#Orm Marius one shot
Orm Marius Masterlist
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Disclaimer: stories are fictitious and should not be taken literally, the behavior is entirely imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Updated & repaired: 16/07/2023 (if a story won't load or something else, please message me and let me know)
Fluff🌺  Angst 🌩️ Smut❤️‍🔥
5 Types Of Kisses🌺
Speak In Flowers 🌺 Flowers speak their own words and show their actions. And your man loves to speak it out loud.
Visiting Your Hometown 🌺 how would your boy act when you drag him along to your hometown
Helping You To Accept Your Stretch Marks 🌺your boy helps you accept your beautiful stretch marks as they are...pure perfection
Explaining To Your Man Kdramas🌺I (V) wrote small drabbles that paired my favorite men and dramas that I absolutely love
Dating A Tattoo Artist 🌺 being a tattoo artist and your boyfriend being part of it
When Tough Times Occur 🌺Life itself can be a pain and with its obstacles, it can seem impossible to overcome it but that’s what makes us stronger as people.
Someone Rubs You The Wrong Way With... 🌺 how would your man protect you when someone doesn’t mind your business
Having A Shower ❤️‍🔥having a shower with your man sounds like heaven right??!
One Thing He Loves About You (Physically Or Mentally)🌺 the title spoils the ending a bit
No Nut November ❤️‍🔥in the glory of No Nut November, you make a bet with your liver saying if they fail you cuff them and use them to your liking but if you lose they get to fulfil one of their fantasies. And you are keen on it to make them lose, by any means.
Goodbye,Love 🌩️ Orm says a temporary goodbye to his love
NSFW Alphabet❤️‍🔥
Atlantean Proposal🌺
Fluff Alphabet🌺
Introducing Orm To Your Mother🌺
Phone Talks🌺
Lovers Between The Sea And The Land 🌺Orm meets Y/n, a normal human, and she somehow managed to friend him which turns into a bubbling romance.
Heartbreaking Conversation 🌺🌩️(prequel of Leaving You Behind)
Leaving You Behind 🌩️ Orm needs to leave his love on the surface for the sea
Leave Me 🌩️(Part 3) Orm returns to Atlantis to face his cruel hatred filled father
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Arthur Be Damned
Pairing: Orm Marius x F!Reader
Warnings: Smut
Summary: Orm has the hots for Arthur's big sister, and it looks like she's got the hots for him too.
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She was Arthur's big sister, and Arthur was doing his big brother duty by ordering Orm to stay away from her. Orm agreed entirely. Getting together with his brother’s older sister would be messy, to say the least. It started as nothing more than a silly little crush. A pretty girl flashed a brilliant smile towards him, patched him up and fed him because he and Arthur had to hide out for a while. He would get over it soon enough. Six months had passed since the initial agreement that Orm would stay away from her, and he was more in love with the woman now than he ever dreamed he could be. 
She was nothing like Arthur. She was quiet, introspective. Having had a hard life living with her mother, her smiles didn't come easily. When she spoke, Arthur listened and did what he was told. There was a deep sense of respect on Arthur's part for his big sister that Orm admired. She was neat, orderly, efficient. When Orm fantasized about being king, she was his queen. Regal and unwavering. He was desperate for her attention.
He did menial chores to compensate. He was bad at it at first, but he picked it up quick enough. He always went grocery shopping with her. She was on the shorter side, so getting items on higher shelves was an issue. Not to mention feeding two grown Atlanteans in their prime required a lot of food. He made sure to wear tighter, more flattering shirts to show off his muscles as he hauled bags upon bags up the driveway to the kitchen. He thanked her, complimented her, and anything else he could think of just to get her to look his way.
The benefits of being stuck in a small home with the woman of his dreams every day for six months were numerous. The one he liked best was the fact that he could observe her in silence. He spent an unabashed amount of time watching her. She noticed him doing it to. She made snide comments before when Arthur snapped at her for wearing revealing clothing. She simply laughed in Arthur’s face and said, “I have to make sure to put on a show for Orm. He’s always staring.” If his staring bothered her, she hadn’t said anything.
He learned so many things about her in such a short amount of time he felt like his head was stuffed full. In fact, despite the desperate circumstances he and Arthur were in, all he thought about was Arthur’s sister. She had a matcha latte and a bagel every morning. The topping on the bagel were different day to day but often it was peanut butter and banana. She was a university student in her last years of school, what she studied he couldn’t make heads or tales of . He just understood that it was frustrating. He also knew, the more frustrated she was, the more likely she was to play loud “nasty” music just liked the music coming from her room now.          
Orm looked up the stairs, wondering if he should try and comfort her. She didn’t seem a woman that would enjoy his company when stressed, but he hadn’t seen her at all that day. She had been up since before the break of dawn and remained shut in her room the rest of the day. He would die if he didn’t at least tell her good night. What if she didn’t like him though? He couldn’t just go up there and knock on her door to say goodnight, sleep well…could he? She had to like him just a little. Arthur was her brother, but she spent less time with him than she did with Orm. She smiled at him more, sought him out first after missions to make sure he was ok. It felt like she was choosing him. She could just be trying to be nice; he reasons. On the other hand, if she was trying to be nice, why didn’t she ever comfort Arthur the way she comforted him?
He isn’t sure how long he stares up, but when he hears a thump, he’s running to the second floor, two steps at a time. He calls her name, panicked. Banging on her bright yellow door, he calls for her again. “I’m ok!” She calls to him, sounding just as panicked as he feels. “I’m fine.” He hears scrambling and another thump; the music cuts off abruptly. She opens the door, flashing him a ‘see I’m fine smile’. She looks in disarray. Her hair fluffier, as if she’d been sleeping, her tight shirt slightly raised to show the chub of her belly, her shorts showing her meaty things. Once again, he’s plagued by thoughts of being squeezed by those thighs. “I heard a bang,” he says, looking past her and into the room. “Are you alright, did you trip?” She was a woman of poise, rarely tripping over herself. “I’m alright,” She reiterates, “I just knocked something over, that’s all.” Orm’s blue eyes snap back to her, she gives him another smile, sheepish, telling him to go away, everything is fine, just fine. That’s when the smell hits him.
Orm understood that surface people went through a mating season, not unlike Atlanteans. A human female’s season was short, about a week. They made up for the short season by going through it once a month. He took her appearance in again, and somehow managed to leap to a conclusion. She was relieving her heat herself. That thump must have been a tool of some kind, and she dropped it in the throws of passion. Orm felt himself harden instantly at the thought, he wanted to know what tool it was that had her so flushed with pleasure, he wanted to use it on her. Her sheepish smile falters as his stare becomes intense. `
“Orm are you ok?” She reaches out to him, grabs his arm, he can’t help but to step inside her room, pull her close to him and take a deep breath. Damn, that sent short circuited his brain. “Orm?” Her voice is soft, laced with confusion, but not alarm. “Arthur doesn’t like the thought of us being together,” Orm tells her, unwilling to stop the confession about to pour forth from him “But Arthur be damned. I want you; I’ve wanted you since the first moment I met you, more than I’ve ever wanted another.” She squirms in his arms, but he doesn’t let go, can’t let go, not yet. “These past six months have been nothing but a fever dream of yearning. I don’t just want to fuck you on every available surface, I want to kiss you, hold your hand. I want to take you to Atlantis and show you all its wonders. I want you to explain the surface world to me. I want to get lost in you until the end of our days.”
“Orm-” he cuts her off, “But I understand our dynamic is strange,” Orm finds the strength to let go of her. He feels stupid, weak, embarrassed. He hadn’t meant to lay his soul bear to her, but she just brought it out of him. He was madly in love with her. “We share a brother, and he’s uncomfortable with the thought of us together. I only needed you to know I have strong feelings for you. If you reject me, I accept. I want nothing more than for you to be happy.” He feels his heart give a painful squeeze. He knows there’s no way she’d accept him. Arthur was her brother, Orm was nothing less than a disgraced prince. But he had to tell her, he couldn’t go on living without at least telling her his secret. Damn her for making him so weak.    
She reaches for him, takes his hand in hers, tugs him closer. It’s the most natural thing in the world, bending down to kiss her. He’s thrilled when she wraps her arms around his neck and receives him. He takes his time kissing her, exploring her soft lips, playfully nibbling, and nipping, enjoying her girlish giggling. When they finally pull back, both are smiling stupidly at the other. “What about Arthur?” Orm asks, the king of Atlantis is going to be pissed at this new development. “It’s like you said, Arthur be damned.” Orm took it as permission to dip down and kiss her again.            
Somewhere in the haze Orm manages to close the door, walk her across the room, and get her on the bed. He hovers over her, unwilling to move too far from her lips. He spends eternity kissing her, wanting to tell her how much he loves her. It’s too early for that, he thinks, I don’t want to seem desperate. In a shocking turn of events, she flips him over onto his back, settles herself on his hips, both letting out gasps when she brushes his erection. He rests his hands on her hips as she regards him. Her wild hair seems wilder now, her eyes glimmering with mirth. She’s smirking down at him, and he swears he’s died on gone to paradise. 
It’s strange how little she looks like Arthur. Arthur was tall, tan with brown hair, green eyes, and a shit eating grin. She was much shorter, reaching the bottom of Orm’s sternum. Steady and solidly built, her skin was darker by a few shades than Arhtur’s, she had brown eyes, and her hair was black, curly, and wild.
She finds the hem of his shirt and starts to tug it up, he sits up and raises his arms. The shirt goes up and over his head. When she presses him back down, he doesn’t resist. Her eyes roam up and down his body. He knew he was fit, he spent all his life training and fighting. He had a few scars here and there. Shockingly he starts feeling self-conscious. He forces himself to stay still for her. He wants to flex, to tell her in the right lighting, he looks like a god, honest he does. She rakes her nails down his chest, catching a nipple in the progress. He damn near loses his mind. The term ‘monkey brain’ suddenly begins to make sense. Rational thought is slowly leaving him as his desire to put his cock in her nearly takes over. It’s her contented sigh and the “You’re so handsome Orm,” that brings him crashing back into himself. Handsome! He’s so handsome at that. She leans over him pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, his chin. Things get a little naughty when she reaches his neck.
He grunts at the sudden pleasure over her teeth nipping at his skin. He turns his head for her, and she manages to find a place at the junction of his jaw and behind his ear that has him fisting the sheets. He rolls his hips upward involuntarily, seeking any kind of friction. She giggles and laves attention on the spot, sucking a dark mark onto his skin. He’s so wrapped up in what her mouth is doing he isn’t aware that a hand slips beneath the band of his pants until he feels her fingers on his cock. He must let out a strange noise when she squeezes the middle of his member because she immediately removes her hand, much to his displeasure, and pops up looking panicked. “I’m sorry!”
He shakes his head, too confused to answer her. She gets off him, but before she can get too far from him, he grabs her hand. All he can manage is a strained, “Continue.” Her brows furrow, unsure if she should listen. He swallows thickly, “Please,” He manages, “Please, I need you. I was just shocked, that’s all.”
“You sounded like I stabbed you Orm,” He shakes his head. “I don-, I don’t know what sound I made, but I can assure you, it was one of pleasure. I didn’t think I’d ever have the opportunity to…to do this kind of thing with you. I’m a little overwhelmed.”  He runs his thumb across the back of her hand in reassurance. She hesitates a little too long for his liking. “Do you not want this?” He asks, perhaps he’d read the situation wrong and she was having second thoughts. “I do.” She tells him, finally relaxing, he relaxes as well, flopping back down on the bed with a sigh of relief. “Please,” he begs her, “Please.”
She does as he asks, hooks her fingers underneath the band of his pants and, with his help, shimmies them down his hips. Flinging them somewhere in her room, she has a full view of him. He wants nothing more than to shy away from her, to cover himself up from her piercing gaze. He shouldn’t have initiated such an intimate moment so quickly. “Jesus Orm, you’re perfect.” Perfect, the word echoes around in his skull as she kneels before him. Jesus, a deity surface people call out, as a curse or a prayer. Orm, his name. Perfect, a reference to him. When she thinks of perfection, she thinks of him, his nakedness, his body. He’s satisfactory looking to her, more than that, he’s perfect. All the incoherent ramblings going on in his skull cease the moment she grabs his cock once again. He makes the same strangled sound, but this time, she simply pauses instead of moving away from him.
