prettyoatmeal · 1 year
can i request konig angst and fluff fic plss like an argument etc i love your work so much 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Apology Accepted
1 order of Angst coming right up!
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Everything had gone wrong today, all you wanted to do was forget about what had happened and move past it, the very very very last thing you needed was König having a go at you. But when he finds you having a few drinks after you've missed his calls and messages, he isn't happy.
Warnings: Arguing (sorry, I'm not good at writing conflict), angst, slight mentions of alcohol addiction.
Word Count: 1856
Masterlist here!
It seemed nothing had wanted to go right today.
Waking up was a disaster. You had accidentally set an alarm for 6 pm rather than 6 am. Curse 12-hour time. Waking up late with such little time to get ready and leave, you couldn't have your usual morning sit down with König. Or really talk to him all that much really. A simple ‘Goodbye’ and a kiss had been exchanged between you two before you had to leave to make it in time for the train. It was understandable, you were in a rush.
When walking to the train station, it had suddenly begun raining, causing you to have to run to the station with your work clothes to get soaked.
Even though you left the house late, you found yourself arriving to the station couple minutes earlier than you normally would have, so you took that extra time to fix yourself in the bathrooms. Unfortunately you had misread the time and took too long in the bathroom, missing the train to the city, ultimately making you an hour late to your job. Your boss was understanding, though it didn’t mean you were completely off the hook. You agreed to stay an extra hour in the office in compensation for your tardiness.
That was until you realised you were in such a rush in the morning that you had completely forgotten the paperwork you were required to bring back that day. Maybe it was for the best, it would’ve gotten soaked. You’re lucky you kept your work laptop in your desk the day before otherwise that also would have gotten soaked. So you’d stayed back even longer to make up for the lost paperwork, working yourself half to death out of guilt, promising to bring it in tomorrow and take an umbrella with you next time. 
The stress of the day was taking a toll on you by the time you had been taking the train back. You were so awfully tired, practically half asleep on the ride back, completely ready to call it a night the moment you get home. You were so out of it by the time, you hadn’t noticed your phone buzzing in your pocket.
Unlocking the front door and walking in, you were greeted to the warm lights of the kitchen shining in your eyes. 
“I’m home!” you called out, kicking your shoes off before closing the door once more. Walking to the kitchen, you washed your hands before immediately pouring yourself a shot of Scotch straight from your liquor cabinet. Feeling yourself getting restless, you pinched your nose before letting all the liquid run down your throat at once, coughing at the burn in your throat. You poured another glass and filling the rest with coke. Letting out a sigh, you took a sip and leaned back against the counter, letting your muscles relax. Small sips turned to swigs, swigs turned to drinking the glass in a single go again, earning another cough from the fizziness and burn. This only resulted in you pouring yourself a third glass. You didn’t want to think about today. Today was filled with nothing but humiliation and disappointment. But the disappointment wouldn’t end there.
Hearing his heavy footsteps approaching, you look up at him with half lidded eyes, feeling a little hazy from your sleepiness. 
“Schatz! You’re home so late. You haven’t responded to my messages.”
He was fresh out of the shower, his hair damp from what looked like a quick attempt at drying it with a towel. His voice was filled with concern, worry. You quickly took your phone out only to see missed calls and unread texts from Köing.
Missed Call
Missed Call
‘Hey, you missed my calls. Where are you? You don’t normally stay out this late.’
‘Hello hello?’
‘You there?’
‘I hope you’re safe. Please call me back. Love you.’
‘I’m getting worried. Please reply.’
Missed Call
‘I hope everything is okay, hope you get home safe. Love you.’
The guilt had begun to set in again, frowning at the phone you’re holding in front of you. How could you have not noticed your phone buzzing so much? It’s not like it was on silent either. Maybe the buzzing was lost to the loud noises on the train.
“I’m sorry, I mustn’t have noticed.”
“So you come home and immediately start drinking?” Your stomach dropped. “Where were you? It’s almost 8:30, you finish at 5.”
König had always been protective over you, especially in a world like today. He hated it when you wouldn’t respond to his messages or calls, it would always make him extremely anxious. What you’re doing, who you’re with, what if you’re in trouble and he wasn’t there to help you. With a heavy shame flowing over you as you take a look at your glass, you placed it down after swallowing your last sip and slid it across the bench out of your reach.
“I got to work late and forgot some important files, so I stayed back.” 
“So you couldn’t have called me to tell me you won’t be home on time? That you’ll be hours late and I’ll be stuck worrying about where you are. You couldn’t just send me back a text saying when you got off the train? For heaven’s sake, you’re walking home. Walking home alone in the dark, anything could happen.”
You looked down with a frown. You’d left in the morning with barely any words said and hadn’t heard anything else from you until you’d arrived hours later than you normally would, he had every reason to be upset.
“Honestly, I expected better from you, (Y/N).”
But not to scold you like if you were an incompetent teen.
“Excuse me? I am fully capable of protecting myself. Quit trying to treat me like a child!” You snapped back, looking back up at him, only to see disappointment in his eyes. Disappointment. You’d already gotten soaking wet in the morning, missed your train, was late to work, and had to stay back for hours after. You didn’t need to take this. It wasn’t very often you’d see that look from him, and definitely not directed at you. It only made your stomach drop more.
“I’m not, but you know how worrying it is when you don’t communicate these things with me.” He groaned, “just... go upstairs and take a shower. You smell of alcohol and rainwater. I don’t want to start arguing with you about this.”
And so you did just that, chucking your keys down to the kitchen counter and making your way upstairs. It was probably for the best, the stress from today had finally caught up to you causing tears to well up in the corners of your eyes as you made your way upstairs. König didn’t follow you, but you couldn’t care less at that point, you didn’t want to see him right now, you needed that space. Finally stripping yourself from your terribly uncomfortable clothing in front of the bathroom mirror, you finally felt a small sense of relief.
After brushing away the alcohol from your teeth and dressing yourself in something warm and comfortable, you had finally collapsed into your shared bed. After holding it in for so long, tears couldn’t help but fall from your eyes as a tsunami of emotions washed over you. Everything from today that could have gone wrong went wrong, you thought you could’ve at least relaxed at home, but you couldn’t. All you could do was think back over the day, the goddamn Scotch hadn’t done its thing. Not to mention how König looked down on you, those dark eyes he’d only ever really use on the battlefield. Looking down on you like one would with a child. The alcohol wasn’t helping either. You felt upset with yourself, you felt shame, you felt humiliation. You couldn’t help but sob into your pillow, holding it to your face as tightly as you can to muffle the sounds you were making. It wasn’t even 5 minutes before you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, ready to put this day behind you.
You slowly awaken to the sound of porcelain being placed on top of the wooden bedside table with a small clang of metal, as well as a particularly nice smell. Something warm and homey. You feel a dip in the mattress as König sits down next to you. Opening your eyes, you pry your face away from the pillow and you glance over to the table. Goulash. It’d smelt wonderful, but you couldn’t bring yourself to eat.
“Schatz,” he whispered out, “warmed up dinner for you.”
His voice was soothing, calming. Nothing like how it sounded before. You’d glanced up at him a few times before finally shaking your head ‘no’ in response. You weren’t hungry, quite the opposite of it. It felt as if you were to put anything in your mouth, food or not, you’d throw up. You knew he could tell you’d been crying, your cheeks still warm and streaky, your eyes still puffy and red. Each glance you took at him with your glassy eyes shattered his heart a bit more. König’s figure blurred in front of you, whether it been from your drunken state or the dried-up tears in your eyes from earlier, you weren’t sure.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered out sincerely as one of his rough, calloused hands made its way up to your tear-stained cheek. His hands were large against your face, caressing the plush skin of your cheeks. They may have been rough, but they were also gentle, soothing, calming. Your blinking became slower as you leaned into his warm palms.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like I was disappointed in you. I was just so worried… today was rough for you, I should have been more… kind when choosing what to say.”
His words brought tears to your eyes once more. You didn’t want to talk about this. Not right now at least. You may not have wanted to, but you knew you needed to. Confrontation was always a heavy topic, didn’t matter who was in the wrong. His calm expression turned to concern once more as he noticed how your eyes welled up from his apology. You leaned into his hand more, as if you were trying to cover your flushed face with it, his palm catching the stream of your tears.
Apology accepted.
Sitting up finally, you wrapped your arms around him as tightly as you could manage with König doing the same. It felt like home. You hadn’t realised how homesick you’ve felt until he’d pulled you into him so tightly. He felt like home. You felt yourself melting into his chest as you let out a long sigh you didn’t know you were holding in.
“I’m glad you’re home safe, I’m sorry I hadn’t said that earlier, Liebling.”
All you could respond with was a small whimper.
“I know, I know, ” he whispered back, placing a small kiss on top of your head, “I love you, Mous. I need to work on showing that more often.”
I'm sorry, this isn't proof read 😭😭 please dont mind any gramatical errors or just bad story building in general
Goodnight <3
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moshpitgamma · 10 months
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My Sunflower|| John Dory x Fiancé!Reader
(This is my first real fanfic so Plss don’t be TOO harsh)
“John! I’m home!” Said the exhausted troll walking through the door of their shared apartment. “Huh? Damn it’s 9pm.” Y/n said checking the time. “Hun, You here?” They screamed again wondering why their fiancé wasn’t answering. When they didn’t get a response they started to get anxious, but convinced themselves he went to either the studio or to hang out with his brothers.
The clock finally hits 11:03pm and still there isn’t a sign of JD. “Why isn’t he answering his phone?” You said with worry laced in your voice. His brothers also didn’t answer their phones for god knows what. Now you’re in full panic mode pacing back and forth in the dining room blowing UP his phone with messages and calls. After your many failed attempts of contacting him you finally decided to call the only person you KNEW that was gonna pick up. So you called his grandma.
Once she answered you tried to hide your anxiousness and your panicked voice, but she caught on to it quickly. “Hi Mrs. Rosie, do you know where John is? I haven’t spoke to him since this morning before I went to work.” You asked frantically hoping that she would cure the pulsating adrenaline going through your body. When you finished your nauseating questions the silence you both held was fueling it like you were going to burst. When the never ending silence finally came to an end a sigh was heard. "Hun Bun….JD left hours ago after their embarrassing show fail." she told you with reassurance and empathy. She then continued to tell you how and what happened between the brothers. The last thing you ever heard from her was “Sweetie just give it time.” So you waited…
And waited….
And waited….
Until 20 years have passed and still no sign of John. You were invited to the royal wedding of King Grisel and Bridget and was currently trying to find a dress. While rampaging you closet like a mad woman you come across and unfamiliar bagged dress. When you took it out you stared at it with tears welling up in your eyes. It was your dress he proposed to you in. It was admired in jewels and yellow sunflower like petals and soft like satin and silk. It was one of a kind. Your debating stopped instantly and you proceeded to put on the dress.
“We are gathered here today t-.” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A random voice yelled…
You felt like your heart was going to jump out your chest from all the adrenaline rushing. Trying to force your tears down you finally built enough courage to turn around and look to where everyone else was looking. When you finally saw who it was your tears finally escaped their haunted and sorrowful chamber. He was there……
Standing in front of Branch?
Trying to pick him up?
You didn’t wanna get noticed in this state so you turned to leave but you felt a hand grab your flushed smaller ones. It was Branch..”Are you ok?”he asked knowing you weren’t. “I’m ok.” You said quickly dismissing his attempts of comfort. Before you could leave you heard a nickname you never knew you would hear again. “My sunflower?” He must’ve felt the tension he created so he hurried to you and begged you too listen to his explanations and excuses. You couldn’t do nothing, BUT listen so you gave him 3 minutes. “The reason I left was because Brozone was turning into a disaster and I needed to just space myself away for a while!”
You didn’t know whether to be mad or sad or HELL even glad but you knew he was trying to get you to understand. “But did you have to go?” Tears welling up..
“Did you have to leave me alone without telling me ANYTHING?!!?”
“I-“ you didn’t let him finish before you started walking off letting the emotions and realization sink in. He knew he fucked up… He couldn’t let you leave…. He needed his flower…He ran up to you and hugged you as hard as he could to prevent you from leaving and cried like hell was dragging him away from the heaven he created with you. “Sunflower PLEASE, I promise I’ll never leave you again!!” He repeated like his life depended on it. You slowly started to give in and soothed him. “Please Hun, I promise I’ll pro-“ He couldn’t even get done with his sentence before feeling the feeling he oh so missed….
