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virnom01 · 5 years ago
5 Daily Healthy Habits That You Must Follow For A Healthy Lifestyle
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Life has become a never-ending marathon.
Everyone runs behind one or the other things throughout their life.
Irrespective of the age group we belong to, we all have a search which appears never-ending in all aspects.
Sometimes, we keep running the race of life without even knowing the destination to reach.
However, even people who know their destination feel exhausted halfway through. There are a wide variety of reasons for the exhaustion.
The dissatisfaction and mental pressure that life throws on us every now and then, causes a huge impact to our health.
According to a survey, 80% of the world's population experiences the issues related to mental pressure and emotional outbursts (Source).
While few overcome it with ease, there are many who find it difficult to get out of the pressurizing issues that cause turmoil in their life.
This makes life a miserable one causing troubles every minute that passes by.
The happy news is that this can be changed within a jiffy, if only the concerned makes some changes to their lifestyle.
The first step towards changing our life to a positive direction from the negative one it is traversing is by changing our habits that cause this.
Always remember, your habits decides who you are.
Healthy habits can only reproduce healthy lifestyle. Nothing else can help you in this!
Hence, Life can never be changed unless something we do every day undergoes a good change.
To be more specific, bringing about changes in the bad habits we possess brings about major positive changes in our life.
Reading through the biographies of famous personalities will make us understand how their positive habits helped them reach the heights they were or are in.
Moreover, you can also see many common habits that they followed.
There are no doubts that implementing these will bring a good transformation to your life as well.
Let us understand in detail some healthy habits that can make your life much better than it is today.
Go through the list and let us know if these were helpful to you. Let's start!
1. Learn to Smile
This might appear as the most simple tip to follow unless reality strikes it down through its whims and fancies.
Smiling when everything is in our favour is no big deal.
However, smiling when things go wrong can be a tough thing to do.
Why would one smile when things go wrong unless they are mentally unstable?
Though this appears to be a logical question, smiling when things are not in your favor helps your mental faculties remain healthy.
Consciously practice smiling when you sail in rough waters. This will drive away the stress you might have experienced and also turning your life a better one to live.
2. Be grateful for what have
Make a list of blessings that life has bestowed on you.
Ensure you go through the list every morning spending at least 15 to 20 minutes of your precious time.
On a given day, you might have a huge financial trouble to face. Go through the list which would have pointers about the good acquaintances you have.
This will motivate you to face the financial issue at hand in a confident manner.
Remember, someone worrying about losing a leg must feel happy that they have one more left for their use.
3. Aloofness makes you sober
When you keep away from positive people, negativity takes over your mental stature.
The aloofness you create for yourself makes you think about unwanted things. This, in turn, takes a toll on your physical, emotional and psychological health.
Connect with good people in set periodicity.
Hug all those who are in need of the same like you and allow your close ones to hug you so you feel better.
4. Meditation improves quality
Meditation has been the buzzword of the modern society.
More and more people are moving towards Yoga and Meditation either out of force or out of realization about the truth.
Roughly, 200 to 500 million people practice meditation throughout the world (Source).
By meditation, we do not refer to what the yester-year's sages performed in a rigorous manner.
Fix a time you are comfortable with. Sit in the place of your comfort. Close your eyes.
Forcefully and consciously push out all the thoughts that make an entry into your mind.
Listen to the sounds in the environment. The chirping birds, oozing winds and trees sound have more powers than you actually think.
With these, feel the climate around you and notice how your breath travels in and out.
Meditation is one of those healthy habits that definitely lead to a better life.
5. Constant learning clarifies
Thirst for learning is one of those things that take you away from the hassles of day to day life.
The terminology learning does not imply reading a voluminous book.
Develop the habit of reading small chunks of material every day. This may be in the form of daily newspapers or the monthly magazines you order.
Develop the habit of learning from dependable value-adding online resources.
Learning enhances knowledge in multiple ways making you focus on productive issues.
Learning keeps you away from unhealthy thought processes improving the quality of your life by multi-fold levels.
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
2-Ingredient Banana Egg Pancakes (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo)
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If you’re looking for an easy breakfast that’s healthy, has protein so you’ll stay satisfied longer, and something the kids will eat, you’ll love this recipe for 2-ingredient banana egg pancakes.
With 2 eggs and 1 banana, these quick-and-easy pancakes are naturally gluten-free, dairy-free, and Paleo-friendly. The bananas add natural sweetness while the eggs give you a nice amount of protein that will keep you and your children satisfied longer than most typical pancake recipes.
Banana Egg Pancakes
I can’t even remember when or where I first discovered this 2 ingredient pancakes recipe – it was a few years ago. I can’t claim this as my creation; now I see it all over the internet. But it’s too good not to share with you.
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There are very few breakfast recipes that both my kids and I love equally and this 2-ingredient banana pancake recipe is definitely one of them. I eat these as much as my children!
I love that the ingredient list is super simple for these banana egg pancakes. In fact, the name says it all! One serving has 1 banana and 2 eggs and makes 4-5 small pancakes or 2-3 medium to large pancakes.
Benefits of Banana
Banana has a lot going for it, nutritionally speaking. A single banana has both soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as energizing carbohydrates.
Additionally, bananas are high in potassium, magnesium, vitamin c, and folate, along with many other vital nutrients.
Benefits of Eggs
Eggs provide an inexpensive, easy-to-digest protein, as well as healthy fat. Plus, eggs also have a high amount of nutrients and vitamins such as D, B6, B12, selenium, zinc, and iron.
When combined into banana egg pancakes, these two powerhouse ingredients give you the best start to your day possible!
Delicious 2 Ingredient Pancakes
Honestly, these 2 ingredient pancakes are so good that you’ll feel like you’re indulging. Thankfully, this breakfast won’t give you the mid-morning crash you might get from regular pancakes.
I love a stack of gluten-free pancakes, but they often leave me feeling sluggish and sleepy the rest of the day. This breakfast won’t give you the mid-morning crash you might get from regular pancakes. (At least that’s what happens to me when I eat regular gluten-free pancakes.)
Optional Pancake Add-Ins
Just because this is a 2 ingredient pancake recipe doesn’t mean that you are limited to only two ingredients!
You can also have some fun with these banana egg pancakes by adding some mix-ins. I’ve enjoyed several different combinations. Here are a few of my favorites:
Cinnamon banana pancakes: add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon to your batter
Blueberry pancakes: sprinkle in 1/4 cup of blueberries before cooking
Chocolate banana pancakes: add a dash of cocoa to the batter and mix well
Nut butter pancakes: spread a teaspoon of almond butter or peanut butter on top of your pancakes after they are cooked
Apple walnut pancakes: mix a tablespoon of apple sauce into the batter before cooking, then top with chopped walnuts
As you can see, you can get quite creative with these banana egg pancakes and keep all the health benefits intact! 
Tips for Making Banana and Egg Pancakes
If you’ve ever had pancakes that are dry or flavorless, you know that not all pancakes are created equal. These tips will help you enjoy this flavorful recipe and ensure it’s cooked properly:
Choose bananas that are ripe. This recipe won’t be nearly as good or as easy to make without a soft, ripe banana. You don’t want them to be completely mushy, but they should be more yellow than green, like in the image below.
Use room temperature eggs. Room-temperature eggs will make all baked goods, including these 2-ingredient pancakes fluffier than cold eggs.
Mash your banana with a spoon. The easiest way I’ve found to mash up my bananas is to use the back of a spoon. I like mine to have a little chunkiness to them to add some texture, but that’s a personal preference.
