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generalluxun · 3 months ago
Stories circulate of a shadow on the rooftops
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Outfox dances across the roofs of Paris, a mystery to the populace. How will this new player fit into the already fractious conflict? They are silent upon the matter for now.
Art commissioned from @catmelot again, you should commission them too!
When Trixx approaches Adrien he was at his lowest point. Twice defeated, the idea of being a failure to Ladybug was more than he could bear. Trixx offers an alternative. The Kwami wants to remain free from the box so he can see the world. In exchange he will teach Adrien new ways to achieve his goals.
What does the future hold for Outfox? Will they be able to restore the cat Miraculous to Ladybug's possession?
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phosphophillight · 8 months ago
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catmelot · 2 months ago
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Thank you so much to everyone who bought me a commision!!!⭐⭐⭐ I'm so happy when I draw and I'm happier that I get to work with such kind and creative minds like yours!!!🥰
To whoever that read this, I wish you to have a wonderful amazing super cool and magnificente year💛😘⭐
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plontydiesfromdancing · 3 months ago
Heyo heres my rig of KEEP UP by Odetari, it has some really fun tempo changes! It's a little old, I got inspired after seeing all those sonic edits. Currently it has a novice, easy and hard mode. I may add a medium someday but I cant even play harder than easy rn. As usual novice and easy are meant for pad and hard is meant for keyboard.
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nokotarou · 2 years ago
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C-C-C-N-N-N - RoughSkreamZ feat. Aikapin
Single: 5/10/15/19/22 Double: 11/16/20/24
A guest collaboration for Bunkasai R&M Simfile pack: https://www.facebook.com/steps.all.tunes
Compatible with almost all Stepmania 5 forks (Outfox, StepP1, StepF2, StepPrime).
Video: https://youtu.be/lOeh8krryYE
Get the simfile here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kVzDk4PdrJMOzbIPQQpxr9vM4cOjGeFF
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sabiplaysddr · 2 years ago
3.25.23, scores for the international timing league competition
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irlvernon-moved · 2 years ago
i dont understand why no one is talking about the fic outfox on ao3. it’s fucking brilliant. why cant i find anything about it on tumblr or on twitter i am so devastated. the author is anonymous too. im literally in tears. its such a brilliantly written fic and possibly the best ive read au-wise as the world-building and back stories were fucking fantastically crafted. i cant believe this oh my god. whoever wrote this amazing piece of work, i adore you. i want to kiss your entire face can we pls talk im gonna cry
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wistfulwatcher · 9 months ago
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Criminal Minds, 5.08 Outfoxed | Criminal Minds: Evolution, 17.01 Gold Star
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severus-snaps · 2 months ago
i know we all enjoyed that screencap from hogwarts mystery where madam pomfrey lets slip that snape is needy when he gets a cold but like
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maybe it's because he's feeling under the weather that his usual facade cracks. the illness is just a conduit, an excuse to be 'needy', because he finally has something he can blame for feeling bad - something specific that he can pinpoint, one he can share. without meaning to, without any intention or conscious awareness that it's what he's doing, he's seeking the comfort and sympathy he's always been starved for. what would it take to be considered needy, anyway? turning up repeatedly for potions from madam pomfrey, even though he could brew them himself? coughing/sniffing dramatically in the staffroom, sitting by the fire looking like death warmed up, and playing it up a little?
i'm not sure he'd get much, though. in the game, madam pomfrey tells people he's needy, which doesn't suggest sympathy and actually feels a bit mean, telling other people that. when he speaks to the students, he tells them to stop gawking at him with 'feigned pity', suggesting that's what he's used to:
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getting back into 'canon' extrapolations from book characterisations, i expect that the other teachers would hardly be sympathetic... (i went on a bit of a ramble so have broken it down below)
mcgonagall mcgonagall is probably the professor suggested to be closest to snape, with their quidditch rivalry bordering a frenemy-style relationship - but she seems very old-school tough love/dismissal, the type to snap "just have a whisky/potion and get on with it"
dumbledore dumbledore might offer some kind words, but their relationship is... complicated. snape is, obviously, a brooding little bitch - he's not about to forget that dumbledore dismissed his wanting to die like it was nothing when lily died, so he's hardly going to think that dumbledore's sympathy is genuine
madam pomfrey i think madam pomfrey would be similarly no-nonsense to mcgonagall; she sees worse every day from kids' magic going wrong, the yearly disaster whenever harry is there, and quidditch injuries, and even when harry is injured i don't remember her being particularly comforting - she'd hardly have time for snape's theatrics.
