maldito-arbol · 2 years
If it makes you feel any better the unreliable narrator tags on pmit made me deranged. Marcy would say literally anything and i would just think “seriously guys dont trust marcy” i was going Insane. You write such a good unreliable narrator its so much fun to read even after you know what the outcome is going to be
Shshsjsjks thank you thank you 😭
You know it really is thanks to PMIT that I adore writing unreliable narrator now. I’ll throw it in any chance I get. And there are so many different kinds of unreliable narrators to explore! Who knows what else I can do with them?
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pmitgroupofcolleges · 21 days
Top 10 B.Ed. Colleges in Kolkata
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Looking for the top 10 B.Ed. colleges in Kolkata? Here’s a quick guide to the best options for 2024. 
Here are Top 10 B.Ed. Colleges in Kolkata 
St. Xavier's College
Jadavpur University
Loreto College
known for their excellent academic programs and experienced faculty. 
Other noteworthy colleges are 
Scottish Church College
Shri Shikshayatan College
PMIT Group of Colleges
Amity University, Adamas University
JIS University
University of Calcutta
These colleges offer robust B.Ed. programs with a focus on modern teaching techniques.
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bvtter · 3 months
i miss writing.
i gave it up when i started nursing school bc i had to give that my everything, and i said to myself once i have a stable income i would start writing again, even if it was just for myself. but i haven’t been able to pick it up again and i’m not sure why
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aritamargarita · 2 years
GOLDEN || 001
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it’s been two years. TWO YEARS. in the works. im cutting right to the chase
different superstars = more romance different opportunities. let’s get this bread. some of the events are kinda mashed up but im trying to make it in a way that’s just..fun?
this the “mycareer” saga istg. what’s next, 2014-2020 era?...maybe. regardless, if you’ve read my previous fic attitude you know what’s up. these installments aren’t set in the same like universe. so things won’t overlap and some things are set to change. im mushing most of the years all together. i will also kind of skip over some events and things at times but other than that, i hope you enjoy! kinda goin on my own flow. just know WE GOING TO THE SLAMMYS Y’ALL!!! GET YOUR FITS TOGETHER!!!!
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FROM ECW TO THE WWF, you’re here to try and prove yourself. To make some sort of change. You’re different. A woman who is confident in her wrestling skills. It’s about time for you to truly shine.
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It’s so quiet.
You checked yourself in the mirror. Tonight was your night. It was hard getting through to the WWF in the first place. You’ve tried so hard, practicing and training for this very moment. Putting your best in a damn ring just so someone could scout you.
....It’s finally paid off!
Everything you’ve worked for, from the bottom of the barrel towards the tip top. You checked your face in the mirror, making sure everything was a-okay. Feeling confident enough, you gave a goofy smile (with two thumbs up!) to your reflection. You thought you looked amazing tonight, no one could tell you otherwise. No one could deter your spirit.
Despite your debut in the WWF being in a weird shift period, you thought you joined at its peak. Things seemed to be heating up, but you were just so excited to start a new journey.
Your beginning in wrestling itself was nothing short of an interesting one. You had been working in the most extreme company for at least two years now. ECW, to be specific.
Most would say the WWF ‘stole’ you from them. Others would say it was a smart business decision. This little ECW invasion wasn’t happening without certain superstars making their move into the company. The first time you’ve ever stepped into their arena was when Paul E. Dangerously and Jerry Lawler were going at it at the ring.
You captured the eyes of many, in the crowd and even backstage. It was incredibly obvious that WWF was keeping their eyes out for people who could possibly bring more attention. WCW was kicking their ass at this point, so what could they lose bringing in a couple of “misfits”?
Your experience at ECW wasn’t too bad at all, but you’ve taken way too many bumps to count so far. Now, you weren’t exactly afraid of getting hurt, but you always end up cursing yourself out for the pain you felt after the adrenaline was gone.
The stinging pain of a paper cut pales in comparison to being hit with a chair, on accident, mind you.
On a much lighter note, you’ve met so many amazing and odd people there. However, being a manager to interchangeable wrestlers got really tiring. Not only that, but being chanted at to take off your clothes was just another can of worms. Were there really that many low lives out there?? That or they never get any action at home. You were used to it at this point.
