mayordeas-clone · 3 months
recently been in love with the idea of f!morgan and lucina qpr and have enjoyed developing it in my headcanons. i decided to leaf through the fe awakening artbook (which i will tirelessly remind everyone i have) to see lucina and morgan's supports and maybe build something off of that.
turns out f!morgan can only support with lucina if lucina is her mother 🥲 BOOOOOOO
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Chrom propaganda:
“Chrobin (Chrom x player character) is so many tropes in one oml. You have friends-to-lovers (Chrom and Robin are canonically best friends according to Nintendo), enemies-to-lovers (Robin is heir to the Grimleal cult, the enemy of the Halidom of Ylisse which Chrom is the prince, and later king, of), there's amnesia, time travel, official next-gen AUs, changed dialogue to lore important events in the game if you marry Chrom, and Nintendo keeps teasing us with the ship. Cheery prince who knows when to be serious, very strategically smart but very bad at communicating, a guy that can comfort you when you're down, make a fool of himself when you're not around, and he's just generally a very sweet guy. Also please consider the fact that you get to watch a cutscene of him dying in the prologue and despite the horrors he's just so supportive of the protagonist. Chrom doesn't care about where you came from or who you're related to, he cares for YOU. He gets KILLED by the protag and he reassures them that they did nothing wrong and pleads with them to get out, to a safe place. I lost my soul to Chrom, I physically can't play this game without romancing him.”
“He eats oranges with the peel still on, he's an absolute himbo. Also the writers accidentally made his daughter canonically trans so he definitely supports trans rights. And technically you can only marry him if you play as female Robin but their dynamic is still just as romantic if you play as male Robin (they literally call each other their other half and m!Robin and Chrom have a valentine's day duo unit in the gatcha, and in the anthology manga m!Robin asks Chrom to make polygamy legal so he can also marry Chrom's wife and they can be a family) so most people play the game with the gay mod so they can still marry him as a guy. He's incredibly stupid ("yeah, let's set all our ships on fire then walk through a volcano, you're so smart, Robin" "I know you've had prophetic visions about killing me and our daughter came from the future to warn us it would happen but I'm sure THIS TIME it won't because of the power of our bonds") but also really sweet. In the summer DLC they're fighting on a beach and when he sees Robin get excited over a weird creature they found he immediately forgets about the battle and starts trying to make a bunch of crafts (and failing) and cooking food (and failing again) and writing "Chrom and Robin were here" in the sand so that Robin could have some nice beach memories. I'm obsessed with this man”
Asra propaganda:
“He GIVES AWAY HALF HIS HEART TO REVIVE YOU okay but like. He's the MCs roommate and they were together for a few years before the MC caught a plague and died and he obsesses over a way to bring them back before succeeding by making a deal with a god to trade half his heart for MC and betraying the emperor. And then when MC comes back but without any of their memories, he takes care of them and teaches them how to live all over again and he never asks for anything in return. On all the routes where you don't choose him he's really supportive and helps you out despite your history and overall he's just really nice and supportive of the MC and is their rock no matter what route you go down. Also he has a pet snake named Faust and I love her she's so <33 
Idk I just appreciate him so much”
"He gave you half his HEART!! He would literally go to hell and back for you!! He wants to take you on adventures all around the world—doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s by your side!! AND he’s nonbinary!!!"
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side B, Match 17
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propaganda under the cut!
Imagine finding a stranger on the ground, picking them up, and saying 'you are one of us now!' That's Chrobin for you! Chrom quite literally found Robin laying in a field unconscious and decided to bring them along on his little routine mission but one thing leads to another and Chrom is never without Robin. The two fight off medieval zombies, travel the continent, suffer and heal together as their story goes on. The core of Robin and Chrom's relationship is their friendship but the game gives you the option to have them get married and wow, Chrobin real!!! I could ramble about their tragedy or their silliness but it all leads back to their friendship and how they stick together no matter what life and death throws at them. In a later game in the series their souls are imprinted together in an ancient weapon. What's more romantic than being a powerful magical bracelet together?
