#Oracle Of Seasons
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asofspades · 3 days ago
Next post regarding the LU boy's adventure items
This time it's about shared items or items that are similar enough to lead to group "activities"
Okay, Pegasus boots, bothe Four and Legend have them, however Time might not have Pegasus boots but he has the rabbit hood, this has potential for them having races to see who's faster (and if Legend cheats a bit by using a Pegasus seed to run even faster no one will ever know), I can also see wind stealing the rabbit hood to race them.
The slingshot, I've noticed a lot of the Links have slingshots, Twilight has one, Sky has one that when upgraded shoots multiple seeds, Four has a slingshot (FSA), Time has a slingshot as well, Legend also has an upgraded slingshot (Hyper slingshot in OoS), potential for slingshot competitions, or their slingshots getting mixed up and due to being from different materials, sizes and qualities they have a hard time using the others slingshots. Twilight just casually pulls out the hawkeye to aim better and everyone laughs because he looks funny.
Magic boomerangs, basically most of them have regular boomerangs, however Legend (oracle games), Hyrule (Tloz 1), Four (MC) have a magic boomerang and Twilight has a magic wind boomerang (it has the wind fairy inside, why does no one ever talk about that).
Fishing rods, Time, Wind (Phantom Hourglass) and Twi can go regular fishing while Wild just bombs the hell out of the river.
Explosives, okay, hear me out, plenty of links have bombchus (Legend in OoA, Wind in PH, Time), Four has remote bombs (MC) like Wild, Twilight has bomblings (similar to bombchus but they're insect like) and underwater bombs, Time also has the Blast mask (MM) the destructive explosion potential of these guys (without counting the bombos medallion).
Arson gang, I know we usually think Wild and Wind are the arsonists, mainly because wind likes mischief and Wild is just Wild, and Four gets incorporated sometimes thanks to red and his fire rod (I'm just saying, I fully believe Four himself as a compound of the colours has potential to be a little shit and an arsonist, no red influence needed), but Legend has like 2 fire rods at least (alttp, albw), a magic rod that works like fire and the fire gloves, how is that dude not considered a part of the arsonist gang please, he's such a little shit as well no matter how much sarcasm and broodiness he's surrounded by, also, twilight literally blew up a bomb storage by setting fire to the place during his adventure, just saying... Hyrule can join with his own magic rod as a treat. And also, let Time join with Din's Fire, he was a menace in the war of ages, let him be a menace as a grown up. It turns out Warriors has a fire rod, he can join the arson activities to release stress. All links are arsonists confirmed.
Magnetism, hear me out, Wild has magnesis, Twi has the ball & chain (metal) and iron boots (magnetic), Time and Wind have iron boots as well (also magnetic), legend has his magnet gloves and Four has magnet gloves and in addition he IS magnetic (the logic behind that is besides me, maybe it's related to the elemental magic he has or something). The potential por Wild and/or Legend suddenly finding out Four is magnetic in the most anticlimactic and hilarious way (accidentally attracting him with their abilities). Wild using magnesis to mess around with Wind, Twi and Time when they have the boots on or using it to carry them around or get them places and obviously Wild using magnesis to steal the ball and chain from Twi. I've been told Warriors also has a chain & ball, wild definitely will mess with it when he fails at stealing it from Twi.
Legend and Four use flippers to swim and I think it's hilarious that Legend has apparently never learnt to swim because he used them in all his adventures, apparently Four can in fact swim in FS so he did learn how to swim in the end. Those two would drown without them. Also, I think Twi, Sky, Time and Wild are the only ones that know how to swim without any extra gear (they get things for breathing under water like the Zora armour or Water dragon Scale or Zora scale, or swim faster and climb up waterfalls in wild's case) wind knows how to swim but he gets no extra gear. Technically the only ones who can't swim and don't have gear to swim are Hyrule (yes, the guy who uses a raft to cross rivers) and Wars (I need people to not automatically give him swimming abilities unless I'm missing something from Hyrule Warriors).
Digging. There's Links who have used shovels, Legend has used one in the oracle games, Wind has one in Phantom hourglass and then two links have digging mitts with different capacities (Four and his mole mitts, Sky and his mogma mitts). Imagine you're just casually digging up something with a shovel meanwhile one buddy of yours is digging up a cave and the other one is digging tunnels underground, I particularly find it hilarious that it's both Links who have adventures above the clouds who have the best digging abilities. Four also has a shovel but the mitts are just superior.
And now, one of those things that further confirm the characters that can use light magic, Legend, Time, Wind and Four use light arrows in their adventures, in addition Legend, Time and Wind use fire and ice arrows. Hyrule just said "fuck you" and used silver arrows because he's just that cool.