It got to a point where you debated no-showing. Someone just has to put you through a table. It’s always: “Oh, [Name]! I’m going to put you through a table!” or even “Oh, [Name]! I’m going to swing at you with this bat with barbed wire!”
Why do they wake up and choose violence? Actually, that was the gist of wrestling, but hey, ECW wasn’t called extreme for nothing!
To be honest, you were just frustrated because of the lack of activity you got while you were there.
People always considered it a “mans sport”, which irritated you to no end. Anyone could do it. Anyone could wrestle!
You’ve met Francine and Beulah who were also fierce managers like you, but you’ve also came across Sunny at one point. She was with the WWF, and as a matter of fact, she may even be here tonight. Her visiting the promotion seemed to be a brief stint.
After all, she only had a few appearances here and there. At times she would be nice, then suddenly act like you didn’t exist. You’d ask her about her experience in the WWF and she never gave you a straight answer.
It was weird and it rubbed you the wrong way. But she was acting that way because she came from an entirely different company? You didn’t know. Makes you wonder if all superstars here were like that.
Anywho, everything seemed to be right on your end. You stood up and turned around in the mirror, doing a slow 360.
Suddenly, the door slams open, startling you.
“That bitch! What am I going to do!?” A woman donning leather clothing was absolutely seething, walking around hastily.
Did she even know you were there?
This was quite the awkward encounter. The tone in her voice indicated that she was absolutely pissed.
You moved out of her way so that she could reach for a whip that was located on the side of the vanity. This woman looked familiar, so it couldn’t hurt to ask who she was. “Hey, do I know you? Or maybe have seen you around? I’m new.” You went straight for the kill and she turns to you slowly.
Did you set yourself up to be in her path of rage?
She wasn’t offended that you didn’t know her, just a little surprised. “You do look like a new face.” She quipped, putting her hand on her hip. She seemed to analyze you for a moment. “But I’m sure you don’t know me.” She reached out her hand for you to shake. “I’ll give you the honor. It’s Sable, if you have to know.”
“[Name],” You introduce, taking her hand and shaking it. “It’s nice to meet you, Sable. I hope we can be friends.”
Sable lets go of you at the mention of friendship and scoffs. You were seriously here to be buddy-buddy with people? “Friends?” She smirks as she waved her hand and saunters over to a bag that was in a cubby. “Right, friends…”
This Sable woman seemed nice! But you couldn’t help but to notice the catty tone in her voice. Oh well. Not really your problem. Or is it?
You had no malicious intention towards her and you damn sure hope she had none toward you. Watching as she packs a couple of her things, you finally open your mouth. “Hey. Why were you mad any….?” Before you could ask your question, she quickly leaves the room, slamming the door shut.
“….Nevermind. Alright then, bye Sable.”
That whole experience was weird.
You probably should step outside too, get to know some more of your co-workers. You step out of the women’s locker room, heading right down the hall. You were pretty sure the show was going on, so when it came to meeting new people, you’ll take what you could get.
“Excuse me, miss?”
A croaky voice had made you stop immediately. Turning on your heel, you saw a haggard-looking man with a mask on his face, holding up his hand which seemed to be covered with a sock.
“I’ve never seen you around here.” He says, turning his head towards the sock. “Have you, Mr. Socko?”
He then makes his voice a little higher pitched to respond: “Nope! Who is this lady?”
Yeah, you don’t really know what to say at all. You just look at him in bewilderment. He seems to notice how confused you looked and makes a noise. “Oh. I’m sorry, I forgot we had to introduce ourselves…I’m Mankind. And this is Mr. Socko. We’re best friends.”
Mankind makes Mr. Socko nod, and you could only wave.
“Hi.” You greet. ECW had its weird characters, but you’ve never seen something like this. “I’m definitely new! My name is [Name].” You reach out your hand for him so he can shake it. “Wouldn’t uh, wanna smother your best friend.”
He takes it using his free hand and shakes it firmly. “You’re very considerate, [Name]. But I can say for Mr. Socko that he wouldn’t mind being smothered by you, it makes us feel tingly all over.”
Do they have a psychologist here??? Something?? This guy’s one hell of a character.
“Hahah. Right. Riiightt.” You say, a strained smile on your face.
