bicheetopuff · 2 days
Grill I have a sudden thought. Epiphany if you will.. Call it curiosity even!
Kirishima is kind of a parallel torwards Izuku in some way when being friends with Kats (just more, confident and less bullying and Kiri being a rock)
But what about Iida?
like, For some reason- Iida does seen Izuku as a rival and kind of want to prove himself that he can be more with or without izu-
I am- I'm not sure how to word this. I am not good with words, but I think what I want to say that Izu and Kats kind of have a type when befriending others
Iida & Katsuki (Similarity)
Not chill
Goal minded (I'm stupid maybe)
Rule binding (Kats is just very chaotic in responding to rules)
Both probably sleeps at 8 PM
I'm not sure anymore I think you can list it better than I do-
Help this is not even remotely a coherent thought, so please just ignore it if it doesn't make sense
Have Izu for your troubles!💞
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bkdk is the only ship I ship, just- thoughts
Don’t worry, bkdk is constantly on my mind too, I get it.
I actually really love the way Izuku and Iida’s relationship parallels Katsuki and Kirishima’s and it makes me kinda sad that people stopped talking about them.
I wouldn’t say that they parallel in dynamic very much, but they parallel in a sense that Katsuki and Izuku are so obviously jealous of each others friends. Well… not jealous, but there’s definitely a feeling of, “I’m glad he found a friend who treats him the way he deserves to be treated, because I am in no place to be the one to give him that no matter how much I want to,” kind of mutual insecurity. And it’s made so blatantly obvious (even being confirmed in an interview) that I genuinely wonder what Horikoshi was thinking when he decided to do it. Like, what were his intentions with that? Outside of obvious yearning?
Like, I feel like Iida and Kirishima is who bkdk wishes the other could see them as. Kirishima has that same overly positive spirit and self sacrificial heroic attitude that Izuku has that Katsuki hates so much. The difference is, Izuku’s self sacrificial attitude isn’t healthy while Kirishima’s is, because Kirishima’s quirk is literally a shield which makes it nearly impossible for him to inflict injuries onto himself deliberately like Izuku does. Kirishima is Izuku without the fatal flaws that worries Katsuki so much. Now with Iida, he’s an organized goody two shoes with a tendency to let his emotions spill over in a scary/somewhat violent way, just like Katsuki. However, Iida is also missing Katsuki’s fatal flaws. Iida is stubborn but he’s able to let people into his life and he doesn’t have an explosive temper, nor does he have an extremely inflated ego. He has a similar social pressure that Katsuki had growing up with his family and other adults in his life pre-projecting him to be a great hero and having him set a standard for himself that he isn’t able to reach until realizes his weaknesses, which he’s able to do a lot faster than Katsuki was able to.
They don’t just parallel in their relationships, but they parallel narratively too fairly often. I touched on it a bit in this post [x], but I’ll explain it a little more since I find it fascinating.
Since Izuku views Kirishima as Katsuki’s ideal friend, and Katsuki views Iida as Deku’s ideal friend, they kind of act on it in a way that ended up setting up the whole narrative about hand holding in the story.
With this,
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Being a clear call back to this:
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(I also wanna point out that the memory of Ochako saying that “he’ll think it’s disgraceful to get rescued” being recalled in both of those chapters)
I feel like both “You’ve always managed to outpace me!!” and “I probably shouldn’t be the one…” are proof of that insecurity I mentioned earlier. They truly don’t believe that they’re the most important people to each other, and their mutual belief in that just kind of proves them wrong ironically. These two scenes is them indirectly extending their hand through someone else, because they think that someone else would do it better.
There’s way too much emphasis on them being scared to hold hands for it to be considered platonic, IM SORRY BUT IM NOT BUYING IT
I’m sorry if this wasn’t coherent, it’s literally 2am where I am…
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tenma-udai · 7 months
HAVE YOU READ ANY FICS BY asdfjkl129 (my fav bkdk author since forever) I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM ESP IF YOU READ SMUT FICS OR JUST REALLY GOOD CHARACTERIZATION AND LIKE ALMOST CHARACTER/REALTIONSHIP/HABIT STUDIES OF BKDK I think I got more interested and entranced and romanced and obsessed with the ship bc of their writing cannot stress it enough
But! If you have a read a fic(s) by them...which one is your favourite ??? Or which ones have you read!
i'm gonna be so real bkdk got me so bad they're SO GOOD THEY'RE SO GOOD THEY'RE AMAZING why didn't y'all tell me mha was a yaoi this shit fucking slaps... and THE LITERATURE OH MY GOD i'm like a kid in a candy store with how many high quality bkdk fics there are i'm so happy this is the best ever idk how people don't love them i'm so obsessed i just ordered their look-up figures bc i need them so bad
i've actually written two bkdks!! i'm gonna write more too bc they have me in a vice-like grip....... literally everything about them makes me insane like i can't stop thinking about how peak romance they are
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meteormind · 2 years
Respect Her Journey
I want to talk about this piece of art that Horikoshi drew that probably has bkdks hissing and screeching at the sight of, and izuochas fist-pumping and going yeaaah! my ship is endgame!
Nono, don't be afraid, look at it! It'll be okay I promise.
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It's beautiful, I hate it, you might say, as a bkdk.
Anyway, this was the tweet I lifted this art from.
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Oh yes, pay attention to them falling! Some people might take this to mean falling in love, or whatever. I cannot comment on what Horikoshi meant by this statement, because he has proven to be a cryptic little nuisance of a troll. I will however, examine his inspiration for this piece and tell you why this is not him saying that Izuocha is endgame.
Um, incoming spoilers for Spirited Away if that wasn't obvious. If you've not watched it, I implore you to do so yesterday. It's a one of the greatest movies of all time.
Spirited Away: a story about Chihiro, a timid girl who ventures into the spirit world for the sake of her parents. (Wait? What? Sound familiar?) There's more.
In order to redeem her parents, she starts working in an environment that showcases all the worst parts of capitalist society
She befriends a boy named Haku, who she goes on adventures with
She meets No Face, a child-like spirit who lacks love and eats people while taking on their characteristics
She gives Haku back his name and breaks his curse with the power of love
She saves her parents and returns to the normal world having grown from her adventure and faces the future with confidence
Can we please appreciate the parallels between these two stories?
Bathhouse -> Hero Society: The overseer takes Chihiro's name, who becomes Sen. Just like Ochaco becomes Uravity. The public no longer sees her as a child. She is now a hero and they are free to expect things from her, like to fight in a war on their behalf. Urakaka is now fighting against her own bathhouse.
Haku -> Deku: Chihiro gives Haku his name back, just like Ochaco gives Deku a new meaning to his name, breaking the curse that Deku means "useless". Ochaco draws strength from at first, but she has since come to realize he is not invincible and that he himself needs saving.
No-Face -> Toga Himiko: Chihiro fascinates No-Face. Just like Toga Himiko the unloved girl, is fascinated with Ochaco for her goodness and being everything that she longs to be. Urakaka's character arc is tied up with Himiko and her struggle to save her smile.
There's probably more to unpack here, but these are the few that stood out to me right away. I'm lazy.
Now that we've established that Ochaco is Chihiro and Deku is Haku, remember that this falling scene in the movie is the climax. This is where Chihiro recognizes Haku for who he is and gives him back his identity. It is both a hello and a goodbye.
OOoooh! But Haku and Chihiro are in love! a certain braindead subset might retort--just no. I shouldn't have to mention how problematic it is to ship a ten year old with anybody, or that Chihiro is based on a real ten year old girl that Miyazaki knew--there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Haku is Chihiro's dead older brother, but I won't get into that. Look it up if it interests you. In short, it's platonic. PLATONIC.
