#Orochi Ladies Team
viceandmature · 12 days
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Girl Power
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fatesdeepdive · 2 years
Entry 109: Welcome to REDACTED
Revelation Chapter 19: Hidden Strings
Azura talks about how great Valla was and how Hoshidan and Nohrian royals used to visit. It's unclear when the above world forgot about Valla, but from how Azura talks about it, it seems they knew about Valla until Anankos took over and killed everyone. Which means that all of the army older than Corrin should already know about Valla. The other implication is that Valla cut off contact centuries ago for unrelated reasons, but even then the curse wouldn’t have existed yet and people would have talked about it. Corrin and Azura being from the ancient destroyed kingdom of legend really fucks with this game’s world-building.
Azura brings the gang to a statue of Anankos, identical to the one on the ceiling in Garon’s castle, and explains that Anankos is the Vallan equivalent of the Dusk and Dawn Dragons, who I guess don’t give a shit about Anankos destroying their kingdoms. Azura explains that Garon worships Anankos instead of Dusky because he’s actually a zombie controlled by Anankos, used to create wars so Anankos can conquer the world. Question: how and when did Garon die? I don’t recall the game ever explaining.
Side note, the track for exploring Valla at one point plays the Nintendo WiFi connecting sound. For some reason. It confuses me.
Azura reveals some more shit we already knew and then a kid named Anthony shows up, chased by Vallite soldiers. This map is a recycled version of Conquest Chapter 15, that cool map where our party is replicated on a different island, with one half fighting the boss and the other half trying to escape. The enemies on the bottom island are tough, but our king Kenshi is stronk. After the battle, Anthony reveals that the remaining Vallites are enslaved by Anankos and that he escaped. Team Corrin asks this escaped child slave to lead them back to the place he escaped from, which is filled with people who want to murder him. Bit of a dick request.
Back at his fortress, Anankos, who is wearing a black hood because he’s evil, talks to Strategist Lady and Mikoto. Er, I mean, ???, the purple smoke-covered Anankos minion who definitely is not Mikoto.
Support: Nyx/Orochi
C: People like Nyx more than Orochi because Nyx is more mature. Orochi dislikes this.
B: Orochi challenged Nyx to a duel. Nyx doesn't care enough to fight. Nyx explains her backstory. The two of them become friends.
A: Orochi refuses to judge Nyx for her past. Nyx says she wishes Orochi had been around when she was younger.
Review: Decent, although they become friends very quickly.
Support: Leo/Sakura
C: Leo asks if Sakura will attend the war council meeting. Sakura says no because she hates talking about hurting people. Leo says she isn't cut out for the life of a soldier.
B: Sakura asks to attend the war council, because it will help her treat the wounds of the soldiers.
A: Sakura heals a bunch of soldiers. Leo apologizes for saying she wasn't suited for war. Sakura says she still doesn't like battle and wishes the war would end.
S: Leo says he loves Sakura for her sweet heart and understated strength.
Review: Really good! Sakura's kindness and empathy shine through, while also treating her as a mature, capable healer.
Support: Camilla/Ryoma
C: Ryoma and Camilla try to become friends for Corrin's sake. They have nothing to talk about and bicker over who loves Corrin more.
B: Camilla says she wants to keep an eye on Corrin at all times. Ryoma says Corrin needs independence to reach their full potential.
A: Corrin gets mad about the two of them fighting. They decide to be nice to each other because that's what Corrin wants.
S: Ryoma says he wants to protect Corrin and asks her to unite the two great kingdoms of the world. Review: Boring.
Support: Beruka/Oboro
C: Oboro growls at Beruka, because she's a Nohrian assassin. Oboro explains her parents were tailors murdered by bandits. Beruka implies she knows something, before going silent.
B: Oboro demands Beruka says something. Eventually, Beruka says that she was raised by Oboro's parents' killer.
A: Beruk explains her adoptive father, a cruel assassin, murdered Oboro's parents because they were close to the nobility, and that this left him disgusted with himself. Oboro demands Beruka tell her where he is, and Beruka explains she was paid to kill him. Beruka offers herself to Oboro as a target of revenge, but Oboro chooses to spare her and break the chain of hatred.
Review: Pretty good. Gives good backstory on both characters, plus Beruka offering her life and Oboro abandoning her revenge are great character moments.
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yeonchi · 5 months
Warriors Orochi: The Recollective Redux Part 4.2: Wu Side Stages
Chapter 2-X: Battle of Changshan 常山の戦い
Orochi Army and Ishida Army vs. Resistance Army Allied characters: Sun Ce, Hanzō Hattori, Zhou Yu Third-party characters: Mitsunari Ishida Enemy characters: Mitsuhide Akechi, Huang Zhong, Xiaoqiao, Kotarō Fūma
Unlockable character: Kotarō Fūma
Clear Chapter 1 to unlock this stage.
Sun Ce based himself at Changshan to prepare for his next battle, but was attacked by Resistance forces led by Mitsuhide Akechi. They seized the storehouses before Sun Ce could organise his defences. Therefore it became imperative to reclaim the storehouses as quickly as possible…
Mitsunari Ishida will only appear as support if all three supply captains have been defeated.
To unlock Kotarō, defeat him after all three supply captains and wood oxen have reached the main camp. Finally, defeat Mitsuhide to win the battle.
Chapter 3-X: Battle of Jianye Castle 建業城の戦い
Coalition Army and Nō Troop vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Lu Meng, Taishi Ci Third-party characters: Nō Enemy characters: Fa Zheng, Dong Zhuo, Masamune Date, Zhenji
Unlockable character: Nō
Clear Chapter 3 to unlock this stage.
Upon learning that Sakon Shima was sent to Sun Ce under orders from Nobunaga Oda, Sun Ce decided to repay this debt. Nobunaga’s wife, Lady Nō, was being held by the Orochi Army in Jianye Castle. Sun Ce sent Lu Meng and Taishi Ci on a mission to rescue her.
Orochi Army officers will appear to stop Lu Meng and the others. Enemy messengers will continually be sent for extra reinforcements. Defeat the messengers to prevent the reinforcements from arriving.
To unlock Nō, ensure that no messengers escape the castle. There are a total of twelve messengers appearing three at a time escaping through one side each. Also note that Nobunaga Oda cannot be in your team when you play this battle. Defeat all enemy officers to win the battle.
Chapter 4-X: Battle of Wan Castle 宛城の戦い
Coalition Army and Kunoichi Troop vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hanzō Hattori Third-party characters: Kunoichi, Yoshimoto Imagawa Enemy characters: Jia Xu, Kojirō Sasaki, Zhenji
Unlockable character: Kunoichi
Clear Chapter 4 to unlock this stage.
Ieyasu Tokugawa defected from Orochi’s forces at the same time as Sun Ce. Since then, he offers aid to the various Resistance units fighting against Orochi’s rule. When he arrived in response to a distress call from Wan Castle, he found it already in flames after an attack from the Orochi Army. Ieyasu bravely plunged into the inferno to rescue as many as he could…
The battlefield will be on fire throughout this stage. There will be various people trying to escape, from peasants, lady samurai and handmaidens to the village chief and even Yoshimoto Imagawa. Enemies will come every time an escaping unit appears. Defeat those enemies to aid their escape. When they successfully escape, they will offer gifts to the player.
In the original game, certain officers would only appear when the escapees struggle to or fail to escape over a certain number of times. In this version, those officers will appear when playing this stage on Hard or Chaos difficulty.
Jia Xu will appear in place of Guo Jia and Kojirō Sasaki will appear in place of Pang De in this battle.
Kunoichi will appear to reinforce Ieyasu. To unlock her, make sure all peasants escape, including Yoshimoto.
Finally, Zhenji will arrive. Defeat her to win the battle.
Chapter 5-X: Battle of Anegawa 姉川の戦い
Coalition Army and Daqiao Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Sun Ce, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hanzō Hattori, Lu Su Third-party characters: Daqiao Enemy characters: Dong Zhuo, Sima Yi, Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Zhang Chunhua, Motonari Mōri, Takakage Kobayakawa
Unlockable character: Daqiao
Clear Chapter 5 to unlock this stage.
At Sekigahara, Sun Ce tasked his wife, Daqiao, to give support to his brother, who was still fighting for the Orochi Army. However, Orochi turned upon her as a traitor and sent Dong Zhuo to attack her. Sun Ce immediately sprang to her aid upon hearing of her plight…
Zhang Chunhua will appear in place of Guo Huai in the western garrison. Motonari Mōri and Takakage Kobayakawa will appear in place of Zhang He and Niu Jin as you approach the gate to the eastern garrison.
To unlock Daqiao, rescue her within the first 7 minutes of battle (originally 5).
Chapter 6-X: Battle of Ōsaka Bay 大坂湾の戦い
Coalition Army (and Yoshimoto Imagawa) vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Lu Meng, Masanobu Honda, Lu Su, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Zhou Tai, Ina, Hanzō Hattori Third-party characters: Yoshimoto Imagawa Enemy characters: Lu Lingqi
Unlockable character: Lu Lingqi
Clear Chapter 6 to unlock this stage.
