#Overview Effect
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editavilkeviciute · 4 months ago
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You’d have to stop the world just to stop the feeling ✨⁣ Observing Earth from space can alter an astronaut’s cosmic perspective, a mental shift known as the “Overview Effect.” First coined by space writer Frank White in 1987, the Overview Effect is described as a feeling of awe for our home planet and a sense of responsibility for taking care of it.⁣ The Overview Effect can create powerful shifts in the way you think about Earth and life. The words “beautiful” and “fragile” are often used by astronauts to describe the experience. As the International Space Station (@ISS) was soaring 262 miles (422 kilometers) above Western Australia, NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps captured this long-duration shot, or an image captured by camera set to a lower shutter speed.⁣
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wildcat2030 · 3 months ago
The overview effect is a cognitive shift[Note 1] reported by some astronauts while viewing the Earth from space.[2] Researchers have characterized the effect as "a state of awe with self-transcendent qualities, precipitated by a particularly striking visual stimulus".[3] The most prominent common aspects of personally experiencing the Earth from space are appreciation and perception of beauty, unexpected and even overwhelming emotion, and an increased sense of connection to other people and the Earth as a whole.[3] The effect can cause changes in the observer's self concept and value system, and can be transformative.[3]
Overview effect - Wikipedia
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artisamaptothejourney · 1 year ago
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pnw-chaplain · 2 years ago
On Men Having Emotions in Space
Watched 2001: A Space Odyssey last night and:
This movie had men in space who felt some emotions, but it was not what I would call a "Men Having Emotions in Space" movie
What is a "Men Having Emotions in Space" movie (MHEIS)? It's a jokey term I came up with after watching Ad Astra and realizing that part of what appealed to me about it was that it spent so much time reflecting on the main character's loneliness and his desire to connect with his missing father, and used the expanse of space itself to make room for those feelings.
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I've watched movies and shows that take place in space before--Firefly, Star Wars, Doctor Who, etc.--but there it felt like space was not much more than a way to have extra fun with setting and characters.
In Ad Astra, space is almost another character, but rather than actively engaging with McBride and others, it simply exists and the human characters have to react to it. They respond with fear, awe, depression. Space is so vast and so unfeeling that humans turn inward, and our focus turns to their inner lives because there is so little outward for them to really latch onto.
Another movie I'd classify as MHEIS is Sunshine, which a lot of people don't really like but which is one of my partner's favorite movies and which I really enjoyed too.
Sunshine shows a crew having to confront matters of spirituality, trust, the value of one life over many, all in a small group of people who live on a ship strapped to the back of a nuclear bomb meant to be fired into the center of the sun to revive it. Here, there's not just the emptiness of space that prompts these powerful reflections and feelings, but the sun itself becomes divine in the eyes of multiple characters. Being in the presence of even a tiny percentage of its rays about Mercury's distance away from it has profound effects on how those who experience it think about themselves and their fellow humans. This isn't because the sun magically speaks to them or anything; the simple exposure of the sun's light and heat prompts them to go inward and think on what something so intense means.
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The movie has a weird structure because two thirds are this moody, slow-ish character study, and then the last third is kind of a slasher film until the last few minutes. What I like about the first part though is exactly the meditative pace, just like with Ad Astra, where you have time to really reflect on what it must be like to be in a small group (or even alone) in the vast emptiness of space, where the void really does gaze back into you and you're forced to confront things that lie deep within because space gives you nothing.
2001 also has a very slow meditative pace, but it's not so much to give space for these big reflections and emotions. The characters don't seem very interested in the vast void of space until they're directly vulnerable to it (hell, Dr. Floyd sleeps on his flight from Earth to a space station, even as "The Blue Danube" plays and we watch the station and other satellites dance above the world). The pace feels more in service of the audience directly, to appreciate the gorgeous design and to contemplate the themes of progress and violence. This, to me, means it's not MHEIS.
The "Men" in "Men Having Emotions in Space" is also important to me. In so many sci-fi stories, men predominantly take action and go on adventure and either save the day or fail. Maybe they have individual emotions--fear in 2001 when HAL goes rogue, fury and despair in The Empire Strikes Back when Luke learns his enemy is his father--but the movie doesn't give room for itself to be about the emotions of men. In a society where men aren't taught to identify their feelings and can easily live quite emotionally stunted lives, it's really meaningful to me to see movies where men have little to do but feel deeply.