Anyway, though Chihiro and Haku have benefitted from their friendship, ultimately they are headed in different directions.
Just like Ochaco and Deku are headed in different directions.
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So please, please, don't hate this art. It's beautiful. Just like Ochaco is a beautiful character who has worked hard to be who she is. Stop trying to pigeonhole her as the love interest. It's insulting and she's fought that role kicking and screaming.
I also leave this with you. It is an excerpt from an interview with Miyazaki on his movie Spirited Away:
I felt this country only offered such things as crushes and romance to 10-year-old girls, though, and looking at my young friends, I felt this was not what they held dear in their hearts, not what they wanted. And so I wondered if I could make a movie in which they could be heroines...
I'm not saying that Horikoshi is absolutely taking Miyazaki's intentions as his own, but it's something.
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Prompt I stole from Reddit and implied tons of BKDK to!!
[Part 1: Izuku having a Quirk before OFA.]
If you came up with this Idea, please tell me so I can credit you. Sorry I have to steal- I just want to talk about these topics without seeing dudebros shitting because I include BK or BKDK
Also this post might be focusing too much on Izu so uh..
Izuku having a quirk is so.. weird and yet it's fucking interesting! Like, Ao3 does these too but I specifically only stealing from reddit because how I want a more friendly place to talk about these ideas and make it to BKDK somehow.
First prompt: Pinkie Pie! 💕🌸
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This is actually not a quirk specifically but more like Izuku being pinkie pie and have this chaotic sense of energy that I think that can fit him well! Like Imagine, Baby Izuku who is told that he's quirkless and YET he still have abilities of Pinkies.
Objects appearing from his fluffy green hair (Notebooks, Pens, Cupcake (Huh?), Glitter- and more)
"Deku-sense" like Pinkie sense, but less twitchy and Izuku just, have this, weird six sense.
4th wall breaking, but less intrusive than Pinkie? Since this ability don't really make sense in MHA world
Fast. Zoomies. He is like a orange cat when being provoked.
When sad, his hair deflates- It's weird.. but this rarely happened.
(and many more)
Kids probably either bully him less or just thinks Izuku is weirder here in this world. But Low-key, I like to think that people kinda use him in this world because he throws the BEST birthday parties.
What's Kacchan like in this AU?
I like to think that Katsuki bother Izuku less in this AU. Like, sure. Deku doesn't have a quirk.. but, hOW DID HE GET A FUCKING CANON OUT OF NO WHERE?!?!? He will not admit it, but he probably thinks that Deku's so fucking cool.. and honestly? He won't admit it.. that every gift that Deku gift for his birthday is being kept and taken care of with love. Kacchan totally have a separate shelf to display all the gifts Izuku gave him over the years.
Deku is known to be attached to Kacchan and Kacchan just, let's him. No bark and such. He probably have a low-key crush on Izuku and he FUCKING HATES IT. (no he doesn't :3)
This might be mean or nonsensical but I think the main issue in this AU for Izuku is not, the bullies (Yes bullies will still exist in this AU, Kacchan won't really be as involved.) It's the teachers.. Many fics has Aldera being, kinda an assholic school and I kinda like that HC so I'm involving this shit in my stolen prompts.
Izuku will STILL be quirkless so.. Teachers don't really, like Izuku. He is an enigma and he stands out WITHOUT having a "good" quality, that are powerful quirks. (I have a bad experience with school, so I'm projecting a bit)
There are Mean students that takes Kacchan's place but like Canon, Izuku doesn't give a fuck about them and just be the best him he could to others.
Izuku's goals and personality
Izuku's personality in this AU doesn't really go far from Canon. He's still a baby- He is still a nerd, he loves All might and he still wants to be a hero. But the emphasis of Izuku wanting to be a hero that save people with a Smile will be more pushed in this AU. Like, Izuku wants to SEE others smile and he will make sure that everyone can genuinely be happy.
He is also slightly more confident in this AU. He doesn't keep himself hidden most of the time, but rather he stands out (neurodivergent much), and he will have this reputation of "A trouble maker.. but a very kind one"
Very cheerful and having a smile that beams. Others who bullies this boy must be blind because LOOK AT HIM.
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But YEAH! Nothing really change much, but he does sing and smile more and probably mutters more than usual.
Also, a small dialog I like to think that might happened in this AU:
Kacchan: Izuku, The "ku" part can also be read as DEKU. A fitting name for a nerd like you nerd!
Deku: Oh!! "Deku" as in like "Dekiru" right? Like "you can do it"? That's amazing Kacchan!!
Deku: Oh, eh- *Ignores the useless part lmao-*
Kacchan: *Is seething but also blushing because anger!! of course it's anger!!! Not Deku being fucking adorable- nope!*
In this AU Izuku will be more forward with his intentions on befriending his Kacchan-
Also Imagine Izuku fighting and suddenly a fucking glitter canon appears our of nowhere and it is aim AT you. I will run if I were you.
What about OFA?
Technically, Izuku will still be quirkless so he can still get OFA. But he got OFA differently- It doesn't take him saving Kacchan from the sludge villain, but from him using "Deku-sense" to accidentally saving people and having All might finding out about this fact.
Deku in this world is more, accepting of his quirkless status and firmly believes he can be a Hero with what he has. So, All might, kinda observe this weird boy who just so happens to do his job before he could do it.. and he did it in a more, kinder way- Like he would literally just stop a robbery by giving him a cupcake while the villain cry, and Izuku listening to the villain's reason on robbing without judgements. All might as Toshinori will probably also interact with Izuku because Izuku saw Toshinori kind of sitting alone and sad looking so he gave him a cupcake or something. Then the OFA talks just, naturally comes up as Toshinori asked Izuku if he wants to be his successor.
Izuku also, will not keep this quirk a secret to his Kacchan. In this AU, Izuku is somehow will ROPE Kacchan into the OFA secret early. Why? Deku-sense said so. Kacchan stays because he doesn't want the idiot to die or something, and now Toshinori has two sons-/j
Second prompt: Blue diamond🔹💙
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This one is a quirk, but with some bullshit, he still has a toe joint.. where the doctor just diagnosed him as quirkless. He's technically, in the case where there is quirk singularity but I'm not too sure about my knowledge in quirks to actually accurately say shit right now. So when we get to OFA, I'll just say that his quirk is not a quirk bit still a quirk but not really but-
Okay. So, Blue diamond! Her abilities is straight forward, but we'll only focused on the extra empath abilities she have for Izuku. And Tears. Lot's of TEARS.
For this quirk, Izuku isn't aware of his abilities but others does suspect something wrong with him.
When he cries in pain, others will flinch. When he cries in happiness, others will be in pure joy. when he cries in anger, others will be angry FOR him. and when he cries in sadness, others will FEEL his emotional anguish. Of course, no one really connect shit and just assume him crying bring guilt to their fault ass. This is actually the drive that Kacchan needs to be better (We'll talk about that later.)
This ability for Izuku's actually make him a prime person to be easily trusted somehow. Like, other's will trust him no questions ask because when he eventually cries near others, others will know his feelings are genuine.
Tl;dr Izuku brings the best in others by crying✨
What's Kacchan like in this AU?
Being the main tormentor for Izuku's life does brings some perks in a fucked up way. Because the more Izuku cries (even just a little) at Kacchan's mean words, the more Kacchan ask himself if these actions worth anything. He might not like to admit it but when Izuku cries in sadness, he ALWAYS get fucking guilty and starting to question his whole believes earlier. He second guess his ways of being the number one and maybe he changes earlier than canon. Does that make sense?