A letter arrived for Sun Ce. It was a challenge, issued by Lu Lingqi. Lu Lingqi followed her father into joining the Orochi Army, but she began questioning their ways after seeing Diaochan turn on the Orochi Army. Lu Meng was sent to find out where Lu Lingqi’s true loyalties lay…
This is one of few stages where the unlockable character is different from the original. This was done to maintain Keiji’s status as a staunch officer of the Orochi Army (and to account for future appearances in other stories).
Lu Lingqi appears in place of Keiji Maeda in this stage. Lu Su appears in place of Zhu Zhi as the first allied reinforcement unit to arrive.
Every couple of minutes, Lu Meng will make an announcement that reinforcements are arriving, at which point you need to head to the main camp and sound the drum, otherwise Masanobu Honda will sound the drum for you after one minute. You will need to guide the allied reinforcements to the enemy main camp while defending the allied main camp from the enemy.
Yoshimoto Imagawa will also appear, without having to sound the war drum, a couple of minutes after Hanzō arrives. Guide him to the enemy camp as well.
To unlock Lu Lingqi, have all allied officers (with or without Yoshimoto) arrive at the gates of the enemy camp within 20 minutes and defeat her to win the battle. If this has not been met after 20 minutes, Lu Lingqi will take her chances with her father and Orochi.
Chapter 7-X: Battle of Ji Province 冀州の戦い (uses DW5 Battle of Ji Province map)
Coalition Army vs./and Honda Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Lu Su, Sakon Shima, Taishi Ci, Naomasa Ii Initial enemy/Third-party characters: Tadakatsu Honda Actual enemy characters: Dong Zhuo, Hisahide Matsunaga, Munenori Yagyū, Motonari Mōri, Takakage Kobayakawa
Unlockable character: Tadakatsu Honda (3/4)
Clear Chapter 6-X to unlock this stage.
Sun Ce became privy to information that the Orochi Army were marching on the altar in Ji Province. If the altar were lost to Orochi, it would have dire consequences. Lu Su set out to defend the altar, but he did not find the Orochi Army, but another terrible warrior standing guard…
Yukinaga Asano replaces Munenori Yagyū for the Honda Army in this battle. For the Orochi Army, Hisahide Matsunaga replaces Masamune Date while Munenori Yagyū, Motonari Mōri, Takakage Kobayakawa and other Mōri officers will replace the Date officers along with Naohide and Yasusato Matsuda.
This is one of four battles required to unlock Tadakatsu Honda. To impress him, defeat him yourself when he appears for the second time within 5 minutes (originally 2).
Chapter 8-X: Battle of Chibi 赤壁の戦い
Coalition Army and Lu Xun Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Ieyasu Tokugawa, Sakon Shima, Ranmaru Mori, Naotora Ii Third-party characters: Lu Xun Enemy characters: Orochi, Da Ji, Lu Bu, Masamune Date, Kojūrō Katakura
Unlockable character: Lu Bu (3/4)
In Chapter 7, rescue Sun Jian and Sun Quan within 7 minutes of the start of battle to unlock this stage. This was originally 3 minutes but all the message spam in the game would potentially prevent it from happening unless you paused the game until the voice line finished.
The Sun family was reunited again, but Orochi gathered all his soldiers at Chibi, hoping to stop them from reaching Koshi Castle. Ieyasu and Sakon advanced in an attempt to wipe out the Orochi Army…
Ranmaru Mori appears in place of Zhu Zhi and Naotora Ii appears in place of Chunyu Qiong in this battle. Kojūrō Katakura appears in the northeast part of the battlefield. Yang Qiu appears in place of Zhu Ran as well.
Orochi will appear in this battle if Chapter 8 has been cleared.
This is one of four battles required to unlock Lu Bu. To impress him, just defeat him without running away from him. However, if you confront Orochi/Da Ji without going near Lu Bu, he will charge upon the allied main camp.
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hebi-no-onna · 11 months
She didn't even need to get into his office, he came to her room himself instead. Since why bother her to make the trip when he's pretty much vaccinating everyone. Since after all, it's better that everyone has strong immunities and have a much better chance of fighting off the flu than get it and not be able to recover quick enough.
"As always, you are my first patient Lady Orochi. I already got the medical team to get theirs so there's no need to worry about catching anything from them."
After he injects the shot and he gives her the bandaid for it. He plants an affectionate kiss on her temple since even he knows how much the shot does hurt. "All done, if you feel ill afterwards. Just let yourself sleep it off. Though do let me know if you feel that way and I'll take care of everything."
"Another year — another shot". she makes a weak smile, enduring nasty painful numbness in her arm. His kiss surely makes it a little better, but Orochi decides to follow Kabuto's advice and have a nap instead of checking on her experiments. Before Kabuto leaves, she stretches her neck, feeling too lazy to get out of bed, and plants a kiss on his cheek in return.
"Thank you, and... don't forget about yourself. It would be awful if you got this nasty thing".
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larktb-archive · 2 years
YO I love King too and they should totally lean into her butchness! I’ve been getting into her and I was like “oh I know the ladies would love her” I know she had a thing with Ryo, I think, but she can be bisexual and woo some ladies. Also before I found out about the New Face Team, i was heavily into K’ Team. I found out about KOF through a Japanese flash game website when I was a kid so I had no idea it was a real fighting game for years and my favorite was Kula Diamond. I love ice powers and she always looked so cool and badass and I had a slight crush on her. Now that I’m older, I’m like oh she’s adorable and I’m into Maxima because he’s like a big goofy dad for Kula and K’. And K’ himself is really cool too and an older brother for Kula. I love their dynamic and designs. They’re like Android 16, 17, and 18 from dragon ball z and they’re my second favorite team right behind Orochi now. Sorry for the long ask, I love gushing about KOF because it’s one of the most fly fighting games I’ve ever seen and played.
Yesss bi king is my personal headcanon (you know her and mai 👀... always on the same team). K' Team is cool too just because of like how eclectic they are like edgy 90s hero, Canadian cyborg and literal child is such a fun concept and I can't believe it took them til like XI or XII to actually have them be the canon K team. I discovered kof since they had one of the 90s games on an arcade machine in a corner shop back in South Africa so like it's somewhat nostalgic for me. Weirdly enough the only characters I remember from that time were Chin, Chang and Choi 😭. Replaying the different games have been super fun tho and it's one of coolest fighting games I've played period.
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one-piecee · 2 years
Woo. Okay. Lots of different reactions to this chapter, but let's just dive in-
Chapter title: The world you wish for
First off, might be interesting to mention that on the cover page we see Yonji and Niji inside Mont d'Or s books, but someone lit them on fire so they're able to escape now... who could it? Perhaps Ichiji, I mean he does have the fire powers doesn't he? Oh well-
So in this chapter, we kind of get a glimpse on Kaido's past!! Some information we got:
At ten years old, Kaido was considered to be the strongest soldier of the Vodka Kingdom [Note how Kaido is from the Vodka Kingdom, and he's always drinking? Oda thinks he's so funny]
Also, this might have already been stated but I never caught on but 44 years ago, he was 15 years old which makes him 59 now!
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3. He was given to the Navy at 13 years old as collateral, or "Celestial Tribute" to ensure that the Vodka Kingdom could have a place at the Reverie.
4. He got his first bounty at 13 years old with 70 Million Berries
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5. We previously got some information about his captures, and apparently he gets captured by the Navy so he could get some food and then escapes. This man is completely unhinged, he got captured 18 times by the Navy simply to get food.
6. Approached by Whitebeard when he was 15 years old (who was part of Rocks' pirate crew at the time) and told that Rocks is interested in him - he really was such a big name already at 15 that he got noticed and recruited by the most powerful pirate crew.
7. Then we get to God's Valley and of course get no extra information except-
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This is not new information per se, but I just want to reiterate it because everyone is always sleeping on Garp's name! Sure he teamed up with Rogers to do it but this was the strongest pirate crew at the time. Rocks. Whitebeard. Big Mom. Kaido.
8. There's some weird old lady in his past that seems to spur a lot of things on for him...
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Might be his mother? She looks sort of familiar, a little Yamato-esque I'm not going to lie, and they look similar. I wonder if we'll find out who she is because she seems relevant. I mean, this is what she tells Kaido-
[Edit: I completely forgot about this lady but thanks to @danwhobrowses i was reminded: "the old lady is Kurozumi Higurashi, the old lady who pushed Orochi to plot against the Kozuki and gave him his DF, she had Bon Clay's DF before Kaido killed her for posing as Momo and distracting Oden"
If you study history, humans have always resorted to brutality to solve the world's problems. But then again, humans are just like any other animal. "Survival of the fittest" is our true nature.
Seems to shape much of Kaido's own views because he goes around to later tell his crew:
Let's show all those "peace-loving nobles" the hell-ish reality of war!! One's worth can only truly be gauged in battle!! Where everyone is equal and anarchy reigns free.
Kaido is just obsessed with fights, and proving your worth in battle. It's shown a lot in his past too, he was the strongest soldier in his kingdom by the age of 10, sold to the navy by the age of 13 because of his strength and ever since has never been defeated. He is obsessed with the idea of looking for someone who can defeat him - because he thinks whoever defeats him will be Joy Boy.
Remember I mentioned some chapters ago that Kaido believes that he is Joy Boy? Well, clearly that's not the case. When he said "So you couldn't be Joy Boy either?" to Luffy he wasn't referring to himself, but to everyone to go up against him and fail to defeat him.
