#Spice & Wolf Scenery
animepopheart · 7 months
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★ 【モ誰】 「 狼と香辛料 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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dailyspiceandwolf · 7 months
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Spice & Wolf 2024 PV 2 ▶ 11/?
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feenoire · 1 month
Heartfelt Veils II. A Doe Loves Its Wolf
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stepdad!joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+ minors dni
word count: 6.2k
warnings: age difference (18/50), sexual harassment (cat call), fluff, angst, sexual tension, sexual acts.
summary: spending your 18th birthday with your stepdad ended up being an unforgettable day, one that will forever linger in your mind.
a/n: Joel quoting Romeo’s line in spanish, that’s the note. i hope you enjoy this chapter <3
series masterlist
The drizzle cascades outside, tapping the window of your bedroom. The pumpkin spice candle fills your room with its warm, comforting scent. You’re sitting on a chair, pen in hand, as you pour your thoughts into your diary at the study desk.
“Dear diary, I almost cry at the sweetness of October. Woken early by Joel, who made breakfast for me: avocado toast and raspberry juice. Days seep by like the stain of a raspberry on my pearl blouse. A week has gone by since I arrived in this small town, this new haven—Joel’s home. I could make a list of all the warmest things: my new chamber, forest saunter, delicacies, cold weather, the sleekness of his wood carvings, and Joel.
I’m afraid to admit it, but I think I like Joel, he’s like a sin worth hunting for. Something’s wrong with me because I know I’m not supposed to feel this way. My heart beats steadfastly for him, his brown eyes warm like the morning sun. For the first time, I feel like someone truly pays attention to me and genuinely cares what I have to say. I feel seen. Unlike the ghost I have been for the last seventeen years. He is flowers in my stomach. I always think of him before I fall asleep. Nightmares fade.
But I tried to convince myself that he was just being nice like most stepdads would do, because they can be kind at first but become total assholes later, that it was all just a pretense, they just want your mother, not you. That’s what I heard from my friends. But I truly hope Joel isn’t like that. That this feeling I have right now is just a phase, that he’s just a phase…”
The knock on the door startles you as you’re lost in your thoughts, letting them flow onto the book in front of you. In a panic, you quickly shut your diary and hide it in the drawer. Knowing you’d be dead if someone read it.
“Sweetheart, are you ready yet?” his deep, husky voice speaks.
“Yeah. I’ll be just a few minutes.”
“Alright. I’m gonna wait outside, okay?” says he from behind the door.
After his footsteps fade, you put on your jacket over your sweater and grab your school bag. Not wanting to make him wait too long, you quickly grab your walkman before running downstairs. There, you find Joel leaning against his black 1978 Ford truck, looking like a man straight out of a magazine.
Your breath hitches and your cheeks warm at the sight of him as you stand on the front porch. He wears a denim shirt under a brown jacket that hugs his frame, showing just how big his arms are. He is divine, like the Seleucid prince. It makes you flutter.
Like the gentleman he is, he opens the car door for you with a smile as you stride toward him. You can’t help but smile and blush at his lovely gesture.
“Thanks, Joel,” you say softly.
“Ain’t no worries, little girl.”
Little Girl. You like the way he calls you that, it sends a warm sensation to your core. You don’t know why. With the husky voice of his, you secretly wish he could whisper it in your ear.
Joel gets inside the truck and starts to drive. Meanwhile, your mother leaves for work early today. Joel told her that she could stop working if she wanted to and let him provide for her, but she said no, as work keeps her busy and she likes doing it.
It feels comfortable and calming to the mind as you look at the scenery through the car’s window. Observing the little town with its shops, parks, and sidewalks covered in fallen leaves. There’s an old man riding a bicycle, with ten dogs following him, stepping with their little legs. The sight brings a smile to your face. In the distance, a big mountain blanketed in fog. The weather is getting colder, as it nears November.
“What are you listening to?” Joel says, breaking the silence.
You don’t turn the volume all the way up on your walkman, so you can still hear Joel talking through the headphones.
“Um, just an old song from my mixtape.”
Joel smiles. “Why don’t you put your little mixtape on the stereo so I can listen to it too?”
Part of you is embarrassed at the thought of Joel listening to your playlist, or maybe you’re scared that he will judge you for it, without realizing how much you care about what or how Joel thinks of you. But a small part of you is delighted that you could listen to your favorite songs with him.
“Yeah, sure.”
You take off your headphones and put the tape in the player. The soft melody of Mazzy Star’s “Blue Light” fills the car.
Joel smiles as he listens. “Yeah, I’ve heard this one.”
“You have?”
“I have, it’s glorious.”
You smile, glancing at him. “It is, isn’t it?”
“You look like this song would if it were a person.”
His words make your cheeks flush. It’s the best thing anyone has ever said to you, especially when it comes from Joel. You try to shift the conversation back to him. “What kind of music are you into?”
“Fleetwood Mac, Bob Dylan, David Bowie—”
“I love David Bowie!” you say enthusiastically.
Joel laughs softly at your enthralled reaction. He watches you with a look of admiration in his eyes. “Me too, sweetheart.”
“Sorry,” you whisper as you bow your head. Scolding yourself internally for losing your composure in front of him.
“Don’t be.”
The song changes to “Storms” by Fleetwood Mac as you look out of the window again, gazing at the white swans swimming on the lake, beautiful as a painting. Time seems to speed up, and soon you see the big wooden sign on the side of the road that reads, ‘Welcome to Lakewood.’
The car passes by towering trees as you approach the small town. You’re so caught up in the scenery before your eyes that you don’t realize Joel has been looking at you. The town is beautiful, much like Silvervale, but a bit bigger.
Finally, you arrive at Lakewood High School. The school is big and built with maroon-colored bricks. Forest trees stand tall behind the building. Joel pulls over in front of the entrance. Some students head inside. The parking lot is full of cars and motorcycles, with teenagers hanging around despite the forty-five degrees weather.
You feel nervous, and your hand is slightly shaking. But you don’t realize it until Joel reaches for your trembling hand and holds it, enveloping your small hand with his large, warm, and calloused one. The contrast between his rough skin and your softness is noticeable.
“Are you okay?” he asks calmly.
You look at your trembling hand covered by Joel’s. Trying to control your anxiety and take a deep breath.
The idea of starting all over again, introducing yourself to strangers scared you more than you realize. You’re scared of being perceived and what if you’re not able to find a friend? You’ve always been a wallflower at your old school, with only one or two friends.
