#Orion Stella
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infamoussparks · 9 months ago
Chapter 8: Reunions & Relationships
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Approx. 4700 words; 30 minute read
He recalled the conversation and found it to be strange, especially paired with Lucky giving him this paper. Benji suddenly had the realization that this could be one of Celia’s doves and he swallowed his worry that Lucky was working with Celia. Her name hadn’t come up in the conversation between Makayla and the others in the office, but this dove couldn’t simply be a coincidence, right?
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“... the hell, Umbra? I told you a full blackout!”
“Fetch, I did exactly that. But you heard her! She was having a panic attack. I couldn’t just leave her like that.”
“I don’t care if she was having a baby, you need to follow instructions.”
Makayla groaned softly as the arguing voices started to come in clear within the small room. Both of the voices immediately halted and Makayla struggled to open her eyes. Once fluttered open, the bright lights within the sterile white room were grating on her nerves. She didn’t even try to move her limbs, just turned her head to the side to take in both Fetch and Benji standing over her bed.
“... Hey, losers.” Makayla smirked and then winced. Pain flared at her core. Fetch frowned unimpressed and Benji looked Makayla over before clearing his throat.
 “Makayla?” Benji spoke cautiously as though afraid to cause her more pain with his voice alone.
Makayla forced a single laugh, “I’m not gonna break.”
“She’s fine. Clearly.” Fetch rolled her eyes, shifting her weight to her opposite hip and crossing her arms over her chest. She looked absolutely pissed.
Makayla was tickled pink internally. Good. Let the neon punk be annoyed by her. She enjoyed knowing she was under Fetch’s skin. Makayla went to move her arms and realized she was cuffed to the side of the medical bed.
“You think these will hold me?”
Benji sighed, “No one is holding you here, we just have some questions for you.”
“I’m holding her here. I’ll be honest,” Fetch barked.
“Fetch.” A fourth voice cautioned. Delsin entered the already cramped space. Fetch rolled her eyes and pouted. Makayla felt herself mimic the same expression herself. Delsin turned his focus to the bed, “So… Makayla Grayson, correct?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s me. What else did Benji tell you?”
Benji interjected, “Nothing, just your name, honest. I haven’t seen you in years.”
Makayla sighed, “Yeah, well you dropped out. So did I. College wasn’t working for me.”
Delsin glanced between the two, “You went to college together?”
“Had one class together, but we were in different years.” Benji confirmed.
“Interesting,” Delsin seemed as though that was something newsworthy. “Makayla, you’re working for Celia?”
Makayla laughed, “Not for her, just with her. I liked the promise she offered.”
“... Which is?” Delsin prodded.
“Same ol’ song and dance from Doves. Let’s lock her up and figure out next steps.” Fetch sounded impatient.
Delsin gave her that look. Oh, boy. Fetch was in trouble and Makayla loved to see it. She smiled to herself. “Fetch, meet me in the office.”
“Fine. I’m bored of babysitting anyway.” Fetch flipped Makayla off as she turned to leave the room. Makayla returned the gesture with a loud clanking of handcuffs against metal.
“Makayla, listen,” Delsin sighed and spoke a little softer, a little kinder, “We need as much information as you can give us on Celia and her plans. I don’t want to hold you here and I’ll let Benji uncuff you. But if you can help us, I’d appreciate it.”
“Why?” Makayla insisted, “Why should I help you?”
“Because we can give you freedom, too. The right way. You’d have safety here and a place to train and you clearly have friends here already. Just… think it over, yeah?”
Makayla looked from Delsin to Benji and back to the beanie-wearing man before offering a small nod. Maybe Celia’s version of freedom was a bit skewed to being more like a personal vendetta than an actual, attainable goal.
“How long do I have? To think it over?”
“A few days. Benji, here,” Delsin tossed a set of keys to Benji and he caught them easily with his left hand. “Let her free in a minute. I gotta make sure Fetch is in the office.” Then Delsin left.
Makayla was alone with Benji and while she didn’t consider them “friends” she knew Benji had vouched for her and tried to help her, even if the darkness was his fault.
“How long?” His voice pulled her from her thoughts.
“For what?”
“Since you’ve been a conduit? One of us?”
“Oh,” Makayla turned her attention to the ceiling, “Four years.”
“So, you knew while we were in school?”
“Yeah. But you can’t fault me. You never said anything about your powers, either.” Makayla snapped back. Benji looked hurt but he approached her side and started unlocking the cuffs as promised.
“We’re good here. I mean, I think you’d like it here. No one forces you to use your powers if you don’t want to. And I’ve really learned about a deeper level of control,” Benji spoke softly, a kindness mixed with his words, “Not that you don’t have control, just that… it’s an option.”
Makayla rubbed her newly freed wrists and sat up carefully, already feeling a lot better. She checked her stomach and saw only a smudge of scar tissue that was already fading.
“You didn’t have to save me back there, you know.”
“I couldn’t stop myself. You were–I was so worried about you.” Makayla could see the honesty in his eyes and for a moment they reminded her of Cassidy’s eyes. Her best friend. Her ride-or-die. Her would-be girlfriend, if the accident hadn’t happened. She pulled her attention back to her hands and blinked away the tears that seemed to suddenly be tugging at her eyes.