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He's been waiting patiently for that man to appear. 20 years ago he found out that Oden was waiting for Joy Boy in Wano and believed he would appear, so he resided himself in Wano to wait for Joy Boy. Another interesting question: King was waiting for Joy Boy? For what reason?
Anyways!! So back to the present!!
So Luffy is punching Kaido right, and Kaido asks
What kind of world do you want to make?
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A world where my friends can eat as much as they want-
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That's my kind of world!!!
And Kaido falling down after this, and after he expresses the fact that whoever defeats him will be Joy Boy - King saying "I don't think he'll ever appear"
And the lanterns coming up:
Please vanquish the scary dragon.
Restore the Kozuki clan.
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Here's my thing now. This dragon is clearly not Kaido, it's Momo (after saving Onigashima and Onigashima landing safely!) Luffy is falling. Where's Kaido? It seems like he's done (seeing the lanterns and the emotional impact) but is he really?
My reaction to this is: I'm okay with it either way. If he' defeated or not. And I understand that some people wanted more from Kaido, and more from his flashback - but the hate? Saying Wano is trash if this is it? That's all agenda talk. Shut up, this was a great chapter. Luffy did so much.
Break next week, this is gonna be a tough two weeks.
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
Urisha 'Uri' Irons - Sparks To Fire - Ignis - The Little Match Girl - Female - Active [Alive]
Midnight 'Midna' Layton - Broken Spell - Shattered Glass - The Hour That Which Took Away The Magic - Male - Active [Alive]
Blizzard Styrmir - Storm Warning - First Frost - The Snow Queen - Male - Active [Alive]
Fuchsia Redbird - Multiply - From The Heart - Rapunzel - Female - Active [Alive]
Alice Frost - Crash Landing - Queen - Alice In Wonderland - Female - Active [Alive]
Calico Porter - Out Of Mind - Wicked Grin & Vulpine Smirk - Cheshire Cat - Male - Active [Alive]
LeBlanche March - Stopwatch - Out Of Time - White Rabbit - Male - Inactive [Teacher, Alive]
Eburnean 'Nean' Rodentia - Battle Stance - Like A Needle - The Dormouse - Female - Active [Alive]
Orion Estela - Tracker - Artémis- The Hunter - Male - Active [Alive]
Nova Heart - Guillotine - Mirana - The Red Queen - Female - Active [Alive]
Yarrow Mandevilla - Hide Away - Kalon - The Maiden With The Rose On Her Forehead - Male - Inactive [Retired, Married, Alive]
Xeranthemum 'Xera' Vance - Long Way Home - Nurgul - The Juniper Tree - Female - Active [Alive]
Ingot Aeris - Incidentally - Widower - The Green Knight - Female - Active [Alive]
Renard Foxx - Silvertongue - Raven - The Crow and the Fox - Male - Inactive [Alive]
Ochre Nyanza - Someone Else - Carne - Donkeyskin - Female - Inactive [Deceased]
Nero Iolanthe - Strangled Threads - Red String - The Emperors New Clothes - Male - Active [Alive]
Fernand Wolfe - Instinct - Sköll & Hati - The Big Bad Wolf [Trying To Make Up For All His Mistakes] - Male - Inactive [Teacher, Alive]
Iris Kelila - Distressing Times - Grace & Elegance - The Princess [Who Doesn't Need Saving] - Female - Inactive [Pregnant, Alive]
Nickel Ferrum - The Chosen [Who Really Wishes The World Would Save Itself] - Edge of Life - Caliburn - Male - Active [Alive]
Erytheia Carmine - Enchance - Clarent - Lady Of The Lake [And All The Bullshit That Entails] - Female - Active [Alive]
Raijin Wantanabe - Three Heads - Orochi - Susano-o - Male - Active [Alive]
Argus Galatea - Gemini - Golem - Galatea - Male - Inactive [Setting Up For Retirement, Alive]
Ichor Solfrid - Sunlight - Helios - Icarus - Female - Active [Alive]
Ebony McBride - Whispers - Screech - Boy Who Cried Wolf - Male - Inctive [Setting Up For Retirement, Alive]
Cyan Braxton - Candor - Chardonnay - The Fox & the Grapes - Female - Active [Alive]
Crystal Ventus - Displacement - Bruyant - The Mischievous Dog - Male - Active [Alive]
Veil McBride - Too Quiet - Fury - The Seafoam - Male - Inactive [Officially, Probably Fucking Around Vacuo At The Time Of Canon]
Noir Ortzi - Selfish Whims - Sorcièr - The Fitchers Bird - Female - Active [Alive]
Wisteria Summers - Burst - Fallen Petal - The White Maiden - Female - Unknown Status [Presumed Dead]
Ashlynn Viviane - Bleed - Simplicity - Rapunzel - Female - Inactive [Alive]
Felix Hegarty - Cauterize - Alistair - The White Knight - Male - Inactive [Deceased]
Indigo White - Shockwave - Bright and Sharpe - Godfather Death - Male - Officially Retired
Kobalt Evergreen - Make 'Em Scream - Robin Hood - The Robber Bridegroom - Male - Active [Alive]
Addison Steele - At Dawn - Aurelio - Vasailia The Beautiful - Female - Active [Alive]
Garnet Sharde - Terms Of Agreement - Little Lady - The Black Knight - Male - Active [Alive]
Esmeralda Quick - Charm Point - Mon Amour - Aphrodite - Female - [Deceased]
Winter Schnee - Glyphs - Greta - The Snow Queen - Female - Active [Alive]
Alabaster Clay - Steeled Heart - Ever Valiant - The Tin Soldier - Male - Inactive [Deceased]
Gaspar Lamar - Lure - Recorder - The Pied Piper - Male - Inactive [Deceased]
River Sigal - Sweet Tooth - Strudel - The Gingerbread Man - Female - Inactive [Deceased]
Regina Aurelio - To Good To Be True - Golden Touch - King Midas - Female - Active [Alive]
Goldstein Waltz - Keep The Beat - Trouvaille - The Twelve Dancing Princesses - Male - Inactive [Injured]
Leona Adalhard - Resolve - Sisu - The Cowardly Lion - Female - Inactive [Legally Dead]
Addison Benjamin - Second Skin - Toska - Prince Lindworm - Female - Alive [Active]
Griselda Imber - On The Line - Fair Thread - Rumpelstiltskin - Female - Alive [Retired]
Heather Knight - Quiet & Fair - Versailles - Dark Lady - Female - Alive [Active]
Serafina Vered - Judgement - Lux - Bright Lady - Female - Alive [Active]
Tempest Steinn - Backstock - Avara - The Grasshoper - Male - Alive [Active]
The focal OC's of the potential fanfic series 'Muted Colors (Vibrant Feelings)', focusing in in on the time Winter Schnee spent at Atlas Academy, and the few independent years she had with her team post-graduation.
This is not their entire year, for refrence, I've got a couple dozen more named background OC Team's, and their overall graduating class had over six-hundred individual teams graduate... unfortunately, I'm not going to name six hundred plus teams for your fancy.
If anything, any other character lists will just have the team name followed by its four members and who's partnered with who.
[And I now have to come up with Combat Maneuvers/Ship-Names for these fuckers.
'Recoil' is throwing a bitch, but which fucker throws which bitch is up for debate.
Urisha and Midnight are 'Lights Out'.]
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mahvaladara · 2 years
I need to draw my Orochi with Onmyoji’s Orochi. Like, these two would have such fun conversations.
My Orochi: So... 6 snakes. 7 with you. Where’s number 8?
NE Orochi: Well. The 8th snake - why are you staring at that?! -my Orochi staring at his groin- 
NE Orochi: -summons the evil gods -The 6 evil gods. I have freed them.
My Orochi: -summons the maidens- Meet my Maidens. 
NE Orochi: Why do you keep them chained?!
My Orochi:... 
Maidens: Bullshit! WE keep HIM chained.
My Orochi:  -sips tea- Someone must protect these lil ladies.
NE Orochi: I managed to convince Abe No Seimei to split his soul in two entities so he’d be to weak to stop me! Mwhahahahahaha!
My Orochi: I seduced Abe no Seimei and he betrayed the gods so they wouldn’t kill me.
NE Orochi:...
My Orochi: Though two Seimeis... -imagines himself being tag teamed- Can I borrow that plan?!
NE Orochi: I convinced the Minamoto to sacrifice maidens for power, weakening my bond.
My Orochi: Master Seimei got the Minamoto to pay for my college tuition.
NE Orochi: your what now?!
NE Orochi: I look fabulous!
My Orochi: You look like you’re going to poke my eye out with those things around your neck if I even ‘breathe’ in your viccinity!
NE Orochi: That’s Ame no Habakiri!! Show some respect.
NE Orochi: I was once a god.
My Orochi: I am the fifth guardian.
NE Orochi: Of what element? The void?
My Orochi: God of what?! Convoluted ploys? 
NE Orochi: I know exactly what I am doing.
My Orochi: If your plan was to get not one but TWO Seimei’s to ruin your plans... it’s working perfectly.
NE Orochi: Says Seimei’s personal pet python.
My Orochi: Mamushi. There’s no python’s in Japan.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
Luffy and Zoro, equality presented by Wano Arc...?
The feeling of equality between Luffy & Zoro has been sitting on my mind a lot lately, so I finally decided to write down my chaotic thoughts on that matter. 