But you push the thoughts away—you’re not going to break down in front of Joel. Instead, you try to focus on the warmth of his hand. It calms you down and alleviates your pounding heart and trembling body.
You nod. “Yeah, I-I’m okay.”
His eyes are full of concern. “You don’t have to do this today if you don’t want to. I can take you back here tomorrow.”
“No, no, I’m okay, I promise.”
You don’t want to burden Joel, who already takes time before work to drive you here. You’re not going to let a little anxiety ruin your day, especially his.
“Are you sure?”
You give him a smile as a sign that you’re okay. “Yeah, I’m sure. Thank you for driving me.”
“Not at all.”
You open the car door and as you try to get out, Joel still clasps your hand, stopping you.
His gaze is unwavering and intense as he looks at you. “Call me if you need anything okay? Don’t hesitate,” he says with his thumb gently caressing your hand.
Your breath hitches from the intense eye contact. The tension between you is palpable, making your heart race. Unsure if he can feel it or if it’s just you. The pulsing in your core returns and it starts to ache—you’ve never felt like this with anyone before. You rub your thighs together to ease the ache. Joel’s gaze shifts from your eyes to your thighs, and his eyes darken.
“Little girl,” he whispers.
You try to hold back the whimper at the sensation and the way he calls you. “I-I have to go,” you murmur.
You withdraw your hand from him and get out of the car with a pounding heart. You welcome the cool refreshing air and take a deep breath. No one has ever affected you the way Joel has, and you can’t comprehend why. Trying to calm down and gather your thoughts, you head inside the building without looking back and decide to find the front office to collect your schedule and the school map.
Time passes, and the school bell rings signaling the end of the school day. Finally.
You didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings today. You spent your lunch break alone in the wildflower meadow in the forest behind the school, sipping the cherry cola you bought from the vending machine and smoking a few cigarettes. With your walkman on and your favorite book as your companion.
You got to know a few people from your classes, but not many. Some of the teachers were nice and helpful. The thing you hated the most was the boys hanging out in the hallway, whistling loudly at you as you walked to class. Shitheads.
The last class of the day was English, taught by the handsome teacher Mr. Wayne—according to the students. He’s around thirty, with light tan skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and a slightly graying beard. He’s the youngest male teacher at school, which is why most of the girls are after him. It seems like everybody pays attention to what he teaches in class, or maybe they just admire his looks. He assigned everyone in class a copy of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and asked them to write an essay about it.
After you leave the school building, you don’t call Joel to pick you up as he asked you to. Instead, you walk through the forest, but not too far from the road. Keeping your phone’s map open to guide you home.
The earthy and musky scent of the fallen leaves is prominent. The faint breeze gently blows through your hair and rustles the leaves scattered around you. The sky is getting dim, and you have no idea why. You check your watch—it’s only 3:20 PM. You’ve been walking for twenty minutes, with just thirty more to go until you arrive. So, you tighten the jacket around you and walk faster.
After what happened this morning, you don’t dare to face Joel, so it’s best to just avoid him. The way he held your hand, his eyes darkening as he stared at you, was all too much. What if he feels the same way you do and is struggling with it just like you? You swear it was there—the palpable force of tension and electricity between the two of you. Maybe you’re just crazy, imagining things that weren’t there, that it was all in your head. What is wrong with you? He’s your stepdad—why do you feel this way? You’re certain that if someone could read your mind, they’d put you in a mental institution.
Now that you’re alone, you let the tears fall from your eyes. Your heart aches as you wonder if what you feel for him is genuine. Joel is a very kind man and a great partner for your mother, and you’re just a dumb seventeen-year-old girl who holds a secret longing for him. You secretly pray to God that these feelings will fade away. Reminding yourself that you need to control how you feel and distance yourself from Joel from now on before something bad happens.
As you continue walking you hear a faint crunching sound on the fallen leaves behind you. Heart pounding, afraid someone might be following you. It turns out it’s a black kitten trailing behind you as you look back. It meows at you as you approach, and your heart softens.
“Hey, are you alone?” you say softly.
Of course, it only answers you with a meow. You look around but you don’t see another cat. The kitten is alone. You wonder where its mother is. As you kneel on the ground and inspect it, its fur is dirty and tangled, and one of its legs is crooked. It’s a girl. You can’t leave her here alone—what if she dies?
“Why don’t you come home with me?” you whisper to the kitten.
You carefully lift her from the ground and carry her with you. She purrs and snuggles into your jacket as you hold her small form gently in your hands. You smile at the sight.
“You’re okay now, let’s go home.”
The kitten occupies your mind now; all you can think about is getting her home, giving her a warm bath, and tending to her crooked leg. The thoughts about Joel leave your mind.
It’s 4:20 PM by the time you arrive home, soaking wet. Late because you had to take shelter from the rain under the bus stop pavilion, shielding the kitten in your jacket’s inner pocket. You cursed yourself for wearing a black mini skirt today, and now your legs are so cold they almost feel numb.
The driveway is empty, signaling that no one is home. You take the spare key from under the doormat and quickly get inside. You bathe the kitten and take a hot shower yourself, then tend to her tiny, crooked leg before falling asleep in your bed with her.
Unsure how long you’ve been asleep—whether it’s been minutes or hours. You feel a big hand gently caressing your head, which wakes you up from your slumber. You open your eyes slowly and adjust your vision; there you see Joel bent over looking at you with a face full of concern, and his hand on your hair.
“Joel?” you murmur.
“Little girl, where have you been?”
You rub your eyes and slowly sit up, gathering your consciousness. “What?”
He sits on the edge of the bed. “I called and texted you, but you didn’t answer. I told you to call me to pick you up. Then, I went to your school, and you weren’t there, I was sca—” he bows his head and takes a deep breath.
It’s the first time you’ve ever seen Joel looks so scared. His eyebrows are drawn together, his jaw tense, and fear is evident in his eyes.
“Joel, I—”
“I’ve been searching for you everywhere, and your mom too—she was terrified. Where the hell have you been?”
You made everyone worry about you, and you feel so guilty about it. You should have at least let them know. Overwhelmed and too caught up in what happened this morning, you don’t dare reach out to him.
“I-I’m sorry, Joel. I was taking a walk home through the woods to… to clear my mind,” you say, your voice slightly shaking. “I’m so sorry for making you worry; I didn’t mean to.”
