sun-marie · 5 months
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I was looking through my blog and I realized I don't think I ever? actually posted my Azulow zine piece here? so. oops! 😅
But yeah, last year I had the pleasure to be part of this amazing Azulow zine, Pas de Deux, a digital zine dedicated to the FE Fates pairing Azura/Laslow, which is still available for download!
Please enjoy some Azulow Family fluff in this no-deeprealms AU <3
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proattextingyou · 4 months
Random Maria facts
(Same mod who did Levi facts @pleasepress1forfrontdesk)
Maria is silly 12 year old, she can be very sassy or a brat sometimes but most of the time she's well behaved.
She looks for entertainment and will bother anyone for entertainment.
Since she's 12, Maria is in that awkward stage of life where she still does childish things but also tries to act all mature and grown up at the same time.
Due to moving all the time with her dad she does struggle to fit in with other girls her age.
Therefore, she follows trends to fit in or to be popular.
Maria is already obsessed with romance and boys. She's kinda like Becky from Spy x Family (a little bit) when it comes to watching romance shows and movies.
She thinks if she wears red makeup or red clothing she'll be able to "seduce or charm" the cute boys at her school.
She's sorta a smart kid. Depends on the situation.
Maria doesn't mind soccer the sport itself, but she dislikes being dragged to a bunch of games since her father is a referee.
She believes that she doesn't need a babysitter since she's too old for one(she needs one)
Loves cute school supplies. She thinks they're neat.
Maria draws fan art for her favorite shows or for people she likes.
Strawberry and vanilla ice-cream are her favorite flavors.
Maria will unknowingly call Magician (@soonyouwillgo ) "Pa" on accident.
She is a #1 Jouno fan now. (Specially @huntingdogjouno )
Like with most children they have crushes on actors or celebrities, her crush is Jouno.
She does have a tiktok, and she does do some dances but mostly films her daily life.
Maria doesn't know what to do with her life right now so she vlogs.
Lastly she knows the dance to Shukusei!! Loli God Requiem by Shigure Ui.
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sofya-fanfics · 17 days
La fièvre de Tohru
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Fandom : Fruits Basket
Relationship : Kyo x Tohru
Voici ma participation pour le Sicktember 2024 pour le prompt : Tu es en train de cracher tes poumons.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Kyo retira ses chaussures, la maison semblait vide. Il monta à l'étage lorsqu’il entendit du bruit. Apparemment, il n’était pas seul dans la maison. Quelqu’un toussait. Il se dirigea vers la chambre de Tohru. La porte était ouverte. Elle rangeait du linge et toussa à nouveau. Kyo fronça les sourcils.
Disclaimer : Fruits Basket appartient à Natsuki Takaya.
Kyo entra dans la maison. Il avait passé la journée au dojo de Kazuma. Il était impatient de prendre une bonne douche et de se reposer. Il était parti très tôt dans la matinée, Tohru, Yuki et Shigure dormaient encore. Il savait que Tohru devait passer la journée avec Uo et Hana, Yuki avait une réunion avec le BDE, quant-à Shigure, Dieu seul sait ce qu’il avait fait de sa journée.
Kyo retira ses chaussures, la maison semblait vide. Il devait être le premier à être rentré. Il monta à l'étage lorsqu’il entendit du bruit. Apparemment, il n’était pas seul dans la maison. Arrivé en haut de l’escalier, un nouveau bruit se fit entendre. Quelqu’un toussait. Il se dirigea vers la chambre de Tohru. La porte était ouverte. Elle rangeait du linge et toussa à nouveau. Kyo fronça les sourcils.
« Tohru ? »
Elle sursauta, ne l’ayant pas entendu arriver.
« Kyo-kun ! Tu es rentré depuis longtemps ? »
Il la regarda avec inquiétude. Elle avait les joues rouges, les yeux brillants. Et malgré son sourire, il voyait qu’elle avait de la fièvre.