Her clasped hand moves up his cock, down, and up once more. He can no longer force himself to stay still, fuck he couldn’t even force himself to stay quiet. “Oh, now you see, that sounds better.” She teases him. He manages to prop himself up on his elbows to look at her. She’s smiling at him. She stops again, and he wants to curse, but she rests her cheek on his knee a look overcoming her features. He can’t tell what it is, but he never wants her to stop. Lazily she squeezes him, begins pumping slowly as she looks into his eyes. There’s something there, something more than lust, something…loving. I’m going to do it; I’m going to tell her I love her. He doesn’t get the chance. She presses a kiss to his knee, then further up his thigh, then a little further up. Yes, his monkey brain screams, understanding what’s happening before he does. Yes, put it in your mouth, oh Poseidon, put my cock in your mouth.
She works her way to the base of his cock, head an angry scarlet, weeping with precum. She licks a stripe from base to tip, catching a bead of white on her tongue. He’s fascinated by the sight, watches her swallow then pop the tip in her mouth and give a strong suck. His hips jerk upwards involuntarily. She merely giggles and continues to suck him. He watches as she moves herself into a better position over him, free hand resting on his hip. He immediately takes it, entwines their fingers, settling onto his back for a third time. His mind clears as she continues her ministrations, getting lower and lower on his cock as time goes by.
What she can’t reach with her mouth, she reaches with her hand. Orm’s head, for once in his life, is completely empty. There are no duties he has to attend to, no imagined slights he has to nurse an injury for, no jealousies to consider. It’s just him, the women between his knees, and the unceasing waves of pleasure. He’s vocal, calling out her name, begging her not to stop, oh please, he needs this, please, pretty please, oh please, ohpleaseohpleASEOHPLEASE. Yes. The tight coil in his gut snaps as his orgasm rips through him. He’s aware of the noises he makes, of the giggles, of his hips jerking hard. He relaxes, lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, then finally opens his eyes to stare at the ceiling.
She moves again to straddle him. Brushing a heated cheek with her thumb he finally as the courage to look at her. “You ok?” She asks, “That seemed a little intense.” He wants to snap back at her, ask her how she would feel if the woman she was lusting after just gave her the best head she’d ever had. Instead, he sits up and kisses her deeply, tasting himself on her tongue. That’s when the scent hits him again, her arousal. It seems more intense now, sweeter than anything he’s ever smelled. He helps her get rid of her clothes in a quick fashion, pushes her on her back and stares open at her nakedness. If she had any reservations, hesitations, or anything else, she didn’t show it.
Orm understood that, whether for aesthetic purposes or cultural purposes, humans took their body modifications personally. Arthur had tattoos that represented his culture through his father’s line, Arthur’s sister didn’t have ink, she had jewels. He allows his eyes to roam her body freely, tracing a path from her chin, down her neck, to a nipple. Two little balls rested on either side, he tugged gently, curious as to the meaning of such a thing. He doesn’t linger, there’s too much of her he wants to explore and he’s reasonably confident he’ll have time to stare at her all he wants in the future. His hand trails downward to the shiny green piercing that rested in her belly button. He glosses over it, a half though forming in his mind that a pearl should be nestled there. As his hands travel lower, she adjusts herself, opening her legs to him. She’s got nothing to hide, and he loves her all the more for it.
His fingers slip past the curls of her pussy and plunge inside, eager to see her come undone just as quickly as she’d undid him. She’s wet. His ego takes a hit when he realizes she’s wet because of what she was doing before he interrupted her, but he doesn’t let that stop him. He pumps two fingers in and out experimentally, knowing the basics of what he was doing. She was quick to correct him. “Angle them upwards more.” He does so. That first little whimper damn near does him in. “Your thumb.” She breathes, He looks down at his hand, what about it? Was it in the way. “Use it.” He has to pause and think, how did he use his thumb?
“Have you never fingered a girl before?” Her question is gentle, unjudgmental. “I haven’t exactly had time to practice.” He admits, flushing red for different reasons now. “Here, let me.” She maneuvers his hand the way she wants it, two fingers angled up, his thumb on another piece of jewelry. “That’s my clit,” She explains when she places his thumb there. “It’s a very important piece of anatomy. Makes a woman see stars. If ever you’re with someone, and they aren’t getting there in a timely manner, I can say with much confidence if you put some sort of stimulation on it, they’ll cum in a few moments.” He wants to make a cute retort that she’s ruined all others for him, but he’s eager to absorb the lesson she’s trying to teach him. “If you ever eat a girl out, that’s where you’ll want to focus your mouth. Now, go ahead and move your fingers in and out, making sure to apply pressure upwards, and use your thumb as leverage on my clit when you move out. If you can remember, move it up and down or in circles while moving in an out.”
It’s all so clinical, he thinks, so impersonal. This isn’t how this is supposed to go. She knew exactly how to please him without so much as an utterance from him. Here he was receiving an entire lecture. But you’ll be better for it, he tells himself, you’re learning how to please her directly from the source. She isn’t letting you fumble through it, she’s giving you direction, that way next time you know what the hell you’re doing. A smaller voice he chose to beat back asked him if he was so sure there would be a next time. He starts over, doing as she instructed. Pressure in two places, nice and easy, in and out. This time, she reacts, groaning and rolling her hips to meet his fingers.
He falls into a steady rhythm. She wriggles beneath him, and he watches intently as she moves. Her walls flutter around his fingers and he feels himself harden and begin to leak once more. He’s enraptured by the vision beneath him. Eventually a sheen of sweat forms on her skin, making her glow in the light that filled the room. He leans forward, unable to resist kissing her any longer. She tries to kiss him back, but she’s too busy chasing her release, so he opts for open mouthed kisses anywhere he can reach, cheek, shoulder, anywhere. Before long, her hips begin to stutter, her walls clamp down on his fingers in a rhythm all their own. She calls his name over and over, like a prayer. It soothes the hit his ego took earlier. When she’s finished, she pushes his hand away, the sensation becoming too much. His hand is soaked in her slick, that wonderful smell overwhelming him once more.
Unsure of how to proceed, he wipes his hand on his leg as best he could and lays next to her, watching her heavy breathing become normal once more. His cock aches with the want to enter her, but she made no moves to take things that far. Eventually she steadies, and he begins to press kisses to her skin once more. She turns her head to capture his lips in a kiss. It’s lazy, unchaste, all tongues and nips and nibbles. He could spend an eternity there, but she begins to cling to him in a way his subconscious understands as her wanting more. He dares to roll on top of her and settle between her legs.
He manages to pull away from her and trail kisses down her neck as she’d done before. He tries desperately to find that magical spot on her neck that she found on him but couldn’t do it before she called his name. He stops immediately. It’s time to go, their little tryst has come to an end. Arhtur is going to be home any second and they have to compose themselves, no matter how much his balls ached to be emptied again. “Please,” she says, bringing him in for another scorching kiss. “Please, I want you.” The desperation behind her words almost kills him. He pulls back, not to be a tease, but he wanted to get something straight. In his mind, it was one thing to pleasure each other using mouths and hands, it was a different thing entirely to be joined so intimately. He beings his final confession.
“I love you,” He says, “In all the Seven Kingdoms, in all the world, there’s no one I want more than you. No one I desire to be with more. I’ll only continue if you feel the same way.”
“I love you too, Orm.” It’s the way it falls from her lips without hesitation, the earnestness in her tone, the softness of her smile. This was what made him believe her. His face breaks out into the biggest smile he ever managed. “Yeah?” She nods, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, kissing him for the umpteenth time. He wriggles around for a few moments, using a free hand to slide effortlessly into her. They both groan as he slides all the way in. He can’t explain it, but he’s weak in the best way possible. He wants to collapse on top of her and remain sheathed inside her for eternity. This is right. He belongs with this woman. The universe aligned everything just so he could meet this woman and love her.
His pace is slow to start. He doesn’t want things to end too quickly, but it seems she has other plans. She begins to match his easy pace thrust for thrust. Both of their grunts and whimpers got lost in the others’. An ‘oh Orm,’ was coupled with an ‘oh yes,’ which in turn was followed by ‘right there’ and ‘don’t stop’. All too soon Orm found himself speeding up, just a little, chasing that release. From the way her walls fluttered around his cock, he hoped she was close too. “Orm, thumb, please.” She whispers, clinging to him. Through the haze of pleasure, he manages to find enough wits to place his thumb on her clit and began to rub. Her legs wrap around his waist, bringing him impossibly deeper. By this time neither could tell which grunt belonged to who, who was begging for the other harder. They were lost in each other, and when they climaxed, it was together. Both their hips jerked erratically, each chasing their release, lamenting that the pleasure was over too soon.
Orm collapses on top of her. She brings her arms around him, scraping her fingers over the back of his scalp with one hand, and running the other up and down his back. He softened slowly inside her as they both bask in the afterglow. In the back of his mind, Orm knows Arthur is going to be pissed. But it’s like he said in the beginning, Arthur be damned.
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dawnquafam · 4 months
The most devastating loss to come out of never getting Aquaman 3 is the loss of any chance of Shinorm canonically being roommates
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doormatty3 · 6 months
Ocean Eyes - Masterlink (Orm Marius x Reader) //FINISHED
Masterlist Ao3
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[Orm Marius x Female Reader] [Orm Marius x You]
The ocean has always fascinated you - the ebb and flow of its water, the marine life in the sea and the wild and untamed beauty it exudes. Your attempts to explain this fascination have always fallen short. But when you meet Orm at the seaside one rainy day you find, that he just understands.  You offer to show him around since he is not from the city. And you are intrigued by his rather strange quirks and his regal demeanour.  After all, how could you not? When his eyes mirror the ocean itself, deep and incredibly blue. OR: You impress Orm with the surface world and he impresses you with his Atlantean cock
Warnings: 18+, fluff, kissing, romance, smut, oral sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding, dirty talk, dirty thoughts, kissing, face-fucking, possessiveness, jealousy, semi-public sex, fingering
A/N: I couldn’t resist and had to write an Orm ff after watching Aquaman 2 - the plot was very very pretty after all. I wanna thank whoever decided to put Patrick Wilson in a compression shirt for 2hrs
Also: this is gonna be a bit longer with more chapters to go - a lot of fluff and smut as well as Orm being adorably lost at surface world stuff. AND beware, I will spoil some Aquaman 2 stuff here
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
One Shots:
Onions and Orgasms - You laugh about Orm’s horrible kitchen skills, and he shows you with what he *is* skilled.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months
Whale Song - Orm Marius X Female Reader
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Title: Whale Song
Orm Marius X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Clark (Mentioned), Bruce (Mentioned), Arthur, Damian (Mentioned), Orm's father (Mentioned), and the Justice League (Mentioned)
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 5,189
Warnings: Somewhat enemies to lovers, mild cursing, movie canon violence briefly mentioned, post-Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, during post-credits, italics used, book reference, banter, flirting, teasing, mentioned prejudice, slight angst, and fluff
You were upset. No, more than upset, pissed off. Annoyed. Furious. Normally you would get calls from Clark or Bruce, but never Arthur Curry - Aquaman. As his hologram figure shot out of your watch, you immediately frowned. Only having recently joined the Justice League, Arthur was known for causing a bit of trouble. You were both very different from each other. You were one for talking to people, and he liked using his fists.
But when Arthur called you, it normally meant that he wanted something, needed you to do something for him while he was stuck down in the ocean doing his Kingly duties. All high and mighty. Well, you were fed up. The last time he asked you for something, you were pulled into a small battle, and you owed him twenty bucks - you weren't one to bet, but against Arthur, it was hard to not take part. You loved to see his face when he lost. And he lost most of the time.
But you knew that you were a pretty sensible person to go to when anyone needed anything. You were bright and always mindful. You were brilliant, having gone to Harvard before moving to the big city - Metropolis.