Your lips…
“Please Don’t leave me again.” You said barely above a whisper and your teary E/C eyes looked at him.
He smiled warmly and responded with nothing but sincerity..”Of course not my sunflower.”
339 notes · View notes
dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
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summary: you act out in retaliation to something onyankopon did, earning yourself a long night of punishment…
cw: spanking ( not a whole lot), cursing, written with a black reader in mind.
word count: 5k (plss i didn’t even realize it was so long😭)
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you were pissed. it has been a good week and a half since you’ve last had your guts rearranged. you’re boyfriend onyakopon had been working nonstop making drops and it’s been starting to become irritating how lonely he’s left you. as you laid bored in you and ony’s shared bed, you decided that enough was enough and called your man.
the phone only rang about two times before you heard his deep voice transfer through the speakers. “yea mama?”. it was already hard for you to continue being mad at him but you stayed strong and carried on with your message. “hey pa. i miss you sooooo much.“ you can tell he was smiling through the phone when he replied “i miss you more beautiful. i’ll be home late tonight so don’t stay up waiting for me aii?”. hearing these words caused you to roll your eyes and develop a nasty attitude. “you cannot be for real right now. it’s been so fucking long since i’ve gotten to touch you and you keep on throwing me to the side for some wack ass work.” your irritation began to spread to your lover as he listened to how rude your mouth was right now.
“yo watch your mouth for real bro.” onyankopon commanded. his voice was starting to get you worked up, but giving in wasn’t an option tonight. thinking of all the other times he’s left you all alone until late into the night made you realize that he doesn’t deserve your kindness at all.
”NO. it’s not fair how work gets more attention than me. and i’m not your fucking bro so chill wit that shit.”
onyankopon grips his phone. trying to calmly get through to you. he’s always been pretty patient when it came to you since he knew how sensitive you can be, but tonight you were pushing it. “nah you the one that need to chill. you know damn well all this working i’m doing right now is to keep your little ass happy.”
“i don’t need you to always buy me stuff for me to be happy i just need you to be here”. as onyankopon registered your words he began to feel remorse for how you’re feeling. “i’m sorry mama. i know i’ve been neglecting you a little bit. just one more night and ima be all yours. ima cut back on my work i swear aii?”
listening to your man talk it was becoming harder to stay upset so you decided it’d be better for you to just drop it. “okay boo thank you for listening. and im sorry for cussing at you i didn’t mean to be rude. i was just frustrated and a little lonely.”
“i understand ma it’s all good. i gotta get back to work though so ima see you later. i love you.”
“i love you more baby. byeeee.” as the two of you hung up the phone you felt a huge weight lift off your shoulders. you were a little disappointed in yourself for not being able to stay mad, but being on good terms with your man was always better than being at each others throats all the time. especially when you and onyankopon know that you can barley take him when he’s angry…
as you sat around in your room you were beginning to feel bored again so you decided to call your good best friend sasha. you and sasha met through connie since you usually bought from him and eren. that was until you met up with eren connie and sasha to hotbox in connie’s car. as you snuck out of your moms house to smoke with your friends you approached the car and was stopped dead in your tracks when you seen onyankopon sitting in the back seat wit eren. “you gon keep staring all shy and shit or you gon come sit ma”. as if you were possessed you moved almost instantly to sit down next to the fine ass darkskin man in the car. ever since then the two of you were inseparable and eventually started fucking on the low until you were one day surprised with a beautiful beach dinner, a promise ring, and a card that read “will you be mine?” in onyankopon’s handwriting. while reminiscing on how you and your man met you were interrupted by a loud voice.
“bitch how you gon call me and sit in silence. please don’t tell me you and ony over there fucking and that you called by accident.” you laughed as you picked up your phone to show your empty room. “girl please i’m all alone in this mothafucka. ian seen ony in about seven years.” your words caused sasha to laugh out loud as you rolled your eyes.
“yea whatever girl what you up too?”
“i’m laying in my bed bored as shit waiting for my man to come home”
“good then get the fuck up and come shake some ass wit me”
you scrunched up your face in confusion as you thought about your friends words until you came to an exciting realization
“awww shit i forgot jean and marco were throwing that partyyyy. yea we definitely out to that shit.”
“yea bitch get your baddest fit on quick before that shit get two packed. we gotta be the baddest heffas on the flo to remind bitches that we can’t be fucked wit.”
you laugh as you nod your head in agreement. after a couple more minutes of catching up with sasha you both decide to get ready while on the phone to give each other tips on your outfits.
“we look goooood”
“yea we really doooo. lemme text ony and let him know i’m leaving the house. i don’t wanna get my shit beat in for being home late without saying anything.”
sasha laughed at your statement but quickly stopped smiling a made a stank face when connie entered the frame.
“hey y/n how you been girlllll” connie says in his best girl voice making you laugh.
“hey connn i’ve been good.”
“i’m glad you understand the value of communicating wit your man. this one girl i know never do that shit and always end up getting HER back blown out.”
you immediately knew who this “girl” was and looked at sasha with wide eyes and a smirk.
you can tell that sasha was getting a little embarrassed as she pushed connie out of the camera “yeaaa that’s enough. we coming to get you girl see you in ten”
you say your goodbyes as you hang up the phone and make final touches to your makeup. you decided on wearing a long sleeve brown square neck crop top with your tight black flare pants. you had just gotten your toes done a couple days prior so you decided to wear some brown fuzzy slides to go with the shirt. you usually didn’t have to bring a purse with you to these parties since ony would hold your stuff, but since he won’t be there you decided to bring your mini black leather telfar to hold your lip gloss phone and taser (which your man bought you just incase he wasn’t around to beat niggas up for you). you wore your hair naturally in a curly half up half down. looking at yourself in the mirror you decided to take a couple pictures before hearing the loud ass horn from connie’s car. before you walk outside you make sure all of the doors are locked just incase. knowing onyankopon would be pissed if he came home and seen anything unlocked. you hopped in the back of connie’s black charger only to see sasha back there too.
“what you doing back here? connie what did you do?” before connie gets the chance to speak he is quickly interrupted by sasha. “i gotta tell you sum. connie told me not to but i’m telling you anyways bc you my fav bitch and i can never lie to you.” your face began to contort in confusion as you slowly entered the car “what’s going on boo. what you gotta tell me?” you can tell she was nervous as she fiddled with the strap on her purse. refusing to make eye contact with you “ony is at the party right now. he was never working late. eren been in his ear telling him to go get loose and ‘get from up under’ you.“
you stared blankly at her as you began to try to piece her words together “how do you know this?”
“i saw it all in their group chat on connie’s phone. he’s there right now with eren.”
your blood started to boil with anger as you sat quietly in the car. how could he lie to you like this? he was the main one preaching communication and this is what he does? absolutely not. you leaned back in your seat as you started to develop a plan in your head. “don’t even worry about it girl i got sum for his ass”
you can see connie in the drivers seat shaking his head. contemplating whether or not he should say anything. eventually deciding to try to get through to you. “y/n-“
“ion wanna hear nun. what’s done is done. he lied and i am well within my rights to react however i want.” as the three of you approached the house the party was being held at you turned towards sasha and pointed to your phone. signaling for her to keep an eye out for the text you were about to send.
‘do you remember what he was saying in the messages?’
‘not much but i know eren was all up in there’s telling him he need to get loose and when ony said he was gon tell you about the party he was the main one saying no and how you don’t have to find out’
‘wowwww bet’
‘what you about to do?’
‘if he can do whatever he want without letting me know ima do whatever tf i want regardless if he see or not. since he too pussy to get from up under his little friends he better keep that same quiet energy when he see me wit another nigga’
your best friend smiled at you as she began typing away at her phone
‘ohhh shit he about to be sickkkk.’
as connie went to park the car you told him to drop you and sasha off at the door. instead of objecting he decided to take the smart route and let the two of you out before he got cursed out by sasha for the second time that night. the two of you walked into the party and were immediately hit with the scent of weed and liquor. not thinking of what you were doing you decided to walk right to the kitchen to pour yourself a drink. as you poured yourself a heavy cup of whatever mixture was made in the large bowl you looked around the party trying to find the eyes of your no good lying ass boyfriend. without realizing you started to feel your hands get wet from your over-poured cup of alcohol. “woah shawty calm down. theres plenty more in there for you to get a second cup later.” as you turn around to see where this unfamiliar voice was coming from you end up locking eyes with none other than the person you feel is the cause of this distressful situation. eren fucking jeager. everyone including you knew that eren had a way of getting in peoples ear about shit to get them to do crazy stuff but you’d never thought he’d do it to your ony. but he can’t be the only one to blame. onyankopon was a grown ass man and theres no way that he would agree to do something like this if he truly didn’t want to. after softly shaking yourself out of your thoughts you stopped staring and turned to the person who was talking to you. he was tall with a cute smile, not as cute as your man’s but cute enough to flirt with.
“yea you right. im in my own little world right now so ian paying attention for real” you say with the cutest giggle you can muster.
“its all good sexy. you here wit anybody or can i have you to myself tonight?” his eagerness made you cringe on the inside but in order for your plan to work you needed him.“its just me and my girl sasha” you say while pointing to the clearly aggravated girl on the other side of the kitchen island. “damn what happened to her. I got friends here wit me if she don't wanna be alone”
as if right on time connie comes walking over to comfort sasha. as the boy continued talking your ear off about god knows what you looked around to see where onyankopon was. finally spotting him smoking in the backyard with eren and jean. you turn towards your plaything
“they’re playing my favorite song out there lets go dance.” you command excited as you nodded your head towards the door to the backyard. “yea whatever you want mamas.” he grumbled as he let you lead him outside. you noticed he wasn’t ever really listening to anything you were saying as he just stared as your ass while you walked in front of him. rolling your eyes you continue walking right past onyankopon and his friends not giving them a second glance. you heard all conversation in his area come to a complete stop which made you smile. walking through the other dancing bodies on the grass you made your way to the middle as you started to move your body to the beat of Ku Lo Sa by Oxlade. you let the guy touch all over you as the both of you moved to the rhythm. you were surprised with how well he was keeping up with you as the two of you danced with each other. as the song came to an end and the next one began you felt a soft tug on your arm. after turning around fully you were met with a hard chest under a black t shirt. you notice the familiar gold chain with your name on it immediately signaling to you that it was none other than your no good lying ass boyfriend pulling you towards him.“the fuck you doin here? and who the fuck is this nigga?” hearing his aggressive words you grew even more irritated. but clearly they scared the guy you were with since when you turned around he was nowhere to be found. you sigh. irritated as you turn back towards onyankopon. “what am i doing here? no nigga what the fuck are YOU doing here. you told me you were working and this don’t look like work bitch. you lied to me ony and now im done wit you. go find another bitch to lie to because im not the one.” saying these words out loud caused people to start staring at you which made you storm off into the house with your boyfriend hot on your heals. grabbing your arm again with more force he yanks your body back around and begins raising his voice. “chill wit that bitch word for i really get mad. im not saying you can’t be upset wit me because i know what i did was wrong. but what you not about to do is call me out my name and try to leave me, because im not going for that. we can either talk or fuck it out but you leaving me is not an option.”
“well im leaving you. i refuse to be wit a pussy nigga that don’t have enough respect for his girlfriend to keep his friends out his ear about what he should be doing. now if you’ll excuse me i got my new man waiting on me outside” you say with a big smirk or your face shoving onyankopon out the way. as you were walking away feeling like the baddest bitch in the world you suddenly see everything move around quickly as you are lifted off the ground and thrown over your boyfriends shoulder. you yelled “get off me nigga we not together anymore” to irritate him further which earned you a hard slap to your ass as you’re walked out of the party and into the driveway. as the both of you approached his car you were suddenly put down.
“get in the back now.”
you were going to say “no” but you decided to just get in to prevent yourself from further embarrassment since people were starting to come outside to see what all the commotion was. onyankopon watches you get in before finally entering the driver's seat. after pulling out the driveway he quickly drove the two of you away from the party.
while on your way home onyankopon felt that it was a great time to said his peace. “listen… i feel real bad about lying to you okay? theres no excuse for it and i know better than to be agreeing with anything eren say to me. im very very very sorry mama.” as he spoke you decided to look out the window and try to keep your mind off of the wack ass apology you were receiving. “I see you through the mirror baby can you please be respectful and look at me while im talking to you?” rolling your eyes you brush off what was said. “can you be respectful and NOT lie to the woman you claim to love? seems like you can’t”. his eyes widened at your words and he began growing aggravated. Raising his voice he replies “don’t be sayin that ma you know damn well i love you.”
