theskoomacat · 10 months
if your AAA survival horror title doesn't include a honest to god musical number don't even fucking bother
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roo-bastmoon · 26 days
Please leave supportive comments on weverse for Yoongi. Flood his latest post with love and loyalty.
I saw the actual cctv footage. It happened just like he said. He rented a scooter. He drove in a straight line down side of the road. He turned to go into 9-1 and the wheel locked up. He tripped and fell over on the sidewalk, and immediately got right back up to check on the scooter. Police foot patrolling the area came over to check on him; he was honest that he’d drank at dinner, so they took his scooter license. That’s it. Nothing damaged. No one hurt. No charges. He was immediately transparent about it with us.
The way media has been hounding him, calling him blackout drunk, playing the wrong cctv footage, saying he could have killed someone, calling for him to be expelled from BTS, and talking about him serving time in prison… is THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I HAVE EVER SEEN.
In part it’s because media loves to build people up then tear them down. But also there’s all the corruption and murder of investigative journalists by the current administration to cover up.
It hurts to see Yoongi apologize again for something so small. Drinking culture being what it is in Korea, watching him trip and get right back up, and seeing this three-week-long shitstorm… it’s left such a bad taste in my mouth that I haven’t posted about it, because this blog is supposed to be a happy place that focuses on positive things.
But considering the tone of Yoongi’s post just now, and how many k-celebrities are driven to take their own lives after this kind of relentless harassment, I feel like just ignoring this circus would be neglecting someone I love. So I left a detailed encouraging comment on his post.
I urge you to take a moment to write a heartfelt message of support on Weverse right now. I really feel like he needs to see it to draw strength and regain perspective. He needs to know ARMY is not ashamed of him. He needs to hear it over and over that we love him and aren’t going anywhere.
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curio-queries · 1 month
Production Notes from eps 1 & 2
At this time, I'm not planning to do full response posts for these episodes. Maybe once I'm done with my Run BTS series but for now here's some production thoughts.
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My initial thoughts are they've done an excellent job of merging the concepts for Bon Voyage and In The Soop while also adjusting for a reduction of members from seven to two.
To really understand this though, let's talk about some of the logistical requirements and goals of the previous shows for comparison.
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Logistical Assumptions
So I think y'all do realize that there is SOME amount of planning that has to happen for a show like this to be made but honestly...the way some of you talk, it's like you think this footage just magically appears in front of an editor, capturing whatever the members happened to wander into. These aren't self-recorded vlogs. This is a full production with a crew, a budget, and a deliverable requirement; just like any other TV show.
One of the cutest moments for me was at the brewery when JM was teasing JK about a summary of what the show about. I KNOW this was the 5 second explanation that both of them would have had to say/hear dozens of times while pitching the show. That's what's so endearing about the way JM says it and JKs reaction.
They also know that statements like that, captured during filming often end up in promos. All the members are very aware as they're being filmed what footage ends up being used. We've heard them time and time again, 'please use this as the thumbnail', 'please keep this in', etc.
Jimin has always been the most vocal about questioning if the content works for their intended purpose. How many times have we heard him say 'can this even be used?' or 'this will be cut'. Usually it sounds to me like he's aware the footage they're getting in the moment doesn't align with the predetermined plan. But as is common with the footage we getnof the members, even though it wasn't according to plan, doesn't mean it's not releaseable.
The main point of JMs AYS concerns being his sickness. I'm sure he thought the show was in jeopardy of not fulfilling their deliverable requirements since it would be difficult to completely edit out. There is a legitimate concern that if they aren't able provide the agreed-upon footage, the show would never air. I'll talk more about this in my section on the edit.
For now, here's a list of SOME of the basics that have to be managed for y'all to keep in mind when consuming any kind of produced content.
Camera management: How many and what kinds of cameras need to be brought along? Are there special operators required like a drone operator. How often is the footage saved. How is it backed up? When and where are batteries charged? Who locations require early access so the crew can place stationary cameras prior to the member's arrival.
Sound management: Someone is making sure the microphones are charged, and capturing correctly. Being mic'd up is one of the easiest indicators of when the show is actively being filmed or not.
Security: this is BTS. The members didn't go anywhere without a security consultation and discussion of requirements.
Crew management: These are people that have to have places to eat, sleep, and have time off as well. They don't just vanish into thin air as soon as their job is done.
Location approval and tax requirements: Every country in the world has different regulations, incentives, and permits to be managed. The US varies these laws state-by-state.
Budget: Businesses don't stay in business by not managing the finances. We can talk more about this if anyone's interested but there are definitely some interesting points with how much on-screen time we got over the years regarding members' spending on the shows.
There's more but let's leave it at the for the moment and talk more about why I think this show was such a good blend of Bon Voyage and In The Soop from a production standpoint.
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What was the initial goal of Bon Voyage?
I believe it was to promote the band and the members to viewers by giving us access to what it would be like to travel to various destinations around the globe. They knew the episodes still needed a catalyst though so there were various preplanned activities and games to motivate the editorial narrative.
BV1 was very experimental as they were obviously managing the challenges of such a production. There was a heavy emphasis on trying to make the members seem like regular ppl and seeing how they would tackle the problems many of us face with travel, chiefly budgetary and managing how to feed all of the travelers with strict spending limits.
BV2 completely game-ified the concept with the mini challenges and breaking everyone into different groups. It's very clear that this is not the strategy they preferred as BV3 was much lighter on the control. There were still some structured activities and events but the members were experienced enough to bring forth some of these moments themselves during the shoot rather than as a completely planned itinerary.
BV4 was a continuation of this with us also getting footage of the members being included in the event planning as well. I'm not saying they didn't have input in the planning of the previous seasons but by this point, production knew the members understood the requirements of a successful show as well as many of the necessary logistics. But it was still a travel show with some key events to fuel the storytelling.
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How about In The Soop?
Enter pandemic. They obviously still wanted to do another show once they worked out what was permissible to film at the time. But now the changing of locations would not be a part of the engine. How were they going to ensure they still had a viable show? They did put in place a semblance of their previous formula with that silly daily schedule (that was ignored nearly to the point of being completely edited out) and a couple of events like the 94s mountain hike and vhope's car drive. But overall, they realized they had to rely purely on the members to find story moments and insure they were captured. Their trust was rewarded though and ITS1 was a hit.
Now ITS2 is a more interesting case. I do believe it may have started with the same intent as season 1, but it must not have been long in the pre-planning stage before a new goal was added: controlled access of a BTS tourism destination. I'm sure I'll go further into this topic whenever I do finally make posts on this series, but it's very plain to even the casual fan that the ITS2 location was a planned financial investment.
Enough about the location though, what were the filming objectives? Honestly? Not much. The members were clearly ready for a break and were mired in the uncertainties of the time period. Balancing the focus of the english-solo-songs era with the preparations for ch.2 solo activities resulted in an odd lack of direction for the members, which is evident in the show. Yes, there are great moments and segments but there's no progression and very little footage of all the members all together except during certain meals.
But ITS2 is still hailed as enough of a success that there was justification to add to the franchise with Tae's friendship installment.
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But what does all this mean for Are You Sure?
We'd heard from many of the members during ch.2 that they would like to continue Bon Voyage so it honestly wasn't surprising that we'd eventually get another travel show featuring our beloved BTS members. Early in episode 1 of AYS, Jungkook says he's never traveled so loosely before. However this show was justified, it definitely wasn't planned to be another hyper-detailed barrage of JM & JK going from activity-to-activity like early BV but it also couldn't be as aimless as ITS. For as long as the conversation was surrounding the name of the show, we never hear them suggest Bon Voyage 5 because AYS was never intended to be another installment of that series.
This is why I said AYS is a perfect mesh of the two kinds of shows. Granted, the first episodes definitely had some unexpected obstacles due to the unexpected health concerns but I think the production team managed it well. Although, I'm convinced there's at least one activity they did have planned that had to get scrapped to let our poor guys rest and recuperate. I also wouldn't be surprised if by the time they started filming in the US, they hadn't locked another destination and schedule with how unsure JM & JK are when talking about the scope of the show. (And I hope we get some update on the poor motorcycle, I want to know how it got where it needed to be from the rainy grocery parking lot).
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The Edit
The overall tone of the show is very lighthearted. Kind of surprisingly so for me. It's not the vibe I would have necessarily expected but it's one of the points that leads me to say they have merged BV and ITS so wonderfully.
A major aspect of BTS's content is usually the chaos and shenanigans the surround the members. Now much of that is emphasized in the context of one of these shows but I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if the edit had tried to make up for the lowered member count. Instead, it's a very laid-back edit. The quality and tone of the on-screen captions was world's different from some of the BV seasons (thank goodness!)
Now, about Jimin's illness. There's a reason why the coverage is cut the way it was to only bring us in on the story once both JM and JK started talking about it lightheartedly. If we'd had all of that footage chronologically, we also would have had building tension throughout the day's activities. But this way, we're able to enjoy the show per the original pitch as much as possible.
This show would have been planned during the time when the members were under heavy scrutiny for how successful they'd be as individuals and how their content will be received without the full seven members. Again, the way some of y'all talk about these shows, it's like you don't realize that the members are aware of how this content is structured. They are. They absolutely are.
Also, a big part of greenlighting AYS would have been a discussion of how it could be made with just 2 of the 7 members. JM and JK would have to take on a lot more of the burden since there wouldn't be other member to cut to. The solo vlogs we got at the beginning of ch.2 absolutely would have been used as a proof of concept. There are easy comparisons to make between JKs camping vlog and the camping scenes we got in these first AYS episodes.