« Est-ce que tu te sens bien ? Demanda-t-il. »
Elle acquiesça, toujours souriante.
« Je vais bien. »
Elle se mit à tousser de nouveau. Une toux incontrôlable qu’elle ne pouvait pas arrêter. Kyo paniqua. Comment pouvait-elle dire qu’elle allait bien ?
« Tu ne vas pas bien, dit Kyo. Tu es en train de cracher tes poumons.
-Je suis désolée, répondit Tohru une fois sa toux calmée.
-Pourquoi tu t’excuses ? Ce n’est pas de ta faute si tu es malade. »
C’était bien Tohru pensa-t-il. Il fallait qu’elle s’excuse pour quelque chose dont elle n’était pas responsable. Elle n’allait vraiment pas bien. Elle avait les yeux mi-clos et penchait vers l’avant. Elle penchait de plus en plus et s’il ne faisait rien, elle allait se retrouver par terre. Il la rattrapa par les bras, faisant attention à ne pas qu’elle tombe sur lui. Il ne voulait pas se transformer en chat alors qu’elle avait besoin de lui. Il la fit s’asseoir sur le lit.
« Ta journée est finie pour aujourd’hui, dit-il. Repose-toi. Je vais te préparer quelque chose à manger.
-Merci Kyo-kun. »
Il sortit de la chambre et alla dans la cuisine pour lui préparer du bouillon. C’était ce que Kazuma lui cuisinait lorsqu’il était malade. Il prépara un plateau, versa le bouillon dans un bol et monta dans la chambre. Tohru s’était allongée dans son lit. Elle avait mis son pyjama et dormait profondément. Kyo posa le plateau sur le bureau et s’assit sur la chaise qu’il avait placé à côté du lit. Il allait attendre quelques instant pour être sûr qu’elle aille bien. Il mit sa tête entre ses mains. Il était épuisé à cause de son entraînement, mais pour le moment, tout ce qui comptait, c’était que Tohru guérisse.
Tohru se réveilla lentement. La nuit était tombée. Les rideaux n’avaient pas été tirés et la lune éclairait la chambre. Dormir lui avait fait du bien. Elle tourna la tête et vit Kyo. Il était assit sur la chaise de bureau. Sa tête et ses bras étaient posés sur les bords du lit. Cette position ne devait pas être confortable. Pourtant, il dormait profondément. Tohru approcha doucement sa main de la sienne, mais n’osa pas la toucher. Kyo était resté près d’elle. Il avait veillé sur elle. Une douce chaleur envahie son cœur. Elle était heureuse. La fatigue l’envahit. Elle ferma les yeux et s’endormit avec un immense sourire aux lèvres.
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aerael-a · 1 year
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Kazuma's settles in front of the TV, something he hasn't done in what feels like years, much preferring the entertainment of one of Shigure kun's bodice rippers. Every so often though, he will find himself tuning into the evening news. As he casually flicks through the channels, he catches a glimpse of someone very familiar looking, quite unmistakable in the flamboyant manner of dress and unique tattoos. Silenced by shock Kazuma's gaze slides to Koichi, then to the screen, then back to Koichi. ━━━ @kisumshi
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   𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐈𝐌 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐒 𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆. While he had been looking forward to a holiday, he couldn’t help but to bring along his sketchbooks and supplies, not even thinking about work but simply because that’s what he enjoyed doing on his leisure time aside from gardening. 
   Curled up on the couch, sketchbook propped onto his knees, Koichi’s hand expertly ran a pencil through the thick drawing paper, the soft sounds of it making him relax even more. That day he wasn’t sketching outfits, not wanting to burn himself out of ideas outside of work, and so he was drawing people. Different body shapes, practicing shading. 
   It had been years since he allowed himself to draw simply for the pleasure of it, the act so all consuming that he didn’t even notice when a presence joined him on the couch. Only vaguely listening to the sounds of the TV being turned on. A few more minutes passed as Koichi continued to draw happily, and then he felt eyes on him. 
