Season 3 - Colin & Penelope's Triumph
Stop listening to loud people in bubbles who want to bring down your enthusiasm and crumple your joy with how much we have to enjoy Penelope and Colin's season. There are some people with a clear agenda of hatred because of their own couples that will straight up lie, cherry pick and manipulate to try to get people turned off or to feel insecure about saying they love what they love. Sometimes, people with a weaker personality and herd mentality fall for that and start thinking oh, maybe it's not good or i shouldn't like. Some nonsenses that we read sometimes and some fall for it: Nonsense: "Polin is not popular, the show would be doomed by them. People wont watch" Reality:
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Nonsense: "Polin is being dragged by negative reviews by public and fans who doesn't see chemistry" ( lol, i can't even with that one...) Reality:
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At this moment, very near season 1 in critics ( 87%) and above in audience score and higher than season 2 in both aspects. Does it make anyone like or dislike more? because it sure wouldn't make me like more or less something. Nonsense: Only negative things go viral. Reality:
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That tweet is from 13 hours ago. You read that right. 13 hours ago and look at views, look at 139K ( HOLY SHIT) that have liked and an insane 65K have already bookmarked. That's viral in a insane level by people loving their chemistry and them together. If anything they have too much chemistry. lol Artists, famous figures and all saying they watched and loved also on SNSs. The general audience loving it. We, from inside the fandom, might have our issues, things we wanted more or less, but it's glorious what we have and how much Nicola Coughlan & Luke Newton gave and are giving us. The hatred is being silenced by the simple truth and the enjoyment people are having. They tried to hate on their popularity, it didn't work. They tried with their chemistry, it didn't work. They tried telling us it was fast or forced even with all we have already got of their relationship ( a couple that actually has been developing from season 1 and that already had a bond and has a different personality and path from other couples) and with 4 episodes left. They tried with their acting. Were proved wrong and more and more people are realizing the characters paths and the acting choices and praising. They tried with their looks. Made them look bad instead. So they tried with lies and look what they got back on their faces...a glorious triumph. So, have a great time. Be a fan and just be happy, enjoy without worrying, without comparisons. Some people are so bitter that they just don't want to like anything. It's their loss.
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torchwood-99 · 5 months
Kate and Anthony were friends to lovers masquerading as enemies to lovers.
Penelope and Colin are enemies to lovers masquerading as friends to lovers.
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rainybraindays · 9 months
Okay, apparently shutting the fuck up was never an option but the way no one likes to look at the marina situation and go "wow what the fuck is wrong with portia"? Crazy.
Like she immediately didn't like her, not because of anything she'd done, but because she took attention from her daughters no matter how bright she dressed them.
It didn��t matter that the main reason is that, honestly all 3 of her daughters are painfully awkward, and in ones case literally 17. It didn’t matter that Marina was only there at her fathers instance, or that theoretically through having someone thats clearly popular in her home she could have used it as a jump off mark to match her daughters, she was seen as her big hurdle to marrying them off. Marinas immediately othered, to the point that when shes being dressed the maids helping put on her shoes is enough to piss Portia off. She immediately puts Marina in the same ring as her daughters, fight for my attention and maybe maybe it'll be positive. But Marina doesn't do that because she doesn't want to even be there.
And then they find out she's pregnant and shes othered even more. She immediately tries to send her back, and when she's not allowed to do that shes locked away and the other girls aren't even allowed to talk to her. She literally tries to freeze her out, like Marina has any say in being there in the first place, before lying to her about her being abandoned by George.
She makes no attempt to find out if George has family, she doesn't care enough to try even though that would have been a way to get rid of her "problem". She tries to push Marina onto a man old enough to be her grandfather and slaps her across the fucking face when she tries to stand up for herself.
Theres no concern for her safety, for the babys safety, just getting her out of her house as fast as fucking possible, and I'm meant to be surprised that when Colin saves Marina from her elderly suitor she turns her attention to him?
Like the nicest guy, who everyone likes, who's attractive, who isn't multiple decades older than her and most importantly not going to literally assault her? Yeah not a big shocker. Should she have lied to him? No, but she wouldn't have had to or felt the need to if she wasn't in the most hostile fucking house. Even Penelope, who she likes, why does everyone forget that she fucking likes Penelope and viewed her as a friend, becomes aggressive towards her. Shes cornered, shes scared, and all of this could have been avoided if Portia was a slightly better person and said "hey soilder boys not written back, you're gonna have this kid, does he have any family?" instead of setting this entire mess in motion.
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flergblerg · 4 months
Show Penelope and show Portia Featherington are actually two sides of the same coin in many ways, just with a different belief on how to approach things 👀👀 👀
They are both doing the best to survive in a society where women have to rely on inheritance or men for money for a means for survival with the scarcity of resources they have.
They are both doing the best with what they have. Portia has her matchmaking efforts and her unrelenting belief in doing whatever she can to secure the best life she can give for her daughters with the only way she knows how to, which is social climbing or finding security through marriage. Like that’s how she shows her love, and in her eyes, Penelope is being ridiculous and delusional to hold out for love in a society like this where women of her social status are completely dependent on men for any chance of social mobility or security and that is completely realistic for that time period
Penelope on the other hand fully believes that she is a spinster and finding love and marriage is off the table. By her having and maintaining Whistledown, this is her chance to still be an unmarried woman while also gaining financial security independence away from having to stay with her mother for the rest of her life and remaining unmarried bc she truly believes she will never find someone, (this is actually more book Penelope) all while not having to be tied down to a man she doesn’t truly love for the rest of her life.
They both agree that they need to do everything they can to have a secure future for their family and have high ambitions and will do whatever they can to achieve it. For Portia, that involves a man and she still has hope for her daughter in that area and Penelope took men off the table completely
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simplyalexeiofficial · 6 months
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Penedict inspiration strikes again!
I Imagine this scene as some kind of confrontation/power struggle post Ben finding out about Lady W~ Or maybe Pen has been attending a few artist parties with Gen and this is her asking him to keep quiet about it, meanwhile he is starting to see her in a whole new light.
As per usual, I chose photos with different lighting sources so I wanted to tear my hair out but, meh, it’s not the worst I’ve done, lol
By this point I have enough edits that reposting all of them with each new one seems like overkill, so I’m going to just throw in the highlights below~
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juju-or-anya · 5 months
It's hard not to find irony in the criticisms directed towards Eloise Bridgerton and the elevation of Penelope Featherington as a more genuine and hardworking figure in contrast with Eloise's supposed privileged circumstances and her discourse on feminism. Indeed, some voices have pointed out Eloise's feminism as something white and privileged, and while this is not without merit, it's akin to rediscovering what others have already noticed, akin to Christopher Columbus "discovering" America.
Understanding the context in which "Bridgerton" unfolds is essential. The series is set in Regency England, between 1813 and 1825. This historical period is marked by a highly stratified and conservative society, where women, especially those of the upper class, were relegated to traditional roles and lacked basic legal rights. In this context, any discussion of feminism must consider the unique limitations and challenges of the time.
It is true that Eloise Bridgerton, being part of a respected family in English nobility, embodies many of the characteristics associated with the white and privileged feminism of the time. However, this should not diminish the value of her role in advancing feminist ideas in her historical context. It is thanks to women like Eloise, who challenged social expectations and dared to question the status quo, that doors were opened for future, more inclusive feminist movements.
On the other hand, when analyzing Penelope Featherington's role in contrast with Eloise Bridgerton's, intriguing nuances worthy of a more detailed critical exploration are revealed. Although both come from upper-class families, Penelope's experiences differ significantly from Eloise's. In the society depicted in "Bridgerton," Penelope is portrayed as a more marginal figure, overshadowed by the prominence and glamour of the Bridgerton family. She is often seen in the background, struggling to find her place in a world where her social status does not put her at the center of attention.
Throughout the series, Penelope exhibits a distressing lack of empathy and solidarity towards other women. Instead of fostering unity and support among her peers, her writings are propelled by feelings of envy, resentment, and desires for revenge. Striking examples of this include her actions to publicly reveal Marina Thompson's pregnancy, intending to undermine her relationship with Colin Bridgerton, or defaming individuals such as Daphne, Edwina, and Kate Sharma, often with no apparent reason other than personal gain.
Penelope's behavior as Lady Whistledown sheds light on her complex nature and motivations. While it may represent an attempt to find her voice in a world dominated by more powerful figures, it also reveals a tendency towards manipulation and selfishness. Ultimately, her role as the mysterious chronicler is more than just a quest for identity; it is a reflection of the moral and ethical complexities underlying the society of "Bridgerton."