“I don’t know what they want from me here. At least with Celia I just do what I’m told and even then I’m pretty shitty at that, too. But here? Fetch wants me dead and Delsin doesn’t seem too keen about allowing me to stay…” Makayla took a breath and looked at Benji again, “I have no place to go if I don’t go back to Celia. And I’m not sure what will happen if I do. I failed.”
“Then just stay here. I promise they’ll come around.”
“And if they don’t? Then I’m back out on the streets. Alone.”
Benji gave her a quizzical look, “Listen to me, Mak. Pleas—“
Makayla snapped, “You don’t get to call me that! Ever! There's only one person who can call me that and it isn’t you.”
“I’m sorry. Makayla, please listen to me. I’m not your enemy here.”
“You’re not my remedy, either.”
Benji took a step back and composed himself in silence. Makayla sighed loudly, the rush of air messing up her fringe in a gust before the black and neon green strands fell back into place over her forehead.
She started again, “I’m sorry, that was… Listen, I’m just nervous. I only know you here and you can’t vouch for me forever. Plus, I dunno if you know this about me but I’m kinda on everyone’s hit list here.”
Benji laughed, the sound breaking the awkward nerves in the room, “No shit, really?”
Makayla twisted and threw her pillow at him. Benji caught it an inch from his face.
“Listen, I don’t need saving but I’ll help as much as I can. Celia is acting really weird lately and assigning what should be my missions to Orion. It’s not fair and something is up.”
“Let’s get you settled in and then I’ll tag along when you go to talk to Delsin and Fetch about everything, deal?”
“Deal.” Makayla smiled and suddenly felt relieved, like she had been holding her breath and finally surfaced. It was a weird feeling for her, but something told her she could relax here. Maybe she could even trust someone other than herself for once.
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“Remember to breathe, Dr. Hutch.”
The lessons were hard but Rosaline was pushing herself anyway. For Caly, she reminded herself. For Caly.
Originally Eugene had tried running a few simulations with her using his power to project holograms, but these didn’t seem to work with Rosaline’s magnification abilities. It was hard to unlock a more mental-focused power with something that demanded a more physical approach. But after a few more tries, Eugene had an idea and phoned a friend. It took a bit for them to arrive but when they entered the training arena Rosaline instantly felt a wave of calm and encouragement from them and now they were sitting cross-legged on the floor facing one another.
“Please, call me Rosaline,” Rosaline concentrated on her breathing as instructed, “Like in yoga class… I’m finding my center.”
Her teacher reached out and touched her hand, “Stop that. This isn’t yoga. I want you to focus on connecting yourself to your power, not your center.”
Rosaline took a deep breath and pulled her long, red hair into a messy bun atop her head, which nearly matched the size of the pink bun her teacher had atop theirs. They spoke like they’d taught people how to really connect to their powers all their lives, but something creeped into the back of her mind, like that was a lie or a fa��ade somehow. Like maybe this was just how they taught themselves. And maybe that was enough. Rosaline didn’t need to see transcripts or a list of names of successful students, she just needed to make this work. For herself. For Caly.
“Okay, Garrett. Let me try it again.”
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Eugene sent an email. Another call for help. At first it bothered him to have to rely on others for help when he was a powerful conduit with connections, to boot. But it was these connections that were a boone to his power, not a fault of it. So now Eugene reached out unabashedly and continued to work while waiting on responses.
This response came at lighting speed. As expected. Childe was one with the Internet, after all.
They seemed happy to help and Eugene toasted his half-empty cup of coffee to them from his side of the computer screen.
“I just need to attack this from both sides. If we can crack this database wide open we’ll be saving a lot of conduits. I have a feeling Stratego may have additional facilities that we simply don’t know about yet.” SEND.
The reply came quickly. {I’m on it. I’ll be in touch.}
“I’ll drink a coffee for you, Childe. Thanks so much.” SEND.
{LOL! Thank you.}
With this being worked on, Eugene finally felt like he was making big strides instead of banging his head against the wall. Amazing what a small breakthrough, some powerful conduits and a few cups of coffee could accomplish.
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The meeting between Makayla and the Heroes went better than Benji was expecting. Fetch had seemed annoyed at first, but as she was taking in what Makayla offered, she started asking more questions and by the end of the meeting seemed to be a little more amicable toward the toxin user. Benji was pleased.
Now, Benji was alone in his dorm which felt odd after spending so much time with Caly in here. He was sort of at a loss on what to do with the silence… video games? Art? Homework? Nah, not homework. But his eyes landed on his desk anyway and zoned into the folded paper he had left there. The one from Lucky.
He picked it up from his desk and turned it over in his hands. It was an origami dove and he wondered if maybe Lucky needed help afterall. 
“Are you okay? Do you need help?”
“I’m better now, thanks. Take care of Caly. Good luck, Benji.”
He recalled the conversation and found it to be strange, especially paired with Lucky giving him this paper. Benji suddenly had the realization that this could be one of Celia’s doves and he swallowed his worry that Lucky was working with Celia. Her name hadn’t come up in the conversation between Makayla and the others in the office, but this dove couldn’t simply be a coincidence, right?
Benji was flicking at the folds of the paper when something told him to unfold the dove and he pulled it apart carefully. Inside on the paper was the following message:
Grasp your FREEDOM, now Consider this your invite Accept your calling
“Oh,” Benji whispered to himself after reading the note, “I need Makayla to tell me where to go… I need to warn Lucky about Celia.” And he started tossing things into an old backpack. This was his hero’s calling, he could feel it in his bones.
