#Pamela ‘dump him’ Isley
oceanview15 · 4 months
Selina’s bridal shower:
Selina: Aw, guys you should’ve have gotten me …divorce papers?
Ivy: She’s gonna need them. Let’s be real, we were all thinking it.
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froot-batty · 1 year
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next batch of designs are done! gotham city sirens time >:) blurbs about them under the cut, along with explanations of flags and neurodivergencies!
Pamela Isley came from a rural flower farm a long ways from Gotham. Her parents let her run wild from a very young age, and one of her favorite places on their property to go was the pond, deep in the woods, where everything grew just a bit too tall and nothing looked quite as it should've. Pamela didn't know that this pond was actually highly polluted by the dumping of experimental chemicals from a nearby "research" laboratory. She thought being able to communicate with the plants - the Green, she called it - was completely normal.
...Until the people from that laboratory heard about the mysterious girl helping the plants grow stranger. They came to Pamela's parents to ask if it would be possible to study it, and they, not realizing what exactly that meant, agreed. They whisked it away to a facility in Gotham, where Pamela would end up never seeing it's parents again.
She was kept there for the rest of her childhood and into her adulthood, being experimented on until she twisted into the plant beast that she is today. When she escaped, it came after years of hiding the true strength of her powers, so she could build them up enough to turn the facility to rubble.
(It is AroAce, Agender, and Intersex)
Harleen Quinzel always had trouble controlling her impulses. Coming from a very wealthy, very upper-crust family, any step out of line was harshly corrected by either of her parents. As a child she didn't know any better, but after years and years of repression coming from her family, she eventually clammed up and tried to fit into their perfect little mold. This included going to medical school, though she did at least get to pick something she was genuinely passionate about - psychology.
Harley was finally living on their own by the time they started working at Arkham, though they'd not yet broken out of that mental control their parents still had over them. Being in Arkham was like being on an alien planet. They had come from a world where everyone was fake, and Arkham seemed so...real. Talking with their patients opened their mind up even further. Even if what they did was violent, or utterly nonsensical to everyone else, insanity seemed like it was a sort of freedom that Harley never had.
This was compounded by it meeting the Joker. He saw that piece of it that wanted, desperately, to get free, and through their sessions he was able to get into it's head and...push it over the edge, so to speak.
(Harley and the Joker are not explicitly romantically involved in this, I should mention. They've got a weird queerplatonic thing going on. Also they're not toxic they're BFFs forever)
(They are Pansexual, Genderfluid, and have ADHD and Borderline Personality Disorder)
Selina Kyle grew up like an alley cat on the streets of Gotham. With two addict parents in the Narrows who cared very little about her, she was virtually homeless, with how little time she spent at home and how much she spent wandering the dangerous streets. It was in the Narrows that she met one of her closest childhood friends, Harvey Dent, and through him, the elusive Bruce Wayne.
The three of them were thick as thieves all through her childhood, though began to drift away when college time came around. Bruce had up and left the moment he turned 18 without any real warning to the two of them, and Harvey was off to college to try and become a lawyer. This left Selina all alone, once again.
But she had made a pact to herself. She didn't want to live on the streets of Gotham forever. She had started pickpocketing from a very young age, so she would just expand her skills - become Gotham's cat burglar. It started out as only a way to pay her bills, but she found she grew addicted to the feeling of it; the freedom of being able to slip into wherever she wanted and make some poor, rich fool a million dollars short. It was a sort of revenge for her (and the regular cash flow didn't hurt).
She was surprised when Bruce came back to Gotham and tried to reconnect with her. They hadn't talked in over a decade, but they found themselves reconnecting with surprising ease. Their close friendship would drive Harvey mad with jealousy, but neither of them realized that until it was too late.
The scar on her face is from Harvey's attempt on her life, after he became Two-Face.
(She is a Lesbian)
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yetanothergreyjedi · 2 years
Ghosts of Our Pasts: Part 7
DPxDC Crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne Sibling AU
Masterpost Previous Next
Part 7
"I saw you!"
"Good morning, Wes."
"What were you doing with Bruce Wayne?"
"I know he's Batman. And I saw you on the roof!"
"Whoa! Fentoina met Batman? Where you swapping super hero secrets? Did the Butts match?" Dash interjected, not believing a word Wes said.
Danny rolled his eyes as hard as he could, threw a few extra sausages on his plate and went to sit down.
"I think Wes is dreaming of me," Danny informed them.
"Oh no," Sam said, oh so helpfully.
Tucker stared down at his breakfast plate containing various meats. "Uh, creepy? "
"Maybe it's more like astrial projection, he was definitely asleep when I left, and when I got back, but he knew what I was doing."
"Oh, no."
"You realize he probably already had abilities, and we just didn't notice because Amity Park?" She pointed out.
"Well, I'm realizing. It's the worst thing that's ever happened to me."
"Can we not trauma dump over breakfast?"
Edward Lancer had assumed that the lack of 'I'm technically an adult so's were because his students understood the dangers of Gotham. He was wrong, they had simply been waiting for the most effective moment to utterly crumble his argument. That was how one group was split into 4, one for each chaperone.
His group had been in a former supervillain's lair (and it was a lair, even Edward knew what a lair felt like.) for hours. Technically rehabilitated, sure, Edward wasn't going to judge the doctor for past actions, but he wasn't going to feel safe until he left the gardens either.
Ms. Manson didn't seem to mind as she regarded the next plant in the line. She would consider it for a few moments, say some things to the friends that trailed behind her and either move on, or have a one-sided? conversation with it. Tucker and Daniel had their hands clasped behind their backs like young children, they had not touched anything since arriving at the garden. Wes was regarding them all suspiciously, but seemed to be growing tired. The rest of the group had left when another Casper High group arrived, finished the garden tour in a normal hour, and had decided to go somewhere else.
Edward was not suprised when Dr. Pamela Isley strolled purposefully down the aisle, directly to where Samantha stood. Lancer missed whatever the two women had said to each other in his rush to get closer.
"Nah, I fall closer to winter than anything. The Green tends to take offense to my existence." Mr. Fenton told the Doctor. She nodded agreeably and looked to Mr. Foley.
"Same as him but with Tech. I've never tried doing something with plants and I don't plan too."
She looked to Edward, he froze.
"He's just a teacher." Said Ms. Manson, and the lair's owner turned her attention away from him. He it would probably feel offensive if he didn't feel so relieved.
Damian should not have his phone on him; he was in class. His phone buzzed, and Damian was glad he'd chosen to ignore the rule.
Dany had sent a picture, a selfie. In it he was clearly trying not to laugh as Condiment King rampages in the background.
Dany: do I do something? With a little thyme I'm sure I can mustard something up.
Damian almost double checked that a sibling hadn't rearaged his contacts, but the selfie proved this was all Dany... who was facing Condiment King as a civilian...
He did not have time to alert Signal before the next text was received.
Damian: Dany?! Do you require medical assistance?!
Dany: I'm good lmao
Dany: the man sauced Lancer
Dany: one sec
-Dany sent a video-
Damian raised his hand, asking to be excused. Far too much time passed before he reached a place he could watch it in peace. He could not be interrupted if he was to coordinate a plan of action. He pressed play.
The Condiment King sat shamefaced in a restaurant seat as Dany's teacher lectured him on life choices. It was hard to hear exactly what was being said over the snickers from his classmates. The video panned over the briefly before ending. Wait... was that... ?!
Damian: Dany...
Dany: I spell it with 2 n's
Damian: Danny...
Dany: yes?
Damian: that is Poison Ivy at your table...
Dany: She took us out for lunch :D!
This guy was an idiot, Dash thought. He and Kwan had cut through an alley, and now this guy was trying to rob them; at knife point! Them! Two burly football players from Amity Park, and this guy was trying to rob them with this little 4 inch knife!
"Uh, no thanks," Kwan said in disbelief.
"I said hand over your—"
Dash tilted his head, "Buddy, the Box Ghost is more threatening than this,"
"I'm pretty sure the box knife is sharper too," Kwan added. "We need to be on the other side of this alley, so if you could do this later?"
The man sputtered and aimed at Kwan, taking the polite dismissal like fighting words. Kwan rolled his eyes, sidestepping, and Dash snatched the knife out of his hand.
They kept walking, continuing the discussion on how football would be different in college.
The man didn't try to stop them again.
Lester: Great news!
Mikey: ?
Lester: My greatest fear is no longer failing the STAs!
Mikey: makes sense, since we already took it. Mikey: What made you realize?
Lester: Oh, some guy with a bag on his head gassed the street.
Mikey: that's why my parents said I couldn't go.
Lester: Fright's sword was worse to be honest, Our group is heading back to the hotel to sleep it off.
Mikey: How's that?
Lester: Not the first time I've been in a vehicle with shadow monsters.
Lester: Did you see they're making a Doom the Movie?
"I disarmed it,"
"You disarmed it," the officer repeated
"Yeah," the young woman sounded more like she was saying 'duh' . "Wasn't even that complicated! I didn't even need Star's help."
"It was a lame bomb." The blond, Star, agreed.
"Super lame! Everyone always makes Gotham out to be soooo dangerous, but a toddler could dismantle this!" The Latina woman kicked some electrical components with a high heeled foot. "Let's get out of here, find some place interesting!"
* group chat created *
Danny: A group chat with 47 people, delightful
Dick (this is his name lol): It's not that bad...
Tim: sibling groupchat
Danny: Cool, can I add my sisters?
* multiple people are typing *
Only 2 of 4 chaperones still have adequate knowledge of where their group has split off to. Lancer because he is hypervigulant and half his group went joined another group.
Group 2's chaperone because they got gassed and decided it was a good day for a midday nap and their students agreed.
Everyone else is in the wind and will show up at dinner.
STA stands for school testing acronym, I'm so creative!
@shyrebeldonutpickle *bonks you on the head with my creep stick* no threatening in my replies!
Tag List
(I will add this to Ao3 when I have my computer again, it will be a while)
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arabriddler · 1 year
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Ivy and Waylon pre transition ( putting them together because their stories overlap , details under cut! )
Waylon Jones, 15, lived on the outskirts of Gotham. There weren’t many people there but there was a strong sense of community. Waylon often parented his 5 younger siblings as his single mother was very ill. The town loved him because he always tended to help around and basically spread joy. 
Waylon had to drop out of school when his mother got sick, but he still catches up with the science community, especially the work of Dr Pamela Isley. Dr Isley reached biochemistry at Gotham U. She had a number of publications when it comes to advanced biochemistry that Waylon loved to read about. He often sent her emails to discuss the matters of her work. 
the thing about Waylon’s Town is that it overlooked the Gotham river. His little siblings loved to play around the river but he often lectured them not to. It was, after all, a dumping ground for chemicals from factories. One day his youngest sibling got very sick because of it, and Waylon was, well, furious. He sent an email to Dr Isley complaining about the issue, and the latter confirmed she’d investigate it and see what’s to do. 
