#Original Clone Character: Bolt
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mamuzzy-ordocore · 11 months ago
Collection of my corrie OCs and art. Finally had the time to make a masterlist for them and decided to put all of them in one place ^^ If you have questions about my OCs, don't hesitate to ask!
I don't do rp on this blog, but if you interact with one of my characters with yours through askbox, I may respond with an art work!
JULY 2023
「CMO Headshot」 [ART]
13/07/2023 |OC: Headshot, Commander Fox | Sketchbook| My first sketch about Headshot and his ridiculously stylish everything | Not to be confused with Deadshot! | 
「Corries」 [ART]
30/08/2023 | OC: Vorn, OC: Blaze, OC: Bolt | Incorrect Quote | Sketchbook| Little lore about my corrie OCs |
「Comfort a character: Fox」 [ART] 29/09/2023 | Commander Fox, OC: Headshot | Comfort a character prompt| We have a shared custody on Headshot with ithillia <3 |
「Culture shock(ed)trooper」 [Snippet]
10/12/2023 |OC: Lily, OC: Blaze, Corrie!Fives | Conversation about Lily’s photography, social media and drug habits | Warning: mentions of drugs | 
「Lily doing Lily-things」 [ART]
30/12/2023 |OC: Lily, OC: Vorn, OC: Blaze | OC lore | Corey you’ve made me the happiest person with this request TT__TT |
「Lily in the club」 [ART]
28/01/2024 | OC: Lily | Prettiest flower of the 79’s |
「Selfie with Blaze」 [ART] 
28/01/2024 | OC: Lily, OC: Blaze | Companion art for Lily in the Club |
「Glasses make you classy」 [ART]
31/01/2024 | Commander Fox, OC: Headshot | Sketchbook | Headshot wears glasses to look more mature, Fox wears Headshot’s glasses to annoy him | 
「City boy gets intimidated by war veteran’s huge equipment」 [ART]
Not a cloneship, but I’m a very mature person so the dialogue is purposefully written as cockmeasuring 18/02/2024 | Clone Trooper Kix, OC: Headshot | Kix tries to befriend the corrie medic |
「Life after O66」 [ART]
18/02/2024 | OC: Lily, OC: Blaze, OC: Vorn, OC: Headshot, OC: Pons, OC: Angel, Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire | ARTs and rambling about OC’s and how they life will be after Order 66 | WARNING: Mentions of canon character's deaths, mentions of suicide, actual suicide and visual depiction of it, nudity but genitals are not visible. Coruscant Guard has cultish vibes. 
「Corrie Medical Team」 [ART]
18/02/2024 | OC: Headshot, OC: Pons, OC: Angel | That art about the medical team from Life after O66 post. | It’s just three of them being not alright. | 
「Imperial!Lily」 [ART]
21/02/2024| OC: Lily | Basically that art about Lily from the Life after O66 post | He is not alright | 
「Reggest reg ever regged from the reg manual」 [ART]
29/02/2024 | Corrie!Fives, OC: Blaze, ithillia’s OC: Snake | Fives has a rough time adapting to his new environment | 
MARCH 2024
「Gems of the Republic」 [FIC]
03/03/2024 | OC: Blaze, OC: Vorn | Ficlet about a little bit of nothing, corrie guard Blaze and Vorn having a lighthearted conversation during patrol, and oh, there is unhealthy amount of mention of piss. Wordcount around 700.
「Corrie Medical Officer Pons」 [ART] 
03/03/2024 | OC: Pons, OC: Angel, OC: Jason, OC: Headshot | Art and lore of Pons |
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mamuzzy · 2 years ago
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These corrie boys arrested me for the serious crime of not drawing them before and they'd promise to let me leave if I give them a body. They LIED. I'm still in my mind-prison. They won't let me leave. They also won't leave. They now live in my head rent-free 0-24. I love drawing armors. I love drawing clones in armors. But not the helmet. And I just realised that the phase I corrie armor is not that decorative or intimidating compared to phase II. Keep reeding if you are interested in these dork OC's mine!
CT-3319 is rather young and his infinite fiery nature radiates to anyone near him, either making them smile at his cadet-energy... or getting slapped into orbit just to fall back and burn in the athmosphere. Thus he gets the name: Blaze. He also set a corrie-speeder on fire once. Blaze: IT. WAS. AN. ACCIDENT. Vorn: You are an accident. Blaze came from a batch that was released before they reached the end of their training on Kamino. Hearing the rumors of the Coruscant Guard before, how the work of their red brothers are undignified and considered shameful comparing the heroic deeds GAR soldiers achieve on daily basis, he was terrified to be assigned to Coruscant, away from his batchers and the promise of glory. It was Vorn (CT-5231), a dutiful soldier of Commander Fox's Department of Planetary Defense, who reluctantly took him under his wings making him Ori'vod to Blaze in the process of integrating the shiny into the daily life of the Guard. But Vorn isn't the easiest to get along with, one of the veterans of Geonosis had an attitude of tiger he got his name of. Fiery, passionate, and claws always ready to slash for his brothers. Nowadays Blaze and Vorn relationships isn't as close as it used to be, given that Blaze has found his place in the Guard due to his friendly and social nature and Blaze would die of embarrassment to call him Ori'Vod again out of affection and adoration. But Vorn won't let him forget where did he come from and teases his "oh-so-grown-up-little-brother" to death every chance he gets. As for the third trooper hanging from the beams... every department of the Guard has its own weirdos (aside from the commanders themselves) and Commander Thorn's Diplomatic Service is not an exception. A sniper, previously served on the frontlines, clearly loves high places. And freaking out his brothers while at it. But Bolt's story is for another day. (The Coruscant Guard doesn't have enough named troopers so I try to help to change this tendecy. Blaze, Vorn, Bolt are all OC's of mine, if you wish to use them please don't forget to credit and @ me so I can see what are these menaces up to! Thank you!)
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five-oh-thirst · 6 months ago
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In Your Head
Pairing: Fox/Thorn
Summary: Fox has a hole in his memory that he can't seem to fix, and when he starts hallucinating about the clone he killed, it leads to dire consequences.
Tags & Warnings: 18+, character death, alcohol, drunkenness, hallucinations, paranoia, minor suicidal ideation, violence, whump
Word Count: 6.4k
Notes: So, this is a fic I wrote on my non-cloneshipping blog, and I repurposed it into a cloneship fic. All that I ask is that you please don't go looking for the original. I want to keep my two identities a secret. Thank you in advance 💙🫶💙
Read on AO3
Music Vibe:
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Fox sat hunched over his desk and anxiously rapped his stylus against the side of his data-pad. He'd read the report five times now and each pass yielded the same results. His CC number was littered throughout the paragraphs, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember any of it.
He looked up at the chronometer again and shook his head. Time had moved, but he hadn't. He'd been sitting here at his desk doing flimsi-work since early morning, but the report stated otherwise.
It wasn't just the strange lost time that concerned Fox either, or the fact that his CC number was in a report. That was normal. What bothered him about this report was the fact that it clearly stated in paragraph four, line six, that he shot and killed a clone.
And no matter how hard he racked his brain, he couldn't remember it. He hadn't moved from his desk, and yet, the timestamp put the incident at an hour ago. An hour ago he was at his desk. An hour ago he was doing flimsi-work.
Fox rapped his stylus faster and tapped his foot to match the rhythm, the nervous energy in his body escaping through the repetitive movements. He wouldn't shoot a clone without a reason, would he?
The Coruscant Guard had stunned countless rowdy reckless, and even dangerous clones, but a brother doesn't shoot another brother with the intent to kill. That's not part of their culture. Even 'bad' clones deserved to explain their actions, but those were few and far between.
It must've been a mistake–a typo. There had to be a logical explanation as to why his CC number was in the report even though he wasn't there. Still, he had this odd sinking feeling scratching at the back of his mind that it might not have been a mistake.
The clone he allegedly shot was from the 501st, from Torrent Company–one of Rex's men. Fox had sent a simple comm message to Rex offering his condolence, but Rex's silence worried him. It wasn't like Rex to leave a comm unanswered.
Fox dropped the data-pad onto his desk with a loud clack and his chair creaked when he leaned back. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and brushed the damp curls out of his eyes. It must have been a mistake. There was no other explanation.
He didn't have an explanation for the lost time, but there must've been a reason for that as well. Maybe he fell asleep. It's not impossible since he didn't get the best sleep. His caf was cold, so obviously time had passed since he last filled it.
The data-pad dinged and Fox leaned forward to see what the notification was for. He sighed and tapped on the icon to open it, and his brows furrowed as he read the new information. A surveillance holo-recording of the incident was now available and had been attached to the report.
Fox huffed. This should clear up everything. He tapped the icon to play the recording and watched intently. It was probably some trigger-happy shiny that he'd have a stern talking to later on… but it wasn't.
Fox's breath hitched and his eyes widened. That wasn't some random corrie. That was him. That was his armor. He had the fleeting thought that someone had stolen his armor and impersonated him, but he quickly realized he was still wearing it. He hadn't taken it off since he put it on that morning.
Panic rose in his gut and he continued to watch the recording. He flinched at the moment he pulled the trigger–a blaster bolt leaving the barrel instead of a stun bolt. He killed him. He killed a brother.
That explained why Rex never commed him back. Rex's emotional plea before the incident, Fox don't! stabbed him in the heart, turning his innocent condolence message into him just rubbing salt into an already egregious wound. The report noted the clone killed was ARC-5555–Fives–one of Rex's best men.
Fox only remembered the name because Rex sent him a holo-photo of his two new ARC troopers when they graduated. Rex was so proud. Then he lost one on Lola Sayu, and today, he lost the other–because of him.
Fox had seen and read enough. It was him, he knew that much, but he still didn't remember being there. He didn't remember aiming his blaster, or flicking the safety off, or giving a warning, or pulling the trigger. It was like he was sleepwalking, even though not a single clone out of millions had ever been noted to do so on record.
He found it even more odd that he was on-scene for the shooting and then left. It wasn't like him to leave a scene without getting statements or starting his report. Now that he thought about it, he didn't even write this report. If he didn't, then who did?
Fox yelled in frustration and kicked the leg of his desk. Why couldn't he remember? How could he have forgotten he shot and killed a brother? How could he have forgotten Rex's voice begging him not to? How could he have forgotten leaving his office or coming back?
Fox felt sick. Not only had he killed a brother, but he also killed one of Rex's–a beloved brother. With Rex's radio silence, he probably lost Rex too. Fox didn't blame him. Not after watching the footage. He would hate himself too, and he did.
Fox pulled a ring of keys from his belt pouch and inserted one into the lock on the bottom desk drawer. It clicked and he pulled it open, revealing a small stash of alcohol resting against the back. The glass bottles clinked together as he searched for a specific one.
Finding it, he pulled it out of the drawer and placed it on his desk. He leaned down to grab a glass, hesitated, then closed the drawer without taking it. He twisted the cap off the bottle, grabbed the neck, and tilted the opening to his lips. It was time to forget even more.
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"Fox?" Thorn whispered as he peered into the dark office. "Are you in here?"
Fox groaned in response. His torso rested on top of his desk and the side of his face lay on the cool surface with one hand loosely wrapped around an almost empty glass bottle.
Thorn sighed and shook his head. "What are you doing, Fox?"
"Go away," Fox said, his words slurred and his body twitched.
Thorn ignored Fox's inebriated order and pulled up a chair to sit opposite the desk. "Talk to me."
"Nothin'... to talk about."
"You're drunk while on duty," Thorn said. He grabbed the bottle out of Fox's loose grip and set it out of reach. "Why don't we start with that?"
Fox slowly picked his head up to look at Thorn, and he struggled to keep it steady. "Usen'ye," he spat, then laid his head back down on the desk so the room would stop spinning.
Thorn tapped his fingers against the desk surface next to Fox's head to get his attention and Fox flinched at the magnified sound. "I read the report."
Fox groaned, but this time with more indignation.
Thorn crossed his arms and sat back in his chair. "I've got all night."
"You're so… annoying," Fox said as he slowly picked his head back up to look at his stupid boyfriend. "You know… that?"
Thorn smirked. "Part of my charm."
"Kark… ing… banthas… have more charm." Fox's head swayed as he tried to keep it upright. "You're ugly… too."
Thorn rolled his eyes. "You're getting off topic."
"Why… are you… even here?" Fox asked. He reached for the bottle and Thorn leaned over to move it again.
"You killed a vod," Thorn said flatly.
Fox huffed. "What... do you… know about it?"
"Nothing," Thorn said with a shrug. "That's why I'm here. To talk to you about it, because clearly it's affecting you."
Fox reached for the bottle again and Thorn moved it again. "I'm… not effective."
Thorn raised an eyebrow, stifling a chuckle. "Yeah, I can see that. You can't even talk straight."
"Blow it out your… exhaust port," Fox said, then reached for the bottle once more.
"Really?" Thorn asked, clearly annoyed at the silent game they were playing. He lifted the bottle out of Fox's reach. "If I give you the bottle back, will you talk to me?"
Fox smirked through heavy-lidded eyes. "Sure."
Thorn placed the bottle back down onto the desk and pushed it towards Fox. Fox grabbed it, sat back in his chair, and shot the last burning drops down his throat, then slammed the empty bottle down onto the desk.
"Talk," Thorn said. "Why'd you kill a vod?"
