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dust-and-berry · 4 months ago
Something that seems strange to me is how Americans refuse to teach that sl4v3ry was something that existed and was in their country.
type... one of my first memories of my childhood (at 4-5?) is watching the first episode of an educational series from my country(the one in the images, I looked for it to show it ).
The formula was simple, our protagonist travels in time and falls on an important historical date, in this case 1810.
In the first 15 minutes of the first chapter we are introduced to the character Nina, And she explains to us that being the daughter of a slave and a free bl4ck woman, she is also free (as shown in the pictures). Nina becomes an important character as she is the companion who explains most things to the protagonist and accompanies him in most chapters.
I didn't think about it much at the time and my 5-years-old mind just said "there was a time in history where you could buy pe0ple" and that was it.
Now that I see the American disaster of teaching this in schools I just say, "Isn't that what learning is supposed to be for? to prevent it from happening again?"
(PS to avoid any comments disasters: Yes, the series condemns these acts. )
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mayhemmaybe · 7 months ago
if mephisto can transform into a dog then can amaimon transform into anything
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"He's slightly more manageable like this."
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meteoritoart · 2 years ago
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The show I've been working on as an animator is finally airing on monday ✨
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thebipolargirl12-blog · 2 months ago
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Aqui posteo el paso a paso (en imagen completa) de mi dibujo de dos personajes de la serie animada de Polinopolis: Milo y Zabo!
Y perdón si se nota las correcciones con liquid paper! 😅
Pondré las fechas de cuando hice cada dibujo
Foto 1: 16 de diciembre del 2024 a las 1:09 PM
Foto 2: 26 de diciembre del 2024 a las 7:13 PM
Foto 3: 31 de diciembre del 2024 a las 10:57 PM
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yescrazycatlady10 · 1 year ago
Paka Paka Kawaii Village Japan! 🍣
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cavity-core · 10 months ago
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scum hamham
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misteriouschum · 5 months ago
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dressuptober day 5
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heavytheheavy · 6 months ago
Wdym the flatland 2007 fandom is growing??
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the-acid-pear · 8 months ago
Didn't dream with Peter outright BUT I did dream w a character from an old cartoon implied to be some old maybe Russian one that did look exactly like better like stupid round red phone head and rolled up blue shirt and all. So still a win for me.
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hiroyukill · 2 years ago
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Pakapaka the Crab Keychain • $5.00
Bring a little bit of the island into your life with this Island Crab Keychain.
1.46″ x 1.53″
Printed in full color on one side (the back is white).
Clear snap closure and stainless steel key ring.
About the Artist
This design was created by Justin Carlson. When not helping us make fun products for the tumblr shop you can find him do collaborative drawing projects on Instagram.
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squeakitties · 7 months ago
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Funko had a series of blindboxes called Pakapaka Fruit Bats and they are just the cutest things ever. Some of the most appealing blindbox designs I've ever seen and they're by the frickin Funko Pop company
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mayhemmaybe · 7 months ago
That reminds me of Hamtaro
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"I wouldn't say he's that cute..."
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archtroop · 1 year ago
Sometimes I need to remind myself that tumblr is a fringe social network, and is by far not the average. What it is though, is a good sampler of the more extreme, I would say, ideologically swayed. A bit.
The more comments and notes I read from the Free Palestine crowd, the more it gets obvious that these are incapable, useful idiots. Literally, spoonfed couchpotatos at best. Starbucks Boycoyters at worst.
It's like the 00's insecure attention seeking posers, with an amoral, ignorant twist to them.
And they are entirely, ABSOLUTELY useless people.
Some morally rotten such individual wrote me that "Israel deserves what's coming for them, you deserve to die" etc. And it really made me think. What's coming? WHO'S coming? You? You, an unemployed tumblrina? You and what army?
What are you gonna do? Try to kill us all? What's the WORST you can do that wasn't, hasn't been tried already?
Truth is, no one is coming.
You read about this pompous, self indulgent "Palestinian Activism Solidarity ". What the FUCK are you talking about? Where is it? What, SA under IRI at the ICJ?.... Watermelon emojis...? ...Slogans?
The most "affective" actions FreePalestine Movement "achieved" was a few shootings/stabbings/rammings here and there, a hostage situation in Turkey in the name of Palestine (the man was executed on the spot after some negotiations. Turkey, yeah). A few burnt synagogues around the world and a whole lot of terrorized Jews in the Diaspora. Not a single Palestinian benefited. Not in Gaza anyway. To sum it up, what exactly are you gonna do? Blow yourself up in a subway in the name of Palestine? How incredibly unoriginal and unhelpful. Although expected and unsurprisingly fitting to the roots of the movement, I'll give you all that.
No one is coming. A lot of pakapaka from Nassrallah and Co. and a radio silence from the Arab world.
Iran pulled the Houthies out of their boydem only for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan to reluctantly push the button to down Houthie ammo flying towards Israel. Houthies "asked" of Saudi Arabia to "let them cross over to fight the Zionists", and not only this is a joke, a caravan of sandals-wearing, AK-47 totting, Houthie caravan crossing Saudia to do what exactly? Bite Israeli ankles in Eilat Port? Rather It's an insult, to show that "here see we tried", since Saudis are fighting the Houthies FOR YEARS, it was never an actual option to begin with.
