#tw chemical burns
scleracentipede · 1 year
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scarecrow hand study because im abnormal
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savasavva · 6 months
commission with blind dazai TW BLOOD/GORE
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dybzk · 4 months
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TWWW!!!!: I thought My burns on my arms hurt when I did them on purpose till I accidentally got a chemical burn across my face. That shit is scarred for life and hurts like a mofo. Worst part is I didn't even do it on purposee!
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Burns+Scars x Defiant Whumpee
Based on my last two polls, this is what we've got! TW: Swearing
Caretaker dreamt of Whumpee at night. The witty comebacks to any insult hurled their way, the constant sarcasm, the flirty attitude towards them... They were the fiesty fire to their calm waters, the ray of sunshine that brightened their life. God, Caretaker lived them.
As Caretaker made their way down the hall, they could still see Whumpee as they lifted the debris from the explosion off them, the way they ignored the pain of the fire eating away at their hands for them. Caretaker needed to save them, if only to thank them. If only to tell them how they felt...
They opened the door to the cell, eyes immediately drawn to where Whumpee sat in the corner, head buried in their knees. "Whumper, I told you, if you touch me again, I swear to fucking God, I will break your fucking hand and shove it up your ass."
Caretaker smiled weakly. "Whumpee, it's me."
Whumpee lifted their head, a blindfold covering most of their face. They smiled, a fresh cut still bleeding on their bottom lip. "Caretaker, you're okay!"
Caretaker laughed. "Yeah, thanks to you and Medic. I still can't believe that was all so Whumper could get their hands on you."
Whumpee held up their cuffed wrists. "You got a key?"
"A lockpick." Caretaker headed over to Whumpee, crouching before them. They fussed with the lock, sighing as the cuffs fell to the ground. Whumpee held their irritated wrist in their hand as Caretaker pulled the blindfol from their face...
Whumpee's smile faded. "Caretaker, what's wrong?"
Fresh scars crossed over one another, probably from some sort of acid from the looks of it. Whumpee's eyes stared blankly in front of them, even as Whumpee cocked their head to the side. "Caretaker, did you take the blindfold off yet? What's wrong? You're being awfully quiet, even for you."
Caretaker struggled for words. "Whumpee, I took the blindfold off already."
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Anyways, Lost Ronin Prologue snippet
Probably not a good idea to share a snippet when the prologue is already short as is, but eh, also tw for chemical burn description?
He swallows his nerves as the pain worsens by the second. Now it feels like his body is being torn apart, the acidic burns now healing and reforming new skin—tugging and ripping at his muscles.
Every single nerve under his skin is screaming at him to escape—to do anything. He can feel his skin bursting, tearing and something else he can’t explain. Like something is starting to emerge from his skin—as desperate to escape his body as he is to get out of this false ocean.
He feels sick, he feels gross. He just wants this pain to end.
Context? I have none for you. Pain? Plenty of it—I’m kidding, I didn’t write much for it because acid burns hurt like a bitch (I have willingly put my hand in chemicals before, context will not be provided) and I don’t like thinking about it
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Fandom: The Killing, Stephen Holder
Summary: Holder and you are trying to track down a suspect, but something about him is making Holder uncomfortable.
Word Count: 1987
TW: Angst, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Chemical Burns, Past Trauma, Fear of Clowns, Language, Smoking
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“Clowns…. why it gotta be clowns?” Holder mutters under his breath as he slams the car door shut and jams his hands into his pockets.
You smirk up at him as you begin walking down the boardwalk. “Okay, Indiana, what do you have against clowns?”
The two of you had been working a case for a few weeks now where bodies had been turning up with their faces burned and corroded away. After a lot of dead ends, you had finally caught a break. The only thing connecting all the victims was the fact they were parents of young children. And all of these young children could be tied back to a local actor, Trevor Moses, who dressed up like a clown for parties and festivals and such. When you found out he was working down at the pier at the annual seaside festival that was happening in a few days, you decided to check it out and see if he was there. Your partner had been acting strange ever since you had identified the suspect and now it seemed that you knew why.
Holder hunches over even further. “They’re creepy as fuck and what’s the point of ‘em anyway?”
“To make people laugh? To bring joy to our otherwise joyless lives? I don’t know. I never really got the appeal either, but you seem really bothered by them. Are you good to do this?”
