#Orlando stay park and fly
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the most magical place on earth

summary: visiting disney world with marcello requested by @laurenjbb
you’d been in miami for a few days, visiting marcello’s family with him. you’d been enjoying the time you’d been able to spend with marcello’s family, and were still so grateful that they’d accepted you as their own since you and marcello had been together.
it was coming up on the end of your stay in miami, and you were getting your things packed up to get ready to go the next day.
“so, i have a proposal, if you’re interested.” marcello said to you, coming back into your room.
“what’s up?” you asked him.
“how about we extend our trip a few more days, and drive up to orlando tomorrow, then fly back home from there?”
“oh, that sounds fun! we could go to disney!” you cheered.
“that was my exact idea.” marcello said with a smile.
the next morning, you and marcello were heading out of miami, and hit the road to orlando. once you finally arrived after a few hours drive, you checked into the hotel marcello rented for the next couple of nights. you got to your room, freshened up, and went out to dinner before turning in for the night.
you woke up early to get the most out of your first day in orlando. you went down to the hotel lobby for breakfast, before heading back up to your room to get ready for the day. you dressed in your most comfortable shoes and light clothes, preparing for a long day with a lot of walking. you were excited, to say the least. you hadn’t been to disney world in a long time, and this was the first time you were getting to go with marcello.
once you finally arrived at the park, you made it through the gates, and made your way onto main street. you stood in front of cinderella’s castle, taking obligatory photos in front of if, of and with each other.
“alright, where do we wanna start?” marcello asked, grabbing a park map from a nearby kiosk.
“i’m up for anything!” you said, studying the map with him. you finally decided on tomorrowland as your starting point, and made your way to that area of the park.
throughout the day, you and marcello were partaking in everything your hearts desired. fortunately, it was semi-off season, so the crowds weren’t too big, and you weren’t having to wait in too many long lines. you’d ridden a bunch of rides, eaten a ton of junk food, buying overpriced apparel and mouse ears. you were also lucky enough to catch a few of the characters around the park to take photos with them. it felt like you were kids again, having the time of your lives and living out a wonderful dream.
once you finally made it around the entirety of the park, you and marcello found a spot back near cinderella’s castle to get a good view of the fireworks at the end of the day. you marveled at the display, snapping a few pictures as they lit up the sky.
after you left the park, and finally got back to your hotel, you and marcello were both beyond tired. you flopped down on the bed when you got back up to your room, immediately slipping out of your shoes.
“god, i don’t think i’ve walked this much in my life.” you groaned. you felt marcello sit on the edge of the bed, placing your feet in his lap as he began to massage them.
“same.” he laughed. “but we had so much fun!” it’s been a long time since i’ve been to disney, but i was glad to get to go back with you.” he said, and you heard a smile in his voice.
“me too.” you agreed. you sat up, moving to sit next to him on the edge of the bed. “i’m glad you had the idea to extend our trip.” you said softly, pressing a kiss to his lips and he smiled at you. just then, your moment was interrupted by the sounds of your stomachs growling. you and marcello bursted into a fit of laughter.
“well, i guess we should get something to eat.”
“can we order room service? i don’t think my legs are strong enough to carry me downstairs and to a restaurant.” you sighed.
“i’m with you there.” he laughed. you pulled the room service menu out of the nightstand and looked over it before deciding what you wanted. once your food was delivered, you and marcello lounged in bed, eating and watching tv. you and him spent another day or so in orlando, taking in additional sites and visiting other tourist attractions in the city. it was the perfect end to a perfect vacation, and you and marcello were having the best time.
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Day 01 - Islands Of Adventure

The short
Islands of Adventure today. First full day and it couldnt have been a more perfect first day of our holiday. Once in the park proer, we made a bee line to Hogsmeade and did Forbidden Journey (gold standard as always) and then Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure. And Magical it was, such a great ride and experience, it was fantastic. Jurassic Park next, River Adventure and the super speedy, super awesome Velocicoaster DONE. BAAACK to Hogsmeade to do Flight of the Hippogryph and Hagrid’s again (yup). Pretty much walked on to the Hulk, then Kong and finally Spiderman and the day was done. Very chill day which we didnt expect and ride times were all surprisingly reasonable.. Met up with Pauline and Kevin and went to Chilis for dinner where we were reminded very strongly about how big portion sizes were - IT. WAS. A. STRUGGLE, but very good and great to meet up with the family (not for the first time, I may add - details below). Very tired by the end but overall we all had a very very enjoyable day. Heading to Universal Studios tomorrow with Pauline, Kevin, Emily and Kelly - really looking forward to it.
The long
First off, I am tired writing this as its been a pretty long but very pleasurable day, so please excuse the mistakes, blandness and lack of edit photographs (or even photosgraphs), it’ll get better once I get acclimatized… probably. Please also forgive the fact that this may descend into an incoherent scrawl as I have my first glass of the new whisky at hand as I write this, and it may not be my last as it it very, very nice…
Of all the gin joints in all the towns…
So before I head into today, Ill just give a little recap of some of the events of last night that failed to go into the yesterdays update. Picked up the car after flying through security at the airport and decided to head to Disney Springs to pick up the Magic Bands for our upcoming Disney parks this week. Oh and as soon as we stepped out into Orlando air, the heat just hit us, not too hot - a very pleasant warmth but glad that we dressed for the occasion beforehand. And our car was huge, so spacious and easily devoured all ten of our cases and bags with room to spare. Took about an hour from the airport and by change we parked at the nearest car park to Planet Hollywood which was the place we had to pick up our bands. We were tempted so much to stay at Disney Springs for a while because it felt so familiar and exciting, but came to our senses as it was getting on in the day and headed to the hotel to check-in (and get our smoothies #nom), unpack and get base camp established. And although we were kinda shattered from all of our travels, we headed out to Walmart to get some essential supplies in. Now Walmart is frickin’ huge, its like Asda on Steroids, which then had a baby with Costco and you could easily get lost in it. And who did we bump in to? Pauline and Kevin and the girls (my sister and brother in law for those who dont know). Absolutely crazy and completely unplanned, what are the chances??? So yeah, we were stood in the middle of Walmart catching up and getting the low down on what they’d been up to. It was really nice to meet them out and about even though we had plans to do so this week. So after we said our goodbyes, we returned to the hotel and we all pretty much crashed out.
And now…
This morning I woke up at 5am. Why was this you ask? Maybe it was it my body clock adjusting? Or the heat just getting too much? Nope, it due to an alarm going off, the alarm that Ann had set on her phone to get us up for our flight the DAY BEFORE! I was able to get back for a short sleep though before we woke up proper and we were all the better for a good night sleep.

So on to Islands of Adventure today, our first of the two Universal parks we were doing back to back to kick off the week. We decided to ease ourselves into it, as we had to get our tickets and the accessibility pass organized which would take a little time at guest services. There was a buzz of excitement and familiarity as we parked up in the Jurassic Park carpark and walked down the moving walkway. And the Jurassic Park theme tune playing (which is possibly one of the most emotive movie themes ever), was the icing on the cake. We got to the gate and took our our embarrassingly huge A4 printout to get into the park (I find it pretty crazy Universal still rely on paper and pen for these things). The person scanning us in called everyone by their correct names as we entered one by one, well everyone except me. He called me Gerald. Now, I’ll take this time to recall an event from the evening before - whilst waiting on our Smoothies at the hotel, we came across a whole bunch of keyrings with names, one of which had a similar name to Gerald - Geraldo. I joked at the time about having been referred to that as a friendly moniker occasionally in the past and how it would be funny if I purchased said keyring as a joke. Well, the dude at the gate just gave me a big push in that direction and then having seen a stroller in the park not a 100 yards from that point with the family name of Geraldo, my fate i now sealed.
Guest Services. The girl assisting Ann, Lexi could not have been more helpful and pleasant. Right, I get it , I know this is their job and they get paid to do it, but I’ll tell you what I havent seen such kindness and willingness to help from random people in a long while. and it really didnt stop there. Such nice people here (be warned I fear I may say this a lot on this trip).

So on to Hogsmeade and the plan was to get a return time for Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure (which I will be calling Hagrid’s from this point on), and ride another Harry Potter ride while we wait. We had been forewarned about how excellent Hagrid’s would be by Michael & SJ, so kinda hyped for it. Decided to do Forbidden Journey while waited, and I couldnt quite believe that the wait time was only 15 minutes! The queue experience was excellent and this has been an outstanding ride in the past, so to see this at 20 minutes, that cray-cray. Pauline and Kev had said the parks were a little quieter but I really didn’t expect this. Hopefully a sign of good things to come. So the five of us strolled through Hogwarts halls, wearing our custom HP t-shirts, and we laughed and reminisced about previous years, even way back to the first year when it was only Ann & I as the children were all too small to ride. Happy times at Hogwarts.
Oh yeah the custom t-shirts (see I told you this was going to be all over the place). I’ll mention this only because it’ll matter later, but one of the sets of t-shirts we did (and we did 3 sets in total), was personalised t-shirts with quotes and character references from Harry Potter, all in Gryffindor colours. Ann had Dobby, Grace had Luna, Patrick had Fawkes, Robert had Hagrid and I had the Deathly Hallows. We didnt really have the time to make them so close to the holiday in hindsight but really glad we did.

Anyway, me and my soon to be sidekick for all park rides Grace, were in one cart and the other three in another. It was just like I remembered, and Grace loved it too (though closed her eyes at the spiders). Very enjoyable first ride of the holiday, scores out of ten below.
GG 8.5
AG 7
PG 8
RG 8
GG2 8.5
Now I and the other have adjusted these scores, in anticipation for the newer rides (Im looking at you Rise of the Resistance), so they may have slipped from previous years, but this is still fairly respectable overall.
Hagrids next and again the girl at the gate, Autumn was so amazingly nice. We had an issue getting a retun time for another ride, so she gave us 5 free tickets to walk on to any other ride later in the day and when I had problems with my locker she gave me a comp locker ticket without question. They dont need to do this, but it really made it so special for us. Just utterly humbled by the whole thing.
So Hagrids, aye well to start I was on the motorbike and Grace in the side car, with the rest of the troops not far behind. And it was so utterly, gob smackingly fantastic - I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time (while holding on to the handlebars for dear life). Everyone loved it and Grace screamed 10. 10. 10. 10. no 11, can I give it an 11?…. as we came off the ride and couldnt wait for me to ask her her rating. Ive said we should also give a ride a star everyday and Hagrids got five stars, it was that good.
GG 9
AG 10
PG 8.5
RG 9
GG2 10 (just 10 grace)
Had to get a Butterbeer (so good), and we then headed off to get a return time for the next coaster - VELOCICOASTER! We decided to come back and do Flight of the Hippogryph at a later time.

