#Palps gonna palp
musewrangler · 7 months
While the Princess had certainly experienced Darth Vader in her own awful way, none of them had worked for him as Piett had. And he had no desire to see any of these young people die today. People he cared for.
The Princess was quiet for long moments, eyes distant.
“I cannot properly express how much I wish you were one of our officers, dear Captain,” she said at last. “But the fact that you exist even while serving…who you do, gives me some hope that this galaxy can know peace again. And I promise to tell you what you need to know when the time is right.”
He pressed his lips together, wondering just what she had planned.
A small hand landed on his arm lightly.
“I know I really shouldn’t have the right to ask this of you,” she continued, “but please trust me, Captain.”
He could see the crumbling walls of the deserted fortress above them now and angled the speeder toward it.
“My dear,” he said, “I am here based on Rebel intel, to face my Sith commander, along with two of the most wanted beings in the galaxy. I think we can safely say I am trusting you.”
And even in this serious moment, she laughed quietly as he took them the last mile up to the long abandoned building.
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ac-art-and-stuff · 3 months
Imagine Marius goes down in battle. Imagine Lethica, unable to control her fear as something tugs at the emptiness in her mind. Something unsettlingly familiar that she's felt before. Imagine the breaths in between her prayer to Shar to return him to life. Ragged. Pained. Panicked.
Something bright and hot pushes against the cool darkness in her memories. She thinks of the pyre outside of the mines. "By Lathander! By Shar!" She thinks of the vision of Marius in her the burning house while on the roof of the church in Cyril. "No...! No no no! What have I done!? I'm so sorry!" She thinks of the comforting chill of his hands as they danced, her own uncomfortably warm within them. "I'm sorry... for everything; but I've enjoyed every moment with you."
"No no no!" She demands. "Not again!"
I won't lose you too.
I can't erase myself twice.
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antianakin · 2 years
Isn't it funny how pretty much everyone who knew and cared about Anakin ends up worse off for having known him? That pretty much everyone in Anakin's life would have been better off if they'd never even met him?
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themainstarwarrior · 3 months
no like its actually disrespectful as fuck that after kylo kills Ren he doesn't even take the REN?? like bitch??? this whole shit revolves around that lightsaber? and he was like no actually im gonna throw this in the dirt and make my own super cool lightsaber w a crystal i couldn't even bleed properly and a hilt that can barely withstand the heat that it takes to operate it and is held together by staples and also now im gonna be Kylo Ren bc fuck however many rens came before me. also we're gonna go work for the leader of the first order even tho we do not give a fawk abt what theyre doing bc umm. well im kind of a drop out so i need a teacher still kinda and none you flops went to school (because it doesn't matter for their ideology) but also if you try to just leave and be the Knights of Ren somewhere else im gonna kill you....like okay nepo baby mcpower fantasy
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Sidious: “When my new apprentice Darth Vader arrives, he will...take care of you.” 😈😤😏
Nute Gunray and the Separatists, who apparently thought that being ‘taken care of’ by a Sith Lord meant something other than being sliced up: “Wow that sounds like fun! We’ll roll out the welcome wagon!” 😄🥳🤩
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#Revenge of the Sith is probably my favorite movie of all time#and I watch it religiously#but that bit has started to crack me up#Sidious says it so menacingly too#and Nute is like “oh sure sounds fun! can’t wait to meet him! does he have any allergies because Poggle was gonna make some mini-muffins?”#PACK YOUR BAGS AND GTFO#WHY WOULD YOU NEED TO BE TAKEN CARE OF BY A SITH LORD#THE SITH ARE TYING UP LOOSE ENDS#YOU AND YOUR BROSKIS ARE ALL LOOSE ENDS#JUST A BUNCHA LOOSE ENDS HANGING OUT TOGETHER IN THE SAME ROOM#and I know they aren’t sympathetic characters#but Palps played them and Dooku and Grievous like fiddles#“Clone intelligence has reported that General Greivous is… yeah yeah yeah you just got off a holocall with him ya Loth-snake#(wtf even is “clone intelligence”…are they spies??? they’re the most dubious guys in the galaxy! they all look alike!)#sometimes I think about those deleted scenes where Padmé meets with Separatist leaders#and basically kickstarts the Rebel Alliance#makes me think about if Nute and some of those guys had lived and joined the Alliance…lots of comedic potential#Nute: “I feel like ‘Alliance to Restore the Republic’ isn’t a very inclusive name for our cause. I don’t want to restore the Republic.”#Padmé: “Well we’re gonna have better luck piecing the Republic back together than Count Dooku aren’t we?”#Grievous: *uncontrollable cough-sobbing*#revenge of the sith#darth sidious#anakin skywalker#star wars incorrect quotes#nute gunray
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jetcorax · 6 months
*rotating the parallels between thrawn's arc and anakin's downfall* *frothing at the mouth*
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Rex is the only successful prototype that resulted from an ill-conceived cloning project. Quite literally born to be able to shapeshift into a creature that deserves respect and consideration due to its immense power as an apex predator.