“clearly not enough to be truthful. but since you such a follower maybe i been fucking wit the wrong nigga. maybe i should be trying to fuck wit the leader. i know eren known for being a player and all but if this pussy changed you one can only imagine what it’d do to him.”
locking eyes with him in the mirror you noticed how his began to sadden making you instantly regret your words. “m’ sorry i didn’t mean that”. you mumbled on deaf ears as onyankopon continued to drive the both of you home.
“daddy i said i didn’t mean it okay?”
“don’t ‘daddy’ me now. you wanna go there wit me then ima show you wassup when we get in the house.”
his calm demeanor put fear in your heart. knowing that you were done for when y’all were now approaching your driveway. as he finished parking the car onyankopon begins lighting himself a blunt. “gon head inside y/n and make sure you stripped and in that bed by the time i get to the room.” the way he said your name gave you chills as you got out the car and made your way inside. feeling scared as ever you did as you were told feeling that you’ve done enough damage. you first removed your makeup knowing that if you kept any of it on it’d be running down your face soon. then you removed your clothes leaving you in your bed fully naked. you waited fifteen long minutes for your man to come in. during them you thought about your actions and began to think of an apology. you realized that even though your ony lied to you he never went around any other girls and was only really at that party to connect with his friends. his friends that he probably also hasn’t gotten to talk to as well due to his constant work. not to make excuses for him but knowing how you are he probably felt that it was a lose-lose situation given that you’d be mad if he said he wanted to hang out with friends instead anyways. being in your own head caused some tears to fall as you thought about how wrong you tried to handle the situation. letting another man touch on you as the man you loved watched and then bringing up one of his close friends to get at him upset made you feel so ashamed. while you continued to beat yourself up about your fucked up actions you hear the door to your shared room open. as onyankopon entered the room he glanced at you, noticing the tears in your eyes and all over your pretty face.
“whats wrong mama?”
hearing how gentle his voice was despite how angry he should be made you feel even worse about your what you did. as you opened your mouth to respond, a broken sob escaped from your mouth. your man rushes to your aid as if nothing that happened mattered other than your wellbeing. wrapping his arms around you onyankopon began to comfort you “don’t cry baby. everything’s alright. i know you didn’t mean it”
as you calmed down you slowed your breathing you got the courage to reply, “i-im so s-sorry ony. i didn’t mean to act up like that. i p-promise i never do that againnn”
all you could do was keep crying into his arms after you got your apology off your chest. your kindhearted boyfriend lifts you up and placed you in his lap while you cried to him. rubbing your back and hugging you tight to keep you feeling safe. eventually he got you to completely calm and relaxed causing you to begin dozing off. after gently shaking you awake, you look up at your lover.
“I forgive you mama, but you still need a punishment. gon head and arch ya shit for me”. you sit up in confusion as you watch your boyfriend get off the bed and start ridding himself of his shirt and sweats. “what do you mean? you said you forgive me.” you protest with a frown
“i do forgive you sweetheart but it don’t take away from the fact that you disrespected me in front of all those people and claimed you wanted to fuck on my friend in the car”
“but pa-”
“ass up pretty. if i have to tell you a third time ima really fuck your shit up.”
deciding that it’d be better if you just did what you were told you got into the backshot position and made the deepest arch you could to hopefully satisfy your clearly still upset boyfriend.
“rules and colors baby” he mumbled while kneading and rubbing on your ass. too caught up in the pleasure of his touch you were brought back to reality after hearing a hard smack with a hot stinging pain in your left cheek to follow. you moan into your silk sheets as your pussy began to soak from the contact.
“you hear daddy talking to you?”
“n-no running, no to-touching, no cumming without d-daddy’s permission.” hearing how well you listened brought a smirk to onyankopon’s face as he continued to rub on your body.
“and your colors?”
“green,yellow, a-and red. and my safeword is cookie”
onyankopon’s eyes widened at the way you went above what was asked of you to please him. ‘damn she must really want forgiveness’ was the first thought to come to his mind after hearing how much of a good girl you were being. this made him almost feel bad for what he was about to do. but almost wasn’t enough. spreading you open onyankopon noticed how wet you already were all from getting spanked once. “no prep tonight ma”. onyankopon began lining himself up with your entrance and thrusted forward roughly. “fuckkk daddyyyy”. his roughness caused you to curse out loud, earning you another hard slap to your ass. “watch your mouth. you want me to go deeper?” you never understood why your boyfriend was so against you cursing, but you didn’t get the chance to dwell on it as he began to thrust harder and deeper into you. hitting all your favorite spots that you’d never be able to reach on your own. even when you were getting your back blown out you still kept your arch real deep which surprised your man. “you taking me so well mama. you tryna make me nut fast?” hearing him talking in your ear so deep made it really hard for you not to cum quick without permission. “im so so so sorry for reaaaaal”. you heard him chuckle behind you as he continued to quickly thrust in and out. “you sorry?”
“yes papa. so so soooo sorry.” as onyankopon took in your words he quickly replayed all the events from tonight again. quickly removing all remorse from his body he laid both of his hands flat on your back an pushed down. causing you to feel him hit even deeper inside of you than ever before. “i don’t know baby you gon have to do better than that for me to ease up on you.” quickly pulling out and turning you over onyankopon notices the many tears in your eyes followed by the spit covering your lips. “c’mere lemme taste you”. dropping to his knees onyankopon began to sloppily eat you out while using his middle and ring fingers to keep you full. your back arched off the bed as a wave of pleasure went all over your body. “what’s rule three?” curling his fingers upward onyankopon smirks up at you. watching you moan so loud it almost sounded as if you were screaming. “oooooh my god daddy pleaaaseeee.” he started to move his fingers faster and rougher as you grew closer and closer to the edge.
“what’s rule three mama? talk to daddy.”
“n-no coming without y-your permission”
your compliance causes his dick to twitch. “thats right. so why do i feel you getting so wet? you about to disobey me?” your face contorts into one of displeasure. as if the mere thought of you disobeying your man made you feel uncomfortable. “i'll hold it pa i promise” onyankopon quickly removes his fingers from your warm heat and stands up abruptly. as you watch him line himself up with your entrance you silently thank god for having him stop because you were really about to cum. “you being such a good girl right now. just keep being good and you'll cum okay?” nodding your head you quickly stop, realizing the mistake you just made. hoping he didn’t notice, you opened your legs wider to show him how ready you were for him. your lover slowly licks his lips while looking at your wet awaiting pussy sitting pretty all for him. “your shit so fat mama, but im not a dummy. i’ll let it slide just this once since you’ve been good so far, but the next time i ask you a question you answer with your words understand?” looking deeply into his eyes you feel a weight lift off your shoulders “yes daddy” onyankopon slowly trusts into you giving you long and deep strokes. while he was holding your legs over his shoulders you felt him start to penetrate your g spot over and over again causing you to start scratching down his back.
“papa’s so sorry for lying. it won’t happen again.” not registering what was being said all you could do was rub on your boyfriend’s back while he continued to hit your sweet spot. “you don’t deserve that at all. i promise you ima do better.” finally understanding what his message you moved your hand up onyankopon’s back and absentmindedly began to caress the nape of his neck. “it’s okayyyy. im s-sorry tooo.” as he kept his steady pase you began to feel a tight knot form in your stomach along with the urge to pee.
“baby im close. please please please-”
“gon head baby im right behind you”
as if your body knew exactly what he said, you were no longer able to hold it in as you came all over your bed and onyankopon’s stomach. soon after you came he began to quicken his pace as you shook in overstimulation. after a few more strokes you felt him fill you up with his hot cum. after both of you finished you were overcome with a wave of exhaustion finally letting sleep overtake you.
when you woke up you seen that you were already clean and wearing a t shirt that clearly belonged to your boyfriend due to how big it was on you. pain ran through your lower half as you tried to sit up which caused you to let out a low whine. as if sensing you were in pain onyankopon enters the room with a glass of water and an aspirin. “i know mama i gotchu.” smiling up at your man you gladly accept the water and medicine.
“thank you so much boo”
“its my job baby no need to be thankin’ me.”
smiling to yourself you quickly took the aspirin and drank a couple sips of water. how did you get so lucky? you really have the best man in the world. your happy thoughts were interrupted by the vibrations on your phone. “oh yea i forgot to tell you sasha been calling for over an hour now. ian wanna bother you so i just put your shit on vibrate.” you look at your phone and see a bunch of messages from sasha.
‘bitchhhhh what is going onnnnn’
‘everybody is so shockedddd. nobody’s seen ony act like that before omgg’
‘now connie mad at me for telling you but idc im grown asf’
‘oh shit now we leaving’
you giggled as you read through the messages from your best friend, deciding to put an airpod in and call her back. “hey bitchhhh” you hear sasha rasp quietly “girl what happened to youuuu” you snicker out as you look at sasha’s hair in a crazy bun. she moved her camera to the side to show none other than a sleeping connie. “i got my shit beat DOWNNN” you continue to laugh until you remember the current situation you're in as well. “i can’t even move my legs” you whisper as low as you can to keep onyankopon from hearing, but he clearly still heard you. “and if you wanna ever feel them mothafuckas again then i advise you take your ass to sleep.” turning towards your man you see that he was already staring right at you waiting for you to hang up and go to bed. you roll your eyes as you hear sasha laugh at you. “ion know why you laughing mami im boutta take your legs along with that throat if you don’t hang that shit up and go to sleep. gon end up being bed rest buddies wit y/n if you keep playing with me.” connie’s sudden speech made your eyes widen as you both silently communicate that you’ll hang up the phone to keep from being fucked up again. as you hang up the phone you cuddle up closer to your man. “are you really gonna make more time for me?” as if expecting you to ask, onyankopon gives you the slowest nastiest kiss ever, causing you to do nothing but start cheesin mad hard. “yea pretty i'm all yours tomorrow. if you can walk i'll take you to the mall.”
hearing the word mall immediately excited you as you cuddled up to him more in love than before and drifted off to sleep.
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plutoispurplw · 5 months
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I Can Fix Him
Summary: You became friends with Spencer before he went to prison.
Couple: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Little angst, mention of prision and murder, friend to lovers
A/N: I think someone should take TTPD out of my hands...Plss reblog it if you liked it
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You met Spencer in a library, you couldn't reach for a book and he helped you out and then you invited him for a coffee. 
After that you two became friends surprisingly because your ways of viewing the world were extremely different, you two started to spend more time together talking about anything, series, music, or normally books. 
The conversations that you two had were your favorite thing, listening to him rambling was the best of all.  
Then fastly two months after you met him you fell for him, it made you feel lovesick like some kind of teenager, and it was hard to not kiss him when he got closer to you when watching a movie to tell you about some random fact. 
Then all went down because out of nowhere, he disappeared, you tried to call him and text him but he wouldn’t answer you. 
When you went to his apartment to see him and ask him why he didn't answer you, you only found his teammates that he had told you about. They only told you that he was traveling, you know they were lying. 
You felt hurt and decided to just forget him, you started to try to date more people but in the end, you didn't feel anything, his name was written on your heart. 
After four months you received a message from him telling you to go to his apartment and talk about why he disappeared, you accepted only to finally give it closure.  
When you knocked on the door and he opened it, he stood there for a moment without saying anything, and in the next one, he wrapped his arms around you and gave you a tight hug. 
Then he quickly pulled away and started to speak. "Sorry for doing that, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." He stared a you with his hypnotizing eyes that had you in a trance. 
"Don't worry, you don't make me uncomfortable." You assured him, that the last thing he had done was that he had only caused a glitch on your brain for a moment. 
He gave a weak smile while he moved to the side to let you go to the living room, which made your heart go crazy.  
Inside you, you were hitting your head against a wall, you fell again for him, it was truly ever over? 
You sat on the couch while looking at the number of books that he had, every time you saw it there was more even if it felt like it couldn't. 
He walked towards you and sat on the opposite side of the couch, the silence felt uncomfortable, and you decided to start talking. 