Life finds a way

We managed to get a return time for Velcicoaster which everyone apart from Ann decided to do. Yes, even Patrick “I dont do Rollercoasters” Gaffney decided he would go on it. No coaxing, arm twisting nothing. It was a big thing for him as hes not good with heights at all and it was a big one, so we dont to PG for stepping up to the plate. Meanwhile Robert “I love all the coasters” Gaffney, had been waiting all day for it!
Jumped on Sadie’s favourite ride, River Adventure, while we waited to go back, and we survived unscathed (well unwet, if thats such a thing). Funny thing as we were waiting in the queue, I had to borrow Anns prescription sunglasses as I couldnt read my phone clearly. Definitely felt old, if I didnt already at that point! Scores on the doors for this one were:
GG 7
AG 6
PG 7
RG 7
GG2 7
Back to Velocicoaster at our return time and the tension was building. Ann took some time out to go fill our unlimited refillable drinks and we hesitantly shuffled to the ride entrance. Grace was getting a little nervous, and even more by the fact it was only 2 persons wide as she would be on the end. But she wanted to try at least once, and to her and everyones elses credit, they did great. But boy, was it fast. Superfast really, reaching up to 70mph at one of the loops, and although that doesnt sound like much, it felt very very much. Robert had it as a definite contender for best ride, and Patrick thoroughly enjoyed it, which was great to hear.
GG 9
AG -
PG 8.5
RR 9
GG 9

We decided to use our free tickets we got earlier to do Hagrid’s again whilst it was still within walking distance, so back to Hogsmeade we went. The day was pretty easy going so didnt fell like were had to hurry through anythng at any point which was a nice feeling, so backtracking really wasnt an issue.
Flight of The Hippogryph. It was very short, just like this paragraph so heres the scores:
GG 6.5
AG 5
PG 6.5
RG 6.5
GG 6.5
Seriously though, still a nice wee ride, but when you now need to factor in the newcomers, it starts to slip.
The Fountain of Knowledge

Whilst taking a break before doing Hagrid’s again, we decided to sit on the edge of a nice water fountain in The Lost Continent area. I took my camera out for the first time (hence the lack of photographs, but that will definitely be changing as of tomorrow), and took a few shots of Grace. All of a sudden the fountain started speaking to us! It was surreal. His name was apparenlt Finneus (yeah Finneus the Fountain) and complimented us on our tshirts and asked where we were from. And on hearing that we hailed from Scotland, he put on a poor scottish accent (as you do or at least as others do) and asked about Haggis, the weather and the MIDGES, all the while cracking jokes. It was hilarious and so surreal. It was things like this that made our day get better and better. And it really didnt stop there. So we then got into the queue at Hagrids with our free passes, only to be called back hurriedly by one of the ride ushers. We thought we had done something wrong, but they wanted to see our custom T-shirts! And they were so impressed by them, that they told us to keep our free tickets as they were going to walk us all right to the front of the ride! We just couldnt believe it. It was EVEN better then second time, so better in fact I increased my score to 9.5. As we were leaving we thanks the crew, and they then asked if we wanted to do it again. WHAT??? It was insane, so yeah back to the front of the line yet again for our third time around Hagrids. Such a crazy series of events and special shout out to Justin, Andrea and Jake for that, absolutely buzzing after it and definitely worth eeking out the time to get the thsirts designed and printed.
To wrap up the day, we got a return time for Kong and while waiting for that headed to The Hulk. The ride Grace had been desperately wanting to try since the last time when she was too short to ride. The queue time was only TEN MINUTES!!! Just me, Robert and Grace for this one and Grace, who had been a bit shaky after Velocicoaster was starting to get a little anxious for it. She gripped my handed as we headed off from the platform, and after the first look I heard her screaming. Thinking that she it was too much for her, I looked over only to see her screaming with joy and we twisted upside side down and around and around and around. She exited with the words, BEST RIDE EVER! although her heart won out as she ultimately settled on Hagrids as her most favourite ride experience of the day. I was a little apprehensive about The Hulk after riding Velocicoaster, not living up to the memory and would pale in comparison to the newer tech rides. But it did not disappoint, it was everything I remembered it was, great solid ride and one I would happily go on again and again (which coincidently is what Grace said she wanted to do). One of Robert favourite ride from last time, and he felt the same way to.
GG 9
AG -
PG -
RG 8.5
GG2 10

Penultimate ride of the day - Skull Island: Reign of Kong and although I couldnt remember much from last time, it was really great and mixed visual effects, motion effects and animatronics really well.
GG 8.5
AG 7.5
PG 7.5
RG 8
GG 8
And finally Spiderman. Showing its age a little now, but still a good ride with lots of great sequences.
GG 7.5
AG 7
PG 7
RG 7
GG 7
And with that, we were done with the Islands of Adventure for the day. Honestly so overwhelmed by it all, and cant say enough how much of an amazing day we all had. If every day turned out to be half as good as this, it will be a fantastic trip.
And for dinner we caught up with Pauline, Kevin, Emily and Kelly after a quick change and headed to Chilis. Having only had a snack as we werent really hungry throughout the day, we were ready for it! We sat down to a a plethora of home made chips/nachos, cheese, chicken tenders, wings, bites, sizzling fajitas, corn and the biggest mozzarella sticks on the planet. Of course, not accounting the portion sizes, I think it defeated most of us in the end (well apart from Kev, Patrick and Robert), so will to take that into account in future. It was a great night made even better by my mum and dad who had given us the funds to cover the meal before we left (thanks guys! :)
Were heading to Universal Studios with P&K tomorrow, so need to be up bright and early, so with that Ill sign off for now. Thanks to those of you who are still here, spk to you tomorrow!
Step count of the day: 20.5k
Star rides: Hagrid’s (5 stars)
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No matter the current situation versus potential situation, there are going to be parts of a move that suck and are stressful. Especially so if it involves moving states. But just because Some parts are going to inevitably suck doesn't mean all of it is doomed to. I'm not sure where your current residence is, but one good thing about moving somewhere that has regular heatwaves is that there are more resources available when it comes to dealing with them. IK that sounds kinda silly but I feel like it's the truth, ESP when it comes to moving somewhere that gets a lot of tourists. I don't want to be an old man "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" but as a native Floridian I can't help but stress that it's the truth xD.
Leaving a support system does sound very scary, but if it is around Orlando/Lake Buena Vista that you want to move to, at least it should be within reasonable distance of an airport when it comes to calling for help or needing to fly out for some reason. Traffic is going to suck, but like the heat it's something you will get used to. This is a move people make a lot, and while that doesn't make it any easier, I hope it helps it feel like it's not so dumb and impossible. Another thing I want to include in this word wall is this: You're smart and an adult and I'm sure you don't need to be told that you're probably not going to get the exact position you want right away. It might be something you have to work up towards or have just a 'getting by' job until you do get your foot in the door or on the path to the door you wanna go through. It's gonna be hard and there are gonna be days in your happy place that aren't as happy and there are probably times you're gonna feel like it sucks. But sucky days aren't going to completely eliminate the possibility of good days. I believe in you and have all of my fingers and toes crossed that this is something that works out in your favor with as few hiccups as possible. The chances of there being no hiccups at all is really slim, but, I am still hoping and praying that things swing in your favor as much as they can.
I needed to hear all this today, thank u 🥰
You’re right, I hadn’t thought of the various resources for heat they’ve got. My previous college program, they were able to move me to nights or early mornings which was nice! I really enjoyed working those. Opening was a joy tbh. Closing was a joy as well.
That is the area - like a 20 mile range from WDW lol. The traffic is something I’m not as worried about because I did it in my programs and lawd my hometown has it worse.
I’m coming from a gentrified medium city on the Eastern seaboard that’s gotten too many incoming tourists for our infrastructure to handle. It’s bumper to bumper from 4:30 to 6 at cross sections because there’s only one or two major routes. Maddening.
You’re right about the airport. My town flies direct to MCO so that’ll be easy. (Just gotta solve the pets for trips back and forth…)
Absolutely, I’m expecting to have to network and work my way up. I’m going to apply for everything when the time is right and see what sticks. My husband will be able to find a job, EZPZ. I’ve got a nice resume and I’m planning to really make my LinkedIn page nice? Try to network on Disney’s alumni website too. See if I can find any work that’s $20+ with them. 🤷🏼♀️ If not, I’ll go executive assistant route or try the other theme park or teach. (In Florida? It’s lowest on my list.) Disney has multiple roles for me to use my education degree. Just, like you said, got to get my foot in the door
Thank u kind stranger. This is a large move. And it’s not impossible… But it is life changing. It’s not just me involved. Thinking about how much I love my current job (at the moment) is making me hesitate too. Idk, next years’s students may have me packing my bags.
Our plan is to move at the new year. Professional internships will have started if I need to go that route. I’ll have stayed a semester at my school, we’ll have Christmas goodbyes and enough money saved to pay everything we need to for the move. Just feels right.
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Experience the Magic of Orlando This October Half Term! ✨🎢
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🔹 Resort fees may apply, payable locally.
🔹 Universal Epic Universe may have limited capacity on select days.
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Ohana Travel’s by Danielle x is affiliated with Inteletravel who hold ABTA - P7384. Inteletravel are appointed agents of our suppliers that hold ATOL.🤍
#UniversalOrlando #FamilyHoliday #ThemeParkAdventure #OrlandoMagic #OctoberHalfTerm

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SeaWorld Orlando Trip Report 3/17/24
This was such a stupid trip. Four parks and an 18-hour roundtrip drive in two and a half days, part two let's go!!!! I was torn apart trying to decide between driving 1-2 hours from our Orlando hotel back to Tampa for more Iron Gwazi rides and just staying in Orlando and going to SeaWorld. But ultimately, as it always does, work dictated my life, and I decided it would better to avoid the Orlando-Tampa traffic and get home earlier before work the next morning. But boy, did that decision hurt.
Coaster Rankings and Thoughts
I am really torn on these rankings, because I think all of the B&Ms here are really close in quality. But anyway.
1) Pipeline (x 2 rides)
I may be overrating this ride because of the newness and the uniqueness, but I think it is a serious contender for the best ride in the park, and I never would have believed that when it was announced. It has absolutely nothing to do with the old stand-up coaster model, as its predominant force is airtime rather than positive Gs. The launch has some punch to it, and there are several great airtime moments that lift your feet way off the surfboard as the seats rise up, including the little hill on the launch track, the twisted/sort-of outerbanked hill before the corkscrew, the hill going into the right turn after the corkscrew, and two smaller twisted hills at the very end. You do still get some positives on your feet as the seats move down in the valleys, which, when it precedes a hill, only adds to the awesome sensation of the standing airtime. It's not a crazy intense or wild ride, but it's incredibly unique and purely fun.
2) Manta (x 1 ride)
I love this ride, but I had a bad experience on this particular day. I got so dizzy and nauseous on that final, slow inline twist that I had to take a break from riding for an hour and a half to recover. That never happens to me. Ever. So I'm not sure what was wrong with me on this day. But regardless, this is still a great ride with great variation from the fun, relaxing feeling of flying through the inline twists, swooping turns, and corkscrew to the bone-crushing positives of the pretzel loop.
3) Mako (x 3 rides)
I have done several more hypers, B&M and otherwise, since I last rode Mako, and those experiences have firmly solidified my opinion of Mako as a mid-tier hyper. It's a super fun ride, it has a phenomenal standout element with the 5-second floater hill at the beginning, and it has several more great moments of floater in the first half. But it loses a lot of its momentum with a weak, meandering second half.
4) Ice Breaker (x 1 ride)
I really liked this ride the first time I rode it, and I remember thinking how much better the airtime would be without the comfort collars. And don't get me wrong, I am elated that the comfort collars are gone, as they ruined the ride experience. But even without them, the airtime doesn't feel that much better. The backwards spike leaves a lot to be desired, as you don't really even go vertical unless you're in the back of the train. The airtime is good and only gets stronger with each launch, which is nice. The standout moments are the little hill going into the spike (which gives some backwards air), the hill going into the top hat (which gives a strong, quick airtime pop), and the tophat itself (which gives more sustained airtime.) It gets a little into meandering terroitory in the second half. My main problem with it is that it does a lot of what Pantheon does, but just way worse. I get that it's not supposed to be as high thrill of a ride as Pantheon, and I get that it's Premier and not Intamin, but the way some people overhype this ride makes me feel like it needs to be said.
Trip Details
We got to the park at about 10:15 AM and stayed until about 3:00 PM. We tried to get on Pipeline first, but it broke down while we were in line, so we went over to Ice Breaker for our first ride of the day. We came back around for two rides on Pipeline when it was fixed. Then we rode Manta, and I somehow got so disoriented and sick to my stomach on the last inline twist that the world was spinning around me for minutes and I thought I might throw up while hanging on the brake run. I had waste about an hour and a half eating and just taking a break to get my stomach to calm down. We finally got three rides on Mako after that ordeal. I wanted to get on Kraken, but I was too afraid that I would get sick again and not be able to make the 8-9 hour drive home. So as much as it hurt me, I had to skip it.
#roller coasters#amusement park adventures#seaworld orlando#pipeline#manta#mako#ice breaker#personal
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Looking back at last month I'm reminded again how, in that initial act of interrogating my memory, it seems like we did nothing.
After all, the peak of our September experience rises to such heights that everything not of that rarified air seems irrelevant. It really was one whopper of a vacation celebration.
And the rest of the month?
Well, it was not nothing. We weren’t waiting around for cool things to happen, pining for something interesting to do. We were surfing the waves of our professional and personal lives on a daily basis. Nothing unique there. Nothing special. Just the relentless Now in which we actively live.
In fact, my September also featured some lovely professional candy. And her September featured the firing up of her fourth semester in her doctoral program.
So with no further ado, here’s a taste of this year’s September.