first of all they were online friends before their introduction to the game where they lost contact with each other after a while. they first met in real life after moving into the idol dorms where they met by chance. aira, meeting kohaku for the first time, LITERALLY CALLED HIM PRETTY AND WHEN HE WOKE UP IN THE MORNING, HE THOUGHT HE WAS DREAMING BECAUSE OF HOW PRETTY HE THOUGHT KOHAKU WAS. and they also think each other's names (and each other) are beautiful! theres also the fact they love each other's company and hang out just with just the two of them all the time (and theyre each other's first person to hang out with). theres even an official 4-koma where theyre basically going out on a date for crepes and boba and kohaku's cousin, tsukasa, steals his boba and kohaku WALKS OUT OF FRAME HOLDING AIRA'S HAND. FOR WHAT REASON !!! not to mention theres an official scout story where they had to act romantically together for a job and didn't even act any different and the director was like yup! perfect! that was romantic! and i will never recover. theyve shared food together, they like getting gifts for each other, and always believe theyve got each others backs. kohaku also canonically is very weak to aira. aira wanted kohaku to do a dance trend with him and he thought it was embarrassing but then aira started pouted and kohaku was like NOOOOO I CANT SAY NO TO THAT FACE. and speaking of aira's face, kohaku has CANONICALLY admitted that he loves seeing aira's happy faces and even referred to him as "a special person" (translated) using a term meant for people you really love, and usually is in regards to lovers ! and last but certainly not least, the yoru ni kakeru cover they did with their units! their lines were:
Both: Even so, someday we'll surely, we'll understand each other 
Kohaku: I believe that
Aira: In the troubling days, I became unable to smile
Kohaku: You are truly beautiful in my eyes
there might be more but these are the ones off the top of my head
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felikatze · 1 year
I know people are mad that feh keeps trying to queer bait with chrom and robin but on the contrary I think they should keep going. It's the funniest and cutest ship ever
(Also at this point, it's on the same level as ninian and eliwood for being implied canon 😭)
me on discord ten minutes ago
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the people demand chrobin and if you dont then die mad i guess. the gays keep winning.
i'm just convinced someone on the dev team loves chrobin. i am VERY MUCH looking forward to brave robin's forging bonds bcuz i want to see how blatant it is. i want chrobin to be fe destiel.
elinini canon so true also (<- started shipping it bcuz manakete roy is the funniest shit on earth but just genuienly likes it now)
ngl FE has made a lot of stride with queer rep. like yeah sure it started rough with the gay marriage options in fates with active gameplay downsides, but 3h was a HUGE step up with legitimate gay options (even if us mlm had it. ROUGH. at launch. god) + paired endings for same gender characters, and now engage doing away with the gender lock on supports altogether.
not to dismiss rep outside of supports, too. the tellius games already gave us the subtextually not so subtly gay ike, and the very blatantly gay heather. echoes had leon, who was SO important to me as a kid cuz he made me realize gay people r real, and that i am one of them. well bi but same difference.
post awakening in particular the series has ramped up queerness with every installment (often clumsily, but i believe well intentioned), that at this point it does not suprise me to see chrobin pushed as a gay pairing (especially when a straight version is readily available!)
like. gay marriage was still illegal in the US when awakening came out. gay marriage is still illegal in japan. it has been a LITERAL DECADE since the game launched and the cultural conciousness around queerness has shifted A LOT.
chrobin already reads as incredibly queer within just awakening itself, so rather than baiting it feels like this is all just building on what's present in the game itself. chrom and robin could get married in the game already - if robin's a woman. and if you know me, you know i think chrobin significantly enhances the story of awakening for a variety of reasons. they just took that, said "hey, what if we can do this with male robin too" and then. did.
waxed philosophical on queerness in fire emblem again because FE just played a huge fucking role in my own queerness even before i grew hopelessly obsessed with it this year.
anyway yeah tldr chrobin rocks haters die mad
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗 (i love your fics and it'd be cool to see which ones you like most, but no pressure!)