Another key justification of the show could have been as promotional material for the current musical releases. While they did highlight quite a bit of both JK and JM's work in these episodes, the narrative definitely wasn't tilted in the direction of promotion. I love that because it's absolutely not what I would have expected.
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What am I looking forward to for the remainder of AYS?
From a production standpoint, I'm already curious about the following:
Will there be any tonal shift? Specifically now that JM and JK have some uncertainties about the viability of their US adventure. Will it seem like they're compensating?
We know Tae is going to be in at least the next episode. How is this going to handled narratively and will there be any visible contradictions from that narrative in the production?
At what point was the final quantity of locations and shoots locked down? And when/if will JM and JK make mention of this.
If/How will the music promotion narrative shift? It's clear that this episode could not have been released until after MUSE's release once they decided to keep the footage of JK listening to Who. But when was that decision made?
What are your thoughts on the production of AYS so far?
Editing to add a link to my post on episode 3. Surprisingly I had a lot more to say!
Are You Sure?! Production notes from ep 3.
And there has been even more to say so here's a MasterList link
Are You Sure?! MasterList
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justin-chapmanswers · 15 days
Howdy! I wanted to start off by saying I'm a HUGE fan of the show - you guys have been a massive inspiration for me, and II as a whole has become one of my main comfort shows! (Paintbrush in particular is my favourite - never thought I could relate to a fictional paintbrush as much as I do, but they've honestly helped me realise things about myself, such as healthy ways to deal with anger, as well as a huge one - the fact that I'm nonbinary! 💙)
I was wondering - are there any plans for future BFDI/II meetup tours in other countries? I'd love to go to one, but I live in the UK and travel isn't the easiest unfortunately :( (one day though, I swear I'll be there!)
Also, are there any plans to release bloopers or more behind the scenes content, maybe after the season 2 finale? I know some cast members like Jazzy do, and it's super fun to watch the VAs goofing around and having fun!
Thanks for all that you guys do - it's amazing to look at how far the show has come, and it's plain to see how much every member of the team loves what they do. From the phenominal storytelling, to the charming art style - every detail is made with the utmost care and attention, and that becomes apparent with each episode you guys release :)
I'll stop rambling now, but I'm super hyped for the finale! Here's to our two finalists, and the much-deserved conclusion of season 2! 💙
(P.S. please tell Silver and MePad I think they're awesome!)
- Rei :3
Hihi Rei!
So glad the show could be of comfort and inspiration yay yay! If we continue to do the tours I'm not sure if we'll be expanding outside of the US just yet- but we'd definitely love to! Just wanna make sure we really get a firm grip on the multi-city trip here before complicating it. But whether it'd be this upcoming year or the next or whenever, I do think it has a decent chance of happening at some point! I'd imagine England and Canada would be our next stops, but we'll see in the future!
As for behind-the-scenes content, right now we're very focused on moving through work on the finale, itself, but we definitely have some bts concepts in mind! I recorded a video for my final II2 voice session, for one. After I'm done with finale work I'll look back at the footage and see if it feels useable. There's a lot of content to work with, but I probably wasn't on my A-game in terms of providing goofs 'n such for the camera because I needed to be really reeeeeally in-the-zone emotionally. Fuuuuun times.
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apockalypsisblog · 20 days
BTS Suga & The Era of Misinformation
In the past few weeks, BTS' member Suga had been embroiled in a scandal of unprecedented scale. As a fan, I've been following the situation closely, and as it unraveled, I found myself more and more frustrated and helpless. With my Xwitter account locked, and my brand spanking new Reddit account (created for the purpose of keeping up with the situation) unable to comment on most threads, I decided to utilize this blog. 
This is not an article, and I am not a journalist. This is a personal blog post and a recount of the events as I've witnessed them, meant to bring some light to this horrific mess of a situation to those who care to read all of it.
I tried to list sources where I could, but I didn't (couldn't) keep track of everything. If I got anything wrong, please let me know.
Here's what happened. 
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Credit: Agust D 'Haegeum' Official MV - HYBE LABELS
The Eye of the Storm
On 7th August 2024, the world woke up to headlines of BTS Suga having committed a DUI. 
Korean media agency Yonhap reported on the event first, with a statement from the police: Suga was spotted riding an electric kickboard after falling in front of a nearby police patrol. The police officers came to assist him and, suspecting he might be under the influence, subjected him to a breathalyzer test. His results were enough for a fine and license revocation. 
Both Suga himself and his agency Big Hit Music were quite quick to follow with their own statements and apologies. Suga especially was specific with the details he gave on the event: yes, he drove his electric kickboard under the influence of alcohol. Yes, he fell in front of his house while attempting to park the vehicle. No, no one was hurt, and no damage to property was inflicted. He didn't know it was prohibited to drive e-kickboards after having consumed alcohol. Yes, his license got revoked and he was fined. 
He apologized and expressed his regret. 
Big Hit then recounted the event as well in a separate statement, adding a couple details—Suga wore a helmet and he drove a short distance, about 500 meters. They too expressed regret about the actions of their artist. 
In most cases, this would be the end of the story. People would come to their conclusions and Suga would face appropriate legal ramifications.
However, this isn't a story about a DUI. Not really. 
A couple hours later, Big Hit issued another statement, explaining that they weren't aware that Suga's kickboard, which contains a foldable seat, could be classified as a different type of vehicle—a scooter. They also weren't aware that there would be a follow up procedure from the police, but they vow to comply to the full extent. 
A simple case isn't so simple anymore. Media, as they often do, smell blood in the water. 
Did Suga lie? 
A flurry of articles and reports follows. Suga didn't drive a kickboard, but a scooter—a much different vehicle that carries a much different legal charge. He said he fell in front of his house, but he was actually found passed out on the ground. He was actually not in front of his house at all. 
JTBC airs a grainy CCTV footage that shows a man driving a much larger, faster combustion engine vehicle than initially described, in full traffic. Damning evidence.
The consensus is, Suga lied. Not only did he commit a DUI, but seemingly a much larger offense as well—downplaying the incident. He's branded a deceiver. 
There is an outcry in the media, and outcry in the K-pop community. Everyone is quick to condemn Suga completely—often with unbridled glee. It's quite clear that the K-pop community had been waiting for a member of BTS to 'mess up', so to speak. 
Meanwhile, Suga's fans plead to wait until an investigation is completed. They are laughed out of the room—after all, we already have CCTV footage of him and hence all the proof we need. Right? With South Korea's draconic defamation laws, the media wouldn't lie. 
In the following days, the vitriol grows. Hundreds of articles are published daily, each one with more and more outrageous accusations—Suga was not only passed out on the ground, but he was found in a pool of his own vomit. His alcohol levels were outrageously high—the media reports the number 0.227% BAC, the same as actress Kim Saeron, but the highest level of any K-pop idol on record. He didn't drive for 500 meters, as he had said, but for more than 1 km. Actually, for 2.8 km. His BAC level was actually the highest of all Korean celebrities in history—Kim Saeron's was suddenly lower. All that while having said he only had one beer!
Then, another CCTV footage was released. In it, a man on a scooter (a white, blurry blob) drives erratically on the street among a crowd of people until he hits a curb and falls. 
As a fan, I feel like I'm witnessing an assassination attempt in real time. It's hard to keep up with the tsunami of information coming out—reporters cite police sources, then change their articles and cite themselves. The police even goes on record and refutes the circulated BAC levels, only saying that the true number is difficult to confirm at the time. 
The investigation has not yet begun. In the court of public opinion, though, Suga has already lost. What was he thinking, deceiving the public? Especially in South Korea, the land of CCTV?
In the circle of his fans, though, suspicions remain. 
Did the media lie? 
On Wednesday 14th, 7 days after the incident, more CCTV is revealed. This time, it's much clearer than the previous ones and much, much different. 
It shows a man, riding what appears to really be an electric kickboard down the sidewalk. He drives slowly, in a straight line—as straight as you can be on a slow-riding e-scooter, at least. The point of view changes—the man has now overtaken three riot officers. He slows down, turns, disappears out of view. One of the officers points in his direction. 
The point of view changes again. We can see the man make the turn to pull up to a front gate, and then—it's hard to say what happens. Maybe the front wheel of his scooter got stuck. Maybe the turn he made was too sharp, maybe he pulled on the breaks a little too abruptly. The e-scooter stops, and the man flies forward. He lands on his hands and knees. He gets up, collects his helmet, puts it back on. The police officers are, at this point, next to him, surrounding him. 
The man picks up his kickboard off the ground and gets back on. He turns to the police officers, listens for a second, and gets back off. 
The video ends. 
It feels like a valve has been released from a pot about to blow. Fans sigh a sigh of relief. Suga didn't lie. His statement correlates with what's shown in the video. Korean media seemingly fell prey to sensationalist journalism—in an effort to be the most up to date with the biggest scandal, they voiced information from sources that were false at worst and dubious at best. K-pop fans, hungry for drama, only poured fuel into the flames. 
With this new development, surely Suga must be vindicated. He didn't lie—he drove what really appears to be an electric kickboard, he really fell in front of his house. With the way he gets up instantly, the reported BAC also comes under question. 
JTBC is forced to air a lukewarm apology for releasing the fake CCTV footage. Korea Now, the international leg of Yonhap news, also posts their apology—in the community notes of their channel and a separate video.