Joel’s face softens at your explanation. “But sweetheart, that’s like an hour’s walk.”
“I know,” you whisper.
“It’s still too dangerous, baby. You can’t just walk around the woods. What if you get attacked by animals or worse?”
“I didn’t think about it. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just don’t ever do that again.”
Joel is a remarkably handsome man, even when he’s worried, and you can’t help but admire his beauty. In return, he meets your gaze, his brown eyes make you feel safe and warm. His hand tries to reach your face, but you turn your head away and shift the conversation. Joel pulls back his hand.
“I found a kitten in the woods, her leg’s injured. So, I brought her home,” you say, pointing to the kitten sleeping on your pillow.
A smile starts to form on his lips as he looks at the little creature. “I didn’t even realize she was there.”
“Is it okay? I can’t leave her alone.”
“It’s okay, little girl,” he says warmly.
“Thanks, Joel,” you say with a smile. “Where’s mom?”
“Downstairs. She’s upset, I’m gonna talk to her.”
“No, it’s alright. Let me talk to her,” you say. “After all, it’s my fault.”
He nods. “Okay.”
Unconsciously, you remove the blanket from your lap and climb out of bed, stepping over Joel’s thigh. The cold air and the rough fabric of his jeans against your bare legs remind you that you’re only wearing a t-shirt and panties. Joel clears his throat, his cheeks turning red. Embarrassed, you quickly apologize and stride to your closet, shutting the door behind you.
God damn it. How could I forget?
As you go downstairs, you find your mother sitting in the dining room. Joel was right—she’s upset, it’s evident on her face. You stand across the table as your mother’s gaze shifts from the window to you. Your heart feels heavy with guilt as you look at her.
“Mom, I’m so—”
“Where have you been?” she says, her voice elevating.
“I’m so sorry, Mom. I was just taking a walk home, that’s all. I didn’t go anywhere else.”
“Well, you can’t just fucking disappear like that! We were looking for you everywhere. If Joel hadn’t told me, I probably wouldn’t have known.”
“I know, Mom. I’m sorry,” you whisper, trying to hold back your tears.
“No, you didn’t. You wouldn’t have fucking done it if you had known.”
Her words make your tears fall down your cheeks, and you sob quietly. Your mother is always like that—very strict about everything: where you go, what you wear, what time you come home. It’s as if she has been scared for you your whole life, and you never understand why. That’s why you are always cooped up at home.
“You go straight home from school from now on. Joel will pick you up, and no more taking a walk bullshit!” she exclaims. “You’re not going to let everything I’ve done to move here and protect you go to waste—”
She doesn’t finish her sentence, but instead, she lowers her head and shakes it.
“Protect me from what?” you ask softly, but your question is met with silence. “Mom—”
“Go to your room!” she yells, making you flinch. “No dinner tonight.”
Without a word, you obey her and go upstairs to your room. In the hallway, you catch a glimpse of Joel sitting on his bed with the door open, his face full of concern. You close your door and cry into your pillow.
In the middle of the night, a knock on your door wakes you up. When you open it, you find a tray of food on the floor: a plate of salmon noodles and a glass of milk. It must be Joel; you know your mother wouldn’t do this. You eat the food with your kitten and then go back to sleep.
October 31
On Halloween day, you lie in the wildflower meadow behind the school like you always do every day during lunch break. Too overwhelmed by the crowd inside, especially the cafeteria, you’ve never eaten there, not even once. You don’t care, though. You love spending your time alone here, with no one to bother you.
The school hosting a Halloween-themed event, allowing students to wear costumes. With a pair of wings, a flowing white dress, and a crucifix necklace, you completed your Juliet Capulet costume. It honestly makes you feel angelic.
It’s your birthday today, and you turn eighteen. You wonder if there’s someone who has a birthday on Halloween as well. If so, they probably live on the other side of the world.
It seems like your mother and Joel forgot your birthday since they didn’t say anything to you. Which makes you feel a bit sad today. To celebrate your birthday, you bought a slice of chocolate cake from the vending machine. You don’t even know what to wish for as you want to blow out the candle, so you just blow it out and eat the cake.
A little while later, you notice a doe standing near the shrubs around the trees, not too far from you. She catches your eye, she’s beautiful just like the one in your painting. So, you get up from your spot and slowly approach her, stopping a few feet away so you don’t scare the doe. You wish you could caress her soft fur and give her gentle kisses. Her eyes are captivating as she looks at you. Maybe it’s your deepest desire that comes true right after you blow out your candle. This very moment makes you feel like you’re in some kind of fairy tale.
The doe slowly steps towards you, but suddenly runs away when she hears a branch crack behind you. As you look back, you catch a glimpse of a man, but he is quickly hiding behind a tree. Heart pounding as you come to the realization that it’s similar to what happened in your dreams. Without thinking further, you run back towards the school. Suddenly, it feels so far, maybe because you have gone too deep into the woods than you realized. All you can think is to run and run; your breath is heavy and your stomach hurts. You hear footsteps behind you, but you do not dare to look back.
Keep running, keep running!
Finally, you reach the school building. Knowing that there are many people around, you dare to look back, and there’s no one is following you. You stand at the edge of the school, confused and feeling like you’re losing your mind. But you’re sure that what you saw was real, not just some trick your mind wanted to see. Suddenly, a hand touches your shoulder, making you flinch and turn around.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
It takes you a few seconds to calm your breath and pounding heart as you look at the person in front of you. His face is full of concern as he looks at you.
“Yeah, I’m okay, Mr. Wayne,” you say.
“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Are you sure?”
“I just… I thought I saw something, but it’s nothing.”
He nods and speaks calmly, “Okay. Why don’t you just join the party inside with the other students.”
“Yes, Mr. Wayne.”
Joel picks you up after school like he always does. By the time you get home, the house smells like baked goods and cherries.
“Take a walk with me?” says Joel from behind you. His deep voice echoes through the living room.
You turn around and look at him. “Alright. But where are we going?”
He smiles. “You’ll see.”
Joel holds your small hand with his large one as he leads you into the forest behind the house, his other hand holding a picnic basket covered with a white napkin. When you ask him what it contains, he doesn’t answer.
You can’t help but secretly admire Joel’s veiny hand, side profile, and salt-and-pepper curls. He looks so good it makes your heart swell.
“Watch where you’re going, little girl,” says Joel, with a smirk on his face. He catches you eyeing him, like a moth drawn to a flame.