This is probably not a big deal but for the first couple/few days after it happened.
What happened?
Light rail started running out of Lynnwood.
Meaning one less bus to navigate. No busses at all to the UW. Just the one from downtown to Leschi that before had been Lynnwood to Northgate by bus, Northgate to downtown by lightrail, then downtown to Leschi by bus.
It used to be a bit of a deal.
Not so much.
So those days after light rail kicked off in Lynnwood were a revelation. And now the commute is reliably, dare I say it…?

September’s a tent pole month. Always. It has our wedding anniversary right there in the middle and, in the last few years, we’ve taken to Orlando as the means by which to celebrate.
Oh yeah. We make it a BIG deal.
Top of September we’re definitely thinking about the impending trip and the celebration of our nuptials. This year, I spent the week before we left chasing down marriage memories. Not just about the day, mind you, but about what happened after we said “I do”.
Basically, what transpired over the next 32 years.
Congratulations to us, by the way.
We’ve been married 32 years!

Now, the way I chose to enter into these memories was to ask a simple question of Younger Me:
What do you think your life's gonna look like in thirty years?
I wanted him to answer the question so we could compare notes: what we expected would happen versus how married life actually played out. You know, house, dog, cars, kids, professions. All the things you imagined or understood would happen. All that you expected to experience upon saying “I do” and setting out in a tiny wooden boat together to sail a deep blue ocean on an adventure. You know it's gonna be an epic story. What you don't know is that all epic stories contain plot twists and villains.
So yeah. Careers, house, dogs, cars, kids, long term friendships, relationships, and commitments. Was that the plan?
Some of it in broad strokes, sure. These were assumptions and expectations, though, not business plans. There was a hazy future we assumed would come to pass and very little, in fact hardly any of it happened the way we thought it would or became what we thought it would.
So we audibled.
Like, a lot.
We changed or improvised plans on the fly.
We learned as we went. We figured out goals and plans in real time... we cleaned up our messes, recovered in real time... over time.
In the end, there’s something quite special in making it as far as we have. Certainly strangers who find out how long we've been married express a lot of genuine surprise and appreciation as if we pulled off one helluva high wire act.
Which we kind of have.
Thank God.

Sunday September 8 we’re on a plane, direct flight to Orlando from Sea-Tac.
In the last few years we've been traveling here on our wedding anniversary week for a Universal Orlando celebration staying at the Endless Summer Dockside. Experiencing Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, Volcano Bay (the water park), and City Walk (for our favorite restaurants).
It's all more doable for us. More relaxing. Less rushed.
We have a great time, a lovely time that doesn't demand a further vacation to recover from the vacation we just took.
So we're here again. Taking our show on the road to celebrate our wedding anniversary during what is turning out to be torrential rain week in Orlando.

The torrential rain, by the way, turned out to be a mixed blessing because with our ponchos on, the fat raindrops pounding on us, and the maze of vertical metal rods at the central bus transit center, we were basically forced to navigate that maze with severely limited visibility and Kinmer managed to run into one of those bad boys with her lower ribs on one side.
Not good.
That was the not great thing that happened.
On the flip side, though, the accident forced us to relax the rest of the week.
Take it easy.
Take it slow.
Take it calm.
Take it peaceful.
Take it.
Take it like a vacation.
An actual. Vacation.
We took the entire week easy. Stayed in bed more. Slept in always. Did easy kids rides in Seuss Land. Enjoyed meals out. Savored meals in. Moseyed our way around on those occasions we were out ‘n about. Explored our way in, through, and around Diagon Alley. Explored our way in, through, and around Hogsmeade.

We fully inhaled those experiences.
Paced ourselves reeeeeal slooooow, enjoying all manner of butterbeer frosted and ice cream tasties.
And oh yeah.
We watched a ton of “Madame Secretary”.
I know, right?
How sad for us.

The true highlight experience of our celebration actually happened on our anniversary. During our anniversary evening. It was an experience during which was needed a volunteer and Kimmer seemed, in that moment, like just the person to fill that role.
What was the experience, by the way?
Oh yeah. It was the Horror Make-Up Show at Universal Studios.
Kimmer did not agree that she could possibly be the right choice for this, of course, but she was still game for an experience that included holding a bunch of severed arms in her outstretched arms, a jump scare at the table on which she was to place those arms, a demonstration of Kimmer’s best horror movie scream, a ton of banter on stage with the two Universal make-up artists during which her main responsibility was to tee up laughs for her hosts, and—
Oh yeah.
Having her own arm sawed off.
One more time:
Having her own arm.

It was actually quite convincing, by the way, topped with a thoroughly fascinating and satisfying explanation of how the effect is accomplished.
Later in the show, long after she was sent back to her seat, they had her back up again to demonstrate remote technology allowing her to control the movements of a giant animatronic werewolf.
Of course the thing turned out to not be animatronic at all and lunged out at the hosts just as soon as Kimmer was on her way back to her seat.
Best thing?
For a second there she thought maybe I set the whole thing up ‘cause I know how mortified she is to be called in for anything.
Let alone having her arm sawed off.

Quick thing: because we were taking the week easy, we had even more time for random conversations with ride share drivers, hotel staff, wait staff at the various restaurants at which we dined, couples and families on the shuttle bus to and from our hotel, along with random families, especially the one with whom we shared a bunch of time standing in line to catch the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross Station outside Diagon Alley.
I'm still amazed at this tradition into which we seemingly and easily slipped. After all, we used to always do Disney. But we're over that now. There are plenty of reasons I could probably conjure for why that is. I think the biggest one is Harry Potter which is funny because we weren't fans of the franchise even six months before we went the first time.
Now, of course, we're hooked.
Next year we'll probably need to adjust our schedule because a third theme park is opening at the top of next year that features a massive Ministry of Magic experience. That, plus the fact that, because Universal's Horror Nights is such a hit, the experience was extended into September where we had to compete for time in the parks with the throngs of nighttime revelers.
First or second week of November we're thinking now. During that throttling back of park guests after the Halloween extravaganza but before Thanksgiving which seems to be a starting gun for everyone to return to the parks.

Back home again as of Saturday night the 14th, Halloween was soon to be upon us.
Wait. What?
Okay so first stop along this train of thought is that, if you ask Kimmer, she's pretty much gonna say we never even had summer this year. And when she's feeling just the tiniest bit generous, she'll say “okay fine. We had three weeks.”
So Fall was really no surprise to her. We've pretty much been Fall-ing it most of the “summer”.
The Halloween vibe, though, really hit us on the 21st at Value Village because for sure there it's Halloween with all the displays and costumes and horror make-up, and the full spectrum of costume accessories.
We were actually there that day because on Tuesday October 22 Linzy’s Dream Patrol is headlining the Sunset Tavern in Ballard and officially announced it as a costume event.
So yeah.
We were starting the hunt for our costumes at Value Village because we are definitely suiting up for the Dream Patrol show that's barely over a week from Halloween.
By the way, Kimmer found this silver dress (think Jetsons) while we were poking around Value Village and quickly hit on her costume idea:
Somehow the Eiffel Tower.
Not sure how that was gonna work out. She did temp an Eiffel Tower pattern out of silvery semi transparent material and set it on our dining room table to consider it for a bit.
In the end, she figured out something completely different.
And very cool.
Wednesday September 25 we're at the Palisade restaurant ‘cause Linzy has the first of four gigs there that night and we're taking the opportunity to celebrate our wedding anniversary (32 years,.HUZZAH!!!) at the very restaurant at which we dined after we departed the church at which we were married.
No joke. From the church to Palisade restaurant is how that evening went.
And here we were. All over again. Dining and toasting our good fortune as our daughter serenaded the entire restaurant.
A few days later, another celebration: Rachel's birthday for which Kimmer cooked up a feast, I cleaned and shopped and set the table, and we all gathered for the occasion, our girls and their significants. ☺️
Turned into a sweet and sometimes baffling trip down memory lane.
That's right. We replaced the Christmas tree you grew up with.
Sue us.
The back half of September is when it officially happened.
Someone mentioned the holidays. You know, the holiday season. As in Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas, everything inbetween, and everything a bit into the New Year.
The holiday...
Just like that, they invoked the end of the year. The closing days of 2024.
Around the same time, I popped in the soundtrack to "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" and just let it play 'n play 'n play.
It fit perfectly with the weather outside. Because, you know…
It’s Fall.

I mentioned in the beginning that the new quarter for Kimmer’s doctoral program fired up in September. It actually started the week we were in Orlando and, with us taking it easy, she managed to keep up enough, complete enough of her assignments that she was able to hit the ground running as soon as we were home again.
As for me, work’s getting pretty tasty what with all the whiz bang knick knacks and doo dads we have at our beck and call to solve challenging creative problems and, in the absence of actual problems… we can do some actual magic.
Actually, solving those problems involves magic, too.
The last ten days of the month involved putting some of those tools to good use on a project that served as a trial run for a doc I’ll cut as soon as October hits. In fact, I started that project on the last day of September and I'm pretty into it as we speak.