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“Benji? What are you doing here?” Lucky spun around running to Benji with a look of concern on her face. She grabbed him by the wrist and tugged him back into the shadows away from the entrance of the abandoned train yard. Benji thought she’d be happy to see him but her actions spoke louder than words.
“Are you safe? I unfolded the origami you gave me and I came as soon as I knew where to find you.”
Lucky gave him a puzzled look and moved her hand from his wrist to interlacing her fingers with his. Benji felt his cheeks warm and was thankful for the shadows for once in his life.
“Are you okay? Is Caly?”
“Yeah, Caly is fine. I’m fine,” Benji was trying to read her. Something seemed off but he couldn’t figure it out yet. It didn’t help that her hand felt warm in his and it was throwing his senses off. No one ever held his hand. This was new to him and it was really nice.
Benji shook himself to pull himself together, “Listen, Lucky. You may be in danger. That origami dove you gave me? It was one of Celia's, right?”
Lucky furrowed her brow, “Yeah, how did you kn–”
“Celia is using you for some self-important job. She’s going to hurt you once she no longer needs you,” Benji cut in, “You need to get out. Now.”
Lucky’s eyes searched his face. Benji wasn’t sure if she was finding what she needed or not. He just hoped she believed him.
“It may be too late for that. But you shouldn’t be here. If she sees you here…” Lucky’s voice drifted off and she quickly glanced over her shoulder as if she heard something he missed. “Good luck, Benji. You need to leave.”
Benji felt a rush of… something. Like a splash of water in his face. It was a strange sensation and he realized he had felt this once before with Lucky. She went to drop his hand and he grabbed her hand back quickly, holding it between both of his hands now. He was searching her face now and she looked slightly terrified.
“I’m not leaving you here. Come back with me,” His voice was a hushed whisper. He was begging her.
Lucky seemed to hesitate for a moment. It gave Benji a surge of hope. But then she glanced at their hands and she gently pulled hers away again, “I wish I could. I have to stay. For now.”
“Is she hurting you?”
Lucky seemed caught off guard by that assumption, “What? No. I mean, I can leave soon. I’ll find you again, I promise.”
Benji shook his head. He was not accepting this weird flow of words from Lucky. Something was clearly wrong and he decided to stay. What did Fetch tell him? Sometimes you gotta trust your instincts and choose the lesser evil. Let’s hope she wasn’t wrong.
“I’m staying with you, then. I want to see what Celia has planned for myself.”
“Benji I don’t think that’s a good idea…” Lucky started but noticed Benji seemed to have made up his mind. She sighed, “Keep your power hidden but ready. Something is changing and I’m getting nervous.”
Benji nodded as Lucky took his hand again and led him into the tunnel that held their small cohort of a team and Celia’s hidden base for Operation Freedom.
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The knocking was loud. Then louder still.
“C’mon, Benji! Open up! I know you’re skipping class,” Fetch’s voice was muffled beyond the dorm door. “I’m letting myself in on the count of three.”
Fetch counted as she found the key she needed and then she unlocked the door to Benji’s room. She was hoping the conduit was just asleep since he was now off babysitting duty and had just used a massive amount of power at her behest. So, when Fetch opened the door and found the room all but empty, she was very, very confused.
And then she noticed something on Benji’s empty desk. A piece of paper that had familiar folded lines which had been smoothed out.
Fetch entered the room and picked up the paper, reading the message inside before fisting it with anger that all but set her neon ablaze. She left his dorm room, closing the door behind her but leaving it unlocked and headed not back to the office, but to another dorm down an opposite hall.
Another loud knocking on a closed door but this one was quickly answered.
“Yeah, yeah, what do you wa–oh, Fetch.” Makayla raised a single eyebrow while standing in her doorway.
“We have a problem that I think you can help with,” Fetch held up the scrunched paper in her fist and Makayla looked from it to Fetch’s face before nodding quietly. “Meet me in the office, now.”
Delsin and Eugene were already in the office planning lessons for the upcoming semester when Fetch crashed that party with Makayla in tow. She stormed to the desk and slapped the paper down on the wood.
“We have a big problem. Benji is gone.”
“Gone?” Delsin read the paper and then looked to Fetch and passed the paper to Eugene to read over as well.
Makayla sat carefully on the armrest of the couch, as though she may need to bolt from the room at a second’s notice, “He’s with Celia. I know where her base is.”
“We are not going to her base. It would be like walking into a trap,” Delsin strategized.
“Smart. I see why people call you the ‘Hero of Seattle’,” Makayla seemed to relax a bit on her perch.
Delsin nodded and then leaned into her bubble, “That’s why you’re going instead.”
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Sweat beaded along her forehead as Lucky pushed her abilities and dodged an attack aimed at her head. She had been standing still with her eyes closed, tapping into her luck and relying upon it to guide her actions. It wasn’t a perfect dance, not yet anyway. But Lucky was determined to fine-tune this new skill.
“Too slow!” Her brother’s voice shouted from someplace in front of her, a noise like a razor upon glass alerted her to a new barrage of his mirror shards flying her way. Lucky dove left but as predicted, she was a second too slow and one shard sliced into her calf.