  Crimson hues left the sketchbook to peer up, staring at the TV and the moment he laid eyes on the screen he smiled. Head turning to the side to look at Kazuma. ❛  Oh, that’s me!  ❜ He exclaimed, soft and gentle voice warm and happy. 
   ❛  Lord, can you believe my PA let me do that interview looking like that? I was so drunk already…  ❜ the green haired male sighed, shaking his head. And then he realised the odd silence from the older man.  ❛  K-Kazuma-kun? Is—are you okay?  ❜
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avionvadion · 5 years
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When the Shigure’s singing are so good they draw the entire crowd. Frederick and Hector aren’t so impressed though XD
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fireemblemhellhole · 6 years
Does this order in the Compendium bother anyone else?
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
Story of luck in FE Heroes
I didn’t knew what to post for a long time (except inktober, but I’m in the 6th day...oops) So I decided to tell a really, REALLY lucky story that happened to me in a week in summoning heroes for FE heroes.
I literally kept my orbs for a banner that kept my attention, i was expecting a Halloween banner, but the performance arts banner came as a surprise (a very welcoming). so I was ready to spend all my orbs. I’m a f2p user, so I was really eager in keeping all my orbs...I have 132 orbs to spend...
So the banner came out, and after lunch i sat with my boyfriend and start summoning...
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THIS WAS MY FREE SUMMON!!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. But kept summoning. Then another unit came and ruin my rate:
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO! MY RATE! ;_; I was so mad I got him. I don’t hate Abel, he’s a neat character and a good fodder for sword breaker...but I wanted Shigure ;_;
But, just as my luck was shattered before my eyes...another miracle appear in the next summoning session...
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Well.... I sure wasn’t expecting THAT! So i was happy that I got my third dancer :3 (the other are Ninian and Olivia). So I kept summoning avoiding the blue ones this time around. But after summoning a bit more...this appear:
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Wait, what???? I....WHAT???? Holy smokes I was NOT expecting THAT! The thing is though, she came with bad IVs, and I don’t know if merging her with my neutral lyn or give swift sparrow to my +speed sonya... help in this one please.
So I was kinda happy at this point....and kept summoning...and another poof...an another miracle appeared in front of my eyes.
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YES!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES! JUST WHAT I NEEDED TO COMPLETE MY ARMOR EMBLEM TEAM! (for those who don’t know, my armor emblem team is effie, hector, black knight and now I have Amelia :3) And the best part I got her with GOOD IVS! She is now in my defense team. (If you see my team, it consist of Shigure, Hector, Amelia and Black Night)
Also that day I got Merric and Clair at 4 stars, 2 unit I still didn’t have, so lucky me.
On Monday nothing eventful happened but I got a Jakob and a Maria at 4 stars, 2 unit I was missing, so yeah, completing step by step my collection :3
Now the banner of threaten speed came, and I was happy because Takumi was in it and I wanted him SO bad. So I summon, and saw two colorless orbs. Went with one of them, saw smoke...and...
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....I don’t know if I call myself lucky or unlucky. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have her so I was happy somehow. So I tried the other orb...and I cannot fucking believe what appeared...
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You cannot be serious....YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!!!! WHY!!!! WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! I WANTED TAKUMI YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE!!!! ARGGGHHHHH! Now I have a Mist lying around not knowing what to do.
So I waited a bit longer. And saw on Thursday that 2 banners came. I tried on the block a and got....a 3 stars Henry. Wasn’t that sad though, I like having Henry for fodder, so I was kinda happy.
So I went to the other banner and tried the block b. I chose a red orb (I REALLY WANT A ROY, I need his ability to pass to shigure or ninian). Smoke pop, but it was taking a bit too long to the unit to appear...then a cutscene appear...