I want Legend, Four and Sky to cause mayhem with their gust jars and gust bellows respectively, bonus points if Wind joins with his Deku leaf and Wild just pulls a deku leaf of his as well.
Hammer gang, Legend, Four, Wind and Time have hammers and Hyrule has a glove specifically for smashing blocks, they could be menaces. (Also, consider Four and even Legend have extra practice with hammers from being in the forge, they would be terrifying with a hammer). Bonus points for Time just casually lifting whole as columns and slamming them on the ground. It seems Warriors has a hammer as well, he can join the hammer gang.
Also, can you imagine the reaction of the guys who have a simple hookshot (Time, Wind, Legend, Warriors) to Twilight and Sky's double hook shots.
Final thing is, imagine in order to get up a ledge Hyrule casually pulls out the stepladder, wild starts climbing (they're used to that at least), and four makes a whole in the ground with a shovel and uses the cane of pacci to shoot himself upwards, then Legend says fuck it and pulls out the tornado rod. There's so much potential for fun moments in fics or full on crackfics.
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lilyblossom-art · 4 months ago
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All of the zeldas so far in order of release
This took me so long lol i don't even know why i did this but here it is :>
And also i have not played eow yet so no spoilers pls
1. Classic Zelda
2. Zelda I
3. Alttp Zelda
4. Cdi Zelda
5. Other cdi Zelda
6. Oot Sheik
7. Oot adult Sheik
8. Oot downfall Sheik
9. Ssb Zelda (i needed to get to 25 lol)
10. Oox Zelda
11. Fs Zelda
12. Tetra
13. Fsa Zelda
14. Mc Zelda
15. Mc stained glass Zelda
16. Tp Zelda
17. St Zelda
18. Ss Zelda
19. Albw Zelda
20. Hw Zelda
21. Botw Zelda
22. Ancient princess (named after Sonia from totk)
23. Coh Zelda
24. Aoc Zelda
25. Eow Zelda
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the-phantom-peach · 3 months ago
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mmmm something something time rift blah blah yada yada ✨links meet au✨
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reblip-reblog · 6 months ago
"Come see the many looks of Princess Zelda throughout the years!" image from Nintendo Game News
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drawnbyshelly · 3 months ago
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my take on goddess din's real form :)
edit: this is my most popular post ever so far, THANK YOU SO MUCH POR ALL THE SUPPORT!! 🥹💞
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fiprobably · 7 months ago
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lil something for the zelda/linked universe folks that still stick around <3
pspsps! my commissions are open here if you're interested!
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beebeerock · 5 months ago
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Linktober days 6-11. Fear/Horror- Royalty/Noble-Tunic-Secret/Mystery-Species/Race-Music/Dance.
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uncharted-constellations · 6 months ago
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These two have such a funny vibe, had to take Zelda out of half their games because you know she’d just be telepathically negging him the whole time. Theyre besties, theyre potentially related, she’s mentally whispering ‘Sandwich’ in his ear whenever he’s trying to focus.
Edit: Added funny page in celebration of me not having to rework these designs for the new game
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slaket-and-sprash · 11 months ago
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hyde-nseek · 1 year ago
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Hylian Game Titles pixel art project is complete! Please enjoy all 19 games in their respective Hylian script.
This was honestly super fun to do. I feel like I know so much more about the world of Zelda, and I've started to find small things in games I've never noticed before. I can confidently say that I'm fluent in Hylian now.
Which one is your favorite?
