igneous-crocnroll · 7 months
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fallowdoe · 4 years
All roads lead to Hell
MC gets kidnapped and has to make their way through Hell to reunite with everyone.
GN!reader x everyone (can be treated as platonic/romantic)
Trigger warnings for this chapter: none
I apologise for the quality of writing however this is a translated version of my fic.
If anyone is interested in that I was listening to Casey tells the truth, the whole Split soundtrack is my big inspiration for this story. I’d advise onto playing it in the background while reading.
Chapter 1 - Prolouge  ⇒
A few candles lit up the room. The gentle light was adding to its already mysterious aura. Solomon’s dorm was filled with all kind of grimoires and spellbooks. The floor was covered with tons of torn-out pages and patterns drawn on a yellowish paper.
Trying out one spell after another MC seemed to grow more and more annoyed. The upcoming exam was one of the most important ones and Solomon’s constant teasing wasn’t the most helpful.
"Focus or you won’t get anything done, MC." The sorcerer stated while leaning against a wall. He wasn’t even trying to hide the amusement in his voice.
"I am focused" They mumbled irritated. It was their ninth try of casting this, so-called easy, spell. A marble laying on the table seemed to look at them pitifully. It was a one bastard piece of glass. Even more irritated MC moved their hand above it once again. 
"Neque ultra intuebitur eum" they mumbled. The space around them seemed to start drawing energy towards their hand. A quiet electric buzz filled their ears and they could feel their cheeks heat up. But just as they were about to direct the energy towards the toy it would suddenly unload. The marble remained untouched, and MC could bet that if it was possible it’d poke its tongue at them. Or maybe even raise a very specific finger up. "Neque ultra intuebitur eum!"
"No! It’s impossible! It’s impossible and that’s it! You gave me a broken marble." They grunted and dramatically sat on a chair pouting. 
Solomon snickered at them and approached the table. He muttered the words of the spell and the marble was gone immediately. 
"Cheater. I bet it was enchanted or something." 
"Maybe." He smirked. "Try again."
MC groaned under their breath but stood up again. The sorcerer walked up to them and placed his hand on their arm giving them a reassuring look. "That’s gonna be seriously lame if you fail again tho.” 
They replied with a huff and tried to refocus. Closing their eyes, MC began collecting energy again. It was a weird feeling. Suddenly they’d notice that the whole room was in fact like a river full of it. Their task was to change its current toward themself. This spell didn’t require a lot of effort, only a bit of thought. Stronger spells could even sweep someone off with an uncontrolled current.
 They’d never admit it but sorcerer’s touch was rather helpful. It made them feel grounded. Goosebumps rose on their hand. They cast the spell again. 
"Lame." He chuckled.
"Huh?!” Their eyes shot open searching for the marble but the table was empty. They laughed and playfully punched his chest, making him laugh. "Asshole.”
Content, MC threw themself on the bed as a mark of their victory, Solomon was quick to follow. 
"You realize that this was shit compared to regular magic?” watching them struggle was incredibly amusing to him, apparently. 
"Like I don’t know" They frowned. He smiled in response and laid back next to them. 
The silence of the room, moving flames of the candles and its overall aura was really comforting.
"You should be able to pass the exam tho" he mentioned. 
"It’s a lot, you know? Everything." MC wondered. 
"I know." 
"I just can’t wrap my mind around it.” They began playing with their hair. 
"You could do much more without a hassle.” He stated like it was something obvious and leaned on his elbows while looking at them with a smirk.
"Wow, thanks for being an asshole.” They muttered, the hair they were playing with fell on their face. 
"A supportive asshole.” 
"I’m not sure if I could do more.” They spoke trying to blow the curl off. Hesitation making its way in their voice. "It’s still too new and…” 
"Yeah… Convincing someone that hell is real is one thing but throwing them inside is something else.” They followed gentle shadows of the flames on the ceiling with their eyes.
"Why? You’d prefer a flaming river and little red devils instead of your seven demon boyfriends?” 
Both of them laughed at the image of the brothers' with spiked tails and tridents. 
"No, I don’t think I would.”
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 Empty walls of RAD were enhancing every sound, making every single word echo for a few seconds before disappearing.
 "MC, ya comin’ or what?" Mammon was standing at the end of the hallway talking with Beel. 
"Just a second!" they screamed while taking stuff out of their locker and putting it in a bag. They were planning on returning to the House of Lamentation as soon as the school day was over to prepare for an exam. But their Devildom History textbook was nowhere to be seen. "Ugh, I left a textbook in the classroom. Wait for me, I’ll go get it!" 
"Just hurry up! I’m not explainin’ to Lucifer why we’re late again!" 
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The palace garden was full of exotic flowers, nothing like what they’d seen before. The number of colours and shapes worked wonders, some of the plants were gently glowing and lighting up the eternal night. Some had spots and some seemed to move on their own. MC could swear that they could even hear glassy sounds of a few.
"No matter how many times I see those flowers they always amaze me.” Diavolo was lazily examining the garden grounds. "Some of them only grow here. I’m doing what I can to keep them from going extinct. The species come from all of the three realms. That’s why you can spot some familiar ones.” He explained. ”I’m hoping to replant them one day on its original grounds.” 
"Thanks to magic?” MC was sipping on some tea. 
"Thanks to a good gardener, actually.” Barbatos smiled.
"Oh.” Both men laughed at their confusion. 
The quiet evenings in Lord Diavolo’s castle were a nice change from their usual ones. Their small chats quickly turned into a regular thing, always accompanied by a nice tea made by Barbatos.
"Magic definitely helps as well.” 
The wind was shyly blowing between the palace columns. Moth-alike creatures were roaming the garden, their wings glooming in the soft darkness. 
"I don’t think I can get used to it. The magic.” 
"Maybe, it’s a good thing. Living in constant awe of something." The Demon Lord smiled and gave them a soothing look. 
They quietly hummed in response.
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 Lucky for them, the classroom was open. They entered not bothering to turn the lights on. The lost textbook was waiting for them on their desk. A dark and empty classroom felt really heavy, MC grabbed the book and just as they were about to return to the hallway they noticed an envelope that must have been hidden underneath it. 
"What? " They muttered. An elegant paper and a wax stamp made it look important. If not for their name written on the back they’d probably leave it alone in fear of getting hexed or pranked. Instead, curiosity made them break the stamp. 
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 "Geez, what is taking ‘em so long?" Mammon huffed. They were gone for only a few minutes but making HIM wait was quite an offence.
"Maybe we should go and check on them" Beel mumbled from between his sandwich bites. 
"Hm, to get lost on your way for a textbook. Dumb human." Mammon stated annoyed. He was energetically tapping his foot.
"Come on, they probably locked themself in the classroom or something."
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   As soon as MC fished the sheet of paper from inside the letter, they started shivering. Cold air began circling them, their vision fading. All the sounds of the world around them suddenly gone. Sudden exhaustion taking over them, an empty void. It was a calm, soothing sensation. Like falling asleep…
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  "It’s empty” Beel stated exiting another classroom. 
"Ow, come on! They gotta be somewhere ‘ere!" anxiety was slowly making its way in Mammon’s voice. 
"Try this one – he pointed at the door on the other side of the hallway." 
"If they’re not in the…" a powerful charge of energy went off when he tried to reach for the doorknob leaving both demons in shock for a second. 
"MC!" Mammon bailed inside an empty classroom. 
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Loud voices filling the House of Lamentation kept the atmosphere tense.
"So they forgot a textbook…" Lucifer tried to keep calm, but his furrowed brows showed how tense he actually was. "…and went to get it…"
"…alone." He shot his brother a disapproving look. 
A guilty nod. 
"So, you went after them and discovered a sudden burst of energy in the classroom." The whole situation was more than inconvenient. It was a tragedy to be specific. An exchange student disappearing on the grounds of the academy. The exact one who couldn’t protect themself from any magic. The foreign trace of a powerful spell didn’t make the situation any better. The eldest took a quick glance across the room.
"We found this." Beel pointed at their textbook laying on the table. 
"Are you sure that they just didn’t go somewhere?" Satan uttered.     
"I’m tellin’ ya how it went! They’re just gone like that!”
"They sure can’t be far, right?" Asmo’s question was left unanswered. 
A motion of loud voices filled the room, everyone discussing what might have happened.
Lord Diavolo approached the table with a stern look on his face. If it was true that something happened to MC while they were at RAD then he was the one at fault for not keeping the academy grounds safe for them. He took the book and examined it. Devildom history. It had MC’s name written on the first page. Nothing appeared to be wrong with it. Just a regular textbook. "It’s just a textbook if anything had to do with their disappearance it couldn’t be it. Is Solomon on his way here?" 
"Yes, I called him a while ago he should be here anytime." Lucifer confirmed. 
It wasn’t even about the project anymore, MC was missing and it filled all of them with an unpleasant feeling of guilt.
"Can’t Barbatos use his powers and find them?”
The butler sadly shook his head.
What previously was a state of anxiety, now was slowly shifting into a panic whit every passing hour. As long as they were alone in Devildom, they definitely weren’t safe. 
"Something happened to MC?!" Luke’s voice caught their attention. 
Both angels and Solomon were standing in the entrance to the dining room, looking rather startled. 
"We don’t know yet." Diavolo stated calmly. 
They joined everyone by the table and Solomon took the textbook. He gave Diavolo a specific look and the demon lord nodded in response. He started studying it. 
"Are they safe?! Why aren’t you worried?!" the young angel kept questioning. 
"I’m sure that MC’s okay." Simeon’s white lies weren’t exactly suited for an angel. 
"Of course, everyone is worried." Belphegor stated irritated. "That’s why we called you!" 
Solomon tried to quiet out the rambling and kept examining the book, but just like Diavolo confirmed, there wasn’t anything extraordinary about it. That was unless he opened it and a single sheet of paper fell out.
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elisaphoenix13 · 3 years
Delusional (Ch.1)
Okay, so this is something that won't be for everyone. It's a trope that me and my friends got into while RPing so this was born. I think this will be one of those fics that I'll only continue if there's enough interest. Let me know what you think!
Tony had been pissed when his parents told him that his mother was pregnant. He had no idea what possessed them to think having another kid was a good idea when they could barely pay attention to the one they already had, and he even said that. It ended up turning into an argument between him and Howard and Tony gave them both the cold shoulder for the entirety of Maria's pregnancy. Whether it was because of her age or possibly because of Tony's ongoing silent treatment stressing her out, his mother went into labor a month early. Tony couldn't even bring himself to visit his parents or the new baby at the hospital, but they eventually came home with his new baby brother that he almost considered ignoring completely.
But then he realized that would make him exactly like Howard.
So when his parents went gallivanting off to some party one day, leaving their preemie baby in the hands of the maid, Tony finally decided to properly meet his brother. A seventeen year age difference wasn't unheard of, but it still felt weird to walk into the nursery with the knowledge that the baby inside was a sibling. He decided he would make sure the baby was still alive and then go back to his bedroom to study for his physics final, but when he approached the crib the baby was sleeping in...he softened.
His baby brother slept peacefully on his back with his arms stretched out on both sides of his head and every so often snuffled in his sleep. He wasn't covered with a blanket and he vaguely recalled hearing that he shouldn't be at his age, but he was at least dressed warmly in tiny blue footie pajamas. He had wisps of dark hair that looked like they would be soft to the touch and Tony was tempted to reach out and see but he refrained. He didn't want to disturb the baby.
Tony had been so focused on ignoring Howard that he had to wrack his brain for his brother's name, which he knew his mother had told him. He was pretty sure he had been studying at the time and was only half listening, but it eventually came to him.
Scott Harris Stark.
It was barely seconds later that the baby started to fuss and Tony looked around a little lost before finally giving in and leaning down to scoop him up. Tony was a goner after that. Scott's hair was just as soft as it looked and Tony was worried he could break his brother if he so much as sneezed. It didn't stop him from taking over most of the responsibilities of caring for Scott from that moment on though. Tony did his research, watched his mother, and even asked the maid for advice, but soon he was changing diapers. He fed Scott, stayed up for hours on end when he was colicky or sick, dressed him, played with him…
Tony was determined to make sure Scott had the love and attention he was deprived of. At least Maria tried with both of them.
But when Scott was just under a year old, tragedy struck. Both their parents died in a car accident on the way to a party, leaving Tony alone with his infant brother. Fortunately he was freshly eighteen so he could have legal guardianship over Scott and Tony had Rhodey and Obadiah for support and help with the company he now had control over. Scott always came first though. Tony made sure he had a decent childhood despite the fact that he easily got sick, and the adorable smiles he got in return were well worth it as Scott grew up.
So was the boy's first word. Dad. Tony never corrected him since he did raise Scott, and his brother never knew their parents. So as far as Scott knew, Tony was his father and Tony made sure to hide away the truth. As far as he was concerned, the lie wasn't hurting Scott and it was partly true in a sense.
He didn't expect it to be easy and it wasn't. Because Scott was born premature, he had special needs in the form of allergies (both food and environmental), asthma, and he even got sick constantly. Most days found Scott in Tony's room because the boy whined whenever Tony tried to put him in his own room, and he was terrified Scott would stop breathing in the middle of the night. Scott slept in Tony's bed until well into his grade school years when he finally started to grow out of his need to be near his father. Tony was still nervous and checked on Scott before he went to bed and at least once in the middle of the night when he woke up.
When Tony first found out Scott was allergic to peanuts, he was a wreck. He threatened the doctors to help his kid when he heard Scott wheezing for breath, and when the boy was finally recovering, he demanded they do whatever they had to do to check for any allergies he might have had. Tony didn't think he could handle seeing Scott as sick as he was again. The wheezing, the hives, the overall misery his little boy had been in…
It turned out Scott was severely allergic to all types of nuts. Peanuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts...if it was a nut, Scott couldn't have it. That was easy enough to plan meals around but then there was also shellfish, sesame, parsley, and pineapple. Whenever they went out to eat, Tony scrutinized every ingredient on the menu if it was available, and if it wasn't, he demanded to talk to the chefs. Fortunately once he learned what food Scott could have, it became second nature.
Tony always made sure to carry an inhaler and epipen with him, had extras held for Scott at school, and more in the boy's backpack. He taught Scott as early as possible what he couldn't eat because it would make him very sick and for the most part, things went well enough. There was only one incident at school when Scott unknowingly ate something he wasn't supposed to, but he was quickly treated with one of his pens and sent to the hospital. Scott was quick to bounce back from that since the school staff had been prepared, so the only constant issue was his asthma.
Scott never let it slow him down and Tony swore he was going to either go gray at 25 or suffer heart failure. The little boy was constantly climbing everything, and Tony once had to pull him off the bookcase that he managed to climb up to the fifth shelf. The fifth shelf. Rhodey had his fair share of retrieving Scott from high places whenever he visited too.
Before Tony knew it, Scott had grown into a young man with a talent for hacking and engineering and had a penchant for tacos, oranges, and lollipops. He helped Tony with a lot of his projects but absolutely refused to help with anything related to weapons. Scott never liked violence and always hated that Stark Industries was solely based on weapons making. Tony never faulted him for it.
"Scott, have you seen my--?" Tony stops mid sentence when he looks over at the young man and finds him at his computers with his feet kicked up on a small part of the desk, dozing with a lollipop in his mouth. "Oh, that's safe."
He walks over and takes the lollipop out of Scott's mouth and he jolts awake. "Hey! I was eating that!" Scott complains.
"Yeah, you were very proactive about it. I didn't raise you for 21 years so you could choke and die because you fell asleep with candy in your mouth." Tony rolls his eyes and sticks the candy back in Scott's mouth before he could protest. "Now have you seen that little screwdriver you like to steal?"
