sun-marie · 2 months
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I was looking through my blog and I realized I don't think I ever? actually posted my Azulow zine piece here? so. oops! 😅
But yeah, last year I had the pleasure to be part of this amazing Azulow zine, Pas de Deux, a digital zine dedicated to the FE Fates pairing Azura/Laslow, which is still available for download!
Please enjoy some Azulow Family fluff in this no-deeprealms AU <3
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arget-star · 5 months
Night Owls
Relationships: Azura/Laslow
Gen Audiences/No Warnings Apply
This for the Day 3 Prompt of Fates Route Week, Night!
Dancing and stargazing as a love language :)
wc: 2,218 (also crossed posted to ao3!)
“So this is how you slip away so easily,” Azura says, her hand held tightly in Laslow’s as they sneak past the guard on duty. 
“They’re not expecting people to leave,” he returns, running his thumb across her skin in an idle little gesture. Such expressions of affection still catch her off guard; the casual, thoughtless way he shows his love is something she’d always wished for but never expected. 
There’s a beach about a half mile from where the army made camp. Amid all the preparations, he’d managed to pull her aside just long enough to steal a kiss and make her promise to meet him at his tent once twilight fell. 
Now, she does her best to hide a smile. Most everyone knows of Laslow’s nocturnal tendencies, though he insists on maintaining secrecy. She can’t blame him, not when every single person in their army is hiding something. 
The pendant weighs heavy around her neck. 
Oblivious to her own inner thoughts, Laslow beams at her once they clear the camp perimeter. “Feels good to get away, no?” 
“It does,” she readily agrees, giving his hand a squeeze before releasing it. Long arms stretch high above her head. “What mischief do you have planned for tonight, my muse?” 
She’ll never tire of his hair-trigger blush, or the charming shade of pink that makes his cheeks glow. 
“A-ahem! Milady, you wound me deeply. Thinking I’d only drag you out here for some form of nonsense. I thought you of all people would appreciate an evening spent by the ocean.” 
Teasing him is just so easy. But she shows mercy, once again sliding her hand into his. “I do, love. More than I can say.” 
Huffing, he threads their fingers together, resolutely keeping his gaze forward. “...You promise?” 
She wants to huff a laugh of her own at his dramatics. Instead, she bites the inside of her cheek, unwilling to push him any further. “I promise.” 
They walk side-by-side in relative silence, ducking under the sparse tree branches separating them from the coastline. Nocturnal animals begin stirring, rustling unseen in the bushes. For once, neither Laslow or Azura tense for an imminent attack. Everything here feels safe, untouched by the war ravaging the land. 
They hear the ocean’s dull roar before they see it. Azura perks up immediately, pace quickening until she’s a few steps shy of tugging him along. He follows without complaint, merely happy to see her so excited. 
The last orange rays of sunlight have faded into deep blue by the time they clear the treeline. White capped waves lap gently at the shore. He stops right before stepping onto the beach, releasing her so he can remove his boots. She gives him a cursory glance, attention drawn to the watery expanse right in front of them. 
“I’m right behind you,” he laughs, watching her expression go from eager to luminous with joy. She bends gracefully, gathering the hem of her dress in one hand,  then tiptoes across the sand, stepping into the water with a musical laugh. 
He plops down, giving up on trying to yank his boots off while standing. One comes to rest next to him while the other remains half unbuckled. She’s radiant, relaxed, her stoic armor melting away into the surf. 
He’d give anything to see her like this permanently. 
Azura drops the gathered fabric of her dress in favor of letting her arms hang loose. She spins, water splashing, her hair flaring like a wind tossed wave. When she slows, her eyes find  his. 
“What’s taking you so long?” 
“You look so beautiful.” No fancy line or exaggerated flourish. Only the simple, honest truth, reflected in the awe and love shining through his eyes. 
Her cheeks heat. He disarms her so easily when he drops the flirtatious act. (A charming act all the same, she has reassured him.) “I…thank you.” 
Laslow pulls his last boot off, then quickly rolls up his pant legs. The water is colder than he expected, a shiver tearing through him as he splashes to her side. “Heh, quite refreshing, no?” 
“It’s perfect.” 
He cranes his neck skyward while she sways in time with the waves. Scattered stars twinkle from the navy blue sky, a silent audience watching over them. It reminds him of nights spent alone under different constellations. How wonderful to share these new ones with someone he loves. 
Azura wades over after a few minutes, resting her chin atop his shoulder. 
“Dance with me?” He asks. 
