#PV Scenery
the-chikyuu-times · 1 year
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dailyspiceandwolf · 7 months
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Spice & Wolf 2024 PV 2 ▶ 11/?
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stardustizuku · 1 year
Why Miraculous LadyBug Is the Worst Thing To Happen To Magical Girl Genre in All Its History.
It would be easy to sit here and tell you all the logical reasons why Ladybug is a bad show. It has horrible pacing, it has low stakes, repetitive episodes, and a dialogue that is cringe worthy enough to get its own tiktok sound.
But saying that, would be beating a dead horse at this point. Everyone knows this show is a bunch of wasted potential, only made worse by a director who keeps thinking he created gold, when in fact he messed up in a lot of areas – particularly the fact that he’s a grown man who thinks he knows what little girls want.
I’m not here for that.
Particularly, because I can be quite forgiving to shows like this. I mean, they’re kids' shows! Meant for little girls, and I haven’t been one for a few years now. But I still enjoy them.
Why? Well, cause I’m a massive fan of Magical Girl animes. I love the glitter, the sparkles, the silly adventures with friends, and the transformation sequences! Even with all its flaws, I really like them. So, stories or shows that borrow from them, get a pass in all these things. 
I mean, I have fun re-watching WINX Club, I love Star Vs The Forces of Evil despite its flaws. Steven Universe holds a deep place in my heart and She-Ra is…She-Ra is in its very own league of how amazing it is.
So, no. Be it a very dumb show or a very smart one, I can have fun. It’s very rare when a show with, you know, glitter, girly stuff and animals CAN’T hold my attention.
But, well, MLB failed at that.
It’s just, not a good show.
I mean, it could be. But the age demographic would need to drop several, several age groups just to be barely watchable – and even then, I seriously doubt that it would be good for young girls to watch it. The lessons it teaches are concerning, to say the least.
And at this point, you may be thinking,
"Why do you care so much about this show? It’s dumb and you’ve acknowledged it treats its demographic as toddlers. Why do you care so much?"
Well, because I've been here... for a very, very long time.
Listen, I started watching Miraculous Ladybug, back when I was in high school. Maybe a bit old, but, hey, a lot of unique cartoons came out around that time. (Star Vs, Steven Universe, etc). So, I was hopeful. Really hopeful.
Mainly, because I was here before it EVEN premiered. I remember it. The original PV was 2D animated and it had this vague Princess Tutu vibes that JUST I couldn’t resist. It was clear as day that it borrowed a lot of its inspiration from magical girls from the 90's, probably even 80's.
The premise looked similar enough to Kaito Jeanne, and Kaito St. Tail for me to draw those conclusions.
It had a dynamic very similar to Princess Tutu and seemed like a mix of silly and dark like that one was.
To be honest, I could even see hints of Sugar Sugar Rune with Pierre and Felix.
Not to mention, the animation was beautiful.
I will never, never forget that scene with Chat looking at Ladybug starry-eyed under the Paris Moonlight. That was so beautiful, a genuine touch of romance that rang so similar to the Magical Girl animes I grew up with.
I was thrilled, I was excited. I wanted this show to succeed, before even the premier had dropped.
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This is all to say -
I never came to this show with the intention for it to fail.
And I didn’t expect nor want it to be ground-breaking or a giant of the genre. I just hoped I could have a fun time.
I didn't want subversions, I didn't want it to be dark, or deep. All I wanted, was sparkles, fun and a good time.
So, when it first aired, I tried to stay positive. I tried to like it, even when it had all these massive red flags.
I’ve never been a big fan of 3D animation, and especially not how it’s used in Magical Girl animes. (We all know the disaster the first season of Sailor Moon Crystal was).
But I swallowed it down.
The characters were different from the original PV
But I swallowed it down.
The background scenery was bland and generic and hardly felt unique.
But I swallowed it down.
I was here since day 1. I was here when Stormy Weather premiered. I was here before many of you were, and
I swallowed it all down.
Because I really, really wanted this to be good.
And I really thought it would.
But things should have been made clear, when they fucked up the one thing they shouldn't. The one thing that held this all together. The one thing that kept me here even as everything was burning to the ground, and I was too naive to realize it.
They fucked up the thing that started all this, to begin with.