The chemical plant responsible for this was Ace chemicals. They were run by very powerful people. Dr Isley ran a public protest against it along with so many environmentalists. Waylon Jones joined in, giving away food and snacks to the protestors. 
With how stubborn the protestors are, Ace chemicals used violence against them. In the ruckus, Waylon was pushed into the river at a spot of high concentration of chemicals. Pamela rushed him to Gotham Central. Waylon had a skin disorder called epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. When he fell into the chemicals it only served to aggravate the symptoms, and he changed quite a lot. While Pamela was talking to the doctors, Waylon woke up and panicked at the sight of himself. Angry, panicked, and ashamed, he ran away. 
Pamela was rightfully furious at the whole ordeal, and equally guilty for dragging a kid into this. In drunker rage, She marched up to Ace Chemicals herself with all the documents and research she’s done about their environmental impact. They tried to get rid of her by blowing up the lab she was confronting them in. Little did they know that it birthed Poison Ivy. 
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batvvvvv · 9 months
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another ref finished 🎉 i'm visiting family right now but ummm batman:) so here's harley my best friend. info(dump) below the cut as usual <3
harley quinzel was born new jersey, but outside of gotham, to a mother who never wanted a child and a father who left shortly after finding out his girlfriend was pregnant. by the time harley was nine her mother had given up on living altogether.
she takes a job at a travelling carnival one summer, and meets a boy named jack, who never stops smiling even when he gets his teeth kicked in for it. harley promises to protect him, but eventually the carnival has to leave, and they're torn apart. more on that later !
then harley's mom dies. six months later he packs up and disappears; off to gotham university. she's going to be a psychiatrist, for people like their mother, like jack, like them.
their first job is at arkham asylum— infamous for "dangerous psychopaths" the real danger lies in arkham's institution. for every good doctor there's five who don't care, and he begins to lose heart.
then she meets a nurse named pamela isley. they become fast friends despite everything, and make the suffering of arkham just a little more tolerable. then, pamela is arrested ! and yet another person harley cares about is ripped away from them!
one day, a shipment of blackgate inmates is sent to arkham. overflow, they say. a fight breaks out between them, and in the center of it, miraculously, is jack: flat on his back under someone's boot, bleeding from the nose and grinning.
one thing leads to another, and harley breaks him out of arkham. she gets fired and jack feels really bad, but hey, now they have plenty of time to hang out! he just has to do this one thing first, a job for his new boss. unless... harley wants to help?
and she would do anything for jack. of course she says yes. and it's always just one more job, with no end in sight. and, truthfully, harley's spent his entire life doing good for other people. maybe he wants to do something selfish, for once. so they keep going
then, of course, you know how the story goes; a bat, a red hood, and a soon-to-be condemned chemical plant. jack dies, and something else is born. following close behind is the faithful harlequin.
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mwildeboyii · 1 year
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Lemme present my own Riddler Boy... [I usually write him in Portuguese on a Facebook RP btw]
My Ed is constructed by personal headcanons and interactive scenes. His back story wrote by me based on multimedia. So let me talk about the arcs.
The Ballad Of Edward Nashton
The Prince of the Puzzles: this chapter is about the classic story of puzzle competition, but on my version Ed wasn't a good student, actually Eddie had problems at school, doesn't seems he had any interest or at least that he was mentally present. But someday Teacher Nordine (who doesn't even knows Eddie's name properly) threatened him with participation or death "or you join the schools game or we will call your parents blablabla" so he did and discovered something that he was really good: games and competitions. Ed found there attention, but also rivals who doesn't liked that the boy was winning most of the logical and board games.
Materialising Thoughts: here Ed became a teenager, now he is a brilliant student and he learned to treat school as his safe place. He hates come back home and his anger became higher everyday. In this chapter Ed will struggle with lots of intrusive thoughts, some unhealthy behaviour and finally he will free himself of his dad and mother and he also run away of Gotham tho. It's a chapter with lots o fiscal violence and mental issues, some self regulation tactics and self harm too. Also we have some gender questions and a best friend x first love (and yes, happens to be the same person, a girl!).
"Are you incapable to keep you mouth shut?": After runaway, Ed found a job in a highway Amusment Park. Now he doesn't speak, he doesn't have a name, but his good ideas for gambling shines. Yes this is a side quest chapter where Ed is in a long term nonverbal, he became a golden goose of the park, but things will go wrong and Ed will take his money and runaway again. (if the working class produces everything everything belongs to it -q)
Thy name is E.Nigma: Now our riddler boy will spend his next year's solving his identity. Forging himself since the birth. New back story with echoes on his own, and a dead parents in his back. With fake documents, illegal money (well washed, thank you very much), Ed is planning his own rebirth in Gotham City.
Year One
Once Upon a Time in Gotham: Edward Nygma is a Gotha U student and a consulting forensic scientist (he is a Sherlock Holmes itself). No he doesn't work officially for GCPD, but very frequently he is hired to solve some issues for the PD (whe they does not hire Ed, he just entered without permission because he want, and this annoys alot some cops). At the University, Ed have problems with grades because he wants to study everything, so is a great mess. He also start dating Antonie, the theatre guy and conveniently became part of the company for a while, until the broke up moment. Yeah, he is living his best life, the one he planned for himself. A little bit of taxes crimes, misterys to solve, an academic life and a very very sweet boyfriend, who wait the right time... Nothing can destroy this strawberry life, right? (Oh and here we are presented to Nina/Echo, Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) and Dinah L. Lance (Black Canary). [Pammys and Nina are Ed's bffs based on the rp dynamics between me and my Pammys🥺 who date Dinah btw].
"Seriously, Nygma. You need help.": Lack ofstimulus make him vexing... But the thing is, everything goes wrong when Ed saw his mother with another man and two kids. Twins... Now he is much more obsessed with work and please and seeking attention. He is freaking out for real, but he cant tell anyone why is that. So 3 times Ed will listen that he needs help: first time in the University from his advisor, then he will listen from Antonie during a fight that precedes the break and finally, from Bullock who is pissed with a nerd doing much more than he and also shooting riddles all the time. Well he do find help before a terrible crise wich dump him in a psychiatric hosp for a night where he will meet Doctor Albert Marin, his new PSYCHIATRIST.
The Golden Heart Episode: During this one, Ed will have to solve a strange crime, a dead body mummified with a plastic heart full of pee. The mystery will be solved in a week or something, but Ed and the detective Bullock will struggle with this for a month and so. Also, Ed is seeing Doctor Marin biweekly and taking some psycomeds... He already figured that the doc is playing him as a lab rat, still Edward feels someway motivated to keep going. I risk to say that Edward is attracted, specially because of the attention and the curiosity of the Doctor towards him. (We also have one of my favorite parts, it's a Towel Day when Ed is in his apartment with Nina listening the old audio series of hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, drinking his own version of Pangalact Dynamite when Bullock and Dinah Lance appears to discusses the Golden Heart case).
What is black, white and red all over?: Oswald Cobblepot bleeding the hell out of him? Yeah, roommates era adapted by me.
How the Riddler got his name: Robberies as spectacles, trophies and whatever else. Yep there's a connection between The Golden Heart Case and th Penguin and the lack of stimulus? Is a chapter where Ed broke the egg once again. The meds are messing up with him, he needs attention and blablabla, so The Riddler in his very very green suit. Of course: Query and Echo, a bit o kink stuffs and BDSM clubs and hmm kidnapping. Batman appears here but I never find a Batman role player who wished to rp with me. (mostly because of my communist queer subtext tbh). [[ OH AND ONE OF MY FAVOURITE MOMENTS HERE THO! Edward first time in Iceberg Cassino, very very Art Deco Themed and Oswald is such a 20's diva mommy here!
Home Sweet Asylum
Adaptation and Transference: First month in Arkham and Ed will be jumped between the doctors and therapist. He is adapting his routine and mapping the whole place, figuring every patient and being a solvers to every problem but his own. Is during this chapter that we will be presented for Harleen Quinn, she is already locked and she also force a friendship with Ed until he just accept her in his life. The chapter ends with Ed bonding with Harls and also finding a psychiatrist who wants to take his case.
Doctor Fear and The Arkham Break: Well, aren't you happy that you found a psychiatrist, Edward? NO! HE IS POISON ME, WHY ARE YOU WRITING THIS SHIT? Ha... So Jonathan Crane also using Ed as a lab rat, but now is worse because Ed is being under fear toxin without know and... oh dear... THIS IS BAD. But we have some good moments here like when Harleen decides to made clandestine therapy with Edward. We also had a Arkham break out wich one Edward and Harleen doesn't participate (Edward because he is in a horrible state of mind, dealing with fear and chemical dependency and believing that maybe he belongs in Arkham. Harley bc she is trying a Conditional.) The chapter ends with an Oswald visit and the date of Edward judgement.
The Copycat: Riddler copycat will bump on the city and Ed will help the PD to solve the crimes and claim back his identity... I mean he is almost reformed, not Riddler anymore Ahm... No, not a bit. Crime solved, Harleen released and... Why Jonathan is not Ed's psychiatrist anymore?
Good Conduct: Ed struggling with the lack of toxin in his blood, no Harleen anymore and also needing to improve his body and mind health. Dark times for our dear Eddie boy, but he is trying and in the end... Well his fight wasn't really a need because The Penguin had played for his dear boy being realised.
To be continued...? (I have 3 more arcs, a malewife one with mayoral era, a Arkham city conflict with hints of Riddler Factory and a properly Riddler factory with a Reality Show where he bonds with Poison Ivy and torture billionaires in a island with poisoned conundrums 🥺)
(@arabriddler template.
¹ Not the best English, but I was having fun writing this blog so... I AM NOT SORRY, my psychiatrist said that I do can commit mistakes, it's okay.
² If anyone would like, I am open to RP with whatever character but Poison Ivy and Lucy Quinzel. I'd really like to have a Batman, Oswald pr Jonathan. Would be funny.
³ if anything, my rp profile is: Ed Nygma :3
That's all folks
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nixonsshades · 3 years
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galentine’s days comin up ya know~🤡🌿
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ihassheepquake · 3 years
DC's Batwoman 3.02 "Loose Tooth" has aired on the CW, and I'm here to talk about it
Killer Croc, Killer Croc, Killer Croc!
How much do you think they had to pay to use Levitating?
Wait wait wait wait wait, so Aquaman is canon now? Like that's a thing now?? Has that been a thing in the Arrowverse or is this new?? Because I don't remember an Aquaman being canon before.