"You had it last, and I've been busy updating Jarvis's code." Scott answers.
"I saw that. I guess you're so good you can do it in your sleep."
"It was uploading!" Scott drops his feet to the ground with an annoyed huff. "And I told you I wouldn't help you with your stupid weapons. That includes finding misplaced tools."
"Fine, fine."
Tony tries fixing the cow lick in Scott's hair and rolls his eyes when it only floofs back into place. He learned very early on that his kid's hair was untameable but that didn't stop Tony from trying. Hair gel, pomade, hair spray...none of it could contain and style Scott's hair. The cow lick worked for him though so Tony wasn't too obsessed with trying to find something to keep it in place.
"Well while you wait for your new code to upload, why don't you make me a sandwich?" Tony says. "I gotta get the Jericho prototype finished tonight."
Scott frowns. "Why do they want you to fly all the way out to Afghanistan? What's wrong with how you usually sell this stuff?"
"It's just for a couple of days volpino. Now where's my tuna sandwich?" Tony asks.
"Probably in the fridge. It's deconstructed." Scott says as he leaves the lab.
"Oh, haha. Funny. I like mine constructed so get on it. Chop chop."
Tony smirks when he hears Scott mumble something under his breath along the lines "slave driver", but with no heat. Things had gotten easier as Scott got older but he never really grew out of his physical problems. He still had his food and environmental allergies, his asthma, and even his tendency to get sick, but that had mostly been remedied when Tony moved them to Malibu. The warm weather helped with that and Scott didn't get sick nearly as often as he did in New York, and that had been a huge relief for the both of them. Tony only wished he had thought of it sooner.
When Scott comes back with the sandwich and sets it nearby for Tony, the man looks up at him and rolls his eyes when he finds the younger man drinking out of a juice box. "You know you can have beer now right?"
"Juice is better." Scott says. "When are you leaving tomorrow?"
"You'll probably still be asleep. Even if I leave late." Tony grabs the sandwich and takes a bite. "So try not to blow up the lab while I'm gone." He adds around his mouthful.
"That's no fun." Scott says sarcastically. "Pepper called by the way. She said she has some paperwork for you to look at before you leave."
Tony groans. "Tell her I'm not home."
"It'll be true in a few hours anyway."
"Don't underestimate Pepper. She'll be waiting on the tarmac for me to look at those papers if she has to." Tony grumbles and then looks up at Scott with a suspicious smile that makes his son narrow his eyes at him. "You're 21. Maybe it's time to start giving you some responsibility with the company."
"I do. It's called making sure my dad doesn't blow himself up because he writes codes when he's half asleep. How are we still alive?"
"Rhodey and Happy." Tony replies dryly before whapping Scott upside the head. "Don't sass me."
Scott rubs the back of his head as he walks back over to his personal workstation to check on the progress of the code. When he had shown an interest in engineering and computers, Tony had immediately set up Scott's own work area with age appropriate equipment that he either replaced or updated as Scott got older. He was good at it too. Tony couldn't count the number of times he got calls from the FBI asking him to get Scott to stop leaving them viruses with laughing cat videos or something. They were always harmless and easily fixed, so Tony's response was to tell them to update their security so Scott couldn't get in.
Apparently they had yet to find a way to keep Scott out and Tony wasn't about to take away one of his son's very few joys in life. As long as it all stayed harmless, Tony would look the other way. He knew Scott was very capable of hacking into pretty much anything, and he was glad his kid was a pacifist. Because Scott was definitely very capable of getting his hands on nuke codes.
Tony actually wouldn't be surprised if Scott had already gone in and changed them.
Some whirring pulls Tony out of his thoughts and he looks over at the kitchenette to find DUM-E making smoothies again. A quick glance told him that there was at least peanut butter and almond milk in it so it wasn't safe for baby boy consumption.
"Hey! Are you trying to kill your little brother with that?" Tony asks and DUM-E beeps sadly when the blender goes off. "You know he can't have nuts!"
"There goes my social life." Scott says and Tony makes a face.
"I don't want to hear about that."
"Says the man whose one night stands I had to chase away."
Tony laughs. "To be fair, it was funny to see them get creeped out when you just stood in the kitchen and stared at them while drinking your juice box."
"...yeah. That was pretty fun." Scott admits.
"Sir, Miss Potts is on her way down." JARVIS says and Tony groans.
"Ugh the dreaded secretary with her paperwork."
There's a few beeps before the lab door hisses open and then the sound of heels clicking across the linoleum.
"I know," he sighs. "Paperwork. Give it to Scott."
Pepper places the small stack next to his arm. "He's too busy making sure you don't blow yourself up."
"You know I had to teach him how to do that right?"
"And now he's better than you." Pepper says and Scott cackles.
"Ouch. My pride." Tony clutches at his chest in mock hurt.
"Please just look at this and sign. It won't even take you ten minutes." Pepper sighs.
"I trust you."
"Nice try."
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ahmeddocuments · 4 years
Day 1, (Cairo/Amman/Paris), 25-9-2019
Written by Ahmed Hassan, edited and corrected by Aya Ashraf
Well, this is finally it. The moment I've always procrastinated to do. I'm finally documenting my biggest trip to Europe to date!
The trip started from September, 2019 from France passing by Italy, Vatican, Austria, Prague and ending in Germany. The trip raised my travel achievements from 5 cities, 4 countries to 15 cities, 8 countries in a total of 13 months, with a total number of 33 traveling days.
When I'm documenting my trip, I'm documenting personal experience, personal observations and opinions. it also might reflect my passion for Architecture, Art and beauty of how I see things, and how it reflects from my perspective. And to be honest, I've thought a lot about ideas of how I can show my trip well, and blogging somehow was a winner. Blogging sounds like a classic idea of how things should be documented, and I'm someone who's always nostalgic and feels classic about the present and the future.
Well, Where do I start. it's 9:00 PM on a Tuesday, On 24th of September 2019. i just had a haircut and heading home after one of the strangest days of my life. it's the day i had an emotional roller coaster; I'm getting ready to travel a the biggest planned trip ever, just a few hours after knowing I've took a hit in my career. Or at least that’s what i thought at the time. but after a few hours of Anxiety, I've decided to let all of such thoughts stop, I'm going to travel! I'm literally a few hours away from doing my most favorite thing in the whole world! I started double checking my belongings; Passport and tickets, Cash money, devices and luggage.
My plane takes off at 6:45 AM. I made sure i had arrived earlier for documentation. I finished everything around 3 hours before the flight and I'm sitting there at the airport bored and bored waiting for the time to pass, still having glimpses of anxiety from time to time.
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The moment has come, I hear the call for my flight. Unlike the past year, that wasn't a direct gate to the plane, but it's a shuttle bus taking us directly to the plane near the runway. It’s my first time on Royal Jordanian airlines, I gotta say the plane looks decently vintage from outside, I liked the color pattern of the fleet because you don’t see darker planes every day. as below, the plane appeared mostly black with mixed colors of blood red and gold yellow.
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i picked royal Jordanian because of two factors; their cheap economy tickets (Cairo/Amman/Paris and Berlin/Amman/Cairo for 6900 L.E), their luggage policy  (two 23 Kg pieces + the carry on). But I gotta say, you get what you pay for. As someone who’s been on Air France's Joon last year, all I could do is compare the seats’ quality, friendliness level of the staff and the quality of food. The three weren’t that bad at all on the RJ planes, but yeah, that was something to mention.
So the plane is prepared to take off, flight attendants are giving us instructions about safety and emergency, then we’re taxiing the runway. When people usually describe their point of life when they feel absolutely free of any restrictions, I always think about the moment when the plane is on the runway accelerating, leaving anything behind -even if temporary- and rising above the clouds, above anything that previously caused any kind of insecurity. It’s me feeling superior and feeling good about myself.
That was my first time passing over Sinai by plane, I’ve seen a lot of beautiful scenery, like the gulf of Suez and the Suez canal and its ships lining up one after the other.
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Also scenes of Sinai mountains, that looks small but great from above as well
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I’m now entering the airspace of Jordan. And I got to see the river of Jordan and glimpses of the dead sea.
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Just a few minutes after capturing the above picture, we were approaching Queen Aliaa International Airport in Amman for my transit. The plane was landing, and that was my first time to set foot in another Arab country. My transit was almost two hours long so it wasn’t that big of a deal, the airport was extremely clean with very fast free WiFi service, I didn’t feel bothered at all by the waiting time cause I kept exploring the airport. I wanted to buy a snack or a small meal but it was weird because of my zero understanding about the Jordanian currency in terms of what's reasonable and what's expensive. Minutes passed fast and I boarded the plane for a longer flight to Paris.
Passing over the occupied lands of Palestine gave me a special scene I won't forget, a glimpse of the dome rock mosque and the Aqsa mosque. It’s that glowing gold item in the middle of the below picture.
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The flight to Paris lasted about 6 hours, passing over the Mediterranean, central Europe and then finally entering the French air field. It was a matter of time before hearing the announcement that we’re reaching Charles de Gaulle Airport, I’m landing again in my favorite city in the world, one year after saying goodbye back in 2018. Took my luggage and stayed in the airport for a few hours till Islem, the Algerian friend I’m staying with, finishes his work at 6 PM, so that left me in the airport for about 4 full hours.
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First things first, I had to top up my French mobile line package so that I can communicate during my trip, then had a McDonalds sandwich at the airport. Also had time for a drink till I received a call from Islem to move to Aulnay-sous-Bois. Meeting Islem became one of Paris’s landmarks for me now, he’s a very nice Algerian, 2 years younger and shows a great hospitality each time I request to stay over. After my arrival at the platform, I found him right there. He guided me to the house, which was like 1 minute walking distance from the station which is a GREAT plus for a tourist. The neighborhood was actually built around the 1940s, and it's all about classic villas and buildings. My building is a great example of how the neighborhood looked.
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I was actually staying on the fifth - and last - floor. Anyway it was almost 7.30 and I put my stuff at Islem’s, we're going to have an outing together. Islem suggested I should have like a metro pass to all the 5 Paris districts, which came in really handy for my whole stay, and it included Versailles and Disney which were planned items.
We decided to go over the downtown and launched that plan from Châtelet, stepped out of the station to Rue de Rivoli, passed by Tour Saint Jaques.
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Then we passed by Paris's official city center, Hôtel de Ville. The place looked amazing as that was my first time to see it at night all lit
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Also had my first look at the seine by crossing Pomt d'Arcole and its beautiful scenery over the river.
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I also wanted to check on Notre Dame, as I was really devastated when the fire took place in April 2019, but it looked better than expected. But still it's a great loss to France and Europe.
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For those who don't know, Notre Dame was my favorite place to visit in Paris, and it was the place that I've seen first in Paris during my first visit in 2018. I will never forget that feeling of seeing this building in person. Now it is in a really bad condition, only hoping for it to restore its previous glory soon.
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I made sure to check the building as much as possible, passed by it from almost all sides. A very important funny part though: it was raining before my arrival and I didn’t notice a small water puddle behind Notre Dame, which resulted my socks and shoes all soaked with water, making me walk like i’m walking on hot rocks for a while till it started to dry out. We later reached Saint Michelle Fountain.
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Had the opportunity to see one of the best seine river scenes in Paris, with Notre Dame looking so fine like it was untouched.
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We Also passed by Pont Neuf, Paris’s oldest bridge with a construction date back to 1578. The term “Pont Neuf” means the new bridge, because of all the modernity that it embodied in the Middle Ages back then. The building, which spans the Seine at Ile de la Cité, was built during the reign of Henry III but was inaugurated in the early 17th century.  At that time, it was the very first stone bridge in Paris and also the first in the capital to have sidewalks to protect pedestrians from the mud projected by horses and carts.
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After crossing Pont Neuf to the other bank of the seine, we’re right in front of the back side of the Louvre museum. Islem thankfully made me enter the Louvre from the back entrance, allowing me to see the famous modern pyramid centering the 18th century old Château from a new angle.
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And now with the main stream angle, which I really love by the way because there’s no enough of how beautiful this place looks! I was actually surprised to see that much of people still hanging out there, later i realized the place is open till 9:45 PM on Wednesdays, and it was just 9:15 PM the moment I took the picture.
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We were really starving afterwards, and we couldn’t pick a place to have our dinner. So we decided to eat in the first affordable thing we see in our way. We walked down Avenue de l'Opéra heading to the Palais Garnier (Paris’s grand opera house). and as much as it always looked fantastic with its golden statues, it never looked as beautiful as I saw it that night.
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We were right in front of the opera when Islem suggested we go for pizza hut since it’s just around the corner, there was no space for me to say no as the last meal I had was almost 8-9 hours earlier. We went inside and we picked a chicken pizza that we shared with a drink and appetizers. and I gotta say there was no much of a difference comparing to the pizza hut we have in Egypt, only cleaner place and more expensive lol.
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We were finally full and we decided that I should welcome Paris in the best cliché way possible: watching the Eiffel tower at night. We moved via metro from  Opéra to Trocadéro. For those of you who don’t know, Trocadéro is the best place in Paris where you can actually view the landmark and remain absolutely speechless till you realize you spent a lot of time there and should leave.
It was the most crowded place I visited that night. Needless to say how worthy it was, I’ll just let the below pictures speak for themselves.
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After spending some time there, we decided to go home and rest, as Islem is working the next day, and I have to visit Chateau Versailles which I’m really excited about. Using both Metro and RER, we reached home and I was getting ready to sleep before it started raining outside.
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I was sleeping right under a roof window which allowed me to see the sky and the rain hitting that window and I instantly started thinking about how lucky I am that:
- It started raining right after I’m back home and right before I arrived, I really felt welcomed :)
- I’m visiting the city I love the most twice in one year! Spending so much time there while having a very good trip planned ahead.
To the next day tomorrow, I’m visiting Chateau Versailles ,La Defance and Arc de Triumph. can’t wait to start going into details about that.
Bonne nuit!
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ambwimagines · 5 years
Pocket Chocolate: Chapter 4, New Set of friends
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*FLASHBACK* (5th grade, after school)
Mark: Y/N this is my buddy justin
Y/N: Ummm ?.... Justin?
Mark: Yeah, you know I thought it would be cool if we all could hang out together and maybe be friends.
Y/N: I don’t wanna be friends with him *sassily*
Mark: Why not?
Y/N: He’s not you
Justin: Umm... I’m just gonna go home...see ya Minhyung *waves as he runs off*
Y/N: *mocks him* see ya Minhyung. What is that ? Only I can call you Minhyung.
Mark:  Everyone can call me Minhyung because its my name. You’re literally acting like a child.
Y/N: Why do you want a new friend all of a sudden, you don’t wanna be mine anymore ?
Mark: Y/N... Come on.
Y/N: Come on nothing, You don’t wanna be my friend anymore.
Mark: I never said that Y/N
Y/N: You don’t have to...
Mark: Are you mad at me?
Y/N: I should be.
Mark: I didn’t do anything, I just wanted to make us a set of friends.
Y/N: Yeah, A set of new friends...
Things were so much more simple back when you were kids. That same afternoon he invited you over to his house to watch movies and play video games. You looked up and it was 8:00 and you knew you couldn’t be out past 8, especially  on a school night. You and Mark ran back to your house and he hoisted you to your bedroom window. “So we cool ?” Mark asked as he strained himself to look up in your window. “ Definitely” you responded smiling to him. He took his hands off your window sill that supported him and shoved them back down in his pockets as he went home. Moving his hands through the thought to be empty space he found a plastic-feeling piece of something. He snatched it out of his pocket and it was the wrapper from his piece of the snickers you broke in half an shared with him earlier that day. He stared at it for a while and then looked back at your house with your once illuminated window gone black in result of you turning off your lamp. It reminded him that you would always be there for him. He could count on you and you could count on him. As sure as you would share your piece of pocket chocolate with him.