First, to be precise: I’m not talking about power levels between Straw Hats because One Piece proved on many occasions that power alone is not a good measure how one character will fare in a fight or that beating X does not automatically guarantee beating Y. In Thriller Bark Perona took down Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and Franky without a problem, but lost to Usopp out of all people. At the same time, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji will always be the main fighters of Straw Hats no matter the gap of power between them. Everyone is powerful on their own, but they may fare better in different fighting settings. I personally tend to think that Luffy and Zoro are closer to each other in terms of power, raw strength and will, but this is not exactly the matter of equality I wish to talk about. What I wish to talk about is how the Wano arc set Luffy and Zoro apart from the rest of the crew in a more tangible (visual) way.
Even before Wano Arc, Luffy and Zoro were singled out by narrative on various occasions. The most memorable is: the first meeting with Shichibukai (and Mihawk acknowledging them both), taking a beating in Mock Town to Nami’s dismay and Bellamy Pirates’ amusement, earning the title of Supernova and with that becoming part of the Worst Generation, independently attacking Charlos/Tenryūbito (though sadly, Zoro was stopped by Bonney) or killing together a dragon on Punk Hazard. In all cases, Luffy and Zoro were set apart from the rest of the crew and even other pirates, sharing unspoken understanding of other actions and needs or becoming a part of something bigger and more dangerous. 
Luffy will always be the captain (leader) and as the main character, the hero saving the day at the end of the arc. At the same time, Zoro may never be officially called the vice captain by other crew members (which is fair, Straw Hats Pirates don’t care nor have any need for ranks) but narrative puts him as the protector of crew (i.e. Kuma), the leader in the absence of Luffy what consistently is marked by narrative boxes (i.e. “Zoro team”,”Zoro side”) and the layout of frames (Zoro taking the central position that normally belongs to Luffy) or even having some confrontation with the final boss (Arlong, Hody). Zoro is also treated like the voice of reason; even if his words are harsh and emotionless, he will speak what must be said for the Luffy and crew’s sake (Alabasta, Davy Back Fight Arc, Water 7, Enies Lobby, Zou). He is also the one that provides Luffy comfort and support in dire situations (Usopp leaving the crew). 
Luffy cares equally about his nakama, yet the narrative likes to single out Zoro as someone usually standing by him but also as someone taking Luffy’s position of captain very seriously. Further details adding to the feeling of equality set up by narrative include the visuality of their most notable scars (under left eye/left eye and middle of chest), the running joke of people mistaking Zoro for an actual captain of Straw Hats Pirates or acknowledging him as a dangerous “beast”, Luffy and Zoro’s very similar mindset and attitude towards fighting powerful enemies and all the parallels in which both captain and first mate* did the same things on various points in the manga or color spreads/covers (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x).
In general, the story established how despite their different nature of extrovert and introvert,  Luffy and Zoro are similar when it comes to the serious and trivial matters about whose I could talk for days. What is vital though, for years such treatment of Zoro created the feeling of equality between him and Luffy. Not in the power sense per se because narrative has never been objective about that, but how they progress from rookies to men getting closer and closer to fulfilling their dreams.
And now the Wano Arc seems to single them out in ever more visible ways.
For one, anime dropped the individual eye catchers for the whole crew, except for Luffy and Zoro. At the end of each, all Straw Hats are showed standing together:
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In both cases, Zoro is on Luffy’s right and both carry similar looking katanas: Kitetsu II and Sandal Kitetsu III. The swords may have different colors, but their tsuba have the same patterns, which double the feeling of equality between those two. 
Manga provides similar moments, starting with chapter 912
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and cover of volume 91 (which was used for Luffy’s eye catcher apparently) and inside illustration included in volume 92
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Then from all the crew, only Luffy and Zoro were pretending to be ronin (the masterless samurai), seen in box info
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while the rest Straw Hats played the role of ninja (Chopper), kunoichi (Nami), ghost (Brook), geisha (Robin), toad oil salesman (Usopp), carpenter (Franky) and soba cook (Sanji). Even Law, another Supernova and equal to Luffy, hid his identity pretending to be some sort of wandering monk. And thinking logically, Law would be better ronin because unlike Luffy, he knows how to use sword in fight. 
Another visually prominent detail - Zoro and Luffy are the only one Straw Hats who have kimonos with ornaments resembling the sun that may be a symbol of the coming dawn, foretold by Lady Toki. A dawn that will end Kaido and Orochi’s reign on Wano.
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Luffy’s ornament is straight taken from the crest of the Kozuki clan (and resembling the symbol Alabasta Kingdom). I have much more to tell about Zoro’s design but that will need wait for another time. For now, though it looks much sharper is no less reminiscent of the same solar symbol. Adding to the sign their status of ronin and we may call Luffy and Zoro, figuratively speaking, the samurai bringing sun (hope, new era, peace) to a country plunged in darkness, most likely in nearest future fulfilling late Kozuki Oden’s desire to defeat Kaido and open Wano  to world.
Of course, all Straw Hats, Heart Pirates, Minks and people of Wano are working together to defeat Kaido but Luffy and Zoro were visually set apart from everyone from the beginning of the arc. There is also their personal, strong connection to Oden’s children: Momonosuke and Hiyori who both were very impressed and protected by Luffy (Momonsuke) and Zoro (Hiyori).
Another detail binding Luffy and Zoro more to Oden and setting them apart from the rest of characters are new things they have acquired through the course of the arc. Namely, the better understanding & advanced techniques of Busoshoku Haki (Luffy) and late Oden’s great sword Enma (Zoro). Both things are capable of hurting Kaido.
Usually, during the arc, Luffy gets separated from the crew for the longest part of the story. And indeed, he gets struck first in prison (where he managed to win over imprisoned there samurais) and now, during battle, is running to face Kaido escorted only by Jimbei and Sanji (who wandered away in chapter 997). Surprisingly, Zoro too was separated by quite a long period of time, in which he met and befriended Yasue, Hiyori and Toko before he rejoined the crew for the final battle. Luffy and Zoro are the Straw Hats that openly admit they want to face Kaido in fight.
Another detail setting them apart from the rest of the crew: interacting with (and in case of Zoro, beating down) other Supernovas. They met Hawkins at the beginning of arc and fought him (Sanji too, met Hawkins and Drake once in public baths but ran away, securing Nami, Robin and Shinobi well being), then Killer and Kid before and during battle, Apoo and Drake which whom they had small crash, but now Drake were working with Roronoa against Apoo. Ironically, Drake is a friend with Coby who is a friend of both Luffy and Zoro. Coby literally met those two before Nami debuted. Also, the Supernovas allied with Luffy are learning in hard way that dealing with Zoro is not less stressing that working with Luffy.
How the Wano arc will turn out will show the upcoming chapters, for now though, not only Straw Hat has a strong connection to people of this land. For one, there is Tama, that both Luffy and Zoro came to like very much and literally started wreaking havoc in enemy territory because of her. Twice. Then there is mentioned connection to Oden - symbolic samurais of dawn and carrying Momonosuke and Hiyori’s wish to defeat Kaido and save the country but also Zoro’s personal connection to Shimotsuki clan that was hinted time after time and briefly explained in SBS that may or may not play bigger role, especially since Shimotsuki clan support Kozuki family. Which only adds to the whole connection between Luffy and Zoro and (good) people of Wano.
I feel like Wano arc was set up to establish the equality of Luffy and Zoro, not in the power sense that so many fans love to argue about, but as the relationship between them. Not just as captain and (powerful) subordinate but more like partners, the way Roger and Rayleigh or Kid and Killer are seen. The manga put a lot effort in creating parallels and the visual similarity between those two characters to dismiss the potential hints of Luffy and Zoro slowly falling apart from the crew in the sense of the role they will play in this and maybe future arcs.
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viceandmature · 8 months
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Endless Dances
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I hope this is the right place to request because Tumblr Mobile sucks and changed the format of the request box, but I’d like to request Izo with a s/o waiting for him on Wano! Tysm!💗
Yeah I get it because I'm currently stuck on mobile atm I can't put a read more link with this fix your shit tumblr.
Wano spoilers!
Twenty years is a very long time, you know this more than anyone. 
But somehow you remember the days you spent with Kozuki Oden and the nine red scabbards like it was yesterday. You missed those days, but not as much as you missed Izo. 
For the span of twenty years you watched Orochi take over and turn the once vast and beautiful land of Wano into a hellscape, the people who once cheered and sang praises for Oden now mocked him and called him a coward, and the children were taught the lies by the dragon lord Kaido's men. For twenty years you watched disgusted, too powerless to do anything. The Kozuki clan would come back and take back the country, you knew it deep in your heart. 
That fact was proven when your lover's sister suddenly showed back up one day. 
You had spent your years working at the tea house in Okobore under a different identity and appearance, but somehow Kikunojo recognized you instantly and it scared you with how she looked just the same as she did all those years ago...Lady Toki's fruit really had worked after all. The two of you only conversed fondly about the past in secret from that day onward, on the public's eye the two of you were complete strangers that just so happened to work at the same place and wouldn't speak to each other that much, but truthfully you slowly got her caught up on the events of the last twenty years as much as you could and you joined in with her efforts to gather as much information for the rebellion as possible. 