Something that I haven't yet seen in MHEIS movies, but is hopefully out there, is what happens when one turns away from the great void of space and turns back toward Earth, toward home. Sunshine features a room on the ship that projects things like ocean waves and birdsong, to be used by crewmembers when they're overwhelmed and homesick, but we don't hear as much about how being in space changes their relationship with their planet. Ad Astra comes a bit closer, ending with McBride returning to Earth and starting to open his heart to human connection again after confronting his loneliness, but we really only see this in the very last moments of the film.
In real life, however, this seems to be a major part of the experience of being in space. Astronauts speak of what's called the "overview effect," the huge mental shift that occurs when you look down on the surface of Earth and realize you can't see borders, buildings, or people, but you can see both the tremendous beauty and the human-caused destruction of our home. They describe a deep sense of connectedness to all life on Earth and a desire to put aside conflicts in the name of protecting something so precious. It's a beautiful thing that we've only been able to really have in the last 60 years.
On the more bleak side, there's what's probably the most stark example MHEIS from real life, when William Shatner got to briefly go into space with Blue Origin:
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I want more of this in movies. I want the men who go to space and have their Big Feelings about humanity and themselves get to be seen being changed by those feelings and coming home to live anew.
What I love about MHEIS is the time and the depth, the rich spaciousness of what is awakened in these men. I wonder about the potential of MHEIS movies to invite those of us watching to experience these emotions ourselves, and let them transform how we interact with our fellow humans on our little blue marble of a planet. Can we let even a simulated void open us up to what lies deep within our hearts, and can we allow what we find there to come forth and speak to us?
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aquiestoychaval · 2 years ago
I chose this image as my header for some reasons: mainly bc it's just cool but also bc I first found it when researching info about this thing called the overview effect which is also one of my favourite things in the world
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the overview effect is something that happens to your mind when watching the planet Earth as a whole irl, from space: it changes your values, it changes your sense of morality, it sets in your mind a drive for caring about this gigantic ball we live in. when I was 14 I wanted to become an astronaut just to be able to experience this haha. luckily enough, maybe some of you will experience it :3 be sure to tell me tho I'm super curious about this particular thing
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The overview effect is a cognitive shift reported by some astronauts while viewing the Earth from space. Researchers have characterized the effect as "a state of awe with self-transcendent qualities, precipitated by a particularly striking visual stimulus". The most prominent common aspects of personally experiencing the Earth from space are appreciation and perception of beauty, unexpected and even overwhelming emotion, and an increased sense of connection to other people and the Earth as a whole. The effect can cause changes in the observer’s self concept and value system, and can be transformative.
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"Earthrise 1" remastered
l Apollo 8 (1968), Bill Anders; Processing:Jim Weigang
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outer-space-youtube · 1 year ago
Do your part to save Human Lives...
I found this episode of NOVA, but I didn’t see anything new, but it might change your perspective. My perspective is my own, but if this episode does not encourage you to change what you can in the town you live in. Well, I saw from 2016 Space Tomorrow that has ESA Astronauts explain the Overview Effect, that is more than a view from the ISS. Weathering the Future shows us how we can deal with…
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femcelbassmentdweller · 5 months ago
Overview of My First Year of HRT (2021-2022)
Hi, my name is Sylvie, and I'm transfemme! I started hormone replacement therapy on September 25th, 2021 and I've been through quite a lot on my journey to a year of HRT so I'm making two separate posts: this one focusing on the medical side and physical changes, and another that will focus on the social side of transitioning. So, here we go!
I realized I was trans the last week of August 2021, then September 9th I came out publicly, September 15th I had my first appointment with Plume, and I received my first Estradiol script September 24th, but consider my official "first day" of HRT the 25th.