“Shit. When’s the last time I let you down? I gotchu, girl.” He shoots you his trademark Holder smile, but you see it doesn’t reach his eyes.
You lightly grab the sleeve of his hoodie, stopping you both. “Hey, seriously Holder, it’s just a few simple questions. I can handle this on my own. If you need to hang back that’s fine. In fact, it might even be better. That way you can make sure no one suspicious is lurking around while I’m in there.”
It is a lame excuse and you both know it, but he nods. “Yeah… yeah, that sounds like a good plan.” He pulls out his pack of cigarettes and lights one up. After taking a long drag from it, you notice he seems a little calmer than before.
You smile. “Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’ll meet you over by the Ferris Wheel.” When he nods again, you continue down the boardwalk until you reach the shop you were looking for.
The entire area was pretty much deserted seeing as the festival was still only half-constructed and all the workers had gone home for the day. But your intel said that Moses sometimes worked at the joke shop by the pier in addition to performing at the festival, so you might as well check it out.
As soon as you walk through the door, something feels off. The whole place smells faintly like bleach and yet, nothing looked like it had been cleaned in months. As you take another step farther into the store, a man comes out of the back room. He is wearing a traditional clown costume but with boots and a large coat over his polka-dotted attire. And even under all of the makeup, you recognize him as your suspect.
“Trevor Moses? I’m a detective with Seattle Homicide. I just have a few ques-”
Before you can finish, Moses charges forward, shoving you to the ground as he passes, and bolts out the door. You scramble back to your feet and take off after him. As you begin chasing him down the boardwalk, you catch Holder out of the corner of your eye, leaning against the Ferris Wheel, cigarette in his hand.
“Holder! He’s making a break for it!” you scream, never slowing for even an instant.
Your partner jumps in surprise, drops his cigarette, and takes off after you. But he is several hundred feet behind you and even with his long legs, you know it will take him time to catch up. So, you push yourself to run as fast as you possibly can, slowly closing the distance between you and Moses.
It takes until you are almost to the end of the boardwalk before you catch up to him. You reach out, fingers barely grazing his coat. But just as you think you have him, he whirls around, spraying you with the fake flower pinned to his lapel. It looks like the typical flower squirting water gag you had seen a million times with other clowns but the liquid that splashes onto your skin is not water. You manage to block most of the liquid with your left hand and arm, but it immediately begins burning as if on fire. Instinctively, you begin pawing at your skin with your right hand, but that just spreads the painful sensation there as well.
Moses takes off running again as you collapse to the ground in pain, frantically trying to rub the substance off on your shirt or jacket. But it is no use. Vaguely in the back of your mind, it clicks that this must have been how he killed the others, with a shot of acid to the face, and you are lucky you were able to block it. However, at that moment, you feel anything but lucky.
As tears begin quickly flowing down your face and you clutch your hands protectively against your chest, you feel Holder drop down next to you as he yells into his phone, “Officer down. I repeat, officer down! We need medical assistance at the pier right fuckin’ now!”
He tries to examine your injuries, but you push him off. Through gritted teeth, you growl, “Go! Don’t let him get away.” He hesitates, not wanting to leave you like this, but you scream at him, “GO!”
Holder jumps to his feet and takes off after Moses. You watch them both disappear around the corner, heading into the woods behind the pier. You roll onto your back, sobbing as the pain only seems to be intensifying. Your mind flashes to the mutilated faces of Moses’s other victims and you have to swallow the bile that you feel in your throat.
Suddenly, you hear multiple gunshots from two distinct guns coming from the woods in the direction Holder had just run. Then…. silence.
“Holder!” you scream, but there is no response. “HOLDER!”
When you still don’t hear anything, you try to push yourself up to your knees, but your hands and arms are too damaged and weak to give you enough leverage. So instead, you just collapse back to the ground, panting heavily. You squeeze your eyes shut and say a silent prayer that your partner is okay, though you know even if someone out there hears your plea it could already be too late.
But then, you hear a quick shuffling, and you glance up to see Holder limping quickly out of the woods and heading straight towards you. The left leg of his jeans is stained dark with blood, but he gives you a small smile when he sees you looking at him.
The ache in your chest eases slightly at the sight of your partner, but the pain in your hands is still just as intense. You try to stay strong as Holder collapses down next to you, but you can’t help the small moan that escapes your lips. Holder tries to reach for your hands, but you pull them away. “Don’t. I don’t want it to get on you.”