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What do you say to this? I have no idea what to say right now....I just saw my screen and lay on my back. I just.... wow. Didn’t expect to get Lucina AT ALL! Now all I’m missing is Brave Lucina and my Lucina collection is complete (and yes, I did pull a Bunny Lucina, she was my first 5 star (and I started in March 30).
So I was having 18 orbs lying around. Decided to complete a chain challenge and have some fun again seeing if I could pulled something. First 3 star Frederick. Ugh, I love Frederick...but not so much in fe Heroes. Then got another orb, smoke, and what appeared was...
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HOLY SMOKES! I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW! THIS WAS MY SECOND 5 STAR OF THE DAY! AND FROM THE FREAKING BANNER! I love Azura, still need her normal one, but I was so happy I couldn’t believe my eyes. So what I did was I tried again, pulled another one but not luck (3 star Gunther).
I looked what I had. A saw the red orb and roll with it. I REALLY NEEDED ROY! So I clicked....and I literally scream because I couldn’t believe what I just pulled...
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I swear I did not hack the game! :c And I swear I am a F2P user!!! I haven’t been this lucky since the mini Tempest Trial banner! :c .... Don’t kill me please...
So yeah...I got really good units...but I have 0 fodders right now.... Can you please give me advice how to build these units?
Shigure: I was planning in giving him Triangle Adept. Lucina: I have her with +3 atk, Desperation and Threaten Speed. Young Tiki: I have 0 idea how to build her properly :c
I also don’t know what to do with that Sonya, Brave Lyn and Mist. Do I merge them, give their abilities? Help please.
And who are you going for tomorrow at the Voting Gauntlet? I’m team ninian all the way :3
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emilabove · 2 years
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please for the love of god just give him to me
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waffulaa · 3 years
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kimium · 4 years
(Can't find the post on my Dash so I'll continue the convo here) Same! I've got multiple copies of all the others, but Shigure was the one that just never wanted to come home no matter what. I was so surprised when I finally got him this time around. @_@ So much for "focus unit".
(In reference to this post and the replies to it.)
To be fair, after the second year of not pulling PA!Shigure I stopped spending orbs on the rerun banner. So, not having him is partially my fault. But still! I am the same as you! PA!Shigure has never come home for me. I’m very happy (and a bit envious) of you pulling him. Sometimes just because they’re focus units doesn’t always mean they want to come home for us T_T (just like last year’s Halloween Banner for me, which utterly dunked on me).
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godly-feh-edits · 5 years
Fairy edits of Shigure, both original and performing arts please?
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(Mod Toto) Of course!!
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sofya-fanfics · 2 years
Ça fait un an
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Fandom : Fruits Basket
Relationship : Shigure x Akito
Voici ma participation pour le Fluffy February 2023 pour le prompt : Anniversaire.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Shigure se dirigea vers le jardin, se demandant comment se sentait Akito. Aujourd’hui, cela faisait un an que la malédiction avait été levée. La fin de la malédiction avait été difficile pour chacun d'entre eux et en particulier pour Akito.
Disclaimer : Fruits Basket appartient à Natsuki Takaya.
Shigure se dirigea vers le jardin, se demandant comment se sentait Akito. Aujourd’hui, cela faisait un an que la malédiction avait été levée. La fin de la malédiction avait été difficile pour chacun d'entre eux et en particulier pour Akito. Elle n'avait jamais été confrontée au monde extérieur. Personne ne lui avait appris à être autre chose que le Dieu des douze signes. Durant l'année qui s'était écoulée, il avait été là pour elle. Il avait tout fait pour l'aider à découvrir celle qu’elle était. Il était heureux de voir la femme qu’elle était devenue.
Il arriva dans le jardin. Akito était agenouillée et entrain de s’occuper du camélia en fleur. Il s’approcha.
« Akito, appela-t-il pour signaler sa présence. »
Elle se leva et se tourna vers lui.