Kacchan also discover that he.. likes it when Deku cry because he's happy, more than him being sad so he just, do little things to try and apologize early for being a dick. He is rewarded by the feeling of giddiness in his gay ass stomach.
I know that this sounds like Deku is making everyone feel unnecessary shit due to his ability but the ability doesn't actually MAKE people feel unwanted emotions, like how Blue diamond use her powers. Izuku (unconsciously) uses this ability in a such sincere way that the goodness in people's heart actually floats to the surface. I'm not sure if that make sense.. Like, His power brings up the good in people faster because he's always sincere, but not everyone is effected by it.
Izuku is like Steven universe in a sense. He beats evil by his sincerity and kindness. So, technically his power should be named "advanced empathy"??? I'm questioning myself don't worry.. I think a better way of describing this ability is that Izuku breaks other's false mask and touch the hearts of those around him. Does that make sense?
Nothing change much in Izuku's middle school life, but Kacchan's actions torwards Izuku slowly felt like it's forced rather than Kacchan believing that his way of doing things is the way to do it. Like Kacchan clearly wants to change, he's just too prideful still and is confused on HOW to actually change. Still say the infamous line and regrets it more in this AU. This also extend to others that do wrong to Izuku and eventually they stopped bothering Izuku due to the guilty conscious they had. (Other than Kacchan, everyone is a coward to apologized to Izuku during his time in Aldera. Yes I'm probably implying that Kacchan apologized to Izuku during his Aldera years.)
Izuku's goals and personality
Still the same as Canon. Still a nerd, still baby certified and still Izuku. The ones that's effected by the whole ass AU are others AROUND Izuku.
Every time Canon Izuku cries, others WILL be effected in some way. So basically in this AU, Izuku fanon interpretation of "sunshine child" is very much pushed.
Where Pink Izuku is confident and helps other by physically being there, Blue Izuku kinda does this but unintentionally. Pink Izuku will put himself in trouble like canon and being oblivious about the rules he broke (and somehow not get in trouble in the process.) Blue Izuku help others emotionally. I like to see Izuku in this AU actively finding people who is shunned by society by accident and helping them just by being himself. Like maybe he found a random kid crying and Izuku is there to help by listening to their problems.
The more I think about it, Izuku is just steven with blue powers instead of pink... agh fuck it.
This ability will honestly be hilarious when being put in a battle scenario. Just imagine villains starting to have emotional crisis while fighting this green kid and start to be sloppy because of it.
The hilarious part of this AU comes in the form of Villains questioning themselves mid battle and sometimes even goes so far as surrendering themselves because of it. (No, Muscular and Chisaki wasn't one of these Villains.)
What about OFA?
Like I said earlier, this ability may be a quirk but not that strong to the point of OFA getting to a point of drain Izuku's life force when possessing it. (Now that I think about it, I could just not say that this ability is a quirk.. but it won't make sense to my brain.)
Things happened exactly how things happened in canon but one thing does change. All might actually acknowledging what he did at the fucking rooftop and feel the regret right after he crush Izuku's dreams. Because of Izuku's half ass quirk, I like to think that the other factors of OFA got unlocked earlier in the arcs but I'm not sure how exactly..
The way that Kacchan founds out about OFA is the same way as canon but instead of distrusting what Izuku said at the beginning, he believes him instantly. The two journey in this story is more like Kacchan fumbles on being a good friend to Izuku while Izuku is just happy to have Kacchan as his friend again!! DvK 1 and 2 still happens but in a different format. It leans more on Kacchan's feelings than Izuku's quirk issue tbh-
That's the prompts I have living rent free so far- Please tell me if you have a prompt of your own or even better TALK TO ME WITH IT!!! I want to brain rot with anyone who's willing to also brain rot with me. Aight imma try to do my assignment now-
As a separate question, what are your thoughts of bkdk contents on other platforms? I mainly search for bkdk content on Twitter and Tumblr. Reddit is the worst when it comes to bk or bkdk in general.. ugh. Pinterest and Discord is a different thing in general, Instagram algorithm somehow only shows me kr/bk or td/dk where I SPECIFICALLY search and block for bkdk shit. Youtube is alright.
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sarahjtv · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 430 Spoiler Talk: The True End of an Era (Part 2):
Part 1 is here: https://www.tumblr.com/sarahjtv/757589380503306240/my-hero-academia-chapter-430-spoiler-talk-the?source=sharehttps://www.tumblr.com/sarahjtv/757589380503306240/my-hero-academia-chapter-430-spoiler-talk-the?source=share
Now, please, if you want to wait until the official translation releases on Sunday, PLEASE TURN AWAY NOW! Save this post and come back to it on Sunday when everyone has read the chapter. I will be using spoiler hashtags for this, so if you end up spoiling yourself because of my post, that's on you. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING:
So, Deku decided that using his knowledge and experiences would be a cool way to help others even without a Quirk. Being a teacher specifically in UA was a good choice for him.
Izuku says he's barely seen his friends since graduation mainly because their schedules don't line up with each other. This is honestly sad to see, but it is realistic. A lot of people don't keep in touch with their high school friends. I know I don't except for maybe 1 or 2. We all just end up living our own lives and we rarely have any free time to hang out with each other. I hope they at least have a group chat for all of them to talk with each other and I pray that Izuku is in that group too.
He does see commercials and products of Kirishima and Tokoyami respectively! Even one of the kids passing by tries to play "Unbreakable!" It's so cool how famous everyone got. Them playing big parts in fighting the villains during their entire first year absolutely helped get them that recognition.
The kid playing stumbles and Deku tries to rush in and save him like he always has Quirk or not 🥹 And he does!
He also runs into Dai who recognizes Deku and asks him the famous question that started it all "Can I become a hero like All Might and you?" Man, talk about coming full circle. One of the most iconic scenes in the entire series comes back to Izuku Midoriya, the Quirkless boy who asked the same question to his hero, All Might.
And just like All Might before him, Izuku reassures Dai that despite everyone looking down on him, "You can become a hero." I'm honestly crying now, guys. It's such a beautiful and poignant thing Horikoshi has done here. This is what I mean by peak fiction 🥹.
Also, Izuku briefly mutters to himself when analyzing Dai's plate Quirk. Never change, Izuku. Never change 💚.
As Izuku concludes the story of My Hero Academia, an older looking All Might (he's in his early 60s now I think) comes in and crushes the "END" with his hand and meets up with Izuku. Turns out, Izuku's story isn't over just yet!
Because technology evolved since 8 years ago and the Iron Might suit opened many possibilities, Deku gets his own briefcase courtesy of a friend of his in the US (Either David or Melissa), Hatsume, and financed by his Class A friends, ESPECIALLY BAKUGO YOU LOVE TO SEE IT! 💚🧡 Clap your hands, BKDK nation! Also, does this means Bakugo makes a shit tone of money now or... 🤔
Deku takes the briefcase with happy tears and a smile! Later we see Bakugo yelling "Come on, Deku!" as he reaches out his hand to Izuku like Izuku did to him as kids 🥹 Oh, it's so late, but I am internally screaming, crying, throwing up.
As Izuku and his friends are called by Hawks for a mission, Izuku sees Shigaraki's "ghost" and we get a final double-page spread of all the kids as Pro Hero adults in their new costumes including Izuku who can now be a hero thanks to his new support items. I can't describe all 21 of the kids (this includes Shinso), but they all look amazing and you'll have to see their new designs yourself. Honestly, I think they're all awesome! Horikoshi has rarely disappointed me with his designs and this is no exception! The only one who's hard to tell is Shoto sadly because he's blocked off quite a bit, but maybe his changes will be more clear in the official release. Hagakure too since she's just gloves again. I'm surprised Horikoshi didn't show us, oh you know, HER VISIBLE WITH A SUIT TO ACCOMMODATE THAT!