Lucky cursed under her breath, rolling until she sat up and could check the damage. It wasn’t a deep cut but she still frowned at being cut at all.
Orion approached her and stood over her, hands resting on his hips. “I told you to just fight me normally. This whole pushing your luck is going nowhere.”
“Stop being such an ass about this, Orion. I really want to try this. I think I can make it work somehow,” Lucky reached up to him and Orion grabbed her wrist to pull her to her feet while rolling his eyes.
The pain was sharp and sudden. Lucky gasped and glanced down seeing a shard driven up and under her ribcage. She blanched and stumbled forward into Orion’s arms. He held her gently, whispering into her ear.
“You trust too easily, sister. You need to build your pain tolerance before you try new tricks.”
“... Orion… Why?” She inhaled and held her breath, her fingers finding the shard before she wrapped her hand around it and yanked it from her skin. The pain caused tears to escape from the corners of her eyes and she pressed her bloodied palm to the wound as the shard fell to the grass at her feet.
Orion pushed her away from his embrace and ran his index finger under her chin, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. “Anger looks good on you, Lucky. Ready to fight me now?”
Lucky narrowed her eyes, forcing celestial light into her hands. The one over her wound flared with pain as she focused on cauterizing the wound with the heat. She flicked her free hand upward to latch around Orion’s wrist, the burn registering as pain flashed across his features. Lucky smirked internally knowing she had bested her brother for a moment.
Orion yanked his arm from her grasp and immediately summoned more mirror shards to his aid with a flash of golden crescents flickering in his eyes. The shards flew like arrows loosed from an invisible bow and Lucky dodged them all gracefully.
While Orion pulled more shards from thin air, Lucky forced celestial light in his direction. It flew like a thrown sparkler, sparks flying and her aim true. As it reached close enough to Orion, Lucky clapped her hands together and the sparks of light exploded in his face. She was quickly disappointed as the smoke cleared and her brother appeared from behind a mirror shield he crafted to protect his face.
Lucky scowled but then she was hit with sudden dizziness and her steps faltered. A glance down told her the stab wound was still bleeding and that this mini skirmish needed to quit while it was just between the siblings.
Benji caught her in his arms before she hit the ground.
“Lucky!” He was looking her over quickly and then his eyes started fading into this blue-gray color and Lucky reached up one hand and cradled his cheek. Her touch canceled his call to his power and he looked back down at her.
“I’m fine. Don’t hurt him.”
“But he hurt you.”
“And I’ll do it again if she wimps out with our next sparring session,” Orion cut in standing before them both. His arm was sporting a burn mark in the shape of her hand and his face looked marked by small dots of burns. So she had hurt him with her attack. Lucky smiled to herself. “I’m leaving. Let Celia know I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“What? Where are you going?” Benji shouted after him as Orion turned and started walking toward the city.
“To the bar. I’m hunting for trouble.”
“I hope it eats you alive, brother,” Lucky called after him and then she moved to sit in the grass, leaning back against her hands to relieve some pressure from her wound. Orion scoffed and waved but never looked back.
Benji dropped to sit next to Lucky, his eyes still darting from her face to her wound. He looked concerned for her and she gave him a soft smile.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“You aren’t healing?”
“Oh… Yeah. About that,” She shifted a bit and winced just a smidge, “My power is luck-based and that’s pretty rare to drain. So healing is a slower process for me. I will heal, it just takes a little longer than most other conduits.”
Benji frowned a little at that but then sighed softly, “What can I do to help?”
Lucky gave him her full attention and for a moment said nothing at all. No one had ever offered to help her before. No one had ever seemed to care. She searched Benji’s eyes but only found genuine kindness. Her heart fluttered for a moment in her chest.
“Stay with me?” He’ll get hurt if he stays, Lucky thought to herself, But he isn’t going to want to leave you, not like this.
Benji just nodded and scooted closer to her on the grass, “Yeah, sure. I’m here, Lucky.”
“Thanks, Benji.”
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The bar was a loud, public place with a thin haze from cigarettes and cigars lingering in the air. By the time Orion pushed through the doorway and approached the bar his face was fully healed and the mark on his arm had faded to a shadow of color. He asked for something strong and smooth and let the bartender work their human magic on a drink that met his requirements. He took a long sip from it before taking a moment to look around him and start to narrow in on a target.
A lot of people were keeping to themselves at the bar, or enjoying the company of friends at the few tables scattered throughout. A few people seemed to be running on liquid courage, while alone with a potential partner for the evening. But as Orion took another long sip from his glass, ruckus laughter pulled his focus and he narrowed his eyes at a man with a slight build and blonde, spiky hair. The man was not alone and he demanded an audience. Orion felt his pulse rise with the thought of stealing that attention for himself.
“... tell us about your new boyfriend, Luca…”
Orion smirked and finished his drink, slamming the glass on the bar before leaving his spot and heading for the blonde, a single, overheard name whispered under his breath, “Luca.”
The goal was simple: Push. If this guy was a conduit, push harder. Orion was looking for a fight and starting one in this crowded bar would be easy for him. A necessary release of anger, energy and power. He wanted to feel something tonight and either Orion would get his ass handed to him, or he’d get what he wanted–it was simply up to the tipsy, laughing blonde that was in his sights.