Know when to flip. A pancake is ready to be flipped over once the edges start to brown and you see little air bubbles
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
Yoga for Beginners - 5 Amazing Hip Opening Poses for Men
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If you are like most other guys, you probably have job that either means you travel a lot, or sit behind a desk most of the day.
And, for those of you don't have either of these jobs, the chances are you sit too much anyway. This isn't me guessing.
It’s just the way things have become.
Most of us (including myself) sit down for longer periods than we wished we did.
Now while sitting down for too long may seem like it’s not that big a deal, it is.
We won’t go into the health issues of sitting down too much, as this isn't the point of the post.
           The point of this post is to help with tight hips
And guess where tight hips arises from…. ...sitting down too much. While there are major factors that may seem out of your control such as work that are causing this issue for you.
It doesn't mean you have to accept it. In fact, my guess is, because you are here, you want to meet this challenge head on.
Maybe it’s become too painful, or to uncomfortable. I don’t know exactly why you’re here. All I know is that you are. Enough of the guessing.
Let’s look at the best yoga poses that you can use, as a beginner, to help with tight hips.
1 - Child's Pose
This is one of the more common yoga poses, and perfect for guys just getting started.
​The reason for this being one of the best poses to start with is due to the low skill level.
But don’t be fooled, low skilled does not mean a low quality pose for opening hips. In fact, it’s one of the better ones as you can slowly ease into this pose at your own pace. Begin this pose by being on your hands and knees.
When in position you will need to spread your knees apart, but keep contact between your big toes.
If mobility allows, try and rest your buttocks on the tops of the heels. If like me, you have very tight hips, keep your knees and thighs together.
When ready, sit up, but lengthen the position of the spine so it comes up via the crown of the head. Next you will need to breathe out and bow forward and allow your torso to fall between your thighs.
The chest should now be resting on the top of the thigh.
The forehead should touch the floor. Your arms should remain extended and the palms of your hands facing down.
Slightly press back with your hands to ensure the buttocks are still in contact with the heels.
2 - Half Lord of The Fishes
This is another great hip opening yoga pose for men.
It offers a range of further benefits other than just hip opening.
It turns out, this pose can also help with creating good range of motion and mobility in the spine, neck, and shoulders. To get started, sit on the floor and extend your legs out in front of you.
At this point your arms should be resting by your side. Next you will need to bend your knees and place both feet flat on the floor.
When ready, drop your left knee to the floor.
The left foot should tuck under your right leg so it’s resting next to your right glute. When you breathe in raise your left arm over your head.
Now breathe out and twist to your right hand side. You left elbow should be on the outside of your right knee.
Raise your forearm and have the tips of your finger pointing upwards. With every inward breath, try to lengthen your spine, and while breathing outwards, slightly twist again.
Your gaze should be over your right shoulder.
Remember to keep your right foot planted on the floor.
3 - Crescent Lunge Pose
Start by stepping your right foot forward but keeping the foot between your hands.
Try to align your knee so that it’s over the heel of your foot.
Remember to Keep your left leg as firm as possible. Breathe in and bring your torso into an upright position.
Simultaneously, move your arms to the side, and raise the into an over head position. At this point, do not over arch your lower back.
Try to lengthen your tailbone as much as possible, but in a downward position towards the floor.
You should notice your shoulder blades move back which will support your chest. Do not press the front of your ribs forward, but instead move them downwards, and into your torso. Lastly, breathe out and release your torso towards your right leg, move your hands towards the floor.
4 - Squat Pose
For me personally, this was always, and still is a pose that I not only use outside of the gym, but is actually part of my warm up in the gym.
I have used this the hip release pose over the last few years.
This seated position allows you to be in control how much pressure you apply. Some days, hips are tighter than other days.
That’s understandable. Makes sense then, to have a pose you have complete control over. Start by squatting, but your feet as close together. Now, move your things so they are just wider than your torso.
Breathe out, then slightly lean into a forward position so you fit right between your things.
Apply pressure to the inside of your knees and slowly bring your palms together.
Keep resisting the position of the knee by using your elbow.
5 - Cat/Cow
One of the easiest and most beneficial poses us guys can start with.
This is not a specific hip opening exercise, but rather a pose of beginners to use in conjunction with the other 4. Because you use your hands and knees to stabilize yourself, you can take your time with this and make sure it’s right.
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
7 Best Vitamins and Supplements for Acne and Skin Health
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Who doesn’t want gorgeous, healthy skin? We all wish for that lit-from-within glow that turns heads when we walk into a room.
Radiant skin comes from the inside out.
A healthy diet and a good skincare regime go a long way toward keeping it fresh and beautiful, but sometimes we could use a little extra help.
If you make sure you’re getting enough fruits and veggies, then your skin is probably already nicely nourished.
Even if you’re careful about what you eat, environmental toxins and allergens, poor air quality, too much sunshine, and chemically treated water can do a number on even the prettiest of complexions.
It’s easy to treat skin conditions like acne externally with creams and special cleansers, but many treatment protocols ignore the underlying reasons behind poor skin health.
We don’t always get all the nutrients we need from our diets, so we’ve rounded up the best vitamins and supplements for acne and skin health to help you make sure you’ve got them all in!
Who doesn’t want gorgeous, healthy skin? We all wish for that lit-from-within glow that turns heads when we walk into a room.
Radiant skin comes from the inside out.
A healthy diet and a good skincare regime go a long way toward keeping it fresh and beautiful, but sometimes we could use a little extra help.
If you make sure you’re getting enough fruits and veggies, then your skin is probably already nicely nourished.
Even if you’re careful about what you eat, environmental toxins and allergens, poor air quality, too much sunshine, and chemically treated water can do a number on even the prettiest of complexions.
It’s easy to treat skin conditions like acne externally with creams and special cleansers, but many treatment protocols ignore the underlying reasons behind poor skin health.
Adding good quality supplements to what you already do can make a big difference in healing bad skin!
What Causes Acne and Poor Skin Health?
Conditions like acne are usually trying to give you hints about your internal health.
Sometimes bad skin has to do with poor hygiene and an accumulation of surface oil and dirt, but it’s usually a direct effect of health issues.
The American Academy of Dermatology will tell you that the main causes of acne are excess oil in the skin, hormones, and too many dead skin cells clogging up your pores.
Most dermatologists still deny that diet has anything to do with it.
Excess sugar in the diet produces a hormone that causes an overabundance of oil in the skin, which leads to breakouts. Breakouts turn into acne when the skin tissues get inflamed.
Both of these issues can be addressed with both diet change and making sure that your body is getting what it needs to reduce inflammation and the chemical processes that regulate oil production.
There’s a very good reason that Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.”
Your skin can be a good indicator that you’re not getting the right nutrients!
Below are some of the best vitamins and supplements for acne and skin health.
1- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
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It might seem ironic that one of the best acne fighters out there is a supplement that’s often made from oily ocean fish, but Omega-3 fatty acids are a fantastic anti-inflammatory.
Most types of acne and skin conditions are caused by inflammation, both externally and internally. Omega-3s inhibit two chemicals that are responsible for breakouts, and most medications designed to control acne mimic its effects.
A Japanese study showed that people who supplement their diet with Omega-3s see a significant improvement in their skin. (2) It’s also well known that people who live in coastal regions and eat a lot of fresh seafood have low rates of acne.
2- Vitamin A
Dermatologists often prescribe Retin-A and Accutane for acne, which are both derivatives of vitamin A. It’s great to use topically because it prevents the gummy excess skin buildup that causes clogged pores.
It’s also a powerful antioxidant, so it reduces inflammation when you take it internally. Anyone who has had acne knows that it can get really inflamed and sore, so vitamin A helps reduce that both internally and externally.