In an ideal world, this would be enough and the storm would end. The public outcry would cease and the investigation would continue uninterrupted. 
Not that kind of story
On 27th December 2023, actor and movie star Lee Sunkyun was found dead in his car after taking his own life. 
In the months before the tragedy, Lee Sunkyun had been hounded by the media and police for a different scandal—alleged drug consumption. The media vilified the actor. His private conversations and phone calls were leaked to condemn him to the public. He was branded a cheater on top. 
Lee Sunkyun was forced to face the media head on during his first police investigation in the form of a so-called photo line—an impromptu press conference in front of the police station. The media takes prized shots of the suspected perpetrator in a compromised state, and regardless of whether they're innocent or not, the image persists. 
The actor was forced to face the photo line again for his second summons. When he was summoned for the third time, he asked the police to call off the photo line. 
The police refused. The actor faced the press once more and then, after a 19 hour long interrogation, he ended his life. 
There was significant backlash against the media and the police. Bong Joonho, director of the Oscar-winning movie "Parasite", and other public figures petitioned for an investigation into the police and Korean media. 
The photo line practice had been widely condemned and, allegedly, outlawed. 
However, it cannot return the life of Lee Sunkyun.
Judge, jury, executioner
In the present, the situation surrounding Suga calms for a few days, almost ominously. The media's overwhelming narrative that Suga is a liar slowly grinds to a painful pause. 
New narratives are quickly raised in replacement. 
It's hard to say why this happens. One could argue the media is irked by being disgraced, or maybe they're bitter that BTS' fandom refuses to abandon their star. Instead they petition for the media to retract their false statements, or contact international press and ask them to report on the dubious Korean coverage. 
Regardless of the reason, the DUI charges still stand and Korean media demand justice. With the investigation imminent and Suga expected to appear at the police station, they call for a photo line yet again.
Reporters go as far as to publicly threaten him—the photo line, considered by some to be an infringement upon human rights, should graciously be viewed as his opportunity to apologize to the public. And if he refuses to meet the press' demands, they will continue to make his life difficult, or worse. And Suga can't afford another mistake, can he? 
The police refuses to set up an official photoline. However, if the press shows up to the station, nothing can be done. It's not like the police has the power to stop them or evict them from the premises.
The defamation of Suga's character continues. The new footage is scrutinized—driving on the sidewalk (legally a shared path for both pedestrians and bikes/kickboards) is actually worse than driving a motorbike (or car) in traffic, isn't it? His (unconfirmed) alcohol levels, spouted as fact, are obscenely high. Doesn't the scooter happen to need a license plate? If it does and has none, that's another crime. If it does and has one, well. Suga "once again" mislead the public. 
Under blackmail thinly veiled as calls for consequences, the star is expected to grovel in shame.
No matter that Suga already apologized. His original statement, even though truthful, had been disgraced by the accusations and is no longer valid. Only a head bowed in shame will be enough for the press. 
The media reports that Suga should appear at the station on 22nd August, and photographers and reporters flock the station like an army laying a siege. They block the main entrance and create a corridor. They wait like this from 3 AM. 
Around 11 AM, Big Hit releases a statement that Suga was never meant to appear at the station that day. They express their concern for the reporters' well-being. They're very sorry they couldn't release a statement sooner, but they're telling them now so they don't suffer needlessly any longer. 
The media has fallen prey to their own misreporting, but they blame Suga for it. Articles are released, complaining of the inhuman conditions they were exposed to, having to wait in the sweltering summer heat. Not showing up to a summon that hasn't been made is painted as inconsiderate of him. 
Fans view this as a battle won. 
One step forward, two steps back
The triumph is short lived. The next day, reporters swarm the station again. This time, they wait until evening—no statement from Big Hit or the police comes to send them home. 
Then, Suga shows up for his investigation. He doesn't attempt to pass them by, or hide his face. He faces them, even stops to acknowledge them and speaks a few words of apology. He bows. 
The press gets both their money shot and the ritual humiliation. Hundreds upon hundreds of articles are written yet again, more defamation ensues. 
Bowing his head was not enough after all.
I will not share those pictures or videos here. I'm sure you can find them if you just Google Suga's name. I would, however, like for you to remember the CCTV footage of the incident that started this whole thing—Suga, on a kickboard that I've seen children ride on, falling. No one gets hurt, nothing gets damaged.
I will leave it up to you whether you think his crime warrants the kind of punishment he received—thousands of articles full of proven lies, slandering his name. Blackmail and threats from the press. Defamation (itself subject to criminal charges under Korean law) of his character, calls for the strictest of punishments—up to 5 years in prison. Funeral wreaths, akin to death threats to any sane person, sent to his home. His ability to perform his social service has been disputed. His KOMCA song credits were questioned. Calls to remove him from BTS, a group he worked his entire adult life and much of his teenage years to build.
On Sunday evening, Suga posts another apology, a hand-written letter. In it, he apologizes to his fans, his bandmates, and his team for putting a stain on their name. He also apologizes for causing a 'social stir', despite having been the victim of false narratives, harassment, and humiliation at the mercy of media outlets who decided to ruin his life beyond repair. 
"It's all my fault," he writes. I'm sorry for getting my blood on your clothes. 
The situation is still ongoing—chances are we won't know the result for days, or weeks, or months. Articles full of speculation and defamation are still being published every day, every hour, while we're waiting for the police to finish the investigation. 
While this media storm is happening around Suga, real name Min Yoongi, these events also happened in Korea and didn't make nearly quite the splash: 
3 more high-profile DUI cases: - a policeman drove a kickboard drunk, was found unconscious and was taken to the hospital. His case has already been closed. - Olympic baseball player got behind the wheel the morning after a night out, collided with another vehicle, and his alcohol level was high enough to warrant a license revocation. - Korean comedian, only referred to as Mr. A, drove after drinking and crashed his car, flipping it. 
Senior officer of the Korean anti-corruption commission, tasked with investigating the First Lady of South Korea in a bribery case, was found dead. His death was ruled a suicide. Charges against the First Lady had been dropped.
Telegram chats consisting of 220 thousand Korean men and boys sharing private information, pictures, and deepfake pornography of women in their lives and celebrities, were exposed on social media. 
NCT member Taeil left his group unexpectedly after being charged with sexual crimes. The investigation had been happening for months.
It's safe to say this story isn't about a DUI. Suga may have very well served as a distraction, a scapegoat, for much larger political scandals. Or the campaign against him could have been paid for by Hybe and BTS' competition—either to bring about their ruin, or to distract from their own undesirable news. 
Or the simplest explanation is true—he just was the most lucrative subject, the one that brought the most clicks, the most engagement, the most money. 
While the media calls for Suga to face consequences and learn his lessons, I would like to speak of different lessons. Ones that we can all learn. Yes, one of those is that driving any vehicle after having consumed alcohol is a bad idea. Duly noted. 
Another is that the reaction to this 'social stir' has been widely blown out of proportion by the engaged public, most of which consisted of the K-pop community. In the wake of the real CCTV being revealed, that community scrambled. Comments, posts, and articles were being deleted en masse. Some people condemned the actions of fellow fans and haters—the shaming and dogpiling, only because people finally felt justified in their hatred of BTS. Some doubled down—all information shared was from reputable media sources and outlets. How were they supposed to know they were fake? 
The truth is, we were supposed to know. We were supposed to suspect. The media, that now more than ever take their cues and inspiration from social media and online forums, have been wrong before, and they will be wrong again. Everyone who shared unverified articles meant to damage someone is in a way complicit in the situation. A situation that is sure to repeat—it's a matter of when, not if. 
A couple days ago, another idol posted a photo of himself sitting in a car. Then hastily added, "I'm not wearing a seatbelt because the car was stopped. I'm just saying." While K-pop fans cackled about the shade, the fact remains that these idols live in an environment where the smallest mistake could cost them their career, or worse, their life. Where fans of different groups view them as competition to their success and are willing to abandon all morals to get their shot at them. And if this mentality doesn't stop or change, the idols will keep dying.
BTS' fandom, ARMY, is not exempt from this, not by a long shot. Just during this whole fiasco, a twitter account with thousands of followers incited violent threats against another idol, only because they felt slighted by an unrelated comment. On the other hand, other fandoms organized a defamatory hashtag, posting pictures and tweets as if they were fans of Suga, condoning drunk driving. With only one goal—damaging his reputation further. 
These "shooter" accounts are cancerous to our communities, and we as fans should shun them, not hype them up. 
Lastly, I am not excusing Min Yoongi. However, if a crime was committed, it should be punished within the scope of the law, not according to what-ifs, speculation, or fantasies of the public. I disagree with the media frenzy this sparked. The media or the public cannot play the role of the judge, the jury and the executioner—we can't demand harsher punishment just because we don't like a celebrity, or because we disagree with their wealth. If we want to uphold justice, we cannot bypass it. Not like this.
Ironically, the media had turned Min Yoongi into sort of a martyr—he now both committed a crime and became a victim of one. And while his actions didn't hurt anyone, or damage anything, and are largely inconsequential, what has been done to him and his reputation cannot ever be fully undone. 
One fact remains true. No one, not even a celebrity, deserves to be driven to suicide, but the media and the public gave it another good try.
And so I ask the broader K-pop community—remember this situation as a cautionary tale, and when the next scandal breaks out, do your part. Have the grace to help assure the idol's fair investigation and impartial press coverage. 
