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Okay, so I actually read this "position paper" which I don't think the publishers really want a lot of people to do—given that they bury it in a PDF that you have to navigate to after following a link in the final tweet of the thread. Doesn't that tweet above look like the title card for an actual report? Yeah it's not; it's just an image.
Once you click through (three times), you will find that there is no new evidence collected, and that the "paper" is in fact a poorly written and edited compilation of the disputed reports that circulated online and in Western press in the days after Oct 7.
It cites anonymous IOF sources as fact. It launders previously made, unproven claims regarding the state of bodies found at the Supernova Sukkot Festival. For example, they repeat the claims of alleged festival organizer, Rami Shmuel, made on CNN.
If the acts were as horrific as described in those initial reports, why weren't any photos or other forensic evidence collected? No attempt was apparently made to track down such evidence by the authors, nor was there any investigation into what the lack of such evidence might imply.
And yet, people are on Twitter sharing this tweet, behaving as if this settles the matter, never reading past the headline. I think this is, of course, the point of publishing such an inane document, and having a "pro-Palestinian" organization do it is key to making sure liberal zionists receive the message.
#oct 7#atrocity propaganda#phri#physicians for human rights israel#hasbara#supernova festival#supernova sukkot gathering#nova tribe#tribe of nova#Rami Shmuel
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Ramadan Tiba, Tempat Hiburan Malam di Jakarta Wajib Tutup
JAKARTA – Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) DKI Jakarta menerapkan aturan terkait operasional tempat hiburan malam, seperti bar, spa, serta sauna di hotel bintang empat dan lima pada bulan suci Ramadan 1446 Hijriah/2025 Masehi. Wakil Ketua Badan Pimpinan Daerah (BPD) PHRI DKI Jakarta, Lisa P. Sanjoyo menjelaskan, bahwa dalam aturan itu mewajibkan tempat-tempat usaha tersebut tutup…
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Pj. Bupati Bogor Ajak PHRI Jadikan Pariwisata Motor Utama Pembangunan
BOGOR – Pj. Bupati Bogor, Bachril Bakri mengajak Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) menjadikan pariwisata sebagai motor utama pembangunan. Hal itu disampaikannya dalam acara Welcome Dinner Musyawarah Nasional (Munas) PHRI ke-18 tahun 2025, di Kecamatan Cisarua, Senin (10/02/2025). Pj. Bupati Bogor menjelaskan, di Kabupaten Bogor jumlah kunjungan wisatawan meningkat dari 4,4 juta di…
#Bachril Bakrie#Bogor#Bogor pisan#Cisarua#fyi#fyp#kabupaten bogor#news#pariwisata#pemkab bogor#phri#pj bupati bogor#wisata
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Okupansi Hotel di Lampung Turun Selama Libur Natal 2024, PHRI Lampung: Cuaca Buruk Jadi Salah Satu Faktor
Bandar Lampung – Tingkat hunian hotel di Lampung selama libur Natal 2024 mengalami penurunan. Berdasarkan data yang dihimpun oleh Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) Lampung, okupansi hotel hanya mencapai 80,65 persen, lebih rendah dibandingkan tahun lalu yang mencatatkan tingkat hunian 85 persen. Sekretaris BPD PHRI Lampung, Friandi Indrawan, yang akrab disapa Didi, mengungkapkan…
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Dukung Rudy Susmanto, Pelaku Usaha Wisata Minta "Bogor Sport & Tourism" Program Ade Yasin Dilanjutkan
RASIOO.id – Dalam dunia pariwisata, keberlanjutan menjadi kunci. Itulah yang ditekankan oleh Junaedi, seorang pelaku wisata dan Ketua Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) Kabupaten Bogor, yang berharap Calon Bupati nomor urut 1, Rudy Susmanto, yang akan didukungnya dapat meneruskan program-program unggulan mantan Bupati Ade Yasin. Harapannya sederhana: pariwisata Bogor yang dulu…
