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frankiebirds · 8 months ago
every time they make emily prentiss pretend to be attracted to a man an angel dies. get my girl OUT OF THERE
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sinank0606 · 7 months ago
Been a while since I posted anything related to Mao Mao (man, I really miss this show, I swear we should have gotten a season 2)
Honestly, I thought I was gonna dislike this episode...until this hilarious moment 😂
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oddlittlestories · 5 months ago
Sometimes I find strange little comics on Pinterest
You’ll like this one if you like the Twilight Zone or similarly mysterious stories. I definitely walked away going ???? in a good way. A talking fox asks a laundress to hide him, and promises to explain everything if she can keep him safe for a moment.
Only takes a few minutes to read.
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raitrolling · 7 days ago
Suitable Dates
[Easy reading version on Toyhou.se]
Viltau tapped his finger against the computer mouse, staring at his laptop screen in contemplation. A couple dozen tabs lined the top of his browser, all restaurants and other activities that were available within the bustling city of Selatak - specifically, activities that were not strictly affiliated with its many subjugglator cults. He had quite enough of dealing with the clownish members of his caste, and so had the man of his pale affections.
Perigees had passed since he had taken Hazard out on a date for new Sweeps’ Eve, one he had deliberately neglected to refer to as being of the romantic persuasion. It was quite lovely, of course, rather lowkey in nature as they partook in a picnic together and witnessed the fireworks, but lowkey was more Hazard’s style. Hardly the type for grand displays of affection, very easily flustered, quite the opposite compared to his matesprit Jikiro.
Which is what has made planning the night in which Viltau confessed to his palecrush and formally asked him out to be more of an ordeal than he could have ever imagined. 
Well, perhaps ‘ordeal’ is too strong of a word. Rather, a challenge that required the indigoblood to find a balance he usually did not care to consider for the majority of his events. The appeal of an Espino Party was not just in the name but in his dedication in inviting his guests to a world of indulgences and overconsumption, after all. A challenge that he was determined to overcome. 
Any future moirail of his deserved nothing less.
At the present moment, only one aspect of the date had been definitively decided upon. A rooftop cinema that specialised in showing films from regions across Alternia was screening Fune o Amu, an East Alternian movie about a publishing company creating a new dictionary. Based on his preliminary research, Viltau discovered that the protagonist was a linguist, and the stars could not have possibly been more aligned.
He had informed Hazard in advance to keep his schedule free for the night the film would be screened, and then proceeded to purchase every single ticket available that night. There would be no distractions from others in the audience, and the film would be re-screened multiple times that perigee so it is not as if other people would miss out either. But Viltau hardly cared about the latter. 
What he was stuck on, then, was what restaurant he should make the booking for before the film, and what to do after it. He had already taken Hazard out on quite a few dates-without-explicitly-referring-to-them-as-such to various locations around the city: Different restaurants and festivals, aboard Lapras’ train for a dinner personally catered by himself, and even back to his own hive multiple times. He did not like the idea of repeating himself, especially for a moment that was supposed to be special.
His notebook of which he used to scrawl down ideas had the dates for the screening written down, notes on what he would wear and how he would request the staff to decorate the rooftop for the night. He would provide beautiful blue and indigo carnations (his favourite flower), and he would prepare origami decorations using paper from various cultures’ dictionaries for the table between them. Small, personal touches that Hazard would notice were made specifically with him - and them together - in mind. The only other note jotted down that had not been scrawled out was ‘waterfront confession’, as that seemed like the perfect romantic location within the city, but to get from point A to point B…
A notification chime suddenly caught the indigoblood’s attention, as his Trollian app began flashing orange. A new message, from an all-too-familiar face.
– velveteenVivacity [VV] began trolling honestlyDignified [HD] – VV: ・°♢ Hey, VViltau! ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ Do you haVe a moment? I’m just looking for a bit of adVice, actually. ♢°・
How curious. Viltau set his notebook aside and began typing.