Fox chuckled. "I don't know."
Thorn knitted his brow. "This isn't a game, Fox."
"Nah," Fox said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Games… are fun. This... This isn't..."
Thorn tilted his head to the side and studied Fox for a moment. Even when drunk, Fox usually made some sense, but this particular time he was making zero sense. It wasn't that hard of a question, but his avoidance of answering it was making Thorn worry.
There was something Fox wasn't telling him and he needed to know what it was to help him get out of this slump and back to normal. Having a drunk Marshall Commander leading the Coruscant Guard wasn't going to get anyone anywhere fast. 
"Fox," Thorn prodded.
"Don't Fox me," Fox said. "How'd you… like it… if I said your name? Thorn. Thorn. Thorn. Thorn–"
"Alright, I get it," Thorn said. "Just tell me what happened."
Fox shrugged. "I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I don't remember."
"You don't remember shooting a vod?"
Thorn pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "You have to remember something? You killed him. Don't you remember that? Were you drunk then, too?"
"No, I wasn't drunk," Fox said, his agitation grew at the continued questioning. "I just don't remember!" He pounded his fists onto the desk, causing Thorn to flinch.
"Easy, cyare," Thorn soothed. He reached out a hand to try and calm him down. "It's okay."
"No!" Fox yelled. His body jerked weakly as he batted Thorn's hand away. "Is snot. I shot… a vod. I killed… a vod, and I can't… kriffin' remember!"
Thorn realized he wasn't going to get anywhere with Fox this drunk and worked up, so he decided to cut his losses and try again later. "Get some rest," he said before getting up from his chair. He looked down at Fox's dilapidated state, shook his head, then turned to leave.
"Bring me… more booze," Fox said.
Thorn turned around and scoffed. "You don't need any more of that."
Fox grabbed the empty bottle and threw it towards Thorn, but it hit the wall by the door instead and shattered into a million pieces. "Shabuir."
Thorn sighed. "We'll talk again when you're sober." He turned back towards the door and left Fox alone in his office.
Fox grumbled and laid his heavy head back down against the cool desk. He wasn't truly angry at Thorn, as annoying as he was. No. He was angry at himself. Angry that he couldn't remember what his own two hands did. Angry that he couldn't remember where his own two feet took him. Angry that his brain refused to put all of the pieces together or fill in the blanks. Where had his memory gone? Had it grown legs and walked away from him? Had it left him or did he leave it? Was that even possible?
Fox would stay lying against his desk all night if he could, but the ache in his back was beginning to overpower his drunken haze. Part of getting old, he guessed. He needed to try and make it to his couch where he could stretch out and fall asleep.
At least while asleep, he wouldn't have to think about it. That was the idea behind the alcohol in the first place; drink to forget, but it didn't have the effect he was hoping for. If anything, it only made it worse. Then his beloved Thorn butted in and ruined it further.
Fox tried to peel himself off his desk, but his body was heavy. He managed to sit up, but then slumped back into his chair, whacking his head against the back of it. He groaned at the pain and rubbed the aching spot.
When he opened his eyes, the room was spinning, and it made him feel sick. Well, sicker than he already felt before he was drunk. He chuckled to himself. The good stuff was really good. He hadn't been this drunk since he was a shiny new commander hot off Kamino.
Trying again, Fox planted his hands squarely on his desk and rocked to push himself out of the chair. He tried once and couldn't get it. He tried twice and still couldn't get it. He tried thrice and finally, he was on his feet, although he used a little too much force and fell forward onto his desk. Maybe it was better if he crawled to the couch instead of walking there. He let the weight of his lower body slide the rest of him off the desk until he was sitting on the ground and leaning against the desk.
He leaned past the desk and turned his head to see where the couch was, but he leaned a little too far and slumped over onto the ground. He groaned. This was a terrible idea. He wished he could get Thorn to come back and carry him to the couch, but that would bruise his ego into an irreparable state. No, he had to make it on his own.
With a little wiggle of his hips, Fox rolled himself onto his stomach and crawled towards the couch. Usually, it was closer, but right now it felt klicks away. Maker, he was tired. Why did he put the couch so far away from his desk? Or better yet, why couldn't it come to him?
Someone should've invented a moving couch by now, but no, the Galactic Republic was too busy making clones to do anything of real use in his lifetime. And yet, Fox continued to crawl towards his couch, cursing it every time he scooted closer. With one final push, he made it, but accidentally bumped his head against the leg. He cursed it again.
Now, it was just a matter of hoisting himself up onto the stupid thing so he could finally go to sleep. Once again, something that used to be so trivial was causing him grief. Why was it so high up? Why was the floor so far down? Why wouldn't the room stop spinning?
He wished he could steady himself long enough to get a grip, but his body was heavy from the alcohol. However, with a little more effort and a lot more cursing, Fox grabbed one of the cushions, pulled himself up, and flopped onto the couch.
Thank the Maker, he finally made it. Fox rolled off of his stomach and settled himself with his back against the back of the couch so he didn't suffocate himself within the couch cushions. Although, at this point, it didn't sound like such a bad idea.
He chuckled to himself about the thought. Thorn would kill him if he left him like that. Only his boyfriend would find a way into the afterlife and kill him all over again for being such an idiot. Although, to Fox, it was a comforting thought; Thorn coming after him like that.
Even if they tried to hide it from everyone, they were still a couple. Some days, when they fought, it didn't feel like it, but when push came to shove, there was no one he'd rather have his back in this war. Perks of growing up together and falling in love, he figured.
Fox released a wide yawn that made his stomach churn, but he was happy that his body wanted to rest. With a few slow breaths, he let himself drift off to sleep, wondering if he would wake up and finally remember or if his memory would still be adrift.
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Fox groaned as he stirred from his sleep. He slowly opened one eye and saw that it was still dark out, which meant either he slept until the next evening or he barely slept at all. He didn't feel drunk anymore, so maybe he did sleep for a while; an absolute miracle.
Even more surprising was the fact that no one bothered him while he slept, which also meant Thorn kept everyone away and covered for him–the idiot. He'd need to apologize and thank Thorn the next time he saw him.
Fox carefully shifted to sit himself up, holding the side of his head as it pounded from the hangover. He hadn't had a hangover like this in a very long time. He'd have to look at the label on the bottle and get himself another one of whatever it was.
Blinking a few times to get rid of the glaze over his eyes, he looked around the room but frowned when he saw the broken glass by the door. Oh yeah. I broke it. He wouldn't buy another one of those anytime soon. Such a shame.
With a deep breath, Fox hoisted himself up off the couch and grabbed the arm to steady his shaky legs. He didn't feel woozy, but his body still felt heavy, like there were rocks in his head weighing him down.
He rolled his neck, then his shoulders, and then arched his back to stretch it out. One of his vertebrae made a popping sound and he groaned. Even though he tried to lie down in a good position, couch sleeping was still not as nice as a bunk. He needed some ibuprofen.
Fox hobbled his way to the refresher connected to his office and was–once again–thankful for the amenities he had access to as the Marshall Commander of the Coruscant Guard. It would've been embarrassing to walk down to the guard barrack's communal refresher to compose himself.
Thorn would've gotten a good laugh, though, the jerk. He would have said something stupid just to piss him off. But that was the game they chose to play because Fox had embarrassed Thorn on multiple occasions too.
Fox stepped into the refresher without flipping the light switch on and twisted the faucet knob to run the water cold. He cupped the rushing water in his hands and splashed it onto his face. The cool water felt good on his hot skin and soothed his throbbing headache.
He splashed the water on his face a few more times and then used one last good splash to smooth over his unruly curls. He patted his face dry with the towel and stared at himself in the mirror, except something about his reflection was… off.
Fox rubbed the towel across his face again, thinking he had some water stuck in his eyes that made his vision blurry, but the reflection still looked odd. He then used the towel to wipe down the mirror, leaving small streaks of water where he swiped, but that didn't clear it either.
Refusing to play with it any longer, Fox opened the mirror cabinet and grabbed the bottle of ibuprofen. He popped a few and swallowed them dry, wincing as he felt them go down his throat, and then closed the cabinet.
Hi Fox, a voice said.
Fox startled and stumbled back, crashing against the opposite wall with a loud thud. "Kriff, Thorn!" He turned his head towards the refresher door to rip Thorn a new one, but he wasn't there. "Thorn?" he called, but there was no answer.
He peeked his head out of the refresher to see if there was anyone in his office, but it was still dark and empty. It was just him; he was alone. He'd never had a hangover that made him hear things before. At least not that he remembered. Fox's heart raced with adrenaline.
Fox, the voice said.
Fox flinched at the sound of his name and whipped his head around to try and find who was calling his name, but there was still no one there. "Thorn," Fox said with a warning tone. "I swear to the Maker, I will kill you if–"
So, you like to kill, huh? the voice said.
Fox froze and his blood ran cold. He didn't just hear that, did he? The sound of another clone talking to him, yet he was still alone in the refresher. His instincts screamed at him to run and find Thorn, because clearly he was hallucinating, or sick, or dying, or all three at once. He shouldn't have been hearing voices, or at least he didn't think he should've been hearing voices.
Fox closed his eyes took a couple deep breaths to calm himself and hoped that whatever it was would go away.
It's rude to ignore people, you know, the voice said. Especially dead people.
Yup, he was crazy. He was one hundred percent certified crazy. Not only was he hearing voices, but he was hearing voices of the dead . What had he done while he was drunk and asleep? Conjured a demon? Summoned a spirit? Invited a deity to chat over some caf? The other option was that he was still plastered and hallucinating being sober. Honestly, both ideas sounded equally as insane, but did they make any less sense than him hearing voices?
"Whatever you are," Fox said. "I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm going back to bed now."
Fox pushed himself off the wall and walked towards the refresher door to leave, but it slid shut before he could exit. He stared at the closed door and took another deep breath, then released it slowly.
He slid his hands over his holsters, but the blasters were missing. They must have fallen out while he was sleeping and he never noticed. He mentally kicked himself for being so absentminded as to leave them on the couch, but in his defense, there weren't many who would attack him in his own office.
Fox ran his tongue across his teeth and puffed his chest out before turning around to face whatever was messing with him, but when he did, there was no one else in the refresher besides himself. He bit his lip and nodded his head.
It must've been a dream. He was living in a dream and he couldn't wake up. That had to be the answer. There was no other explanation. Once he woke up, he was going to find Thorn and make him get rid of all of his liquor, because this nuttiness wasn't worth the trip.
I'm still waiting, the voice said impatiently. Are you gonna answer me or not?
Fox gritted his teeth and thought for a moment. If he answered the voice of the dead, was something bad going to happen to him? It wasn't like his life could get any worse. He was already a dog of the Republic, he'd shot and killed a brother, and he was probably the most hated commander in the GAR. There wasn't much else they could do to him.
Fox was startled at the sudden realization. The voice of the dead… a dead clone. Voice of the dead… a clone he killed. Fox's heartbeat pounded ferociously in his ears.
He took a few steps towards the sink and peered into the mirror, the same mirror where his reflection didn't look right. He was so groggy when he first came into the refresher that it didn't dawn on him to wonder what in the reflection was off, just that it didn't look right.
He stared at his reflection, and tilted his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows as he studied the image, and then his eyes grew wide when he realized that the reflection hadn't followed the tilt of his head. He moved in closer.
Boo, the reflection said with a smirk.
"Kriffin' osik!" Fox screamed and out of reflex, he punched the mirror, cracking it. He heaved in heavy breaths and pulled his fist out of the mirror, his glove protecting his skin from getting cut by the broken shards.
The reflection sighed and sidestepped into the part of the mirror that wasn't as broken. Really?
Fox was on the verge of hyperventilating. Fear and adrenaline took control of every muscle in his body. His reflection was talking to him. It was moving without him. But it wasn't even him. He could see that now.
Fox took a moment to study the image in the mirror. The armor was white, like a shiny's, their head was shaven, and they had a goatee, and an Aurebesh tattoo on their right temple not far from a small linear scar. Fox's jaw dropped. It was him . It was the clone he'd shot and killed.
Figure it out yet? the reflection asked, sounding bored.
"You're…" Fox tried to speak, but he still wasn't sure what he was actually seeing.
The name's Fives, the reflection said while tapping his Aurebesh tattoo. You should remember since you killed me.
Fox was speechless and wide-eyed. He felt sick to his stomach. He knew who Fives was, but he still didn't remember shooting him. He never even met him, and the only images he had of him were in his ARC armor, not whatever he was wearing now.
Fox thought back to the recording that was attached to the report and remembered seeing himself shoot the white-armored clone. He had found it strange at the time, and it made him wonder why, but not enough to hallucinate about him.
"This isn't real," Fox said as he backed away from the mirror. " You're not real! You're dead!"
The reflection snorted. What? No remorse? No, sorry I killed you?
"I don't remember killing you!" Fox yelled, half in shock and half in self-defense. His back touched the hard durasteel wall and he slid down it until he was sitting on the floor.
Don't remember? the reflection asked. You shot me! How could you forget that?
Fox pulled his knees to his chest, clasped his hands over his ears, and squeezed his eyes shut. "Just leave me alone!" he yelled again, trying to make the voice go away. "I said I don't remember!"
I'm not leaving, the voice said. Not until you remember what you did to me.
"Go away!" Fox screamed. "Leave me alone!" His breathing became labored and he felt like he was going to pass out. "This is… a nightmare."