I started HRT on sublingual Estradiol pills, 2mg twice a day (morning and night). Psychologically, taking the first pill hit me like a psychosomatic lightning bolt, and the first meaningful change estrogen granted me was an opening of my feelings- I could suddenly experience a "true range" of emotion, I experienced ambivalence for the first time. Physically, within the first week, I was experiencing tingling in my chest/nipples and by three weeks they actively ached, and after about two months my nipples looked different (darker, larger), and my chest started to stick out (36" to 37")
At 2 months my Estradiol was increased to three times a day and Progesterone 100mg (at night) added. By two months, my body's sensitivity had reached astronomical levels, particularly in areas that weren't sensitive before: for me, this was my nipples, armpits, and butt. My skin overall became more sensitive, slight touches made me quiver and my pain tolerance dropped sharply. During my second month my body's smell changed too and my sweat production cut back.
At 3 months, Spironolactone 50mg once a day (morning) was added and during this month my nipples had noticeably expanded and become dark enough to see through shirts, and my chest had grown enough to be noticeable small mounds in a tight shirt (38"). Also by 3 months, random erections completely stopped happening, whether asleep or awake.
Between months 3 and 5 a lot of things happened in my life; the stress and inactivity caused me to lose 50 lbs. As a result, I lost a ton of muscle mass. My thighs, upper arms, and butt became soft and jiggly, I could not lift things I could before, even with great effort.
3 month bloodwork results: E @ 133 and T @ 320
At 4 months, I asked my doctor for Finasteride, which is a DHT blocker- DHT is an androgen created by testosterone and an excess of DHT is related to hair loss, as well as some research I read back then relating to DHT and thicker/darker body hair. Since starting Finasteride, I have only shaved and used Nair on my body itself and I have experienced 75%-80% body hair loss, and much of what hair remains is now vellus hair (light, short, soft).
Between months 4 and 5, I started experiencing sexual dysfunction. Even if aroused, it was a 50/50 shot of whether I could get hard or not. Likewise, I began producing much less semen. This was when I started experimenting with different forms of masturbating too (i.e. using a vibrator).
Between months 5 and 6 I started gaining weight again, and this was when my breast growth was the greatest, going from 38" to almost 41". However, in the growth it seems I lost the sensitivity I had in the early months- my nipples and armpits are still erogenous zones, but not as potent. Additionally, I noticed fat redistribution caused my hips and waist to take a more stereotypically feminine, almost hourglass appearance (and increased from 32" and 34" respectively to 35" and 38" by 10 months).
6 month bloodwork results: E @ 258 and T @ 22
Months 7, 8, and 9 saw only slight breast growth (41 1/2") due to losing weight again from stress, but at this point I have very little body hair left, and even areas which were full before (armpits, groin) thinned out significantly over time- the most astounding of all being my butt, which the cheek hair just disappeared without me doing anything, like the hair just fell off.
Somewhere during months 8 and 9, I completely lost the ability to become erect without medication (doctor prescribed me Sildenafil, aka viagra) and no more ejaculating. Reaching orgasm became a concentrated effort instead of something that came easily, and very little clear liquid would come out during.
9 month bloodwork results: E @ 57 and T @ 28
For some reason my levels dropped between 6 and 9 months, and during that time I became very mentally and emotionally unwell due to the hormone imbalances. My doctor suggested a few things: me not waiting/letting the pill dissolve long enough in my mouth or the pill just not having the same potency on me anymore. So...
At month 10 I started injections and almost immediately started feeling much better. There is a hormonal low day for me every week, the day before I do my injection again, but it's not hard to deal with. I feel like myself!
Now months 11 and 12, nothing really noteworthy to update except I'm desperately trying to eat more so I can gain weight to grow my boobs. Just stopped taking Spiro though, but I use Tgel to maintain my girldick because I'm a Switch.
Lastly, I'd like to say I'm open to any questions anyone might have, and I'll do my best to answer them. You can DM me, email me secretly from a fake account ([email protected] is my email), whatever! I just hope this information is of some value to someone out there!