That’s all for our September this year.
October’s not being much of a transition since, of course, we pretty much embraced it halfway through September.
I pretty much figure that Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin soundtrack is gonna carry us most of the way into November.
#september#memories#vacation#celebration#doctoral studies#light rail#wedding anniversary#life#expectations#orlando#universal studios#islands of adventure#city walk#torrential rain#peaceful#relaxing#easy#horror make up show#halloween#fall#value village#dream patrol#linzy collins#sunset tavern#costumes#costume event#palisade restaurant#birthday#new editing tech
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Family Fun: Perfect Vacation Packages for All Ages
Planning the perfect family vacation can be a challenging task. With diverse interests and age groups to consider, finding a destination and activities that everyone will enjoy might seem daunting. However, with the right vacation package, you can create a memorable and enjoyable experience for all family members. Our travel agency specializes in crafting family-friendly vacation packages that cater to all ages, ensuring that everyone from toddlers to grandparents has an unforgettable time. Here are some of the best destinations and activities that promise family fun for everyone Homestay in wayanad
Disney World, Orlando, Florida
When it comes to family vacations, Disney World in Orlando, Florida, is a timeless classic. Known as "The Happiest Place on Earth," Disney World offers a magical experience that delights both children and adults. With four theme parks—Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios, and Disney's Animal Kingdom—there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
Magic Kingdom is perfect for young children, with its enchanting Cinderella Castle, character meet-and-greets, and gentle rides like "It's a Small World" and "Dumbo the Flying Elephant." Epcot offers educational and entertaining attractions for older kids and adults, such as the World Showcase and futuristic rides like "Spaceship Earth." Disney's Hollywood Studios is great for movie lovers, featuring thrilling attractions like "Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge" and "Toy Story Land." Lastly, Animal Kingdom combines the excitement of a theme park with the wonder of a zoo, offering safari rides and live animal shows.
Our vacation packages include park tickets, accommodation at a Disney Resort, and meal plans, making it easy to immerse your family in the magic without worrying about the details.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho
For families who love the great outdoors, Yellowstone National Park is an ideal destination. As America's first national park, Yellowstone boasts stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and geothermal wonders like geysers and hot springs.
Our family-friendly packages include guided tours to iconic sites such as Old Faithful, the Grand Prismatic Spring, and the Yellowstone Grand Canyon. Kids will love the Junior Ranger Program, where they can learn about the park's ecology and earn badges. For adventurous families, we offer hiking, fishing, and camping experiences that cater to all skill levels. Whether you're exploring the park's vast wilderness or enjoying a picnic by a serene lake, Yellowstone provides a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation.
Riviera Maya, Mexico
For a beach vacation that combines relaxation and cultural experiences, Riviera Maya in Mexico is a fantastic choice. This beautiful coastal region offers pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and a variety of family-friendly resorts.
Our vacation packages include stays at all-inclusive resorts that cater specifically to families, with amenities like kids' clubs, water parks, and entertainment programs. Beyond the resorts, Riviera Maya offers plenty of activities for all ages. You can explore ancient Mayan ruins at Tulum and Chichen Itza, snorkel in the crystal-clear cenotes, or take a family-friendly eco-tour at Xcaret Park. With a mix of relaxation and adventure, Riviera Maya promises an enriching and enjoyable family vacation.
Tokyo, Japan
For a unique cultural experience that blends tradition and modernity, Tokyo is an exciting destination for families. Japan's bustling capital offers a plethora of activities that cater to all ages, making it an ideal destination for a family vacation.
Our Tokyo vacation packages include guided tours of iconic landmarks such as the Tokyo Tower, Senso-ji Temple, and the Imperial Palace. Families can enjoy interactive experiences at museums like the National Museum of Nature and Science and the teamLab Borderless digital art museum. Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea offer a unique twist on the classic Disney experience, with attractions and shows that reflect Japanese culture.
For a taste of Japanese cuisine, we offer family-friendly food tours that introduce you to delicious dishes like sushi, ramen, and tempura. With its blend of educational, cultural, and entertainment options, Tokyo is a destination that will captivate every family member.
Tuscany, Italy
If you're looking for a family vacation that combines culture, history, and beautiful landscapes, Tuscany in Italy is a perfect choice. Known for its rolling hills, historic towns, and delicious cuisine, Tuscany offers a relaxing and enriching experience for families.
Our Tuscany vacation packages include stays at family-friendly villas and farmhouses, where you can enjoy the region's natural beauty and tranquility. We offer guided tours of historic cities like Florence, Pisa, and Siena, where families can explore museums, climb ancient towers, and marvel at stunning architecture. For a hands-on experience, we provide cooking classes where you can learn to make traditional Italian dishes like pasta and pizza.
Tuscany's countryside offers plenty of outdoor activities, such as biking, horseback riding, and picnicking in scenic vineyards. With its rich cultural heritage and family-friendly activities, Tuscany provides a vacation that is both relaxing and educational. Planning a family vacation that caters to all ages doesn't have to be stressful. With our carefully curated vacation packages, you can create an unforgettable experience that everyone in the family will cherish. From the magic of Disney World and the natural wonders of Yellowstone to the cultural richness of Tokyo and Tuscany, there are plenty of destinations that offer something for everyone. Let our travel agency help you plan the perfect family vacation, ensuring that your trip is filled with fun, adventure, and lasting memories Homestay in mananthavady
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Fly and Glide: Elevating Your Journey with Orlando Airport Transportation
Orlando, a gateway to the enchanting world of theme parks, entertainment, and cultural richness, welcomes millions of travelers each year. As visitors embark on their journey to and from Orlando International Airport (MCO), the choice of airport transportation becomes a pivotal factor in setting the tone for the entire trip. This guide explores the various options available, offering insights into how travelers can elevate their journey from the moment they touch down in the vibrant city.
1. The Arrival: Setting the Stage for Your Orlando Experience
The journey begins the moment you step off the plane at Orlando International Airport. Choosing the right mode of transportation from the airport can significantly impact the initial impressions of the city and contribute to a seamless transition into the vibrant atmosphere.
a. Taxis and Rideshares
Traditional taxis and rideshare services are readily available at the airport, offering convenience and accessibility. Rideshares, in particular, provide a modern and cost-effective solution, allowing travelers to book a comfortable ride with the tap of a button. However, availability during peak hours and potential surge pricing should be considered.
b. Airport Shuttles
Dedicated airport shuttles cater to the needs of both budget-conscious travelers and those seeking a shared ride experience. These shuttles often have fixed routes and schedules, making them a predictable option for getting to popular destinations within the city. However, the trade-off may be longer travel times due to multiple stops.
c. Private Car Services
For those seeking a touch of luxury and personalized service, private car services provide a premium airport transportation experience. With professional chauffeurs and a fleet of well-maintained vehicles, these services offer comfort and convenience, ensuring a smooth and stylish arrival in Orlando.
2. Navigating Departures: Making the Journey Memorable
As the journey in Orlando concludes, the departure from the city is equally crucial. Ensuring a seamless and stress-free departure involves choosing a transportation option that aligns with individual preferences and priorities.
a. Timing and Punctuality
Departure logistics often revolve around timing and punctuality. Whether catching an early morning flight or a red-eye, choosing a transportation service that prioritizes timeliness is essential. This ensures a smooth departure without the stress of rushing to the airport.
b. Baggage Handling and Comfort
Airport transportation service Orlando that prioritize comfort and assist with baggage handling contribute to a relaxed and enjoyable departure experience. Private car services, in particular, often go the extra mile to ensure passengers are comfortable and that the transition from accommodation to the airport is seamless.
c. Flexibility in Reservations
Unforeseen circumstances may require adjustments to travel plans. Opting for transportation services that offer flexibility in reservations can be advantageous. Whether it's a change in flight schedule or an extended stay, having the option to modify transportation arrangements ensures peace of mind.
3. Tailoring Your Transportation Experience: A Personalized Approach
To truly elevate the journey with Orlando airport transportation, considering individual preferences and tailoring the experience becomes paramount. This personalized approach ensures that the transportation aligns seamlessly with the traveler's unique needs and enhances the overall visit to Orlando.
a. Theme Park Transfers
Orlando's allure lies in its world-famous theme parks. Transportation services that offer specific transfers to these attractions, complete with insightful tips and information, cater to the needs of visitors looking to make the most of their time exploring the magical worlds within the city.
b. Tech Integration and Communication
Leveraging technology for a smoother travel experience is key. Transportation services that integrate mobile apps for reservations, real-time updates, and easy communication with drivers enhance the overall efficiency and convenience of the journey.
c. Group Travel Considerations
Traveling with a group adds an additional layer of complexity to transportation arrangements. Whether it's a family vacation or a corporate trip, selecting services that can accommodate larger groups with spacious vehicles ensures that everyone travels comfortably together.
4. Conclusion: Soaring into Orlando's Magic with Style
In the vast landscape of Orlando airport transportation, the choices are as diverse as the city itself. From the convenience of taxis and rideshares to the predictability of airport shuttles and the luxury of private car services, each option presents a unique opportunity to elevate the journey.
As visitors fly into Orlando, the city of magic and dreams, the choice of transportation becomes more than just a logistical consideration—it becomes a part of the enchanting narrative. By tailoring the experience to individual preferences, ensuring comfort, and embracing the diverse options available, travelers can glide seamlessly into the heart of Orlando, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience in the Sunshine State.
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Your Ultimate Guide to Airbnb Near Orlando Airport
Orlando, Florida, is a destination known for its enchanting theme parks, vibrant culture, and endless entertainment options. If you're planning a trip to this magical city, chances are you'll be flying into Orlando International Airport (MCO). To make your journey even more convenient and memorable, consider booking an Airbnb near Orlando Airport. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of staying at an Airbnb in this area and provide you with tips on how to find the perfect accommodation for your trip.

The Advantages of Airbnb Near Orlando Airport :
Proximity to the Airport
One of the primary advantages of booking an Airbnb near Orlando Airport is the convenience of being close to your arrival and departure point. After a long flight, the last thing you want is a lengthy commute to your accommodation. Staying near the airport allows you to quickly reach your lodging and start your vacation without unnecessary delays.
Diverse Accommodation Options
Orlando boasts a wide variety of Airbnb listings, ranging from cozy studio apartments to spacious family homes. Whether you're traveling solo, with a partner, or as a group, you'll find suitable options near the airport. Airbnb allows you to choose the type of lodging that best fits your needs and budget.
Cost-Effective Lodging
Compared to many hotels, Airbnb accommodations can often be more budget-friendly, especially if you're traveling with a group or planning an extended stay. You can find well-maintained, comfortable properties at competitive prices, saving you money for other exciting experiences during your Orlando vacation.
Local Experience
By staying in an Airbnb, you have the opportunity to experience Orlando like a local. Hosts often provide valuable insights and recommendations for nearby attractions, restaurants, and hidden gems that may not be as well-known to tourists. This insider knowledge can enhance your trip and help you discover authentic Orlando experiences.
Amenities and Privacy
Many Airbnb properties near Orlando Airport come equipped with essential amenities, such as a kitchen, laundry facilities, and private outdoor spaces. Having these conveniences can make your stay more comfortable and enjoyable, allowing you to relax and unwind after a day of exploring the city.
Tips for Finding the Perfect Airbnb :
Start Your Search Early
To secure the best Airbnb near Orlando Airport, start your search well in advance of your travel dates. Popular properties tend to book up quickly, especially during peak tourist seasons.
Read Reviews
Before making a reservation, read reviews from previous guests to get a sense of the property's quality and the host's hospitality. Pay attention to comments about cleanliness, location, and communication with the host.
Communicate with the Host
Don't hesitate to reach out to the host with any questions or concerns you may have. Good communication with the host can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay.
Check the Location
Consider the property's proximity to both the airport and the attractions you plan to visit. A central location can save you time and transportation costs.
Review House Rules and Policies
Take the time to review the Airbnb listing's house rules and policies to ensure they align with your preferences and needs. This includes check-in/check-out times, pet policies, and any specific rules set by the host.
Choosing an Airbnb near Orlando Airport can enhance your travel experience by providing convenience, affordability, and a taste of local living. With a diverse range of accommodations available, you can find the perfect place to stay that suits your style and budget. By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared to book your ideal Airbnb and make the most of your visit to the enchanting city of Orlando, Florida.
For more info:
Airbnb Orlando Airport
Luggage Storage Miami Beach
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Orlando, Florida, is a destination known for its thrilling theme parks, vibrant entertainment, and year-round sunshine. If you're planning a trip to Orlando and want to save money on your flight tickets, look no further than Travelodaddy. As a popular online travel agency, Travelodaddy offers a range of tools and features to help you find the best deals on flights. In this article, we'll explore how you can book cheap flights to Orlando using Travelodaddy's services.
Utilize Flexible Date Search: When searching for cheap flights, being flexible with your travel dates can make a significant difference in the price you pay. Travelodaddy's flexible date search feature allows you to compare prices across multiple dates, giving you the opportunity to find the most affordable options. Consider traveling during off-peak seasons or on weekdays, as these times often offer lower fares due to decreased demand.
Set Fare Alerts: To stay informed about any price drops or special deals on flights to Orlando, take advantage of Travelodaddy's fare alert feature. By setting up fare alerts, you'll receive notifications when prices decrease, allowing you to book at the most opportune moment. Being proactive and keeping an eye on these alerts can help you snag the cheapest flight tickets to Orlando before prices increase.
Compare Airlines and Routes: Travelodaddy provides a comprehensive comparison of various airlines and their routes to Orlando. Take advantage of this feature to evaluate different options and find the most affordable fares. Consider both nonstop and connecting flights, as sometimes opting for a short layover can result in significant savings. Additionally, explore nearby airports, as flying into alternative airports near Orlando can sometimes offer better prices.
Book in Advance: Booking your flight tickets well in advance is a proven strategy for securing cheaper fares. As soon as your travel plans are confirmed, start searching for flights on Travelodaddy. Airlines often release their tickets months in advance, and by booking early, you'll have a better chance of finding lower prices before they rise closer to the departure date.
Take Advantage of Package Deals: Travelodaddy offers package deals that combine flights with hotel accommodations or car rentals. Consider bundling your flight with other travel components to unlock additional savings. By booking a package deal, you can take advantage of discounted rates and enjoy a more budget-friendly trip to Orlando.
Explore Travelodaddy's Rewards and Loyalty Programs: If you frequently travel or plan to make future trips, consider joining Travelodaddy's rewards or loyalty programs. These programs often offer exclusive discounts, member-only deals, and rewards points that can be redeemed for future bookings. By accumulating rewards or loyalty points, you can save money on your current and future flights to Orlando.
Conclusion: When it comes to booking cheap flights to Orlando, Travelodaddy is a reliable platform that offers a range of features to help you find the best deals. By utilizing flexible date search, setting fare alerts, comparing airlines and routes, booking in advance, exploring package deals, and taking advantage of rewards programs, you can maximize your savings and secure affordable flights to the exciting city of Orlando. Start planning your trip today with Travelodaddy and embark on a memorable adventure without breaking the bank.
Read More: - Book Cheap Flights to Orlando