Oh, Fox, the reflection chuckled, then pushed itself out of the mirror and folded its arms to lean on the edge of the sink and stare down at Fox. Your nightmare has just begun.
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The next two rotations had Fox feeling insane. The voice inside the mirror wasn't just a voice anymore. It was a full-body apparition that followed him around wherever he went. He couldn't even take a piss without that thing watching him.
He still wondered if it was the actual Fives or if it was just a figment of his imagination; maybe the subconscious part of his brain conjured it up because of the guilt he felt for killing the clone. He wanted to tell Thorn about it, but even he had limits on disbelief, and besides that, he was at some senate event so he hadn't seen him since he threw the bottle at him.
Hour after hour, the apparition asked Fox if he remembered killing it yet, and hour after hour, Fox still had the same answer–no. Maker, he wished it would just take a hike and go haunt someone else, even if it was just for a couple of minutes. He needed peace.
There was nothing worse than trying to work or sleep while it watched him from across the room with its cold, dark, dead eyes and smug expression. If this was the real Fives, then he didn't understand why Rex liked him so much. He was an annoying piece of work for sure.
However, the third rotation was strangely quiet. The apparition was nowhere to be seen, or heard, and Fox was taking the much-needed alone time to catch up on the reports he'd been neglecting since it first appeared. It must have been a figment of his imagination brought on by stress or something along those lines. There was always a logical explanation for everything, or so he thought.
Fox looked up from his data-pad when he heard a soft knock on his office door frame.
"I brought you some caf," Thorn said with a smile. "Can I come in?"
Fox nodded. He was glad Thorn was back from the event, even if he didn't say it out loud.
Thorn walked into the office, placed the cup down in front of Fox, and sat leisurely on the corner of his desk.
Fox grabbed the cup of hot, black caf and deeply inhaled its alluring aroma. "Is this a peace offering?"
Thorn snorted. "You should be bringing me a peace offering for all that name-calling."
Fox winced at the vague memory, then took a sip. "Sorry."
"Apology accepted," Thorn says. "You're still a di'kut, though."
"Your di'kut," Fox smirked.
Is he a friend of yours? the apparition asked as it appeared next to Fox.
Fox startled and accidentally dropped the cup of caf onto his lap. "Kriff!"
Thorn also startled and jumped off the corner of Fox's desk. "Are you alright?"
Fox sighed. "Yeah. Just grab me a towel, will ya?"
Thorn walked off towards the refresher to grab a towel.
He seems like a nice vod, the apparition said as it watched Thorn with interest. Is he your cyare?
Fox chose to ignore the question and the ghost.
You know, the apparition continued. It hopped up onto the desk to sit in front of Fox, legs dangling over the edge. I had a cyare once–actually two. They're both dead, now… Like me. Must be nice to have yours still alive, huh?
Fox glared at the apparition and snarled. "Don't you touch him!"
The apparition chuckled. I'm a ghost, remember? I can't even touch you. The apparition reached out to touch Fox, but its hand went straight through him. See? I'm not going to hurt your cyare.
Fox continued to glare, not fully trusting what the apparition said. Thorn was more than just his boyfriend, but this was his issue to deal with, and he wasn't going to drag Thorn down this insane hole of guilt and self-loathing with him. 
Even so, it would be great if Thorn could see the apparition too. Maybe then, he wouldn't feel so crazy about the whole situation. A little validation went a long way in his mind. He just needed Thorn to see it once, then he could feel safe again–feel normal again.
"Fox?" Thorn asked with concern while handing him the towel. "Are you sure you're alright?"
Fox grabbed the towel and patted himself and the chair dry. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Thorn didn't look convinced, but he also didn't argue.
I'm not fine, the apparition said. I'm dead.
Fox wanted to say something in rebuttal, but Thorn's lack of comment about the elephant in the room made him wonder. He turned his head to the apparition and then to Thorn, and then back again. "You don't see it, do you?"
"See what?" Thorn asked, a confused expression on his face.
"Nothing," Fox said and tossed the towel onto the desk before slumping back into his chair. "Never mind."
"Fox," Thorn said hesitantly. "I think you should see a medic. You've been acting strange lately and I'm worried."
Yeah, Fox, the apparition added. You should see a medic for that missing memory issue. Maybe they can tell you why you killed me.
"I don't need a medic!" Fox exclaimed as he slammed his fists onto the desk. Thorn flinched and Fox bit his tongue and sighed. "Sorry. I'm just tired is all."
Thorn still didn't look convinced, and he shook his head. "Alright, I trust your judgment."
I don't, the apparition said. You shot me.
"Thanks," Fox said. His eye twitched. It was hard enough to keep his thoughts straight, but it was even harder when he had two people talking to him at once and only one of them was actually there.
"I'm here if you need me," Thorn said. He placed a firm but gentle hand on Fox's shoulder and squeezed. "Even if you just want to talk."
You can talk to me too, the apparition said.
"I appreciate that," Fox said, trying to give him the best fake smile he could muster.
Thorn threw Fox another look of concern but turned and left his office all the same.
Fox immediately turned his attention to the apparition. "Can you just shut up?!"
No, the apparition said. That's the whole point of haunting. I'm supposed to be annoying.
Fox dropped his head onto his desk and yelled in frustration.
The apparition hopped off the desk and knelt so its face was on Fox's level. Just tell me why you killed me, Fox, it whispered. And I'll go away.
Fox clutched the side of his head with his hands. "I'm trying," he choked out. "But I can't remember."
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It had been a week and Fox was on the verge of losing himself. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't eat. He couldn't do anything. The reports were piling up and questions were being asked. Thorn continued to pry, and he appreciated the thought, but he wished he'd just drop it.
Every time Thorn came into his office or snuggled into his arms in bed, the apparition stared at him like he was a piece of meat. Fox knew the apparition couldn't hurt Thorn, at least, that was what he'd been made to believe, but what if he was wrong? What if it could hurt Thorn?
He couldn't let it get Thorn. It could torment him all it wanted, it could even kill him if it wanted to, but he would not let anything happen to Thorn. Thorn was too good for this kind of torturous hell. Thorn hadn't killed any clones. He probably hadn't killed anyone.
There was no reason for Thorn to be brought into this. It was Fox the apparition wanted. The clone's blood was on his hands, not Thorn's. Thorn had nothing to do with any of this and Fox would do anything to protect him. He would die for Thorn in a heartbeat.
Hi Fox, the apparition said while leaning against the door frame of the office.
"What do you want?" Fox said with disdain from where he sat behind his desk.
The truth, the apparition said with a smug grin. You've been keeping it from me.
"Like I've said," Fox said. "I still don't remember."
Not good enough, the apparition said as it pushed itself off the door frame and approached Fox's desk.
Fox stood up, his chair violently scraping across the floor. "I won't let you hurt Thorn."
What are you talking about? the apparition asked.
"Don't play dumb with me!" Fox yelled. "I know you're going to hurt him to get back at me."
Are you alright, Fox? the apparition taunted. You seem a little off today.
"Get out of my head!" Fox clutched the sides of his head. "I know what you're doing!"
What's the matter? the apparition taunted further. I've never seen you so unhinged before.
"Leave me alone!"
C'mon, Fox. The apparition walked closer. Just tell me.
Fox drew one of his blasters and pointed it towards the ghostly figure. "Get away from me!"
Whoa, there, the apparition said, putting its hands up and taking a single step back. There's no need for that.
Fox breathed heavily. "I'm warning you!"
You won't shoot me, the apparition smirked. You have no reason to shoot me. Put the blaster down, Fox.
"I won't let you hurt him!" Fox yelled, then fired a single bolt through the same spot as before, on the apparition's chest, through its heart. He watched as the apparition fell to its knees and clutched at its chest. That'll stop it. That'll shut it up. That'll make it leave him alone. That'll keep it from hurting–Thorn?
Fox panted as his senses began to clear. The vision of the apparition slowly dissipated, leaving behind the image of Thorn grasping the bleeding hole in his chest. A look of pain, shock, horror, and confusion painted his face as he looked at Fox.
No. This couldn't be happening. He didn't. He couldn't. Did he just shoot his lover? But it was the ghost! The ghost was right there. It was talking to him. It was taunting him. It was going to hurt Thorn.
"Fox," Thorn gasped. "Why?"
At the sound of Thorn's voice, the gravity of what Fox had done hit him like a ton of bricks. His eyes widened, tears brimming at the surface, and his voice quivered. "Thorn?"
Thorn collapsed forward onto the floor and Fox rushed to his side.
"No, no, no, no," Fox rambled as he rolled Thorn over and applied pressure to the wound. "I need a medic!" he yelled. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I… I didn't know it was you. There was a ghost and it was in my head and I couldn't remember." Tears fell from Fox's eyes as he tried desperately to explain.
Thorn reached up a hand to touch Fox's cheek and Fox grabbed it with his own.
"I'm… sorry," Thorn said weakly. "I… wish… I… could've… helped… you…" Thorn's hand dropped as his body went limp and he breathed his last breath.
"Where's my medic!" Fox yelled, tears now streaming down his face unabated. "Hang on, cyare." He pulled Thorn's lifeless body close to his chest and rocked him back and forth. "Please, don't go. Don't leave me."
The apparition appeared once again, crouched down in front of Fox, and looked apathetically at Thorn's lifeless body. It shook its head. And to think all of this could've been avoided if you would've just told me what I wanted to know.
Fox looked at the apparition. He was still in shock.
Oh well, the apparition said with a smirk. A vod for a vod. At least you'll remember killing this one.
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Tagging a few people who were interested: @brokenphoenix99
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daisychainsandbowties · 1 year ago
Is it just me or does shin hati lacks personality?
i think it’s pretty obvious i don’t think of Shin as lacking in personality. i love what i’ve seen of her so far - think Ivanna is absolutely killing it with her performance so far, playing this mixture of intensity and homegrown Jedi calm, of a girl who is very alone and also trying to hold herself away from caring about anyone she might have to kill. i mean, i don’t know why you think she has no personality (i’d be interested in hearing your reasons) but to me she’s a fantastic character. if you know me you know that it takes A LOT for me to write fic for a character or a ship. so if wolfwren has moved me, i can pretty much guarantee i don’t sell out for looks with no personality.
but let me actually explain why i like Shin
firstly, she’s had very little screen time, to the extent i’ve probably got gifs of every frame of her so far on my blog. meanwhile Sabine has all of Rebels, Ahsoka has The Clone Wars, and Huyang is, frankly, a very typical example of a speaking droid. reminds me of c3po (i think he’s great, just not original characterisation). and they’ve all had more screen time in these four eps than Shin, who nonetheless has, in my opinion, demonstrated tremendous presence in every single scene she’s appeared in.
how she shows up on Lothal, stands there and says in her maddeningly calm tone, “we’ve been looking for this.” it’s just… so tongue-in-cheek, and Shin could so easily have sic’d the droid on Sabine and made her escape, could have smacked her against a wall with the Force and strolled away. but she chooses to stay. and the way she dances around Sabine’s blows… grabs the hilt of her saber to manipulate her in the fight, putty in her hands. flips her over her shoulder and plays plays plays with her… the grace and the wildness and the strange fascination of their fight. god she’s just!! so intriguing.
i think people pay too little attention to how much characterisation there is in a fight scene. we have Sabine fighting with a style that’s very much a mesh of form 1 and form 3. it’s defensive, it has hints of Ahsoka in it, her own modified and slightly more useful variation of Soresu (form 3) and then we have Shin. i need to examine her moves more closely to tell what forms (i think definitely forms plural) she’s drawing from - not much makashi, which makes sense since Baylan is Jedi-trained. her movements remind me of Maul’s style in The Phantom Menace, but there’s an element to her style that feels more… joyful, freeform, free verse.
she spins and pirouettes and barely avoids the cut of Sabine’s lightsaber. there’s relish in those movements. she can clearly block blaster bolts magnificently, has the athletic and acrobatic ability for ataru (the form yoda favours, and anakin to an extent). she’s a muddle of contradictions. silent so often but when she fights, when she flies that fighter…she’s golden.
and wry, too. watch for those slight smiles. the “you almost got them” and her hop-skip in the forest on Seatos, the “hello there” energy reminding me so much of Obi-Wan. and then her obvious terror when the Inquisitor falls, spewing green smoke. at the time i thought she was afraid for herself, of Ahsoka, but she was really afraid for Baylan. he’s trying to be a Jedi Master to her - there’s distance in their relationship, and GOD you can see her longing for contact, for touch, for something she can push and feel pushing back.
i think it’s why she antagonizes Morgan, why she waits to duel Sabine. she wants to… touch something and not just in a physical sense but in terms of connection. the light is so much about embracing life and i think of Shin trapped in the middle of that, not good or evil, light or dark, but caught in a terrible silence. her care and her fire is contained but it burns. especially when she fights, when she loses her temper “you have no power”, choking Sabine at the end, and that’s just the fire that creeps out under the door! beware the smoke.
the moments of fear, of guarded concern, of delight and fascination, anger and joy. i mean!! she’s a girl of few words, but when she speaks she SPEAKS. and when she doesn’t you can see so much going on in her body language, her face, her eyes, her actions. i think both of her fight scenes are beautiful examples of character through conflict.
i always use duels and fights for character-building. a fight is boring with nothing behind it - and with Shin we see, at first, fascination. wanting to prove herself, to show she’s the better padawan, but she also… i think she could have killed Sabine very easily. i would have run from Ahsoka too, but she honestly could have murdered Sabine right there. i love how they’re creating this sense that Shin is both… disturbed and intrigued by Sabine in episode 4. angry and also… holding her by the wrist, standing between her and Morgan.
listen, i am going to ship wolfwren whether or not my cows come home, but i really don’t bother with characters who aren’t interesting. so, yeah, i think Shin has plenty of personality! i love what star wars has been doing with the girls who have red(ish) sabers lately. i adore Reva, i am regularly insane about Trilla Suduri, and i think Shin is very different from them but no less fascinating! i’m loving the tentative line she’s walking between dangerous and vulnerable.
and, yeah, i think they should kiss.