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nlsg - decomposition beauty - rce dim - nl - venomous cell - 10th melt - wt13 - magnificent malformed redefinition - (nldh - pwtds - govc) 13th - dogmatic - ( un - due - trois ) dogmatic final - priest ruki - dogma book 15th - biab - ninth tour - ninth final - ninth kishidan banpaku (2018) - rock in japan 2019 20th - de - mass phase (01 - 02 - 03) - docu mass final - mass - mass final scans - ahotc 2024 - 0527 - aoi skies - immortal creed
gzt (all 5 together) yyg (Aoi & Uruha) fav - my gifs - other - aoi other - timelines docu - pv - bts - lyrics - vids - scans - info
interview translations - talks - uruha blog twitter - aoi twitter - ig - ruki ig - (nails - o)
scenography - ruki hands - scenery analysis (all symbolism posts are here) amaterasu - sun - redness - the car guitars - taujan - merch - moon
headbanging - tattoos - music recs hands - smoking - heartbeat - bows psc - inazuma - kb12 - kb14 - spooky box 2 rock in japan 2017 - countdown japan - 18th babylon, 13 stairs, dogma, ugly, undying
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Welcome! This is a special invitation to take the whole Dir en grey community for an enthralling ride into the Schadenfreude universe! 
That song’s lyrics are highly poetic, and seeing as it is a long song, we have even more to feed our imagination. These lines suggest an imagery, but far from forcing a specific one onto us, they peel at the layers of our creativity. 
We would love to see your approach on what those lyrics evoke for you. Some of you are incredible talented and this contest is less of a competition than it is an opportunity to create a gallery of amazing art dedicated to Dir en grey’s Schadenfreude!
Still, as an incentive, you can expect not just many kudos and my heartfelt appreciation, but a couple of prizes! 
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Two guaranteed prizes are sets of VIP & exclusive goods from Tour23 Phalaris Vol.II, which contain: portrait set (photographed during Tour23 From Depression To____ 25th Anniversary), drawing book (Perfume of Sins artist photo outlines), colouring pencils, wristbands set, and a large pouch. 
What’s more random and undetermined is that, on top of that, honestly, there are probably things that I would be willing to do or to depart with from my own collection. Whether it’s something in Photoshop, or you’re a fan of x member who is missing something, we’ll work out an extra prize that I can include in your package!
(Voting method and presentation of the entries to be determined - probably dependent on how many entries there are, if artists prefer to be presented anonymously or something, etc. I definitely won’t be making the decision myself, but I also want it to be as fair as possible for all participants!)
I don’t want to rush creativity at all, but please submit your entries no later than July 7th 2023 at 11:59PM EST. Let me know if you find this too restrictive!
Here is the Google form to register your artwork:
You can enter as many entries as you wish to share! There are so many inspiring lyrics in Schadenfreude that would be difficult to mix into a single piece of art. At the same time, there isn’t necessarily strength in number in this case, since there will be at least two winners anyway. This is meant to give you flexibility rather than to force you to make a difficult choice on just one segment of Schadenfreude to illustrate, but don’t spread your efforts thin on too many pieces!
What medium? As long as it’s a still image, go wild with digital, paper, paint, clay(?). 
Literally no other theme than just: “Bring to life a part of Schadenfreude’s poetry”. The lyrics mention scenery for the most, but you could include a person in your artwork too. 
Do keep in mind the tone and way those lyrics are sung, as well as the surrounding melody, of course!
This may be more distracting than helpful as it could create bias, but below the break, I’ll include some descriptions of how Schadenfreude was portrayed live by the band. 
Before the hidden break though, good luck to all and thank you to anyone who participates! If you can, please spread the word about this contest!
The lighting for Schadenfreude is overall very much blue and red, but I think there were scenes of red and green too. 
In the background, the accompanying video shows 3D graphics of: gnats, a featureless person praying on their knees, a corridor of material resembling inner linings or organs that leads to a wide room where a faceless branch being sits on a throne, the Devil with its horns, scorched paper, a devastated forest but also a jungle with a giant skull-shaped rcck or monument. Other parts of the video showcase sketches like those of the artist behind the Agitated Screams of Maggots and Rinkaku PVs, displaying a mage or a ghost. 
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 726: Sakamichi until the Central Sports Park
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Pag 1
1: Two hours earlier, Sohoku High School racing team is on the mountain road towards the training camp
2: Are you alright, Onoda-san!?