And that's it! That is My Hero Academia! What an ending. As a mini-epilogue arc, I do think this was a bit rushed overall and I'm hopeful Horikoshi can extend this in the volume release. As a final chapter, it was near perfect. I think this did everything that it needed to do to cap off the series well. I wish we got more content about everyone else's lives both during their last 2 years at UA and their lives as adults, but again, we could get that in the final volume. We could also get that in the new Fanbook (Releasing in January 2025) and ART BOOK (Releasing in April 2025) finally! Horikoshi can just have my wallet at this point LOL 😂💸.
Aside from that, I don't really have any complaints about this ending. I love that the story truly came full circle and that Izuku did become a hero like he dreamed of regardless of if he had a Quirk or not. And it's so cool to see him be a Pro Hero with his friends finally. I kinda wish he could've kept One For All, but this is a great consolation prize. I'm surprised we didn't get any confirmed ships in this honestly. Not that MHA was focused on romance to begin with, but it's still kind of a nice surprise since it leaves things open-ended for us.
I think I'll write more about the series as a whole after the final chapter is officially released on Sunday. But for now, it's late; my fingers hurt; and I need to go to sleep.
Thank you, Kohei Horikoshi for everything. Thank you for creating a wonderful story that will have a special place in my heart for the rest of my life. Take a long break, sir. I can't wait for what you will do next.
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luffythinker · 4 months
Bkdk as my present to you! BakuDeku Yuri 😏 sorry it's short
Under the pastel hues of the twilight sky, the air carried the sweet scent of cherry blossoms that stirred gently in a peaceful rhythm. Midoriya and Bakugo, hearts entwined in ways deeper than most could fathom, ambled through the hushed streets with their fingers laced together, both reveling in the comfortable silence afforded to them after a long day.
The girls were returning from a date Midoriya thinks went well considering how most things in her life were the opposite however today was calm and she wasn't going to complain about a thing. Midoriya wore her white lacy dress while Bakugo was in jeans, and a top that was pretty cute even if it was slightly covered by her jacket.
They went to a quaint little shop at the end of a cobblestone alley, famed for its delicate cone crepes and rich flavors Midiorya heard that it was really popular and kept talking about going so Kacchan finally took her there since she would "whine so much about it"
"The crepes danced upon your taste buds." She heard from classmates who have been.
With delicate paper wrapping cradling their chosen delights, they continued their journey home, stealing glances that spoke volumes of unvoiced adoration.
Midoriya's crepe, sprinkled with chocolate shavings atop a mountain of whipped cream, was no match for her appetite. She relished each bite with such childlike delight that it left a smudge of cream on her cheek. Bakugo watched her with what she could only consider a gleam of affection in her eyes; it was these small, serene moments that Katsuki treasured most.
Approaching their shared home the door clicked softly behind them as they stepped into familiarity and comfort. It was then that Bakugo reached out tenderly, thumb coaxing away the trace of sweetness from Midoriya's face. She brought it to her lips with a teasing smirk, tasting the remnant dessert as well as the undercurrent of something more profoundly shared.
“Kacchan!” Midoriya's eyes became large, her cheeks flushed, retreating a step but unable to hide her smile. Her heart skipped as Bakugo's smirk softly threatened her into a sly expression. Without warning, Midoriya tried to run laughter filled the room Bakugo hoisted Midoriya catching her before she could get far, she lifted her up with effortless grace before spinning her into the living room where she landed on the plush couch—a bouquet of giggles escaping from her lips. The world paused in their haven, rays of glee weaving through the room like music.
After sometime of cuddling they settled into each other's embrace, time itself melted between them. There was a gentleness to Bakugo’s movements—contrasting so greatly with her usual fierce bravado—a tenderness reserved for her "Deku" alone. When their lips met in a kiss so sweet it rivaled their earlier treat, there remained nothing but love suffusing every heartbeat and breath between them.
Deku's voice whispered into the softness around them: “I love you Kacchan,” arms tightening to pull her Kacchan even closer—if such a thing were possible.
“You too bug,” Bakugo responded with another old nickname made anew. Her voice imbued with protectiveness yet brimming with an unparalleled softness—a promise whispered against pink lips for now and all days to come.
Im living for Bakugo calling Deku bug as an insult but now she's hear lightning bug 😭 im sorry it's short HAPPY YOUR BIRTH
this was on my birthday omg!!!! i am in TEARS i can't believe i missed this, i am so beyond sorry :(( really thank you so much for giving me bkdk yuri, like this is something so special and dear to me, god i would walk on my knees for weeks to apologize to you, but I'm so thankful!! thank you for your existence and for this fic!!!
also the fic is really sweet and gentle and so so so beautiful, i am so happy, i think I've been smiling at this for 10 minutes now omg, if there's ever a proper way to thank you for this please do let me know!!!
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kimbapkimbapp · 1 year
Bkdk short fic!
They're both idiots in love who are both lost siblings and an old marriage. And class A loves to tease them (also, sassy deku)
This happens after the war, in the second-third year (does it matter lol) and yeah Katsuki and Izuku get, along?? (They really do seriously it's just teasing each other) and Katsuki calls him Izuku already. Anyways!
—Kacchan come on! You can watch it on your TV!! —Yelled an angry Izuku.
—I don't fucking care! I want a bigger screen!
—You literally have one TV stop being a jerk!
—Hah?! And so do you!
—I don't have that channel in my TV!
—Not my fucking problem!
—You're!…ugh! —He yelled in exasperation.
Surrounding them class A didn't really know if they should run away from those two or to laugh about the situation.
Of course they chose the second one.
—Yo bro why are these two fighting again? —Asked Kaminari to Kirishima while laughing.
—I don't know man, I think they both wanna see something on the TV.
—They literally are like siblings. —Said Sero.
—Me being siblings with this stupid idiot! He wish! —Shouted Katsuki.
—I would throw a microwave at you! —Answered Midoriya.
—Fucking try, you bitch!
—Are you sure you're not secret brothers or something? —Said Sero again.
—Shut up! —Both yelled in response.
—I would die before being brothers with this asshole! —Said Katsuki.
—And to think they were making progress… —Was what the class president could say about the situation.
—At least I don't prefer to watch a cooking show before an exclusive interview of the best heroes of the USA!
—Don't act like you don't like that fucking show! You All Might wannabe!
Class couldn't help to break a laugh. They really couldn't help it when it came to that duo, who were a perfect mix between siblings that argue for literally nothing and besties that finish each other's sentences.
—Kacchan, could you just be NICE for once and watch it in your room?
—Why do I have to be the one that goes to his room!
—Because I don't have that channel on my TV!
—Watch it on the phone then!
—It's not the same Kacchan and you know it!
—Hah?! That's why I'm gonna watch it on this gigantic TV!
—No you're not going to!
—Hell I am!
—Not if I catch the controller first!
As soon as Izuku finished saying that they both runned for their lives to the desk where it was supposed to be the controller.
But soon they realized that it wasn't there but on Jirou's hand, who was watching a random concert.
—Gimme the controller! —Both yelled at the same time.
—Uh…no? —Said Jirou totally unbothered by the situation.
—Please! I'll let you finish whatever that is!
—Fucking no! Give it to me!
—Uh… First, I'm not ears. Second, this is actually boring me so here you go Midoriya. —She said while throwing the controller to him.
—What! Why him?!