"I know this sounds too forward but, where have you been? You just disappeared out of nowhere and your teammates say you were traveling, so why didn't you answer my calls or messages?" 
He stayed quiet and looked at the floor, he didn't say anything or answer your questions and for a moment you thought about leaving but then he started to talk. 
"I was in Mexico, in prison for three months and then a month ago I got free." His eyes became motionless for a moment, you could see how life left his eyes for a glimpse. 
After he said that you stayed quiet and in shock, many questions running through your mind. "What happened?" Your voice was filled with a preoccupation for him. 
"I was accused of killing a woman, someone made me look like the guilty." His voice sounded angry for a moment. 
You notice how his jaw tightened for a moment but then his factions softened when he saw your expression of sadness.
 "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that's what happened." Your voice sounded wobbly, he caressed your hair a for second to comfort you when he saw tears about to spill from your eyes. 
He was the one who should have been comforted but he didn't care and kept trying to calm you. 
Then a thought popped into your head "If you were back one month ago why didn't you call me?" Your voice sounded a little hurt by that action. 
"I thought you were mad at me and didn't want it to make it worse." He sounded guilty as if he had done something horrible to you. 
"Even if I was I wouldn’t let you alone on this, believe me." Now it was your turn to comfort him, you put your hand on his cheek while you said that. 
You felt how his gaze fell on your lips for a glimpse of a moment, he then looked into your eyes and you couldn't keep your emotions inside you for another moment. 
You kissed him on his lips, and to your surprise, he reciprocated. The kiss was gentle and sweet, it was heaven kissing him. 
Then he pulled away and looked regretful, you felt how your heart sank at that sight, maybe you were wrong to think that he liked you back. 
"Sorry for kissing you, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Your gaze fell to the floor, you felt like you wanted to die in that moment.
 "It's not that, it's just that I have changed in these months, I'm not the same man that you had met in the past." His voice was more quiet, he sounded insecure about him. "I don't want to hurt you or damage your form of viewing the world." 
When he said that, the only thing that you could think was that you didn't care if he ruined your vision of the world, you only wanted him and you knew that you could try to fix the parts of him that had been broken. 
Your hands went to his face, holding it gently. "I know that and I don't care, please let me be here for you, let me be your support." 
He kissed you and hugged you, you hid your face in the crook of his neck, it felt nice to have him back.
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sluggmuffin · 1 year
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 - send a prompt from either this list or this one & a character and i will write you a blurb!
Can I get number 2 from the 2nd prompt list with Earth 42! Miles?? Plss
Hugs From Behind ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: Miles is low key a dick but it's okay bc it was an accident
Warnings: angst, crying, u make up in the end
A/N: oops. umm I didn't mean to make this angsty it just came out. anyways if u wanted fluff I will gladly write another one I love my boy
"Get out" Y/n commanded, keeping their back to their window Miles had come in.
"Ma, cmon you can't be serious." He pleaded, swinging himself over their window so he's fully in their room.
"Get. Out" Y/n repeated through gritted teeth, organizing their desk further.  Truthfully, they didn't want him to leave. They just wanted an apology. And Miles knew that. And as hard as it is for him to admit he's wrong, he knew he had to do it.
"I'm sorry. Really I am."
"You said that last week. And the week before that. I want you to mean it."
He inched closer to Y/n, and even though they didn't want to give in, the minute he wrapped his arms around their waist they knew how this would end. Miles lay his chin on their shoulder, and pressed small kisses to their jawline.
"Yes ma?"
"I want a proper apology."
"Y/n," He starts, before pressing another kiss to your neck. "I'm very sorry I didn't respond to any of your texts-"
"for 7 hours" They mumbled.
"for 7 hours, yes. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand I'd be busy, and I'm sorry I didn't text you goodnight." He urged, swaying back and forth while keeping his arms around you.
"Miles, you know I always go to bed at 11:30, and if you can't respond to my messages past 4pm, then the least I expect is a 'sorry I'm busy right now baby, I'll text you later, goodnight' when I'm getting ready for bed. I've told you before that I don't want to have to wait, worrying about you, and I've told you before if I don't care if I have to go to bed without a text from you. I know my worth and if you won't give me 2 minutes of your life, then I don't need you." Their voice cracks, on the verge of tears they don't dare turn around to keep them from falling.
"Then why'd you wait" He asks.
"You said it yourself. You would go to sleep without a text from me because you don't need me and you know your worth. Then why are you up at-" He leans over your shoulder to turn on your phone that's on the desk, a picture you have of the two of you at the pool as your background lighting up the room."-3am waiting for me?"
"I am not waiting for you," they scoff at the accusation. "I'm cleaning my desk."
"At 3am?" He cocks an eyebrow.
"Even though you hate staying up past 12?"
"Okay you know what Miles, yes I was waiting for you. I haven't heard from you for hours so I stayed up for the slim chance you'd text me back, or come apologize, because I really cannot go to bed without knowing your safe." They finally admit, a drop falling from their eye onto the floor.
"Ma, please don't cry," He cranes his neck that's still rested on your shoulder, pressing more kisses against their skin. "I'm really sorry, and if you can find it in your heart to forgive me" He pokes their chest, making the ends of their mouth curve upward. "Then I'd make it up to you as best I can, and I promise, with all my heart, that I will no longer leave you without sleep waiting for my texts."
He unwraps his arms from around Y/ns waist, turning them so their facing him. He gets a good look of their face, eyes puffy from crying, and tear streaks making marks on their face. He kisses the tears away before planting one last kiss on their lips.
"Anyways if you really did want me to leave... I can go. But if not let's get you to bed yeah?"
"Yeah." They agree, a smile tugging at their lips.
And with that, Miles never left them without a goodnight text again, but instead he left them with a healed heart, kisses, and hugs from behind.
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zenxvii · 9 months
hi! I enjoyed reading the few imagines you have of kyungjun a lot. Could I request one where Kyungjun survives in ep 8 thanks to reader? comfort & fluff plss
Ofc!! Here it iss, with a plottwist😻
character: kyung-jun x fem!reader
kdrama: night has come
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶: comforting girlfriend
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y/n pov
I didn't want to go to the meeting about who we should vote. Both Kyung-Jun and Jin-ha are very important to me. I didn't know what to do anymore. I texted the group that I was going to see them both and then message me for the vote.
I walked thru the corridors and knocked on the door before entering. "Jin-ha." I breathed out sadly and watched his sad eyes. "You believe me don't you?" He asked me as he got closer. "Of course." I told him and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm so sorry." I said and tried to keep myself together.
"I don't want to die." He told me as he gripped my shirt. "I know..I know." I tried to reassure him that everything would be okay. "I don't want to vote for you, but I don't want to vote for him either." I continued.
"I hate this game." "So do I."
We hang out there for 20 minutes, just talking and thinking about our friendship. We laughed and almost cried too, it was all a beautifull night. But the time had come, it was 11.15pm and we both knew there was a person who to visit too.
"I'm sorry." I said again as I stood up with Jin-ha. "It's okay.* He told me once again and hugged me. "I won't blame you for voting me, it's okay. I know you love him." Jin-ha told me and I felt my eyes watering. "You actually are the best friend I could ask for."
"Thank you." He said, we now making eye contact both almost crying. "If I don't make it, you better wait for me with Seung-Bin in the after life." I said jokingly with a light shove. "We will, Kyung-Jun would kill us if we let you wander there alone." He joked back and I let out a chuckle with few tears.
"I promise we'll see again." I told him before leaving the room with tears. I looked at my phone time now 11.20pm. I rushed towards another room knowing who would wait for me there. I ran and ran, I reached the room and just barged in without any warnings.
"Kyung-Jun." I called him and threw my arms around him. He pulled me closer and hugged me tight. "I missed you." He said and squeezed me slightly. "I know, I've missed you too. I visited Jin-Ha and now I'm here. Sorry I took so long to find you." "Don't worry about it." He said and we laid down on the bed just resting there. "This is a shitty night. I don't want to lose neither of you." I spoke up and held his hand. "I know. I wouldn't want to be in your position either."
And there time went on and on as we spoke and joked together. Then out of nowhere the door opened with Da-Bum opening the door. "Excuse me." He said and walked in. "I have Kyung-Juns phone. Now come with me." He told my boyfriend. Fishy.
Kyung-Jun and I hugged for th last time before they left. I sat on the bed. My phone vibrated and I took it out to see everyone had vothed for Jin-Ha. My heart shattered for my best friends, I knew Jin-Ha didn't do it. He couldn't have killed Seung-Bin.
I casted my vote for him with a small tear rolling down my cheek. "I'm sorry." I breathed out before getting up. I wandered all around the corridors not caring about night coming.
Until I heard a pang after another. Someone was violently banging something against a door? I questioned it so I walked closer to the sound and saw a dooe being blocked so the one inside couldn't get out. "Hello!" I called out waiting for a response. "y/n..?" A familiar voice said. Kyung-Jun!
I treid to get the chair away but a hand stopped me. "Stop." I was told by this one man. "Da-Bum..why is he here." I asked him, both of us knowing well what I meant. "Just walk away, we both know you wont stand a chance against me." He told me with a glare. I stayed quiet thinking he was right. I could hear Kyung-Jun calling for me with baning on the door. "Do it quick please." I pleaded him
"Of course ma'am," He chuckled and waited me to leave. I walked away with a sharp pain going thru my heart. I didn't want to leave Kyung-Jun, but still I did.
Jin Da-Bums pov
I watched y/n leave with a pained face. What a smart girl. I opened the door and saw Kyung-Jun sitting on the floor. "Let the fun begin."
back to y/n
The clock striked twelve. And I just sat on the ground with my head in my hands. "I hate his game.." I mumbled. Then something shining captured my attention. I saw the axe lying on the floor. I can't leave him!
I got the axe and started to run where I came from. I came just in time to see da-Bum ready to kill my boyfriend. "Get away from him!" I screamed and swung the axe at him. "I won't let you kill him!" I shouted again. I Already lost my best friend, I'm not losng my boyfriend too.
"You crazy bitch!" Da-Bum called out and tried to stab me with his knives. I dodged him and swung the axe again, not hitting him. "Let me do my job!" He yelled charging at me again. This time cutting my left hand a little. "Not with this man!" I dodged his other knife and kicked him in his stomach.
I threw the axe away and jumped on him pinning his arms on the ground. "I'm the boss now. I'm telling you to leave him be or you'll be the one out next." Threatening him, but he just laughed. "You can be just so hot when angry." He said and smirked. Ew. "And you can be a pain in my ass." "Oh, how I'd like to be."
"God you're disgusting." I Shook my head "We both know you guys woulnd't work. You're a mafia and he's a civilian." He said. I knew hw was right, but I loved Kyung-Jun too much. "I don't care, as long as he's safe." "Stupid girl." He said and tried to get me off of him, but I stood my ground and kept him pinned.
"Struggle again and I will keep ypu pinned till the morning." I said and took a look at Kyung-Jun. He was just laying there. So peaceful, like nothing could bother him at the moment. "He's a bad guy, why would you even be with him." Da-Bum called my atettion. "He's good to me, he saved my life once." I told him and we locked eyes now him looking hurt. "But when he hurts oter people you just look away. You're no better than him." He told me now looking at Kyung-Jun.
"I'm sorry that he has hurted you Da-Bum. I'm sorry I didn't do anything about it. I'm sorry you had to go all thru it alone. I'm sorry I really am, but I won't leave him to be killed by you." I spoke and got off of him. "Leave or kill both of us."
He got up as well. His eyes searching for anwsers, but then he just left. He took his tools with him leaving me and Kyung-Jun there all alone.
I closed the door and leaned against it holdin my left arm that now had a cut on it. I needed to hide it from others, knowing they'd propably figure out I'm a mafia. But now I just closed my eyes for a moment before drifting off.
"y/n! y/n!" My name was called and I saw Kyung-Jun there, he looked scared. Not knowing what he should do. "Kyun-Jun" I called his name with a soft voice. "I'm glad you're still alive." I gave him a smile and got up. "We should go now." I told him and grabbed the dooor handle. "Are you part of the mafia.." He said and I let out a sigh.
"I wish I wasnt."
"Did you kill Seung-Bin." "No. I couldn't, that's why I was here. I couldn't let you die. I didn't want you to die."
