772 posts
Just because I think we need a bigger fanbase on Tumblr! :3 Most of the stuff is going to be one-shots, so feel free to request them! Links to drabbles and one-shots below! (or just /title of the story).
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mercy-thompson-fanfiction · 2 hours ago
I did not at all do what I was supposed to and instead wrote more Kara/Jesse so pardon the brief hiatus while I work my shit out.
But my husband and I will be out at a dinner we don’t really want to be at tonight so if you have any ideas, I’m sure I’ll be stress writing instead of sleeping when I get back.
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mercy-thompson-fanfiction · 6 hours ago
"We have your son."
"My condolences. Please try to die quickly, his dinner's almost ready."
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mercy-thompson-fanfiction · 22 hours ago
MT as DnD
Anna: I never get to do the joint table sessions.
DM: You’re never available when they meet. That’s really the only reason they do it.
Bran: It’s not worth it. Every time we join tables, something stupid happens. The first time, it was Adam almost dying five minutes in.
Samuel: What about the kidnapping?
Bran: Oh God the kidnapping.
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i am about to create an au SO self indulgent. the target audience is 1 person and that person is me
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That would really make some parties consider cat murder by complete accident. “Well you implied it was powerful.” “That isn’t at all what I meant to imply.” Style 😂
MT as DnD
Samuel: You know how you keep mentioning the cat? Like the cat survived the fire. The cat shows up in the yard. The cat, the cat, the cat…
Mercy: Yeah I wanted a pet so I got a cat when I was doing my backstory.
Samuel: But a cat.
Mercy: Yeah. The whole gimmick is that it’s funny.
DM: She wanted a pet.
Adam: Ok but there’s nothing weird about the cat?
DM: What do you mean?
Mercy: I wanted a cat. I was told it’s fine. I gave myself a cat.
Samuel: But we aren’t going to find out that it’s like…a Druid stuck in wild shape or something, right?
Adam: Oh that’s good.
DM: I mean now you might? No it’s just a cat. Would you stop reading into things I didn’t plan out and start reading into the things I have given you? Focus.
Adam: Ok. Well. We rescued that cat, yeah?
DM: Yes. Thank you. Cat is alive.
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Listen. We don’t know if they rolled investigation on her or what they rolled. Who knows. 🤷🏻‍♀️
MT as DnD
Samuel: You know how you keep mentioning the cat? Like the cat survived the fire. The cat shows up in the yard. The cat, the cat, the cat…
Mercy: Yeah I wanted a pet so I got a cat when I was doing my backstory.
Samuel: But a cat.
Mercy: Yeah. The whole gimmick is that it’s funny.
DM: She wanted a pet.
Adam: Ok but there’s nothing weird about the cat?
DM: What do you mean?
Mercy: I wanted a cat. I was told it’s fine. I gave myself a cat.
Samuel: But we aren’t going to find out that it’s like…a Druid stuck in wild shape or something, right?
Adam: Oh that’s good.
DM: I mean now you might? No it’s just a cat. Would you stop reading into things I didn’t plan out and start reading into the things I have given you? Focus.
Adam: Ok. Well. We rescued that cat, yeah?
DM: Yes. Thank you. Cat is alive.
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do you lay out the houses in your brain when you write them or do you just go with what works best for what you’re writing?
Uh. Depends on the house, quite truthfully. Leah and Bran in my fics live in an expanded ranch. So they added a second floor at some point and a whole back half that previously did not exist. They added in a basement during that renovation which is insanely expensive to do but it will probably never run the length of the house. They chose to place it mostly under the new addition to save effort less so than to save money. And in my head it’s really only because the town had already settled and they didn’t want to move. They always live here in my brain, but where Mercy would have stayed changes. Like in King’s Pawn Game Cai’s room is on the first floor and he says it’s where Mercy stayed as well. But, for example, I put Mercy upstairs in Blow a Fuse. Though Leah and Bran always have separate rooms in my head, in most universes they do actually stay together overnight. It’s more just a formality thing and her room is her private dressing room. Strangely what does change is whether or not the dressing room has an en-suite. I think I just want a dressing room with an en-suite and sometimes it trickles down 😂
Adam’s house is relatively the same as we understand it to be in-canon but in the OC stories there’s an understanding in my brain that Mercy may have managed to cause the current existing structure to crumble along the lines. So the OC’s like their children tend to get a larger living room/great room situation with not much else changing.
Kyle’s house has mentally changed a few times. I don’t write it a lot so it’s fine.
Anna and Charles’ house changes subtly but structurally stays the same in my brain. It’s described in the first book and I truthfully never remember what that description is. In my brain, I think theirs is a traditionally pretty ranch that’s almost-craftsman in the artisan aspect but I think it lacks some function for a family. Like I think it functions well as a starter home for two people but probably needs a bit of a layout change to continue to work. Mainly, I feel like they need more storage. I think Charles, if any bachelor had one, had a pantry but it’s just not cutting it for baby stuff.
I should just design the houses in Planner or something. This is what I do for fun 😂
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I just need a version of the story where Mercy runs away with Samuel after all
I work really hard to timeline shift things, guys. I go full-on "in another timeline" with these types of requests.