He thinks for a minute, then pulls off his hoodie and begins using it to gently rub your hands, trying to get some of the remaining acid off. When it doesn't seem to be helping much, he stands up, gathers you into his arms, and hobbles over to the dunk tank set up by the Ferris Wheel. Dipping his hoodie into the water, he begins trying to clear off your skin. While still excruciating, the water does seem to help slightly. You look around, trying to find something to distract you, and your eyes land on Holder’s bloody pants.
“How’s your leg?” you ask, jaw clenched.
“’S okay. Shot just winged it. Looks worse than it feels,” he mutters.
You hesitate a second before asking, “Is he….?”
He nods solemnly. “He pulled a gun. I didn’t have a choice.”
“Yeah, I heard.” You can see the conflict and pain etched on his face over what he had done. “Hey, you did what you had to do. He was going to shoot you… He did shoot you. And now he can’t hurt anyone else like this ever again.” You motion down at your hands before flinching when a flash of pain surges through them. “God! Why does it hurt this badly! Shouldn’t it be stopping by now?”
“I guess it takes some time to get it all off.” Holder says, but you can see the concern in his eyes as he stares down at your hands. You are trying your best not to look, but his face says it all. “Try not ta think about it.”
“That’s a lot easier said than done. I keep trying to think of something else, anything else, and it all comes back to the pain.” You let out another loud whimper as Holder rubs his wet fingers over your damaged skin.
He stares thoughtfully down at your hands for a moment before he finally says, “My moms took me to the circus when I was six. Liz was spendin’ the weekend at a friend’s, and she thought it would be a good bonding time for us or somethin’. And it was… until she forgot me. She just got bored and split, never gave me a second thought.” His eyes have a far-off, haunted look to them and you know whatever he is seeing at the moment, it isn’t you. “She just left….. and I was so fuckin’ scared. I started runnin’ around lookin’ for her and I stumbled into the tent where the clowns were gettin’ ready.”
He shudders at the memory. “They surrounded me, squeezin’ their fuckin’ red noses and tryin’ to make me shitty balloon animals. It was so loud and hectic and I just wanted my moms….”He trails off and you see tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes.
Then he shakes his head and uses his shoulder to wipe his face. “They finally called the ringmaster who then called the police. I hadda wait another few hours before they could finally track her down. She never even knew I was gone.” He sighs. “So, yeah. That’s why I fuckin’ hate clowns.”
“Holder….. I’m so sorry. No wonder you didn’t want to go in there and face him.”
“Yeah? And look where it landed you. If I had just manned up and gone with ya, this woulda never happened.” He gestures angrily to your hands.
You shake your head. “You don’t know that. He could have pulled the gun on both of us before we knew what was happening. Or he might have gone immediately for the acid when he saw there were two of us and then my arm might not have protected me. Holder, this isn’t your fault and you did nothing wrong. Like you said earlier, you never let me down. Ever. And you still had my back when I needed you. Just like you are doing right now. I mean, you were shot and all you care about is trying to help me. How could I ever ask for a better partner than that?”
Holder grins shyly at you. “Yeah…. I’m pretty great, huh?”
You chuckle just as you see the ambulance driving up. Holder picks you back up into his arms and limps over to it. And as they are loading you up to take you to the hospital, you nudge him with your foot. “You’re wrong, Holder. You’re not pretty great…. You’re the best.”
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henryisabigfatbitch · 6 months
Lol I made the chemical burn animation meme instead
And there's some mistakes (like with the eyes)
And it's super bad cause I was lazy
I edited it in youcut (our lord and savior lol)
Sorry guys 🤦
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A WIP of an AU idea I have called Worse For Wear; when Stan shows up to Fords house to respond to the post card, both twins are in a shocking state of violent disrepair, more so than in cannon.
If anyone has more questions about this AU feel free to send me ask!