5:30 AM
The blaring noise of the alarm clock awoke everyone simultaneously. The disheveled boys arise from each of their beds. Shoving covers blankets and pillows alike from their person. The slight shifts and shuffles coming from the boys slipping on their house shoes and dragging their feet across the hardwood floor. Some go directly to the kitchen Like Johnny, to make a cup of coffee or drink some water or just get something in their system. While others form a line outside of the bathroom door. Patiently waiting to groom or relieve themselves for the first time today. In the midst of all the sleepy, groggy people up and trying their best to start their day. There was still Mark. Wide awake, he still layed in his bed. He stared at the ceiling. Not because he was angry, not because he was happy either, he was just thinking. As he was thinking the youngest walked past his room but then stopped and walked in.
Haechan: Mark, huyng ? Are you okay?
Mark: Yeah, I’m okay
Haechan: Then why are you still in bed we have to get up, we have things to do today.
 Mark: I’ll be up in a minute.
Haechan: Johnny Hyung!!
Mark: I'm up now. (Sits up and gets out of bed)
Johnny: What's going on ?.....Mark you were still in bed ?
Mark: No I-.....
Haechan: Yes. (Interupts mark)
Mark: (scowls at Haechan) I was thinking about something.
Johnny: Okay Mark, cause you know I don't wannna have to tell Manager- nim that means 40 minutes after practice for all of us.
Mark: (Hangs his head down)
Haechan: What's wrong now ?
Mark: You. You're whats wrong with me Haechan.
Haechan: Whatever mark (squeezes his cheeks together) (walks off singing Monster by Exo)
Mark: (looking up to the ceiling) why ?
While Mark prepared for his Schedule. You were in a race against the clock that teased and taunted you with It's hands seeming to move every two minutes and not every second. You scramble around the dorm looking for your books and loose papers from your notebook. Remembering some people borrowed those for notes. You would look up and it would be 8:30 you look again and it would be 8:32. You yell at the clock in frustration. Rushing to put your papers and books into your backpack. In your fuss you awake your friend Erin.
Erin: What are you going skitso about at 8:35 in the morning.
Y/N: It's 8:35 oh god I was supposed to be on the train 2 minutes ago.
Erin: Calm down you can still make time. Relax. You will make Mr. Jung’s class
Y/N: But he's back today. And every second I'm not there is a piece of information I don't get, and every piece I don't get is a missed question on my review, and every missed question on my review is a miss- ...
Erin: (slaps her in the face) you okay now ?
Y/N: Yeah I think, thanks
Erin: Good, now go catch the next train before you have a panic attack. We'll catch up.
Luckily you make the train, but you have 2 minute delay. The engineer saw sparks coming off of one of the wheels on the rear car. Once the Train reaches it's destination you shoot out the doors over to the building across the street as quickly as possible. Inside the bulding you are still running 140 mph down the hallway. And anyone in your way might as well lay down so you can trample them. Bypassing and almost knocking down tons of people you make your way closer and closer to your destination. Down the hall last door on the left. Unfortunately you run full speed into a poor unsuspecting guy. Both of you guys belongings being knocked out of each others hands.
Y/N: Oh,죄송합니다 (joesonghabnida)
Man: Oh, It’s totally fine. It’s my fault really I wasn’t paying attention
Y/N: You speak English ?
Man: You speak Korean?
Y/N: Well a little, I’m not quite fluent yet.
Man: I studied English in Luxembourg from my middle to high school career.
Y/N: Wow that’s interesting. I’m Y/N and you ?
Man: I’m Minjae, Song Minjae
Y/N: You have such a beautiful name. I love it
Minjae: Thank you, you know your name doesn’t sound so bad either.
Y/N: Oh thank you, well I have to get to class. See you around
Minjae: Wait, I’m gonna go grab a bite to eat after class. Would you like to come with me ?
Y/N: Sure after class
You get into class with at least a minute or two to spare. You take your usual seat sandwiched between two empty chairs reserved for your friends. Your friends come in seconds after you. They take their places beside you.
Valerie: Who was that hunk that you rammed in the hallway
Y/N: You saw that ?
Erin: Yes, another magnificent fumble from the tales of Spaz Master
Y/N: One more joke about my mental health and I swear (speaking through clenched teeth)
Erin: (mimics you) “Every second I’m not there is a piece of information I miss” wah wah wah
Y/N: Whatever, I won’t be going with you guys after class.
Erin: What gives ?
Y/N: I have plans.
Valerie: With the hunk-sicle you ran over before class?
Y/N: Maybe ?
Valerie: I want all the juicy dets when you get back.
Mr. Jung walks in and silence routinely befalls the class, as it should. Mr. Jung commands that kind of respect. His class is not the easiest to get in or stay in. So it pays to be very quiet and listen.
Mr Jung: Good Morning class, I trust you had a great day yesterday. Welcome back to  Business and Marketing, There are only a few weeks left in the final semester which also means the deadline of your FFB project is rapidly approaching. With that your weekly assignment won’t be too strenuous. This week we will focus on the inner workings of marketing. and just how can anything be marketed ? In light of that I ask you to conduct an interview with someone who has a specific talent. May it be writing, singing, dancing etc. How is their talent marketable, if so how did they bring it to it’s final form of being marketable. For now I would like you to turn to page 380 in your BMT books (Business and Marketing Today) and complete the previous assignment, if you have look over your grade online and if you have any questions come talk to me. Do not wait until after class because I will not be here. i will leave the exact same time you do and I will not answer any questions. 
While your friends worked diligently out of their books. You opened up your laptop you pulled out of your backpack. You go to the student portal on the universities website. You click under the grades tab and your grade is still the same. A steady 92% Soon you started to wonder. What if you don’t do the project. You get up out of your seat and walk over to Mr. Jung’s desk where he is engrossed in the newspaper. He peaks up at you from over the news paper.
Mr. Jung: May I help you Ms. (Your last name)
Y/N: Yes Mr. Jung I was wanting to talk to you about my grade is all.
Mr. Jung: Is there something wrong ?, you have an 92 % and you do the majority of my work.
Y/N: Yes I know, I was wanting to see how it would reflect on my grade if I didn't do the project.
Mr. Jung: Do you plan on not completing the project.
Y/N: Well...yes- but no-but also yes
*Bell Rings*
Mr. Jung: Ms. (Your Last name) I highly recommend you start and/or finish that project as soon as humanly possible. It is worth 25% which is a fourth of your overall grade.
Y/N: But I-...
Mr. Jung: *cuts you off * It is after class Ms. (Your Last name). Talk to me in the morning.
You walk out of class and your friends are waiting by the door for you. They take either arm and bombard you with questions about the guy you dodge rammed in the hallway.
Valerie: So Y/N !? tell us. what’s up with the guy you almost ran over in the hallway.
Y/N: His name is Minjae, Song Minjae.
Valerie: Minjae ? that has a nice ring to it.
Y/N: Yeah well I gotta go guys. I’ll see you later at the dorms
You and Minjae were sitting outside at a coffee shop near the Uni (university) sipping iced macchiatos talking over the assignment. You both came to a mutual agreement to interview each other.
Minjae: We could but that’s predictable almost expected we interview as classmates.
Y/N: Then what do you suggest ?
Minjae: I have a friend who works at SM as a talent scout and manager he has very close ties with all the groups and their staff. *pulls out phone* here’s me him and super junior, and me and him with EXO.
Y/N: Wow that’s impressive
Minjae: Sometimes it’s not what you know, but who you know.
Y/N: So you’re saying you could get me an interview with them ?
Minjae: Say the word Y/N and I have it.
Y/N: What’s the catch .
Minjae: No catch, just dinner with me.
Y/N: I should’ve seen that coming.
Minjae: Y/N you’re gorgeous. I just want to treat you how you should be treated.
Y/N: *stammering*
Minjae: *grabs you hands and looks in your eyes*
Minjae keeps you like this for a while you both just stare at each other and a slow but sure smile spreads across your face. You feel comfort in his big brown eyes. You didn’t notice Mark come in with Johnny talking and laughing until you catch him staring at the both of you out the corner of your eye. You immediately snap out of your daze with Minjae and pull yourself to usual. quickly getting your book and looking at it you decide to acknowledge Mark even though he has seen you first though.
Y/N: Oh hey Mark, come on over.
You signal towards him and he comes over there. You promptly stand up and introduce him To Minjae. Minjae stands up and shakes Mark’s hand.
Y/N: Yeah so what brings you here Mark.
Mark: You know Johnny has to have at least 3 iced Coffees a day
Y/N: *laughs* Mark you are so sill
Mark: But what about you ? what brings you here ?
Y/N: Oh me and my project partner Minjae have a project due we need some place fairly quiet.
Mark: Oh okay well have fun.
Mark thought of you and thought of life watching you be happy with someone else. It took him right back to that day in elementary. Someone else putting that smile he loved so much right on your gorgeous face and he couldn't bare it. For the second time in life he was .......
I am far from done. I want you guys to get ready cause. I'm kinda gonna be turning these out like clockwork so if you really love this series then get ready for a marathon of chapters to read
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it1776 · 3 years
https://it1776.com Free shipping from USA! Buy cheap affordable gamepads, gaming keyboard, headsets, gaming mouses, sound bar, sports headphones, wireless headphones
- Hey, guys, this is Austin.
This is the brand new Series 2 Edition
of the Xbox Elite controller, which has got me thinking.
Kevin, what is the best controller that I can buy right now?
- Well, we got a different couple options to talk about here
so let's round 'em up and see.
(imitates music)
? Kevin Kenson music, Kevin Kenson music, ?
? Kevin Kenson music, do do doo ?
The benchmark that I compare every single controller to
is the current generation Xbox One.
Now, it's seen some updates over the last few years,
like Bluetooth and an audio jack,
you also have the Design Lab.
But this is always what I compare things to.
Kev, why am I wrong?
- I mean, look, the standard Xbox One controller
is a great controller.
When it comes to just the baseline models
that come with systems
this is honestly my my personal favorite as well.
- [Austin] Same, yeah.
- But there's a lot of room for improvement still
and there's a lot of things that have kind of become more
common and popular amongst pro controllers
that aren't necessarily feasible
in an affordable regular baseline like this one.
- Such as.
- Such as Microsoft's own Xbox One Elite 2.
Honestly, we could talk all day
about the special features and things.
I think the main kind of take away points
aside from just general build quality,
multiple sticks you can use, multiple D-pads, back paddles.
Which are pretty common across a lot of these ones.
The big stuff for this too though
is the unique customization features
that are in the Xbox Accessories app
where you can do things like button remapping,
adding a Shift button options, stick acceleration,
lots of crazy in depth stuff.
- And of course, this works across the Xbox
as well as the PC and those settings that you sync
will actually work across consoles as well.
Or across, did I just call PC a console?
I mean, across systems, across platforms.
- Identity crisis.
So aside from the Elite 2
the other one we have here is the Prestige.
Now, this is the newest one from Scuf
I'd mentioned earlier
and the main thing with this
is that this is a modified Xbox One controller
so it still has the same core base in it,
which is really cool actually
'cause that means you can use it with the Xbox One,
the upcoming Project Scarlet, PC, whatever,
if it works with Xbox controller it'll work with this.
One of the cool things about it
is how you can further modify it.
If you wanna change the sticks or anything
you actually just pop off the faceplate.
- That's cool.
- And this is how you can swap out the sticks.
You can also switch out the D-pad,
although I think you can just do that
from having this faceplate on as well.
So this one has four adjustable paddles,
you can take them off if you don't wanna use them.
- [Austin] The problem though
is that this is expensive, right?
this is actually around the same price
as the Elite controller?
- So, it's 20 bucks cheaper
if you just buy the base model unmodified.
But one of the big things about Scuf
is how you wanna customize it to make it your own design
so depending on if you want certain colors,
special designs, different sticks,
depending on all the things you modify and do to it
it can end up adding up to being quite more money.
- So I get that you're really excited
about your controllers and everything
but really everyone knows the superior way
to play any kind of game is using a mouse and keyboard.
Which I so helpfully have provided
with the Razer Turret.
- [Ken] You said this was controller video.
- This works with an Xbox, I can control my games with it,
I think that counts.
- [Ken] What is wrong with you?
- Can I bring in a racing wheel next then?
- There's a cursor inside the game.
It's almost as if I'm playing on a PC called the Xbox.
- Now to be clear, this is because the Xbox
actually does support keyboard and mouse,
it doesn't have to necessarily be the Turret
but the Turret is an awesome controller design
specifically for the Xbox in mind.
- 'Cause essentially you're getting
like a proper Razer keyboard
that's built into this little platform.
And then you have the mouse which is magnetic
so you can actually kind of.
You have a little like mousepad.
So if I was sitting.
- Come on, do it, yep.
Yeah, squat work out!
- This is the way all true gamers play.
So the Turret is certainly not cheap.
At $250 this is probably the most expensive thing here.
So the thing with the Turret is that
you really shouldn't use this
as purely like an Xbox controller.
I mean, you can use it like that, certainly.
But it sorta makes more sense
if you have like a PC and an Xbox
and you wanna have everything
kind of unified into one setup.
- Or if you just really love playing
just Fortnite all the time
and you wanna keyboard and mouse set up.
- And you don't wanna use a PC.
- And you don't wanna use a PC.
- Yeah, that's really popular.
Now over on the PlayStation side of things
we of course have the DualShock 4.
A perfectly respectable controller, it's good, fine,
but it's not really great, it's really super impressive
which is why I'm really curious,
especially to play with this Raiju.
- So actually, real quick before focusing in the Raiju,
I think something that's interesting about PlayStation
is that on Xbox you saw some similarities
with the two controllers we were trying,
they were both based on the standard Xbox design.
All three of these are very different.
All three pro controllers we're looking at
are very different approaches
of how to make a pro controller.
- This doesn't work.
- Does it not work or did you not log in properly to...
- You would be correct, I didn't log in correctly.
- There you go.
- Kevin Kenson, PlayStation expert.
- So the deal with the Raiju is that
at least out of the different pro controllers
we're looking at today,
it's the least physically customizable.
There's a little bit you can do,
you can swap out that D-pad, it does have some other sticks.
But the really heavy focus is on
just straight up the build quality.
- It's so sturdy, this to me out of all these controllers
is the only one that feels on par
with the Xbox Elite controllers
as far as just like, it's beefy, it feels heavy,
it feels like this is something I can throw across the room
in a fit of rage after I lose in Fortnite
and it'll be just fine.
- The table that it hits won't be, but yes,
the controller will survive.
- Now, you know, I totally get that customization is great
and for some people, especially with like the Scuf stuff
you can go really over the top.
But for me, I'm one of those guys
who wants to walk into Subway
and order the sandwich just as it comes.
When I go into Blaze Pizza I'm like,
I just want a pizza with pepperoni on it.
I get overwhelmed with too much choice and you know what,
this doesn't have too much choice.
I just pick up the controller, I'm like,
look, someone smarter than me designed this.
Sweet, I'm on board.
- Of the controllers we have out here today
I think this the only,
is this the only one that we're talking about?
- [Ken] Yeah.
- This is the only one we're talking about
that is actually not available normally in North America.
You can get it, you just have to import it
which also means you're probably gonna spend
a little more money than the actual MSRP lists.
- How much is it if I wasn't importing it,
like say if I'm in Europe,
how much does this controller cost?
- Well you know, that was something I planned on checking
when we weren't filming earlier and hold on a moment please.
- That's fine, I gotta kill some droids.
- Now the Scuf Vantage, really almost the opposite
of what the Raiju is.