« Shigure, je vais bien. Alors arrête de t'inquiéter. »
Shigure lui sourit tendrement.
« Tu sais bien que c’est plus fort que moi. »
Shigure fit quelques pas vers le camélia. Il prit une fleur et la huma. Il avait toujours aimé cette odeur. Peut-être parce que cette fleur lui faisait penser à Akito et au moment où il lui avait dit qu’il l'aimait il y a tant d’années. Parce que pour lui, aimer Akito était une évidence et ce qu’il ressentait pour elle était bien plus fort depuis que la malédiction avait été levée. Leur lien avait changé. Il était plus fort et plus profond.
« Cela fait un an aujourd’hui, dit-il en se tournant vers elle. Je voulais savoir comment tu allais. »
Il plaça le camélia derrière son oreille et la prit dans ses bras.
« À vrai dire, je vais bien. »
Elle inspira profondément et sourit.
« Il y a un an, j’avais été tellement effrayé de perdre ce lien qui nous unissait. Je me sentais seule et triste. Je sais que c’est ce que vous avez tous ressenti. Mais le monde extérieur me paraissait si effrayant. Je croyais ne pouvoir jamais me faire à cette nouvelle vie. Tu sais ce qui m’a permis de surmonter tous ces obstacles ?
-Quoi donc ? »
Shigure eut un petit sourire en coin. Il connaissait déjà la réponse, mais il voulait l’entendre le dire. Akito rit légèrement, sachant ce qu’il essayait de faire.
« C’est toi. C’est grâce à toi si toute cette peur et cette solitude se sont envolées. Cette année, je n’ai jamais était aussi heureuse et je sais que durant les prochaines années, je serai encore plus heureuse. »
Ils s’embrassèrent. Shigure était rassuré. Akito allait bien et c’était tout ce qui était important. Elle avait raison. Les années qui les attendaient allaient être encore plus belles.
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asmexus · 5 years
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+10 Performing Shigure!!
I’m so happy I could cry,, I saved over 1000+ orbs for him and I’ve finally got him at +10!
I also finally summoned a +atk iv for my other Shigure so I’ll be merging him into that soon!
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summonersai · 6 years
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WOOOW SHE LOOKS STUNNING! Her design by the marvelous Wada Sachiko is beautiful! (Like V! Lyn :D)
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Ok ok so no Sacae’s Blessing? Trying to fix the hell that is ReinhardtxBrave Lyn INTSYS? well, even if we would just complain about “How OP she is, how cancerous is the meta” and bla bla, I’m kinda dissapointed about that. Sacae’s Blessing is just, mandatory.
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Talking seriously this is probably my favorite legendary banner so far. Because:
Also, there is L! Ephraim (that has been only in one legendary banner and I missed him.) My beautiful baby Ike whose getting merge for arena.
So in conclusion,
Golden week is going to be crazy af (I hope) anyway, I’m holding my orbs and hoping that I can get a lot more this days because of the quest and everything!
What about you? Would you be summoning? Golden Week is going to be so good? Or maybe, you’re just not that interested?
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avionvadion · 5 years
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They’re all having a party... and I guess Henry wasn’t invited. T_T NUUUU WHYYYY He’s a good boi I promise. Subaki, bring your husband to the Shigures song/dance recital- like come on. Henry is hiding out in the garden alone. Unless... no!
Dimitri, was it you!??? Did you not agree with Henry and his lack of a moral compass!??? How dare. He’s a good boi. XD I take it back. Subaki is trying to convince him Henry isn’t that bad, but Dimitri is ignoring him because “killing without reason is wrong”. Oh, Dimitri. Just wait five years.
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fehelp · 6 years
Performing Arts Shigure
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Performing Arts Shigure has the lowest BST in the game as I’m writing this. That being said, if you’re super into arena, you’ll be better off with a better scoring dancer like Axura or even the free Olivia. 