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minis-and-magic · 3 months ago
My Review of All D&D Editions Part I: Original D&D (1974)
I played them all so you don't have to. In honor of THAC0, low scores are better.
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Where it all started.
This is the primordial soup that the game we know and love crawled out of to take it's first shaky steps on dry land. The system itself is an eclectic mess delivered in classic Gygaxian prose (read: big fuckoff paragraphs with important game mechanics buried in the middle). It's less a complete game and more of a bolt-on modification for an existing game (Chainmail) which happens to be where you'll find most of the actual combat rules. Considering that the wilderness exploration section of booklet 3 boils down to "Use the rules and map from this 3rd party board game with our house rules", it has the feel of a very enthusiastic homebrew rather then a real product.
This game was made on a shoestring budget and a dream and it shows. The formatting is particularly challenging, even in my "White Box" version which has been revised and cleaned up from the first printings. It should go without saying, but very little love and care is put into the visual design or artwork. Important information is rarely visually emphasized, the tables are cluttered and the order and arrangement of information can cause a serious headache. Do not expect any helpful sidebars or neatly columned spell lists.
That said, the game itself can be pretty enjoyable. It does not feel like what I'd consider the expected D&D experience; it is at it's heart a tabletop wargame more than a roleplaying game. There are few mechanics or opportunities to develop your character outside of combat or sweet *sweet* looting. But even in this earliest iteration you can see the nascent ideas that really defined the game to come. You probably would find the spells, monsters, character races and classes very familiar outside of a few name oddities (Not Fighter... Fighting MAN)
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Fuck the dragon entry, blow the art budget on a sultry amazon! -G. Gygax, probably.
Truthfully, its biggest sin is that it doesn't live up to its own direct descendants. All versions of the Basic rules (and their infinite OSR clones) are much simpler and cleaner, AD&D is a far more complete experience and all of them have a much better play experience at the actual table.
All in all I would say it's still playable in this day and age but definitely chore-adjacent. It will almost certainly feel clunky and unintuitive to anyone who grew up playing 3e onward and suffers heavily from a painful lack of streamlining. Later products like Greyhawk massively improve the flow of play, but it is pretty clear that this was an unfinished and unrealized version of the game.
FINAL REVIEW: Chart-a-liciousness: Moderately Chart Heavy Sleaziness: Someone lend her a shirt! Formatting: I had to get my glasses for this one Ease of Play: Hope you have two other out-of-print games FINAL SCORE: 9
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terramythos · 7 months ago
i posted my top 25 favorite pokemon a couple days ago so now i get to be a certified hater.
25. Barraskewda
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wow an 'angry fish' pokemon design! i have certainly not seen this exact fucking concept in every single pokemon gen to date. i'm so glad that the 8th generation of pokemon has blessed us with such an original premise. it's not like Barraskewda is a particularly bad design, would probably be 'pretty good' if we got it 20 years ago-- but it is emblematic of the cynical, formula-at-all-costs drive that plagues much of modern pokemon.
24. Galarian Mr. Mime
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can someone please tell me what this regional variant does that the original Mr. Mime does not? oh wow, it's fucking blue now. it's a shame there's not a system in the game since gen 2 designed around alternate color schemes. who gives a shit. if this thing is so pointless it's making me defend GEN 1 MR MIME then it's DIRE.
23. Magneton
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magneton has the unique distinction on this list of being a pokemon i have actually used in my in-game team before. the thing is, i don't hate magneton THAT much. similar to barraskewda, magneton sucks because of what it represents. a lot of criticism of modern (gen 5 and beyond) pokemon design is that so many are 'just objects' which automatically makes them bad. these EXACT critics then defend gen 1 as the pinnacle of pokemon design originality. are you fucking stupid? gen 1 originals: magnemite is a magnet with an eyeball. magneton is three of them fucking bolted together. WOW, such creativity, truly the pinnacle of design. jackasses.
22. Onix
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kind of looks like a poo, which i suppose is appropriate considering how shit onix is in the actual game, too. to me onix is so close to being a cool pokemon if there was any imagination with the design. steelix is a little better i guess but so prohibitively difficult to obtain in casual play that you're probably stuck with this crap regardless.
21. Togdemaru
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this is by far the worst pikachu clone in the series and it's not even close. it's trying to be both pikachu and... togepi for some reason and fails at both. there is NOTHING interesting about this thing. furthermore, two OTHER pikachu 'clones' were also introduced in Sun/Moon: Alolan Raichu and Mimikyu, BOTH of which have extremely creative and beloved designs. you could literally remove this thing from the game and no one would give a shit.
20. Huntail
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gen 3 is infamous for having so many water routes in the game and thus, a TON of water-type pokemon. of all of these, huntail is by far the least memorable. it's the obscure SPLIT evolution of a pokemon that looks (1) nothing like it, and (2) you can't even get until late enough in the game that you already have a better water type. and on top of it he's fuck ugly. i guess i can appreciate the ringed octopus spots (? i HAVE to assume that's what those are) but this thing isn't even an octopus! i feel cheated.
19. Hypno
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ignoring the infamous creepy (not in a good way) lore with this thing, hypno just looks awful. i don't want this thing anywhere near me. why is it here. who designed this and why do they hate happiness
18. Chesnaught
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not only does chesnaught look like shit, not only is it the disappointing conclusion of a starter pokemon line... it was introduced in the generation that brought us DELPHOX and GRENINJA, two very popular final starter evos. this thing is so outclassed i kind of feel bad for it, but not enough to take it off this list.
17. Alolan Muk
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what if we took muk, a literal pile of sludge, and gave it a regional variant that looks like an oil spill? but for some reason instead of making that cool and interesting we make it look like someone chewed and swallowed 30 sticks of multicolor bubblegum and then threw up. they don't even do anything with its shape or general appearance. it just looks like the original muk but worse. terrible.
16. Cosmoem
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pokemon sun and moon were very story driven games. one of the main pokemon characters is a Cosmog named Nebby, who (spoilers) eventually evolves into the box legendary, either Solgaleo for Sun or Lunala for Moon. and here we have the utterly insignificant middle evolution that serves zero narrative purpose and looks a little like a puckered asshole. wet fart of a pokemon if i am being fully honest
15. Ambipom
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what if we took aipom and made it offputting and disturbing and also gave it a bowl cut for some reason? say no more. oh god while looking at this and typing i just realized it looks like a teletubby. get this fucking creature away from me
14. Karrablast
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i'll be honest i completely forgot this thing existed until i started making this list. have i ever really THOUGHT about karrablast? do i have any associations with it at all? honestly, fuck this thing on principle. BY THE WAY karrablast came out in gen 5 in the exact same game as a different bug-type evolutionary line with a yellow-blue color scheme. and joltik/galvantula are superior to whatever this thing is
13. Druddigon
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this thing perplexes me. why is its head red. why does it look like leaves? something that has absolutely nothing to do with its concept? i think maybe this is supposed to be the dragon on the welsh flag (??????) but it's literally introduced in the game set in New York. i do not like this guy at all
12. Rhyperior
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WERE rhydon stans clamoring for an evolution? did they want an evolution that ignores everything cool about rhydon's design? everything about this thing looks like dog shit trash. i'm actually a little offended on their behalf that this passed the initial design pitch.
11. Okidogi
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i am so out of the loop on pokemon that i didn't even know this thing existed until a day ago. and boy do i hate it. absolutely fucking awful design that is derivative of.... Zygarde's dog form for some fucking reason? this is where children's cartoon villain ideas go to die. terrible
10. Diggersby
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why does it look like that. an insult to bnuuy pokemon and i hope to never see it again. i think it's even worse that its prevo bunnelby is actually passably cute.
9. Barbaracle
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let's take a really cool fucking concept (a pokemon based on barnacles) and make it as fucking ugly and awful as possible. there is so much wasted potential that it makes me almost as angry as this thing looks.
8. Tyrogue
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one of the most boring pokemon designs possible. i get that tyrogue is supposed to be a 'blank slate' pokemon since it has 3 different evolutions. but you know what else is a blank slate pokemon? EEVEE, one of the most popular pokemon in fucking existence, because it's cute and people generally love its evolutions. tyrogue has nothing going for it. furthermore it was introduced after two of its three evolutions (hitmonlee and hitmonchan), so it's a pointless gimmick pokemon anyway. just remove this thing and make hitmontop a single-evo pokemon and nothing changes
7. Raging Bolt
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ASDHJGASFGVjgsldfgkjsdf? hghsejkfhlsefkjghsefg????? sejklrfghlsdkhjfgSDKFSFUKGDHfgshjfg
6. Galarian Weezing
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on paper i think this is a funny idea for a regional form but god does it miss the mark for me. WHY did they make the smog fucking oobleck green? why make it fake facial hair? why is weezing an old-timey british capitalist. i am not exaggerating that looking at this thing makes me a little sick to my stomach.
5. Grimmsnarl
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I remember being so thrilled at the idea of an imp-based pokemon line. i actually quite liked the designs of both Impidimp and Morgrem. and... THIS is really what they went with for the final evolution? furry green goblin on steroids? i cannot find a single thing i like about this design, it is such a baffling pokemon to me on all levels.
4. Scovillain
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truly how do you manage to fumble both the incredibly awesome Grass/Fire typing AND a design centered around HOT PEPPERS. jesus fucking christ this thing is awful, truly i believe it is one of the worst pokemon designs on both an objective and personal level in terms of execution and missed potential. i am honestly embarrassed for whoever designed this.
3. Grookey
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i skipped pokemon sword/shield for many different reasons, but i am completely serious that this being the grass starter was one of them. i absolutely fucking hate this thing, it is my least favorite starter by a country mile and i wanted to avoid seeing it at all fucking costs.
2. Eiscue
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sometimes it is a singular design decision that ruins a pokemon. and for me it's the fact there is a fucking HAIR coming out of the ice cube at the top. i'm all for hair but in the context of an ice cube i am potentially using in a drink??? gross, gross gross gross, ew ew ew ew ew i fucking hate this pokemon
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the patron saint itself and the reason i am even making this post. i absolutely despise cryogonal. the unimaginative and derivative design, NOTHING interesting to look at, its stupid 'mouth'. it makes no sense in the context of its game (again: WHAT gen 1 pokemon is this supposed to be an analogue for? you know the whole POINT behind the gen 5 pokedex???). my hatred of this thing is so profound. this thing could be wiped from history and nothing would change.
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depressed-sock · 25 days ago
Follow the Path (1747 words) by depressed-sock Gift for: revanchxst (BadWolfGirl01) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: OC dechipped clone working for the Hidden Path/OC Jedi survivor Characters: Original Female Character(s), Other Star Wars Character(s), Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Additional Tags: The Hidden Path, Mild Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Getting to Know Each Other, Pre-Relationship, Treat Fic, Trans Female Character, Building trust, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars) ...
Circuit’s been on the hidden path long enough that it doesn’t surprise her when the Nautolan Jedi, with the sickly purple skin, she’s meant to be escorting freezes as soon as her mask comes off. It’s familiar in a way that hurts but is still understandable. Her face is one of millions and she has no doubt most of the surviving Jedi will be seeing it in their nightmares for years to come.
She holds up her hands, leaves her mind as open as she can. The scars in there are impossible to hide anyway. “I know,” her voice a raspy whisper. The last gift the Empire gave her before he had found her.
She still doesn’t know why the old Jedi master had saved her but she’s never gone a day where she hasn’t tried her best to repay him. Circuit was given a path forward and now she returns the favor.
“I know,” she repeats, keeping herself calm even as the Jedi’s hand goes to the lightsaber hidden within their clothes. “I escaped the Empire with the help of a Jedi. I follow the path.”
The Jedi watches her. Circuit knows that they won’t use their abilities, not with how long they’ve been on the run. Not with the threat of the Inquisitors.
So she slowly sits, hands still up. The Jedi tenses but doesn’t move to skewer her so she considers that a win. “I’m just here to guide you to the next part of your journey to safety.”
There’s a moment when she thinks the Jedi will bolt, instead they slowly follow her lead and sit. Still prepared to fight but open to other possibilities.
“What’s your name?” They ask suspiciously, sunken dark eyes narrowed like they can physically see through any lies Circuit might tell.
“Circuit, I chose it when I escaped.” She watches as the tension eases out of the Jedi, not fully gone but calmed enough that Circuit thinks this will all hopefully turn out alright. “What should I call you?”
“Melody, please let me guide your path.”
They’re still weeks out from the next safe point, where someone else will take over and allow Circuit to find another in need. It’s… well it’s been awhile since she’s run a Jedi. Most of what she sees nowadays are force sensitives with no connection to the order. So she’s not fully prepared for this.