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deancasforcutie · 20 days ago
respectfully I love the (non-assholish) "wow I'm watching spn the first time and you weren't kidding/exaggerating Destiel are just Like This" posts as much as you other olds but what is this new torment nexus of people (no matter how new/old they are) posting like the gif'd-to-death season 4-5 longing looks that were pure acting choices/not scripted saying "they did this and said it was nothing/we were craaazzzyyy" why the collective amnesia to our canon romance with coparenting and cohabiting and mixtapes and self-sacrifice and scripted/aired love declarations and proven creative support+network censorship no matter what CW exec y'all telephone game'd as The Writers™ in like 2013 and never ever factchecked urself on
like Berens/Glynn/Dabb/Yockey/Perez/Adams/Fitzmartin and the fans whose meta they consulted in their offices (trufax) were Galileo, #SomethingToSay and #TheySilencedYou were the Whole Earth Movement and four years later you're Flat Earth
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scratchandplaster · 2 years ago
Aftermath of Drugging
CW: discussions of non-con drugging, spiking food, medical whump, overdosing, drug abuse, addiction, death, brief BBU-mention
Using drugs as a whump method is pretty common, and rightly so! As one of my favorite tropes, it was interesting to think about how they could affect the Whumpee after the act itself, be it physical or mental.
That's why I made a little compilation (for me and you), if you feel like agonizing your Whumpee even further. There are also some examples in between, for your entertainment!
The research is mostly relating to any downers, meaning any drug that makes you calm or fall asleep, so anesthetics, hypnotics or sedatives. Examples include ketamine, Rohypnol, GBL, propofol and heroin.
Uppers on the other hand have the opposite effect in stimulating the human nervous system. Some of the effects that are noted below are applicable to both kinds of drugs, but keep in mind that stimulants are more of an afterthought in this list. I'm going to recap the effects of both at the end.
I'm not a pharmacist by any means, but as far as reliable research for creative writing goes, this should suffice. No one is going to fact-check your whump fic, bestie 🤍
By method:
Ingestion (forcing them to take pills, spiking their food)
→ General indigestion, nausea, dry mouth
Injections via syringe or continuous administration through an IV drip (e.g. in medical settings)
-> Swelling/tenderness/infection/bruising of the injection side
-> High fever (even days after the injection)
→ Anaphylaxis: skin rash, chest tightness, dizziness, nausea, facial swelling
Anaphylaxis is an all-body allergic reaction that can cause mild to severe and even deadly symptoms (shock or coma). It can escalate and should be immediately treated with a shot of adrenaline. This kind of reaction could be detrimental to Whumper's plans, especially if they intend to keep Whumpee alive for the foreseeable future. So it would be helpful for them to always carry an EpiPen, just in case...
Inhalation (gas or liquid)
→ High risk of choking and (sleep) apnea
-> Irritation of throat, nose and eyes
-> Throat spasms (Laryngospasm)
Includes coughing, difficulty breathing/speaking and the feeling of suffocation. Even though this kind of spasm fades away pretty quickly, they cause severe stress and panic to the aggrieved party, even leading up to lose consciousness again.
Physical side effects:
-> Drowsiness/tiredness, headaches/migraines, tinnitus
-> Dry mouth/throat or excessive drooling
-> Dilated pupils (causing Whumpee to be light-sensitive)
-> Slurred speech
-> Skin rash, itching, hives
-> decreased/increased appetite (give them a little snack...or not)
Motor skills:
-> Muscle relaxation, ataxia (lack of movement control), general weakness
-> Poor coordination
-> Tremors, cramps, spasms
-> Numbness, paralysis of the body or extremities (a local anesthetic would also do that trick)
Vegetative effects:
-> PONV: nausea, vomiting, retching
-> Cold shivers or hot flashes, acute sweating
-> Arrhythmia, low blood pressure and heart rate
-> Labored breathing
-> Vertigo
The physical consequences alone can make the wake-up process a living nightmare for Whumpee. Any after-effects that inhibit them from just getting up and escape are probably the worst in such a situation, making them weak and useless even if no restraints are involved. Imagine Whumpee just breathing heavily and quivering with cold shivers on a basement floor, unable to shake this uncomfortable feeling off. Their whole system is just trying to get the drugs out, but doing more damage than intended. Numb to the world around them, not even feeling if they are hurt or wounded. Or imagine the complete opposite: Them being able to get up and stumble to the exit, only to be overwhelmed by intense dizziness and collapsing back onto their knees. All the while Whumper watches, of course 👀
Did Whumpee eat beforehand?
Prior to any anesthesia, the person has to fast for at least six hours beforehand. Because Whumpees rarely plan their own kidnapping or non-con high, Whumper should wait for the right moment to get it done. Otherwise, they're risking aspiration or choking and therefore dangerous lung damage up to death; surely the most undesired outcome. Who would have thought that drug abuse can be dangerous...