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Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru, Hotel di Pandeglang "Kebanjiran" Wisatawan
PANDEGLANG – Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru (Nataru) 2024, hampir semua hotel di tempat wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Pandeglang kebanjiran pesanan kamar. Bahkan, ada beberapa hotel yang tidak mampu menampung wisatawan lantaran banyaknya pengunjung yang datang. Ketua Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) Kabupaten Pandeglang, Widiasmanto mengatakan, tingkat hunian hotel yang ada di Kabupaten…

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#kabupaten pandeglang#Ketua Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia#kunjungan hotel Pandeglang#libur nataru 2024#PHRI#Widiasmanto
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Restoran Milik Ketua PHRI Buleleng Ludes Terbakar

BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Kebakaran sebuah restoran terjadi di Jalan Pantai Penimbangan, Desa Pemaron Kecamatan/Kabupaten Buleleng, Senin (27/11/2023) sekitar pukul 02.30 WITA. Belakangan diketahui restoran yang terbakar diduga karena korsleting listrik tersebut ternyata milik Ketua PHRI Buleleng bernama Dewa Ketut Suardipa dengan kerugian mencapai Rp200 jutaan. Berdasarkan informasi yang berhasil didapat peristiwa kebakaran bangunan berukuran 6x4 meter tersebut pertama kali diketahui ketika istri korban yakni Desak Nyoman Sumarniti (47) yang dihubungi oleh saksi bernama Jro Ketut Widiasih (48). Lantas korban yang juga Caleg Legislatif dari PDI-P tersebut bersama istri langsung mengecek dapur restoran yang berlokasi Jalan Pantai Penimbangan, Desa Pemaron, Buleleng tersebut. Benar saja api sudah membesar perlahan membakar bangunan dengan tembok kayu dan beratapkan seng tersebut. Sembari berusaha memadamkan api dengan alat seadanya saksi bernama Dewa Putu Agus Saputra (32) lantas menghubungi Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran (Damkar) selang beberapa jam kemudian atau sekitar pukul 04.00 WITA api akhirnya baru bisa dipadamkan. "Benar peristiwa itu terjadi (Senin) dini hari tadi, dugaan penyebab dapur restoran Rangon Sunset ini terbakar yakni karena korsleting listrik, Namin sudah dilakukan langkah pengamanan di TKP dengan memasang garis polisi," ungkap Kasi Humas Polres Buleleng, AKP Gede Darma Diatmika. Akibat peristiwa itu sejumlah peralatan restoran yang berada dipinggir Pantai Penimbangan ini ludes terbakar seperti barang-barang perlengkapan catering, sebuah kulkas, sebuah frezzer, alat-alat makan restoran berupa piring dan gelas, serta satu unit mobil box Suzuki Carry dengan nopol DK 8155 UF. Atas kejadian itu kerugian sementara diperkirakan mencapai angka Rp200 jutaan. "Laporan baru masuk tadi, jadi penyebab pastinya masih dalam lidik, tim sudah mendatangi TKP dan mengamankan lokasi," pungkas dia.(dar/bpn) Read the full article
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#PHRi#Sphri certification#PHRi certification#Sphri#preparation program#hr courses#HPA#High Performance Academy
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Hotel dan Penginapan di Malino Hampir Full Booked Jelang Beautiful Malino 2023 - Gosulsel
GOWA, GOSULSEL.COM-Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) Kabupaten Gowa mencatat tingkat okupansi hotel dan penginapan di Malino menjelang event Beautiful Malino 2023 hampir penuh atau full booked. "Okupansi hotel dan penginapan sudah 75 persen khusus di wilayah Malino," kata Ketua...