Y- your condition... ahh, ahhhh
3: We were descending at a high speed, and then the moment we entered the mountain road his face turned... white
What do we do about this training camp
Is- is.... is he going to be alright?
4: Yeah, don't worry
It's Onoda-kun's specialty that we've gotten used to – car sickenss!!
I didn't think it would happen three years in a row
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Pag 2
1: At the same place!!
2: I'm- alright, Naru.... ko... kun
Yeah you don't look alright at all
Your face is as white as paper
3: During these three years.... I've learned... and
I've come..... prepared....
4: Go ahead before me
5: There's no need to contact Toji-san either
6: From here....
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Pag 3
1: To the Cycling Sports Park it's 18km....
I realized that on this mountain road
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Pag 4
1: If I go with my bike, I'm sure I won't feel sick!!
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Pag 5
1: I don't feel faint and I don't feel sick either
And I won't bother everyone
Ahhh... bikes really are the best...!!
2: But I'll be a little later for the start
I'll hurry as much as possible
(Time display)
4: But
5: The air is sweet, and I'm able to slowly enjoy the scenery
Ah, I can see the sea
6: I even started humming without noticing
Hm hm hm
Ahhh the “Love Hime”'s third season announcement PV only has the chorsu part of the song.... I want to listen to the opening!!
Even though I'm pedaling like this
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Pag 6
1: There's many things to discover
2: 3km to go!!
3: This climb, and then the descent after it!!
4: Alright, I'm at the top
5: Hm hm hm
6: Hime hime
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Pag 7
1: Hime.....
2: Waaaaaaaa, he's deaaad!!
3: Someone- someone's collapsed
Waaaaa my first dscorvery
Wh- wh- what should I do
4: My phone, my phone
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Pag 8
1: I'm alive
A- i- u- e- o
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Pag 9
1: See, I can even speak Japanese
2: I'm just resting
On the ground
3: You can go
4: O-okay
Sorry, you surprised me
5: What a strange person....
Well, then....
He was wearing a unifer, is he a student.....?
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Pag 10
1: Hakone Academy is around here, maybe he's an Hakone Academy's student?
2: Uh-oh, I'm on my way to training camp! I have to hurry
I left the start to Naruko-kun, but....
4: Huh?!
This smell....
5: Just now the smell of plants was mixed a little with the smell of blood!!
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Pag 11
1: He's injured!!
2: Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I'm making a mistake?
Maybe he'll brush me off again!?
3: But
4: Let's turn back!!
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Pag 12
2: Oh?
3: The four-eyes from before
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Pag 13
1: I'm just resting, you can go
Yo-yo-you're injured!!
2: I have water and bandages!!
3: Are you kidding me
4: No way something so convenient
5: is... happe.... ning
6: Are you alright!? Were you hit by car!?
Are you alright!?
7: Huh? No... on my own.....
On your own!?
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Pag 14
1: Just for a moment, I looked away just a little
And then there was a hole and I fell
2: This is so hard, this is so hard
3: He's not listening
5: He's so bad at this....
6: But
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Pag 15
1: You saved me
Thanks a lot
5: I'm glad!
7: By the way, that
Is the same as the one that a famous guy from Chiba rides
The bicycle
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Pag 16
1: Huh
2: You know bicycles very well?
3: I was riding one earlier
4: Earlier?
5: Now it's a little....
Waaa- It's fallen to the bottom of the valley...!!
6: I was riding, then I got caught in a hole
Kinda like that
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Pag 17
1: Leave it to me, I'll bring it to you
2: I'll....
Ohhh, what a kind guy!!
3: I-!!
5: …. well then, I'll go
Somehow now it feels reversed and I feel sorry
6: By the way....
Ahead of here
7: There's only the Cycling Sports Park
And from today for the next four days it's reserved so you can't use it
So where are you going, Four-eyes-san?
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Pag 18
1: To the Cycling Sports Park
2: I'm Chiba's.... Sohoku High School's cap.... captain
Do you know of it?
My name is Onoda Sakamichi
We're having a training camp there from today
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Pag 19
2: Who?
Huh- ah, no- haha it's it's just a name
He doesn't know me....!! This is so embarassing!!
3: You're kidding me.....
4: The super famous person of Chiba!!