It wasn't long after you found yourself in the company of the world's strongest heroes. With your intellect and specific set of skills, both Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne thought you could be an invaluable member of the Justice League. Though, instead of fighting on the front lines, you would offer advice and wisdom when needed - along with helping the team with the tech that you created. 
So, it didn't come as a surprise when Arthur called you on your 'Super Watch' as you called it, when you made it for you and the team. He came to you when he needed advice, which was a lot. If it had been anyone else, you would've been more than willing to help. But it was Arthur. However, you were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"I need to cash in that favor." He said. There was no greeting - no pleasantries. Just straight to business. Like he usually did when he needed something. 
You rolled your eyes. If only you hadn't asked him to take you to see a Humpback Whale - him with his Kingly Atlantis powers. It had always been a dream of yours, and why wouldn't you take a chance to experience something new and amazing like that? During the time, in awe of the giant Humpback before you, asking for that favor was totally worth it. 
However, at the moment, you didn't want to know what he wanted. There were so many things that he could possibly want. But, it was the weekend. Saturday. Not the day for you to play babysitter for some superpowered superhero. You already had to watch over Damian Wayne. You loved the kid, but you didn’t really think babysitting was your thing. "What do you want?" You asked, not bothering to mask the impatience in your voice. "I have a book I need to get to..."
"I need you to watch over somebody for me." He answered, seemingly aware of your impatience as he continued with a small grin on his face, "I believe that you heard that my brother has joined the surface world. He'll be needing some help adjusting and I think you-"
"Oh, no, no, no," You interrupted, shaking your head as you glared daggers at the hologram before you, "I am not babysitting your murderous brother." You ran a hand through your hair, "Do you know how much damage control I had to do when he tried to kill us surface-dwellers? It took me weeks to fix all that he did - with little help by the way!" You pointed an accusatory finger at him, "I already have a tough time babysitting the supers, I am not babysitting him too."
He sighed heavily. "Look, I know that this is a bit of a big favor-"
You scoffed, "A bit?"
"And I understand that being around new people is not exactly fun for you-"
You couldn't help but roll your eyes again, "Not just that, Art, I am not like you and the other supers. If your brother tries anything, I won't be able to stop him."
"He won't try anything," Arthur grinned, "He's changed, dude. He's not the same as he was over a year ago." 
You nodded, taking another glance at the sky outside your window. "That's good if what you say is true." You agreed hesitantly. "If I am going to do this, and if," You emphasized, letting out a deep breath, "How am I going to find him in the first place? I don't know what he looks like or even where he is. On top of that, I don't even know what his name is."
Arthur gave a small nod. "His name is Orm. I believe he is residing in Metropolis at the moment. For the past couple of weeks, he's been going from city to city, with what little Atlantean money he has left on him. I'll send you a description of his appearance. That'll help, but I think you'll know it's him when you see him."
"Really?" You asked, resting your hand on your hip, "I'll know?" But, Arthur said nothing, only giving you that 'know-it-all' look before hanging up the hologram call. 
Huffing, you dropped your hands, only to raise them to your face and rub your cheeks; overall pretty annoyed. Freezing, you cursed at yourself, forgetting to ask how long you'll be watching over this Orm. 
Sitting on a small bench, you adjusted your open book, glancing down at the pages. But, instead of reading about a boy and his little sister who fell down a laundry chute and into a strange underground world, you let your eyes wander across the sheet of printer paper that you placed in between the pages. Hiding the fact that you were looking for someone by pretending to read. Your eyes scanned around the page slowly, trying to memorize what Arthur gave you. How could you possibly find this man? Especially with what Arthur had given you to help you find him? Metropolis was huge!
Looking up, your eyes quickly settled on someone in front of you at an outside restaurant, there was a man; tall - seemingly - and blonde; eating a burger. Immediately as your eyes landed on him, you knew. Arthur was right. This was definitely him. 
You suddenly stood, shutting your hardcover book with a snap before walking across the street. Your eyes again locked onto his frame, watching as he continued to chow down on the large burger in his hands. It confused and unnerved you, but the closer you were getting to the man, the more your heart began to race. And it may or may not have been because you thought this Orm was rather attractive. Arthur's family had some good ass genes. 
Before you could even figure out what you were supposed to say, you took a seat across from him; the metal of the chair's legs scraping against the concrete ground sharply. The younger Atlantean prince paused his chewing, his crystal blue eyes staring at you with confusion and obvious caution. You understood that if anyone sat before you while you were trying to enjoy your lunch, you probably would've reacted the same way.
"Hello," You began, immediately inwardly cringing at how awkward your own voice sounded, "Um, I'm Y/N." You watched as he continued chewing, though slowly, his eyes continuing to look over you; still wary. "I'm friends with your brother. He asked me to help you, uh, get used to the surface."
At that, Orm huffed, setting down his burger; annoyed. "I do not need any help." He spoke, his voice firm, but smooth; a shiver ran down your spine. “How did you find me?” Without another word, you pulled the paper from Arthur out of the book, showing it to him. Orm’s eyes widened before narrowing, “Is that supposed to portray me?” He asked, gesturing to the crude drawing of himself - drawn by none other than Arthur himself - you could tell that Orm was not fond of the portrayal at all.
You gave him a deadpanned look, mentally finding this whole interaction very funny - funnily enough. But, you still had work to do. "Listen, I don't really want to do this either. I'd rather be at home reading. But, I owe him a favor and I'm a woman of my word. I understand that you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, but you are technically a fish out of water in this situation. There are going to be things here on the surface that you won't be able to navigate." You let out a breath, rubbing your temple with two fingers, "So please, let me at least help you with a few things that are mandatory for those that live on land."
After a few moments of silence, Orm squared his jaw as he rubbed his hands clean of the burger's grease with a napkin. The silence between the both of you was unnerving and tense, but you fought through it, not wanting to back down. Even though you were rather annoyed by this whole fiasco, you were a good person, and you weren't about to let a guy with an attitude ruin things for himself just because of his pride or whatever.
"Fine." He grumbled finally, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "What must I do then?
"Well," You began, gesturing to the side of his burger where you saw a pair of bug legs sticking out, "We have a lot to cover."
For the next couple of weeks, you began teaching Orm about the surface world, though he was rather hesitant to follow your instructions. In the beginning, he complained and made small comments here or there, but Orm seemed to have noticed your no-nonsense nature. He didn't complain anymore after another firm talking-to, and you found out afterwards that he was a rather fast learner. He had no consistent place to live, moving from hotel to hotel, you knew he could only do that for so long; plus you knew from experience that some hotels were less than ideal to stay in, especially ones that were located near the center of the city. 
Therefore, you decided that Orm staying in one of your homes, near the shore in California, was a more ideal option for him. And if you were being honest with yourself, you were beginning to enjoy the youngest Atlantean prince's company; far more than Arthur's, that was for sure.
During the time that Orm has been staying in your humble abode, you made sure to keep him up with the latest tech, which was far different than in Atlantis, you were sure. From the toaster, blender, microwave, and even computer, you made sure that Orm had at least some, if not all, basic knowledge on the appliances around the house. As said before, Orm was an incredibly quick learner, having mastered most of everything within a matter of days.
However, what you did not expect was for you to begin to like him.
It had been a long night. You were sending email after email to some of your closest contacts and employees, making sure that they were keeping your empire afloat all the while you were on your "vacation" away from Metropolis. Some of your employees tried to get you to enjoy your so-called vacation, but it was hard to just not check up on how things were doing. 
It was well past midnight, reading and re-reading past emails, and checking your phone every now and then, waiting for the familiar notification sound to go off signaling a new text message to come through. You frowned as you set your phone down on the desk beside your computer, letting out a sigh. You leaned your elbows on the table, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands, tired and absolutely exhausted. 
Standing up, you shut your laptop and headed to the kitchen, quickly making yourself a small cup of tea; praying that it would hopefully help you go to sleep. You silently wandered around your seaside home, faintly hearing the ocean waves crash upon the shore. Taking a small sip of your tea, you hummed as it warmed your throat before pushing the back door open and stepping outside. 
The warm breeze made you smile, as did the smell of the salty ocean a couple hundred feet away from you. It was hard to see it, but you could see the moon reflecting off the waves. Resting your forearms against the wooden railing of the porch, you occasionally sipped your tea while enjoying the quiet.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" The smooth, yet low voice asked, startling you slightly.
Raising a hand to your chest, you let out a deep breath as you swiftly turned to see Orm standing a foot or so behind you; arms clasped behind him. His eyes never met yours, the deep blues staring right back at the raging waves. 
"Of course." You replied softly, as he did, turning to look back at the ocean in question, "It always is."
Orm wandered over, taking the spot next to you before speaking, "Do you enjoy the ocean?" He asked, his question surprising you slightly, but you didn't hesitate to answer.
"Yes." You replied, "Ever since I was a kid." Taking a sip of your tea, you swallowed before continuing, "I always lived in the city. I hardly got to see the ocean, we- my family rarely went to the beach. But that never stopped me from loving it." You shuffled one of your feet, the soul of your slipper slipping against the white wood. Looking up, you finally made eye contact with him, "What about you? I mean, you lived in the ocean most of your life, what's it like?" You asked, your curiosity clear in your tone.
He looked at you, his sharp eyes almost glowing from the moon's rays in the darkness of the night. "It is wonderful." He replied simply, looking back out towards the sea once more. "But, I cannot really describe it; it is not something one can explain simply." You gave a nod, as he shifted uncomfortably in his stance. "You had spoken that helping me acclimate to the surface was a favor owed to Arthur, correct?"
You nodded once more, "Yes, it was," You began, glancing over at him only to see that Orm was already looking at you, "Though, to be perfectly honest, his favor was much bigger than mine was." You chuckled lightly, scratching the back of your neck as you stared into his blue eyes.
He tilted his head curiously, "Is that so?" He questioned, 
"Well, yes-" You bit your lip, shifting in your position as you glanced back at the horizon, "I just asked to see a whale." 
At that, Orm raised an eyebrow, "A whale?"
You hummed in confirmation, "Yep, I just wanted to see a whale. I really like whales. And sharks. But I like whales the most. They sleep upright which is super cool. They are just so fascinating." You gushed, a bright smile slowly spreading onto your face before you cleared your throat, "I mean, you must’ve noticed. I have like ten paintings of whales in there." You finished, gesturing back at the house with a nod of your head, feeling a bit embarrassed by your small rant. Meeting Orm’s gaze once again, you swore that you saw a small smile on his face, but before you could fully confirm it with yourself, he hummed before looking back at the ocean.
"Was it all that you hoped?" He then asked.
"Yeah, definitely. When I was available, he took me to Maine and used his ocean magic to summon a Humpback Whale." The memory of seeing that whale made your chest swell with pride. You smiled as you watched the waves ripple gently across the sand. "When it breached the water, I felt as if I took my first breath. It was the nicest thing Arthur has done for me."
Orm felt a pang in his chest, a wave of jealousy washing over him, making him shift in his stance, his grip on his hand behind his back tightening. For the past month or so, Orm had grown accustomed to being around you, and he had found himself liking you quite a bit despite how much he disliked humans. It wasn't something he'd admit to anyone else aside from himself, but you managed to make him feel a little better, more relaxed, even. And, he actually enjoyed spending time with you. "Does Arthur do nice things for you usually?" Orm inquired, attempting to push down his jealousy.
You shook your head, "Nope, never." You laughed lightly, before placing both hands on the railing, leaning forward slightly, "He usually likes to tease me, you know, joke around. I find him annoying most of the time." You admitted, "But, I should thank him next time I see him in person." You yawned, grabbing your empty cup from the wooden railing with one hand as Orm turned to look at you properly.
"Thank him?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing together ever so slightly as you paused at the back door, your back facing him.
"Yeah." You responded softly, shrugging one shoulder, "If he didn't ask me to help you, I never would've met you." There was silence between the two of you for a few moments until you turned your head to look back over at him, meeting those same deep blue eyes that seemed to stare right into your very soul. You took the moment to let your eyes travel over his handsome features: the light stubble along his jawline, his blonde hair combed perfectly, the softness of his skin, and his lips. You could have stayed longer looking at him, staring at the man who unknowingly caused so much pain in your heart, but you could not allow yourself to continue. Instead, you quickly averted your eyes, clearing your throat awkwardly, "I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight, Orm." You said before ducking back inside.