I really can't get over how much I love this new logo. It looks so much better and I think literally all they did was add some red. Crazy how easy that was.
Okay, so we know that Renee knows that Ryan is Batwoman (and apparently also these two random guards from Arkham that escorted Alice, so thanks for that Renee), but, how are they gonna explain why mass murder Alice is with random ex-con Ryan Wilder? Like, that won't stay secret forever.
I'm guessing this is one of the themes of this season, that all of the villains are new people taking old names (we're probably also only to get Batman's B & C listers other than Ivy. There's no way we're getting a Two-Face, Penguin, or Harley Quinn on this show). Is the Ivy we know is one of the big bads going to actually be Pamela Isley or a new character? The season 3 wiki says it's Pamela, but we'll see.
I love you Ryan but I feel like Luke should've been made the acting CEO. I think he probably actually knows what to do in such a role, vs Ryan who herself has already admitted she thought she'd just be a name on a paper. Wasn't Luke the acting CEO before Kate took over? Why not give him it back? Cause I feel like having Ryan as the CEO is just for this plot moment of the reveal that her mum is Jada Jet.
I am a fan of the dynamic Alice has with the Bat team. What can I say, I love a good villain joins the hero story. And I just like Alice, she's one of the more fun long term, recurring villains.
Fuck yeah Ryan, fuck Jada. You don't need to give a shit about her just because she popped outta her.
Could you imagine if somebody weaponized the Croc tooth? That was why Black Mask and Kate stole all the stuff last season, in a general sense. Imagine if he was able to make an army of these new Crocs and control them using the mind control tech in the Hatter's hat? And who fucking knows what he could've done with something like a vine from Poison Ivy, or fear or Joker gas. Maybe that should be the season's plot, somebody using all these things to take over Gotham. Or even more, there is a Justice League. The individual rogues couldn't kill the whole League, but an army of them? With multiple of each??
Alice now is not the time to trauma dump on this child. For once in your life, can you just not be a bitch?
I'm into this design for Croc. Personally, I'm a fan of when he's a giant hulking monster such as in the Arkham games, but this one works. I like the way his jaw unhinges, it's very gross and creepy.
Guess that Alice team-up was short-lived, huh? Obviously, she'll be back, but yeah.
The writing team keeps giving Sophie all these emotional speeches. And I'm not mad about it, because her actress does a pretty good at delivering them.
Renee, I love you, but that was potentially a really, really fucking stupid idea. If that gamble was wrong, you would've been fucked.
Ryan, please follow this by reading this bitch to hell.
Next week's episode is entitled Freeze, followed by Antifreeze, which implies it's gonna be a two-parter. Probably a new Mr Freeze villain, but I think it would be more interesting to go in another direction and use one of the other iterations of Killer Frost now that the one on the Flash is just Frost. I would say Louise Lincoln, who has ties to Gotham and Mr Freeze in the comics. But it's probably just going to be a new Mr Freeze, which won't be as fun. We'll find out next week with DC's Batwoman 3.03 "Freeze"
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gothamcityangst · 3 years
Day 12 - It’ll be fun they said - Poison Ivy (Begging)
TW: Chemical burns, violence
Ivy had never begged before in her life. Growing up in a rich, stable home she never had to beg on the streets, to get her PhD she never had to beg for anyone's help and when working in the field of science she never had to beg for anyone to read her research papers.
Ivy never to had to beg. Yet here she was, writhing on the floor and begging like a puppy dog.
Her screams were pleas of medical attention. The chemicals were seeping into her skin, burning her with the heat of 1000 suns. It was expected that she had experience in receiving chemical burns given her profession but this was an agony like no other. She could feel each drop eating away at her flesh.
The chemicals seeped into every crevice of her body. Her shirt and undervest weren't enough to stop the chemicals from eating through it. One moment she'd been having a lovely dinner with her boyfriend, the next he threw her on the ground and poured a beaker of a green fluid over her.
And her boyfriend? lab partner? Her darling professor Dr Jason Woodrue?
He just stood there with a gawking look on his face. Her lungs burned with each inhale of the overpowering smell and he stood there like an idiot. He was scribbling down in his little notepad like she was a lab experiment.
The rest of the night was a blur after that moment. At one point she'd finished screaming. She briefly heard Jason talking about something, probably a recording device. His hands were on her but in a clinically nauseating way.
She didn't know for how long she was being poked and prodded. It was at least a couple of hours when she was enveloped in a blissful sleep.
By the time Ivy was conscious again she felt like she was waking up from the world's worst hangover. Her body had been put through a blender over and over. The first thing she did was sit up, trying to figure out where the hell she was.
Looking around she'd realised she'd been dumped. Quite literally. Her beloved Jason had seen fit to throw her body into the trash once his little experiment was finished.
Looking over her body there were burnt patches littering her torso. Little green blisters had bubbled along her arms and chest. Touching them was like stabbing herself with a red hot poker.
All these chemical reactions had happened to her and yet the most interesting chemical reaction was in her brain.
Ivy felt powerful. The power that no one could ever do this to her again. The power that if anyone hurt her again she could destroy them on a whim. The power that if she ever saw that lowly man again she could rip him into tiny shreds.
That would be the first and last time that Pamela Lillian Isley would beg for anything.
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smileytiger28 · 3 years
the suicide squad high school AU
Thank you @psychicmewhealer for making this w/ me, also neither of us are gonna write this so feel free to steal all these ideas
Prologue: Robert DuBois (sophomore) narrowly passes his classes, but his real passion lies in sports. He looks up to Christopher Smith (senior), captain of the basketball team. Chris catches on and offers to mentor Robert. The two develop a close relationship; when the two become romantically involved, Robert thinks it’s genuine, but Chris actually just wants to use Robert’s prowess to maintain his legacy of best athlete at the school once he graduates. Robert basically worships Chris so he tells himself all the toxic stuff Chris does is justified. Chris attributes all Robert’s athletic prowess to himself and all his flaws to Robert’s inadequacy. For some reason (still working this out), Chris dumps him and tells him he was never worthy of this mentorship.
The fic starts a few weeks after the breakup. Robert’s toxic relationship with Chris leaves him feeling unworthy, inadequate, and depressed. Outside of Robert he never had any social life, so he’s lonely too. His sports performance is suffering, and his grades are edging into failing territory. That last point leads to the intervention of one Principal Amanda Waller. She sets him up with Richard Flag, the overachieving straight-A student that heads the student mentorship program.
Over the course of the fic Rick and Robert sort through their issues, fall in love, set up a whole-ass friend group (the Suicide Squad, duh) and everybody in that friend group has to sort out their issues.
Harley Quinn just broke up with Mister J (her name for a student whose name starts with a J, class clown, high on the social ladder. maybe the drama teacher, and that’s why she calls him Mr. J?) She broke up with him after a fight, but he basically gaslit her into believing she’s the worst, all good parts of her come from him, all bad parts come from herself, she’s best when she plays down how smart she is, ‘cause dumb girls are sexier, etc. (Robert has to come to terms with the parallels between Mr. J’s treatment of Harley and Chris’s treatment of him, and Rick has to affirm that he is worthy of love.) Harley has to learn how to come into her own, not be afraid to be her AP-Psych-nerdy self, and finally ask out that girl she’s always wanted to talk to.
That girl being the lonely Pamela “Ivy” Isley. She doesn’t think she clicks with people, instead spending her time in the school’s biology classroom, where she can take care of the plants and talk about biochemistry and environmental science with her teachers. She thinks Harley is way too pretty and cool for her, an impostor, to even approach, and she’s extremely flustered when Harley finally talks to her. So she has to get over her social anxiety & realize she can Be Herself yay (also poison ivy is harley’s pet name for her)
Abner Krill is the emo kid who sits in the corner with earbuds and a dark grey hoodie. His parents are divorced, and he lives with his anti-vaxx helicopter mom. He’s accepted that his body isn’t his own. His journey is about building the courage to get vaccinated, and by proxy, forging his own path, identity, and fortitude. Because the needle from each vaccine leaves a dot in his arm, he makes a code with his friends where he calls vaccines “polka-dots” in text messages, and takes a break from his grey/black monochrome T-shirts to wear a polka-dotted polo on the days he sneaks to the health clinic to get vaccinated. (or maybe the day after, like as a victory shirt for his friends to understand?)
Milton lives near a health clinic, so Abner convinces Milton to drive him to get his vaccines. Having just immigrated from Corto Maltese with his family, Milton is rather shy and self-conscious about his fish-out-of-water status, but quickly develops a rapport with Abner; he respects his courage and falls in love with his dorky weirdness and sweetness, So Milton and Abner obviously fall in love and have to get past their shyness and lack of self-confidence to Get A Room™
Nanaue is a surfer dude who is genuinely just a really caring guy but the other jocks don’t extend their empathy to him? so he doesn’t have any friends on the sports side of things, and he’s definitely struggling academically. he has to accept friendship from others and find out that he is loved (ik this one is bad please help)
Cleo Cazo has rejected humanity as a species. Recently, her father died, and her grief-stricken mother can’t provide adequate emotional support. She processes her grief sitting in the corner of the cafeteria with the rats, her father’s favorite animal. She has developed a rapport with one rat in particular, called Sebastian. She must develop nourishing relationships with humans (not to the exclusion of rats ofc), process her grief, understand that she is not alone, and make everybody best friends with Sebastian.
Once the friend group has warmed up to one another (so, lots of character development later), Rick invites everyone to a sleepover at his house. His parents are out on business trips, and even the kids whose home lives aren’t abysmal are eager, if nervous, to spend time together in a youthful, carefree setting. This allows for lots of cutesy fluff (they make cookies in the kitchen, Harley and Ivy feed each other cookies like the gay people they are, couples cuddling @ night, etc) but also angst. Because Rick has been silent about his home life, and literally being at his house forces the friend group to be more open about himself. His parents tell him off sternly when he gets bad grades and otherwise emotionally neglect him. He’s really an academic overachiever because of his parents’ expectations. He feels like his problems aren’t worth talking about because “everyone else has it off worse.” With the help of his friends (especially Robert), he learns it’s okay to let himself be dissatisfied. He can set up boundaries; he doesn’t have to hold the weight of all his schoolwork and his friends’ problems on his shoulders to be worthy.
It probably ends with Harley throwing a party with lots of food and sloppy makeout sessions between the couples <3
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nitholites · 4 years
Damienette Soulmate AU, part 2 (here we go again)
Part 1 
Thank you @friendly-neighborhood-enby for proof-reading this word dump you’re gorgeous and I love you
Getting permission to leave the group was disturbingly easy. The fact that Marinette was so 'disruptive to the class, always starting things. Even when she should be leading by example' and Damian was 'so mature and responsible, and works at WE, where employees are known for their trust worthy natures!' helped. 