Studies show that low levels of vitamin A can have an impact not only on skin health, but the immune system, blood cell production, and health in general, so eating foods rich in it will affect your entire body. (3)
Vitamin A comes in both pill and liquid form. Try Solgar Dry Vitamin A for a gluten-free, vegetarian tablet.
3- Vitamin D
Unless you’re in the sun a lot, you’re probably vitamin D deficient. Only a few foods like eggs, some fish, and enriched dairy have it, so the truth is that most people don’t get enough.
Your skin produces vitamin D when it reacts to sunlight, and it’s responsible for things like how much calcium the body absorbs, and it plays a big role in your ability to fight infection. It’s kind of ironic that too much sun can damage your skin, but so can too little!
You might notice that the more you hang out in the sun, the less acne you have. It’s not because the skin “dries it out” like many people believe, but because you’re getting more vitamin D.
There’s been a disagreement between researchers and physicians about how much vitamin D is enough, and whether the suggested daily requirement of 600 IU is sufficient. However, most supplements contain higher levels than that, and are generally considered safe.
Vitamin D comes in liquid and capsule form. Seeking Health Vitamin D Drops is a high-quality liquid option, which is great for people who don’t absorb supplements well.
4-  Vitamin K2 MK-4
There’s been a lot of research lately around this little-known vitamin. While most people have heard of vitamin K, vitamin K2 Mk-4 (menatetrenone) isn’t the same thing.
It’s got some extraordinary health benefits, like its effects on the cardiovascular system, and brain and gut health. Taking it will also help you get lustrous skin because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
It shrinks pores and promotes the healing of scars, which is a big problem for people who have chronic acne. It also addresses some of the systemic elements of inflammation in the body that can cause it.
Grass-fed butter is the best place to find it, but it’s easier to take a supplement, especially if you’re vegan.
Vitafii Vitamin K2 (MK-4 MK-7) with D3 is going to give you the best absorption because K2 and D3 need each other to maximize their benefits.
5- Zinc
Remember how we talked about Omega -3 fatty acids and how good it is for the skin? Zinc helps your body metabolize it and transports vitamin A from the liver.
It also breaks down the nerve chemical that causes oil production when our body gets stressed.
Studies show that people with acne are notoriously low on zinc, which makes sense, considering how important it is for breaking down and transporting many of the nutrients we need for healthy skin.
You can get zinc in your diet if you eat a lot of beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, or lean meats, but if you want to heal your acne quickly, take a zinc supplement with omega-3 and vitamin A.
Many supplement brands use synthetic zinc, so try Peak Performance Raw Organic Whole Food Zinc.
6- Choline
You can get choline from foods like eggs, milk, soaked nuts, and cruciferous veggies, but your body also produces it naturally. It’s a nutrient that helps us with metabolism and cellular structure.
It helps us maintain the proper levels of B vitamins, which are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. While it’s not actually a vitamin, it’s considered to be part of the B complex family.
Even though our bodies produce it, studies show that more than 50% of the population has a deficiency, probably because their bodies don’t absorb it properly.
Choline deficiencies can play a part in many age-related issues, including aging skin.
Solgar Choline is a great supplement to help fight acne. Not only will it keep your skin pretty, but it helps with memory and liver function.
7- Calcium/Magnesium Blend
If you’ve got hormonal skin issues, then you’re going to love magnesium. It keeps hormones balanced and works on the nervous system to keep you chill and stress-free. 
It reduces inflammation by lowering the levels of C-reactive protein in the body, which is associated with the body’s stress response. A study done on middle-aged overweight women showed that taking magnesium decreased inflammation significantly. 
Taking it with calcium improves our ability to absorb the levels we need. Calcium is good for skin in its own right because it helps cell renewal and the production of antioxidants that fight inflammation.
Solgar Calcium & Magnesium is a good vegetarian formula that supports bone health, balanced hormones, and healthy skin.
If you’re still struggling with acne and skin health, remember that you will NEVER achieve it without a healthy diet full of whole, natural foods! 
This is a big emphasis of our 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge as it’s about changing our eating habits and re-learning what we should and should not be eating.People lose an average of 10-21 pounds in 21 days and absolutely love it!  But even better than the weight loss is the feedback we get from people about how the program has taught them how to change their eating habits and find a diet that truly works for them in the long-term.
You can read more information about the 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge .If you enjoyed this article on the best vitamins and supplements for acne and skin health or have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below!
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
10 Yoga Poses for Men – Guys Are You Practicing These?
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Yoga for men – say what?! While more and more men are beginning to practice yoga in the West, many men still see yoga as “glorified stretching” with no strength or cardio involved. These guys are hesitant to walk into a yoga room because they either feel they won’t benefit from it, or they don’t really understand what yoga is all about.Yet yoga is very much a physical exercise and quite strenuous – any man will absolutely find a wide range of benefits from yoga. So guys – if you think yoga will not give you a cardiovascular workout, you are mistaken. There are plenty of yoga poses for men to benefit from in particular . . .
The Benefits of Yoga For Men
Vinyasa yoga builds strength in the cardiovascular system and raises your heart rate. Your lungs will become stronger and your ability to breathe deeply and fully will improve – which provides more oxygen in the body and improves your endurance overall.
Many yoga poses are held for a series of breaths which allow the muscles to lengthen and strengthen simultaneously. When you combine weightlifting with yoga, the normally ignored sections of muscles are activated. For instance, the subtle “boxer’s muscles” or serratus anterior is strengthened and visible, which helps give the abdominal muscles a more “cut” appearance.
Yoga also practices many different breathing techniques that do more than build strength in our lungs. The deep abdominal breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system which lowers the levels of cortisol – a hormone that makes our body hold belly fat. When you
practice deep breathing
, you effectively reduce stress and cortisol levels in the body – something everyone can benefit from.
Last but not least – yoga increases libido and improves sexual performance. The breathing techniques gained from your yoga practice and the increase in concentration helps men channel their sexual energy and build endurance. If you are looking for more ways yoga helps you be a better lover, check out this article.
Now let’s talk more yoga for men!
Here are ten yoga poses for men that are perfect for the male body:
Yoga is amazing for both the men and women – but there are certain yoga poses that are very beneficial for men in particular. . .
1. Utkatasana or Chair Pose
Chair pose or Utkatasana can be arduous even for the extremely fit male. This pose builds strength in the ankles, shoulders, quadriceps and glutes. It is also great for building stability and stimulating the abdominal organs.
How to practice Utkatasana:
Begin standing at the top of your mat with your feet hip-distance apart
Inhale your arms overhead and as you exhale, bend the knees and lower your pelvis down as if you are sitting on a chair
Bring the weight into the heels, keep the core engaged and the shoulders relaxed
Arms can remain at heart center, reaching overhead, or reaching forward and parallel to the ground with palms facing down
Be sure to continue to breathe as you hold this pose
2. Navasana or Boat Pose
If you want to strengthen your deep core, your hip flexors and spine . . . practice Boat Pose! This posture is especially beneficial for men as it stimulates the prostate gland, reduces tension in the pelvic region and aids the digestive system.
How to practice Navasana:
Lie flat on your back with your arms by your side and keep your breath normal
When you’re ready, inhale and lift both legs off the mat – knees can be bent or straight to increase the challenge
Lead with your chest as you lift your upper body off the mat and reach your arms skyward
Keep your core activated and spine straight
Remain here for 15 to 20 seconds, or longer to continue to build core strength
3. Uttanasana or Standing Forward Fold
Uttasana helps stretch the muscles, increase blood circulation and relieve stress. It is a great pose for active men to nurture themselves and reclaim their center. A Standing Forward Fold invites the back body to open including the hamstrings, calves and knees. This pose can also relieve tension in the spine, neck, and back and improve digestion.