—Because he doesn't call me ears and I wanna see you mad. Besides, Midoriya would kill you if you don't let him see his hero stuff, so you're welcome.— Said while walking away.
—You're a fucking asshole!
—Cry about it! —She said while hiding a little laugh.
—Jirou is a queen... —Said Kaminari.
—Shut up, you simp! And give me that, fucking Izuku!
—No! —Midoriya said while holding it close to his chest.
—Gimme that!! —Yelled Katsuki while grabbing his face as Midoriya tried his best to pull him away.
Then he had an idea and not much later than that, the blackwhip was tying Katsuki.
—Don't you mghf!!! —Bakugou lost the ability to talk when the blackwhip tied his mouth and both his legs and hands, and all he could do was squirm like a worm.
—You could've watched your programme! But now you're not going to for being a jerk! —Said Midoriya. He was not going to untie him fearing that he would take away the remote from him.
—Rule number 1, never interpose between Midobro and Hero stuff. —Said Kirishima while laughing.
—What Kacchan? You're not saying anything? —Kaminari teased him.
The truth was that yeah Bakugou was tied, but he could still make explosions. And no matter how much Aizawa prohibited him from doing that after he 'accidentally' burned one chair, he would do it if Kaminari didn't shut up.
Fortunately for both Kirishima and Kaminari, both knew that if they didn't stop, they would probably be killed, so they left the common room while inevitably laughing.
Midoriya on the other hand, calmy switched the channel to the one with the USA hero programme, while Bakugou didn't stop squirming and casually ...yelling? If it can be considered that.
It was basically their dynamic. Getting mad for the stupidest reasons, fighting a bit and then making up like the lost siblings they were.
They both liked that to be honest. They were kind of opposites, but at the same time they were so similar, reason why they got along so well (and sometimes so not). But they both liked it and felt incredibly comfortable with each other.
Izuku wasn't afraid of interacting with Katsuki like he had been in the past, Katsuki wasn't afraid of showing a little bit of his emotions to Izuku. They were improving, time to time. But at the end of the day, both cared a lot for each other and loved spending time together.
The class also knew that they were really transparent with their actions but not that much with words. They were like brothers, yeah, but some of them also realized that Bakugou and Midoriya were more like an old marriage, which was kind of cute.
Eventually, Bakugou became calmer (he would never recognize it, but he also liked the programme). And because of that Midoriya untied him.
—It was about time, bastard.
—We can still watch that cooking show if you want to. —Responded Izuku.
—Nah, this is not that bad.
—I knew you would like it! —Said Midoriya with a big grin on his face.
—Shut up idiot!
Midoriya immediately got closer and leaned his head on Bakugou's shoulder.
—Uh… Izuku?
—Isn't this a little bit gay? —Bakugou asked, pointing out the situation.
—No? Why would it be?
—Because you're leaning your head on my shoulder?
—And? How 's that gay?
—Whatever, at least you're not on my lap.
Immediately after saying that, Izuku leaned his head on his lap to tease Katsuki.
—Move idiot!
—You're an annoying bitch you know.
—And why are you caressing my hair? —He said while Bakugou touched his curls.
—That's not fucking weird! —He replied as he stopped.
—Kacchan, don't be dumb, do whatever you want to, it's not gay. Besides, it's nice when people touch my hair.
But why then Bakugou felt butterflies whenever Midoriya was touching him? Why did it felt so good to have Midoriya's breath on his thighs? Why was it so easy to get his hands lost in his hair?
Bakugou didn't have an answer, so he preferred watching the programme while ignoring the heartbeats that were growing louder.
Yo! I wrote this shitty thing at midnight so don't rlly judge it lol
ALSO English is not my first language
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bakuswift · 2 years
Which Taylor Swift song describes BakuDeku best? And by the way, I love your account as I'm a fellow My Hero Academia fan also a fellow swiftie.
Hi! Thank you so so much for the ask. You're the first one to ask anything so you have no idea how much that means to me
And thank you so much for the kind words! I'm so lucky to have been able to find people who like the same exact things I do.
The Taylor song that describes Bakudeku best has to be The Great War, it very literally and metaphorically applies to them. Considering it's about making assumptions about your beloved and jumping to conclusions, and then creating a fight about it ("maybe it's the past that's talking... telling me to punish you for things you never did") which Bakugou has done through out their whole relationship, and also because it uses the metaphor of fighting a war, which bkdk are literally going through right now. "Your hand was the one I reached for all through out the great war" summarizes their entire relationship since the entire manga is building up to the moment they finally hold hands. That's why I think The Great War resembles bakudeku perfectly and I made a post for it.
But since I've already made a post about The Great War, I'd say a close second is actually The Way I Loved You! We know TWILY is about missing a toxic relationship even though you know it's not good for you, and while I don't think bkdk is toxic, I do think a lot of the lyrics check out. "I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain...so in love that you act insane" "it's a roller coaster kinda rush" are the most bkdk lyrics to ever exist, don't you think? Anyway, it's about missing a relationship and knowing that no matter who you try to date, they will never be good enough and you will always come back to your beloved because even tho you might've fought a lot, you guys just had something special. I think this is very bkdk coded considering they are literally soulmates LOL.
And of course, how can I forget It's Nice To Have A Friend? It's honestly self explanatory. I don't even need to say why.
BONUS NO ONE ASKED FOR: I really think that Anti-Hero accurately describes Bakugo's relationship with himself. He's aware of what people think of him, and he agrees with them ("I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time everybody agrees") . He doesn't like himself and deals with self loathing on a large scale. And although he is training to become a hero, he doesn't see himself as one. Or at least not one as worthy or talented as Deku. He sees himself as an Anti-Hero at most.
Sorry if a long answer isn't what you were looking for, but I always get excited and start rambling haha. Thank you again for the ask and to anyone who wants to ask me something, please do! I'd be so honoured to respond to your questions and comments. Have a wonderful rest of your day!
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bdekurecs · 1 year
I'm not boring!! by GreyFrey
Rating: E Status: 11/12 Chapters Word Count: 82,076 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
College professor Izuku Midoriya’s boyfriend just dumped him. The reason? He’s too boring. So in a quest to prove his ex wrong, he decides to take up the school’s baseball coach on an enticing offer. The only problem? They absolutely despise each other.
my notes: the summary is only part of the full one on ao3, since tumblr is.... tumblr lol.
this is one of my FAVORITE fics ever, and actually the fic that got me back into bkdk and helped inspire me to finish my first multichapter fic, so HUGE shoutout to GreyFrey!! some of my favorite things about this one include but are NOT at all limited to: the enemies AND lovers aspect, the reason why it's rated e, the friendship between izu and todoroki (todoroki is GREAT in this one omfggg), the college professor trope (this trope is SO special to me), and jock and nerd au (i LOVE this au omfg).
overall i cannot WAIT to see this one finish, however bittersweet it's going to be sobbing emoji. GreyFrey has a ton of other bnha and bkdk fic, and all of them that i've read are FANTASTIC and will absolutely be getting recced as well. the author also does some bkdk zine work and has a twitter where they talk about all their writing (they don't JUST write bkdk stuff too if you're a multishipper or just want to read some non-bkdk stuff.) they're also trying to get some of their work published so PLEASE consider giving them some love/kudos/a follow whatever you can. they're super cool and i LOVE their writing and i wanted my first rec to be an unfinished work, because some people DO prefer completed works (totally valid, btw), but we all do this for free, and it's a huge time investment, and i personally get discouraged sometimes when i get low stats. not that it should matter, but yanno! go check this one out, i PROMISE you won't be disappointed lol.
remember to read the tags on ao3, be respectful and always follow the golden rule of fic: don't like, don't read.