"You are much too kind for them, Marinette," Damian said as they left the class behind. She had actually restrained him from saying one of the many roasts he dearly wanted to, or from punching the incompetent teacher in the face- whichever he felt like.
Marinette opened her mouth, but snapped it shut and hummed instead. "You can say it," Damian coaxed. "Never halt your speech in front of me."
The look she gave him made him want to turn around and give her class a word lashing they won't forget. She looked almost shocked someone wanted to hear from her- a reaction no one should have. The smile she sent at him made him reconsider that plan. "I wasn't planning on holding back my words- I just realized something."
"Oh? Mind sharing that?"
She nodded. "Maybe you're right, is all. My friends, Luka and Kagami, keep telling me the same thing. I just think it's time to stop defending them like this, is all."
"They truly don't deserve you," Damian said before his mind caught up. As her smile lightened the air around them, Damian asked more about her home life- her hobbies and parents. Learning she grew up in her parents' bakery rang a few bells, but Damian chose to ignore them. She may not have learned from her parents, after all. And how could an angel like her be tied to his mangled, dark soul?
She deserved the world, as he knew from their time together on the tour. He couldn't give her the light she deserved and gave others. But maybe he could give her a space away from the air of her class, away from the cruelty of the people she used to call friends. That would be enough.
Regardless of what he could or couldn't do, what he would do was simple: Protect the smile that lit up the world for as long as she allowed.
Yes, he realized just how absurd that thought process was. They'd known each other for a day- no, a few hours. Vowing to protect her smile so soon was absolutely foolish. If it were anyone other than the kind, selfless girl beside him, Damian wouldn't have given her a spare glance.
If his brothers could see him now, he'd be mercilessly teased till the end of his days. He could hear their voices now- laughing with undertones of utter shock and disbelief.
But when she smiled, when her laugh chimed through the air like a clear bell... well, he couldn't bring himself to care.
Still, he'd suppress his quickly-growing fondness to something manageable until he had time to sort his thoughts.
Marinette, not for the first time that day, had to stop herself from letting loose her full laughter, trying not to embarrass herself and her company in public. She knew she could be loud- her voice carried when she wasn't careful, so she tried staying silent to counterbalance it- but the teen in front of her didn't seem to mind. If anything, he looked amused. The café was their most recent stop, after the museum, gardens, and flea market. A short coffee break before they went back to her class.
"Seriously?" She couldn't- absolutely could not- believe the tale Damian told, though he hadn't yet lied to her.
The teen nodded soberly, echoes of a smirk lingering on his face. "Alfred doesn't trust anyone in his kitchen anymore."
"It's no wonder! I'd do the same thing if my kitchen was as trashed," she stated, letting her hands follow her enthusiasm. "Your brothers committed the equivalent of kicking a homeless, 3-legged puppy to any self-respecting baker, let alone chef! My poor grandfather would have a heart attack!"
"Do you bake?" The question was accented with a slight raise of an eyebrow- a sort of challenge. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was many things- but a loser was not one of them, regardless of the game. Is this a game? she asked herself, slightly surprised at that train of thought. She found she couldn't answer, realizing their conversations were many things.
"When I'm stressed," she admitted. "I love the bakery and my parents, but practically coming out of the womb with a baking sheet in my hands put a few... habits in me."
Damian didn't verbally respond, moving his hand and nodding as though to say 'Go on'. So she did. "Bakers wake up at least two hours before the shop opens- or at least we do. The bakery opens at seven A.M. every morning, so we wake up at five at the latest. Usually closer to four," she started, sending a bright smile and a nod to the waiter who set down her coffee. A returned smile and a small greeting later, she returned to her explanation. "So check ‘early riser’ off the list. As stated before, I stress-bake. But I also help Papa with trying new recipes. So I'm practically always on the lookout for new or interesting flavors and combinations. Sometimes, I get so focused that I forget what I was doing," she sheepishly smiled, earning a chuckle from the boy before her.
"How do Gotham pastries compare to your family's?"
He thought the question was innocent enough.
Thought being the crucial word there.
A fire lit in Marinette's eyes then, a fire that told of harsh rants and moving arms. She laid all her complaints out there, genuine tears gathering at her eyes as she mourned the lack of decent baked goods. And as she explained each good, Damian found himself nodding along, nearly able to taste the poor items from her descriptions alone.
He nearly gagged from the imaginary taste. Never before had he uttered a sincere apology to someone outside his family, but he found himself looking into her eyes with as much remorse as he could muster. "I'm extremely sorry you had to sample those."
"It's alright, I suppose," she sighed. "I've actually started working with the bakers there to improve the pastries."
"Already? How long have you been in Gotham?"
"About a day."
She moved fast. "Perhaps one of these days, I can show you the better restaurants Gotham has to offer."
Damian paused, his mouth having moved before his brain even realized he spoke. "I mean, if you're free," he added, trying desperately to make the awkwardness clinging to the table vanish.
Before she could answer, a familiar voice called out. "Ya sure it's here, Pam?"
Damian turned in his seat, surprised at the arrival of none other than Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. He had to forcefully relax his body, seeing as the rogues had a good streak going. "I'm positive," the red-head responded, eyes searching the café. "This place is absolutely thriving." She gestured to the ivy on the wall near the register, which Damian now realized looked a bit greener than usual.
"Is something wrong?"
He turned back to Marinette, considering his next words. "Probably not," he eventually said. "What do you know of Gotham's rogues?"
"What was on the internet," she replied, eyeing the two women with... interest. "I wanted to make sure everything we needed to know was in the pamphlets, so I did my research."
Neither got the opportunity to speak more as Ivy approached their table, Harley following close behind. The questions sent Ivy's way were  ignored, both from Harley and Damian. But Marinette's were answered, as she asked with a small smile. "May I help you?"
"How are you doing that?"
Marinette blinked, confusion etching into her features. "I'm sorry?"
"The plants are singing your praises," Ivy continued. "You heal them. How?"
If Damian had been watching Marinette instead of Ivy and Harley, he would have seen the flicker of understanding and surprise pass through the small girl. As it was, only Ivy, who had been watching her intently, saw it. "I simply have a bit of a green thumb," Marinette smiled, tilting her head as she did so. “That… isn’t a problem, is it?”
“Of course not,” Ivy immediately responded, shaking her head. “I just came to thank you. For as long as I’ve been Poison Ivy, the plants in Gotham have never been happier than in your presence.” Shocked silence came from the other Gothamites, but Marinette was only embarrassed. She had never been good at receiving compliments, even before Lila and most compliments turned into sneers and bullying. 
Marinette stammered as she tried to thank the woman, the heat in her cheeks only adding to her embarrassment. Her words failing, she took a deep breath and calmed herself until she could speak in full sentences. “It’s really no problem- I’m just happy to help.”
The café
seemed to hold it’s breath- or perhaps the people inside did. Either way, nothing moved until Ivy did, smiling. “What’s your name, Blue Bell?”
Blue Bell? She answered anyway, having practice ignoring nicknames (even if she didn’t mind the kind ones). “Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m here on a class trip. You’re Mademoiselle Isley and Mademoiselle Quinn, oui?”
The women nodded, sending smiles to the girl. “Aw, ain’t ya such a darlin’,” Harley cooed, lightly pushing past her girlfriend to pat the sweet teen on the head. “A right angel in Gotham, ya are. How long ya stayin’, Sunshine?” Harley slid into the booth as she asked. 
“A couple months. Hopefully longer, if my application is accepted.”
“Already looking for colleges?” Now Pamela was in the booth, sat beside Damian as she joined in the questioning. Marinette nodded, taking a sip of her lukewarm coffee. “All the way in Gotham?”
“I want to experience fashion and culture outside of Paris,” Marinette started. “See what the rest of the world is like while I have the chance.” 
Every passing moment with Marinette caused not only the rogues, but the other Gothamites in earshot to start rooting for her. Alas, time marches on, and both groups had things to do. They split at the entrance, Marinette and Damian beginning their trek to find her class and the rogues going to… well, neither teen would ask. 
Robin suppressed a sigh, eyes scanning the streets below his perch. “No helping it, Baby Bird,,” the infuriating voice of his eldest brother sounded. “It’s a slow night for everyone.”
“The third slow night in a row,” he shot back, leaping from the ledge he used as a perch. The wind tousled his hair as he swung through the night, boredom already settling in his bones. “Something’s brewing.”
“I’ll look into it,” Oracle’s voice pitched in. Silence followed (if you ignored his brothers’ incessant chattering -which Damian did). At least until Oracle spoke again. “Reported argument, three blocks from the museum. Possible escalation. Robin’s the closest.”
“I’ll check it out,” he said over his brothers’ complaints. 
Only a minute of swinging later, and Robin could hear the argument. If you could even call it an argument. A large, burly man stood yelling at a smaller, meeker-looking young man, an even smaller girl between them standing tall. With pigtails.
Wait.... Robin knew those pigtails- he saw them only hours ago! Why was she out of the hotel? In Gotham? At night?! Did she have a death wish?! His mask zoomed in, their voices sounding in his ear. The large man’s yelling practically boiled down to ‘He’s my boyfriend, and therefore my property’ in prettier, louder words. Robin rolled his eyes, having seen this kind of situation countless times before. Damian, though, watched the man and Marinette, worried for her safety.
The big man started spewing nonsense about the smaller ‘getting like this sometimes’ and ‘needing to take his meds, he gets confused’. The shaking man refuted everything said, repeatedly stating how he was done, trying to get away from the man who took everything from him. 
“You think those morons you call friends would take you in?! They abandoned you! You have nowhere else to go!”
“Anywhere’s better than here!” 
Marinette just stood, glaring down the man who was literally three times her size. But when he tried grabbing behind her, she moved. Before anyone could say or do anything, the man was out cold with a bleeding face, on his stomach as she tightened a couple zip ties around his wrists and ankles. 
Robin had to pause his thoughts and think back to register what happened. A knee to the groin. Hands on either side of his head, holding it in place as she kneed his nose hard enough to break. When he didn’t go down, she swept his legs from under him and kicked his temple.
Her voice was too soft for the microphone to pick up, but by the way the smaller man’s face slowly relaxed, she had to have been saying something. 
She didn’t spin to face Robin as he dropped, but did stop talking. Standing, she pulled out her phone. “May I help you?”
“I should be the one asking,” Robin stated, puzzled at the slight tensing of her shoulders. She turned, making a face at him once she did. “What?”