The night would be a smashing success either way.
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“What do you mean?” Benji asked Lucky curiously. The two had been up all night talking and the sunlight was beginning to creep into the space they were sharing within the abandoned train yard building. It had been easy to talk with Lucky about anything and Lucky seemed to enjoy his company, so he stayed. Benji was also sticking by in case her unpredictable brother came in and decided round two of fight club would start before Lucky was fully healed.
“I mean, I think something is going on between Celia and my brother. Orion has been really combative with me for a few days now and just the other day Celia gave him a ‘secret mission’.” Lucky put the words in air quotes, “I’m starting to suspect Celia has it out for me somehow.”
“You should come back with me. I’ll protect you,” Benji took Lucky’s hands in his own, “I mean, the warehouse will take you in. We have Makayla healing there now.”
Lucky gave him a quizzical look, her brows furrowed in a way that read as her trying to understand what he had just told her. “Makayla is staying at the warehouse?”
“Yeah,” Benji confirmed, “At least, I hope so. She seemed like she was done with Celia’s bullshit and now hearing a similar story from you… I think you may be in trouble if you stay here.”
Lucky held his gaze and Benji felt a strange pull toward her. The way the sunlight was playing off her light skin and catching on her dark eyelashes… He shook his head slightly to shake off whatever was washing over him at the moment.
“Okay.” Lucky gave him a curt nod.
“Okay, I’ll meet you there. As soon as I know my brother is back here safely, I’ll sneak out and find you.”
Benji tilted his head slightly and gave her a slight frown, “Why are you protecting him?”
“I’m not,” Lucky quickly answered, “I’m protecting you. You need time to get back to the warehouse and let them know that something big is coming and it’s going to get bad. If I’m right, Celia is priming Orion to fight by her side and knowing him as well as I do, well, he’s not going to stop until he gets what he wants out of this.”
“What does he want?”
“Control and power.” Lucky answered. “All of it.”
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kedreeva · 26 days ago
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Today I transported Onyx and one of her daughters to a lady in Ohio. While I liked Onyx well enough, literally no one else here liked her, with Opal only somewhat tolerating her, so I'm hoping that she and her daughter will be able to remain friendly and together in a new home. They did really well on the drive, and didn't fuss at all to be transferred to the other transport caging since we met halfway. It's always amusing to me when I rock up to a farm or a meet with my unique form of transport - just gating off the back of my Jeep and putting down towels - with completely chill birds, and the people are somehow amazed that giving the birds space and comfort (two things I am constantly telling people to give these birds) means they aren't throwing themselves at the walls trying to get away or stressing out about transport. They literally just sit down and hang out for car rides.
Anyway, the lady they went to was very sweet in person and was looking for a couple hens to keep her mom's boy company after her mom passed away. I'm sure they'll enjoy being spoiled babies with him.
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venomsvl · 3 months ago
Okay so am currently writing this fic where the Slytherins are throwing a party and James and Sirius wants to crash it by sneaking in. Now this is the part that I need Ur opinion on, I have this idea that I always liked but DK if I should include it. Basically it's just like how the TARDIS works like having another dimension in another one, meaning that inorder to the Slytherins not having anyone that isn't invited to the party to come or even have any professors shutting down the party Regulus came up w a spell that allows only ppl that are invited to go to the dimension that has the party if they're not invited they go to the regular one where nothing is happening. This also helps them in not having any of the annoying and Slytherin jerks from coming in and ruining the mood. Idk if I should write this or just not have it at all what do U guys think?
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manyfandomocs · 2 months ago
Star Wars OC Introductions
Uh oh guys I got into another fandom and have lots of ocs already. These are just for the Skywalker Saga movies cause it’s all I’ve seen so far (gonna see others soon though) and they are all split up between the three trilogies!! Shoutout to both @randomestfandoms-ocs and @rose-of-oz for listening to me talk about these guys and helping with different faces and other ideas!!!
Diomedes Olphen (Devon Bostick FC), Anakin Skywalker ship. Diomedes was born with a certain sensitivity to the Force, but unfortunately he was also born on Kessel. A miner from a young age under the orders of a different crime lord seemingly every year, he wasn’t able to learn what this feeling was or how to use it, instead he just tried to shove it done to continue doing what was best for his family. Until his family dies, so he sneaks onto the first ship out of the planet. How was he supposed to know it was a government ship for Senator Palpatine? But the man didn’t hurt him, no, he sensed the power in him and allowed him to stay. Which leads to him meeting Anakin Skywalker.
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Leonia Dellian (Marina Moschen FC), Obi-Wan Kenobi ship. Young Padmé Amidala is a very intelligent and witty young queen, and she would say she owes a lot of that to her longtime teacher and friend Leonia. Someone whose family has been employed in Naboo for many years, Leonia is the latest Dellian to serve the family. Her role is part advisor, part teacher, but she has grown to truly care about the girl. Which means when she has to accompany the masquerading young queen on the desert planet Tatooine, she figures it can just be a learning experience and deal with the annoying Jedi along the way. Except Obi-Wan isn’t as annoying as she first thought, at least until he realizes she knows more about Jedi ways than she first let on.