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jenanigans1207 · 1 year
To all of you who have read discriminating taste and especially to those of you who have commented on it or messaged me about it or recommended it to someone: thank you and I love you.
The comments you guys leave on each chapter are just SO nice and SO loving and I am so blown away by each and every one! From the people who talk about loving Kotaro, an OC that I was worried everyone would dislike, to the people who say that they laughed out loud at the chapter-- my whole heart belongs to you.
I know it takes me ages to reply to comments sometimes and that's especially true now that I'm in the process of moving. But please know that I read them and that I hold every single comment or message so dear. You guys make me laugh with your remarks, I love hearing your ideas, and I honestly get choked up sometimes. I've had several people who say they aren't really even bkdk shippers comment on it saying they've enjoyed it and that's just so special to me.
And to everyone saying it is one of or even is their favorite fic? Literally I will bleed out at your feet, I can't express how much that means to me. I know I've thanked you guys before for being here and giving this fic such a warm response but I really can't overstate my gratitude to you guys for giving me the space to create this story and welcoming it with such a warm reception! I started writing it because I just needed something soft with no angst in a tough time in my life and the fact that it has provided other people with comfort too makes me feel so tender in a way that I can't really even express.
So I've said it before and I'll say it again but thank you so much for being here and for loving this fic and for being patient with me while I write it. Thank you for your kind words and your jokes, thank you for letting me use your usernames because you want to be part of this fic somehow. I just-- I love you all so, so much. Thank you <3
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BKDK Mermaid AU Mer Bakugo x Human Deku Ⅱ
AO3 NSFW Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All contain mature content. Read tags.
Art work is not mine.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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A Salty Distraction by Viridian_Sunset
Summary: Deku has a shitty day at work and finds comfort in his mermaid friend.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
One Fish, Two Fish, Half Fish, Marine Biologist by RandomFandoms65000
Summary: Izuku was ten years old when he met Katsuki aka a merman that the aquarium called Dynamight. As Izuku aged the merman never left the back of his mind it was one of the reason why he decided to become a marine biologist. He not only wanted to because of his love for salt and fresh water creatures, but to study Katsuki's species. Merfolk were rare and well the more they talked the more Izuku fell in love with the merman. Maybe he had always loved him.
Complete | 20 Chapters
Rated - Mature
Specks of Gold Against the Ocean's Waves by Serah_chan
Summary: While enjoying the light of the full moon, Katsuki Bakugou, an orange tailed merman, crosses paths with a handsome surfer with freckle littered cheeks. While he's not supposed to interact with the human, there's something about them that draws the merman to get close and ignore all boundaries.
“Huh, he’s kinda good looking for a human.” Katsuki muses, feeling the annoying itch of curiosity push him towards getting a better look. He wonders if he can observe him from down below as he takes on the waves, catch glimpses of him as he falls back to the water. Human eyes weren’t exactly the best anyway, so he shouldn’t have to worry about being seen... right?
Complete | 19 Chapters 
Rated - Mature
I’ve Got You, Stupid Human by GreenEyesSublime
Summary: The mysterious man swam the last few feet to the rock. Putting his hands up on the edge, he hauled himself out of the water with a flourish. Izuku watched in awe as first a toned, muscled chest emerged from the water and then a tight pack of abs followed by a dangerously sharp v-cut pointing downwards towards a...tail?!
— — —
Or, human!Izuku has been cleaning the beach for weeks and merman!Katsuki is tired of just watching. 
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
A Salty First Kiss by DarkMachi, Iwacakes
Summary: Izuku Midoriya's family beach trip went awry when an attempted act of heroism lets to an unexpected first.
Jumpcut to twelve years later: Izuku was struggling to stay afloat when his stepfather threw him a chance. What was meant to be a reprieve turned into something else entirely when he finds someone washed onto the beach. A memory he should have buried long ago, a kiss he could never forget, and a debt he could now repay.
What do you do when you have an angry Merman in your bathtub that speaks a different language?
What do you do when a stoopid hooman rescues you and then proceeds to start courting with you?
Complete | 101 CH | Contains Smut
Wavelength by gardengalaxy
Summary: Izuku practices surfing away from prying eyes, knowing he will have lots of attention on competition day. But what if he's already caught someone's interest?
One Shot | Trans Deku 
Rated - Explicit
A Breathless Song by chibicharlie95
Summary: Izuku loves the sea, so much so that he can never seem to part with it... But will he become a part of it? A siren's song in the middle of a storm may help him to find the answer.
One Shot | NSFW
what the water gave me by twinstarsies
Summary: "It's like I'm challenging fate," he says to a hermit crab he finds tucked into a crevice in the rock. "I'm daring it to knock me into the water just to show me who's boss. At this rate, it's probably going to win." 
"Something's gonna knock you into the water, alright, but it won't be anything as nebulous as fate," a voice says, tone wholly unamused. 
Izuku startles so hard that he forgets to use his quirk to catch himself as he slips from his perch on the rock into the ocean. 
— — —
Izuku goes on a forced vacation and meets the love of his life.
Complete | 2 Chapters
Contains Smut | Trans Midoriya
Call of the Siren by Gemsom
Summary: Izuku always imagined that sirens sang their victims into the water, and that their helpless victims could do nothing to resist. He almost wished that was the case.
Every time his captain’s ship crossed the narrow sea, Katsuki came to see him. The siren's friendship seemed so genuine, but Izuku was smart enough to know that the creature was sweet talking him to his death. Katsuki never denied it either - asking over and over for Izuku to offer his life.
Of course, Izuku had no way of knowing that the siren planed to give him a new one in return.
Incomplete | 9/18 Chapters | NSFW
Last Updated Jan. 2023
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seagreenstardust · 1 year
Oh, please lets talk about BKDK! Don't not talk about them on my account, hahaha. As cheesy as it may sound, I've had a lot of self searching and self learning because of them. I've unlearned a lot of things I was brought up with just by following their story, so please! Let's talk about them more! No matter how you look at it, those two are soulmates and each other's most important person, this includes each other's family. Inko has been a loving presence in Izu's life, but we don't know anything about his dad, and I have... thoughts about Kats' parents, so it is so, so important to me that they have at least each other to look out for. I have read the manga, and I'm currently caught up and DYING BECAUSE OMG.
I kinda got lost in tears of the a kingdom for a little while and work’s been exhausting so I kept getting distracted 😭 I’m sorry!!!
Every time I come back to MHA I find new things about Kat and Izu that I didn’t catch the first few times around and I love that!! This is probably erring a little on the meta/technical side of things but it says so much about the consistency of the character development when every little detail fits seamlessly into the narrative for that character so MHA is a dream come true for me. It’s such a masterpiece of storytelling and character development
I’m gonna go way off on a tangent now lol but the first time I watched the show I did not trust Kat at all. I thought they were going to shovel him into a villain arc and so I didn’t get attached. I honestly thought that was the lazy route and that we’ve seen it over and over again so I was kinda just waiting for it to happen but let me tell you I was thrilled that they didn’t do that to him. and then I realized we were looking at two sides of what it means to be a hero in Kat and Izu and boy was I hooked on them from that moment on. I’m such a sucker for the opposite-sides-of-the-same-coin thing and boy does bkdk deliver
(Also just the grumpy/sunshine dynamic though let’s be real I’m so soft for that kind of content)
I have got to find time to read the manga. This is the perfect time to do it too!! How long has it been since you found MHA?
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
This post is about MHA fandom in general. But I think these types could be found every where.
Dekucchan's loyal followers and the dudebros are heavily damaging this fandom's image.