While the Raiju is focused on minimal physical customization
but having lots of just high build quality,
the Vantage is all about modular design.
Kind of like what we saw with the Prestige,
you can take the faceplate off.
- That's cool.
- But on this one you can swap the sticks, the D-pad,
and even take out the rumble motors if you want.
Kinda like we were talking with the Prestige earlier,
with Scuf things are so customizable
there's not really one set price.
There's a starting price.
If you get a wired version of this it starts at 170.
If you get a wired wireless version it's 200.
- I will say that so far this is still my favorite.
- I will admit, personally, that's my top as well,
for the PlayStation at least.
And actually let's go ahead and talk about
this last guy then.
- [Austin] So, you need a screwdriver
to work on this guy I see.
- Yeah, so there's a faceplate that locks in,
it keeps all the modules, as they pop out.
So you can do things like, lets say you like offset sticks,
you can have this set up.
Or if you don't, take that off, swap 'em,
and now you have symmetrical.
But I like offset so I'm gonna put it back.
- [Austin] I'm afraid to ask,
how much does the Astro C40 cost?
- Well the C40 is $200 for the base design
and it does not include all the different swappable parts.
So if you wanna get all the different D-pads
and all the different sticks it's gonna be a little more.
We have fewer controllers to talk about for Switch
than we do for Xbox and PlayStation
so I came up with a solution, I got one more.
- Okay, I mean, you've done a video
on every like Switch controller ever so.
(electronic music)
What is this slime thing?
- That, my friend, you are holding the one, the only,
HORI Slime controller for Switch.
- [Ken] I love that!
- Why? - It's adorable.
- This is not meant for human hands!
- It is not comfortable but it is amazing.
I should note that I guess kinda like the Raiju
we were talking about earlier,
this is a Japanese exclusive so if you want one of these
you are gonna have to pay top dollar to import it.
- How much is this really?
How much did you pay for it?
- I wanna say I paid 80.
- Oh.
After these $200 stupid controllers
$80 for a joke is, well, it's actually wait,
no, that's still a joke.
Can we look at some real controllers now?
- How dare you, how dare you. - Insult me.
So for the Switch when it comes to pro controllers
I think the one that really comes closest
to kind of at least capturing the idea right now
is the SN30 Pro Plus from 8BitDo.
- That actually really surprises me
because it's obviously a Super Nintendo style controller
but it has the grips as well as you have the sticks.
And this also works with a pretty wide variety
of different devices, right?
It's not just a Switch controller.
- Yeah, so 8BitDo controllers are designed to work
with the Switch, with PC, Mac, and Android.
- But you said this is 50 bucks, right?
- I believe so, yeah.
- That's not bad, especially considering, I mean,
I've got like $1,000 worth of controllers
on the table right now.
- Yeah, and in terms of what
kind of makes it a pro controller versus say,
using the official pro controller from Nintendo
is that this does offer some of those
special features that people equate with pro controllers,
like you can do things like actually remapping
what all the buttons are.
So if for whatever reason you really want B
to actually be the right trigger button
you can set that up if you like.
- [Austin] Now, obviously this is not as full featured
as the proper pro controller
since you don't have NFC for Amiibo
and you don't have rumble, or do you?
- [Kevin] No, this does have rumble, that's right.
- [Austin] Oh, that's awesome, okay, cool.
- You do have motion controls though.
- Oh, that's cool, okay.
- So this is the Split Pad Pro from HORI
and it's meant to be an alternative to Joy-Cons.
Now, because it is a third party option
it doesn't actually have all the features
that you might get used to seeing in a Joy-Con.
You don't have rumble, you don't have the ability to use
Amiibo scanning, you do have the motion controls still.
But the big trade off for that
is that you actually have a longer--
- It fits your hands. - Yeah.
It's a longer controller that's actually designed
to fit in your hands.
- I mean, look at the difference, right,
it's not even close.
Now, that doesn't necessarily fit in a bag as well
or anything like that but these,
to me the Joy-Cons are fine for a quick game
or if you wanna do some like Just Dance or whatever
but this is not a super comfortable way,
especially when you're using them
even in like a Joy-Con grip.
It's not that great for long periods of time.
- Well, and especially being used in handheld mode
I gotta say that it's not just a matter of the size,
it's not just that the thing is simply bigger,
it's that it actually does have contoured grips
and is designed to fit in your hands a specific way.
It does have remappable buttons on the backside.
Because these are each individual units
you can only remap buttons that are on the same side.
But still, that's better than not having
any remappables at all.
And because it's a HORI controller it has a turbo function.
- Because turbo is what we need.
You can't non-turbo game.
- I mean, if you like turbo, the slime does it.
Wanna use that slime, it's got a turbo button.
- I'm good, you have at it.
Now, if you actually want to use some of these controllers
you might find the sponsor of today's video useful.
This is the brand new Optoma CinemaX P1.
This is a 4K ultra short throw projector
which can go all the way up to a full 120 inch picture.
And the cool part about this
is that you don't have to sacrifice your space.
Even if you have a smaller room or apartment,
you can still get the maximum out of the projector
by putting it just a few inches away.
The picture quality is incredible too.
Not only are you getting an insane amount of brightness
for a projector but it even supports HDR10.
You're also getting an integrated Dolby Digital 2.0 soundbar
with a full 40 watts of power.
Now of course, if you want you can connect it
to a full speaker set up,
but honestly just the way it comes,
it actually works really well
as an all in one entertainment center.
It also supports a variety of streaming services,
you have voice control using Google Home as well as Alexa
and you can also take advantage
of the Info Wall app to fully customize the experience.
If you're looking to up your home theater game
then you should definitely be sure
to check out the Optoma CinemaX P1
at the link in the description,
and again, huge shout out to Optoma
for sponsoring this video.
This excellent bit of consumer advice
has been brought to you by Kevin Kenson,
you can feel free to subscribe to his channel
at YouTube.com/KevinKenson.
Kev, can you please play us out with a little tune maybe,
a song and dance, perhaps an ode to the slime?
- [Kevin] I can set things on fire.
- That's a great alternative.
- [Kevin] Oh, this doesn't have
super reactive environment, I forgot.
- Are you complaining about the Witcher on Switch?
The greatest port of all time
according to everyone on YouTube?
- [Kevin] I mean, it does run great considering.
- It does look like Vaseline was smeared on my TV though.
0 notes
hotd-redscar · 5 years
Prologue pt.2 (Revised)
Prologue Part 2
"Hey buddy, It's great to see you."
"KYYAAAAA! It's Kenichi-kun! Senpai please notice me!"
"Over Here! Over Here! Kyaaaaaaaa!"
"Hey, it's Mikazuki! Yo, Mika! Want to go try out our new strategy at the court after classes?"
"Yeah man! We're gonna get them Fujimi Academy guys after what they did to us last time!"
The spiky haired guy's name is Mikazuki Kenichi a guy who is in the same class as him. Ever since Luka joined the school, Kenichi was the only person who accepted him as a peer and he's popular at school as the leader of the school's basketball team. He has lead the school's basketball team since the previous year and has won a couple of gold medals for the school from prefecture's competitions.
He isn't always properly dressed but he doesn't get complaints from school since he's a representative of the school's sports club and childhood friends with the student council leader, Matsumoto Inoue. Inoue on the other hand, sit in the 2A class and is said to be excellent with both academics and sports. She also the daughter of the school's director.
"Hi...., you seem pretty much yourself today. I wonder how you get away with this."
"Hmmm, are you sure? I always thought I dressed according to the school rules. Besides, look at yourself, Heh" Pointing at Luka's winter uniform. Luka thought it's normal to wear blazer jackets all year around, as he did when he used to live in Russia. Luka still hasn't gotten used to the new customs.
"It's already been a year, you really need to get used to how we work here buddy. Anyways, I think you've got to cheer up a bit!
Now repeat after me, "Today is a beautiful day!"
"Today...., is a beautiful day."
"No man, you've got to say it louder! So that the whole school hears you! Just say it! I'm here so no one's going to bother you!"
"Today....is...a" Luka stops short of saying anymore as he finds it silly and though he doesn't hate Kenichi, he just can't stand him sometimes.
"You know, let's just get to class. We've got tests after all,….please."
"Aww, C'mon! Do you really have to be such a killjoy? Man…, reminding me of the test? Cheeky!"
As Kenichi groans, Luka heads inside the school, towards the shoe lockers and many students can be seen scrambling to place their shoes into the lockers. Luka does that too while Kenichi heads towards his own shoe locker. Placing his shoes in the locker, he turns around to head to class. Then, he knocked by someone to the side of the locker, though it was lightweight. After getting pushed by a crowd of student rushing to class, it was a girl who bumped into him by accident. The girl stares at him embarrassed and knowing who he is, the look turned into anxiety realizing she doesn't want to anyone spreading rumors about a relationship between her and the Russian guy. She quickly takes her bag as she runs off, but in amidst of leaving she ends up dropping an envelope probably from the insecure bag after being knocked over. Before Luka could call out to her, Kenichi walks over to pat him on his shoulder, having seen what happened.
"Ohh man. It seems you've got off a good start for the second year. You've got my support all the way buddy."
Luka, not wanting any misunderstanding quickly rebutted, "That's was an accident. She dropped the letter. I'll return it after class."
"But what if she did it on purpose, heeh? What if she wants you to read it?" Kenichi chuckled as Luka's expression remains unchanged.
"That not funny man. I'm not into this sort stuff and you know that."
"Come on! Read it! Read it!"
"I said no and I'll say it again, I'm not into this."
Kenichi kept persuading him to read the envelope or rather, trying to force him to read by nudging and pulling his shoulder persistently. Luka doesn't say anything and kept walking to class. As they passed the classroom hallway, a guy in a classroom can be seen conversing with a friend concerning the computer screen showing an rpg style game.
"Youji, what am I supposed to do with this…I still can't get the player move past the 2nd level glitch. It's the engine's fault!"
"Well, have you tried changing the filenames and re-exporting the assets? Maybe that'll help."
"I tried that but I'm telling you, it's the system's fault. If we use a previous version of the engine, that will screw up the levels!"
"I guess so, anyways we don't have much time. Why not just use the old version and put abit of UI in the menu? That'll also be good too right, Hiiro?"
Kobayashi Hiiro an aspiring game programmer and designer looks on the screen as his character can't move further than a few meters due to the game glitch. He and his friend Kurotsuchi Youji are planning to use the game to promote their small dev team "HeRocks" but they can't see to get it working properly this time around.
"Uggh, this is not good. I'll have to reload the old project files and start again with what we can."
"We just need to get it out there Hiiro. Nothing fancy."
"But it would be so bland like other RPG games already up there. Might as well implement a mechanic that's different from others."
"You don't need a new mechanic, that's why you have me, I write the scripts and draw the characters. That's more than unique enough."
"Huh? What's with the noise outside." Hiiro turned to look at the hallway window as sees two students seemingly drawling on top of one another, though one of them doesn't react to the grapples.
Kenichi got Luka down on the floor as he pushed too hard trying to convince him to read the letter. Kenichi doesn't stop trying as Luka gets up and continues walking towards that the class.
Youji recognizes them as he remarks about how those two ends up making causing a commotion from time to time.
"Well, if it isn't Mr. Unpopular and Mr. Popular guy of the school. Totally not fitting picture."
"Yeah…, I don't listen to gossips very much at school. Besides, all I care for is making games."
Hiiro replied in a soft tone not sure what to make of the awkward situation.
"Heyy! Don't say that! You've got to get up and look around sometimes you know! That's how you get ideas straight from them source! You ought to be glad you've got someone like me to remind you that!"
Youji chuckles knowing how much his friend needs help from him with developing the game. Youji is a digital artist who sometimes streams himself drawing pictures online. He is also has a large network of friends that he takes advantage of to help promote their game online.
"The class is about to start soon. Let's continue after school Hiiro."
Hiiro agrees and closes his laptop as the bell rings and the teacher arrives.
In class 2C, Luka seats himself next to a window overlooking the school's garden. Sometimes Luka gazes at the garden to remove himself from the world and remember the days when his life's series of tragedies didn't occur. Luka glances out the window for a moment just before the test starts. In his vision, he remembered a face from long ago, in an open backyard which alternates to a beachside. It was a shape of a man and though he couldn't remember the face well, he knew the face was smiling to him. The lips spoke him saying something, but he couldn't make out what it meant. Then the classroom door opens, interrupting his euphoric memories. Luka prepares his pen as he sees the form teacher walk into the classroom.
"Stand!" The class rep commanded with a clear stoic voice as the class simultaneously stands up, including Luka.
"Good Morning! Sensei!" The class spoke.
The teacher look over the class as he removes a sheet of paper from his file, a form used to record student attendances.
"I'll read out the names and respond with 'yes' when you hear yours'."
One by one the teacher called out the names and each student raises their hands as he ticks off each one. Once he's satisfied, he orders them to sit.
"We're about to begin our tests soon. Please prepare your writing materials."
The class immediately sprang to action as the students took out their pen and pencils from their bags. The teacher makes the students pass on a set of papers to one another until all students have received them. The clock approaches the start time of the test and as it hits 10'o clock, the test commences.
"The test begins now. You may start writing."
The test went by smoothly for Luka as he had studied days before and revised the text earlier in the morning. Soon the test came to an end as the students returns the papers by passing on from one another until the papers were fully received by the teacher. Then the bells rang as lunch break arrives.
"The class is now over. Enjoy your lunch break. That is all."
"Stand!" the class rep shouted once again as everyone stood up.
The teacher leaves the room and afterwards, everyone lets out a sigh of relief.
"Hahhhhh! Finally! I made it!"
"I could eat a horse after all that! Let's see go what we can find in the cafeteria!"
"Yeah, Let's go!"
The students chats to one another as each of them asks what the others want or what they expect to eat. Some of the girls even thought about sharing food from their lunch boxes.
As everyone leaves the room, Luka choses to stay behind in class, as he takes out his own table cloth from a corner of his bag and pulls out a lunchbox with his homemade tuna sandwiches and an apple. Kenichi too was about to turn and leave when notices his friend staying back in class.
"Hey Luka! Come on, let's go eat with everyone!"
"No, I'm fine. I'll stay here and eat. You should go instead."
"Luka, you got go where everybody goes. People like to get along with people who do the same things they do. That's the same reason why people didn't want to talk to you. You've gotta follow the flock man, can't be the odd one out, there's no other way to make friends."
"Well, I've got you. I don't care much about anyone else. Would they even accept me after I talked to them?"
"You…hahh, Luka you know I'm always here for you. Always willing to help out you know. You're a friend to me, but I want you to have other friends besides myself."
"What about friends? What if I don't?"
Kenichi running out of reasons, remembered that Luka still has to return the letter to the girl who dropped it earlier in the morning. Kenichi grinned.
"Then, about that girl you've got to return a letter to."
Luka then perked his ears when he heard it.
"I….can return later. I'll just finish early and wait at the entrance."
"But wouldn't that be like asking for a date?"
"Well then, I'll just squeeze it into her shoe locker. The letter's thin."
"But that would be more like YOU are the one sending a letter to a girl and everyone would assume you like her."
Luka looks as if he doesn't have a choice since he hasn't much spoken to anyone besides Kenichi at school, especially not girls. There's no telling how the girl would perceive him after approaching her and talking to her without context. She might end up affirming that he's a creep.
"Tch_...fine, I'll come."
"That’s more like it! Now let get you out of here!"
Kenichi ushers Luka towards the door and pushes him out forcing him to move towards where he wants to take Luka.
"Kenichi, I know where the cafeteria is. You don't have to push me."
"Oh, sorry! I got carried away. Well let's go."
