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viejospellejos · 4 months ago
Cuando te intentan tranquilizar pero no te conocen:
Enviado por: Antonio
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cutestdomi · 10 months ago
‘truest lyrics heard’
— theo nott x fem! reader
( arranged marriage x enemies to lovers)
⚠️ • warnings ; this fanfic WILL be a slowburn, but there’ll be tension / smut too (if lucky).
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“you need to be married to theodore nott of the nott family, you understand what you must do, right [name]?” my father’s words echo throughout my mind as if it seemed to be an empty place, but it was in that moment. atleast to me it seemed.
“w-what? father, you know i despise nott. right?” i stuttered, stumbling on the right words to say as i couldn’t believe what i was hearing.
“oh my goodness, can’t you stop being selfish and finally be useful? just do this for us, for our family, for your family.” my father sternly said, his tone solemn and i knew his words were final.
i sighed, nodding my head, allowing myself to be controlled without a peep of opinion coming out of my mouth, i knew i couldn’t win this fight against my father.
“finally, anyways they’ll be coming by next week, go out and buy yourself gowns, i’ll ask the maids to come and bring you the necessities need to pretty yourself up.” my mother said, cutting between the tension in the air as she slightly smiled, trying her best to reassure me after the conversation.
“okay thank you mother, ill go out and buy my gowns, now if you’ll excuse me.” i said, smiling back as i walked past her and out our home, not looking as i made my way to the shops, the cold air flowing throughout my walk to the shops.
my purse in the clutch of my tense hands, the only thing on my mind was the song i was listening to, ‘i wanna be yours’ by arctic monkeys, god how much is love that band, and how true the lyrics were. i hummed along to the beat, smiling unknowingly.
the only thing in my life was music, and how peaceful it was. “merlins, couldn’t pansy have married that bastard.” i mumbled, sighing heavily as i rolled my eyes at the thought of my fiancé aka my enemy.
once i reached the sign signaling i was at my destination, i immediately turned my head looking for the dress boutiques. a crowd surrounding me, not the best time to go shopping, but it’s whatever.
i finally found a boutique that had caught my eye, making my way to the store, maneuvering through the crowd swiftly. my eyes lit up as i made it passed the door, the gowns of all styles and lengths shown brightly, which painted a grin on my face.
i excitedly made my way to this mannequin, a beautiful white, pearly beautiful gown. the details on it were immaculate, the dress was beautifully decorated with pearls as lace was draped along the dress, it seemed like something that an angel would wear, and i decided to get it since the bow really spoke to me as it was placed along the waist, tying the long pieces of laces draped on the dress.
i sighed, looking at the other gowns, finding others i enjoyed and would absolutely look beautiful on me and my body, i also decided to buy some heels for each dress, a girl could never have enough heels, right? but anyways, as i headed into the direction for the checkout, i spotted him through the glass window.
deciding not to make a scene, i continued making my way to the counter, the huge pile of gowns and heels on the counter as they were placed in huge boxes delicately and said to arrive to my house tomorrow, in which i smiled at and paid before hesitantly making my way out the door.
i began to walk out, heading to ‘Honeydukes’ since in that moment i had felt a craving for sweets. making my way swiftly and with consciousness i had almost made it there, until i heard his voice. i had unconsciously turned my head, interlocking eyes with him, his smile turned up as his steps made their way towards me.
“and what may you be doing here, [name]?” he questioned, a glint of light in his eyes as he smirked right at me.
i rolled my eyes, sighing heavily, “shopping obviously, why do you think im at the shops, idiot?” i remarked, trying to find a way out of this situation, i was not in the mood for his blabbering at the moment.
“awh, poor principessa, mm why dont i be a good fiancé and help you, no?” he asked with a smirk, though it sounded more like a demand than a question.
i cringed at the word fiancé, merlins why’d i have to be so unlucky to have to get him as my fiancé and soon to be husband? i meekily shaked my head, finally deciding to answer him.