When you did get to have the late night talks with her do you start to think about how things ended up this way. 
You of course weren't a scabbard but when the time came that Oden decided to travel the world with Whitebeard, you were right along with Izo when you tried to stop your lord from joining up with Whitebeard's pirate crew...well uh...that didn't exactly work now did it? 
You have a bunch of memories that you often find yourself finding of over the years the two of you spent on the Whitebeard crew together; the two of you teaming up in fights, the dances you would share a board the deck of the Moby Dick, the cheesy jokes and bickering that would occur from both the crew and scabbards, the quiet nights that the two of you would be cuddled up in your cabin, and most importantly the sights and islands you never would imagine were outside of Wano.
As time crept closer and closer to when eventually Oden joined Roger, the more that you could tell that Izo was really attached with the Whitebeard pirates, which you just didn't feel...and that was the moment you realised that he wasn't coming back to Wano so soon, this fact you learned to accept because of how it made the him happy.
You left with the rest of the scabbards (now with Lady Toki, momonosuke, and Hiyori in tow) to go on Roger's ship, but not before the two if you had a teary goodbye in each other's arms as your lover promised that he would be waiting for Oden's return. However what the two of you didn't know...things from that moment on would be...very difficult...but you're determined to change that at this year's fire festival, you're going to get out every single bit of anger at Onigashima. 
Little did you know that your lover still kept his promise after twenty years. 
After the rough battle, do you find yourself at Kiku's side with the rest of the scabbards to properly treat to her arm, and that's the moment the two you lock eyes and when everything floods back.
Your not sure how long it was that the two if you stood across one another staring at each other dumbfoundly but your arms found their way swinging around his neck as you start to bawl your eyes out and all the words you'd rehearsed in your head the past twenty years completely vanish and turn into incoherent babble, tears stain into his kimono as you sob and tell him how much you miss him. Your lover stands there silently before he makes you look up at him, his soft hand caressing your cheek as his loving eyes soften as they scan over your features.
"Your beauty hasn't aged a day, my dear."
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Yamata-No-Orochi: (Part 4) Erii
ITT: The Mic Drop Heard Round the World.
The sun woke you. Bright light shone through the windows, forming a halo around the curtains and projecting the shape of raindrops from the window onto the carpet. Mingfei had left shortly before you fell asleep of exhaustion and grief. 
You’d fought hard and rebelled against the world, but this last rebellion had taken you too far. Z raised, saved, and safeguarded you. But you refused to play his love game, and that was all it took to discard you. Caesar had been at your side, encouraging you to live all this time. But now that the clouds had gathered, and the darkness of the world surrounded you, he realized that, like Chance, life was not in the cards for you. And Chu Zihang? Well, he always was a sword at your throat.
Once again the world was laughing, mocking you with its silent game of keep away. Love? Syke! Happiness? Syke! Companionship? Syke!
You hated this world. Mingfei went to Erii’s room with the Desert Eagle. What was stopping you from planting your mind in the ground and tilting Tokyo into a rift in the Earth, like it was the undersea Takamagahara? To watch its towers topple, and its buildings burn would be a fitting end to a Godzilla movie.
The hotel phone rang, insanely loud. You reached over and picked it up. “Pizza Hut,” you mumble.
Lu Mingfei stammered for a moment. Then he laughed. “Hey. You, me, Erii road trip. Right now. I left some clothes for you.”
His voice over the phone, it sounded like Z’s. You are silent, mind completely inert, spirit aching. “Sure whatever.” You hang up.
You shower and pull a comb through your hair three times, leaving it to fall over your shoulders. You don't bother with jewelry or make up. He left you a pair of skin tight jeans and a shirt that said Wild Thing across the front. White ankle socks and blue low rise canvas sneakers go over your feet.
The phone rings again. Mingfei sounded breathless. “Come now! We have to go!”
You hang up the phone and dash outside. Mingfei is waiting for you in a cherry red porsche. Erii waves with bright enthusiasm from the passenger side as he gets out and folds the seat down so you can get in the back. “Erii this is my friend, MC, She’s sick like you.”
You startle. Mingfei just went out and said it. You hold out your hand and she takes it, examining your fingers with her dark red eyes. You were lighter skinned, but this girl was near transparent. She scribbled on a notepad. “Nice to meet you. You are very pretty.”
“Guys buckle up!”
Your seatbelt had just clicked when Mingfei down shifted and floored it. The engine let out a mighty growl and the car took off like a rocket down the street. But Mingfei was relaxed, with an impish, ‘catch me if you can’ sort of look. Something in your chest stirred awake.
Erii held up her notebook. “Sakura is the best, right?”
Her smile was so sly, not something you expected to see. “Oh yeah, he's awesome!”
Her nod was sassy, like, Damn Straight.
You look at him again. He was smiling like he was angry. He was acting recklessly. The buildings were a blur outside the windows. The car rumbled like a beast underneath you as the accelerator didn't let up. You weave through traffic like lightning and soon the police are tailing you with flashing lights.
If you thought you were going fast before you were mistaken. The car dug deeper, and it felt like you floated over the road. The police car faded into the distance, unable to keep up.
He pulls into a service station and pays the attendant way too much cash. “Where are we going?” You ask.
“It's a surprise!”
“Does MC like gum?” Erii held out a piece and you helped yourself. 
You lean forward. Erii was covered head to toe in clothing, despite the good weather. 
“MC said that Erii is not stupid, that Erii is smart. MC was right, you knew a lot about yourself. But MC was sad so I wanted to take her too.” Lu Mingfei was saying. “Because she cares for Erii and understands her.”
Erii looks at you for a moment. Then she wrote in her notepad, “Cheer up. Sakura is very lucky. Thank you for caring about me.”
Her expression was so earnest and happy. Did she really understand herself? You hold out your hands for the notebook and pen. You write, “I'm too sick so my friends are scared of me.”
She takes one look at the notepad and her eyes widen. She snatches it back and writes, “Erii is not scared, Erii will be your friend.”
“Please be my friend.” You say softly.
Erii reaches out and seizes your arm. Her face is serious and she nods. When you stop at the supermarket, she drags you along, purchasing snacks and a gigantic stuffed teddy bear. Erii was not interested in herself. She wanted to cheer you up! She understood beyond words the lifelong loneliness, the constant rejection, and growing up in a world that feared you. She forcefully shoves the teddy bear into your hands. And pulls you along. It's so big you can't see around it.
Her image blurs with that of Renata. If Renata had a chance to grow up, she would be this bold.
The bear is so tall it folds against the low ceiling of the porsche. You squeeze in next to it.
“MC is from Siberia. Where she is from, the sun doesn't set in Summer. And in Winter, it doesn't rise and lights dance in the sky.” Mingfei says as you take off again.
Erii swivels in a full body, “What?!” expression and you laugh. “It is true. It's exactly like that.”
“That is AWESOME!” She turns the notepad to you and then writes, “I want to visit your home!”
You recall your promise to Caesar to go dog sledding and feel a pang of regret. But your mind has already replaced Caesar on the dogsled and put Erii there. “Let’s go dogsledding!”
She looks confused.
“Here give me your notebook.” You draw a sketch of a dog sled pulled by a team of panting dogs.
If Erii’s eyes got any bigger they would fill her face. She wrote, “IS THERE SANTA IS HE THERE”
“I… no Santas not there, but we can pretend to be Santa.”
“MC is awesome!”
Before dusk, Lu Mingfei and you two ladies arrived in the town at the southwest end of Shikoku, which is more than four hundred kilometers from Tokyo. The Porsche sports car ran for a full four hours. The whole time Erii peppered you with questions about life in Siberia while Mingfei drove. She had the impression of a magical frostland full of sky and sea. Her sparkling impression was free of brutal reality. For four hours you spoke only of the beauty and wonder of the north. Erii’s notebook is filled with sketches of white quail, snow geese, cute arctic foxes, bears, seals, and whales.
    The open-air parking lot was empty. Lu Mingfei found a parking space to park the car, and opened the door to hear the tide. You could not see the sea. A large hill stood between you and the ocean. The waves sounded like reverberating between the sky and the earth.
    "The sea?" Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei, with excitement in her eyes.
Lu Mingfei nodded his head as an answer. 
Ah the ocean… maybe four hours ago you might have been upset to meet up with the water. Now you just laugh.
Erii looks at you curiously.
“Did you know I got to ride dolphins?”
Erii practically staggers. 
“If you're lost in the ocean, sometimes dolphins will rescue you.” You hook her arm in yours. “They're big and strong and won't let you drown.”
“MC knows so much.”
“Erii knows a lot about Erii’s world. I know a lot about mine.”
Erii nods and smiles.
Lu Mingfei pulled out the compass, opened the long-prepared map, and took you to the town not far away. The sign in front of the town reads Umezuji-cho. At this time of the year, the streets of Tokyo must be bustling with people, but in this small seaside town, there are no people on the streets, only a group of elementary school students in school uniforms passing by.
Mingfei seemed to be in a rush, but Erii dallied with you, asking questions and marveling at the tofu shop, or the batik store. More than once, Mingfei had to come back and usher you forward. He clearly had some sort of plan in mind.
You find out that he hurried was so you could catch the last mountain tram, which was built next to the town's shrine and had a 45-degree angle track that made a staccato sound as you climbed.