This is a fair question because I have 10 bazillion fics and sometimes I do wish AO3 had like, a showcase or something, so I could usher people right to the best ones instead of them having to look at whatever happens to be most recent. So, yeah, here's the fics I would showcase if that was a real feature:
True Believers - aka the Grimleal!Chrom fic. Pretty sure this is still my magnum opus to this day, even if it does largely follow Awakening's canon plot (just altered because 1, it's original timeline-based, and 2, Chrom started worshipping Grima as a kid). It's not very heavy on Grima, because Robin only awakens at the very end, but it IS full of angsty Chrom feelings and soulful Chrobin moments and sweet, sweet dramatic irony when the god Chrom is praying to for guidance is literally right there guiding him
Find a Way - Okay so uh... sad Chrom (tfw no Robin, sacrifice ending death stuck) goes to another world to try to save Grima from despair, ends up being Grima's malewife "servant" and taking care of Morgan and Lucina. Grima tries to stay evil, but this plan obviously fails. I really like this one because it's a domestic au but it's also fucked up. Happy ending though!
eye of storm - Grima possesses Chrom (with his consent) and they go back in time to get Grima a body (because Robin died, oops. Chrom is heartbroken and Grima is really causing them both a lot of unnecessary struggles by not telling him he was Robin). Anyway, Chrom wants to change things... save Emmeryn... end the war sooner... you know. So basically it's Fire Emblem Awakening but Chrom is Lucina (he even takes a historical name, "Anri") and also he's sharing his body with the vengeful god who is secretly the love of his life :::)
the thing with feathers - "this fic is sfw but emotionally it's for the dragonfuckers okay" <- I think my tag here says it all, really. I wanted to write Chrom kissing dragon Grima's hidden human face and it took me 20k words to get it to work out.
all i want for the black parade is you - Imagine a Bad Christmas Romcom except the whole time they're baking cookies and singing carols and stuff, the love interest is awakening as an ancient dragon god... Look, it may not be the best thing I've ever written, but I'm just so enamored with the concept alone that I HAVE to include it among my favorites.
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emblemxeno · 1 year
I feel like I have come to a point where when people said "this ship is the worst" or "it's the one the most morally wrong", i ask "and? where is the problem ?" because we all know that everyone has a dislike because of each of each. Robin x Lucina because bro code, Byleth x student because people loves to twist the original meaning of grooming, Micaiah x Sothe, Corrin x The Royals, Kris x Caeda,etc.
Heck some people hates Chrobin and finds icky F!Robin has Lucina's mom because "it feels like comtting inscest" due to them being bros/sis. And I don't talk about the one person that claimed "they are literally siblings" in every Morgan x 2nd gen fanart due to Robin endless S support despite the obvious "they dont have the same hair color". The only moments it can get embarrissing is if people complained about Robin "marrying his daughter" on the few fanart with Severa despite said lady disqualifying herself has Robin's daughter when she mentions in her CANON supports with Cordelia (confirmed 100% by Fates) that she is her only daughter. Oh yeah right. they already do that because no one pays attention to the fact that Awakening made all it's ships drowned with the parents/child convos * rest in peace Henry/Olivia, I will never forget you*
you would think that a total of 17 games + the 3 others games around would have desentize fans when it comes to shippong but NOPE.
Especially since at the end of FE1 Marth was like 18 and Caeda was 15 (then the ages were retconned in remakes I think), so the leading couple of the series has been ~problematic~ all this time, but people are still flabbergasted when "icky" stuff is included lol. Like, disgust and distaste is whatever, but surprise? 3 decades later? Lol. Lmao even.