The Empire would very much like to have that project revived and perfected. And they've got millions of expendable test subjects with no free will to pick from to turn into something more useful. Who cares if a few clones are lost in the process if it means potential results?
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miraclewoozi · 1 year
just had Thee most therapeutic follower clearout and i feel like a new woman🥰
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gammaraydeath · 9 months
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"babe you better not be undergoing a personality shift caused by exiting this mortal coil and have it be represented by your hair becoming gradually more anime when i get back"
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nukebag · 1 year
I think that instead of a force ghost it would be like infinitely cooler if by some sith dark magic fives got reanimated as a funky skeleton man
bonus: grim reaper fives coming to absolutely obliterate palpatine
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musewrangler · 9 months
The speeder pulled up to park beside the big old garage and Dad stepped out.
“Hi!” Luke yelled down.
As usual, he couldn’t startle Dad, who angled a knowing look up into the tree with a grin.
“Hello, Luke. You got higher today I see.”
“You going to stay up there or do I get a hug?”
Luke decided to show Dad just how fast he could come down and flung himself from branch to branch.
He could sense that Dad was impressed if a little nervous about how reckless he was being.
At the last one though, his fingers slipped and he fell.
Instinctively, he put out both hands to break the plunge…
A breath.
The world was quiet but Luke could hear the bugs going about their business in the dirt. The creek behind the house was suddenly highlighted in his ears. The sound of a Thune chewing its cud was almost deafening.
He opened first one screwed shut eye and then the other.
Between his outstretched hands he could see the dirt patch at the base of the tree where he and Leia always started for their climbs.
But it was a good eight feet below him.
“Luke….” Dad said a little unsteadily. “How are you doing that?”
He was floating in mid air. He could sense Leia’s awe and Mom’s shock.
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ontargetmadders · 2 years
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mieltelecheycrema · 6 months
pushups are really fun now that i can do them
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squirrelno2 · 1 year
Some fun behind the scenes stuff for Dead Brothers Coalition, brought to you by my frantic reread to make sure I manage to resolve everything that needs it:
In Time Wounds All, when Echo has just barely come back to full consciousness, Echo starts to speak but Droidbait doesn’t catch what he says - Echo was trying to ask where Fives was
In Time Flies, the Jedi didn’t know Cutup was Cutup at all (he suspects that for a hot second but it’s mostly that Shaak Ti looked at him like “dang you’re familiar” but as revealed later that connection wasn’t made until after they heard about Droidbait) but they did think he was lying about being a Kaminoan Guard, and was possibly some kind of Force-sensitive - the idea was that maybe either the Kaminoans had secretly made Force-sensitive clones and the Jedi should worry about betrayal from those quarters, or that the clones were hiding Force sensitivity from everyone. obviously neither was true but it sparked a Lot of debates until the “time travel” thing came out
In Borrowed Time, when Fox talks about the senator who’s paranoid after The Food Poisoning Incident, he does not mention the part where he’s the one who caused said food poisoning incident so he would have a low-stakes reason to get Flex offworld so he could desert. All attempts on the senator’s life were fabricated, and also highly satisfying because that guy was a dick
(actually, also in Borrowed Time, the part where Fox says “we don’t need more bodies” is something Hevy read as being derisive towards him, when it was in fact a scathing assessment of clones being treated as cannon fodder. This one is subtext you may or may not have gotten but I think about that line a lot)
(also also the people who get Flex offworld are more of my ocs though they never quite make it onscreen. the currently unnamed twi’lek from my oc-centric wip is the one who swears and climbs up a dumpster.)