That is a basic human right.
Related: South Korea | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
05/04/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys & TheCryptidFactor; Kristian Nairn; Samba Schutte BTS + Samba Schutte May the 4th; Vico Ortiz; Nathan Foad; Alex Sherman; Watch Party Reminders; AdoptOurCrew; Articles; MerMay Bingo / MerMay Daily Prompts; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika.
Sorry for being extremely late friends...I had 99% done last night and then I went to bed to get some sleep and then my son woke me up 1 hour later and I didnt sleep at all, so I just woke up from a nap. Weeeeeeeee!
= Rhys Darby =
The Cryptid Factor we got yesterday will soon have a video version on The Cryptid Factor Patreon! Here's a sneak peek from Rhys! (It says its on Patreon but I couldn't find it even though I have the right tier? Could be a delay on Patreon's side).
Source: Rhys Darby's IG stories
= Kristian Nairn =
Kristian's been in Stockholm at Comic Con Nordics! Seems to be having a great time!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's IG
= Samba Schutte=
As usual, Samba continues to grace us with BTS, this time Fang and Roach themed! And also as usual-- multiple videos means multiple posts, please check out the links below to watch the cut footage!
Pre Spa Day BTS Video
Post Spa Day BTS Video
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and then he also included some May 4th themed behind the scenes for Jedi: Fallen Order!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
= Vico Ortiz =
Vico's movie Spark is heading to the Toronto 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival!
More info: Spark
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Sources: Vico Ortiz' Instagram
= Nathan Foad =
Nathan still going strong in Loves Labour's Lost!
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Src: Nathan's IG and Lauren Carse's IG
= Alex Sherman =
Alex added this older picture to his IG Stories, what a blast from the past! May the Fourth Be With you Alex!
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Source: Alex Sherman's IG
== Watch Party Reminders ==
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Palm Royale WP May 9 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @ dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST! Available on Apple TV
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Wrecked S2 WP May 6-May 10 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30pm BST! If you need access feel free to dm me here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our darling crewmates over at @adoptourcrew gave us a brief snyopsis of what's been going on at WBD. Article Link
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Source: @adoptourcrew's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's cast card is Mother Bonnet, Rosalyn Gentle! Thank you @melvisik for completing the Bonnet parents!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
= OFMD Colouring Pages =
Today's colouring pages feature some pointy objects! Thank you @patchworkpiratebear for including Jim's family knife <3
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== Stede & Ed (Calvin & Hobbes Redraws) ==
Our dear @blakbonnet has even more Stede & Ed (Calvin & Hobbes Redraws to show!
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== MerMay Bingo ==
Lots of submissions coming through for @bizarrelittlemew ‘s OFMD Mermay Bingo!
== MerryFinches ==
Please oh please go see Kylie @merryfinches and give her all the love, her work makes the fandom go round <3
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Source: @merryfinches Tumblr
== MeanieZucchini ==
Another submission to both Ida's lovely MerMay Bingo prompts as well as the SaveOFMD daily prompts was @meaniezuchinni! You can check them out over at their blog. You can also visit them over at their KO-FI - MeanieZucchini!
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== SaveOFMD MerMay Submissions ==
Today's prompt is "Treasure!" and there's new submissions for it! Looking to participate in the daily prompts? Check out @saveofmdcrewmates's prompt list here.
= Blueberreads =
Our friend @blueberreads is at it again, this time with a treasure hunt, pixel Ed and Pixel Stede taking a snake snack break! Be sure to head on over to their blog for more pixel art content!
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= Snejpowa =
@Snejpowa has been keeping up everyday with new prompts! Check out their rendition Stede and his petrified orange!
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== Love Notes ==
Happy Weekend Lovelies! We're finally at the end of the week-- tomorrow starts a new day, with new chances and new hopes, and new dreams-- maybe this week will be a little better than last week. I hope it is -- even if last week was good for you <3
You know what I really loved about our little gay pirate show (you know, aside from everything)? It showed us that we don't have to be what we are today if we don't want to. That doesn't mean it'll be a quick change, in fact, it'll be a pretty long journey depending on what it is, but it showed us that things CAN change. It gave us just that little bit of hope, that things don't have to stay the way they are, and that little bit of hope is the spark of so much possibility. It's gonna be a journey luvs, and its gonna take a lot of work and healing, but we'll all get to where we want to be <3 Sending love.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Yeah, idk these two just seemed to go together today. If you can think of the theme please let me know xD Gifs Courtesy of the prodigious @celluloidbroomcloset and the sensational @agaywithcoffee! <3
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ofmdrecaps · 1 month
08/16 - 17/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Taika Waititi's Birthday!; David Jenkins; GalaxyCon San Jose: Vico, Con, Nathan, Kristian; David Fane; Samba Schutte; Madeleine Sami; Nat Torres; Erroll Shand; Cohen Holloway; Love Notes;
== Taika Waititi ==
Okay so I'm drastically late because yet again my life has become nutzoid, but Happy VERY belated birthday to the main man Taika Waititi! His birthday was August 16th, and he spent it with lots of friends and loved ones <3
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Lots of videos! I couldn't include them all here, so you can see them all in one place on the Repo.
Sources: VasJMorgan's / Rita Ora's Instagram
== David Jenkins ==
David shared a tattoo that one of our crewmates shared his way!
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Source: David Jenkins Instagram Stories
== GalaxyCon San Jose: Vico, Con, Kristian, and Nathan ==
Since there was so much footage, I'm going to try and break this up into two parts so I can fit in some other news!
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to live tweet the panel, here's those tweets below:
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As you can see there was some clowning going on as well! Next up is fan shots shared on GalaxyCon San Jose or the cast member's instagrams! I'll try to get the original photo links in but if not I apologize! Let me know if I need to update them!
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And Nathan was out with Con on his birthday!
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Source: Galaxy Con San Jose's Instagram / Nathan/Con/Kristian/Vico's Instagrams
== David Fane ==
It's been a busy week for David! So glad to see him smiling!
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Source: David Fane's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba met up with his first drama teacher and sent a lovely message!
My very first drama teacher, the man who gave me the confidence to give my dream a shot, who helped me believe that I have something to offer as an artist. I owe him a lot, the ground that helped my seeds grow into a garden, and an amazing human and humanitarian to boot. So lovely to see you again, my dear Eugene van Erven. Check out his books! 23 years and going❤️✨🙏🏾
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Erroll Shand ==
Erroll is on Episode 5 of The Clearing, playing Henrik! You can check it out on DisneyPlus in Australia-- I tried looking for it on Disney Plus US but no luck. If you know of a better way to watch please let me know!
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Source: Erroll Shand's Instagram
== Nat Torres ==
One of our fantastic writers, Nat Torres posted some quick pics for the end of summer. I had to get their dogs in there because of reasons.
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Source: Natalie Torres' Instagram
== Madeleine Sami ==
Mads and her Co-star of Double Parked, Antonia Prebble talking life <3
Source: TheBreezeAuckland Instagram
== Cohen Holloway ==
Pop Pop pops up so irregularly, so I had to share him being mentioned in this post by Costume Designer: Lissy Turner, tagged for a BTS picture of the film Lowdown Dirty Criminals.
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Source: Cohen Holloway's Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Okay Lovelies, apologies, gonna need to have the fan spotlights in the next post because there was just so much going on with the Cast and Crew these past few days! There's still more to show, and I'll work on getting tonight's recap up as well here in a little bit. I truly hope you're being kind to yourself this weekend lovelies. It's been so busy lately, and I know sometimes life like to pop up and kick us in the tush and make things harder -- so remember that you're doing the best you can with what you have. There's enough shame in this world, try to remember not to add to it for yourself, because you deserve grace, especially when things continue to be tough. Sending so much love crew.
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lemotmo · 1 month
Some people just need to be annoyed or upset 🙃. I love Ali!
Q. You don't do PR for 911 or ABC though so even if you know the basics it doesn't mean you would have any insight into their PR game.
A. You're correct, anon. I don't work for 911 or ABC. I have, however, worked in PR for nearly a decade so I am familiar with the formula. I understand the rules. I recognize good PR and bad PR. If long term Tommy is the goal then whomever is in charge should be fired. The behind the scenes goodies is the stuff I would pay attention too. It's what's meant to generate the buzz. ABC is going to use stock footage for all of their promotionals rght up until the trailer for the season premieres, but even that might have stock footage. If you were not here last year I will take this opportunity to tell you that Natalia featured in all of ABC's season 7 promos. Even the trailer. And she didn't appear in a single episode or scene. Anything ABC does right now is going to include canned (already existing) scenes. The shows BTS stuff are the teasers for the upcoming season. ABC uses what's already available on film. The show can promote as yet filmed storylines/scenes, hence the BTS photos and videos. That is PR. That's the entire game.
Thank you Nonny!
Okay, I know next to nothing about doing PR for anything, let alone a TV-show. So I have nothing of consequence to add here. :)
I have to say though, that what Ali has been talking about when it comes to PR makes absolute sense to me. It's logical.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
Carmen Denali is Momma (non-sexual)
Okay but I was just watching some BTS-footage from BD Part 2 where Bella & Co. visit the Denalis to convince them to fight for Renesmée, and Tanya is doing her usual strutting as they walk out to greet them, looking all fine and dandy and such with those curls bouncing, but yknow what-
Have yall taken a closer look at Carmen? Woman WALTZES. She carries herself with such sophistication and confidence that, and it pains me to say this, puts even Tanya to shame. Like, she´s so self-assured in the way she walks up to greet the Cullens that one might feel inclined to believe she is the coven leader.