They face each other, standing calf deep in the water. “No holding back,” he whispers, placing his left hand on her waist, right hand clasping hers. 
She only smiles in reply. His confidence has grown since the day she’d reprimanded him, like a flower blooming after finally receiving enough sunlight. With a light step, she pulls him into a waltz, her steps slow and sure. Laslow follows, lovestruck grin never leaving his face. They dance in time with the ocean, a gentle push and pull guided by the current. 
Laslow releases her hip, holding their joined hands aloft while sending her into an elegant twirl. Water sprays him, though he pays no mind to the chill. A little discomfort is a price he’s more than willing to pay for her smile. 
Breathless, she whirls back into his arms, hands braced against his chest, eyes alight. He pulls her closer, still swaying gently, dipping his head down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Stunning. Absolutely stunning.” 
She buries her face into his jacket, breathing in peppermint and lemon and brine. “I wasn’t singing.” 
“Don’t need to be to capture my attention.” 
She lifts her head, then reaches up to wipe a stray drop of water off his cheek. “I love you, Laslow.” 
“I love you, Azura.” He turns his face, kissing her palm, and she hums softly. “Want to stargaze before we return?” His breath warms her skin, heating her from the inside out. 
“Will you fall asleep this time?” 
Playful indignation flashes in his eyes. “That was one time!” 
Her laugh rings across the empty beach, music notes echoing over the waves. “You’re cute when you sleep. I don’t mind, really.” 
That lovely blush blooms along his face as he pouts. “I’m always cute, thank you.” 
“Yes, darling, you are.” She grabs his wrist, gently tugging him along. Already she misses the feel of water swirling around her ankles, the slow pull of the tide beckoning her ever deeper. 
The anchor keeping her tethered follows her back onto solid ground, flopping dramatically down and propping himself up on an elbow. “Anything else you’d like to compliment me about?” 
She steps around him, folding her legs underneath her and scooting close so he can lay his head across her lap. “Hmmm…I do love it when you blush.” 
“Oho?” He wiggles a little, getting comfortable, eyelids already beginning to droop. “I’ll blush as often as you want if it means you’ll smile.” 
Pink tinges her own cheeks. Damn him, for finding a way to turn it back on her. “…you make it easy.” 
He hums in reply and lets his eyes fall shut. Azura looks skyward, watching the stars in their shimmering dance, the nearly-full moon reigning over them all. 
Her hand lands in his hair, slowly stroking the silver strands. He sighs, utterly content. . 
A question burns in her mind. She mulls it over for several moments, finally daring to break the peaceful quiet. 
“Laslow,” she says softly, barely audible over the ocean’s gentle rumble. 
“Hmm?” Sleepy, he blinks his eyes open, head lolling towards her stomach. “Time to head back, eh?” 
Gods, how she wishes to live in this moment forever. To live a life full of leisurely evenings exactly like this, without fear of it ending come the dawn. “Not quite.” Lazy fingers curl strands of his hair. “One day, will you perform your mother’s dance for me?” 
Brown eyes widen a fraction, surprise replacing drowsiness. She’s caught glimpses of it, namely the first day she stumbled upon him dancing in secret. But to see the entire thing, even just once…it’s something she’ll cherish for whatever time she has left. 
Laslow swallows the emotion welling in his throat. “I’d be honored to have you as my audience. Do you want my version, or hers?” He reaches up, cupping her cheek in one cool palm. His wedding ring shines in the moonlight. 
“You know I’d love to see both. Whatever you feel comfortable sharing with me.” Azura leans into his touch. 
“Selfish girl,” he teases. The last person who’d seen him perform the whole thing was Mother, mere days before he was called away to Nohr. Planting his free hand in the sand, he pushes himself up until he’s eye level. “Of course I’ll dance for you.” 
Moonlight outlines him in silver, turning his hair molten. Night suits him far better than the overbright sun. Azura drags her fingers forward, tracing his cheekbone, the outline of his lips. A question enters his eyes but he remains silent as she continues her exploration. Her nails lightly trace the curve of his jaw and his mouth quirks up into the ghost of a smile. 
She closes the distance, kissing that smile softly, still cupping his face. He makes a happy little sound, reciprocating, lips soft against hers. An arm curls around her waist. There’s no urgency in their movements, only a desire to pretend they’re just two lovers enjoying a romantic midnight rendezvous. 
He chases her when she breaks the kiss. Azura gives him one more peck. “We should get back,” she murmurs. He kisses the corner of her mouth. 
“They’re used to us disappearing,” he returns with another kiss to her cheek. 
“Laslow, sweetheart.” 