Both arrived at the cafeteria. Luka brought along his own lunchbox as he didn't want to spend money at the cafeteria despite the food there being cheap. In fact, Luka didn't bring much cash on him besides a few hundred yen change.
"Okay, let's find go find something to eat at the counter."
"I'll find a seat for us. I've brought my own lunch, so.."
"If that's fine with you then that's okay. I'll go buy my lunch so just go find us a space, okay?"
Soon enough Luka finds a place enough for two people to fit in, sits down with his lunchbox. As eats his sandwiches, he looks around the table and the cafeteria looking for the letter girl. It didn't take long before he spots her, the long shoulder length honeycomb colored hair with a cute hairpin in shape of a cat and blue eyes, wearing a girl's uniform, shirt neatly tucked into her skirt. Her face looks so pristine with no pimple or marks as if it was taken care of expertly. She seems to be a first year student with some of the girls around her, and neither did he recognize any of the new faces too. The girls wants to get to know her better as they crowd around her talking girl's business. Luka knows what he has to do as she is probably concerned about the missing envelope by now. He finishes lunch and as he was about to walk over to her table, Kenichi returns.
"Done so early already?"
"I think I saw her, I'm going to return the letter now. See back in class."
As he was about to walk there, Kenichi stops him.
"Whoa! Luka you can't just walk up to a girl's table! What if they think you are looking to get laid!?"
"Uhh, no? I'm not trying to get laid and I'm just going to walk over there and give the letter since I brought it with me. Simple."
"No, you can't just walk over there like that. You've got to talk their language, see….."
Kenichi whispers into Luka's ear as he listens about ways to approach a girl. After listening for a while Luka seems to frown at Kenichi.
"Kenichi…..have you lost your mind?"
"No! I'm serious about this! You'll get the conversation going your way once you talk to her with the way I told you to."
"I'm not gonna to do that! Might as well be digging a grave!"
"What are you saying!? It'll work! Trust me! Beside, do you really not want to return the letter?"
Having to lower a bit of his self-dignity for his friend. Luka gives in once again.
"Fine, I'll do it. Just don't laugh."
"Go get her!"
Luka walks up to the girl's table and sees the girls chatting about fashion and guys and the new ice cream store. The girl can be seen talking to her friends and nodding, smiling and laughing when they all are.
Luka tries to be as calm as possible and to remember his lines, but he forgets all of them. As he turns around to look back at Kenichi. Kenichi is talking to his basketball teammates, asking him to come join them after classes and Kenichi have no choice but to talk to them instead. Luka realizes that he better should think of something quick before he loses his chance to return the letter. Luka looks towards the girl and fastens himself as he attempts to start a conversation.
"Uhm, Hello."
The girls stop talking and turns to look at him as if expecting some white guy looking for a date with one of them or something naughtier. The surrounding tables stops to look at them, curious what the Russian has to say.
"I want you to know...”
Girls look confused but kept listening. However, Luka forgets everything and turns in the letter envelope in his hand as he shoves it in front of the girl.
“Here you dropped this earlier in the morning. I just want to give it back….so take it.”
Everyone in at the school’s lunch area looked in surprise as Luka, the most unpopular guy of the school gives a love letter to a girl in a bold manner, or at least they assume.
"Uhm….., Are you asking me out?"
The girl looks surprised yet at the same time looks embarrassed as she thought that someone asking her out for a date seems too far-fetched. Luka has no such intentions as he lay the letter in her hand.
“Uhmmm….are you_”
"Have a nice day."
Luka walks off as he exits the lunch cafeteria.
People around the cafeteria gasps in awe even louder.
"Hey Hotori-chan. Why not give this guy a chance? He doesn't seem to have any ulterior motives. Looks like he really wants it."
"Yeah why not, just imagine getting a date with a white guy. Ahh! I'm so so jealous of you now, Hotori-chan!"
"Do it, Hotori! We'll all hear you out later about what happens! It will be quite a story to share on twitter! Help me get more followers!"
Her friends cheer on as the expectations grew bigger for the girl. Hotori gives into the pressure as she would contact the guy later in the day.
Though it didn’t go as planned. Luka was glad that it worked out at least and though his inner voice is saying otherwise, the deed has already been done.
'Now you've done it. No telling what hell's gonna break loose next?'
Walking back to class, Luka looks at Kenichi giving him a thumbs up while grinning.
"You've done alright!" The his lips pronounced.
Luka let's out a sigh as the bell rings, signalling the end of the lunch break.
In an opposite corner, a group of boys can be seen with silhouette cast over their faces by curtain shades.
"Look like we’ve got another idiot to teach a lesson…"
- 6 hours later -
The sun sets to a reddish brown color as the school finishes its classes and the students makes a chatter on the campus main road as they return to their homes, talking about their days homework, their plans when they get home and of course, the incident at the cafeteria with the Russian student. Yet still even at this hour, a significant number of students stayed behind as they have club activities and Student Council meetings.
Kenichi is the school's basketball team leader so he had to stay behind to see his juniors. In fact, he promised his teammates that he would practice with them.
In the Student Council, the president is Matsumoto Inoue who oversees the event and activities at school, and supervises the disciplinary committee which involves dealing with trouble makers at school.
Inoue sits in the council room with her subordinates as they review their work for the week. After the reviews concerning clubs and funding, their meeting was adjourned.
"That is all for today. You may all head home now."
"Thank you for the hard work, Matsumoto-san."
"It's fine, I'm always up for the tasks. Now get back home safely everyone."
Her subordinates left, one after another and she too was about to leave, the head of the disciplinary committee, Yoshijima Daichi stood behind, not leaving. He turns towards Inoue to speak to her regarding an incident from an earlier week.
"Matsumoto-san. I've got something to tell you."
"Inoue is fine but go ahead."
Yoshijima's face tenses up as he begins.
"About the incident last week with Furukawa and his gang."
Once Matsumoto heard it, her face turns serious.
"Hmmm, what about them? Was the boy okay?"
"The boy that Furukawa beat up is currently in a coma at the general hospital. His mother seems to be grieving. Furukawa was at least half-decent to give a handsome cheque to lifetime medical treatment. When I asked him for the reason, he replied that he didn't like how the boy approached one of his girls. Even though it was just him asking to borrow her textbook."
Inoue thinks of the case, knowing Furukawa's involved, not even her father the Director could do anything about it because Furukawa's father is an influential member of the local prefecture government and has ties to just about everywhere, including the prefecture's board of education. Any wrong moves and the school might be forced to shut down and her father losing his position at the Education board.
"It is very unfortunate about the boy as we cannot do anything about it much less report as not to receive the wrath of the city's board of chair committee. The least we can do now is to prevent another incident like this by keeping an eye out and informally warning boys not to approach certain girls at school."
Yoshijima then mentions an incident today that he relates to the current case.
"About today, I fear that something similar is about to happen sooner or later from what I heard from students about the cafeteria incident."
"What's happened? Give me details."
Yosujima then gave the story in details.
"The Russian kid, who joined last year ended up asking for a date from one of the freshman years who happens to be one of Furukawa's new persons of interest."
Inoue, right then realizes who that is, as Luka is a close friend of Kenichi who in turn is also her childhood friend. She bites her lips.
"If Furukawa was so eager to harm someone just for borrowing a book. There's no telling what or when he will confront the guy who asked for a date. We've got to keep our eyes sharp lest we end up running the school reputation. Having my father lose his school is bad but having much less students come to school is just as bad!"
"Understood. I will tell my subordinates to keep a look out for the Russian guy and Furukawa mentions about him."
"Good and be careful."
The two finishes their conversation just the moment when two student barged into he committee room.
"Hey you two, you are not allowed come in here. This is restricted to the council members only."
Yoshijima scolds them, but it seems the student wanted to badly tell them something.
"We saw Furukawa and his gang up at the roof level! He and his buddies looked like they were beating up someone. We have a hunch that something bad is happening."
Inoue becomes alarmed and so did Yojima's. They know what's about to happen soon unless they stop it.
"We've got to head to the roof now!"
- Rooftop Balcony, Tokonosu Daiichi High, 10 mins earlier -
Luka waits at the school's rooftop. Just after the classes, he was informed by a classmate that the girl from earlier wants to see him after school at the rooftop. Luka accepted the invitation so he can at least clear up things with her. Not knowing whether she would arrive or not, he waited. Then, he heard footsteps before seeing a silhouette, ….no there were multiple footsteps of at least four individuals, and they sound too heavy for the girl who only managed to make a soft nudge when she bumped into him. Multiple silhouettes appeared as Luka instinctively goes into a fighting stance.
"Looking for fight now, huh?"
"You are looking for trouble aren't you!"
"We’re gonna teach you a lesson not to mess with boss’s girl!"
// Continue To The Next Chapter //
0 notes
cosmosogler · 7 years
hey guys. i had bad dreams and a lot of trouble sleeping!!! i woke up a bunch of times and every time i was tangled up in my pjs. my pants had somehow become backwards at the waist.
when i did get up i reached up to stretch and my shoulders, like, clicked back into place with an audible snap. i can’t tell if that hurts or not.
i was a little slow to get moving. while i was checking facebook this morning snoopy pooped next to my desk. i was pretty annoyed about that, especially since this was right after i’d fawned over her for a while. i’d only stopped because she got up to get water and i thought she was done being petted.
i showered and spent a long time in there just thinking. i don’t know what i was thinking about. i guess i was thinking about thinking in the shower. either way, it was a while.
then i made a quiche i’d bought yesterday. i think it may have made me sick. the cashier at the grocery store hadn’t put it in my freezer bag... along with the eggs. something in there doesn’t smell quite right but i haven’t found it yet. no, it’s not the eggs.
i was doing something but i don’t remember what it was!!! at 10:40 ish, or 11, somewhere in between there, i started packing for school. i decided i should probably dole out my trail mix rations finally since i’ve had the jar sitting in my pantry for 6 weeks. i love trail mix. not sure why i never took the time to separate it into servings. i even just enjoyed the process of measuring out 1/2 cups and putting them in bags to put in my lunch box over the next two weeks.
i biked over to campus but i was very leisurely about it. just didn’t have the drive to pedal as fast as i could i guess. good thing the physics building is downhill. i don’t quite have the stamina to stand on the pedals but i am trying to practice a little bit. getting pretty good at sharper turns at least, and i can hold my arm out to signal for a whole second now instead of just kinda... waving it and grabbing the handlebar again real fast.
and no part of me has gotten snagged in the pedals or chain in a week so that’s good!!!
once i got to my office i had a little trouble getting started with my work. i think it took 40-45 minutes... i again do not remember what i was doing other than browsing the internet. fatigued.
i did work for an hour before i stopped for lunch. i finished studying my class notes and adjusting a few things to account for understanding the material a little better. i wish i’d been more careful about transcribing what the professor had written previously... i left a few frustrated notes about how i couldn’t hear what he said, or his handwriting was too bad to make out, or how he’d written half an equation on the board and not ever finished it. but a few things i could have made better note of- like the slant of the tensor indices. i didn’t realize that was important until much later.
i do ask him to clarify sometimes, if i can’t read whether a word says “sine” or “mmnmnn”. and his Vs look like Ns. that REALLY trips me up because we use both of those a lot.
but i can’t ask every time.
i talked to suzanne about having all the grad students upload their class notes into an online database so we’d all have all the information we’d collectively written down. she said that’s actually a great idea and we have a scanner in the department for people who write in real old fashioned notebooks (like me). 
might run it by luis and taylor later... one of them could probably help me set up some kind of dropbox or google doc collection.
my lunch was pretty great. i had a sandwich and a banana and had a terrible stomachache but felt a little more settled after the banana. i had to try real hard not to puke though for like an hour.
after that i finished my classical assignment due tomorrow. it took about an hour too. and another 40-ish minutes sprinkled through the rest of the day making small corrections as i discovered why i shouldn’t include a factor of 2 here and there.
suzanne watched me try to explain one of the problems to harrison and corrected me a few times when i got confused by terms i’d heard her use when she explained it to me. it got me flustered at the time because harrison looked like i was making it worse but at the same time i’m glad i had to articulate what exactly the problem was asking for and get my course adjusted right away as soon as i made a mistake.
still not quite sure what “geometric analysis” means, especially in comparison to, i think it was, “numerical analysis.” both of those involve popping variables into equations and making substitutions and getting an answer. 
at about 2:30 i walked over to the union with suzanne and jennica in the rain. i was half under suzanne’s umbrella so when we got inside half of me was immediately cold and soggy. one sleeve of my shirt was just soaked but the rest was lightly sprinkled or just dry.
i’m wearing one of my favorite shirts today. it’s soft and gray and loose and it says in big white letters “DON’T BOTHER ME     I’M BUSY” and there’s minions posing. 
not sure what the minions are doing there but their frozen screams of karate rage match my mood at all times so i will allow it.
i’ve had this shirt for years. i wear it like literally every laundry cycle.
anyway i sat with my two classmates and talked about sand while they ate wendy’s. i don’t quite remember what started the tangent, but it involved me telling a joke about body surfing with my brother and getting slapped around by the waves and dragged along the beach haha.
when we walked back it wasn’t really raining any more. i originally didn’t mind the rain until it got ice cold over the span of three seconds. but anyway i got right back to it!!! i think. i mostly ate trail mix for a little bit and goofed off with harrison and talked about the classical homework. suzanne wants to work on the last two quantum problems tomorrow so i let that assignment be for now.
i compiled all the questions we’ve been assigned in classical so far and their solutions. i printed out just the questions from the first assignment to take home with me. i meant to work on it tonight but i ran out of time. that took forever though. i joked about it to harrison. i said “it’s so great to be working on a project that is not really doing actual practice problems.” 
he said “yeah, i love dicking around instead of working.”
i said “that’s what it’s all about!”
i was kinda bummed that doing the homework took so long... and none of us had ANY energy at all. luis didn’t even come in. taylor came in in the mid-afternoon but then didn’t actually sit and do any work. rebika left before that. jennica was... riding up and down the hallway in an office chair flopping her arms around like a terrifying crab woman. 
we’re tired.
eventually i was getting ready to leave when jennica wanted to talk about pirates for like 15 minutes. we ended up on pseudo-politics. not actually talking about any issues in particular, but rather how we approach them. i started getting pretty dark thoughts so i hopped on my bike and went home. 
i mean, they weren’t any darker than the joke i’d made earlier. 
taylor had said something. harrison replied, “who are you, my mother? if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?”
i laughed and said “absolutely. of course, the joke is that i would have done it without all my friends. jumped off the bridge, i mean.”
we talked about how high the bridge was, and if it was over water or not. there were a couple “it doesn’t matter how high it was as long as you believe in yourself” comments because taylor was involved with the conversation.
anyway i offered to make muffins later in the week and then i went home at 6:30-ish. at 7:00 i started making TEMPEH TACOS!!!!
they were so good. oh man. i only exploded one thing too. i actually ate the entire meal even though it was way too much. i cleaned up the dishes bloated and happy and everything smelled like limes. because i’d put like a quarter cup of lime juice in with with the crumbled tempeh. which was only a big enough serving for one person.
i bummed around on the internet for a while after that, and then at about 9:30 i got back to work for a little bit. i made a complete rubric for the labs i gotta grade, so hopefully now it will be faster and more cut and dry. at about 10:10 i started writing here.
looking at my to-do list... i didn’t get as much done as i would have liked. things always seem to take twice as long as i plan for, even when i feel like i’m allocating a generous time slot to relatively minor things. like giving myself a full hour to finish half a classical problem that specifically asks for no (dynamical) equations. all i had to do was draw a triangle and do some trigonometry with suzanne.
being a master avoider has some downsides. like even when i want to focus on a project my brain is sneaky about avoiding it. which is why i spent 80 minutes putting together an easy reference for doing the practice problems instead of actually doing practice problems.
