#Orthodox Feast Day
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Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest. For the voice of the Father gave witness to You, calling You Beloved; and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the certainty of His words. Glory to You, Christ our God, who appeared and enlightened the world.
-Apolytikion of Theophany (1st Tone)- 
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seraphim-eternal · 5 months
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I came from the father and have come into the world, and now I am leaving the world and going to the father.
John 16:28
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religious-extremist · 9 hours
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A proud man seeks to know all things with reason and science. The proud soul, no matter how many books it reads, will never know God, since by its pride it does not give place for the grace of the Holy Spirit, while God is known only by the humble soul.
☦︎ St. Silouan the Athonite (commemorated today, Sep. 24)
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fiat-veritas · 1 year
Hopefully you also get to learn a new Marian title or two from this poll… I did a lot of research!
Please reblog for bigger sample size :)
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dramoor · 11 months
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"And when the centurion who stood facing him, saw that in this way he breathed his last, he said, 'Truly, this man was the Son of God'.”
~Mark 15:39
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orthopunkfox · 6 months
Saint Patrick, equal to the Apostles and Enlightener of Ireland, pray to God for us.
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spiritofkoprijan · 11 months
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Holy Great-Martyr Demetrios the Myroblyte, Feast Day Celebration in Thessaloniki
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" Profit by the little trials that come to you, for through them we make real progress." - St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
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tinyshe · 2 years
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sanctespiritus · 2 years
Saint Gregory of Nyssa
Saint Gregory of Nyssa
The son of two saints, Basil and Emmilia, young Gregory was raised by his older brother, Saint Basil the Great, and his sister, Macrina, in modern-day Turkey. Gregory’s success in his studies suggested great things were ahead for him. After he became a professor of rhetoric, people convinced him to use his knowledge and skills to help the Church. By then married, Gregory went on to study for the…
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blueblueblue3738392 · 2 years
Martyrs Thyrsos, Leukios, and Kallinikos
Martyrs Thyrsos, Leukios, and Kallinikos
The holy martyrs Thyrsos, Leukios, and Kallinikos suffered for Christ under Emperor Decius (249–251) at Caesarea in Bithynia. When Saint Leukios reproached the prefect Cumbricius for his unjust persecution of Christians, he was tortured and then executed. Saint Thyrsos, who was still a catechumen, was nonetheless eager for martyrdom. He was sentenced to cruel tortures for refusing to offer…
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and-her-saints · 4 months
happy feast day of the Sacred Heart to all my friends: the nonbelievers, the lukewarm agnostics, the proud heretics, the faithful heathens, the devoted witches, the deviant protties, the fruity orthodox, and the frociaggine-enabling catholics. you are all swimming in God’s abundant mercy which came forth from His Sacred Heart.
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portraitsofsaints · 28 days
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Saint Moses the Black (The Ethiopian)
Desert Father
Feast Day: August 28
Patronage: Africa, forgiveness, nonviolence
Saint Moses the Black was an Ethiopian with great physical strength, who traveled to Egypt for adventure but got a lowly servant job. Dissatisfied with this, he turned to robbery and terrorizing the villages on the Nile. Before authorities could arrest him, he fled to a Coptic Orthodox Monastery and eventually had a conversion and became a monk. When thieves attacked the monastery, he captured them, showing pity. The thieves then too became monks. After years of humbly preaching forgiveness, he was killed trying to protect the monastery, but not before he saved 70 brother monks.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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paula-of-christ · 5 months
why do roman catholics not use real bread
It is real bread, in the manner that it is flour, water, salt, and I think oil? It's just rolled thin and baked at a low temperature so it is less matzo and ends up being a wafer. I imagine because it keeps better/doesn't need to be made fresh the day before. As roman Catholics offer communion/the Eucharist every day of the year, it needs to be able to keep. As for why there is no yeast, it's because it is a celebration of the Passover sacrifice every day, which is prescribed in Exodus as using unleavened bread (so no yeast or baking soda).
In the old testament, the Bread of the Presence, which was kept in the Temple, was feasted on by the priests every day, as part of their allotment of inheritance of Israel. Since now, in this New Age of Christ, priests do not receive an inheritance out of the sacrifice the parishioners give to the parish/church [in the form of food during the time of temple sacrifices], and there is no prescription of priests alone consuming the Body of Christ.
During the second temple era, priests would consume the Bread of the Presence from the day before, and fresh bread would be put in its place. We see something similar happen, when a priest consecrates new hosts during the Mass, and take from the tabernacle to give people the old bread. This is because as Christians, we believe that God has made us 'a people of priests' and so it is not only the ordained who can partake at the table, but the laity as well.