“I live in the boiler room.” He randomly adds. “And George likes friends. You should visit. Nothing leaks anymore!”
“George?” You repeat in confusion. “Who’s that?”
“My pet rat!” Mankind exclaimed, making you wince slightly. “Mr. Socko and I spend time with him a lot. He’s very nice…”
You nod slowly. Mental note, try to stay away as far as possible from this “Mankind”, in the future. He scares the hell out of you. “Pet rat, huh? That’s nice! I’d love to stay and chat, but unfortunately, I left my stove running and it’s gas. Everything will explode. I’ll lose everything I love. And to top it all off, I left both my sink and bathtub running. So not only will I lose everything, I’ll be flooded out my own home.”
“I see…” Mankind seemed to believe your extravagant lie, giving a nod. “Wouldn’t want that to happen.” He rasps out. Lifting Mr. Socko up, which you still couldn’t believe it was a literal fucking sock, seemed to have some words for you too.
“Have a nice day!”
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After that very strange encounter, you find yourself staring at the match card for the day.
Great. Very good. Very nice.
Problem is, you didn’t even know who half of these people were. The only person you knew was Sable, who not only was a valet for this Marc Mero guy, but she also had a segment.
It was something about a possible magazine cover. No wonder why she seemed a bit familiar.
You weren’t really expecting yourself to be on Yhe card, but it still was a bit of a disappointment. What’s the fun in standing around backstage if you couldn’t even go outside in the ring and have fun?!
Hell, you’d be pleased even if it was some sort of small ringside fight!
Letting out a sigh, you stretch your arms. Today was going to be a long day.
“You’re [Name], correct?”
Someone else? Oh boy. Who’s next? You hope it’s not another weirdo. Or someone who could be incredibly rude towards you. Looking over, you’re immediately startled to see the owner of the company. “Holy—“
You bite your tongue, taking a deep breath. He scared the hell out of you. Though you were caught off guard, you tried your best to get it together. Automatically, you had begun thinking you did something wrong.
“Good afternoon.” Vince greets.
“Good afternoon.” You greet back, setting a hand on the wall. Cool, calm, and collected. Just act like it’s not bothering you as much. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
He cleared his throat and shook his head at your question. “No, no.” He mutters. You thought the room had gotten colder before he continued. “Do you have any experience in wrestling?”
Already, you inwardly cheer. That must mean that you were getting somewhere. Maybe they did their research before hiring you. “Yeah. And I’m pretty good at it, I’d say. I know the basics, but I’m ready to learn more.”
He nods, but he doesn’t look impressed. You really couldn’t gauge how he felt. “How interested would you be in working on a storyline?“ He asks. “On a scale of one to ten.”
“Probably eight.”
“We’re thinking of giving you..a purpose.” He says. “You have no gimmick, just a fresh face. The creative team will get back to you later.”
That was definitely a blunt way to put it. All you can really do is nod your head.
He outstretched his hand and you hesitate to reach your own out to shake his. Deal is sealed.
“Are you going to make me wrestle?”
Your question makes him raise an eyebrow. “Wrestle? Well, we don’t have many woman competitors.” And you figured as much. “We’ll see what we can do. You’ll be a valet at best.”
Unbeknownst to the both of you, a certain group was listening to your conversation nearby.
“Think she’s gonna last here?” A man asks, looking at both his partners. “She’s got some guts, if you ask me, just asking Vinny Mac to put her in a ring.”
The woman crossed her arms, waiting to hear what the two had to say first. The other man shook his head, clicking his tongue.
“You heard what Vince said, Shawn. That chick’s just going to be another valet. Your thoughts, Chyna?”
“....” She stayed silent at first. “It’s not any of my business and it isn’t any of ours.” She simply says. “Let’s get going already.”
“You guys can go,” Shawn says, leaning on the wall. “I’m gonna lay down the law with her.”
“Keep it in your pants for once.” Chyna rolls her eyes. “You can’t flirt with everything that—“ She doesn’t get to even finish her sentence before Shawn saunters off towards you.
Before you could ask Vince another question, a new voice enters into the fray. “Vinny Mac! And who’s this lovely lady you’ve got with you? Never seen her around before.”