A soft blush tints your cheeks from being caught. “Why can’t you just tell me where we’re going?”
“Patience, baby.”
Walking in the woods again reminds you of what happened earlier. So, you stay cautious throughout the entire walk, hoping no one is following you this time.
A little while later, you arrive at the spot Joel wanted to show you. Hidden behind the tall bushes is a serene lake, where swans swim gracefully. The lake is surrounded by trees and bushes, making it feel like a secret garden.
By the side of the lake is a bone-colored picnic blanket stretched out on the grass, with a few unlit scented candles placed on top of it.
“Joel?” you say, shifting your gaze to him who’s already looking at you with admiration.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
Overwhelmed with happiness, you hug him. “Thank you, Joel. I thought everyone had forgotten.”
“Of course, I didn’t,” he says, his lips brushing your hair.
Pulling back, you gaze up at him. “But mom did. She didn’t say a word to me today. When I woke up, she was already gone.”
Joel caresses your hair with his hand. “Your mom’s busy with work as usual, but I got your present from her.”
That makes you feel a bit better, at least your mother hasn’t entirely forgotten your day. She’s never been there, and you’re always home alone on your birthdays—just buying takeout and watching TV, nothing special. The last time your birthday was celebrated was when you were six. If you’re being honest, you don’t really like having your birthday celebrated. You hate getting older and seeing it as a reminder that death is getting nearer.
But seeing Joel surprise you with all of this makes you think that maybe you deserve it for once. You’re forever grateful that he came into your life and his kindness, for treating you like his own family and making you feel cherished.
The two of you sit on the blanket. Joel takes out the items from the basket while you admire the view. There are countless lavender flowers growing around the lake, and fireflies fly around, glimmering in the foggy air.
Joel takes out the most beautiful cake ever—a heart-shaped cake with pink icing and red cherries on top. He places a tiny candle in the middle.
You blush and smile so widely that your cheeks almost hurt. “Joel, it’s so beautiful. Did you make this?”
He grins. “Yeah, how do you know?”
“The house smelled like cake when we arrived.”
“You caught me.”
“Seriously, Joel, I really love this. Thank you.”
“You deserve this, little girl.”
Have no idea when this will happen again, you savor this beautiful moment and every small thing. You’re not going to let this day be forgotten.
Joel takes a picture of you with his beat-up phone as you blow out the candle. But the birthday cake isn’t the only thing he brings; there’s also grapefruit juice, brownies, chocolates, blueberries, and much more. The two of you eat together, adoring the view and the swans.
“Wish I could stay here forever.”
“You like it here?” he asks.
“Of course I do. I mean, just look at this place—it’s beautiful here,” you say with a smile. “You’re lucky to live here.”
He smiles. “Well, you live here too now, sweetheart. It’s your home.”
“Thank you, Joel, for letting us live with you and for everything.”
“I’m glad to have you here, little girl. It feels more like home now with people around. I’ve been alone for a long time; I came home to a cold house, and it’s warm now with you here.”
The idea of Joel coming to a cold and empty home tugs at your heart. You can’t imagine him being so lonely all the time with no one to care for him. He deserves love and comfort. It makes you a bit glad that your mother has come into his life to fill the emptiness and give him what he needs, even though you secretly wish you could be the one to give it to him.
“I’m gonna keep the fire warm for you.”
Joel’s face softens as he looks at you. “I know you will, sweetheart.”
Your heart warms as you gaze into those dazzling brown eyes and see the sincerity on his face. “I haven’t thanked you enough for everything you’ve done for me—the room, this wonderful birthday, taking me to school, making me breakfast every morning—”
“For letting Ponyo live with us—”
With a soft expression, he giggles at the mention of your kitten, and you giggle too.
“And so much more,” you whisper.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to thank me for any of it. I’m doing it all for you, and I love every second of it,” says he. “It feels good to have someone to care for.”
You beam.
“So, how was school? Did you make any friends?”
At the mention of friends, your smile slowly fades. “Not really. I’ve been spending time alone. But it’s okay. I mean, I’m not really a people person anyway.”
He gives you a warm smile. “That’s okay, little girl. Sometimes it just takes time. But promise me, if something happens or if you need someone to talk to, you’ll come straight to me, okay? I’m always here.”
“I will. Thank you, Joel.”
You’ve never felt so heard before; it’s like a burden has been lifted from your shoulders. The two of you sit in silence for a while, savoring the peaceful moment.
“They’re beautiful, the swans,” you say.
“They look just like you,” says he, with a heartfelt tone.
You blush and smile, and frankly don’t know how to respond to Joel’s sweet words. Every time he talks to you, it’s as if poetry flows naturally from his mouth.
“Have I told you that you look like a damn angel today, sweetheart?”
“Thank you, Joel,” you whisper and look at him, feeling his breath on your cheeks from how close you two are sitting. “That’s because I’m dressed as Juliet.”
“Belleza demasiado valiosa para ser adquirida, demasiado exquisita para la tierra,” says he.
Cheeks warm and heart racing at his words even though you don’t what it means or what he’s saying. Suddenly, it feels hard to breathe from the strength of the invisible string pulling the two of you together.
You keep your gaze on his eyes as you ask softly, “What does it mean?”
He gently bumps his forehead against yours, making your heart skip a beat. “It means you’re beautiful, little girl.”
It must mean more than that.
You try hard to keep yourself from grabbing his curls and slamming your lips to his, letting him take your breath away. He’s too tantalizing, like a forbidden fruit. But you quickly remind yourself that he is your mother’s boyfriend, not yours.
Joel slowly caresses your soft cheek with his calloused hand and leans forward until your noses touch. But you turn your face away and lower your head. Refusing to let yourself forget the reality.
Did Joel just try to kiss you? The thought races through your mind as you try to make sense of it, sending a rush of heat to your cheeks.
“Can… can I open the presents?” you murmur.
Joel clears his throat. “Yeah, sure, sweetheart.”
Joel takes the wrapped presents out of the basket, and you glance at him, catching something in his expression—is it sadness? You’re not sure. But you try your best to brighten the moment again.
Your mother gifted you a cozy, beautifully knit sweater and a new pair of shoes. Meanwhile, Joel surprised you with an “Among My Swan” vinyl and a lovely wood carving of your kitten, Ponyo, which makes you feel as jolly as a child.
“Oh my god, Joel, this is amazing. Thank you!”