Are you blind? No. One. Is. Coming.
After 75 years of trying to erase Israel from the map, the 7th of October unleashed what could only have happened after Israel had its last straw broken.
Congratulations, you've managed at dehumanizing Israelis to the point that you managed to rob us from one aspect of humanity, even if temporarily: our symphaty.
Not forever, but for a period. And when you did so, you WERE LUCKY, for US were here WITHIN MINUTES, being smart enough to talk Israel out from attacking on the freaking spot. Instead, Israel waited 3 damn weeks. For 3 weeks, Israel called for the evacuation of Gazans from the northern side of Gaza.
Symphaty has an expiration date. The 7th of October 2023 was that date. You backed Israel to a wall, and no slogan will suffice against a nation that KNOWS that its very existence was threatened in a very real, visceral, inhumane, and depraved way.
No one is coming. Not for us, not for the Gazans. The Arab world is waiting to see, when will they wake up with one Iranian proxy less on the map. The truth is, aside from the pakapaka all round the clock, Isrsel was left with "do what you do, we wait" kind of global attitude.
Arab nations don't care about Palestinians. They don't care for the Palestinian Cause. Never had. It was always for show, as a pawn. A distraction. And we know it, very well.
The Palestinians are, and always were, used. They were used to carry on this idea that Israel would disappear from the map. If not by force, then by proxy warfare and terrorism, with time. If not by proxies, then by mass protest and public opinion. But the thing is, reality is a material thing. You need TO DO a thing for it TO HAPPEN. And public opinion rarely holds. And for how it's loud, the Free Palestine Movement is nothing but that: Loud.
As for the undoing of Israel and Bney Israel, well. Many have tried.
And oh boy, did the Arab nations TRIED.
They PAYED for trying.
But that's in the past, largely. Now, the annihilation of Israel and the creation of a Palestine is just a cruel pipe dream, with human prisoners, and an international cheering squad. After all, you can't free something that never existed and couldn't form one coherent ideology that makes sense and strives towards a positive, creation-adjacent activity in 75 years of its yappery. It's just not there. If the ideology surrounds destruction, it can not create. It can only destroy.
You may shout your lungs out and make up all kinds of delusional narratives. In the end, they are just that: empty words to make the righteous self of the woke crowd feel better, to feel active. To be a part.
To be USED.
It says a lot about the sad reality of this mass of people. The yearning for purpose, this loneliness. The rootlessness. Loss of identity. Identities so fractured, so incohesive. Loss of trust in the institution. The shallow knowledge. The practically non-existent reading comprehension.
All are easily diverted to create this cult like behavior.
People cry their eyes out over something that not only they have zero way of affecting but oftentimes is inflated, twisted, and presented as something completely false, or fake or what have you, instead of looking around them and doing something about their own realities. Pouring their hearts out over an unreality, fruitless.
This is either willful ignorance or escapism. Can't even say which one is worse.
This mass is being used. It creates a pool of despair, mysery. Feelings of "not enough", of unachievment. Those masses are breeding grounds for terrorism activity recruitment.
One party, one goal.
Free Palestine is a magic combination of words. You would ask, what is it? And they would sell you, ah, it's this magical place over the rainbow far, far away, and you can be the savior of those people. What a beautiful fantasy. Except you can't save those who did all their best to commit a slow, painstaking suicide, over 75 years. It's unrealistic, whatever this so-called "movement" is yapping about. There are no outlines, no strategy. It's just empty, big, bombastic words, to rile up emotionally as many people as possible, who look for a meaning.
I keep remembering the movie The Wave (2008). It's amazing how word by word, scene by scene, the story is playing out right now with worrying accuracy.
I don't know where this will lead Europe, UK, US, Canada... Australia... you all should be on high alert internally. But one thing is pretty clear.
No one is coming. As for Israel... You did your worst already. You have left Israel with nothing to be afraid of.
BDS biggest achievement was the eventual unemployment of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank. UN is a joke. Red Cross is a joke. UNRWA exposed, visibly and undeniably. Abraham Accords are proceeding, even if slower, yet still they do. HAMAS gets mopped the floor with. And Lebanon has to do the impossible: drag Hezbollah away from the Isrseli border. Otherwise, there won't be much of a Lebanon to speak about in a very short amount of time. And that's not even a threat. It's reality. As government officials in Lebanon plead with Hezbollah to halt, Israel is ready on the border for 80,000 Israelis are internally displaced within Isrsel itself because of the war with HAMAS, but mainly away from the northern border because of constant shelling by Hezbollah.
And it won't hold forever.
And no one is coming.
Because who will? You and what army?
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valenrepetto · 2 months ago
Cuando empezo tu amor por Sonic y porque el y no otra cosa?
PD: más arte de knuckles
En realidad Sonic me gustó siempre, de chiquita me levantaba a ver Sonic X en PakaPaka.
Tmb jugaba al Sonic Heroes/Unleashed en la ps2, lindo recuerdo la play chipeada con 180+ juegos truchos
La segunda temporada de Sonic Prime fue lo q me llamó la atención y caí en la calesita sonadow q estoy ahora. Y la pelicula me extendió la locura x un par de años más🤝
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tutuca0-0 · 2 years ago
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elbiotipo · 2 years ago
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