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St. Augustine

Travel to St. Augustine
St. Augustine, located in northeastern Florida, is one of the oldest cities in the United States, with a rich history dating back over 400 years. This beautiful city offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore the area's colonial roots and soak up its beautiful coastal scenery. Here is a guide to help you plan your next trip to St. Augustine.
Getting There:
The easiest way to get to St. Augustine is by flying into Jacksonville International Airport, which is located about 50 miles north of the city. From there, you can rent a car or take a shuttle to St. Augustine. Alternatively, you can also fly into Orlando International Airport, which is about a two-hour drive away.
Where to Stay:
There are plenty of options for accommodations in St. Augustine, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, and vacation rentals. The historic district of St. Augustine is the most popular area for visitors to stay, as it is within walking distance of many of the city's main attractions. You can find a range of hotels from budget to luxury in the historic district, as well as charming bed and breakfasts.
Things to Do:
St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum: This historic lighthouse dates back to 1874 and offers visitors stunning views of the surrounding area. You can climb the lighthouse's 219 steps to the top for an incredible panoramic view of the city and the ocean.
Castillo de San Marcos National Monument: This 17th-century fort is one of the most well-known landmarks in St. Augustine. The fort played a significant role in the area's history and was crucial to defending the city from attacks. Today, visitors can explore the fort's history and enjoy stunning views of the water from its walls.
St. George Street: This pedestrian-only street in the historic district is lined with shops, restaurants, and historic buildings. It is a great place to stroll and soak up the city's ambiance.
Flagler College: This former luxury hotel is now a beautiful college campus, and visitors can take a guided tour of the campus to learn about its history and architecture.
Beaches: St. Augustine is home to several beautiful beaches, including St. Augustine Beach, Anastasia State Park, and Vilano Beach. These beaches offer visitors a chance to relax in the sun, swim in the ocean, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Where to Eat:
St. Augustine offers visitors a range of dining options, from casual seafood joints to upscale restaurants. Some popular options include:
The Columbia Restaurant: This family-owned restaurant has been serving up traditional Spanish cuisine since 1905 and is a St. Augustine institution.
Harry's Seafood Bar & Grille: This popular restaurant serves up fresh seafood and Cajun-style dishes in a casual atmosphere.
The Floridian: This farm-to-table restaurant features locally sourced ingredients and offers a range of dishes, including vegetarian and gluten-free options.
The Ice Plant Bar: This unique bar serves up handcrafted cocktails and small bites in a historic ice plant that dates back to 1927.
St. Augustine is a charming and historic city that offers visitors a chance to explore its colonial past and enjoy its beautiful coastal scenery. With a range of attractions, dining options, and accommodations, St. Augustine is the perfect destination for a weekend getaway or a longer vacation.
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Disney’s Figment in the Bingham house: A Symbol of Breaking Convention
Ep6 of S4, titled “The Dive,” contains the Bingham house segments. We are well aware of how symbolism, foreshadowing, parallels and more for the show and it’s characters fills this house to the brim. Metaphorically, there is so much to dive into—to uncover—regarding this house. This includes a Disney World Figment the dragon plush doll sitting below Suzie’s window.
Figment is Epcot’s (one of the four Disney World Orlando parks) mascot. Figment himself is meant to be the literal embodiment of the phrase “figment of the imagination,” which matches Epcot’s brand of innovation. Basically, don’t let a figment (an idea or thought) of the mind stay in the mind; bring it into reality. I was working in Epcot when Stranger Things 4 aired, funnily enough in what’s called the Land Pavilion, which is directly beside an attraction called Journey Into Imagination with Figment.
In Journey Into Imagination, you sit on a slow-moving compartment that takes you through the “Imagination Institute” on an open house tour led by a character called Dr. Nigel Channing. He’s the chairman of this institute that researches and develops technological innovation in ways to harness the power of creativity. This research is what led to the discovery of Figment (in lore, not the ride).
Now, as I mentioned above, Figment does not simply represent imagination; he is imagination literally, completely unrestrained and unwilling to yield in his sense of creativity despite being told to stop causing [harmless] chaos by Nigel.
While Nigel is enthusiastic in sharing the institute’s discoveries with the public (you, on this tour, and his goal is to stimulate your creativity through the five senses in order for you to harness your creativity), he is constantly voicing his wariness and disapproval of Figment’s mischievous but still harmless insistence to share his perspective throughout the tour (Figment expresses his tests/experiments/thoughts through song; I will explain momentarily because this is important). However, as you approach the ride’s end, Nigel has a change of mind. Nigel at first states “imagination must be captured and controlled.” Figment promptly replies, “Nuh-uh! Imagination works best when it’s set free!”
Soon enough, Figment figuratively and literally turns everything upside down. Because, as Nigel learns, “Imagination is the act of turning your thinking upside down!”
I mentioned Figment expresses his creativity through song, along with key pieces of dialogue that challenge your basic understanding of the senses (sight and hearing especially stand out). Rather than post the entire song and it’s dialogue, these are moments of intrigue I strung together:
FIGMENT: It’s not about listening with your ears—it’s about listening with your imagination.
For every sound your ears are hearing,
A thousand thoughts can start appearing.
And each of us imagines different things,
From just a sound, your mind has wings!
DR. NIGEL CHANNING: Continuing now, if I may, in a calm, scientific, Figment-free manner—the things we see with our eyes can control the eyes of the imagination. Let’s begin by using the eye chart to test your vision.
You can see things differently!
Sure, you can see with your eyes. But imagine what you could see if you used your imagination!
One spark of light can light your fancy.
Your mind sees more than what your eyes see.
Your sense of sight can make your fancy fly.
There’s more to sight than meets the eye!
DR. NIGEL CHANNING: Figment, what is going on? You’re turning this entire open house upside down!
FIGMENT: Upside down? Now you’re talkin’!
With just a spark of inspiration,
I’ve made my house an innovation.
Imagination really clowns around:
Makes downside up, and upside down!
- after change of mind -
FIGMENT: A dream can be a dream come true. With just that spark from me and you.
One little spark of inspiration
Is at the heart of all creation.
Right at the start of everything that’s new,
One little spark lights up for you.
There’s a lot to unpack here, but the first thing to take from all this is the importance of freeing your mind. Not just freeing your mind, but placing no restrictions upon yourself! Hear and see and be beyond the surface to open your perspective! All it takes is a spark of something new—something that could bring new light to you. To more than just yourself as well. Figment isn’t just imagination incarnate; he is non-conforming freedom.
In bringing this around to ST, this requires a dive through some ideas Figment could be associated with. There’s more than one meaning or foreshadowing we can grab from Figment in-frame.
The first association that comes to mind is Will and Mike. Will and Mike getting together and the GA reacting. Byler is in motion right now and there’s a desire from certain parts of the GA to control it—to stop this ‘harmful chaos,’ so to say. They want restriction on this ‘way of thinking,’ refusing to open up their minds to more and understanding how harmless it is for same-sex couples to exist. To people like this, who think so shortly, they believe queerness should be a figment of the imagination that never exists. But queerness does exist, queer people do exist, and it’s the opposing parts of the GA who haven’t freed their minds from restriction not acknowledging that truth. One spark of something new—a new ‘spark’/perspective to turn your thoughts upside down—is what can lead someone to understanding others’ differences. I don’t have to go into detail as to why “forced conformity is killing the kids” is such a vastly important line in Stranger Things.
But who else controls and restricts? Henry. He wants the world adapted to his mindset, his ideal, and he’s incapable of viewing any other perspective other than his own at this point. He tried to manipulate El into joining him and attempted to kill her when she wouldn’t. He bent what we know as the Mind Flayer to his whims, controlling it and using it to further control others. Now, we can gather that Henry wants Will to meet that standard of control in whatever way Henry intends to use him for. To possibly control Will’s powers.
If we take Dr. Nigel’s lyric “One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation” and apply it to Will, this may align with the theory that Will created the current version of the Upside Down on the night he was kidnapped. Unintentionally perhaps, unknowing of what was happening to him in the moment and horribly shaken, something ‘sparked’ in Will’s mind that allowed him to reshape the UD to what we’re familiar with—maybe to what Will was familiar with.
From the tons of analysis we’ve undergone since S4 aired, we can infer Henry was stalking Will before he took him. Henry sees himself in Will and preys on him to accomplish what he couldn’t with El, and from that it isn’t hard to consider Will has powers Henry wants to manipulate. I currently have thoughts that Will could be multi-powered (like a wizard), and creation abilities would tie well into this idea. It could explain the frozen-in-time Hawkins appearance. Creation and imagination are tied to artistry, and that would be an on-the-nose alignment for Will. Will takes a blank canvas and paints—creates what his mind sees. Henry took the canvas of the unspoiled UD and started creating what he wants it to be. And if Will had an effect on Henry’s creation, if Will could have a greater effect on what Henry further intends to create, Henry would aim to harness all Will can do and make the upside down his downside up.
HOWEVER. The controlling way Henry thinks will be undone by our characters needing to think outside-of-the-box, breaking out of Henry’s mould and standard. And I analyze this by linking the shot of Figment in Suzie’s room—

—to Mike’s Rubik’s cube and bedsheets in S1 + Mike’s blanket fort in S2.

How? Color theory, web/gridgate, my rubikscubegate, and the mere presence of Figment. Figment is non-conforming freedom, an unrelenting force who strives to make anything possible. This includes breaking the standard of Dr. Nigel, who formerly believed imagination/thoughts should be controlled. My Rubik’s cube theory, which I recommend checking out here if you haven’t and are interested in greater details on it, discusses how Mike’s Rubik’s cube is a grid in and of itself. The colors we see directly on it are yellow, blue, and orange. I thought it was red at first, but it’s definitely orange. We know to associate Will with yellow and Mike with blue, but we’re missing our other primary color red: El. We see groupings of these three colors quite a lot, and yet red is missing here.
Or is it? Just as we know who to associate with yellow and blue, we know Mike and Will together are green. To make orange, you need red and yellow. El is included on the cube but combined with Will. We even see a square on Mike’s fort that is half yellow and orange (along with half blue&green and half blue&yellow squares; all three of these squares are near Mike’s head—his brain). And because this Rubik’s cube is solved and we can assume Mike did it, my theory is that Mike will be the one to figure out how they will defeat Henry. And for Mike’s strategy to work, Will and El need to team up specifically, as well as Will and Mike. The Rubik’s cube’s color scheme directly correlates to the grids and color schemes on Mike’s bedsheets and fort: Yellow, Blue, Y + B = Green, Red, and R + Y = Orange. You can get all these colors on their own or through combination on the cube and sheets.
And in this shot too.