    On both sides of the track there are dense trees. These trees cover the track like thick clouds, and it is as if you are walking through a tunnel of ever-changing colors, a tunnel made purely of foliage and flowers.
Both you and Erii are stunned with wonder. You did not have such dense forests like this growing up. The air is full of birdsong and frogs and early season cicadas. You feel someone take your hand. Erii points to your face. A bright tear shone there like a pearl. You didn't know you had shed it.
  "Sakura is not Japanese, right? How do you know such a beautiful place?" Erii wrote in her little notebook.
    "I saw a drama made in Japan. This is a very famous scene from that drama. I saw that drama a long time ago."
    "What was the name of that TV series?"
    "Tokyo Love Story." Lu Mingfei wrote one stroke at a time.
 "I liked that Japanese drama so much that I searched the Internet for all kinds of information about Ehime Prefecture, and finally learned that the ending scene was filmed in Umezuji Town, and that the school and the separate stations in the drama were real. I had always dreamed of traveling to Umetsuji-cho and had done a lot of homework.”
You and Mingfei did not really know each other. You did not think he was this level of a romantic so you didn’t understand why Caesar would want to pair you two. Now it made a lot more sense.
Lu Mingfei took out a handkerchief and blindfolded Erii: "You will see a beautiful view when you untie the handkerchief later."
When he handed one to you, your jaw drops. “I can’t believe you.”
He doesn’t say anything, just ties your eyes. You feel his hand close around yours. You can’t see Erii’s expression. “Erii, I’m so excited. This is fantastic!”
You’re smiling, you can’t stop. The memories of the events of the days before roared like angry hordes of monsters in your mind, but Mingfei and Erii have shut the gates on them. His warm hand in yours, the rhythm of the sun's rays between the trees, the crunch of your footfalls on the trail, the constant sound of birds. It was all so soothing.
 You walk the decades old mountain mining path, a road with uneven stone patchwork. At the end of the road is a long closed mine. In order to commemorate the mine that raised the town, the residents of Umezuji Town donated money to build a wooden temple-style building over the entrance and exit of the mine. Each rafter is hung with carp flags for prayers, and various porcelain dolls are placed under the eaves. This is a local custom. If the town's family gave birth to a boy, they would come here to hang a carp flag, and if it is a girl will put a porcelain doll.
 “It's exactly the same as the Internet says." Lu Mingfei said.
The tracks of the mine car had long been rusted, and weeds grew among the sleepers. You followed the track to the edge of the cliff, and Lu Mingfei helped you to climb a rock that protruded from the cliff.
He pressed his hands on you and Erii’s shoulders and said, "Now you can take off the blindfold."
You untied your handkerchief. 
The sunset blooms full in your vision. The huge sun disc had touched the sea. Ten of millions of tons of seawater slowly swirled beneath your feet. The tide broke into white splashes under the black cliffs. The wind blew endless hectares of forest. The evening woods also look like the sea from a distance, a pale red sea, with thousands of treetops swaying with the wind, forming cascading waves. 
Small towns are distributed along the winding coastline, Lu Mingfei names of them one by one -- below the cliff is the town of Umezuji, a little farther away is the town of Yamamae, Tsukishita Castle Town and Matsuron Town, and further is beyond his knowledge.
    The town's small school was already empty, and the silent playground was empty.
    The Ferris wheel spins slowly but does not carry passengers. The Ferris wheel in Umezuji Town is only a miniature version, but it is magnified in the sunset, its huge shadow cast on the undulating sea of trees.
    On the track facing the sea, the yellow slow train rumbled through the small unoccupied station, which was enclosed by white railings with the signs "Umetsuji X" and "Tokyo X”. You wonder how long it had to wait for a nostalgic and romantic fan like Lu Mingfei. Music starts playing and you can't help but laugh in disbelief.
    Lu Mingfei had pressed play on the theme song of Tokyo Love Story. His phone was the latest and the speaker was good. You couldn't believe it. This nerdy little parrot boy and scared raccoon had somehow managed to comfort you completely. Outside the shadows of Caesar and Chu Zihang, he shined bright. Maybe being on a boat with him would be fun.
Erii held up her notebook. “The world is gentle.”
You look at her, expressionless. She was right. The world in its natural state was quiet and peaceful. You’d fallen asleep in violence and awakened in violence and pain. You didn't get to experience the romantic world like this very much. In your mind, you imagine Renata in her patchwork coat, sitting next to you. In your ears, she whispers. 
You open your mouth, “Make a wish!”
Mingfei turns to you in surprise but Erii follows along, pressing her palms together. You pray.
Renata. I am coming soon. Sorry it took so long.
You sat under the roof of the mine. Erii kept writing questions. Lu Mingfei answered one by one. This girl seems to have saved up a belly of questions, and now they all came out. Mostly they referenced Anime and Manga you have never heard of. That was Erii’s world, a world of cartoon fantasy. He confirmed or denied that reality, shaping and creating the world anew as you watched her listen intently. Lu Mingfei had taken to heart your words and was upfront and simple, not lying or trying to say things she wanted to hear. You nod in approval, your eyes serious. 
The sun gradually sank below the surface of the sea, the last afterglow scattered on the water. Half of the sun and its reflection form a complete circle.
   "So this is what the outside world looks like." Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei to see.
    "Yeah, that's what it's like, no Britannia Kingdom and no Celestial Organization… disappointed?" Lu Mingfei asked.
    "No, not disappointed, like this kind of world, this kind of world is very gentle." Erii used the word gentle once again. You repeated the word in your mind. Gentle. It echoes there. As if without the constant threat of death and adrenaline, there was just empty space.
   "I really like this world." As the sun is about to disappear, Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei. "But the world doesn't like me." Erii went on to write.
You stand up and move to the other side of her. You scoot as close as you can and rest your head on her shoulder. She hugged the huge bear and lowered her eyes like a cat that had done something wrong.
 "I'll be a problem for everyone and I've been a problem for Sakura." Erii wrote again.
  "I was too willful. So I ran away from home."
  "I should have gone back a long time ago but it's still a pleasure."
   "It's beautiful here, I should have known I should have come here on the first day. Thank you Sakura, MC, thank you.”
You lower your hand over hers as she’s writing.
Erii froze for a moment.
 "No." Lu Mingfei repeated.
Lu Mingfei cocked his head to look at her with a rare serious look: "Don't think you can know what the world is like by coming out to see it. I'm still confused after living in this world for more than twenty years. You've only run out for a few days and you think you understand?"
His eyes look at you too and you’re just as shaken as Erii. But he is right! You never set foot outside the Port of Black Swan and that was 20 years ago. You saw the whole world through that tiny lens and haughtily walked around like you owned the place. You judged others through that same view as well.
  "How big the world is depends on how many people you know, and for every person you know, the world gets a little bigger for you. There are many cities in this world. There are Tokyo, Paris, Cairo, London, Istanbul... but many of them are just names to you, you haven't been there and there are no people there you want to visit, so they don't really belong to your world. There are many, many more people in this world, but you don't know them, and they don't belong in your world. There are also lots of good food and fun and nice things in this world, but the world that really belongs to you is actually very small, just the places you've been and eaten and seen the sunset and the friends who will care if you live or die."
 "Whether the world likes you or not only depends on whether your friends like you or not. Everyone has a few really good friends. They like you, therefore, the world likes you."
The world… was not Tokyo, or Cassell or Hydra… The world was Renata, Caesar, Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, and now Erii. You turn your head back to Tokyo, unseen in the distance. How could you leave…?
“What is a good friend?" Erii wrote in her little notebook.
    "It's the kind of friend that's so crazy about that he'll believe in you no matter what, and he'll be with you no matter what.” Lu Mingfei growled low. "If the world really doesn't like you, then the world is my enemy."
    The moment these cold and arrogant words came out of his mouth, you seemed to hear a familiar cold laugh coming from behind you. The demon of the sad world sneering with all its mockery.
Together, you and Mingfei both jerked back, but behind you were only cherry blossoms mixed with fallen leaves swirling in a breeze, and there was no sign of Z. Lu Mingfei stared at you with wide eyes and you stared right back. His mouth opened. “MC. You… heard…?”
    "Wanted: a good friend." 
He turned back to Erii waiting for him with a small book up. 
    "I am your good friend, and you will have more good friends in the future." You say.
    "But as long as we are your good friends, how can we not like you?" He said softly.
She slowly crawled towards Lu Mingfei like a kitten, vigilantly figuring out his look. Lu Mingfei looks petrified and you cover your mouth with one hand while silently cheering, “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
What did he expect? Even your heart was moving and you don’t even like him! Lu Mingfei is sitting here putting Kazama level moves on this girl and now that her arms are around him and her head is on his chest, he looks two seconds away from shitting himself. You ball your fist against your lips and swallow your laughter.
Clouds gathered in the distance and the sun had set, It was time to go. You would have to get up bright and early tomorrow to get on the boat to China. Your heart was relaxed again about Caesar’s decision. After all, he was just doing his best. If you died, you would go to rest. Caesar would be tormented for the rest of his days. He wasn't sending you on the boat to die. He wanted you to live. You still believed the omniscient Z. Leaving Tokyo was a death sentence. But you also believed Caesar had his own parallel script.
It was raining by the time the train came. You stand shoulder to shoulder on the platform. “Call me to wake me up tomorrow.” You say.