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st4rb04rd · 9 months
i was at the mall today and i went to sephora with my friend and we were swatching makeup. i had foundation on my hand. it felt weird, so i was trying to get it off. they ran out of makeup remover, so guess what i used?? that's right folks, RUBBING ALCOHOL!
ya i got a chemical burn but it's good now dw :D
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lokislittlesigyn · 10 months
Sudden nosebleeds my detested
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kits-ships · 11 months
i don't plan on doing f/ovember but it's very funny to imagine with my newest gaggle of f/os and a few older ones
alec doesn't know how to use or understand tumblr. he manages to make a single post that just says 'hi' with no tags or context. no one even knows that it was alec that posted it
harry posts bible verses trying to be friendly and sweet but he keeps getting anons and people asking him to stop or tag his posts and he responds to every single one like a concerned dad
🌙✂️ posts a single, blurry picture of the floor and their shoes before going on a rant about how they hate this website and don't understand it. after realizing it's fun to vent, they then proceed to vent about literally everything. everyone hates them
campbell replies to every single post he likes trying to start a conversation and keeps getting left on read. he's also posting every single thought that runs through his head and we lose all our followers
the doctor starts posting and reblogging scientific discoveries, theories, and discussions and adds a wall of text regarding their own thoughts and the REAL science behind it all.... they make 0 sense to anyone except the master who is sending them death threats
🔪🍷 only cares about reblogging pictures of themselves. everyone sends them messages hating on them and telling them to stop flooding their dashboard and they proceed to angrily rant in response to all of them
crowley is arguing with everyone who is mad at aziraphale and secretly clogs all the drains in their houses and makes their floors oddly sticky. he also posts selfies and pictures of sera looking confused
aziraphale is complimenting everyones art, writing, and other creations. it's gotten to the point where he's commenting happily on 3 year old posts. he also talks about his day with sera and crowley as well as his favorite books. never returns after he sees a mean post about himself
the master is reblogging gifsets of themselves and is reminiscing in the replies about whatever the post reminds them of. they're also sending hate to anyone who compares them to the doctor or acts like the doctor is a saint. gets us banned.
🥂💊 manages to make a single post. all it says is '(4,//($' because 1.) he doesn't know how to use a computer and 2.) he got distracted and started pointing out that, "oh i know what this symbol is.'
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hisui-apparently · 1 year
<Video Attached>
"And we're live!" Starts an excited voice, known to be Remy's. Once more, the camera starts by facing the cave side. "Well, not live, but we're rolling! Well, not rolling, because this isn't film... We're recording! Ugh, that doesn't flow as well, though..."
Remy huffs, "Oh well. Can we turn the phone around, Rotom?"
The camera turns so that Remy's upper body is on screen. They're wearing the same thing they were previously, without the bundle of winter clothes covering them. They look freshly washed, and an unprofessional stitch-job can be seen on the flannel near Remy's waist. There are light bags under their eyes, and their energy is clearly made up of "false energy", which somehow seems to overpower any social anxiety they have.
"Alright everyone, you know the drill! I'm just outside the cave on Lake Valor and I'm about to head in and take on Azelf! If you don't know why I'm doing this, well, you should probably watch the video where I took on Uxie at Lake Acuity. Because I explained it pretty well there, and it'll give you some context." They bit at their upper lip and placed their hands flat together in front of their mouth, "Um... What else... Oh! This is all being recorded on my phone, inhabited by a Rotom who gets spoiled just as much as the rest of my team, I assure you! And Reshi," the camera pans over to a 10' white dragon, who looks very intimidating but is, in fact, very sweet, "the lovely Reshiram that @pkmn-scntst-ana, or Dr. Ana, sent over to me so that I don't have to worry about stopping for every single fucking trainer on every route will be waiting outside! Because I feel like having him in there is cheating. He will, however, be guarding my bag and my things. Yes, I packed treats for him."
The camera panned back over to Remy, who was smiling excitedly, "And that should be everything! Shall we?" Despite their clear lack of proper rest, Remy had plenty of energy, however false it was. They walked with a pep in their step upon turning around and walking into the cave, tying their hair back into a ponyta tail as they walked. In the echo of the cave, humming can be heard to the tune of "Good Morning" from Singing in the Rain.
Upon reaching the cavern of the cave, it looked very similar to the interior of Uxie's cave. Dirtied, decrepit pillars holding up the stone and dirt, puddles of water all over the floor. And then there was the Pokemon stood in the middle of the room. Well, it wasn't standing, more 'floating' in the way that Water types outside of the water do. A Pokemon that is much more difficult to recognize.
It's called Overqwil, an evolution of the Hisuian Form of Qwilfish. It's body is spherical with spiky quills all round it, similar to the spikes that Qwilfish has, but much longer and much, much sharper. The underbelly of the Pokemon is a creamy white, and the rest of it is a deep, intimidating black, and the tips of the spikes were colored a poisonous violet. It's red eyes glowed in the darkness of the cave.