5: This is baad... I was s surprised I bluffed and pretended not to know
Ah... uhm, and you?
6: Huh, me?
I'm- I'm!!
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Pag 20
1: I'm Hakone Academy first year, the super rookie!! I'm Tobirama!!
2: It hurts
This person's head looks like a scrubbing brush
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wedreamedlove · 6 months
【Light and Night: Springtime Vibing Vibing PV】
The sun is warm, the breeze is gentle, and sleep talk is whispered against the hair on your temple. The spring scenery is pleasant and the inseparable dream in a room continues. The most beautiful time is warm and romantic dreams linger, enjoy this endless spring with him.
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ikemenfangirl · 1 year
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Tears of Themis - Idyllic Moments With You Event (Global server)
Listen to the precious meaning with you
📍Tears of Themis & Zhejiang Provincial Museum collaboration event
💕 MR cards
A thousands of years full of fragrant scenery, ancient rhyme recalls.
Attunement of Guqin
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Composition of Ink
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Fragrancy of Incense
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Marius : Immersion of Tea
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📱Game: Tears of Themis
📆Start: August 17th
📍Event: Idyllic Moments With You
🌎 Server: Global & Chinese
เกมจีบหนุ่มไขคดี Tears of Themis อีเวนต์จีนโบราณ
🇯🇵 PV with Japanese voice https:// youtu.be/Kyi_cnjIX4A
🇨🇳 PV with Chinese voice https://youtu.be/HKMJd4TbfQg
Game: Tears of Themis
By: miHoYo
Platform: iOS, Android
Global: https://tot.mihoyo.com
China: https://wd.mihoyo.com
Taiwan: https://tot.tw.mihoyo.com/tw
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arabella-77 · 1 year
Four Season Scenery Event [MLQC CN]
Recently MLQC China Server run a new event; online & offline in Four Seasons Village, China. And they released this cute and funny PV. So I & @putufelisia translated it.
Please enjoy! 💙❤️🧡💜💚
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
notable/fav (visuals wise) cutscenes/pvs/character demos (?)
azhdaha/through the dragon's eyes, zhongli's second story quest 1.5
akitsu haneasobi, akitsu kimodameshi event 3.3
changsheng, baizhu's story quest 3.6
tales of the five kasen, zephyr of the violet garden event (is that what it's called >_>) 2.6 (?)
flavors of the world, moonlight merriment event 2.1
kokomi's character demo or pv, the one where she's sinking underwater, 2.2
scenery and sentiment animations, for both mondstadt and liyue
glory endures in legacy, lyney's story quest, 4.1
A Wish Upon Shooting Stars, YOIMIYA'S SECOND STORY QUEST!!! 3.7
cutscenes for kazuha, xinyan, fischl, and mona from summer fantasia 2.8
waterborne poetry event 3.1 oceanid cutscene pv
la vaguelette, furina story quest, 4.2
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taldigi · 2 years
What do you think of the fact that PV hawkmoth had a huge blimp that he flew over the city. Personally, I like to think of it as a power move, that actually made him more intimidating. It just tells you how dangerous he was. That he was not afraid to give away his location, and he set himself over the city he was the king of it, and no one could do anything about it.
it was absolutely a final gambit sort of thing. Richard never had a... grandiose vibe, not the kind of villian to chew the scenery. Totally had a secret boss kinda vibe.
But him hiding in plain sight? the blimps just being a thing that flew under (over?) the heroes radar? Rad.
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dailyspiceandwolf · 1 year
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Spice & Wolf 2024 PV ▶ 1/?
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villapaitapeli · 1 year
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Watched the 7 currently released episodes of Six Hearts Princess, an oddball mahou shoujo anime project that has been in production hell for over a decade. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did in the end, since my exposure to it was: 1. The Heartcatch Precure pastiche opening 2. The grimdark PV where they were in a plane crash 3. The incomplete anime pilot that had the weirdly sexual henshin scene.
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The episodes still feel like there's something a bit...off with the directing, but overall it was a positive surprise. It starts out feeling like a parody, but thats easy to forget as the plot starts to unfold (aside from Haruka's goofiness). Mahou shoujo is a classic target of lazy parodies, so it's nice to see in contrast that 6HP also gets pretty inventive at times too.