Melody is a force of nature that Circuit hasn’t seen in a long time. She’s about as Jedi as she can be with having been on the run and in hiding. Helpful to a fault, skilled to a degree that leaves people downed before they’re even aware of it. It’s amazing.
She’ll never say it out loud though.
Instead she tosses a ration bar to Melody, pretends she doesn’t see the way Melody’s eyes glass over as the ration bar instead hits the wall near Circuit’s head. Circuit pulls her mask back on, steps back several steps, sits once again as she waits for the Jedi to return to herself.
It was stupid move. She knows better. But she can’t take it back, all she can do is mitigate as Melody’s breath catches in her throat, panic curling her tendrils.
“My name is Circuit. You are in a room on Lothal. We are headed towards a safe point that will take several weeks for us to reach.” Facts, plain and simple. “Can you tell yourself three things you can see?”
Melody’s breath hitches, her shoulders are shaking but Circuit can see her mouthing words to herself. Objects within the room.
“Four things you’re touching?”
She inhales, takes a shuddering breath. “My tunic, skin against skin, the socks I wear on my feet, the fingerless gloves on my hands.”
Circuit is about to continue when Melody holds up a hand. “Thank you, that’s enough.” She sighs, brushing her tendrils back over her shoulder, “I apologize-”
“No, I didn’t think. That one was on me.” Circuit states firmly, leaving no room for argument.
Melody blinks owlishly at her, before giving a small smile and nod of her head. “I understand.”
“Good,” she nods her head before slowly standing back up. “I should go see if I can purchase some more rations.”
Melody blinks again, scrunching her face in confusion before her eyes go to the spot on the wall that used to be food. “Oh… oops…”
She reaches out, grabbing Melody’s hand and dragging her up the side of the cliff side. Fala’ven Six is more cliffs than planet but it makes for a good hiding point when the Imperials get too close. Too many crevices for them to accurately search, and they can’t risk an explosion unless they want to take themselves out considering the air itself will light on fire from a single blaster bolt.
It’s a pain though, when you’ve got to rely on a rebreather until you find one of the safe-houses.
She steadies Melody who watches their surroundings more than her own step. On high alert for anything the force might warn her about. Circuit taps her shoulder, signs a quick, “Almost there.” Then continues to guide her through another series of valleys.
Another two hours and they finally reach it. Practically falling in through the doorway just to hit the atmosphere equalizer fast enough.
Melody spits out her rebreather in disgust. “Never have I wondered what those would be like if I needed one underwater.”
Circuit takes hers out with a rough laugh. “You get used to it,” her voice croaks and winces in pain.
Melody frowns at her. “Would you prefer to sign instead? You know I can understand it.”
She shrugs her shoulders. It’s… It’s not a big thing. She’ll never be the same after what was done to her, in so very many ways. This is just another piece. Something lost that she’s still struggling to hold on to. Unable to give in because it feels like that’s letting them win.
Melody doesn’t say anything, just reaches out a hand towards her. Circuit blinks at it, then with a smile reaches out and takes it. Allowing herself to be pulled further into the safety of the base.
Another day, another planet. They’re a few weeks late of their original deadline but Circuit got word out about the delay. Now they just need to get there with their new time table. It doesn’t mean that they can’t stop and enjoy some things.
Circuit is about as force null as she can get, so she doesn’t truly understand the connection between the force users and this planet. She knows that every force-sensitive she’s helped needed this stop though. A Force Nexus she was told. Dangerous to those unprepared because of how connected it is to the force.
This place though is hers. She cannot feel it but she knows it. She’s explored every crevice, every inch. Has bleed here, has seen terrible things as much as she has seen good. Now it welcomes her like an old friend. The waters of this cavern lie still, the plants glow to light the path, the wildlife lets them pass without incident. It’s home in a way not much else is nowadays.
She watches silently as tears drip down Melody’s face as she meditates in a place where the light of the sun hits just right through the cracks in the ceiling. Lighting her purple skin to something closer to lilac. She looks healthier, more like how Melody might have looked before even the war.
It’s already been hours but she knows better than to rush any force-sensitive in this kind of place. Not when the visions they see here can be as violent as anything in the real world. Circuit never asks what they see. But when Melody opens her eyes, gaze trained on Circuit like she’s the only thing left in the world, it makes her want to.
She doesn’t. She can’t.
There’s only so much time left before they both have to part ways.
Never to see one another again.
They reach the rendezvous without further incident. Melody carries herself straighter, more assured than when they’d first meet. The signs of malnutrition are already on their way to being gone. “Do you know who we’re supposed to meet?”
Circuit shakes her head before signing, “Safer not to know ahead of time.”
Melody hums in thought, then like she’s about to be attacked she whips around to face the doorway. The shock is clear on her face and Circuit is almost tempted to laugh. But it’d be cruel to do that when she knows how likely it is for Jedi to see other surviving Jedi.
The man that steps through the doorway is a familiar one. Dark skin scarred by lighting and prosthetic arms that grip tightly to the long walking stick he uses. One clouded and dark eye meets her own.
“Mace,” Circuit croaks, “Thought you were headed towards Jedha?”
He gives her a slight smile and a raised eyebrow, “I was, though, I’m certain you’re not supposed to know about that,” she grins at him and he sighs, “Cere told you.” Shaking his head in amusement he continues, “This is on my way back to another part of the path.”
“Master Windu,” Melody’s voice breaks.
“Ko Urdia.” Mace’s voice is soft as Melody runs to him, the hug a tight one as she sobs into his shoulder. “I am so glad you are safe, Padawn.”
“My master, she didn’t-”
“I know.” He pulls back and squeezes her shoulder.
“I’ve been going by Melody,” She rubs at her eyes before giving him a watery smile. “She knighted me before everything went to… well, before everything.”
He nods, “Knight Melody, then.”
Her laugh is more of a hiccup.
Circuit’s chest tightens in sympathy. She works the lump out her throat before coughing into her hand to gain their attention. “You’re guiding her to the next point then?”
Mace shakes his head, a dark look overcoming his face. “We lost Point Nexu, I stopped to tell you you’ll have to take your charge a bit farther than expected.”
“Shit, how bad-”
He holds up a hand stopping her question. She closes her mouth, nodding in understanding. The less she knows about it the better. Instead she turns to Melody who's been watching her carefully. “Willing to let me help you along a little farther?”
She smiles, “Guide my path, Circuit.”
So she does.
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diamondkrusader · 25 days ago
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Both of these characters are inspiration of kung fu panda and httyd (how to train your dragon), including Batman and Spider-Man
Dragon Warrior
Name: Mei ling Gunnarsson
Age: 25 Sex: female
Height: 5’8” (176 cm - 1.76 m)
Race: Nordic Dragon Tribe
Species: Amur Leopard Taija
Favorite Dragon Species: Lighting Fury
Dragon Warrior gadgets:
- DWCD (dual wielding cyber disc)
- bangerang
- smart bangerang
- smoke bombs
- emergency capsules
- shield grenade
- Dragon-mobile
- Dragon Spacecraft
- Dragon Space-jet
- Haakin Gunnarsson (husband)
- two hybrid (son & daughter)
- one Amur leopard son
- two Amur leopard daughters
- Rollo Valisson (Mei Ling father)
- Li Na Valisson (Mei Ling mother)
- Wei Wei and Freya (Mei Ling sisters)
- Jian and Olaf (Mei Ling brothers)
Personally: responsibility, honesty, protected, respectful and loving
- Kung Fu Master
- Dragon Trainer and Dragon Rider
- member of RAHA (Robinson Advanced Heroes Agency)
Chess piece Class: brawler
Fun Facts: All of the villagers of the Nordic Dragon Tribe are actually Amur Leopard Taijas, as they were originally rescued by a single Dragon Rider and his entire companion of Lightning Fury dragons. It is important to note that this Dragon Rider is a Nordic Viking named Rollo.
Bio: In a distant hidden forest, there lived a mysterious kung fu master known as Mei Ling Gunnarsson, a true Dragon Warrior who is an Amur Leopard. Mei Ling was raised in the Nordic Dragon Tribe village, home to all Amur Leopard Taija villagers. Life took a different turn for her when most of her siblings learned that their mother was an Amur Leopard Taija and their father a Nordic Viking human. During her youth as a cub, Mei Ling encountered her favorite dragon, a Lightning Fury, and studied its skills and instincts to enhance her kung fu fighting style. After years of rigorous training to become a pure kung fu master and fully training her Lightning Fury dragon, Mei Ling reached adulthood, married Haakin Gunnarsson, and started a family. When danger struck, she relied on her true kung fu mastery and gadgets to protect the innocent and the dragons from evil, earning her the heroic title of Dragon Warrior.
Dr. Grand Templar
Name: Haakin Gunnarsson
Age: 25 Sex: male
Height: 6’1” (185 cm - 1.85 m)
Race: Nordic Dragon Tribe
Species: Human
Sky Templar Sourcerer Spells:
- Reality Mirror Dimension
- Dimension Door
- Force Sheld
- Spell or Cruse Shatter
- Painful Chain
- Fire Ball
- Misty Step
- Chain Lighting
- Chaos Bolt
- Healing Pulse
- Exploding Mine Spells
- Blizzard Beam
- Rope of Light
- Multiple Clones Illusion
- Aura Beam
- Aura Prediction
- Counterspell
- Haste
- Polymorph
- Magic Missile
- Darkness
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Mage Armor
- Exorcist
- Mei Ling Gunnarsson (wife)
- two hybrid (son & daughter)
- one Amur leopard son
- two Amur leopard daughters
Personally: loyalty, kindness, flirting (to his wife),
Protected and respectful
- Grand Master of Sky Templar Mage
- member of RAHA (Robinson Advanced Heroes Agency)
- Demonologist expert
- Former Council Member of Sky Templar
Chess piece Class: Bishop
Bio: Haakin Gunnarsson is the epitome of attractiveness—a Nordic Viking human who embodies every fangirl's dream. He grew up on his parents' farm until he discovered the Grand Master Spells of the Sky Templar book at a local bookstore. After months and years of dedicated study and training, Haakin became the first powerful sorcerer mage of the Nordic Dragon Tribe. He also spent years studying demonology to perform exorcisms against demons. In his early adulthood, Haakin fell in love with and married Mei Ling, an Amur Leopard Taija, and they started a family together. When danger approached, he joined Mei Ling as her heroic partner, earning the title of Dr. Grand Templar.
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rebelsofshield · 1 year ago
Star Wars: The Bad Batch: "A Different Approach"
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With Omega and Crosshair now free of Mount Tantiss, The Bad Batch takes a moment to shine a light on one of its most under explored character dynamics.
With their escape ship damaged and the Empire hot on their tail, Omega, Crosshair, and their newly adopted lurca hound, Batcher, have to rely on their wits and skills to survive and reunite with their former squad. However, Crosshair and Omega approach their predicament with profoundly different skillsets and philosophies and must learn to trust one another if they are to evade Doctor Hemlock's grip.
One of the most intriguing narrative promises that The Bad Batch's season two finale set up was the potential for an Omega/Crosshair team-up. Despite their shared history and family, neither clone has spent much time together free of their imprisonment on Mount Tantiss. In fact, pretty much their entire prior relationship was defined by Crosshair attempting to capture Omega and her brothers for the Empire. Even if Crosshair has now fully forsaken his former masters and is willing to look at Omega as less of a threat and more of a sometimes irritating little sister, the two have never really learned to work alongside one another in any real capacity.
This set up is ultimately what makes Ezra Nachman's script so entertaining and even fulfilling. This is a story that The Bad Batch needed to tell. Even if comparatively little happens in terms of the series' larger narrative arc, viewers deserve to see what kind of dynamic these two very different siblings have when they are forced to work together. And look, I'll always have a soft spot for villains/antagonists that slowly learn to open up and trust other people. Few things bring me more joy than seeing these kinds of character scenarios play out. So yes, "A Different Approach" may not be the most explosive, consequential, or thrilling episode The Bad Batch has produced, but I had a damn good time watching it all the same.
I love seeing Crosshair's frustrations with Omega's tendency for improvised schemes, especially since he'd much rather solve most of his problems with a few strategically placed blaster bolts. I loved even more getting to see Crosshair learn to appreciate his younger sisters very different approach to conflict, but also that there may still be a time and place for his particular set of skills. For a series that struggled so much with establishing character dynamics in its first season, "A Different Approach" showcases a much more narratively and emotionally confident approach to its storytelling.
That all being said, I do think that Omega's (and Crosshair's) reunion with the Hunter and Wrecker maybe comes too soon. Yes, I was undeniably moved and a little teary eyed at Omega and Wrecker's big happy, hug filled meeting at the episode's end, but it does feel like there was potential for more interesting storylines in the dynamics set up here. For all its risk taking, The Bad Batch seems to have a terminal need to return to something resembling its original status quo. Sure, this may be the most shaken up the squad has ever been in the series, but I'd love to see Jennifer Corbett and Brad Rau try and let different character dynamics exist for a bit longer than a few episodes at a time.