How to practice Uttasana:
Begin standing at the top of your mat, inhale arms overhead. Exhale, hinge at the hips and  bend forward – allow your head to hang between your arms
If the hamstrings are tight – keep the knees bent and rest your torso over your thighs as you hold opposite elbows, or place a yoga block under your hands
In either variation, be sure to keep the upper body completely relaxed and heavy, which creates a deeper opening of the back body
4. Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog
Downward Facing Dog has become a staple in our yoga practice, and for good reason! This pose appears simple but can be very challenging. Down Dog gives the body well-rounded benefits and specifically strengthens your back, hips, calves, hamstrings, and shoulders. It’s a great posture for men because it’s a full body stretch, a great warm-up and also helps quiet the mind.
How to practice Downward Facing Dog:
Begin in a tabletop position and tuck the toes as you lift your hips up and back
Your wrist creases should be parallel to the top of the mat and the fingers pointed forward
Come onto the toes, bend the knees and lift your hips towards the ceiling. With a flat back, slowly straighten the legs to form an upside-down “V” shape
Your head and neck are relaxed as you remain here and connect to your breath
Want a quick tutorial review on how to practice Down Dog correctly? Check out this short and sweet Downward Facing Dog Video Tutorial
5. Anjaneyasana or Low Lunge
Low Lunge is fantastic for men because it allows the hip flexors to open and a great way to practice balance. This pose lengthens and strengthens much of the body including hips, chest, spine, knees and ankles.
How to practice Anjaneyasana:
Begin in Downward Facing Dog. Inhale and place your right foot forward between your hands
Be sure your right knee forms a right angle by keeping the knee over the ankle and the thigh parallel to the floor
You have the option to keep your left knee on the mat or keep it straight and lifted
Your hands can be placed on the mat, in prayer at your heart or extended overhead
Keep the inner thighs and core engaged to help keep your balance
6. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose
It is not unusual for men to experience tight muscles throughout the torso. Bridge pose can help tremendously to open the upper body and release tight muscles. A regular practice of Bridge pose will generate more space in the chest, and also helps with insomnia, fatigue, anxiety and headaches.
How to practice Bridge Pose:
Begin on your back with your knees bent and feet on the mat, heels close enough to your seat that you can touch them with your fingers, palms facing down
Press your feet into the mat to use your legs to lift your hips high
Keep your knees close together and thighs parallel to the floor.  Arms continue to actively press into the mat
Remain in this position for 30 seconds
7. Ardha Kapotasana or Half Pigeon Pose
Half Pigeon pose can be a challenge if you have tight hips, but is also very beneficial for the hips.  This pose helps you find length in the hamstrings, glutes, adductors and hip flexors.
Those who are active in a lot of physical activity and carry heavy objects will greatly benefit from this pose. Half Pigeon is a favorite among yoga practitioners because when we open our tight hips, we are able to find relief in other areas like the lower back.
How to practice Half Pigeon:
From Downward Facing Dog Pose, place your right knee behind your right wrist, close to the edge of the mat
The right foot crosses toward the left side of the mat
Allow your left leg to stretch back and slowly lower the hips toward the floor
If your hips are not square to the front and your right hip is not on the mat, place a yoga block or blanket under the right hip
Straighten your spine by maintaining an Up Dog motion through the chest
Remain in this position for 1-2 minutes while you breathe and release the tension
Repeat on left side
8. Supta Padangusthasana or Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose
Reclining Hand to Big Toe is a fantastic pose to allow a slow and gentle opening of the body. In a reclined position, we can really focus on our breath and releasing tension. This pose opens the low back and hamstrings and is helpful to those with high blood pressure. It also helps to stimulate the prostate gland and improve digestion.
How to practice Reclining Hand to Big Toe:
Begin on your back with the legs extended long
Bring your right knee towards your chest, loop a strap (or towel) around the arch of the right foot and extend it toward the ceiling. If you don’t have a prop available, just straighten into the leg as much as you can comfortably
Keep your shoulders on the mat and keep the left leg relaxed on the floor
Breathe here for a few minutes
Repeat the sequence with the other leg
9. Virabhadrasana II or Warrior II
This pose is a great way to build full body strength. Warrior II opens the hips, chest and shoulders and strengthens the ankles, calves, and thighs.
How to practice Warrior II Pose:
Begin in Low Lunge with your right foot forward. Turn your left toes towards the left side of your mat and press your heel down
Lift your torso and extend your arms out to make a “T” shape
Relax your shoulders and keep a 90 degree angle in the right knee
Hold and breathe for at least 30 seconds
Repeat on the opposite side
10. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
This pose is great for the male athletes as well and anyone who does a lot of physical work as it strengthens the low back. Any sport that involves running, jumping or dynamic movements generates tension in the low back. If we continue these activities and avoid stretching and releasing tension in the muscles, this increases risk for injury. Cobra Pose will help the male yogi find relief as well as build strength in the spine.
How to practice Cobra Pose:
Lie on your stomach with your legs extended long
Keep the tops of your feet flat on the floor and forehead resting on the ground
Palms are flat on the ground beneath your shoulders (for more intensity, you can keep them lifted)
Press your legs and tops of the feet firmly into the mat as you press the palms down and lift the torso, straightening into the arms
Keep length in your spine by lifting the chest up as you find a gentle backbend
Yoga For Men – It’s a Winning Combination!
Alright men, it’s time to practice yoga! Start with these ten yoga poses to stretch your tightest areas like the shoulders, hips, and groin. Your challenge is to keep coming back to these poses and continue deepening your practice so you can experience the immense physical and mental benefits that these poses will bring you. If you’re interested in advancing in your yoga practice, check out our exclusive Elevate Your Asana online yoga video course with popular male yoga teacher Anton Mackey. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the poses, how to strengthen but also increase flexibility, and advance in your yoga practice overall. Are you a male yogi who’s new to the practice? We’d love to hear about your experience doing these poses. Are you a male yogi who has an established yoga practice? What are your favorite poses, and why do you love them so much? Talk to us in the comments below.
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
Top Vegetarian Protein Sources
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These vegetarian protein sources make it easy to get your protein fill if you're eating a vegetarian or vegan diet or just trying to eat less meat and more plants. Protein is a key nutrient for growing and maintaining muscles and keeping your skin and hair strong and healthy. It also helps keep you full.
Even though people wonder where vegetarians get their protein, it isn't hard to meet the required amount on a vegetarian diet. According to the Dietary Guidelines, women need 46 grams of protein and men need 56 grams of protein (but this does vary depending on your activity level, age and more). Learn exactly how much protein you need to eat every day.
Yes, the list of vegetarian proteins extends way beyond tofu (which clocks in at about 9 grams per 3-ounce serving, for the record). Take a look at some of these high-protein vegetarian foods to add to your diet.
                   1. Greek Yogurt                  
Greek yogurt, 23 grams of protein per cup.
Recipe to Try: Homemade Plain Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is delicious added to smoothies, layered with fruit and granola as a parfait and used as a sour cream substitute on tacos or in dips. It also delivers calcium and gut-healthy probiotics. Choose plain yogurt over flavored varieties to save added sugar.
                   2. Lentils                  
Lentils, 9 grams of protein per 1/2 cup (cooked)
Recipe to Try: Slow-Cooker Creamy Lentil Soup Freezer Pack
Lentils are a protein powerhouse stuffed into a tiny package. Not only do they deliver vegan protein, a 1/2 cup of cooked lentils gives you 8 grams of fiber. Fiber is good for your heart, helps keep you full and can keep your weight in check.