“You’re a traffic light,” she stated. “I prayed the images online were photo-shopped.” She sighed, shaking her head and tutting as the man behind her chuckled. Pulling a card from her purse, she pushed it into Robin’s hands, stepping on the zip tied man on the ground. “I will literally remake your entire group’s costumes for free if you send me the material. Heaven knows I can’t let the protectors of Gotham dress as clowns,” she muttered.
Robin crossed his arms with a scowl, narrowing his eyes. “Who says we-”
“Nope,” she interrupted, holding a hand up to silence him. “No way am I letting anyone- anyone- run around looking like-” she gestured to all of him, scrunching her nose in disgust “-like that. Doing so is an insult to fashion designers everywhere.”
Back and forth they went, until Robin paused and looked to the victim. 
Marinette smiled as she turned around, gesturing between the two conscious men. “He agrees! You’re giving the gays and fashion icons nightmares, Robin. Nightmares.” 
The laughter flowing from Robin’s earpiece didn’t help the situation. 
Once the cop car (singular, without sirens as Marinette had asked in her call) rounded the corner, the three gave their statements and went on their ways. 
For the most part. 
Robin went with Marinette a ways, both of them stopping at the intersection. “You know how dangerous it is at night.” Once she nodded, he continued. “Why were you out?”
“Well, I had a feeling,” she shrugged, letting a hand land on her hip. “I was just going to the coffee shop down the block when they ran past me, like I told the officer.”
Neither spoke for a moment, standing in silence. “Be more careful next time.”
She smiled, starting to walk again. “Always.”
@goblinwhoships @mochegato
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oceanview15 · 1 year
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Context: Bruce and Selina got into another argument
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter Five: The Assassins’ Bond
Tagging: @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd,
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle’s Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas,
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason’s language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What’s canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
Summary: Nat sets out on her assignment to gather information about the bats, and ends up talking with Damian.
Natasha couldn’t seem to find anyone to investigate, which was weird. Usually, when she wanted to find someone, she did.  Nat hadn’t seen any of the other Avengers either, which was also strange.
So Natasha wandered the halls of the manor. She had already checked the Cave, though it was also empty.
After half an hour, Natasha turned to the gardens. She wasn’t really searching at that point, only enjoying the early afternoon breeze. But soon enough, she heard sounds of laughter.
Following it, Natsha wound through a shaded path to find a large lawn occupied by the bats, as well as Peter, Banner, and Thor.
They were in the middle of what seemed to be an extreme version of capture the flag. Nat looked for someone to talk too, but they were all invested in the game. Then she noticed Damian on the sidelines, inside a clearly marked square that must have been the ‘prison’. He looked angry, and seemed to be passing the time by doing drills with his katana. Once again, Natasha was struck by how precise he was.
"Hey kid."
Damian glanced at Natasha, clearly suspicious.
"Hello Romanoff, do you want something?''
Nat smiled. “Call me Natasha. And no, not really. You looked bored, so I thought I’d offer you some company.”
Damian scoffed and returned to his drills. Natasha sat down, and was soon joined by a large dog whom she had never seen before. "Is that your dog?" She asked.
Damian nodded stiffly. "Yes his name is Titus."
Nat looked at Titus with gentle eyes. "Hi Titus." She reached out her hand for the dog to sniff. Titus obliged, and then began to nussle  her hand, quickly warming up to Nat.
Damian’s whole demeanor changed at the sight. He relaxed significantly, and even had a soft smile on his face. “He likes you," Damian said as he set his katana aside and joined Natasha on the grass.
Nat smiled right back at him as she began to pet Titus. "Titus is a great name for him. Latin right?" Damian nodded. "You know the meaning?"
Damian scoffed. "If I didn't then I wouldn't have named him Titus. An honorable dog deserves a name that literally means `title of honor’."
Nat chuckled, surprising even herself. "I like you kid, you've got spunk.” She nodded over at the now abandoned katana. Time to see what she could get out of him. “And your fighting technique is impressive."
Damian’s face became a mixture of guarded and prideful. "Of course it is, I was trained to be the best."
"Well your father sure does a good job."
Damian pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment before replying. "He didn't train me. I … was trained by my mother."
Nat looked over at him softly. “The one that Jason blames for him killing?”
Damian scowled. “Yes. My mother is responsible for bringing my brother back from the dead using the Lazarus pit which is … not quite magic. The pit induces its user with enhanced aggression, and memory loss which she utilized to manipulate Todd to her will.”
Natasha sat still for a moment. She really didn’t know what to think. On the one hand, that did partially explain Jason’s references to murder. On the other hand … the woman sounded horrible.
“Why would she do that?” Nat asked quietly.
Damian stroked Titus for a long moment before replying. “My mother is part of a group called The League of Assassins - led by my grandfather - that is dedicated to … saving the world.”
Natasha almost raised an eyebrow at that. Assassins and world-savers really didn’t seem like they would go together well.
“Not like you saved the world,” Damian continued, “But through brutal, unforgiving justice. They wish to reform civilizations across the world into total submission to my grandfather.
“So my mother took it upon herself to take in a newly raised from the dead Jason Todd, train him, and set him upon Gotham. Her point to it all was to harm my father, who is very much against League ideals.”
There was a sudden shout of triumph from the game, and the pair looked over at Tim crowing over a downed Peter Parker. They were silent for a long time, watching the game play out. Finally, Nat took it upon herself to speak.
“I never knew my parents. I grew up in a top secret Soviet-Russian training facility designed to create the perfect operatives, or assassins.” She took a breath as she looked over at Damian.
The boy had shed his smirks and scowls. His eyes were wide and innocent. There was a quality of quiet hope in his face. Like he was amazed that someone else could understand him.
“You’re like me,” he whispered. Then raised his voice slightly. “I was trained from birth. Mother and grandfather wanted me to be the heir. The perfect heir. I was taught every conceivable way to kill, to torture, to withstand any injury.” Damian was no longer looking at Natasha. His eyes showed that he was in another place. Another time.
“We were chained to the bed at night to prevent escape,” Natasha replied. “Sometimes they would make us fight to the death. To weed out the unworthy.”
“Weakness was not tolerated. The moment I made a mistake I was punished. I was to take it willingly.”
“When we trained with guns, they gave us real people to use as targets.”
“Emotions were a liability. I was to never show any, I was never to trust anyone. Not my trainors, not my servants, especially not my own mother.”
“We weren’t to trust each other either. Sometimes they would randomly order to kill your friends, and you had to. Otherwise you were killed.”
Damian sighed. “The worst part was leaving. Mother dumped me with Father - for training she said. I was to learn what I could from him. And I did, I learned a lot. But not what she wanted me to.” He looked over wistfully at his family. “I learned to trust. I had to believe I wasn’t invulnerable. I … I had to learn what it felt like to be … wanted .”
Natasha nodded at him, though he wasn’t looking at her. “Clint was sent to kill me, after I had been an operative for a while. I was the best, so people began to take notice. So S.H.I.E.L.D. sent Barton to eliminate me. But when he found me, he didn’t. He … had mercy on me. Something I had never known. He recruited me. I worked with him, and S.H.I.E.L.D. to help people instead of killing them. I had to relearn almost everything.”
They sit in a comfortable silence for a while. Neither bothering to pity the other. Just enjoying the companionship of another like them.
Then Nat spoke up again. "I'm not good with …" Natasha paused trying to find the right words. "Comfort. But, I understand"
Damian looked at her, then nodded. “I understand as well.”
They sat together for a while, looking at the game progressing. They talked about their lives, and even started to explain their families as well. Damian talked briefly about Bruce’s tragic childhood experiences, as well as Dick’s. He went into detail of Jason’s death and then resurrection. Tim’s becoming Robin. His neglectful family. Damian explained Cassandra’s past, and how Duke lost his parents. He mentioned Stephanie and Barbara, and how they joined the vigilante life as well. He didn’t go into detail, though, saying that their stories were not his to tell.
In return, Natasha talked about befriending Clint. How Steve became Captain America. How Tony built his suit. Banner’s experiments, and how he became the Hulk. How Thor found himself on Earth. What she knew of Peter, and how he became Spiderman.
“Do you trust me?” Damian asked, looking over at Nat when she had finished speaking.
Natasha smiled. “Yes. I’m assuming that’s what your goal was?”
Damian had the nerve to not look apologetic. “We may or may not have overheard your entire conversation after lunch.”
Nat nodded, she had figured as much. The Boy had been almost a bit too loose lipped in the beginning. But she could tell that as the conversation went on, he spoke freely because he wanted to, and not because he was trying to supply info.
“Did you draw the short straw?” Natasha asked.
Damian scowled. “T-t, no. Father said that if any of you were to question us or our motives, we should hold nothing back. You had the nerve to approach me first.”
Natasha laughed freely and ruffled the boy’s hair. He frowned, but didn’t push her hand away.
“Do you trust me now?” He asked, tentatively.
Natasha paused and tilted her head. “Yes, I think I do. You didn’t lie to me, I know that.” Damian rolled his eyes, and Natasha smirked a bit. “But also, you and I are similar. I don’t think I could distrust you if I tried.”
Damian nodded, seemingly satisfied. “Good, I would not want to disappoint Father.”
Natasha smiled. “I don’t think he would be disappointed if I didn’t trust you. He seems quite reasonable.”
Damian outright snorted. “Say that again when I have a slight cold and he won’t let me on patrol. He can be quite unreasonable in mother-hen mode. Not unlike Grayson, unfortunately.”
Nat chuckled. “He loves you. That’s important.” There was another shout of victory from the field, then Natasha continued. “What about me? Trust goes both ways, you know.”
Damian frowned in concentration. “Yes, I believe you have earned some trust. I don’t know about Stark though, he seems … unstable.”
Natasha couldn’t help but outright laugh at that statement. After a moment of surprise, Damian joined in.
“That,” Natasha said between huge gasps of laughter, “Is by far the best thing I have heard in a long time.”
“Do you deny it?” Damian asked.
Natasha was almost crying from laughter. “No, not in a million years.”
Damian smiled at Nat. “Thank you, Romanoff. For talking. I believe you will make a valuable ally.”
“Call me Natasha, kid. Or Nat. Or Tasha. I don’t care. But not Romanoff. Friends aren’t so formal.”
Damian furrowed his brows for a moment before relaxing. “Very well, Tasha. We are now friends?”
Natasha smiled at Damian. “If you want to be.”
The boy pet Titus for a few thoughtful moments. “Very well. I accept. Together, we shall be a formidable force.”
Nat chuckled, ruffling the kid’s hair once again. This time, he didn’t bother frowning.
Just then, a voice called from the field. They both looked over to find Dick running up to them. “Dami! I’m so sorry! I thought someone had gotten you out! Well, the game’s over. Want to join in the next round?”