Shigure’s stats are incredibly...low... His atk is mediocre but not as bad as it could be at 31, his spd makes him easy to double at 29, and his defenses aren’t going to do too much to protect him at 21/24. But, because he is a dancer, he is super useful no matter what. 
+Can run a variety of tomes to fit your team
-Poor bulk and spd
-Limited, not sure when he’ll come back
Similar Units
Performing Arts Inigo is his speedier green tome counterpart. Generally, people will prefer Inigo for his ability to take on Reinhardt because of his color. His def/res is lower than Shigure’s though, and getting a -res one will hamper his ability to tank hits from Reinhardt. Overall, just pick which one you want based on the color to be honest. They can both do a similar job.
He’s kind of similar to Odin, with his bulk being...not so bad as to make him frail as paper but not really good enough to be tanking much. He also has the lower offenses, but Shigure does have higher atk. Shigure definitely outclasses Odin because of his Sing ability.
Team Options
Anyone would LOVE Shigure on their team, I’m sure. As a dancer, he can get rid of his turn to give someone else another turn. 
If you’re looking to run him on a team where you expect him to see some battle, he’ll need protection against any and all green units. He’ll also not be able to tank much without the right build so don’t expect him to be baiting much. 
+Atk can boost him up to 34 which is pretty nice. +Spd is also actually a good option to help him avoid doubles from the mid-range units. +Def can even out his defenses, but otherwise is not a bad option to be dropped.
-Hp is ok if you have a +res/+def Shigure, but otherwise it hurts his bulk. Res is generally best kept neutral or buffed if you have something against red mages.
Disney Prince
Weapon: Dancer’s Score+ (+spd ref)
Assist: Can you imagine if I said Reposition? Sing!!
Special: Moonbow
A: Fury 3, Triangle Adept 3
B: Wings of Mercy 3, Swordbreaker 3
C: Breath of Life 3, whatever you want
Seal: You can stack Breath of Life if you want a lot of AoE healing.
This is pretty budget and means he won’t be slaughtering anything. Keep his weapon to give him faux healing abilities with BoL3 in his C slot and seal. Fury 3 will give him extra bulk and extra offenses which will just help his survivability. Triangle Adept is another option if you don’t like the HP drop he’ll get from Fury 3. Wings of Mercy is a pretty generic option for dancers because if their offense overextends, they can just fly in and dance and help them kill or get them out of there. Swordbreaker is more offensive and will help him double or protect himself from doubles from sword units.
Weapon: Blarowl+ (+spd ref or +def ref)
Assist: Sing!!
Special: Moonbow
A: Fury 3
B: Quick Riposte 3, Swordbreaker 3, Bowbreaker 3
C: Whatever you want!
Seal: Again, up to you if you want to boost defenses or offenses 
This requires everyone to stand by him and give him the boost from Blarowl. The spd ref will get him to 40 spd if all 3 teammates are around him. The +def refine will get him to 33 def. They’re both good options, but I’d argue spd is best here. Fury, again, gives him all of the stat boosts he’ll like. Quick Riposte will work well with baiting units. Bowbreaker is also a good choice if you struggle with Bowlyns, and then you can run QR as a seal. Swordbreaker is the same explanation as the last one. 
You can run Blarraven instead of an owl tome, but I don’t think Raven tomes are that necessary anymore. You can do plenty damage without a raven tome. You can also choose to run a Blade tome, or even Blarserpent if you want. The same ideas from the second build will stick with those.
Get skills from...
Blarowl+: 5* Mae
Moonbow: 4* Odin, Palla, Athena
Fury 3: 4* Hinata
Triangle Adept: 4* Roy
Quick Riposte 3: 5* Leo, Subaki, Klein, Deirdre, Dorcas
Swordbreaker 3: 4* Abel
Bowbreaker 3: 4* Setsuna
Wings of Mercy 3: 4* Cain
Breath of Life 3: 4* Felicia
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