"Thank you. Maybe in another universe we could be together again, and live old together, have kids and be happy. Dance in the rain, bake the cookies you always wanted to do. Just be a happy couple." He told me with pain in his voice.
"Oh how I'd love that. I'd love to dp taht with you, anything in the world I'd do with you." I turned to him with teary eyes and he just pulled me to a gentle kiss.
Right person, wrong time.
in another universe they'd be happy.
🏷️: @istanstraykidss
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 2 months
good king x evil queen angst smut plss
Here we are again with one of my favorites couples, and honestly just a little headcannon but I like to think that secretly eq and bad wolf are besties idk a little sus how she left him to be when she took over during the dragon games
Anyway I hope you aren’t sick of these two because guess whatttt it’s a gk x eq fic on Friday
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
“Don’t you ever wish that the evil queen wasn’t so… so much?” The good king paused as he turned to look at his friend.
He felt a familiar anger simmering beneath, he couldn’t stand when people would judge his relationship with the evil queen as if they had any right to.
The only thing they saw was the public image that the couple portrayed yet they still had the nerve to pretend that they knew everything about them.
“What’s that supposed mean?” The bite in his voice had his friend shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Something which the good king took delight in.
“Well I just mean she just can’t let anything go and she always has to do the most even when it’s not needed. If I were you I’d get really annoyed.” The good king felt his eye twitch as the guy went on.
“And personally I don’t know how you deal with all that. I’m damn happy that she’s not my girlfriend with that attitude and don’t even get me started on-.”
The good king droned his not so much friend out, his nails digging into his palms waiting for him finally shut up.
But after minutes of him not doing so, the good king stood with a start an angry glare that the boy seemed to miss crossing his face before he excused himself.
And as he passed by an empty classroom he missed the sight of his girlfriend sitting with one of her ‘friends’ mouth hung open and eyes flaming.
The evil queen always knew that people disapproved or hex despised the idea of her and the good king dating but she always tuned it out.
But it was something today that had the boys words plunging deep in her heart and in her consciousness. She knew that she was extreme and she enjoyed that she was like that, but that small part of her head screamed at her.
What if the boy was right and the good king did hate how… much she was? He certainly didn’t stop the boy from continuing on his little hate speech. Not that the she cared she thought as she stared at the retreating silhouette.
And of course there was the talk and wishes of all those around her, whispering like parasites how the good king deserved a pure and sweet princess like Snow White to be his girlfriend.
That struck her the most and it wasn’t because she was jealous of Snow White, she really couldn’t give a grimms sake but it was because she knew that it was true.
He did deserve someone he wasn’t constantly being harassed over like he was with her. She knew the good king tried to hide it but she wasn’t a fool she had ears.
“Should I play a little… game on that stupid boy?” The evil queens snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the big bad wolfs voice sound out.
She was suddenly even more glad for the dark room as she felt moisture had gathered in the corner of her eyes. “No. I’ll take care of it.”
Wolf sighed and slid of the table with a growl “well if you change your mind you know where to find me.” The evil queen put on a smirk as he passed her.
“Yeah I know you’ll be fucking my roommate in the same dorm I sleep in.”
“And you think I can’t smell you and the good king in there. Sometimes I think I need nose plug before I enter.”
The evil queen sent an amethyst ball of fire chasing after him as he walked out. Now alone the evil queen buried her face in her hands that deep rooted frustration slowly emerging.
She’d be fine she’d deal with this the same way she always handled it. She’d suck it up and push it down.
The good king ran a hand down his face as he stared at the ceiling above. He was waiting until the time passed by and to until the evil queen came up to his dorm.
He had sent her a message earlier, asking for her to come to his dorm so he could just… be with her. He always felt antsy when someone doubted or insulted his relationship with the evil queen and he found the only way he felt better was to be near her.
The door swung open without warning and the evil queen walked in a rather odd expression on her face. He immediately sat up and went to embrace her but she evaded.
“Sweetheart come here.” She looked at him over her shoulder and shook her head. He furrowed his brows now even more concerned.
“Is something wrong?”
“Why would you think that?”
“You tell me.”
He crossed his arms pointedly as she sat stiffly on his bed, usually she acted as if she owned the place, not that he complained obviously he loved having her in his space.
The evil queen sat there like a ticking time bomb, waiting for the perfect opportunity to speak up.
She found that opportunity as the good king sighed and undressed from his day clothes, now sitting beside her with only a pair of pants on.
“Your little friend sure had a lot to say about me. Oh and thanks for sticking up for me, really appreciated it.” Her voice was dry as crossed her arms, the action making his eyes involuntarily peak down.
But as if a wave of cold water hit him, the good king froze and gazed at the evil queen with a regretful look on his face.
“I know and I promise I’m going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him again.”
“And what about you sitting like a duck while he berated me?” Her voice was once again clipped, although somewhat glad he wasn’t trying to make excuses for himself.
When he took longer than she liked to answer she took the initiative to answer for him. “Is it because you agree with him? Or is it because you no longer love me?”
It was as if a thread snapped within the good king. He grabbed the evil queen by the face, now standing well above her as he near growled at her “you think I don’t love you? Hmm?”
The evil queen didn’t reply, the dark gaze in his eyes fanning a wave of warmth within her. But she decided she liked this little game, this teasing.
“I guess not. Not when you don’t defend me.” The good king pushed her flush on the bed, her hair falling all over his pillow.
“If I didn’t love you then explain this.” He brought her hand down to the noticeable dent in his trousers. “If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t be burning for you.”
His voice but a whisper as he tugged at her dress, his hands caressing every inch of her skin that he could find.
The evil queen felt heat ignite in seconds, her breath catching for a second. Snapping her fingers their clothes disappeared in deep purple smoke.
The good king didn’t seek encouragement as he explored her body from head to toe, his lips attacking her neck and his hand tugging at her hair to expose more of her neck.
He made sure to leave dark hickeys all over her neck, “see i want everyone to know we’re together. To see my love for you.” The evil queen only sighed in reply.
Her legs draped over his hips, the silk sheets cooling her heated skin as the good king trailed hot, open mouthed kisses down her body.
She didn’t have time to react before he upon her, his dark hair tickling her inner thighs and his hands bruising her hips as he held her down.
Her fists clenched down on nothing, get eyes glowing violet and purple magic encompassing the dorm. The good king paid no mind, his teeth dragging along her knee to her thigh.
Before she could get that high, the good king rose up his eyes glinting as he stared at the dark marks all over her neck.
They didn’t exchange any words as his mouth collided with hers, their breaths tangling together in a kiss of pure love and lust. Nor did the good king give any warning before pushing in.
They both let out surprised and pleased moans as he sank further in until he bottomed out. The evil queens arms wrapped around his neck, her breath coming out in pants as her love made the first move.
The sensation nearly drove the good king mad as he clenched his fist around her long platinum hair, his mouth finding her neck again.
The room soon felt overly humid as sweat trickled down his neck and the evil queens skin glowed in the moonlight.
She feared for second that she was hurting him as he grunted while she dug her heels on his back, pushing him further down with a heavy grunt.
Sometimes the good king thought that she was purposely trying to drive him insane as he dug her heels further in his back, her nails scraping along his spine.
He shuddered at the feeling, and the evil queen smirked against his neck, doing it again and again until the hood king was grunting so loudly she feared those beyond the door could hear.
She let out a silent scream as she suddenly and unexpectedly felt that peak tip IVE the edge with no warning. She sunk her nails in his back, watching the crescent shape embed in his skin.
The good king slumped above her, his hair falling over his sweaty forehead. Yet he mastered all the strength he had and gazed down at her.
“I’ll always love you no matter the situation or circumstances.”
That was also the same thought he had as he watched, years later, his wife and love getting sucked into the mirror prison. A little 5 year old Raven crying by his side.
Fun fact- I get the BIGGEST ick writing about the final moments of a smut scene which I guess is really bad considering what type of writer I am
Anyway just a little tip if you comment on my posts with a question I can’t answer it because it literally won’t allow me to comment sooo yeah
Hope you enjoyed and have great dayy!!
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katherines-imagines · 2 years
Heartless Part 2
pairings: Ao’nung x reader warnings: cussing and crap writing
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He tried bringing her shells, catching her hefty fish, walking with her, apologizing, and yet the girl was stubborn.
She refused accepting his shells, didn’t take the fish, walked away from him, ignored his profuse apologizes.
The girl was trying to send a clear message to Ao’nung, everyone could see what it was.
Stay away from me.
After multiple disheartening attempts, Ao’nung continued his pathetic pleading.
As he tried yet again to plead to the girl, whom she refused to even look in his direction, from afar, two boys were watching the scene.
“Damn, she still hasn’t forgiven the idiot,” Lo’ak asked his older brother.
“No,” Neteyam answered with a slight shake of his head, a frown present.
“And she has every right not to,” Neteyam stated.
If she didn’t want to talk to the idiot who had left Lo’ak at sea, she didn’t have to, and Neteyam would stand by her choice no matter what.
“C’mon bro, he already apologized, and it’s just getting sad now,” Lo’ak said, manically waving his hand in the pairs direction.
“It’s getting so annoying.”
Neteyam sighed but nodded in agreement.
“You are right, it is very pathetic, but Y/n knows what is best for her, and I will not interfere.”
Lo’ak groaned at his brother’s stubbornness, annoyed at the way Neteyam was acting.
“Bro, clearly Y/n loves the idiot, and at this rate, things will never get better between them. As annoying as Ao’nung is, for some reason, she cares about him. And she’s only so upset because she loves us. We have to do something, cause it’s our fault.”
With a humourous gleam in his eye, Neteyam said, “You mean your fault? Your the one who followed him.”
Rolling his eyes, Lo’ak mumbled, “besides the point.”
“Just- Will you help me,” Lo’ak asked.
Thinking thoughtfully, Neteyam looked at the teenagers in front of him.
Ao’nung was on the brink of crying, keeping a safe distance, but hands reaching out to touch her.
Y/n, looking off, trying to seem distant, but her eyes showed hurt, wanting to forgive, but the loyalty to family overcoming the want.
Sighing, Neteyam finally faced Lo’ak and nodded.
“I’m in.”
As their sister left the chief’s son standing in his regret, the boys walked towards him.
Clasping his shoulders, Lo’ak shook them.
“Bro, you really fucked up,” Lo’ak said playfully.
Ao’nung shrugged the boys hands off harshly, and shot the boy a glare.
Raising his hands in defense, the boy took a slight step back.
“No need to be hostile cuz, I’m trying to help you.”
Failing to comprehend, the future chief spluttered.
“W-wait, what?”
“He said we’re here to help your skxawng ass,” Neteyam finally spoke up.
Looking at the siblings in confusion, Ao’nung questioned as to why they were helping him.
“It’s because we love our sister, and we know she loves you-“
“Though we have no decent clue as to why,” Lo’ak interrupted.
Quickly scolding Lo’ak, Neteyam continued.
“So we’re going to get our sister to forgive you,” he finished.
Ao’nung profusely thanked the pair before Lo’ak interrupted him.
“Just don’t fuck this up cuz, ok?”
“Yeah, I won’t,” Ao’nung responded, pulling his hand into a fist.
I will never make her cry again.
A/N: Hey guys, im back! I’m afraid I won’t be able to post everyday again, but I’ll try to. Thank you anon for reminding me to do this! I’ll try to work on Part 3 of Heartbreak and Part 8 of “Don’t be a skxawng, just ask her.”
Thanks for the love and support as always <3
tagged: @aonungmyaddiction, @mirrorball-6, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @totesnothere04
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bwoahtastic · 8 months
Ughhh yes! Nico doing a bit of a seb and leaving Monaco to live in Switzerland, maybe Germany because of his mum, and raising his little girl in private. Nico knows its for the best to stay away but it hurts keeping his girl and Lewis apart because he knows its not fair.
Him seeing the news and messaging an old contact at Merc to make sure it's true and he starts thinking about introducing them but has no idea how to
Oh plss! Nico having gone to Germany or Finland because he feels much better close to family while raising his daughter, and away from the scrutiny of media ans Lewis. Sure when he was pregnant there were rumors, but mostly just about nico being 'fat' now he retired and Nico left it at that.
He had his sweet babygirl who he loves with all his heart and he so wished he could share it with Lewis bur he can't...