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The clashing aesthetics of Precure-rip-off character designs x traditional Japanese elements bothered me a little in the beginning, but grew on me eventually. Sure, give Cure Blossom a katana, why not. Another visual thing I liked was the soft-post-apocalyptic scenery.
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Uhh what else. Loved the clapping part in the henshin scene, also Yukari deserved more screentime. Hope the rest of the series can make it out of production hell someday.
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inner-sakura · 2 years
Hypothetically Ever After
[childhood friends AU, adrienette, slowburn, fake/pretend relationship]
Trying to make the most of their annual two-week long family holiday, Marinette enlists her best friend Adrien’s help with a task of utmost importance:
Snagging the boy of her dreams, who just so happens to be his older brother.
But as it turns out, she’s not the only one with schemes at play this summer, and if she’s not careful, she might wind up getting far more than she bargained for in the pursuit of her storybook romance.
Of course it could never be simple. This was Adrien and Marinette, after all.
Only they could manage to find the most circuitous route towards falling in love.
a fic inspired by jennifer echols’s the boys next door, and starrycove​’s Brothers AU (where PV Félix is Adrien’s older brother) because both of them have lived in my head and my heart for many years.
read the rest: AO3 | ff.net
One year later  
Marinette lay on her back, staring up into the canopy of leaves above her head, cataloguing all of the different shades of green she could see. There was Kelly green, and spring green, and the yellow-green of the leaves when the sun hit them just right.
A face appeared above hers, with eyes that were as green as the trees above them, and her most favourite shade of all.
“Marinette?” Adrien asked. “Were you listening to me?”
She hummed, stretching with the satisfaction of a well-fed housecat.
“Sorry, I think I fell asleep for a second there. I was very comfortable,” she reached for him, pulling his face down so she could kiss him. It was tender, full of all the warmth of a lazy summer afternoon.
Her fingers carded through the soft hair at the nape of his neck, and Adrien shivered, pressing her down more insistently into the blanket they were laying on.
He pulled back after a moment, blinking down at her as though in a daze. Then his face broke into a wide grin.
“You’re forgiven.”
“Glad to hear it,” Marinette laughed, pushing herself into a sitting position. “What were you saying though?”
Adrien sat back on his haunches. “I was asking whether you thought I should invite my friend Nino to come and visit for a few days.”
“Oh?” Marinette straightened, her full attention on him now. “I mean, I think it’s a great idea. But do you think your dad would go for it?”
“That’s the craziest thing,” Adrien was practically bouncing with excitement. “My dad was the one who suggested it! He said that since Félix wasn’t going to be able to come and visit this summer after all that I could invite one of my friends to come and spend a weekend down here. He even gave me money for the ticket!”
Will the wonders never cease… Marinette mused. Gabriel Agreste actually not being a complete dick for once? Never thought I’d live to see the day.
“That’s great!” Was what she said instead, not wanting to rain on Adrien’s parade by voicing her opinions of his father when he was so excited at the prospect of finally being able to do something normal like having a friend come and stay over. In fact, other than when they were little, she wasn’t sure if Félix and Adrien had ever been allowed to have friends stay over. “You should invite him to visit the same weekend that Alya is coming down! Then we can all hang out together.”
After having missed out on all of the so-called excitement last summer, Alya had told her in no uncertain terms that there was no way she was going to, quote: “miss out on another summer full of hotties.” And so her best friend was coming up the following weekend, and staying for the remaining week after Marinette’s parents returned to Paris. Alya had been going on for weeks about how much she was looking forward to getting out of the city and enjoying the beautiful scenery.
And by beautiful scenery, Marinette knew she was mainly referring to the hot rich people that seemed to exist in abundance around the lake in summertime.
Adrien’s friend coming to join them would be perfect, because then Marinette wouldn’t have to feel quite so guilty about making Alya third-wheel her and Adrien whenever they went out.
“Awesome!” Adrien grinned, before his expression dimmed slightly. “I hope he comes. Nino’s been really down in the dumps lately. He hasn’t told me much about it, but I know he and his girlfriend broke up not that long ago... I think it would do him some good to get away for a while. Take his mind off things.”
Marinette nodded sagely. “Alya always says that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.”
And then she had An Idea.
An awful idea.
Marinette had a wonderful, awful idea.
Adrien’s eyes met hers, widening slightly as he took in the look on her face. She watched as he ran the numbers, arriving at the same conclusion she had moments prior.