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Orion Arcoum (Ben Barnes FC), Anakin Skywalker ship. Besides Padmé Amidala, there was another love of Anakin Skywalker’s. Orion Arcoum. He wasn’t a young royal or a slave on Tatooine or a Jedi. He was just Orion. A poet facing a world of war, a normal boy in a galaxy of improbabilities, a lover who doesn’t get to be loved. They met on a Jedi mission, before Anakin’s reunion with Padmé, and despite the rule of no attachments, they stayed in touch the best they could. Even having meetings on different planets once Orion got his own ship to travel and continue his artistry. But over time, especially once reunited with Padmé, Orion noticed that something was growing within Anakin.
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Polaris Tane (Freddy Carter FC), Anakin Skywalker ship. Senator turned Chancellor turned Emperor Palpatine has had many apprentices over the years, one of the youngest being Polaris. He grew up on Naboo. His parents, dark users of the Force, were always trying to be close to Palpatine. They never really succeeded, but Polaris did. Polaris, because of the darkness Palpatine could sense in the child. In an ironic twist of fate, his parents ignoring him for Palpatine is precisely why he succeeded where they failed. He had a hungrier darkness. Polaris thought he was going to be the star pupil, then Anakin Skywalker shows up.
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OG Trilogy
Feneca Calrissian (Ncuti Gatwa FC), Leia Organa ship. Feneca had always grown up following his brother Landonis, Lando and Fen, close as can be. Even when his brother went into smuggling, Feneca joined him. They meet Han Solo, they befriend him, Feneca does more with him, and then Lando loses their beautiful ship to him. So while Lando retired the smuggling business and decided to become an entrepreneur, Fen didn’t. He continued on through the galaxy, enjoying his time and finally separating himself from his brother. Until somehow Fen finds himself involved in a rebellion he had no plans on joining
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Navaru Organa (Sam Claflin FC), Han Solo ship. Luke may have been Leia’s brother by birth, but Navaru says he was her brother longer. Adopted by the Organa’s just after Leia was, he has always been close to his sister. He joins the Rebellion with her, always officially acting as the carefree prince to get his way into different conversations with various leaders full of information that’s important to the cause. But when Leia gets taken, he has to go on his own journey to find the droids, a journey that leads him right to Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.
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Rigel Arcoum (Jenna Coleman FC), Luke Skywalker ship. The daughter of Orion Arcoum, Rigel grew up as far away from the war torn planets as possible. She grew up knowing about the Force, about the Jedi, but she also grew up with a father who feared what it could do to her. So she had a simple life, even if she wanted more. Her father’s voice in her ear warning her away from what she saw in her dreams, the reminders that he didn’t want to lose her, so she agree to stay away. She stays away except for when her father’s friend needs parts. Parts she can find from a not very welcoming bar. A bar that sends her straight to Luke Skywalker and the very war and Force she was supposed to be staying away from.
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Adonis Dameron (Gregg Sulkin FC), Finn & Rey & Poe Dameron ship. Formerly known as AD-8632, Adonis was a Stormtrooper. Raised from birth to serve the First Order and do whatever is asked. But when he was given an order he just couldn’t follow, the killing of a mother protecting her young son, he deserted. He abandoned his post, his ideals, his life, all for the risk and chance that he was wrong. And after his ship crashed not far from a Rebellion base, he was found by Poe Dameron. AD-8632 chose the name Adonis, well, it was taken by him when Poe asked “What are you, some kind of Adonis?” and was given the last name Dameron when he told Poe he has no family. And before he knew it, Adonis was training with the Rebellion. He became a pilot with Poe, became Poe’s partner, and so it was a no brainer to be on the mission of the Luke Skywalker map. Adonis didn’t know that he would end up helping a fellow Stormtrooper escape, or that he would wake up on a junkyard of a planet with the Stormtrooper and meet a scavenger who has won the appeal of BB-8
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Saiph Skywalker (Zoey Deutch FC), Rey ship. The daughter of Rigel Arcoum and Luke Skywalker, Saiph knew she had to train to be worthy of Jedi Master title. Both of her parents may have learned late in life, but they were both war heroes. Her aunt and uncle were heroes. She had to rise to the occasion, just like her cousin Ben. But things went wrong at the temple. Her lessons were going great but Ben’s…she knew he was struggling, she had wanted to help him, and then it all went up in flames with her barely surviving. Ben was gone, replaced by Kylo Ren. Her father was gone, a solitude she could understand but hurt her deeply, his role beginning to be filled by her uncle Han. And she had to fight to try to keep herself from succumbing to the same darkness. Perhaps her grandfather Orion was right about the Force, so she tried to suppress it as she fights with her aunt Leia. Until she meets Rey
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Stella Solo (Elle Fanning FC), Poe Dameron ship. Stella was Force sensitive, yes, but she was never on the level her brother Ben was. He was the one that Uncle Luke truly wanted to train, Stella was just there to soak up and support. Except for the incident. The incident that cost her her whole family, her parents separating and her uncle secluding and her brother…she didn’t want to think of him. Which was fine with her, she could shift her interests to other pursuits, she wanted to keep the royal family of Organa alive. Princess of an exploded planet like Alderaan didn’t sound like a gig anyone wanted, but Stella enjoyed the title and what came with it. Her mother was a hero, it seemed like she was just a princess. One of the few that knew her strength was her favorite Resistance member Poe, and when his life is danger she decides she will prove that she is her mother’s daughter.