Which brings me to my point: Tanya is the head and protector who provides, but Carmen is the heart of the family, much like Esme. I strongly believe her to be the first person you´d wanna go to when you´re facing doubts or inner struggles and whatnot. She´s the one who will build you up and tell you it´s gonna be alright. And I bet yall Tanya frequently seeks advice from her like she did in the little bits we´ve seen of their dynamic on screen - it´s basically canon.
I also consider her to be the most open-minded of them all.
Yall need further evidence?
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She was the FIRST to speak out for Renesmée here.
"I can feel her." - Carmen Denali
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Look at her looking all proud to welcome the newest family member of whom she´s heard so much of. She was also the FIRST to approach Bella here, no hesitance at all.
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Look at Tanya looking at Carmen like "What should I do, mom?" PLEASE.
And, just because:
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Look at Mommas being over the moon to greet the baby of the family. THEY BOTH SO PRECIOUS. 😭
Also Eleazar in the background looking just as elated like "She´s beautiful. Proud of you, son." to Edward. That´s LITERALLY what´s happening here. Yall see it too, right??
I rest my case.
Carmen Denali is Momma.
(And Eleazar Denali just tags along but is just as proud. Like a reserved Dad who just smiles and waves as his wife does her things. Just happy to be there. 😭🫶)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
ANON, thank you for this information literally NOBODY asked for. Do you honestly believe we think Jikook are together because of ass biting and cheek kissing? Well let me school you a lil bit. Taekook kissed each other’s cheeks very softy, yet I don’t think they are together, Jk kissed Jin’s foot very softly, yet i don’t think they are together, Jk cuddles Hobi and sniffs him all the damn time, yet I don’t think they are together, Hobi kisses on Jk, and cuddles him very softly, yet I don’t think they are together, Jk kissed Namjoon on the forehead, yet i don’t think they are together. I have seen Tae rub on Jk’s bare thigh so close to his crotch, yet I don’t think they are together, i have seen Suga hit Jimin in the gonads, yet I don’t think they are together, i have seen Jk cuddle hobi and had his knee on Hobi’s crotch area, yet I don’t think they are together, i have seen Jimin flirt so bad with Hobi that i almost got butterflies, yet I don’t think they are together.
Y’all self righteous non shippers have to understand that it’s not so much the things they do but more or less how they do them and if they do those things with others or not! Now tell me when u saw JK slipping his hands into another members shirt to caress bare skin? Now tell me when u saw any other members of bts sneaking into a hotel room together when they didn’t know there were hidden cameras? Now tell me when u’ve seen any other idols “hiding” in a dark corner at a party with heads so close together and hands touching cuz they were “shy”? Tell me when u’ve seen any other idols sneakily rubbing cheeks with each other while pretending to whisper to each other? Tell me when u’ve seen any other idols coming into work with bite marks on erogenous parts of their bodies, given to them by their bandmates? Tell me when u’ve seen other idols playing footsies, and even crotch footsies while trying to be sneaky about it? Tell me which other idols decided to make videos of their bandmates with love lyrics? Tell me which other idols made several videos choosing to highlight a particular bandmate in almost every single video by either giving them the most screentime, muting the volume of the song so we could hear their giggles or changing hues and tones of videos from cool to warm and adding their footage when the music goes upbeat? I’ll wait!
Listen, you lot may not understand this and try to reduce the stuff Jikook do to normal kpop culture but u need to understand that some pple actually pay more attention and catch more things some of y’all wouldn’t catch! We’ve paid close attention to Jikook from their rookie days, listened to the things they have said, seen their actions and the actions and words if those around them. This is not about some ass biting or cheek kissing or ass slapping and quite frankly, i feel really offended that pple think that is the reason we ship Jikook. Skinship actually has very little to do with why i personally believe they are together and it is something that if you don’t get, u just don’t get. There are certain things that all the boys do to and for each other, but the only duo in bts that u will see any form of exclusivity in their dynamic is Jikook. They do things to and for each other that they just don’t do with anyone else. The sexual tension u feel with Jikook, u just don’t feel with anyone else.
Next time, please give jikookers more credit b4 coming on Jikook blogs trying to tell us what we already know. You don’t have to believe that jikook are together but trying to use these examples to debunk jikook is just laughable! Please do better!
That's the stuff! That's the stuff! Louder!!!
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
💟 yh family concert vlog cpns & some yibo thoughts…💭💬
thank you to yibo-official for feeding us with some content this weekend. it’s been kinda quiet since friday, so this is a sweet treat for everyone before monday comes in.
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( excuse this very extra gif i’m using for this post. lol. i’ve just been obsessed w/ how yibo looks in this. the way he turned his head is so cute. soooo… ☺️ )
YBO is back. or the question is, did they ever leave? lol. ever since that news/rumor came out, together with the lrlg post, I was still 50/50. Because it’s hard to confirm things, especially ones that involve his career and what’s allegedly going on. However with the content that’s being released, from OnO to now, it has the same feel as the original YBO. who knows. I’m just happy, like everyone else, to see this kind of updates from his team.
Yibo is not really one to share much personal stuff anymore on his social media accounts so YBO is so important. Plus the fact that they regularly update their IG too ( remember to interact on their please! ) for us international fans gives them plus points in my book.
It’s also a relief to see the negative comments wind down to being non existent. I truly understand why some fans feel the need to complain, but ybo is not really that place. I personally don’t like the idea of acting like an anti in a space that represents yibo. that could just be me tho.
Anyway, I hope we get more! I wanna see the bts footage they have with BTF & One and Only! I feel like they spoiled us with HB’s 1 hour + BTS footage so we’re all expecting to get the same for BTF & OnO. BTF has some restrictions i guess with what they can share since some filming were done in military sites.
Now I wanna highlight this portion of the vlog, with WYB being in a good mood during the last part of the concert.
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This was the part where some people were saying that he looked ‘unhappy’, implying that’s because he didn’t wanna be there / cause there are mostly bxgs who attended. however, this clip, and a lot of the moments on the blog told a different story.
He was obviously not dragged in there — crying and screaming to perform. He was invested with his performance. He looked happy to be with his professional “family”. It’s an example of some fans having their own biased interpretation with this event. I respect those who decided to not attend, it’s their choice and money. But it was really irritating to see them nag and bitch about those who decided to support yibo. Plus it’s their own money. They can spend it however they want.
Funny thing is, those big name accounts who were so vocal about being against Yuehua Ent. & attending — did in fact, attend the concert 😂😂😂 so yeah. It’s an age old story. Don’t believe big name accounts, especially on weibo. These KOLs that “lead” fan opinion can be very shady. At the end of the day, we’re all here to support WYB and his projects in the best way we can. 🙏🏼
The fact that the video is 8:05 minutes long which is an example of how kadian/numbers are important. Well, not all the time, but the team takes that into consideration. So if you see them pulling a 10:05, that would be very sus 👀
As usual, some editing similarities….
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Again, editing similarities, even if there are so many could still be a coincidence but it’s fun to still pay attention.
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Also the details in YIBITO. He has the apple watch! I will never get over the fact that this “detail” is being highlighted like this when it is a popular cpn among turtles and we always look for it.
Some also noticed this “….” Which we don’t know the relevance of, but it could be a clue that LRLG is from Bobo’s team. This is unusual for me, cause ellipsis are usually “…” right?
I’m taking it as a galaxy brain cpn 🌌
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ZZ also allegedly got off work today at 19:22, and then ybo posts @ 19:36. Yes, WYB has his own team but since we CPN that their staff could overlap — this timing is interesting. Maybe it needed a final sign off from the other boss? 😂😂😂😂
SHOUT OUT TO BOTTLED JOY, cause WYB was seen using some during the bts. He also took one with him in the Thailand roadshow. So i guess it’s safe to say that he has a good relationship with the brand, despite what others feel about them. He wouldn’t be showing off if he wasn’t. I’m looking forward to his renewal with them and what new stuff & campaign will be in place. BXGs will surely be lining up to support.
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solarwynd · 5 months
I am doing my research in media and sub cultures and bts fandom is such an intriguing cesspool of phenomenon. I was talking to a peer about some of these narratives surrounding JM and how they often paint him as evil etc, they raised a good point. Narratives can’t be wiped clean. Stories can be proven wrong. But narratives are more than that. If someone buys into a narrative, proving it isn’t wrong kinda becomes their motive. For instance if person A believes JM is a bad friend to Taehyung and is distracting the youngest with his sexual super powers (typing that out made me gag), ensuring that this narrative is real and true is their goal. The moment you refute it, they go into denial. They double down. Facts don’t matter. Real footage doesn’t matter. What any of the three do and say don’t matter. If it did, flat earthers won’t exist. Climate deniers won’t exist.
PJMs have to start driving narratives from the front, especially using YouTube shorts, Instagram and TikTok about JM, about how HYBE treats him and how he’s a better human than most of the crew. You can’t play fair to fight disinformation. You need narratives that would override it all, that’s rooted in sentiments.
Idk if this is relevant at all to anyone, but please shout for Jimin from every corner and call out everything because this fandom actively works against him.