Then the news hits and Nico has to talk to Lewis, aches for it, and little Emilia has been asking about her daddy! He contacts Lewis but is so scared to tell him about Emily, feels selfish for keeping her his secret but he couldn't do anything else
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dojunie · 2 years
omg congratulations for completing 16k !!! Can we get a spoiler plss i am really excited for it!!
yes u may have a spoiler :3 read more under the cut my friend thank you for your interesttttt hopefully this writers stump will stop kicking my ass soon LOL
You suppose it wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t mention that around the four hour mark, as you were taking a breather under one of the umbrellas after getting absolutely beaned in the eyebrow with a wet hacky-sack, Jeno came over spewing apologies with a two first-aid kits and an array of fruit popsicles piled up in his arms. He’d sat you down and let you pick which flavor you wanted— lime, obviously— before he set upon disinfecting the tiny cut the toy had left behind. 
He held your head in place with one hand, pale fingers taut around your chin as he leaned in to get a better look, scowling at the injury like it had personally done something to him.
“We should be paying you, I swear,” he’d muttered, “I really had no idea the kids would be latching onto you like this. You probably thought it’d be a little more chill, right? I’m sorry.”
You wanted to shrug, but he was holding a pad of hydrogen peroxide very close to your eyeball and you didn’t want to risk being blinded. “I don’t mind it. They’re pretty fun, you know, when they’re not trying to climb up my back.”
He smiled, but it was still a little tense. You could tell he actually felt bad about it, and you could see where he was coming from— he’d asked you to come today when you technically didn’t need to, because you were both playing this little cat and mouse game with Sooyoung's words. But you promised, didn’t you?
“I’ll make it up to you,” Jeno said finally. “Later, when it’s a little less busy.”
He pulled out a bandaid from the box (baby blue, with a bunch of little ducks on it) and leaned even further towards you to get it properly on your skin. He didn’t seem to realize just how close he’d come, eyebrows furrowed and eyes focused completely on the cut, breath fanning lethally across the cool drops of water on your skin… until you looked up through your lashes in an attempt to not to move your head from where he’d set it, and caught his gaze.
“You will?” you whispered, curious.
His hands stilled as he fully caught the sight of you like this, this close, eyes round and fixed on him alone, lime popsicle gliding across your bottom lip as you pondered what he’d do. You smiled, not paying any attention to his sudden stare. “I'm going to hold you to that. What are you going to do?”
Jeno swallowed. Blinked. “Uh… I, I don’t—” And as if forgetting what he was in the middle of doing he pressed a little too firmly on the bandaid, and you yelped. “Ah, shit, sorry! I—”
“Language!”  “Sorry! Sorry!” His face immediately melted into that of a kicked puppy, frowning as he rubbed where you’d instinctually smacked his knee when he swore. Luckily, there were no kids around to catch his slip, but still! You could’ve imagined the field day they’d have if they’d heard him.
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and theres your spolier!!!! thank you for sending me a message :,-D
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kentopedia · 11 months
dear mother, i have come to bless your inbox with my curiosity of your well being, how have you been doing? have you been doing well? have you eaten mother? have you taken care of yourself? i do hope so, as i am writing this i'm on my way to watch jjk anime, (PLSS IM SO SCARED I DON'T WANT TO CRY, MOTHER HOLD MY HAND) i heard that father is healthy and very much alive in the recent event (MOTHER THIS IS TORTURE-)
-sincerely your beloved children akaashi anon
i am doing well !!! how are you doing my love, i hope you have some fun plans for the weekend and if not, i hope you’re getting some time to relax ! (just don’t do anything too crazy or your father is going to have to speak with you 🤨)
don’t worry, he’s fine !!! whoever wrote that obviously doesn’t know the full story bc they left me out of jjk and our wedding ! anyway… here’s proof:
I am doing just fine. - Dad
see theres a note ! do yourself a favor and just don’t watch anymore jjk 😌
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baconnotbaekhyun · 3 years
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050621 | Baekhyun Twitter & Bubble update
Translation credits to everlasting506
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storyarcscribe · 2 years
Can I Have A You've Changed My Life With Obi Wan Kenobi Plss 🥺👉👈
Oh my dear…. Are you ready for angst?!
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader 
Word Count: 2.5K+
Summary: To save Obi-Wan Kenobi’s life, you must deliver yourself to the enemy. You will not hesitate in saving the man you loved, even if he did not love you in return.
A/N: It’s a rough one so grab the comfy blanket and dive into the feels. You don’t need to have seen Clone Wars to read! However… for my friends who have seen… we are going to pretend the lovely Satine doesn’t exist (iykyk).
Warnings: 18+ Only for the violence/mental health warning, Angst, Feels, Violence, Torture, Pain, Talk of Self Death (please take care), Anakin being a love-able shithead
Masterlist & How to Send a Prompt | Read on AO3
Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!
Everything went to hell the moment you stepped into that abandoned hanger.
You walked away with your life but not without a cost.
The enemy delivered an ultimatum today: Surrender yourself, or Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi will die.
This wasn't the first time someone had threatened your life. Years ago, agressors targeted you for your work as the youngest Ambassador of your planet in brokering a treaty with the Galactic Republic. During this time, you were sent to Courasant to live in asylum at the Jedi Temple.
You befriended the newly knighted Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his young Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. At first, Master Kenobi was assigned to you for protection in the city, but as the months progressed, you grew into a friendship with the young warrior. He became your shadow and confidant over time, never a step behind you while you dwelled among them, far away from your home and everything you knew.
You didn't realize you were in love with him until the day came to depart Coruscant once the peace was settled on your planet. But, he was a Jedi, forbidden from attachment. And so, you left him without a word on your feelings but rather a gratitude for his kindness and friendship.
Obi-Wan returned to your life ten years later. The young Jedi you befriended had transformed into a General of the Galactic Republic. He was as hardened by the war as you were. Gone was the playful smirk, trimmed hair, and melodious laugh that regularly filled those temple hallways. His hair had grown, brushed over his forehead. He was a man now, the strength of his body built by battles. Yet, the color of his eyes remained the same, the most crystal and beautiful color you had ever seen. You changed as well; once a girl who smiled freely in her youth to a hardened woman bred by the chaos leading a planet in this Galactic Civil war.
When he arrived on your bloodied planet with Master Skywalker, you felt steadiness seep into your heart for the first time since the war began. You think he might have felt that as well. 
The Jedi Council assigned them to your aid when Separatists attacked the capital of your planet. Your planet was a large exporter of weapons and ammunition. They stole future weapon designs, intending to use them for the ultimate destruction of the Republic. Your life's work was gone instantly, and you refused to leave your planet until you found the plans. Unable to dissuade your course, Obi-Wan and Anakin agreed to assist your efforts to find the documents. 
On your hunt, Obi-Wan attempted to keep his distance, but the friendship you built all those years ago could not be destroyed even if he willed it. The cold exterior of the General thawed the longer you spent in their company. The man you would always love had returned to your life, and you didn't know if you could let him go a second time.
Obi-Wan Kenobi would pay the price of your hubris. 
You were to deliver yourself, or he would die. 
"Not going to happen," Anakin Skywalker bit in response to the Separatist's comm message. 
You were alive because of the young Jedi. Anakin saved your life in the fight as Obi-Wan was captured. His master taught him well, training him to be perhaps the best Jedi of his generation. Skywalker was his master's match in every way. He grew up as much as Anakin did over this war. He took you back to Coruscant to await word from the Jedi Council for aid on a rescue. As you waited for their answer, you received the ominous Separatist message to your comm. They communicated their demands but never showed Obi-Wan. Instead, they let you hear his screams as they tortured him somewhere else.
"He'll die," you said, gathering a travel clock across your back.
"He won't," he retorted. 
"You don't know that," you said, containing a snarl.
He threw his hands up exasperatedly. "I'm getting him out of there."
"And if you fail, Master Skywalker?" You demanded. 
The young master crossed his arms. "I won't fail, Ambassador."
"Correct," you snapped, "because I'm going with you-"
"If you go and are captured," he warned, a finger pointing at you in warning, "We lose your planet in this fight-"
Your planet? You couldn't think anything past Obi-Wan's screams rattling in your brain. Anakin's warnings began to slip under your head as the blood rushed faster in your ears. 
Anakin pressed on. "The Separatists' will control-
You breathed. "They won't-"
"They will kill you," he murmured. "Obi-Wan would-" 
Your heart pounded in your chest. The idea of Obi-Wan hurt now sliced deeper than the thought of being captured. How could you tell him what his master meant to you? A man who didn't return the love you felt deep within your bones?
"I can't lose him," you shuttered, pleading to him. "I can't."
You closed your eyes, willing the pain to subside in your heart. "Please, Anakin… Help me."
Anakin warily observed you as you attempted to pull yourself together, perhaps seeing you for the first time in his life. 
"Okay," he whispered. His eyes were soft. "But, we do this my way."
The plan was simple. Leave Coruscant discretely as the Jedi Council deliberated a plan, comm the Separatist forces, agreed to their terms and asked for a neutral meeting ground. Anakin would trail you the entire time, waiting for the right opportunity to strike from the shadows. 
The enemy agreed to exchange with you alone in the open canyon on the planet Bar Neth. Obi-Wan would be there for the exchange. 
"Stay focused, Ambassador," Anakin warned, slipping his cloak's hood over his head. "The plan is going to work."
You almost believed him as you followed him down the ramp to meet your enemy while he disappeared to take his position.
At the base of the canyon, you kept your knees from buckling at the sight of Obi-Wan. They beat him, his face and body littered with blood and bruises. They kept him chained and collared, the device around appearing to cut off air. The muscle on his body was gone in just those short days. Around him stood a T-series tactical droid flanked by battle droids. 
"You are alone, Ambassador?" The leader clipped. 
"Yes," you answered. 
At the sound of your voice, Obi-Wan lifted his head, and his piercing eyes attempted to focus on you. Your heart broke as he struggled to see but gave him the briefest of smiles. I'm here, Obi-Wan, you tried to communicate.
Obi-Wan began to shake his head, murmuring your name. "No… Y-you can't... leave…"
Your will began to crumble, but Anakin's plan rang through your head. "Release him at once."
The droid considered you. "There is a 92.456% chance you will betray us should you remain at that distance."
Damn those droids. 
"You will walk to us, and we will release the prisoner once you are our ship."
"No," you countered. "Unchain him, or I will not comply."
The droid calculated further as the silence stretched. Your eyes remained on Obi-Wan as his vision cleared more. All will be well, you thought as you stared at him in what might be the last moment in your life. 
"Agreed," the droid said. "Walk forward. We shall release the prisoner once you are within 10 meters."
You walked forward to your ultimate fate on shaky feet, praying Anakin was here somewhere. They pushed Obi-Wan forward, his chains rattling as he winced in pain. 
"Move, Jedi," the droid rattled. "Do not touch the Ambassador."
Obi-Wan limped towards you. Maker he was in so much pain, mentally and physically. You could see the exhaustion lining his eyes beyond the pain as you closed the distance together. The collar at his neck created a black rim around the skin like it was poisoning him. 
A tear escaped, and you didn't brush it away. 
Trust me, my love. 
"Keeping moving," the commander bellowed. 
You both walked past each other, the heat of your bodies barely touching one another. Your eyes remained fixed on him as you backed up slowly to your captures. 
"Release him," you repeated at the ten-meter distance. 
The commander hit a button, and the chains fell, but the collar remained. 
You bristled. "The collar-"
"Will be removed once on board our ship," the droid responded. "He is unchained as agreed."
You loathed these droids. 
Your anger was short-lived as the collar popped open, and Obi-Wan fell to his knees.
The droids began to panic, looking at the canyon's edge where a dark figure held a hand out. 
 Anakin Skywalker arrived to fulfill the next stage of this rescue. 
You thew a lightsaber to Obi-wan from the concealed pocket of your cloak. He caught the weapon easily and breathed deeply for the first time since capture. The droids were distracted by Anakin as he jumped from rock edge to rock edge, descending the canyon. Anakin's movement allowed you the opportunity to finally reach Obi-Wan as he ignited the saber, shielding you from the droids opening fire.
Obi-Wan deflected each blaster bolt as he tucked you closer to his back. "Whose… idea… was this?"
"Ask him," you shouted over the weapon fire. 
Anakin sliced the battle droids swarming below his feet as he landed on the ground. "Good to see you, Master."