Impure compounds? In my illegal drugs!?!
If your Whumper's stash really was cut with popular diluents e.g. other medication or lactose, the risks are surprisingly low. The threat of overdosing still comes from the main drug agent. However, mixing downers and uppers to cancel each other out can lead to a dangerous cycle, which amplifies the side effects and increases the risk to OD.
Mental side effects:
-> Nightmares, paranoia around food/drinks
-> Depression, anxiety, self-loathing (e.g. for not being careful enough)
-> Psychosis, hallucinations (optic, acoustic, in terms of taste etc.)
-> Dissociation, confusion, disorientation
-> Insomnia
-> Reduced anxiety or inhibitions
Now instead of being afraid, Whumpee could go batshit crazy and make fun of Whumper; spitting, biting and insulting their aggressor. An outburst they will probably regret later, when they're calm again and sober enough to understand the damage they have caused themself.
-> Memory loss/amnesia
Cue intimate Whumper, who just plays the part of a worried friend while keeping their love safe and controlled. Vague recollections of past abuse? No, just take another sip from your tea, it's alright... One could use drugs as a mean of removing memories altogether, I think in the BBU the "drip" is used to erase the whole personality of the Whumpee, making them a blank slate to train however one would like.
-> minutes or even days after the initial drugging
-> extreme anxiety up to paranoia
-> nausea, vomiting, indigestion
-> muscle aches
-> flu symptoms like a runny nose, sweating and fever
Depending on the kind of drug and how often it is used, withdrawal can start after just one dosage. "Not even once"-drugs include meth, heroin and crack cocaine. Also, barbiturates have a high risk of dependence. Speaking of it...⬇
Addiction as a long term effect:
-> Organ damage especially of the brain, liver, kidneys and the diseases that follow (including cancer, short weight, heart failure)
-> Loss of interests, behavior/personality change
-> Selling all valuables and ending up in poverty
-> Aggression/violent behavior
-> Shame and guilt
Isolated, financially and mentally unstable, Whumpee's life had been ruined with just a single act. Even Caretaker turned their back on their former friend. But Whumper would love to help Whumpee become sober again, under just a few conditions. On the other side of the spectrum: a Whumpee who finally managed to escape and take revenge on their abuser, they slowly but surely make Whumper ruin themself through their newly developed little habit...
To sum up:
Downers (decrease bodily functions and calm you down)
→ Unconsciousness, weakness, distortion of perception, failure of motor functions, coma
-> Common examples: Xanax, ketamine, propofol
Uppers (stimulate bodily functions and mood)
-> reduced inhibitions, more prone to hallucinations, psychosis, seizures, serotonin syndrome (high heart rate, sweating, twitching, mania)
-> Common examples: meth, ecstasy, cocaine
Bonus: How to store your Whumpee!
The immediate consequence of drugging someone is to figure out how to keep them. Get them secluded and ready for whumping:
-> In the backseat, foot space or trunk of a car (use an ambulance, it's inconspicuous)
-> You know these roof boxes people strap on top of their car? Stuff ´em in there!
-> Put them in a box and ship them overseas
-> Basements are classics, but try the attic for a change
-> Just use a coffin, combined with an old hearse nobody is going to notice
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Masterpost]
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1-800-dreamgirl · 8 months ago
I think if I ever went to the outer space and looked back at the earth I'd cry my weight in tears
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information-connoisseur · 10 months ago
The Overview Effect
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agroupofcrows · 5 months ago
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da3drat · 7 months ago
Somebody proposed a deletion of the morrowind alchemy effects overview page on the uesp and my heart actually stopped for a second I NEED THAT
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eclipse89 · 2 years ago
it's weird that earth (and the moon to some degree) is always shown one way
there is no up or down or left or right when you're outside a planet's gravitational influence
which means that, this is correct
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so is this
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and this is too
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meteorologistaustenlonek · 1 year ago
Fires on La Palma are common in summer due to the island’s dry climate. One analysis of tree rings suggests that intense fires burn the island’s forests roughly every 7 years on average, with less intense fires burning every 2-4 years.
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