“Oh no,” he said.
“Oh yes,” Marinette knew her eyes must be lit with a maniacal glow, but she couldn’t help it. She loved a good scheme.
“This is a bad idea.”
She scoffed. “Oh, pish posh. It’s just a little summer romance. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Adrien gave her a flat, unimpressed look.
Really? His expression seemed to say.
“Oh. Right.” They had been down this road once before. Still, she waved off his concern. This and that were not the same thing at all.
Things would be much more straightforward this time around. There wasn’t nearly as much at stake, not to mention the lack of history between Nino and Alya. Setting them up should be a breeze.
“Don’t worry, handsome. I’ve got it all under control,” she assured him, jumping to her feet full of vim and vigour. She even threw him a wink for good measure.
Adrien paled slightly.
“And that right there is exactly what I’m afraid of.”
“Hey!” She pouted at him in mock offense. Adrien gazed back at her, his expression fond and mildly exasperated.
After a moment, he let out a sigh.
“Fine. Fine!” He threw his hands up in the air, the universal gesture of surrender. Marinette smirked. Gotcha. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you. And when this blows up in our faces, I fully reserve the right to say I told you so.”
Marinette gave him a sly look.
“Oh, you know you secretly love it,” she singsonged. Adrien’s lips twitched.
“I admit nothing.”
“And you love meeee…” She was just goading him now, but he was so much fun to tease that she couldn’t help herself. When he got especially riled up, his ears would turn the most darling shade of pink that it made her want to nibble them right off his head.
Marinette blushed at the direction her thoughts had taken. She cleared her throat.
“Yeah, I do,” Adrien admitted with a bashful smile, his eyes softening in that way that always made her all warm and gooey inside.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Do not jump your boyfriend’s bones on this picnic blanket. You both have places to go and things to do today. And your parents could look out the window at any moment!
“C’mon,” she said, deciding it would be wise to heed her inner voice’s advice this one time.
She extended a hand to Adrien, and he allowed her to haul him to his feet, his fingers assuming their rightful place in between each of her own.
Besides, there would be plenty of time for that later.
Marinette beamed at him, swinging their joined hands between them.
They had nothing but time now. Time and each other.
“We’ve got planning to do.”
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daidoruyume · 1 year
Chapter 10 New song release
 Kaho had left early, at 6AM, and I was alone with my thoughts once again. I could still feel Miyuu's lips in mine, not to mention I had another dream where it was just us two. I started feeling like I was even deeper in love with her. Whenever she liked my comments, or when we talked during the meet and greets, I considered myself lucky. But being kissed…? That was bigger than luck, right? It was something else. Something bigger. Destiny, maybe.
 I happily skipped my first class in the morning. I looked so, but so silly… but that happiness I was feeling, oh, no one could take it from me. The day passed so quickly, and everything seemed so bright. During my lunch break I got to open Twitter and see what Miyuu had posted.
There were backstage and after-party pictures of the girls, and lots of "Thank you". But, I finally knew, amongst all the fans, I was very special. 
 There was, though, an announcement. Because of the great reception they had, they would start releasing the solos earlier as Digital Singles, and the album and the title and b-side would be released on the assigned date. Miyuu was going to release Hanabi at midnight. As usual, I commented on it, saying I was excited and that the concert was great. Only Miyuu and I would ever know what actually had made me truly happy.
 It wasn't uncommon for her to like my comments, but she didn't reply often. This time, though, she did.
 It was great to see such a memorable face once again. I hope you have recovered well from what happened yesterday. Let's do our best today, too! 
 I had to show it off. For obvious reasons, no matter how great it was, I couldn't just tell everyone Miyuu had kissed me. But I could tell everyone she had remembered I passed out (and it was quite a known topic from that day) and wished me a good recovery. Of course, I screenshot it and Tweeted it. Miyuu was so kind… I couldn't wait to see her again… I couldn't wait to be wrapped in her arms.
 The rest of the day went by quite slowly, now that I was excited for her new song. When I arrived home I was quite tired, but I kept thinking of Miyuu and it gave me a lot of strength. I ate, showered, did my little chores and enjoyed my time leisurely until the clock hit midnight. The PV appeared in the front of their YouTube page and I was finally able to watch it. I was so excited!