Read more: The Secret High-Protein Vegan Ingredient You Should Be Putting in Your Smoothie
                   3. Chia seeds                  
Chia seeds, 3 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon
Recipe to try: Coconut-Blueberry Green Smoothie
Like hemp, chia seeds are nutrient dense. They deliver protein, fiber and omega-3s. You can blend them into smoothies, make chia-seed jam for toast and bake with them. Learn more about what makes chia seeds so good for you.
                   4. Quinoa                  
Quinoa, 8 grams of protein per cup (cooked)
Recipe to try: Vegan Superfood Buddha Bowls
Quinoa is unique among plant proteins because it contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein (something most plant-based proteins aren't). One cup of cooked quinoa also has 5 grams of fiber. Quinoa is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, iron, thiamine and folate. And as an added bonus for those with celiac disease or any gluten sensitivity, quinoa is gluten-free.
                   5. Cottage Cheese                  
Cottage cheese, 14 grams of protein per 1/2 cup
Recipe to Try: Cottage Cheese Veggie Dip
Cottage cheese is having a comeback (and it's good for you!). Cottage cheese is a little higher in sodium than Greek yogurt, so keep that in mind if you're watching your salt intake. It works well as a savory dip or try it sweetened up with fruit.
                   6. Hemp Seeds                  
Hemp seeds, 4 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon
Recipe to Try: Green-Tea Peach Smoothie Bowl
In addition to being a good source of protein, hemp seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are delicious sprinkled on smoothies and smoothie bowls or oatmeal.
                   7. Beans (chickpeas, black beans, etc.)                  
Beans (chickpeas, black beans, etc.), 8 grams of protein per 1/2 cup (cooked)
Recipe to Try: Black Bean Tacos
Like lentils, beans deliver fiber, a nutrient most of us don't get enough of. They're also an inexpensive and easy way to add protein to dips, tacos, salads and soups. Plus, beans are a plant-based source of iron.
                   8. Edamame                  
Edamame, 5 grams of protein per 1/4 cup (shelled)
Recipe to try: Super-Green Edamame Salad
Edamame are green soybeans. You'll find them on most sushi restaurant menus and in the freezer section at most grocery stores. You can buy them in the shell or shelled. Buy shelled to thaw and add protein to salads, stir fries and grain bowls.
                   9. Green Peas                  
Green peas, 8 grams of protein per cup
Recipe to try: Brown Butter Pea Amandine
Most of don't think of peas as a protein source, but they are. Green peas are delicious as a side dish, or added to soups or salads.
                   10. Peanut Butter                  
Peanut butter, 7 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons
Recipe to try: Sweet Potato-Peanut Bisque
Peanut butter, and peanuts, are full of fiber, protein and fat. That winning combination of nutrition helps keep you full. Try peanut butter on toast, blended into smoothies or make a peanut sauce for savory dishes.
                   11. Almonds                  
Almonds, 6 grams of protein per ounce
Recipe to try: Charred Broccoli with Almonds & Cherries
Like peanuts, almonds have the super-filling trifecta of fat, fiber and protein. They're a great vegetarian option to keep hunger at bay. Try them as almond butter, grab a handful for a snack or sprinkle them on salads for a protein boost.
                   12. Eggs                  
Eggs, 6 grams of protein per large egg
Recipe to try: Avocado Toast with Egg, Cheddar & Kimchi
Eggs are more than just a breakfast food. They once had a bad reputation for being high in cholesterol but eating cholesterol doesn't raise your cholesterol. Don't just eat the whites, though. The yolks are also nutrient rich, delivering protein, vitamins and antioxidants.
    9 Vegetarian & Vegan Proten Substitutes                        
    The 10 Best Vegan Protein Sources                        
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
Practice These 6 Bodyweight Exercises for a Full-Body Workout at Home
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Here Are 6 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do at Home for a Full-Body Workout:
1. The Push-Up
With your hands shoulder-width apart, squeeze your back and glutes and lower your chest to the ground. Be careful not to arch your upper or lower back throughout these motions.
Maintaining active muscle engagement and keeping your backbody straight (as opposed to arching your spine) while doing a push-up engages your entire core which in turn burns more fat.
Here’s your push-up routine: Do 3 sets of 10. If you want to target your triceps, add one rep of Chaturanga push-ups.
Too difficult? If you cannot hold your form while balancing on your feet, drop to your knees and follow the same motions above. Gradually build your strength by lifting one knee when you’re ready, and ultimately progressing to keeping both knees lifted.
Too easy, you say? Lift one foot off the ground, or try to clap your hands at the top of each push-up.
Still too easy for you? First off, you’re impressive! Second, go to a wall and lift into a handstand. Even further, try some handstand push-ups.
2- The Squat
Squatting is arguably the best exercise for overall fitness. With feet shoulder-width distance apart, start the motion with your hips and squat as low as you can. Do not allow your upper body to move forward as you lower your bottom toward the floor.
Squats obviously target the glutes, but also the abs because when you squat in proper form, you start your motion by actively lowering your glutes, and then when you drop your hips, you activate your entire core to maintain balance.
Here’s your squat routine: Do this for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Too difficult? Simply sit on a chair, engage your glutes, and stand up. Sit down, and repeat.
Too easy, you say? Raise one foot and balance it against the ankle or thigh of your other leg (think Tree Pose), and lift yourself up and down on the standing leg.
Still too easy for you? Make it ever harder by elevating your leg behind you like you would in Warrior 3. If that’s too easy, then kick your leg out in front of you, lower yourself down to the floor to a sit and then get back up (similar to a pistol squat).
3. The Lunge
With your feet shoulder-width apart, take a large step forward and bend both knees to 90 degrees. Return to your original upright position and then step backwards until both knees are 90 degrees.
When doing a lunge, you are moving in two out of the three of your body’s unique planes. Guess what stabilizes you as you move through multiple planes? Your abs! You are also activating a ton of muscle and burning more fat.
Here’s your lunge routine: Repeat this 10 times on each leg for 3 sets.
Too difficult? Get into lunge position, but instead of coming back to standing between lunges, keep your feet in place. Now, simply move upward and downward. Then, switch legs.
Too easy, you say? Try adding on by stepping backwards at the end of every rep and then lowering yourself down.
Still too easy for you? Do a several up and down pulsing movements in the same place.
4. The Glute Bridge
While laying on your exercise or yoga mat, raise your hips and keep them in line with your feet. A glute bridge engages your core as you squeeze your abdominals and glutes at the top of your rep.
Learn how to do a proper Glute Bridge
Here’s your glute bridge routine: Repeat this for 3 sets of 10.
Too difficult? Try to limit your range of motion and only go as high as you can.
Too easy, you say? Pick up one of your legs while you follow the same motions from above.
Still too easy for you? Hold every repetition for 5-10 seconds. If that’s still not enough for you, pick up your feet on an elevated surface such as a chair, couch, or your bed.
5. The Tricep Dip
With an elevated surface behind you (like a chair or curb if you’re outside), place your hands on both sides, extend your legs out in front of you, and lower your body as low as you can, keeping your elbows hugged into your side body. Then lift up using just your arms and without the help of your legs.
In order to not sway, you will need to engage the large lateral muscles of your back, your side abs (obliques), and your abdominal muscles.
Here’s your tricep dip routine: Repeat this for 3 sets of 10.
Too difficult? If it’s too much, you can use your legs to help you – just keep your feet on the floor with your knees bent and repeat the same motions above.
Too easy, you say? Elevate your legs on a surface, such as yoga blocks or a chair.
6. The Sit-Up
Do not attempt to do a sit-up with your knees bent! Instead, lay on the floor or your mat with your legs outstretched in front of you, and raise your torso and reach toward your feet. This exercise will work on the entire range of motion of your abdominal muscles.