Score: B+
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 1 year ago
DC Comics Original Character Superhero: Hoplite
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Above image was Drawn by the ever excellent and talented @spider-jaysart
co-created by both @confusedhummingbird and Yours Truly
Civilian Name: Penelope Haney Troy
Former Name: Subject 66
Clone-Daughter of Donna Hinckley Long Troy
Half Sister of Robert Hinckley Long-Troy
Age: (Physically) 10 1/2 Years
Height: 5’ 7
Weight: 128 lbs
Superpowers: Superhuman Strength, Enhanced Agility, Flight with speeds at a maximum of Mach 4, Superhuman Speed, Enhanced Reflexes, Godly Stamina, Superhuman Durability, and Ability to Channel and Manipulate Incoming Lighting Bolts
Gadgets and Accessories: An Enchanted Lasso, Bracelets of Submission, An Amazonian Javelin and Amazonian Shield
Personality: Adventurous, Energetic, Eccentric, Intelligent with Battle Techniques and the Arts of Combat, Kind hearted, Loving, Selfless, Knows Cuss Words But Often Restraints Herself from their Use Unless Absolutely Frustrated, Able to Accept Most Criticism, Self Punishing If Something Involving Her Doesn’t Go Right, Sometimes Clueless With Social Cues, Not Quick to Anger But Can Be Hard to Calm Down, Respectful to Those She Feels Earns it but Otherwise is Quite Mischievous to Those Who Don’t, Tries Being Snarky but Often Doesn’t Do Well, Talkative, and Keeps Herself Busy with Very Little to Keep herself Standing Still
(Read More Below the Cut)
As part of Project CADMUS’ endless attempts for contingency plans and strategies against metahuman heroes and crime fighting vigilantes should they go rouge, The higher brass commission a restart to their highly effective cloning process with some modifications to their original design. In this case, create a clone at a younger age so they can be more easily swayed therefore controllable under their orders when the time arises. Futhermore, with hiring some mystics and magic based metas on their side, CADMUS was able to acquire DNA from Human turned Amazonian Warrior and Veteran Titans Member, Donna Hinckley Troy aka Troia.
After initial gestation which lasts about 5-6 months, the clone had by then developed into a young woman which bears a lot of resemblance to Donna albeit with some alterations due to the incorporation of other Amazonian DNA within her samples. Once she reaches an age resembling that of a 10 year old, by then thanks to the transference of all sorts of knowledge, from the basics about social skills including table manners, the learning of that English and Ancient Greek Languages, all the way up to the most advanced and complex of Amazonian combats techniques on the battlefield, the clone dubbed Subject 66 was finally released from her pod, to officially begin her training under CADMUS’ wing.
However, what the scientists at those hadn’t entirely counted on was Subject 66 exhibiting personality traits which actively questions and speaks against their goals for her, all of which conflict with her extraordinary emotions of free will and self empowerment. While they had managed some of the training they had in mind with positive results, CADMUS was overall unable to exactly control Subject 66, only reason she even cooperated with their training and what passed for their care was because at that time, she had nowhere else to go.
Enter Donna and her ‘sister’ Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Sandsmark aka Wonder Girl. During an extensive battle against routine Titan nemeses The HIVE/Fearsome Five, the secret laboratory CADMUS was operating in that contains Subject 66 was discovered by an errant Donna being tossed right into its walls, crashing though the complex and down to the vault which led to the Subject’s living quarters. She hadn’t found enough to notice her clone though as Donna immediately rushed back into the battle right out of the building. Subject 66 however noticed her ‘bedroom’ vault was wide open, allowing her to fly out of there to delicate her freedom since that the CADMUS personnel had left in a massive hurry. Once finally outside the building complex after so long, Subject 66 saw the battle between the two Wonder Girls and the HIVE/Fearsome Five, so far the battle not going so well for the Wonders. Just Donna was pinned to the street floor and about to receive a nasty looking face punch from Mammoth, suddenly the fist is caught midway through. Donna peaks an eye opening, revealing a lone girl with jet black hair with golden streaks, clad in a grey and black bodysuit with both her hands on Mammoth’s fist, holding it there with immense super strength but delivering an uppercut to the villain, sending him flying to the complete outskirts of the city, shocking much of the HIVE and allowing Cassie and Donna to gain the edge; ultimately winning the battle and saving the day.
Shortly after the HIVE are apprehended by the Bludhaven PD, Subject 66 is immediately taken to Titans Tower, making formal introductions about what she knows about herself to the Titans and their adjacent Young Just Us team. It’s here thanks to DNA testing from Victor Stone aka Cyborg the Subject learns of her genetic progenitor being none other than Donna herself, a decision that no doubt would be a major shock but Donna, being the compassionate and rational woman she is, would take sympathy with this clone of hers, valuing her as her person and understanding her feelings for freedom. This especially gets prominent once Amanda Waller, Head of CADMUS and flanked by her Task Force X, arrives later on that day with the demands to get Subject 66 back under their custody.
Donna and Subject 66 however are insistent and persuasive with Waller; a back and forth that goes for about 1 hour and with the ultimatum that should the Subject being taken by CADMUS, the Titans won’t be afraid to reveal their many dirty secrets of all sorts of misbehavior to the public, Waller eventually backs down and allows Subject 66 to stay with the Titans and Donna in particular. Once the helicopter leaves the roof, Subject 66 gives a major hug to Donna in thankfulness for allowing her to stay with them, a hug Donna gives right back.
Over the course of the next few months, with weekly visits to Themyscira for enhancing and perfecting her training with the Amazons alongside Cassie in particular, forming a sort of mentor and mentee bond between them, forging her own custom made outfit heavily patterned after both Donna and Cassie’s while making it her own and meeting and befriending with the son of Donna’s close friend Nightwing, Jakand’r/Jake Grayson aka Skybird along his best friend Christopher Grayson Kent aka Nightwing Phantom, The clone also develops close bonds and connections with Donna and her birth son Robbie Long aka Darkstar, eventually also gaining a new civilian name once her adoption papers are fully completed: Penelope Haney Troy, ‘Penny’ for a nickname.
With that, she then declares her newfound crime fighting superhero identity of Hoplite, named after the elite warrior classes of many Ancient Greek city states, in particular Sparta. Also a proud de facto apprentice of Wonder Girl who Penelope looks up to as a de facto Aunt.
Occupation: 6th Grade Student of Bludhaven Academy, Amazonian Warrior in Training
Superhero Outfit: A Black and Gold Version of the NTT era Wonder Girl outfit Donna had worn with a skirt in place of pants, and the stars on it being pink and white. Complimenting the outfit is a pair of goggles once belonging to Cassie, given as a gift as a sign of their small yet strong bond growing overtime. When Penny offers said googles back, Cassie tells her not to worry as she’s got plenty of spares
Physical Appearance: Long and Combed Jet Black Hair with Golden Streaks
Bright Ocean Blue Eyes
Medium Frame with a Healthy Muscle Build Around the Arms
No Scars Present
- A big fan of the Bratz Dolls, Penny has amassed a sizable and impressive collection with her allowance money and spare change. Despite good efforts to preserve them, she still allows others to play with them. Its one of the many things that she can share in common with Mar’i Grayson aka Nightstar
- Regarding her half brother Robbie, despite being younger than him age wise, she staunchly comes to his defense if any girls start flirting with him or pursue crushes on him. Already into her first year attending school, she’s scared off about three girls who she can sense can break his heart.
- Besides his Bis Sis Mar’i, Chris Kent and Jasper Logan, Penny Troy is the one person Jake can trust above all others and most definitely one of the ones he can both relate and confide to for nearly everything. The bond between Penny and Jake has been routinely compared to the strong platonic bond between their respective parents Donna and Dick Grayson aka Nightwing. It’s a comparison frankly none of them can deny
- Speaking of Jake and Chris, while she hasn’t joined their group Team StarKnights just yet, she’s still considered a proud honorary member. She even has her own bedroom set up at the StarKnights’ base whenever it’s needed.
- Like so many in this generation of heroes, Penny can clearly see the small crushes Jake and one girl from school Meredith Robinson have for each other despite their consistent denial of it. She often is among the many ones who try planning secret dates from those two. Seeing Jake blush every time he gets too to Meredith always being a playful grin to her face.
- A Fan of 70s to 80s Rock n Roll, in particular the band called Fleetwood Mac. Takes inspiration from said band to learn playing piano, harp and most importantly for her, a cowbell. As such is often present for when Chris and Jake reform their own band, The Sidekicks, along with Mar’i and Chris’ brother Jon Kent
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itsclydebitches · 2 years ago
Adding to the Semblance discussion. It was REALLY uncomfortable when they said what Semblances meant and I realized what Adam’s represented especially when Blake talked about her own Semblance.
it did not leave a good taste in my mouth at all when Blake just said ‘his Semblance is like yours’. Not even touching on the implication of Jaune’s own Semblance manifesting as his literal desire to be useful to the point he is sacrificing his soul(they specified he’s boosting their Aura, not just healing.).
like…I fully expected an intervention or something but no.
On a less…upsetting note. Do you think in Volume 5 when Ruby said she unlocked her Semblance training, it was that moment in Yang’s trailer? One where Ruby bolted and tripped. Which made me go ‘Oh, so this is the moment she talked about!’. Always found it weird how no one mentioned it in discussions.
I think it helps a smidgen that Ren's lecture (from what I recall, anyway) makes it clear that not everyone agrees with the theory that semblances = innate aspects of who you are... but the problem is the show then went to treat it as a given, rather than just a dubious, perhaps self-fulfilling idea. However, if RWBY is going to commit to that 1:1 connection, then yeah, the writing needs to consider what semblances reveal about a person that perhaps needs to be addressed. The closest they've gotten is with Blake and I think that's a staggering failure because 1. Her clones are not solely used for running away (they fight back, provide distractions, combine with dust, etc.) 2. Other characters with similar semblances (like Sun) apparently don't have this same flaw despite the metaphor suggesting as much and 3. Running away isn't inherently a bad thing. I keep thinking about how Blake's biased perspective of her own semblance might have led to a more nuanced version of Volume 8. What happens when you take a character who originally thought that running was a horrific, cowardly act, only for her to realize over time that it's just another kind of combat strategy, one that's often necessary in a long-term war (something she's in a unique position to understand given her generational fight for equality) and then you set her up in contrast to her overly optimistic "We can do it!" leader when they're both faced with a no-win scenario? As the cynical, hardened, activist, "You have to know how to fight to survive outside the kingdoms" team member, I'd have loved to see Blake help Ruby grow as they face more and more complicated situations... not clasp her hands and gush about how she's always looked up to her (not actually). Semblances could have been a key part of all that, especially when you take into account that speed is also a useful tool for getting out of a tough situation. How often has Ruby used her semblance to get away from a fighter she knows she can't take on alone? Roman, Mercury, and the like? But that Ruby belongs to a former version of the story that wasn't upholding certain messages to the point of narrative nonsense.
I'm drawing a blank on where Ruby "bolted and tripped." Was that another short? I never saw Yang's trailer as the moment she unlocked her semblance though, if only because Yang has no reaction to it. She laughs a little and says, "Nice one, sis" which is not the kind of excited response we'd expect from a younger Yang when Ruby hits such an important milestone. I've always assumed we've never seen the exact moment Ruby unlocked it on screen, just heard about it in passing.
Although, in re-watching that moment I spotted this:
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Far from being a generalized character flaw, the context of this is Ruby running from hand-to-hand practice when we've already established that she doesn't want to do this. That's another flaw the show introduced without considering how it fits into the larger World Building. Why is Ruby the only one who has the "problem" of not being able to fight without her weapon? I would have bought this if the show had simply framed it as an issue all Huntsmen face, but Ruby is in a unique position to circumvent it given her family's personalities and fighting styles: Yang is a brawler, Tai might have been similar, and we see that Qrow has no problem shrugging and throwing a punch when his own weapon is lost (Tyrian fight). Instead, RWBY acts like Ruby is the only one with this issue (Ozpin calling her out), she's apparently overcome this with a single hit (Haven battle)... and then it never comes up again. Despite the fact that Volume 9 has her lose her weapon and then be too traumatized to pick it back up for all of 30 seconds the hand-to-hand never returns as a satisfying, "Ah, good thing Ruby had that development and came from this family, otherwise she might be in serious trouble here!"
Hmm. You know, now I'm just thinking about an AU where teeny-tiny Ruby with the speed semblance is originally trained in close combat because do you realize the advantage you have with Petal Burst and your small stature? Besides, playing dirty in the name of survival is a Rose-Xiao-Long tradition! It's not until late in Signal that Ruby is deciding on her weapon and it's a damn struggle for her to wield such a massive scythe, but she's stubborn and is determined to follow through on her choice. So one day she looses Crescent Rose in battle and Roman thinks that's it, this kid only had "one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed" going for her and those stuffy Huntsmen are notorious for putting all their eggs in one basket, learning their fancy moves with their fancy, dust-powered weaponry and then it alllll falls apart the second they're forced to get their own hands dirty. Piece of cake.
...only for Ruby to kick his ass with arms like steal from wielding a weapon that weighs as much as she does, the ability to slink her way under any guard, a speed semblance that can take her behind her opponent in an instant (trailing petals as a distraction to boot), and years of training under Tai, Yang, and Qrow—all of whom really like punching things.
Ruby: What? Did you think I needed Crescent Rose? That's stupid...