These are all very good points, but pjms have been doing what you described for ages. Even when I was an army, I observed that one of the main actions solos in general would do is proving how their bias was mistreated and wronged in some shape or form. (Even if it was nonsensical, which in most cases it was) In recent times where the sabotage is still at its peak for Jimin I’ve seen countless threads and vids detailing how hybe fucked him over, or correcting misinfo from shippers. It doesn’t change anything because like you said they’re set in their beliefs and just have unadulterated hatred for Jimin.
There was an anon I had a while back that had suggested that pjms needed to start making positive vids about jimin. Like showing off his personality and talents and I’d more agree with doing that because that’s more likely to bring in new fans or ward off any bad vibes for the fresher ones. I think constantly surrounding the stanning experience of jimin in negativity can turn out to be draining if all anyone on the outside sees is him being dogged on and mistreated. The best thing I’d say is to drown it out with info on him and for people to see how amazing he truly is, cause I’ve seen it work in the past.
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curio-queries · 11 days
Are You Sure?!
Episodes 5 & 6 Notes
It was very fortuitous that I've been so busy over the last couple of weeks as I really needed both of these episodes together to make sense of my thoughts. This post is definitely far more conceptual than my last ones so if you're up for it, click on though the cut!
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AYS's Main Character?
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I would like to propose that AYS has a main character OTHER than the individual humans we're following along on screen. (I warned you, this post was going to be conceptual.) And the main character is the relationship itself, how each of the members relate to one another.
Here's Google's AI overview on what this concept means:
A story can center on the relationship between characters as the primary protagonist, with the dynamic and evolution of that connection acting as the main driving force of the narrative, rather than the individual characters themselves.
Key points to consider:
Relationship-centric stories: Many genres, particularly romance, often focus heavily on the relationship between the main characters, exploring its complexities, challenges, and growth throughout the story.
No single protagonist: In such cases, the "character" is the bond between the individuals, not just one person's perspective or journey.
Exploring the dynamic: The narrative would then focus on how the relationship changes, adapts, and reacts to external situations or internal conflicts.
"Before Sunrise": The entire plot revolves around the single night encounter between two strangers, with the developing connection being the central focus.
"Brokeback Mountain": The story primarily explores the forbidden love between two cowboys, highlighting the complexities of their relationship in a restrictive environment.
"Steel Magnolias ": A group of girls in a small town in Louisiana experience grief together, including weddings, fatal illnesses, and the loss of loved ones.
Now before anyone comes for me saying I'm just pitching an argument for xyz fanwar, please note that I included the above just to illustrate the concept of a non-person main character rather than stating any of the above are comparisons to the individual member's relationships. We're talking about a show that was produced and distributed for entertainment, nothing further.
Episode 5
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My main feeling after finally being able to watch episode 5 was overall unsettled. There was something sticking with me about that episode and I could NOT figure out what it was.
I knew I was feeling like the entire episode was stretched well beyond what the footage wanted for a complete episode. I'm all for getting to spend more time with our fellas but the Jeju trip would have benefited from being cut down to 2 episodes rather than 3, in my opinion.
There was just a whole lotta nothing happening. The guys eat, travel around a little bit, and eat some more. I had some vague thoughts about how I could quantify some data for y'all to explain this point but then it was time for the next episode...
vs. Episode 6
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And what an absolutely lovely breath of fresh air this episode was. I know there have been some Run eps that I review with a smile on my face throughout the whole episode but AYS6?? That was 73 minutes of pure bliss.
So I started thinking about what must be different between the two eps. The guys eat, travel around a little bit, and eat some more...wait, that's exactly what I said about ep 5! Lol
But I think the main difference between the two is episode 6's plot points continually focus on the relationships between the members, while 5 falls a little stagnant.
Some examples:
JM/cat & JK/dog. I'm ALWAYS down for more footage of BTS with pets but this is frankly too much time spent on these scenes. It's honestly footage I would have expected in the bonus content instead of the main product. It's not just an establishing beat or a setup for a callback, this is supposed to be a scene but since it doesn't contribute to the journey of the main character aka the relationships. It could maaaybe work if they'd cut it to highlight the juxtaposition of how JM is calm with the cat vs JKs energy with the dog but that would have shortened the time it occupied and they were clearly trying to keep absolutely everything in that would lengthen the episode.
JKs stew. The ONLY thing that ties this plot point into the narrative of this show (other than it happening while he's in Jeju and Jimin is nearby) is the offhand comment he made that Jimin would like it while he was in NY. I'm going to talk more about this footage below but this was absolutely crucial for this whole beat making it into the episode. This is also why the footage of JM eating it and randomly taking off his shirt was kept in. The cut they chose is actually pretty bad story-wise but they used it anyway. We hear JM saying how much he loves it and how glad he is that JK is a good cook. It ties all of this time we spent watching JK do something alone back into the real main character of the show (the members' relationships between eachother in different circumstances).
Anyway, I won't belabour the point any further. With Tae constantly disappearing from scenes and the slightly diminished lack of focus on the member's relationships, episode 5 left me on an odd note.
A Little Production Note
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I was completely thrown by the footage of JK in NY that we got this episode. But not for the reasons you may be thinking. (I do wonder if the anon that was sending in asks about the financing behind the documentaries is still around because we're getting into some of tidbits finally.)
So, all along we've been trying to sus out as much as we can, just a few details about how AYS came to be. We've had some hints but the inclusion of this footage may be another indicator.
The facts as we know them:
AYS is distributed by Disney.
Jungkook's documentary is being distributed by Trafalgar Releasing NOT Disney (at least not now, maybe it'll make it onto streaming after cinematic release but who knows?)
Questions due to the footage of JK in NY:
Was this footage captured as part of JKs documentary?
If so, when was it pulled to be utilized for AYS? Did the editors find it or were the writers involved?
We know that HYBE gathers behind-the-scene content without always having a full plan of how it will be used. But there are times where it did seem intentional for a specific purpose. Where did JKs Golden footage fall in?
Once upon a time, production houses would make deals with distributors about quantities of projects that would be delivered. Was that the case with the Disney deal or has every single project been negotiated separately and we only heard about it once there was a confirmed quantity. Somewhere in the middle perhaps?
And that's all I've got to say for now. I do have some more thoughts about things I've gleaned during these last couple of episodes but it'll likely keep until the end.
Anyway, this footage bumped me because it broke the rules of cross-project production. They got away with it for JKs SEVEN footage in ep 1 because they likely were using the same production crew since it was literally the same day so it doesnt feel like they're'breaking the wall'. But the NY-Jeju crews could have been completely different.
Editing to add further clarification to this point in this ask.
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On a sidenote, do y'all remember the last time we got footage of jikook in a hotspring?? I'll jog your memory if not, it was in BV:4 and they 'washed each other's faces'. I can't even imagine what we're about to see in episode 7.
Link to my AYS MasterList
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bookscandlesnbts · 11 months
It's confirmed Jisoo and her actor bf broke up after 3 months of dating because of busy schedule. Just 3 months. This is the reality of kpop relationships especially if they both are celebs. Mostly it's hookups but if they somehow get past that stage it usually lasts from 2 months - 1 - 2 years. There there's shippers believing Jimin and JK are in a relationship for past 5-6 years ? Even if shippers are dumb and ignorant of reality, I don't think JK and JM are. When they can literally have anyone they want they are NOT chosing to stay with a single person for their whole life. Please let's be real.
Now I'm wondering whether the woman with JK in apt was indeed his gf but ex. It happened in Feb- March period. It was leaked after 5 months. Probably he broke up before that so he didn't lied when he said he doesn't have a gf and just wanna focus on work now. Remember he wasn't doing any work then. Whether it was ex or not, this is the reality of kpop relationships now you decide whether you wanna believe these two young men, who are busy af and have ton of other options, is choosing to stay with each other.
Oh anon y’all gotta stop being so corny 🤣 why would someone stay in a relationship for 5-6 years? Why? Idk anon maybe they are in love and have a special bond with one person. Love exists. Happy monogamous relationships of all sexual orientations exist. I might not be in one and maybe never will but I’m not cynical like you. Damn. Maybe that person makes them happy. Not everyone is promiscuous and wanting one night stands and causal hook ups. Y’all need to stop watching dramas or thinking through a western lens or thinking that you “know” the kpop industry or whatever y’all are doing because it’s really silly.
I don’t follow the BlackPink members. I don’t care who they date or what they do. Tbh, I don’t follow most celebs. The only celebs I’ve really cared about are BTS.
There is nothing to wonder. JK debunked it. The footage was grainy. The apartment wasn’t the same. The man was unidentifiable wearing a mask, and the woman was clearly pregnant. But sure, she was JK’s ex so that means he has a whole ass kid now 🤣 the side eye I’m giving you is so real. 🙄
Being busy doesn’t mean that you can’t be in a stable relationship. And since you are so skeptical anon, maybe their “busy schedules” wasn’t the reason Jisoo and that guy broke up. Maybe she ended up not liking him and that’s the most amicable way to explain a break up. There are so many explanations.