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CPHR training, GPHR training
Established in the year 2004, SBMC School of Human Resource (SBMC) is engaged in providing solutions like Global HR Certifications, HR Training, HR internship, CPHR certification, GPHR certification, SPHR certification, aPHR certification, aPHRi certification, SPHRi certification, PHRi certification, Payroll Training, Recruitments, Corporate Training, Digital marketing training, Payroll and outsourcing of operations to various verticals in the industry. Our services are governed by a strict code of ethics which ensures we provide timely, effective and economical solutions to our clients while maintaining complete confidentiality
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Good Morning Scotland 🏴
Early sunlight hitting Stac A' Phris: Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides
📸Jeremy Morris on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/128833469@N03/53709310307/
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Israel's version of "Guantanamo Bay," the Sde Teiman detention camp, has scaled back its operations following global outrage sparked by horrific footage of the gang rape of a detainee by Israeli prison guards in July 2024. This incident, alongside mounting evidence of systematic torture and sexual abuse, has exposed the brutal reality of the camp.
Despite the reduction in capacity, new findings from Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI) highlight that severe human rights violations persist across Israeli detention facilities and prisons. These facilities currently detain at least 6,000 Palestinians, a number Israel acknowledges having captured from Gaza since October 7, 2023.
Infographic credit: Anadolu Agencyd
#free palestine#gaza genocide#save palestine#free gaza#i stand with palestine#all eyes on palestine#palestinian genocide#gazaunderattack#muslims matters#israel is committing genocide#israel kills children#israel is a genocidal state#sudan genocide#stop genocide#genocide#gaza news#gaza massacre#gaza strip#palestine news#palestine solidarity#free palestina#fuck israel#palestina
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Ini Jurus Jitu PHRI Kabupaten Bogor untuk Gaet Wisatawan ke Puncak Jelang Nataru
CISARUA– Perhimpunan Hotel Dan Restaurant Indonesia (PHRI) Kabupaten Bogor, tengah menggodok sejumlah program, guna meningkatkan pengunjung ke kawasan wisata Puncak Cisarua jelang Natal dan Tahun Baru. Program tersebut guna menarik minat wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara ke kawasan Puncak. “Saat ini hotel-hotel yang kami kelola belom ada bokingan untuk acara liburan Nataru 2023, mengenai…

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in 2015 he was only 13 years old.
Ahmad Manasra has been held in prolonged solitary confinement since the beginning of November 2021, in violation of the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. The Israel Prison Service asked to renew Ahmad’s solitary confinement for a further six months on 17 April 2022. A hearing that was scheduled to be held on 15 June 2022 with regards to his solitary confinement was postponed to a later date. Ahmad Manasra’s mental health worsened during his incarceration. In October 2021 an independent Israeli clinical psychologist working with Physicians for Human Rights – Israel (PHRI) diagnosed him with severe psychiatric conditions, and stated these had developed since his incarceration. Ahmad Manasra’s parents said in February 2022 that their son had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, is suffering from psychotic delusions, and is severely depressed with suicidal thoughts. His lawyer, Khaled Zabarqa, told Amnesty International: “We have asked the Israel Prison Service to release Ahmad into home and community care as a matter of urgency because there is a real danger to his life. The prison doctors themselves recognized as much in their report on 13 June which led to his transfer from the prison cell to the prison hospital.”
#Ahmad Manasra#palestine#gaza#free palestine#stop the genocide#ceasefire now#gaza under attack#end the occupation#human rights#PPSMO
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Pj. Bupati Bogor Ajak PHRI Jadikan Pariwisata Sebagai Motor Utama Pembangunan
RASIOO.id – Pj. Bupati Bogor, Bachril Bakri mengajak Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) bersama-sama menjadikan pariwisata sebagai motor utama pembangunan. Demikan disampaikannya pada acara Welcome Dinner Musyawarah Nasional (Munas) PHRI ke-18 tahun 2025, di Kecamatan Cisarua, Senin, 10 Februari 2025. Hadir Ketua Umum BPP PHRI beserta jajaran, Ketua BPD PHRI Jawa Barat, Ketua BPC…
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