at least i recognized all the questions and had a vague idea of how i would go about solving them. i’m really, really hoping it doesn’t take twelve hours to do one old assignment like it did the first time around.
looks like grading will have to slide this week. i can do it for a little while every day but there’s no way i can get it all done on monday and get enough sleep to do my best on the exam on tuesday night.
i don’t WANT to screw around all the time. but it seems like that’s what keeps happening.
and no matter how much work i get done i should always have gotten MORE done.
something good about me today was MY AMAZING, FANTASTIC COOKING PROJECT. IT WAS SO GOOD YOU GUYS. IT WAS SO GOOD!!! it’s not quite what i remember making back at home a few months ago, but it was great in its own way and i think making the tacos either way will do it for me! maybe a little less lime juice next time. maybe that’s what was overpowering the earthy nuttiness of the tempeh. i even sauteed the onions for a little bit to take the edge off and that helped a lot toward making the crumbled tempeh taste more complete and less like a collection of onions and chili powder and limes. 
oh! and i came up with a great way to avoid the Onion Tears. i put my fan next to my cutting board and had it blow the fumes out the window while i chopped. snoopy sat on the ottoman and watched me.
i think cooking a nice, for real meal for myself every now and then does a lot toward lifting my mood. i wish i had time to do it more often. even just putting my freezer stuff in the oven instead of the microwave can do a lot for the texture even though it takes four times as long.
i’m not sure how i got so good at this. maybe part of it is that my own food just tastes better because i know how much work i put into it. *i* went out and bought the stuff. *i* chopped up all the onions and the tempeh and boiled it. *i* set aside the serving i wasn’t using for leftovers later. *i* spent 35 minutes putting everything together. part of the flavor is just feeling good about making this thing for yourself.
but even the stuff i’d make at home mom seemed to like at least. 
part of it might be that i know what a lot of things taste like and how much god dang chili powder i love to have on everything. and it’s kind of easy to judge from the smell how much, comparatively, of that thing i should put into my pan. i have a decent sense of smell. raised by dogs and all that.
and half the fun is realizing you don’t have something and improvising with what you do have. and seeing what happens when you do that. 
and dumping piles and piles of chipotle rub you stole from your mom’s pampered chef set on everything.
by “stole” i mean she said “you can have this one and i’ll order a new one. and then another new one for myself.”
i wish i had more cooking vocabulary. i don’t have anyone to talk to about it and i don’t really know... what kinds of words to use when i do talk about it? like until a few hours ago i wasn’t really sure what the difference between “saute” and “fry” was. still not quite sure why “broil” is different from “bake.” 
kind of feels like when i was at home and i didn’t have anyone to talk to about physics for eight months. and kind of feels like when i like a tv show and don’t have anyone to talk to about it for years. you get out of practice.
anyway it’s 11:15 and i’d like to be in bed real soon so i can start getting up early like a normal person again. if i get up at 8 the sun’s been up too long already and i’ve woken up like five times because it comes right through the window directly into my eyeballs. 
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ruthellisneda · 7 years
I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work
I love working out over my lunch break, and when people hear that’s part of my fitness routine, the questions start coming. “Does your boss care?” “Do you eat lunch?” And the most popular one: “But don’t you get sweaty?” Answers: Not really, heck yeah, and sure, but it’s fine—to which they respond, “I could never do that” with a look of longing envy on their faces.
Look, I get it. There’s a stigma around working out on your lunch break: You’re deemed a health nut or a total slacker. Making time for exercise is challenging enough, let alone figuring out how to squeeze it into the same hour you’re supposed to slam a sandwich while answering email. But the truth is, I’ve found that nobody actually cares about my midday workout, especially if I’m still checking everything off my to-do list.
Working out over lunch has made me a more productive employee, better able to lead my teams, and most of all, less stressed and more committed to exercise as a whole. Here’s my best advice for making lunch break workouts happen:
Before adding noon workouts to my calendar, I brought it up with my boss. Since her leadership style is basically “Do what you gotta do, but be reasonable and get shit done,” I figured she would be open to it, and she was. However, I’m a content manager for health care communications, which means my day-to-day mostly involves meetings, conference calls, and writing or editing on a laptop. In my role, it’s entirely feasible to spend a lunch break outside walking a couple days a week, but not all industries or titles allow for this.
Still, I’ve found that transparency works. I hold time on my calendar every day, versus sneaking in and out of the office around lunchtime. My team knows if I’m not at my desk at noon, I’m likely working out, but we’re in touch constantly, just in case something else more important arises. I’m also verbal about why working out midday benefits me (I’m more focused and relaxed afterward) and the company bottom line (I’m also more engaged and creative). Honesty breeds respect, and most employers know by this point that work wellness matters.
In a perfect world, I’d leave my desk every single day to indulge in a long power yoga class, casually eat a healthy salad, and dive back into tasks refreshed and renewed. But in reality, the noon hour is a choreographed dance to the tune of “I have exactly 60 minutes to get moving and inhale a turkey wrap from home.” And even then, some days I can plan to my heart’s content and not even work out over lunch at all.
I mean, I might aim for a short jog at 11:30 A.M., only to have a team member ask for help with a pressing project. Or my boss says, “Hey, got a minute?” Or a meeting gets rescheduled at the last minute. When those situations arise, I skip the workout and prioritize my actual work. It can be annoying—particularly if I had to sign up for a class in advance or prepay for a workout—but the only way to be smart about lunchtime workouts is to remember they’re a luxury, not a given. I don’t take advantage of this perk.
Furthermore, on the days I do get to work out over lunch, I’m willing to make up the time away from the office wherever necessary. I might stay late, or bring speech drafts home, or wake up super early the next morning to get ahead of time-consuming analytics. Working out should make my work better, not worse, so I do what it takes to balance both. Some might argue this approach leads to a higher quantity of work, but for me it’s a valuable trade-off.
I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to sweat. But you have to get over it. I’ve been doing this for nearly two years now, and the whole sweating thing is honestly not that big of a deal.
Maybe it helps that, as a new mom, I worship at the temple of dry shampoo, which allows me to maximize those minutes post-sweat. I do not go the “wash your hair” route at the gym. No, no. I keep a fully stocked gym bag in my car at all times with makeup essentials, face wipes, deodorant, and the wonder that is dry shampoo. Then, if I’m at a gym with a shower, I can rinse off quickly, throw my hair in a low bun, and go. If I don’t have access to a shower, I try to pick a workout that won’t leave me looking like I just strolled out of a swimming pool. For me, the goal is to get some type of physical activity in, not hit my absolute max every time, and return to the office looking somewhat presentable. Trust me, it works—I regularly hear people say, “How do you get ready so fast?” in the locker room.
Two other tips: Always pack a variety of workout clothes to accommodate any type of workout, and bring your bag to work. Every. Single. Day. The former allows you to take full advantage of your window of time, no matter what, instead of cursing yourself for not having the proper gear. Seriously, if I had a dime for every day I planned on not working out, only to realize I did have time, I’d be able to afford a monthly SoulCycle membership. Yes, it’s a slight hassle to remember your stuff every day or schlep it along with you on the train or bus, but being prepared means you won’t miss a golden opportunity to move your body and give your brain a mental break during the day.
It surprises me when people assume I swap food for a workout in the middle of the day. Um, no. Aside from needing, you know, energy and nutrients, I also just really like eating, and I’ve found that brown-bagging my lunch allows me to enjoy it in multiple stages instead of all at once.
Celebrity trainer Erin Oprea tells me she’s also a big fan of packed lunches, especially for anyone trying to work out over lunch. “Packing your lunch allows you to eat a healthy meal that gives your body the nutrients you really need without giving you the heavy feeling you can easily get from eating out. Packing your lunch also gives you more time to get in quick exercise.”
I usually bring something to eat about an hour before lunchtime, like string cheese and veggies, hard-boiled eggs and almonds, or a protein bar. Act two is the main event: the sandwich, salad, bowl of soup, or container of leftovers ingested right when I get back to my desk. Finally, I’m never without a solid snack for the afternoon, such as dark chocolate peanut butter cups and berries, because my metabolism will be up and running after I’ve ducked out for a workout.
By packing my lunch and eating it in stages, it feels like I’m eating more. Which, let’s get real, helps to break up the old 9-to-5 and fuels my workout for optimal results.
You’ve probably heard that sitting all day is linked to an increase in undesirable health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So all signs points to yes when it comes to getting up throughout the day and moving around. There’s also a towering pile of research pointing to the benefits of midday exercise: Emerging research suggests that it may lead to better job performance,improved stamina, more enthusiasm, and increased creativity.
Plus, exercise reduces stress, which has endless benefits at both work and home—it might help you cope with difficult coworkers, think more strategically, and tackle heavy workloads.
I also find that I work out both harder and smarter (sorry, no Instagram scrolling on the elliptical) due to the shorter time frame of a lunchtime workout—both of which enhance the workout as a whole.
And last but not least, on the days I work out over lunch, I don’t feel the need to guzzle more caffeine at 3 P.M. I can solve problems faster and multitask more efficiently. My eyes don’t ache from staring at a computer screen for eight hours, because I’ve given myself an actual, real break to decompress and come back stronger. Most of all, my patience lasts longer, and I’m much happier—at work and at home later on.
The post I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work appeared first on Under Armour.
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neilmillerne · 7 years
I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work
I love working out over my lunch break, and when people hear that’s part of my fitness routine, the questions start coming. “Does your boss care?” “Do you eat lunch?” And the most popular one: “But don’t you get sweaty?” Answers: Not really, heck yeah, and sure, but it’s fine—to which they respond, “I could never do that” with a look of longing envy on their faces.
Look, I get it. There’s a stigma around working out on your lunch break: You’re deemed a health nut or a total slacker. Making time for exercise is challenging enough, let alone figuring out how to squeeze it into the same hour you’re supposed to slam a sandwich while answering email. But the truth is, I’ve found that nobody actually cares about my midday workout, especially if I’m still checking everything off my to-do list.
Working out over lunch has made me a more productive employee, better able to lead my teams, and most of all, less stressed and more committed to exercise as a whole. Here’s my best advice for making lunch break workouts happen:
Before adding noon workouts to my calendar, I brought it up with my boss. Since her leadership style is basically “Do what you gotta do, but be reasonable and get shit done,” I figured she would be open to it, and she was. However, I’m a content manager for health care communications, which means my day-to-day mostly involves meetings, conference calls, and writing or editing on a laptop. In my role, it’s entirely feasible to spend a lunch break outside walking a couple days a week, but not all industries or titles allow for this.
Still, I’ve found that transparency works. I hold time on my calendar every day, versus sneaking in and out of the office around lunchtime. My team knows if I’m not at my desk at noon, I’m likely working out, but we’re in touch constantly, just in case something else more important arises. I’m also verbal about why working out midday benefits me (I’m more focused and relaxed afterward) and the company bottom line (I’m also more engaged and creative). Honesty breeds respect, and most employers know by this point that work wellness matters.
In a perfect world, I’d leave my desk every single day to indulge in a long power yoga class, casually eat a healthy salad, and dive back into tasks refreshed and renewed. But in reality, the noon hour is a choreographed dance to the tune of “I have exactly 60 minutes to get moving and inhale a turkey wrap from home.” And even then, some days I can plan to my heart’s content and not even work out over lunch at all.
I mean, I might aim for a short jog at 11:30 A.M., only to have a team member ask for help with a pressing project. Or my boss says, “Hey, got a minute?” Or a meeting gets rescheduled at the last minute. When those situations arise, I skip the workout and prioritize my actual work. It can be annoying—particularly if I had to sign up for a class in advance or prepay for a workout—but the only way to be smart about lunchtime workouts is to remember they’re a luxury, not a given. I don’t take advantage of this perk.
Furthermore, on the days I do get to work out over lunch, I’m willing to make up the time away from the office wherever necessary. I might stay late, or bring speech drafts home, or wake up super early the next morning to get ahead of time-consuming analytics. Working out should make my work better, not worse, so I do what it takes to balance both. Some might argue this approach leads to a higher quantity of work, but for me it’s a valuable trade-off.
I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to sweat. But you have to get over it. I’ve been doing this for nearly two years now, and the whole sweating thing is honestly not that big of a deal.
Maybe it helps that, as a new mom, I worship at the temple of dry shampoo, which allows me to maximize those minutes post-sweat. I do not go the “wash your hair” route at the gym. No, no. I keep a fully stocked gym bag in my car at all times with makeup essentials, face wipes, deodorant, and the wonder that is dry shampoo. Then, if I’m at a gym with a shower, I can rinse off quickly, throw my hair in a low bun, and go. If I don’t have access to a shower, I try to pick a workout that won’t leave me looking like I just strolled out of a swimming pool. For me, the goal is to get some type of physical activity in, not hit my absolute max every time, and return to the office looking somewhat presentable. Trust me, it works—I regularly hear people say, “How do you get ready so fast?” in the locker room.
Two other tips: Always pack a variety of workout clothes to accommodate any type of workout, and bring your bag to work. Every. Single. Day. The former allows you to take full advantage of your window of time, no matter what, instead of cursing yourself for not having the proper gear. Seriously, if I had a dime for every day I planned on not working out, only to realize I did have time, I’d be able to afford a monthly SoulCycle membership. Yes, it’s a slight hassle to remember your stuff every day or schlep it along with you on the train or bus, but being prepared means you won’t miss a golden opportunity to move your body and give your brain a mental break during the day.
It surprises me when people assume I swap food for a workout in the middle of the day. Um, no. Aside from needing, you know, energy and nutrients, I also just really like eating, and I’ve found that brown-bagging my lunch allows me to enjoy it in multiple stages instead of all at once.
Celebrity trainer Erin Oprea tells me she’s also a big fan of packed lunches, especially for anyone trying to work out over lunch. “Packing your lunch allows you to eat a healthy meal that gives your body the nutrients you really need without giving you the heavy feeling you can easily get from eating out. Packing your lunch also gives you more time to get in quick exercise.”
I usually bring something to eat about an hour before lunchtime, like string cheese and veggies, hard-boiled eggs and almonds, or a protein bar. Act two is the main event: the sandwich, salad, bowl of soup, or container of leftovers ingested right when I get back to my desk. Finally, I’m never without a solid snack for the afternoon, such as dark chocolate peanut butter cups and berries, because my metabolism will be up and running after I’ve ducked out for a workout.
By packing my lunch and eating it in stages, it feels like I’m eating more. Which, let’s get real, helps to break up the old 9-to-5 and fuels my workout for optimal results.
You’ve probably heard that sitting all day is linked to an increase in undesirable health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So all signs points to yes when it comes to getting up throughout the day and moving around. There’s also a towering pile of research pointing to the benefits of midday exercise: Emerging research suggests that it may lead to better job performance,improved stamina, more enthusiasm, and increased creativity.
Plus, exercise reduces stress, which has endless benefits at both work and home—it might help you cope with difficult coworkers, think more strategically, and tackle heavy workloads.
I also find that I work out both harder and smarter (sorry, no Instagram scrolling on the elliptical) due to the shorter time frame of a lunchtime workout—both of which enhance the workout as a whole.
And last but not least, on the days I work out over lunch, I don’t feel the need to guzzle more caffeine at 3 P.M. I can solve problems faster and multitask more efficiently. My eyes don’t ache from staring at a computer screen for eight hours, because I’ve given myself an actual, real break to decompress and come back stronger. Most of all, my patience lasts longer, and I’m much happier—at work and at home later on.
The post I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work appeared first on Under Armour.