“awh, nott!! you just can’t seem to get enough of me can’t you?” i stated in a ever so playful and gentle tone, smiling brightly but it was just a facade, he knew it was too.
he sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, the sassiness in his actions shone heavily as he walked away, waving a slight bye before pulling out a cigarette and leaving me behind to wonder.
‘who the fuck does that guy think he is? oh my god he’s gonna be the death of me one day i swear..’ i thought, also thinking about how we’d have to get married and live together, and be a couple before all of that. life is gonna be miserable.
i heavily sighed, marching into the candy shop as i walked to the candy frogs aisle, the bad energy releasing and all i felt in that moment was joy and gratitude for the makers of these chocolate-y frogs.
i couldnt wait to indulge in them once i got to my mansion, making sure i grab more than just a few since you can never go wrong with these frogs, especially chocolate ones!
after paying, i made my way home, stopping by the boutique to make sure they had readied my packages full of gowns and have made sure to deliver them by tomorrow since i’d need them to try on before the meeting with theodore’s family.
i walked the path, making sure to keep my eye on the road and the path ahead, finally reaching the gate to my house, and that’s when my song had played again.
lost in the moment, all i could recall was that song and the lyrics, ‘i just wanna be yours’. except, who’s would i be? i laughed at myself and made my way inside stopping by to my older sister’s room, pansy, and ranting about theodore as always.
“what if i run away, god i dont want to deal with that horrible example of a man.” i remarked, almost going to tears infront of my sister at the thought of being married off to the devils spawn.
“hmm, are you sure you don’t like him? i mean, maybe hes the reason you say the lyrics to ‘i wanna be yours’ are so relatable!” she exclaimed, seeming excited at the thought of her younger sister having a crush, finally one pansy could help with.
“w-what. no you’re dumb, im leaving.” i said, marching out of her room and slamming the door, merlins all my family have gone crazy..
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cerebrodigital · 2 months ago
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Podría revolucionar la forma en que se trata esta condición neurodegenerativa.
Te contamos aquí:
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 7 months ago
This is Mr Gath from East Midlands, who was first diagnosed 12 years ago with Parkinson's. See the before and after the treatment with a new drug called Produodopa. The drug was rejected twice from FDA although Canada, Europe and in total 34 countries is already approved.
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judi-daily · 6 months ago
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Parkinson, 2004 Photo credit: ITV
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mote-historie · 2 years ago
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Norman Parkinson, Paris Spectaculars Vogue April 1, 1950 Evening gown by Jean Dѐsses, Model:  American Goddess : Jean Patchett, 1950
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oculiauris · 18 days ago
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Wie alles begann – Vergiftungsfolgen über Jahrzehnte
Schon als Kind wurde ich unbemerkt mit Schadstoffen belastet. Im Urlaub kam ich mit DDT aus Mückenabwehr-Fliegern in Kontakt. Später folgten weitere Pestizide. Mein Körper konnte sie nicht abbauen – meine Entgiftungsenzyme waren defekt.
💥 Der Dominoeffekt der Giftstoffe
Weichmacher, Blei, Holzschutzmittel, Formaldehyd, Chlor, PAK, PEG, Lindan – sie blieben im Körper, störten Enzyme, Mineralstoffe, Hormone. Das führte zu Mangelzuständen und neuen Symptomen.
😷 Von harmlosen Beschwerden zu chronischen Erkrankungen
Erst nur Husten, Allergien – dann Darm- und Blasenblutungen. Statt die Ursache zu erkennen, gab es nur Medikamente gegen Symptome, die alles verschlimmerten.
🤰 Plazenta-Toxine – Gefahr fürs Ungeborene
Schadstoffe bleiben nicht im eigenen Körper – sie werden weitergegeben. In meinem Fall führte das zu zwei Totgeburten – ein unfassbarer Schmerz. Doch Gott sei Dank habe ich heute zwei gesunde, erwachsene Söhne. 🙏
🌱 Schadstoffe meiden – hilft es noch?
Wer Duftstoffe, Chemikalien & Co. vermeidet, spürt oft eine Besserung. Doch oft kommt die Erkenntnis zu spät – viele Schäden bleiben.
🚨 Einmal vergiftet – für immer geschädigt?