In summary, asserting that Penelope is more feminist and hardworking than Eloise due to her role as Lady Whistledown is, at best, simplistic and, at worst, deeply misleading. Both women, while privileged in their own right, have chosen different paths in life and have faced their own challenges. However, the narrative of Penelope as a morally superior and more genuinely hardworking figure should be questioned in light of her actions and motivations, which often reveal a lack of integrity and empathy towards her peers.
It's important to note that when Theo confronts Eloise, questioning her understanding of the real world and her privileged position, Eloise doesn't reject this criticism but uses it as a catalyst to seek greater understanding. Recognizing the validity of Theo's observation, Eloise actively seeks to broaden her horizons. She engages in conversations with Theo and John, seeking to break free from the bubble of privilege in which she has lived so far.
On the other hand, Penelope takes a different stance towards her own privileged position. Instead of acknowledging her situation and seeking to understand the realities of those less privileged, Penelope vehemently denies any suggestion that she also benefits from the system. Rather than accepting her position of privilege, she portrays herself as a victim, despite her actions suggesting otherwise. Ultimately, this divergence in attitudes between Eloise and Penelope highlights the complexity of individual perceptions of privilege and personal responsibility in an unequal world.
PS: The comment: "Penelope saved Eloise by writing that she hung out with radicals, she doesn't know what it's like to be grateful" is shit. Whose fucking fault is it that the Queen is on a crusade with torches and pitchforks, looking for blood and a rolling head? From Penelope because she doesn't know when to keep her hand still and stop writing, if it weren't for Penelope, the queen wouldn't think that Eloise is Lady Whistledown, Penelope wasn't looking to help Eloise, she was looking to save her skin.
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greeneyessmize · 4 months
So, about Marina.
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We need to talk this out. Let's go through her journey step by step.
Upon arrival, Marina thinks she may just be waiting on letters from George so they can run away together but she is losing hope. Then she realizes she is definitely pregnant. Then come the fake letters.
Desperation and survival instinct start to gnaw at her. She is looking out for not only herself. She does try to change that but fails, and accepts that the pregnancy is going forward.
So she decides to make the best of it and find a husband as soon as possible. Preferably a nice, naive, young man with decent enough money.
She has several, and I do mean several suitors, she could choose from. But she settles on Colin Bridgerton and his sweet puppy dog innocence.
She knows Pen is fond of him, but she blocks it out. She doesn't care. She focuses on Colin. The easy low, ripe hanging fruit. Who wouldn't?
Then she realizes Pen actually loves him. This will not stop her. She will stamp out this crush to ash if she has to. She's betting her life on this. Pen means nothing to her here.
She is not in this for love. Love betrayed her and put her in this mess. She wants an easy marriage with no uncomfortable questions. Right and wrong don't matter because she has already had wrong done to her.
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Now Colin.
He's a young man. Hopeful, bright eyed, romantic, inexperienced.
He participates in the marriage mart because some of it is fun. There is not too much pressure on him as a 3rd son. He gets to dance and flirt, and chat with Pen. How is that not delightful?
Then along comes Marina. She is a glittery new addition to the ladies he has mostly seen here or there all his life. And everyone is interested in the shiny new toy.
Then she shows interest in him. She flirts with him. When she could seemingly have almost anyone, she lets her eyes brighten for him.
He is easily charmed. Marina, for all he and the other boys of the ton can tell, is an attractive young woman. When she decides to show him singular attention he believes it is love and his easygoing heart wants to return that, being a genuine and open person.
He is easily manipulated into an engagement, thinking that this is natural and right. But his passion never really shows, does it? He pulls back from kissing her when she is scandalously forward with him. He does not seek extra excuses to meet her in the market or at tea or at the garden entrance to the Featherington estate for example.
No. He just insists he is a gentleman.
Then he drops her as soon as her manipulations are revealed. He is angry. He is hurt. But it's like a betrayal of a new friend, not a truly wounded heart. A passionately in love man would try to justify her actions or find a way to get past this. But he just lets it drop and goes traveling to soothe his bruised ego.
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Then, there is Penelope.
Sweet, shy Pen.
She is so happy to have a friend in her very own home who is kind to her. It seems like a dream come true at first. She says lovely things about Marina in LW.
Then she realizes Colin is truly interested in Marina. She hates it, but doesn't fight it at first. Penelope has already in many ways given up on Colin ever looking at her the way he looks at Marina. So she bites her tongue. She doesn't discourage the two from becoming closer, but she is not doing much to stop it either.
Then she finds out Marina's secret. She learns about George and cake and that Marina must marry in one way or another. Pen wants to help. She really does.
But she just can't stand that Marina would trick Colin. Her love for Marina is enough to ignore her tricking anyone else. Her love for Colin is so much that she wants him to be happy any way possible.
And she knows figuring out the first child is not his and then duplicity of Marina's affections would not make Colin Bridgerton happy. Unlike most men in the Ton, he knows what love is. His parents were a love match. He would understand eventually that Marina was just placating him whenever he engaged with her emotionally.
So. Having appealed to both Marina, who crushed her heart into bits efficiently, and Colin, who metaphorically ruffled her hair and told her to run along... what options were left to Pen?
Directly tell someone like her mother? She already knew and approved. Violet? Well isn't that terrifying to a shy young woman who still wants Colin's friendship? Eloise? Too mercurial, she might support the match or at least loudmouth that it was Pen who told her. Again potentially ending her friendship with Colin.
Remember, her friendship with Marina was already over, Marina just did not know it yet. You can't brutally crush someone's most treasured, secret desire (realistic or not) and have them continue to love you like nothing happened.
So, Pen uses her last resort when she learns of the pending elopement. The one thing she can do to save Colin from unhappiness and to keep her one small shred of her own happiness: being Colin's friend. She revealed Marina's secrets to the Ton.
Did this maximize damage to Marina? Yes. Did it also damage Colin? Fractionally, both compared to what was dealt to Marina and compared to the damage he would have suffered in a marriage where Marina came to merely tolerate him. (As evidenced by her entire unamusement at his olive oil joke in Season 2.)
Don't forget that Penelope also hurt herself in this. You don't sob in your best friend's arms in celebration. She broke a part of herself to do this to Marina and to Colin. She probably doubted every second of everything and a part of her always will. Her price was not public, it was not outwardly devastating, but she took damage too.
In conclusion, Marina and Penelope were both some level of wrong and Colin was the blind fool in the middle. The flavors of wrong were very different, and so were the levels of damningness.
In their own ways, I can forgive each of them. Admittedly, I forgive Pen more. But that has to do with my life experiences. Former wallflower here, married to a man who is now her best friend. I have never gotten pregnant and been abandoned (though being dead is hardly George's fault here). But I can understand how desperate, how calculating that could have made me, at least in that era. Especially with people like Portia Featherington as your primary caretaker and maternal figure.
I really hope that Pen and Marina both get a chance a chance to gain closure over this peacably before Marina dies. I don't think Pen deserves to feel guilt over Marina's death. Especially as book Marina seemed to have severe depression and well, Marina is likely to have depression too considering her loss of George.
Now, if part 2 of Season 3 could just be here already, that would be absolutely lovely!
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Season Three Bridgerton Predictions (Mostly Just Stuff I Want To Happen)
With Charithra Chandran not coming back in season three, they're going to excuse Edwina's absence by saying she married the prince and is living with him in Prussia.
We get flashbacks of Colin and Penelope as kids, where they were closer, but then we see them get distant because of ✨️society✨️ sending them on different paths.
Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth start having a few relevant and independent character moments and actions other than just being 'the younger ones' and have a greater impact on the story.
So. Much. Jealousy. From. Colin. And he doesn't even know it. He sees all their lessons paying off, and he gets jealous, but then he has no idea what he's even feeling. He'll act so passive aggressive with a potential suitor and Penelope's will be like, "What's wrong with you; we had a plan?" And he's like, "I don't know??" "Well stop." "I can't????" He'll land to the conclusion that he just think these men aren't good enough for Penelope for so long. It'll come up in a big argument and she's all like, "Well whose good enough for me? Someone like you?" And then he's like "Yes! Oh." And Penelope is so annoyed because NOW this guy likes her? Just as she was trying to move on? But the thing is she still likes him, so things progress.
Eloise and Penelope avoid each other like the plague, but when Eloise finds out Penelope and Colin are kind of having a thing, and she flips out. She doesn't want Colin to get hurt, so she tells Penelope to steer clear from Colin or she'll tell everyone she's Lady Whistledown. So she does and Colin is very confused and hurt. Then Penelope and Eloise go through some sort of shenanigan and end up having a deep conversation, making up and are once again friends. But then Colin accidently does find out Penelope is Lady Whistledown and is hurt, and Eloise becomes Penelope's #1 defender.