As time develops and the ability to preserve food advanced, it meant that the form of bread used during the Mass, shifted, so it has a more stable shelf-life. In Eastern orthodox churches [at least the Russian one, and im assuming others as well], for example, they don't have/use tabernacles, so they only consecrate what they think they will use, and consume anything left over that day. They don't keep the bread around for a week and slowly break pieces off for communion throughout the week.
If you're wondering more about the Eucharist in general and the biblical teachings on it, I highly recommend 'The Jewish Roots of the Eucharist'
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devilmen-collector · 4 months
Origin of the names of the angels
Since I have done a post on the origin of the names of the seven kingdoms of Hell, may as well do the origin of the names of the angels.
Warning, this post contains religious content. If you are not comfortable, please ignore this.
Now let's go on with our trivia post
Now I just want to make a distinction. The Seraphim irl are called "the Archangels", but that doesn't mean they belong to the rank of archangel, the second-to-lowest rank, it only means they are the leaders and chieftains of all the angels, including other Seraphim.
Also, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the only named angels in the Bible.
"Michael" means "Who is like unto God?" in Hebrew. In the Bible, Michael is described as "the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people" (Daniel 12:1), the angel who disputed with the devil over the remains of Moses (Epistle of St. Jude verse 9), the leader of the heavenly army fighting against the dragon (Revelation 12:7).
In the Christian tradition, Michael is the leader of God's army fighting against Satan, helper of the faithful Christians at the moment of death, champion of God's people, protector of the Jews under of the Old Testament, and of God's Holy Church. He is also the patron of many chivalric order of knights.
Michael, having led the battle against Lucifer, is the greatest of all angels, no angel could surpass him in honor and glory.
The feast day of St. Michael in Western Christianity is held on September 29, commemorating the dedication of first church built in his honor in Western Europe. In Eastern Christianity, St. Michael and all angels have their commom feast day on the 8th of November.
"Gabriel" means "strength of God". In the Bible, he appears as the messenger of God who delivers messages of utmost importance: he tells the Prophet Daniel two prophecies concerning the successive empires and the time elapsing before the coming of Christ (Daniel chapter 8 & 9), he appears before Zachary and foretells that his son will be the Precursor of the Lord (Luke 1:5-25), and most importantly Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary the Incarnation of the God the Son and that she is going to become the Mother of God (Luke 1:26-38). According to tradition, Gabriel was also the angel who appeared in St. Joseph's dream (Matthew 1:18-25; 2: 13-23), and also the angel who consoled Jesus (Luke 22:43). Thus, Gabriel is the Archangel of Incarnation and Consolation.
Some traditions have Gabriel as the angel of mercy while Michael is the angel of justice. Some others have it vice versa.
St. Gabriel's feast day, according to an old tradition, is on the 24th of March, the day before the feast of Annunciation.
"Raphael" means "God has healed". The third Archangel appears only in the book of Tobit, in which he helps the young Tobias during his journey, ultimately aiding the young man heal his father's blindness and helping him find a good spouse. Therefore, Raphael is invoked as the angel of Healing and the Patron of finding a good partner for marriage.
Raphael was also the angel who revealed that there are seven Archangels. "For I am the angel Raphael, one of the seven, who stand before the Lord" (Tobit 12:15).
The feast day of St. Raphael, in old tradition, is on the 24th of October.
Selaphiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel
Selaphiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel aren't found in Sacred Scripture, but only in the tradition of Eastern Orthodox Church.
For these three angels, I have already made a post about it. I'll link it here for you guys.
Selaphiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel: Origin of the names
Zadkiel does not appear in the Bible, although some identify him as the unnamed Angel of the Lord who prevents Abraham from sacrificing his son during the time that God tested Abraham (Genesis 22:1-18). It's the reason why if a church (usually an Anglican church) does depict Zadkiel in its iconography, he's depicted as holding a dagger, for Abraham intended to use a dagger to sacrifice his son.
We will skip over Thrones (or Ophanim), Dominions, Virtues and Powers because there is currently no angel of those choirs in-game yet.
"Michelleel" is a name that PrettyBusy completely made up themselves. No angel is known with the name Micheleel. Micheleel is the combination of Michael written in another way "Michelle" and the suffix "el", which means "God".
Rashiel, Armisael and Zeruel
Just like with Michelleel, these three Archangels have made up names by PrettyBusy.
"Samael" means "Venom/Poison of God". He exists only in Judaism's Talmudic lore. Sometimes he is considered a fallen angel, with some people think he's Satan, while other times he is considered the angel with destructive duties.
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spiritofkoprijan · 11 months
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