Okay I really don't know much about the MHA fandom because I don't interact with anything outside of my interests, but it seems chill to me. Well except for the fact the types of people I listed above ruin the whole experience.
No, I don't want to hear that Izuku is straight for the billionth time. Like it makes more sense if he's aroace because other than finding some girls attractive, has he ever felt romantic and sexual towards any of them? Yeah I thought so and no finding someone does not mean that you have a crush on them. Please stop confusing them. Actually I can go ahead and say that almost everyone is aroace and I would still have a valid argument because there are only select few individuals who care about romance in the first. But yeah know they won't like this headcanon because it has do with the infamous alphabet mafia.
Nor do I want to hear that (specific ship) is canon for some reason. I don't care whether you are bk//dk or one of those "canon ships" preachers like Td//mm. I can tell when people are joking and when people are serious. And it's not as if iz//ch dudebros don't do this either. Like good for you for liking the canon pairing, but that does not make you better than anyone else. It did not give you the right to act like a bitch and whine everytime someone has different tastes.
Though I do hold some sympathy and understanding for bk//dk shippers. I mean atleast they don't make hateful comments on other ships. Well if you exclude Dekucchan's give mind because they are a whole another category in the fandom.
But dudebros are just miserable human beings. Oh, are you mad that people have different ship preferences? Must suck being the only "sane" people in this fandom. These people really think they are doing service to the fandom by spreading by toxicity. The first thing they need to do is learn that there was never any ship threats made by those who ship any gay ship. Like they don't have any source for this claim, yet this is still discussed by them.
People grab onto this baseless argument and justify why they hate the MHA fandom. Like there are many other reasons why you would possibly hate a fandom, but this is the one you decide to preach? I know you can formulate a better reason than this.
And it's so funny seeing occasional Dekucchan bk//dk and the dudebros discourse because my thoughts are that they both suck. Like I'm a shipper, but you don't see me having discourse with someone with the intention to put them down. I have ships that I dislike a lot too, but I don't invade these ship spaces to spread my negative views. It's not that hard to say in your own lane.
I 100% agree with all of this. While I rant about the BkDk Stans the most, the truth is that they’re not the only toxic part of the fandom. The IzuOcha Dudebros/Stans are toxic too, perhaps the second most toxic group in the fandom. There are portions of the MHA fandom that are great. You got the people creating content that expresses their love for the series/characters/world. You got the people who offer legitimate criticism and analyze MHA who are great to talk to if you wanna learn how to write. Sadly they’re drowned out by all the Stans/Dudebros/etc. It should be simple to stay in your lane. You like BkDk? Have fun with your ship. Like IzuOcha? Feel free to write fanfics about it. Wanna headcanon Izuku as part of the LGBTQ+ community? No one should stop you. Want to only consume content where Izuku’s straight? There’s a wide selection to chose from. Point is that, like you said, people should learn to just vibe in their own lanes. As a Katsuki anti, I avoid content with Katsuki because I don’t like him (unless it’s something a friend/mutual created cause I wanna support them). People who like Katsuki likewise will avoid my blog because they don’t want it to hear someone complain about him. There’s a mutual respect there despite neither of us actually interacting with each other. They can like him in peace while I can rag on him to others who don’t like him (or the curious Katsuki fan who wants to see the other side). Sadly the Stans and Toxic Antis will invade spaces and cause trouble just cause they can’t handle an opinion. Same goes for the IzuOcha Dudebros and any other toxic character/shipper Stan.
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samisnotlegend · 2 years
same anon with the broke boys headcanons, anyways, I'm feeling broke boys withdrawal and need to satiate my addiction
please feed us some crumbs by responding to more of my cutesy headcanons/predictions/random thoughts/ideas about the story. (note: I'm not forcing you to write any of these ideas, but if you felt *ahem* inspired, it's free real estate)
okay so when I first started reading the fic, around the time when bkdk went to costco(?) together and were trying free samples, I have never been able to stop imagining bkg getting invited to a high school reunion and then recruiting deku to go with him soley so they can steal the snacks. And when they show up, they split up to cover more ground. A few members of class A notice him and talk with him and they get along, and they get around to asking him who he's with and deku says he's w/ bkg....cue slow blinking form whoever he's talking to. Meanwhile Bkg is trying to sneakily stuff snacks into a bag at the food table and Uraraka happens to be nearby and being a fellow broke girl(tm) herself growing up, she clocks what he's doing immediately and feigns indifference to seeing him while they talk, but also helps him steal more snacks no questions asked
2. a prediction I've always had was that somehow, a huge battle happens, like Camino Ward levels of fighting) and Bkg is the hero that defeats the villain but ends up in the hospital. And the press is going wild, like, "he was supposed to be evil?? But he did something okay?" and is being skeptical. But as reporters are reporting outside the hospital, a giant group of people shows up, passing by the cameras which are broadcasting live. They all have platters of food, or other gifts. And Izuku comes outside and invites them with him because....its the neighborhood! Some of the newcasters ask the neighbors why they're there and they explain how much their community has blossomed because of dynamight (let's be honest they'd call him kacchan) and his husband. Which is how bkg gets some positive press for once!
3. headcanon of mine is that, once the dynamight hero agency becomes successful, Izuku starts a charity
4. another headcanon is that the neighborhood helps deku and bkg paint the walls of their agency building, kinda like they helped out with the community garden
5. Eventually katsuki discovers the terms aromantic and asexual and a few years down the line does an interview with a queer magazine about it to raise awareness about being aroace and to help other people like him (i'm aroace so this would be amazing). Maybe he starts wearing an ace and aro ring on a chain around his neck? (he would've worn them, but he didn't want his wedding ring to stand out less)
6. when they have enough money, deku finds a cat on the street and takes it home and adopts it and katsuki looks at deku's big doe eyes and agrees
anywho, just wanted to let you know this story lives in my head rent free and thought this might brighten up your day!
Hello my dear friend <3
I am truly sorry it took me so long to reply to this! Honestly, everything about this is so wonderful and I wanted to write something specifically for it, but I haven't been able to (yet!) but here are my thoughts on all your wonderful headcanons.
my jaw legit dropped when I read this one. I cannot spoil anything atm, but... there has literally been a *very* similar scene planned since basically the beginning. A few more UA characters will be introduced as we go through, and yep, Izuku is going to get to meet them, and yep, some slow blinking will occur. ;)
Again!!!! My friend you understand the vibes of BB SO WELL its insane. Something.... similar.... is planned.... I assure you. Now, I'll credit you completely for the hospital idea though, because I hadn't thought of that, but I LOVE IT!! I'll do my best to work something like this into the story. <3 <3 <3
I love this one so much. I'm not sure if I'll be able to work it into the actual story, but its canon for you!
Yes! The ace/aro rings!! So, tbh the reason why I gave Deku and Katsuki black rings is because to me, they ARE ace and aro rings! I actually debated having the ring fit better on Katsuki's middle finger, but decided to go ahead and just have them wear them on their ring fingers. I own several ace rings myself, and I just adore them. (makes me feel all warm and fuzzy whenever I look at mine!) Down the line, Katsuki especially will do some more exploring with his identity. (Izuku is already very content with his) I'm not sure if I'll give Katsuki a totally separate ring, but he'll spread the ace/aro colors in other ways. ;)
Oh gosh a kitty!!! Well, they've already adopted half of the neighborhood kids (and several of the adults) so what is one furry friend to mix? Anon, what do you think I should name the kitty?
Overall, my friend, this ask totally blew me away. You really understand where I'm going and what I want to do with this story.
To me, Broke Boys has always been an incredibly personal story. So many of the themes and experiences (and even stories!) are just thoughts and things that I've taken from my own life. So the fact that it resonates with other people means the world to me.