hagrid weirdly, i think hagrid would be sympathetic - he always seems fairly nice about snape, probably because anyone dumbledore trusts is 1000% incredible in hagrid's book - but i doubt snape comes across hagrid that often outside of mealtimes (should they sit together) since hagrid lives outside the castle, unlike the rest of the staff (which seems a bit mean, on reflection - though maybe hagrid likes it because he prefers nature and his own space, and the freedom to do illegal activities like dragon rearing and breeding possibly illegal creatures, but i digress)
the others i doubt the other professors are close enough to snape to offer anything more than polite, surface-level sympathy for a coworker - and snape knows that.
if we want to get into little bit sad territory, imagine snape in the staffroom. there's a bug going around; everyone has had it at some stage. he leaves a tray of vials filled with pepperup/some other potion; people take them gratefully.
then he overhears sprout like "here filius, make a tea out of this and you'll be right as rain!", mcgonagall sharing her own whisky for a hot toddy with madame hooch when she gets a chesty cough, or the staff put together care packages to take down to hagrid's hut when he's ill.
snape isn't offered anything. the potions quickly run out.
he heads to the hospital wing to ask for another, because his brain fog and aching limbs and sinus pain mean he's firmly not in the mood to be bent over a cauldron to be making any more - and besides, he's made all of the potions for the hospital wing anyway - they're basically his to take. he made them especially for this bug going around. he's handed them out in the staffroom already. he's left them in the slytherin common room. he even took one to dumbledore's office.
but rather than offering anything, madam pomfrey shoos him away quickly, tells him to stop being such a bother - so he just traipses back to his own room, fully aware that nobody will gather leaves for a curative tea for him, he'll be receiving no care packages, no hot toddies, not even his own potions - and if he doesn't show at dinner, because he's tired and grumpy and aching and just wants to sleep, nobody will ask after him - because nobody cares
but yeah. snape, feeling under the weather and subconsciously seeking a little bit of care - and still not receiving any :(
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frankiebirds · 8 months ago
every time they make emily prentiss pretend to be attracted to a man an angel dies. get my girl OUT OF THERE
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generalluxun · 3 months ago
Oi I can't blame Plagg Adrien seems to love puns no matter what Miraculous he has.
Outfoxed has entered the building
It's just 'Outfox' but yep. I mean we have 'Purrge' and 'Refrain' too, it's a trend. Alya's the one bucking it with the heroic and weighty 'Testudine'
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yesterdayiwrote · 1 year ago
The funniest thing to me is Fernando admitted he did something janky, in order to build his "it was just a mistake" line, and instead the stewards have reverse uno'd him and used his admission as the basis for their penalty.
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sinank0606 · 6 months ago
Been a while since I posted anything related to Mao Mao (man, I really miss this show, I swear we should have gotten a season 2)
Honestly, I thought I was gonna dislike this episode...until this hilarious moment 😂
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plontydiesfromdancing · 3 months ago
In honor of finding out my parents have the In Heat vinyl ive rigged the classic Talking in Your Sleep by The Romantics! It has a novice, easy and hard mode
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nokotarou · 2 years ago
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😲🙌👾🤖🤸👺🌠🤲👻🖐️🛸😀  - 立秋feat.ちょこ
Single: 7/13/16/20 Double: 15/18/22
Compatible with almost all Stepmania 5 forks (Outfox, StepP1, StepF2, StepPrime, PumpSanity).
Video: https://youtu.be/dwM7SBfHwQc Get the simfile here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yFU-2fsLp9oTfW4H76PQNXNgzhpZRfxu?usp=drive_link
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sabiplaysddr · 2 years ago
the one miss...
just grinding FC's in this competition lmao
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