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almajonesnjna · 7 years
I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work
I love working out over my lunch break, and when people hear that’s part of my fitness routine, the questions start coming. “Does your boss care?” “Do you eat lunch?” And the most popular one: “But don’t you get sweaty?” Answers: Not really, heck yeah, and sure, but it’s fine—to which they respond, “I could never do that” with a look of longing envy on their faces.
Look, I get it. There’s a stigma around working out on your lunch break: You’re deemed a health nut or a total slacker. Making time for exercise is challenging enough, let alone figuring out how to squeeze it into the same hour you’re supposed to slam a sandwich while answering email. But the truth is, I’ve found that nobody actually cares about my midday workout, especially if I’m still checking everything off my to-do list.
Working out over lunch has made me a more productive employee, better able to lead my teams, and most of all, less stressed and more committed to exercise as a whole. Here’s my best advice for making lunch break workouts happen:
Before adding noon workouts to my calendar, I brought it up with my boss. Since her leadership style is basically “Do what you gotta do, but be reasonable and get shit done,” I figured she would be open to it, and she was. However, I’m a content manager for health care communications, which means my day-to-day mostly involves meetings, conference calls, and writing or editing on a laptop. In my role, it’s entirely feasible to spend a lunch break outside walking a couple days a week, but not all industries or titles allow for this.
Still, I’ve found that transparency works. I hold time on my calendar every day, versus sneaking in and out of the office around lunchtime. My team knows if I’m not at my desk at noon, I’m likely working out, but we’re in touch constantly, just in case something else more important arises. I’m also verbal about why working out midday benefits me (I’m more focused and relaxed afterward) and the company bottom line (I’m also more engaged and creative). Honesty breeds respect, and most employers know by this point that work wellness matters.
In a perfect world, I’d leave my desk every single day to indulge in a long power yoga class, casually eat a healthy salad, and dive back into tasks refreshed and renewed. But in reality, the noon hour is a choreographed dance to the tune of “I have exactly 60 minutes to get moving and inhale a turkey wrap from home.” And even then, some days I can plan to my heart’s content and not even work out over lunch at all.
I mean, I might aim for a short jog at 11:30 A.M., only to have a team member ask for help with a pressing project. Or my boss says, “Hey, got a minute?” Or a meeting gets rescheduled at the last minute. When those situations arise, I skip the workout and prioritize my actual work. It can be annoying—particularly if I had to sign up for a class in advance or prepay for a workout—but the only way to be smart about lunchtime workouts is to remember they’re a luxury, not a given. I don’t take advantage of this perk.
Furthermore, on the days I do get to work out over lunch, I’m willing to make up the time away from the office wherever necessary. I might stay late, or bring speech drafts home, or wake up super early the next morning to get ahead of time-consuming analytics. Working out should make my work better, not worse, so I do what it takes to balance both. Some might argue this approach leads to a higher quantity of work, but for me it’s a valuable trade-off.
I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to sweat. But you have to get over it. I’ve been doing this for nearly two years now, and the whole sweating thing is honestly not that big of a deal.
Maybe it helps that, as a new mom, I worship at the temple of dry shampoo, which allows me to maximize those minutes post-sweat. I do not go the “wash your hair” route at the gym. No, no. I keep a fully stocked gym bag in my car at all times with makeup essentials, face wipes, deodorant, and the wonder that is dry shampoo. Then, if I’m at a gym with a shower, I can rinse off quickly, throw my hair in a low bun, and go. If I don’t have access to a shower, I try to pick a workout that won’t leave me looking like I just strolled out of a swimming pool. For me, the goal is to get some type of physical activity in, not hit my absolute max every time, and return to the office looking somewhat presentable. Trust me, it works—I regularly hear people say, “How do you get ready so fast?” in the locker room.
Two other tips: Always pack a variety of workout clothes to accommodate any type of workout, and bring your bag to work. Every. Single. Day. The former allows you to take full advantage of your window of time, no matter what, instead of cursing yourself for not having the proper gear. Seriously, if I had a dime for every day I planned on not working out, only to realize I did have time, I’d be able to afford a monthly SoulCycle membership. Yes, it’s a slight hassle to remember your stuff every day or schlep it along with you on the train or bus, but being prepared means you won’t miss a golden opportunity to move your body and give your brain a mental break during the day.
It surprises me when people assume I swap food for a workout in the middle of the day. Um, no. Aside from needing, you know, energy and nutrients, I also just really like eating, and I’ve found that brown-bagging my lunch allows me to enjoy it in multiple stages instead of all at once.
Celebrity trainer Erin Oprea tells me she’s also a big fan of packed lunches, especially for anyone trying to work out over lunch. “Packing your lunch allows you to eat a healthy meal that gives your body the nutrients you really need without giving you the heavy feeling you can easily get from eating out. Packing your lunch also gives you more time to get in quick exercise.”
I usually bring something to eat about an hour before lunchtime, like string cheese and veggies, hard-boiled eggs and almonds, or a protein bar. Act two is the main event: the sandwich, salad, bowl of soup, or container of leftovers ingested right when I get back to my desk. Finally, I’m never without a solid snack for the afternoon, such as dark chocolate peanut butter cups and berries, because my metabolism will be up and running after I’ve ducked out for a workout.
By packing my lunch and eating it in stages, it feels like I’m eating more. Which, let’s get real, helps to break up the old 9-to-5 and fuels my workout for optimal results.
You’ve probably heard that sitting all day is linked to an increase in undesirable health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So all signs points to yes when it comes to getting up throughout the day and moving around. There’s also a towering pile of research pointing to the benefits of midday exercise: Emerging research suggests that it may lead to better job performance,improved stamina, more enthusiasm, and increased creativity.
Plus, exercise reduces stress, which has endless benefits at both work and home—it might help you cope with difficult coworkers, think more strategically, and tackle heavy workloads.
I also find that I work out both harder and smarter (sorry, no Instagram scrolling on the elliptical) due to the shorter time frame of a lunchtime workout—both of which enhance the workout as a whole.
And last but not least, on the days I work out over lunch, I don’t feel the need to guzzle more caffeine at 3 P.M. I can solve problems faster and multitask more efficiently. My eyes don’t ache from staring at a computer screen for eight hours, because I’ve given myself an actual, real break to decompress and come back stronger. Most of all, my patience lasts longer, and I’m much happier—at work and at home later on.
The post I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work appeared first on Under Armour.
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johnclapperne · 7 years
I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work
I love working out over my lunch break, and when people hear that’s part of my fitness routine, the questions start coming. “Does your boss care?” “Do you eat lunch?” And the most popular one: “But don’t you get sweaty?” Answers: Not really, heck yeah, and sure, but it’s fine—to which they respond, “I could never do that” with a look of longing envy on their faces.
Look, I get it. There’s a stigma around working out on your lunch break: You’re deemed a health nut or a total slacker. Making time for exercise is challenging enough, let alone figuring out how to squeeze it into the same hour you’re supposed to slam a sandwich while answering email. But the truth is, I’ve found that nobody actually cares about my midday workout, especially if I’m still checking everything off my to-do list.
Working out over lunch has made me a more productive employee, better able to lead my teams, and most of all, less stressed and more committed to exercise as a whole. Here’s my best advice for making lunch break workouts happen:
Before adding noon workouts to my calendar, I brought it up with my boss. Since her leadership style is basically “Do what you gotta do, but be reasonable and get shit done,” I figured she would be open to it, and she was. However, I’m a content manager for health care communications, which means my day-to-day mostly involves meetings, conference calls, and writing or editing on a laptop. In my role, it’s entirely feasible to spend a lunch break outside walking a couple days a week, but not all industries or titles allow for this.
Still, I’ve found that transparency works. I hold time on my calendar every day, versus sneaking in and out of the office around lunchtime. My team knows if I’m not at my desk at noon, I’m likely working out, but we’re in touch constantly, just in case something else more important arises. I’m also verbal about why working out midday benefits me (I’m more focused and relaxed afterward) and the company bottom line (I’m also more engaged and creative). Honesty breeds respect, and most employers know by this point that work wellness matters.
In a perfect world, I’d leave my desk every single day to indulge in a long power yoga class, casually eat a healthy salad, and dive back into tasks refreshed and renewed. But in reality, the noon hour is a choreographed dance to the tune of “I have exactly 60 minutes to get moving and inhale a turkey wrap from home.” And even then, some days I can plan to my heart’s content and not even work out over lunch at all.
I mean, I might aim for a short jog at 11:30 A.M., only to have a team member ask for help with a pressing project. Or my boss says, “Hey, got a minute?” Or a meeting gets rescheduled at the last minute. When those situations arise, I skip the workout and prioritize my actual work. It can be annoying—particularly if I had to sign up for a class in advance or prepay for a workout—but the only way to be smart about lunchtime workouts is to remember they’re a luxury, not a given. I don’t take advantage of this perk.
Furthermore, on the days I do get to work out over lunch, I’m willing to make up the time away from the office wherever necessary. I might stay late, or bring speech drafts home, or wake up super early the next morning to get ahead of time-consuming analytics. Working out should make my work better, not worse, so I do what it takes to balance both. Some might argue this approach leads to a higher quantity of work, but for me it’s a valuable trade-off.
I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to sweat. But you have to get over it. I’ve been doing this for nearly two years now, and the whole sweating thing is honestly not that big of a deal.
Maybe it helps that, as a new mom, I worship at the temple of dry shampoo, which allows me to maximize those minutes post-sweat. I do not go the “wash your hair” route at the gym. No, no. I keep a fully stocked gym bag in my car at all times with makeup essentials, face wipes, deodorant, and the wonder that is dry shampoo. Then, if I’m at a gym with a shower, I can rinse off quickly, throw my hair in a low bun, and go. If I don’t have access to a shower, I try to pick a workout that won’t leave me looking like I just strolled out of a swimming pool. For me, the goal is to get some type of physical activity in, not hit my absolute max every time, and return to the office looking somewhat presentable. Trust me, it works—I regularly hear people say, “How do you get ready so fast?” in the locker room.
Two other tips: Always pack a variety of workout clothes to accommodate any type of workout, and bring your bag to work. Every. Single. Day. The former allows you to take full advantage of your window of time, no matter what, instead of cursing yourself for not having the proper gear. Seriously, if I had a dime for every day I planned on not working out, only to realize I did have time, I’d be able to afford a monthly SoulCycle membership. Yes, it’s a slight hassle to remember your stuff every day or schlep it along with you on the train or bus, but being prepared means you won’t miss a golden opportunity to move your body and give your brain a mental break during the day.
It surprises me when people assume I swap food for a workout in the middle of the day. Um, no. Aside from needing, you know, energy and nutrients, I also just really like eating, and I’ve found that brown-bagging my lunch allows me to enjoy it in multiple stages instead of all at once.
Celebrity trainer Erin Oprea tells me she’s also a big fan of packed lunches, especially for anyone trying to work out over lunch. “Packing your lunch allows you to eat a healthy meal that gives your body the nutrients you really need without giving you the heavy feeling you can easily get from eating out. Packing your lunch also gives you more time to get in quick exercise.”
I usually bring something to eat about an hour before lunchtime, like string cheese and veggies, hard-boiled eggs and almonds, or a protein bar. Act two is the main event: the sandwich, salad, bowl of soup, or container of leftovers ingested right when I get back to my desk. Finally, I’m never without a solid snack for the afternoon, such as dark chocolate peanut butter cups and berries, because my metabolism will be up and running after I’ve ducked out for a workout.
By packing my lunch and eating it in stages, it feels like I’m eating more. Which, let’s get real, helps to break up the old 9-to-5 and fuels my workout for optimal results.
You’ve probably heard that sitting all day is linked to an increase in undesirable health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So all signs points to yes when it comes to getting up throughout the day and moving around. There’s also a towering pile of research pointing to the benefits of midday exercise: Emerging research suggests that it may lead to better job performance,improved stamina, more enthusiasm, and increased creativity.
Plus, exercise reduces stress, which has endless benefits at both work and home—it might help you cope with difficult coworkers, think more strategically, and tackle heavy workloads.
I also find that I work out both harder and smarter (sorry, no Instagram scrolling on the elliptical) due to the shorter time frame of a lunchtime workout—both of which enhance the workout as a whole.
And last but not least, on the days I work out over lunch, I don’t feel the need to guzzle more caffeine at 3 P.M. I can solve problems faster and multitask more efficiently. My eyes don’t ache from staring at a computer screen for eight hours, because I’ve given myself an actual, real break to decompress and come back stronger. Most of all, my patience lasts longer, and I’m much happier—at work and at home later on.
The post I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work appeared first on Under Armour.
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joshuabradleyn · 7 years
I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work
I love working out over my lunch break, and when people hear that’s part of my fitness routine, the questions start coming. “Does your boss care?” “Do you eat lunch?” And the most popular one: “But don’t you get sweaty?” Answers: Not really, heck yeah, and sure, but it’s fine—to which they respond, “I could never do that” with a look of longing envy on their faces.
Look, I get it. There’s a stigma around working out on your lunch break: You’re deemed a health nut or a total slacker. Making time for exercise is challenging enough, let alone figuring out how to squeeze it into the same hour you’re supposed to slam a sandwich while answering email. But the truth is, I’ve found that nobody actually cares about my midday workout, especially if I’m still checking everything off my to-do list.
Working out over lunch has made me a more productive employee, better able to lead my teams, and most of all, less stressed and more committed to exercise as a whole. Here’s my best advice for making lunch break workouts happen:
Before adding noon workouts to my calendar, I brought it up with my boss. Since her leadership style is basically “Do what you gotta do, but be reasonable and get shit done,” I figured she would be open to it, and she was. However, I’m a content manager for health care communications, which means my day-to-day mostly involves meetings, conference calls, and writing or editing on a laptop. In my role, it’s entirely feasible to spend a lunch break outside walking a couple days a week, but not all industries or titles allow for this.
Still, I’ve found that transparency works. I hold time on my calendar every day, versus sneaking in and out of the office around lunchtime. My team knows if I’m not at my desk at noon, I’m likely working out, but we’re in touch constantly, just in case something else more important arises. I’m also verbal about why working out midday benefits me (I’m more focused and relaxed afterward) and the company bottom line (I’m also more engaged and creative). Honesty breeds respect, and most employers know by this point that work wellness matters.
In a perfect world, I’d leave my desk every single day to indulge in a long power yoga class, casually eat a healthy salad, and dive back into tasks refreshed and renewed. But in reality, the noon hour is a choreographed dance to the tune of “I have exactly 60 minutes to get moving and inhale a turkey wrap from home.” And even then, some days I can plan to my heart’s content and not even work out over lunch at all.
I mean, I might aim for a short jog at 11:30 A.M., only to have a team member ask for help with a pressing project. Or my boss says, “Hey, got a minute?” Or a meeting gets rescheduled at the last minute. When those situations arise, I skip the workout and prioritize my actual work. It can be annoying—particularly if I had to sign up for a class in advance or prepay for a workout—but the only way to be smart about lunchtime workouts is to remember they’re a luxury, not a given. I don’t take advantage of this perk.
Furthermore, on the days I do get to work out over lunch, I’m willing to make up the time away from the office wherever necessary. I might stay late, or bring speech drafts home, or wake up super early the next morning to get ahead of time-consuming analytics. Working out should make my work better, not worse, so I do what it takes to balance both. Some might argue this approach leads to a higher quantity of work, but for me it’s a valuable trade-off.
I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to sweat. But you have to get over it. I’ve been doing this for nearly two years now, and the whole sweating thing is honestly not that big of a deal.