“Shawn.” Vince greeted him only by saying his name, giving a curt nod. He doesn’t answer his question about you. “Come to bother me again?”
“Of course not, old pal! Just wanted to see what’s new in the neighborhood.” This Shawn guy, who the hell was he? He looks you up and down for a moment. “Not bad, not bad. Where’d you pop up from?”
“ECW.” You respond. He was starting to make you a little nervous, so you fold your hands behind your back. “I’m very new.”
“Has anyone showed you around yet?” He asks, lightly setting a hand on your shoulder. “Why don’t I do the honors?”
Of course, you couldn’t refuse.
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Top 10 D Pharma College in Kolkata
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Studying D.Pharma in the best d pharma college in kolkata opens diverse career paths in pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and research, offering strong industry connections and opportunities.
Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (IPGMER)
Bengal School of Technology
Amdanga College of Pharmacy
Haldia Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Adamas University
Global Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Institute of Pharmacy and Technology
PMIT College of Pharmacy
Jnan Chandra Ghosh Polytechnic
Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
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Best Pharmacy Colleges in Kolkata
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Here are the top 5 pharmacy colleges in Kolkata:
Jadavpur University: Renowned for its academic excellence in pharmacy.
NSHM Knowledge Campus: Offers a comprehensive pharmacy program with strong placement support.
Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (GNIPST): Known for its research-oriented curriculum.
PMIT Group Of Colleges: Focuses on innovation and industry readiness in pharmacy education.
The West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS): Offers robust pharmacy programs with a strong emphasis on research and development.
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sikshapedia · 1 year
To further your nursing aspirations, are you looking for the best nursing colleges in Kolkata? Look nowhere else! We have put together a list of the best nursing college in Kolkata that provide excellent instruction and preparation for nurses. These institutions provide exceptional education and training for various nursing course in Kolkata, such as B.Sc. Nursing, GNM, and more. From well-equipped facilities to experienced faculty, the best nursing colleges Kolkata ensure a comprehensive curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with hands-on skills. Whether you're a recent high school graduate or a professional seeking to advance in your career, enrolling in these nursing institutes in Kolkata can pave the way for a successful journey in healthcare. Don't miss the chance to be a part of the top nursing colleges in Kolkata and embark on a fulfilling nursing career.
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Only the top colleges, lauded for their outstanding teachers, cutting-edge facilities, and thorough curricula, are included in our list of nursing colleges in Kolkata. These nursing institutions in Kolkata are certain to provide you with the ideal learning experience, regardless of whether you are a recent high school graduate or a working professional wishing to update your abilities.
Explore a rewarding career in healthcare by enrolling in a nursing program in Kolkata. A variety of programs are available, including B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc. Nursing, GNM, ANM, and others. In order to prepare you for the difficulties of the real world, our nursing institutions in Kolkata provide a well-rounded education that blends academic knowledge with practical skills.
Don't choose any old nursing school in Kolkata. Select the top nursing colleges in Kolkata for a promising future in the medical field. Take the first step towards a successful nursing profession by enrolling in Sikshapedia right away. Click Here to enroll, its free.
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Are you still of the opinion that only women may pursue careers in nursing? If so, it's imperative that you alter your perspective. Today, more and more guys are deciding to pursue careers as nurses. There are several nursing colleges Kolkata that provide nursing programs to people of both sexes.
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Students will be better prepared to succeed as nurses in the future if their colleges use the most recent standards for curriculum and teaching methods. We have included a list of some of the nursing schools in Kolkata that have taught and prepared the nurses of today, taking this aspect into careful account.
Top 10 Nursing Colleges in Kolkata, According to Sikshapedia Ranking
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Choosing the perfect nursing college is a pivotal step in shaping your nursing journey. Among these leading top 10 private nursing colleges in Kolkata, each institution offers a distinct approach to nursing education, dedicated to fostering adept and empathetic nursing professionals. Invest effort in researching and personally exploring these campuses to ensure a decision that resonates with your dreams and ambitions. The path to becoming a thriving nurse commences with selecting an institution that acts as a guiding light towards your prosperous future.
Utilizing sikshapedia.com not only saves time but also safeguards you from the pitfalls of enrolling in an unaccredited nursing college. Your promising nursing career begins with the right choice.