It wasn't hard to hear the curse Remy murmured, "Mierda", as the clear Poison type Pokemon shot a stream of acidic fluid at the trainer. Remy quickly dove out of the way. "You okay Rotom?" They shouted.
With an electronic buzz echoing through the chamber, Remy nodded and dove out of the way of another shot of acid. "Alright, Aries, I need you to hit this guy with a strong-as-fuck Bulldoze, buddy!" They yelled as they grabbed a Luxury ball off of their belt, the cap painted a deep orange and rocky brown. They pressed the button to release the Hisuian Arcanine from the ball as they jumped away once more from the Overqwil's attack.
As soon as his paws hit the ground, Aries did exactly as instructed and caused the very ground of the cave to shake with the attack he used. Remy, themself, was knocked off balance and hit the ground. "Oh, maldito- Use it again, Aries, don't let it-" Before they could get the words out, the Overqwil had spun around and used Aqua Tail, hitting Aries directly in the face. "Joder-" before anything else could happen, they returned Aries to his ball and placed both of their hands on the floor, and one foot on the floor, pushing themself up and to the side, landing on their feet just as another spray of acid flew by where they had been grounded. They then grabbed a ball painted in a honey yellow and lavender, "C'mon, Honey, one more Bulldoze should do it!"
Out of the ball came a Hisuian Goodra, who also attacked as soon as her feet hit the ground. Remy was ready for the tremor this time and stayed on their feet, watching with exhaustion as the Overqwil fell from it's floatation and landed on the ground. Remy was breathing heavily, now, and it could be seen that they had previously landed with their elbow in a pool of water that was turned violet by the acid. Their flannel sleeve was soaked with it, and they looked to be taking off the button-up when the screen glitched out and the video turned black. But once again, the audio remained.
"Uxie has informed me of your goal..." once more, a voice that was projected phychically echoed through the cavernous space. "Do you truly wish to continue on, despite the injuries you have suffered on this quest?"
Remy's eye-roll was audible in their voice, "Please, like Acid has stopped me before." The sound of skin patting against steel was heard, and there was a small, deep whine. "Hun, you were drying out and scared, I don't blame you."
"What of the cut that Zoroark gave you?"
"All healed." there was a light rustling of fabric, as Remy presumably showed the scar tissue, "I heal fast."
"And you are not deterred by having to next fight Goodra, a Pokemon you seem to have recently become fond of?"
Remy scoffed, "As if. Just 'cause I'm friends with someone doesn't mean I'm gonna drop any competition. If anything, it makes me even more eager to fight."
"Very well then."
There's a very loud ringing sound, comparable to severe Tinnitus, that lasts for the next couple of minutes, cutting out any of the audio from then on.
But both the audio and video come back as Remy's exiting the cave, along side the Shiny Goodra that they had won the battle with. The audio at first sounds grainy and quiet, but begins to clear up as time passes. "...j-st g--d th-t -e ac-d did-'t affect my flannel." Remy speaks, clearly addressing their Pokemon Partner. "I can repair a cut, but not melted fabric." The fabric in question was being carried by Honey, the maroon a stark contrast against the pale lavender of her body.
Remy's right arm was a bright red, and there was barely noticable blistering on their hands. They winced every time it brushed against their body, but seemed otherwise fine.
There was a worried chirping from Honey, nudging their unburned arm with her hand. Remy winced anyway, as their hand touched their leg, "I'll be fine, Hun. It's a first degree chemical burn- my hands are only worse cause they made direct contact, not being soaked by fabric." Remy shrugged, wincing again as they did.
Honey huffed before tugging on Remy's black tank top, where it sagged a bit more with some water soaking it on their right side. "Oh? Oh shit-! Rotom, cut the video, please?"
As asked, the screen turns black and there's more fabric rustling as Remy realized, with Honey's help, that all of their clothes, in fact, had been soaked. "Thank goodness there's a big-ass blanket in my bag- uh... Hey Reshi! Can you come here with my bag, please?"
After Remy shouted for their bag, they direct their verbal attention to the recording, "So, uh, I've got some first-degree chemical burns all on my right side, so that's gonna be fun to deal with, but, uh... I'll still be able to walk, so I'm still gonna be hiking. Just, maybe, not walking as fast or... stopping for longer at places. This hurts like a bitch-"
"Um... Until next time!"