Figment against the blue and yellow wall, under the orange window sill and yellow curtains with blue trim… and there outside is green.
Green, outside the conventional box.
What makes this theory stronger is this series of words and character placement before and after seeing the above shot with Figment:

‘Make sure to give that selfish shit a nice little shove for me.’
*Cue Mike at the front, looking at—through—the window first, piecing together the answer.
‘Give [him] a shove.’
We know Mike has been targeted by Henry, and Mike is going to suffer because of Henry. But Henry is also going to suffer because of Mike. Mike will figure him out and create a plan—through a spark of inspiration, if you will—that breaks Henry’s web of entrapments with a strategy that requires El, Will, and himself to work. And, ultimately, the final keys to Henry’s defeat are Will and Mike themselves.

(Taken from my 7+7gate post, with the perfect additions from @stranger-chichka and @lilitblaukatz)

(Picture credits and thoughts to @stranger-chichka.)
Henry’s way of thinking is going to get turned upside down and obliterated, by individuals who aim beyond controlled conformity and fight to set themselves free.
For Will and Mike, they will realize their own ‘spark’ (hello “Are Friends Electric?”) is what will set them free from withholding themselves.
And it’s something the GA will hopefully come to understand: Why this sense of freedom from society-placed restriction is so important for Will and Mike and the people they represent. In turning their thinking upside down and seeing—really seeing—the other side, more conventional standards may break.
Additional post on Figment as a queer icon and rainbow association + Creation powers for Will here.
#breaking henry’s web#figuratively and literally breaking past confirmity#I seriously do suggest reading rubikscubegate too just because it reinforces this theory better#rubikscubegate#figmentgate#mike: breaker of conformity#lgbtq rights#will has powers#henry/vecna/001#byler#willel#gridgate#webgate#byler color theory#willel color theory#primary colors and combos#stranger things theory
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Rescue us from the worst birthday!

My wife, Terana ( @im-a-blackstar ), and I --two humble queers-- set out to have a nice vacation for our birthdays and 3 year anniversary. We decided to go to Florida to go to Halloween Horror Nights, a horror convention, and visit my mother (who has been having a rough time the last few years). All did not go well and we need help.
The brakes went out on our car due to ABS unit failure ($2070)
My mother’s car’s timing belt broke on the highway ($500+)
My mother’s car was towed and impounded ($500+)
We need to buy my mom a new car ($1500)
We had to get an emergency flight home ($600)
We need to fly back to FL to pick up our car and drive home ($300)
Unrelated and not included in total: Our heating fuel and car insurance bills are due ($1500)
Needed: $4470 Recieved: $2050
If you can help at all it would be amazing! Even just a reblog!
Venmo: @NixHunter
CashApp: $DoktorNix
Keep reading for the full, ridiculous story of how my birthday went.
Our trip started out lovely! We were staying in a nice resort in Orlando, we went to see a Gorillaz concert, and the convention was fun! Then, on my birthday, we drove down to Melbourne, FL to visit my mother and have dinner with some of my old friends. (Yay, more good times!)
On the way back to my mother’s house from dinner, the brakes gave out on my 4Runner. (Boo. Super bad times!) I was able to coast it into a gas station parking lot and we requested a tow through AAA. After 3 hours of waiting and calling repeatedly, it became clear there were no tow companies open at that hour of the night (I had so many slurpees at that 7-11 where we waited). We decided to leave the car and come back in the morning. To save us the cost of an uber, my mom agreed to come pick us up and take us to her house just 20mins away.
On the way to my mother’s house, just 1 mile from her exit, her car stopped getting gas. It started slowing down and we pulled off on the side of the highway where it gave out completely and would not start again. We called a friend and got a ride the rest of the way to the house. It was officially a very shitty night.
In the morning, we took an uber back to the 7-11 to get our car. We got a tow from AAA to a mechanic my mother uses. The mechanic told us the ABS unit had gone out and repairs would be $2k and take a week to do. Super. We had to be back home in 4 days for work and because our dog sitter would be leaving. Mild panic attacks ensued.
We went back to my mom’s house and waited for a friend to get off work so we wouldn’t have to guide an uber driver to a random spot on the side of the highway. We drove out to her car and called her roadside assistance. We were then informed (wait for it) that no tow trucks were available after 5pm. We took a picture of the sticker highway patrol had put on her car saying she had 48hrs to remove the car, then went back to her house.
In the morning, we got a very expensive uber back to our hotel ($100, but if we didn’t get back that morning for a timeshare pitch, they would have doubled the cost of our room). While we listened to a sales pitch we couldn’t afford and didn’t want, my mom got another ride to her car. Or tried. When she got there, the car was gone and had been taken to impound.
Mom called to argue that the sticker said she had another day to move it, and after being transferred through several people, she was told the fine print said if she was on a “low access highway” (I still don’t know what this means) she only had 6hrs to move (with the lack of tow companies and time of night we stopped, this would have been literally impossible). Now she was stuck with a $400 cost to get the car out of impound.
Meanwhile, Terana and I still needed to get home! We put out a call for help and gathered some funds. We decided to try and rent a car since we had so much luggage. We checked apps and called around most of the day and found out that no car lots in the area would rent a car to go out of state. We would have to take a plane. (You have no idea how much I hate flying.)
The cheapest way to get a flight home was going to require we also add a night to our hotel stay. Altogether this was over $600, but still cheaper than an earlier flight with our amount of baggage. Things continued to suck.
We put out a call for help on our Facebook pages and we were able to get enough money for the hotel stay, the flight, and a portion of the repair fees. (We are very lucky to have good friends!) We made it home in time for work and to relieve our dog sitter.
Now, however, we still need to get back to Florida and get the repaired 4runner from the shop and drive it back to NC. My mother has had her car inspected and found the timing chain went out. No clue what other damage it may have done. Impound fees have now mounted to over $500 and repairs will be a $500 minimum. Her car only cost $1000. She plans to leave the car in impound, but they still want $300 (at least) if she abandons it and she will need another car. My mother lives on social security and I have to send her around $500 a month just to cover her basic bills... I will have to help buy her a car.
Any help at all is appreciated and I thank you if you even just managed to read all of this. I am in constant panic mode right now and don’t know how we’re going to make it through this. It is already an expensive time of year when we need to pay $1000 for heating fuel for the year and $500 for car insurance.
Venmo: @NixHunter
CashApp: $DoktorNix
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A Very Star Wars Christmas
I said I’d post about this last week when I got home, but I ended up coming down with a cold instead (not COVID, I’ve tested three times in the last six days, thankfully) and haven’t felt like doing anything. So here’s a post the first post of at least two, maybe three, about my family Christmas with a lot of info about the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser and just some family stuff mixed in.
I haven’t seen my Brother/SIL/Niblings since 2019. This is partially due to COVID and partially due to Patchy’s health and partially due to just... inertia. I don’t feel great about it.
But ever since the Starcruiser thing was announced my mom really wanted to go on it. My mom is the original Star Wars nerd in our family. She saw it in the theater as much as she could. She snuck out with a friend of hers to see Empire Strikes Back without us kids, and then the next day both my brother and I and the neighbor’s kids had “surprise dental appointments” wherein our dentist was watching Luke Skywalker find out that Darth Vader is his dad. Then we went for ice cream. It was a great day. We had similar dentist appointments for Return of the Jedi.
Star Wars (and Star Trek, even more so) were both revered in our house by both our mom (our dad liked them but was more of a fan of like, motorcycles and working on cars) my brother and I.
My SIL also liked Star Wars, and the four niblings (Oldest boy 12, then boy/girl twins 10, then youngest boy 8) have been brought into the Star Wars fold. Also along for the ride was my aunt (mom’s sister), so all told there were 10 in the family, all going to Star Wars for Christmas.
This was like, a thing my mom really wanted to do with the whole family as soon as it became a thing. We definitely do not usually take crazy expensive vacations, believe me. I wouldn’t have done this by myself because the price is eye-popping and my parents are usually pretty frugal. This was my mom doing a bucket-list item, for herself and for all of us. And we all loved it, a lot.
Gonna post pics, with faces blurred for privacy.

Back row: Dad, mom, aunt, me, SIL, 12yo, Brother. Front: 10yob, 8yo, 10yog.
Mom and Dad have a very big, nice RV they live out of most of the year. Aunt has a smaller but also nice RV she lives in most of the time (they all also have a house near-ish me they spend the rest of the time in.) They stayed at an RV park near Disney that also rented out cottages.
Bro, SIL and the kids actually went down to Florida from their more northern home state early December, and rented one of the cottages for most of December. Nothing fancy, but a small living room with a couch and a chair, a dining room table that seated 4, a small but functional kitchen (no dishwasher), one bath, one full bedroom, and a loft with four beds for the kids. It was about twenty steps from walking out of one of the RVs to the cottage so, very convenient.
My brother worked from “home” for a couple of weeks while SIL and the parents took the kids places like Kennedy Space Center, the Children’s museum, other not-too-expensive adventures nearby, and some expensive like a couple of days at Magic Kingdom, EPCOT and LegoLand. Again, once-in-a-lifetime kind of trip. They knew that this was their Christmas present from their mom and dad, and Starcruiser was their present from Grandma.
Grandpa bought them lightsabers (and Rey’s Jakku weapon) for Christmas at Magic Kingdom. The plastic kind, not the build-your-own kind.
I missed most of that because I had to be at home, working. But I flew to Orlando on the 21st. I was supposed to get there with enough time to spend time with the family that night, but the airplane that we were supposed to fly in on got grounded for mechanical troubles. Three gate changes and almost two hours later, I flew out and everyone was asleep when my Aunt came and picked me up. I had some credits on American Airlines and splurged and upgraded to First Class and yes, it was expensive but yes, it was very nice and roomy and the charcuterie plate for dinner was better than expected. I wanted a once-in-a-lifetime experience, too. And after two and a half years of not traveling (except once on the company dime), I was OK with it.
I stayed with my aunt in her RV since she likes sleeping in her nice recliner, I slept in the bedroom and was glad I brought Advil PM to actually sleep through most of the night. The next morning I got dressed in the outfit I’d created for myself out of things I already owned: the boots, pants, and leather belt, and things I bought online: this awesome shirt, this incredible vest, some leather belt pouches and bracer, some cheap but cute goggles, and my most favorite thing: a light-up Kyber Crystal engraved with my SWFFG character’s name in Arabesh. It all went together to create my Smuggler outfit, and overall, I thought I looked great and got a few compliments.
Here’s an awkward selfie I took before I got the necklace a few months ago. Wrist bracer sorta over there by Fry. :p