You aren’t a jikooker. That much is clear. You are the type wanting to believe that Jungkook is straight so you are latching onto whatever fantasy puts him in the vicinity of dating a woman. This is a Jikook blog for those that believe that they are in a happy, loving long term relationship. I probably should have blocked you, but this was too goofy to not give a response. I’m not the one ignorant of reality. I saw Jimin’s live yesterday where Jungkook made an appearance. More information could be gathered about the nature of Jikook’s bond from that two minute interaction than your whole narrative based on a broken up heterosexual relationship. I watched Jimin’s doc and paid attention to the lyrics and the significance of Jungkook being on Letter, a hidden track on an album very personal to Jimin’s life story. I watched them flirting on live throughout this year, Jimin saying that he can handle Jungkook laying in bed half naked. I watched Jungkook gush over Jimin for 90 minutes straight with hearts in his eyes. Anon, did you? If you haven’t, maybe you should and stop coming up with nonsense based theories. Jungkook isn’t the manwhore of the kpop industry that you want him to be. He’s a queer man in love with his bandmate until proven otherwise. And by proof, I mean actual proof not a grainy video that he himself debunked. Give it up already.
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oxpogues4lifexo · 3 months
Ward's Interview - KUwTC Ep1
With added BTS
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BTS + Unseen footage is in Orange
Full episode Here
Other BTS
(/ means cut scene. Bold letters means host)
Ward sat by himself on a single seater beside the edge of the left hand side of the couch. His hair stuck tightly to the top of his head as he held himself with a humble appearance of a loose, white, half-unbuttoned shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of navy pants tightly fitted around his thighs, completed with an expensive silver-plated watch that sparkled with every movement he made.
"Could you all introduce yourselves please? Starting over here!" He points his hand towards the edge of the couch, pointing to Ward.
Ward's lips part as the corners lift to an even bigger smile, "Hello, I'm Ward Cameron!" He says holding a proud grin to the camera as he emphasises a wave, his watch shuffling down his arm slightly at the motion.
The camera holds for a minute, taking in Sarah's expressions before Ryan prompts the cameraman to move on. Wards facade slips slightly at the action whilst the others seem too preoccupied with their own thoughts to notice.
“That Cameraman needs firing! I don’t know who the hell he thinks he is, but that’s my daughter! My daughter!! And he’s got his pervy eyes on her while in my own home. Unacceptable! I want him gone by tomorrow, Sarah is NOT living in a house with someone like that, when he’s filming a family show. That’s wrong. It’s disgusting and he’s vile!”
He sat in the office, on his leather couch as his finger waved in the air with each word that left his mouth. You could tell just by his facial expression alone that he was more than pissed.
“I pay him SO much money to film this for us. Not to be gawking over my daughter!!-”
He sits quietly for a minute, the cameras sat on his face as it shows a small cog turning inside his head. His eyes widen as he presses his hands to the seat of the couch and pushes himself off calmly. He walks out the room slamming the door heavily as he makes his way into the living room.
“Where is he??”
“Wheres who Ward?”
“That man!! The one with the blonde hair, and that weird moustache!”
“Umm me..?”
Wards eyes widen again, before squinting, his eyebrows furrowing as he clenches his fist beside his thigh. “You..”
He steps closer to him so he was nose to nose with the guy, “Get. Out. My. House. Now!!!” He points his finger at the door. The man stood still in shock, watching Wards eyes.
“OUT!!” Ward grabs his arm and chucks him into the direction of the exit, making him stumble over his own feet. The man didn’t even hesitate; grabbing his camera and his bag before running out the door, not turning back once.
The camera pans back to Ward once more, a grin showing on his lips. The first time all day, Ryan felt almost intimidated by him.
Ward was proud of his family as he looked over them, as if he were some King admiring his people. He gives Sarah a reassuring nod; tugging a small smile to her lips.
“Right where were we..” He coughs to clear his mind and the tension in the air. The new cameraman slightly on edge as he keeps his eyes nowhere but on Ward himself. “Oh right! Yes I do know that none of them wanted to do the show! Well.. Wheezie did! I can always count on her to make me happy. And Rafe? He gave a very different reaction when I brought it up the first time. But now? I don’t even know what to say, he’s so.. interested? Like he wants to talk about everything. Which even for Bella is rare! He goes to her a lot but she never gets anything out of him. So him so willing to share his life with the island so suddenly, if you ask me, he’s on something. And no that’s not a joke..” He scoffs at his own words, his eyes rolling.
“I know that Rafe sometimes does drugs and other substances. Only because I know that Bella’s brother, Cal, does it. And those boys, they are very easily influenced by one another. They all have this underlying power over each other, I’m just glad they don’t bring Bella down with them! If anything they try to avoid it around her, especially Rafe which I found very surprising. She has this hold on him, he has this liking towards her that makes him softer, more human you could say. It’s refreshing to see Rafe under a different light. It’s one of the reasons I don’t mind her being friends with him. He wants what’s best for her, and he knows how to give her that. It’s cute actually. Rafe’s always been a lone wolf. Always doing everything by himself even if he had friends around. But now he’s met Bella, there’s this different side to him that he doesn’t care to show. The real him. And it makes me happy to know that there’s still that part of him in there. After his mum left he went off the walls! And he turned to drugs and other methods to cope. He was only young. So knowing that there is still a small part of him that’s okay and can find happiness in something other than illegal methods is quite relieving. I have my son back. I don’t say it often but I do love him. And it makes me happy to see him the way he is with her. She doesn’t know how grateful I am! Well I guess she will after this huh.” He chuckles to himself, ignoring the small glisten in his eyes as tears ball in the corners under his lashes.
Ryan nods with the same grin on his face from minutes before, "So, how is everyone feeling?"
A mixture of "goods” and “fines” were thrown around the room, causing a small furrow in the hosts brow. He coughs to clear the air, opening his mouth to speak before a voice interrupts.
"How're you?" He looks over to notice the voice was Wheezie, a bubbly expression accompanied her words.
Ryan can't help but light up at the question, normally he's the one to ask all the questions, the attention never being on him. "I'm.. yeah I'm good thank you! Excited to be here with you guys. It's a pleasure."
She smiles to his answer; Ward's face lifting at the enthusiasm from atleast one person he loves. "I'm glad you're here too! It's exciting to be able to have an opportunity like this, especially when I've been trying to sort it for a few weeks now! It kind of felt like a lost cause at one point." He chuckles away to himself, pushing the tension of the previous situation out his head.
"Hm, yeah I had to put a few mentions out there to make this happen for you!"
"Well thank you, as you can tell we're all very much looking forward to it." He jokes as he looks around at the bored expressions over on the couch.
Ryan laughs with him, "I can very much tell!"
"Are you going to ask questions or can I go do the laundry?" From previous moments you could tell Rose was holding back from speaking, but the jokes were only causing more irritation. The three kids give each other ‘the look’ and start giggling to one another.
"Honey don't be rude, it's nice to have a bit of small talk beforehand; get to know what your getting yourself into. You'll get the laundry done soon I promise.." He whispers the last part, trying his best to comfort her. He knows she doesn't like people bothering her but he also knows that with some pushing, she'll warm up to the cameras.
One look at Ward and her body immediately melts, her face softening and a smile tugging at her cheeks. She nods to him, batting her lashes, "Okay.. sorry."
"Don't worry, we'll be doing the interviews privately so you have plenty of time to do your housework."
She nods, but stays silent. Any next word that comes out her mouth will only cause more tension.
“Yeah Rose isn’t the most enthusiastic when it comes to anything outside her comfort zone. But it doesn’t mean she won’t do it. She only accepted to do the show because she knew I wanted to do it so badly. Same with the kids really. Rose has a very set mindset. A set routine of how everything works. And if anything, like the cameras, gets in her way or adds extra stress to her already stressful day then she can’t function properly. I feel bad for her I really do, but I made sure to tell Ryan not to put the cameras on her too much through the week! Although when she found out that there were cameras everywhere and were going to be on 24/7, she did have a mini panic. Almost making me cut off the idea completely. Thankfully Ryan came to a compromise and will cut out all her scenes if she wants him to. He’s actually a very sweet guy. I’m glad he’s our host!”
Silence holds the air for a minute or two before Ryan clears his throat, "Right."
He looks around at everyone, "I was going to talk to you all as a family first but you all seem to have things you need to do so..Ward!" He raises his hand to gesture towards him, "I'll speak to you first. The rest of you can stick around and I'll get you when we're ready." He gives them a nod as each of them don't hesitate to get up from the couch, removing themselves from the situation almost instantly.
Rate stands around for a moment, hands in his trouser pockets, a small frown tugging at his brow.
"You okay, son?" Ward questions as he moves himself into a better position for the focus of the camera.
Rafe's shoulders raise at his question, "Just-Yeah I'm fine." He nods, pushing away his frustration as he gives the camera a little smile.
"Is Bella free? Maybe she and Callum could come round to keep you occupied while you wait!" Ward suggests, trying his best to satisfy Rate's needs, which isn't always the easiest thing to do.
"Yeah I'll go see. Can I be next?" The eagerness that radiated from Rate caused a smile upon Wards face.
"You know Rafe, you're the only person actually willing to give something to this show at the moment. I really appreciate it, thank you! And yes I'm sure you can go next."
Rafe smiles once more as the host butts in, "Of course you can! We won't be long." Ryan reassures him as Rafe makes his way to the garden to make a phone call.
"Right shall we start?"
"I think that's best!" Ward chuckles, smoothing out his hair and repositioning his watch on his wrist as he adjusts himself to face the camera again.
"May I start off by asking, who's Bella and Callum?"
Ward lets out a small laugh as a smile pulls at his lips, more genuine than the last, and his eyes light up by the simple mention of their names. "They are.." He coughs to clear his throat as just the thought of them alone makes him bubble with happiness. "They are my adopted children. Well.. I've raised them from a very young age so they're practically my own. I wouldn't have asked for it any other way if I'm being honest. Wait that sounds.. I mean.. nevermind! But they're Rafe's best friends if that's what you were asking."