Without further thought, you throw yourself at Joel and envelop him in a hug. In return, Joel laughs softly, circling his arms around you and pulling you into his lap, enveloping your much smaller body.
“You’re welcome, little girl.”
The masculine scent of cedarwood and leather is strong as you bury your face in his neck. It’s comforting and arousing at the same time. You wish you could stay in Joel’s embrace forever, knowing that everything will be okay.
As you try to pull back from his embrace, Joel tightens his arms around you, holding you closer.
“Joel?” you whisper.
He loosens his arms a little so he can glance at your face. From this close, you can see the texture of his skin—a little wrinkled around the eyes but soft at the same time. His eyes are rich, chocolate brown, but the pupils take over as they dilate when you lock eyes with him. His lips look soft with a natural pinkish hue, and his breath smells like coffee and grapefruit juice.
Joel Miller is beautiful.
His gaze shifts from your eyes to your lips as you start to talk. “Joel, I—”
He interrupts you with a bruising kiss on your lips before you can finish your sentence. His large hand lands on the back of your neck, pulling you closer, while his other arm tightens around your waist.
Oh my. You close your eyes and let him kiss you, feeling his beard rub against your cheeks and chin. Kissing Joel feels like you can finally breathe like he’s giving you his breath to make you feel alive.
Truthfully, you don’t really know what to do—this is the first time you kiss someone. Joel Miller is the one who takes it.
Your hands fist the back of his shirt and tangle in his curls as you moan into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. Joel groans into your mouth at the sound of your sweet noises. He takes it as an invitation, so he passionately explores your mouth with his tongue, stroking yours and getting lost in the dance.
“Tastes so sweet,” he murmurs between kisses.
His lips are a bit dry but soft, tasting like the blueberries he just ate—sweet and intoxicating. The kiss grows firmer, more desperate—something you’ve never felt before. He sucks on your bottom lip and slips his tongue inside again, leaving a trail of wetness.
You feel something hard pressing against your core, but you don’t know what it is. The warm sensation in your core worsens, pulsing to the point that it starts to hurt. You can’t hold back a whimper at the sensation and start to grind on it slowly to ease the ache, and he begins to groan.
“Joel,” you whisper breathlessly.
“Little girl,” he murmurs, panting.
He tightens his grip on your waist to stop your grinding. Slowly, you open your eyes and see the pain on his face. It grounds you to your senses, making you realize that what you’re doing right now is completely wrong. This is exactly what you’ve been trying to avoid.
“This is wrong,” you whisper, starting to cry.
You try to pull back from his embrace, reaching for his arm to let you go. His face shows hurt and the realization of what he’s just done. He releases you from his lap, and you sit on the blanket, concealing your face with your palms as you begin to sob.
“I’m so sorry, Joel,” you murmur, your voice muffled.
“No, baby, It’s my fault. I’m so sorry.”
You feel his hand carefully touch your shoulder, and he begins to hold your trembling form in his embrace. You can’t look at him, feeling too guilty about what you’ve just done. Joel is your stepdad; this is deeply wrong. You ruined everything and betrayed your mother.
“Oh God, what have I done?” you whisper under your breath.
“I am so sorry, baby. This is not your fault, okay? Please listen to me,” Joel says, his voice filled with pain, as if he’s on the verge of crying.
You keep apologizing to him, even as he tells you to stop. Yet, he still embraces you gently, as if you’re something delicate and fragile.
After a few moments, you’re able to control your sobs and stop crying. You let him hold your hand as he walks you back home. Once he’s sure you’re okay, he returns to the lake to clean up and give you some time alone.
Lying on your bed, eyes dry from tears, you replay everything that just happened. You start to feel numb, unable to cry anymore, and your head aches. You try to focus on the good things that happened today, but the image of kissing Joel and the guilt cloud your mind, making it impossible to forget.
The sky grows darker outside the window, and the sound of children laughing and trick-or-treating from the street reaches your room. But you don’t hear any noise from downstairs or any sign of Joel coming back.
Where’s Joel? Is he okay?
Feeling lonely and cold, you feel guilty for wishing Joel could be here to hug you and keep you warm. Ponyo’s presence snuggling on your chest makes you feel a bit better; maybe you’re not as lonely after all.
Eventually, you fall asleep with your wings still on.
taglist @morganlolitta
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 11
Guys being good roommates
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Two of the papers Reece was doing required him to give a presentation. He would do them out in the snow if he could but Samir had pointed out melting snow could damage them. So here he was in the spare room. Trying to make two presentations with similar themes that weren’t identical… Being the genius that he is they ended up excellent.
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Samir wants to help Reece but he’s not big on biology. But one thing he can do is cook. Raw meat is his favourite but he does like all food, he’s a glutton after all. He makes beef wellington, that way he can snack on some off-cuts as he works.
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Shifting into his wolf form he heads outside and fixes one of the wind turbines that has broken. The dew collector seems to be holding up well in the snow but the turbines are having trouble. When that’s done he goes for a quick run, letting the voice in his head comment on the scenery rather than urging it to be quiet. It seems happier with being ignored less.
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Reece gets home tired from his presentations and Samir happily tells him he has dinner done.
Samir: How was it
Reece: It was fun! I just did a bunch of reading off the boards and then answered some questions. Nothing too tricky
Samir: I wouldn’t have been able to present, believe me you did good
Reece: You don’t have to play to an audience. I can earn some money and mum always wants to give us some
Samir: I don’t think the voice in my head is cut out for the capitalist rat race
Reece: You have other talents
Samir: Good answer *blows kiss*
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Samir: So tell me more about this glamorous proposal you’re expecting
Reece: What about it
Samir: Do you want your family there
Reece: I- hmm. I don’t know
Samir: Do you want me to ask for your parents blessing first
Reece: You have my blessing
Samir: I know that, I’m just trying to figure out how traditional you want it
Reece: Lover, we’re both men. You won’t even be starting from a traditional base
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After dinner the pair go to cuddle on the couch for a bit.
Reece: Can we tell Deanna?
Samir: About being fated mates?
Reece: No! That and being engaged to be engaged is between us. I meant about you being a werewolf since mum knows
Samir: She’s your best friend. If you want to tell her, tell her. I don’t mind
Reece: Really?
Samir: Tell you what? Why don’t you invite your friends over for dinner and we can tell them all at once
Reece: Who are you and what have you done with my loner lover
Samir chuckles and pulls Reece in for a kiss.