Kate's pregnant, and has the baby within the season. Anthony is freaking out about this; about being a dad, about the baby being okay, about Kate being okay, and how difficult the birthing process will be (trauma from Hyacinth being born). Meanwhile, while Kate is worried about the baby, she's more so focused on what responsibilities she now has as a Viscountess.
They don't reveal the Whistledown secret, at least not to the general public. I think the Bridgerton's will find out, as well as the Featherington's; so when Portia finds out, she sees Penelope in a completely different light, and they have a bonding moment. Maybe in lieu of a big reveal like in the book, at the end of the season the Queen finds out, and instead of exposing her, now she and Penelope sort of work together, aligning their agendas. This elevates the importance of Penelope's work, low key spying for the Queen and reporting on things to manipulate general society. BUT I think Eloise is leaning more to the politically radical side of things, and Penelope's work is now sort of leaning in the opposite direction of that. Despite this, they still find a way to be close friends, despite their very different agendas.
Colin does a big gesture on how he's proud of being with Penelope, that he'll flaunt it in public for all to know.
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spaceorphan18 · 1 month
The Lady Whistledown Papers: 1x05 The Duke and I
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Welcome back, Gentle Readers, to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I’m taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton’s character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
It's episode five! Things are getting spicy! ;) While there's not a ton in this episode, there are some BIG developments...
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Alright, so I should mention before we get too into this scene, that it kicks off with mentioning the money issues the Featheringtons are about to have. It's part of the reason Portia is gonna push Marina marrying Colin so hard. Having a wealthy Bridgerton in her pocket kills two birds with one stone.
Alright, so this is day who knows how long of this courtship has been going on, and after the events of last episode, Penelope is no longer thinking this whole thing is cute or tolerable anymore. It's a combination of -- she's fucking with the man I love and the man I love is being fucked with, which are two different things. Yes, she is protective of her feelings and has no desire to watch Colin be with someone else. But she's also very protective of Colin in general - because they do have a relationship. It may not be romantic, but there are mutual feelings of friendship, and she sincerely does not like that Marina is manipulating him.
But of course - the look on her face here is pure jealousy. Because Colin is bringing flowers to Marina every day. And Marina doesn't really care all that much, but oh, how Penelope would love to be courted, love to be romanced, love to have the attention of any one showering her gifts and compliments. But the fact that it's not just some guy that she could live vicariously through Marina with, it's Colin, which makes it intolerable.
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Meanwhile, oh Colin, lost in his own fantasies. He loves playing this role of romantic hero. He brings in flowers every time for Marina -- because it's a way to show he cares about her. It's also, probably, proper gentlemanly contact to bring gifts during a courtship. But it's also interesting -- that the whole reason this tomato discourse kicks off is that he wants to surprise her, be unpredictable, make himself stand out when it comes to the courtship.
Also, I'm really entertained by the thought that a bushel of tomatoes would be used as a courtship device. Nothing says romance quite like the tomato. (As much as I'm being cheeky about it, I do love a bit of spontaneity and absurdity in a relationship, so I do approve of Colin's ridiculousness here.)
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I LOVE the tomato discourse. I love it.
I love that Penelope can't even help herself by injecting her comments. She is gonna meddle, but it's going to be on a simpler level to start with. Just a throwaway comment that really doesn't raise eyebrows (at first) that Marina doesn't like tomatoes. Which undermines the act that Marina is throwing at Colin (and Pen so notes this -- and, honestly, she's probably a bit amused that Colin picked something that Marina probably does actively hate).
Then, of course, after Marina kind of brushes that comment off, Pen digs in a little more -- suggesting the best place to go get tomatoes is... Greece. (My god, this cracks me up every time -- is Greece known for it's tomatoes??) And I love that she says this with a smile, playing it off as if she were just trying to be helpful. Then she suggests Colin bring her back a bunch (because I'm sure they'd survive the trip) after he gets back from Greece. Oohh, Pen, it's a longshot stall tactic, but if she can just put this courtship on delay...
It's fascinating watching Marina in this moment. She KNOWS that Penelope is up to meddling. She knows that she's intentionally trying to stop things from progressing forward, but the interesting thing is that she doesn't know why Pen is doing it. I mean, I kind of think it's obvious, but Marina, at this point, has begun to trust Penelope as a friend -- so it just comes off as her being super weird.
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Colin, meanwhile, is a bit baffled by Penelope. He doesn't really catch on that she's meddling -- thinks, more so, that she's being a little obtuse, and that is not catching on that he'd rather see how things work out with Marina. But...
There are a couple of interesting dynamics going on in this last little bit.
First of all, the comfort in which Pen and Colin speak to each other says a lot. There's no formality between them. They speak with each other at ease, in the way siblings would talk with each other. Colin, no doubt, probably does think of Pen a bit like Eloise in this moment. He even calls her Pen, here, which is kind of unusual when you think about it, because they're at her house and not his. And the way he kind of dismissively states he's unsure of his travel plans -- it's said, almost irritatingly, in the way you'd want to tell your younger sibling to bugger off, I'm trying to hook up with this girl...
When Pen brings up his travel plans, she mentions that he's always been interested in travel. And while this is a calculated thought - a way to re-inspire desires that he has probably for sure talked about at great length when she's been over to visit Eloise -- I think there's some sincerity here, too. I think she can recognize a desire to go out and see the world, and the idea of him closing the door on that opportunity -- especially for Marina, who is manipulating a relationship with him, and will saddle him with fatherhood at such a young age really does get to her.
Which is why it's more complex than -- I have a crush on a boy, if I get him out of the country, he won't hook up with the pregnant lady and be stuck with her.
Colin then has a line that REALLY sticks out to me. :: 'Were I to go, there are things in London I'd miss more than seeing the world.'
This line hits a little harder when you sit down and think about it. I don't doubt that Colin has an adventurous spirit -- more so than either of his older brothers. But I think also, unlike them (well, Benedict is going to go about it another way) Colin is searching for something. He isn't sure what, but travel seems to be an opportunity to find out.
Marina is a purpose. She's a reason to stay. She's a reason to do the things that his heart really desires to do. She's a person to protect. A person to start a family with. A person whom he does want to figure out his sexual desires with. A person who will let him satisfy the role he thinks he's supposed to have in society. And if that person is right there - then why travel in the first place? He doesn't need to search for something that is right there.
The fascinating thing is that it is better for Colin that he does end up going. He kind of needs those experiences to gain new outlooks on life, to clear his head, to be at peace with himself, and to understand what really missing something when he's away is. And, of course, because he'll find that he'll get to fall in love in a deeper way while he's gone (of course - through his correspondence with Penelope).
And, of course, i can't help but go back to thoughts on The Odyssey -- which is one of the myths embedded in Pen and Colin's story -- the story of a world weary soldier just trying to get back home to his wife... Penelope.
Colin thinks he understands what he's saying when he says that line. But he doesn't truly get. And won't ever if he choses a path with Marina - one that is doomed to be a (possibly) unfulfilled life.
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It's always so funny to me when TV characters have private conversations literally two feet away from people who shouldn't hear it, lol.
Pen is probably well aware that the childish meddling she's doing isn't really working, so she goes to appeal to her mother. She points out that Colin is young, yes, but she tries to appeal to her mother's sense of logic. She points out that there may not be enough time to get them married since Colin is young and may not be ready for marriage. Portia considers, but does have her own plans...
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Ug, poor Pen, the pining does get me. It'll be alright, girl...
A Plan...
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If there's one thing you can say about Marina, it's that she knows how to play this game, and how to do it well so that she can get what she needs. Is it manipulation? Yes. Is she doing it out of self preservation? Absolutely.
She completely plays Portia here (Portia, isn't necessarily stupid, either, but is trying to be calculating in her own right). Marina appeals to Portia's sense of status -- and her desire and need to maintain that status. So Marina basically cuts her a deal. Let me go after Colin, and I'll repay you by letting you stay in your good standing with the Ton. And so the two of them forge an alliance.
But, ah, all this talk of seduction and manipulation -- that's breaking Penelope's heart as she hears it. It's bad enough that the guy she loves is interested in someone else. She has always known or felt that she'd lose Colin some day to another woman. But to lose him to people who do not have his best interest at heart? It's devastating.
But still... she does not go first to her best line of defense, Lady Whistledown... that's the last possible card she'll play.
A Wedding
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This is, like, the saddest wedding ever. Man, they look miserable.
Colin seems fine about it. He smiles a bit because it's Daphne, and she's getting married. But not a whole lot of insight to pull out here. He's so detached from this plot line, lol.