"Ah okay, so.. I'm assuming their parents are out the picture then? Or do you help?"
"I'm sorry I don't really think that's my place to say. They're very sensitive to the topic. Could we get back to the show please?"
Ryan pauses for a moment, seeing how defensive Ward got almost instantly after his question, he smiled a little before realising what he said, "Yes sorry of course! Sorry for the question."
"So Ward, you're the man behind the plan. Tell us, what was your thought process when deciding to make your own reality show."
"Well, I'm a man from nothing, I'm a 'Pogue' as the kids call it. I built this life for myself and my family from the ground up, and I'm proud of myself. I feel like making this show isn't about showing off our money, it's about showing off the type of people we are and proving that working hard gets you far! We are all proud of where we stand, but it also comes with its disadvantages. And I felt like having a show of our own to show everyone that money doesn't make everything easier, is necessary. Because people think that we take advantage of our money when in reality all it does is pay for our bills, not our happiness."
Ryan gives him a small smile as he nods his head along, “Ward could you tell the audience a little about yourself."
"Okay. Um, I'm Ward Cameron, I'm fifty-six, and I own a business called Cameron Developments; but I mostly stay at home and just file the paper work, make sure everyone's doing their jobs properly! I have three beautiful children, and two amazing adopted children. I have a perfect wife who has taken in my children as her own since she's joined our family. Annnnd.. I think that's it haha."
"What would you say is your favourite part about this family?"
"God, only one? Uhh.. Well. I think l'd have to say, how different we all are. The kids aren't the closest but it means we always have something to talk about. Rafe always telling us about his friends' drama, Sarah always coming up with crazy stories and Wheezie talking about her new hobbies. Aswell as the additional arguments between Callum and Bella; it always makes for a very interesting dinner. The family talks are definitely my favourite l'd say!"
"And.. who would you say you're the closest to?"
"Definitely my angel, Sarah. Bella comes a close second. I just spent the most time with Sarah growing up so we have the most in common. And Bella's just a sweetheart to be around. Always making me smile."
"So Bella is a big part of your life then?"
"Yeah l'd say so. I raised her, taught her everything she needs to know, and now she walks around as one of my own. She's here almost everyday, and she's always up for anything. I love her."
“Are you not worried about talking about your favourites like that? I mean, Bella isn’t even in your family and you say you’re closer to her than your other two.”
“Well I’m not going to lie! Yeah I admit, I’m closer to Bella. Thats because Rafe’s never around and Wheezie’s independent. It’s not my fault in the slightest. I’m sure if you asked them, they’d all agree that I love everyone in this family equally!”
His face falls as his eyes widen, realising the insanity of his words, “Actually scrap that! Could you cut this? Dont ask them that!!”
“Is it okay to ask about Bella and Callum now? How did you end up meeting them?”
It was again later in the day, after all the interviews and the tour. Now Rose was cooking dinner and the kids were occupied with one another. Ward had some time in his office to have a deeper talk about everyone.
“Umm.. well I’m guessing you aren’t going to let up. So I’d say.. Well me and their parents were very close back in the day. Not so much when they had the kids but we still kept in touch every once in a while! It was only when I got the news about their dad that I really got involved again. I had to stay with the both of them whilst they waited in the hospital. Then after that, I took them in! I raised Rafe and at the time I was raising two babies aswell. It wasn’t new to me so I thought what’s the harm in two more? And I guess ever since I’ve kind of just looked at them as my own! Although Callum likes to disagree but that’s completely reasonable, he had a very close relationship with his dad and didn’t want to replace it. On the other hand Bella was neglected. There’s a whole ‘reasoning’ behind it I guess but it’s not okay either way. So she obviously gravitated closer to me than her brother. And I felt like it was my place to treat her like one of my own as she didn’t have parents before that. Thats why I’m so close to her. And why Callum isn’t really in the picture.”
"You have to be careful with Rafe." Ward explains, now moved outside. The sun almost completely covered by the sea edge and the wind had picked up since the last shot of him, made evident in the way he let his hair follow the winds lead. "He doesn't think before he speaks. But he also doesn't care for others feelings that much, he likes to speak his mind. So yeah I had to stick around for his interview to make sure he doesn't talk about anything unnecessary or out of pocket. He tends to do it quite a lot with all of us and it does cause some tension. It's one of the reasons why we like having Bella and Cal' around, because they seem to occupy his mind and also take over the cause of disagreement."
"Well Ward unless there's anything else you'd like to talk about I think that's it!"
"Oh great! I think I'm all good, did you want to start on the tour?"
"I think that, well.. uh.." The door opens and Ryan watches Wards face to see if he should carry on or wait. Ward stays looking in the direction of the voices giving Ryan the hint to wait.
"Haha no I don't think that's how it works Тор-" A familiar voice travels round into the room Ward was sat in. Immediately recognising her, his face lights up and he removes himself off the couch.
"Oh shit." Kelce mumbles as he notices the cameras. None of them being told that filming started today.
"Bella! Rafe called you then?"
"Yes I did! We're going on the boat call me when your rea-"
"I'm ready for you Rafe."
Rafe's eyes roll, his shoulders slump as a heavy breath leaves his mouth. He goes to protest before Bella takes his hand. "We won't do anything fun without you, promise!" A smirk pulls at the corner of his lip as he pulls away from her grip, following Ward over to the couch.
Topper, Kelce, Bella and what Ryan could only assume was her brother Callum, all grabbed some cans before going outside.
"Okay well there's Bella and Callum then!" Ryan chuckles as he fixes his bow tie, placing himself back down on the chair opposite Rafe. "I was just going to ask when we could meet them."
"Well there you go!" Ward laughs, sitting down on the poker table just off the shot of the camera.
"Ward, we can do the tour after all the interviews if that's okay?"
He gives Ryan a nod, Rafes eyes not taking off of him. A small furrow pulls onto his brow.
"Whatre you doing?"
"What do you mean, son?"
"Why're you sitting there? Dont you have work to do or something?"
"No I'm all good, just watching my son do his thing if that's okay with him."
Rafe can't fight against the smile, also not wanting to make a huge deal when the cameras are still on. No one knows what's being put into the show and they never know what's being exposed to the world.
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akookminsupporter · 10 months
I got on reddit a couple of months ago and I discovered that while many people are neutral about bts or even dislike them, most of them are really polite and nice about it, and most discourse about bts is in a positive or neutral light. It's not like twitter where they call them flops in every 2 tweets. So it's similar to tumblr because people can have normal conversations (most of the time) about kpop groups there. Of course there are trolls and straight up haters there too but they either get downvoted very hard or deleted so it's I think better. Anyway my point is that I go on reddit today to see what people are talking about because I only check reddit like 2-3 times a week. And the first post is literally someone asking why bighit is pushing jikook out of all the ships.. And I just sat here blinking at the screen because... Really? We are having this conversation AGAIN? It wasn't even in the bangtan channel/sub, it was in a kpop sub where you can talk about any group. But then I read the whole post and it was very clear OP was one of those people who don't watch official content and just lives off of clips that are posted in the first 24 hours. There are not a lot of comments right now but all of them are very normal and lowkey calling out OP for being stupid so I upvoted all of them 😂
But like every fucking time a DVD comes out and we have footage from multiple days or even months and we see jikook hanging out and do their thing, EVERY DAMN TIME we have this same ass conversation. Every time it's fanservice every time it's "why are they together" every time it's "why is bh pushing them" MF IT'S BEEN YEARS OF THIS. Don't these people think that if you see them, CONSISTENTLY hang out with each other EVERY YEAR, don't you think that maybe... Just maybe they like hanging out and being in each others company???
Even if you take shipping completely out of the picture. Like don't you think its fucking weird to see two people who have known each other for 11 years, went through some insane shit together and even more that WE as FANS probably don't even know about, they clearly support and love each other and like hanging out with each other... And then you go on social media and tweet: "why do people, who are friends, spend time together?" DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF. I need someone to go up to these people when they are out with their friends and ask them if they secretly hate each other and only hang out just to please their parents or something.
You don't need to ship jikook to see they like each other. You don't need to ship taekook to see they like each other. You don't need to ship anyone in bangtan to see that they love each other to the moon and back. These men are in each others asses 24/7 but sure, the company is pushing them to do fanservice because they don't make enough money or something. Whether you (not you specifically) think jikook or taekook or yoonmin or anyone is dating or not, that's your business. If you ship them, you ship them, if you don't, you don't. But you literally cannot fucking walk up to me, look me in the eye and tell me they don't like each other. These boys are first and foremost FRIENDS And if you see any of them together, it's because THEY WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH EACH OTHER.
I don't know why it's so hard for some people to understand this. Maybe because fanservice is a normal? thing in Korea and I'm sure many groups are doing it. But I checked OPs post and comment history and they follow bts for a while now so they have to know that the tannies have moved past/moved away from doing typical kpop things loooooong ago. They are not your typical kpop group. Two members hanging out with each other in front of or behind camera is not fanservice. Can we fucking wrap this conversation up already, I'm so bored of seeing this being brought up every year. Sorry for the long essay 😔
When it comes to Jimin and Jungkook, people would always prefer to believe anything but the truth, reality and what they themselves say. Wait till whatever they are doing comes out, it will be all this again and even worse.
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