 It opened with Miyuu dressed in a Yukata, in some kind of festival. She sang about star-crossed lovers, but that had to be apart. Still, whenever they saw fireworks, they would remind of their love and their hearts found peace. I soon recognized that scenery, from years ago. I knew it from my childhood, when I had met a girl there. A weird feeling started taking over my body, and I was surrounded by "what if?s". But… that couldn't be, right? The MV ended with a photo of Miyuu as a child, in that festival. And with that, I had no doubts. It was Miyuu that I met years ago. 
 I wanted to go on Twitter to talk about the PV and the song, that were absolutely amazing, but that realization… it froze me. I couldn't do anything. It was… it was so crazy how I wasn't simply a fan, or someone delusional, but rather someone she had been looking for. Someone she promised she would go back to. But, now… how was I going to tell her that? There was literally no way to privately message her, and I was afraid that if I, for example, sent her a letter, the staff would read it. I could only wait for Miyuu to reach out for me. Somewhat troubled, I fell asleep.
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sqeca · 1 year
Amidst The Full Bloom Cherry Blossoms
I apologize if the translation is not accurate
30 March 2023
Hi this is Okuda Iroha 🦙
Lately, the sakura are in full bloom and whenever I walk outside, I inevitably stop and look up at them.
Yesterday, I had a hanami. Aren't they beautiful in full bloom?
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And in the midst of the cherry blossoms, Ayane-san graduated.
The last member of the 2nd generation. Now all members of the 1st and 2nd generations have graduated.
Personally, I have a feeling of sadness because I liked 2nd gen before I joined the group. However, we were able to work together for a year and I was able to stand on the last stage. I think this will be a very important point in our activities from now on.
Last year during Nogizaka 46 Hour TV,
There was someone practicing choreography alone in dim lighting, and it looked incredibly beautiful from their silhouette. I was watching and wondering who was dancing there, but when the lights turned on, it was Ayane-san!
I remember clearly how amazed I was by how beautiful she looked
Tbh, I am scared to lose the 1st and 2nd generation members who have been leading Nogizaka for the past 11 years, but I will not forget the words that Ayane-san and the other members have said to us and I will do my best to pass them on to the next generation!
I hope that Ayane-san will have many, many happiness in the future⛅️
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Yesterday, is the release date of the 32nd single "Hito wa Yume wo Nido Miru"
A special event will be held this time 🌷
I've been talking about how much I wanted to see you through the screen for a long time, so I'm too happy to finally have my wish come true and I'm already looking forward to it now!
The event will be held on June 18, 2023 at Makuhari Messe
Part 1 (12:00-13:00)
Part 2 (13:30-14:30)
Part 3 (15:00-16:00)
Part 4 (16:30-17:30)
It seems that the first round of applications has started, and will be accepted until 23:59 today.
Please come and see us 🙂! Please come see me 🥺 I'll be waiting for you~
Meguri for the 32nd single will start soon! I'm so excited!
I can't wait to see you!
And the trailer of my personal PV is now available! This time, I did a street live performance and sang "Kikkake" while visiting about 4 different places.
I was nervous because it was my first time, but it felt great to play outside.
It was a nice time with the wind in my face and the beautiful scenery, and I hope to do it again sometime
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How many more sleeps until the Under Live? 🎶(New Year's style)
No, no, no, I can't laugh, I can't joke around! I'm already nervous!
I'm really learning a lot from my senpai everyday. I want to grow up so fast!
Will you watch for me?
Please come and find us at the venue!
I think I talked about hanami at the beginning of this blog, but everyone seemed really happy and I was caught up in the happiness.
I smile when I see a couple wearing matching hats.
An elderly man holding a dog carefully in his arms walks with difficulty, but stops to ask an old lady the name of a beautiful flower. The old lady, who didn't notice, walks with petals on her head. Some people's faces light up when they see sakura outside. There are also foreigners who exclaim 'sweet!' when they see children
Maybe it was my own perception that caused me to feel happy whenever I saw something pleasant. I couldn't help but smile. While sitting on the bench, I noticed an elderly gentleman holding his dog next to me. I asked him, 'What is her name?' He replied with such warmth and sweetness, 'My sweet Ellie,' that it melted my heart.
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It's not bad to hang out outside once in a while! My goal this year is to get away from the indoors, and I think I'm one step closer. (Continued)
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