A Proposal
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So, right before we jump into the Pen and Marina stuff, Cressida approaches Daphne and basically says -- I hope some day you'll pay me to keep quit about the shit I saw in the garden. Like, the girl had a blackmailing mindset even here. I mean, obviously Season 3 didn't come out of nowhere, but it is interesting the seeds they did place for things so early on.
Anyway... Penelope's back to her meddling -- this time trying to get Marina interested in ANYONE else. And I mean, Pen's got a good eye. She's watched all of these people, and I trust that she's attempting to set Marina up with a good (enough) match.
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After Marina becomes stubborn about Colin, Penelope opens up. While she's not entirely truthful, she is very open and does lay a lot of it on the line. She admits she does care for Colin. She admits that she just cannot stand back and watch him be manipulated into a life that he didn't sign up for. While she is holding back on the extent of her romantic feelings, she is being emotionally vulnerable, in a way to get Marina to empathize with her. I mean, she is being sincere, and cutting a lot of the mind games crap she had been doing. But she's hoping that a more open approach will help change Marina's mind.
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Of course - Marina is out to win. She sees no other options, and she does throw some of it back in Penelope's face. She knows that Colin is a sure thing, and that she'll be treated right. She is not going to lose that chance - because the alternative are the Rutledges of the world. And she just can't take that chance.
It's kind of funny that she still doesn't get how invested Penelope is in this, but she is giving Pen her own moment of emotional vulnerability. She is running out of time, and she will do what she can to secure a good future for herself, and however Penelope feels about it, doesn't really matter because it's ultimately not about her. (And, you know, she isn't wrong, even though we may side with Pen on this one.)
We also learn that Rudledge is engaged and off the market (darn) so Portia tells Marina she'd better get working on Colin... there is a time limit after all.
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Before we get to Colin though... we have this brief moment between Pen and Eloise. They've had their fight, and now it's awkward. Neither really quite knowing what to say. But it'll be alright... They always find their way back to each other. But no time for that now! Other plotlines to get to! lol
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Poor Pen, no where to hide in this brightly lit, very white room. She can't hide from Eloise. And she can't hide from Marina and Colin. It's just a lot... Just a lot to witness, and she can't do anything about it.
Not at the moment anyway...
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The reason the earlier episodes showed Pen and Marina getting along well is to establish the respect Pen has for Marina and vice versa. But this is the turning point. Because Pen had tried to be open about her feelings and Marina was just not playing that game.
Oh, there is some anger in Penelope's eyes. You do not fuck with Colin. You just don't. Penelope would help her with any, every other man in all of England. Just not hers. Pen could accept if Marina truly loved Colin, she probably would let him go.
But the 'act' is going into full swing now, and Pen just cannot with it. She just cannot with how Marina is going to completely manipulate the situation. And even though Pen doesn't get to see what we're about to -- she knows what's happening. Unfortunately, poor Colin can't.
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So, what is the FIRST thing Marina do? She needs to get them alone, so she pretends she's not feeling well. And I mean, she gets him. She so gets him. His protector/hero complex is activated and he quickly is not only concerned, but gets her out of there.
And oofff, this next scene is almost hard to watch, because every beat of it on Marina's end is calculated. It's masterful really.
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Oh, poor Pen, having a moment for herself of sadness.
But I also just thought of something... had Marina chosen anyone else, she could have really helped Marina. The Lady Whistledown of it all could have helped her. Penelope watches everything, she knows things, and she could have helped Marina in snagging any other man at that party. Of course, she was never going to give up her identity, but it's kind of interesting to think of the what ifs...
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Oh man, Marina's smug look when they enter the study. She isn't even trying to hide it.
Colin. You are such a dumbass. (Said with all the love, cause I do love his dumb ass.)
It's funny, Colin is such an interesting study because he's got such a duality about him. Social decorum is something he thinks about (and will very much so in this scene), but he also isn't really one to play by the rules.
In this instance, though, it's his youthful inexperience and naivety that is his down fall. Does he want to be alone with Marina? Yes. But does he sense that she's setting this up so they can be alone? Not even in the slightest. He's still in protector mode. Even the scandalous shutting of the door is about her comfort, not about what she's trying to get.
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He may be a little slower, but he's not a complete idiot, and when he takes a moment to asses that she's fine, he gets it. And the wheels start turning. And yeah, he does want to hook up with her. His little grin at his fortune says that.
Marina, however, just has zero time for the drawn out romance Colin has playing in his head. She is direct and gets right to the point. And I love that there's a little moment of freak out that crosses his face. Sure, he wants to hook up -- but he clearly never has before, because the minute she moves forward he does have a sheer moment of panic before he regains himself. He wants her. But he has no idea what he's doing.
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And then we get this. This almost kiss. And there's just... a lot to this little moment. A lot.
Because I think it speaks to Colin's fantastical idea of what romance is vs the reality of it when it's staring him in his face.
I do think, yes, base line, he wants to kiss her -- among other things. And I do kind of wonder if he even has kissed anyone at this point, because he's kind of acting as if he's in this place where it just feels... not right. And, not even coming from the societal pressure (which I'll get to in a second) but from a place where -- he has all of these romantic little fantasy of what this moment should be like, and having a rushed moment in the study the way Anthony probably would do it, is not really Colin. Or.. this youthful version of Colin who doesn't have the experience.
I have to wonder if this younger Colin has all these fantasies about kissing his wife for the first time at their wedding and the magical moments he know does happen afterwards. And I think that's why I do think it's a good thing all of this happens because it does end up smashing his idyllic version of romance to allow him to be open to what real romance is -- not the ideas he's made up in his head, but what is really there.
(And I mean, I guess I'll get into it maybe later? I do have headcanons for Colin -- such as his first time with a woman was probably bought and paid for at a brothel. That after this whole Marina thing kind of sours him on love for a while, it pushes him to go out and get some experiences. It allows him to understand the world a bit better - so when he finally does see Penelope, he'll understand it better.)
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So he stops the kiss. And Marina, who is savvy as fuck for navigating all of this so quickly, doesn't push him. She's gonna seduce him, but she'll do so on his terms. And appealing to his greater sense of romanticism and honor. Which really works in her favor, ultimately.
Colin can barely believe he's stopping - because he probably is a bit overwhelmed by whatever body reaction is probably happening in that moment. He still considers himself a gentleman who does things in a proper order.
And it's funny, as much as he ends up being a bit of a rule breaker, it's almost not intentionally. He wants to always be doing the right thing. He wants that honor. He wants to be the gentleman. He wants to be seen in good standing by the greater society. So he won't do anything to compromise himself, but more so her. And so he holds back because this is not the proper way. So, yes, I do think some of society's pressure is on display here, too.
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Oh, but Marina, girl is so calculated in this scene. She plays on his gentlemanly nature. Plays on his need for honor. And pushes hard on his desire. You almost feel bad for how easily Colin cracks. He is very much a 'my wife' guy. Even here with Marina, that tendency is here on display.
The jump to marriage is bonkers quick. Yes -- it is partially fueled by society's restraints on sexual desires. But it's also a romantic fantasy Colin actually wants. He wants a wife. He wants that life. He's just never found that emotional connection to really fuel him to go for it. But he thinks he has that with Marina. He thinks that she wants that life with him, too. And, of course, now that they've been alone and courting, he thinks it is the proper step to take. So he does.
It's sweetly in earnest. And a bit unsure of a proposal. He doesn't doubt his own feelings, but he doesn't know where Marina stands.
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When Marina not only says yes but looks ecstatic about the idea, he just lights up. Romantic achievement fulfilled. That almost kiss did make him unsure of things. But now that marriage is on the table. Now that they can have this nice long engagement and a fancy wedding and this idyllic life of love he's always heard about from his mother, he is so, so excited about it. He thinks he's getting everything he's ever wanted.
And... he thinks he's giving her everything she wants. He talks about her deserving a grand wedding. He is (almost hilariously) breathless when he says it'll be wonderful. (There is really a little ten yo girl living Colin's heart, lol)
Unfortunately, Marina's excitement is not for the same reason as his own. She's thrilled that this whole plan has worked as quickly and as swimmingly as she wanted to. And... she didn't even have to sleep with him to get a proposal. Win-win, really.
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Oh, Colin... he feels everything so intensely. It's a shame this is a mix of lust and youthful ignorance fueling romantic fantasies that this proposal comes about. And Marina was hoping for all of that. He promises that he'll give her everything she wants, and he does in this moment. It's a shame that what Colin doesn't realize -- it is just a fantasy, and ultimately, not what he wants.
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Oh man, that look Marina gives before she turns around. Diabolical. I don't think of her as a villain. I really don't. I think she's a young woman who is desperate and willing to do what she can to ensure her own safety. But she is playing with his heart, and knows it.