HD: no, it iSS quite alright, actually. i am FFree at the moment. HD: and what iSS it that you are aFFter? VV: ・°♢ Oh, great! Thank you! ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ I was actually wondering, you’re good with pranks, right? ♢°・ HD: i SSuppoSSe you could SSay that. although, do elaborate on what you will conSStitute aSS a prank, given we likely have varying deFFinitionSS.
There was a pause before he received a reply, which Viltau knew was due to the kitsune troll going through a brief moment of panic about asking a guy known to torment his friends for his own entertainment for prank ideas. He of course would not suggest such acts for whatever Velour was planning, but it also entertained him to keep his friend on his toes.
VV: ・°♢ Ah, like, a fun prank? ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ Since, well, you remember Crista, right? You tried to scare them by implying that you’d bake them into a pie iFF they weren’t careFFul…? ♢°・ HD: oFF courSSe, and how could i FForget? VV: ・°♢ Yes, ah… Please don’t do that again. ♢°・ HD: i SShall endeavour to do my beSSt :) VV: ・°♢ Please endeaVour harder, if you can…? ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ … Anyway, yes! I’m looking for a fun prank to pull on them! Since, well, they’re always getting the better of me, more often than not. ♢°・
Viltau raised an eyebrow, and leaned in closer to his laptop screen out of curiosity. He was well aware of this burgeoning friendship between the cuspblood and the maroon, as it was one that had become the subject of quite a few gossip sessions between himself and Jamie. Supposedly Crista had fallen rather pitch for Velour, but much like how he was in the beginnings of his relationship with Jamie, the kitsune troll remained rather oblivious.
But, that does not mean he still could not use a helping hand for more than merely a prank…
HD: oFF courSSe. SSay, how do they tend to get the better of you, iFF i may aSSk? HD: perhapSS giving them a taSSte of their own medicine may be an idea, FFor example. VV: ・°♢ Oh! A reVenge prank! That sounds like fun! ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ And, well, a lot of things? ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ They’Ve coVered my horns with muck and then dumped water on me, though I did the same to them back!  ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ Their pet shadow blob has hidden in my shadow and then grabbed me by the ankles.  ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ And one time they quite literally brought me to my knees! I didn’t eVen know they could control bodies like that!! ♢°・
… Oh, was Viltau glad that there was a screen separating the two of them, so that Velour could remain blissfully unaware of how hard he laughed reading that. And that man still doesn’t think there are other - perhaps more lascivious - intentions from a troll who literally made him kneel before them?
After a pause to recollect himself, he responded.
HD: oh, goodneSSSS. it SSoundSS like you have been in quite the pickle recently, no? VV: ・°♢ Exactly! So, well… Any ideas? :) ♢°・ HD: well, FFor SStarterSS, SShould you wiSSh to remain in their good books, i perSSonally would not recommend learning any SSpellSS that would FForce them to kneel beFFore you, given the implicationSS oFF the caSSte diFFFFerence, no? VV: ・°♢ Oh! ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ Oh no, of course not! I would never!! :O ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ And, I don’t think they meant it in that way either? Like… A serVitude thing? They just wanted to proVe that they were more powerful than I had originally belieVed, I think.  ♢°・
Viltau made a note to ask Jamie whether Velour’s denseness is enough to officially classify him as a neutron star.
HD: oFF courSSe, do FForgive me FFor making SSuch an aSSumption.  HD: but, continuing on, it SSeemSS aSS iFF they do enjoy prankSS made to embarraSSSS or humiliate you in SSome way, no? HD: SSo, i would SSuggeSSt SSomething along thoSSe lineSS.  HD: i know my trick oFF SSneaking an incredibly SSpicy cookie into the pile that they were SSnacking on did not SSeem to deter them, but perhapSS a SSpell with more apparent reSSultSS would catch them oFFFF their game?