"Goodnight, Y/N." Orm muttered, his voice low as he stared at the back door, where your figure had disappeared into, his blue eyes lingering on the door for a moment before he sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. It wasn't long until he looked back at the crashing ocean, his eyebrows furrowed. 
When Orm found himself living with you at your beach house, he did his best to keep his distance, avoiding you as much as he could when you weren't trying to teach him the ways of the surface-dwellers. His stubbornness was also partly due to the fact that he was brought up in such a way to hate surface-dwellers; to despise them as a whole, and everything they stood for. But, even still, he couldn't bring himself to truly dislike you. Despite the nagging of his father's words echoing in his mind whenever he was close to you. He felt... something towards you. Something different; something new.
The next morning, you were up bright and early, heading downstairs to grab yourself a cup of coffee. Humming a soft, upbeat tune, you shimmied around the kitchen as you poured yourself some coffee; adding cream and sugar.
Glancing around the kitchen, and tilting your body to the side to peer into the dining room, your humming came to a stop. Usually, at the time that you came down for coffee, Orm had already figured out how to make his breakfast. Which usually consisted of eggs, bacon, and tea. 
Frowning, you furrowed your eyebrows, glancing at the clock on the wall before finishing up stirring your tea. Grabbing the warm mug into your dominant hand, you pulled the edges of your cardigan closer around you; the mornings were always so chilly, being so close to the ocean and all. 
Stepping out onto the back porch, you paused. There was Orm, leaning against the wooden beam of your railing - just as he did the night before. He was dressed for the day, in the Surface-Dweller attire you helped him buy. Sometimes, it was hard to believe that he wasn't from the surface world, he fit in so perfectly. His forearms were resting against the railing, slightly bent at the hip, his stormy blue eyes staring off into the crashing waves of the ocean only a couple of mere hundred feet in front of him. You leaned against the doorframe, worrying on your bottom lip. He must have missed his home - Atlantis - you knew that he did. You couldn’t imagine leaving your home, being forced to never return, in fear of imprisonment or even death. Even though you and Orm had a pretty rough beginning, your heart broke for him. 
Your mind raced with possible ideas of how to try and cheer him up, your eyes flickering down at the wooden porch floorboard, spotting bits of sand sprinkled around here and there from your many adventures from the shore. You allowed your gaze to flicker back to the Atlantean man, studying the contours of the side of his face closely, taking in every detail. His brows furrowed tightly together, his lips slightly pursed in deep thought. He was so... Beautiful. Especially as the morning sun filtered into his hair, shining upon the blonde strands, causing them to appear almost white. 
You blinked for a moment, shaking your head slightly as you focused back on trying to come up with an idea to cheer the man up. And then, it hit you. A surge of excitement rushed through you, making your skin buzz slightly at just the idea. Making yourself known, you walked over, taking your place beside him as he had done last night for you. 
"Hey," You spoke up softly, setting your mug down on the railing, your fingers curling around the ceramic; warming them. "Good morning."
Orm turned his head, his gaze landing on yours before he returned his attention to the ocean, "Good morning."
You sighed, turning your gaze to stare at the ocean yourself, shuffling one of your socked feet against the wooden floorboards. "Have you eaten?" You breathed out, raising your cup to take a sip.
"Yes," Orm muttered, glancing at you briefly, "And you?"
You shook your head slightly, taking another sip, "No," You spoke against the rim of your mug, "I have not yet." You suddenly felt nervous, as the words that you had wished to say slithered on the tip of your tongue. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on an adventure with me?" You asked, turning your head to look back up at him, his eyes meeting yours. 
"An adventure?" He repeated, raising a single eyebrow.
You nodded, unable to stop a smile from spreading on your face, "Yeah, well, I was thinking, you've been cooped up in this house for far too long." You placed your mug aside, turning your body to face him, your eyes bright. "So..." You trailed off, tilting your head to the side a bit - trying to read him, he seemed curious. "What'd ya say?"
"Where is it that you would like to take me?" He asked then, sounding curious and yet, hesitant. 
"It's a surprise." You answered quickly - your excitement obvious - before grabbing your mug and speeding back inside. Pausing at the door, you braced your hand against the doorframe, looking back over at him. "You'll love it. I swear."
"May I open my eyes now?" Orm asked as you helped him out of your car, his hand covering his eyes, as you had asked him to do. From stepping out of the car, Orm could feel the difference in the air; it was warmer out, and he could still smell the salt of the ocean. And yet, he had no idea where you were taking him. 
"No yet," Orm felt you take his other unoccupied arm, your two hands intertwining as you led him away from your parked car towards what he assumed was the entrance of something.
Orm hummed, the hand over his eyes twitching slightly from the urge to just look, "You are not leading me to my death, are you?" He asked, his tone laced with amusement.
"Hmm, no." You played along as you pulled open one of the double doors, leading him inside, "I wouldn't have you stay with me, for almost four months, just to take you to some secondary location to kill you." Your words made Orm chuckle as you began to drag him further into whatever mysterious place you had taken him to.
As Orm followed blindly beside you, he tried to tighten his hearing, seeing if he could pick up anything around him. For the most part, he didn't hear any signs that anyone else might be around. As far as he could tell, it was only the two of you. He couldn't help but wonder, why the sudden trip? With a gentle tug, he felt you come to a stop, one of your hands dropping from his arm. 
"Okay," You breathed out, "You can look now." Dropping his hand, Orm blinked his eyes rapidly, before they widened. So... This was where you were taking him. An aquarium. The water from the aquarium tunnel reflected on the walls in a kaleidoscope effect, tinting in stunning blues and greens. Fish, some sharks, and even a few stingrays of all species swam about everywhere. The underwater tunnel gave off a soothing atmosphere, as if the water itself was saying; 'Welcome.' His eyes followed the graceful movements of the sea creatures above, his ocean-blue eyes flickering from fish to fish, his lips parted slightly. You broke your gaze from the tunnel, turning to look up at Orm, your smile slowly dropping as you took notice of the expression on his face. It was hard to decipher it, your mind beginning to overwhelm you with 'what ifs' and terrible doubts. "Do you not like it?" You asked softly, your voice filled with uncertainty. Orm swallowed hard, but you continued, "I mean, of course, you might hate it." You began to ramble, running a hand through your hair, looking anywhere else but at him, "I mean, this is technically like a prison for fish. But, I assure you, I practically built this aquarium - all the fish have all the food they could possibly want, all the space-" Orm looked down at you, watching as you continued to stumble over your words, “I know you must have been feeling homesick, and I know you can't really go into the ocean, so I thought that you might like it here-”
“Y/N.” He finally spoke, interrupting your rant, “Thank you.” The words seemed to have easily slid off his tongue, his eyes softening as you stared up at him with those eyes of yours. 
“So, I haven't upset you?” You asked, pulling your bottom lip under your teeth once more. 
Orm shook his head, reaching up with his hand, his thumb gently brushed against your bottom lip, pulling it from between your teeth, freeing it; you felt your cheeks heat at the touch, your eyes fluttering momentarily as the warmth of his finger pressed against your bottom lip. “You have not upset me.” Orm tried to reassure you, giving you that smile of his that made your heart flutter. “In fact, this must be the best surprise I have ever received.” 
“Really?” Your eyes lit up, your smile growing, and at Orm's nod, you sighed, “Wow…” Turning back to look at the fish swimming in the large aquarium glass around you, you spoke once more. “Beautiful, isn't it?” You mimicked his own words from two days prior.
"Yes," Orm muttered, "Very beautiful…” 
Looking up at him, you were surprised to find Orm already looking down at you. You felt your breath hitch, again, unable to look away as his eyes bore down into yours with such intensity. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, a faint crease appearing on his forehead. The air around you grew thick, and it wasn't until Orm reached out, cupping your cheek with one hand, that you finally realized just how much closer your faces were than usual. And yet, you did nothing to pull back. Instead, you simply held your breath, your gaze locked onto his, as his thumb ran along your cheek, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair slightly, drawing you closer to him.
His brows furrowed deeper, his eyes darkening slightly as he gazed down at you. His lips parted slightly, a breath leaving him, before he leaned forward; his lips barely brushing against yours. Slowly, hesitantly, he closed the distance between the two of you. Your eyes fluttered shut as his hand slid down from your cheek to cradle your neck, keeping you close. Your arms wrapped around his middle, your fingers gripping tightly at the fabric of his sweater - you never wanted this moment to end.
The kiss lasted mere moments before you both pulled apart, unable to stop yourselves from smiling at each other. Orm felt an immense sense of happiness overtake him as his blue eyes met yours, his cheeks tinted a soft pink. "Arthur was right," He said - mentally hating the words that seemed to slip so easily from his lips - his hand moved to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, his thumb grazing across the shell of your ear.
You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, raising one hand to press his palm into your cheek, "Arthur was right about what?" You narrowed your eyes playfully, "He's hardly right about anything."
Orm let out a deep sigh, silently agreeing with you, "The surface world is not as terrible as I always believed and was told." He smiled down at you, his hand falling from your cheek to take your hand in his, "You have proven that. As well as Arthur.” You tilted your head to the side lightly, letting out another laugh before shaking your head; Orm's smile quickly turned into a small, anxious frown, "Don't tell Arthur I said that."
"I won't." You promised, your eyes crinkling as you laughed out your words, "He wouldn't shut up about it if I did." Orm chuckled as he nodded his head as you interlaced your fingers with his, "So..." You trailed off, "Do you want to see the rest of the aquarium? I rented it out for the next two hours. So, we got the whole place to ourselves." You waved your free hand in the air, gesturing to the long empty tunnel that led the way to the rest of the aquarium.
"Lead the way." Orm smiled, squeezing your hand in his own gently as he allowed himself to be guided by you; he would follow you wherever you went.
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Congratulations on 5k
Could you do 6 and 16 for Orm if he's not allowed Steve.
Orm Marius x plus size reader
You get stuck babysitting the Ocean Master, you should’ve guessed that he would stir up some trouble
Warnings: sex pollen so little bit of dub-con, mention of tranquilisers and death, Batman not being helpful, swearing, no smut but nudity and implied smut
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
5k Follower Celebration
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You wondered what you did to warrant this terrible punishment. The lab was silent, your music having been forcefully turned off by your employer an hour before and you were pinned to your seat by the icy blue eyes of your charge. 
Babysitting, that’s what you had been reduced to. It’s not like your three PHDs could be put to better use than making sure Arthur’s brother didn’t wander off and get himself into trouble. You rationalised that you could deal with it fine as long as he kept his mouth shut and his hands to himself but evidently the ex King of Atlantis had a serious staring problem and it was so much more distracting than if he had been chatting your ear off.
Sighing heavily, your head dropped between your shoulders and you pulled your glasses off your nose. “Do you really have to stare at me the whole time like some kind of fucking vouyer?” Orm huffed, finally looking away and giving you a chance to observe the Atlantian.
There was no doubt that he was beautiful, with a chilled jaw, perfect skin, fluffy blond hair and a body that would rival Michelangelo’s David but as soon as he opened his mouth, all that beauty melted away. He was arrogant and entitled and for some damn reason he refused to let you work in peace.
“You should be honoured to be in my presence human.” Your eye twitched in annoyance. Breathe Y/N, breathe. You told yourself. You crossed your legs and shot Orm a look that would’ve had Batman shaking in his boots.
“Just- find something else to do and let me work, please.” He raised a dark brow at you but nodded anyway. His muscles rippled beneath the compression shirt he had been given upon his arrival to the tower. You forced yourself to look away and back to your work. “All I need is an hour and then we can find something productive for you to do.”
He hummed noncommittally, which you were perfectly fine with. 
The lab settled into a blissful silence and you were finally, thankfully, able to really plug into the data analysis that you had been putting off. Occasionally, you could see the disgraced prince out of the corner of your eye as he wandered around the lab, his hands clasped behind his back. He could follow directions well, you would give him that.