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touyasdoll · 2 years
not even 10 am and I’ve already had to put out a literal fire. I want to go back to bed.
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guhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 months
I'm so mad that the one medication that keeps my endometriosis under control and keeps me from waking up in the middle of the night literally crying from pain, and also makes me only have my period every three months, also has made me gain like,,,,,20-30 lbs in the last year. Like. What a cruel tradeoff. This feels like one of those would you press the button challenges
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stresshyperdeath · 11 months
Stories in Valais - Calci and the Fly Most Dire
Calci stood in front of the mess she had made in her office in dismay. A cauldron of scalding hot fluids spilled all over the floor, painting the ground in a carpet of viscous green goop. The worst part? That was a lot expensive material, wasted in an instant.
Calci paced around for a bit, her heavy alchemist's boots plodding on the floor. The University would be quite displeased once she put in a new order for reagents, but riggt now she thought to focus more on clean up.
Calci trudged up to a squat door where she stuffed cleaning supplies in for moments just like these. Lazily reaching in, she grabbed a squeegee.
-"Right, time to deal with this mess", she said tiredly.
A quick roll of the sleeves on her safety coat, and she got to work moving the goop into small grates near a downward slope in a lonely corner. The goop was fluid enough, and it flowed into the grates. Unfortunately, it had just a perfect viscosity so that it clogged up the grates. Calci just stared at the clogged grates, waiting for it to drain.
It didn't. She sighed and stomped on the drain a few times, trying not to think of where the University designed the Alchemy Department's drains to go. Surely not the bay?
A small buzz flew right by her ear and she tried to smack it. She missed, she never had luck swatting them. Around that time, she noticed the fly land in part of the goop.
The fly, in its defense, was drawn to the scent, something grossly sugary. Even though it was submerged, it could still consume a bit of the goop with its proboscis.
Calci adjusted her glasses and stared at the the fly. That's when she noticed something off. Was it getting bigger?
It was. And it was growing at a staggering rate.
-"No... the potion worked!?" She yelled, and stomped, "And I flushed it all down!?"
She thumped her own forehead and stared at the cieling. Lost in thought at the prospect of the wasted time, but she was interrupted by a strange breathing.
She looked down. At the fly. It was about the size of a lapdog, and it raggedly breathed through spiracles. Her own face was reflected in the facets of its compound eye. Its whole body was covered in thick hairs, and the fly drooled digestive fluid on the ground, causing a sizzle.
-Calci took a step back from the roided up fly, and tripped, "L-listen here, if you got bigger, your brain got big too right? You can't eat your creator, that's the rule!"
Prone, the fly buzzed its wings fiercely and flew straight at her. She kicked it, the heavy boot sending it into a crash course against a wall with a thud. She scrambled to stand and rushed to the door. The fly, with a busted wing, flew towards her in a haphazard pattern. Now it was personal for the bug.
As Calci reached for the door handle, it spat a glob of digestive fluid that splashed onto her bare arm. The flesh sizzled, the smell was awful. A normal person would be wretching. Calci didn't wretch, bad smells are a normal occurence for her. However, she did squeal in pain, the sensation was akin to being on fire.
She swung her arm, the juices flinging to all corners and digesting whatever organic material it hit. Books, chairs, clothes... all of it just melting into a delicious chemical slurry. Delicious for a giant housefly anyways. Calci cringed as she watched a particular glob fall onto a stack of research papers.
The fly was not interested in the meals around it. It had a busted up wing, and a bigger brain to know full well that there was a threat to its existence just in front of it.
It rushed Calci again, its path straighter, stronger.
Calci on the other hand, slammed the door open. The door swung so that it would open into the makeshift lab behind her, so that passing students wouldn't just bash their faces into the door when she opened it.
As Calci stepped into a hallway, frightening passing undergrads.
The fly behind her collided with the door midflight, and it was slammed between the door and the stone wall. Calci winced as she heard the unceremonious splat.
-A passing professor looked on with a dismissive sneer, "Everything alright Ms. Monsiago?"
-"Uh... yeah, problem solved".
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nascentwaves · 1 year
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"Earthen cigs are trash. How does anyone tolerate these and their awful, cheap flavor?"
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