Anyways, yeah. I'll add it to the list. This might be a third-thursday type of request for me.
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Seriously? Nobody's on board with my scheme? Is it because I called it a scheme? I can say something different. Nobody's on board with my stratagem?
Teenage Mercy Thompson
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MT as DnD
Mercy: What do you mean I can’t find the walking stick?
Bran: 😬
DM: You have to be attuned to it
Mercy: It’s in my attuned items list
Samuel: So remember when we split the party and left you with the faerie queen?
Bran: Who is this ‘we’? You dumbasses bargained and we were not there yet. We didn’t have a plan.
Adam: On a technicality—
DM: It wouldn’t have necessarily been a new character, we just would have checked in on her as if she split off on her own adventure. And maybe she’d make a new character just to have someone present.
Mercy: I need it back!
Bran: I—ok. I don’t need the walking stick. I’m going to give it back.
DM: Ok. Well. You have to attune to it again.
Mercy: ugh.
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I have pieces and I’m super tempted to post but then it’s another WIP and I can’t keep up with that. 🥲 I think I need to finish it before I post it
I just need a version of the story where Mercy runs away with Samuel after all
I work really hard to timeline shift things, guys. I go full-on "in another timeline" with these types of requests.
Anyways, yeah. I'll add it to the list. This might be a third-thursday type of request for me.
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Until today I never in my life noticed the discrepancy in the Marrok spelling (this might not be true sometimes I notice things and immediately forget). Anyways. I always mentally read it no “c” because y’know.
Sir Marrok.
But I was re-rereading River Marked and ??????
So then I double checked my kindle copies.
And my books.
And I’m just.
What has happened? Did I have a stroke?
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I can either run the country or I can attend to Mercy, but I cannot possibly do both.
- Bran Cornick, probably
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Rank characters in the series based on how likely you'd be to date them
This was the second one haunting me also bc I was with someone the other day who was like “I prefer my male leads to be a walking red flag and my real life partner to be the dead opposite” and���yeah. Correct. Shouldn’t want a walking red flag in real life. Anyways.
2016-2018 me:
10. Least Likely: Mercy. I’d kill her. I’d actually kill her. Can’t be saving your butt every day, I need to pay the bills, girly pop.
9. Stefan
8. Peter - he seemed so normal
7. Honey - she’d terrify me
6. Charles
5. Adam
4. Asil
3. Anna
2. Ben
1. Most Likely: Bran. I had a thing for guys that desperately needed therapy.
Me Now?
From the same pool of characters?
10. Bran. I grew out of it.
9. Mercy.
8. Stefan
7. Honey
6. Ben - I still have a soft spot for damage.
5. Samuel - clearly.
4. Asil - haven’t changed that much
3. Anna - holding strong
2. Charles
1. Peter - which is funny because we didn’t see a lot of him and my husband isn’t anything like what we did see of him.
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FMK Adam, Samuel, Stefan
There are two asks that are deep back enough that I’m 99% they’re my college roommate. There are actually more than two but two that have been haunting me since I reread them yesterday and this is one of them. They’re probably from 2016/2018 based on a request nearby that I vaguely remember getting which has to do with a specific book. So that’s why I’m assuming it’s you. Maybe it isn’t and I’m off the mark. But I’m going to try to answer as 2016-2018 me.
Anyways. I don’t think Stefan is a fair ask here because he’s dead. Also because, if it is you, you know that he reads to me like a specific person we both know 😂 who is a person I’d do none of these things with or to. It’s also part of why he’s hard for me to try to write.
I think, that said, back when this was presumably asked (and ignored 😅):
F: Adam - Idk. I also think he’d take it too seriously.
M: Samuel - Sure. Why not.
K: Stefan - Already dead, can’t make him dead-er.
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Hi! I actually have two "ideas". The first one was if you could write about how Coyote randomly appears in the Hauptman household in normal life and causes mischief.Especially when he thinks Mercy is having a particularly boring day.😁
DThe second one will be a little harder. I don't know in which book Marsilia said that if they had met under different circumstances, she and Mercy would have been friends.Could you write something with this couple where they're not at each other's throats?
I have drafts of the first one that I never did anything with, so I shall try to pick them up again!
Aaaaas for Marsilia, I shall try. The vampires in this series are hard for me to even mentally process most of the time. I’ll have to go back and reread some of her parts.
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So, I reread your ff Lights. And I love it. And I had an idea. Could you write a paper where Bran's wolf gains control AND instead of mindlessly killing, he decides to get Mercy back and "wrap her in bubble wrap" to keep her safe because the human side gave up on it ?There doesn't even have to be romance.
My headcanon is that he doesn’t even have to lose it. He very much thinks she’s meant to be bubble wrapped and it amuses him just as much as it makes him want to punch someone that she isn’t yet bubble-wrapped. I do envision a very much Marion Moseby “how do you lose a woman” meltdown from him every time he gets a phone call about her. I think Lights probably reflects that vision of him in how I wrote it 😂 “where the actual f were all the rest of you morons?”
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But I will definitely add this to the list! I think it would be fun.
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