You didn’t mind the company, now that he was not staring at you like a fucking creep, in fact he was quite comforting considering you spent most days in complete isolation save for when Batman needed yet another project completed. 
Just as you were reaching the final compiling, Orm’s voice rang through the lab as if he were commanding his people. “What the fuck is sex pollen?” Your entire body seized with fear and as you turned your chair to face him, time slowed.
His large hand had turned one of the many labelled specimen jars in the open cabinet at the other end of the lab, the cabinet that you had forgotten to lock when Bruce had barged in earlier. Your eyes widened almost comically as the delicate jar tipped and the neon pink dust gathered to one side. Orm tried to grab the sealed beaker but the glass was already rolling off the shelf.
Your hand was already moving towards the contamination shut down as the container met the solid ground, shattering immediately. 
The pollen exploded outwards, coating everything within 2 metres of the impact point in a bright pink dust. Orm coughed and tried to wipe it from his skin, but the pollen was already soaking in, quickly making its way into his bloodstream. 
The lab doors slammed shut and the industrial strength locks clicked into place. You yanked a medical mask from your workstation and quickly tugged it on as you rushed towards Orm, whose face was now flushed. His chest was already heaving with laboured breaths and as you drew closer, you could see the sweat collecting on his brow.
“Hey, I need you to listen to me very carefully right now.” His gaze snapped to you and you held up your hands to show that you weren’t a threat. “We can fix this, we just have to work together. Understand?” He nodded his head and you sighed in relief.
“I need you to strip off your clothes, the longer you’re in them, the more pollen you’ll ingest. And then I’m putting you in the decontamination shower until I figure out how this is going to fuck with your fishy DNA.” You expected some fight out of the prince but he followed your directions to the letter, his eyes staring intently into your own. 
You were thankful for your mask concealing your face as he pulled off his shirt, exposing the toned muscles of his stomach. You swallowed thickly, heat defiantly pooling between your thighs as his thumbs hooked into the waistband of his sweatpants and yanked them down. Evidently, Atlantians didn’t wear underwear. He leaned closer to you, his nostrils flaring. 
Orm’s eyelids fluttered as he let out the most erotic groan you had ever heard. “Fuck, why do you smell so fucking good?” You hated to admit it, but your knees buckled at that. Swallowing down the whine that threatened to spill from your lips, you pulled yourself together.
“O-okay now, into the shower.” You nodded your head towards the stall in the corner of the lab but Orm remained still. His breathing was quickening and his pupils were blown, leaving only a sliver of blue around the black. You stepped in that direction but still, he refused to follow.
“Goddamnit.” You muttered and grabbed his muscular shoulder, forcefully yanking him to the stall and quickly shoving him inside before he had a chance to refuse. You locked the door, knowing that there was no possible way for him to drown himself, and started the auto decontamination.
As soon as he lost sight of you, Orm gave a shout of protest and slammed his fists against the door. “No! Come back!” The glass trembled with the force of his blows and if it weren’t for Bruce’s tendency to make everything strong enough to hold Clark back for a minute at least, you would have been scared of it shattering.
You carefully walked backwards to your desk, your eyes locked onto the shower which was now running but it was doing nothing to hinder the man inside. In fact, his efforts to get out doubled as the water hit his overheated skin. “You’re mine!” He screamed and a crack appeared in the glass.
You snatched up the phone that directly connected you to Bruce, pressing it to your ear as you continued to back up. As soon as you heard his gruff voice, you shouted at him. “Orm ingested that sex pollen shit from Ivy, what the fuck do I do?”
There was a pause and for a second you thought the line had dropped. Then he sighed heavily into the receiver. “Fuck. The antidote you developed won’t work on him since he doesn’t have any human DNA and his body won’t burn out the pollen fast enough before his system overheats.” Silence settled between you as the solution dawned on both of you at the same time. “So-“
“So I’ll have to help him through it or he dies.” You finished his thought for him.
“I’m sorry kid.” Then the call cut off. Orm threw his body at the door and another crack appeared. You had a choice here, there was a tranquiliser in the drawer of your desk that could put down Flash, you could wait for the door to shatter and use it against the raging prince. Or…
Your mask dropped to the floor, along with your shirt and pants. His shouts had now devolved into unintelligible growls that only served to make your inner thighs even wetter. By the time you reached the shower, the frosted glass now resembled a spider’s web and you were completely bare.
You hit the override switch to the side of the stall and the screaming stopped. The damaged tracks groaned as the door slowly opened, revealing you to Orm once more. “Take what you need, I only want to help.” 
The air was knocked from your lungs as strong arms grabbed you and pulled you into the shower with him. Cold water washed over your naked body though it did nothing to lessen the fire between you. A moan was forced from your lips as Orm ducked down and buried his nose in the crook of your throat, pressing his hard body to your soft one.
His chest rumbled happily as he inhaled. “I will not be gentle, I cannot. But once this curse has passed, I will treat you like a goddess, a queen.” His tongue licked up the column of your neck until he could rise to his full height once more. “You will experience pleasure like never before, my claim will be laid upon you.”
And you could only nod as his large warm hand gripped your knee tightly, bringing your plump leg up to wrap around his lean hips. “Prepare yourself for your king.”
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klbwriting · 6 months
Adventures In Atlantean-Sitting
Chapter 1
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: violence
Summary: Atlanteans have attacked a coastal surface city, framing Orm for the attack. In a bid to keep Orm secret and the council off his back Arthur gets the help of YN, a metahuman with tracking abilities, to track Orm and let him stay with her while they figure out the real attacker. Orm is not too pleased about having a babysitter.
Notes: here is the second fic! I hope you enjoy! This will be posted in the evenings (for me at least), comments/critiques are appreciated
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Traveling the US had become almost fun to Orm after the last year. He had explored national park, lakes, even got all the way to Alaska to see the northern lights. Anything that the country had to offer in nature he had done. Now he was ready to try maybe giving the less natural world a shot. That's what first led him to Coast City, shining on the California coast and one of the nicer cities in the country if the magazine Orm had read was correct. Being here he believed it. It was big, but not overwhelming, there was good food, the people were decent, and he even found a cheap place to sleep while he visited, something he didn't always have. For the first few days it was wonderful.
Then the attack happened.
Orm hadn't been exactly where it happened but he had seen the emergency vehicles, saw a green metahuman flying that way. So Orm went the opposite way. He had to keep his head down and out of trouble or else get sent back to Atlantis and that sandy prison he spent four years in. No thank you. Instead, he went back to his room, sat down and watched the news on the television. He had held no great love of the surface but seeing the destruction that was happening did not sit well with him now. Then he saw the attackers clearly. He was sure no one without enhanced eye sight would be seeing this clearly, thank Poseidon, but there were at least three Atlantean highborns with energy rays shooting randomly at buildings, creating as much smoke as they could. It was a confusing strategy. Why just make a mess? Was this some kind of warning? He knew Arthur wasn't the brightest man in the world...or even in a kindergarten class...but he had better sense than to do this. This was rogues, someone sending a message. Orm just couldn't fathom what it could be. He got up, going to the adjoined bathroom to get a drink and noticing the cup he had this morning was gone. Strange, they must replace them daily. How wasteful. He shrugged some and went back to the main room, turning off the TV and deciding on a nap instead.
"You found what at the attack site?" Arthur asked the council, looking at the documentation of evidence. Green Lantern had reported an Atlantean weapon found in some rubble, but the DNA that was on it couldn't be possible.
"The tyrant king Orm Marius's DNA was used to activate the weapon," councilwoman Yavon spoke. She looked pained at the statement. "It appears that he not only escaped his prison, but he also survived the attack against you with the Black Trident." Arthur sighed. This made no sense. Orm was in Coast City, Arthur knew that, but he had spent a year just walking around the country, being completely nonthreatening. He even seemed happy sometimes. What had changed? Arthur frowned more.
"How is his DNA even able to activate these weapons still?" he asked. The council shifted nervously, like they had hoped he wouldn't be smart enough to ask. People underestimating his intelligence would never not be annoying.
"It seems that some of the weapons' caches in that part of the ocean had not been updated to remove his ability to use them," council Horath spoke, sounding bored. Arthur glared at him.
"Are we keeping you from something councilman?" the king asked, wrapping his fingers around Atlan's trident. The councilman sat up a little straighter.
"No, your majesty, I am just glad that finally the escapee slipped up. I have been warning this council that the former king has been living, traveling the North American continent for a year now and everyone ignored my warnings. Well here you are, plan as day, seeing that he is in fact alive and now has found weapons to attack the surface with," he said. Arthur sighed. He couldn't hold off Horvath any longer. This was too much to argue with.
"Yes councilman, I see that we have gravely mistaken your warnings, what we thought was paranoia was insight into a criminal who was cunning enough to hide in plain sight. We will not make that mistake again," Arthur said. Horvath seemed satisfied, a haughty grin on his face. Another councilman, Orlan, stood up.
"Let me send my son after the king, he is a general with the battalion in that part of the ocean, Orvex will be able to find him and bring him to justice," he said. Of all the council member Orlan was the worst. He was constantly trying to undermine Arthur or wrestle just a little more power away from someone else. It was aggravating and unnerving and Arthur knew he had to be careful with the handling of this situation..
"Let us not jump to such things just yet. Sending a general to the surface with a small army may concern the people there. They might take it as an act of war and we don't need them trying to find Atlantis and drop a nuke on us Independence Day style," Arthur said, drawing blank looks from the others. God he missed his wife, Mera at least was starting to understand his references. "I know a metahuman on the surface. She has incredible power, she will be able to track down Orm and even subdue him, all without get the military involved. She lives around where the attack occurred and I'm sure she knows the area enough to know where he might be hiding. I just need the DNA evidence to take to her. She will use that to find and captured my brother." He could see Orlan seething at his son's big moment being taken away but Arthur needed to make sure that Orm didn't do this. If he did Arthur would cart his tantrum having ass back himself, but if he didn't he needed to warn his brother that someone knew he was alive. And was trying to use him to start a war with the surface.
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gracelaurie · 6 months
Falling into your ocean eyes 🌊 | Orm Marius x Fem!Reader
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part 2 🌊
Warning ⚠️ : enemies to lovers, Fights to each other, Orm attacks y/n (choke), harsh words.
for the next part ➡️ masterlist
Y/N's brown hair turned slightly golden in the sea. She couldn't stop looking at how beautiful the view was from under the sea, the coral reefs and all the plants on the seabed that were lit up colorfully. She really wanted to get out of this transportation and enjoy directly the beauty she saw behind the glass, but creatures like sea aliens were really serious watching her, making her sick.
There is like a large and majestic gate, the road to enter Atlantis. What she saw was really like a myth, or being in a dream that you don't want to wake up from. everything is so sophisticated, advanced civilization, no less than the surface.
But the worst part had come, she had to face King Orm.
“Lady Y/N is already here, Your Highness.” Vulko said.
Orm turned around, his hand still holding his trident. He looked into Y/N's eyes sharply, then a few seconds later he smiled, “Welcome to Atlantis, my future sister-in-law.”
Y/N dived closer to Orm, then responded with a sinister smile, “This place is so beautiful, I almost thought it wasn't real. But sadly, its beauty becomes gloomy because you block it.”
“Is that really?” Orm dived around Y/N, his ocean eyes met her brown eyes. He smiled sarcastically, “because as far as I thought, you always presented yourself as my mistress. It’s impossible that behind that hateful face you show, there is a very deep feeling of attraction to your King.”
“I already know how evil you are, and your jealousy of your brother. You know that he is the one who deserved the throne. And as for Mera, I don’t feel any love growing for you.” Y/N spoke with so much confident.
“I’m the true King, you stupid witch.” Orm raised his tone for the first time towards Y/N. Arthur ran away with his fiancée Mera, which made him quite frustrated. Y/N's words were enough to make his blood boil.
“It's not my fault if I'm telling the truth—“
“Take her.” Orm said to the guards, then they immediately surrounded Y/N.
“No, no… you can’t do this, I need to see my father.”
Orm glared, “And I need you to shut your fucking half-blood mouth. Obey me, so I will give you to King Nereus.”