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
i agree when you say Chrom is a bland mascott now, but Intelligent system keeps on pushing chrobin through every of chrom's moment, like even the risen chrom we got still cares about robin, his literal murderer, to the point i am getting bored of chrom and robin's perfect frienship, come on IS
Avatar worship is a staple of modern FE, and Chrom gets hit with it the hardest because
Corrin and Alear are the main lords of their respective games so it's less noticeable,
Marth's stories were written before an Avatar was added after the fact, and he's had a canon love interest for decades, and
The house leaders have a bunch of other stuff going on to partially distract from how much their stories revolve around Avatars,
which leaves Chrom as the one stuck with all the dull "bonds of friendship" business. IS going hard on M/M Chrobin now feels particularly ingenuous when Awakening itself is all about heteronormative baby-making, but that might be part of the appeal; M/M Chrobin is impossible and therefore "safe," whereas M/F Chrobin might annoy people who ship him with Sumia or whoever.
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pegasusknightsonly · 1 year
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which ship fans are the most annoying?
it has to be chrobins just for the combination oversaturation + victim complex. any group which takes on the attitude that their opponents are both impossibly strong (intsys forced sumia down peoples throats as chrom's canon wife bc they either hate strong women or are homophobic, your pick) and absurdly weak (every reference to chrom and robin knowing each other or being friends is a secret nod to the fact that its Actually Their Canon Relationship) is just kind of unpleasant to be around. however the frobin chrobins and the mrobin chrobins are at constant war with each other and its the funniest thing in the world. davide they hate each other so much. they cannot just be happy with what they have while ive been over here in the f/f trenches trying to get people to care about sully/sumia for nine years
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i have to limit my exposure to fandom gerome and fandom inigo or i will go "chimp mode" and scare my neighbours. it sucks. both of these characters fanon selves are lifted straight from the pages of the BL you read when you were 14 that you vaguely remember as being ok and then revisit as an adult and think "wait i was just 14 , i didnt know i could have problems with this". gerome and inigo fans are doing a gravitation upon them except without any self-awareness or sense of humour or even passing references to fea itself
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
my dislike for the argument that olivia is chroms best wife is pretty well documented atp but i want to shout out to the awakening-specific way that people will accuse each other of deliberately overhyping units due to them being their waifus. when anyone mentions sumia's bases (good) growths (excellent) and class potential (literally everything she could possibly want) in unit discussions there will be a pile on in the comments about how shes so overrated and overhyped. firstly i dont know if she can be when there are this many detractors secondly i dont know how much i trust the opinion of someone who played hard mode once over someone who plays no grind luna+ for fun THIRDLY these same people will argue to death that actually tharja is amazing and the best unit in the game. tharja on recruitment has 5 skill and 3 luck. i think shes absolutely fine but its so disingenous to say shes incredible when she has no hit
i also think cordelias base str and def trick people into thinking shes a straight upgrade on sumia when thats not how awakening works and wont actually help her long term. its amazing that cordelia is the first ever fe unit with 60% spd growth who can still get speed screwed!
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ultraviolet-psyche · 2 years
So I think I'm starting to warm up to F!Robcina.
The reason I didn't like it is kind of silly, really – since Chrobin is my preferred Awakening ship, I prefer to see F!Robin as Lucina's mother. So much so that I literally can't see them being anything other than mother and daughter, or, at the very least, acquaintances. As a result, it's a lot harder for me to do my usual "detach from my preferred canon and see this as a different canon" sort of thing, y'know what I mean? And as a result F!Robcina made me feel kind of uncomfortable.
Then I realised. I ship M!Chrobin too and I like thinking of M!Robin as one of Lucina's dads, so why don't I have any trouble separating that canon with my M!Robcina canon? Perhaps it's because I've actually done an F!Chrobin playthrough but not an M!Chrobin one (with the Gay Awakening mod), and so I've gotten to see a lot more of F!Robin being Lucina's parent? I don't know.