Look how giddy he is, oh Colin... Well, they promise not to say anything -- because seriously, probably not a good thing to announce your engagement at your sister's wedding. But Colin's probably going to be sleeping well tonight.
It's interesting -- thinking about how Penelope is currently a little heartbroken while all of this is going on. But, you know, she's had a long time to have to deal with these problems, with the emotions. She is able to handle a lot of these harder emotions and process them better because they've been going on for so long.
I think when the shit hits the fan with Marina, it's going to hurt so much worse in some ways. It's like the opposite of the she fell first, he fell harder trope. He's never had to experience heartbreak on this level before, and it'll feel devastating. It's no wonder he spends all of season 2 spiraling. Huh.
Anyway, on that happy note, we get to move onto episode 6! Which is my favorite Polin episode for Season 1 :)
[As an aside, this episode ends with Daphne and Simon's first time, which -- has a lot of similarities, beats, and dialogue as the Polin mirror scene. But the atmosphere, tone, and even acting are a lot different. Idk - I find it really fascinating. If anyone else does, let me know, and I can do a side by side analysis of it, cause there are some interesting things to dissect there.]
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locke-esque-monster · 3 months
Let's talk for a sec about the dynamic of the Featherington household for a moment. Because Portia has created such a unique dynamic in that household, I don't know what to do with it.
First, there's the fact that Portia is determined to succeed in society, but specifically for her daughters' security (understandably after what they've been through). See how she spent 2 seasons trying to get husbands for her daughters. But when Phillipa and Prudence complain they don't have a good of a cook, Portia reminds them it's their fault they didn't find a better marriage. It also is reflected later when Penelope questions if her mother only cares for her if she's engaged/married, since she seems to care more for that than if she's emotionally okay after the break with Lord Debling.
But within that household, it seems like Portia is forever focused on Phillipa and Prudence. Now, Penelope is both self-sufficient to a degree and perfectly happy to entertain herself, so Portia may tend to more naturally focus on the other two.
but this seems to partially have manifested in Prudence and Phillipa expecting their mother's focus. The Featheringtons can be a bit rude to each, cutting each other off or scoffing at statements. But it's to the point where Prudence cuts off a clearly upset Penelope in 3x4. While the news from Prudence isn't nothing, it's also not concrete and didn't need to be addressed that second. It's like it never occurred to her not to interrupt her mother and upset sister, let alone check on or comfort her upset sister herself.
Then there's the fact that Portia, nor her other 2 daughters, ever really considered Penelope viable on the marriage mart. Watch how in season 1, Portia asks the suitors to bid farewell to her other daughters. Phillipa and Prudence are listed by name to consider saying goodbye to, and then it's "even Penelope". Or how Portia thinks Penelope is naïve to think she'd find a husband in season 3, after all this time. Despite this, Portia has put no serious or separate effort into finding a husband for Penelope. It's like she was a lost cause from the start.
So the end result almost gives off a Cinderella vibe. The two less bright stepsisters following around a manipulative mother who never cares or supports the third daughter, who doesn't fit the rest of the family.
And with that in mind, it's even more interesting when you consider that Penelope is the most like her mother of the 3 girls. Prudence and Phillipa either gained or learned their mother's love for security and nice things. But they lack more than a few brain cells to rub together. I assume they take after their father that way, as he didn't make the smartest financial decisions.
At the same time Portia is forging letters and hocking counterfeit rubies, Penelope is writing the most popular gossip sheet in London. And the best part is, neither of them have a clue the majority of what the other is up to. Penelope is also the one capable of adjusting and tweaking Portia's plans to help Marina (from pointing out the problem with tricking Violet at dinner to making a very valid point about Marina wasting her time on Colin vs an older more desperate suitor). And Portia can recognize similarities to herself in others. Season 1 leans into the parallels of Portia and Marina - both in how they view life and how they treat Penelope - as Marina is nice until Penelope gets in her way, and she's ready to dish some harsh critiques her way.
But perhaps it's because Portia never really sees herself in Penelope in part because Penelope is used to hiding bits of herself from her critical mother. And in part because Portia sees Penelope's kindness and treats it as naivety. Because for Portia, she's willing to take the cruel path if not first, pretty early on. See how she immediately decided to trick Marina into think George Crane didn't love her anymore. But she'll consider kindness if someone suggests it and it'll accomplish the same goal - see how she was willing to give Marina a few days for Colin to propose before she sent her off to an older husband. Penelope will pick kindness first, in trying to convince either Colin or Eloise to change their minds when they're making a potentially serious mistake. Only when they won't listen, does she use the last resort of Lady Whistledown. Can you imagine that kind of restraint with Portia if she had the LW access?
That said - for all that I'm critical of Portia, I still enjoy her character a lot. She's not all good or all bad - I think we need parents like that in tv. She loves her daughters, but she doesn't treat them equally and she isn't loving them in a positive way all the time. I think of a callback to a discussion during my Shakespeare class in college that basically went like "You love to read about Lady Macbeth, but you wouldn't want to be friends with her in real life."
I'd like to think in this season Portia and Penelope have it out about how Portia has treated her. Based on previous seasons, I'd be surprised if they don't delve a little into how Penelope was hurt by Portia's parenting. That set up of a line about only caring about Penelope with a ring o her finger is too good to ignore. But it's also Bridgerton, and it's 8 episodes - this will be an acknowledgement or a conversation, not a deep-delve. I'm also betting it's later in the season, since the part 2 trailer seems to suggest that at least some of her family (her sisters) find out at breakfast. Though from what I know of the original text and the way Portia grabs the pamphlet, she seems to already know. With the assumption Eloise gives her deadline to be honest with Colin in episode 5, I can't imagine a full confrontation with Portia in the same episode.
But maybe as much as a parenting confrontation with Portia, I'd kill to see Portia's reaction to finding out Penelope is LW. Would she be angry all the drama Penelope wrought? Impressed or concerned that Penelope pulled off such a thing without Portia even suspecting? Or upset that Penelope had all the solutions to their money problems hidden in her room? No matter how it starts - it always ends with Portia trying to use LW to her own influence. It's why I suspect as much as I love and think it's possible the "what about my dreams" conversation is post-LW reveal to Portia, it's more likely not. Because after the initial reaction, Portia will go from knee-jerk reaction to "how can I use LW to my advantage". And that would be the death of LW (because the slanted writing would get the secret out).
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degreedummy · 1 month
Bridgerton Astrology- Part 4: LADY P. FEATHERINGTON
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Aquarius Ascendant-
Starting off with her Ascendant, I believe we see a strong representation of Saturnian rulership. More than the other Ladies, there was a distinct separation between her public image and her personal feelings. What speaks to her being an Aquarius Ascendant, in my opinion, is how it's so easy to lose who she really is in the decisions she makes. Easily, she can be cast as manipulative, a user, but you notice that she never takes more than she needs to feed her kids. Sure, the dresses are fancy, the jewelry ornamental, but every cent spent was toward her daughters' futures. To me, there are two big points that speak to her Ascendant, the first being her relationship with her husband. Similar to [Capricorn Ascendant] Lady Agatha, she never looked to marriage for love, for fantasy, she was looking for a man who could provide her security and give her opportunities. The difference between Lady Danbury and Lady Featherington is, Lady Agatha found hers. Past a name, the only benefit to being with Lord Featherington was the three daughters that came from their marriage. She speaks about this too, how she realized she had to take the head of the house, building a path forward for her daughters on her own, and that life would not give her anything she didn't take. For Lady Featherington, even making demands isn't enough, she is forced to take hold of a sword by the blade to stop it from swinging at her. This leads into the second big point that I think identifies her Aquarius Ascendant: the way she takes control of the difficult decisions, understanding that the world may look at her as an aggrieved old woman. This shows in the way she deals with Jack, the way she works with him. She's willing to lie at every turn, up until the point she realizes that he doesn't care about her daughters. Every hard decision she makes in the show is to their benefit, and for him to lure her into running away shows, to her, that he completely misunderstands what her goals are. I think there is a quieter, third way that her Ascendant is expressed: in the stressed responses she shows toward her children, and the moment of 'clarity' she has when it comes to how she speaks to them. In truth, there is absolutely no way we could expect Lady Featherington's children to understand most of her struggles through the show, she does everything she can to keep it out of their sight, but she does a questionable job of filtering her behavior toward them. She doesn't tell people that she's stressed, that she's worried, but her tone of voice gives off the idea that their family is always fighting off an impending doom. We see this in the Lady Whistledown reveal, the way Penelope and her discover each others' secrets at the same time, they so quickly come together because they both understand their decision were what they believed to be best for the family. Though it continues to be misunderstood, we see the reasons for Penelope trashing her own family, Eloise, just like we see the reasons for Lady Featherington helping Cousin Jack lie and steal money from the ton, and I think that's why... when dealing with Saturn-ruled individuals, we have to be very careful about writing them off as villains. Just because they're willing to cross lines that most people wouldn't doesn't mean they're evil, it just goes to show how far Lady Featherington will go for the people she loves, even if that means lying to them about it.