Here’s your sit-up routine: Repeat this for 3 sets of 10.
Too difficult? Bend your knees and work your way up to straight leg sit-ups.
Too easy, you say? Raise your torso toward your feet and work your way to an upright, standing position. Then, gently reverse the position until you are laying flat, just as you would in savasana.
Still too easy for you? Keep those legs up, folding yourself in half and touch your toes. Then, hover those feet 6 inches from the ground and do some full sit-ups.
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
How to Improve Health and Fitness After Age 50
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The longevity lifestyle is a way of daily living that stacks small, positive habits.
These small habits might not accomplish much individually, but when   combined their overall impact on the human life can be quite startling.
I encourage those over the age of 50 to consider upgrading to the longevity lifestyle because it’s a balanced way of daily living that utilizes a holistic approach to improve health – focusing on habits of nutrition, exercise, money, relationships, and personal development:
The longevity lifestyle invites each person to craft (and then, periodically update) his or her own strategy for healthier aging.
That strategy must be specifically designed for each person’s unique circumstances and needs – if it’s to be helpful and effective.
The idea behind the longevity lifestyle is not just to extend lifespan, but most importantly to improve daily quality of life.
Improve Health: How to Be in the Top 3% of the Healthiest People
Here’s the shocking news: under 3% of Americans are living the longevity lifestyle.
Recent research – a study sample of 153,000 adults in 50 states – revealed that the vast majority of people are not managing all four of the most basic fundamentals of wellness:
exercising regularly
eating healthily (including consuming enough servings of vegetables each day)
keeping body weight within safe ranges
not smoking
If only 3% of people in the US are living a healthy lifestyle, this does not bode well for future outcomes.
But your outcome can still be positive.
You can improve health significantly.
Action Step:  today, I encourage you to look at the above four lifestyle bullet-points, and ask:
which one am I managing the most effectively?
which one am I managing the least effectively?
This increased awareness about your current habits will help you in the upcoming weeks as you begin to turn up the dial on your self-care protocols.
The Best Year of Your Life? It Probably Hasn’t Happened Yet
I’m Dane Findley and my message is simple: it’s only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone – therefore, the best investment you can ever make is in your own health:
my weekly update is for free-thinking, creative types who’ve decided they want to be even healthier than they are now
the evidence-based, actionable strategies for a better life – that I share freely – are for those intrigued by personal development
if you are kind and curious, you will likely find this information motivating and helpful
there’s nothing wrong with someone being rigid in their beliefs, but if that’s you, you’ll likely not enjoy my newsletter (no hard feelings – I wish you well on your journey)
if you go more than 2 months without opening one of my email messages, you will automatically be unsubscribed.
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
How To Reduce Breast Size Naturally
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The sudden weight you tend to put on your breasts post-pregnancy or after a sudden increase in your weight can be… inconvenient. So, if you are trying to get your breasts to look a little smaller and perkier (and, of course, less saggy), we have your back! Here are some natural hacks to help reduce your breast size naturally.
What Are The Factors That Affect The Breast Size?
The size of your breasts is determined by a number of factors. They are listed below:
Genetics: Your genes play a major role in determining the shape and size of your breasts by influencing the levels of the hormones that affect your breast tissue.
Your Weight: Regardless of how big or small your breasts are, a large proportion of your breast tissues are composed of fat. Thus, the size of your breasts may change if you happen to gain or lose weight.
Your Age: With your advancing age, the ligaments that hold your breasts together can wear out, causing your breasts to sag.
Breastfeeding: Due to fluctuations in hormones, your breasts tend to swell while you are breastfeeding and deflate once you stop doing so.
Now that you are well aware of the different factors that are responsible for the shape and size of your breasts, let us look at some natural ways that can help in reducing the size of your breasts.
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
31 Simple Wellness Tips for Healthy & Happy Living
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Sometimes it can feel like maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an overwhelming challenge that doesn’t fit within the realities of daily life. It’s tough to hold down a full-time job, eat well, train for a marathon, make homemade green juice, spend quality time with your family/partner, and meditate for an hour each day. 😰
Of course, healthy living can incorporate all of these things (if you want it to), but it doesn’t have to be defined by grandiose displays of health and fitness.
So much of healthy living is really made up of small things we do daily—things that are so small they don’t feel momentous, but that, done consistently over time, add up to produce big results.
Here are 31 tips to live a healthier, happier lifestyle—all simple, easy things that can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily life:
1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning
Coffee’s great too, but it’s best to start your day by re-hydrating with a full glass of water. Hydrating first thing in the morning helps to aid digestion, enhance skin health, and boost energy.
2. Take the stairs
Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a simple way to get a little more physical activity in your daily life. It also strengthens and tones your legs and core while you’re at it!
3. Make half your plate veggies
A simple hack for healthy eating (and portion control) is to make half your plate veggies at each meal.
4. Get a Fitbit & track your steps
Using a Fitbit (we like the Ionic and Versa) to track your steps is an easy way to make sure you’re getting enough physical activity. We aim for 10,000 steps each day, which has significant physical and mental health benefits. The Fitbit will also remind you to get 250 steps each hour (another important measure of health—see tip #9!).
5. Switch to nontoxic household cleaning products
Conventional household cleaning products are full of harmful chemical ingredients that are not good for our health. Switching to healthier alternatives (we share a complete list in our Healthy Cleaning Guide) is a simple way to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins in your home.
6. Use nontoxic skincare & personal care products
Similar to cleaning products, conventional skincare and personal care products are formulated with toxic ingredients we should not regularly let absorb into our body’s largest organ. Reduce the toxic burden on your body by switching to nontoxic personal care and beauty products (see our specific recommendations on deodorant, sunscreen, and green beauty products).
7. Take a probiotic daily
A daily probiotic can help with digestion, skin health, immunity, mental health and more. Learn more about the health benefits of probiotics (and all the ways to get them in your diet), and shop our favorite probiotic here.
8. Eat real food
Aim to only eat real food that’s made of whole food ingredients you would have in your own kitchen pantry, or that your grandmother would recognize. (Yup, this rules out most packaged food, sorry!)
9. Stand up every 30 minutes while working
Reduce the harmful effects of sitting (like at your desk job) by standing up and moving around a bit every half hour.
10. Get sunlight every day
Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for overall health, and sunlight is a great source of it. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of sunlight each day—preferably in the afternoon, and without sunscreen .
11. Fill your home with houseplants
Houseplants help to cleanse your indoor air (sadly, it probably needs it!), they’re pretty, and research even shows they improve mood, creativity and problem solving!
12. Sweat every day
Aim to sweat in some way each day—whether that’s via running, biking, dancing, hot yoga, or any other physical activity you enjoy.
13. Have a daily Green smoothie
Green smoothies as a snack or simple, on-the-go breakfast are an easy way to get your greens in each day. Check out our curated list of healthy (veggie-packed!) smoothie recipes.
14. Work hard & be kind
Enough said!
15. Cultivate a positive mindset
“The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.” It’s true—mindset is everything! Cultivate a positive mindset by recognizing negative thought patterns and countering them with positive thoughts or affirmations.
16. Get enough sleep
Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Follow our tips on getting quality sleep—things like keeping your bedroom cool at night, avoiding blue light after dark, and more.
17. Start your day with a healthy morning routine
Start each day with fulfilling activities that set the tone for how you want to feel—whether that’s inspired, relaxed, productive, or something else. Check out our list of ideas for your healthy morning routine.
18. Eat the rainbow
Aim to eat all the colors of the rainbow each day. (Natural colors only, no Skittles!) Get our free fillable/printable Eat the Rainbow daily & weekly tracker to help keep track!