“T-t. Of course you forgot. If this had been in the field, I could have been killed by now.”
Dick smiled easily at his little brother. “So, what do you say?”
Damian glanced at Nat before replying. “Very well, I shall partake once again in your childish games, Grayson.” Then he smirked. “But I demand that Tasha be on my team. Since you are clearly untrustworthy.”
Dick looked curiously over at Natasha, a small smile on his face. “Sure Lil’ D. Let’s go.”
He motioned for the pair to follow him, then turned and ran off back toward the field.
Damian looked over at Nat. “You will be on my team?” He looked like he was trying to hide how hopeful he was.
Natasha got up and offered her hand to Damian. “Together, we shall be a formidable force, right?”
Damian grinned at her and accepted her hand. “Our reign of terror shall be legendary.”
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forlornmelody · 4 years
Trust Exercise
Rating: E (Smut with some plot, for flavor.)
Fandom(s): DC Comics
Ship: Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn
Linkage: Ao3
Summary: Harley wants to try something new, but Ivy isn't sure her girlfriend is ready to see that part of her.
Note: Commission for @rookie009. Dude, thank you so much for commissioning me again. And insisting I write my faves. <3
Ivy’s in the lab when Harley finds her, nose-deep in an experiment she’s been running all day. “Oh, hey, babe. Did you get my text?”
“Mmhm.” Harley’s hands grasp her shoulders, her fingers meandering past the collar of her lab coat. 
“So, you know that I can’t do date night tonight.” Harley’s lips find her cheek, then her ear, and the tissue culture Ivy’s been working on for the past hour slips from her fingers. 
“Sure you can.” Her lips meander down her neck, as Ivy stares at the ruined culture with both horror and... arousal. Something hot roils in her belly, and Ivy stifles it as she turns around. 
“Harley. How many times do I have to tell you--”
“Mm. You’re even more pretty when you’re angry.” Harley grabs Ivy by the lapel of her lab coat, pulling her in for a kiss. The jungle surrounding the lab roils as if shaken in a gale force wind. 
Ivy breathes her in, and pushes her back, holding her girlfriend at arm’s length. “Harl, if you want me to tie you up, you only need to ask.”
Harley flushes, biting her lip as she glances away. Ivy draws her attention back with a finger under her chin. “Do you want me to tie you up?”
“Harleen Francis Quinzel, I promise you I won’t ask again.”
“Yes!” Harley says quickly.
“Yes, what?”
“Tie me up.” Harleen swallows, her tongue darting out to wet her lip. 
Her skin blushes pink as one of her pigtails, and Ivy almost doesn’t hear her. 
“I said use your vines.”
“You sure?” The words fall out of Ivy’s mouth before she realizes what she’s asking. Sure, she’s usually the dominant one in bed--Ivy knows what she likes and how to ask for it. But this...Damnit, Pamela. What if this is too much? What if being tied up and used reminds her too much of…. Ivy doesn’t even think his name. She just conjures up an image in her head and sets it on fire. 
“Ives?” Harley says, her eyes widening and her mouth shrinking into a small oh. 
“You okay, Pam-a-lamb?” Harley brushes her thumb across Ivy’s cheek, pushing a wisp of hair out of the way. God, she must look like a mess right now. 
“Of course!” she lies, and a nearby fittonia albivenis wilts in protest. Charlie, as she liked to call him, always is a dramatic asshole. “Go on.”
“You sure? Cause George doesn’t look so good.”
“Charlie.” Ivy sighs, rubbing her forehead.  “His name is Charlie.” She nods over at the opposite corner, where a helianthus annuus, commonly known as a sunflower, is giving her a judgmental stare. “That’s George.” 
“Daisy Girl...if the plants are upset, you must be upset.” Harley Quinn leans closer, so Ivy has to meet her eyes. “You can’t lie to a therapist, remember?”
“I can try,” Ivy mutters. 
“I know you too well, Pam-jam. Now tell me what’s eatin’ ya.”
Now, Doctor Pamela Isley could uncover her sordid history with her parents, charm school, the nice conservative respectable university her parents sent her off to--the one she dropped out of and ran away from, the respectable open minded one she graduated from, the mentor who ruined her and created her, and the day they met in Arkham, but Harley already knows she doesn’t dump her past out of the trash can for everyone to see, especially when there’s a bed in sight, metaphorically speaking. God, what a buzzkill that would be. “I want to believe you, Harls. When you say you want this.” Ivy presses her thumb into Harley’s bottom lip. “But how do I know you’re not just saying this to make me happy?” Like she always would with...well. 
“Easy. You trust me.”
Does she? 
The powder-mix lemonade crashes against the opposite wall, barely missing her therapist’s head. “Stop fucking analyzing me. I’m not your rat.”
Dr. Quinzel doesn’t defend herself or argue against the insult. “You’ve good aim.” She does, however, flinch. Something twists in Ivy’s gut. At first, she thinks the Morton’s cafeteria slop has turned sour yet again, but Ivy notices the feeling runs deeper this time, and it spreads like frost throughout her middle, all the way to her lungs. “Softball?”
Fucking hell. She’s feeling remorse. “Gymnastics.” The answer spills out of Ivy’s mouth before she can stop it. 
And then Dr. Quinzel’s face lights up like a Christmas tree. “Me too! Did you compete? Which team?” 
Ivy spills some more, and they swap memories, apparently having crossed paths without remembering the other at one point or another. Not that Dr. Quinzel would have ever recognized Dr. Pamela Isley when she was a tween with braces and an awkward smile. Or Dr. Isley would have remembered Dr. Quinzel was a spirited overachiever with a chip on her shoulder. Actually, Pamela takes that back. She can see some of it now. She also notices Dr. Quinzel’s hands intertwined with her own. And the warmth between them. 
 “Please, call me Harleen.” Harleen smiles shyly, biting her lip. 
Ivy gulps. “Do all your patients get to call you that?”
And just like that the moment’s gone. But Ivy’s hands feel warm long after Dr. Isley has left the room. 
Ivy should have known this was a set up. The security guard missing from his post. The alarms turned off. The dark room where the lights should have had motion sensors and generator backup. She should have turned back the moment she noticed, but she couldn’t leave this warehouse like this. Not with one of two middlemist camellias sitting inside, ripped from its soil in New Zealand and brought to Gotham for a filthy auction.
The moment Ivy touches the leaves the door slams shut behind her, and she notices the sealant sprayed on all the windows. Oh no. A hose hisses on the floor, and Ivy slowly feels the air being sucked from the room. No. No. No. Not like this.
There’s no chair, no bat, nothing to break the windows with. Just Dr. Pamela Isley and the lonely Middlemist’s Red that will die with her. Pam closes her eyes, and tries not to hyperventilate, counting her breaths just like Harley taught her—
“NOT TODAY ASSHATS.” Glass shards rain on the floor, and an alluminum bat clangs against the concrete floor. “Pambsel?” Soft fingers touch her shoulder. “Ivy? Come on, Ivy. Stay with me.”
“Ivy?” Harley’s staring at her in their bedroom, her eyebrows lifted in concern.
“I trust you more than anyone else.”
Harley brushes her lips against hers. “And I trust you more than a stripper trusts her heels.”
“God.” Ivy chortles despite herself. “That’s terrible, Harley. Maybe I should keep you from talking.” Those words sound so...different once they’re out of her mouth. Like cinnamon candy burning on her lips. 
For once, Harleen Francis Quinnzel has nothing to say. Her mouth hangs slightly open, to the point that Ivy wants to trace it with her fingertip, maybe slip her finger past those lips to see Harley suck on— “Would you?” Harley whispers, blushing as pink as one of her pigtails. 
“I’d love to.” It’s a little unnerving how easily this comes to her. “But there’s only one thing.”
“What’s that?” Harley leans closer, her hands grasping at Ivy’s clothes, pleading without pleading. 
“What’s our safe-word?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on, Pretty Girl. You’re killin’ me here.”
“It has to be a word we both agree to, Harley. Rules are rules.”
“Says who?” Harley leans in close, her hands on her hips. 
Ivy smirks at her, whispering in her ear. “Says the woman who is about to give you a night you won’t forget.”
At this point, Ivy half expects Harley to say Arkham, but she doesn’t. “Robinson Park.” 
It’s Ivy’s turn to lose her words. Of course, Harley would name her old hideout. Well. Not just any old hideout. The place where they first kissed. “That’s--that’s two words.”
Harley grins proudly, pressing a soft kiss against her cheek. “Does that break the rules, Rosey Cheeks?”
Ivy allows it. She also allows herself to check with Harley several times as she persuades a nearby pharnera vahili to stretch towards them. The plant balks initially at the thought of making its flower buds large enough to penetrate, but Ivy mutters a quiet “Coward” and the plant swells to prove her wrong. Perhaps Peter would be a fitting name for this one? Brushing the buds, she strengthens him, hardens them, really, and shoos any creatures or enzymes that would bring harm to her favorite person in the whole world. 
“Ready, Harley?”
Harley nods, biting a grin. 
Ivy steps towards her, pinching her chin between her finger and thumb. “If this is going to work, I’m going to need you to use your words, Harleen.”
“Yes.” Harley gulps a breath of air, and she closes her eyes as if she’s about to kiss her. 
Pulling out of her reach, Ivy returns to Peter, stroking a few tendrils, feigning more interest in them than her lover. “Then remove your shorts. I’d hate to ruin them.” 
“These always were your favorite, weren’t they, Red?”
Indeed, they are. “Perhaps.” Ivy can’t help but watch them slip down Harley’s cream-colored thighs. She itches to get between them but that will have to wait. “Now lay down.”
“It’ll be easier to secure you from the bed, trust me.”
Again, that itch. That burning unyielding need to touch every inch of Harley’s skin, exposed or not. This is just as much an exercise in patience for her as it is for Harley. Ivy whisks her fingers, curling the vines around Harley’s wrists and ankles. “Is that comfortable?”
Harley nods quickly, only to see Ivy quirk her eyebrow impatiently. “Yes, Ives,” she says, her breath ragged. 
“How about now?” The vines lengthen and grow, suspending Harley’s prone body in the air. Ivy wishes she could draw how beautiful Harley looks like this, her mouth parted and arched back, her legs already flushes with need. 
“Amazing.” Harley closes her eyes. “I feel like I’m floating.” 
“And what is our safe word, again?”
Harley starts to say it, only for Ivy to brush between her calves with a tendril.
“That tickles!” 
“Don’t squirm.” Ivy smirks despite herself, stroking the inside of Harley’s legs, from the bottoms of her calves to the narrowest point between her thighs, edging around her center but never quite touching it. 