Yang: 👏👏 😎 👏👏
Blake, who also harbored those assumptions about Signal-trained Huntsmen because like many of their enemies she comes from a culture where you fight with whatever the hell you've got on hand: 😍
Weiss who DOES need her weapon to enact any kind of damage because she's been taught that any fighting that could so much as muss her hair is a big, cultural no-no and she's just beginning to realize that maybe that ignorance/aversion is a bit of a liability:
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tredispade · 9 months ago
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brief character sheet for Al (a spehiroth clone) (using miniroth as an ez fc)
'born' in 1995 εγλ in the lab hidden under shinra manor in nibelheim. later relocated to midgar.
he is an almost exact clone of sephiroth. using samples of sephiroth's own genetics in a artificial womb to recreate the super solider with some modifications. to be more docile and obedient to his handler: failure. to be more resistant to the call of reunion: successful.
what he was modified with: various bits of genetics from certain beasts to augment his strength and resistance to various status ailments. successful but most abilities remain untested.
what he has learned is that he has an affinity for animals and beasts alike. able to communicate with them better than people (he's in essence, a beast master jobclass)
he is very much aware of what he is and where he comes from. it was never a secret. he is a clone and he's meant to be the "better version" of the original. but he doesn't share any memories, at least not yet. he hates that he's a clone and hates any time someone mistakes him for sephiroth. not that it happens much. he doesn't want to be like him. he wants to be his own person.
as far as he considers it, hojo is his father. he was the one that created him. whether they are genetically related or not. hojo also treated him incredibly poorly, so he holds no love for him at all. or for anyone related to shinra.
around age 7, he escapes from shinra. the same time that sephiroth has burned down nibelheim. and as the call for reunion starts, it reaches him too. but he resists it. but cannot escape it entirely. he gets flashes of memories from sephiroth from when he 'dies', and when he starts regenerating. ( informing him a little on some people, enough to know to avoid them, but not in great detail as to who they really are. just how seph perceives them. )
from age 7 to 14, he lives in the wilderness. trying to spend as little time as possible with people. the only exception was early on, when he had no real knowledge of the outside world and almost died. an elderly woodcutter and his wife took him in and nursed him back to health. they are the closest thing he has to a family.
he is a pacifist. he won't kill unless he has to. even then, he aims to injure over killing if he can. his main weapons of choice is a crossbow and a bow and arrow. the bolts are imbued with a stunning effect to aid him in subduing enraged creatures.
he takes it upon himself to help wild animals and beasts alike that were displaced by the sudden expulsion of the lifestream to stop meteor.
he chose his own name. al, short of albert. which is even shorter for albertaceratops. he really loves dinosaurs.
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dangraccoon · 2 years ago
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Oyuba'din - Chapter 5: Hit
Original Character & The Bad Batch
Summary: Months after joining The Bad Batch, Jaine finds herself alone in the field. After the battle is over, Tech questions Jaine's honesty.
Warnings: warzone, injury, blaster injury, talk of first aid
Author's Note: sorry it's been a little since I updated; I was out of town this past weekend. Hope you enjoy!
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Under any other circumstance, Jaine would probably find this planet quite lovely. It was a beautiful landscape of rolling green hills and a bright blue sky. If only there weren’t mortars overhead and the constant sound of blaster fire, she thought.
She’d been on missions with the Bad Batch for nearly two standard months at this point, so she had picked up on most of their plans. However, she was having a little trouble keeping up some of the time, simply because they almost had a silent communication amongst themselves. Even Echo, the other new recruit, had easily picked up this strange clone telepathy. She made a note to herself to groan about it to Hunter later; she can only get left by herself so many times.
Her back against the ruin of a wall, she peeked around the corner, firing a couple shots at the droids marching their way through the decimated city. 
“Jaine, come in,” Hunter’s voice crackled over the comms. 
“Little busy, Sarge,” she replied, shooting down three more droids. 
“You need to get over here, Tech’s down.”
“Kriff,” she hissed as a few blaster bolts streamed past the side of her head. She peeked around the corner again, almost catching another bolt to the face.
“Jaine, I am not down. It was a simple graze from a piece of shrapnel. I am fine,” Tech insisted.
“I’m pinned!” she shouted. Pulling an EMP grenade from her side pocket, she charged it and tossed it over the wall towards the droids that were threatening to surround her. She heard the charge go off, and for a moment everything was quiet. She tried to steady her breathing before popping her head back out. The ground was covered in piles of machinery and rubble. 
Her eyes glanced around the battlefield. The coast seemed to be clear. 
“Hunter, Tech,” she breathed into her comm. “Where are you?”
As though to answer her, the sound of blaster fire picked up to the south, followed quickly by a series of small explosions and a maniacal laugh from Wrecker. Jaine sighed and shook her head, running towards the fight. 
Her heart was beating loudly in her chest, so loudly that she didn’t hear the pair of droidekas rolling up behind her until they began firing on her.
She grunted as she hit the ground hard, an intense burning in her right leg. She dragged herself behind a fallen tree, hoping it would be enough coverage.
The rollies repositioned, getting closer to her. She raised her blaster to fire on them as they moved, but the gun simply clicked. “Fuck,” she whispered. She reached for her other blaster, only to find it missing from her holster. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” She searched her pockets for anything that could save her when she heard a single shot overhead, blowing one of her enemies up as though it were nothing. Her eyes traced the line of fire as another bolt took out the second enemy. 
Crosshair, she thought. He’s gonna hold this over my head forever.
“Hunter, Jaine’s down about 200 meters to the North,” the sniper reported.
“I’m not down,” she huffed, pulling herself up against the log before groaning as her right leg buckled below her. “Shit. I might be down.”
“Stay put,” Hunter ordered. “Wrecker’s on his way.” 
“Copy that,” she grumbled back. 
Wrecker came barrelling towards her a few moments later, shooting droids as they trailed behind him, laughing the whole time.
“Hey, Jainey,” he grinned. It was the kind of smile that she couldn’t help but mirror back at him, despite the pain in her leg and the fatigue starting to set in.
“Oh, Wrecker, my hero,” she teased as he scooped her up.
“Heh, yeah,” he said, smiling widely. “Hear that, Cross? I’m her hero!”
She could practically hear Crosshair’s eyes roll over the comms.
“Wrecker, stop playing around. You need to get Jaine to the rendezvous point so I can assess the damage to her leg,” Tech lectured. It’d been months since he had acted as the team’s medic, but she knew he wouldn’t let her do it herself.
Jaine hissed as Tech sanitized the wound on the back of her thigh, mumbling out a curse every so often. 
“Perhaps if you tried not to think about the injury,” he suggested, attempting to remove pieces of fiber that had been burned into her skin.
“That’s a little - kriff - difficult when you’re digging - damnit, Tech - into my leg!”
“I did offer to sedate you,” he replied, and if she didn’t know any better, Jaine could swear he was grinning.
“Yeah right,” she grunted. “With the messes you boys get into when I am conscious, I don’t want to guess what’ll happen when I’m not.”
Tech merely hummed a little in response. “You could tell me about your life before the war.”
Her breath caught in her throat. “What do you want to know?” she asked nervously.
“I suppose you could start simply. For example, what is your planet of origin?”
Jaine could feel her hands starting to shake. “I thought you’d read my file?”
“I did.”
“Did it not list my home planet?”
“Stop fidgeting; you’ll only make this take longer.” he ordered. “It listed a planet of origin: Naboo.”
“Then you already know where I’m from,” she grunted.
Tech sighed, applying a bacta patch to her wound. “If you say so.”
When she sat up, she eyed him suspiciously. “Tech, what do you think you know?”
He met her gaze, the hint of a smirk ghosting across his lips. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Jaine.”
She watched as he silently cleaned up their makeshift medbay aboard the Marauder - a couple of crates with a sheet spread over them - and left to go check in with Hunter.
“Jaine,” Crosshair greeted cooly. 
“Crosshair,” she nodded. “Thanks for taking care of those rollies back there.”
Crosshair scoffed. “At least try not to get yourself killed next time.”
“Whatever you say,” she chuckled. “How’s your arm, by the way? Still sore from our wrestling match yesterday?”
The sniper scowled, letting out a soft “tch” before he skulked away, brushing by Echo on his way through.
“He’s still angry about yesterday?” Echo grinned, and passed her a fresh cup of caf.
“I think so,” she snickered.
The two sat in companionable silence, sipping their caf as they usually do.
“Echo,” she murmured. “Has Tech mentioned anything about me recently?”
He fixed her with a confused gaze, his head tilting to the side a little, like a curious tooka. “Not really,” he replied. “Why?”
“He kept asking me about my home planet, just now.”
“What, Naboo? We’ve been a few times, why would he ask you?”
“It was almost like he didn’t seem to believe that I was really from there,” she scowled. “Obviously, I am. I mean, I told him as much and I know he’s read my file.”
Echo’s eyes narrowed at her. “Maybe I’ll try and find out what he’s onto.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she stammered. “I just mean, it’s not like it’s important or anything.”
“Right,” Echo confirmed, but Jaine couldn’t help but notice the suspicion in his voice.
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shadowlight17 · 2 years ago
CloneShipping Big Bang Sneak Peek!
Here is the sneak peek for Squad Two!! @cloneshippingbigbang
So excited to bring this to you all! It's my first time podficcing so this will be fun! PRESENTING With @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan as Author. And as Artists @artoforesteia, myself, and Lightning Dropkick (who is also Beta). Fic Title:
Time is an Illusion, The Galaxy Makes No Sense
Rated: Mature. Word Count: 50,300
Pairings: Brill(OC)/Boss, OC/Fixer, OC/Sev, OC/Scorch
Tags: Temporary Character Death (Boss), Game Mechanic Shenanigans, Brain Surgery, Clone Commandos, Republic Commando, Alternate Universe, A/B/O,  Clone Trooper Discrimination, Clone Troopers Deserve Better, Sheev Palpatine is His Own Warning, Yandere Clone Troopers, Dark Clone Troopers, OC/Boss, OC/Scorch, OC/Fixer, OC/Sev, Possessive Clone Troopers, Dub Con, mentions of non con off screen, The Force, Magic-ish
Major Archive Warnings: Major Character Death, Dubcon.
Boss has an Unusual Defect, one that makes it seem like he can travel back in time to a point in the past. Usually, once he has been healed up at a bacta tank dispenser. One of the things that he realizes is, not only is he shifting through time, he is shifting through Alternate Dimensions and Timelines, most of them are very similar to the ones that he originally came from, and some of them are very different. But as a Commando, he was trained to roll with the punches, and flying blaster bolts, and is determined to keep his squad alive. No matter how many times he has to die in order to get a happier ending.
Snippet and Sneak Peek below!
He... pauses and listens, asking questions and slowly following after Sev. Quiet and determined- and interested in that cure- and offering his help, in what little can, what with knowing only enough medical stuff to patch himself and his vode 'e up mid- and post-battle.
Still- Sev encouraged his interesting Other Things- rather than eyeing his blaster with the desperate gaze that he's seen in other vod'e- he's still on Being Watched- for... Suicidal Ideation. Just in case. Boss listens and learns much as the geneticists allow him to of the testing and what they are doing- them finding the Cure- and then later a shelf-stable version of it.
One that he very studiously learns how to make- his joints, oh, how they ache and crack, even though getting the rapid aging cure helps, he is still suffering the after-effects of the rapid aging, before it had been shifted to normal nat-born aging rates for a near-human species.
Still- during one of the times that they are helping the Rebels out with administrative tasks, teaching tactics, and whatnot, which helps them, most of these nat-borns are very painfully civilian.
It's interesting, teaching other skills to fight and defend and tactics to kill and harm. Then the alarm klaxons ring, and as the Empire descends on them, Boss makes sure to help others evacuate and fight.
He sees Sev get dragged on a transport- who turns to look- eyes widening in alarm as he sees Boss not on the ship as the last transport takes flight while he is still on the ground- Sev is trying to move there is noise and light and heat and pain... light, darkness, and a howling silence.
Boss's eyes snap open and his eyes flicker around swiftly as he tries to assess where he is, when it is, and what's going on. He mentally frowns as he looks around, everything seems... bigger- and he notices the harsh white walls and blinding- not blinding lights.
Kamino. Why the kark is he all the way on Kamino? That doesn't make sense- he should be somewhere in Kashyyyk not on Kamino. Perhaps it was because it had been so long since he had done a Return?
Hm... Finishing using the bacta tank dispenser on Kamino he walks- almost wobbling, Sweet karking force how young is he? He finds a mirror and sees a cadet just barely out of decanting peer at him in the mirror.
Well, kriff. He's back years in the past- before the start of the War, and well before the Rise of the Empire- and the fall of the Republic. Which had been more decaying into the Empire- but alas, such quibbles are for those that care about politics and mega-conglomerations.
One of the first things that the tubie-cadet Commandos are taught is how to use the bacta tank dispensers. The only times they are sent to the medics are for is when they get shots and their annual medical checks that all vod'e have to take.
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hardcore-direwolf · 2 years ago
INJUSTICE: A Teen Titans V.S. Young Justice Cross-Over Concepts & Preview Of Short-Story (TUMBLR)
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REMINDER: This is my AU short story of sixteen main characters and heroes I've loved since my youth ages. I decided to create two factions based off of the major outcomes from Invasion and Phantoms, though I gotta bring my favorite speedster back to life cause Spitfire's still OTP in my book. I've been waiting for a fifth season and a rumor to be true that Wally West is still alive cause let's face it...he's trapped in the Speed Force till DC can find a way to revive him. Making eight characters evil, mean, and dark will be my usual case of fan-fiction freedom. Even though this isn't my first time doing it for my own viewpoint, readers and writers can bring some different opinions to concepts of them. By the end of this statement, I've been finishing up work and doing some research to get this started.
