's Wisdom and Compassion and more in the weekly Torah portion, Parshat Mikeitz, with insights from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov and Chaya Rivka Zwolinski of BreslovWoman.org.
Scroll down to watch video. The Radiant Torah is on ZOOM Tuesdays at 12:30 PM ET, 11:30 AM CT, 10:30 AM MT, 9:30 PT, 7:30 PM Israel Time One-time click here for Free Registration to attend all upcoming Tuesday Radiant Torah Parsha Classes. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You must register once to attend any/all upcoming…
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