Personally, though, I'd probably still prefer M!Robcina. Half the reason I even got into that ship is because both M!Robin and Lucina are hot and my bisexual heart can't take it (seriously some of the fanart out there makes them look SO GOOD.) In the future, however, I don't think I'll necessarily be opposed to F!Robcina. And of course anyone is free to enjoy it as shamelessly as they want regardless of my own personal feelings on it. :)
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teaveetamer · 1 year
"Awakening and Fates did see some discussion" mainly ship wars. Either "my robin ship is canon" with the "chrobin is canon" wank coming back occasionnally and same thing for Corrin. We also had people writing paragraphs about why marrying a time traveler is pedophilia despite them being adults, or gromming, same thing with the Fates 2 nd gen coupled with a "marrying your adoptive siblings and your ex step siblings is still incest even if you are not related!" wank where that side of the wank never ever consider that the magic letter was here just because Intys can't get away with letting you marry your actual blood siblings, since in both Corrin and Robin still could not marry Morgan and Kanna (thank God). That asides you had people pointing out the plot holes there and there. Awakening had more conversation due to the theories about Morgan and being the only game for a little moment until Fates came out. Even today people are still making theories about "who is the canon father/mother for 2nd gen Awakening kid" despite Intys having choosed to go Multiverse time travel just so that the parents could remained death as to avoid making ships canon. The modern FE games rarely have canon ships due to Avatar when it comes to the pairings systems so they can go as far as teasing, pushing, but never outright canonize. Hence why they kept on teasing us with Chrobin for 10 years after dropping Chrom x Sumia that was pushed at the time, dropped Corrinzura and Leocorrin that were the most popular ships and inferred default one in Corrinzura's case etc. In Engage's case, there is little discussion for the plot asides from things the game itself never cleared up like the dragon lore, who is Alear's mother, did Sombron really mate with his "mate" or did they just got pregnant my looking into his eyes since, now, in FE it is possible to make a kid like that. Even Engage's fandom has been quiet on ships wars. You had the censorship wank where people were disappointed and confused that Alear got platonic ending instead of the og romantic ones and the Anna and Jean wank. The irony being that treehouses created a mess and a lot of confusion : we are now incapable of saying which supports were romantic and which were platonic. All I can say is that in the jpn script, there were at least 3 og platonic pact rings : Veyle, Jean and Anna. The "romantic" aspects was just Anna and Jean confessing their crushes before being politely turned down by Alear but is supposed to end platonic. And Veyle support was so much censored to avoid any incest implications that any one stumbling over the original one ends up thinking it was romantic when it's platonic. The proof is that the jpn fandom explained those supports are different than the pact ring with the twins that are now the current wank because the internet did not like Intys claimming that dating your alternate half- siblings was never specified to be incest. But even that one is rather small compared to the literal war between the anti Robcina faction and pro Robcina faction or the Corrinroyals faction and the anti Corrinroyal factions. There is not much on tumblr except for some asks that are answered by blog that tends to be like "look if the game says they aren't siblings, call it a day" because taking the writing as it is is easier to do than trying to fill the blanks into elements Intelligent System probably never taught about. Though to be fair out of all possible discourse, nothing can or will ever beat 3 houses for even the ship wars within 3 houses was overshadowed by the "lords did nothing wrong" discourse. Just saying that Engage is always being direct and simple within it's writting so it makes the lore not interesting but despite it's coherence in it's writing it still managed to stir out a mini ship wank that is barely the same level as it's predecessor mainly because people learnt from this that the great majority of the fe fandom is composed of people barely understanding the source material. (Sorry for the wall of text)
Just FYI you can add paragraph breaks to these long anons for the future, anon 😅
I'm classifying any of that stuff under "ship war wank" honestly.
Idk I don't really have much else to say there.
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mikaharuka · 1 year
(More!) Slash Ships To Get To Know Me!
Bleep (@bleepbloopbotz) got me yet again... so here I am, yet again! You can find the post I made for the first round over here!
I listed MM-Bellisle [Carlisle/Beau] and Edward/Mike (Twilight, Life and Death - the two slash ships I'm writing right now), Steter and Sterek (Teen Wolf), Ferdibert (FE3H), Hannigram (NBC Hannibal), Bingyuan (Scum Villain), and Narumitsu and Klapollo (Ace Attorney).