Y/N smiling, “Oh I will not obey anyone.” Her eyes turned bright red, a red flash struck the room so that the guards were thrown into the corner of the room because of the magic that had just come out of her hands.
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Orm immediately attacked her by using her trudent, but before the attack hit her skin, she threw Orm using her chaos magic.
Attack after attack, shots continued to be fired at Y/N, but she avoided the shots very well. Her magic works very well on the seabed, making her unstoppable.
“Your Highness, this madness has to stop. King Nereus will be here soon.” said Vulko.
“It won’t.” Orm didn't launch another attack this time, he dived very quickly to choke Y/N's neck making it difficult for her to breathe.
Orm smiled with satisfaction seeing Y/N's face red and struggling to breathe. He tightened his choke to Y/N's neck, “You know, I hate it when someone says that someone is more worthy of being King than me. A surface witch like you has no right to have that opinion but to brazenly entered my mind to seduce me.”
“I’ve…..seen it….all,” Y/N said with her breath starting to run out, “future.”
“See what, surface witch?” Orm said with disdain, “Our relationship?”
“You…wish.” Y/N said one last time before she fainted from running out of breath.
“Take her away.” Orm ordered his guards, then they took Y/N's body which was lying on the floor.
He looked at Y/N who had fainted and was being carried by her bodyguards. It occurred to him to do something that was the opposite of what he had just done.
“Stop there, let me carry her.”
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kinda-indecisive · 5 days
🌤🌊 AO3 Masterlist 🌊🌤
~~ Aquaman (2018) ~~
With a focus on Orm Marius
King Orm (scene novelization | completed) Atlantis PD (AU | one shot | completed)
Aquaman (2018) AU w/ my OC
Of Land, Ocean, and Sky (crossover | longfic | in progress) Ripples of Time (completed)
~~ Other DC and DCEU ~~
Watchmen (2009)
Last Journals of a Defector (epistolary | completed | tbc?)
Pre-Man of Steel (2013)
Growing Up (crossover | in progress)
~~ Lore Olympus ~~
Lore Olympus AU w/ my OC
An Arrival (prologue | one shot | completed) Growing Up (crossover | in progress) Of Land, Ocean, and Sky (crossover | longfic | in progress)
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mathiwrites · 2 months
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the binder // a clark kent, orm marius & bruce wayne smut collection
SUMMARY: The binder is a comprehensive reference book for Orm to understand various surface practices pertaining to sex, kinks, foreplay and intimacy. Clark has explained that sex goes beyond duty, and for him, it’s a form of love, affection and exploration. This fic compiles all the smut inspired by Clark’s binder.
This smut-only fic ties in with five years (or an AU version of that). Each chapter is considered a one-shot, and scenes will feature either Clark and Orm, Clark or Orm, or their favourite recurring guest (until he "becomes so fucking for real" with himself about this ship): Bruce Wayne. Please note that I am officially calling this threesome: SUPERWETBATS.
RATING: Explicit
PAIRING: Various combinations of Clark Kent, Orm Marius & Bruce Wayne.
chapter 1 - touchstarved
(Read below the cut - 18+ only)
The suite is silent, peaceful after a long day of trailing the children around the parks. He can shed the disguise, and the expensive tailored clothing; designed to look mundane, but unaffordable to those the look was inspired by. He could have borrowed Clark’s clothes, but their friendship isn’t like that anymore, is it? Not since that night.
Just one more time, they had agreed.
Yet that one time was enough to drive a wedge between them, and Bruce has yet to figure out how to bridge the Orm-sized gap between them. This week is an olive branch—an attempt to make a family out of the ill-fitting and complicated components: a now-married ex-lover (and former best friend?), his (usually) hateful husband, an adopted orphan and a clone-turned-son. This heroic life is complicated.
The more Bruce thinks about it, the more the needling between his brows grows into a headache. At the very least, this week is simple. Visit the parks, let the kids run free, and make amends. They’ve been through so much, and Bruce is tired of fighting. This week has been as week of kindness, and he shows his desire to move on in the only way he knows how: throw money at the issue. (Only because he cannot punch, or out think his way through this one.)
Bruce is up late into the evening. He can’t sleep again, and there’s a nagging energy twisting its way through his leg, giving it an anxious bound when he is not anxious. He is perfectly fine. He’s even brought a book, and for the life of him, he cannot remember what it’s about. His eyes keep glazing over the words, reading the same line over and over to the point that he starts to wonder: does Disney World need Batman?
Probably not.
“What are you doing?”
He hadn’t heard Orm’s arrival; his coiled energy nearly makes him jump, if only to give him something to do.
“Reading,” he clips, feigning investment in the book.
“Do you ever sleep like a regular human?” Orm’s voice is clear judgement, despite the betrayal of his happy (faint) bioluminescent glow. That joy has nothing to do with this irregular human.
Bruce turns a page, and sighs with mild annoyance. He finally closes the book, and meets Orm’s eyes. “My body is used to being awake for patrols. It’s too much of a hassle to change that for this vacation, and have to return to that pattern when we get home.”
He finally drinks in the sight of the Atlantean before him. Orm’s blonde hair is in disarray, and errant droplets of water cling to his skin, needing the King just as much as he craves the sea. Bruce’s gray eyes slowly trail the line of his body, noting the towel. He wears nothing else. On his shoulder, a bruise roughly the shape of Clark’s hand is already healing, along with faint bite, and kiss marks.
“Why are you here?” He uses antagonism as a way of distraction. “Did you come to thank me for the good idea?” The last time he saw the two of them, Clark seemed very happy. Of course, he would be. Bruce knows what he likes, and grand gestures are right up Clark’s alley. Seeing Orm put on a mermaid show for surface children is the kind of generosity that will win Clark over every single time. If the bruises are anything to go by, Bruce was right.
“No.” Just like that, the taunt is ignored. Orm tips his head, raising a brow in Bruce’s direction. Though his eyes have yet to adjust to the surface, he can feel the weight of Bruce’s gaze on him. He steps closer. Not too close, but just enough. “Like what you see?”
There’s a moment where Bruce considers running from this. He’d made his interest clear. He’d described what he wanted out of all of this. He ran from Clark once, and it was his mistake. The family, the kids and the stupid little vacations—he wants it all. Orm was willing, so long as he earned it—so long as he undid all the chaos and the hurt he’d caused. This afternoon had been a truce on both parts.
“Yes,” he swallows and nods, allowing a sliver of emotion to slip through.
Orm remains impassive as he takes a seat across Bruce. “I owe you a song,” he says simply. From this afternoon. In the long conversation of wants, and needs, comfort had been a confession slipped between the gentle sloshing of water at the aquarium. A king always repays his debts.
Bruce nods, accepting the gift given; he expects nothing, and the kindness warms him. He lays down on the couch. The lullaby washes over him, coaxing his muscles to ease, and his mind to slow. Orm’s sirensong grounds him in the present; it bars Bruce from crashing against the waves of his anger, and his vengeance. His lips part in a gentle sigh.
When it ends, Bruce is acutely aware of Orm’s presence—of the way the King shifts from his seat, and makes a throne of the head of the couch. He opens his eyes, watching him curiously, and he knows Orm is aware of him, too.
“You may not touch, but you may look. If you wish.”
The rules stand. Orm is to initate. Bruce will not. He will wait, and he will take what is given to him.
Bruce gets up slowly. A deep breath in, and exhale through his nose—a sound often heard when he’s trying to regulate his reactions. It’s his attempt to keep his emotions guarded and out of whatever this is.
“Look at what,” he challenges and leans back, casually. “Everything on display, I’ve seen.”
“Look at me,” Orm replies, head tilting again questioningly. “Naked.” He thought it was obvious. “Without the towel.”
Bruce’s nostrils flare, and his eyes darken. The flirty look on his face dampens ever so slightly, slipping into focus and determinaion. It’s easier to flirt when he doesn’t care—when he thinks he doesn’t want it as much as he does. “Get rid of the towel.” His voice finds that familiar low rumble, but this time, it’s made of velvet instead of gravel and justice.
The order touches upon the part of Orm’s brain that thrives on orders. He’s a king and a warrior, and he understands the value of a well-executed mission. On land, he relies on the auditory than the visual, and he likes the silk in Bruce’s voice. He stands, closing the distance between them. He takes hold of Bruce’s hands and guides them to rest on the towel, just above his waist.
“Make me.”
Bruce tracks Orm’s every movement, like a hunter stalking his prey. (Or is he the one on the cusp of being devoured?) His entire being ignites, thrilled by the back and forth of this unnamed thing. Here, he does not have to pretend. The silk pyjama pants do nothing to hide his interest, cock tenting beneath the fabric and standing it with a growing spot of precome.
He lets Orm touch him which is a rare feat indeed.
“Your orders are contradictory, your highness.” Bruce mocks because he can. He looks to Orm as man, not a king. The title is so out of place, as if he would yield to anyone, and yet it’s terribly fitting that a king would find a way to make Bruce surrender to his own desires. “Do you want me to look, or to touch?”
Orm likes the title. He hums, leaning forward slightly, eyes gleaming, fixated on Brue. He has never been much of a patient man when it comes to getting what he wants. Orm guides Bruce’s hands, undoing the towel and letting it fall to the floor. He leans closer, his warm breath curling between them as he speaks lowly. “Look.”
There’s a dangerous moment where Bruce considers capturing Orm’s lips with his; his eyes keep flickering towards them, watching the way they curve around that single command. Arousal pools low, erection twitching with a yearning for more.
“Fuck,” he breathes, licking his lips—a subconscious gesture—and he bites his bottom one. So close, and yet, so far.
Bruce leans back, admiring Orm in all his glory, not just his proud cock. Art should be appreciated in its entirety. Yeah, this is going to live rent free in his mind for days. He doesn’t miss the smug look on Orm’s face.
The King moves with purpose, running his hands over his taut muscle of his abs and the V of his hips, then finally coming to rest at the base of his cock. Orm strokes himself slowly and with deliberation, never taking his eyes off Bruce.
Those hands are mesmerizing, Bruce follows their every direction. Those hands had fascinated him during the war, wielding the trident like the judgemental hand of god, and in the water as he weaved a performance for Clark. Bruce is drawn to them, thinking of what it would feel like to touch him; he didn’t get to touch him last time, but the last time doesn’t count.
They promised—They promised they would override the old memory with newer, better ones.
To look without touching is torture, but Bruce has survived the most brutal training the world has to offer. He can survive this slow and sensual ache. His cock demands attention, straining against the fabric, and reaching for his belly. Bruce feels Orm’s gaze on him, and responds with an easy smirk. Even now, he refuses to lose. He leans forward, bringing his face so close that his warm breath skirts over Orm’s sensitive skin. He’s not touching, he’s just watching—inspecting—very, very closely.
The sound of Orm stroking himself halts, a blanket of silence falling over them. Orm’s boundaries are respected, and he rewards the restraint by fondling his balls now, putting on a show.
He leans forward, husking, “Like what you see?” A tease.
A soft moan escapes Bruce, and it’s beyond his control. Beneath it, a gentle unspoken plea is uttered. He could, if he wanted to, slip his tongue from his pink lips and lick the glistening bead off the tip of Orm’s cock, but he doesn’t. He wonders if he would be punished; he thinks he might be rewarded by having that length stuffed deep into his throat. He’d let Orm fuck his mouth as roughly as he wants. Bruce is at the mercy of the strain in his pants, the throbbing of his erection and the growing bloom of precum across the dark silk.
Bruce wars against himself, debating against the truth and tease of his own.
“I’ve seen a lot of pretty packages.”
“Not like this,” Orm replies, haughty, teasing.
“No,” is all Bruce can manage, the word is choked out. He curls his fingers into a fist on his thigh, willing himself to stay put. Look, don’t touch, was the order. His nails dig into his palm, leaving vicious little crescent imprints into his pale skin.
He wants, wants, wants—
Just a taste on his tongue, it would be so easy, he’s already so close. His erection has crossed the boundary from demanding to desperate. Just a touch. He would come undone so quickly. Bruce could come, but he fights it with everything that he has. His lips part in a yearning moan.