Maybe it helps that, as a new mom, I worship at the temple of dry shampoo, which allows me to maximize those minutes post-sweat. I do not go the “wash your hair” route at the gym. No, no. I keep a fully stocked gym bag in my car at all times with makeup essentials, face wipes, deodorant, and the wonder that is dry shampoo. Then, if I’m at a gym with a shower, I can rinse off quickly, throw my hair in a low bun, and go. If I don’t have access to a shower, I try to pick a workout that won’t leave me looking like I just strolled out of a swimming pool. For me, the goal is to get some type of physical activity in, not hit my absolute max every time, and return to the office looking somewhat presentable. Trust me, it works—I regularly hear people say, “How do you get ready so fast?” in the locker room.
Two other tips: Always pack a variety of workout clothes to accommodate any type of workout, and bring your bag to work. Every. Single. Day. The former allows you to take full advantage of your window of time, no matter what, instead of cursing yourself for not having the proper gear. Seriously, if I had a dime for every day I planned on not working out, only to realize I did have time, I’d be able to afford a monthly SoulCycle membership. Yes, it’s a slight hassle to remember your stuff every day or schlep it along with you on the train or bus, but being prepared means you won’t miss a golden opportunity to move your body and give your brain a mental break during the day.
It surprises me when people assume I swap food for a workout in the middle of the day. Um, no. Aside from needing, you know, energy and nutrients, I also just really like eating, and I’ve found that brown-bagging my lunch allows me to enjoy it in multiple stages instead of all at once.
Celebrity trainer Erin Oprea tells me she’s also a big fan of packed lunches, especially for anyone trying to work out over lunch. “Packing your lunch allows you to eat a healthy meal that gives your body the nutrients you really need without giving you the heavy feeling you can easily get from eating out. Packing your lunch also gives you more time to get in quick exercise.”
I usually bring something to eat about an hour before lunchtime, like string cheese and veggies, hard-boiled eggs and almonds, or a protein bar. Act two is the main event: the sandwich, salad, bowl of soup, or container of leftovers ingested right when I get back to my desk. Finally, I’m never without a solid snack for the afternoon, such as dark chocolate peanut butter cups and berries, because my metabolism will be up and running after I’ve ducked out for a workout.
By packing my lunch and eating it in stages, it feels like I’m eating more. Which, let’s get real, helps to break up the old 9-to-5 and fuels my workout for optimal results.
You’ve probably heard that sitting all day is linked to an increase in undesirable health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So all signs points to yes when it comes to getting up throughout the day and moving around. There’s also a towering pile of research pointing to the benefits of midday exercise: Emerging research suggests that it may lead to better job performance,improved stamina, more enthusiasm, and increased creativity.
Plus, exercise reduces stress, which has endless benefits at both work and home—it might help you cope with difficult coworkers, think more strategically, and tackle heavy workloads.
I also find that I work out both harder and smarter (sorry, no Instagram scrolling on the elliptical) due to the shorter time frame of a lunchtime workout—both of which enhance the workout as a whole.
And last but not least, on the days I work out over lunch, I don’t feel the need to guzzle more caffeine at 3 P.M. I can solve problems faster and multitask more efficiently. My eyes don’t ache from staring at a computer screen for eight hours, because I’ve given myself an actual, real break to decompress and come back stronger. Most of all, my patience lasts longer, and I’m much happier—at work and at home later on.
The post I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work appeared first on Under Armour.
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albertcaldwellne · 7 years
I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work
I love working out over my lunch break, and when people hear that’s part of my fitness routine, the questions start coming. “Does your boss care?” “Do you eat lunch?” And the most popular one: “But don’t you get sweaty?” Answers: Not really, heck yeah, and sure, but it’s fine—to which they respond, “I could never do that” with a look of longing envy on their faces.
Look, I get it. There’s a stigma around working out on your lunch break: You’re deemed a health nut or a total slacker. Making time for exercise is challenging enough, let alone figuring out how to squeeze it into the same hour you’re supposed to slam a sandwich while answering email. But the truth is, I’ve found that nobody actually cares about my midday workout, especially if I’m still checking everything off my to-do list.
Working out over lunch has made me a more productive employee, better able to lead my teams, and most of all, less stressed and more committed to exercise as a whole. Here’s my best advice for making lunch break workouts happen:
Before adding noon workouts to my calendar, I brought it up with my boss. Since her leadership style is basically “Do what you gotta do, but be reasonable and get shit done,” I figured she would be open to it, and she was. However, I’m a content manager for health care communications, which means my day-to-day mostly involves meetings, conference calls, and writing or editing on a laptop. In my role, it’s entirely feasible to spend a lunch break outside walking a couple days a week, but not all industries or titles allow for this.
Still, I’ve found that transparency works. I hold time on my calendar every day, versus sneaking in and out of the office around lunchtime. My team knows if I’m not at my desk at noon, I’m likely working out, but we’re in touch constantly, just in case something else more important arises. I’m also verbal about why working out midday benefits me (I’m more focused and relaxed afterward) and the company bottom line (I’m also more engaged and creative). Honesty breeds respect, and most employers know by this point that work wellness matters.
In a perfect world, I’d leave my desk every single day to indulge in a long power yoga class, casually eat a healthy salad, and dive back into tasks refreshed and renewed. But in reality, the noon hour is a choreographed dance to the tune of “I have exactly 60 minutes to get moving and inhale a turkey wrap from home.” And even then, some days I can plan to my heart’s content and not even work out over lunch at all.
I mean, I might aim for a short jog at 11:30 A.M., only to have a team member ask for help with a pressing project. Or my boss says, “Hey, got a minute?” Or a meeting gets rescheduled at the last minute. When those situations arise, I skip the workout and prioritize my actual work. It can be annoying—particularly if I had to sign up for a class in advance or prepay for a workout—but the only way to be smart about lunchtime workouts is to remember they’re a luxury, not a given. I don’t take advantage of this perk.
Furthermore, on the days I do get to work out over lunch, I’m willing to make up the time away from the office wherever necessary. I might stay late, or bring speech drafts home, or wake up super early the next morning to get ahead of time-consuming analytics. Working out should make my work better, not worse, so I do what it takes to balance both. Some might argue this approach leads to a higher quantity of work, but for me it’s a valuable trade-off.
I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to sweat. But you have to get over it. I’ve been doing this for nearly two years now, and the whole sweating thing is honestly not that big of a deal.
Maybe it helps that, as a new mom, I worship at the temple of dry shampoo, which allows me to maximize those minutes post-sweat. I do not go the “wash your hair” route at the gym. No, no. I keep a fully stocked gym bag in my car at all times with makeup essentials, face wipes, deodorant, and the wonder that is dry shampoo. Then, if I’m at a gym with a shower, I can rinse off quickly, throw my hair in a low bun, and go. If I don’t have access to a shower, I try to pick a workout that won’t leave me looking like I just strolled out of a swimming pool. For me, the goal is to get some type of physical activity in, not hit my absolute max every time, and return to the office looking somewhat presentable. Trust me, it works—I regularly hear people say, “How do you get ready so fast?” in the locker room.
Two other tips: Always pack a variety of workout clothes to accommodate any type of workout, and bring your bag to work. Every. Single. Day. The former allows you to take full advantage of your window of time, no matter what, instead of cursing yourself for not having the proper gear. Seriously, if I had a dime for every day I planned on not working out, only to realize I did have time, I’d be able to afford a monthly SoulCycle membership. Yes, it’s a slight hassle to remember your stuff every day or schlep it along with you on the train or bus, but being prepared means you won’t miss a golden opportunity to move your body and give your brain a mental break during the day.
It surprises me when people assume I swap food for a workout in the middle of the day. Um, no. Aside from needing, you know, energy and nutrients, I also just really like eating, and I’ve found that brown-bagging my lunch allows me to enjoy it in multiple stages instead of all at once.
Celebrity trainer Erin Oprea tells me she’s also a big fan of packed lunches, especially for anyone trying to work out over lunch. “Packing your lunch allows you to eat a healthy meal that gives your body the nutrients you really need without giving you the heavy feeling you can easily get from eating out. Packing your lunch also gives you more time to get in quick exercise.”
I usually bring something to eat about an hour before lunchtime, like string cheese and veggies, hard-boiled eggs and almonds, or a protein bar. Act two is the main event: the sandwich, salad, bowl of soup, or container of leftovers ingested right when I get back to my desk. Finally, I’m never without a solid snack for the afternoon, such as dark chocolate peanut butter cups and berries, because my metabolism will be up and running after I’ve ducked out for a workout.
By packing my lunch and eating it in stages, it feels like I’m eating more. Which, let’s get real, helps to break up the old 9-to-5 and fuels my workout for optimal results.
You’ve probably heard that sitting all day is linked to an increase in undesirable health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So all signs points to yes when it comes to getting up throughout the day and moving around. There’s also a towering pile of research pointing to the benefits of midday exercise: Emerging research suggests that it may lead to better job performance,improved stamina, more enthusiasm, and increased creativity.
Plus, exercise reduces stress, which has endless benefits at both work and home—it might help you cope with difficult coworkers, think more strategically, and tackle heavy workloads.
I also find that I work out both harder and smarter (sorry, no Instagram scrolling on the elliptical) due to the shorter time frame of a lunchtime workout—both of which enhance the workout as a whole.
And last but not least, on the days I work out over lunch, I don’t feel the need to guzzle more caffeine at 3 P.M. I can solve problems faster and multitask more efficiently. My eyes don’t ache from staring at a computer screen for eight hours, because I’ve given myself an actual, real break to decompress and come back stronger. Most of all, my patience lasts longer, and I’m much happier—at work and at home later on.
The post I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work appeared first on Under Armour.
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lotsofdogs · 7 years
I Actually Work Out on My Lunch Break—Here’s How I Make It Work
I love working out over my lunch break, and when people hear that’s part of my fitness routine, the questions start coming. “Does your boss care?” “Do you eat lunch?” And the most popular one: “But don’t you get sweaty?” Answers: Not really, heck yeah, and sure, but it’s fine—to which they respond, “I could never do that” with a look of longing envy on their faces.
Look, I get it. There’s a stigma around working out on your lunch break: You’re deemed a health nut or a total slacker. Making time for exercise is challenging enough, let alone figuring out how to squeeze it into the same hour you’re supposed to slam a sandwich while answering email. But the truth is, I’ve found that nobody actually cares about my midday workout, especially if I’m still checking everything off my to-do list.
Working out over lunch has made me a more productive employee, better able to lead my teams, and most of all, less stressed and more committed to exercise as a whole. Here’s my best advice for making lunch break workouts happen:
Before adding noon workouts to my calendar, I brought it up with my boss. Since her leadership style is basically “Do what you gotta do, but be reasonable and get shit done,” I figured she would be open to it, and she was. However, I’m a content manager for health care communications, which means my day-to-day mostly involves meetings, conference calls, and writing or editing on a laptop. In my role, it’s entirely feasible to spend a lunch break outside walking a couple days a week, but not all industries or titles allow for this.
Still, I’ve found that transparency works. I hold time on my calendar every day, versus sneaking in and out of the office around lunchtime. My team knows if I’m not at my desk at noon, I’m likely working out, but we’re in touch constantly, just in case something else more important arises. I’m also verbal about why working out midday benefits me (I’m more focused and relaxed afterward) and the company bottom line (I’m also more engaged and creative). Honesty breeds respect, and most employers know by this point that work wellness matters.
In a perfect world, I’d leave my desk every single day to indulge in a long power yoga class, casually eat a healthy salad, and dive back into tasks refreshed and renewed. But in reality, the noon hour is a choreographed dance to the tune of “I have exactly 60 minutes to get moving and inhale a turkey wrap from home.” And even then, some days I can plan to my heart’s content and not even work out over lunch at all.
I mean, I might aim for a short jog at 11:30 A.M., only to have a team member ask for help with a pressing project. Or my boss says, “Hey, got a minute?” Or a meeting gets rescheduled at the last minute. When those situations arise, I skip the workout and prioritize my actual work. It can be annoying—particularly if I had to sign up for a class in advance or prepay for a workout—but the only way to be smart about lunchtime workouts is to remember they’re a luxury, not a given. I don’t take advantage of this perk.
Furthermore, on the days I do get to work out over lunch, I’m willing to make up the time away from the office wherever necessary. I might stay late, or bring speech drafts home, or wake up super early the next morning to get ahead of time-consuming analytics. Working out should make my work better, not worse, so I do what it takes to balance both. Some might argue this approach leads to a higher quantity of work, but for me it’s a valuable trade-off.
I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to sweat. But you have to get over it. I’ve been doing this for nearly two years now, and the whole sweating thing is honestly not that big of a deal.
Maybe it helps that, as a new mom, I worship at the temple of dry shampoo, which allows me to maximize those minutes post-sweat. I do not go the “wash your hair” route at the gym. No, no. I keep a fully stocked gym bag in my car at all times with makeup essentials, face wipes, deodorant, and the wonder that is dry shampoo. Then, if I’m at a gym with a shower, I can rinse off quickly, throw my hair in a low bun, and go. If I don’t have access to a shower, I try to pick a workout that won’t leave me looking like I just strolled out of a swimming pool. For me, the goal is to get some type of physical activity in, not hit my absolute max every time, and return to the office looking somewhat presentable. Trust me, it works—I regularly hear people say, “How do you get ready so fast?” in the locker room.
Two other tips: Always pack a variety of workout clothes to accommodate any type of workout, and bring your bag to work. Every. Single. Day. The former allows you to take full advantage of your window of time, no matter what, instead of cursing yourself for not having the proper gear. Seriously, if I had a dime for every day I planned on not working out, only to realize I did have time, I’d be able to afford a monthly SoulCycle membership. Yes, it’s a slight hassle to remember your stuff every day or schlep it along with you on the train or bus, but being prepared means you won’t miss a golden opportunity to move your body and give your brain a mental break during the day.
It surprises me when people assume I swap food for a workout in the middle of the day. Um, no. Aside from needing, you know, energy and nutrients, I also just really like eating, and I’ve found that brown-bagging my lunch allows me to enjoy it in multiple stages instead of all at once.
Celebrity trainer Erin Oprea tells me she’s also a big fan of packed lunches, especially for anyone trying to work out over lunch. “Packing your lunch allows you to eat a healthy meal that gives your body the nutrients you really need without giving you the heavy feeling you can easily get from eating out. Packing your lunch also gives you more time to get in quick exercise.”
I usually bring something to eat about an hour before lunchtime, like string cheese and veggies, hard-boiled eggs and almonds, or a protein bar. Act two is the main event: the sandwich, salad, bowl of soup, or container of leftovers ingested right when I get back to my desk. Finally, I’m never without a solid snack for the afternoon, such as dark chocolate peanut butter cups and berries, because my metabolism will be up and running after I’ve ducked out for a workout.
By packing my lunch and eating it in stages, it feels like I’m eating more. Which, let’s get real, helps to break up the old 9-to-5 and fuels my workout for optimal results.
You’ve probably heard that sitting all day is linked to an increase in undesirable health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So all signs points to yes when it comes to getting up throughout the day and moving around. There’s also a towering pile of research pointing to the benefits of midday exercise: Emerging research suggests that it may lead to better job performance,improved stamina, more enthusiasm, and increased creativity.
Plus, exercise reduces stress, which has endless benefits at both work and home—it might help you cope with difficult coworkers, think more strategically, and tackle heavy workloads.
I also find that I work out both harder and smarter (sorry, no Instagram scrolling on the elliptical) due to the shorter time frame of a lunchtime workout—both of which enhance the workout as a whole.
And last but not least, on the days I work out over lunch, I don’t feel the need to guzzle more caffeine at 3 P.M. I can solve problems faster and multitask more efficiently. My eyes don’t ache from staring at a computer screen for eight hours, because I’ve given myself an actual, real break to decompress and come back stronger. Most of all, my patience lasts longer, and I’m much happier—at work and at home later on.
[Read More ...] http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/actually-work-lunch-break-heres-make-work/
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