(3H) Aries Sun-
I think her Sun placement is the most obvious, speaking directly to the way she immediately regrets things she's said and done, waiting for other people to turn away so she could really feel the pain of it. I don't think she rushes into decisions, but like many Aries, she feels it's a weakness to show any kind of hesitation. It's an 'always forward' mentality, again, expressed through the way that she turns on Cousin Jack and tells him that she's keeping the fortune. Personally, I find that Aries influences share many similarities with Aquarius, so I don't believe there's much I can say here that differentiates the influence, but when it comes to having a 3H Sun, I think this shows the way she is truly trying to stay on everyone's [Aries Sun sextile Ascendant] 'good side', continuing to smile in their face hoping that they won't hate her for it. I think her 3H Sun shows in the way that she always motivates people to get right back out into the world, trying to stop them from being alienated completely, and it's an urgency that does end up working out for her daughters. Though they may have fumbled at every step, continuing to apply consistent pressure led to Lady Featherington having three married daughters, and three grandchildren by the end of the third season. In trying to differentiate her Sun from her Ascendant, it would be easier to what happens in her social life, the way that applying her chaos always seems to bring things together, at some point. In researching about her, I even saw an article that says 'Lady Featherington, not the true villain of Bridgerton?', and I was half surprised, because in my eyes I never looked at her as one. I agree completely that she makes decisions worth criticism, that she plays to her own selfishness and appears to care more about her reputation than anyone else, but being a monarch takes getting your hands dirty. Being a monarch of her family took the strength of Mars, not just physically, but mentally. Being the leader of her home, after realizing no man was good enough to be, meant sometimes becoming as evil as a man can be. I don't think that's something... that defines her character, but shows the range of it. The range of a mother who will do anything for her daughters.
(10H) Scorpio Moon-
This is one of those influences that is specific to its house placement, and I think a 10H Scorpio Moon in its entirety shows her understanding the value of keeping a secret, keeping quiet, and standing strong in the face of people who doubt you. In my opinion, I think her Moon is also present in the way... I think some people could question her turnaround, the way she 'realized' she was being mean to her daughters, but I do believe some part of that was completely honest. She, as a Scorpio Moon, resists admitting fault, but she instantly started correcting the way people spoke to Penelope after realizing she was wrong for enabling it. She may not be consistent herself, but she's strong on holding other people to changing. I think this Scorpio Moon also speaks to... it being her own daughter that brought on her downfall. Of course, we can reflect on the reasoning for Penelope slandering the Featherington name, but when we're talking about Astrological influences, her daughter was the one to drive the knife. Bringing it back to house placement, where was the knife driven? [10H] Into her reputation.
(2H) Pisces Mercury-
When it comes to her Mercury, I think a Pisces 2H placement would more be represented through her marriage, where, rather than obtaining money, she found herself bearing the debt and repercussions of everyone around her. Lord Featherington, Penelope, Cousin Jack, no matter how you may criticize her, she has always been abandoned and left to deal with a storm, completely alone. In a way, I could see her Mercury being why she's so well known to be a liar and thief, having people look past any good she's done to condemn her for the decisions she's made. This Mercury placement is why I've been open about her deserving some criticism, but it's also why [Mercury square Mars] I think it's important to lose perspective of her entire identity. I think her Pisces Mercury does also come out in the way she tries to be... maliciously honest with Penelope in the first seasons, trying to smack her back down to earth so she can focus on something more 'realistic'. Like I said before, even with all of her inconsistencies, even with all the lies she tells, she refuses to allow other people to lie, because she knows what it means to get completely lost. I think her chart is laid out in a way that is very hypocritical, but playing both sides works for her.
(1H) Aquarius Venus-
I think having her Venus in Aquarius contributes to much of what I was saying before, specifically about how, throughout the show, Lady Featherington never has the opportunity to rely on a man for support like everyone is taught to believe in. For all she can be criticized for, she already tried the methods that were taught to her. For any way you could criticize her decisions now, she wouldn't be at the head of these risks if she lived a safe life, supported by the people she was 'supposed to be'. This Venus is why I'm pretty lax when it comes to how hypocritical the influences can be in her chart, because personally, I do believe in her intentions. For as extreme as she may be toward them, I never doubted the love she has for her daughters. For as intense as she can be, I don't think she's unfit for love or marriage in any way. Aquarius can bring on extreme change, or identify someone held to adapting to extreme change, and I think she's done exactly that. I think learning more about her backstory would help us understand her more, I think we would see someone more gentle and almost naive, falling into believing every lie she's told until she realizes that won't work anymore. Her Aquarius Venus is why I have a respect for the person she's turned into, because still, her focus is not revenge. As I said before, she lies, but she doesn't take any more than she needs. As soon as she lost out on one dream, she was onto the next, which was trying to give her daughters the best chance at a future as she can.
(11H) Sagittarius Mars-
To close off with her Mars, I think this 11H Sagittarius rulership highlights the way... as I said before, as long as she continues applying pressure, something will happen. Good or bad, any movement at all gives her an opportunity to put her foot in, and she finds a way forward no matter what's against her. I think something that easily identifies this Mars placement is the way that a planned lie is what threatens her entire family. At every other step, she's making things up as she goes, reacting in the moment, but it's when she has time to plan a lie that it becomes too big, and too noticeable. As we see, she holds to the lie about her aunt leaving her money in a will, but the investigator [11H] is as dedicated, enough to explore the actual history of her family. I've refrained from calling her a 'good liar', but what else would you call the best skill of saleswoman? I think Lady Featherington [Sagittarius Mars sextile Venus] is someone who is skilled at employing illusion, selectively withholding information, feeding hints to lure people in another direction, and as far as she tried to run, she ended up in a room with Penelope. Staring at her while realizing that Lady Whistledown had become the same woman Lady Featherington shaped herself to be. Another reason I'd cast her as a Sagittarius Mars is specifically because I don't believe her story is done yet, that there is no hope for her or no dream to achieve past having grandchildren. I think someone so accustomed to working with intricate pieces will quickly get bored after realizing she achieved all she wanted.
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audiblehush · 6 months
I know this isn’t really relevant to the recent promo we’ve gotten (which I’m still swooning over, for the record), but I’ve been thinking about how some people in this fandom have been fussing over Pen having a potential suitor (or suitorS, we don’t really know) this season, and I don’t understand their complaints, I guess?
… like, I’m pretty sure that it’s meant to MIRROR Season 1.
(…see what I did there? ;)
There are multiple ways in which Colin and Penelope’s stories / situations have mirrored the other. They are not perfect mirrors (that would be dull), but they ARE similar and I truly believe that it’s intentional to reinforce both Polin’s compatibility and ultimately their empathy for the other.
A few examples:
Colin: is viewed as the “one-dimensional” easy-going, un-serious, charming brother who never rocks the boat; never gets angry.
Pen: is viewed as a shy, quiet, harmless wallflower who never steps out of line and is kind of a doormat.
As a result of the above perceptions:
Colin: is desperate for something to fill his time and energy the way his brothers have something, SO he impulsively courts and proposes marriage to a girl he barely knows to feel needed and wanted in a way that makes him feel mature; and he gets the validation he seeks from Marina, as it suits her needs (I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, she genuinely needed him to be desperate for validation to get a quick marriage). A heady feeling, someone relying on you and telling you that you are desperately needed…
Penelope: is desperate to feel a part of the ton in any way she can, because her and her family are tolerated at best, and heavily criticized at worst. So rather than suffering through the season, crushed, and always on the sidelines against her will, after choosing to start LW —perhaps on a whim, perhaps it was discovered and encouraged by chance like in the books— she “chooses” to hug the wall and not be noticed… (not at all a coping mechanism and a fear of rejection, amirite??) …and she eventually gets the acceptance and validation she seeks by having the ton hang off her every word as LW…. Again, a heady thing for a lonely 17-18 year old who wants to be heard and who craves acceptance, however she can get it.
Penelope: has to watch the man she’s in love with, one of the few people who listens to her and who she shows aspects of her true, (sometimes cutting self) with, court and eventually propose to a girl she knows is actively manipulating him.
She then (quickly, imperfectly and messily) interferes to spare Colin from the plot… without his input (after a failed first attempt to appeal to him, in her defense… and then the time limit became a problem).