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peachpaws0 · 3 years
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Marcy Martha Leviathan, First Keeper of the Box @maldito-arbol
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thatone-highlighter · 3 years
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Happy birthday to @maldito-arbol’s fic PMIT (the first in the WJH series)!
Once again I am urging you to read this fic series it’s incredible!
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@maldito-arbol this is for you, a reminder of everything Marcy went through (for now) in paint me in trust, i'll be your best friend and call me the one. Tw:blood
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sekoui · 4 years
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paint me in trust
by themoongirl
updates every sunday
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maldito-arbol · 2 years
HEHE boy you’re about to open a can of worms.
My series is We’re Just Human
Zechariah Nettles appears during chapter 3 of the first book, Paint Me In Trust, to give Marcy some helpful advice she decidedly does not take.
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Because I’m nice I offer u the entire excerpt so you don’t have to go searching for it 💜
But also u should read my series 💜
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pmitgroupofcolleges · 2 months
B.Ed.Common Entrance Test (CET-BED)-2024
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Common Entrance Test (CET), is a standardised exam used to assess the aptitude and knowledge of students applying for various professional courses. Widely utilised in India, it aids in admissions to prestigious institutions for undergraduate and postgraduate programs ensuring fair and transparent selection.
The B.Ed. Common Entrance Test (CET-BED) assesses candidates for admission into B.Ed. course. It evaluates knowledge in teaching aptitude, general awareness, and subject-specific content. The CET helps institutions select suitable candidates based on merit.
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rileswrites8 · 4 years
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A playlist for Paint Me In Trust, the beautiful fic by @dearrobbe
The playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6frYK6MoZMz1hRvOgi9DSd?si=IIM-HkcPQnWbCvDsfkAjvw
The fic on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24235861
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3416 · 4 years
I’m reading PMIT and I think my favourite thing about it isn’t even that the fic itself is amazing (it is) but I love how there’s clearly a team involved. Gifs, headers, playlists, videos... I’m in awe! It really feels like new content that is super real. You guys are awesome.
the way this made my heart...... so happy.............. literally so happy. im gonna put my answer under the cut bc i’m BOUND to ramble and write some love letters but.... in case you don’t want to read, i just first and foremost have to say THANK YOU. nothing gets me as badly as this and you can definitely expect more from us, i think.
i have to say at the jump i did not expect it to be what it now is, but i’ve been involved in fandom culture for a long ass time now.... genuinely almsotjlskf a decade... and i’ve always wanted to like. be in on the cool creative side of things? like i see people make fic and fanart and gifsets and vids and i’ve always wanted that but never really had people to explore it with me (and also never put in the effort myself bc... well...) until now? jenna @dearrobbe and i genuinely sat down and watched twilight together and thought.... okay but what if sander- fkdjsff and we just spiraled together from that. we spent weeks talking and there’s a doc of our ideas out there in our google drives, but i didnt know jenna would be able to write it like she has.... i didn’t know eddi @sekoui would be so willing to contribute with amazing and inspiring imagery for this jsut. over and over. and every hour ive spent working on it has been some of just... the most fun i’ve had in a long time. there’s even more to come in terms of content (think.... pinterest boards flkjdsf and more gifsets? and maybe even another v- ok i wont get ahead of myself, but)... i think i can speak for the ppl involved when i say that we’re having a ton of fun, and it’s grand to be able to share ideas and creativity with ppl you love. and then turn around and share them with the world too, however small this little wtfock fandom world may be. i appreciate everything i see abt it, even if it’s not on smth i’ve specifically made, and i know jenna and eddi do too. many parts of it have been a collective effort, and i’m glad that people are enjoying that aspect of it!!!!!! makes my heart the happiest it’s been in a long while. okay... sorry for the rant, but just... thank you. if it’s made even one person happy, it’s done the job!! :’) you’re sweet.
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bvtter · 4 years
nooo i never want PMIT to end either. i reread it allll the time
it’s been my lil home for the past couple of months and i’m definitely getting emo way too soon i just...... i love this world and i’ve loved escaping INTO this world and it’s just a tiny bit traumatic to write the final words of it... you know? so catch me rewriting the epilogue 900 times to avoid that jsdfksdf
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