Twisting in her restraints, Harley groans. “Don’t tease me, Pam-Pam.”
“I believe you asked me to tease you. Isn’t that the point?” The tendril snakes past her middle, scratching under her chin. “To make you beg for it?”
“Please.” The vine edges back down, circling her warmth, now moist with the juices dripping down her legs. 
“Please what?”
“Touch me.” She pleads, seeing Ivy’s lips pressed in a thin line. “Touch my clit.”
“That’s my girl.” Ivy resists the urge to mirror the motion of her plant. Her own thighs twitch with want. Her vine grazes Harley’s lower lips, feather light in their touch, and Ivy aches at the whimper slipping from Harley’s mouth. She keeps circling with smaller and smaller circles until Harley shakes and keens. And that’s when she drags the vine against where Harley wants her most. 
“Oh fuck. Fuckity-fuck fuck.” Harley strains against her bonds, her hips writhing against the vine. 
Ivy licks her lips. “Would you like this vine inside you?”
“Mmhm...y-yeah.” Harley’s voice breaks on the edge of her first orgasm. 
Then Ivy pulls away.
“No, Ives, please. Please touch me. I’m--I’m so close.” 
“I know, Harl.” Ives steps around the now massive bulk Peter has grown into, caressing Harley’s own cheek with the back of her own hand. God, she wants to tear off all their clothes right now and just have her way, but she can’t. Not yet. “I’m going to give you something special.” One nail presses into Harley’s cheek, enough to indent, but enough to break the skin. “Would you like to know what it is?”
Sweat glistens around Harley’s hairline as she looks back at Ivy helplessly. “Yeah.” She manages. 
Shit. She must be thirsty. “Hold on.” She snatches a water bottle, holding it to Harley’s lips. “Drink some water.” Ivy doesn’t pull the bottle away until Harley’s finished it. She downs her tea. Then she rubs her fingers together, until oily spots form on her fingertips. “This oil will heighten your sensations. Do you want it?”
Harley can’t even form words at first, but she manages. “Please, Pammin-Jammin. I need you.”
Ivy also licks her lips, her entire mouth tasting like vegetable oil, but stronger. And the oil packs some heat. Not enough to burn, but enough that she’ll need to wash her mouth out later if she’s going to focus on anything. “I need you too, Harley.” She brushes her lips against Harley’s and want hits her like a gale-force wind. With the way Harley moans into her mouth--she feels that way too. Patience. Even the quickest-growing plants need time to breathe. 
Before Harley can deepen the kiss, Ivy trails her lips down her chin, her neck, and her collar bone. She massages her shoulders, her arms, then up her sides and back down again. Ivy kisses down to her chest, avoiding Harley’s already too sensitive tits and just focusing on the valley between them, pausing a moment to listen to her quickening heartbeat. Harley squirms, and Ivy holds her steady, paying careful attention to the planes of her abdomen. Her hands move around Harley’s hips, pinching either side of her ass, covering her thighs and in between. “Oh, Ivy.”
When Ivy finishes caressing Harley’s feet, she stands up to see Harley’s face caught like a saint in a Raphaelite painting. She guides her own hands around one of the tendrils, slowly, gently penetrating her as if she were using a dildo. And when the tendril is as far in as it’ll go, Ivy grins against her ear. “Ready?”
“Mmhm,” Harley whimpers. 
Ivy snaps her fingers, and the tendril takes on life of its own, pumping in and out of her lover without any guidance from her. 
“Fuck!” Harley gasps, her wrists twisting in her bonds as she seeks purchase to rock back against the vine. “Oh, fuck that’s good.”
Ivy finds her hands drifting down towards her legs. She clenches them behind her back to hold them still. Not yet. Focus on Harley. But focusing on her and how fucked she is seems to be part of Ivy’s problem. Licking her lips, she asks, “How do you feel about anal?”
“Mm?” Harley probably means to ask, but her mm sounds more like a moan than anything else. 
Making a point of rolling her eyes, Ivy snaps her fingers a second time, and the vine pulls out of her. 
“No no no. Please. I was almost…”
“I asked you a question, Harl.” Ivy growls, more from arousal than annoyance, but Harley’s eyes widen.
“What was the question?”
“Do you.” Ivy grips Harley’s chin. “Like. Anal sex?”
 Harley’s eyes brighten and her frown morphs into an ecstatic smile. “Double penetration?” She bites her lip. “Would you?”
“I’d love to. But first.” Ivy pulls out a familiar bottle--her own recipe. She squirts a generous amount on her fingers, and ringing a circle around Harley’s butt hole, and then little by little, probing inside with her finger. “Good girl,” she whispers in Harley’s ear. Her lover starts to tense up, and Ivy holds her hip firmly with her other hand. “Relax. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever known, and you have done the impossible time and time again.” 
“You...you really think t-that?”
“I know that, Harley.” Her finger gets pulled deeper inside, and Ivy works her open gently, as Harley’s eyes glaze over and her mouth drops open. “And tonight, I’m going to make you feel how amazing you are. Do you trust me?”
“Mm. Y-yeah.”
“Then you’re gonna take more for me.” Ivy whispers, taking Harley’s lobe between her teeth. Harley shudders and nods, and Ivy, slowly, gently, and with more oil, adds a second finger. 
“Nn--Ivy, Oh god. Please. I--I need.”
“Need what?”
“More what?”
Harley moans--whimpers in reply, “I---make me come,” she begs, sprawled in mid-air, and Ivy raises her free hand to pull the prepared vines. “Pam-Pam, please.” She croaks. “Please, Pamela.”
The vine droops just inches from Harley’s hips.
“Pamela Isley!” Mrs. Saint-Claire always pops the p in Pamela’s name, and spittle flies out of her mouth. How many times do I have to tell you!” Those skeletal hands jerk her shoulders back. “Back straight! Like a puppet on a string!” Pam’s so tired. She just wants to go home. Well, maybe not home. “And smile for once! It won’t kill you.” Mrs. Saint-Claire yanks her wild curls into a peppy poiny tail. “How are you going to win a man like this?”
“Pam-pam?” Harley’s looking back at her, her eyes still dark with want and pleasure, but her eyebrows are lifted in concern.
Maybe Ivy should hold back, more. What if she goes too far? But Harley would tell her. She’d say the word. She doesn’t pretend, not in bed, not unless that’s...well. Maybe it would be nice to pretend. A different time, perhaps. 
“I’m still here,” Pamela says more to herself than Harley, and she refreshes that vine until it’s erect and moving again. “Are you?” She coats the vine slick with oil, and she slips her fingers out completely. 
“Yes, yes, please.”
“Then take it.” The vine enters her slowly, filling her already stretched hole, pumping in tandem with the other in her cunt. And fuck it, Ivy reaches down and touches her own center, hissing at how sensitive she is already. 
“Yes, yes, yes!!” Harley’s always been loud in bed, but she’s never screamed like this. Ivy smirks, directing a third vine to mimic the motions on Harley’s clit that Ivy’s already doing to her own. And oh, Harley shakes, rattles, so full and so hung she can’t move, only ride the wave as the vines move in and out and around her. “Fuck yes.”
“Are you close, Harley?”
“Y-yeah….” And then her eyes shut, and her mouth forms a silent oh, and her body jerks, clenching around the vines.
“That’s my girl.” And Ivy brings her down slowly until Harley relaxes, and she pulls the vines away, untying her wrists and ankles and holding her close. “How’re you feeling, Harls?”
Her lover doesn’t answer at first, nestled against Ivy’s breast, her eyes distant and warm. “Thank you.” Harley nestles into her breast, breathing her in. “I feel amazing, as promised.” She giggles, and Ivy’s so busy laughing with her to notice the hand creeping towards her now naked legs. “Oooooo. What’s this?”
Ivy gasps, unable to help her moan at Harley’s touch. “Harley, you don’t have to--”
“Jesus fuck, you’re wet. Why didn’ you say somethin’?” Harley toys with her, circling her engorged clit and playing with her labia.
Ivy can’t bring herself to her own defense, too focused on how nice Harley’s fingers feel. She squirms, gripping Harley’s shoulders. “Harley--”
“Shh. C’mere. Lemme return the favor.” And then Harley lays back on a newly formed flower bed. With strength Ivy didn’t think she’d have at this point; Harley pulls Ivy’s thighs towards her face. 
“You sure?”
“Isely you’ve gotta stop asking me that.” She tilts her head up, kissing the inside of Ivy’s thigh. “I love you. Of course, I’m sure.” Her lips drift toward Ivy’s center, half-cleaning up the mess they’ve made, half-making it worse. 
Biting her lip, Ivy swallows her gasps, trying to hold on. “Harl, I--” Oh. It’s like she’s never felt another’s mouth on her, though clearly Harley (among others) have been down more than she can count. 
“Shh,” Harley manages to say between long licks. She edges the tip of her tongue around her clit, drinking her in without drying her up. Fuck, she still has pleasure oil on her tongue. Not as strong as at first, but Ivy doesn’t need that strength. 
Maybe that’s what love is. Trust that the other person won’t let you fall when you step too far off the ledge. Someone to hold your hand when you do fall, so you can fall down together. Someone to pick you back up. “Harley, I need--oh.” Ivy groans.
“‘S okay, Ives. Ride me.”
Ivy doesn’t need to be told twice. She grinds down, not so hard as to smother Harley, but enough to feel her mouth that much more. Oh god, fuck, she’s sucking her clit and--
When Ivy comes to, she’s lying on her side, with Harley playing the big spoon. “Holy shit, Harley,” she says, her mouth dry as cotton. 
“Your turn,” Harley shoves the water bottle in her face, and Ivy drinks it dry. “Not bad, eh?”
“Not bad at all.”
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A couple of new updates on older characters and one newer one. 
First we’ll start with the new one: 
Arthur Powell - Arthur was born with a cleft palette when he was an infant though after several corrective surgeries before the age of 4 he was relatively normal, aside from the scar on his upper lip. Arthur was the first born to David and Suzette Powell (guessing on the names, @fat-and-nerdygirl​ if you wanna change them, go for it) after Suzette’s husband died in a tragic car accident in New Orleans and she remarried Mr. Powell. She already had one son from the previous marriage, Rob, who decided to keep his father’s last name, Whittaker. It was never really a source of contention between him and Powell, since Robert still had a few memories of his father left and wanted to hold onto the name. Anyhow...Arthur was 9 years old when he was helping his older brother Rob, their father and his two younger brothers work on a tree house they were setting up in the yard when he lost his footing climbing down the wooden planks hammered into the tree to serve as a ladder and fell from several feet up. The fall -should- have killed him, however by some stroke of luck Arthur survived, though suffered a pretty traumatic brain injury. This caused Arthur to lose, among other things, control over his emotional reactions to situations and develop  Pseudobulbar affect, which causes him to randomly burst out in fits of uncontrollable laughing (or crying, though he seems to laugh more than anything). In the years following the accident, Arthur had to relearn most basic motor skills and ended up with the mental capacity of a younger child than he was. When he was 14, the Powells adopted Frankie into their lives and while it was a bit of an adjustment having a baby in the home, Arthur seemed to take over a very protective stance over his baby sister. 