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sdhqsecrets · 4 months ago
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halloween costume contest ‘28 →  halley, orion, stella & elara macmillan-bones & bentley lockhart for best group costume
while we'd argue that this is not the most original idea for a group costume, you guys always know how to come through on a theme and commit fully. we're just surprised you let someone else in on the family costume this year !!
2nd place - Max Hewitt & Delilah Hartwell
3rd place - Willow, Augusta & Magnolia Picquery & Elijah Westernberg & Elena Flores
the rest of the runner ups are below !!
Alice Longbottom II & Lily Potter
Bes Kamel & Mateo Rivera-Ogden
Ciara Garcia & Cameron Coleman
James Ashcroft & Frank Longbottom II
Mason Jones & Axel Wolffe
Merle Rappaport & Piper Wilkinson
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andrea-non-sa-tornare · 1 year ago
Orione, secondo la mitologia greca, era un gigante cacciatore, nato da Poseidone ed Euriale figlia del re di Creta, Minosse. Quando fu sull’isola di Chio si innamorò perdutamente di Merope e volle corteggiarla, ma la cosa infastidì il padre di lei, re Enopio, che lo fece accecare ed allontanare dall’isola. Orione trovò rifugio nell’isola di Lemno e qui incontrò Efesto che ebbe pietà di lui e, affidandolo alla guida di Cedalione, lo fece accompagnare verso est, luogo in cui sorgeva il sole e dove incontrò Eos, l’Aurora, grazie alla quale riacquistò la vista. Secondo un’altra versione fu lo stesso Efesto che fabbricò degli occhi nuovi per il gigante. Lui ne fu talmente felice che ricominciò a cacciare senza mai fermarsi, fin quando arrivò alla dimora di Eos, della quale si innamorò e sposò.
Si narra che Orione avesse degli stupendi occhi chiari che gli permettevano di andar a caccia persino di notte, in compagnia del suo fedele cane Sirio e spesso si univa a loro la Dea Artemide che s’invaghì di lui e nonostante il suo voto di castità, non esitò a fargli esplicite offerte che lui declinò, perché non voleva tradire la moglie Eos, alla quale era grato di avergli restituito la vista.
All’inizio Artemide ammirò la fedeltà di Orione ma in seguito, quando seppe che si era invaghito delle sette Pleiadi, figlie di Atlante e Pleione, e che le molestava pure, andò su tutte le furie e allora escogitò un piano per punirlo. Gli inviò uno scorpione nella sua tenda e quando questi vi ritornò col suo fedele animale, il mostro nascosto nell’ombra, attese che i due, stanchissimi dalla pesante battuta di caccia, si addormentassero e punse per primo Sirio che, svegliatosi, tentò di difendere il proprio padrone e infine punse Orione e lo uccise.
Un’altra versione della storia dice che è invece Apollo, geloso delle attenzioni che la sorella dedica al bel cacciatore, a mandare lo scorpione che uccide Orione e che Zeus, adirato, scaglia una delle sue saette che fulmina lo scorpione, poi li pone entrambi in cielo come costellazioni. Orione risplende nell’emisfero Boreale mentre affronta la carica del toro, seguito dalla costellazione del cane maggiore, con la stella Sirio che brilla più delle altre e la costellazione dello Scorpione, invece, sorge quando quella di Orione tramonta, in maniera che i due non debbano più incrociare i propri destini.
La mitologia romana ci racconta, invece, un’altra versione sulle vicende di Orione. Secondo i racconti di Ovidio, Igino, Servio, Tzetzes e Lattanzio, Orione sarebbe nato dall’urina di tre Dei: Giove, Mercurio e Nettuno e che, per tale motivo, gli venne attribuito il nome di Tripater.
Narrano gli autori che un giorno i tre Dei si aggiravano nelle campagne della Beozia. Assetati ed affamati si fermarono nell’umile capanna del contadino Ireo, il quale offrì loro la sua gentile ospitalità, senza sapere chi fossero quei tre sconosciuti. Gli Dei decisero di mantenere l’anonimato, per vedere come si sarebbe comportato, con loro, quel contadino. Il pover uomo non esitò a donar loro tutto ciò che aveva e colpiti da tale gesto, essi decisero di rivelar le loro vere identità.
D’innanzi a simile rivelazione, Ireo sbiancò ma una volta ripresosi, uscì fuori dalla capanna e immolò a quei Dei, uno dei suoi tori più belli. Giove, ammirato da quel comportamento, disse a Ireo di chiedere qualsiasi desiderio che lui lo avrebbe esaudito, così l’uomo chiese che gli venisse concesso di aver un figlio, ma senza doversi risposare, perché aveva promesso alla moglie, morta da poco, che non si sarebbe mai più risposato. Giove gli disse di portare la pelle del toro immolato e vi orinò sopra e stessa cosa fecero anche Nettuno e Mercurio, poi suggerì di seppellirla nell’orto e attendere nove mesi prima di riprenderla. Ireo ubbidì e dopo nove mesi dissotterrò la pelle e vi trovò avvolto un bambino che allevò e che chiamò Urion, ( appunto da Urina), che in seguito cambiò in Orion.