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After another shower woohoo session Reece and Samir forget to put their clothes back on so I guess it’s good we got that thermostat.
Reece: That was good
Samir: Yeah… When you’re finished the writing we should study for your exam. Did you do the cue cards
Reece: They should be up to date minus todays lecture. Remember, you gotta give me time to answer the question
Samir: I think 5 seconds is enough time to answer or forfeit the spank, we need to keep you a genius
Reece: You’re such a-
Samir: *growls* Yes?
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Reece: *blushes* You know what you are. Just don’t hold back
Samir: Excuse me? I’m going to spank you as hard as I think you deserve and not more
Reece: But what if I get like five wrong in a row? Can’t I just get like a pity-
Samir: No. Don’t get five in a row wrong
Reece: Okay, okay. I’ll try. Thanks for helping me study
Samir: You’re welcome blondie
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In the morning we discover that the dust bunnies have taken over. While Reece harvests the garden Samir vacuums the rooms and whistles to himself. When Reece comes in he takes his time getting his coursework together.
Samir: I can tell what you’re doing
Reece: No you can’t
Samir: You’re staring at my butt
Reece: Okay maybe you can tell what I’m doing
Samir: I’m going to shower
Reece: *pouts* But I don’t have time to-
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Samir: I know you don’t. I just thought I’d let you know I’m going to be naked and wet on the other side of that wall in case it inspires you to write faster *winks*
Reece chuckles to himself as Samir closes the bathroom door. He has found that if part of his brain is occupied with music or family or thoughts of Samir the rest of his brain does better at focussing on coursework. When Samir comes out he’s in his running gear but instead of heading out the door he goes to Reece’s meditation spot. Reece isn’t sure if Samir is trying to practice the fated mates hearing thing but he’s definitely feeling waves of affection from the werewolf in the corner.
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otoyandere · 1 year
In the role of Blood - Yandere! Otoya x reader One Shot
I'm coming back here!! I want to keep up with this blog, but i sadly didn't had any ideas to write until now!
The Lycoris no Mori drama cd has given me a lot to think of!
I did this on on the POV of Otoya, so I hope you enjoy it!
In this one shot, the reader uses neutral pronouns
And a warning: This one shot has spoilers of Lycoris no Mori, in case you want to evade spoilers of it!
"Look over here, (y/n)!!!! On this play I will get to be Red Riding Hood!!!"
Today was a good day, during the rehearsals of this new project I could be with my beloved (y/n)! They watched me over as I did my best in acting! This time however, was a darker take on a Fairy tale, the director wanted me to be the main character because he said to me I was a perfect fit for Blood!
However, as I read the script, I realized that the story was, very dark. There was more blood involved than I expected, to think Masato would have agreed to do that scene still gives me the chills, but I'm glad he was ok during this, I know the blood is fake, but the way the scene plays out makes it look way too realistic.
And I need to talk about my friends here! Ren was acting as cool as ever! And Cecil also got a similar role to me, and Tokiya got to be the big bad wolf! His outfit was amazing, we only needed the makeup, but it wouldn't be there until the day of the play.
The most important person here for me isn't even acting, it was (y/n)! They always cheer me on backstage, I can't think of a better person! I love them so much, but I have been pretty shy in my feelings, I always slip up on the confession.
Anyways, the play is going live in a week, but the director said I needed to spice up my acting! To act more devasted, acting is fun, but I need to practice as Blood more.
I was reciting my lines more dramatically, but people around me thought I was exaggerating the lines on purporse, no I was trying to emphatize Blood's feelings, I tried to keep up trying to get more and more into my role.
Until, I saw them. They were talking to Tokiya, and he also looked more serious that usual, they were talking without me…
I felt like I was left behind
I have… never felt like this before, or maybe, I have, the only thing I could think about is having (y/n) all for myself, and yet (y/n) looked so happy with Tokiya, I knew they were close friends, but I simply couldn't think of anything else, (y/n) is so cute, and gentle, and (y/n) helped me in everything they could, and yet, they prefered to be with that werewolf…
No, I shouldn't think about Tokiya like that, he knows that I love (y/n) too much, I don't think he would try to steal (y/n) for himself, wouldn't he? I knew he also loved (y/n) a lot, Maybe I shouldn't have told him that I loved (y/n)…
Wait… Why is (y/n) going so close to Tokiya, what are they talking about, did he just hug (y/n)??? Why are you so close to (y/n), Tokiya??? Why? Why am I suddenly thinking about erasing Tokiya? He is my friend, and yet he couldn't keep his promise of not going out with (y/n)? Why I want to push him away? Why am I thinking that… he should be tainted in red?
I tried to not walk to the scene, but I just couldn't stop myself from going there, I needed to know why they were so close, I can't believe you, Tokiya, to think I handed you my feelings for (y/n) and now you are trying to steal (y/n) from me, I can't believe you! I trusted you, Tokiya! Maybe… I should-
"Oh, Otoya, you are doing better in your role as Blood. But I think (y/n) needs our help now"
Our help??? You are the one who is trying to steal (y/n) from…
"(Y/n) has lost their dog some days ago, and it hasn't come back, they need our help after this rehearsal, I'm trying to make them feel better, they miss their dog a lot"
Oh, I misunderstood. I'm glad that my worst nightmare hasn't come true, I don't want to be betrayed, I don't. And I don't want (y/n) to be betrayed either, maybe I was reading the scenery too much.
I will help (y/n)! I will get their dog back! Maybe I will confess myself after this play in case Tokiya wants to do something… but wait, Tokiya didn't want to steal my beloved from me, did he? … (Y/n) Saw that my acting as Blood was fantastic! I'm watching the transmission again, I did a good job at expressing him. I looked devasted on that scene, I was still unsure how I would go on with stabbing Tokiya, despite, again the blood was fake, but yeah, we did our best! Cecil and Ren also were fantastic, thought Cecil did give me some genuine scares with his acting.
Ah, and I could finally tell to (y/n) how I feel about them! They reciprocated my feelings! I'm so happy I could explode, this sure was a nice day! It would have been better if Tokiya didn't give (y/n) some flowers, he said he didn't need the flowers, but maybe he is jealous of the love between (y/n) and I… But, I know deep down Tokiya wouldn't betray me, so I trust him as much as he trusts me!
I just hope he gets a little bit far away from (y/n).