There was a pause in conversation between them, as the indigoblood tapped his finger against the mouse again, deep in thought. He recalled some of the different inks and enchanted chocolate moulds Jikiro has supplied him in the past in order to prank their mutual friends with, ones that made those who consumed them temporarily grow webbing between their fingers. Perhaps Velour would be able to do much the same with his illusions…
HD: SSay, do you know what criSSta’SS luSSuSS might be, iFF i may aSSk? VV: ・°♢ Oh, yes! They’re a mole-kakapo hybrid, and a Very cute one too! ♢°・ HD: aha, that workSS perFFectly, actually. HD: perhapSS you may need jikiro’SS aSSSSiSStance with what i have in mind, but how about you quite literally give them a taSSte oFF their own medicine, in the FForm oFF SSome cupcakeSS that, when ingeSSted, will trigger an illuSSion that makeSS them look like they’re SSuddenly SSprouting FFeathers! HD: an eye FFor an eye, aSS they SSay. or in thiSS caSSe, a SSpell that SSeemingly aFFFFectSS their body FFor one that blatantly aFFFFected yourSS. HD: perhaps even an auditory illuSSion that turns their words into actual SSquawking may be equally aSS embarraSSSSing for them too! no?
Truly, magic has been the gift that keeps on giving ever since he was first introduced to it by his matesprit. And, when the victim is another mage, Viltau saw no reason to not go all-out with performing feats that cannot possibly be performed by ordinary trolls. 
He thought the idea was highly amusing, as he couldn’t think of anything more embarrassing than looking like a splitting image of one’s lusus when it happens to be a cute little animal. His friend, however, seemed to be hesitant about the idea, given how long it was taking for him to respond. Viltau clicked off the chat tab and resumed scrolling through his list of Selatakian restaurants while he waited.
About a minute or so later, the notification buzzed through his speakers.
VV: ・°♢ Well… Maybe? ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ That’s not too mean, is it?  ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ Even if the spell itself won’t last long since it’d be a really complex one for me to pull off, eVen with Jikiro’s help. ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ It seems, ah, a bit intense? And maybe more frightening than embarrassing. ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ I wouldn’t want to think I’m turning into a bird! ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ And, well, I just don’t want to mess this up, you know? And, ah, actually upset them by going too far with a prank. ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ I do really like them, quite a bit, and I don’t want to ruin what we have! ♢°・
An expected response, but also a good sign. Velour was always the type to worry, often to an excessive amount, but to want to escalate a rivalry while also being conscious of the other party’s feelings is a sign of desiring some healthy competition, he felt.
HD: that iSS up FFor you to decide, no? aFFter all, you know them FFar better than i do. HD: perSSonally iFF anyone FForced me to my kneeSS to enact an obviouSS power play FFantaSSy i would conSSider it a declaration of war and reSSpond in kind! HD: but - as they SSay - you do you, no? HD: that iSS, take my SSuggeSStion and tailor it to a level oFF playFFul retaliation that you SSee FFit. HD: aFFter all, it would be more eFFFFective iFF the magic waSS more perSSonal, would it not? VV: ・°♢ Oh, yes! I guess so!  ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ So, thanks for the suggestion! But… I think I’ll maybe do just one of those things? ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ Maybe just trying to learn Vocal illusions would be good, they really won’t expect that! And, they won’t be able to immediately get me back either!  ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ I think I should just keep it simple. A little bit of magic can go a long way! ♢°・ VV: ・°♢ Thanks again, VViltau! HaVe a good eVening!! :) ♢°・ HD: oh, it is certainly no problem. i am glad to be oFF aSSSSiSStance, to be quite honeSSt! HD: do take care, no? – honestlyDignified [HD] gave up trolling velveteenVivacity [VV] –
Viltau closed the chat window with a chuckle. It seemed that the cuspblood needed encouragement more than he needed ideas, and he certainly needed no prompting to encourage others to act upon their desires. After all, there are few things more entertaining than witnessing a friend bumble his way into potentially pursuing someone romantically, especially if he is able to give them a push in the right direction.
A little bit of magic can go a long way, indeed.
… And then, it clicked. The final piece Viltau felt was missing for his own plans.
He grabbed his notebook and began scrawling down his ideas, of that little bit of magic his date was sorely lacking in:
A walk down to the marina after the movie. A picturesque location with the glittering lights of Selatak’s nearby islands in the distance.