The entire Outer Rim could hear the eye roll from Obi-Wan in front of you. Then, finally, all droids were dead. The plan was a success. Instead of celebrating as you wanted to at this moment, Obi-Wan stiffened. 
"Obi-Wan?" Anakin asked, feeling just as off as his master did.
"I sense another," he said, tucking you further behind his back; the heat of his hand behind your back radiated down your body. 
He was correct. 
As a blaster bolt burned through your back, you couldn't contain your cry for pain. Obi-Wan caught you before you could hit the ground.
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan shouted, his head looking up to the canyon edge where metal flashed at the top.
"On it," he shouted, running off to whatever danger just entered this planet. 
Maker, you were in pain as Obi-Wan shifted you up into his arms, standing. He pressed the fabric of your clock into the entry wound. You had to be screaming now. 
"I know," he soothed, beginning to carry you in the ship's direction. "Keep breathing.”
You felt like you were flying by the way he moved. As you stared at the pinkish sky, you kept your gaze on Obi-Wan. The neck device was what truly kept him weak. He carried you with the barest struggle.
"O-Obi… Wan," you breathed. He glanced at you briefly, unable to keep his gaze as your swirled with dizziness. His face was tight, emotions boiling under the surface. 
"You're going to be alright," he assured. 
Your vision blurred. Anakin must have been there because he shouted Obi-Wan's name. 
Obi-Wan's voice slipped in and out of your consciousness as he carried you up the ramp. "Contact… Council… Prepare… Blood loss… Liver…" 
He laid you on a cool surface. You felt like it was a mortuary, your death approaching. You could feel the oblivion calling, and who were you to ignore its request? Obi-Wan was safe… Your love was safe. Perhaps it was your time-
Obi-Want shook you violently, calling your name. Your eyes flew open as you tried to focus on him while his hand hovered over your wound. You felt the skin around you tingle. His face pinched into the deepest concentration.
"Stay awake," he commanded, eyes piercing through your skull. 
The shuttle took off. You could hear the rumbling of the engine. 
You blinked rapidly as you felt your time coming to a close. The blood was all about gone from your system so you could see your skin's veins. This was it. This was when you would die with the man you love trying to save your life. This was no longer your life, though. You forfeited it the moment you fell in love with him. For him, though, you would hold on a moment longer if only to keep his eyes from disappearing forever.
"So stubborn," you murmured sleepily. 
He eyed you with that look you loved so dearly. "Save your strength."
You smiled, tasting blood. "I missed you, too."
He must have seen the blood in your teeth because he focused his hands harder over your gut. 
Death was knocking, but you would hold on just a moment longer to stay with him. He was beautiful, even covered in sweat, bruises, and dirt. He was beautiful when he first said hello to you all those years ago. He was beautiful when he joked with Anakin or worked through a battle plan. You loved him fiercely even as you neared the end.
"Obi-Wan," you whispered. For the first time in your life, you let your love slip through your words as you said it.
He concentrated harder, both hands beginning to shake. Finally, Obi-Wan glanced at you and looked afraid for the first time in his life. 
"Be still, darling," he said, words barely steady. 
Your eyes fluttered. "You're are the best person… I've ever known."
Memories floated across your head. The first time you met… Sneaking into the archives to look at holocrons after hours... A sunny day at the planetarium... the sun's light glowing wonderfully around him... During your last weeks together, catching him looking at you when you weren't looking.
He ignored you as you saw these memories dance before you eyes. Little beads of sweat formed on his brow. Still so beautiful even as he began to see you were dying in front of him.
"You've… changed my life,” you whispered.
"Hush," he hissed. A range of emotions coursed through his face. He was trying to fight this as if there was an enemy he could slay with his lightsaber…. Just so he could keep you tethered to this world. 
Maker, if only you could take away his pain. Your voice cracked. "I-I don't regret-"
"Stop," he begged. A hand now caressed your cheek. It was callused but warm and the best feeling in the entire galaxy. You leaned into his touch, tears escaping your eyes and rolling down his hand.
With the last bout of strength, you opened your eyes fully and looked at him. 
"I love you, Obi-Wan Kenobi… in this life… and the next."
His face contorted in the deepest agony you had ever seen. He had never relayed such pain even in the hands of the enemy today. He suffered and weathered through everything in his life. Yet, your words had seared through that calm and steady mental wall he built, which you loved and hated. 
You felt his forehead connect with yours as your eyes slipped closed.
"Darling," he pleaded. "Stay with me."
Warmth coursed through your veins as you felt his tears pool over your lids. 
Stay, my love. His voice caressed your mind.
Perhaps, you'd stay a little longer if only to hear his voice. The voice of a man you loved who loved you in return, beckoning you to stay with him. 
A/N: First Obi fic, and of course, I torture the man like this. (Thank you for reading!)
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niilue · 2 years
Oh my god bcz of you and your sub incubus geto fics now i crave for needy sub geto
Maybe a part 3 when geto actually pregnant or a needy sub geto fic plss 🥺
Pls take all the time you need
Love you ❤️
_Your geto simp reader
ෆ    ִ      ׁ   sub geto
cw: male reader, dom reader, needy bf geto, such a noisy boy, sensitive geto, kinda fluff (this is kinda long!) i like this one, geto is so precious
geto didn't seem to love the idea of spending so many days apart, but your job required it and sometimes you had to be away for those reasons without being able to spend quality time with your boy.
it was after four o'clock in the afternoon and you had managed to finish your shift earlier than on other occasions. you said goodbye to your colleagues and left.
you sent a message to geto telling him that we got home earlier today. so that made him very happy. you could even see it in the messages he sent you, saying he would prepare something nice to eat.
after a while you were finally at home. geto greeted you at the door with a loud kiss. "hello babe, come and have something to eat." he said all excited.
you sat down at the table and talked about your day to your boyfriend while you ate his delicious food. he watched you with all the attention in the world while every now and then he caressed your hands.
you smiled at him every time you looked into his eyes, he was so beautiful with that kind smile on his face, his dark eyes sparkled at the slightest thing you said to him. his black hair was in a messy ponytail making him look very handsome.
"how beautiful you are, suguru." you said giving him a kiss on the forehead as you retreated to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
you felt your boy's arms around your back, interrupting what you were about to do.
"how can you say that to me and then walk away?" his face was pressed against your body so you felt the vibrations of him talking go through every inch of your being. it was adorable.
you put the dishes down somewhere and turned to take geto in your arms and sit him on the kitchen counter. "hahah, i was just going to do the dishes so you wouldn't have to, baby, i wasn't pulling away from you." you said as you stroked his cute face.
he was so sensitive and even a lot of things you said to him made him blush too much.
"you look cute blushing because of me. it makes me want to devour you." you said pinching his cheeks and playing with them.
the black-haired man looked self-conscious but still spoke. "then do it." he said hugging you tightly, hiding his face in your chest. "i'm only yours."
how cute, you thought. now you really wanted to make love to him at the table.
you started kissing him, tasting his lips and savoring his scent. you held him gently by the neck while you played with his hair and kept devouring his mouth.
when he wanted to pull away for air, you took his lips between your teeth, making their gazes connect. you noticed your boyfriend's excited face as their agitated breaths mingled. you let go of his lip and licked your lips, took your fingers and ran them over your boy's reddish lips.
"you are too beautiful, i don't deserve you." you said lost in his eyes.
the last didn't seem to please geto as he pouted and told you to shut up. now he was the one who took the initiative to kiss you.
he was massaging your back, arms and shoulders. it seemed that he never had enough of you. he lowered one of his hands to your crotch wanting to excite you more. he massaged you over your pants while he made you moan with pleasure.
"make me the love here (name)"
he didn't have to say much more when you were already taking off all of your boyfriend's clothes. with every piece of clothing that came off, you took it upon yourself to kiss and give that part of him lots of attention.
you loved the sound of his moans with the slightest act of affection from you. he really loved anything you did with his body. even a gentle touch.
you kissed his abdomen, watching it contract strongly from the sensation of your lips on his skin. he breathed erratically and seemed very excited about what you were going to do next.
"do you like me to kiss you here?" you asked with your lips pressed against his abdomen as you held him by the hips,
his hips, he responded with a moan and nodded his head in affirmation.
you licked your lips and let your hands go down to his pants. with a tug you left geto naked. his manhood stood before you. anxious and expectant.
"i haven't even done much and you're already like this for me, geto, how adorable you are, really."
you were sure he wasn't laughing too much, but you knew he would melt at you with anything. you thought about whether you should take his member in your mouth. you looked at him for an answer.
"(name), yes- if you want, you can- mmm, suck- AGH!, yes, yes, yes, deeper~"
without letting him finish asking you, you took his cock and shoved it nonchalantly into your mouth. making him moan and ask you to go deeper. as you sucked his cock, you felt him throobing in your mouth and thought he would soon cum.
you pulled it out and watched as it filled with your saliva glistened before your eyes. you wanted to suck it longer, but you knew geto would cum quickly in your mouth.
the boy was holding tightly to the counter while you were like an idiot looking at his cock and tracing imaginary lines on it, making it tremble.
"stop nnhg- nnhg, play (name)."
you laughed and took hold of geto's legs, lifting them up.
you admired his entrance and noticed that you had to prepare him to enter.
"you don't need to prepare me, come in quickly, please."
you looked at him terrified and told him you didn't want to hurt him, so you were going to get something to lubricate with.
before you could leave geto grabbed your arm and stopped you. he had an embarrassed look on his face and didn't seem to want to look you in the face. you asked him if he was ok, if he wanted to stop. he shook his head in denial and opened his mouth to speak.
"i want you to enter in now without preparing me, because if you keep touching me like this i will cum pathetically, and i just want to cum while you are inside me," he said, clenching his fists.
awesome, i think that comment got you too excited. now you felt your dick dripping. you were just as desperate as geto, that was a fact.
you sighed and moved closer. you grabbed his head and kissed his forehead again. you stayed like that for a while, breathing in the scent of his hair and just because you liked doing this.
"okay, but if you can't take it, i'm going to stop." you warned.
you finished taking off your clothes and your now hard member seemed too excited to want to get into geto.
you lined up and with your eyes you warned your boy that you were going to do it. he watched expectantly. as you went in you noticed his pained face but eventually it changed to one of pleasure, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes.
"AAHH, yes, this is what i needed." he murmured biting his lips and making you come closer. "move babe, please~" he pleaded whimpering to you. his face was so erotic right now. beautiful.
taking impulse and grabbing him by the legs you started to move. in and out, to the point that your balls were bumping against his skin. you also moved from side to side, knowing the great pleasure this caused to the black-haired man.
he moaned and moaned, asking you to go faster, he could already feel you cumming. "you feel so good inside me, (name), i love you." you loved that, so you picked up the pace, feeling your own orgasm blurring your judgment and fucking geto's ass so hard. listening as his now screams and moans flooded the house.
you ended up emptying yourself inside suguru after a few thrusts, exhaling loudly and letting out moans of the pleasure you get from being with your boyfriend, as he ejaculated as he was rapidly masturbating his cock.
with a little scream his orgasm also came, staining his abdomen and part of the table, shooting out.
after pulling yourself together, you slowly pulled out of him, looking down at his half-lying body with his legs spread wide open, as streams of your essence began to pour out of him and trickle down his thighs and legs.
too erotic.
you approached geto to take him in your arms and lead him to the bathroom so they could shower together. now he was all sleepy. he was still breathing a little shaky, but you could see a little smile of love on his face.
you hugged his body tighter and kissed his cheek, whispering how much you loved him.
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
Soooo i wanted pain.anyways,bonten where they had twins boys and you as their wife.One day,they had to like go on a mision,and they had like a bad gut feeling and when they got home they saw their wives dead and the twins boys unconsious.The boys lived tho-.Hc plss and also saperated:))
♡ Bonten men finding their wife dead ♡
Pairings : Sano Manjiro x F! reader, Hitto Kakucho x F!reader, Haitani Rindou x F!reader, Sanzu Haruchiyo x F! reader, Haitani Ran x F!reader, Kokonoi Hajime x F!reader
Warnings : Death, violence, cussing, angst with no happy ending
A/n : Yay angst ! Btw it feels so weird to put hearts in the title like "hihi death, murder 🤪❤️". I did a common scenario and then separate reactions is that okay with you ? Anyway, thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
Slowly regaining consciousness, you immediately recognised his disgusting smell that made your living room reek, where he tied you.