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mrsskinnyjeans · 4 years
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kurumayu · 5 years
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holo-the-wise-waifu · 6 years
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Source |  Ein Eis '
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toloveawarlord · 3 years
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♥ Pairing: Mozart x Reader
♥ Ikevamp Exchange Event by @ikemenlibrary
♥ Giftee: @efie-oshita (It won't let me tag you! I'm so sorry!)
♥ wc: 1k
♥ a.n: This is my gift for you! Pure fluff with Mozart! There's a hint of spice in some of their suggestive dialogue but nothing scandalous. I hope you enjoy!
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The waves crashed gently against the shore, accompanied by the lovely melody floating through the small house. It was as though you'd awoken in a vivid dream. A dazzling painting come to life. But this was no dream.
You lifted your arms to stretch over your head, letting the satin sheet fall down around your waist. Through the window, the lapping waves and bright sunshine greeted you, along with Mozart replaying the song he wrote for you.
The song he wrote and played as you walked down the aisle just yesterday. Some might find it odd to have the groom provide a performance while his bride approached the altar. It was simply an extension of his love for you. His melodies speak soft notes of love.
You brewed a fresh cup of coffee for the both of you, dressing while you waited for the water to boil. With a mug in each hand, you approached the now quiet piano where Mozart sat, fingers still placed lightly on the keys. "It was lovely to wake up to that song."
Mozart accepted the mug with an affectionate smile. He could hardly drink any beverage that wasn't brewed by you. Somehow, your touch made it taste sweeter. "I'm pleased you enjoy it. It would seem these are the perfect conditions to compose a new song." He wanted to create more, like this one.
"You mean without the ruckus of the other residents?" You teased, hiding your grin behind your mug, pretending to sip at the coffee within.
Violet irises crinkled with his smile, amused by your quip. "Yes, well, that is a part of it, I suppose, but I was speaking more to having my wife all to myself in this serene house."
You shivered at the word. The two of you had exchanged the words, husband and wife, quite a lot while in bed last night. You hoped that it would continue to bring you such delight to hear him call you that.
"Shall we take a walk?"
The weather outside couldn't be more perfect. Temperature mildly warm, where being in the sunshine wouldn't become too hot. A gentle breeze swept fine, salty spray off the ocean surface. Golden sand beneath their feet.
Mozart found that he was unable to enjoy the scenery, not when you were in his sights. You had taken your shoes off, skipping into the cool water, ankle deep. The radiant smile on your face as you scooped up sea and sand into your cupped hands could bring him to his knees.
You were like a goddess, illuminated in golden light. The sea lapping at your bare legs, caressing your skin as a gentle lover. Wind ruffled the hem of your white sundress. The joy that embodied you was contagious. He was content simply watching you dance through the shallow sea.
"Wolf, come here! The water is delightful!" Your outstretched hand beckoning him over. A siren luring him in.
And he would willingly submit. Anything you asked of him, he would surely do.
Slipping off his own shoes, he joined you. Mozart wouldn't say he loved the wet sand squishing beneath his feet, but it didn't matter. He wanted to hold you, to be at your side. His fingers brushed over the pocket of his shorts. "I have a gift for you."
You were bent over, searching for a matching shell to the soft, rose colored one in your hand. "Another? You've given me so many since yesterday." He'd written a breathtaking song for their wedding. He'd planned this trip, knowing how much you adored the sea, and he'd vowed his everlasting love to you.
What more could a girl need?
"This blissful experience is only the prelude to the rest of our lives. What I want..." Mozart took in a breath, mesmerized by your curious expression. His heart thumping his chest as he searched for the words he'd practiced for weeks. "I want to spend every morning waking up next to you in our home. A home that belongs solely to us. I vowed to provide and protect you, and that is what I will strive to do every single day."
Mozart took your hand, placing a key on your palm. The red ribbon tied to the end fluttered with the breeze. The heat in his cheeks wasn't due to the sun that bared down on his back.
"Wolf, this is..." A home. Your home.
He hadn't been ready for you to jump into his arms with such force. The excitement overtaking you. On the unsteady sand, Mozart couldn't keep his balance and fell back with you in his arms. Your lips crashing into his with a heated kiss.
He could never tire of your lips, and it wasn't enough when you parted. More. He desired to kiss you more, always.
"You mean everything to me, Wolf. I'm so happy that I could cry!" You were on the verge of tears. Overwhelmed. The love you carried for him spilled over from your heart, like an everlasting fountain.
"Is that a yes? You want to live with me?"
You laughed at his serious expression. He had trouble reading between the lines at times, wanting a simple, straightforward answer. You refrained from teasing him that you already lived together. "Of course, I want that. It's only natural for a wife to want a home with her husband." You pecked his lips as if sealing the deal.
His whole body relaxed. "Then it's settled. Our new home awaits us when we're ready." This beach house was owned by Comte, and he'd given them all the time they wanted there, as a wedding present.
"You know that lovely tub in the bathroom would be perfect for washing this sand off, don't you think?" You suggested, brushing the sand from his hair. It was only the first day of your honeymoon, and having no interrupters was true bliss.
Mozart leaned up to kiss you once again, intent on agreeing with only his lips. Sometimes, he could hardly believe how he'd captured your heart, but he would spend the rest of his life loving you as deeply as the sea.
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teavian · 7 years
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I finished reading all of the Spice and Wolf light novels, and wanted to do something for it. I'd been into the anime years ago but there is a lot it never touches on, and it was enjoyable to learn even more about this world. Holo is amazing, too. So here's my fanart contribution! I kicked my butt and challenged myself.
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animepopheart · 5 months
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★ 【半节】 「 spice & wolf 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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dailyspiceandwolf · 1 year
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Spice & Wolf 2024 PV ▶ 1/?
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lolikins · 7 years
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This one bugs me because I swear I posted it, but I didn’t?  TW: talk of miscarriage.  I hate that word, but let’s not get into semantics. Just know there’s a trigger warning.
“Don’t say anything.”  The Marrok warned.  Leah and Porsche got along surprisingly well…about forty-percent of the time.  It was higher than he would have expected, given who she was and the fact that Leah had really first spoken to her when she was in the middle of her teen angst phase.
So, right now.
Mercy’s daughter had come to stay for the foreseeable future. In the long-term, she’d likely be staying with Anna and Charles, but all of his grandchildren had a place in his home.  Right now, that’s just where she’d chosen to stay. 