Colin: quickly and imperfectly interferes in Jack’s ruby scheme in order to fix his own rashness, but also to spare the Featherington family… (without their input, it must be noted, even though he says he does it for them).
…And now in season 3, Colin will need to watch as Pen attempts to attract suitors, possibly while he watches with feelings of jealously if she has some success (Edit: Though I doubt it will get all the way to an engagement; too redundant)
(And this is nothing but speculation, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if Colin either discovers something about one of the suitors, or about another plot entirely and is forced to make a difficult decision regarding it, that impacts Penelope).
Penelope: writes things that can have a negative impact on or hurt people, sometimes for her own own comfort (LW), even if it’s not intentional.
Colin: says and does things that hurt others or that are misleading / obliviously harmful, sometimes for his own comfort (avoiding the needling of those men at the end of S2), even if it’s not intentional.
Penelope: has self esteem that has been in the TRASH since the beginning of the series - this poor girl hates herself, and has had it reinforced often (and likely from a young age) that her thoughts and opinions aren’t worth hearing, and that she is never enough (and is one of a few reasons why I find the “she wanted Colin for herself!” takes about the end of S1 pretty laughable)… so she hides behind LW. Colin is one of the only people she’s hinted to that she can be biting (Eloise gets glimpses of it), and I think the ONLY one she has hinted at that she has “grand dreams”
Colin: ALSO has self esteem that is pretty low, desperately seeking something that he thinks will make him feel whole and complete, the forgotten middle child (same, bro…), and he masks this uncertainty by flaunting a fake confidence and hiding behind his hobbies and being what everyone wants him to be… also he he can keep people from looking deeper… while simultaneously desperate to be seen by those around him. Pen is the only person he’s really hinted at that he’s unhappy when they discuss purpose.
EDIT: How could I forget?! BOTH are the third children in their family. Colin is the forgotten middle child, and Pen is the youngest, but both are criticized by their acting heads of their household (Anthony for Colin, Portia for Penelope), and criticized by their siblings. Penelope’s sisters brutally mock her often: her weight, her skin, her letter-writing, etc. Colin’s siblings clearly mean to just tease him, but it’s obvious how much their lack of interest in him as a person hurts him and makes him feel invisible and unwanted (my poor boy 🥺…)
Mirrors, mirrors, and more mirrors. Sometimes they are funhouse mirrors, the situations aren’t ever exact, there are nuances and specific context to each, but imo the similarities are very intentional.
The show is going out of its way to put these characters on more equal footing, and to have each of them make blunders in their lives and in the lives of others, knocked off their respective pedestals, to set them up to be like “wow, I get it, I get YOU and I choose YOU, with all the highs and all the lows” … and I LOVE it!! 🥹
People in this fandom tend to relate to either Penelope, Colin, (or sometimes both), and that’s awesome… but that doesn’t mean they don’t each have flaws. It also doesn’t have to become a “who hurt who more, who is more right?” - I am so uninterested in that: pain isn’t a competition.
What I AM interested and invested in is their growth, seperetly and together, and the removal of their masks to truly see and accept the other.
So yeah, y’all. It’s called a parallel, and I really hope we get loads of them in S3. 🥰
I honestly really welcome conversation and thoughts about this; I’m pretty new to the fandom, but unfortunately I have seen a lot of people (on tumblr in particular) be very “holier than thou” if they don’t agree on an interpretation, and it makes the fandom seem very unwelcoming and makes me nervous to even post things, which is pretty ridiculous. :/
Fandom gonna fandom, I guess. 🤷‍♀️ I just really love this show and this pairing and I’m dying for S3.
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astridthevalkyrie · 12 days
to add to that last ask, portia featherington is a beloved character despite the fact that she: encouraged marina to trick colin, manipulated her by forging the letter from george (because before that marina was NOT planning on pursuing colin like that), fearmongered her and made sure marina didn't stay unmarried despite her wanting to, slapped her after finding out she was pregnant (marina was a teenage girl!), and is generally emotionally abusive to all her daughters especially penelope and everyone says it's okay because she loves her kids!
so we have our answer, if marina was white, i think everyone would love her. because portia is like 70% of the reason marina did what she did. and sure, she has somewhat of a redemption arc in season 3, but people loved her even before that. and that's not to say i don't find her entertaining. she's funny, she delivers lines well, she's the worst and it makes for enjoyable scenes. but i do give more grace to the pregnant black teenager than to the middle aged white woman for "protecting her kids." in quotes because even if portia did see herself in pen, her treatment of pen is in no way protective or loving and flipping it around once she sees that colin genuinely loves her seems incredibly insincere.
also this isn't unique to bridgerton. you remember when the little mermaid live action came out? even going past the absolute vileness and vitriol that halle bailey faced leading up to the release you remember how when it came out? and everyone and their mothers LOVED vanessa? vanessa who had no lines? vanessa whose singing voice was halle bailey and whose speaking voice was melissa mccarthy? the white actress who just had to spin around for a minute and make a very evil expression? and people said she stole the movie? and you can't say it's racism because people will be like "omg so just liking a white actress/character is racist???" no. and you know that's not it. it's that you would go out of your way to put such heavy praise onto a white actress that did absolutely nothing special aside from being a pretty white girl when it was halle who made the movie and even that scene with her acting and her voice.
remember how in ginny and georgia people are absolutely insane and disgusting when it comes to ginny a young mixed girl but praise abby the mean and edgy white girl and go so far as to call her a victim? and sure some of it just comes from a concerning lack of recalling media but it's also just this unsaid perhaps unconscious dislike people have of black characters (and all characters of color but especially black characters). it's the fact that many writers write them to be disliked. and people fall for it, take the bait, hook line and sinker.
and it's in little doses. god i just. people can think i'm reaching at straws all they want but lucas in stranger things. how in the first season he's MADE to be disliked despite being in the right. kenny in cobra kai who is humiliated again and again in show and we're supposed to dislike him or maybe just laugh at him. whatever the fuck is happening in that shameless scene where fiona fires the only black employee that works for her. i haven't seen shameless but that scene unfortunately comes up on my feed once every few months and each time i hate it more. because people will say "b-b-b-but that lady was a bad employee! she was lazy and coming to work late and then playing the race card!" yes! precisely! why did the writers write a scene like that? why did they play into such a negative stereotype just to give their woe-is-me white woman a #badbitch moment? the sinister thrill that people get from seeing black characters and especially black women "get what's coming to them" is so concerning!
how people talk about jacinda in the last season of once upon a time and say henry had more chemistry with ivy. no the fuck he did NOT. if jacinda was white and ivy was black, that would not be such a popular opinion. and it does get trickier when it comes to shipping because sure, everyone likes different things in fiction. i haven't seen star wars so take the following with a grain of salt but yeah sure people will like rey x kylo more than rey x finn. her dynamic with kylo is probably more interesting. but WHY is it more interesting. why could the writers not make her relationship with finn more engaging if he was supposed to be her love interest? would more people not be calling reylo toxic if kylo was played by a black actor? would more people not be saying that rey is a lesbian if she was played by a black woman? that is to say, i am in no way saying that people who ship reylo are racist. i think there are very few people who actively had the thought "i'm not going to ship rey with finn because finn is black." however i think there is a combination of a, writers not wanting to make black characters outright evil because they'll be called racist so they just sneak in ways to make them either annoying or boring, and b, fandom either ignoring or actively disliking black characters whether the writers do it or not. again, haven't seen star wars, but i can also talk about how lucas and max from stranger things are now more popular post season 4 when they were given better scenes, but how before that everyone shipped max with eleven.
or what about the mess of a movie that is set it up. where the two bad characters are the ceo guy who is portrayed as angry and aggressive and cheating on his girlfriend, and the main character's girlfriend, who is portrayed as vain and selfish.
the only beloved black character from a POPULAR fandom (because there are beloved and well-written black and other poc characters in smaller fandoms) that i can think of off the top of my head is jesper from six of crows. he's a MAIN character, first of all, and he is clearly written to be liked. the show and book make him the charmer, the funny one, gives him an actual plotline and secrets and family and angst and engagement just like all the other characters in the story. perhaps characters like t'challa in marvel could be considered popular. but on ao3, out of 500k marvel fics, 10k have him tagged as a character. whereas in 10k fics for six of crows, jesper is tagged in 6k and him x wylan is the second most popular ship.
idek where i'm going with this. i'm not trying to be mean. it's fine and valid to say that someone wouldn't like a character if they're white. i think it's also valid for me to say that black characters are villainized or ignored by writers and fandoms alike in a way white characters aren't, and that sometimes it's very obvious.