**Rules**: Name at least five (no upper limit) slash (M/M) ships you love. Each from a different fandom.
I picked different fandoms, and included pictures where I could (source is canon except for the last ship), along with a little blurb.
I'm tagging @udaberriwrites and @alpaca-clouds, because I know they have many other ships to list. Also, @tsunderewatermelon and @danceswithdarkspawn because I'm curious to hear from those two femslash-centric writers (no pressure, of course, and yes, you can do less than five). I'll leave it at an open tag for anyone else interested!
1 - Chrom/M!Robin (MM-Chrobin, Fire Emblem Awakening) I have to leave a blurb - it's atrocious how the MF-Chrobin ship got a romantic route with shallow, terrible dialog while MM-Chrobin was denied the romantic route but literally had the romantic dialog >.>
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2 - Victor/Yuuri (Victuuri, Yuri on Ice) This one's a classic, really. It's probably the most mainstream/popular OTP I hold right now, I think? I still remember when this happened~
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3 - Mycroft/Lestrade (Mystrade, Sherlock) While these two didn't interact on-screen, they obviously interacted because of Sherlock. I headcanon them commiserating over Sherlock at first, then figuring out later on that they actually like each other. I do like Johnlock as well, but Mystrade is definitely my OTP here~
[...also, I have no pictures here, sorry ^_^]
4 - Koujaku/Aoba (DRAMAtical Murder) This is definitely one of my lesser known pairs. And... I like both the good ending (left) and the bad ending (right) versions of them. The good-ending is really cute and wholesome and the bad-ending is tragic and violent in this grotesque, yet beautiful and poetic way~
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5 - Akashi/Furihata (Akafuri, Kuroko no Basuke) This pair 100% hit me out of the blue. I remember this AO3 author I liked who wrote for another ship (don't remember which one >.>), and I decided to check their other works out... and ended up here. I was so confused by them at first, but I went with it and ended up loving it!
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Source Links - Left (Amino), Right (Clearismymaster on Quotev)
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Chrom propaganda:
“Chrobin (Chrom x player character) is so many tropes in one oml. You have friends-to-lovers (Chrom and Robin are canonically best friends according to Nintendo), enemies-to-lovers (Robin is heir to the Grimleal cult, the enemy of the Halidom of Ylisse which Chrom is the prince, and later king, of), there's amnesia, time travel, official next-gen AUs, changed dialogue to lore important events in the game if you marry Chrom, and Nintendo keeps teasing us with the ship. Cheery prince who knows when to be serious, very strategically smart but very bad at communicating, a guy that can comfort you when you're down, make a fool of himself when you're not around, and he's just generally a very sweet guy. Also please consider the fact that you get to watch a cutscene of him dying in the prologue and despite the horrors he's just so supportive of the protagonist. Chrom doesn't care about where you came from or who you're related to, he cares for YOU. He gets KILLED by the protag and he reassures them that they did nothing wrong and pleads with them to get out, to a safe place. I lost my soul to Chrom, I physically can't play this game without romancing him.”
“He eats oranges with the peel still on, he's an absolute himbo. Also the writers accidentally made his daughter canonically trans so he definitely supports trans rights. And technically you can only marry him if you play as female Robin but their dynamic is still just as romantic if you play as male Robin (they literally call each other their other half and m!Robin and Chrom have a valentine's day duo unit in the gatcha, and in the anthology manga m!Robin asks Chrom to make polygamy legal so he can also marry Chrom's wife and they can be a family) so most people play the game with the gay mod so they can still marry him as a guy. He's incredibly stupid ("yeah, let's set all our ships on fire then walk through a volcano, you're so smart, Robin" "I know you've had prophetic visions about killing me and our daughter came from the future to warn us it would happen but I'm sure THIS TIME it won't because of the power of our bonds") but also really sweet. In the summer DLC they're fighting on a beach and when he sees Robin get excited over a weird creature they found he immediately forgets about the battle and starts trying to make a bunch of crafts (and failing) and cooking food (and failing again) and writing "Chrom and Robin were here" in the sand so that Robin could have some nice beach memories. I'm obsessed with this man”
Mhin propaganda:
No Mhin propaganda :(
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 2, Side B, Match 1
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propaganda under the cut!