The little fiery blur of almost-black hair had just slammed the door behind her as she entered and stormed straight down the far hall to her room.  He couldn’t really blame her, the change in scenery and the reasons behind it were less than ideal. 
Instead of waiting for Leah to make a remark in response, he left the room.  Bran could navigate the worse of what a werewolf had to offer, but teenage girls were far tougher than they appeared.  “Sugar, spice, and everything nice" would sooner be an ingredient list for things that go bump in the night than it would the nightmare that was female puberty.  
“Porsche, open the door.”  He heard the lock click closed instead.  “Porsche, right now.”
“Porsche, right now.” He heard her mock from the other side.  This was exactly why she was here.  Porsche Hauptman was uncontrollable in more ways than one and it had become borderline dangerous, what with the may her mother attracted all the wrong things. 
“Portia—“ “That’s not my name.”  Her voice rose angrily.  
“I own this house.  I have a key.”  The tone was final, unforgiving and, fortunately, she at least knew when she’d lost.  The lock clicked again and Bran only gave her a few moments of peace to make it away from the door before he entered.
Porsche glared at him, another problem they’d been having.  Bran personally suspected it had to do with her lineage, the reason she had to basically be taught her whole life to look away.  It was just that she maybe had a little more fire in her than even Mercy did.  She wasn’t scared enough to back down.
And she’d already gotten in trouble for it.
The nice thing about Aspen Creek, you couldn’t get away with that anymore.  It was absolutely dire that she navigate a pack the way she was meant to, else she’d be in worse trouble. Adam’s pack was less dangerous, less volatile, and they’d babied her too much. Adam had protected her from too much, and it had given her less need to be careful.
“What happened?”  Bran asked calmly.
“I broke the ledge on the whiteboard.”  Oh, this was about school drama.  Wonderful.  The teenage social life.
It was news to him that she’d broken anything, but maybe someone had fielded the call—probably Leah actually, she had a way of doing that and honestly she was more likely to protect Porsche than maybe he would like to admit.  
He waited for her to continue.
“Someone told me I was a freak—“
“Who?”  Bran pressed.  To his knowledge, her cousins weren’t being bullied and one of them was also a werewolf.
“You think I care to know anyone’s name here?” She spat out at him.  “I’m not staying.”
“You are.”  He said very plainly. 
Porsche’s eyes narrowed at him, though both had become decidedly lighter.  Unlike a real coyote, it seemed coy-wolves in the terms of shapeshifters and werewolves weren’t very normal looking.  It left Porsche’s wolf with strange pigmentation and one blue eye—something that didn’t even remotely match her human skin.  
This potential lack of control was the reason Adam had initially to send her to Montana, but at least Mercy had seen it for what it was and soon after her husband had, too.  It wasn’t lack of control.
It was too much and Porsche had no fear of threatening the Marrok. 
A decided problem.
“Believe it or not, I’m on your side.”  He said cooly.  “And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can go home.”
“Thank you.”  He’d have a phone call with the school about it, if Leah hadn’t already sorted it.  
Porsche didn’t respond, just sat there waiting for him to leave her to mope. She was so melodramatic these days, he wanted to laugh.
“What do you want for dinner?”
“Don’t care.  I have homework. I need to be alone.”  She still made no effort to move towards her backpack to support her story.  
He’d stop pushing. No one had made him gain their respect in a long time, not in the way a teenager did. Bran smiled in amusement when he did finally leave.  Porsche loved him, he didn’t doubt it, and deep down she loved her family, too. She was just angry at the situation and one day she would realize why it came to be.
“You’re telling me that you talked back to the Marrok and lived?”  Ben snorted.  Porsche had just gotten finished telling her side of some silly story from her time in Aspen Creek while they sorted through newly gifted onesies to put away in drawers.
She nodded, a hint of a smile on her face.
“She was a menace.”  Bran agreed, sitting across from them in a comfortable armchair.  Fallon had thrown a baby shower and invited absolutely everyone, despite Porsche never having done the same for her.  “But harmless, she would never have acted on it. She was never angry with me.” “Are you saying that you hope the baby is a girl so that you can watch me suffer in all the same ways you did?”  Porsche teased, but despite all the grand story telling and the warmth of the atmosphere, Ben would see the tension in her posture.  
The stress wasn’t healthy for her or the baby, and she was well aware. He knew, deep down, it was just her expressing her anxiety about miscarrying again. It’d already happened and both times she’d been distraught, despite the fact they really hadn’t been actively trying. It had gotten to the point where Ben had suggested birth control—just to keep it from hurting her again.  
“They say karma is—“
“A bitch.  I had you, after all.”  Her mom joked with a grin on her face.  
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mrsskinnyjeans · 4 years
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they're v cute
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aseenonthestreet · 3 years
$$ NYC Outfit Inspo $$
New York Fashion week ended about two weeks ago, Influencers took over the big apple and here we will be breaking down the top women’s streetwear looks. These looks had heads turning, cameras clicking, and women spending. No need to panic we got you girl, take a dive into what will be trending this fall! 
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Photos (2): @howhanseesit
For the first look, we have instagram influencer Han Huante wearing a fall comfort city girl style. She is dressed in black leather hat (Amazon fashion), ash yellow scarf top (shopinfluence), cream paper pant (topshop), white chunky boots (public desire). 
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Photos (2): @rachelnoelleclark
For the second look, we have instagram influencer Rachel Noelle in a perfect late night clubbing outfit, great for a NYC party scene. Iona set (Sarah Robinson), Spice black shine platform boots (Naked wolfe), Fuchsia gold chain handbag (Louis Vuitton).
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Photos (2): @fashionroll
For the third look, we have instagram influencer Stephanie @fashionroll wearing an inspired cowboy outfit. Grey cropped leather jacket (Lioness official), blue fringe skirt (freepeople), white handbag (Jacquemus). 
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Photos (2): @valslooks 
For the fourth look, we have instagram influencer Val @valslooks wearing an epic mom running errands outfit. Light pink cropped turtleneck (Lumina Fashion), wide leg pant (Zara), Hot pink fanny pack (Jacquemus), white platform sneakers (Converse). 
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Photos (2): @TheNewYorkTimes
New York holds so much beauty and fashion is one of them, from scenery runways to streetwear looks. The beauty of streetwear in New York fashion week is the influence it will have for the coming season and that is what we will see with these looks, Check in next week for the latest trends on neutral tone wardrobe. 
With Love, GS
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