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swallowedbyfandom · 3 months
When Anthony wakes her and Kate up she is ready to riot. Then she saw their family footmen and Anthony drag Colin home. She loses it. She cannot control herself, dear God she Loves Penelope so very much. She had read the short note but still she was not prepared for the condition Colin came home in. Her idiot brother hobbled in defaced, barely clothed, and smelling strongly of urine. She laughs herself into tears. She is sure the mirth from this moment will carry her through any hardship.
She sends a footman to get Benedict. He must sketch this for her. Then she shall request he make her a large portrait. She needs this moment immortalized for all time. Her enormous brother who is over 2 meters got taken down by Penelope who cannot even claim to be more than a meter half. She is sure this is the secret greatness that allowed Penelope to become Lady Whistledown.
She allows herself to sigh dreamily. Truly Eloise cannot think of a single Lady she has ever met who would not only fight back against an attacker but would go to such lengths to leave them humiliated and demoralized. She allows herself a moment to daydream of a better world where she got to live out her spinster life with Penelope in a grand country Manor. They could have adopted an army of daughters and raised them to be vicious hellions like their mother's.
She decides right there that this silly quarrel with Pen must be put to rest. She must remain at Pen's side to ensure married life doesn't turn her into a bore like it has for Daphne. She shall never let some man dim the glorious chaos that lives in Pen's soul. Hopefully Pen manages to give her a handful of nieces to properly corrupt.
She will have to send Pen a gift to thank her for this wonderful memory. She should probably make nice with Portia while Pen is away on her honeymoon. She may need help to keep Colin from interfering with her plans to build a niece army. She is sure Lady Featherington will have her own plans to unleash against Colin. What is better than women helping other women? Nothing she can think of.
She will send Pen a grand gift hamper tomorrow afternoon. Now she sits down to write the letter she will attach with her hamper.
Dearest Pen,
Long for I dreamed of kicking my ridiculous brother's in their genitals. Anthony said he thinks you broke it. You are my hero. Thank you, for making this dream a reality. Benedict is currently sketching out your handiwork. We must catch up for tea when you return from your honeymoon.
Yours in chaos,
Eloise Bridgerton
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juju-or-anya · 2 months
Its kind of weird that Penelope started Whistledown before she even knew how babies were made. Do you think in another universe the show explores how Penelopes naivety spurred her ruthlessness? That as she grew into herself she realized the actual weight of the rumors she spread. And had to grapple with what she has done and cannot undo. Or maybe explores her cognitive dissonance about her gossip column as she clings to her naivety? Not wanting to admit to the full implications of her writing because that would also mean letting go of childhood completely? I know this would all have to be an au because the tone of the show does not allow Penelope to be in the wrong but I want to see that internal battle.
Oh! What a great question!
As a Marvel fan, I can say that there are many Penelopes in the multiverse, and each makes different decisions. I see the book and the show as two distinct multiverses, each with its own interpretation and evolution of the characters. This duality allows us to explore different facets of the characters, showing how small differences in their circumstances can lead to completely different paths and developments.
In my opinion, Penelope truly began the identity of Lady Whistledown in an innocent way, as a means to come out of her shell. She was a curious and observant young girl who found writing a way to express herself and feel relevant in a world that often ignored her. Initially, her writings were merely a reflection of her desire for belonging and to be heard, without malicious intent. However, as she continued writing and seeing the impact of her words, that innocence became corrupted.
The fact that she doesn’t know how a baby is made is part of that innocence and her youth. Let’s consider that Penelope is very young when she begins as Lady Whistledown; she is ignorant about many things due to her youth and the education of that time. In Regency society, young women of her social status were sheltered and kept ignorant of many aspects of adult life and relationships. This lack of knowledge reflects not only her youth but also the protective and restrictive nature of her upbringing.
As Penelope begins to understand the power she holds, she becomes corrupted. The power to influence public opinion and manipulate others' perceptions is a dangerous tool, especially for someone so young and impressionable. When she finally learns about sex, much of her innocence is already lost. This revelation comes at a time when she has already begun to see the world through a more cynical and pragmatic lens. At this point, she sees herself as a victim who must defend herself at all costs. In the show's universe, I don’t think she can admit to any harm she causes. She sees herself as a poor victim, and any damage or consequence of her actions is justified because, in her mind, she is the victim, not the others.
To portray Penelope’s growth as a character and for her to recognize the harm she causes, it is essential to go back and prevent that innocence from being corrupted, allowing her to grow positively. Personally, I think we should start by giving her confidence and love, as she has two rather awful parents. Her mother, Portia Featherington, is manipulative and superficial, more interested in social appearance than her daughters' emotional well-being. Her father, although less present, does not offer a refuge of support either. Perhaps a conversation with someone who truly appreciates her could be the start. All her insecurity and darkness began from a lack of self-confidence and the need to create an alter ego to feel safe.
I believe this supportive figure should be Lady Bridgerton or Lady Danbury, an adult who can guide her. Lady Bridgerton, with her compassion and understanding, could offer her the motherly care Penelope never had. Lady Danbury, with her wisdom and experience, could teach her to use her wit constructively and ethically. It should not be Eloise or Colin but an elder who tells Penelope she can trust them. By changing this aspect, I think Penelope could come to understand the consequences of her actions. Even if she did everything she did on the show, she would feel remorse for each word, and upon reaching maturity, she could truly become a better person.
A narrative approach exploring this development could start with an incident that shakes her perception of herself. Perhaps an anonymous letter or a direct confrontation forcing her to face the consequences of her writings. This experience could be the catalyst for seeking support and advice from Lady Bridgerton or Lady Danbury. As she receives guidance and begins to understand the real impact of her words, she could embark on a journey of self-discovery and redemption.
I think this is the best way to start an AU to transform the show’s Penelope into a better person, rather than a Mary Sue who gets what she wants regardless of the damage caused and who is justified. Every character, even the most villainous, can be saved with good writing and proper character development. The key is to allow characters to face their mistakes, learn from them, and grow in a way that feels authentic and realistic.
In summary, the transformation of Penelope from an innocent young girl to a mature woman aware of her actions is a complex but possible journey. With the right support and a narrative approach that respects her personal development, Penelope can evolve and become a more complete and nuanced character. This kind of exploration not only enriches the narrative but also offers a deeper perspective on the nature of power, innocence, and redemption.
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ughmyreality · 3 months
Thoughts on S3 E5
(SPOILERS ahead)
There might be positives, there will be negatives, so please be forewarned that I am not going to solely praise the show. Also, it needs not be mentioned, I am but a single negative person on the internet talking about a fictional story. We are all not going to agree. Anyway… With that said, let’s move on.
What sort of tubi production is this? We don’t need a heartbeat sound to emphasize the dramatics.
Why is violet so happy? She had no idea that they were “courting” and now Colin pulls up with a proposal. 
Another thing, the whole “you don’t understand, Colin is supposed to disgust you at first. It’s his facade.” isn’t going to work on me. He still acts just as cringe as ep. 1.
Penelope needs a little time to tell Colin… How interesting. Almost like Marina, but of course Penelope is given graces that others aren’t.
The fact that Penelope didn’t bother to tell her family first. They had to find out from LW. Also, she isn’t being very careful to make sure no one finds out. There are only a select few people that knew about the engagement so by process of elimination someone is bound to figure out it’s her.
Love the fact it was supposed to be so obvious that Colin had secret feelings for her but his brothers are in complete shock.
Wow, she’s getting a backbone. “Colin cares for me.” girl, wasn’t she just begging him to kiss her in fear of rejection?
Although I can somewhat understand the hate, Portia is right. Penelope needs to hear that her plans aren’t as amazing as she thinks they are especially from an outsider point of view. Portia has already gone through the mess with Marina, of course she’s going to think something is up with Penelope and Colin.
Colin seems very easy to manipulate. Like he feeds off of the opinions of others rather than making any of his own. 
Why was Colin at the Featherington house anyway? It’s always been Penelope going over to the Bridgertons. Nothing Portia said was out of line. He comes waltzing up “defending” Penelope’s honor for the first time in forever. Where was he all the other times she was victimizing herself? Now he tries to be there.
Colin doesn’t even have a suitable house for them! This was so rushed…
I wish they would have given him facial hair.
…That sex scene felt abnormally long.
Imagine hearing your man inadvertently bad mouthing you and pretending that nothing happened. Penelope! I also didn’t realize they were going to have “relations” before she told him the truth. It’s kind of giving me bad vibes. Like, even if he did convey that he loves her, it’s under false pretenses. 
Colin needs to stop instigating. This is an issue that spans beyond the time since his return. This feud is between Penelope and Eloise. It has nothing to do with him.
No surprise, Penelope runs off, scared from problems of her own doing. They she faint… right on time. Get a life.
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