Anyway, I was proud of putting together halfway decent cosplay, and without the belt pouches, goggles and bracer, it’d probably be a pretty good everyday outfit anyway. On Starcruiser you are highly encouraged to dress the part, but your part is like, just Some Person Who Lives in A Galaxy Far Far Away. So you can have yourself a name (I told people my Star Wars FFG character’s name) but you aren’t supposed to be like, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Annakin Skywalker, Rey, Finn, Poe etc etc. You are a character, not the character. So here I was, a legitimate businesswoman on Starcruiser to perform totally legitimate business.
My mom, aunt and dad were envoys from Coruscant. The kids were all Jedi including my niece, who was a twilek Jedi for about the first hour until her lekku got too hot and then she basically looked like my smuggler’s assistant. My SIL made her own dress based off Leia’s from the end of The Force Awakens and it looked great, and she made my brother’s outfit. No, he’s totally not freshly escaped from Narkina 5, why do you ask?
Seriously though, first of all big shoutout to my SIL because she made all the costumes for herself, my bro and the kids and they all looked great. Also my brother’s costume killed at Starcruiser. He had people going up and getting pictures with him, yelling “ON PROGRAM!” at him, joking about how it was nice he finally found some shoes, etc. It wasn’t really timeline-fitting since Starcruiser happens between TLJ and TRoS but it didn’t matter. With Andor fresh in everyone’s minds, he was a huge hit.
So, you can’t arrive to Starcruiser til 1pm on your first day, so I did get some quality hanging out time with the family beforehand. I mostly hung out in the cottage with bro/SIL and the kids after having breakfast with my parents in their RV. We loaded up the cars a little early and made our way towards Disney. Good thing, too, because not only did we miss a turn thanks to bad GPS connection, but there was a serious lack of signs pointing towards where to go until you were close, and then another lack of signs of where to go after that, haha.
Anyway, we were still one of the first five cars to get there, which worked out for us because our group was so big (a lot of the staff went “TEN!?” when they asked how big our party was) so it took a lot to get all our stuff out of the cars, to get everyone together, to get all our stuff TO us etc.
So how the security stuff works is with the MagicBand. It’s sorta like a watch but not really. You just put ‘em on your wrist and you can pay for stuff with them, and also they’re your room key and ID to get to places. You also use them to complete quests on Starcruiser and in Galaxy’s Edge, the Star Wars part of Hollywood Studios, but more on that later.
We took that first pic of the post, then headed in... except my brother and I couldn’t because something was wrong with our magic bands and it took a good 20 minutes to sort out, and we still had to bring our ID around with us to the park the next day. Basically, originally my mom booked two rooms for the ten of us then went ahead and booked one more room for a total of three, (and yes, feel free to do the math on that. For the next-to-last time, a once-in-a-lifetime type of trip.) But moving everyone around to new rooms really glitched something in their systems and at one point my mom had a very unhelpful rep on the phone when making reservations who she thinks screwed things up. We ended up with two accounts and they had to get merged and.. hoooo boy it was a mess not only here, but a little while later, too.
SO ANYWAY. Finally we get in, about 45 minutes after we arrived. And I should say, the staff was great, they were dealing with a lot. I did gently suggest to one guy to maybe call a supervisor (in a very “hey, man, you’re dealing with a lot, is there someone who could get you some backup?” way, not a “LET ME TALK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR!!” way) and once that happened the supervisor got it sorted and we got in.
So, basically, the second you’re inside and done dealing with security, it’s like... man... you are IN STAR WARS. You’re THERE.
You get into a “shuttlepod” (elevator) which transports you from the surface of Coresaunt to the Halcyon Starcruiser. And not only does it transport you, but you can “see out” two little windows at the top and your shuttlepod flies up through the clouds, briefly jumps to lightspeed(?) and then you see the Halcyon on the screen and.. you dock. And the doors open. And holy shit, you’re on a spaceship.

I’m sorry this is the best pic we have of the experience, my mom took this one, that’s my head there with the goggles, but that’s us leaving the planet.
Yes, it’s a video on a TV screen but holy shit even that little elevator feels like a very Star Wars experience that you’re in a real little shuttlepod. Except that there’s handrails, lol.
So um, you walk out of the shuttlepod to the atrium of the Halcyon. And starting at this moment you’d better just start believing you’re on a spaceship in Star Wars because it will make your life so much easier and more magical for the next day and 20ish hours.
The Atrium is where most of the action happens. It’s where you’re going to meet the cast of characters that the story you’re about to be a part of for the first time, at least for most of them. It’s the nexus of most of the things you’re going to want to do and see.
OK let me back up.
The “Ship” (and look, I’m going to say ship even though we all know it’s a hotel, on Earth) supposedly has a lot of levels but you can only go to floors 4 through 7. Floor 4 has the dining room, the cargo bay, the “engine room”, the lightsaber training room, the “environmental simulator”, which I’ll get to later, and a few smaller spaces, and where you board the shuttlepod to Batuu (Hollywood Studios). Floor 4 might actually be ground level, I honestly do not know and wouldn’t know how to tell.
Floors five and seven I think are all guest rooms. We were on floor seven, thankfully near the end of the hall. The cast can get to the second level of the atrium from floor seven but not the guests.
Floor six has the atrium, the bar, the bridge, the gift shop, and some more guest rooms.
Honestly there might be more stuff that I didn’t even see, I don’t know. There’s a good map of it from the app here. I’ll talk about the app later.
I think that there is at least one entire level for the cast? Apparently in order to not break immersion, everyone lives on the ship while they’re working. So the actors, cooks, waitstaff, bar staff etc. don’t go home at night. They also live there. I don’t know the exact schedule but I have to think they must have two shifts of people who rotate “voyages”. Each voyage is two days. You arrive around 1pm on one day, have a full day there (well, a lot of it at Galaxy’s Edge) and leave the next morning by 10am. They have two or three hours to turn it around and start all over again with the next group. But we had the same actors, the same staff, the entire time.
We probed a little and found out a little information but the staff has to stay in character the entire time. Our waitress was Gina, we saw her at dinner both nights and also helping out during the first lunch and the late night buffet later. I really want to know like, are they one cruise on, one cruise off and it just rotates like that? I don’t know. I could possibly be wrong about this but Gina thought hard about how to phrase it and I think she was saying this for real and not giving me a cutesy Star Wars answer. BUT I COULD BE WRONG and dumb on this.
Anyway, back to it.
The atrium is a large space, and like I said, where most of the action happens and aside from the bar, the main hangout place. We spent a lot of time just hanging out there. It’s comfortable. There’s usually something going on. There’s a fancy water bar (sparkling, chilled flat or room temp flat! Look, I love just drinking water 90% of the time so I was very happy with easy access to as many cups as I wanted of tasty, cold water) or hop into the bar for a drink. You can just sit and look out to the bridge and either observe if Bridge Training is happening or just watch the stars go by, or the ship orbiting the planet. Whatever is happening in the story, you can look out of any “window” and that’s reflected. Also they often had snacks at the guest services desk if you just really needed some popcorn, pretzels, candy, dried fruit... I don’t know all of what they had, I just asked the niblings what they had grabbed when they came by with stuff and grazed off them, haha.
And in the first few hours when you arrive, many of the characters are just there, hanging out, getting to know you and you getting to know them.
Let’s look at the Atrium:

You know what? I don’t have many from when “Nothing” is happening but these two are decent. The first one is from not long after boarding, and that’s the back of Ouannii, who is a Rodian and one of the official characters. More on her in a sec.
There’s a bunch of pretty comfortable seating and some of the seating has USB/plugs so you can recharge while relaxing. It feels very Star-Warsy in a very clean, sleek, Corellia-y way. In the second pic you can see the model of the Halcyon (the ship we’re on), and above that you can see some of the windows. There was a bridge crew training happening I think when I took those so the things flying by are practice targets.
We just... hung out here for awhile before and after lunch and it was great. But upon arrival, we were swept quickly to our rooms to put down our carryons. Also so those not already in costume could get into costume. I’d say by dinner the first night like 80% of everyone was in some sort of costume. And if you didn’t bring one and didn’t mind dropping some $$ there were some to buy in the store. We were one of very few people we saw who just came in our costumes, but a lot of people probably came from the airport or other Disney resorts, whereas we came from “home”.
The rooms... were also very Star Wars.

Very cool: you have a “window” where you can continue to see what’s going on outside the ship, and one of your options is for it to keep coinciding with what’s happening in the story. ALSO I learned that depending on which side of the ship your room was on, you got a different view! You could also change it to a few things like a generic starcreen, or planetside views of Star Wars planets if you were feeling a little claustrophobic. It could be “shuttered” at night, or you could leave it on if you wanted it as a nightlight.
You could pull those orange box chairs under the window out and there were tables that would pull out, as well, if you wanted a seating area. But it was cool that it also tucked away neatly.
Bottom pic.. you can see there’s a queen sized bed and two bunks. My niece (the twilek pictured here haha) took the top one, I took the bottom one and my aunt took the bed. The room was VERY comfortable for three people, about a standard hotel sized room, way bigger than like, a regular cruise ship room.
And sleeping in the bunk felt VERY Star Wars. My only complaint was that that white rolled-up thing? It’s basically a sleeping bag, NOT a blanket. My aunt kept the room warm but I still wanted a blanket in the middle of the night and couldn’t figure out how to unroll it for awhile in the dark, and ended up just half-draping it over myself lol. But for the kids? Very cool. The bed was comfortable enough, though I missed my memory foam at home.
I don’t have a pic of the bathrooms but they were spacious and separated out so the toilet had its own space, as did the sink. The shower was a walk-in with a rainforest showerhead placed on the ceiling and falling right down. Not great for those of us who didn’t want to wash our hair, but whatevs. It was neat.
Also appreciated was that they had a big bottle of water in the room to share so I didn’t have to run down to the back of the atrium for cold water.
A weird but maybe cool(?) feature was that every room had like a “safe room” so that you could hide in case of an emergency? And then call for help so staff could help you. I think it’s so any elderly passengers didn’t have to wait in an unsafe place, and apparently each one had its own ventilation system and stuff? I don’t know how it works, just that it exists. Not like we had to use it. Yes, there were exit signs in case of an emergency, too, but apparently you could maybe survive in there in case of a fire you couldn’t get away from.
Another awesome feature of the room, I tried taking a pic but it’s a bit hard to tell...

It’s hard to see! But on that little screen is a video call with a droid! (D-3). She welcomes you to the room, and she can do all sorts of cool things. She talks to you and you can respond.. they have a very cool IVR or AI system set up, so she’ll ask your opinion on things, and she’ll remember it. She not only gives important information, but also like, she will ask you all sorts of questions, and she will answer questions, and at the end of the day you can tell her how your day was, you give her advice, and she will tell you a bedtime story or sing you a lullaby! The first night we got the story, (which, spoiler alert, was A New Hope but with R2 as the hero lol). The second night we tried for the lullaby but my niece was a bit slow answering so we didn’t get anything and couldn’t call back to ask her to do it. Slightly disappointing. It was still, very cool. Also the thermostat is there, and any emergency announcements come through that speaker and probably other stuff I didn’t mess with. We didn’t spend much non-sleeping time in the room. I’m sure there are cool bits that I missed.
The other screen.. uh... we didn’t explore it too much but when we got there it had a welcome message with our names on it (and my aunt’s spelled wrong :p). I think it had other things you could do but we never messed with it. Possibly an actual TV? idk. Why would you watch TV when you paid that much money to be IN STAR WARS?
Okay so from there, we headed to the dining room for lunch! It was like, 2:30 by then so we were pretty hungry.

More pics of the dining room later on, but this is a pretty good rep of it from the front looking back. Lunch that day and breakfast the next two were cafeteria style, all you can eat. This is the Crown of Corellia Dining room (the only dining room). Pretty big, but never felt crowded at all. Through those doors in the back was the cafeteria. We didn’t take any pics, but it wasn’t anything particularly fancy. The dining room itself though looked good in the light and at night in the dark, and the chairs were comfy.