A box of chocolates, hand-crafted, shaped like diamonds with edible gold flecks. Each chocolate nestled in a bed of blue and indigo wrapping.
Mix edible ink into the chocolate to alter the flavour, evoking feelings one could only associate with a blossoming relationship. Pop rocks, for that tingly nervousness of a new love. Meringue, for feeling lighter than air whenever we are together. Cream whiskey liqueur, for the warmth in one’s heart. Strawberry for sweetness, and rich chocolate brownies for comfort. 
Finally, a handwritten card in indigo ink that shimmers in the moonlight.
“These chocolates may not last forever, but my love for you will.”
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morally-conflicted · 11 months ago
“I’d like to go home now” has to be one of the most heartbreaking lines in criminal minds istg i started crying instantly i forgot about this episode 😭😭
(season 5 episode 8 ‘Outfoxed’)
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lunartidesmagic · 2 years ago
Xanatos & Fox
Screenshots from the episode "Outfoxed"
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dabura911 · 1 year ago
I SUCK AT BRIMSTONE BUT I LOVE THIS GAME - Aussie Plays Valorant With Ou...
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hellfiresky · 1 month ago
VOD @orangez3st!!!! n o o n e e s c a p e s f r o m c o m m a n d e r f o x!
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Out Foxed
by Rob Valois, 2008
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dibator · 26 days ago
Sanctity Of Freedom, the adventures of Inspector William Fox continue by critically acclaimed author, Peter Thomas Pontsa
An Inspector William Fox Adventure While Inspector William Fox and girlfriend Tracy Jordan cruised on his cigarette boat The Midnight Fox, a crackle of the police scanner informed him a body had washed up on a beach. Much to Tracy’s disapproval, William chose to investigate. The Montreal police investigator already on the scene discovered a note on the body intended for William’s friend and…
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battlinghugetbr · 3 months ago
2997 (+9)
I read "Шинель" by Nikolai Gogol, which was on my tbr for a good long time and this was when I understood that I started getting brain fog, but there was nothing to do, so I just kept reading.
This was followed by "Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars" by Kai Cheng Thom, which had a great vibe, but I just did not like main character. This was also on my tbr for a bit.
I do not even remember adding "Outfoxed" by Dylan Meconis to the tbr, but turns out I did and now I read it. It wasn't really anything.
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readerviews · 1 year ago
"Outfoxed" by Peter Thomas Pontsa
A Hair-raising Adventure That Will Leave You Begging for More #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Outfoxed Peter Thomas PontsaFriesenPress (2023)ISBN: 978-1039161931Reviewed by Ephantus M for Reader Views (11/2023) “Outfoxed: An Inspector William Fox Adventure” by Peter Thomas Pontsa tells the story of an overzealous history researcher. She unwittingly finds herself at the mercy of the Chinese Triads during her quest for answers about a historical event. The narrative reveals a session…
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danielleurbansblog · 2 years ago
Meet This Author: Peter Thomas Pontsa
Q: When did you begin writing your political thriller, Outfoxed? I began writing the novel about six years ago, but the work began in earnest during the height of the pandemic. During this time, I developed a disciplined writing program, where I write roughly 500 words per day, five days per week. Q: Will there be a series for Inspector William Fox, or no? Absolutely! I am working on the next…
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wistfulwatcher · 9 months ago
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Criminal Minds, 5.08 Outfoxed | Criminal Minds: Evolution, 17.01 Gold Star
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severus-snaps · 2 months ago
i know we all enjoyed that screencap from hogwarts mystery where madam pomfrey lets slip that snape is needy when he gets a cold but like
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maybe it's because he's feeling under the weather that his usual facade cracks. the illness is just a conduit, an excuse to be 'needy', because he finally has something he can blame for feeling bad - something specific that he can pinpoint, one he can share. without meaning to, without any intention or conscious awareness that it's what he's doing, he's seeking the comfort and sympathy he's always been starved for. what would it take to be considered needy, anyway? turning up repeatedly for potions from madam pomfrey, even though he could brew them himself? coughing/sniffing dramatically in the staffroom, sitting by the fire looking like death warmed up, and playing it up a little?