"Just go," you told your husband. "I'll be fine with the boys."
You were trying to reassure him. He had to go on a mission but something was missing. Neither him or the other Bonten members could've found out. It made him so worried. What if something happened to you while he was gone ? It wasn't the first time that he'd leave you home with your twins boys, but it was the first time he'd leave uncertain.
Kissing him, you repeated :
"We'll be fine."
Not convinced, he reluctantly nodded and made his way to your children's room. He looked at them peacefully sleeping and you softly smiling and hoped so, so hard that nothing in this world would take that away.
"I love you more than anything, lock the door behind me. Lock all the doors please," he said before leaving.
"I know. I love you too."
You received a message an hour later from him, asking if everything was okay. He sent you an other one an hour later and did it a third time. He stopped texting you after, he probably got into a fight. But you trusted him to come back to you. He always did.
Deciding to wait for him, you slumped on the sofa and turned the TV on. You found yourself facing Mrs.Hayashi the news presenter, a woman in her forties, pale skin and pursed lips constantly in an irritated pout. You laughed, knowing immediately she'd judge you for marrying this man. She was announcing the news with a rather dry tone.
"Gunshots have been heard from the center to the west of Tokyo."
At this very instant, you heard a loud bang on your door. It all made sense. They dragged your husband at the other side of Tokyo, to get here unhindered.
You ran to your sons' room, doing everything in your power not to wake them and placed them in a safe hidden room and only you and your lover were aware of its existence.
Debating with yourself, you chose not to hide with them. You were afraid that they'd start looking around and find this place and if they did, you wouldn't be able to protect your children. Whereas if you went to the living room and took the gun you knew your husband was hiding for emergencies, you could pretend you were alone and buy some time after sending a text to him. You could do it.
Unfortunately, you couldn't have done it. Having just hid the gun inside your shirt, you were reaching for your phone when they broke your door down, smashing it to pieces.
Four men. They were four men running straight into you. Panicking you shot one, right in the middle of his eyes.
"Move again and I'll shoot you, bitch ! Drop your gun !" one of them yelled.
"What are you doing here ?!" you asked.
"I said drop the fucking gun !" he screaming and shot.
You felt the bullet brushing past your left cheek.
His voice sounded confident and you knew he wouldn't think twice about killing you if you didn't do as he ordered.
You dropped your gun and asked again,
"What are you doing here ?"
"Listen to me, pretty one, here are the rules. I do the talking and you shut your damn pretty fucking mouth. If not...well you know what'll happen."
You only nodded.
"Good, good girl," he whispered in your ear making you want to throw up. He reeked.
Using only one hand sign, he ordered his partner to tie you down on a chair.
"Go watch the entrance," he told one of them. "And you, go look around."
Not letting it visible on your face, you prayed so hard he wouldn't find your babies.
"Now, now, let's have some fun shall we ? Tell me where it is."
"Where is what ?"
It wasn't even a punch. It was just a slap, but he put so much strength in it that you were sure it would leave a bruise.
"Don't feign ignorance, and tell me bitch."
"But I really don't know what you're talking about !" you protested.
You really didn't.
An other strong slap. And then a punch. And an other. And an other.
It kept on going this way until the other man came back from searching around.
"I haven't found anything sir."
Relieved, there was a hint of a smile on your face.
"What are you laughing at ?!"
This punch was stronger than the others. Maybe it was because he was angry ? You lost any sense you had left and fainted.
Slowly regaining consciousness, you immediately recognised his disgusting smell that made your living room reek, where he tied you.
They were still here, but a bit further than before, eating and drinking everything they could find.
"I just received a text from the other team, sir. They found the plans."
He got up. His footsteps echoed so loud on the floor, you hoped your kids wouldn't wake up. He stopped at a distance you considered way too close to you, his disgusting tepid breathe right in your face.
"You heard that, little bitch ? Turns out the plans weren't here ! Can you believe this ? Can you believe you're going to die for nothing ?"
The look he sent you was terrifying.
You thought of your loving husband, of his tender touch, his sweet kisses.
The eyes never lie.
You thought of you twin boys, of their face that was a perfect mix between you and your lover, of their laughter that would always fill the house.
His loud guffaw was the last thing you heard.
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It was like the earth stopped turning
It was no longer round, but flat, like an immense, uniform desert whose end is not visible
Like an immeasurable waveless ocean with an indistinguishable horizon
Manjiro was in denial at first
It took him 2-3 days to realise
Sadness, despair, pain and suffering began, with force, to ravage him continuously
How could have he lost an other dear person again ?
He couldn't bear to see his sons, they reminded him to much of you
Sure, they probably felt the absence of their mother
But it wasn't the same pain
None could feel it like he did
He ordered Sanzu to give them to Takemichi and Hina, they'd be safe there
He stayed alone, in this house that he used to share with you no long ago
In which you lived your warm and happy moments
Alone, thinking and dwelling on your last moments together
Alone, constantly thinking about you and regretting leaving that evening
Alone, with a pain that became more and more intense every day
Days passed and he locked himself more and more in this hell
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He would never hear your laughter again
That silence was so loud
You were everything for him
Kakucho doesn't talk about your death, he can't
When he saw you, tied to the chair, his brain switched off, his life hanging by a thread
The months following your death were horrible but he managed to keep it quiet
The most difficult thing was going back to his life, for his kids
Going back to work, going back to a routine that will never be the same
How was he supposed to be strong when everything, as mundane as they are, reminded him of you ?
"I'll have to ask her this, she'll know the answer", except you're not there anymore to answer
Only to break down when he's alone
And the anguish, the fear that something might happen to him, because now the boys have no one but him
For them, he had to keep working,
He had to organise their school life, their activities
He has no right to give up
You entrusted them to him, they had to grow serenely
And he had to live up to it.
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He remembered falling to his knees and yelling as he saw you
He remembered his brother hugging him so hard, he hoped he'd die too
The two weeks that followed your death, he was numb
Ran took your kids for some time
He never got over your brutal disappearance
Rindou knew death
He saw it almost everyday
But it was as if he discovered it for the first time
Like it could only happen to the others
He regretted all the teasing he ever did, even though he knew you were never made at him
He's alone with your two boys now, he faces their pain, their lack of maternal hugs
He tries not to flinch when they talk to him about you, when they look at some photos and videos
He found himself devastated, a tidal wave passed in his life.
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The few first months were the worst time of his life
He couldn't believe it, when he found you
He tried to revive you, but in vain
He tried again and again and again but he couldn't bring you back
Takeomi proposed to take care of the boys for a while
He couldn't think straight anymore
He has lost 5kg in one day, his body seemed to be half paralyzed and he suffered so much in this body that no longer obeyed his will
He tried to prove himself that he was still alive
He started clubbing and flirting
He probably needed someone by his side, he didn't want to be alone anymore
Just to reassure him
To find someone to fill the void caused by the lost of the person with who he spent the last 10 years of his life
But that was a bad idea
He could never find in anyone what he found in you
He tried to stop taking pills for the sake of your children but it was the only thing that kept him going
And a year later, Haruchiyo woke up angry, so angry
Why didn't you hide with the kids ?
Why did you have to act like a hero ?
Did you even wonder what your death could've changed in the life of the ones who stay ?
During this year, he wanted to look at things from your point of you, but he forgot he was just a 28-year-old man who lost the woman that was his best friend
Today he's still angry
He's mad at the way you died
He's mad at the difficulties he's facing as a single dad
And even if letting go of that anger still hurts as hell, he feels that if he doesn't accept it and doesn't face it, it would be dying a little bit and not letting your boys getting the chance to have a father.
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You didn't die that night, but you weren't awake either
Followed two and a half weeks of hopeless coma that led to your death
Two and a half weeks of the darkest days of his life, where reality gave way to a nightmare where he felt that he wasn't himself anymore, just a character of this nightmare
Ran thought it was almost inappropriate how blue the sky was that day
He still remembers the brutal annihilation of this past life in the blink of an eye
He saw his life fall apart, helpless
He didn't cry that day, he wanted to remain strong for his boys that just lost their precious mom
Those tears contained all day that finally escape at night in an uninterrupted flow in the shower
He had to put aside his pain to support his children
Almost three years later after loosing you, he can't say that he's okay. But he's trying to stabilise his and his children's world. He's trying to find his rhythm in this new family life
However, he still misses you a lot. He'd like to show you how much he had accomplished, so you could be proud of him. He'd want you to be proud of your kids who have grown up since. He would like to hear you breathe next to him in that big, big empty bed. He would like to hear you scream at him because he let his socks at the entrance of the house
He wants you to be returned to him
He doesn't cry anymore
He visits you at the cemetery weekly
His pain is unexplainable but nothing can be seen from the outside. His brother is relieved to see him react so bravely. He does it voluntarily
Life without you is hard.
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It happened again
First Akane, now you
The pain was greater
Yet, he never cried
He didn't have any time to realise he lost you but he already had to say goodbye
After your funeral, he kept on looking at the sky, shamelessly hating god for taking away such a wonderful person
He also resented your friends, for making him relive, through their words, memories of you
He went for a walk, trying to make things clear again
To make things worse, a woman with a beautiful voice starting to sing
Without even knowing her, he wanted to make her shut up. He was angry at the whole world. He even found himself quarreling with you, in thoughts, for leaving without saying goodbye
He started to think again of your friends and smiled. They talked about you so well, they even said you were brave. That's something he always knew
He then thought that he had to forget about you to not suffer anymore
So, on this cloudy Thursday, he decided to have his children, that were still babies, getting adopted
The lady ended her song and on that last note, Hajime dissociated from himself.
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missmeinyourbones · 3 years
hii can i request inumaki + “And all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you.” plss? thank youu and congrats on 400!! <33
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toge inumaki x and “all my friends are tired of hearing how much i miss you”
for olivia rodrigo's sour prompt event!
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The last thing you expected to see while you were getting ready for bed last night was two text messages from Toge, your ex-boyfriend, lighting up your phone screen from its place on the side of your bed.
“Coffee tomorrow? Important.”
“Our old place? Does 12 work for you?”
The next morning, you find yourself sighing as you sit and swirl the ice in your drink with your straw. You don’t know why you agreed to this—hell, you hadn’t left for apartment in weeks, let alone sat down and had a conversation with someone.
But this was Toge, and he said it was important.
So when the welcome bell rings softly as he pushes through the entry doors, you feel your heart skip a beat before it starts pumping regularly again.
One. Two. Three.
It makes you think of that time the two of you had lunch down by the lake you used to loved. Toge had packed a picnic basket all by himself, including tortilla pinwheels and your very own home-made pink lemonade (which he had made, but it didn’t taste nearly as good as it did when you made it—his words, not yours).
It was on that day that Toge insisted on a way for you to know how much he loves you, without him risking to use his cursed technique. After lightly bickering for hours, you both landed on squeezing one another’s hand three times. A small and secret way of saying: One, I love you. Two, I have loved you. Three, I will love you.
Your dreamlike haze of your beloved memory is interrupted when he sits down at your table, a small hot coffee in his hand. He smiles softly at you.
He’s worried. You can tell by the way his eyes slightly shake with anticipation as they quickly search all crevices of your face, like he’s counting your freckles and scars, making sure nothing’s changed since he saw you last.
Granted, he worries a lot—he’s always been his own little ball of anxiety. But right now, he’s worried for you. Kugisaki says you don’t go out with her and Maki anymore. Itadori says he hasn’t laid his eyes on you in months—the only evidence of your existence being your Netflix account being used and your watchlist having new additions.
“I’m alright, you know how it is,” you try to nonchalantly pull yourself together as presentable. He gives you a wavering look—one that says, I’m not buying that for a second.
“I’ve just been keeping to myself lately, that’s all.”
Another glare is sent your way. You crack.
“I don’t go out much anymore. I don’t think I’m as fun as I was before,” you admit, “And all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you.”
Toge remains quiet, for too many reasons for him to count.
Even if he could speak, he doesn’t even know what he would say, or if anything would come out. He hates himself for what happened between the two of you. He never wanted to hurt you, break you, like this.
So, as he does, he improvises. He’s always been better without his words—he does what’s familiar, and what his heart aches for him to do.
His fingers interlock with yours across the wooden booth. When he grasps your hand, he squeezes it.
One. Two. Three.
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