I didn’t take a lot of food pics, this is almost all you’re going to get on that front.
Yes I tried the Blue Milk. My 12yo nephew and I both decided... we didn’t... not like it. Also didn’t actually like it? It was like.. fruit-flavored... slightly jellied... milk? Oh man, it is indescribable. Definitely something you should try if you get the chance and make up your own mind.
There was also green milk, which I didn’t get around to trying. My nephew said the same thing... couldn’t decide if he liked it or not.
The lunch buffet was great and I tried hard to not eat too much since dinner was like, less than three hours away, but there were some very good things. The little salad with the parmesean crisp on the left was fantastic. Then there was a cheese toasty (upper center, beneath the green sweetroll) that came with a little tomato soup... SO GOOD. That’s the only thing I went back for seconds for. The thing on the right was basically pizza. center bottom right was a ham and cheese roll, and the purple-blue blob stuff was a jelly-cream dessert with a bite of black cake and some kind of shipped cream. They all had very Star-Wars-y names that I do not remember.
It was all very good. But I’m still thinking of that cheese toasty.
From there we went out to the atrium. For like a full hour, my brother, SIL and the kids got tech support. All of the kids got given a very locked down iPhone, which was basically to play Star Wars Data Pad with and... oh God now I have to describe the datapad.
Let’s digress!
SO basically, when you go to Starcruiser you want to download the Play Disney App and then you go in and link your reservation to your phone (thankfully I did this a couple of weeks before we went). And the kids or anyone who doesn’t have a phone gets given a phone for this. And inside the Play Disney App as the Star Wars Datapad app on it. Which is your LIFELINE on this trip.

I am grateful my mom took this screenshot because I never did, thinking I’d be able to later.
So first of all, the app is your schedule. It tells you where you NEED to be and why. So you can see there, our transport to Batuu was at 8:10am on the second day, we had a reservation for Oga’s Cantina at noon, etc.
But it ALSO is your Quest Hub.
See the thing is, when you’re on Starcruiser, you’re not just a passive observer, unless you just wanna be. They actually want you to actively be a part of the story. And to do that, you not only show up to things like it’ll say “Muster - All Passengers, 4pm in the Atrium” (more on that later) but also the characters send you texts on the app (it’s all automated, it’s not actual people texting you but it is the CHARACTERS sending you in-character messages, if that makes sense. Much like a video game.) and you can choose to embark on quests for the characters.
And honestly, I don’t think it’s possible to do it all in one trip.
See, there’s a half dozen or more people you can ally yourself with and you can’t do them all. I went in knowing I wanted to be a smuggler, so for me, figuring out who the main smuggler storyline guy was and connecting with that story was most important. However, I also did several things for the captain and first officer.
It is literally like a mix of LARPing with the actors and being on the ship and video gaming by picking up quests, talking to the virtual version of the characters on the app and collecting stuff.
Basically, you choose the life -- Resistance, Smuggler, or First Order. Oh yeah, you can be First Order. And honestly if I ever went back, I might go that route for a very different experience. (Note: what you do in a game does not reflect what you’d do in real life don’t come at me with that, tumblr, thanks. Not that I think any of my mutuals would, but you never know who ends up reading a post.)
You can do some of each, but really, you want to commit to a storyline and make sure you see that one through, at least. And doing that is a combination of paying attention to what’s going on around you, talking to the right people, and paying attention to your app and responding in certain ways to certain quests.
That’s what your Comms is, though in the screenshot above, some of the items are main quest items, like doing stuff for Captain Keevan.
The Comms is the main quest page where you get and send messages from the characters, and you can basically also steer your quests in certain directions, like telling Lt. Cray, the First Order guy, you’re not going to help him and telling Raithe, the main smuggler guy, you’re down to smuggle whateves, whenevs.
You’ll use Tools all throughout the ship and Baatu. There’s like, a translation page so you can translate Arabesh (Star Wars Language) to English. There’s a whole scanning minigame where you want to find basically QR codes and you can collect virtual items, and unlock clues in quests. There’s a GPS tool so you can get to certain points to listen in on radio signals or transmit some. It’s minigame central with a GPS and QR scanning component, basically. But you use them in all sorts of quests.
The map is also very useful to get you around Baatu AND the Halcyon, and will point you towards quest points you’re on. It was very handy.
And the Profile will basically tell you who you’re working for, who you’re on good and bad terms with, and you collect in-app virtual items.
I will end up talking more about the app at the end. Just know that not only do you use your phone a lot for this stuff, but like my niblings didn’t have phones so Starcruiser loaned them locked-down iphones with Otterboxes on them, and it took a good hour to get my bro/SIL to get them all set up along with like three staff member’s help, thanks to both my bro/SIL not setting up their accounts ahead of time AND our reservation being a bit bungled. The staff who helped them were SO kind, patient and helpful and came up to me later and asked if everything with the niblings is going okay. I mean, it’s Disney, you expect the staff to be great, but they were extra great.
Woo! Intergalactic tech support!
During this time, after lunch and before dinner was also the main time when we met a bunch of characters.

Like here I am with Ouannii. And holy crap y’all. She only speaks Rodian, and her MOUTH MOVES WHEN SHE SPEAKS. It is a sight to behold. I mean it’s just animatronics but it is really cool looking. She walks around and talks with people, and you basically have to interpret her through pantomime but it’s such an experience. Oh, and there’s my cool light-up Kyber crystal necklace, too.

My niblings met SK-620 during this time, a droid important to the story. Yeah he just rolls around and talks (R2-D2 style) and I have NO IDEA who’s controlling him or where from but it was just awesome to see. Is there a person in there? Is someone watching from a window? He had a handler but the handler really didn’t seem like they were the ones doing the controlling. Just... really amazing and fun to be around.
I was about to talk about Muster but... you know what? This post is ridiculously long already and I haven’t gotten to the good stuff. And my fingers hurt from typing. Consider this part one of at least two or three.
Part Two here!
#star wars#galactic starcruiser#star wars starcruiser#personal post tag thingy#disney#disneyworld#starcrusier 2022
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Falcon Universal
Pairing: Sam x reader
Warnings: fluff, cursing, teasing
Summary: You take Sam, your boyfriend, to Universal in Orlando and he freaks over one particular section
“Sammy! Where ya at hon?” You called out into your shared apartment, searching for your boyfriend. You had just returned from work at the hospital, and had a surprise for Sam. “In here sweetheart,” he called from the bedroom, you followed his voice into their and greeted him with a hug and kiss. “Guess what hon,” you teased excitingly, “hmmm, red wing got back from being fixed?!?” You shook your head and chuckled, “no, I took off work for the next week and I’m taking you on vacation, we fly out tomorrow so go pack! It’s warm weather!” Sam’s face lit up with excitement, and curiously, he was excited to figure out where he was going, but anywhere with you was a good vacation!
You took Sam to the airport, you’d kept it a secret this long, but it would have to be shared as the tickets would give it away. “Come on Sammy! We can’t be late!” You and Sam were running to the gate, your Uber got lost and was late so you were hence, running late, and had 45 minutes to check in and board the plane. “I’m commin’ baby. God! What’d you pack?” “That’s your bag hon,” you’s said as you both stopped to take a breath once your reached the security line. “Oh, right, sorry sweets,” you gave him a kiss and took your shoes off. You went through the security with no problem, but then it was Sam’s turn. “Oh my god! You’re the Falcon right?!? You saved my wife from a burning building! Thanks man! Can I get a picture with you?” The security guard running the metal detector asked excitingly. “Hey man, I would but my girl and I are running late to our plane, don’t want to miss it,” the security guard cut him off, “no worries my guy, I got you, what flight?” Sam gave him the flight info and the guard called into the desk over there giving some code. “They’re holding the plane till you guys get there, and you’ll be in first class, free upgrade,” Sam looked a little embarrassed, “thanks man, but uh, you didn’t have to,” “my pleasure, don’t worry about it.” Sam posed for the picture and you two made your way to the gate. “Never knew I was dating a celebrity.” You teased, Sam smiled, “well, you know, when you hang with the big dogs,” you laughed.
“Universal! Really sweetheart?!? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Sam picked you up and spun you around when he found out where you were going, he’d always wanted to go. “Your welcome babe, I’m glad you’re excited, now let’s go!” The flight was nice, Sam held your hand during the turbulence, you weren’t the biggest fan of flying but it was better than driving for two days straight. You landed and collected your luggage, then you boarded the bus that would take you to the Sapphire Falls resort, where you were staying.
You checked into the room and it was amazing, you had a wonderful pool view, and you could see the Hogwarts Castle from there! You and Sam slept peacefully after calling Steve and Bucky and telling them you got in okay and in one piece.
Today was the day for the parks, you both got up early for the extra resort guest hour. You went first went through the Universal Orlando park, ending in Harry Potter land for lunch at the Three Broomsticks. You guys then rode the train over to Islands of Adventure. When you reached the Avengers land, Sam freaked. “Babe, babe, babe, look! They have little stuffed animals of all of us! Sam went into the store and went a little overboard, “they’re gifts for our friends,” he claimed. You also made sure you bought one of the Falcon stuffed animals, “sweetheart? Why?” “For when you have missions,” you retorted. “Why does HE get a ride but I don’t!?!?” Sam complained while you guys waited in line for the Spider-Man ride. “They could call it Falcon’s Flight and people could get strapped in and fly around the world,” you rolled your eyes, “yes hon, I know how you feel about the spiderling. You guys apparently ‘needed’ to eat at the Captain America character dinning for dinner, in other words, Sam wanted cringy pictures to tease Steve and Bucky with. That dining you got to meet with Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Falcon, and Black Widow. You guys ordered some pizza and talked while the characters moved about meeting each table.
The first one to come up to the table was the one playing Cap. Sam burst out laughing, “I’m sorry, he, he just knows Steve so it’s funny for him, again, I’m sorry.” The poor guy playing Cap had a realization, “oh my, you’re Falcon, like the real one!” Sam nodded, “can we get a few pictures? I need something to tease Steve with?” Sam asked. You stood getting their pictures; one of Sam holding his shield, one with Sam ‘running’ past him, on the left of course, and one with Sam just standing with the fake Cap. “Thanks man,” with that the Cap left and you and Sam sat back down, your pizza came out a few moments after.
The Black Widow actor came and she looked just like Natasha, you both got a few pictures with her. Next the Winter Soldier actor came around and Sam burst out laughing, again and you had to apologize, again. “Who the bell is Bucky?” The actor played along when you mentioned Sam knew the real Bucky, that was the reason for his laughter. This comment caused Sam to laugh even more. “Dude, you are perfect, just like the real Winter Solider, all you need now is a staring problem.” During the pictures ‘Bucky’ kept staring creepily at Sam, just like the real Bucky did. “Man, do you have a card or something, I need to hire you for Bucky’s birthday,” the actor gladly gave Sam his number and went onto the next table. “Gettin’ another person’s number I see?” You teased, “yeah darlin’ cause I just love Bucky so much,” he joked back.
You had just finished eating when the Falcon actor came. It was your turn to burst out laughing. The actor stood there shocked when he realized who Sam was. “Wow, they really did a good job, man my costume looks fire!” Sam high-fives the actor. You got some pictures with the fake Falcon and Sam did as well, his were a back to back one, one staring at each other etc.
You got back to the hotel that night and spent a while trying to make everything fit inside your luggage, Sam had bought a LOT. “Sammy, I know you had fun, but I think you bought too much.” You whined after spending 15 minutes trying to smoosh stuff in already. “It’ll fit sweets, I know it will.” After another 15 minutes you had the bags zipped, and you both laid in bed cuddling. “Darlin’ thank you so much, I had a lot of fun, you’re the best significant other a guy could ever ask for. I love you.” “I don’t know, I mean I’ve heard Bucky’s pretty awesome,” you joked, relating back to the previous event at dinner. “Ass,” Sam joked, cuddling you harder, “all seriousness,” you started, “I love you too, and you deserve it, for being so kind and caring, loving and handsome, always being there for me, and being an Avenger on top of the world’s greatest and handsomest boyfriend ever.” You kissed each other and you both slept soundly that night.
#marvel#sam wilson marvel#sam x reader#Sam Wilson#sam wilson x reader#sam wilson fic#sam x y/n#sam at universal
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