Orm completes the show for Bruce, shifting back to stroking himself off, hand curled in slow, decisive strokes. He rides the wave of pleasure until he finally reaches the climax. Orm licks his fingers off sensually, still holding Bruce’s gaze.
He tilts his head, content, satiated. “Do you want me to touch you?” A ghost of a smile crosses his face. “Or perhaps another show.”
Bruce wants—
He wants so many damned things.
He wants to curl his tongue between those fingers, and lick them clean. He wants to take Orm to his root, and suck every drop out of him, and make sure that he is pristine. (As a king should be.) He wants to know if Orm tastes like the sea, or if he tastes just as bitter as the first day they met.
Bruce cannot find the words for what he wants, so he just nods. “Let me?” He asks, reaching for Orm’s hand.
Orm narrows his eyes, considering the request. He thinks that Bruce has requested for touch to help him reach climax as well, but his hand ends up at a far difference place. He frowns, processing this, hand curved around the square of Bruce’s jaw. He pauses for a moment, then adds his other hand to the mix, cupping Bruce’s face, leaning forward to rest his forehead against the human’s as well.
Bruce reaches down, pulling himself out of his expensive, luxurious pajamas. He strokes himself, eyes fluttering shut to hone in on the feeling of being caressed. Orm’s touch is cool, and comforting—the night air that cuts through his feverish nightmares. A second hand reaches for him, and he gasps, softly, stroking harder and faster.
The sound of his flesh joins in the symphony of his breath, and soft sounds of restrained pleasure. A strangled sob escapes him as soon as Orm presses his forehead against his.
The mounting pleasure becomes unbearable.
The comfort is all he’s ever asked for.
He comes through grit teeth and grunts, pumping himself dry, even after there’s nothing more left to give. Bruce breathes, hard and heavy. He refuses to open his eyes, unwilling to face the vulnerability he has offered up between them.
Beneath the pleasure, there is shame.
Beneath the shame, desperation.
“I have to clean up,” he clips, pulling back and tucking himself away.
Orm does not understand the change of pace. He thinks to ask if it was enjoyable; he assumes it was, Bruce had been pleasuring himself. “Yes,” he says instead, stiffly. “As do I.”
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blurredcolour · 1 year
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers
Thank you Steph! Sorry this took me so dang long to actually reply to, I wanted to do some housekeeping first!
Stuck - This is afterall my first Austin Butler fic, and the first public fanfic I posted since my Pirates of the Caribbean Days on ff.net (I am as old as the hills, yes).
More Than Words - Soulmate AU where I feel like I challenged myself. I love this little universe.
Nom De Plume - I love this series so very much, it involves so many things I love and it was a joy to write.
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - Look Ma, I wrote a one-shot without smut and it stayed that way!
The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea - Orm Marius (Aquaman 2018) x Reader. Proof that I CAN write for characters not related to Austin Butler.
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Leave Me
Part 3 of Leaving Me Behind
Requested: can you please make a part three of Leaving her because of his father I am literally crying for them for Orm and Reader
Genre: angst (heartbreak), clashing conversation between father and son
(For Orm’s father I had to google his name. It said that his name was Orvax. Not sure if it’s correct but 🤷🏼‍♀️)
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Orm began to dive into the water; he felt a tug in his heart, a strong pull, making his brain calculate how to get back to the shore. He continued swimming. He felt the way of unhappiness as he swam against the moving currents and wave strokes. 
His heartbreak was nothing he could describe or even perceive with words. A feeling he knew was going to last.
Y/n was standing there, crying, pleading to the sky, the sea, and the land for him to return. Her hands shoveled and held the sand as if she was holding a lifeline and was trying to pull him back into her arms where she felt safe and protected. 
But now gone, descending deeper into the water, he felt his eyes gaze upon his kingdom, Atlantis. He meant to rule and guard, although it wasn't something he wanted to be anymore, his heart holding back, and yet his lineage, his bloodline, called him back, and now he doesn't want to go. 
The father's wrath was felt at the castle's entrance, and the defining silence was the only positive presence between the father and son.
'What are you doing?!' His father roared from the throne, 
'I was in love; I love someone. Someone loves me.' the young prince admitted with a broken, delicate tone trying to get a better sense of everything.
'You don't love! A ruler, a future king, doesn't have sentiments. He has his mastership and education to stand behind and not something nonsensical and breakable like love...' he spoke with disgust polluting each word. 
'Are you going to go on an identical path like your mother?!' His father banged his fisted hand on the throne handles, the brute force shaking the throne, the wrathful aftershock slithering around and towards Orm, bringing him to his knees, his face pulled down. The sheer bubbling anger Orm felt, he suppressed it, knowing how wrathful his father was, still feeling the snaps and punches on his body from years prior.
Orvax swam down to his son's level, witnessing his son, a future ruler usually full of dignity, brilliance, and regal venom dripping from his mouth and now spending a couple of months with a surface dweller transforming him. Orvax presumed Orm was just having enjoyment; he did not expect his son to come disfigured as a... disgrace.
Orvax touched his son's shoulder, feeling the quick pull back from Orm, Orm's eyes shooting up in pure fear and shock. Orm never saw his father so close. His father wasn't that type of person, the type of person he was...
'Since you are back, I do hope you won't be going back up. Unless you intend to rain upon waves of hurt to...surface dwellers.'
With the intentional pause on the last two words, Orm saw a mischief gleam in his father's eyes, a gleam he also had, a gleam of revenge.
After all, he was this type of person, vengeful and spiteful.
Orm felt his weight shift back from his feet and entirely on the floor. His future he didn't know he deserved with Y/n, was now gone completely. Replaced by ruling the kingdom, only having a feeling of fear of his father. His thoughts ran with the memories he made with Y/n locking them in the safest place, so nothing could tarnish them, not even his father and his cruel ways. Orm looks up at his blood and asks, knowing very well the answer. 
'So I don't even deserve to be happy, father?'
His father began to walk away as he answered, 'No.'
Y/n looked at the waves still crashing and moving, the scenery shades with a dark blue sky, the full moon, and starts being the only bright thing in Y/n view. Her eyes, red and swollen from crying, were fixed onto the waves, her ears picking up the soft footsteps near her.
'Y/n.' a soft tone spoke, the tone she had heard numerous times. 
'Arthur, what should I do? I thought that he was happy.'
Arthur takes a small letter handing it to her, offering a missing piece of the puzzle.
'Unfortunately, it is power beyond our measures.'
Opening the letter Y/n, she gazed upon the rich handwriting.
I love you. I do not wish to think this is our last communication, but it is. I hope to Gods that it is not. You gave me something no one ever did: to live happily. To enjoy. And my heart breaks over the thought of you crying, wasting your tears on someone like me. Therefore, I will continue to live as a future ruler, and you should continue your life without me. I will always cherish our moments in my cold heart.
Y/n glimpses at Arthur and speaks, 'What should I do, Art?'
'Take one day at a time. Let's get you into the house.'
Standing up after hours of sitting, Y/n ambled back home, turning around, trying to see one last time if Orm was there, waiting for her. 
There wasn't much on the sea, only rocks and waves and a heartbroken king looking from the far distance, his love walking away.
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asrealasadonut · 2 years
Even though the Gods are crazy, Even though the stars are blind
A Orm/orignal female character fic
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A/N: this is embarrassing and I wanna set myself on fire for writing this. Orm is mostly likely out of character so if you’re a hardcore Ocean Master stan don’t come for me, okay? I only know Orm from the movie so, I’m writing him more like the king he is rather than him as a dc character I guess. I just wanted him to be gentle and soft for once 😔
Ps: it’s my first fic ever so don’t expect much lol
Summary: Orm comes across an injured mermaid named Gloria, outside the fisherman kingdom. Orm stays by her side as she heals. The two become close. They start seeing each other in secret. As his wedding to Mera soon approaches, the sea maiden feels insecure about her place in his life. Orm reassures her that he still wants to keep seeing her.
They meet in secret by nightfall. An underwater cave off the coast of Italy. The large oval shaped pool of shimmering blue waters looked almost, black at night. It was surrounded by dark rough rock. It was oh so quiet and private. Perfect for secret meetings. Gloria liked to sit above the water against a rock where she could rest her pearlescent purple and blue tail.
A few minutes passed. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Orm’s blond head pop up from the water. He pushed back some hair that fell out in front of his eyes. He couldn’t hide the playful grin on his face.
He took his time to remove his armor. Normally he'd come with his skin tight Atlantean clothes but tonight Orm left the palace as soon as his kingly duties were done for the day. He was exhausted. He needed to be close to Gloria and touch her skin.
Still in the water he swam to the mermaid. Orm pushed some of his blond hair back. Being slightly above water it had a habit of sticking to his face. Pulling himself up on the rock she was sitting on, they met each other halfway with a peck on the lips.
“I missed you.”
Orm murmured. His dreamy smile never fading from his face.
Gloria’s cheeks turned red.
He pulled the rest of his weight up to sit next to her. He snaked his arms around her waist and held her back against his chest. Orm had a long day and he couldn’t wait to see Gloria. He considered their time together precious.
“Could I just hold you for a moment?” His needy voice whispered.
They sit in silence for a while. Gloria thought she heard him snore. She knew he’d stay up late and make time to see her. He was truly a thoughtful person. She couldn’t imagine being him for a day. The stress he was constantly under! Gloria can feel his body finally relax against her own. She was happy to relieve some of that stress from him if only for a moment. She nudges him slightly and Orm’s jerks awake.
“Was I asleep?”
Gloria nods as she lets out a giggle.
“Long day?”
He sighs.
She smiles at the large tired man.
“What did you do today?”
He pouts.
“I don’t want to bore you with that.”
“You know I don’t mind listening.” She says sweetly.
He frowns.
“Today at the palace, Mera and I rehearsed for the wedding.”
Gloria was hit with a pang of jealousy. She forgot who Orm was for a moment. In her head, She pretends he’s just some man she’s seeing. She knew they could never be a real couple. It was a secret and that’s how it would be until he called it off. Why would the King of Atlantis let some water nymph’s foolish emotions affect him? She couldn’t have him all to herself. Orm had a duty to his kingdom. His marriage to Mera was vital to unify the kingdoms. Gloria wasn’t of royal blood so she’d never fully understand the bubble he lived in.
“Did it go well?” She decided to ask simply.
“Mmhm”. Orm nuzzles into her neck and places kisses along her shoulder and back. She closes her eyes and shivers into his touch. She lets herself enjoy it but only for a short moment. She frowns.
“Orm? I-“
He stops when he feels her pulling away.
“What’s troubling you?” His eyes shining with concern.
She lets go of Orm and she shifts her eyes somewhere else. Gloria huffs out of frustration.
“Sometimes I pretend you're not a king.” She states.
Orm frowns. He had a feeling Gloria was ashamed of what they were doing together. He catches her chin and turns it towards him.
“You know if things were different I’d choose you.”
She pushes his hands away.
“ This was a mistake Orm.” She adds nervously.
She plops back into the water.
“I’m sorry”
She slips into the ocean. She had to leave. This felt wrong. It’s like she’d finally been caught. Orm dived in and followed the sea maiden. Quickly catching up with her. He swam in front so he could speak to her.
He looked pensive. Then spoke. “I don’t regret this. Us, Gloria. Look where we are. We’re both here. Alone. Together,
He takes her hands.
“And I want you. Right now.”
She glances up at him. Eyes still hesitant to fully meet his.
He presses his lips to her knuckles.
“Gloria?” He says softly.
She gives in and meets her brown with his light blue. Gloria instantly felt truly seen. Looking into his soft eyes and hearing the way he says her name. Orm Whispered it like a prayer. She just wanted to sit in this cave and be held in his arms forever. She can feel her eyes watering. He smiles. His eyes crinkle with sincerity.
She closes her eyes. He cups her cheek. He softly kisses her forehead. Then her eyelids and cheeks. She sighs from his feather light kisses.
“I need you Gloria.” He mumbles against her skin.