Einige Erkrankungen, vor allem neurologische wie #MECFS, sind nicht heilbar. Manche Schäden bleiben lebenslang.
🌞 Was hilft trotzdem?
Beispiel: Ich setze mich in die Sonne – Vitamin D brauche ich dringend! Ich versuche, Nährstoffe natürlich zuzuführen – wer weiß, was in Kapseln steckt? Ich meide Rauch und Duftstoffe.
🚨 Die Tore in den Köper sind längst offen – und kaum jemand bemerkt es.
Ohne klare Inhaltsstoffangaben ist Schadstoffvermeidung ein täglicher Kampf.
💬 Kennst du ähnliche Symptome oder Erfahrungen?
Liebe Grüße aus Nordhessen,
©️®️CWG – Eigener Text mit Copy- und Lizenzrechten – mit vollständiger Quellenangabe gern zum Teilen genehmigt.
#Neurotoxine #Schadstofferkrankungen #MECFS #MCS #Schadstoffvermeidung #Umweltmedizin #ToxischeBelastung #ChronischeErkrankungen #Duftstofffrei #Chemikaliensensitivität #Langzeitschäden #cwg64d #florianatopfblume #cwghighsensitive #oculiauris
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postcard-from-the-past · 11 months ago
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"Wedding outfits", photography by Norman Parkinson, 1938
French vintage postcard
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kedisizasla · 10 months ago
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Art in Tilburg
By Dick Fluitsma,
1972-'73 Theresia Lisesi için tuğla sandalye
Bu heykel aynı zamanda parkinson hastalığına farkındalık için Twan Hendriks tarafından kurulan “Parki Derneği”nin yürüyüş ve bisiklet sürüş rotasında yer alıyor.
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seppoverho · 2 months ago
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mutluvesaglikli · 6 months ago
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alan-tel · 7 months ago
It's Been Quite A Battle
It's been a year and half since I was diagnosed with Overactive Bladder due to MS.
After pills and patches didn't work my Urologist wanted me to get a Axonics implanted. The insurance company refused to approve it. Here's the excuses they used to deny coverage.
It doesn't work with MS. My doctor said it works and stated that it would be a 90% chance of success.
Then they said it was experimental. It was approved by the FDA January 2023.
Then the insurance said the paperwork wasn't correctly filled out.
Then they wanted the doctor to use Botox. My doctor refused to do it saying that with Botox you may need to self catherize and with my Parkinson's tremors I couldn't self catherize.
Then they said I needed physical therapy. A month of physical therapy resulted in no change.
Finally after filing a bunch of paperwork I asked for another appeal and told them if they denied the treatment they would be dealing with the Oklahoma Insurance Commission.
Now all need to do is schedule a time to get the devise implanted. Here’s to hoping that it's a success.
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cerebrodigital · 1 year ago
Un nuevo tratamiento contra el Parkinson podría estar en camino. Un reciente estudio reveló que una "peculiaridad genética", una extraña variante que poseen algunas personas, podría brindar protección contra esta grave enfermedad. Puedes consultar el estudio aquí👇
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rose-weaxley · 2 years ago
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detournementsmineurs · 2 years ago
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"Wenda Parkinson wearing a Wedding Gown by Lanvin" photographed by Norman Parkinson for Vogue Paris, 1952.
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mote-historie · 2 years ago
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Norman Parkinson, The Art of Travel, British Vogue, May 1951.
“The camera can be the most deadly weapon since the assassin’s bullet,” the photographer Norman Parkinson once said, “or it can be the lotion of the heart.” Parks, as he is often called, was a leading figure in shaping the image of 20th-century fashion. After apprenticing with royal court photographers Speaight and Sons Ltd., he spent the rest of his life working at leading fashion magazines, including Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue, where he photographed subjects ranging from the candy-colored ensembles of Dior’s New Look to the bold style of the 1970s supermodel Jerry Hall. A frequent collaborator of Grace Coddington, Parkinson pushed the limits of fashion photography by traveling to far-flung destinations and by infusing his work with an irreverent dose of British humor. (x)
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