Currently, Arthur is living in a semi-assisted living facility where he has most control over his own life but as he’s approaching 40, he’s looking to move out of the home and into an apartment building owned by his parents and currently being lived in by his little sister. He used to work in the local library but took a job shortly after managing to graduate a local art school program at his fathers’ office building where he mostly sorts mail and keeps the files organized. Arthur has a bit of a learning disability, which is to be expected, all things considered but the accident could have paralyzed him, so he’s doing much better now than most people would have given him credit for. He also has an emotional support dog named Isabella: 
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He got her about two years ago to help him prepare for moving out of his facility. In addition to his medications he also has a medical marijuana card which he uses to buy pre-rolled cigarettes, they stimulate his appetite since a few of his meds usually leave him without a lot of desire to eat, and can sometimes calm the laughter when it gets too serious. 
In looking for pictures of Arthur, we also wound up revisiting the Gotham-esque role play my wife and I came up with years ago and in doing so, brought in some of the old characters from it. I updated a few of them. 
The first, of course, is the Joker or Arthur Fleck. Following the death of Batman (supposedly at the hands of Superman but there’s some mystery around those circumstances), Fleck allowed himself to be captured, stating there was little need for him to continue as the Bat was gone and Gotham was ready to return to the state it had been in before he started terrorizing its citizens in the first place. Believing he had been the spark that had ignited the fire in the city (and who’s to say he wasn’t really?) he was willing to sit back and watch it burn. When Batman “comes back from the dead” he orchestrates a rather grand escape of himself and several of the other head villains, looking to maintain the current state of the city. “Who are either of us...the Bat and I, without one another?” From what I also know, Fleck was Bruce’s half-brother as well. 
Next up is Johnathan Crane, or the Scarecrow. A clinical psychologist and professor at Gotham University, Crane is slightly obsessed when it comes to the subject of fear as a control mechanism and of what fear does to the human body and mind. In the course of his studies he’s created a neurotoxin which when released into the air, or pushed through the waters can cause intense fear and hallucinations, often bringing an individual’s worst fears to the front and forcing them to deal with them. The effects only last a couple of hours but in that time people who have been exposed to it have often caused harm to themselves or others. Crane recently funded a so-called Psychological experiment using human test subjects where he studied the effects of his toxin on a group of 10 to 20 people, varying age and gender, to see what would happen. Each of the people involved were compensated for their time, and several had to be paid a bit more so as not to send up red flags to the University over what they experienced. 
Harvey Dent - former senator of Gotham City, he was horribly disfigured when a bomb set off by some of the Jokers’ men robbed a gala he was attending, following the “death” of the Bat (I think this was probably one of the reasons that Victoria Wayne took up her father’s mantle, seeing that the evil was still in the world, and without her father there to keep it under control it would run rampant and destroy perfectly good people’s lives) Of course, Dent wasn’t exactly a stand-up individual, having been into nuclear testing and toxic waste dumping all while having a kind smile and trusting face that lured in more people to follow his platform. He originally wanted to see the “monsters of Gotham” take responsibility for their actions and not just shove them away in Arkham Asylum but actually rid the world of them for good. When he awakens from the blast and discovers he is now a disfigured, scarred “freak” he is incensed and turns from the political side of things to a more nefarious direction, meaning to not just join the monsters he used to so fervently want to annihilate but to lead them. He and Fleck butt heads quite a bit, as he feels he is superior to Fleck, though the Joker has other things in mind for Two-Face. 
Bryce Isley - Only “son” of Pamela Isley, otherwise known as Poison Ivy. Bryce was actually created using her DNA, egg and Bane’s sperm during a testing period in order to create a hybrid metahuman. When Pamela found out what had happened to create him, she took the infant from the lab and took him to Bruce Wayne, begging her former employee to help her. Bryce already possessed powers similar to his mother’s and unimaginable intelligence like that of his father, and in an effort to give Ivy some relief at the end of her days, Bruce agreed to take the child. Until he was 15, Bryce grew up in Wayne manor, beside Bruce’s daughter Victoria, but when he started exhibiting his powers and his inability to properly control them, Bruce sent him to work with Diana Prince, so that she may help him hone his power and not use them for evil. Bryce returns to Gotham following Bruce Wayne’s death but is a completely different person from the one who had left the city. He found out the truth of his existence, that he’s not so much a human as a test subject and that’s sparked some anger in him. 
Jared Joachim - Jared always had a hunch that there was something more to Bruce Wayne and when he was about 12 or 13 he snuck down into the Bat Cave and found out the truth. Promising to keep the secret, he began pursuing a career in engineering and mechanics, wanting more than anything to work with Batman and make new gadgets for him. After his father’s unfortunate death in Wayne Manor, supposedly at the hands of Batman himself, Jared lost his way and instead started working to make himself weapons and things that he could use to take revenge on Batman. When he returns to the states from Japan where he had been training in order to become strong enough to carry out his plan he finds out that Bruce has been killed and his daughter is now in control of the family business. He assumes that she is also going to take up the mantle of Batman but since he always loved Victoria, he cannot bring himself to do it. 
Alfred Pennyworth - Alfred has been the butler for the Wayne family since Bruce was a young man and has watched him grow and change into the man he became, as well as watch over his daughter Victoria. He’s not just an “old man” as so many people believe but has been the mastermind behind the suit, the vehicles and most of the weapons, believing that it is still his mission to serve the family no matter how that turns out. When Jared rejoins them, Alfred begins using the younger man for his ideas and between the two of them, they prepare Victoria to deal with the villains “Collective” 
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rebel-author-chick · 4 years
Harley, We’re Lesbians.
Warnings: None Pairing: Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley Summary: Harley an Ivy take Dick to Gotham Pride. Ao3 Link: Harley, We're Lesbians. A/N: For @mellowdreamer​ for the DC Gift Exchange on @incorrectbatfam​‘s Discord Server. I based a bit of this on this Tumblr Post which I love.
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“I lost our baby!”
“Harley, we’re lesbians." Ivy deadpanned to her girlfriend as she came running up to her in the middle of the crowded downtown Gotham street. Harley was dressed in one of her corsets, but instead of the black and red color scheme it was rainbow and the diamonds were solid glitter. She wore short shorts in the same colors, knee high white socks with six rows, each a different color in the rainbow, at the top, and white sneakers with rainbow soles and laces. To top it all off she had painted two lesbian flags on each of her cheeks and practically dumped a whole bucket of body glitter onto her skin. She even had the tips of her hair died to match. Compared to Ivy, she looked like a rainbow threw up on her— in a good way.
Ivy was used to Harley doing and saying weird and random things to get attention, so this wasn’t anything new. Still, using babies to do so was different. Ivy tried racking her brain for what Harley could be talking about but nothing came to mind. Due to the amount of people at Gotham Pride they had left both the hyena’s back at the apartment; they walked so that left out the bike and car, and as far as she knew neither of them were able to impregnate the other so that left out all the possibilities. “You didn’t steal a baby and the lose it, did you?”
“What? Of course I didn’t, who do you take me for?” Harley had the nerve to look offended, as if Ivy hadn’t seen her walk away with babies before. Ivy only had to raise an eyebrow at Harley before the blonde rescinded her comment. “Okay, but that was only one time!” 
“Then what baby are you talking about?” 
“Dickie, that’s who!” Ivy just stared blankly at her rainbow and glitter covered girlfriend. Was she being serious right now?
“Are you talking about Dick? The 6’2”, 27 year old crime fighter? Is that who your calling a baby?” When Harley first mentioned bringing a friend to Pride with them, the last person Ivy would have thought she would bring would be Dick Grayson. Actually no, the last person she would think would be Bruce Wayne but Dick was a close second. Turns out, Bruce and Harley had gone to med school together and lost touch after he dropped out. It wasn’t long before Harley realized the edgy goth man bat and the edgy goth med student were one in the same. She was insane, not stupid— she did go to med school after all. So when Dick expressed an interest in going to Pride, Harley jumped at the chance to take him.
“Who else would I be talking about?” She said it so matter of factly that Ivy found herself speechless. If anyone could handle themselves it would be the Nightwing. While Ivy stood speechless, Harley started to talk to herself. “Aw, man! Bruce is gonna kill me.”
After regaining her composure, Ivy interrupted Harley. “He’s a grown man, I’m sure he can handle himself.”
“It’s his first Pride! You of all people should know how overwhelming that can be.” She wasn’t wrong, the first time she and Harley had gone to Pride, Ivy had had a panic attack at the sheer number of people. “And if anything Dick’s an eight year old child in a 27 year old's body.”
“You have a point there.” As if summoned by the mention of his name, Dick came running up to them. 
“How cool is all of this stuff!?” Dick looked like a kid in a candy store, arms full of various bi pride memorabilia. He had buttons pinned to his shirt and a large bi flag tied around his shoulders. Harley pulled him into a  hug as soon as he was in range. Her words were a jumble with how fast she spoke.
“Do you have any idea how worried I was? I thought Batman was going to break his no kill rule and kill me when he found out I lost you!” The force of the hug almost knocked all of Dick’s goodies onto the street and it took Ivy using all her might to pull Harley off of him. When she manged to do so, half of Dick’s body was covered in body glitter. 
“Where the hell did you run off to?” Once she got over the relief of Bruce not murdering her, Harley looked like she was going to kill Dick instead; her glare could rival Batman’s.
At least Dick had the decency to look sorry. “Sorry, I saw a booth of merch and I couldn’t help myself.” He looked sheepishly at them and shifted so one of his hands was free. Rummaging through the stuff he just bought, Dick pulled out a small lesbian flag and a “Move I’m Gay” button. “I got you these…”
Ivy watched as Harley positively melted and Ivy marveled at how small Dick looked. Like he was still the little Robin they scolded for being out on a school night. She smiled at the memory.
“…Alright, you’re forgiven.” Ivy shook her head in amusement, only Harley would get so worried about losing a full grown man and then forgive him the second he gave her a sad look. Then again, she really only did that when it was one of her Robins.
“Alright you two,” She grabbed Harley’s hand and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Why don’t we go enjoy Pride, I hear the Wayne Foundation set up a dunk booth and Bruce is the dunkee.”
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