i'm not sure he'd get much, though. in the game, madam pomfrey tells people he's needy, which doesn't suggest sympathy and actually feels a bit mean, telling other people that. when he speaks to the students, he tells them to stop gawking at him with 'feigned pity', suggesting that's what he's used to:
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getting back into 'canon' extrapolations from book characterisations, i expect that the other teachers would hardly be sympathetic... (i went on a bit of a ramble so have broken it down below)
mcgonagall mcgonagall is probably the professor suggested to be closest to snape, with their quidditch rivalry bordering a frenemy-style relationship - but she seems very old-school tough love/dismissal, the type to snap "just have a whisky/potion and get on with it"
dumbledore dumbledore might offer some kind words, but their relationship is... complicated. snape is, obviously, a brooding little bitch - he's not about to forget that dumbledore dismissed his wanting to die like it was nothing when lily died, so he's hardly going to think that dumbledore's sympathy is genuine
madam pomfrey i think madam pomfrey would be similarly no-nonsense to mcgonagall; she sees worse every day from kids' magic going wrong, the yearly disaster whenever harry is there, and quidditch injuries, and even when harry is injured i don't remember her being particularly comforting - she'd hardly have time for snape's theatrics.
hagrid weirdly, i think hagrid would be sympathetic - he always seems fairly nice about snape, probably because anyone dumbledore trusts is 1000% incredible in hagrid's book - but i doubt snape comes across hagrid that often outside of mealtimes (should they sit together) since hagrid lives outside the castle, unlike the rest of the staff (which seems a bit mean, on reflection - though maybe hagrid likes it because he prefers nature and his own space, and the freedom to do illegal activities like dragon rearing and breeding possibly illegal creatures, but i digress)
the others i doubt the other professors are close enough to snape to offer anything more than polite, surface-level sympathy for a coworker - and snape knows that.
if we want to get into little bit sad territory, imagine snape in the staffroom. there's a bug going around; everyone has had it at some stage. he leaves a tray of vials filled with pepperup/some other potion; people take them gratefully.
then he overhears sprout like "here filius, make a tea out of this and you'll be right as rain!", mcgonagall sharing her own whisky for a hot toddy with madame hooch when she gets a chesty cough, or the staff put together care packages to take down to hagrid's hut when he's ill.
snape isn't offered anything. the potions quickly run out.
he heads to the hospital wing to ask for another, because his brain fog and aching limbs and sinus pain mean he's firmly not in the mood to be bent over a cauldron to be making any more - and besides, he's made all of the potions for the hospital wing anyway - they're basically his to take. he made them especially for this bug going around. he's handed them out in the staffroom already. he's left them in the slytherin common room. he even took one to dumbledore's office.
but rather than offering anything, madam pomfrey shoos him away quickly, tells him to stop being such a bother - so he just traipses back to his own room, fully aware that nobody will gather leaves for a curative tea for him, he'll be receiving no care packages, no hot toddies, not even his own potions - and if he doesn't show at dinner, because he's tired and grumpy and aching and just wants to sleep, nobody will ask after him - because nobody cares
but yeah. snape, feeling under the weather and subconsciously seeking a little bit of care - and still not receiving any :(
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generalluxun · 3 months ago
Stories circulate of a shadow on the rooftops
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Outfox dances across the roofs of Paris, a mystery to the populace. How will this new player fit into the already fractious conflict? They are silent upon the matter for now.
Art commissioned from @catmelot again, you should commission them too!
When Trixx approaches Adrien he was at his lowest point. Twice defeated, the idea of being a failure to Ladybug was more than he could bear. Trixx offers an alternative. The Kwami wants to remain free from the box so he can see the world. In exchange he will teach Adrien new ways to achieve his goals.
What does the future hold for Outfox? Will they be able to restore the cat Miraculous to Ladybug's possession?
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lunartidesmagic · 2 years ago
Preston Vogel Screenshots
From the episode "Outfoxed"
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