19. Floss your teeth
Floss your teeth daily for good dental health and overall health. Not only does flossing daily protect your teeth and gums, but good dental health is also important for immunity and heart health.
20. Spend time alone
Spending regular time alone helps to get to know yourself, and check in with how you’re doing and what you want, so you can live your most intentional life. Some people enjoying hiking, going for a walk or run, meditating, or even sunbathing as a healthy source of alone time.
21. Do things you enjoy
This often gets overlooked as an essential element of healthy living—doing things each day that you enjoy! Whether that’s exercise, baking, crafting, reading a book or watching TV, reserve time each day to spend doing activities you personally enjoy.
22. Choose organic foods when possible
There are a gazillion health, environmental and social reasons to choose organic foods, so we’ll let that more detailed post do the talking and just remind you to choose organic foods whenever possible.
23. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar keeps the doctor away
Apple cider vinegar cures everything (well… almost everything!). A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water helps aid digestion, relieve bloat, boost immunity, regulate blood sugar levels and more.
24. Smile often
Smiling actually boosts your physical and mental health, so smile as often as you can throughout the day!
25. Work on overcoming your fears
Fears hold us back and keep us from living life as our best self. Acknowledge your fears and take steps to overcome them. (One example of this is overcoming your fear of public speaking to open new doors in your career and personal life.)
26. Use a yoga ball as a desk chair
Save your back/shoulders/neck and strengthen your core by using a yoga ball as a desk chair.
27. Manage stress with self-care activities
Chronic stress is detrimental to both your physical and mental health. Get to know your stress triggers and releases (the things that can help calm you when you’re stressed) so you can proactively cope with stress and maintain healthy levels.
28. Intermittent fasting can promote weight loss
We’re not really into dieting (restrictions are no fun!), but intermittent fasting is more of an eating pattern than a diet. It has several notable health benefits, and can help speed metabolism to promote weight loss.
29. Drink a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage
A glass of water after every alcoholic beverage helps to detoxify the alcohol from your body, as well as slow your alcohol consumption and keep you hydrated (a key factor in hangover prevention!).
30. Practice gratitude
Practice gratitude each day—this could be when you wake up, before bed, or during your lunch break at work. Here are our favorite tips for practicing more gratitude in your daily life, plus a rundown of the physical and mental health benefits of practicing gratitude regularly.
31. A walk around the block is better than no walk at all
When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, doing just a little bit is better than doing nothing at all. If you want to go on a walk but don’t have time for your usual hour-long walk, take a short walk around the block. A 5-minute walk is better than no walk at all!
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
70+ Fryer Healthy Recipes For All Meals (2020)
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First the magic bullet and now the air fryer.  Every so often a food craze breaks out that’s so great that you can’t help but jump on the bandwagon.  In my quest to eat healthier but still enjoy the taste of my food I’ve landed on the infamous air fryer.  In this blog post, I’m going to share with you my mega list of healthy air fryer recipes.
Note: This page contains affiliate links, which means that if you buy something using one of the links below, I may earn a commission.
Air Fryer Recipes - get 70 plus healthy air fryer recipes. Air fryer recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner #airfryerrecipes Mediavine
What is an air fryer?
An air fryer is a device that uses hot air to fry foods.  Air fryers can fry foods with little to no oil.  This results in healthier versions of your favorite fried foods. HWS Featured Video  10 Things You Should Never Buy at the Dollar Store
healthy air fryer recipe Mediavine
What Can You Cook with an Air Fryer?
You can cook almost anything in an air fryer.  From the list of healthy air fryer recipes below, you’ll see that you can cook complete breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals using just an air fryer.  There are even air fryer recipes for cakes!
Does Air Frying Destroy Nutrients
Cooking foods using any cooking method can cause it to lose up to 40% of its nutrients. Due to its cooking methods, air fryers allow you to keep more key nutrients than many other cooking methods. Air Fryer’s cook food by circulating hot air. Air frying your food allows you to cook food quickly and healthy.
Is Buying an Air Fryer Worth It?
Buying an air fryer is worth it for many different reasons.  What you have to determine is if these reasons are important to you.  An air fryer can allow you to cook foods that taste like they are fried using the traditional method.  You get the taste of fried foods in a healthier version that is cooked with little to no oil.
Air fryers also allow you to cook foods faster.  If you are short for time and looking for ways to cook fast healthy meals, and air fryer will be worth the buy. Mediavine
Finally, air fryers also allow you to cook many other non-fried types of dishes.  This includes things like cakes and pizza. If you have a small cooking space, an air fryer can serve as a method of cooking multiple types of foods using one kitchen gadget.
Air Fryer Advantages and Disadvantages
There are multiple advantages to adding an air fryer to your kitchen gadgets.  Air fryers allow you to save time by cooking foods faster.  They also allow for faster kitchen clean up time.  Most importantly, air fryers allow you to make healthy dishes that taste good.
There are a few disadvantages to cooking with an air fryer that is worth pointing out.
Overcooking meats in an air fryer can cause them to get a layer of blackened crust.  This layer of crust is called acrylamide, a fairly common compound that can potentially cause cancer.  When cooking in your air fryer you should remove this layer of the blackened crust before eating your meats.
Air fryers also present you with a higher risk of burning or drying out your food.  These magic gadgets cook food rapidly at high temperatures.  It is important that you watch your food and cook for the proper duration.
How to Use an Air Fryer
Here is a great video that demonstrates how to use an air fryer and the many dishes you can make.