 Mingfei lowers his head and laughs.
“Oh you’re planning to oversleep? Once again I have to be the mature one.” You roll your eyes. 
The train splashes up to the platform and you make sure Erii has her ticket. She sits next to the window and stares outside. Much to your surprise, Mingfei sits you next to her. He gives you a fond smile and passes you a note.
  "Dear passengers, this train terminates in Matsuyama City. We are now about to leave Umezuji-cho station. The train is about to close......" A sweet female voice echoed in the carriage. 
The doors of the train close.
You open the note in your hand. The words make you squint.
You have to live.
You and Erii gasp at the same time. Mingfei is not on the train. The doors have closed. And he is not on the train!
You leap from your seat and pound on the glass door in front of the smiling Mingfei. “Where am I supposed to go?” You will miss the boat. You won’t go to China.
Your hands slowly slide from the glass. Erii is pressing her notebook urgently against it.
Lu Mingfei tapped on the window, "Someone will pick Erii up when you get to Matsuyama City. MC, find Ruri Kazama.”
    "Won't Sakura take me back to Tokyo?" Eriki took the small book and showed it to Lu Mingfei.
    "Your family won't like me." Lu Mingfei said.
    Erii hugged the furry teddy bear and lowered her head, her long hair like a colored cloak that enveloped both her and the bear.
    "Sayonara"  said Lu Mingfei.
    Erii nodded, finally realizing that this was their parting. The train ride to Tokyo will take several hours, but Lu Mingfei will not accompany her.
    Lu Mingfei's face was stern and he didn't say anything more. There was nothing more to say. This was the parting, his carefully designed parting. He NEVER agreed to the boat. He NEVER agreed to kill you. He had carefully pulled the wool over Caesar’s eyes and convinced you that he was going to dump you on the boat. You grinned and shook your head. But the train began to move before you could even think of a comeback.
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New Soul Dungeon - Sea of Eternity
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A new soul dungeon for the 6 sea themed souls sets has been implemented on CN. Along with it a new type of exchangeable item for the exclusive souls that can drop from it.
There’s currently 4 stages. It’s a 2 round battle, costs 18-24-30 AP to do solo or 12-18-24 AP to do co-op, 3rd and 4th stage cost the same amount of AP. Cannot use the same shiki in both rounds, so a total of 10 shiki must be used. There’s a 2 minute timer for round 1 and another 1 minute +  leftover time from round 1 for round 2. If doing this via co-op, it is limited to 1 host + 1 guest and each person clears 1 round each. While in the co-op menu, can choose who will do which round.
Like Himiko, the dungeon has it’s own unique soul buff that is limited to the first 30 runs per week. Drops include the 2 of the 6 sea themed souls, the 4 daily S1-10 souls and picture book scraps. Around ~60 scraps can drop from the 3rd stage. The soul drop rate for all 3 stages are similar to s11, only drops 5-6* souls.
The scrap exchange box works exactly the same as it did in Senhime’s event - get 1 random soul out of a selection of 3. The exchange rate is significantly increased from the event, cost 40 scrap for 1 soul in the event and now costs 200 scraps for 1 soul in the mall. There is also a weekly cap of 30 souls.
Drop Schedule
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On Saturday all the stage 1-10 Orochi souls, Azure Basan, Leviathan and Oracle are available. On Sunday all of the souls shown above, including Azure Basan, are available.
Is it worth farming?
At the moment, not really ...unless there’s a specific exclusive soul you want to farm from it and have someone to co-op with you.
To be honest, it’s hard to even justify farming the zone because you can get the exclusive souls with orochi scales and the 200 scrap exchange box is like a worse version of those boxes.
Initial Fast Farming Teams
Currently the fastest team/s for stage 3 with an average clear time of 34-38 seconds on both live and test servers is;
Round 1: SP Ootake + Zashiki or SP Shuten + 3 fodder
Round 2: Yama Usagi + SP Shuten + Double Ungaikyou + Kaguya
Round 2: Yama Usagi + SP Shuten + SP Tama + Ungaikyou + Kaguya
For stage 4, the fastest team/s with an average clear team of 23-39 seconds on both live and test servers is;
Round 1: 4 shiki all w/ mirror lady + Hitotsume w/ mirror lady
Round 1: Double SP Tamamo + Taishakuten + Zashiki + Hotarugusa
Round 2: SP Ao/Yama Usagi + Aoandon + Tamamo + SP Iba + Zashiki
Round 2: Kujira + Yama Usagi + Senhime + Kuro Mujou w/ harpy + SP Iba
In rounds 3-4 the speed requirements for shiki like Sen, Oitsu and Yama Usagi etc seems to be ~240.
CN Guide/s
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 23: Takumi Bangs the Babysitter
Between battles, I upgraded the hot spring. Which made Izana appear. This extradimensional safehouse isn’t very hard to get to.
Archduke silly boy himself, the wacky leader of Izumo and an Onmyoji (Sage). Another pre-promote, meaning he has mediocre growths and can only support Corrin. His personal skill, Peacebringer, reduces damages from allies and enemies alike, which seems mediocre. His personality is fun in short scenes, but it would probably get tiring over time. I do like how serene his design is, helps set up the twist of him being a moron.
Support: Lady Corrin/Izana
C: Corrin asks Izana for a fortune. He tells her she is tired and should drink tea.
B: Izana gives Corrin another fortune: she will go bankrupt. Then he just runs away.
A: Izana explains that he ran away because he hates giving people dark fortunes. Fortunately, Corrin is too optimistic to be upset.
S: Corrin asks Izana to tell predict her soul mate. It’s Izana, obviously.
Review: Fine, but nothing special.
Support: Lord Corrin/Izana 
C: Izana gives Corrin some flashy new outfits.
B: Izana prepares a massive feast and invites only Corrin. Corrin convinces him to invite the rest of the army.
A: To thank Izana for the party, Corrin gives him a book on Nohr. Izana decides to throw a Nohr-themed party, which is somehow offensive in both Birthright and Conquest. Corrin gives Izana a Christmas TV special ass lecture about how being a good host isn’t about giving gifts, but about how you make your guests feel.
Review: Again, it’s fine, but not great. And that sucks, because this is one of only two Supports Izana has in the entire game.
Support: Felicia/Hana
C: Felicia asks Hana if she’s too friendly with Corrin, causing Hana to question her own relationship with Sakura.
B: Felicia and Sakura say a lot of nothing while trying to figure out how to be good retainers.
A: The two of them decide that the most important thing for a master-servant relationship is trust and depending on one another, which is the correct view to have towards massive class disparities.
Review: This could have very easily been “clumsy girl messes things up for hardworking girl”, which would have been fine, but this one tried for more depth. It isn’t actually that deep, but it tried.
Support: Orochi/Takumi
C: Orochi gives Takumi a doll, just like the one he used to sleep with as a little kid, and threatens to tell the entire army what baby Takumi was like.
B: Orochi reminds Takumi that she was his childhood babysitter and that he used to hide under his bed from the monsters in his closet.
A: Takumi yells at Orochi for treating him like a little kid. Orochi, realizing that Takumi is now taller than her and fully grown up, agrees to stop teasing him.
S: Takumi says he likes Orochi because she cares about him enough to make fun of him. They hook up.
Review: Orochi making fun of Takumi is enjoyable and cute, and Takumi standing up for himself is a satisfying end to the Support Line. The S-Rank, where Takumi asks out his childhood babysitter who, as revealed in an earlier Support, changed his diapers as a kid, is a bit weird for my taste.
Birthright Chapter 19: Rainbow Sage
The team arrives in Notre Sagesse and begins looking for the Rainbow Sage. They ask an old man with a staff. I haven’t played this game in five years, so I don’t actually remember, but he’s definitely the Rainbow Sage, right?
The old man explains that most people who meet the Rainbow Sage die, and that only Sumeragi, Garon, Xander, and an unnamed knight have ever managed to escape with their lives. Fun fact, I looked it up, none of the routes say who the knight was. Gotta love Fates’s writing.
The group enters the Sevenfold Sanctuary, home of the Rainbow Sage. Inside, they find hallways filled with illusion enemies with strange stats, like Generals with 0 defence and Ninjas with 2 speed. The map is split into several sections connected via staircases, which slows things down a bit but isn’t too bad. I charged through this map, taking out these defenseless enemies with my strongest unit: Kenshi.
After beating the Sanctuary, the group is warped back to the village, where the old man who was very clearly the Rainbow Sage explains that the real magic was within us all along. Then he gives us even realer magic: an upgrade to Yato.
The old man, chanting about how he sinned by forging Yato, unlocks its true power using Takumi’s bow. One of the four gem holes on Yato lights up, indicating that there are probably a few more upgrades to be gotten. The party, done with their sidequest, heads back to Nohr. Also, the Rainbow Sage dies as soon as we walk away, which is a thing that happens.