Sometimes the world sucks, anon! Sometimes life doesn't take you where you want to go, or even where you deserve to go! But its also still wonderful! There will always be happy days ahead of you! There will be people in it who love you! And that's so awesome!!
In the future, I hope that this story will continue to bring you happiness. You deserve it.
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ciitrinitas · 2 years
G I Z M O (for the ask meme i'm not just randomly yelling that)
i mean, i wouldn't judge you if you did just want to randomly yell your cat's name at me in all caps. i'd welcome it. i love gizmo. i want to go to bizmo school.
but! for this meme!
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it.
this is really tricky because i can think of a few candidates...which honestly tracks given how prone i am to having like a dozen active otps at a time because no one can stop me. i think i was really into miroku/sango from inuyasha, and then for awhile, axel/roxas from kingdom hearts made my brain buzz. the latter was my first slash ship i can recall having, and hysterically, i only like it now as very one sided from axel's end. i don't think i'd be as warm to miroku/sango these days, as well, lmao.
sakura/syaoran from tsubasa was also very big in my middle-schooler heart! that being my entry point for clamp is still a choice i made! i wrote a not-very-good inuyasha fic that ripped off tsubasa's plot.
main ff couples from the ps1 and ps2 era are also possible contenders! squall/rinoa, zidane/garnet, and tidus/yuna are all very cute still.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why.
not for ones i already liked, but it has soured me on fandoms i didn't have much interest in already. if i can be more specific to fandoms around ships, then weird anti behavior knocked me out of komahina for awhile (just...weird discourse about whether it would be ableist to have komaeda like bdsm or something??? it was dumb enough that i cartwheeled away), and i fell out of love with tododeku because so many of its shippers ragged on bakudeku which i had grown to like. (99% of my interest in bnha these days is bkdk lmao.)
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged).
HOD/YESOD MAKES SENSE, I SWEAR. YOU JUST NEED TO OPEN YOUR HEART. SHE CAN MAKE HIM WORSE. SHE CAN GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS WITH THE BEST OF THEM. okay, not really...since like...hod, but she can make him worse, i swear to you. i normally don't end up shipping anything too cracky since it can take initial interaction and themes and whatever to get me invested in a ship, but god...sometimes i talk myself into bullshit... someone please give me energy and motivation to write so i can convince the world that hod/yesod is real... i will vibrate out of my skin if either of them mentions each other... i don't care about the context. just hod saying his name or him saying her name...amore...
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you).
thancred/urianger is Okay because it removes thancred from being around women and infecting them with bad writing. urianger is taking one for the team. i know this isn't really nice i'm sorry i thought of it and then the salt just came pouring out yes im still fucking livid about ryne's writing
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of.
setting my library to shuffle aaaand...after glow by foals. a bamchel song tbh. <3 i mean, everything is a bamchel song if i try hard enough, but this is an easy bamchel song.
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myfixationacademia · 2 years
Is not June yet but fuck it,
BkDk queer headcanons (I might be projecting a bit, cause I like these unhinged gremlins so sue me!)
Tw: mentions of transphobia, gender dysphoria and homophobia, is very brief tho
-Izuku Midoriya (Trans male, Demi-Romantic, unlabeled/Queer)
Izuku had feeling he was born with the wrong gender since he was young, asking his mom since he was a kid to cut his hair into a length he liked, clothes weren't that much of a issue since most were shirts, shorts and pants, from a thrif store, most were All Might themed, which are already pretty gender neutral.
Kacchan, even of he never heard about the terms, he was a fast learner and was already stuck with calling Izuku "Deku" (making more meaningful how later in the future he starts calling Midoriya just by his first name).
His other classmates tho were...less accepting, some made way too many invasive questions, others simply brushed Deku off as a quirkless nobody wanting attention, this sort of behavior worsened in middle school, but at least Kacchan never dared to dead name Izuku, and even went as far as to pinch one of his lackeys in the stomach when they misgendered Midoriya.
At UA Deku thought that he was going to have a fresh start, no one would know he was trans, no invasive questions, no comments about his looks or his voice, he started taking hormone blockers, all was going well... Then he went to the boys' locker, and Mineta was there, drawing attention from all eyes to Deku cause he was wearing some bandages around his Chest, Iida Tenya walked up to Deku and said
"Midoriya Kun, while I understand the need to modify your looks to pass as a man, please refrain from tying them so tightly, it can cause circulation to stop flowing as well cause pain around the area of the ribcage!"
Then Kirishima spoke, sporting a pair of scars on his chest
"I got a extra binder here Midobro! I can tell you how to wash it later! But take a break from the bandages before wearing it, and drink some water too!"
Then he saw that Mineta was wrapped around in tape, and Sero told him
"And Don't worry about this goblin, I'll let Aizawa know so this doesn't happen again, but I'll shut him up if he says anything, okay?"
Needless to say...Deku cried tears of joy (WE STAN THE 1A BOYS BEING SUPPORTIVE IN THIS BLOG)
As for sexuality, while we see Deku blushing a lot towards girls, I always saw that as just the boy being anxious, as blushing can be a sing of embarrassment or getting flustered, also because between most of the characters in the class, Bakugou is one of the few, if not the only one cause BkDk propaganda, guys I can say Deku feels the most difficult to talk with, specially after that incident in the war, I think I reblogged a post about Demi-Romantic Deku headcanon where Deku just says that for the longest time he has only pictured himself dating Bakugou, or he was he longest crush, so I'm also adding "unlabeled" and "queer" since I heard similar concepts for both, not necessarily choosing to say what gender you're attracted to but you're definitely not straight, or you aren't sure what label to use so you use something more old school to get the message across.
- Katsuki Bakugou (Homoromantic Dekuromantic, Demi-sexual)
When it comes to this guy, what I mostly think of is Bakugou first thinking love is "ew" until Deku shows him affection, think like him seeing his parents kissing, think it's disgusting until Deku gives him a peck on the cheek.
Perhaps these feelings were part of the turmoil inside of Bakugou, and I can't help but feel that at the same time that everyone put in his mind that he was amazing, they also placed the expectations that most closed men face, saying that "girls will love them", hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Mitsuki said something along the lines of "if a girl falls for you and dates you, keep her, it'll be a miracle for someone to want to stay with someone like you"
And before anyone says that this is Mitauki Slander, need I remind you that she slapped her son in front of the teachers and called him weak as a way to blame him for the kidnapping? You know, the one where HE was kidnapped? Yeah, not completely out of character, but in my book she isn't a lost cause, misguided at best, stubborn at worst.
Anyway, this could be a start on some internalized homophobia, something BOTH suffer from actually, Deku said it himself in Deku vs Kaccha 2, "I want to tell you how I feel, EVEN IF IT IS DISGUSTING" (boy! Who hurt you?) And I think a testament to that was how much more expressive lf other emotions Bakugou became when he got to the dorm, specifically that scene where Deku gets excited cause Kacchan got his license and how they'll be able to work together.
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This feels like a "is this love?" Face, which he hides it immediately but Shoto seems to catch it.
The whole "De-Izuku" is just glitter sprinkle on top of this gay ass ice cream so no need to explain that XD
The demi sexual part is mostly because Bakugou just feels like someone that would rather build trust first so he can know for certain if he should let himself get vulnerable, nothing smutty needs to happen, sometimes cuddling can be a chore to get used to, but hey, Deku waited for them to be friends again for 10+ years, waiting for Kacchan to feel comfortable around him again in that level of a relationship isn't that hard, plus if anything were to happen, patience would still need to be priority, idk, is based on my own experience.
And that was all, night night.
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