A sigh puffs against her skin. “…I know. I just…who knows when we’ll have another night like this? Why not enjoy it as long as we’re able?”
Her heart breaks a little for this boy limned in moonlight. “We will. I enjoy every moment I’m by your side; no matter what.” 
He knocks his forehead to hers. Naga, he loves her so much he sometimes thinks he’ll burst with it. “Thank you, Azura. Heh, all this uncertainty can really get to a guy!” 
And there’s his optimistic armor. She nods, despite how she wishes things were different. “It gets to everyone. I wish we didn’t have to return, either. And until we no longer have our obligations, we’ll continue finding moments like these.” 
He smiles, then—not the wide, bright thing he uses when he’s trying to be charming, but the soft, genuine one she so adores. “Deal.” 
Stealing one final kiss, he stands, then offers her his hand. She accepts, pulling herself up in one fluid motion. 
“Wait a moment! I nearly forgot!” He releases her hand and races down to where water meets sand, scooping up a handful of the wet stuff , poking through it with intense focus. Azura continues dusting sand off her dress, watching with fond bemusement. His child-like happiness for the littlest things always makes her heart swell. Curiosity makes her step a little closer, neck craning for a view. 
“No peeking!” 
She rolls her eyes but dutifully covers them. Water splashes, no doubt from him washing off his hands. Sandy footsteps approach. “Alright, you can look now.” 
Her hand drops, attention falling onto his own outstretched palms. A small collection of near-perfect seashells glisten from their saltwater bath. “Oh, Laslow…” Delicate fingers pick one up, examining the lines of orange and white covering the surface. She turns it over, rubbing a thumb along the smooth expanse of purple fading into pink. “Beautiful. Thank you, love.” 
“Of course, 'Zura! It’s a memory, y’know.” 
“A memory?” She echoes, clasping the seashell to her heart. 
“Yeah,” he returns, dropping the remaining shells into his pants pocket. They can look them over tomorrow; he’s finally starting to grow tired. “When I was younger, I collected things. Rocks, shells, feathers, things like that. I wanted to remember my adventures, and who was with me.” His voice sounds strained at the end, and he’s suddenly very interested in pulling on his boots instead of looking at her. 
She knows his past is shrouded in fog, full of things he’s unwilling or unable to speak about. All she’s gleaned from past conversations is that he left people he deeply loved behind upon his arrival in Nohr. Odin and Selena are remnants from the time before, and equally closed off about their previous circumstances. 
Azura will not press the issue. They’ll talk about it whenever they’re ready. She understands the desire to keep old wounds sealed, lest they begin bleeding afresh. 
Laslow stands, summoning a smile. He’s more grateful than he knows how to articulate for her acceptance of his silence. She wraps a hand around his arm, sidling close to steal some of his warmth. Laslow briefly noses at her hair. Eventually, he’ll tell her everything. Eventually, he’ll ask her to come with him, for surely whatever magic brought him here can be extended to one more person. 
But for tonight, he basks in her presence, soaking up every moment and tucking them neatly away in a mental box like he does the shells and rocks and feathers.
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littledashdraws · 18 days
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sleeping beauty, but make it azulow
704 notes · View notes
sieglinde-freud · 6 months
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playing fates again this is how its going
164 notes · View notes
flamingopuuuunch · 1 year
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zine piece for Pas de Deux, a digital fanzine focusing on Azura x Laslow.
available for free to download on their twitter!
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violet-traitor · 28 days
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azura and laslow for FE ArtScuffle..
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lysterene · 7 months
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Ballet studies of Azura and Laslow for @littledashdraws :)
Close ups under the cut
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131 notes · View notes
riahk · 1 year
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lazura castle in the sky screenshot redraw :)
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lucdrawsthings · 11 months
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FE Trans Week Day 2 - Love!
t4t Azulow
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luclraven · 5 months
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Hear me out on this
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almoststedytimetravel · 3 months
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Catch me in the depths of seein' shit where there ain't anything.
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ovbm · 1 year
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My piece for Pas de Deux, an Azulow Zine! It’s available to download for free here :)
143 notes · View notes
alterigo06 · 1 year
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Heirs of Fate
My piece for the Azulow zine on Twitter!
132 notes · View notes
littledashdraws · 3 months
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self-indulgent azulow charm design <33
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justrandomgrill · 6 months
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Almost forgot to post it but here are my last attacks!
Commission status is in my pinned post!
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alrest · 5 months
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azulow for @littlemissdash in the fe artscuffle based off of her feh alt designs 🫶
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