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marenwithanm · 4 months ago
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Found this in my files lol. Sort of a sequel to this, now including the four swords links and botw
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asofspades · 3 days ago
This is the first post of may to come regarding items from the LU boys adventures, particularly I want to talk about items o would love to see mentioned in fics
We're starting off with Legend because he has a ton of items:
From alttp:
- cane of Byrna (creates a magic shield around him)
- cane of Somaria (creates blocks/platforms)
- magic cape (makes him invisible and immune to enemies)
- golden bee (attacks monsters, this one is just hilarious)
- Ether, quake and bombs medallions (I just think they're neat)
From the oracle games:
- seeds
- rings
- roc's cape
-Magnet (this one makes more sense in regards to FS link technically being magnetic in the game)
From link's awakening:
- Magic rod (works like the fire rod in a way, I love that he just has a rod for everything)
From ALBW:
- Hint glasses (to see hint ghosts and they're just so funny)
- Sand rod
- Tornado rod (the potential is unmatched)
From Triforce Heroes:
- Fire gloves (I haven't played this game but why did no one tell me he has gloves that shoot fireballs and create a fire shield, his potential for arson or an item of his being stolen for arson has increased exponentially)
- Water rod (he does have a rod for everything)
Okay, now onto Twilight
- Ball and chain (the mayhem wild could cause if he knew Twi has that thing)
- water bombs (you're telling me twilight has bombs that work underwater and we haven't made a single fic regarding that yet)
- Dominion rod (I just think it's neat, and we've seen it in the comic but barely in fics)
- Spinner (I love the spinner, imagine just a fic about them being in a random dungeon and all they need to get out is for him to spin on it in a mechanism, it's hilarious)
Next one is Hyrule:
From LOZ1:
- Magical rod (he has one as well, or is it actually legend's 🤔)
- Raft (dude legit used this to cross rivers, imagine he just pulls it out of nowhere to cross one, crackfic possibilities are unlimited)
- Stepladder (same as with the raft)
From Adventure of Link:
- Handy glove (everyone has power gloves or bracelets, this dude has a glove specifically for smashing stone blocks in dungeons, just perfect)
- Cross (it's a regular cross only it reveals invisible enemies that look like spirits, definitely not religiously inspired at all 😂)
- Link dolls (they have both fun and creepy potential)
Now onto Sky:
- Mogma mitts (he can dig and go through underground tunnels)
- Hook beetle (I love it and I think it should be more used in fics, put some respect on its awesomeness)
- Gust bellows (it releases wind gusts, think of the possibilities for fun fics)
- Whip (he has a whip, that's it, he's the only one in the chain who has a whip, he can use it to grab things and activate mechanisms that are far from him)
- Fire shield earrings (he's impervious to high temperatures)
It's Time's turn:
From OOT:
- Megaton hammer (let him smash things please)
- Hover boots (he can hover over nothingness with those)
- Golden gauntlets (these are used to extract pillars from the ground and throw them down so they break, destruction potential unmatched)
- Shard of agony (it allows you to see secrets like passages or locations, and it does it by releasing a low sounding tune the closer you get, the creepiness potential is amazing but it's also really useful)
- Din's fire (he could join the arson club with this ability)
- Nayru's love (he's now protected from damage until his magic energy runs out)
From Majora's Mask:
- pictograph box (he and wind can be pictograph buddies)
- Bremen Mask
-Blast Mask (let him blow things up please)
- Bunny hood
- Keaton mask ( imagine he just randomly makes a Keaton spawn, answers the question and gets a heart container to heal someone)
- Mask of truth (I love it's potential but it's always eclipsed by the lense of truth)
- Stone mask (you put this on, and guards just ignore you, 10/10)
- Gibdo mask (imagine time just walking up and casually chatting with a Gibdo)
- Giants mask (as the name implies, he becomes a legit giant, only it does rely on the magic meter)
Next up is Wind:
From Wind Waker:
- Telescope (let the pirate use his telescope)
- Grappling hook (he's the only one that has one and that is in addition to a hookshot)
- Pictobox (let him take pics you cowards)
- Deku leaf (he can use it to glide like Wild's parasail, or to release wind gusts)
- Skull hammer (let my boy smash stuff)
-Bait bag (I'd kill for a fic where the chain witnesses Wind mind controlling a seagull please)
It's now Four's time:
From Minish cap:
- gust jar (suck in air, release gusts of air...)
-Cane of pacci (I've seen a fic I think appreciating it and I think we need to tal more about it, it flips things over, Four uses it in holes in the ground to get propelled upwards)
- Mole mitts (he can dig now)
- Roc's cape
From Four Swords:
- Magnetic glove (because they're magnetic apparently, it's hilarious)
- Hammer (let them smash things up)
From Four Swords Adventure:
- Bombos and Quake medallions (yes, he uses those two in this game, imagine him just seeing Legend pull one of them out and he's like "oh, I used those in one of my adventures" and Legend is now having an even bigger crisis regarding Four)
And finally Wild:
I just think we don't dive into the potential of the elemental weapons in BOTW, that's all, and the Sheika tablet cryonis is one of the least exploited in fics (as far as I've seen)
I've been informed Warriors does have weapons, I want to see him use the ball and chain or the hammer now
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sefiaazure · 7 months ago
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Farore too because why not 🍀
I used to purposely just visit her in the tree because I felt like she'd be lonely all by herself 🤧
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the-phantom-peach · 10 months ago
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miscellaneous zelda art over the last month
… or something ☕️
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wardingshout · 7 months ago
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slowly getting back into stuff...
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drawnbyshelly · 2 months ago
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drew my take for nayru too ;)
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