Gloria couldn’t believe that the man who was trained as a warrior, born to be king, and rule the 7 seas was the same one who on his off days would lay half naked and sleep with his head in her lap. She’d rake her fingers through his hair and watch his chest rise and fall. His soft features so still. Gloria’s heart ached for him.
Gloria was just a mermaid. And Orm was King of Atlantis. So what if they couldn’t be together. When he held her, nothing mattered outside of this cave. This is sacred and precious. They’ll always have the cave.
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doormatty3 · 8 months
Minors do not interact!
Always feel free to message me about whatever you want - yes, I also take requests! I write smut for men I'm feral about ~
Check out my Ao3!
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ONE-SHOTS: newest to oldest
Onions and Orgasms - Orm Marius x Reader: You laugh about Orm’s horrible kitchen skills, and he shows you with what he *is* skilled. The King's Broodmare - Orm Marius x Reader: Orm *makes* you submit to him and turns you into his perfect pet. Echoes Of Madness - Possessed!Josh Lambert x Reader: Josh is possessed and possesses you with his cock A True Gentleman - Patrick Wilson x Reader: Patrick teaches you to be quiet while taking his cock Dirty Little Nun - Patrick Wilson x Reader: Patrick gets on his knees and makes you worship a different type of god
SERIES: newest to oldest
Whispers In The Shadows Josh Lambert x Reader:
Pushing Further - And they were roommates - except you fucked his dad Veiled Passions - Josh shows you who you belong to Pushing Further: Josh POV - How I fucked his friend in a college dorm room Veiled Passions: Josh POV - I show her who she belongs to
MULTIPLE CHAPTER FICS: newest to oldest
Ocean Eyes - Orm Marius x Reader: You impress Orm with the surface world and he impresses you with his Atlantean cock FINISHED, CHAPTER 8/8 Sinner's Salvation - Ed Warren x Reader: Ed shows you how well he can possess your body - and your cunt FINISHED, CHAPTER 2/2
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ONE-SHOTS: newest to oldest
Till Next Time, Love - Matty Healy x FOC: Matty puts the cock in cockiness and does what he does best
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Pillar - Orm Marius
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Pairing: Orm Marius x Reader
Characters: Orm Marius, Nuidis Vulko
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon: ““Sir, it hurts” with Orm Marius please?”
Word Count: 750
Author: Hannah
You had never been someone that defied orders or something that didn’t do as they were told.
Atlantis had been, in the past, an amazing place to live and to grow up however in recent years those around you had become more wary of the man that took up the position of your king.
Even though Orm was terrifying to pretty much everyone in Atlantis, you had always seen a different side to him.
Growing up alongside him and Mera made for an interesting and eventful childhood – whilst you didn’t agree with some of the things that Orm had done, you weren’t going to go against him.
You had found yourself as one of Orm’s advisors, alongside Vulko, and many people didn’t agree with having a woman as advisor to the king, but their opinions never lasted long.
Of course you had gone to the meeting that Orm was having with King Nereus but when the attack from the submarine descended, you had been caught in the crossfires of people trying to get away and the result being you falling from your steed and crashing against one of the pillars that surrounded you all.
Orm saw you crash against the pillar and sent Vulko over to help you.
“Are you alright my lady?” he questioned as he reached out to you.
You shook your head. “My back took most of the impact.”
He nodded, not asking anymore questions but pulling you into him so that you would be able to get back.
Once Orm had taken care of the situation, and spoken to King Nereus, he came over to where Vulko was still holding you.
“What happened?” he demanded almost instantly.
“As people were fleeing, I was caught up with them and I was made to crash against the pillar.”
He sighed, looking annoyed and made the motion for all of his people to return to Atlantis.
Once you were back, Orm took you to his chambers in order to provide medical assistance.
“Sir, it hurts,” you told him as he placed you onto his bed.
He rolled his eyes, a slight smile on his face. “Enough of the “Sir” nonsense my dear, we aren’t in public anymore.”
You smiled at him and rolled onto your front so that Orm could unzip your clothes to get to your back.
The hissed intake of breath was enough to tell you that the pillar had done some damage. “It is not a surprise that you are in pain my dear, the bruising that has already developed is immense.”
“Which means that you can’t roll your eyes at me when I say it hurts,” you reminded him causing him to chuckle. “But also, that you need to take care of me.”
Orm lay down next to you, running his hand through your hair gently. “I always take care of you.”
Nodding, with a smile, you closed your eyes as Orm leant forward to kiss you but quickly winced when his hand wrapped around your waist.
“Let’s hope you heal fast,” he stated making you laugh.
“As long as you don’t put me in a situation like that again, we will be fine.”
His brow furrowed at your words, clearly confused as he was unaware that you knew he had orchestrated the attack.
You sighed, reaching out to place your hand on his cheek. “I know the submarine was your idea, and I know you paid that guy off to do it – you want revenge on Arthur, I can see that.”
Orm looked shocked but then regained his composure. “Why did you not say anything?”
“Whilst I don’t agree with you, I know that I cannot stop you nor can I convince you that it isn’t right,” you explained. “All I can do is try to make sure that you don’t die in the process and that you don’t kill your brother.”
“He isn’t my brother!”
Sighing again, you tried to sit up but still winced in pain. “As much as you want to deny it Orm, he is, and I know that your mother would hate to see all of this happening.”
Orm sat up next to you, pulling you into him as gently as he could and kissed the top of your head. “My mother wouldn’t have wanted this, no, but she shouldn’t have had him.”
“We cannot change the past; we can only ensure that our future is what we wish.”
“And our future will not have the half-breed in it.”
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marvelanddcsmut · 5 years
Fish Out Of Water Part 8
Author’s Note: I’m posting this way later than I should have. I’m super sorry about that. There are a couple of reasons for that, the first being midterms. The second being I’m currently dying and have been laying in bed all week sick. I hope you enjoy this part!
Orm passes me the first aid box.
“So what happened?” I ask as I rip open a pack of antiseptic wipes.
“It appears members of the Fisherman Kingdom have been stalking the waters around the house.”
I hiss as the antiseptic touches the wounds, “And they want you dead because you killed their king. Right?”
I toss the wipes into the garbage can, “How’s they miss?”
“They couldn’t make the shot they wanted because you were there.”
I look up, “What do you mean?”
“The Fisherman sect believes in educating humans, not harming them. You were in front of me, so they shot to injury, not kill me.”
I rip open some gauze, “Mind giving me a hand wrapping this?”
“Going swimming was a poor idea. You’re far too fragile.” Orm says as he grabs the gauze.
“I’m not fragile!”
Orm rolls his eyes, “Had I not dragged you to safety you would have died.”
“Contrary to what you might think, I can handle myself. I’m not helpless.”
I place a piece of gauze over the wound as Orm wraps more gauze around my waist. Occasionally his hand will brush against my stomach.
“You’re helpless. You tried to hit me and I caught your wrist. You’re lucky I didn’t break your wrist for that.”
I raise my brows, “You have no idea the extent of my powers. You’re lucky I only tried to hit you.” I say as I rip a piece of tape and press it down to hold the gauze in place.
Orm’s interest peaked, “What else can you do?” he asks.
“Sensing emotions is only part of what I can do.” I explain, “When I’m focused enough I can manipulate emotions.” Orm looks at me, clearly skeptical, “So you can make someone sad. What good is that?”
I laugh at Orm’s naivety, “I’d show you, but I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me? You’re a fragile little human. How much damage could you possibly do?”
“Keep calling me a ‘fragile little human’ and I’ll show you how much damage I can do.” I shoot back.
“Maybe you’re abilities work on humans, but I am Atlantean. I am the superior species.”
I roll my eyes, “Then there’s no harm in me trying?” I ask, well aware my ability will work.
Orm raises his arms to give me the okay.
I smirk and place my hand on his shoulder and begin to focus. I begin drawing out fear. Once I feel Orm’s resistance fade I begin to really work my magic. You’re afraid. It’s only a matter of time before the Fisherman Kingdom comes. You can’t hide here forever. What was that noise? You hear it don;t you? I look up at Orm. His eyes are shut and he’s shaking slightly. They’re here. You can’t run or hide. It’s over. You can’t move. You can’t stand anymore. You’re falling. As soon as I ‘say’ that Orm hits the ground.
I carefully slide off the counter and kneel next to Orm. He opens his eyes, shocked by what had happened.
“How are you feeling? I hope you’re not too shaken up. I hope I held back enough.”
Orm slowly sits up, leaning against the cabinets.
“I don’t understand.” Orm says, “You took me down.”
I laugh as he struggles to comprehend what just happened, “I can explain it in more depth if you’d like.”
“I have a number of questions.” Orm says.
“I’d be happy to answer them, but you need to get some rest. We can talk upstairs if you’d like.”
Orm looks at me. It’s clear he doesn’t want to admit how much I was able to affect him.
I smile and begin to get up. I pull myself up using the edge of the counter. Once I’m standing I reach my hand out to help Orm up. Orm grabs my hand and I help him up. Once we’re both up, we head upstairs.
“Your room or mine?” I ask as we make it up the stairs.
“Yours is fine.” Orm says nonchalantly.
I nod and open the door. I help Orm to my bed. Once he’s laying down  I cross my legs and sit down at the end of the bed. Orm looks at me in confusion.
“Why are you sitting on the edge?” Orm questions.
“Well the bed is small and if I laid down I’d be touching you, and I wasn’t sure if that would make you uncomfortable, so I just decided to sit on the edge cause I’d rather be on the safe side and not upset you.” I ramble.
“It doesn’t make me uncomfortable. You’re injured, more than me, you should lay down.”
“Are you sure?” I ask nervously.
“Yes. Humans heal slower, you need to rest more than me.”
I smile at Orm, trying my best to hide my nervousness. I slowly lay down next to Orm. I turn on my good side and bend my knees. I prop myself up slightly on my elbows.
“You’re still on the edge. You’re going to fall off.” Orm says, clearly displeased.
“I’m good. Really.”
Orm reaches behind me and gently tugs me closer towards him. My breath hitches in my throat for a second. Orm’s turns on his side to face me.
“So how did you learn to do that?” Orm says, completely unphased by how close we were to each other.
“It all started when I was a teen. I was so emotional, especially when I came in contact with other people. I swear I was tested for every disorder under the sun, but every test came back clear. I confided in Arthur and he asked Vulko about it. With their help I finally go some answers.”
“So Vulko trained you?” Orm asked. He sounded like he felt betrayed.
“Nope. Arthur asked him to train me, probably a hundred times, but he always said no. He said he didn’t know how to train me. Told me a number of times to just forget about the abilities and be normal, but I never did.”
“So how did you learn how to control emotions. Did your father teach you? Arthur?”
I laugh, “I taught myself.”
Orm looks at me, very surprised.
“About 10 years ago I see this shitty vampire movie. It’s called Twilight. There’s a vampire in it who can control emotions. That got me thinking: what if I could do that? So I started practicing. I used Arthur as my subject.”
“What’s a vampire?” Orm asks.
“It’s an immortal human that drinks blood to survive. The lame ones sparkle in the sun, and the real ones burn in the sun.”
Orm looks at me in surprise and confusion, which makes me chuckle.
“So I practice on Arthur. Emotions of joy are the easiest to create, so I started there. Once I mastered that I tried sadness, then anger, then fear. Now it’s easy.”
“Are all human women like you?” Orm asks.
I tilt my head, “What do you mean?”
“Are all human women strong and independent?”
I blush, “They have the potential to be if they aren’t. Women are pretty amazing.”
Orm gives me a small smile.
“Mera seems strong and independent.”
Orms face falters and I realize what I just said. Damn it Y/N.
“She is. She’s the only women in Atlantis, other than my mother, that was strong and independent. It drove me insane.”
“Do I drive you insane?” I ask.
“Often, but it is different with you.”
Before I can ask another question, Orm turns over and lays on his back. And he’s back to being cold.
“I am getting rather tired.”
I move to get up, but Orm grabs my wrist.
“You should rest too.”
I look over at Orm. Sleeping with him, even in an innocent sense, was a mistake. But I can’t walk away. I just can’t. I lay down next to Orm and close my eyes. It doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep.
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