Si narra che, in brevissimo tempo, Orione divenne un gigante di straordinaria bellezza. La stessa Dea Diana andava spesso a caccia assieme a lui, poi se ne innamorò perdutamente e sembra questa sia stata la causa di tutti i guai dell’uomo.
Infatti sulla morte di Orione ci giungono diverse versioni, quasi tutte legate alla Dea Diana. Ovidio ci racconta che sia stata la stessa Diana, folle di gelosia, ad uccidere Orione, a colpi di freccia, sull’isola di Ortigia, invece Igino ci narra che Orione perì per mano della dea Diana, dopo aver tentato di violentarla.
Secondo un’altra leggenda, Diana attendeva Orione, per una battuta di caccia, una mattina presto. Le si fece incontro il fratello Apollo che, geloso di quell’amore che distraeva la sorella dai suoi impegni, escogitò un sistema per sbarazzarsi del problema. Sfidò la sorella a colpire con arco e frecce, una figura in movimento, in lontananza, lei lo fece e felice ed esultante per aver centrato il bersaglio, attese che la sua preda raggiungesse la riva, ma quando ciò avvenne e si rese conto di aver colpito Orione alle tempie e di averlo ucciso, la sua gioia si tramutò in dolore e pianse tutte le sue lacrime. Giove, impietosito, tramutò Orione e il cane Sirio in costellazioni, in maniera che Diana, sollevando lo sguardo sulla volta celeste, potesse osservarlo per l’eternità.
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bananzerssims · 11 months ago
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*Incoherent screaming of excitement* Stella, to Samson: I don't know why they're so excited. Of course Mom and Zhafira were going to get married SOME day Samson: you could be happy for them you know
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wickedjr89gaming · 1 year ago
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This concludes them for this round. Surviving? Check. Happy even? Check. :)
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songsofbloodandwater · 1 year ago
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Constellations of Orion, Taurus and Pleiades juxtaposed on paleolithic paintings on the back wall of the Hall of Bulls in Lascaux, from approximately 17,000 years ago. (Sources: Paleo-Astronomy, this article)
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infamoussparks · 9 months ago
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Lucky had her birthday quietly on May 10, but was finally able to wrangle everyone together to do some star gazing and celebrate. (This was also my attempt at the "full anime group picture" with all the characters laying in a circle together.)
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halleymacmillanbones · 1 year ago
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halley as weird barbie from the barbie movie ft. @orionmacmillanbones, @stellamacmillanbcnes & @elaramacmillanbcnes as rollerskating ken, perfect day barbie and cowgirl barbie
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bentleylcckhart · 5 months ago
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bentley lockhart + halloween 2028
as fear from inside out ft. @halleymacmillanbones, @orionmacmillanbones, @stellamacmillanbcnes & @elaramacmillanbcnes as joy, anger, sadness & disgust
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dimensionesogno · 1 year ago
Nato sotto una buona stella, Venere postbellica, antinglese e antitedesca, filoamericana e tanto yankee, mi ritrovo sulla testa Orione e la sua oscena clessidra che mi segna il tempo e mi segue in ogni passo dentro questo giardino arabo babilonese, pensile e terracqueo, suburbano e scavezzacollo sul vallone di Anapo, l’amante di Ciane, quella del papiro egiziano sulla fonte, ultima mia dimora di…
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sdhqsecrets · 1 year ago
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halloween costume contest ‘27 →  orion, halley, stella & elara macmillan-bones for best platonic couples/group costume
well aren't you pretty in pink? a family that costumes together stays winning it seems. you all committed to the theme, which is no surprise given your track record. but we've got to say that the production value of this year's costume was a vast improvement to last year's. congrats on your win, barbies and ken !!
2nd place - Augusta, Magnolia & Willow Picquery
3rd place - Frederick Hayes, Vera McKinnon, Freya MacDougal & Damien Launier
the rest of the runner ups are below !!
Alastair & Charlotte Watson
April & Isla Marchant
Axel Wolffe & Mason Jones
Cameron Coleman & Ciara Garcia
Iris Lestrange & Lyra Malfoy
James Ashcroft & Frank Longbottom II
Lucy Weasley & Nate Wood
Maeve Finch & Trinity Trelawney
Merle Rappaport & Piper Wilkinson
Octavia Coleman & Erin McCormack
Rory Goldstein & Evangeline Pickering
Tristan & Betty Connolly
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c-orion-o · 2 years ago
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an old art i found in my files
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kittydragondraws · 9 months ago
Nuzi Fankid Hunger Games!
Okay guys! Meet your tributes.
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Cinnamon by @lunaria-the-storyteller
Kimber by @anxietyoverreaction
Orion by @ladydaybreaker
Astra by @/ladydaybreaker
Nicole by @devastator1775
Macey by @premamelody
Kimber by @kkolg
Biscuit by @bloodywolfwings
Cake by @/bloodywolfwings
Bizcuit by @solroskajan
Erin by @kitzani
Starla by @/kitzani
Zin by @dazzling-raven
Sig by @/dazzling-raven
Stella by @thefourfan
Arsenic by @chromanomaly
Fuwa by @/chromanomaly
Maxine by @plotbunnyy
Beanie by @electrozeistyking
Yoru by @mental-train-wreck
Orita by @withered--s0uls
Rexim by @/withered--s0uls
Crystal by @lilywily143
Nora by @pensocks
Here's your guys, may the odds be ever in your favor.
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