Imagine finding a stranger on the ground, picking them up, and saying ‘you are one of us now!’ That’s Chrobin for you! Chrom quite literally found Robin laying in a field unconscious and decided to bring them along on his little routine mission but one thing leads to another and Chrom is never without Robin. The two fight off medieval zombies, travel the continent, suffer and heal together as their story goes on. The core of Robin and Chrom’s relationship is their friendship but the game gives you the option to have them get married and wow, Chrobin real!!! I could ramble about their tragedy or their silliness but it all leads back to their friendship and how they stick together no matter what life and death throws at them. In a later game in the series their souls are imprinted together in an ancient weapon. What’s more romantic than being a powerful magical bracelet together?
Submission 1: Listen, I know their romantic relationship is not technically canon, but they obviously care so deeply for each other! They would they would kill for each other and they would die for each other. Killer didn’t hesitate to eat that SMILE for a chance to save Kid, and Kid was obviously heart broken when he noticed what had happened to his partner, so much that he gave up his just refound freedom for it. They are PARTNERS (canon) and you know how they mean that. They’ve been best friends for ages, their relationship just couldn’t help but bloom into something more.
Submission 2: They’re best friends, they grew up together, they’re in love. They need each other more than anyone else, would do anything or fight anyone to keep the other by their side.
Submission 3: They aren’t lovey doves, but the loyalty! Kid and Killer were children they had a friend named Victoria who they both had a crush on, but years later they both became gang leaders and Victoria got killed by the most powerful gang in their country. In revenge, Kid joined together all the gangs and took down those that killed Victoria, and later formed a pirate crew with all the former gang leaders, with Killer as his right hand man.
I love the LOYALTY these two have, because Kid is always like “Imma do something so stupid!” and Killer is like “You shouldn’t do it, but go ahead none the less, I’ll be right next to you”.
2 more reasons why I love them, but they are a spoiler just so you know.
That time Killer ate a fruit the permanently deformed his face into a smile and made him able to express his emotions only through laughter in order to protect Kid, Kid got furious because he knows Killer has always been insecure about his laugh and smile.
Killer taking a hit that could’ve killed Kid, keeping them both alive but badly hurt.
Submission 4: They’ve been friends since childhood. Kid’s been through some tough things throughout the show (eg. losing an arm) but the only time we see him cry is when Killer has been tortured and experimented on. Killer goes a bit mad from said experience but only begins to calm down when he’s reunited with Kid. They call each other ‘partner’ or ‘my partner’. I can list more but think I’ve made my point 😆"
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dentos-wife · 2 years
"Don't do ship wars."
*Proceeds to shit on a popular ship and say it has no basis beyond waifu-ism*
Like I agree that ship wars are dumb, but the way you delivered that message seems pretty passive aggressive.
Anon if you think that’s shitting on a ship you’d never survive a fandom where people call each other pedos, problematic disgusting, and worse things just for liking things. I’m not insulting anyone it has no basis in the canon story we’re given. Along with literally every other ship Tiki, Anna, Frederick, Lissa, Gangel, any other kids. It’s for the player to pick who they want to marry. Same with Fates and 3H. You can marry Sothis in 3H even though she disappears in the plot too. It’s there for you, for fanservice as was Chrobin originally, Robin wasn’t a character but a stand in. Corrin followed but was both as in they got official art that Robin never got and Byleth while being a character you can’t customize is silent so you can insert yourself into them continuing the popular trend. Alear is probably the farthest from Avatar we got with a personality and a design you can't change but you can pick who you (and only you) want to marry. I don’t doubt people ship it because they like it and more power to you for it but yeah the dating sim mechanic is why it (and everything else) exists. Here's an example, I'll pick on myself. I like a Fates ship a lot. The character was voiced by Mamoru Miyano and basically tailor made for girls to latch onto because it’s tropes and things that appeal to them. I’m not immune. They knew it and pushed it in the drama CD and then dropped it ever since.