Healthy Air Fryer Recipes – Breakfast
healthy air fryer recipes
Air fryer bacon – Recipes that Crock
Homemade Sausage Rolls In The Airfryer – Recipe This Mediavine
Air fryer French toast sticks – 5 Minutes for Mom
Air Fried Vegan Beignets – Healthy Slow Cooking
Breakfast puffed egg tarts – The Flying Couponer
Ham and egg toast cups – The New Chew
Vegan Bacon-Wrapped Mini Breakfast Burritos – Spabettie
Monte Cristo Sandwich – Blue Jean Chef
Air fryer heavenly french toast – Fork to Spoon
Air Baked Eggs – Senses
Air fryer greasy spoon home fried potatoes – This Old Gal
Air Fryer Tofu Scramble – Glue and Glitter
Air fryer frittata – Awe Filled Homemaker
Air fryer breakfast sausage and cheese wraps – Dana Vento
Air Fryer Eggs in a Hole – Go Wise USA
Easy Air Fryer Omelette – Bitz & Giggles
Air Fryer Perfect Cinnamon Toast – This Old Gal
Blueberry Lemon Muffin Air Fryer – Wine Lady Cooks
Cinnamon Rolls – Blue Jean Chef
Healthy Air Fryer Recipes – Veggies
healthy air fryer recipes Mediavine
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Crispy roasted broccoli – Saffron Trail
Crispy air-fried brussels sprouts – Glue and Glitter
Roasted chickpeas – Care 2
Air fryer fried green tomatoes – Spicy Southern Kitchen
Air-Fried asparagus – Moma Shire
Air fried carrots, two ways – Bewitching Kitchen
Crispy oven-fried garlic mushrooms – Recipes Diaries
Lemony green beans – The Real Kitchen and Beyond
Healthy Air Fryer Recipes – Chicken
healthy air fryer recipes Mediavine
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Crispy low-fat air fryer chicken – The Midnight Baker
Air fryer Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich – This Old Gal
Air fryer garlic parmesan chicken tenders – Kitchen Dreaming
Air fried buffalo chicken strips – Beauty and the Bench Press
Air fryer crispy honey garlic chicken wings – This Old Gal
Air fryer chicken fajita rollups – Awe Filled Homemaker
Air fryer buffalo style skinny chicken wings – Just Plum Crazy
Air fryer whole roasted chicken – Funny is Family
Air fryer chimichangas – Recipe Diaries
Healthy Air Fryer Recipes – Pork
healthy air fryer recipes Mediavine
Pork-Chop air fryer recipe (Bone-in or Boneless) – Saving You Dinero
Air fryer steak with garlic butter – The Forking Life
Pork tenderloin with bell pepper – The Philips Chef
Air fryer Chinese salt and pepper pork chops – This Old Gal
Healthy Air Fryer Recipes – Beef
healthy air fryer recipes Mediavine
Air fryer steak with garlic butter – The Forking Life
Air fried meatloaf – Toast to Roast
Beef & vegetable recipe – Cooking with Doug
Air fryer Mongolian beef – Mommy Hates Cooking
Air fried burgers – Hot Air Frying
Healthy Air Fryer Recipes – Seafood
healthy air fryer recipes Mediavine
Air fryer cajun shrimp – Spatula On Fire
Zesty Ranch Air Fryer Fish Fillets – The Kitchen Magpie
Air fryer bang bang panko-breaded fried shrimp – Stay Snatched
Air fried crab cakes – Color Your Recipies
Perfect air fryer salmon – Noble Pig
Air fryer parmesan shrimp – Bitz & Giggles
Thai fish cakes with mango salsa – The Philips Chef
Coconut shrimp – Power Air Fryer
Healthy Air Fryer Recipes – Appetizers & Sides
healthy air fryer recipes Mediavine
Air fryer pizza bagels – Mommy Hates Cooking
Air fryer sweet potato chips – Awe Filled Homemaker
Air fryer bacon and cream cheese stuffed jalapeno poppers – Stay Snatched
Air fryer french fries – A Pinch of Healthy
Air fryer dill pickles – Just a Pinch Recipies
Weight Watchers air fryer cajun zucchini chips – Life is Sweeter by Design
Flourless crunchy onion rings – Recipe This
Weight Watchers air fryer buffalo cauliflower – FOODSERVICE
Air fryer crispy crab rangoon – Stay Snatched
Cauliflower tater tots – Blue Jean Chef
Air fried Hasselback potatoes – Key Ingredient
Air fryer mac and cheese balls – A Sparkle of Genius Mediavine
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Air fryer baked garlic parsley potatoes – Courtney’s Sweets
Air fryer perfect biscuits – Fork to Spoon
Healthy Air Fryer Recipes – Desserts
healthy air fryer recipes
Five-minute air fryer donuts – Hip 2 Save
Air fryer apple dumplings – Key Ingredient
Air fryer apple hand pies – Recipe Diaries Mediavine
Air fryer churros – Recipes for Our Daily Bread
Chocolate chip zucchini bread – Recipe This
Chocolate cake in an air fryer – Allrecipes
Let’s Get Healthy
Are you ready to jump on the healthy eating bandwagon?  Grab you and air fryer and give some of these tasty healthy air fryer recipes a try.  I’m sure you will enjoy them as much as I do.  Here are a few air fryers to get you started.
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virnom01 · 5 years ago
10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Lack Sleep
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In this fast-paced world, most of us don’t get enough sleep. Frankly, it’s tough finding enough hours in the day to squeeze in all the work, play, and family time that you crave.
However, it’s important that you get a good night’s sleep whenever you can. If you don’t, you’d be amazed at what will happen to your body.
Here are 10 things that happen to your body when you don’t get enough sleep
1. Lack of sleep makes you sick
Find yourself getting sick a little too often? Believe it or not, your lack of sleep may be to blame!
Your body needs sleep in order to keep your immune system strong. When you skip sleep, you make it easier to get sick.
And once you’re sick, you may have a hard time sleeping. It creates a vicious cycle that can be very difficult to escape.
RELATED: 8 Ways To Boost Your Immune System
2. Lack of sleep hurts your heart
Heart health is very important. And you should do whatever you can to reduce the risk of things like coronary heart disease and stroke.
Unfortunately, a lack of sleep greatly increases your risk for those cardiac events. By sleeping more each night, you can help keep your heart nice and healthy.
3. Lack of sleep increases your risk of cancer
In some ways, nothing is scarier than cancer. And that’s partly because we are constantly discovering new things that increase your cancer risk.
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And you guessed it: skipping sleep increases your risk factor for certain cancers. Specifically, it increases your risk for breast cancer, prostate cancer, and even colorectal cancer.
It goes both ways, though. If you can strive to get at least seven hours of sleep each night, you can reduce your cancer risk in a big way.
RELATED: 10 Signs You May Have Cancer
4. Lack of sleep makes it hard to think
When you haven’t had much sleep, that morning cup of coffee starts to look very good. We use coffee to clear the cobwebs from our brain and to think a bit more clearly.
Unfortunately, not getting enough sleep can lead to issues that no amount of coffee can fix. Your brain will eventually experience issues with memory, reasoning, decision-making, and more.
This would be bad enough on its own, but you could potentially lose your job if your work performance starts to suffer. Better play it safe and get a solid night of sleep throughout the week.
5. Lack of sleep affects your memory
Everyone knows about the concepts of “short-term memory” and “long-term memory.” But have you ever thought how information moves from one to the other?
As it turns out, your body uses sleep to help move those short-term memories into long-term storage inside your brain. When you miss out on sleep, you disrupt this process and your brain doesn’t store all of the important information.
Get a good night’s sleep each night. If you’re anything like me, your memory needs all the help it can get!
RELATED: 9 Supplements Every Man Over 40 Should Take
6. Lack of sleep reduces your libido
It may make you blush, but our sex lives are a major part of who we are. And different factors over time can reduce your libido, effectively putting your sex drive on hold.
And we’re not just talking about effects on older people. Even young men (a demographic known for being very frisky) may experience a reduction in sexual hormones up to 15% due to interrupted sleep.
Long story short? Sleeping more will lead to more sex. And more sex may very well lead to a better night’s rest!
7. Lack of sleep makes you gain weight
What’s your biggest lifelong enemy? For many of us, the honest answer is “our waistline.”
It’s a struggle to lose or even maintain weight. And if you’re not getting enough sleep each night, those pounds are likely to sneak back onto your body.
Over time, this can lead to obesity and all of its related health problems. But if you can get at least seven hours of sleep each night, you won’t have to yell at your scale nearly as often.
8. Lack of sleep increases your risk of diabetes
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In some cases, missing sleep can lead to very surprising and very specific consequences. And this includes a heightened risk of diabetes.
If you don’t get at least seven hours of sleep each night, you can disrupt the insulin production in your body. Over time, this leads to additional insulin issues and the onset of diabetes.
While diet and exercise are a great way to ward off diabetes, getting a solid night’s sleep also plays a major role.
9. Lack of sleep leads to more accidents
What’s the worst that could happen if you keep skipping out on sleep? The short answer is that you could die!
If you get less than seven hours of sleep each night, you will be less awake and alert behind the wheel. And that makes it far likelier that you cause a car accident that could hurt or even kill you.
Ultimately, if you’re feeling too groggy, you need to let someone else drive.
RELATED: 10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Coffee Every Day
10. Lack of sleep ages you
Still not convinced you need more sleep at night? Let’s put it this way: the concept of “beauty sleep” is very real!
When you consistently avoid getting enough sleep, it will show on your skin in a number of ways. This includes wrinkled skin, loose skin, and even discolored skin.
These skin problems team up with the bags under your eyes caused by lack of sleep to age you more quickly. But by getting your beauty sleep each night, you’ll help prevent premature aging.
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