pridebicons · 7 months
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lesbian danganronpa pride icons
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
potter family opera crumbs?
Harry after his second year, mindlessly cooking dinner by his Aunt Petunia's side.
Harry: .......*sigh*
Harry:.......*sigh* .......😞
Petunia, eye twitching: .......
Harry: .....*SIG-
Petunia: "What!?"
Harry: "Why did you never tell me my dad dated Professor Snape?"
Petunia exe has stopped working: "Excuse me?"
Harry no paying attention to her, just stirring the stew: "I mean, I guessed you didn't like talking about my parents but Snape would kind of count as a psuedo-parent right? I mean he's my dad's ex but the Wizarding world is weird so their laws are probably weird so maybe I should have gone to him?"
Petunia, still horribly confused: "I'm sorry?"
Harry: "We don't have to pretend anymore, Petunia. You don't like me. You never have. I don't like you. That's a given. So like....why didn't I go with Snape? Was his and my dad's breakup really that bad?"
Petunia having a crisis: "He was your mother's boyfriend."
Harry: *gasp* "Snape is my double almost parent!"
Petunia: "I don't....what?"
Harry: "I have to tell the club about this...."
Petunia losing her shit: "Club?"
Que Harry telling her everything about the Potter Family Opera so far and though she won't admit it....Petunia is more than a little hooked and feeds Harry so much dirt and false info on Snape when Vernon isn't home.
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timmurleyart · 5 months
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Happy earth day to the earth. 🌎🎂🍰
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peripateticavian · 4 months
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cypr24 · 2 years
Uważajcie jutro na lotniskach
Jutro strajk generalny - sprawdźcie o której odleci (przyleci) Wasz samolot.
Jutro strajk generalny – sprawdźcie o której odleci (przyleci) Wasz samolot. Strajk generalny, który odbędzie się na wyspie w czwartek, wpłynie na podróżnych – linie lotnicze obsługujące lotniska w Larnace i Pafos starają się zmienić rozkład lotów. Według operatora lotniska Hermes nie ogłoszono jeszcze żadnych odwołań lotów, ale z powodu przewidywanego braku personelu linie lotnicze już pracują…
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allthiings · 2 years
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Patent Foramen Ovale(PFO): Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, | Medanta
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reality-detective · 3 months
Anything with the F in it 🤔
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mindblowingscience · 6 hours
What do firefighting foam, non-stick cookware, water-repellent textiles and pesticides all have in common? They all contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS—human-made chemicals that don't break down naturally. It's no wonder, then, that PFAS are now contaminating soil and water and can also be detected in the bodies of humans and animals. The dangers are well known: these forever chemicals can damage the liver, trigger hormonal disorders and cause cancer, to mention just a few of their effects. Researchers in the group under Salvador Pané i Vidal, Professor at ETH Zurich's Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, have developed a new method to break down a subgroup of PFAS called perfluorooctane sulfonates, or PFOS. Due to their toxicity, PFOS are now severely restricted or even banned. The study is published in the journal Small Science.
Continue Reading.
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thoughtlessarse · 3 months
Kris Hansen had worked as a chemist at the 3M Corporation for about a year when her boss, an affable senior scientist named Jim Johnson, gave her a strange assignment. 3M had invented Scotch Tape and Post-it notes; it sold everything from sandpaper to kitchen sponges. But on this day, in 1997, Johnson wanted Hansen to test human blood for chemical contamination. Several of 3M’s most successful products contained man-made compounds called fluorochemicals. In a spray called Scotchgard, fluorochemicals protected leather and fabric from stains. In a coating known as Scotchban, they prevented food packaging from getting soggy. In a soapy foam used by firefighters, they helped extinguish jet-fuel fires. Johnson explained to Hansen that one of the company’s fluorochemicals, PFOS—short for perfluorooctanesulfonic acid—often found its way into the bodies of 3M factory workers. Although he said that they were unharmed, he had recently hired an outside lab to measure the levels in their blood. The lab had just reported something odd, however. For the sake of comparison, it had tested blood samples from the American Red Cross, which came from the general population and should have been free of fluorochemicals. Instead, it kept finding a contaminant in the blood. Johnson asked Hansen to figure out whether the lab had made a mistake. Detecting trace levels of chemicals was her specialty: she had recently written a doctoral dissertation about tiny particles in the atmosphere. Hansen’s team of lab technicians and junior scientists fetched a blood sample from a lab-supply company and prepped it for analysis. Then Hansen switched on an oven-size box known as a mass spectrometer, which weighs molecules so that scientists can identify them. As the lab equipment hummed around her, Hansen loaded a sample into the machine. A graph appeared on the mass spectrometer’s display; it suggested that there was a compound in the blood that could be PFOS. That’s weird, Hansen thought. Why would a chemical produced by 3M show up in people who had never worked for the company?
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Turns out they knew as far back as the late 1950s.
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pridebicons · 5 months
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gay byakuya pride icons
happy birthday byakuya togami!!! (5/5)
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Hi! You probably noticed I reblogged all of your Potter Family Drama posts. I just wanted to say that they had me weezing with laughter and I felt that they deserved more recognition. I hope you're having a wonderful day. 🥰
I had! I'm so glad they bring you laughter!!! You're so sweet thank you ☺
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
The Biden administration is designating two “forever chemicals,” man-made compounds that are linked to serious health risks, as hazardous substances under the Superfund law, shifting responsibility for their cleanup to polluters from taxpayers.
The new rule announced on Friday empowers the government to force the many companies that manufacture or use perfluorooctanoic acid, also known as PFOA, and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, known as PFOS, to monitor any releases into the environment and be responsible for cleaning them up. Those companies could face billions of dollars in liabilities.
The pair of compounds are part of a larger family of chemical substances known collectively as PFAS.
The compounds, found in everything from dental floss to firefighting foams to children’s toys, are called forever chemicals because they degrade very slowly and can accumulate in the body and the environment. Exposure to PFAS has been associated with metabolic disorders, decreased fertility in women, developmental delays in children and increased risk of some prostate, kidney and testicular cancers, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
The chemicals are so ubiquitous that they can be detected in the blood of almost every person in the United States. One recent government study discovered PFAS chemicals in nearly half of the nation’s tap water. In 2022, the E.P.A. found the chemicals could cause harm at levels “much lower than previously understood” and that almost no level of exposure was safe.
The announcement follows an extraordinary move last week from the E.P.A. mandating that water utilities reduce the PFAS in drinking water to near-zero levels. The agency has also proposed to designate seven additional PFAS chemicals as hazardous waste.
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bobafish · 1 year
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when sis spills you all the tea in moominvalley (she's secretly talking about you)
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platonicfearorgy · 1 year
I’ve hit this fun little patch of dopamine with making posters for thing, so here’s a couple I’ve made so far. I have some more, but they’re for a project so I’ll need to ask if I can post them here first, but for now enjoy these
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Apparently making posters for a fake institute meant I have to make like 50 for different things
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atlatszo · 6 months
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cypr24 · 2 years
Czas zrobić coś z lotniskiem
Miasto naciska na Hermes w sprawie pilnego remontu lotniska w Pafos
Miasto naciska na Hermes w sprawie pilnego remontu lotniska w Pafos Władze Pafos domagają się pilnej modernizacji budynku i świadczenia usług na wysokim poziomie na międzynarodowym lotnisku w Pafos. Lokalne podmioty już zaczęły wywierać nacisk zarówno na państwo, jak i firmę zarządzającą lotniskiem, aby Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy w Pafos został zmodernizowany zgodnie z jego stale rosnącym…
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