Let's begin with Kaldur'ahm | Jackson David Hyde (I think that's his human middle name from his father David Hyde) aka Aqualad II | Black Manta II | Aquaman II, inaugural leader of the Young Justice Team, son of Black Manta I (David Hyde), and former sidekick of Aquaman I (Arthur Curry | Odin). His electrokinesis ability with water manipulation brought me back to Nickelodeon's animated series "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and "Avatar: The Legend Of Korra". As we know if you're a fan of both shows, blood-bending is a dark art of mastering to control living things and removing elemental bending like Amon did to Korra. To bending lightning bolts, we know that Azula has been known to cause Aang to disconnect from the Avatar Cycle and have severe wounds. Doing so, it led to giving him back the suit and imagining him making his enemies suffer. I've seen DC's Flashpoint Paradox and saw the scar, so I bring it back as a memory that Kaldur will get vengeance on the person who gave him that scar. The Black Manta armor, helmet, and cut (hairstyle) will be given to him from his biological son.
Onto Conner Jordan Kent | Kon-El aka Superboy I | Project Krypton, we know Conner's history and relationship was with Superman I (Clark Kent) on Young Justice's first season till the season finale when the Man of Steel accepts him in his life. As a hybrid with Kryptonian DNA stolen from Superman and human DNA taken from Lois Lane (I'm changing it up people), he got the physical abilities of Superman only until I got an idea when I've watched DCAMU with him in it as a different version and aged as a kid. I want to remake his origin story, Lois was pregnant with Superman's child and gave birth to Conner. A few years later as a kid, he gets captured by Lex Luthor and Mercy Graves at LexCorps for further experiments on him as the first-born hybrid on Earth. With genetic templates of a Genomorph clone that Lex made from Superman and Bizarro, he created Match who was a failed test result and stored him in a different location. Luthor got one last idea...killing Match and injecting the clone's blood cells that contains his abilities into Conner. If you watched the horror film "Brightburn" and the DC series "Titans", you must understand where this is heading and what I'm doing...turning our precious hybrid into this deadly machine. He doesn't go by "Lionel Luthor", but he does keep his biological name by legal papers and the government.
The next person will be Megan Morse | M'gann M'orzz aka Miss Martian, this hybrid between two colored Martians have been through the hatred with her family on their home planet Mars. From Season #1 to Invasion, she was shown with green skin and her true form was revealed on the first season. As Outsiders and Phantoms have changed her up, she was having snow white skin and was accepting herself as a White Martian rather than a Green Martian. Megan is capable of ending people's lives with a powerful mindset and an unstable habit of telepathic links, it makes her the best fit for a villainess. She's given her Green Martian genes and blood up on Young Justice to a very popular character...Garfield Mark Logan | Craig (I think it should be his honorary Martian name) aka Beast Boy | Changeling. Megan can manipulate people's minds and corrupt their memories into becoming evil, such as finding soldiers that will fit under her command...that's how I'll do Megan. As fans, we can all agree...Martians can be somewhat neutral and suspicious.
Heading to Raquel Sandra Ervin aka Rocket I | Icon II, I want to give her some DNA strands of a Terminan and meta-human powers cause she's from Dakota City where Static Shock I (Virgil Hawkins) resides. I was very happy that Young Justice was bringing milestones of Black heroes and villains into the show. I decided to do Violet Parr's powers from "The Incredibles" cause this teenage heroine got force-fields and invisibility powers. I thought it wasn't enough, so I went back to the series "Final Space" to three characters...Ash Graven (my gal), Evra (I love her too), and Invictus. I know that Ash's a Serepentian cursed with cosmic powers and abilities...I'm doing that to Raquel. As we know that she's a teen mom of a son Amistrad, he'll be raised not by his father Noble Davis and future step-mother Darnice James (I'm guessing surnames now)...by the assumed godparents Guardian II (Malcolm Duncan) and Bumblebee (Karen Beecher). As for her alien name...I want it to have a deeper meaning to it, I close the name "Zenith", which means "The Highest Point", and she reached that point in my opinion as the first female African-American hero to be put on the Team.
The fifth person will be Victor Anthony Stone | Cyberion Technis aka Cyborg I, we know that we see his parents at different shows and films. The Motherbox is a very powerful object, though I wanted to put more details and materials into this concept for the half-robot hero. If you watch "Teen Titans Go: The Night Begins To Shine", he turns into an Autobot truck and brought me memories of the famous franchise "Transformers" for their films from Bayverse. I saw how Deviantart user PowerMaster17 draw and made different characters to remaking them, I want Victor to become part Cybertronian and have more powers from the Motherbox, which makes him half Genesisian. From Cartoon Network's "Generator Rex" and the show "Max Steel" who came from Disney XD, nanites and turbo energy got thinking for how he gets powered up. Victor's parents could've found those parts and were part of a program in Star Labs, we knew why his father Silas Stone and mother Elinore Lyons (Again...surnames) made this historic test for the revolutionary cycle of the future since we know that the New Gods built things like the people from Apokolips.
The sixth one will just be an original male character based off of Kevin Ethan Levin | Kevin 11, Sasuke Uchiha, and Nero Sparda. Giving this original male character some rought past and dark habits will make him a very vengeful person. I love how people state that Osmosians are mutated humans, though here's the real secret...I believe that they're real aliens and that they've been existing throughout the whole Ben 10 franchise. His name has some dark touches and cold blood written on it, because he's a hybrid between a half-alien and a meta-human. Gabriel Zane Stark will the best name for him...I want Gabe to have the real abilities of these three favorite characters I love, including the transformation sequences and unstable mutations. Sasuke's second level stage of his curse mark gave me some inspirations on his star mark and everything, Nero's skills and personality got me some bad boy vibes, and Kevin's powers mixed with Sasuke's abililties and Nero's heritage brought me to this point of making Gabe. His suit is inspired by the Neo Rooter Soldier suit drawn by Deviantart user EnderKnight1, Kevin's Rooter attire from "Ben 10", and will bring back his scar he got during "Omniverse" and has his logo as Kevin's Antitrix symbol from the Ben 10 Reboot. He has pitch black hair with ombre white streaks in a mullet, fair skin like Sasuke Uchiha, a pair of dark brown eyes, and is portraying as Kevin Levin.
The seventh person has to be Kory Scarlette Anders | Koriand'r aka Starfire, I saw this woman as an icon and a favorite as well like Beast Boy. From the episode "Transformation" from "Teen Titans", I want to let her get more powers and inject herself like the rest with different DNA strands. She got Cironielian and Almeracian DNA right inside her. Kory's a fierce warrior princess and is willing to save innocents. She took back the throne and became queen of her home planet Tamaran after killing her own siblings...this isn't canon and just my AU only guys...don't worry they're still fine. I saw her in her "Teen Titans Go" arc as Starfire the Terrible, I love the suit and wanted to bring it back for her villainess attire. I'm not done from there, it causes her to get more meta-human powers and makes her a meta.
The last person for my AU Regime will be the original female character based off of Donna Troy, Stella from "Black Rock Shooter", Korra, and Ophelia from "Brutal Legend". Her name will be revealed as a custom one made by me, though her Amazon name will be Bellatrix after the villainess from "Harry Potter" and this original female character is like a female Percy Jackson. Her suit is inspired by users from Pinterest that drawn and made them, but her villainess attire will be based off of Troia, Donna Troy's future self who was evil and corrupted from losing her loved ones. She's known as Cordelia Sarah Davenport...she's half human, Olympian, Amazonian, meta, and Celestialsapien. Her father is a hybrid between a human and an alien, and her mother was a hybrid between a deity and a meta. Cora slayed many titans and defeated gods including monsters that she had earned the Amazon name "Bellatrix". Going to her half form, "Black Rock Shooter" has the best idea for half-Celestialsapiens by their eyes, skin, hair, and clothing. BRS's looks gave me the perfect choice for Cora since I want her to bend elements and use spiritual manifestations in her own will. We know that BRS represents "Blue Tears", so she knows how to heal with water and can control ice like Queen Elsa from "Frozen". I saw Storm from "X-Men" and knew that her glowing eyes will inspire me to use her, including Korra from "Avatar". Her portrayal will be Asami Sato with gradiant hair of two colors (black - natural & gray - dyed), neon blue eyes like royal sapphire jewels with the Otherworld eye patterns of rings on them when she's in her half form (her eyes will be deep blue), ghostly pale skin of a vampire whenever she's within her half form (though it's a moon-kissed porcelain color), and the Mark of the Brave from "Avatar: The Last Airbender". As a former sidekick of Wonder Woman, she was once the second Wonder Girl (Cassie's the fourth, Yara's the third, Donna's the first & Trinity's the fifth), she's the daughter of White Viper (Kendra Jekyll - Portrayed As Rebecca Holiday from "Generator Rex"), and is a skilled fighter in weapons and elements.
Going to the last two original main characters, such as Christopher Elijah King and Evelina Gwendolyn Bordeaux. Chris is portrayed as Noah Nixon from "Generator Rex", and Eve will be portrayed as Gwendolyn "Gwen" Tennyson from "Ben 10". That'll all for original characters and their names...well...half-way.
Wally West was resurrected from the dead and is actually alive. He makes it out of the Speed Force after defeating Professor Zoom and goes home to Artemis. He does gain new powers thanks to Morbius Chair and lost his memories, but my original female character gets them back. As the new Flash, he does full membership to the Justice League for his heroic act and sacrifice to save Earth from the Reach. I love the Rebirth attire for him and choose that for his hero suit cause why not...red and white does fit him better. This also leads to manipulating zero-point energy and having teleportation powers, such as using them for time travel like his uncle Barry Allen, and that will be badass.
Dick Grayson has many versions of himself, I love him in YJ and DCAMU. I think it fits that the Boy Wonder himself, though he went by Deathwing when he possesses Victor and made him stop. It got me some Danny Phantom vibes that those powers will be given to him by the Lazarus Pits and a woman will curse him with those meta-human powers after dying. Dick appeared at Injustice as Deathwing and has those cool powers that adding that for a meta-human experiment will work. That part will be revealed on a part preview cause I don't spoil at times and keeping it for a special day will be just fine.
Artemis Crock has raised her niece Lian with her retired brother in-law William Harper aka "Red Arrow", Jade Nguyen aka Cheshire returns home and apologizes to her loved ones. Will eventually marries her and lets the assassin raise Lian as her real mother after everything. Artemis will move back with Wally, rekindles their relationship, and comes out of retirement to return as heroes. She gets rid of the green, and wears the black and orange to become Tigress. Her mother Paula was the original Tigress and was known as Huntress, but I want to rename her as "Lioness". The Huntress title goes to Helena Bertinelli, because I want this Bird of Prey to be Artemis's mentor...the crossbow suits her and I think it's for the best.
Eve's half Anodite, Magen (Homo Magi), human, and an elf. Let's face it, I want her to be Catwoman's former sidekick and Black Canary's current rookie. She's known as White Siren, yet this isn't the best part...Eve's the maternal grandchild of Kent Nelson through her mom's side of magic since her paternal side gave her alien genes and powers. Her half form is definitely Gwen's Lucky Girl alter ego from "Omniverse", her true form is a full Anodite from "Ultimate Alien" and "Alien Force". Eve's a honor student graduate with major doctorate degrees from an ivy league college turned university and is an elite supreme sorceress in the making cause she's a legendary legacy of her family tree. Her suit is inspired by Gwen Tennyson from the "Lucky Girl" episode for Season 1, her UA/AF version for Invasion (Season 2), the first future version from the "Ben 10K" episode for Outsiders (Season 3), and the second future version from the "Ken 10" episode for Phantoms (Season 4).
I ran out of options and will continue this on a brand new post. Bye guys and have a great weekend.
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fanoflotofstuff · 2 years ago
Squad #2 - Time Is an Illusion, The Galaxy Makes No Sense- Master Post
Organized by @cloneshippingbigbang
Writer: Me
Artist: @afinedeath @shadowlight17
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 50,065
Pairing: Boss/OC, Scorch/OC, Sev/OC, Fixer/OC
Tags: Temporary Character Death (Boss), Game Mechanic Shenanigans, Brain Surgery, Clone Commandos, Republic Commandos, Alternate Universe, A/B/O, Clone Trooper Discrimination/Dehumanization, Clone Troopers Deserve Better, Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips, Sheev Palpatine is his Own Warning, Yandere Clone Troopers, Dark Clone Troopers, Possessive Clone Troopers, Dubious Consent, mentions of non-con off screen, Magic Sith Space Zome Clones, Zombie Clone Troopers, The Force, Magic-ish
Summary: Boss has an Unusual Defect, one that makes it seem like he can travel back in time to a point in the past. Usually, once he has been healed up at a bacta tank dispenser. One of the things that he realizes is, not only is he shifting through time, he is shifting through Alternate Dimensions and Timelines, most of them are very similar to the ones that he originally came from, and some of them are very different. But as a Commando, he was trained to roll with the punches, and flying blaster bolts, and is determined to keep his squad alive. No matter how many times he has to die to get a happier ending.
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