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might-guys-acorn · 5 years
So I wrote this whole post, and it didnt post correctly so I deleted it like a dumbass. So I decided to rewrite it because I liked it a lot. Heres prompt number 7 "If you want to leave, then walk me out." (Alone with You by Canyon City) with the one and only, Sasuke Uchiha. Thanks for all the love and support❤
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Okay, yes. He left the village. He betrayed everyone. He has lifelong vendetta against his brother that causes him to be a raging asshole sometimes. But as he stands here, looking as though hes seen a ghost, staring at you in your chunin vest in the middle of a clearing in the woods outside the village, your head isnt filled with memories of contempt or hatred, but of your own childhood. Him as a child, on the swingset, telling you that you have pretty eyes before running away with a toddler blush tinting his cheeks. Feeling his hard gaze on the back of your neck at the academy. Bring him dango as he burns his face and hands over and over while practicing his fireball jutsu. You were kind of friends, once upon a time.
"You look well." His voice breaks your thoughts and many more rush in to fill thier place. You look well? Really? After everything hes done, thats all he can think to say? Seriously?
"Wish I could say the same for you." Your reply was meant to sound irritated or malicious, but came out more sorrowful than anything.
"Id like to think I look stronger." He replies with a smirk.
"You know thats not what I meant, Sasuke." You meet his eyes and watch him flinch at the sound of his name leaving your lips. Your heart clenches at the sight if him and you cant help but think this was an awful mission to send you on. The whole basis of this assignment reeked of Orochimaru's involvement and it had been rumored that Sasuke had joined him. But, still, Lady Sixth couldnt have known of your past with the Uchiha, after all it was only a faint whisper of fondness from what felt like a lifetime ago. So why did it have to effect you so much, now?
"Y/N, I dont want to hurt you. So leave before I have to." He looks at the sky, avoiding your unrelenting gaze.
"Im sorry, but what makes you think you have the right to talk to me as if I'm a child." You could never stand being patronized, by anyone. Its half the reason you became a shinobi. He looks at you, surprised at your tone, but before he can say anything, a man with silver-white hair and glasses emerges from behind him.
"Sasuke, Lord Orochi- Oh, what do we have here?" The man looks over at you, his voice was soft but had an edge to it that sent shivers down your spine. As you look at him, you see an awful lot of scratches and bruises, almost as if he'd been in a fight-
"Where are my teammates?" You ask, not letting the worry in your heart seep through your words. The man, Kabuto Yakushi you believed was his name, smirked at you. You glance at Sasuke, but his eyes remained glued to the forest floor.
"In a cell, having their blood drawn for some tests." Before you could even try to deflect, Kabuto had tossed a needle at you, peircing your upper right shoulder. "Just like youre about to be in 10 minutes."
His words at the end were garbled to your ears, the poison on the needle quickly rushing through your veins. Before the darkness took hold, you caught a small glimpse of regret in Sasuke's downcast glare.
You sat up quickly, and felt the whole world lurch at the movement. The poison had not fully left your system, so everything had a fuzzy filter overtop of it. You glaced around, taking in the large stone cell in front of you, the glare of torchfire on the moist rock walls around you, and your 3 teammates still unconscious on the ground. You stood up slowly, using the wall next to you for support, and noticed a small gauze pad taped to the crook of your elbow. That asshole took my blood, you think with a grimace.
Moving your gaze to the bars in front of you, you notice a familiar figure resting against the wall in front of your cell.
"Sasuke, what are you doing here?" Your voice is raspy after a couple of hours of rest.
"Im free to go where ever I like, its not like they could stop me." He says back, meeting your gaze. Still as cocky as always, isnt he?
"Let me rephrase, why are you here?"
"I should ask you the same question." He raises his eyebrows, clearly asking what brought your team around the unknowingly claimed neck of the woods.
"We were sent on a mission to recover a stolen document on a forbidden medical ninjutsu. It was my first mission as team captain." You didnt want his sympathy for this failure, but you were clearly frustrated with the concept of being captured.
"I see. Well I cant say Im thrilled at the thought of you being here. Unfortunately, Im still nostalgically fond of you." He replies, his words ringing in your ears as you struggle to grasp what he's saying.
"If you want to leave, then walk me out." You say, under the impression that he may have changed his mind about Konoha.
He laughs at your statement. "I'll stop by later." He says over his shoulder and you curse quietly to yourself, watching his retreating figure flicker in the torchlight of the cave.
God, how long has it been since youve all seen another being? You pace the floor of the cell and hear your team mumbling about possible escape plans in the corner behind you. Theres been no food, not water, no human presence, other than that of the ones sharing the cell with you. It must have been at least a day and a half now. You turn on your heel and start to pace the other direction, but stop at the mysterious figure in front of the bars on your confinement. Your teammates notice him as well, and take up arms to defend themselves.
"Youre back." You say flatly, knowing full well the posture of the man in front of you.
"I told you I would be," he says quietly, your comrades arms fall to their sides in surprise at the semi-friendly interaction. "Now keep your voice down, everyone is asleep."
The light in the cave never waivered, so you had no concept of time. If it was night, than it had to have been 2 full days already. Damn.
You look at him, and watch as he makes the signs for a familiar lightning style jutsu. One that your godfather, Kakashi Hatake, had passed onto you. Your surprise at his use of it wained when you remembered that Uncle Kakashi had once been Sasuke's sensei, a long time ago. The Uchiha aimed the lightning blade at the lock on the cell and it burst open.
"Sasuke, what are you-"
"Hush and move quickly" he whispers forcefully. You usher your teammates out of the cell, and as soon as you step beaide him, Sasuke grabs your hand and rushes your through the labrynth of the hideout. Finally coming to a unsuspecting wall, he signs for the Lightning Blade again, and tears a large hole into the night. The quiet footsteps inside the cave are replaced by a loud rhythm of cicadas, and a few thuds of some fallen rubble. The five of you move quickly, into the clearing where you had come face to face with this man from your past two days ago.
Why did he do this? You think to yourself, and then standing in the clearing, the quiet footsteps, the lightning blade, it all made sense.
"You made it look like we escaped ourselves." You say to him, and then another moment of realization, "Youre not coming back with us."
He took a step towards you, grabbed your hand and placed a small scroll into it. It took one glance for you to realize it was the medical document you were sent to retrieve. He not only saved you, but made sure your first mission as captain was a success. You stare at him blankly, and he smirks as he touches two fingers to your forehead, "Dont get caught up in this again, I cant always come to your rescue."
"I dont need your rescuing, after all it was my jutsu that helped us escape." You laugh at him, and then turn, passing the scroll in your hand to your teammates behind you. You send them on, leaving you alone for your goodbyes.
"Dont say anything about this, I was simply training tonight, and didn't hear the commotion." He looks at you, and you nod, a secret understanding between two old friends.
You take a step towards him, lean up on your toes and kiss his cheek lightly, "I'll be saving some dango for you, when you finally decide to come home."
You turn and take off, following your teammates, the small smile and light blush on his cheeks burned into your brain. Oh how your childhood can sneak up on you.
Smiling in the treetops, you can't help but think, He really did walk me out.
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siupmis · 6 years
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Lifen’s Warriors Orochi 4 bonds!
Inspired by @oohkahmii‘s own that they did for their own oc, Liu Yan because I really loved theirs and I’ve been procrastinating a lot by replaying WO4 lol. Reasons for each bond explained under the cut!!! 
Pls ignore the weird shading on Lifen’s hair lol i wanted to fix it but accidentally deleted the photo
Loki:  Lifen would probably approach Loki asking him if he’s lonely since he doesn’t seem to get along with his family very much, and since she isn’t very close with hers either and is a pretty dumb naive person, she would tell him that she will be his big sister if he wants. Loki would probably find this amusing and go along with it even calling her big sister in a teasing almost mocking manner. Lifen would of course be delighted, not really catching on or simply choosing to ignore the fact he’s not being serious. Lifen would then go out of her way to spend time, and looking after Loki, trying to act like a big sister towards him (though in reality it’s more so him looking after her as she’s a mess of a person lol) and he in turn would take this as an opportunity for some mischief and take advantage of her kindness. After a while though Loki will feel a bit bad for doing so and would be confused as to why she’s trying so hard and going out of her way for someone like him. He’d ask her during their second bond why she’s still being nice when it’s obvious he’s not a good person and is just playing with her. Lifen would just smile and tell him, 
“It’s a big sisters job to look out for their siblings even when they’re being mischievous or pulling pranks on others.”
followed by her telling him that she sees herself in him and that they’re really not so different. Loki chuckles saying that he underestimated her and it would probably end with him calling her big sister genuinely for the first time, something along the lines of
“Well then, please continue to look after me, big sister.” 
I got the idea when choosing to add Loki onto the team with Athena on it he says “Athena, my sister, let us combine our strength” to which she’s basically like “stfu”.
Nene: Nene is a very kind and motherly person, who dotes on everyone and in turn is respected. She’s the kind of person Lifen aims to be, wanting to be as mature as her and loved as much as her “children” love her. Lifen wants to form a family like Nene has. Nene’s doting and nagging nature would also remind her of how Lu Xun is towards her and thus she is naturally attracted by this. It’d probably cause Lifen to think Xun’s actions are more motherly than romantic though so he’s gonna get mom-zoned lol. 
Yinping: Lifen and Yinping are pretty similar in terms of personality with how oblivious they can be but also very determined. They’d train together trying to become stronger and be more dependable people. Their conversation going something like,
“Lady Lifen, let us train together and grow to be as strong and muscular as my father is!”
“I-is that really possible!? In that case I hope to rival even Lord Huang Gai in muscle mass!” 
Other people I considered for her bonds were, Zhang Chunhua, Zeus, and Hanbei
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