Ok last thing about Borrowed Time but Fox fully expected Nel to tell Hevy about Fives as soon as they found out, and didn’t expect Nel to keep it secret for him. He cultivates loyalty very purposefully but doesn’t think of it as real, or something that might outweigh personal loyalty to someone else
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months
Once Vader and Palps know that Ahsoka is fulcrum she definitely makes Ezra post space YouTube videos of her dissing Vader for stupid things he did as Anakin that has Palps questioning why he chose Vader
Lord_Vader: This Never Happened. Lord_Vader: Delete This Immediately. jabbathehutt [op]: wow mr vader any1 would think u were anakin skywalker the way ur defending him Lord_Vader: Silence. FulcrumTano: I'm gonna talk abt when anakin got his arm stuck to the ceiling in the citadel next week Lord_Vader: My Dignity Is Already Ruined What More Do You Want From Me Lord_Vader: Please I Am Going To Lose My Job
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dixieconley · 9 months
How did Obi-Wan not notice the thing with R2D2?? And what if he did?
Obi-Wan: We need to talk about your issues with attachment. Anakin: ::panicking, thinking Obi-Wan's found out about his marriage:: You had a relationship with Satine Kryze! Obi-Wan: … And Ki-Adi-Mundi is married. Jedi can have relationships, Anakin. We've talked about this. Anakin: … I think I would have remembered that.
[Many many past conversations: Obi-Wan: ::lecturing:: Attachment… the code… meditation. Anakin: ::busy tinkering:: Yes, yes, master. Whatever you say, master. Obi-Wan: This is fine. This absolutely will not come back to bite me in the ass later.]
Obi-Wan: Regardless, we need to talk about your attachment issues. Anakin: What issues? You just *said* marriage is okay. Obi-Wan: ::derailed:: What's that about marriage? Anakin: This isn't about me and Padme being married? Obi-Wan: … Obi-Wan: No. Anakin: This is about what I did when my mom died then, isn't it? Obi-Wan: … Anakin: ::getting defensive:: They deserved it! Tuskens are animals. Obi-Wan: ::rubbing his nose:: Anakin. Stop guessing. You're literally making this worse with every word out of your mouth. There happens to be a Tusken Jedi. You've *met* him. Anakin:: ::sheepish:: Oh. So, um, what's this about then? ::finally listening for the first time in the past three years:: Obi-Wan: I came here to talk to you about the salvage operation you ran to rescue R2D2. Anakin: ::puzzled:: Master? You ordered me to go on that mission. Obi-Wan: ::pinching his nose:: Anakin, you do realize that the mission would have been completely unnecessary had you just wiped the droid as per procedure? Anakin: But R2's my buddy. I wouldn't do that to him. Obi-Wan: You got all but two of the men who went with you killed in an attempt to rescue a droid! Anakin: So? I would have done the same for Padme. Or Ahsoka, Obi-Wan: … Obi-Wan: You see no issue in trading sentient lives for an inanimate object. That, Anakin is the very definition of attachment and why you either see a mind healer or go to Jedi jail. Anakin: What? You can't make me see a mind healer! Obi-Wan: You're right. Jedi Jail it is. Anakin: Noooo! I'm gonna tell my good friend the Chancellor on you! Obi-Wan: ::fed-up with everything and feeling both sassy and sarcastic:: Oh, and what's he going to do, order the clones to turn on us and massacre all the Jedi right down to the initiates in the creche? The Force: ::shouting:: YES!!! Obi-Wan:: ::facepalm:: That absolutely came back and bit me in the ass.
Later: Cody: You have a Jedi jail? Obi-Wan: No. Cody: Sir? Obi-Wan: Seemed like a safe bet. ::bitter: He obviously ignored everything else I tried to teach him. Cody: Jedi can marry? Obi-Wan: Yes. Cody: Jedi. As in you. Obi-Wan: As in... Cody: ::suddenly two inches closer:: Obi-Wan: ::squeaking:: Me? Cody: ::smoulders:: Obi-Wan: After the war. Chain of command. Would be inappropriate. Because reasons. Cody: I see.
Two days later: Fox: ::eyeing the assortment of munitions Cody's just laid on his desk, including, but not limited to, slug throwers, thermal detonators, a handful of droid poppers and a rotary cannon:: So you say that the chancellor's a direct threat to the military command of the GAR and that I get to kill him if I agree to mute my external audio pickup and follow your orders? Cody: Yes. Is there a problem? ::looms menacingly:: Fox: ::jumps up:: No takesies backsies! Thorn! Thire! It's Lifeday and Cody's just got us all a present!
Palps gets wrekt. The Corries have the Best. Day. Ever.
Cody and Obi-Wan swear the riduurok. No one is surprised.
The mind healers ending *building* a Jedi jail just so they don't have to listen to Anakin whine any longer. (R2D2 has the option of joining Anakin. Which, no. C3PO is welcome to that. R2D2 is having none of that shit. Time to head back to his original family -- the handmaidens of Naboo. Who will let him have a little murder. As a treat.)
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