The issue that it has against the other fanservice ships is plot. Now like if the plot was Robin falls in love with her and it was about his bonds with her instead and it’s a huge part of her plot she has to save her dad but has to kill the person she loves and it’s a big drama about that then it would have a basis in canon. It would also be a completely different story then what it is.
Because that’s not what the plot of Awakening is about it’s about Chrom coming into his own and Robin’s finding out who they are, their bond being the key that saves the worlds along with the parallel plot of Lucina of saving her father and her future the one who has the information of what's to come, she doesn’t even do much with her sibling except in supports because it would canonize a ship and that’s a darn shame because that would add another layer that would mesh super well with what we’re given. These two layers alone mesh and make Awakening what it is.
Finally as far as I know since that ship is mostly appealing to the male demographic I’m very curious if there are FRobin Lucina shippers. My guess is not many because it's not for their demographic. I could get into the mechanics on why things are shipped and what becomes popular but you might feel insulted
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waffulaa · 3 years
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Here, have a supposed to be a speculative post that instead dissolved into a rant about Chrom’s loyalty as a character flaw and how that realates to the chrobin dynamic
Sometimes I wonder how Chrom might have reacted to Robin, his Robin, becoming the Fell Dragon. We don’t actually know, since the Chrom of the present never really believed that it would happen (And it didn’t). His reaction to the Grima of the future wasn’t really a good indicator, since as far as Chrom was concerned it wasn’t Robin. It couldn’t be because his Robin was right there next to him and Robin would never give in to evil like that.
Even the Chrom of the future fell prey to that belief. He trusted Robin would never hurt him, and he lost his life as a result. He never got to see what happened afterwards. What would he have thought if he had witnessed it? What would learning that his closest friend and confidant, the one person he relied on for everything, was now his enemy, do to him? Would he still cling to his steadfast belief that Grima isn’t Robin, and that somehow the person he knows and loves is still in there somewhere for him to save? Would he refuse to fight, not wanting to hurt his dear friend, or would Grima’s unwavering determination to destroy everything he loves force his hand?
Chrom has always been more of a ‘fight first ask questions later kind of person’, but he is also Loyal to a fault. That is, quite literally, his fatal flaw. Could he really bring himself to face Grima? I don’t think he would. I don’t think, in any universe, Chrom could bring himself to seal the dragon away if it meant killing the singular most important person in his life. Perhaps if Grima had done something truly unforgivable, such as killing his daughter, or if Grima was able to well and truly convince him Robin was gone for good, Chrom might cast those doubts aside to do what needed to be done. But I think the far more likely scenario would be Chrom meeting his death at the Fell Dragon’s hand during some kind of misguided effort to save Robin. Knowing him, this would likely happen before Grima has a chance to do anything atrocious enough to force Chrom into fighting.
Maybe that seems out of character to some but this is Chrom. Brave, emotional, trusting Chrom, who thinks with his heart and not his head. The same man who faced the end of the world and the one who would bring it and then said to Robin: ‘I’d rather do it again than lose you, because without you I am nothing.’ Yes he cares about his kingdom, yes he cares about his friends and saving the world. But Robin is his everything, his other half. You cannot tell me he would ever willingly make a choice if that choice meant he would have to live the rest of his life without Robin by his side. Knowing this, the idea that Chrom’s plan would be to save Robin from Grima or die trying really doesn’t seem all that strange, does it? Not when you consider he would (canonically) doom the world again if it meant Robin got to live. He would do it without a second thought.
That really shows how far the extent of Chrom’s loyalty goes. I don’t think such a thing is limited just to Robin, He was willing to make a similar choice for Emmerlyn’s life after all. However, I do think the number of people that have earned that level of dedication from Chrom are very few in number, and I wholeheartedly believe that Robin is the very top of that list.
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